up iftaittets. bAR,OLE npeautAX., • [REPOIT4ED 1 , 0 THE ' datuana, Thadneediky, February 2fi t yk7 FEstin Supei6 ne; per. bbl ''••• - • 8;.6,00 • ao. ,;Exira, •• do - • 6,26 do . do . - • . 6,26 • • W , i‘TR tusAr_por_bighfil... - . 1;86 ltEs do Rys • Cons • Oats , CLoYsitssEs do , do TIMUTIIYBBED. do. WINTER BARLEY. do SPRIEG PARLEY.: do New '4O-nertisemnits. STATEMpIiq • OF FIXAN czg MEM botIN O I 4 Y OE IaIUILIBERLAND. ROM TIM IST' DAY 'OF JANUARY, 'TO TDB 818 T 'DAY 'OF DEOEMBER; 1866, :INCLUSIVE. • Made by the Commissioners In complicti - irith7tli - O - 46- ': • roilsitloos contained In, the 22d and 234 eeething of the act of Assembly of tide Comulanwealtlirpassed tinyAprD, A. D. 1834, and also in...tiros ,•, - mity ivith the 2ith 'nectior of the" sem& list, which . rogue. tho. County Treasurer one, in every yearto •,. othrtob his acctiunt and produce his vouchors to the • .m - luosissionerit, which afterexaminetten by said Com ' missioners, shall - bo by them laid befortithe County Auditors for settloment according to law., • • In accord:moo with whirls A. Sonsoinau. Esq., Treasurer • of Curnborland county, submits the following as a • corroct oat:Obit' of his receipts and expetidiftireb - frie the' past year, ending tho 21st day ofltocenibig, A. I). A. SENSEMAN; ESQ., TREASURER • " RECEIPTS. • Totupount of outstanding county tat at last settlement, - 11,876 40-, Taxes assessed for 1960, .• 20,157 44. Loans received of Bank; — 7,912 ' IVnt. Leonard; 1,000 00 received of Wni. IC 31111er,, 1,069 97 received of WM:Alter, • 150 00' tat on unsalted lands, 5 5$ abatement received of State Teem „surer. ' 1,315 79' ' verdict fees in Quarter Sessions.loo 10 duo Treasurer, • 4,064 09% • $56,458 0911. ,—ToCitrecelpt . n , . • SONYTUT.I.I OF COUNTY TOUTS OUTSTA;IDINO ON, THE lot DAY Or JVNUARY, A.D. 1867, HUO.YROY TO EXONEUTTIONS - AND _ • „ , OOMMISUIONS.' " • - . . -.1853. - Christopher -Mellingor,-- - ...- .- .. -_-_-$271.27 1854. Satnual'Bectiau, Dickinson; • - 91130 William Graham. Entukford, ' ' 91 61 • . Moan Bricker, Monroe, ~. ••DA 94 llama Mclfor Nowville, ' 41 48 -- .a. . -lOlinT-11.8phat:IVirtb-Middleton, . • - , . -, 51089 - 1855. David Taylor, , Upper Allen, - 247 19 Henry Saxton, Carlisle, •685 20 , - Lafayette Venn Difkinann, - 214 32 • George Mr.PliareicTiiat Donnsborough,-----210-01. . •. ' . Benjamin Jumparjrankford, • 329 77 -------Jobn.W..Duot,,Silte caprin14...,..._,; '' 163 72 -1850, James Calif°, Carlisle, -- 146,8113 ----- - - John Auld.f ickfinion, . - '. _ 1015 99 basso LrJerty,' East Dopnaborough,.. ' 90 11 , - Samuel Berry,* Frankfort', -•- - 130 80 ' Samuel Hume, Jr.,. Hampden, , 145 81 - o - 'Joseph 31. Means,. Hopewell; 86 27 James Broeks,'Lo7l9p. - Allen, - : 4 -1.68-34 Adam &Dor. Mechanicsburg, • . , 120 29 --- - --' - -- .--Joinos'itronit,t Monroe, _ _ ' _2_1599 05 John Sheraton , New Cumberland, - 27 83 • - David Wolf, Noah Middleton, ' • 281 97 •-• Joh it B.." Morrow, Newville, -' • 132.90 ~, Samuel Green, Newton, • .061' 32 Theumellrailley, Soutli'Middloton, . '3OO 29- ', Sallies Of. Kelso,. Sontluunebjn, . . 290 95 . Francis Echols, Silver Spring, -. , 410 00 • - Jacob-Steinman, Shippensburit borough, , 91 21 - . Levi Trogo,t West Souusborough, -1181 72 . '... . . • Da:ld Doviaupy,Uppor A11an,273 89 ....... -._ ' . . . .. _ ....... , - - $11,562 33 Those marked thus • have elnee.pald -- hi fuh - . ----- TMie marked thus i hive paid In part. .. . EXPENDITURES,. - UT PATMENTB. COURTS. ' ----itand-jurorarfor-servicea_lniBso-, _ $412 69 , • Traverse Juror., 'do.. 2109 '251 'William ()Mild, as court crier, , 4,73 00 Ifenry L. Burkholder, boardhigjurora by OF • •• dor of the court • _ 73 00 DiSTRIOT ATNeRNEY William J. Shenror, District Attorney, free In • • canunonwealth eases, , .102 50 ==! Witnesses fees in connuonnenrin cases, JUSTICES PEEK. lustlcA foCe Itiiommomealth Ames, .CONSTADI,NB CAS LS Constables foot In commonwealth cases, AUDITORS. tun aty ,Audltord and Clerk, for services, ' 12100 Philip Quigley, for auditing accounts of Prutho notory, Register, andlteeorder, - - 10-50 PROTIIONOT4tY'S .91,Y1011 Janice Loudon, for dockets, RECORDER'S OFFICE John N. Oregg, fees In commtmoroalth command reeOrding, 307 80 .James Loudon, for inokots; 30 25 Jobs Pilkey, fur making desk, . 35 00 COM3II.BBIONERB' arrlcu.: James Loudon, for duplicates, binding and sta . tinnery,t73 733 Andre 4 Weekor . , fur 'repairing caucelling ham. mer. 51/ John llyer, fur calculating Gores, , 7 DU Commissioners,. for travelling espouse, 50 03 Isaac Itingwalt, fur calculating assessment books, 25 50 James Armstrong, pay, as commissioner, 253 50 tier, ge 31. Graham, , ' do, 230 50 : William M. itendorson, , „,do. 214 50 . Andror 'Cori. do. ON oil William 11. Millar, for sorvioes as attorney. 01.1 00 Michael Wise, for services as clork to commis. sionors, . 650 00 OFFICIE • , William Lytle, for Indextog, James Loudon, for ludo% book, MD= Bohn B. Bratton, for public printing, kt?''''lMbraini Common, for %. E. ileatlY, for 1 do. floor& Zinn, for EASTERN PENITENTIARY, •• „Tabu .racon, Treasurer Eastein • Penitentiary, farnupport of prisonent, . am Et • 'COUNTY JAIL; ANP YENITENTIART. •••,, . , . , olhersjor clothing, blankors, far prisonors, . , 181 93% Bra . Bale and rianglinAn, pheAleinna fo jnll, 30 00— Jacob Bowman. for aupport of prisoners. 1007 13 • H. Gardner, and of hong, fhr repaira atjalh' 142 88% C. Wolf, for charcoal _ fee jail.. 8 88 . William lh Miura/. for stone coal, , 19 37 . CD • nettitiEllieldi tiling jail Ilincn. 112 Ob Itobort A. Noble, for making hammocks for jai), 39 00 , -- Frednrlek Corninan, for jflll., umkingatanda, &s,, far , 27 0o tioorge liliton,, fdr Anne en'al , 408 7,A 'Ystote & But., gas fixtures . 114 86• X itotts "' Jerrie,. 'Cantor, l'inininrer or, A'oor House. to per , estimate, " ' 7,000 00 „„ r Alexander an othem,iisitor — iol9ord , _ _ .30 : 06 J. Clenileniri;•W . Cornnuiii; and .74•77r0wn p•ti, • as Director', .• .• •' • • • •t. ROAD OBDEIII44ND 1//4ACIRS. E nurt thitri, alioiiefitinmiekliwitrdpaN , esq ' • Ban'Yri.P°:4aelrt"l9!l'VBl 3:1 Ofie ' re; . 44 Qulgletes,• ~ v. . 100 0 1: 0 1 John/ 41 4 0 9 and Other,, far repairing bridges, 108& 81 •" - APPECOREIATIQNO, I ; ; Cumberland; 117olori;and Cloiiort9lll' . • ' , , • . P 9 ret ? John o:,Taylorowd other Asscsio 'for hir , '' r" ,:•_.... 01Qpfnit.POze Dena; and, toyrosblp , leCtions ~ _, r,,,,....., ~nndpu,44ll;4:oturnO,,,,, •.z 11, , ... t. , !, ) ~ .4 4.1600' ; 7Q. r , 4 ','''"-+'' kiptirdiiirliliisfas: ': •' ~ i.. ' Ft..Natctqr..pne7e, ,Otylitri.e.4gliOepoor.A r. „, le' qdlkil;, ~ ; , ,_, .' 1,. • .-! . ~". 7 4,0. 7.1 3 :1 '1 !, r,ir• '',"tte . i , ,r,4 ,1 9F,r , D)W..4.1.1 1 )4 : - , . ',. t il ~ ' '. ~ • .. , • 1 "- A •1 n P• t A il # 6t . ' ! l,4l, i*iil ' 4. v43qlt. ' n ' u,a;, ,;.. .. ~ 1„,, •• • ,-• s l i l . N:19 ... 0 0 1 6 (• lili 0;14'4 " c9Al_l. ~ 1 ii,44, grt,.•:; Tdii:14 1 i,i 1 01 .0 , 1 7:0 1 4t , Pif.d..1 4 ,P , ;!4 • AP m 4 FA ., • -- ; - ..-, ' - , •, ` 4•',Htr,:.;, _ ..._,3.1 Di0n9..mit,t0g,g , 1i4mT0,40_,,c.g.„„„,1.,,• . -------7 .7 8 , , ?, , ,,,5,,,,.,,, r , ~.6 's f , 11, 47! '3 lll- r .-- r - 49+40 ' . ' ' 1, ,kI:4;OA24O'.4.I.II)..vINTIIOVrXt 9tr. PLOANB'. ,N,H,,,, ~ wiiiiiwp 6iidTaii64;;:',',l ',...;',!:''j. , '7,..,:ki i `iiii ., g,"'::: • ' - "C" " ' '' '' ' ' .." '' ' •'''.. A •• 0 -"' - ":ilitioittii4o l 7*,Y.', :,..,. i: ~. -1 it.finia litiit*; , for.,,,hsiiiitAkitiii.O.,,q'i•: -- ! . 'ip 'ild - i., 1 tority'ElOtaniYole Inthdivort;lo., " ";7.:! , ;;;' ,:!! . Q.l', QQ, ,-.... N..iditirdnt,ty_Sorf.rOpidant 0111#4f.,!„.....,.....„,:4,,,A20.',20;,i, , I...A.rnbld, !Or noirpot,'• ' ." '.'"' '',Q . , Q0,,, „ N. Wa ivoad.. , .baitice , i.diiattigii.AW.'":,!,'.',lol..,., - . George W. Ili )tqp nod otllonii, f9T 6onl . ',''''' ,0. ,' John..Milnittin. fornofituge. - , - " - ,.'`'' l '''" ''.... - ill , ',', - 000rdtelOWithtor and ptharn,..thr,ataii*.'W.:,,..', ,'....:. J. Am5 , 6,41.14., , tz,kidii,.,;,1;,,40. , ,iic,if„.7...fin „..0,.....1.......,..„.„..,.:.,,,,„,,,,0,,,,,:i.,;,7;0‘,. 0 ennotAV,4lllnori tnr &lola lbrjalle . if ; -hO - 1,;1'..k 2n001,:. lt.J4Q,VilloonfoUdrubldnig - vilutt.'roignr; ,suit , - . (i.,t, y T 00.i.:1 A .'..liorritlman; for Kongo and buts, blro.. - Be 00 , 4 ^- 4 —.o4ioatot.Agh 0, ..IDIIO% tor bindles, Iluld,, &0., • Adam Snit, 'tor dtkitrocinta ?;I 74515 P. Mnrtin, tiottrding'jtirdra; t"'" . 3JO - ,JatneaMartio, for maim, •• • . - --:1300 • ' • : • • '' F -INUOttera • J. O. Thornkton and idto4for holding In., , '1 ilt 1 . 1. „I. ', 21 1? . 1 13 _ • ABATEISIENII3. • . , • manta, - , ? r 1,27 O3 • • • #OP I T Jacob L. Zug-and others, taxes jefdridoti , SPX: O ,O 4I i , • -"• • • Sundry trbracins, on corttiyatp,a;. ' • - . 74 12% ;?;ipONEITAiiLES itIIZIMI4; • •• •• ry pontons, on-certillTtesi 1,25 621} 96 t: •,, RENNBYLVIINIA' I,IINATIC ASYLUM. . I .., ~, Jobn,Welr, - .Esq:, .TrensuPor,.foiCehpport of.. 4 • Wolf and others , • .-: . • 107 08 . . .N, Cumberland, N. Cumhgrland, Shippenhburg 11., Dickinson, N: kliddloton, 'Newville. ~ ' Upper Allen, ‘,.. E. Pannshoro', ' •Frankford,, ,, ==, 311111 n, • . N. Cumberland, •- -- ," •• -• ••• —.-:,:— :' - , . .• ~. • Sonthatimton, CuMORIMAND'CoIdirr, de. , '.. -'. • ..., :We ; - tho Commissioners of Cumberland . Carlisle, .. • -SEA6- Mt n : ct , t - l - tTit.TY.-Z-VeCtlp'7. l ::,';'- . . ,1 12e6rr'111eon.: '1 " exPendltures of the cdinity aforesaid, from '• Dieltinann, the ltd, of Jan nary:to the Met of December,•lBso; litchi- It Pen usboro', , sire, is also n schodulu of the outskabding taxes on the • - • 'ltrankford,- hbd day of December. 18511„ in the•borouglie and town- - 'llampdon, , , • • -, shliartherein sletesl,together • with a steteMent of the • . Hopewell, expenditure* under each heed Of Impropriatian made by - • - illfflin, -•-• .-e., -thn Co isstonerairrromplianee-witik.tho 7 roonisitionlechanlcaltorg, ' contained in the 22d add 23cUsertions of an act Of,Ak- • Oliontixe, , . - -; volubly of this Comntonyealth, pessad - lhe 1511, day of ", N:, Aliddleton, •- • Anrll. 1831, Witness nude hands and Seel .of office, at • ,Y. Cumberland, • Carlisle,- thls 29th day-of-January, A: D. 1857, Nowvllltrit , - -- ----- = G.lll. GRAHAM, .I M •',. ~ • low ton; I-- , . . M. M. HENDERSON, Comissioners. -. .I. bliddloton. • • • A. IL Nitlt. • • •. - • , „ Alm!. Spring, ' • Attest ;U. Wing, Clerk., •• • ~,,, ,• , , ~, ibipponsburg 8., - Cu:did:l - LLANO CA,UNTIC,RI. . . , .:' intatimmtiton, ~ • :'• We, the undersigned Auditors of Cknbaland doubly, ;... . ihlopousburg -T., mot according Olen; end having 'examined the no- 1* '. 1'0..? , b0r 0 % - - counts - tid.vouChera.of - A - : - Scnsrman, - EsTrensuret , of ---- - - r - - ------ • --' said county, frnin the Ist day of 'January, to 'the Blst day of- Decomlier, A. D. 1869, Inclusive, do certify 'that no find owing the Treasurer, A. Seuseman, ..Esqr; the sum of four thousand and sixty-fear dullard-and one-. half eentolue by the, county of Cumberland, ex will ap pear by the foregoing:exhibition. In lestimony where; of wo hero hereunto set our bands at Carlisle,„thls 28th day of January, A. D. 1857.• • - , I " • •-•- • 1' qTY.II•ISIAN. • ' ' • - ISAAC lIINIJWALT, AOlOlll, . " ' . DAVID OXSTER, , X12,001'69%' B i' arriount atm:missions orders,' . , $:12,601' 69% "Outstauditig taxes, _1,583 42 Collestors_fees ' 1,088 42 •iti *62,608.69% 639 01 * - :11646;468 - 013;4 - 7' its, . 60,958 01% - • 13,16 - 2,60 1;12 1 06 , 7311iSfdrifile-0-11. GOODS . EMI .THE HOLIDAYS! , FANCY GOODS, GIFT BOOKS, Acc b. W. JILIVERSTICK boo just received from the cityp and IN now opening a splendid display of FANCY GOODS, - sultablOtor-the approaching .11olisiaLeSeason, to which he desires to cell the attention of, 111 - friends and the public, Ills assortment In tills line roost be surpassed Iwneveity end elegance, and both In quality wnd price of the articles ' cannot Nil to pleasopbrchasers. It would .bahupossibletonnumerate • 110LIDAY FANCY GOODS, • which comprisa eiery variety of fancy articla Of the moat exquisita shape ouch as. . - ' i'aipur-Illacha Geode,-- Elbgatit alribaStar and porcelain hilt-stands and trays, 'Fancy ivory, part and shall:Card antics, • Ladies' Fancy Baskets. __kBncy R ork lloiem, With sowing Instruments, • Port Mannerei,litoirtielliltelaty - , - '— 'Gold pens and !lancets, Fancy.paper weights, • ilapeteries, andn-argo-varletyofladiestiancy_station., cry. • • Motto seals and wafers, Silk aid bead purses, - 'Ladles' ildlug,whlps, elegantly finished, Ladies' fill° cutlery, . Perfume baskets and bags, • , • Iltusbes.of every kind for the toilet. - Roussel's i'crfumco of tile various kinds, Musical Instruments, of all kinds. and at all, prices, logetherwith an inntrineralfle Variety ofArticleselegn eft • ly finished and suitable ter holliday presents, to• which .he invites special attention. . • • Also, an extensive and elegant collection of . • HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS,. comprising the various Englishand Americhn ANNUALS f0r1357, richly embelished and liustrated POETICAL. WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children stall ages, than which nothing can be more _itpproptiate or pleasing• - riTiNolTirnye s sortm ant DrSchool Books antilichoot Statuary is' slim 'Complete, and comprises 'livery thing 'aped` in College and the - . - .SPIBMIit — TIe nlek desires tivestrt he particUlsPattention— of Families to his elegant oisf , et LAMPS, OIR - A - NDOLES, &co • • 'from the extensPie esbtblishpients of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, fur. buiiting 'either lard sperm or ethereal ell, together with Flower Vases, Pancy•Screons, &c. Ills. assortment In tuffs line is un-' equaled In the borough. Also, FRUITS, NANCY CONFECTIONAiIt-..-NLITS-4RP, ' SERVED FRUITS, kc„, - In every. variety and Vit., all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such as can ho confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. His stock =brims. every thinglitilhe line of Fancy floods, With many other articles useful' to honsekeepers wide! the •publle are • especially invited to call andseo during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. • doe 13 pip 8. W. IfIA.VEIIiTICK, 463.30/ HE - TEMPLE, 0;1? FANCY! I: , ' 49 00 ." ARISE liINDIX IS COM! - And will heat. his, Old Head' Quarters in North Ihulovor stroet;durlng the Chrhtmtui and Now Year's testi vitieS,:with'oue of the largest assortments of - CHOICE CONF.EUTIONARIES Ever offered id this place, consisting hi part of lrine CaudylToy's 'and Fruits. Jelly Cakes, Bon Dons, llum Chocolate and Fruit, Drops, Rose, Vanilla, andqlurnt Almonds; ,Frenah and exploding' Secrets &c. Also all the common varieties. FRUITS -AND NUTS 252 47„ ELEI of the latest importations such as 'Oranges, Lemons, • Fig 4' Currants, Citron, soft and paper shelled Alanoods, Filberts, Cream, Coeoa,,and Ground Nuts. In connection with the altove an extensive as 7 sortment of, ... TOYS AND FANCY GOODS .1 of i efery linalltrand price; eonslsting .in rt-QLFIna- Wax, kid,.abina, ere lug and other : Dolls. wng and Card' Baskets Fancy Doges, Flower Yises,,Motto Cope, . TO% Setts, Mnlikt,Drums,Ouns, Air Plstels,..AccOrdeons, Marmouleilins, Trumpets, Chossmeti of bone and wood, Dominoes, Lotto and other gatnes.• Fancy Soaps. frail' *Oils and Port Monate'', Ac. We have also a tine lot of 7ASIILY - GROCICRIES; sush - ag . puiverisedTernshed and brown. Sugars, of every grade, coffee, Melosoeo, Starch, • Gruen and Black Toss; Spices, Butter, soda,Suger, Water and other Crackers, choose,Ac., . Thu subscriber returns his Atier(' thanks to A gener ous public for the patronage lititotnfore bestowed on hlnl, and hopes, by a desire to lilting'', to merit a continuance , of tho oond., , P. MONYMIL Cll rl Isle, Dec. 10. 1850. CIIRISTMAS AND , NEW N , 11:41.L . Thu store of the subscrlbei la In iticelpt, and the shelveri are now supplied witlin handsome selection of One and rich • ' • 'EIIENCII,CIIIN A. and doeurated fancy NUM, such us Inkstands, Vases, Coffee cups, JeWell boxes, Toy Tea and. Dinner setts, China dolls variety, and a variety of other articlea all WOlt gulted'thr the naming liollidays. "NROCERIES AND SPICES ' 12 04 8 60 Zl7 5 0 227 25 170 00 54 5 0 . _ lu every variety, Rosh. and oirest quality Alava 'just . been added to our former itoe • ' ' . ' • NSW BETIII,IIIIEN - UORWIIIIAT, Of very • One quality In small sacks also ou band,' t•. , , ~, CRANIA:MUSS, RAISINS, ' '• • Currants, Citron arid Other goods adapted to the seaseni; hi variety, constantli. In fiord and fuiiale by Carlisle,. Dee.lo, 'lsfi.:, , • :•-• , ;.• •, 'J. w,. Buy, -I)IIESENTSTOR'J.IIE-HOLIDAIB. I,I, j_ heal piacie, to get thenf is at EVANS 1t_ 00 .13. tiuIiATIIIPVIJ UOIC SALE, 501,111roedemy, 'Fine Gold •Jowulry given away t 0 purchasers of hookii.. All books will ho sold as low as can bo had et (Uwe' Stores, sissy of them 'for less. No* Doblo recolved daily. A Gift varying In value 'front 25 cente,ii? gitetfivinfifaelfhbok - alllfolltneTtlifaiild:lfiivTog on: band a very large stock' of now and valuablo nooks, : miens our motto Is • Largo Stiles sod small Prbilts,', we ale 4eternitheittonlvo ourcitstoniere bettor beightne' thatfesn be had; elsewhere. Any batik published :in' • New York he PhiladelPhinlylll he promptly' saint, gift" incluMid; oh receipt Of Publlsher'e price; Cntalestiesef Books and printouts containing full explenations urlij• be sent Woo tuall'Parta of the country:., ;", , The most litionilinduceinghts are' offend'to : Agonti.': Any person by sending us annYder for ten Books, with' mousy enclosed will he entitled to au e•xtrif 'Book and • eiders for topics : contidnine.moneh: (to ensure:7r perfect salitty,) shonfdlie'registeren at' thlfrost ' Ofileo wheel, they aremailed, and 'directed to NoW York: yverts* & Co., : Itrdadwny, lteesuerthni.M; Thomas & Sons; South "Fotirth rhillidelpbla; 1.11. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia: D. Appleton di Co.,.proadway,-Now -York; r Derby, • A Jack. sent.fiesSai St., Nowillorkct `• t JrirSend fur a Catalogue.:;• ; ' Prineipid.Storo, 49 Broad wny,New, Drinielthitores at ehtlAelphin and Washington, D. g Doc:17; 1851 f; • IC ANDH-N"EW 4 YEARSPIIS~J o ogribetitit'utiot)!ll goOgo'ofttifinOViest litirokusi) .duotion . -''• I . lo;.Areyt.."abo)t? ' •tr, ,„ , kRY''S wntlipa bzsics,!ft4pkrEt k p,', oAsEs, wonx atc., p•arrnntad ninunfucturod` In our okrikty/riptialy,' 'urEau.. to'o Olsze il 'or woog or iiattoi.l4' `reatlllngor hoin Vitt" atlertol wlttprttolpg'or Cx,r l alarg?l , 6 94 rt: mo u nt In the city to loot'from ; , ~) Cnbao Satcliala,Porttfuipalos, Travollin , Etbuto Cason; ftssoco In Cacb's;'Pqrtiblion, fiqrac" VA!, s, l&c., idly's', 'a n'alliieitoilda'catlit, purr good ty' 'Unitcd,4tatpa. , ,128,Arag , ti.t. Awyn' Gni, • " 1- ""••" •" • ' - ••! .11 (1.-1) , 8 - Al A-NJ .• . avajtkitcntitriindllicm I t Ind•lariniitunibrtMhiliJ SI elegant; Ildißloinelb itr.!Bn . stildsalisinny 'hod StaginflitPitiOODS, to wbleh-lcsronld s . rospactrully.call'tbo, attention ot thlilLodidnin - putionfidvni,nti Bronchi' Long and Square Shawls, Scarf's, Purs,!.!Ele gant Embroideries, SpiendliPtillkii , Primal !fdiirinns,': o ' , nines, Cashmere PlaidilMilibinisii.Talinniuiteuchnit 4.l iew - stockntelottuPailiEßiastiddrearNSlUsling,!Mdkif Bi(s! Cnllddda l&c LtY "dent Yarlotgriendiverylch'estounii Also, some elegant Now Patterns !Iniparbil !!arid .4 0116 'earPotillidiviic) 1 , 7 1 , . n.31 1,311 :,;re r., t: cSIIIn L • ' T Am now receiving Now. tioddk.wocklritrid-141ling Shear olP 7 singldiy.,!anviirkreduedil Sig oldiddaddif. ' nod customers, and oil In want of °Leap and handsome - grauis, will glossa to onamitio tbierstonS . 0 . , .01TA1L• °GILES:). ! iic add 1/ilillllsl. neatly execuled,,* m , TJiii':!:' 1 .:::(,!" - j.T.tf.iitiLlTriii: AC CO Ittinllll4oll.l2E, ....,_ _ . • • A4Biin;iotitan, &sit; Tnnuituairi In Conibroalty 'With tiiiiititii docii6n of hi Sit tielbediiiikilifjetitithelNAlilwfhi roylae tbo,3lilltial3ystomi te.,",passed tyo.Botk,day of April, 1868, oxblblta OA foliowing account , '-t , . , , ...4 • 'I ,' - . , '.. '., ~ . : ',,DitS.• , . 1, .1 ,, ',C. I :c . , . 7 , ..,74;',,, , .. c, , , ...,'' ~.. To amoupt of 'outstandifigAfilitla fltioadlor -1888, and pro:rique - j , ,oars; as pol7"l47,S(Uutilat'Statinneut by,....r, ~ - , a • . . younty Auditors - 20 Tuaruount of Militia ' linos assessed tort:he yoar,lBso, as poEluAnitt' ten 1 t7 7 COUiMISS PPM) , e., '. ;JO 9 . 00 ; ; , i , ~, ;;,, $1,867 80 Schedule of Militia taxes. oxbibitlng amount,of duplicate, amount received.. aniOutit•Of,tiallectOra - I . . : loos, ainount•of oxonorationn. snd amount outstanding, for tho.year,lBBo, arot previous years,'. 7,858 70 ..... • ,:.. .. _ _ =MEM Duo Cdinnwinveulthi CM Townships Joseph Musser, ' Joseph Illusier,•' J(1111eS Bricker, - Jos. A, Weakley, , John H. Spahr, . Robert Mclver, , David Taylor, G. W. Feslur, —Ddu- • JAl:Terry,. William Porter, , A. Highland, Thomas Spencer, .Tames Collie, • Jacob Kront, •• • llavhl Wolf, • - John Shenton, -John , S._ IQ Seintiel Omen,' Thos. hntdley, • -Francis Eekele, • , J.,Steituneu, -.J. Hoek, e Levi Trop, - By amount of. Boos outstanding remaining uncollected for ilia year 1856. and Previous years, By amount of commissions allowed Collectors, By moonlit of cant:orations,. Fy amount paid Assessors, By amount paid Bratton, Cormiisain - Cgleatty, - • , By amount paid Copt. j. Messinger, per order Quitman 0 unrdS, - • :• -• ; By amount paid A. S. IVoodhurn;por order Big Spring-Adnmantine Guards, , By amount paid flays per order Springfield Infantry, • Itrambunt paid Col. S.-Crop,'Brigado Inspector, for salary, By amount paid County Commisslonerslorservices, By Treasurer commission $9BB 78, at one per cent., - Amount of Assessors for furnishing,delinquents nt two cents each, viz.:. , Cash.paid Joseph M. Brandt, assessor of 31onroo, return of 159,persons, , • ' • •' William Clark, assessor of Southampton. return of 148. persons. - , Jimmy flooring, assekor. of Lower illen;return of •128 persons, - John G. Taylor, a sensor of Upptr Allen, return of 112 persons, 0. E. I(anelfor,'aro,essor, of Now Cumberland, returnof 28 persons; Daniel Kaufman, nsteSsor df , South Middleton, return of 185 persons, , . - - -JameaShaiv, assessor of W.Tennsborough, return of 123 parsons, . . Jacob Ziolor, assessor John C. Eckuls,,assusor of Silver Spring, return of 180 persons; ' J: B. norley, assessor of Meehan lealiurg, return of 180 persons, . J. I). Dunlap, assessor of Dickinson, return of 200 persons; „ , uSamuol - Elierly, aSsessor of llamption; returnof 113:persous, • - M. Miller, assessor pf 11opuwell, return of 93 persons, . ;,„ J. L. McDowell, assessor of Frankfand, retdraof 108 pursons, • „ ' David Brandt; assessor of Newton, ruturNolll persons, • ! WIII:M a rt, assessor of ShipPetisbinglownshlp, - return nf - 18 -Jacob Wolf, assossor of East Totinsborough, return of 893 persons, John Speeco, asiossor of Shipponsburg borough, return of-112 persons, William IL Ti-out. nssessor of Carlisle, return of 247 persons. • . Samuel Negate, assessor of Milfin,return of 09 persons,. , --- : — "Jjalln - Cablernsaessorrof - North--1111dleton,return of 1511persons,..L. • CUMBERIAIID Chi, M._ • ' - . ~,, , , . We. th't -understood, Awlltors of Cumberland' count y, elected and sworn nceordlug to law, In -necordan With the net of Assembly of the 3 ith of April, A. D., 1953. hiving 'examined the-01m account of -A. Sensenthll,r . 1154. ‘ Treasurer of the county at wosald, to the matter of Militia taxes, do find the above orrect as abnve gaup _ Wltliuss our hands at Carlisle, this Bth day of January, A.,11,,•1851. - . , - 7:Srt:TNMAN,- '''-.- - • . . . . - - ' -- ISAAC ItINGWALT, Auditors. '-- . . . - • •• - - ' ' 'DAVID OYSTER, ' • . . . ... _, . Stores nub Stjops. N ENV GOODS.—The a4scriber bee - just opened n 'variety of !Adios' Tahnos, Ilrochu, bong end *Wore , StioAvis, Blanket Shemhi, _Moidnoem, I;:t9h , norol, Mnu do TAlnos, Gingham. Collet:1m Man. hets..te., - hi - which ho Invited - tho nttention of the diem.UNTOW. 111.TNER. 211,485d' - B E. N Z.& B. R . - FAid. AND.IVINTEIt • . , DIM Silks. Sethi Striped, Moire - Anilquo,Faney - Bilks; ready made Clotkand Plush Mantles; Drivels for Mantles, Habit Cloths; a full assortment of FURS, In cluding Stone Martin, Fitch, &m, .from to tau, Morinoos, Cashmeres, Coburgs, Plain and Fancy all-wool De Lathes, Woolen Plaids, &listen, Dom' mine; Brodie. Stella and Cashmere .BhawliE, Fall and M. tter Bonnets, Bonnet Velvets, Saline, Feathers, Se.; Ladies' Skirts, Flouncing, Triuuning, Sc., Collars and Trimmings In great variety. . • 01 , :isiTLEMEN.' Cloths, Cassimeres, Overcools; Silk end Woolen .Under-• shirts, Cravats, OoCars, Cali's, Hosiery, Olovos, . .., ... ' DOMESTICS. - • - ' A full and complete essortmoul. of Domeidles, 'nandldg Wool Blankets, Counterpanes, Domestic and imported Carpets,Wenlen and . Elotton Carpet Chain,. Woolen Yarn; (um Shoes, Looking Glasses, Er. , . . , ' v N. 11.—We hare'mado arrangements by which we can filruisli any goods to be bad in the city at three days' notice, , - Oct 14, 'S9.]BEN'It & 11110. - Army GOODS! GO66bWiiil 1E YOU, WANT NEW 000119, • GOOD 000DS, AND 011000 owns' no TO. o'oollB 9 , next door *I 31aglauchlInki Hotel, and you will find it large assertinent of (100,15, consisting of Black, Fancy and Helton Silks; Merlttocs, Persian Cloths, Do - Latnes, Dellages, Mpaceas, Seotell Plaids, Sack Flan nels, Scotch, Manchester, liorlston, Clumbrag OlOg horns, Calleoes, Mae FrOmit Worked Collars,' Ribbons, Hosiery, Moves, Se., tie 7 DOMESTICS.—WooIen Twilled Flannels, Drilling ,Tlcking;_lla= and Bagging. Cotton Flatin els, Osnabe rgs, Llinghliin,Vnlll4l Droner, Cheeks, white and col, prod Carpot , In 1.34.15 and Blankets Nee have all sortsodzek arta conditions. ' . . . For gentlemen we Into Fine French Bleck Cloths, Meek and Fancy earshneres end Doesklne, Sethi Vest. Ingo, Tweeds, tiatinutte,,Veltet Curd, Kentucky Jai.. 'As for mCn's, women's and children's Boots &Shoes, um defy competition. Also, a very, superior lot f rocerl/1, such as eolTee, gue,ar, Rico, Spices, &S. ' • . Our stock tins boon selected with the greatest care en in price and quality, and we are determined to sell at Very Segal Advances. Those wishing , to purchase will find that au are selling as chemp—ir not cheaper-thou 'any house in town; and they will find it to their ad ! vantage to give us a roll. " ' Butter, liggs, Rags, Soap and Dried 'Fruit token at Market' tor,ices. ' • N. W. WOOpS, • • Mill forget the place„ next door to Maginuchiln'a hotel. • torr . so 1856 Q A 11111. V AL .OF 2 FALL 1177 ' AND ItINTEIt (WOOS. the subscriber haajust returned from New. York and Philadelphia with the-largest assortment of elegant WIETNit IIOODS aver brought to Carllelo. The ladles will find a , splendid assortment of Dress Goods oL the newest sty le 'mllolllllol DER ES, an .Immensii assort , Mi•mt of Needle-worked 'Collars, Undereleeves, Nlounc• tits. Handkerchiefs, 4m., vary olegantiend: the .cheng_ est in America.., z • t • AND ECAlLW,OrrEtellsh Ottel4, and - man. • kat ehaseje'r beautifurantierY,ctieen. • ' BONNOlVOlMATifolitlrA4Ol o ,l4OfHll9..ntereey - SeripticTrEiThlfif,"4",targeAteeltlglhapet. phhensi tory; cheap. t of Clothe , meres and Sattnette,-'clgtpor than ever. - O4.ItP.ETINVAND Ottet3lolllB.4rlmperlal, Ingrain, and nt?v i ,hindlomq and very, nuorB - 7XN'D - iiirbEECAtioth r ;large Invoke .nr Moots end/Shoes, from the.beet.nynnafacturere In Phil , All to want of chean goods, -aro respectfully tolled to call at the 011i , .jtendi'ilhAst. Male. etreet. Irlisle. „ . CHAS. Carlisle, October - • NIB .I.IQOOSA 4s ‘ : .llqE,W. ..GrOoDS -1 ! - F/ith l / 1 Oi TiflOWASOil 1 110 subscriber .naa. 4 .re,ktibiiii',lnarn the Anstern dos and now.openlaKalfdandlit:assertmeSt - " tutuio • i will b. tiold'oteiotiao, prim. • - A largo at:Oak - or elapitt,73teW Thlk'et,_Caslamero, ; rochn and ple.tsltot • • ! -An immonoiVtimartiOeiitor;!,,tieii . tose;,ologant 'Fancy. !; •Id Black Bllk4;yesy.;nb'eatk',_ , : s,• • •." Mous do Llano*, ct;al,llOgrWorlikHo ! , Paratnettaic and plod vortaty of Dross Clissts, , ,ver.y haquitno and vory heap. • Flannel, Blankets, Casshietts, Jeans, Cloths and Coo. I .IOIOOIOP great vaigoty.; •.;.. !"•-: - If hoots' AND $. 1 .1.101:8-;A r kirge Boots arid kilos doserf i ytlon;af tholnwest prices: " 'OAItP.WAN til . / ;•.•41 ; „. Irlatn.'Yonitlati; and ltagN4tstit, ' Tliensiartinentikinesm , latgo;and - 9(implattl, - erpt II pir.mig'. Want ' of bOudsonia; and 'olleop goods orir dopktfullt I , nvltod to: call a Ipo f.;;;utt.!-MofiV! ' '',•,-4,ol7AW'otticatir;:•-; , A„iati4 etet,Ln trittopOkil ;IR4 O . aio t&- Old .11titt . ,to',• crape!tip - A ppipltp pettlpmaptond.pr4attalpPiPtikrialiatl , pppttpvp itiiqt,taim,pt talq,ptorp,rpop pq „ )Y, t 4;T . ,,, ditybtpiiiii wear., ;taltaltiot apt or 37) ;... , 1--„fifia4P„gtl;:t4l.„,_,/I::„l3T.4.erdAll .., r W,4E,ADYr.III34,' NE w§pApp, ; 8 044 1 .111fienkilW 18 1.. 1 .00 31 .4PlYCIfsPallff 0 lqo.,Jp.tiftso dou;ona., .ropt, ; ,ltiltulp,',, "obi° wore: yorhi.r.AP;lll..v".if 1i.7 81 ;91 , 0 4 . 1 0;t4 , * ° g0., /10 1 81liarti4 8 1 4 171 rhg ertill e S9RS. •,Vli't Jr ..„18t.l tt Arkt rqrim- mrognrior arm rFs HB}l 10v . pir ApF , Flo. 63 ock at. V I WOO goorfrAtoltipg-A49,4.Ryf0 ... 4...th.,,,,1eb.. ororppcpi,opa, app4lng upPles of tbu Paper 44#10lov i t 06.0iY,0•11,.PRPA9C19'.ft- tdiT . : A . ;Ds`t); latemapryMioOr MarTa:Cloratiattil A dike,_ _otrpea *MI6 t find Sinaw :0611- ~dtearalkiota Cit.llsrtVe'qdMattliud-rturrdiff Sado:l , M , fiery, loir,pricaa; , % - 41' ...V -0 dretiNi;l6. . ; .; 0 , 1 141, 13i — it w. R0.1f4XV.:,0010);A4iia6';',W,444 , :-I.opai af ,a'atzloSic,F,Setatuta,,lol.o lantd , wittumtSurgical Operatlan , by • -:11; I ..., IM otnaLcs,Pluriplet(lnd-adiliou).ousgun•Trelitimot , /andUM:Car Candirs, !tuatara, &c., will ha Imateinf nay!, adclmailfrap)btimadalpieda pvatago stamp. " 0111Leitim 18 Malnu( Strum, rbilad4phia. • ------' . . 1 — ' ,- 2 -------,- 3 7 ..: , t, :,. ... .• ,• . ‘., ..• , r. •!;,, '. 4 • .r. ' Aniounk of% Amount !.: Collectorn', • , Amount !. I -. . Nemmi • Tenn . v , Duplicate. receied. , '.; r foes. , i I:ll.xoner'ew, . ' " ...... 1847. 1849, 1851. 1853. 1854. • 13 00 21 50 940 ^ 8 50 30 39 19 00 1 • 36 00 80 60 ~'..81.66 81,60' 14 60 42 60 68 00 124 60 60'•00 64 00 103 00 181 60 63 60 ad 00 47 60 60 00 . 69 50 David hovlnney, Jarrietißrook3,- John Auld, ,• Jesqo Lai;orty; Samuel Derry, &mud Hump. J. 51. Monne, LaiEl 76 00' 4 00 35-0 02 60 75 00 88 r 0 5.1 00 08 00 OOU 63 50 $1,867 20 gIANYARD -FUR SALE..--The'tan yard•in my occupancy, situated in QUlncey, with .0 four-miles of Waynealsiro',.Pintiklin county, Pa., is or sale. It includes about three afros of to a good, übstantlal two.story BricklloM and littchorulBta ,- bli.llg, Carriage and Ice HORN Pump, and Well of ex cellent - water at-the kitchen door, Steam. Euglini. - Thick - Ildueili - , Cirr-rying-Sirop,-ILbouVforly-Vatiginostly-under had: a• Running Stream of Wittily passing through, IL, Oarden. Orchard, and all tho requisite buildings and appurtenances to.carry on the Tanning business caten ated''. -It Is pno Of the neatest and - mostsompleto pro. pontos of the kind, in a state of complete iepair, and will-bo sold at a bargain, an the occupant finds It Hems• miry to refire. If not sold at private sato; it will be sold at public andloiron the FiRSTIFRIDAY IN 11A Kill, 1857. One•thinfof the purchaso money In atsli, and the balance in two equalltunual instalments. - • •, • • • For further particulars apply to • • ' •' l. L. R. KURTZ. • Quincey, Franklin caun. tryit,. • . • N Sti B., ; 11 lt B. A N F 4 L E . GA REBTDEcr: AT PItIVAT.I.: OALE; Sltua to at the Wost and ofjbe Jugrougt of CiitUeln, near Blekloson College, now owned brthe Rev. W.. Wenn twit. The let upon' *Eileh the bulldings are erected I . OIIIIIIIIK 77 feet in front, on J:llgh- Street and extonds aennoc the'eutiro square, 480 feet to Louther Street. . HOUK; Is Leant a, ' I - fully Miva tod on about the centre of the lot, or midway between the two . streets on an elevated . position tom. •n -'":m! , . — mending A must delightful view of the' town and surrounding country. It Is a spacious and elegantly finished Building ronetructed , partly of frame, rough east, and partly of Brick, containing on the lower floor Large Parlors,. Ball, Library, Dining Room, 'Pantry riud.hitolion, On the second floor four Iledroome; one Boni - slim Room And a Back room; and. on the third story, three Sod Rooms_ and two-Store' rooms; The out Buildings cow* of a LAPOJI STA. BLS and CanlagO Howse, Wood lions°, Work Shop,• Ou Let. Miami, lee, llouse and other out Buildings. . The lot In cevertnl with Ornment:ll nnit•Fro It Treel of every degurlptluu, the fruit being of the best quality nod In the greatest nbuudanro. The buildings:go nOiy, and won', txdfatriicted antito ly regardloen of exponadr the roneca are good, and the entice properly in' most excellent condition.. Nor tarns enquir6 • L SPONSLEIt; 1 Dec. 24, ,su. DESIRA:I3LE' TOWN. PROPERTY SALE.. • I'he subscriber offers et private sale tho property ou which he now lives, situate In Loutber. street, lu this borough, nosily opposite Dickinson Coneys. 'The pro perty ozonsists of a • • • .BRICK -DWELLING 'IOIISE, . and Lot of Ground, containing ONE _1 1 ..11:11 ACRE, Morbor less. The house is now : ' and in excellent order, and has a cum. -hack building, .Stabling and other out.houses attached, with a well of water, and pump,/ Thu grounds Lite well coltibrited, connit'lmbigilower plots, shrubberytind shade trees,nlid. the lot is amply filled Nrlth, the choicest varieties of fruit, comprising eight itiuds of fall and wititernindei,' at least twenty varieties of poncho!, half a dosentmria• tiesrof plums, together with 'cherries, apricots,' pours,, raspberries, Currants, 'goosebeiThis, almond and . fig trims. nciundancei all of which are In thrifty bearing condition.' It is in. eyery,respect a 'desirable pmporty.' Persona dispaied:lo purcluise are requested: to call sod examine. octal 1. 2860.1 " CHARLES E. MURRAY. . _ • . ITALtJABLE C6RNER—PItOP'TY ' • iTiv i tTg . 1.! " hat, ialtutblit and troll known ,lIUSINEN . 4, STANO s ituntetnythe - etififeref - E'llith - ITiiiiinio; Mid Louthor EtroctX; hilho tglodgh of Carilide Mined - andninupical by4aool.l. Fetter; containing .30 feet front on.l.lnuoyer.streeand,ptd feet on, Eouther-street,—. Thir;imyroveirs pu.. *politer "ateeet are. a. htr o, TilltEb 13TOIt owl;vitooin,brii4o,4o,b •, legflniaboct the Moil tilligrinVintioneC, containing 1., Aroma:including. stwe rutint,:basidea,ntries and conienlebt &int irtringemoliiit The ETORE 110031 1833 fetch 'depth, fitted ' in, the best uo4ipie moor and sue °Atha most desirable and long stablialust husluesitlocallous in our town.. : Thine' aiingo atiiiy,brrek. building .frontiog.on: !nigher, street, with a shop attached, now occupied as 0 cabinet maker shop., ',Alison stable on the' foot' of :the: lot, nod othernecessary,iont 'buildings: The property is in almillioilt.Prgor rucuAtlX f‘s!°l l 3LP:.bY illol,rosoid n occupint,„go tqnns &C. cllqulre or ' • ' , BPONBI.-Ell; Psm.n. y.41, 4 ir4,13LE AND CUIiIJ LIMESTONE ;' 1 , uvx"PAIVATE SALE. i , .:• ' pl4inson..townotop,lcutuboriAndkcounty, . B,lruate„'ntionkonelf,mile.west,of the Stone. Teyorn, on tjes,Welnutßotteni.RoAd,nbout seven miles A 0,4 ; , COTAANTNO.A.TIOTIT..22O,AOREB. 00 or, mrbs4.,:oro PAY.AreO !dui; good d'imber ,fud.gle, red, due IA A 4..5h , 551.0,/ F 111104 10 11.143 ••, ~' Thal tnprororeents or; a large double Two-story rs:ntne • t •i 110;03'0.6RO tali'.Tiltbultiritik.t.zutd. Vif t • '.....f):,i7pireattleiliottrdirdt kitabenitattaribedii ".11' t.itrood hotreomaahthouteientoke luaus* , Air*: ke. • A double Log Barn, wagon aballt , • cOrd'etib, ritid:tarriagrdtbOuse. There arerttroatnterdnlllng-WalladartAVaterronette-the-hotate , and:anent Mut bar n t .andi a ;largo . elnterti.t. pat.! dna tOrt , eltard of apples; togettiertalthipeactiescpotinr,reltertbri. grapea t ittet. pi t 11 A Iltio.pas .boo u Iran thatraet partinc ono of-which with The attain whentiottedt improatmehta, will cantata; 116 attest a Thera is a nna:Audt adudratory !tog Ilona° and Btablann the other part:iv:li N 0,4 , Situate in maid tawnahlp;aboutt ;ode !mile weak • ofßo. Is,-on the Statirattentleadlnglrnam i Oettyanurgtto New.ville, and 'about i uildrindilbetwadol.lll,6 , Walnnt Bot tom hood and Cho Tattatiltor rt. It 9 a Ino.: t , "trip') CONTAINING 110 4011115, . ,t t t about, 45 917... which. aro .covered with. 9aeettent Timber, the roaltluo la In Agord,stato 9( eldttrattpa t a,u2 good , foneet t iThia rdviturtititi aril tonttrel how, a t i &angst, 9( ,a,.llltc AyAt t ,Tt.t4ttrAp.. o 9.4ll.citltin, t • .gt9o- 0 6,1 1 4 , 4: +9llPitAirtuli9,44lttc, tiunt, .tell , l 11,49 0 (r, FP qt.WI.V.PPMIO.IO44,V, T4P" taat * l "" ' 4 7E 4 "1 ** 94 44 ,,, .o, l 4l,W4o4ltiriAir* itit t .fflad-thstriitto* hip„P,Picetx veßecciti-JiofftswP &Tsar )tcrArkpotilt. entiOrtvt , :',1415. 7'4l' Afi SP. 1 1 8 4434 Ir ! , 1 /.1 ' 3 lO 4114i0Ori hPII : PY‘ ..AgenYltua diertatistV:4ltioi4.l oqsai , situ , e, ji.. , rtio,l4lrofit it6.4 . ndpaciint* iihy, i.11,u.q11. 10 ., T ,ptitliW dattiaatOrtitltmfl tallardb hatalttatrt turther partleult oirtrad4l ltthiP9(llla:llttrtn9t7:., tlil 667..• - lan -Ti 1131trit=pd rue $' -.."‘" ',JOHN Pllll,lptite E: eon foot loogind , tblrt#Totbos dihm'oteti ibkteen-Ineb-llue; Opp!) , -61-lho• PopelJNl'ss7s'n'por- O w ". ' pluf. , azo +.:Lmen Nob. '5 ' : . 511.11,L1C1T, . ,„.., ~..Ltf7B 14.69' 7 60 65 . 40 88.83 186' d 67' ) l ' 402 10 44 24 TO 13 78 40-39 65 10• 92 15 66 05 60 0 27 50 ?ig 8'47 17 00 111 00 ) 81 70 65 OJ 4! 18 25 00 32 58 ME 1160 8 02 • 80 EC 12-4 o oo WE 3 37.. 3 ti. 2 72 6$ 45 OD 151 Ell 2 67 A fifi 60 83 s4o:hb ~ $568 89 $678 18 . F $5O 1/ 24 ' • - ---1-42- 8 01) ' 2 44 • 2 21 09 . • 2'16 122 Men(' (Estater Sures Real Estate Ag't and Scrivente: Aftscatancous: . . - . . .; . . •• • - ,t . 1:41c5t. The ~., 8,A1A 1 1:::A.,1311 .TP,. 1 ,441 ooailll, Fixtures, and Puma ure of Oat old. ate veltestablitheaSnos Omar, (thrierly;rorter'shr. /11 , twlitia',1.oe tlittior'nhriif Mail 15"0"Pitt!straers,d' o.! :alti I ,s l;bletit o 4lo glur d 'a ;C540/ 0, . Pt, 1 Frieet4, rat! .Also'.Fer:o:pt!:oo,SiuusillOoiker",sl,Stilidiptt, oppositol 'the italiroad Tiotettaid onion, n' ow th or.onpaileFfoo4l , Snodgrass.' Mont $125 per annum. ' , ~ Abe, far gale; - AT MIT, uwell.evige. xtVelx,rl at 'Mid ! , Sarr."Vbillota:ta suit: mireb e .1- , Appiy ttull -Shea Store, oraddress ;... H :." "J. W. - ItAAFI. I 4.B, j ,„ ..,,, „.,.. . ; ..; ; ;,.,..? .Laneaster, , Pli.; ; •• N. 11. piranha' quarters mkt;; . * Ibi 25 dents: ; =Ea= r -- T Afttount Ontstaudt. •QT0.11,14',11,0.611 t ? e , I k g.Tented.from 'the let of April next, for the' "Arm' of one year or Moro If• desired. tho store room lately men. -pled by Jameson- Ilantion, diseased, and more recently' y, ; 14, fa, lie.cffiltielb, Diehl cfroef;lNenvllle,,i7ho, iitord coneldared an . ellylitble place of bushipsii, and Pas been oseuplifd pe d stbro room for nigh)' yearir.' 4n lluit'd of blre. Mirkaret on Oho; pro- mhos, or to ' altAGEY,Adrii ri • 30 39 1 , 1300, 86 00 Feb. 18 186'--tf ! GRICULIELLRA4IMPLEAttNTi3, '&c:'; , . whiele shop is in Nortli street,'near to Glass' lintel, Carlisle, would inferm the public. that they are now prepared' to mafinfaeture Ag-, rieuktoral Dfachlnet-Land - Implatuents of varpus kinds, ehrli 41,H^rim-Po7lersigroad-and- Loner Trishent, Shuk eye of;dlfferentrianda4tover Shellers..yodder Cutters. itc4 - 13tran , Ct(tearti.ColliShellers ppa;f r oa s l Peers; now on hatnl. - 'ltopairing pe?uiptiy attended to.- Terrus•rea !unable, , • • ~ ' KVA% & LtlSp. - ,•Foqiunry a' 04'00 53 , 60 22 60 -fiR DIN Aibl.o _RE GATIVE" ITO ~8110, 0 1;. ON lila PAVII3IONii. . , 11 . 91tHLidiAjaAtt, b 'cll.of tbo Borough of It ..,hOroby,entteted: ;rim) Of:defiled by the atlt i filtOliViii;same, That hiflo afterlt Shall ho'the AiLerfOU,Ap„Atfovery ownorrifitt. r - o ocimpler propecti plhlklipcmigh'Oilietttgr.eopr. Poratlona Or , butilblll4la, o%.:l4ll*.itkitlbLEollWedr:+Bfliak , • that .may full on , tho pavainenttioridderifilks ItQfrntiii bf or Mond, irny lot or propertili4ttioirihebited'ixtit'ot. the town IMAM irliero parsons are ,noeuatomed and reploia on foot,, within twelve, daylight hour's aftei• the woo shall have, fallen And all such ownors and oce_unlore every neglect of,tho reguli•gments of this ordinance, to bo Collected as oilier ponaltleapie collected. , • • Sec. 2. Xt shall bo the duty of the .Iligh Constable after Avery fall`of snow or.slusli • thilt .may,,ineoinniodu 'the , srelking',or-render'll divegreeable; and after ,the owners and occupiers of *petty' nave had a reasonable time to-remove said snow nr slush front the pavements 'mid sidewalks lu front of their properties; to go 'lroned ilifidliTerent streets of the Borough, to tbo and of wick' 'street so far emit IP Inhabited, and whenever the snow.' Or shish shall'uot have been , puillciontly removed from 'the pavements or sidewalks,' he shall notify the owner cir occupier Of -tlie'property to front otwhich ,the-said snow or slush shall not have bOon'aulliolently,rotnoved, to 'remove the smite. And the said Iligli Constable Tor •givrog such notice shall be entitled to demand and sue for the.siim Of Twontydive Cont,f, to bo paid by the per 9 soil to whom said' notice has been given and In case said. sub* or slush be not , Irinediatoly'removed, after sucli'notlce gls'en, It shall - ho the s duty of the 'high Constable to remove, or °middy sem one to remove the same, for which 'service be shall be entitled to' dematid and silo, for the curtiof fifty cents fur - every hour (or less time if ono hour Is not occupied) that may bo circa. litrirpo r ra m t i lv p o ri •llra i ls - o ' ,l n nll7Ta k tTe h r ' ret A s r e l s d ;lo kS g i r ,l o l i b' n. formatlim to itjurgicOof the Peace of the vlolation,of .0100,Ist section of this onlinance, nail -flee -that ho• natty for the same Is also collected 'for the use of the Borough: l'tovided, That ne potion shall be obliged to exposEletibenver in winter the box at or nonr thp edge of a pavemont 'Which contains a' street wash.' , . See. B. Wileri - rtif - PRipi - fitrwitliiii7tlM - Birrinidh - lif owned er occupied 'by any corporation. the notice ,pro. - • vidod for In the second section of thin ordinance, may be served on the-President or any officer of said wrist ration; and, the- salirPresident or officer so receiving - • bOplersonally liable for the price that may be ilomanded the snow' or slush, se provided for In the second section I of_thls online nee;_thi.s ho wever not being intendokto, I relievetlre CiiiporaifOir front Ili; PilyinCiii; if Lira High Constaido shall ,hooso to ' relieve the corporation from _its _payment. , ' . . Enacted am) pissed by the Town Council of the DO rough of Carlisle tho'l2th day of February, A.D,; 1957. A. NOBLE, Chief Burgess. Attest-15'm. Sectiy. to corporation. 59-50-- 0 50 85 50 02-60 , Ye oo po oo MEI LO 12 21050 58 '2O 00:00 60 00 7600 - 60 00 107 10 60 00 9 08 MEE 7 80 2 24 4 04 1 08 3 44 MEI ATIS.I±I.'OIIS' REPORM—To. the Ho= yr namable the Judges of the Court of Cumberland County. 'l'lle undereigned C,oininittlio appointed by the Court', to visit, examine into, and stipend upon the mod.. _of management and present condition of tharoor House 'of thin county, beg- leave to etate that in diecharge of. -thu duties assigned kliouLthey harevisite.d the Ineti, tution at different. assigned_ tho your. There we're • in-tho-Poor House on the first day or.lanuary,. 1856, 101.,..of_which_16_were colored. There have boon ad. mated since then 199, including 6 horn in the hou r fak• hialtingthe whale number provided fur during the your includintv-21 , out•door. pauper.- ()ribose- 17 have died, 4 I.und out, 20 - elopedoid 169 ifischaagod, luny lag the number 1n thehouse on the first of January, 185 j, InCludlng 21 out-door paupere,lll. In addition to tlio' foregoing, 658 transient paupers have been ad, naitted and their wants supplied.. We are much gimp tied in being able to any that In all instances we found every thing in good order. All the apartmunte pre. punted a dean and tidy appearance. Their clothing 111_ abundant, their diet nutrltiuue, and .any who ore elch receive the attention of the regular physician. Labor, ip provided for ouch as urn able to work. Children kayo proer mire - end attention bestowed upon them, and who p . or sufficient yeare, ace put to service with eultii hie personn...• • , , . Upon the whole, Your Committee ore well satiefied. Oink, thy instil talon has born. well nionaged for fhb year just ornited. - 1 ro r nrUirecTiraicocaisityoT lowing a Hospital separate and aped from. the main bulining. from the fact of personshoingeent there with infectious diseases, nod ronsennently haie to be put into the same houso with thu rest of the paupers:which ought notto to be., We therefore recombuind the eree Dun of a suitable building to be occupied as a llotipitahl Respectfully, ,fre. . , • 91. WOLELI.AN, • 'l,l It • • . WB.l. ALEXANDER, - eBB .. Fob. 18, 1857-It. • TLIAIS RATED EDITIONL,OF IR VI-NO'S6ll'E ON 'WASHINGTON. " 0.1. itiltNAll & 00., will commence ti riga , In a fm days, a now edition or thlggrent. 14a1/ . . ru .work, in sobmouthly parts. Prim 2.s tit ,wlt ' % t•t", cents each. • Fetch volume will consist of four puts, handsomely printed Id imperial opts.. Tito whole work will be illustrated by about tlliy PUrefllm - Eu;ritrinr,s on - Stool, including Portraits and (irighipt Pictorial Designs, by eminent Artists,' with'numerous Wood Cute and Mnps. Each part will contain ,at least 32 pages and onnEnttmv lug on Steel; every other pert will hero two Steel Plates. • . . - T.ERMS PUBLICATION. semi•montilly part, containing 118 above.spe c1110d,25 rents, payable on:delivery. 2. Ali subscribers must engage to tako tho:ontiro work. , , 3. Thu second and subsequent volumes wIll•be Issued In double patte—end thu whole trill ho pallshed at regular Intervals of two necks. . . • Among the Illustrations aliendy engmvud or, pearly completed, are thefidlowlng: • 1011.THAIT8 ON STIIIIL. • pun. Schuyler,. Guu. Charles Lou, Gen. Putnam, (lon. Arnold, Gun. (ham, Gun. Word, Gen. Knox, Gen. Fin. elair, Gonc - Montgontory, Gyn. Lord, Gen. Stirling, Oen. 'Oen. Lafayette, Cunnt Pulaski, Gan. Lincoln, Cup. Mureur, Gun. Henry Lea, Cola Moultrio, Gen. W..!ynoi tion..(llinton,,llaberi Morris, Gen, Stark, (ion. illuniltun, Gun. Oates, Gen. Mover. Gun. Sir .Wil= Hum !lowa, Gen'. Sir Henry Clinton, Washington, (from the - pieturo hy,Aleole,) WashingtonAfrom the picture by Trumbull.) 11 nallington, (from the plet . pre by Woremul ler,)Wasitington, (from the Tatum Ilnudson's Sta tue.) Washinann, (from thg pietutq of lliditliett Statue,) Washington, .(from the original prtil(e„) . Wash)ng ton,. (early puttralt).Mrs. Washington, Maul Stuort,). Inc Phillips. (hoot original picture.) ow3irI6USTILATION ON 'STEEL Historical grimes,. (rhirifly' from , 'Original ''designs ;) §l . 44Lor. w,iognguiit'n,Jllrth. Phice,,_3lotifttf . ..:Verpon, (a viiniriT-Washinglon as Surveyor: Washington at' Port - Necessity: .11 - ashingion Surveying the ..131Suilil_ Swamp;)Washington. at Whiehofter; Witshington'S Yield Sport ;"keel 'Ticondera; ea; Lake (leonine Fortitiestion' West Point; II; 1180; Weibingtini Quelling a Riot, (fluirettbdtiiiiidlui,' ins) Vlow of Non Yeit,,l77ooMatein ' , Mom porehestor , lleights,f4779:o , Ailitimicemont of. Independence.; -fiat— tle of Ifrentons'ilittio of Germantown; Dante of' Mon mouth; .11nitlifoole. Battle ltlcidoY(lishtootojrgroing to Cougrois r otcl. el( I . /3, / fill.(' 3r. I f•.:; + , „aluays.fumalp,,por,orainopee, vfiklibdury ' of the Father of bis Cotintryi'l!hlia..llllltetip,. : . la , Intended that, the Illtistratioilik shrill to unrthy of Hie suldect and of the author. Tho,,best artists have been engagoil to: nuilto Priglimr drawings, and tho, moot eminent engnivi3rs arq secured. No 333,pcnsf will hOSpareil,l6 make the; engravings. cre., ditable to' Am et lean art, vil,fully setisfrictory to am.. tours pf fastidious. taste. • . „ 'A'gents cud, Carivaisers supplied •on liberal terms, This (OKI; Is V0;110;334 exclusively' for suliscribeve. yik A Mill" - .GROCERIES.—Juan re: coved.a,lnrge addlglon_lrid:ali of Faiiirlltgeo Yarii‘e't'arlVllLVigilkt ,'IVICItIIiNd4SI4I77O,II ' ltcui,loo` ei . t1ji.,,, , wq 0 ' , gnu . 4 61" 's leaufardd'Sugra. ciliew BIM, 88E41' ittco;fitnic '46:01_ : ! Soda; Cepafn Tartar,. .ketzlliitiiinitoti Vino . Itiild§'-ieutilf Sake CIINIANI Black, gyanti, Imprint and tottia VIA B ; w - r-' SPlatifiit eveti'Vatlern Olibeeletei'llekeit,'.o. t ' I; rim atilt Oorn.Biatibilliablea,-,Leurri te,Tit.' • *falli'l Matta. , •lllolifOY, , Tniiibeerlk6 , !lf n acitrent, "tirlte. -, rablo - 'OIIF Ketclitip,:l'effiff — itliefea , •.'lliiiiiiiiial - Peaches, Pine , Applealand ~ S trawboirides; l'lrkpla; Oak' iilniedkalotia and i'iccnllill, Picali,fiotletere,&c.' ' • . - I call spedal attention to 7 inf lards of ' : ogatisind- , -1 1 0iftt0,:: . ''''.., ;', 7r ' wWel to,. ntd'ilitcellial tit flip Otien. z “Lovprn aCt43.3PCQ(I CRO:b9 kttito4 gitlipi.l, guAlity.prjrlcoit,./14so..?„‘Yhito. :Grentiti,it gliblAtuto pr, , , , , ,; , ~, , , . MA . " ItICKII:Aii..I! ;,*94 i?..,1;q:4 1 iP, YI4 1 ; '.4aii.,?. r9oVlli-Wko'nlotirgigvii,,yl;,t t , .. f'i „. t,•..4 i 7 ~t Mq.',r ,A in 1,-.f iIm::r: - : 4— f ; 9, , - 4 ,- .ftira , tiitt 11 i. 1%'"?..1011,,. iilA tv?;i WILLIAMS V..„q . - Tiipit,;;ll,4l:iFqttt..iy ~ WVll.G*l;sl . :-,- 7 1 11-fig(' e .. oroiov*. t op,4„,v4too,- , A,6,4,14#04 -ni1L.,61.";401f.,,,..„,,,,,,,,„,,,.... w ,„.,,, ,tt, sift} .li? ruin /try) 1... '''' . l 44 f , . . 4 .' 1.,,,:,a,-. 1 ,,,1081. 11 t ~' ~. ~.., & A , , ~s .f,,!:10.3 I:.11 Ir,,i ...,n ,, A . 31 „ . , . 2. ~. , ; Niii;,7410 , 11,,:,. ..;6,,,.,:77 7,{:f,:r„AbiAkW,7, t . i ~,,L.,„,..1.,,_.,,,,,,,,,i1,,,, 14: - t v••,',: ;:f.st!... i :-, k ., z ', c.' .. —.4.: leth° "Ivitht: - .4441410iit:10..#1774 1 * , ,la Allti3'k , F 4 ' - . ~. • • ~ . . • 'l , lr Olareafq,C,WOlTK l T.Per,fteflik n Vi i .gi ' ,shiFitirMiiiginiiriViA6friiidge l ''' l :' 4 ' 4 ' 4 l„"„lv:: , :, A ~,v00,,,f,...,,„,,,,,,,,,.. Tt drittaip#,,,,,,,,A, „ ,,,,,, , ,„ ~,,,. i„,,,,i;int.0,,.,,....,0 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :ir,h1ic,,.,,,,,,,fr,.....41.,,,,,00,,,,,,g„,,,, i.,..,„,0,,,,,..,„...4,,,, „.,,,,,,,,!,",,,,",,,,, „L, i.„„....,„„.20,,:.„ 1 4,,...,„„ ~ 4,4gctrib.: notwoliii.propitf,6r*l v it upltre 0 .49i1, 1 .1irti;. ..1 , `,. 11 .0t *°"1"1 - 1 T ", iiii•lidififitttl __duly,''`, 1851 . \. . _ . NOTIOR:S3. :kotetbkgtvan (khaki' p pli en - t ton for Liconae under_ the nvt of Slat of Mardi, 1156, entitled, An Act to 'negotiate the Bahr of Intok. eating Liquors," moirtlai tilltid with the underahroed on or beton) the glat day, of March next. . . • JOHN .„ • U INTOTIQE.t.-411 persons knowing them ,lll,solroitudAtee Gi 0: inholt mitt. .pod,t6call and sottlrithoirrorpOctiveaccouuttrat goon riot:M:11d; nn lid le doididO's to Oinkolt ioileratuOttleinarit. !tolled to slob gltrin to those baring elalrho of del:minds agnluet;C. Irthoff,Gt proOeut tlar . ohmo wishout delay, for dattagrOPrit,Q, AQFFr,.Attt -- CarllsTocreo.'6", "- - • '••• • ••• • ' •. gNoSTATE OF, REV.. ALIMANDER ..sith:ftri.docomiNi.r4Trotice ii. hereby...given. that rs.Trataasoatary on the Eatato of Rev,. Alexender Sharp, latd of "Neviten'terryndilp,Tunihdriand - cotinty, 'd.peensed, have .beeli granted by . the .Ilogister of said courtty,, to the enbserlher,:realding. In the. Itttue ,toup :ship, Ail persona knelling theuieelvos hidebtedto , Said wad° -are required toy indite' immediate payment: and those having claims to Present thdre for aottlenunitto ~.., ~• • ^.. ~. ~,, ~ ~ , „JOHN. dt. SHARP, ~',Kpx,p-7- 0 ..., , . 1 -1 S T A. , T E , 0.1`iF , 0 1 ..A.N1 , '.3I"A. R!- ..• 4. TlN,,deeettso4.;.—Notleo:le lierrobi gluonthat UK. tool orAdmlelstrittion ,011 'the extato of Jane Martin, Into of •Dleklnion townehlp, Onml,erland .eounty, de• crated, have been 'gr.n i tii, by'tho..llegistei‘ of the said county, to the aubsetlbo estdlng In Newton township. Ail .persona having el a 'ageriersold Ammo a re r o . quested 'to Preient them fer sottlemesd,lind:thosd.ln tlebted to make immediate payilieht to . - .f. . ~. GEORGE . SIIEREAN, : . .Admtniatrator. , _DJ_OURN.BiL_CIIIIII. .Vebill, 1857 • a Ia herelly -- girlin that iron; Osaitau, 'resident JUdgerof Zha Oliurt of Cointholi Pleas, has is edl:iiirprialeptilirdatiittlf.22(rdiirof.Docbmiber,- 'l,Onlaringan, Adjouraed,Court of Coppru•Ploaa fro lio9ldon au In and for the county or Citiuller• tho 22d.day, of February, A7 D ON, , :400 for flu), Arial of 1111,,Issrais,W4lie PlilluiMporidlog and for trial by a jury. ; : • ;mono. , aIt.EDITORS.-. 7 ,N0; TICK is hereby' given that have applied to the Judkatn,of thetmart .of common Piemoortlamberlaud county, for the, benefit of the Insolvonelava, and they mipointed • Monday the 11th jai; Of 4010857: htthe' Court-Muse, in the borough of Carlisle, for thelhearing of me and my creditors, when and where you May atr tend ifybu think proper.. •• t : WM. GIVINN. Jan. 15, 1857. . EST'" OF ~• : 0. BLACK, deed. : —Notice is heratiy given that Letters of Adinin istmtlon on , tho estate ofJ:C,lllaelci-late-of Lower A llen township, Onnberland co - duty, -Ifee'd,—ldote "win issued to the 'subscriber, residing in said lownship, All parsons indebted to Bald estato :are requested to !rink° Immedletn paYment, and those hatring "clahilel4o present thorn for settlement to .14. SHELLY,- ; Doc, 24, 1846., , , STATE OF HANNAHPFLEA.- GER, DECD . --NotlCe Is leinby6ivOit. that La m% of Administration ad the estate of ilannalfl'ile&- gor, latentl/lekluson-townslxip;—Cumberland_ county, deceased, have noun granted lq,tha,•lleglster of the said county, to. the sulperiber, residing._ hi Newton township. - All perands having stabile' whilst leild.:es, tate aro requested to present them fur settlement, and these Indebted .to make Immediate payment to DAVID DEMUTH, Administrator: Dec. 3, 1856 ,sT TE of i t 1 V.ll t b rE L CRANE, . a a xt eti ra .e n tt:r int e) o f ./i amlnletratlen on the °State of 111 y 4,enbtlill e of Sliver Sprluo towoshlp. Cumberland. county, decerie• .o,Junehneu gopted by the ltegleter of said County to the subscriber, reidiliq Iff-Niiitb-Mlddleton-toam 'ship. :Alt pereonsiknowlnglhomaelvee Indebted to said -Estate artureqntreittn-Malco-immediate-pnyment.- and.. those•lniting thane to present, them for settlement to deoll) pd. . `','1:110,)11,1! .. 11. CI-UMBERS, ESTATN. OF JOHN oby give ITEMthatES, DEOVASEIT. 7 —NotIce Is bon Let tern Testamentary, on, the estate of John Helices, late of iVest Pon usborough tow nablin.Cuoiberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said countyAb tho subscrlberarrsldlng In tha, katno town. Map. All persons indebted to sold estato are requested te'make Immedlato payment, and those having claims Lettors of township, Crunoormos. hove beim - 10,14rd bythc — Cliegister.tifinnid_county, to the MtbiaribOr, residing in West Teridsborongh 'townaliip, All 'Persona - knowing thOnisairra ifidefitekr to said ea , tote aro-regulated to make intmediato payment, and those haying claims to pretest thorn for settlement to 00116 E REA, • Administrator, MEM ydSTATE OF ELIZABETH KERR, decd.—Lottery Teatoureutary on the Estnte, of or rile:ll,oth Kerr, late of the:Borough hf Cnrll 10, der ceased, have been duly Issued to the subscriber residing. In amid Borough. All persona haring claims ug.iPst sold Estate will present thorn for settlement and .hose Indebted will make payment to 5.16.56) JOHN D. Ocona AB, ' &Cr. kUMBERLAND VALLEY R. M ."• CHANGE OF 'llOOlll3 I , • " r.Z.411-7 (Art . 40 4 On and and niter MONDAY, October 13, 1858, Passenger Tralus will run as follows: (Sundays excepted: • FOR HARRISBURG • -- Ist 2d Train. Leave Chambersburg 3.45, A. 31 • 2.10, P. 31. Shippensbutlh 9.20, 2.45. " • Non-villa, 9.45. " 3.20, Carlisle . 10.25, " 5.65, 3lochanicaburg 10.54 4.25. " At Harrisburg, - 11.25. " 4.62, • POR CIIAMBERSBURG. Ist Train., 2d Train: LOAYO Harrisimrg, - 8.46, A. 31 1.40,1'. 01 • " Mechanicsburg , 0.25, " 2.10, " Carlisle, „10.16, " 2A:c -" - Newvllle, • 10.60, " 3.25, 4 ' " Shippensburg, 11.20, " 3.50, " At Chambursburg, 5 1 1 . 53 , " 2.28, " TRAINS • Lelre Harrisburg fur Philadelphia at 2.15 1'..11., and 1.15, via Columbia. • Leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 3.30 A.M.; 12.55 noon, and 5.05 I'. M. Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, at 8.50 A. M., and at 31. Cars of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Rotelloare Ilsr , rlsburg for Auburn, Reading, ,Sc., dnlly.ri • 431rAt all Stations whore TlOkots aro sat], Fares 'aro TEN CENTS LESS than whoa paid in the lain 0. N, LULL,.. p perintendent. Fall Road OMeo, Chainberstatig, ; Oct. 14. 1850. • ~~it~tirnitcr: • BRANCO.' 11VIIRANCE to.; op iocit ~ insures Debtehed , buildings, Stems; ldershandlzu,'Vtifli Preperty,'and; other buildings, and their' content's at moderato rates. CAPITAL. $300,000-011ARTER • ' • DIREcTOIIB. iton..7oldr.J . .Peare4 ; ;lion. Q. Q. Ihrven. ; Jolla-Al. flail, . ( , Charlie ' Jaclrmagr Charles Crlst, W..lV.liite,* yolter:pl6kilisaik, . " 110 N. G. C,I.LAItV CY, ilres. " T:C. — Asaisza; . Nled Pits. TUOMAE littcarn;•Socrotary. • • • " • • -, • • ; esetann(cMn , . • • Saniubl : ff: L10! .. d, • Thou : APALLlVlnegnnltiot,' i ~" unitOthoiti. tA:lra t 2 C O'_,,vl fe;• ''‘'' !' • Johr AV .Mayneu4, • Ar main:nig; Hon. Shnon Cameron,., Hon. Nni..lllgler.. • • !.. C. DILE EM, Agent, 'a Neel_ ronn'ti: . Ci.A:R I,: I S E , :A•44 - 1. 1 : 7 N OY. j,, YON INDEMNITY 'AGAINST LOSS . DELYIII,II., • Dlnj~'y6:lB6~ly: TIIK FRANKLIN FIRE INStritANdE CO'F., PHILADELPHIA. Charter . korpgtu!! : :— .. l,l2,ooo„ , Cay4ll , l. ml 4 In; ~!:?Iflco 183 g ClFlospiii 'Awe. IrguetroFeS ior. permailant, or limited, against loss or t„lertigc,by 11r,q,9u ilkqrtalwx:pmd ze,ercni ov,,,ery, in or Country; on the moot rbusounble tocmc- wide altheeperstmally cir Ly lottbri , Nlum pn,,2lgy u. N BAKCKIIIt, Pres e t. %• -, t =4l: ThmoubeStiber 184‘Agent thr theCabovo comimur :for? Oarliale am} tiptilleatlonq forAnquranco oldie' , by peidoWillp liiipieinptly attended' ' , tt! • A. , 11J-13PONSLVItiW ,,. ;.; 44'0 : 41 4t , e'Ageut 494 Sfriv.eoQm7i I:4 3 .11t1 1 1 , ' '• INS URANCII.I.-:- , =: TljE ALLENII ,PENNEIBOIIO AUTUAti , Fllthti ITO 41. RAMIE COMPANlL•O,oofilberl4udt calinty,inc9hion iWby,au Act orAfilenihTqf Yf.)w h111:7 ormkrjfkiViskiir •opheatfoh , Mar ntOknont'orthe' rollolol4, commisalOners; Olt; • •,..,,•( 1•7-0: e WI! i 1• 1! DWI , * Ya 10.1. .• rtrels;i Pixdsligg - .l\toldtfolf vienhontaliithiliatiria lipkyuutil i Ntip crPun l lapfiloaob _Loke,tiajlonftt-, imih,l4.,,hlutynra, 4110, 1 '3110 1 101:40iaphill'iakenilleuni' ' l l g a Zgai C o m r t i h ra r ril t. nedini Oompaoy of the lihurlti olio StatorrPoiiotth whitelog Yc ulopppyS qt. wirps4,,tqitujosc apphcgtluu, to tl of Or thp, 'amptmix, ofho F . co v, 1911 . hig yrqq,N)o9, i the 414.,:diy J• , ft tL It ? tinINIII•'W MOSSRlij,ProsldorAt.i'l n tk l 151 t ; ALCIINAED.COthrbINOTratifttv 11,451 e 0LI Y ;I:c 6 101 1. 4A i i. , ;44 .,. wiL4 lllT'll.l.l'orNa t tlEinaeWn:',,lTevr;Diarn'g 1 , ShItOURKAOWUn 'l26Nlif*,,lllo3l4ittangibltithi. ,. l,l3:tatihii Orhi OW g,r4V,A 4 A i lltgrirS . Ugb 1 .14 oti ?4WD *et, ran kde h, jith ,4idtptiow."oo3a.fpuolo,gniiinhiveritichol6FEAM 'lPkYrrggi :7 4 14P3i / # 000 4 1 411 . 1 4r 4 " ) . I ." I "WA h *L I 141111 . 41;4;iktfii! hkouvr.4.,yrnattlinllphtoSmithMsq4.3l/Ashh4rth4 INlMlduott lo !pie A as per.. , • Atentbdis'oPOW twillefek , hbtott Wilf.l44,mtii44.lredarcetp krzwalnikpitllcatlctifq 4; if -ato4 `'o44.WiO r " %--Jußt4.l. w ii) o a` iltieinfk owy .. 30 bruparb„,, , , 101 , 43 . 11 2 - 0,9 -04,i-martugreaqi o ore uoy jr m inone .- - -t f fffi ( llC - ZraroBrl -- ‘-'f .„ Ilj _ . TIROAD. Sop TORVO.A_L_ . ; - . 10,000 bitilleA of OW , Celebrated Brotd Top` cke 3 rnMia' 054i1,113 , dng y y d fb r esolo 11 -1 .4 ADilttS:(oliti:44oooVNS ' propared'aiifooslyjoifaudly lINDZR COVER, nu th a1444404141.,. :It stied:sax during the wintor,;sedisa*s - & - lOieehanitAitid'for sale the I,UKR WIDLER O OAIitrorkO:the tnlnecolltioyd, Rosser & Co:, atidlitlAMOUN:,oo,4l4torif thelmlnes of_Coch : ran, Pdalit,OO4 all 1: 1 &frbiOh:I. Ulll' iselpat•:sinall prollte for cash; cad deliT t i , ,t4iptpartOMßelsiteugh. ripO7COAL CONBTIMERS.—Thesub • ~§crOor, Would respectftilly ltdrtte Ake attentkin of • 61W:buil" of Cailisle lo'fils' large stock - 6r coxt, of kinds, such as Lykon's Valley Broken, Egg, 4 Wilt for ,I,lneliurners, Tnevortoa, Zgg• f,ut, Eillamo- • • 'kin Broken;Nuti 'all or whiehlitt will eB at • VPI, AV Wins froai last ,yeari , for cash„,The,Broken, • ' and ',hove' Coal, for family use, will bd aensoned.= striving to plots° g• hope to :hitgoia Ilheraligitreii- • I, age. •, ,TO,IILACKSMITItS. , 'am now Prepared to snpply . yon with the celebrated .11 pad Top _Coati yhlch ,Is. considered; the' ~best.ltrthe 'State. Coale and look at. It. I have fhe Allegheny Coal alas on band, all of,which I sell hifyffimnash. (litiCk - saleit and short profits In my motto— , a nimble ilia. 'pone. la better than a : dull shilling. Please, give.liga call, 'One and all. left at his residence In Hist street, or. at Petal. Illonyar's, , and Ilenry likficton'entores, ignite promptly attended to. t [Oct. I, 1855. MOM ISi Ittr6l7l - MPOST • us_ skerei. , DIff'0811 • 8• 1 4(V,'":1'1 :4 _ ._wl-ho received at . tyla ,BaldriloOrporatad ti3lbe.Statir Of Ponabtiraida, for aa - stoat IrbunuMoorna, and Interest paid at tha into of Fivic•Priressr: l l,oeitti- " nun,, and tha principal - paid hack at aux, tlnaTil:ter,/i!t. ! adrity,..without nottcb..•; •• • '•.'• •••t• • •,:t • !dares f manes aftor tiro expiristido of, St* titao'atert-. • finn in tin, cart illcate, ilfileas rooloradded auctbet i von.. • . • porkat of bur-months, ortrogor,•l[l•l9llloli , taba r thq %n. - ---torest;-11--paid -up-,uutit•-t•O‘rtlinaprttdditak.',Barak.•-•'--- .. [inonsot D do . block • A:M.;rind cloino at B!4• T•alookAPeUr BY; Order of titaftdarfotAlrbotoiar • !-.•:••• ' • ' wm. nmETEI, ; _, .17°e 21,18581- ,`•• • r1y.111.)jg3t0,1)1,y,A1 , 14 - vy, - 104. • Nj• " ' ''••••• ' ; • '' DLieflota ' Batntitiiteit ,', .. ROBERT 0: 81111.8*,"; JOltif DIJRI4I.Ii, ".' Rio:MAUD EPrzasst, ' • '.7,011N O. DUNLAIV: ••••Ifsana.',,tiEltraorazt. -- - • • - 2 Thim - Dank,' doing - n bastio' Di*. - the - name - of hitENzamert,k op.la now fligy."Piapared, d 0 a Pa' eritl flanking Business :with.paosspttiess and, fidelity. lifon&y,koceliednn Deposit-and paid back on demand without notbio.;'lntorest pald'ots Special-Deposita.— . •Cortlitcates of Doposlt, bootleg' intenast at the. rate_of_ PI VE PER CENT. will bo Isanad for as'short a'period . FOUR MONTI'S. •• •••• •• • • , . • „ • • • fritereggt on all certificritee m ill cease, at .MPtUrityi ' provided,e howeier,ttitlf guild cartlfleatgi are renewed' at any time,theregiftet for another: even „Perled,:s they • Ault bear the acme rate of Internet up ta. the -lima of • reneival. [Wier attention laid. , tti-the ;oellectlon of Notce, D e; Chocks, .14., In any part of the -United State. orCa --•. Remittances made to England,'-Ireland or:the Certif.- aunt. 'fbo.faiihful and confidential °zee - titian of all ors entrustereto them, mar bo rolled upon They call .the attention of Farmers, Mechanics, and , all .othent echo desirorg firifeLdeptealtoky,_for_thelr•-money,-.to-the undeniable fact, that the. proprietors of VIII BANK ARE INDIVIDUALLY LIABL% TO TILE EXTENT OR • THEIR ESTATES, fur all the DEPOSITS and' ether 011LIGATIQNS of Ker. Brenneman - & Co, 'They have recently removed Into their NEW BANK ING HOUSE, directly opposite their former stand, in - Meet Plait, Street, a fow doers East.uf the Rail; Road Depot, ehobu they will of 1 iffiertio --- pleareri - to any information desired in regard to money matters In . Open for business from Wo'clOck In the morning-nu.- -. • til 4 o'clock in the evening. • ' 11. A. STURGEON, -.Dec.l7 15513., - • ; •.- ', • Cashler.'• ' 'Sti'#cs . .. qub:: eliopi:. LW- lIAT i rCAP, - .AND ,S OE • - ---,STORE: . _ ARRIVAL OF VALI. GOODS ,FOR, 1856. The subscriber. has Just opened In the store-room for merly occupied by Use. W. llltner;ou the corner of the public square, Main street, near the Market lionseiand .adjoining the Jewelry Storeof Wm. D..Nangle, 'an an tirely nrw and splendid assortment of Veil and_ {Tinter - • Cloode—camprlsing thelatest styles of HATS, CAPS, DOOTS`AND SHOE% • Of every variety and finish: , • 1115.-llntri - ennslst Of - extra — flni Molenkle; lleayer, Pearl, Claret , IKoasuth, Spin-Ling &c. Also Straw - . - of sly-vanities.-:There-Hate are manufactured by Oakftitrd; :Morris & C 0.,. and othe• celebrated hatters of Philadelphia.. Ito has also every variety of ir,Nrne menu. facture. -All these goods ho will guarantee to give entire &AIM - action.. ~- • . • ,%,••• ' Ills -stock of Shoos is made up of every variety and style from the cheapest to .the best article lu the mar --kat, and cannot fall to please. Go respectfully solicits the patronage of the public, !noting confident. that he eau sell the cheapest and beet goods in the county, • , Sep: 17, 1856, 12121 IiZiSE NENE IV G .11, 0 'C. E R I: .E.' 81.-• : .I.'W. EBY.' - ' A choice indention of Groceries, of twisty', mariatpnO eluding Srlicas and TOW, haVo boon !added Vt. fii 'mar 'wolortniont,Amang which linty ho had attic plinth ' .810, JAVA, I,AOUYILA. A, .110CBA t. Frani . :: —• • - tagothar irith a oni on! nisortmant of _ .. ,:..- . BROWN .4 WHITE ISUGARR, '-' - ' , loclndlog Crushail, 0 rdnuloted, .Pulverked, Mart! fholgugsrs. Argon lot of 'Now Cheese, Barelia;.Corn SlaVch, Mustard, Chocolate, doo. Also Groen.atad Black Teas, of 3enklo's select brood. Ent sale at the lowest prices at MARION MALL ORO; CliltY by (Oet,2l) . ,J. If. BUY. ' rtlol3AoCo.—Of this weed, embracing' 'Snuff and Cigars, we have now on hand a choke ( so onion, orating which are Cavendish (both pialtPandq sweet), Fig, Congress, Plug and Fine Twist Tobaceo,.ef cho)e° inipprtations, naweb, as ether good brands Illgers.,-fancy tianionwtheallt—till of which we offer at, least as equal In quality. If not hotter, than any other' amertmont in the unwind. Far sole at the old annul. Oct :!.2, Wm. EDT. • jily • P.ll IN G AND S U .11d, lIATS AND CAPS! -, • . The Undkmigned Invites the attention of his old eon,. —thmorti and the-public- to his now , and-sefobnable sortmcdt of SILK, ,FUR and STRAW , vArs, ,ce. for gentlemon ,and IToye weir, or the latest styles and best quality.. The assortment will be found! to embraen every sort nod size of Hats and Cape, ,for. Men, Hoye and Children, from the commonest' and cheapest to the most lish and fashinuablo,.kuCh as! Oakfttrd's spring stylebf k 'lemon's Hats, White, Black, and Brom, Slouch Hats, wi Fuellats ofhlSown bum , ' 'tincture, Boys cloth ciips of various colors and pricinkt with ieltirgo assartnient of Mon's and lloy's straw hats. of tlifTerout qualities and prices, to suit the pockets of both rich and poor. Feeling confident that every.,pue-t chaser ran be accommodated from his extensive -apt" varied assortment ho cordially Invites his friends to. roll and examine at his old octabllshmont on Main Shwa. o WM. 11. TROUT. FIENI 1. g 5.6 1-..P.-IriOrAHIARDAVVRARREIic:A 4 • HENRY:. AXTON. •• • The subscriborlurring returnealfront the pity would 011 1 ' the attention of 'bin friends' And the public to the larip; and will aoloctodfulaortmont otlfardwaro which he, lola just rewired, coexisting in part of BUILDINGIIdA•; TEMA'S, nails, arrows', hinges. locks; bolts, glees, potty' pints, nits, Ste. 1701)1,Sudgo tools; saws andpinues o 11ayioy.descrIption, with tilos. maps, hater:nous, anvils, ' (.111.ASS of every • description and quality—coml . -OM:0 glass of difforont brands, white polished American glees, I Prenrivglinatvf 'all - vistat, double thicleglasm groula enamelled glom.. • - - —A general tisaortnufnt,of EiIIetE3fAKERS OD_ DLERS'.IOOI,p, toi, , Stber with miirooiollhilnkiwid - •Ing-fitlElps, aboo,Ybroad,44X,ll+lo, hooltkofl49 l 4ok__L lag:spadlotioorl fie: . .00.4111T1113MING1-,Kwwwass (plalui..ouniell.d.;ifigo uroeiTed d L embossol&) .patorlt cuvuogyd...lo4kt,tpre,.___. ' gsbluot.ltrukoni.ylli;flud.a lame ;asssrtroeut,of,wani.; labss.lttabogalir'lltPtiflanttyiletteara,mouldltuf,rrsettest . ..? v vorirsn , PAlNT-'+•.knew &dicta for tqaklOk lromitlNV,ivtityCond.Jullllisnt..pollsb; Ibt , dlUlikg-rOoms, psrlors; , i - • U.ION-A.l!trgaitool+t,Oodip:rlslug !ru h ice4er,l l tEgt.nem9mbor t4k9:914 44.10; gait 01`,110, Atraqt: Car-1 lisle, Pa. • - • March 20, 1856.1 . .111tNRY• SAXTON. ' ad4ii It 4R, t'.l.ff h V A 'f 4l4Cit°4l ' .-214 1" j i 1 *1 KA4 . 4 . 4---.441 t --- oivr pit 011 . rP nd: iitder *it omiipt ht . poison'Obt #4laie e.te,or, 6 * , Thlr..l rnPh9 wiah, qur l o4., mild Wane n-Otidls ruent,'nro Stavit6a td.caisavEn St i tt pleg 4 F•birizig - B:por!Tiirti3t? 'oUtiN STAlirbLe4S+• A9Y. , . ' O,, • • ' , : , - •11,1-k ANS,I.CMAIN A'A„ sK - 7 - 7.4. -- --- Just 'I eeelved, o lot oNqralS FAlllSqc§hro,peat, Dlohler's ulaKiiee'dittio'. 'Aloe it 'lludeiSserittien 17V , , Straw. a..d l'oddor Cutters of fotmglST4Upt Irlads, al • the cheap llarijsiiisiSteikor''. • ! 1"1C15, i d st.l :: ': ''l —,,. ' . . n ` PAP iT' . . 2 ,A,V44.sl4,l%lVAlli'VPl'Tgaal - abi. . • tX'itgikssatgZVgrtitaVgMitTP - - toOdokdrAtARIADOP . ' li I ' war - - r iI CA:Fty . te m li n t tilk!i2l:47 o o:llhr Du