Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 25, 1857, Image 1

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The Othintte,lLthein hi Published "weekly on a large
shoet,-Oontelning Yonvir cotunno, and rurnished to sub
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ain- moritha;nuil,ntinO dlscontinuod until all,rwrdaniges
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Advertisements will be charged $l.OO, per square co
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_Jpbe CariLlel'e PIIINTINCi OFFICE Is the
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Three good Pressen, and ll:general Variety ot - ninterioll
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Ely on
• All
1 1 7
u 2
()mewl tE : tdcal Nformution
President—Jr:sae ll: Etuairr
V Ire
sr • docretary Btato--Wm. L. ILtqcx.
" Secretary of 111 terlOrL-nOUEIIT akeLELLAND
din-rotary. of Tronsury—JAarz
. • lienretory of Won—Jx)TensON DAM.
Secret:ll4y of Navy—Jmi. C. Doom.
Post Muster t/i3lxoral—JAhteckl CAMOotiL.
Attortiby lienentl—CAttn
Chief Justice of Unltotl States—lt. 11. TONE!
Govoroor.—JArs PoLLoot.
Seerotury of Stute=MuntEtv 6. CURTIN.
Surveyor Uouerall. Bufiwt.Ev.
Auditor Oeuvre—X. BASIS.
TreitliUror--11ENIti F. 31LORAW.
Judgox - of tkut Suprema Court—S. LEWIS, J. 8. BucK,
'w. B. Lownix, O. M. WouowAni., J. 0. Knox
'President Judge—Hon. Jams H. URAUAM, ,
Associate , J udgos—llou. John Jtupp, Samuel Wood
, Markt 'Attorney—Wm. J. Shearer.
. Prothonotary—Daniel K. Noell.
Recorder, ke.—John (I rogg. •
Register—William Lytle.. •
I,l4u_Sherld—irob Bowman; ,Deputy,. J. Help
miuker— .
County Treasurer—Adam &talisman. ,
• Coroner—darhell
--County,.. Counuinslonerti.-4.leprgo M. Ornbnm, Wil
Mtn M., *WI - ow boar. Caurk_to Commis
Moab:h.-Mb:lml Wino.
I/Inn:tors of fhu pour—Coorio llriolle. John C.
Brown, Sow uul _Tat t.- Suparintondun L. c , -Poor—ltoune
—Jusopli , • •
, 8031017434 i orr.tozats.
Chief Ilurdess—Col..Anuazatin limns.
Aaslstantnlurgesa—Sinmel Gould,
• Town Connell—U. C. Woodward, (rremdant) Thos.
M. Biddle ' John Thompson, .11olutel ,Sh ' eafor -- kieory
Gloss, Livid Sips, Itobert Irvin, A. A. Lino, ,Mit:haul
Holcomb. • . . ..
—, copstablos—John Spahr, High Constable; Hobert
hlcCartuuy, Word Constable. . . • .
Nina Presbyterian Churcn, northwest angle of Centre
laro. Rev. CONWAY P.- * Wrui, Pastor.—hervlces every
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,-A.-AL, and 7 o'clock,
Second Presbyterian Charch,cornor of South Hanover
and Pomfret 'street... , Rev. Mr. PALLS, Pastor.- Services
commence at 11 o'clock, A.- M. • and 7 o•clock,lsr- '
St..lohnit Church,.(Prot. Epesoupal) not theust angle of
Centre Squaro: Ituv. JACOB 8.-MOMS, Beeler. Services
at 11 o'clock, and 3 o'clock, P. M.
„English Lutheran Church, Budford.:butween Main and
Loather streets: •liev.--Jecue- FRY, ' Pastor. Services
11 o'clock, .
German Reformed Charch, Louthor, between Hanover
and Pltt streets. .1t0v..1.-. 11. 'RRESIER, Pastor. Services
Methodist E.Churrh, (first Charge) corner of3lain and
I'lll streets. Eon. Jouß 31. Srirm, Pa. er.Services at
17 o'clock, A. M., and WM o'clock; P. - 31. - •
Methadlst ,E. Chnrcli, (second Charge) 1 . THOMAS
Dgeouerriv,• Pastor. 'Servieui ColluucChapol,, at
o'clo'ik A. M:, arid 3 o'clock; P.' M. ,
. Roman .Catholic .Church, Pomfret; pear'Mltatreet...--
day of es4i, month.
• lihrillittptittlteriu Church, corner of Poinfeet and,
hiedlbrd fitrolite. 'Nuselioll.l, Poster. sip-vice at
' When changes In the.ataive are nocessany the pro,
per persona era inuisited to notify ue.
• • • pa cur,msorr opa o LEGE.
Bev. Charles Oolliuir, President alid.Protessar of Moral
.11.ev„ !formai ill 'Johation, Professor of Ph Ilosophy
sod 'Hudnall Literature.
;James. W. Marshall, Professor of Anrinnt Liinguages.
Itev..otis./I.•Tilfdny, Professor of Mathenintica• • '
0. tfllam, .Professor of Natural Boletus, and
Orator of the Museum, •: . • • "
Alonaudornahent, Pronwinr of .Ilebroy and .Modorn
Samuel 411 1 man, Piingfpol of tha Grammat Settool
Mitrsboll. Anobtant In the. tinumbar School.
13 0 j P.ORATIONS.
CARLISLE DEPOSIT Balta.—President, Elehard Parker;
• Cashleri; Win. AL. Madam; , Clerks, J, p.,lleasler, C.
MLusaetmau, Dirootors,
.Illehard Parker, John Zug,.
Ilugh , attuart, Thuunts Peaton, it. 0, Woodward, Hobert
llltawa, - John - Sewderece - Moury Logetio:Sa i U l
Castactuaao Vetter It It ROAJ) CORPANT.—Prosjdent,
Fnetierick Watts; Secretary and - Treasurer,:Edward, - .31.,
. Biddle; Suporiutendent, A. P. Smith.. Patmenger trains
• twice a day: Eastward, easing Carlisle at 10.26 04041,
poda:s4 D'oock,il AL Two trains eiary"dayWestk
weed, Carlisle At 1.0:40 2.48; B. 11;
Ostipnag tlas *ln Witte Goatraux.
Trick 'Rk.tith'Seeretaly; Lei:anal 'Todd; Treelidrer; Win
mi.Eseteul;.l.olrertoni;F:Watta, Illolterd-ParkeriLenniel
Todd, Win. AL Bantam, Dr.' W.V.' Debi, Franklin Gard-.
not; Henry likuullind E. Itt. .
COMILtaLATJANALLIT Bauxl.t-Preeldent, John 0,1 Mgt.
. ret:Citahler, IL:A-Sturgeon; Tollero
ihrectors, John S. Sterrett, Wan. tier, Melcholr Brenne
man; ltkbard Woods, John C. Daniell; Relit°, illerrett.
11.-. E. Sturgeon; and Capialn,Jrihri Dunlap,:
xtlLLizixift. •
" .•
• • ."' • .L-1 t ,
• '.
triiiiri - 13:10110 o ' lll*o7i9o/44,kbr ,
W.& 0 0
under, cents prOpaid ? ( except to oallibruhreptl,tir-gor4.
which le/ route p,ro-paid t ) , cr. 0 •
Poshige write Eisnatn”,urithlis tno 7401117 ?
Within the 81:ate o l 6elitepq r yi,m, , r,raanY Pa °, o ° o
United B tates,2o cents.. 'Postage oti a I tiausient papers
under 3 , outcel,lu. welghti 1 ,cent prirpaid, or 2 cents
003)014 -fi , fici,.o.orthi4ll,tters, to be charged wii,h the coat
uid opened. lionflomot's bong Mum's, Olosine
cmndorts, &e. I Wd-.lllTrikat.r,,
, • • ,
f =I } I EAP'''TA T LLET.ANS.A.-10A
coveilne ' if
'lesparklos'ott In radiant smiles,
At tones,Suned In the hesirt
- Anti guldoth o'er the pogo of ltto . ".
IVlth beams ihat bblerdupart.
Mouths. 12 Mouths.
io uo
It elleors the darkest hour on'eartlt:—
• keels nutler sorrooO deep; '
And eirentiudies shove the path,
- That rods to droLunteis sleep.
- 15! 2 lb
all the minor rnisrottudis Of life
cetaty belioia thttt being:of nit unileoidea_cha
racier ie'tho, greatest. Nor de I really' know
'whether. I ought •tu style it merely a miser
taisfortuue; tit me it. as beau tho bune of my
exhume, apd the one trverwheltuiug_
tune that bun swallowed up all the fair pro .
whom fOituuo'hohl out to we:...
To women it "beetue , allutvablo'to doubt', to
19117 917
A. 2
121314 I
2 3 4
Id 17:18
23 24 25
2122 231
hesitate, ur tolFucrantiuutu; their doubly nud
bveituUuu may even seem graceful, proceeding
as they aumetibfes•dofroth timidity, or - want
of sad'-reliaace through , eatraine
But a man who , has - tu'fight ? his way through
the world,.oughi c to the pruntritutle,-the
_ _usgWit_glauue_that._decidets_ut-eutte-the , victurt
ill the battle-through-life.
' Uuturtunittely lot me, this want of decision
• W. 4 ouifettaftitinut-infiruaitj I inherited from
an - otherwise excellent mother. It begaultu
display itself, tif my father's' annoyance, , from
my eurlieot iuteuny.. If I was offered m 3
ohuico of a Quito or an apple, I should not have
been-able to decide which I refeiied 'till tot
4 61
11 12 13 14
1419 20 21
111 , 26 21129
2'916 8 1
910 II 12
19111 19
4 - 2
R .9
151 R
one was mouldy, and the otSer,rotten. It was
the same with playthings, the Boma .betieet.
ati'ilwo.treateithe oastinevote Itel Ween Wide
might be 'awarded to me. '•
1 stilt remember,
as if h were but yesterday; that, on.the arrival
of nut:uncle, who was to spend a short time
with ue, the good man projected a day's amuse
ment for s tnYeeff.atall some other
Would I like best,a ride to visit a pictureequi
old naistle, and a eoamper the ough the adjoin
idg wood to peep at a waterfall V or nn excur
eion on the to a garden some miles off,
where people used to-hear an excellent band
of jimeitil To think that Imes made the ar
lifii'ffedyntin two each delightful alternatives I
But then, to he sure, I was an only. eon;, ' .
I lay. awake 'nearlythe whole nigheConeiw
daring udiat atiswer I should jive my uncle
next morning, for 'he hOd allowed me that
time for deliberation:-.-But alaSni - 1 had got 110
further. I was like the ass between the two
- bandlee of hey—T.:both excursions seemed equal
ly tempting; and if one moment I pi tared to
myself in vivid colors the delight of beetriding
a pony, the charms of a water party, 85,1ixeit
ing to a novice, would, the next initiate, hear
away the bell in my estimation. Like the 11815
in •tbe futile woo 'likewise doomed to end.
For my father,. exasperated nen)) , delays, pro
mulgated this senteucc without appeal: “Se- -
batitiau shall stay at home, to teach. Win to be
a little- quicker another lime 'in making his
choice." -
Alack and a ,tyell•a-day I ?mild that Any
childish ,exporisnce had ;been a' warning to
tool • ..
In thy epee the boy *ea father to the twin:
Tlio tonne no nodtrilled orally tope tan] oottOo,
eo did 'I let slip youth various chotiooti 'or
actin - ring atittaiantageous weer:- At one time
I thought of entering the army, end I mii‘h t
have obtained great chances of ndinneement
in the .prinsiatt service through a:AnnexiOn
on my mother'a• side of the family, who had
some influebee krith the miiister. My father
used 'me,' Mid ' that Oci•deutit •
should ootiquet: Ay delay,, like a second ,Fabinta
if Lbeatiakel a noldier but he expressed great
doubts whether 1 -should not get otaddered for
toy palaa: stlrring :Modern ;hays: '4u(
he maid not bare exerted his nit to dissuittie
me;.for long before I lead made up my Mind
tha tthe ermf might; perhaps, not suit me, the
buil! 11upre:ok
ferment forme fell into diagram) at court:
Aftern tithe' I:?equettad .111th , the 'law, but
being 'intior nervous'neviell.'ne4
feltaftobi mikittsieVar.Maice ani great figure
at the, her. Then ~ p einting econpied my
thoughts—:anti then inutile. Thenciencett, toti ,
came_ in , for iteriship,'notf, I ilretittied
-ofettocoes i enti,celehrity. tie ; e-profeee,ory,- , 49 ern
out, by my , continual ~ Oct nations; •my father
choit , i; : of a career, inetkittVhf . 4l lthattiniering;''''
711 "!:al! l t , 9;'!PP°l °
#° ', 9!') f r, ro.
his tronnge obtain :me a government eitu:.
ition-tin the Grand Duchtof---. Here was'
:someibitte"eitionie,"tvlth . '
, preiniee futtlre
;at:once to say that' Imocepteti , gintrfullyt - .0
I 16 41 kbelleyettit) pro;
!ntivetl,my It t ibervo give ,the , enhjeot My earn.
and AO AbOTOnghtl 4 pitie .i iiii telocbted4hitili
4114. 1 01 %tx . tfore'llied 4 'llniehett'dittcnetling , sl
la - A - daiet4tVit,i74l;l 4 :7;t',,
mjr tOrtfortlt Iltdonoi; ntettrphitiii , ntnithongliti ,
degree . of-salutory,:olarni r lithet,:l-tune.:
epiedify'Mapt imiehtfit4 tit gernfalivei..:
cum w..airkkiit'
" NE o f 'rll Ir. 11 EA RT
Oh tioiet go AIgI IhG ihrehith the titirld
There'd nuhthlOo all' the -
yOu'll'htttflo the 'uctithot e'er' . •
Iteileri'thehlussud raj: 7 _
' It gllstensititho griefulkear,
, 'flute do,ws for
And ditlvers in'tho robe that sobs
' thinks, for help, In neodj •.' '
ItAloullotb Au' the loving look .
That answers tdotu
iopidawolloth up a sprhigofjoy
To aelliall Mato unkuown.
It smooths tho rugged wayirof life, ,
With Zerpetit, putt and light,
Woven of COOlichillett tree from frowrie,
Mud linpulba acted right.' ,
/ Irlert.aule.
. • OF 'AN
,• • OE 'anoLL
• thiped ouch a.contempt , for, my Wavering, die
. that he bad barer spoken' tdi nal 'about::
hie , circumstances: was only three cloys
•' after hie decease'thakthere names letter from
his friend - in the Grand
• ing'that,..owing to Sebaitinn't(uneccouutitble
delaye," . tiftei doing hie.' titcnost dc keep the
-- situation open as lotig AB ilo4SiblOf', - badi -- iir I
linigthbeen•beetowed•ou aisother, - Thie tuade'l,
a deep-effect on me at thediinc, tind I formed
— a - minstfer of Wieu resolves 'fiii.:lll - 6 future-1 d
koniehow,k,nevercbuld. manage to carry ti r
:Auteuil - eat for prreent-use. • -- '
On 'my becoming acquainted with nii r fath;
found that :iilthetigh I wise igantly
„0f..0g0 at the time of hie Jambi he .bad
__rituged matters so that I wae not to. inherit
the whole of hie property till two 'or 'three
-years Inter; and Hubjeot; it ciee...;^B,' to certain
- conditions that Were to-bci communicated to
me bye member of our family, Colonel Alten
berg, whom I- _bad =Vet seen, and who 'woe
abroad at 'that time,•kut whom he hsid
pidnted to ariaslle - iiiciiiitor,and,jie A kind,
of a guarthen over 'nth: -Finding Ithiud Suffi
ciently to, live upon comfortably, I did not.
troubles-myself-,about the-001114°1'S tibsenbe,'
and a year flew past Without my 'Hiving ad
vanced a atop further towards choosing a-pro
fession. ' •
• • At, the end of that period, a, very.ltiionio
note from - the colonel informed the that he hap .
retired to Altenberg Castle,' whither ho sum.
moned.Me to come add hear my father's last
injunctions.. -4 was thee, too, "th said, that I
should bediiine acquainted with hie. daughtere„,
tuy-cousinal-and,f , iniless-1-wrotiffrd=fiNlie
oontrary, 'he ehould..expeet- me within a fort.
night, -
ra..teas 7 something-sci-eold-and-abrupt'in-
Jiis letter: that I felt puzzled how . to anstVer ,
him. Civiljty required a reply, whether I no''
oepte!i the invitation-or -not; I had lialfa mind
to 'decline for the present; but, as Ulna', while
I. kept weighing therexprossiOns of My_ intend :.
ed answer, the• fortnight had. nearly slipped
away, 'which foal - felt engaged me now to go
whether•l whirled it or not,
set'cuit for tho,oUstle; whicilintrood on' the
bunks of the Rhine."' The jourpPy wits- pieta •:
resque and charntingtoo• much tio; 'indeed ;
.9r,- - havitig-'had Ma choice tif vivo different
roads submitted loire - araffinn, both of Nhioh
were equally lauded by two different travellers ,
dining at thosatuo table with me. I hoititated
an !cog thati let slip the coach eading.b,v one
of these-rondo; witeradetirned; td my . dismay,
that. the coach for the other and longer'ivay
would not cull at the ion till the following
morning. It-thus fell out that I Can . ; to Al
tehberg Costly a 'day after the oppointed'fort
iiight. • . : i
• An old ebrporll, Who hated 'cia - servant;tilek
io my baggage, informed me that the colonel
was home, having ceased to offered
" me supper, waited on me, and then'obnd'uoted
me to• my chamber. lie was. a man of few
• words, who answered. overy,question with a
talute. All I mill learn from-him
was, that the young ladled wore at home, and
that I about(' deo . them in themorning., lie
then recapitulated the bourn of all the meals,
which he told me were eerved'up with military
punctuality, and left mo with a strung impres
einn that I was in diagrace with both the col
onel end his o,pnreal. I now wondered what.
considerable time, in epito of my efforts to
compose myself - to Bleep, for tear of being too
. tato iu the 'mbriiing. But tltia I netd nut'havU
feared, fur at an early hour my new acquaint
ance, b . tit n tacos. at my door that was sufli•.'
ciente t 6 have awakened the dead when ..I
jumped out of bed and dressed myself in great
haste, and hurried down stairs to retrieve my
To toy groat relief neither of my oesSips
was yet in the sittlrig-roOM;:ao,I-lied: lime to
look about: we ; and first of all I, gazed fit 'the
portrait of n Military Ain% whobo strongly
taarked features nt once convinced ine he was
the datisin whose energetic oliareeteit I lima ao
often heard my father coinmetat
,1 concluded .
from the inspection that my respected: cousin
boa martinet and,n severe diseipl marina, find
began Sincerely tepity , his tiaughtera i tanles:,
indeed, they were .to. gaunt. greuadieks, pa I
now oxPeoled,,titomiu turnout, having
rittpl their, papa's.nbatinsey ;nod' aggressive-
IWWI. it' the tphhile of these rellectinne when
my fair •ouusinectiturell, end' welcomed 'me
with frank cottliality. They appeared to me
like. two little augele, not ouly from. their ex
treme-prettinesschuilfor-their-gracee , of—man. 7
ner,:zuniability,and apiightlineee: , They were
besides, email 'llll,ltiltindei (the very re
irereeof'my Toolieh
the great ittiv,antai;e, Tor nititere,,of,tiCini 4,;a.
dilfereht sty le. of, beaniy..- Henrietta; the cid'
eat, had dark hitir, Mid 'a
-Certain eneigy'tieier
hruitleii4 hittiliiciitN'
her 'ooillitiputige t hilt? ; Sophie,. tyltilWati fair
haired, wore en enchanting'expression of geu
tle f s,sweitueisti-- 7 bnt both ware gay and
".';'' " •
linting found me ountotiiploiing tlie . COonero.
poriralt, they . hnsienod'lii n
Pq/rpritien t el:. t o,tkeir
pap.Vo couuttrfittr, .ne „urgent.. buolopsoi.bad
taken hini:tiorui the day-liiforp, undliO kv . o'uld
110 t, ,once, if he, never. cane. tpixl4:44k.l. iy#p
pleased ,to,flud4bey 4karbqr
any leantitnient4bpai
ita l the'OoiPoQ'fiti'd dann - it;e(tiie
only gone awnY hinnuott he hod giren me up.
<mid hot; howeiror. , realat,tditinoluntnattb r
' expressing , ill', hope Ithat-tboirikther, had
not thought me [rude, .muttered topme
thing.ahout .delosa.on the egad,, , ,;!"
' I.M.You ' paust. be punotuai Aryan atialt,to pleasm
ri p ao !! said Ileuriette, ;1
I f#lttil ' llitloloo , )it-Virekliti.44o6ol2hipptittlk
04t .
0 3 .qPici4 l 'PO l34l. o ai q P ie il4 ii ae S ig: iPlik t: ;C:l t iit:
rildiet' might . tO acquired. 'ono .had.thtat,the
will -
• .
At/coil:4l.k' ; notteCifeorirtte,
•;1 talklueofigenerat•aulif riots during broOdast.ll '
o i. 4 .•
'lVl l4 ' :V4iii; ,4„'i "°:) l !! A °l'iii i.q i4 '
ttou,ht ouo„that:ArßoJAee..o4o§l4croke; •.-Rt ofq •
/ 4 4' 414111 4a" 141 . 4141'4 4 24
. - 1; Sophie.
likes Moiarri best While upion•Oares.; fee no
tiring', brit brilliar;y•nitilM`l3,o',Werinoltlinlv
%. I. trOkno larighinglk.Lhat'. she 'wits
;right, While 1 itireartlly:'•felt
rit'irij , Orin h ifirrufty!.?,i:l., .',..
I The poiiletr
the grounds, •. At ilast •tur mr*llardoes
"L'et us retuni•ro the hriiMe,:litl . . i ffis . 'Witlifti
-quarter of our eoef our dirrulA
heir urri','.'„'
",How know . thikt,lu oehuslus, with,
rout eousultiugi your.
because we see t . pi nirre'r4 . l;:rig
"Lfq ; i IM:hore
flea minutes to tire; • and , as ikwilr.taire :him
ten. ruluuted to reach; home, We' know It•M est
be it . quartiir to rem." • ,
" Why, he's us good ma la oloelik'.,r exclaim
ed, laughing. • ' •,•:1 , • • •
1 Wee now presented to the rortnidahle cola =
001;'1vho;su o barilt*ytt - em - gly
merited featurea r taild,conimandipg soige, seem:
1 ea to hare elenteuts'of kindness it r him, tater
nit. Tqre seemed to be alreui iiattitaft4fec:
lion between himself andileani t hters
lienriette iciapt;hiehouße-,he being a'4itfeiver
ehowed a pleneing deference ' tol - tior
houSehold Urrstigemeuts-- 7 saying that 'well
Understood discipline. kept both armies 'mid
society together, and that in the " Comatia::
- irtit'diurtmlint, — tuf - lie — titytplcHt; — lietitlettt
was >if general,- and he eonforititot to ortlere.
But; of eoufse i Henriette knew -jutti-how4sr
Asher - might martial:Ger .
to go a step beybrid. ' ;.
• Tho oolPuel held out tiii hand tto mod
said he'had thought to:hove seen me sooner.
_l_e_tutumeretVoutau 'apology abotit'luiSsing the
corteh,.and_no forth,',!ltenheiitistrertid,.Youbg
Mau,. r,etne to ker . be Wes are neyiq. won by. ttibt•
tory people: Lire .in a long, battle; nee 'that
you don't get derptiteiVib the Emit" '
fit oonietAtiieltke ii.soltoot2tOyt•Oli;rO'yOd
by trio int;#l . eil:ott;rl took •thelraPriamati l pa-,
tiently, as the oolhool walla our' or guariliatt;-
deptited by thy qeceeeeilfatiiiii ediiiiiine the
pek of)retyrink 'tee on e my incleebilori: Be- .
rides, when. I : loottecl,4 . piy cohiine I could
be neither angry nor tlieplenseit' et anything
We non went into the dining-room , ne the'
;hour woo ittriking for dinner, which the oor
portirhadjuoitlaiii upon the table. •The con
vertnition wati'dieonielatt i 'and qUirted : On the
topics of this - Any ;and not r o..WOrd *Ae said
at:loth:Ali:oily Mutters.- • :
• Noasoner'arns,dinnilrer:tiitkibl.calonisi
,took me to smoke n oikitr in-the soinmet , honse,
,having 'telegraphed to lhu girls to accompany
us. An. he :strode along with tuftilincist )our.
~tug countnueutie, I remained' silent,. waiting
for him to open his batteries.• IW nory spoke
of my late father, who; it soothe, baditequain.,
ted hire with, my .peoulfitr idiosynoraey, as
well as•with tiro -various opportuoilies of ad;
vaartement I bad already lest. The colonel
knit his brows as ho declared he contd uot un
deretaud, ouch a charepter,and that if I bad
been his rep, he would,prosently have brought
me into marching order. -- •
Wesubatance of too information ho gneO,
inn - nhonftartillier'aTclifp - Oaal of hid - pruparty,
amouutod to this: I Wad a gre'at deal(rioher
than 1 Mid auy. idea of, from the quiet luau
ser in •which my parents had always lived;
porliapsowiug to their having come kite mune
property rather late iu life, When their habits
were formed. My mother, being of a listless
character, had never desired auy alteration in
their mode of living ; she liatl, however; died .
years before my father, who Seeing ray. here-,
ditary iiMitnees,.had rather wished to impel
me to clot lieu and to the choice of a career,
by ootteeellug from inc the real state of the
ease. Hence his constituting the energetic
colonel to be a kind of guardian, to keep me
in tutelage two or three yeitre afterl• was le- •
golly of ege-withdhiseavidg clause, mai
made choice of a prateasiou within n.year
ter his death, 1 might pet into posses.
Sion of the , whole of his property; provided I
mstivered in ail : career titigl'it . ohc . oeolr,
'the spaoe..of three years. • Wored to give it
bp beforl that allotted span, I was then-lobe
years' income, whiiih was to
'tovert to ills aola`oel:' 4. - e„i; Fq 4 op.di k cp.4
it trifle more cotisolatory.-imi
at the end,of a, couple of yett:ra, , lndlefault•Of
adopting q profession, I married with.tim cob).
-mire -approblition,-,1-abould-then , be4put intoi
unconditional poseesaieu °flay father's proper..
ty. ,Be. trusted probably, that •ou tny.becom
iug n farsjly-1111115, should see the necessity of
exerting. mysel6 .even though iu the euJoymeut
Otto competency. ••
Ahel tile , colonel had exPounded a ll tjtie in
a peremptory, voice, there ..was a Mud re
fixation id' • libiddllaind3igidity es '-gttardittn.
and °legator,: and'ltitei handing ice idether.
huger() mo. sundry hints, throtigh the] blue]
9louds <that surrounded us that' if ;
tpah'eMiiielfitit:e4,able.te''sllo' ofidelittifglitere,
rho would net be aversti - te my alliance, provi•
I 141 gt;t eieit that . confoiihiled faUlt Cit"
hilt Mt Irbil,' he KM I,
We `shetitti " ' •
i:Lwmq . u_lhe: , , nfuth'ltaavait
hoStfii:k; `at4e!....' CO'Uld . ",hiAgeati,eotitetit . ..4
5 ,())4e ; en ite.all eteralty..and,dream, la that
.Lazy`. atmosphore,l and waver; move frini the
suittiieWßOusti; etlecit'e li'e ' gia • 'the `eiege or t.
tay,,oigar,oratt,staultidf the : colonel iross,..andl
iave,the,signal to soar ch,: eacylig -MO hid Howl
settled' all: t ve ;liii,d , 'M talk
1114 " . 370 . ,,f3 11 ,97PA.:, a,;'APPATR!II:ppitp4F.
Ikioh was ciertalply the!gp..ol3lt . .
life, 'Moat of ~ nips was IpeQ~ wick the
eau three, pass‘
onat et y , olm , . Y , qf ii f•;l . 1 9 1 !W714 1 , !Phl,.!r:, , :, 7,44..iP,l Krei io l oorit?r. 1
iltld chi;
he erphed~ltuat~oo ol r 'gtlo u 4 Q" 'fit!tqoo;4..
The more ettergetterftioayletta leas . t!n'
w'hi'le, 'and! vigerous TorfOriact
iudWmale volts 'was AghlsSatiw.
- - -
adore. on , the ccitierir Anil -hoso.girf=r
.died. it wino greet:clelight,7 er514,41 , 4;;,..:
• her is it ot!sible 'ktiali four
'own „
.p.iare that, rprefer 131409
'Oeptsble .to‘'llitrCeisters,. to support , tionnyo
trios.—. To the Awn', girls, these little commits
might - be; merely . ; the practice of their favorite
'me, they were something imire•i-At
seemetlitO he. the proommof making leve,,and
Arinking,in love, ; lu.a kind of esthettottli-Inekl•
lerj..4bali , !• ( !iettillte - 11 4 1 4Aspe
rald,line baritone voice , A; rt ,O, aegure
Wty,, r,entter,..that: it .ocica:44ol,4ttitit;' natial
btu' from emotion, tvin..
:lovely-;a9MpanioOti4 had. fral
Ationtly i tnroad youtnito ()hide ,mefor went of
decision iii, the tittie'iniepipce vie were.pei.;
forming...' .: •• •.
•ilerVi'lt...L.will .naturally be asked,.whi - oh of
t 44.'i*, : tlp!prq, hid .sulfifigated inv .heart 1:r
. .illoe);here'iny - Janymity. perplexed ; Me more
than ever.!, lanyaehamefiteconfess it, but I
rill not . yet knot , which I - loved best of the .
two. , Hew oculd I decide between two,euoh
•cuchautteeses? If . one moment Abe spirited
flashes of Ilenriettea conversation showed me
- what a treasure' she would 'prove, as ft wife,..,
logo - fifillecided man, the nett . —moment,'S • o
phie's nriehling' sweetufiss made jt.ieem a yet
more,envjahle fate to be'lltfiled - to her., It
was Ois : oa lanai mrhggle la 'My own mind )
That gave rite to the . implant heffitfilions,.thaf
brofight down reprocitupon roe from Henrietta
--7,filfU: . , - tvaa: fiulte,hei father's daughter in an
49.qi?,0_ ci, : pur !. .l!3 7; so that, when .I. • was
beiitila_lizeifuttng my part failltlessly, I was •
obliged to film . ftWay from the sisters, and to
Took up it the Colonel's portrait, on which 'so-'
sions I 'generally was reworded, by hearing
Sophie say,...f!-Ilow-well-cousin-Sebastian '
. 6 1 that." .., . ' ,
- - -Timo flow post—but-,too - rapidly. --- liteekEr
had • beati *prolon . go to in 4k4ks.;",:iind_the_colp.t.
nel,cidterrfruinu degree of pationce'l ciintict
stiffidently thank .hire 'for, • or, perhaps; lio•
chose lie all wait arranged between
owe of his'ilaughters and myealf, and that we
enjoyekas lovore do,, keeping up ttlittlertiys•
.tery,lot - me have:lily—way undisturbed-M
tbe end• of about four months, howovor, the
colonel : said one day, in a pleasant -tone, toWs
all ihrtie,.'“ Well, children, when. are we to
have awrifiling?" -• •
menutilend,.indeed, from My
wee loyeltith oue 4ituihters and he
touaht to help me througlt'the . diffioulty of a
fineCdemend id -marriage: But, the effects
_were guito . diderent•te Lie antlolpatione.
blualJed neerlet:. up I to
,this z robta .of their .
hair, rari 'out:of the reoui - ;:atid,, as to My,
Beg had thuudotholt, fallen at. my feet. 1
; could uot hate loOketl.More eonfoluple4.
fir,in&ti theameauing of this t" said be, in
bin abrupt voioe:• •Then, finding I returned
no. IWO iver,• he heirled.itittt :the' garden - htt er
hie fugitive daughteie, crying out " Halt r'in
a tone of oomuitintl, When ileariotte ituutedi.
ately obeyed fini eigUal; turned bitok to
give. ,the required explanation, while Sophie
ran away, to hido herself in the kitchen gut ,
rivoulit have given - worlds at that:-Man;ent
to have been-able ,to deaido whioir l elster
should propose for, but I could not. The'ino,
meat I' inclined towards the oldest, the;:oliainis
of the youngest rose up to overthrow ;my
formed resolution , ',What hope was there that
I should.not repent* after taking an irrevoca.
ble step,aud thinking I tnight - baie been hap._
pier with tho other, dot mo choose 'which I .
would 7 I spent a few houralu, a state of
describable Misery:, yet without coming to any
result. .The girls did nolappoar again that
dayoutall supped alone with - the eoloneli.who'
told me he was going to take ,his daughters to,
tortilla a day or„two. This .was tantamount to
bidding me, eave the house, and I reluctantly
nunournied thy departure for the morrow...
The colonel said not a word ofrepronoh, but
.he naturally thought- I had • biten trifling,. with
his 'daughters ; and the moment be had learned
from thetruth%speakiag.-1-lenriette-tblt no de
claration of love had been made to either sis.
ter; in spite of my evident admiration of both
he thought* high high time•fo remove, thorn • from
the - aoeiety of such a general Itfver,, mho might;
whiNhair olfectlohs,: yet, never' makeJtp his
mind tp marry 'either. I believe:he had rent
eonto.learthat perhaps Sophie bad 'already
fanciltil - she - .waa the7rtitlettref my elielae,.whieh
rendered' him the more
_prompt iu his Teas-
orft• ••„ • •
I'h next,depd,left tUtenherg Caatle,
;Itacq.Y. IuMFL: IF.Wee like , ,beitig , leveed :Out.
orparedise.„ d„apight,have spoiteme.word.and,
been happy, ;Adger, teeny, ume_dm.raY Ipo4i Ilea_
woubl have spekenit.merely_for.thaperiniarY_
advantage it would hare brought I woe net,
however; interested; this I intodt ot,i,Y, for my
oviuccesolation, hownver blameable, my eon,
duet taight , bs in other respects ; •and krife to
my neutil indecision; I sold' nothing, hoping
I that, titneand 'retleolionrwould enable me ,to
make up TRY mini!, !artier' .r ov
chartioed,cirole.of such attractivi , girle. Fool
, that.' iviut not 'to know that Whole We hesitate,
tietwe'en`tin ireniiM' we ought to
'ward' her In wboac eyes ,we have obtained the
greatest amount od favor; and still greater.
; foul was I not to have seen at glance, that
Inom 'Aral (rpm hey. father's coun
cil of, war, It !AO slip who vas ptost kindly dia.,
i , cumajairards me.
Itut I oneybee it was my fatcompraplo-saYt
to 'eaves° rill their own follies.”' A few Months
,after,4heard of sotihip'e'iuorringe'lo'a.yotin'g
vilden r ieltitrnaie-inado'ati 'la Witi
Ilher .th'e very'firet thee a t
e' ii' he'd'?' and' : 'no*:
,that'flWindte hatdmicaped Th kopcul4,opn,-,
6riie4.. ) lit :WS eidnier . ‘ after:
Blip Who rWeeld 'have:Molted anti , thm beef of 'the;
A,i4ssolli,,Furatoried -,tsa,,rottrBif?fttrltay
'!ftichet.'todeattej Mali i tr had' oatisSitizelto, , rigit
ould he' ve* retired to _ swim but , the ' colonel
14 f, i tt e( !°1111 61 11 , gi?..i.VIT. , f 1
nor l T.9mrvk ,
o f I~e uf i ratuer manly ri geor,Oloild,unr i
au d i ldiii,MAttititiidr girKet keficia - kr'"
'howbeerp'mlisioobroughtilve , 3 ee . gethcr
read tLablia' Ete y
Married', its
,lined she might become the sote.queeniof!myE
A- /
heart. away in , this pleasing
delusion, when one Morning; ae I came back
from a 'ride, I.found the corporal busily olcan•
1 . 04'66 colonel's uniform, singing merry
'song air he hrUshed away. i•
!, Is theed gOitig tir a:review." drill!
as ttostoiliaSer - y_altorm. aril._ Slink! _assocse r l-ls
•• ardor, to•propiticte'ths old sOlslierosho,,,ceS:or,
• " 7 1';
h4' with. - his '
feeling:lMß disii4llS
our.young lady 'has just it,.
• ceiptcd Lieutenant . ' .1'
, ! thought ho was merely a now 494,
qUajutatioe,!' stammered [,_forgetting, it was
suithble to 'discuss' the ,intitter with the
'.tuak and file" of the boiled:Mil -
,• "No, eir—saw 'her' it a review . ;
weults nit)," • 'And he went on brushing,' oda
ing, •by iVaylot a . useful aphorism for. my iti7
etruetiou, Faint heart:never won a fair.
tly I" ,
I made no attempt to gain the lost viotory,
btrving an inkling llourioite,inuat.deepise
.tint - Jeltjtia - '6eld to my
Chance so ruled it, that I 'did not ;see -my
cousins again till more than tirentx, years ttf.
Ito!. this'peried,-and then rout 'Sophie at ;a
parly Sho 4/µs.stip handsome, ainra
happy wife and mother. ; She tudteti'me, with'
an'aroh einite , Wheiher.l bad yet made. alaitao
Of e. wife? Alas! I had Uot.: 7 tbough some
, silver threadgwere mixed up with my dnik
rani Yd . :flow sought to erinaby
__introduclg,--ber—daughter,-a-loTely- girl- . 61-
nineteen, .vrile utrangly_reseinbled....her. former
, self, but Whtt,she sat down to the .1 rp, and
~.looked and played as her, mother had done, 'I
could 'bear it no longer. I - started up and loft
the room. My wasted youth, my:
- all rose - tip - to - reproach - rue - Tand - wiait
you, reader, :was, the end of my. foolislitiria l
. .
Why-HI, who might have been happy, I who
was, so rich, grow en tired of being a_lonely
bachelor,: that I 'finlsbed by insirying
housekeeper, and Sunk into alaiivous old gen.
thavaa,.:who could.not_bear .Bouiol of a
• 'harp,booausa,it
the4aFp of Alteabork,
Dar We' hare a few more .einisidenitfons to
_'submit to the *Sea and-mothers of our coun
, try, with regard. to the preparation of Food ;
end, in the hobo that the tempest which doe
exdited by . some former strieturea Rural
'Pefolierihite 63,' till's time subsided into cialoi,
iA Proceed to profound them: They relate
mbrirlinmeiitately to .the inflame' df Cookery
upon -
I, •That Dyspepsia
' • -
ah r onio Indigestion, ie
exceedingly prevalent in this country,-M undo-
We . believe there are .ten oases of it
id every thousand inhabitants to one among a
like'nuadier in Europe. All Must:realize . thit
disparity has' a cause or ceases; and few
will den); Witt this canoe Or' causes tau* be .
_eought,, at least in Part,
, in our diode
and habits: We appeal t o Our senors iu sup
port of our assertion that the prevalence of
--DAspeptiiii-among us la -a mo . dern phenomanotir
Oa. Itevolationary anosstors scarcely kZ f ew
this Apseene even by name; .and it was quite
rare, among our
,people iii. maderato ciroum
;tanoes even .forty yeurs'Ago. Need lye nay
more on this head?
Word Attired to indicate the
„gauees of dyspepsia MA - other disorders of the
orgrol i ef digestion, we shoold say theyeari- , -
Haler; tus,' saltpetre, and other alkaline pre
paratibloi: Hot Food andßeverages, wiped
aft,i, lint Bread,'Aleolfolio Liquors, Late pup
pers,Yurk eternally, Atinit fried to obipf4 and
! Bad Cookery in getieral; We beg no one who
is not hitt" this enumeration tak
ing it' to herself.' We mean it only 'for those
who clone naturally in - the way of it. • .
We ,otnniot r ilelp,roiteratiug ihatAno many
of our'yo'utig women are deplorably miaedu•
noted. , it 4 4.. we1l to have nocomplishmente,,tio..
oeaaaryacquirements. - The young lady, why
oau play. Oie piano fairly,. Yet cannot cook-a
good,wkoleaome family dinner without aosiat.
anon, has' ,littgun her etilubation at the'irrinii
and. ~ •Thb! &Oily Irian 'darightern
: sli iu the parlor andleevb thmtiookingoto the
tender mereies or a grime emigrant may sot'
—realize-tbat-thogo-attughters4te;:lniißieg-;oj i
portuattiee they,will one day wish they
huit,imptoritt ; but wetdaretybisper it rather
loUdly in their ears, at whafe'ver.:iisk to our
own.' We ai;ii - iiirgettihg a 'little oiii
busiure, and it ie time we admoniaied :each
other to coin.) down. , Those who resent the
admeuitiownnly 'detoonitratO thereby their ill
goilt need of 'Tribune.
ydu o aearet. Tog
way to indica yodraelf ptetteing to others, is to
shot!, y9u ~:oure fur thetn, . The whole
:world miler ot Diatinfla!d, 7 , 4?
cared for„,gOody, no, pal' 40- 7 ,inntuee no 7
body ;Oared for : hint:" • And the: whole • world
setre , y6u so, if 'you give Item
bora fort 001 u.: by: ow ii , g; , i ße} R ::tl B o l o, l
eourtesilarof Wed in which' therelle no paintle,
*hese still '4 , l..enii, , ,,ftuid *Meth
kindloolo, and, Ilitio.actc of , artraktiOc. girjog
other it4,4freterento very , ttl en.] oy nt
i; kink, t . i I ng and
/IF 4 . 09k1 • " tt • tt'
,reit6.4 7 4 tiotreepoce
; 0,41/0 4. tbßi.N.eYklir:94 l 4 Ppf4,:eityp#e„lo,lpwlpg,„
1-irvaiy-simp . lejuird-ettioaolous:reoFi
ulaeialictie ofjtlitf ' mouth
e4 III A4MR I i/I!'i pO.F , hOfl 9 Y4tat!il
awees'oOlbotblanduldlie: , pure4: , i , ittylvorigiAcqk
aigi ) T)l 7 4,.:olFirg i lic4lq ; q; 4,0,10,#7,4
.. c pplippliiftvf.4oßo•44o.o,Atsv.liaL;ool
.; old:el'ou it .beLtaba, 3Jc, 'fp
`WI;4 44 1 .!/#44 1 41 , 01 3 ; 11 Xted'ilkg;P4en 4j
1 . --
r I r
rolot -- 81.11
s•—t•L! ! ,4; •); . 11 ,t'oAd
• , ,
.. ..M4ke , the , Binit , •of:Everythirip "• ' •
We °nee knel' a iikett.,whom neither care or.
sorrow seemed to' etier:tl who et sixtyhadiffe'
didestion and floir'otapkrita of twentil anti ;ad!'
Who hid, acqUired alorge fornine appareatly , l
,withopt.itif..effert;4the,-in:ehtirtme# the bap, 1.---
'pleat of mon,.and the envy of all who. knew
hini.. .4 kf. : wis it," we said te : him, " that you
'ere so fortunite l' What talisniap
i iieuria - ti, l
3 4 i.1a11-these-advMitiges:. iiiir-osiallid - '-:8 - Iket • -
answered, ' ,• I '' ' ' '''
' ' ; -4,
~ _. .
"I . baidlno fallimani eniesii lit ' ii , liiiiitl,k'' , ..
the host of every. thhig." . d. ' '' . ...': 4s':, ' .' - `. l ''.
. r tr.,. 4 -.
TO F.I!IC 0 , qlO, !Tit pyOry.hlOg.44:ll,4o4ol,:‘:Jr;',,
t°,,,,K0-194Ff917#;'#96141' 4.1.,'' °s;fiff;;.:_:.;';''
mice. thi l ,ri f l. ....qtt . l. 4 o7) . tl i t z fy#.o* . ,.P . o l ,* - :.
'too' Blio - ye,:ot ha,pilp vml i k o, Aktkikne(lic , lVOtivz; , .„
i /F,S___,
.6=lh;:ii*' . i lii r iiii.,praitt.tOthie;inAfti; '
i iiit.. i viiiii " ni'',44t.iirkk 5 , rinn tAn" l
ii ' t° °II 0,,-.ii : i4t Pilii.P 44 / I ):f ril 4! C.4'ol{3 Z:L '
g, ,tutil tir , „o.hisvir:e;;etiijiik),i''.4 : ;',i4i!,*loei-to : ' '
strive to
wailing our "fate,.tilkiihewateresheWiAlv eel , '
The Weak' 'aiiii ' - unstailnkiii'MfOino desliny! '
tiiid:Ore washed into': 'oblivion. ' ' The Wiseitil':-
aeoe r iftteg eiri . ir - iintetrinbee sit they preeent
themeeliiB4:pluege • beldti,
cad into the eteeetnotio the , forther.4oe•ill
safety, nett . earn . , 3'4l,l:aortal giiordett ~011.fpr:
sown. , . •
Few' men, if ao3;"ever eueeieededin life :who.,
have . riot learued to oink° the ,
generally their - o . uocieerii In an
not.priipintion ;to their adliereioe>to the
peep elAl4or.fell_?..,.._..Ertiry;nreroharit--ktiewel---,
-that-4187the beet = oourperifrtheTdelitoriciie
Diet T to ticeept ttie firot tiffer:of_oompr_optieieti
and_oot liquOndermoney in Joeleiie_r ti
_ .
- nava you' become insolvent„ yourself?' -The'
worst thing .3m.u. dter o o. to give up to de': '-
split.; and 'My it is: folly trying tO.rod•iitto
yourself, • Has a friend misjudged 3iou, or att.:.
yciu: secret: harm Y , - Doo't,lope-L
lecious moment • in sentimental - grief oval,
Ingratitude, Or paasiponto , threats ; at your.
wrong (Wee; but tp work on the instant; to
Shaine your'friend'or disarm your-foe.
Had -Astor, when he was a poor German -
9rriigrant; made up his Mind that to attempt:
'to boa millionaire was absufl, he mightlire..
. • •
a,boggar in the almshonso. lied Wash. ! •-•"
legion, when Cornwallis . - puraned him aoress L
Nei JerieY with thirty thousendtteops, ,
that it:witshopeless to save-AmiriotiWith.his
fragmentor an army, histhree the - I:mend
teredoontinental, we. might all . this dai•htie '
been in slavery to Great Britain;` but he•sabiti;
:".. If the. Britieb .orees the politytere,X ,
cross the Alleghenies, they' are, Viet°,
rious there !trill f 1.3 to the itlidern'easbeioid
and . ibis resolution rieveßtealin,uK
wain to •make' the best 11.PaverytitIng; ledlo“ • •
the victory of Trenton atullltejreedorinf the:l
Republic. ' .
We are familiar Nri!& people who erbinireen
tinually at fate. To believe there never was
a lot 86 hard as theirs; yet. bona .viholtnew
their history will generally tell you that Weir
life has treed but one long tale of opportuni
ties disregarded, or misfortunes olberwise'de,
served. , Perhaps they were .liorn poor.
this case they, hate the rich, and have, aivrays, t.
hatrd Aileen, but without ever having emulated •
their prudence' or energy. • Perhaps they have.,
eerie theiri.ivals more' 'favored by accident.—
Inibieeveuf they forget' how many have been. 4
lees lucky than - themsolveir;• seihey squander-
ed their little„liecaueo, ail they 'say, they cwt. - )
‘ot 134110 (19 4 1 , 1;koh — }18 othera, Irritated at 14e.
they grow old prematurely. Dissatisfied with
everything, they never permit themselves to
be htippY. BePause they are not MA at the,,
top of the wheel . of fortune, they refuso to take
hold of the spoke as the latter turns around.' - •
but lie stubborn in the dirt, - eryiniiike
ed children, neither doinkanythingthemselrini,L
nor pepoittius,otilers to cio it (or them
Make the beet of ; nveryihing At hews, K.;
106 or hu'ibrd is cross, if servants urn ettye!.:,
less, if olifitkon aro irritating, don't Hy luto i ;
poesioti, or tbat will do no good, but make ).
the best Of the oirountetitnoee, fulfill your day,
cud wait for yn'pAterfilitet.. Abroad; if things'
loJk unprtnbling, preserve etout bona, keep::'
00 . 01, ant play your handto,the best of yottr , ,.
Theetiif fate ban the firetmove,Twhioh
is net trlphlye lie 01180, you have tho
and the gums, inaY ettlrtm, yours, if You ploy. '
A SAopfitlßA44l) or ~FetairB.7 4 g mmint
Thehae a phliblez. of. 'warriors wasg9Tml,34,.,. ~
ii,u4berliig 'a ihouseqd membetle, (iomposed'er !,
yeteilina"tied''Yoeiifill! "llM'Wbelii" .. eeilipiiiii.' 7
vfalF - Miliiid'lliic d erliffetliiiiid - orro - iitiTiTia -'
Friend's," They:Weie pledged never to •for%
sake, one, another ; ; no,: matter what the emer. •it
gimpy. , fe ,a battle, vrtifi !,hilip . of Nemaloni,:f
they,all'perished tegether, every map of t4c.R,,i
side by `
side, in one place, eurropeded,ilyh - eaz
of their lost: Aftei the eonfliot,'Phill':.:e'd'or — '
nized thedfiind was el 'mored bY't ''. thiiii'' ) ,
of the ioene, and the sublimity of7ihe sw at
i ii
,eilnese,,that- 7 atieding to a soaptiabhileAutnue, D ,
opueeruing them
,-- 1 -lim ez . claiiiiMl i Vk4: 0,9 i.;
tearszMe.dewn his, face, !..ii.;et Am pap dare ts c , 4
say that 'these were dishonest '
Ndw the plainest principles Mr ;Metal 01E)y: -
require ; that the • whole 'world :slaaeld.: . be l 'etio'A
sacred band of loveiii aUdlriealei , iusesiarablilq! ,
united; • eustOuing one,,,enother tbreugh . the •
tkialsiefTthis-irptedead-felferint-d l ifeT;ezgl
beneiitli'tlie leie - Of , ilieli. Almighty Fifeha, - 1 ,
dwelling tegether 'sill itiouzid' . itie iegeneriitee
eartti'in'the.boads Of pedee;!and beauty of hir ., 4 •
)i , k O T 3 , 011 1 4 .kcosabooqty of ..woat.. t:..L_- w ,f 41
SOCIEiTtY et , WOMEN:-:"- dr)*
the I wielety of. .women,; lays t--.* ittal.. , l • '
.4 11 0i (9 9°, , * thakit4o, nNetwi444 Adt
r FM . !!!9 uell °;! r !!' o ; i 9?! ) 9f 4 1, ?i , Mi.Art)11,y
j it - 4,9'?•!9°4 ) F4 . I tV m ".P.` ") !i t • Vit e rAix
It ieflnee the ittifte;',gtilekette peireeption, 4
meta 7--- -;
Writer retpllf t 01 1 ,4;111I69-PF I ktff diVitil9l;=.ll •
mulatetif'tolnot4 emir' by Alt eympn y 0
the gentler eex,.turby-the-desire-of powerand - •
ate worth am; AtitAleottiaj superiority than
ujeaNrlwt, fis.efttiti'etiptlictiter*
•brrne - P9h)jklfße.tlifelit!ltiPpeAr 00 1 0; 'F.4 . 11a
thelasolnations of matmers.autt the °Lerma of
rat when he says that ..±AttMegitferitaffgeaubo
d liberal politeness, a women who- bee, sue.
oetiefully,oultientett-herminti without tlimin
.mtneremettreaztrwamwtillikt - artta a reepeat t ,
atid attention ellthitalltilitk-MiuN. 1,1
NO. ,I 5