tie' illarketo. CARLISLE PRODUCE -MARKET. [DEPORTED. FOR ,TIIE, HERALD.] 6A4L181.6, Woduesday, Inibrcter • S , 18, 1857 . . • .F,.427R,pqporfine, - $'6.00 • ~ 6,25 . do Family " • dO . ' - 6, 2 .5 RYR do 3.2 , • : t WILITR•yirITEAT per bushel - • 1,35, •.; F . RED do do - - -; 1,25 Birk' - ,do •-; - 62/ (tile do., GLOVERBEED do TIII(UTIiYBEED. d 0 WINTER BARLEY. do SPRING - BARLO. AO :Rep fipnertisements: - STATEtENT - OF - THE PiIiANCES CEEMI COUNTY OF :CUNlBEiti..it ND ,111011 TIIII, FT IIAY. OF FANO/LOY, TO FON 318 T DAY OF DROISSIDIt,-181 1 S, INOLUsiyg.„. the Commissioners In compliance with' the c ~aisitlenveriirtatiffid-In-the-21d-and-lid-sectlonseroft he-act,of ASSembly of this ComptonFealth, passed the 15th dey of April. A. D. 1831.:end also In conibr mity.with tha .21th section of tho same act, 'which requires the C,ounty'rrtemuren ,oll C 3 In every year to state his account, and produce his doodlers to 'the ,Doeimlsslonere..sviilchiftilf examination briadd Com missionersg ahalrbe iholia laid Vetere - the - County' ---Auditoreforeettlement aecorey to law. In acCordance vulth.whlch A. Bensoman, EfaßTreasorer -of Cumberland, county, submits the following as a correct exhibit of his receipts and expendilures'ibr the past year, ending the 314,day of December, A. D. 1810. ME A:EENSEMAN, ESQ., TREASURER U.EIDIf.IPTS. - •._ , To amount of ' outstanding county tax et • .' • -.-- - - list settlement.. . $11,876.40 Taxes assessed for-11 1 50i 28,107 44 ' -'• • Loans received of 112111 k, 7,912 33 " . Wm. Leonard; 1,000 00 . received of Wm. If. Miller, ~ 1.860.97 . - - received of Wm, Alter,. ' 150 00 . • tax ow unseated lands . . S,' 58 • abatement received oiState Tree ' , • • aurer,.., - 1,315 70 . . verdict fees In.Quartor Sessions, 100'50 4,06r0 duo Treasurer, . • • Total recelptii for 1856; . $50,458 00i/ ./2 , . . .. .. 4 ... OCIIEDULE OF COUNTS TAXES OUTBTANOING OS Tilt 18T DAT ...) a : or JVNUAIIy, A. D:1857, SUDJEOT ro EXONEIIVTIONI! AND, / • nottnissioNs. ,_ 1853, chria.opher zilollinge'r, - 4 $271 27 -1364. SADIUOI ilootow, Mckinnon,' -_ , 91 60 ' . William Grithant Fmnhford, . 91 61 . -......•3101ics Bricker,- Monroe,l64: 94 .. " - - 11.oligrt Melver, No - irvillc, ' ' 44 48 John 11: Spher. - Ntirth.Middleton, • • • 610 60 . 1855. David - Taylor, tipper Allen, • . '• 247 10 - Henry Saxton, Carlbdc. . 685 26 La fay otte PelTer.Biekleison,' • 214 32 . George W. Feeler, Fast Pen nabor9ugh, -210 01 • • Benjamin Jumporqrankford, ' 329 77 - John W. Duey : Silver Spring, . 160 72 1650, Joiner; Collin, Carlisle, ~ ' , 1468, 63 • . John Auldl icklnnon, 1015 99 ' - . -7 .Te - iiii'lli - ofinty, - 11 - en4 l'enniiboror4ll, - -• '7 --- 95 - T1 - Samuel Barry,* Frankford, , t - 136 80 -•-Bttinuel-ltitme;jrn.-Ilannoleit; 145-81 - Jeseidt, 51. Means,* Iltinewell, . - 86 27 • - James lirooks,Bower Allen; . , - 168 34 . .. Adam Barer Mechanicsburg, •• 126 20 Jnmeo Krou4 Monroe,' 1699 65 •., - -- .•John Shenton, Now Cumbarlimil,- - 27 88 I - ' David Wolf, North 511dillatori, ' 281 97 John S. Morrow; Neirville, . 132 90 - - Sonnuel Green, Newton, . . 661 32 ----- . Thomas Bredlof. fibutlilillddleton;-= 30g. 24. . . Smnre K. Kam.. Southampton, - 2 9 95 • . Francis Belie's, Sliver Spring, . 410 60 JaeolyStehnumn. Shlppensburg'borough;9l 21 -- Levi Trogo,f West Peonsborough, • 1181 72 • Da:id Dovinnoy, Upper Allen, , ' 273 80 - • , . $11,652 33 " those marked thug *bavo sincopOld In full. those marked thus.t havb pald.in part. EXPENnimvaEs— . , COURTS, Grand jurors, for services in 1866, ' Traxerso jurors, do. William Gould, as Court crier, Ilonry I,Burliholdoe, boardhigjurore by or :dor of the court . - 73 00 DISTRICT ATNORNRY. William J. Shearer, Diatriet Attorney, foes Iq eeihmonsr.erilth cases, 102 50 GI Witnesses fees In oommonnealtli eases, JUSTICES FEES Justiens foes ILI conunbnvealth ear.cs., CONSTABLI:I3 CASKS. • Conga),len row; In , commonwealth canon i 252 47% EMU= uounty Auditors and Clerk, for sem lees,l2d 00 Philip Quigley, for auditing .yeoutits of PINAR°. • notary, Registor, nod Recorder, . 10 50 PROTIIONOTAILY'S OFFICE Jarnos Loudon, for dockois, - • RECORDER'S OFFICE. John AL Gregg, [cos In commonwealth cases and ' r&Ordlng, . • ,aoi 80 James.Lottdon - , fort radtatte,, 39 25 John • P making ilkoy, for making dock, 35 00 ~. . . • COMMISSIONERS'. OFFICE:. . .iiaries London, for duplicates, binding a n d atEt= - tloncry,. . , 73 723 . Aluirour. Elockar;for, TopAlrlngcapeolllng Wm ' mar, 'John IfyiiilliE vittlilalltiOn%62l, " commlnlouent,fortraveklini.: expense, _ .. . . . . - /sane Kingwalt, for calculating assessment boots, 25 60 James Armstrong, pay as commissioner, 250'50 -- , --GeorgelslAlnsimm ,--..,----' do, 236-50 • Wllliamit. Henderson, do. . 214 50 Andrew Kerr, - . do. OO 00 William !Lang, for services as attorney. 60 00 Michael Wise, rot-services so clerk to commis ' • stoner sl - .I _ 550 00 , „ . 118019TEIV6 OFFICE. WNtem Lytlo, fon indoslog, James London, for Judos Look,, lIBMBM ..lohn B. Tiratton, for public printing, , 237 50 Ephraim 43ortunno t for do. .' 227 25 E. Beatty, for • ." do. ; • 173 00 • Chow Zion, for do. • 54 50. EASTERN PENITENTIARY:T:Ir . . , ".Tol4l7 — ifFin'TTreitilt - fiotßiiitotti Poiiie r Oittiltry, , for support of prlsonors, ' . .. 3 3 8 50 COUNTY JAIL AND PENITENTIARY 11. B:lllt4,ertind_otheKii, for clothing, blankets' ' Ac, for prisoners, Asi,e3l4 Drs. Dalo and Baughman, physicians to jail, --- 30 . 00 - • . Jacob Bowinan, for support of prisoners, 1507 13 ____BAletrdner,Anduthers,lor.repairs,atJail,_l42 IsPll_ (I._Wolf, for.chareoal.forjall,. - ___- ' 5 - 88 • William U. Murray, for stone coal, '• 10 .37 — Alintander T:ileemeriforpalutlnglall-funeo,--32A0..„.. Robert A. Noble, for making liammoelar forint!, 30 00 ' Frodoriek Cornnum, for maklbg stands, Ac., Bit. j 27 00 ail, tleorgo W. Hilton, for stone coal for jai, , ' 465 7 5 Foote A. Bro., gee fixtures to Jail, .. ' Iff4 aux 4t _ . JATaO/1 Muter, Trenton:or of Poor 'House, as per estimate,, . 7,000 00. WlMenu Alexander tuul others, visitors to Poor Ifouse, ,• . • ' . . 30 00 Coredhan d and J.C. Brown.ply 0 • .*8 Dlreetom,v, jOAD'ORD6Dg AND DAMAOES Samnol Shiirp arid otbors, damagcsiairerded by court, 680 00 Sundry persons, on cortificates, • , 357 44. BUIDGIREI, . , Jobn Finley and, others, for building bridge id, Quigley's, , 100 00 John Finley and others, for repelling bridges, 1053131 APPitOrrqATI . ONS. Cumberleink.Unton, and Oood WM Me Coin- ' 45 00 . . EMI= • • • • /John, G. Taylor,tind other Asscamore, for ser vices,lo3l 57% . officers, of general end township elettlops • and looking returns,,. , . . WA 10 PUALIO BllLLDitifie, NAtebir; one yeirtsspliuy.fts Kopper of Ile ' , • • • • 75' 00 T. D. Irish, tr . :o'oos robs ,for',.publie . in r . • dth " A. A. no o ors, 7ps rs pOlio pi, W. • 000 n. r wafting fbo court room, . .184 I, Mrs.doudy,for iitting .. dowu rArp4l,,, ur o toorn, ", • ' • 375 M. Morris, for putting Os - fixturFstuto aoisrt, • roam, Ac„ • 505 • ibANil, ANti.,INTI!p.ETI' s •—• • s - • . , .zipozz,t , ,, ,l-4?3,fArs. • n • , . Vtay andl'Muephy,lor thorelllni snow, floury Saxton; tor bardivitre;/7e.,•, , . • 03.00 7:oaraner, tor Tepatra at jill7'Be., ' ' , 120 20 , Arnold.,tur carpet{''. 7 7. W. - Wade, balsam nu settlement; - 102't71„ loorgaV74lllt.on And Otani. for Oat,,' 70:86b, _.obu 117:177Pt197 7 .. ft+. pctlitagp...._: leorga 4. 17,7:417tar sod others, tbr sundry re.,• : Aranstrsui,lPsr.,.Cozetripstaner, for thetial- , , Itegol7peeeef. ••. : 730.; ' eoegli Weitttaarifot.ditek torisll, • ••••• 20 00' - . 17stcbpe,tbe, swabbing' oeurt - romn, - . 77 , 00' '• setateutatidonbtsreasing buAgyq7tro,'• '.06 beats itlialtitsrtsaansateard 7 , ,. 7 ., ; , )543 ' lahotl, - fer candles, • . ."," Adorn Nrost,for chatreal, .. • . • -45 - 13 I). Martlu) for boarding Jutont,• ;.• : 350 r James Alertly, for eepalrs, • • *3 03 - -•- *.- ' , V. C. Thompoodatid otitere for hOldiug,tte• quests, 318`.28 AIIATF4I9NTS.' . • ' '' , • Joioph A. Woaver owl others, for abate— ' ' ,1. .worts, .• 1,277 05 • • . . . - - - ItEPUNDED-TAXICS, Jacop L. Zug arid othora, taxes refunded, • , : . "71 '55% , • VOX OILDEII:13 gundry persons, on certificates, ININSTABLES. RETURNS. - Sundry porsons, on cortiflimtes, , 92 20 •• • PENNSYL*RNIA • LUN,OII;1 1 . ASYLUM."' Esq.„Treashror, fUr• support of Wulpand others,. . .107 08 6,76 2,60 1 06 ._ - . --, OM ' -- ' ------- • By airtount of Commlselone orders; $42,001 50A Oulstandlog Maas, • . 11,683 42 i '' Collectors foes, . .1,088 42 , " ',Eionorntlous, ~ . . 645 57 , Tronsuioen v ' inmlislon on $12,608.59% , mu Or. " . ~.. .$10,408 014 ' Amount ofrocolptg, .-. 1 . 60 , 458.01 . Cuing RI AND COUNTY, $O. , ~-,,, ..„ • , • ,• C .... D . ' .. - ..„ We,' tho Commlindoners of (Cumberland ---7-- " county, do cortlfy and.milimlt the Atregoing SEAL, as a correct statement of tho reettipts and n'S .-- ' oxpenditures of. tito'giinatY aforesaid, from AM./Ist - of January to the 31st of Derelnber, 1850, 'nein- Xi re, as Also a sehodulo of the outstanding taxes on tho Blot day of December, 1850,,1n the boroughil and. town ships -therein elated, together with a statement of tho ox ondltures under each head of appropriation ma& by tho onup so snore n compliTut7F - t eltll - 11ftgreptifilthnitr - contained in'the 22,1 and - 2311 tiortlons of on-act of•its combly of this Commonitrealth, paSsed the 15th'd.yot Aprll, 1634. Witness our bands and seal of office, at Carlisle, this 20th day, of.butuary, A. D. 1857. - , (1..51.1111A11A 51, - } ..r._._ ' W. - M..IIIOI.D,ERSON, COmmissiOriers.- - . A. KEitlt.. • ~ A ttOst,-31. Wise,-Clerk. , " . - • CIMORRIAND COUNTY, PS. ' - We; the undorsigned Auditor* of Cumberland county, met according to law, and haying examined the ac counts and vouchers of A.S.:mm.6lam Esq., Troasurer of saidcounty, from tho.lot day of Jnuuary, to. the Slot day of December, A. D.. 1956, incluoiro, do certify-that we find owing the Treasuror, A. Sonseman, Esq., the sum of four thousand and sixty-four dollars a'nd one half cent. duo by the county of Cumberland, as, wall up pear by the foregoing oxhibition. In testimony whores of wo Imre hereunto set our-handset Carlisle, this 29th day of January, A. D. 1957. crGODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! - FANCY GOODS, GIFT BOOKS, tee . W. HAVERSTICH ban Just received from the city and In now opening applendld display.of FANCY GOODS, suitable for the approaching Holiday ..Senson, to which be desires .to Call the attention of bin Monde and the public. Hllin assortment-In this line cannot be surpassed in 'novelty and elegance, And both In quality nod price of the articles; cannot fail to please purchariorn; It would be Impossible to cow:lmre . te his , . 110LIDAY -FANCY OGIODS, which comprhai every varletynf fauchirtlcle of the most exquialto shape such he. '• Pallier Macho (hoods, -.-- - • , . . _ ___ •Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory,-pearl and ghat' card tames, . • - . ' • Ladles Fancy Baskets, . • Fancy Work atoms, with sewing instruments, Port alonnides, of every'varlety, ___Unid.pens.and_pencels,,Fauci paper weights, .". • —Papeterlux, and a, argo variety of lading' Fancy station erye - 11inttelienlwand - wafersrfillfedifitheattlinraes, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, - Ladlea' fine cutlery, — . - Perfume baskets and bags, •• ... Brushes of ciliary kind fur the toilet, - libusael'syerfumes of the varinqa kinds,. • - ' - Musical Instruments, of all kinds awl at all prices, ogother with an innumemble varloty of articles elegant yilnialied and Imitable for holllday presents,. to which Incites special attention. ' Also, an axtonaire and elegant collection of . - HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the ',minus English and AmerlcanANNUAIS for 1857, richly embellsbed nod Ilustrated POETICAL. WORKS, with _CIIII.I)IttN'S PIOTORIAL.BOOKS, for children of all we, than which honing C.(111 . ho more viipmprinto or pleasing nshollday gifts. life assnrteion l of School Books end School Statlonry la Also complete, mut comprises every thing used in College and the Schools: Ile also' desires to mil the particularetteution of Families to his ologant-0',4, , LAMPS,OIRANDOLES, &c., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer' nod others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber end Study .Lamps, for burning either lard sperm or ethereal 011, together with Flower.,Yases, Fancy Screens. •Eze. Ills assortment in tide line Is um o,llllllod In the borMigh. Also, F 1 ni't's FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE SERVED" FRUITS, &c., • In every variety and at all prices, nll or - 41110 i are pure and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to him friends end the little folks. Ills stock °inhume $ll2 69 2109 ' l B 48.00 every thing In the line of Fancy •hoods. with tunny other articles useful .to housekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and sou during the holiday s.— lietnember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Dank on Isihrth Hanover street. dee:1 . 118513 S. it% lIAVERSTICR. • 403 30% TtlE TEMPLE 0.1? FANCY! • NOW OPEN. • 40 00 And wilt be .at his Old Read Quarters In North Hanover street, during the Christmas and Now Your's' festivities, with one of the largest assortments of .. CIiOICE CONFECTIONARIES Ever offered in this pine.), consisting in part of Nino Candy Toys and Fruits. Jelly (lakes, Don lions, GUM Chocolnto and Fruit Drops, hose(` Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French stud oxploding Secrets Ac. Also all the common varieties. FRUITS AND NUTS rn of tho latest. Imporiatimis such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nlgs, Prunus; Currants, Citron, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, • Cronin, Corea, end Ground Nuts. • In connection with the above- an extensive aS sortment of • . TOYS AND FANOY GOODS of every quality , and _price, consistiNg In part of Fine - Wax,- kid, chinarcrOng and-other Dolls. -Sewing and Card Baskets, Fancy Boles, Flower Vases, Motto Cups. Tea Setts, Masks, Drulms.ll tins, Air Pistols. Accordoons. ilarmoulcans, Trumpets, Choosmon of hone and wood, :Dominoes, Lotto And other games. Fancy Soaps. Hair Oils and Fort Monolog, Ix. oliaVe - also a One-let of FAMILY BMOC/MIES, such as pulvorlsed. crushed nod brown Sugars, of every grade,Coffee, Molasses, Starch. Croon and Black Tang, Spices,lutter,soda, Sugar, Water . Tliti'llub+crlik, returns his filncero th. to a genor ous public fur the p-stre horotofore bee owed on him, and hopes. by a dos,lro 'to please, to merit a continuance of the soma. 2 ' MON YEA. Carlisle, Dec. 10.1850. 60 - ; - 00 60 03 (I.III,MTMAS . AND NEW YEAR. lIJJ The store of the subscriber is. in receipt, and thq shelves are now supplied with a handsome selection of fine mid rich , 12 OS 9 50 ilind decorated Lamy ivare, ouch en Inkstands, Baskets, Vases, Coffee cum Jewell loxes, Toy Ten and Dinner - setts, China dolls In variety, and a variety of other articles all well suited' for the coming lloilidays.".• AND ,4PICES In evlary variety, fresh and of beet quallty.have just baba added to our former stock. NEW - 1111HILEHENI BUCKWHEAT, of Tory line qual y in sniiill• sacks also •on hand, WU. DERBIES, ItAISINS, • • Currants, atom and'other good. adapted to the season, In variety; constantly In store and for mile by Carlisle. Dec.3o, 'la. .1. W. EBY. I . 3RESENTS FORTHE HOLIDAYS: to get thorn lent EVANS A.OO.'S . ttilAT BOOK SAL K, 402 'lllttpaold Jewelry given away to purchaserit of Books. All-booksavllLbeaohlatLiow_tut_ron •No had at other Store's, many °Mem for luss. New Kooks recoivoll. dolly. A Gift varying in value from 25 cents to 8100, . with each book at the time it is sold. flaying on and p very large stock of new and reliable Books, and as our motto is • Largo Sales andmmall Profits,' we are determined to give our. costrimenti better bargains Until can beruie eiselhere. Any look published in Now. York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent, gift • Included, on receipt of.publisher's price. Catalogues of &mks and presents containing full explanations . will be sent free to all parts of the country. ' The Most liberal Inducements are offered to Agents. Ally pureed by sending us an order for ten Books, with money enclosed will be entitled to atroxtra Book and gift. All orders for, Books iontainiug money, (tn ensure' perlect safety.) shouldU registered at the Post Oillre where they arelnalled, and directed to Evans & Co., Broadway, New York. • •" ligrximacgs.—M. Song, South - Fourth Bt„ Philadolphia; 1.11. Lippincott &.Philadelphia ; D. 'AppletonA Co., Broadway. New York; Derby & Jack: you. Nassau St., New York. Sir 'Send far a Catalogue. EVANS & CO. Principal Store, 409 Broadway. New York. Branch Stores at Philadelphia and Washington, D. 0 1800. r ~ i lltY'S' CHRISTMAS Alsili ItEIV .ag. jk an AltS u ' Em P r il u t:B g LlNJE. o . f — ti tv il l e ri o c , h t a u s m so ti rt . iur i t ,, of ductions. 1.221 Arch St., above, fitly ' ' " Philadelphia. FRY'S WRITINO DESKS, PA PETERES, JEWELL' CAVES, WORK WAKS. inirrontsa =outlier urod In our own workshop; troin'nttorials sossourd to sult th . cl i mate . 'L:B Arch Et. above 6th: • '" • ' - • • • mrs DRESSING OASES of wood ..or Railer, for. travelling or home use; are all fitted with, nrtieles of real utility and warranted Gallery, tho largest, assort moat in tho city to select from., , , • PRY'S CribasySatchels; liortirionales, Travelling Beak Etonin Coors. Scissors in Cases, - Portfllos, &gar Cases, 'Au; as low no shallot. go ads can' to Purchased in the ' •- • 128 Arab , St. above ' • Dee. 8 .1850. • • Philadelphia: 'l4 iIOLLTDAY , PIq:SENTB: 1 aro Inet 4otain ed from Elie city Sod 'Am 'IN a large assortment of elegant,. fiishioilablO, now sty los." Matey. and Staple. DitY'ti GODS; to which I Would respectfully rail the attention of all purchaser!, .Aud the'Ladies Lo n gar ' ' • . , Breech% nod Aquaro Shitelo;„BrarDr, Furs; Ills; • gent Embroldreics; Splendid 'Silks, French MerliOs;' Laines, , Casturnirellalds,ltibbons,' 'Palmas; ao.,:de. A new stork of Clotho and Casshacres.' logs; Calkers; kag-twltrAit'yiniet•lyaii-Cie-tir`rlitti; Also, some elegant Now Patterna Rh - pedal ;rind grain Oarprittinils; ,, lam now receiving New Goods weekl y Ind Aim; oil' ramilly,itt,wiy . red o , „,,,,; . lay oldfripintsd pries ' AO customers, Unit All hi weiit'of cheap end baidsomo wi 11. pleaair to i examilaithilletock heroin' purclhas.. - : lag oleewhere. ' , tIUILIIY.,'" Ow 17,1 1951t'- 012,G01 LSI% A. STEINMAN, TSAAC RINGWALT,}AudItors DAVID MULE, - ", • 311iscerfaneou. =I = , . . . . -" , itl3,nusemein i ESQ., Tnuuninir, In eontern*y with the ligh s ection of an act et 'Aißlembly,',eutfitledigWAer to ---rethie-tha-Mll4l'l3yeteiniAe4"-pt!eed tho 30th day-nt..401,'..1.135:3;exh1b1ts the.fonoming account:____ - ' . .... , T—_l7," • . . " .•.- ?r . •'; To amount Of. Outelemitng thiee'fbr 1856, and prevlouis yearn, es perbiettniitualetitbeleut , • County Aucittore;- 's4oB 26 To amount of Militia fines assessed for the yoar . lBoo, its por ketprn of County Co l t:Z . &lBlone'rei;,, J. 400 00 . . $1,807_89 ~,,,_ , Schedule of Militia taxes, exhibiting amount of. dbplicate, amount received. amona f colleCtors • ' roue, amount of exonerationn. and amount outstanding, for the mar 1866, and "prinlio -o nti yearn, , 1,888 70 t 74 Vii puo,Oomm'onwealtl3, . _ . . . ... . . . . . . _ . . , t A. moont Amount .. , . . Ccllcctocs . Amount -Am ount ' Townships. '. . , Names. - -• Year's . Duplicate. received . received ."tees.' . :Swann& Ciutstandlt.' ~ -- .. . i • . . N..COmberland, ,_ , • Joeoph Musser, 1847..1 -- ' -L3 00 ' ' 7 60' . - . 40 ,' ~ ... 5 N. Cumlearland,. Joseph Musser, • ~, 1810.1.. ' 21 50 ' 66. 'Bs • 'll 59 Shippensburg 8., ` JlllllOll Bricker, 1851. 'l'4o '._Dickinson;-- ... . ~..J_os-A.:Meakiey.„_,-1853._.. 81.50. '3B 83 '' _4.67_ . . -41 -- _l_2.. N. Middleton, ' - john H. Spnitr," es, 18L4. ' 'B6 39 ' 6 39 • - Nowville, • , , Robert Mclver,- 13.00 Upper. Allen, ' D . . avid Taylor, ' ' 1855. 36 00 " • , • . . ' • • , 36 00 .• E. Pennsboro`, , •', • CI. W. Feeler,' ' 80 60 ;-- - 76 48 ' ' 402 '• . ''t '.. , . Eraukfor& ' -IL Jumper '• • 39 60 . . .... • . . Millie, ' •., J. B.Terry,• -, . • , . 31.50 • 21 70 ~: 130 . 51.0 '' ' . -N. Cumberland, William Porter, . V : 14 60 .. 'l3 78 , 72' . . ... Southampton, - A./Highland, .' '• ' __Shippensburgdk- . Thomas Spencer,-' , '58;00 v:,.?z55 - Os " ,--- " - - - 3 1 . 0- ''''''' ' ' ''-'''- '' a- VV' ' Carlisle; '. - ' - - i" .• - James Catlin 124 50 ,14,13 '' . c . . 1 45 - , t . 2710 •,'64 00 .. . , , - . - Upper - ANON' --2 . --- David Devilibey, . ~. " 59 - 00 • r'' . ll:l 05' ' ' : . '':',' •t , ' . -' - • Lower Allen, . . James Brooks, v ' • 'v6400 ' . 56 06 , O5 ' - , - ' • ' Dickinson, .l' • John Auld, ' ' -'' ;,, 103 . 00 , 4.80 ' •11 Penusborte, . • Jess., Laverty, - , 181 50 81 70 : '3 47 ' 17 00 53 50 , Finn kford, . Samuel Berry,- 53 60 65,03 . ..: . 111.60 llntopdenl.H. - Samuel Hume,. ' - : "30 00 . • 2,32'. , , .. 22 50 '' -11epowell, -•-• • J. M. Means, • - ' ' 47 50 - • .41 18_ ' /3111ilin, - . 'M. Kole, . , 00 00 . 25 00. a ' --- '' .1 92 - •'. 69 50 • . • ' Mechanicsburg, Adam Soarer, - - ' -59 E 6 • 301 - 8. - • •, 11 50 . 70.50 Monroe,. , . . "Jacob Kraut, ' , . . ~• N.-Middleton------.- -David-WoIS-7.--.‘. '''' l-. . ---- 7 6 00- _--,-. ----- .-8 p 2, ---„,4 .-.--_ -- -_ N. Cumberland,- John Shenton,' - - :57- 48 •' •-- Hi. - - 1130, - 65.50 Newville, ~ , John S. Mot row, 1 .. , 35 60. • 'l3 40 --' .'4, ,' - '' ' , ' ' 52 50 . : .. • ' Nowtnn, -•' - - ' Samuel Croon, . • • '52 60 . B. Mlddletim..' Thee. Bradley, 76 00 •'62 23 827 ' r , , 0 'lB 00 „ • Silver Spring, Ftanci,s Eckele, / . ~..t: •88 'll .. / - 72 68 - . 382 ' . 9'40 ' eil.,,pq . Sisippenshurg 11.; .' -J. Steinmsnit. . ___, 2. 5390 . ..ff' .-, ;A. ow_ _ - _:;77,... !. -, r- - : - - , - . :12- DO' ~ , -- '2 7 -•- Snuthampton; --- - 3. - 11 - 11olso, ' '-'- '• 68 6U - . • Shlopensburtr.T., . Elba hock, .9 UU tr:Piiifusbord','" ---- ; Lovi - Trego, ~, ' - - ----- 53-50 - - ---,..50 -83_ . _.,-_2.87. s_ '__... ....',... t. _--- -- . - A ' l=7— • . . „ By amount of fines oillidanding remaining uncollected for the year 1856.and.previous years, By amount of commissions allowed Collectors, ~ By amount of exonerations,. • . " . Fy amount paid Assessors, . • . . , By amount paid Button, Cornman and Beatty, . " B - - y Amount paid Capt. J. Messinger, per order Quitman Guards,. - ' By amount paid A. S. Woodburn, per order Big Spring Adamantine Guards, By amount paid Hays Mickoy, per order Springfield Infantry, Ily amount paid Col. S. Crop, Brigade Inspector., for salary, , ;', . • • - By amount paid County Commissioners for servi^es, . . . • _ By_ Treasureroommission 5968 78, at on • per cent., .Antount of Assessors for furnishing.dellnquentTat two emits oarh.,vlz.: " : , Cash paid Joseph M. Brandt, assessor of Monroe, return of 166 persons,. .. ; . ... William Clark, asseeier of Southampton, return of 148 persona. ' Henry Zoaring, assessor of .Lower Allen, return of 128 pm sons, . John G. Taylor, a sessor of Upper Allen, return of "112 persons, . _'' G. E. Kancifer, assessor of Now Cumberland, return of 28 poisons, .- , Daniel Kaufman, assessor of South Middleton, return of 185 persons, • James Shaw, assessor of W. Ponnsborough, return of 123 persons; • . • . Jacob Ziglor, assessor of Nowvillo. return of Ti persons, • . ... John C. Eckels. assessor of Silver Spring, return of 180 persona, . - . .J. B. Eborley, assessor of Mechanicsburg, return of 180 persons, J. D. Dimino. assessor of Dickinson, return of 206 persons,. , - Samuel Eberly, essestior of Ilanipdan, return of 113 persons, . John M. Miller, assonsor of Hopewell, return of 93 . persona, .1:L. McDowell, assessor of Prankford. return of 108 persons, • David Brandt, asseswir of Newton, return' f 111 perking, - _ .... ..._:.! " John" Whigart, assossor of Shippensburg township, return of 18 persons, Jacob Waif, assessor of East Ponnsborough, return of 393. persons, . JOhn Spec°. assessor of Shippensburg borough, return of 112 persona, _ " " William 11. Trout:Assessor of .Corlisle, return of 047 persons.' Salmi.' Megaw, asnissnr of -Mims, return 6f 95 persons, . John Cobb,e assessor of North Middleton, return of 162 persons, • . , ._Ctusurrtryln Couxvr, 118-----:_...—, , ... ...- 7 .. ._,.: ~,.—....---,,..( . IV.l.4llc'und,WAl rued, An-litsrs' of dumberiangi county. elected and sworn according to lair in accordate° with too act of Assembly of the 31th of April, A. D., 1853. having examined thcralxwo account, of A. Houseman,. EwF;Vrosanror-oFtlurestitywforearild,ln-the Inatter-of--Niiiitia taxesolo find-the above correct as above statelli , Mtn JOS our hands at Carliklo, this Bth day of January, A. D. 1857. -' - ... . " .. , J. STSINAIAN„ - .. ISAAC RINGIVATA. Andltore. • .. • DAVID OYSTER, . Stares4inti Sfjojis. • XTEW GOODS.—The subSaiiber has 11 Just opened a variety of-L.tdlea' Telma ➢rorlm, 1.11,4 and Squire filurvis, Blanket Shawls, Marines% Cash auras, 31..u.vde !AIMS, Gingham; Calicos, Blau .kets..C.e., to which he invitee the attention of the OW W. 111.TNitit. aorlinlo, Nov. 20,•18513 1:4 E N T. Z • -B It 0 - FALL LADIES._ Plain Black Silks. Satin Striped, Moire Antiqut, Fancy • Silks; ready made Cloth and Math Mantles, Velvets for Mantles, Habit. Cloths; a full assortment of FURS. in-' - eluding Stone Martin, Sikh, Ac, frotn.s3 PO; Merlnora, Cashmeres, C.ohurgs, Plain and Fancy aO-woo De buttes, Woolen Plaids, Alpaifea, Boni aside; Ilrocha. Stolla and CaShlnor. Shawls, "oil and W. ,tor llounstai Bonnet Velvets, Satins, Feathers, ,Lc.; Ladies' Skirta,_ Flouncing, Trimmlint h Ac., Collars and Trieamlngs 'great variety. • ' = Cloths, Casslmoros, Orurcoats, 8111: and Woolen Undo shlrts,'Craratv, Collars, Caps. lloslrry, Gloves, . • DOMESTICS. ' - A full and complete assortment of Domestlcs,"lncluding 'Wool Blankets, Counterpanes, Domeatiif nod linnet-tea Catnets Woolen and Colton .Carpet Chaiu, Woolen Ynru, dun, Shoes, Looking Olasses, N. 11.—We MVO made orrangenicuts by which we can furnish any goods to ho had in the city at three d. notice. • Oct 14, '69.] NEW GOODS 1 GOO - T4.100s 1 y . IF YUU WANT NEW 000, ' 0000 - 00003, AM) 0 11000 wows uo: o". w00n5 . ,,,-, next door to Maglatichl,l;t's !tote], and qu will - flnitbi Largo assortment of Ladles' °nods, consa,,Ang,of Itinckl . Fancy and Genoa Silks; Merinos. l'orsbni , cloths, D, Laines, De lbws, Alpaectus, Scotch Plaids, 4 :tek Fla& nubs, Scotch, Manchester, EariMon, Clundrnth ( 1 1.0 hamsiCalicoes, Floe ' , roach Worked Collars, I abri - O, Hosiery, (Doves, Au., /Lc. O,I)IESTICS.—WoIon Twilled Flannels, Drilling- Ticking, Bags mid Bogging, Cotton Flannuls.Osnabergs, pone, Cingliatn, Tablo Draper, Checks, white and col, • bred Carpet Chain, Ac. In Shawls and Blankets we Inti : e all sorts, sizes and conditions. Forgentlemon we - have - Fine French Illark Clot>, Illaek and Fancy Casslincres and IMORICIIIP Satiroffest. lugs TWeetlS, Satinutts, Velvet Cord, Kentuckyi Jeans. Le. 1 . . .. - As I.r moo's, women's and olilidron's Boots & Shoes, - wo delli -competlllen. • 1 . , Also, a very sup; ler lot ; Utirorerleei'such as Coffee, Sugar, Rico, Spices, &c. ; , Our stock has Lieu selecteltwlth the greatest care as - - 'lo price and quality, and }re are detertnineitto sell at very seinil advances. ' Thome wishing to purchase: will - html that as aro selling as cheat.-Knot cheaper—than any-home in town; and they will hind it to; their ad. , rant:it° to give us a call. ' . Butter, Eggs, Batts, Soap' and Dried Fruit taken qt Market prices, N. W. WOOI)S,Ag't. Delft fo r go t the place, .next,Sqloor to Meglauchlio's hotel. . rOct. 26 1856 _ IXION I) ARRIVAL OF FALL k - .1 . AND WINTER GOODS. rho subscriber lino just returned tram New York and Philadelphia with the largest assortment of elegant WINTER GOODS ever brought to" Carlisle. The ladies - will find a splendid assortment of Dress Goody of the ,new.t style of E3IIUtOIDERIES, aiY humenso assort ment of Needlaworked Collars; Undorsleoves, Vienne. Inge, Handkerchiefs, #c., very, elegant, and tile cheap• est in America.. • SHAWLS AND SCARPS.-Stella, Brodie, and Blan ket Shawls, beautiful and wiry elieap. BONNETS. FEATHERS AND 'MOWERS of every de. arrlptioni also, a largo 'stock of Bonnet Ribbons, very • G NTLE3II9N'S WRAlL—A:frosb,lak of Cloths, Casab ' mores and Satinattik cheaper than over. A BEANO AND 01.L.OLOIIS.—Ituperial, Xnarala— rNentgitf'd vary _BuriTS_AXD.joHEBAnotherL tarp, of Bents and Shoos, from tiiilietif — ciiinuTiiettriettillii — Pbit , &dolphin. All in wont of cheep. and gond goods,,are respectfully invited to call at the Old Stand, East Main streOt. Carlisle. . • . CHAS. OtiILUY. ' Carllsle, - October 29, 1850. . . PT.PV .GOODS! . NEW GOODS ! - ""FIRST OF THE SEASON! 'he subscriber. has Just returned from the-lantern cities and is cow opening a splendid assortment of FALL GOODS; • which will be sold at very low prima. • . A large stook of• elegant Stella, Tidbit, Cashmere, 'kerbs nod Blanket Bkawis. • • - Au immense assortment ,of the Blest elegant Fancy and Black Silks, very cheap. • ' '.- :. . Sinus da Laines, Chaffing: Merinoen, Pararnottas, and great variety of Dross floods, .very' handsome and very heap. •- 7 -'' 7 , - Flannel, Blankets, Casainettn, Jeans, Clothe and Can. shores In great variety. . . BOOTS AND 9110 ES—A largo lot' et Boots and Shoes if every description, at tholowest•prlies.. • CAItrETINO—A new esseriment of Iniperial, In grain. Venitlen, and Rag Carpets. ' • • .•••• '...' - ' Tho assortment in now very large and 'complete,and all persons in want -of handsome and cheap goods are respootfully invited to call at the Old Stand, Sant Main Street. Sep. 10.1860.) • ' ell Ail 0011.11 Y, NOTICE.--alavin'g dosed' our -busi: um% We' Wish to notify our auntomern of the — 7l - attramrtlitii - ent3ll" - Wbb n - to fiklalitiatto — thif - fl rri 7 .ll - .f" • eemourid make pettlement, end fur the couyeelenee ot euch - ye will - meet:them nt thusteruroiu.tui IV:mini:4w , 'May of each ..Week, uutilhot let el".leuery. . . . • Nov'. 10, 1000. -- "• STAnIIDIAN.fc BONS. ', XOW,READY, NEWSPAPER RECORD;. 'collection, of Newepdper Foam end intiothis ' containing n complete • list of ,b-owcpapere thiPthilred States, Confides and Greet •Britein.. The', , only 'reliable work of the kind in the world; An hovel. nebleaceirtent to .ho Mitt r, Book Publisher,. end Gad. oral Adrortlaei. 'Bye: 200 pp. ' • • On niceipbot $2, It pre.pald' per wail, teeny . part bf the country. _ ' LAY, h BROVIIIIO3, • Pithlialtere, No, 86 Dock•st, Philadelphia. , !Kir Editors Inserting the'above• throe menthe, with "editorial- reference, - end 'alluding copies of the pepor pro•peld Lb the itheyk receive a copy of the I ;work. '•••• l• • •• -• ; (Sept: . . Ai;KYI'S,. — AND::: SHOES ° .—Arioilier , . p limp aspohnimt of Anne Margo and-Sine Boote; dies' • blooroco Boots 'sod .Shoos.• allssei and' Chß. t don's Boots and Shoos, Guru Gvershp,os ind Ballido Sooks, at very Iplv, prices. • ~.. t , , ... ,• , t Doc: 17., , ~. t , . ~ -,' CHAS. OGILBY:i CiANOIO.I.-0.U1tE11..,-.. -None; : si•icirulti; Wl!ita eurediwAttniut Surgical Operation A - • AnC P. urtfenners, l ii to d g d 4 n o ioln , tlo si PrZ o ne n n y t ' add rem(treo),Ou recelpt.ola pestatte•stanip: 'Office; No.' ' • • . • XILiZIA-- O. T $1,867 20 CR• 111LEGANT SUBU.RB.AN RESIDECE• AT PRIVATE SALE. • Situate at the Went end of tho borough °Martian, near Diehl neon College, now 'owned by the Bey. Dr. M'Clin..- ! took- Tho lot 11031 which' the buildings ere erected Iv - attains 71 feet in tont, on nigh Streit and 'estonds acmes the entire square, 480 foot to Louthor Street. • THE MANSION HOUSE hf beau _i • _ fully-situated-on about.the,controol J . . the lot; of midway between'the two • streets on nn elevatedsition earn. • • —• mending a most delightful view of the town and surrounding country. - epifelous end elegantly finished Building constructed parity of frame, rough cast, and partly of Brick, containing en the lower floor Large Parlors, Hall, Librarry, Dluiug Room, Pantry end Kitchen.' On the neeond fiber four 11 9 , t rooms; one Droning Room and a Bask _room; and on tho third story, three Bed Rooms and two Store rooms; The out Buildings consist of a LARGE STA. lILE and Carriage Yonne, Wood House, Work Shop, Outer Kitchen, lee Home and other nut Buildings. Tho Lot is covered with Oriente:AM and Fruit Trees of every description, the fruit being Of the best - quality and in the greatest nbundanco.' . . The buildings are new, end were constructed entire ly regardless of expe n- nse. The Fences en good, and the entire properly—lsnosienscellettt , conffttett. For terms enquire of A. L. Sill, NSLER, Doe. 24. '5B. ' I:sinto Ag'tand Scrivener. • AM ABLE-TOWN PROPERTY .AT PRIVATE 8/44,14'' • . Situate on Vest - gilt:li Street in the horougiof Carlisle, now" owned and occupied, by -Prof. 0, 11. Tiffany. The property in on the Mirth side of the afurbssid. street, t4m lot containing 35 feet in front and 240 feet in dept.. The Improvements are a Large T WO. x 9 . 0• STOUT BRICK HOUSE,' with a commo 4.44 diens Backattilifing of tho name mate' ij~rlal. The entire property Is ilpieltud In • the most elegant manner, with water introduced, an One In every room in the house. Mt. reliant Cellars under the entire Ihdidlnge. The Attte Is drcided Into Chambers, plasterist andewell tinisted. The - .out linildluge are puntereue and, convenient:— Tiler,' is an, escoliptit large STABLE' and Carriage lldnee on the foot of the lot, a Green Hodge, . MIMIEM . . Tho•property Is lu the best possible stritu of repair, baring been recently painted and papered throughout. Thu lot contains an excellent assortment of Fruit, to getuer with Flowers and shrubbery of thu xholcost se lection. • The owner is shout removing from Carlisle, other; wise the property would not ho disposed of. For terms and further particulars, enquire of - A. L..SPONSLEIti Dec. '56. • Real Estato Ag't and Scrivener. DESI.RABLE TOWN PROP.EIerY FOR T 'subscriber offers ntt - 1 mkt the property on which ho now lives, situate -In Louther street, in this -.borough, nearly opposite Dickinson Cones°. The pro• perty consists of a - BUICK DWELLING HOUSE, • - and Lot of Ground, • containing 013 E ACRE, more or less. ,• The house Is new Iri; _and In excellent order, and lins a .com , medians, back building, Stabling and •- • other out,honves attached, with a well of water and pump. The grounds are well cultivated, comprising flower plots shrubbery and shade trees, sod the lot is empty tilled ' with the choicest varieties of fruit, compelling eight kinds oft ail .andosluter apples, at least twenty varieties of peacbdi halfa dozen earls • ties of plums, together with cherries, apricots, pears, raspberries, Currants, gooseberries,. almond and fig trees. &c.,11n adundnuee, all ,of which are in -thrifty bearing cOndition. ;It is in ;every respect a , dcsimble property. Persons disposed to purchase are requested to call and examine... • sepl7,-28854 ,• • • - CHARMS E.lll:lltitetY. ALUAbLE ,CORNER — PROP".fIr.. „ AT PRIVATE BALE. • lantwit'llllSlNEKK STAND situate on the muter of North Ilanever -and Louther Streets, In the borough of Carlisle now owned aud - occuplodley-Jamb-fietter.eontitioing-30,-feet_front. on.llannover street and 24.1 feet on Louther Street.— The improvements on Ilanonver,steeet are :a- large TIIItEE.STOItY DOUSE, with a large brick back build ing finished In the most elegant manner, containing II ..inkrooms including the store room, besides pantries an d COllv enfant closet arrangements. The STOKE , ROOM is 33 feet in depth, fitted up in the best nossible manner and one of the most desirable antliong stablishod business locntlons in our town', • There Is a largo two story brick building fronting on Louthor street, with a shop attached,. now occupied es .a cabinet ' makershop 4 Also a atablaon the foot of the lot, end Other necessary out buildings. The property Is In excellent order having boon recently fitted up by oho present occupant For terms Sc. enquire of . , A. L. SPONSLEII, sept 6, 11165 Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. rrIVO VALUABLE AND lIMBLY CULTIVATED LIMESTONE ,FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE . • . • liltunte In 1/Icklnson lownoldp, Cumberlind county, NO. I. Situate -about ono•half mile wait of the Stone Tavern. on the Walnut Bettonvlioati, about seven . Vice rest of Con join,. • • - • CONTAINING ABOUT 220 ACRES.- 1 CO of which aro 'covered with Mod Timber and the reit-. due la In a high stet* of cultivation: ~ . The improvements arc a lenledoubleTwicatory Frame. 'lleums; Ifilled An—with brick and f p • . ''..:. I it, .worithortoardedi :kiteheti at.arbod, wabd-Iwustrywash-betnxamithe hints& , • .lairt . .to. r A double bog Born, ITAXPn shod,. !•!-'" corn Drib: and carriage house. , There - ore two uevor-thiling Wolleof Water, one at this house" and one at the born r and a large clatorn. "A fine 'Or , 'chard or apples: together with ,reaches peare, chortles; , grapes, Ac. , . , . .. . , A line has been run dividing thopraat into two parts, , one' of which:with the aboVe Mentioned improvements' , will contain 115 acres. Thorn la a one and a-half 'start hog House bud Stable on the other pert - ••• • "No. '2. Sltunto in said township, about one ndle,woat Of No. C;.on the State Road' leading finm - Gettyebuni to Renville. and Shoat midway between the Walnut Rot tom Road and the Turnpike, -: ' ' ' . ~--,--,- •• • , ' • • ~ CONTAININCI- 110 ACRES, •' • ' ~: abOut 4b of Which are .coyered.viith'• excellent Timber, ,'the residue Jain a good stale of. cultivation and under 11 0 M.fence• ;Theltnninveinenta are nutiroly new, , and co nsist ore. FRAME WEATIIIIIO3OAItD itouan, two stories, with. a basement ;•a Primo illaris,lowur .par‘ stone, a cistern St the door, with•othor' Improvementsr 1 ' ' Thoati, properties ;are..bandstomely situated...and 'offer the greatest Inducements to pprrbtutera,' The landle of the most proddietivercharacter, ail the location 'desira ble In every. reepeot...sliortormanwt.further particulars enquire 0f. ,. , ~; ,-.. ~ .;....A, L.C.SPONSGIIII4.4".. .• ~ , Oct. 1 1855-11 w 1, ,- Roll Estate Agoqt 414 Body: .' .... - ENll4ll§l-14WW,IIONG-811.4.1.11b9i .-oint opepl4ootitig;n44's sti=wlitLbiov4s, comroo. ~1 :pi HEAT' 26f White, Tarinln4 - fv—mvcring -- Chantlatarir-nna l'ictiiru Frames, lo sitaap-bY ,171-4,,K1 . June - , GEO. W. ILITN:EIt o== $279 . fio ME] $978 78 Real (fstate Sufes;_ EC= IE VQTlPE'ia'herebkOiven that appliaa :ll,ls -- . ltOilifor,Licausa.under-the-art of-810.4:1 . March; leso,.entltled.." An Act to. newt:dote the gale of Intox= ceding LlqueraPmnet be lilted wit); tho, uoderatitteelpti or before,the 210 ( day 'Of Alarch'nextl. : • • JOHN dL OREObt,:l. • • Oler)i of quer. floes. MICH.—AII pevions knowing' tlieni:: • ; Imlieeladebted.to 0.1thot!„ - .4#4 , ,trus herebymotlP 1; 114 T ed to call - kind Settle tholo respectlvonecounts ai soon de eietelblei es he Ic deldrous,to make a toneral tiettlement. Nottoe, Is alio'glteu to those baying claims or demands tcal net 0. Johan', to present the same wlshout delay, for ettlement, . L __l_ . _, ~ - ,' 0. INHOFP, Ag!.. . Carlisle; Feb.,ls ; 3867.-31. BSTATE ;OF REV. ALEXANDER ' EIfARE, docCesed.—Notice is hereby given that tters Testamentary on the EsOtte of Ilex. Alexander Sharp; late of Newton .townshipeCumberiand county' decepsed,. have 'bean granted by the Eel/Inter of said. -, residing in the 'same town themselves Indebted to mid . , dmniedinto payment. and ,t than for settlement.to JOHN MARE, - Executor. Feb ii—pd STATE OF .JANE MAR o;43 oiTitistnetfl7thEndlo—'n-Nodn,-I%!!esh:ait-YogLTut-trlit late. or Dleklnsan.*Stenship. Cumberland aounty, de• conned, havablarri granted by, the Register otthe itald county;,to the subscriber, residing In Newton township. All persons having claims against said estate ere re. quested to present them for settleniont t ,and thaw!. In; debted to mike hnniedlate payment to • • • GEORGE iItIERRAN, *Administrator.' • yeb:llilBs7:, 'resADJOURNED .COURT.--NOTICE '—lit-hereby=givenFthat - lionatirsittaitait, dent Judge of the Court of Common Plene r han sued hie prompt, bearing date the.22d day of DeceitWer, tbtfl, ordering an Adjourned Court of Comthon•Pleas to be holden nr 0011110 in and for the county of .Cumbers lend, on Monday. the 22d' day of FebruarY,AL.D.VM. it .10 , h'ilnett. A. M., for the trial of all hums in the 1-Pleas;daperidintamtlortriatbra'jury.--t—,—*' • N - 0T101 4 .1 - 1 . 0 ---1 3REDITORS;"-NO. I TICE Is hereby given that I-have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland , county, for tho bandit of the Insolvent Laws, and they appointed Monday the -11th -day Of April, 1817. at the Court House. in the borough of Carlisle, for the biefring of me' and my credit-ore, when and where yoti'may at tend If proper. • WM. (MINN* • Jan. 15, 1857. $568 89 *568 89 50 12 279 50 58 20 MOO 5000. 75 00 50 00 /J 7 40 50 00 0 68 ..S . TATA' OF. J. C. I3LACK, U4—Notiee is hereby given that Letters oflAdminr Istration on the estate of J. C. flack, bite of Lower•Ab len toOnship, Cumberland county, deed, have been issued to the subscriber, - residinp in mid township. All pereons • Indebted to mid estate are requested to v roaknimmodhite payment,_and_those haying claims to present them for settlement to • D. 811,f,LLT,' Doc. 21, 1820... Administrator. 3 12 2 02 2.60 2_24. 1, STATE, - OF` HA - NINfAH - 7PFLEA: GER;DEV'D.—Notice Is hereby given that Let. taro of Administration on the estate of Hannah ['Ran ger, Into of Dickinson township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of the said county; to the subscriber, 'residing in- Newton township.. All persons having chain, against raid on. tate are roluested to pregiint them for settlement, and those Indebted to make Immediate payment to ~ DAVID DEMUTH', Administrator. Doe. 3, 1850 30 7 sp 2 24 04, 1 98 3 04 ESTATE of . WHITEHILL'CRANE, •1 Decessed.L-.Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the est4o - of - Crone, late' of Myer Spritio township. Cumberland aunty, damm ed, have boon granted by ,the Register of said County to the subscriber, residing in Nortb pllddloton town persons,knonitut themselves Indebted to said S'otatp are required to make immediate payment,. and' those having claims to present them for sottlefuent to declo pd • \, TIIO3IAB U. CIIAMIOIIIO, Ad'r. C 33 ri 4 STATE . OF . • JOHN HHIKES -I_‘.4 DECEASED.—Notici; in hereby 'irlvon that lir:- tern Tratamentary on the estate of John Heiken, late of Went Pennsborongh township. Cumberland county, demeaned, heart-been panted bY•the Itegiater or Odd, county to the subscribers resldine in the .nmo town ship. -- All persons Indebted to mild eatatenne rerouted to make immediate payment, and those hailng claims will pi °sent them for settlement to ("NORGE "[DIKES, DAVID lIEIKES. Executor& Nov. 19--43 t A ]'STATE OF ELIZABETEIWILT; ii!A DECD.—NOME: le hereby,given that totters of Administration on the estate of Ellsnbeth Wilt. Into or Newton township, Cumberland county, , doc'd, hove boon granted by the' Resider of mid. county, to- the intloteribeicrlitildlififili — Wekt — Pennshorouglioif All persons knowing. theresel*es Indebted to said co tote ore requested to make Immtitilate payment, and those having claims to present thorn for settlement to OBORGbfI RBA, Administrator, MEMO ft STATE OF ELIZABETH KERR, . diaeli — ,,lcertrttioTun . nthme"otronrArd'hjittlnot!lloo-f. ceased, have boon duly issned to the subscriber residing In amid Borough. All persons having Claims against mid Estate will present them for settlement and those Indebted will make payment to -- . ' 4 . - .3 . 01115 t D. GORDA% .I.lx,'d Nov. 5.1855] CUMB . ERLAND .VALLEY It R. - CHAIM OE MUM '-r013:44 . On end alter., MONDAY, OctOber 13, 1856, Passenger Trains wit' run as follows: (Sundays excepted: NOR HARRISBURG : Ist Train. 2d Train. Leave ChambersbOry 3.45, A. M 240, P. M. Shipponsburg, 9.20,, -' 2.45, " — Norville, ' 9.45. .• ' 3.20, " 66 Carlisle, ' 10.25, " 3.55, " Meclannlctburg, 10.55, " 4.25, At Harrisburg, 11.25. " 4.52; 6 ' POR CIIAMBRISSBURO. • ..let Train. 2d Trains (mare Harrisburg, 8.45, A. M 1.40, P. M lershanicsburg 9.25, " 2.10, " Carlisle, 10.15, " 2.48, " " Norville, 10.50, " 3.25, 66 " Shlpponsburg, 11.20, " -. 8.50, 66 At Chambersburg, ' . 1153, - " - 2.28; 66 ' TRAINS , . heave Harrisburg for Philadelphia al 7.15 P. AI., and . 1.15, via Columbia:. Leave Itarrisburgfor Plttsbuig at 3.30 A.M.; 12.55 noon, end 5.05 P. M. Leave Marrisburg for Baltimore, at . 8.50 A. 51., and at I I'. V. • Core of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road leave liar •riaburg for Auburn, Reading, &c.. daily. . idirAt all. Stations where Tickets are sold, Fares aro TEN CENTS LESS than when paid in the. Carn,, - O. N. LULL,- Supoiltitendopt. Rall ROad Office, Chautheraburg, } Oct. 14.„1850. , -.3nsuraner. NVEST BRANCIF TINSUgANOE CO., OF LOOK HAVEN, PA., Insures 'Detached buildings, stores, Merchandise, Farm Property, and othoebuildings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITAL 8300,000—ClIAKTElt PSRPF.TOAL. • DIRECTORS. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. 0.0. Harvey, John D. liall, • -T. - T. Abrams, _ Chart. A. Mayer,. D. J. Jackman, Charles . Crist.,._ W. White, Peter Dickinson, . Thos. Kitchen. HON. Ch P. -11AltVitY, Pree. . . . T. C. ABEAM, Vice Pros. . . Tiicouts Kutner, Secretary. . Samuel 419: A. A.Vliiigardnerj „ L. A. Mackey, A. White • John W. Idnynerd, •' -- Jennint lion. Simon Cauwroik;'-'• ' 11.6 n. Ingter. WAL C. KIICHNI, Agent, Learliele Poon'a. 111ay'15.1860-1* ARIISLE AGENO'Y FOB INDBBINITY AUAINBT LOSS BY VIRE. • 4 141 E FRANKLIN 'FIRE INSURANCE Ca'Y., - • - OP,PHILADELPUIA. Charter Perpetual.—s4oll,ooo Capital paid in— °face 10834 Chesnut street. • MAIO) INNURANCE, either permApeet or limited, against toss or damage by tire, on PROPZRTY and - CFPECTS of every description, In town or Country, on the, most reasonable terms. Applications made either persomilli or by letter,' will beproloPtly atl.euded So.', ; • • - - • ' N ,lIANOICEN;Pres't., The subscriber is agent for the . above company. for Oarlisle and Its vicinity. All applications for Inouranco either by mail or pursonallp will be primptly attended to,by . A. L gIYORSLBit, ' • deutS,'6s: , , Real Rotate Agent and Scrivener. jl,_ 411 11 1 .11 EA01T 8 1'E.NIN111 14 (1110 14 ,11 ifiti tI A ‘II L E: PIEEI:- U ItA NOE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo. : rated by an net of Assembly, if now fully organized, and Id operation under the management of the following 'comuilesionurs, dine Daniel Bailey, William It. borgae Bitching Conklin, Meleholi-Dronueman,-Ebrietlau-Stn dnan,lnhallitun, by, Jacob U. Confer, Lewis flyer, floury Logan,,lienja• In n .11...Musser, Jarob Mumma,' Jenephlatibskershalin Alexander Cathcart, • . . • • ~ ~ ,' : . • The rates of insurance aro as low indlivorablOas any 'Company' of the kind in• the State. Persons wishing to beeepo membere are invited to make application tollie agouts of the company, who aret Arllling to, wait upon them at any time. BENJ.,II. DIOSBER, Profkit4t., ••• lIENEY,I,OOAN,..VIce President ., . •.• .• •."s'' " ..... . • - j_ , J.,EDYIB 11YE11,• Secretary. f, ' 311911AEL CDOREIN, Treasurer, •_• . • _ OUMBIffibAND COLlNTY.—ltudolph Martin, N. Oum beriandt, 0., 8. , Herman, Kingetowun 'Henry Bearing Shirenutostotru•V Chariots - Bell;. Carlisle ; • Dr.' J. &hi 'Cliurelitown ; Samuel , Graham , Went • Penusborongh Anton ,Mes•Dowol; Pranlifordi Mode Griffith,: Smith Mid dleton; 'gamma Qom, Benjamin ILaveretlek, Meehan iteburg; John Bherclek,rldeburn; David •Ontver,. ithep. hgr l,7ollK O,)IINTY.--John Bowman, Dilisburg; Peter ,warord, Fraukilut John Brnith, , Bea.; IVashington 5; Pielthi.,Dever; J.M.Craft;•Paraditii, ,•,ItA.ltitiBßUlto.-11ouser & Locbman. Moinbete of ,the coinpanyliavlhg poncho about to t , x 'plOttn e have. them renewed, by making ap Oration 'iriY etthe nant., , e, • , ••=•,,.• , • ,• • N.LL — PATEIV.:;;Tiiiitr - ideelVeiVir; . , riiilindhl stock ,or ',Paper- Itiniglngp. , Windire - , shiliniaind,Firebeeril Prints, embracing all the neweaC. 1 I . ,acid meet , Apprgyed ellen": The-dealgoll , are :pellt,llD4 ' i Acid% awl the priacicancli ,aa eannot.falllnktve antis !,.. faction', ; ;IV Ppdte etic.frlenda anir,tha, public : general, ry - to call pxaminnour,pasarlinumt before purchaanciP.; ' 41serthere. ;' —.l . . - • 11, :8/I,XTUNi''.:I , 4 East Pima Street: Carilele MEE dtices. 14oAti - TOP - COAL-L:' • • _ • naketnltbs' Coal rem - raving and fur mileetod " Droed Top by • Bop.; 18604 ~ . W. •. out. • TO BLACKSMITHS. • ' lam now prepared to'supply you with the celebrated oad. Top Coal, which' hi conaiderod the best in tho State. Como and look at It. I been the -Allegheny Coal ales on hand, all or which I will sell IoW for cash. . • Quick salmi and short 'pronto is my motto—a nimbleridx,l In batter than 'a - dull shilling.' Please glve us a i^:•frnlh one and all. - •' • • (1 - .4..R.LISLE -- __DFX_OBVZ - .733 -- 1 5 ENK.,,- . AIL. SPECIAL .DEPOSITS 'O2O. • • vidbetrocelved at this Batik, incorporated by the. tate . of Pennsylvania, for as short a period as Foutt'MOrrrits, and Interest paid at the rate of Furs PEE corm. per an num, and the principal paid back. at any time afterma, • turity,. withim t 'notice. • '- , " -- 'lViteresr - ceaseraftertheozpimtiotrif Mokifitildieet , fled in the certificate, unless renewed for another given _ period of four Months, or 'longer. in 'Which _case the _in, terest .is paid up until .the time of renewal. Bank _ opens at 9 otclock A. M.; and closes at 3 o'.clock. P. M. By order_of the Board of Directors. • CUbIBERLAND VALLEY' BANK. ._ ..,. ....__ PROPRIETORS. , __WILLIAM Ken- . . kistertorn . BneNtrastur, RODERT'O. BT;RRiTT,' JOHN DUNLAP, RICHARD WOODS, JOHN S. STRAIT; • - JOHN 0. DUNLAP, -- :_ - f us:my A.BTUROZON. ' ' • This Bank, doing business In the name of HER, BRENNEMAN A CO. is now fully prepared to do agen 7 - oral Banking Business with promptnesS and fidelity. ' . Money received on Deposit and paid back on demand wlttio t notire.nterest paid on Special 'Deposits.— - Cortlll - ten of De Milt, beiritig"hitfifest at the - lute of - FIVE. ER CEN . will be Issued for as short &period as FOUR ONTIIS. t ..- -- -Interesk - orrEIV certificates will cease" at maturity. provided, however, that if said certificates are renewed at any time khorenfter for another given period, they shall beafthe utmerate of interest up to the time Of renewal. Particular attention paid to the collection of Notes,Drafts, Checks, Ac., in any part of the United States or Canadalt • , Remittances made to Engbend, Tieland - or the Conti sent. The faithful and confidential execution of all or, dery entrusted to them, may be relied Upon. They call. - the attention of Farmers, Mechanics, and all. other', who desire a safe depository for their money to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of TIIIS BANK ARE INDIVIDUAbLY LIABLE TO THE EXTENT OF - TIIEIR 'ESTATES, for all the DEPOSITS and ether -OBLIGATIONS-of Ker. Brenneman ..4 Co, -- They have riceutly cornered Into their ifziv BANK ING DOUSE, directly opposite .their former stand. in West Main Street.'a few doors East of the Ball Road Depot, where they will at all times be pleased to:give - • any information destrodin-regard to money matters In general. . . . Open for business frim 0 o'clock in the Morning un -Ail .4 o'clock in the-ovening -,-, 11. - .A.STII4aKOfiI,- . Doc. 17, 1850. - - - .'',' , Cashier. NEW "HAT __•__CAP _AND _SHOE STORE.' '" ''• 'ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS F0R0856. The subscriber hen just opened in the fitomproom for nierly occupied by Oeo.'W. Intim, on the corner of the . public square, Mein street, near the Market Muse, and adjoining the Jewelry Store of - Wm. D. Mngle, an en __tinily u 3W and splendid assortment_of Fall and Winter Goods—comprising the latest styles of ' - • HATS, C4.PS, BOOTS AND SIIDES, . - of every variety and' finish. - His' lints consist of extra fine Moleskin, - Beaver, Pwaria.Olaretf_neWiiith, Sporthigliatibittc.__Also Straw_ Hate of all varieties. These lints are manufactured by Morris_ k. Co., gird Mho. celebrated Minces of Philadelphia. Mims also every variety of Lame mann ' facture. these goods,he will guarantee to Oro 'entire mtineiction. Ills stock of Shims in made up of every 'variety and style from the cheapest to the befit article in the mar ket. and cannot fall to please. - ' - no respectfully solicits the patronage of the public, - - fueling confident that ho can cull the cheapest and bust - goods In the county, NEW G - It , OCERIES!- J. W. EBY. A alotell selection of Unice . rioalitt:Tryory variety, in nlinlitigr.SPlVoi-aint Tea, hivelain added to our former assortment, amontr - whlch.ninv be had 'strictlyprime RIO, .JAVA , LAO BYO "it MOCHA COFFEE,. •• • together with le kotilral assortment of • BROWN h WHITE !SUGARS, •- • including ern-Anal, Granulated. Put Verb:OlL 0,111 Clari. fled Sugars. Also a lot of Newqiteese, Farolro,Coro Starch, Mustard; Chocolate, Ac. Also Green andlllacl! Teas, of denkin's select brand. . For'salo at the lowest prices at MARION HALT. 0R0.• CIERY by • (Oet 21) J. W. Ely. . L 8 5 s 6 I—V4 RESIL ARRIVAL OF lIARDWARE I ' 1 , II caRY XTON. The subscriber leaving returned from the city would call the attention his friends and tho public to the' large and well selected assortment of Hardware which lie has just received, consisting in part of BUILDING, MA- TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts, glass. putty paints, oils, to. TOOLS.—edgetools; mars and planes o every description,vrith files, rasps; hemmers, anvils, dm GLASS of !every deWcriptlon and quality-common glass ordißerent brands, white polished American gloss, French glass of all PIUS; double thick glass of all sixes, ground enamelled glass, Ac. • A general assortment of 8110E.ITARERS AND SAD. DLEIG3 TOOLS, together with morocco; lining and bind. Ing skins. shoe thretd, wax, pegs, lasts, harness ritount. -lug; saddletrees, 7 . • TRDEGlNGearmaser . (plain, - enamelled. -fir bred and embossed ' ) patent and enamelled leather, Wes. springs, hube, spokes, fellow, sharts, ac. ; Ac. SGspinet 3lakers will 'find A large. assortment of varm ishes,nelibighifyand -- walnutmeneers,moulding,rueet hair cloth, ended hair, Ae. ' ' , WRITE POLISII PAINT—A newartiolo for making a beautiful; white and 'brilliant polish, for diningloome, •' larders, As. -- • , • IRON—A large stock, comprising all kinds In general sloe. • -- VI6.ROMOOIbOr the old stand, East nigh' Street, Car lisle, Pa.. March 20,185 . 61 • • • ,lIRNItY SAVPON. Thos. Bowman, D. D., Win. Fannin, • . Dr. J.B. OnWribril,, • VT. Mairi wrArma ' RON ! IRON l w ,The , ittoiltion'_of I the nubile and Illi'Maiiiith'i -- pirtieulrly - hrrequmt ,- '„ ed to the largo assortment of,Bar +924,Reiled lion of all nlzeiand kinds Steel' orall kiiide,4 lies; limps. &MY/ ' phites, Azelis,Niees; thdlowe,. and °Very thin% !hit the Blacksmith msy,want. sold,lnqyantltlei atzrfty ' wholaside priees.7. All kinds warranted. ;, , ~! •, • • • `" '.1011:;1' V. 'SON. bet, 'l;r 'N. Illanoven'Starlisl 4 ' . ' • . ---- . - IN pIigSTING . '• 111-: F,W1111.11..:: • , The illail - e'Corie iiiia Co, ittio,i'ive biie I. niq,' inii ''a , 'n;h e'lifilllas talon th e tiretviinletio:over alFotheive‘' nrirrilieLie of the reeantS tate wiwt %minty liairAYlNeorY ;.., router who fooils'etoei'ehopht iiiii,e'one et these. willa by .. 1 , f q •, , • , .7011N P. LtNE & BON. ' Nsils, '6e. North lige:weer Street . , Carlisle. , . . km( ; /Ind% VA. !MILY:IIOA.V.SO.O 'TONS LY KENBVALLEY COAL, .11roidti and roaaveeped, preparodpapresaly for famllytum arid kept Mora covsa, so, that I can' furnish It Dm and 'Meat( during the -winter seams, - - I intro 'Also 'on - hantr and Ter - eile the LUKIt 'FIDLER GOAL front the mines of Boyd, Rosier A Co., and totABOKIN. COAL from the mince of . ••• , ran, Peal Co., all of Whfch I will 4011 at email profire for cash; mid deliver to any part of tha borough. . , n0v.14, '6l. , • •W. Bt MURRAY. TO COAL CONSUMERS- 7 ... The sub scriber would rosioetfully.luilte the attention of o cltlvette of Carliolo to his - large .stock of COAkol various kinds, immix as Lyken'a Valley , Broken;. Egg, Nut for Lhieburners, Trovorton, Egg and Nut, Shama kin Broken, Egg and Nut; all of which ho will eel at .reduced pilaw from last year; for mob. The Broken, Egg, and Mire o :ad.; for 71 Yifffii tnrr Mee se I hope to have a liberal patron , , - ' JACOLI . BIIROM: . ANY-All orders loft at hlifrealdilnee in East strait, or. at rater' Monyer's and llonry Baxton'e stores, will be promptly,attanded to. . • [Oct.l, 1850. tjuitko Wlll. M. BEETEM, • . • CashieV. Dee 24,1856 Storm aub Sop. 17, 1866 soTOBACCO.—Of this weed, embracing Snuff and Cigars, we have now on hand chokeion, onion, among which are (strendlsh (both plain and sweet), Fig, Congress, Plug and Fine Twist Tobacce,• of 'choice, Importations, an well es other gal,' brands of Iligartt , --Entry Imams we omit—all of whirl, we offer at least as equal In quality, If not bettor, then any other assortment In the market. For sole at the old stand. Oct 22. 1850. SPR.ING AND SUMM:EIi lINTS'AND CAPSI The undersigned invites the attention of his old ens. tumors and the public to his new and seasonable as. Borten:At of SILIC, FUR and URA IV HATS, CLOTH, CAI'S, Au tbr gentlemen a•til Boys wear, of the latest styles and best quality. Tho assortment will be found to embrate every sort and size of Hats (and Caps for Men, Boys and Children, from the commonest 'end cheapest to the most stylish and Etsblonable, such as Oakford's spring stylaof gentloriten's Hate, White, Bleck and Brown, Slouch flats, with Fur lists ofhis own man ufacture, Boys cloth cape of various colors and prices, frith a large assortment of Mon's and iloy's straw hats of different qualities aid prices, to suit the pockettrof both rich and poor. Feeling confident that every pur- Chaser can be accommodated from his extensive and varied assortment. he. conlially .1111/Rea his friends to call and examine at his old ectablisliment on Main. Street. • WM. If. TROUT. • OSEWOOD PIANOS FOE SALE -• _.a.u.Tmo neat and elegant Rosewood' plane IN and ' 'Davis7 octavos, how the celebrated mainifactory, of lfallot, 4 Co., Boston. 'Those Instruments have boon carefully solootod•from a large stook, and are•warranted to give entire eAtiehetion. They wlll be sold•at •.• . u • • Cl, T Y Infr (115'; • • , . • and kept' In order by a Competent poeson, for no year hom date of sale. Mono who may wielf to examine: or. o pure mind a good Inatrument, are invited to call upon -- • the suboorbor at his residence in Carlisle. • Also, TOJUINT, two good second-hand PiaTIO !fortes at ..$8 per quarter{' - • JOHN' K. BTAYMAN.' PANS,- . GE2 . I4,I 3 I)VTANS:=-- ecolvocL'alot Of Chain Fwils-ofgliwolnes' and Molder's manufacture.. Also A fill 4 assortinent of Hay. • Straw. - A. - 41 Fodder Cutters, df four dlffiiront kinds, at. the cheap Hardware Store,of ..„ July la, 1850,1' C 1 S MEAT -CUTTERS 1- , ..7LEIMITIIHISEIII3 Patent Sausage 'Meat Cotterr,' the beet In the world—k.dves on concave and cylinder .-made to cut not grtud. Tor sale by ,• . • drald' J AItidSTRONG • . . . A MERICAN' i-AGRICULTIMIST. .• ; • I 1 GE . JUDD,ll9l_Wator.st,f Tonne OneDollse .Pub'ret-Prop'r.--1 7 7New-Yerk,.--tit Year In-Advance' VOL. may: New. &ides, No. 12 ARMERS FARM RS i F ARMERS prz..,11000,4 i: 1 CIARDEN- - Ens. OWNERS ‘..f CF. PLOTS. OWNERS CF PLOTS. QUG AR . CANE. 611 QUGAR I ►J CANE.. QUGAR ky 0 ANE. QUGAR CANE. t 1 ONLY ONE. MEE= O N" ONE. (INLY V ONE. TRY n TRY IT. AGRICULTURIST FOR JAN. 1857. ' PART OE CONTENTS:. , Worts son sift Miss—Two goodpickles for. beautiful. instructive ar- Itorislistsum—Agr. : Press tide. CALENDAR On OPERATIONS for JANUAnY.—A catalogue o , -- work to be done In the Field. • Orchard; Carden, Often and lloblconses, interspersed with many valuable hints. ..This In n. special feature — of this Journal. The Calendar • lays out one's work before him, and materially aide and systematizes his plans. ASHES for manuring. ASPARAGUS—FUR Ebaptor on culture—perhaps the most complete yet writ; ten. ~ BEE Itivaa-311nuti dln3o. Cloths of making Cheap, effective, unpateuted k ifieg-inaencyi 0 AnnAacs-Wireteiing.• I Conn-r The _CesengtautB—Vdll dytedis aloripssuiccessfulgteV• er'e experience very good. Eous..—Two good articles on securing In winter. EVARORIIIRW—From Bond. FENCINO—FUIIX disowned. GARDZS OP A ,LPROTINPN-7 'lnieretalng chapter of de- tails.' GARDEN OT A MECHANIC—A large two column cut, shoving .nuinner of lay Ing out; the place of , trees. plants, vegetables, -'Au A capital thing for all' cultivators of small, plots. ORAFrlge AND BUDDING.— . Excellent plan. Gases CULTUNE. first of a full, practical singes by an experienced grower. • • de. AMILY,.„GRO,9.FAIES,--4uat , re celted alarge addition tolny stock of Family Oro, caries, among which will be foundEloiLagnyra, mocha; Java end Boasted' : COI I ifEES,: Crushed • Lump , Ortinu.l.n . hard and Brown .SUEAES; LoVering . Syrup, NOW Cr.., sind-Elnger-liousalliOLASSES;Llike,.Starett,Scap; Bode, Cream Tartar , ' Ac,, Herkimer, Bine Apple, end So • CIIEESE; Black; Ilyson, Imperial and extra TEAS • Spices of every variety, Chocolate. Coma,: Bac; rise and. orn Starch,Ealsins, Currants, Ott ron, Beans, Hominy, Cranberries, Macaroni,' Grits. !fable ..011, Ketcluip,, Poppet , Saucer, Brazened' : reacher, Pine Apples and, Stlifirberrles, Plakels, Oar blue, Onions 4indViccolilli,BA,ith Lobsters, Ac, ' mill special attention to. nly.laneatock of •' • ..• . . fegstra and' Tobacco, '; which is not excelled in the town. Lovers of the weedC ,can be sulted•either in udality or prlee. Also Whits, Crease," a.substitute for Tar. ' ' ' MACKEItEL N0.'1,, 2, and White .Fish, Shad. Smoked lierring,•&e. ' • ' All of the above urticlaliara frish. and will he Boyd , ihr casli.or Country Biodlicatakim In exchange, ' , • , • Jona. aoss= VORIO.3NT , ilk-WsitlD6h.FlJ'efflt. ooarly oPPonlia'the Rail 'Road Depot. 'Tbierhouse Is well adapted for any publie business, or, s tituirrtddeuce„tbr a mall family. tuts basin lbrcuorly Occupied AR 11 13 9400M' Eton+. For further parthstlare ouquire.of the bscriber. Posses;.. pion gpron:letuf 401, 1/747, - • .7, . .. .. . . --: , , .. ~ . j : I I OIt,,SAILE:A - 13ARGAINTho 1 1 ' Clunitielter and Lailims . , ,al"lbe Fiis )*7,t,01',.:_,,,, .Haply to . • . , , - - •...- • v EiAltEr}:l6 iILT:iOTT,„' ~:;",,,,:,7„, . ,:, • , , JOS. VIIAIatiLIM --,.:,-...:,,,,;,..' ''; -, I : , '- I =-011Afi. OGILBY. . • , . Jnu. 7, 1857,.. ; , ~ ' . committee, , ~.. $l-005067-$2OO -- do.; amount px even the smallest of the above sums r Would It not thin, be gookpOlicy to Add a single dolier'more, and receive at the :beginning of 'every month large work-of TWENfT-101311 pp., • 01/ellt , with the' experiences of a greatimudamotymnmnadoingthe same things as yourself? When you tun .puttlng in a crop, rearing ad animal, planting an orchard, or doing. any one:iff the thousand things connected with farm work, would It not pay , to know .how others . begin, and carry on the • It is truly said: "Every one min learn bomothlng • from every , one elsreven from afoot." Tryon con , soft a fournallie. twelve months which'.contains during that•tinte °tor FIVE ItUNDRED articles, sly- ' log, plain;. practical accounts of What others find to be.tho BUT and - ansT . .totortrialts crops, aciimali, fruits, da.‘-the best modes of doing various - kinds of works, ac,-111.1a not..profltable that you many hints, each, worth dollais to you? Tns Ant:moan Aosumiennusi 'fa such ei journal as. this.. It is, con ducted,-by;Xotactrext, _WOKING. MEN; who Snook, not from thin?, - bittfriiiirerineriene - e. -. • , It iaLalnJWie of. tii,serillevr.. perfectly_independentijournals_of the.country,hat big no connection vilth'-any - manufacturers - 'of ,Itui ourea-br implements, or. sellers et animals or trees.'. flaring a large" PTYPIn Its own basis, gads= aliford..to be.. ciaspolien on all Snidest'. - It 'il, and will continno .to' be, partici*• larly down upon sttriaidtural.h2 hugs - -;-:eautious' In , •referenea uncertain-hew thinge—and tun - to set before Its readeire the!' claims of whatever is nom tuba good and useful. EMI • ~ , „ This page could bifilltib tha statements of, a toralltuderdf mad; or who have ItryeariPast derived their hundreds of dollars bf profit from hlntrln Merges of Tim M. RICITIAMBIDT, and who have bieri saved by its warnings from the Im positions of unomnpnlons specula- tors tin humbug manures, plants; , Fruit Growers, Stock Raisers, In short, mar. oms who dultisates a tangle rod of ,gonna viii find it PVING isysantiorr, to supply himself, or henielf,,wlth.ths Agriculturist. It wilt cost dolling° try It for a yein,___L_ .CHINESE :NORTHERN, SUGAR GANE.—AII old and new' flub, TILE MILEitICXN AGEICULTIIIIIEST,..L . wishing to try pm, Interesting, midi promising plant, wall be rupplled least TWQ lIDNDRED AND FIFTY 'Per: fact Seeds • NUS or CLIAI.O; If they send a.. prepaid (i 3 -cent) envelope, ready directed, to mall t erg In. graiv_Thls number of Seeds will plant sit to ten slums, rods; and produce an 'bun: , dance of seed for a dozen or twenty acres, another year, should It be wanted. i. 11.—FULL" directions - for,eultnrcl, , treatment, &e. wlll be given In the Agri. eulturist-dudig_the.Bprlng ondLgumper._ The Publisher bas just recalled a large mw supply of Brat-rate Pour, fresh Seeds fro — m — Fraildelelderdle — his-preelbus large Stock of American growth. He has - new enough to plant over . TWO HUN DREDacres. None of this dock is for • . sale, nt all now on band will be divided; among subscribers to •tbe.MII.IIOIILTUR- • IST. (Distribution from Jan. 20 to Feb.; • Ni.) Soma 200 Or more applicatione are ' calved daily; and 16,000 packages of about SW Seeds each are being made up. THE AGRICULTURIST le generally.ae knowledged to be the BEST Journal in the country, devoted only ,toSoliseultnre' in all Its various departinente: , It is the -• near," Immune of its great variety of. plain, practical, reliable Lustreictlen , For sl year-you get a large' beautifu l.: and" very yaluablo Volume of TWO HUNDRED :, AND EIGIITT-ElGHT.large'double Quer,. Jounial. many times Its cost to everfolie. Those subscribing 'or the AGRICULTURIST will OMR get the Sugar Calle Seeds for ' , less': Gem nothing." -N. 11.—Bulovr. in an outline of ONLY ONE Number, and that got up under tile excitement and bustle of attending- to , nearly FIFTEEN THOUSAND new sub . - .ribors, hundreds of letters of-Inquiry, Ice. 1.-Eiyarcit _Sides humbera -equal Wed; S'ird to much bolter as posciblo, will be e hunished tblayear. N.D.—The Agritultuist Is stereotyped, • }lnd any now subscriber can begin with the year. ' N..I.I.—THE AGRICULTURIST is sated at the Metropolitan 'City of. the country—the best point for getting the best information from every section. N. B. N. D. N. D. N. D. • N. D.—TILE AGRICULTURIST surpass es all olbor Elmllarjournals in having be. sides its Resident Conducting Editor au Associate Editor at E A CII ofseveral points in the E'ABTERY, Mtuw.R and Warm( States. A dozen of these moo, who are tho rough-going practical Cultivators, Fruit. growers stock-misers, Ac., are constantly furnishing to. TILE AGRICULTURIST their combined oxporienee and observe: Lions In their several localities. This ar raugemeut gives the journal UNEQUAL ED advantages for diffusing the very near practical informntion,collectea from each division of the country. Every FARMER. MI:MEANT. ME. CHAIM or PROFESSIONAL MAN, who Is mmually, expending $l,OOO, $lOO. $lOO, or but $lO or $2O Upon his Farm, Garden, or Ilnuse.plot, or upon his Animals, will be. well to 'expend a singlo dollar a year more in supplying himself with ME AGI- ItICTLTURALIST. From Its full FIVE II UNDIIED good articles given every year, no ono ran fall to derive et least some, hints that' will be worth.to /dm mark! times the met. ' ISIZEU=I lloases—Black Hawk, Innis lionses—PoN, EAU cUSOIe Msnuara, No. I—Tbo tab of a thpsouglaly prudes), saris& . MsNunns—N. J. MeV Msetotes--An amusing and, Instructive cut, abowlyis bon am* of the. Epee Manures . ' are." got , tritima ingacconoto‘an attempt "to use : . OurrtallArer—ltOw ~o cook Pait--Tho Pttott Stoiath..lcuttmout of - pita-Anne% vitbput plea Poxotoorcas. SOCissr; - Arne. rican ,, -PrAtaesioPiedefts, routoterm—fraigiofs trial IltsbrreamtAimlforinntit: iiniX l 4TßNlniatNelgb .l ,; "bor omss a, No. 2. RM/14,1/4 or Pie Pini4— - — Pull - ebapter-on-calture , ,. l ac Pars—birectioni ibr growing, with Nati- Rd cat. PT1.)243 to , OMMY Dais --Work plp:111111114 No. I—By. pnatical grower, The first of fault series to be . continued :through the: • pier, wittnappropriate imoutbly direetions. Rasa Cox, Chinesee , —Mors about Able Interesting, new phut.. (200 to 400, weds to be distributed ruts to to, subscriber sending a reedy directed, stamped envelope.) , Turn—Digging bolos fir. , Tuusika—llow ralsonicbeag' : Yrnstst--Chaptor on. , &a. 40. . • . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers