Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 18, 1857, Image 2

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    t a IkOr..klllll,i.Ot, 4
rixis Ii. ~ l7•~. ` dy
WEDNESDAY, 'FED. 11, 1857
.goe Largest aoi TOcapesUpaper.
sm.The jion. L. Todd has our: thanks
fdr dirduments.
THE . Fmni . Caul '. -.Papers from vori
-=litit-zputrters Of the'rpountiy,'
. eieeptionS,:- unite - m....prononncing the
fruit crop uninjUred.,thus.far.:77There is
. .
abundant,opporturaty for its -destruction
yet. Late apring.frosts are •as fatal as
-winter's cold: ,
nag Commissioners, one of which_ 'is,
ted-fioink eacifjudioial-distriet:in.the
Fifsie met at Harrisburg on Thursday
list.._ liobert Hell.*, of Terry; represents
this.distriet. Magraw, 'State-Trees
urer,is ex-officio President of, the Board.
Thc'Botird - ,-,thiii..cientitituted - meets once
iiilliree'ireaye equalize the rate of tax
attort,npott,t e assessed real estate in the
different ecinntiesof the Commonnealth.
L Titc Board is entitled to sit thirty . days
and the members , receive $2 per day:, as
corapiisa4on. • , •
.John Nl...Yost - or, of Harrisburg, Was
c„hasen ohiof olork ; Nelson Weiser and
13:11. Slayrnaker assistant clerks; An
drew Krause doorkeeper,' and J. Haile-
_ ba ugh, Messenger.
learn - from the Lancaster papers that Da
'iliFLOnitellerrtlielate President of the
Lancastef Bank, —ell ru- B. C. i3aoh-.
man, the lah?.Casi
-fortnei has t id to bail in
liii3l)O hoped that any. - frauds, that may
have been comMittPd in this institution
will now bo proved,•and Ihe delinquents
whoever they areTpunished7 -1 1' e, com
plaint Ohargos . ,_that_.sme . _time. in the
montkof March, 1855, David-Longneek
er, then I' . resident of the Lancaster Bank,
and .B. C.• Bachman, Cashier" - of"said
Bank;paid fiftylhousand dollars of the
"money of the Bank to the Lancaster 'Sa
vings Institution, on notes of Wm;
L. Helfanstein, which notes were-en-
denied by either the President or Cashier
of said Bank, in their , individual ,narrie
or names, and other Directors of said
Bank; that at the niattirity of these notes
they were presented at the Bank foi:priy
went, and were directed by the Cashi6i
to be paid, although 'at the time; Mr.'Heb .
fenstoin had 'rro funds in that Bank to his
ei — edit to meet them--thus appropriating
the funds of the Bank to their, own pri=
Tate indebtedness to an amount exceeding
The complaint further charges that
the said .David Longnecker, as President
of the Lancaster Bank,, did at varions
times appropriate the funds of said Bank,
to his own individual use And benefit,
and. also that he foaned out sums Of mon
ey, the property of said bank,• without
the knowledge or consent of the .Diree
tors, to individuals without 'security, and
which - have been since lost to the bank.
Broderick has been elected United States
Senator for the long term, in jlace of
John B. Weller, and William M. Gwin,
for the' short term. Both were nomina-
ted in caucus—Mr. Broderick securing
his own nomination 'first; ' . The Alta
Californian says, it is generally supposed.
that the election of Galin is. the result of
a bargain, disgraceful in its. !minim, the
terms of which aro di,Ctateny Mr. Broil
' trick, who had jn•his own hand a sof&
ciont . numberof vofei to sdcuro the elec.'
tion of whomsoever he pleased. The
bargain. is, said to be that Mr. Givitiyields .
011_41 . aim_to 'any_ influenee_in_the. :Federal_
litiptantniente_wMi.7 - Gwitillas - publishett
a : letter, in which he states that he shall
not interfere in dispensation of ,Ea-
eoutiie favors...
TAE CUPAENCY'ACT.--A bi th:sbeeo
InttOdueeciinto the•Legislature.t,'-reimal
the sot of last session ivhi'eti-proltibits the
Trust and Deposit Banks froth paying out
the notes..of foreign banks : The goyer-,
nor Signed ',the bill ip Noveinher,iurhieh
postpones ifs, operation mntilAbo , first. , of
July next.,; :In Ale:meantime the rapesl
of the act will be' attemliteil;•init as that
is not at all likely to pass either Honse,
another bill hais'bean:inlioduced, prohibi.
tingirivate hank'Ors and, biokers, from
payipg out the notes of. any othlr than
paying, banks of Yennsylvania.
This is retaliation non the brokers, and
oes of the , passage of this lattoi' in'easiire
fth t
the health. of our; diaiingnished country ;
Kine,,hati not iraproitedliv, his
visit tn,..kltivanna. ,24. private despatch
wee received .by . .his 'family ' . -yesterday,
giving' thelatest report, which repreSe:nt
ed•that'he was thOn in ti l dyirigSeonditiOli.
This,;thougli - 'proiMblY not unexpected,
will be
,Aad.newe to'his,friends.
MIAITAnt..ConvENTIoN.—Thd Cop
• mitb*ow the 14ilitia - Sydem• of thii State
Legialatmi hife
, iary
burg ,the„26* 1144,1
.•• • ,
fa) oonfidentTha wengivo ekifies-
S.: ohm to the if qpiver
: sal"sentiment nf=all.iho i;oppomplonAo tit , "
Harrisbitrglefegrap, When‘ Idepre
tiate..enyln44•••actio(i in `:eallsrig.._ti_Stitte
•-•,,,Conyentiiin Whiedt shiplimbiaceiestttlinn
all-who-are-opposed to the dominance of
the foreign:and Slave. powe'rinthocoun -. .
try. With that opposition united,
„as it
should an.d 'can be, nui-Bucceis s
must be eettain. Pivided! .. Md-separated ,
defeat is • inettitible. With the, prefer
ence fortnen:and names we have nothing
to do. We hattle . for principles. tTo
make thoseprineipics anything more than
- an ,abstrotion„ we. must
ried out, in the State and nation..
,Tondo ;
`this we must pursue such ;Irani
,as will'
; secure elmcose, otherwise ;our principles
liiive;ect.praettcal endittrvicw,-and attdin
no!practiearresuli. The . -tone."the -
Press, and tli?' One - rel . mittietiof
tlirOUghout:the State, Convince, Its
that thiSis n.inost. suspiciettit time to, of--"
-.feet sneh, a nnioe i;of, ail the .elementi to
•Lonofricoisin, as will render-stre
ceSs certain; but porno:Tent: - We"trust,
therefore, that no"peW jealousieS,
sonol l bialieriiigs4ill be 'permitted- to--inL
teryene__to,_prevoßk_a .consummation_.-
devoutlY to be, wished for." • ,
We hope' t to arrangements for the
placb and mann r of holding such
a Convention Will be' conceded to the, op
position members of the -Legislature.
They represdnt all shades'of opinion and
names of the opposition, and it . avoids
the contest between : . the - three' different
State committees in existence. "a That
they will netjuStly pod priidentlifri:- the
matter, their 'Coin'se thus, far should con
vince all.
foeo,State Convention for the nothinatien,
of candidates for , Gevernor, Canal
missioner, and :judge of the. Supreme .
Court; i 8 called to incet Iltirriiburgbii
the 2d of Maich. Quito - a. number - o£
Candidates 'are already in the - "iield for
these nOminstions.. -In the eastern jurri.
of the State Trod:. Witte appears
LAO - 3p Op prominent - Vubcrnatorinteandi-:
- .date. -.The delegates from. Philadelphia
and Montgomery are instructed,in Mc fa
vor. -- The delegates from-Allegheny 'aro'
instruntea_for_ Era Samuel W. - - Black.
_._John_Jl4-Damsan,.;of -Fsyette,. find Cp).
Wm.-Hoplrinsi-of-Washington;. are - - - also
urged in the western Part of the State.
-. a9n. Wm. F., Paek - er is the prominent
candidate of the- nortliern Democracy
Mesara: Witte and--Packer may be said
to be.the principal competitors - for thii
lontling_p_osition. on theilicket.
' For Judge ofthe'SuPreme Court, Chief
Justice Lewis is understood to be a caii.
didate for re-noininiitiou, and will . most
'probably be selector though. he ~is op- -
posed in various quarters. Nimrod Strick--
fitind, of Chester county,-and Gen' David .
Laury, of Lehigh,. are reapecti , ielyuyg4
by - their'frieride the post 'cif . Canal'
Conunissioneri with divers of others of
less note.
Pennsylvania Coal Trade
The produoton of bituminous coal, in
Pennsylvania, last year, amounted,to 2,-
000;600 tons, and tie atlaraci , Le trade
amounted to 7,258 891 tons,—making
•an aggregate of 9,258,891., The total
value, of this coal, for 1856, reckoned'at
84,25 a ton, at the place of delivery or
,consumption, would be - but a fraction
short 0f1340,000,000. In the year 1825,
the amount of bituminouq coal employed'
in the, - manufacturing, establishments—of
Pittsburgh and - vicinity was one million
of bushels, which, at eighty Rounfis to a
bushel, would amount to 35,714 tons. In
1842, the production largely exceeding
the consumption, amounting to 420,000 ;
which was increased in . 1846 to 678,572
tons. The bituminous coal produced du
ring the past year was consumed painci
. pally in the iron works of western Penn
- sylvania ; -while, remainder, - a
profitable trade was . carried on with the
rets h ions adjacent, with the, West, and
with -Philadelphia..•
•• .
. In 1820, only 365 tons of anthracite
.coal were mined: In thirty-six lears , it
--hitstrown-to-.--be--110--most —magnificent
mining interest on. oui. continent. '
—lt-is needless for us to`say, much in, praise
of this old'and:well-establislied periodical;
for it is presumed -- , that readers.
literature, are acquainted,witt the merits of
Grisham. The March number, which ie now
before us, furnishes us an, excellent table, of
OClnte'nta. "Fountain and MtirkittittTcplian:
steel ensii,liag: ai r la
colored Fashicib Plate.- „Alm opening. article
le entitled dlaseefari'd Bravery:J./Web:4'4l6.LO',
,Couvreur andlaurice DeSirxe." -It giees'en
interesting'paseageln the life' of this Marshal
and will be'perutiediby the reader with•plens•
ure. . ThirGliosCof ri` legend of
the olden time; and poseeseenil the mystery
'Which belongs te.tales of this kind. , Fallow , '
ing this is "The Bridal 'Wine.Glass," a r 'trde.
which inis a thrilling interest, arid nonveys.ritt
,excelleneMoriii. A mind= of nther, °caul
butioni, equally entertaining, are to , be faunl
preliairrintliber.-Pbiiazlellshia -,
son and Co.. $B - a year. ' • •.•
'. lona I'mm-4-During the etorm of Sunday
the:2sth inet,oa. peafowl; 'belonging Mr,
'Anthony ..13ender;of.Wayneebtirg, taking'ref-'
tige frcirdthe litoint along aide :of ." , a.focidof
I meek, wan drifted over, Mr. Bender being in
PIO :K 1 ..80.004, leet,...dieoovered
aOlllO kidd of ahead protrudli.g through, -the
. drift; 'add "dalling one' Ide sone to fob* a
theY dug the enoW' . aivay;"itnd found
..the mysterious bead to belong to the. inieslng
:.pea•fowl•lt ,bad hem uttder- tbo.;drift.. three
weeks all to .one day, and le, ,and, tieing
Tns . bib to liidOns6 pay
• of the Army Offmere nppenrei tn be in danger. ,
The Committee Oe,Dltlitnry
unto, 'teen' , reported' It, el:1f atnendtpontAr..
' but' little .tine left tOldleetitne
amendtninto; at' title -stein , orthe cOmi
le likely to fall:threui3ll:3;
. ,
—totait..antk_Tountg 3ttatters.
.:?,‘,'.• ~-.., ,:,-,,„_......:•.__. .
itp, k ..• it • B .
t4 , , .- , n ,ATL , OAD, RIDG .he daro
ilie ,oioneAo the Ril itony Bridge , t Har rie-
p,,1, #g, .laealicp4
y been temporarily repntreif,'
raid „.fie once again oommiiii4
#reeeieg op
Monday loot.
LECITURES. — The jeiitiiri)
item Dr. Dougherty on Thursday evening loot,
im e.a truly adiriirabliprodtiotion and "Wailis •
toned to with the deepeet Nerest'hy till.: 0-
'Mende. The lecture to-Imorrow evening will
be by oni,frieyd•M'ajoiv 'pgC. - 'i' r llte leer .
tore is aniiirSa . il nod "-Twice-told-Tale." Wit
if co we are quite sure the 'Major will invest
tellineivlth new - inteteso - The
ceeding lecture, on .Thursday
will be by Om. ExcejfkiCy idoy:'11011ook,t When
an Intellectual treat of no orcilunrr, abovactei
may be expootel '
....QUAID. 'COUNTY. NORMAL- SC1100t:- . - , -
?mreueni to npiMintmetit , lheAliiiird.Of True
tees-oP the Cumberland, ooliaity Nermal School
met lri,:l. , _Literar,y.'Hall Pa 700
.Tuesday, FebruarylOth,:at
The Itoard . wtur! 'order' by Danic4
Shelly, President,. ' • •
. . . .
Vp1111311.4 P3?.kBENTL4._ •
J: (},'Willieme;;Cnrl9l6 ; thon. ,8..
• Ham din • Abid:lgthherhih -- Narth'lifiddle - '
ton; , 3i i pe;lliokinson , ; Wm. ItTer or"
Lower, Allen ;,;13olonion: Nobler, - -Upper
;Allen • Vim, Mc Culloch, ; Newton; . M.
`Statifeer:ll4iewoll - ; - .T. -11 : - Herron; ;
Janie& McCullough,' Weet Ponusbofer7M: -
drilrith,-South . • '
~Co motion Abraham Larnbortomwas choiten
•:Scorothry protem: 4 1ciipurnod to poet at 1
o'clock 'P. M: . • • • • -• • •.. •
Mr. Williams submitted a course.of instruo
tion prepared by Mr. - ITainilton 'oldorlisle, to
he adopted in the Norinal'School. Onmation
the course of instrlietionmill include Survey-.
ing, Algebra, Geometry, ,-Mensuration;. Nat:
PhilosophY, Astronomy. and Physiology;" in
addition to the brainshes - enumerated .1n - the
On motion. ' • '•
Resolved, Thnt the age of admission' to the
Ndimal department,-be for feinales I 6 years,
for Males On -rnotion - : - -
&added, That the doll's of instructors con
sist 'of a - Principal and three ProfesSore. On
Resolved, That the' tuithin fee in tho .Nor
departinent tie five dollave..per
On motidn. • • • •
Resolved.. That Me Board or Sohool -Direct
tore of Ndwville be members' of this '•Board of
Trustees allowing thew but one ,voto
Board. .
• -Rankled, ThOt the first session of ther.N.or.
inel,Sehool - commence, on the Bth of ' April
On motion, Me . eere.
I oti Oa k —Herr° a nd—Li n e-:.were—appoin ted, •a
mcimikiittee to nominate teacher% s for the Mr
ei o'eloel, P. M.
, TheComratto_o to:ilomioi4e, teachers repor
ted,' and the following leachers were -elected:
' 7 l . 7riticip_fil•t:DANTEL SUELLY. : •
;--PrOrotieois—E3...l3. iieigeb, D. E:Knet, F. 3.1
L. GiHelen. - ,
PM MODEL' 801100 LS
Teacher of Mph School—
. Primary—Moo Mary Shelly.;
---Resoired; - 7,Thaf-pupils applying for ndtnis. , :.
Dion to. the Ncrmal School, shall prodnoe sat
isfactoty-evideneo-of-good-tnoral - eharadte •
Rcsolued, That for each twenty five dollars
contribilted hyany-Board of School Directors
of the county to the Normal School,- said
Board no contributing shall have the privilege
of sending one pupil free oftuition.
On motion; each Board of Directors in the,
county vvnet`apPointed a' committee to raise :
voluntary oontributions. • . - •
On motion, Alcestis Herron, 'Woodburn . and
McKinney were aOpointed a committee e i te
procure a charter for the Normal Scheel. --
On motion, J. H. Herron was elected Troia
urer, and Jnines M'Candlieh Secretary of the
Board of,Tructeee. • • .
Bee)tiled,. That Oiled shall constitute a quo
"rum to transact business.
Adjourned to meet at•the call of the Preel
'THE WEATILER.--711 , 1Tieer appears to
be breaking up, and the air is mild and genial.
The prospect seems to favor the 'expedtation
of an early spring. •
SPRI NO - SALES.—BiIIs for the follow
ing Sales have been printed nt this office:
Sale pi' Wm. Knettierof Mifflin toittnntliPt .
on TeetOny, the 10th of Meech.
Sale of George .W._Brandt,,_of_ Garlise, on.
Thursday, the 20th of Fetwunry.
Sale of Samuel, McCullough , • of NeWton
township, - on Thurisday, , the 10th of February.
Sale of Tobias H. Seitz; of Dickinson town•
-ship, on Friday; the 18th of March.
Sale of floury Lute, of Meiiioe township,
on IVednewlay, the 4th'of. March.
—Selo by John R. Sherri, Exeoutor of Roy.
A. Sharp, she'd., of Newton toyrniliipi on
Wodtiesday,ltlic-Ilth of March ; • .
or SitnersatiUtrno.—Thomas Ilarnitz, a colored.
man, who had'attained the age of one hundred
and three years, died in We place, on Fr (fay
Inst. fle was the father.of fourteen Children,
from whom have descended' over' tiro hundred
grand children, Und.o,number of great4rand•
children and grent-grent 7 grand children. FIE;
'woe in the enjoyment of good health,' and woe
_frequently!tieertLimlking nbotitth e * ifieits • till
'within a few weeke of lileAeatli.*** was
born in the neighborhood of GrtieUcastlU.
Franklin county, in March 1554, and remained
tilers until the year 1802,' when he came to
Shippeneburg, whore he -remained 'until* hie
`death.-L-Shippenaburg Notre' • • . •
, SuDDEIV L biIATtr.-L-Itbebcimesotiipaitt7
:int . duty totimounee - the vary ttuOdeu, dotoloo,
of ltliti * Srlelngee,"iyife:Ok. Springer
;or th'i4 Bnrong6l o n 8,
woo lit the enjoyme nt of pr etty health..
and who eintegeillin ;sewin g . the evo
ning';'nbdut "eleven e'elogit she who token with
.h violent vomiting which canoed' the 'rupture
.of tt blood VBE9oI, and dent!' ensued t in aboui
nn bout.-=-Nechaniialung dtizetio : *
At a meeting' of the' Tinian
§oolety af.DiakinsoL
eamble - Ftil - .resqlittiocittere7nrnitttoutdr
WEIEUBAS _lmp. _pleased, Altnip,hty, god.
in Divltie,'Proilidenea to'remove from our
'midst our.muoh esteemed Brother and Yellow ,
crnion. , exttue F. Gummi, of Biyertoirn,
• Resafrid,,.That we sincerely .reiret,the.loss,
df our ginorous., noble, and .starm•hefirted,
friend; and ilea teniloi Sur henrt , felt sympts,
thles to !Ai in mutuel boreatei:
• Resofr_eg t iv, this. dispensation.;
(lave been deprived, of fi heloepti brother. and,
oaa In 'atieri redpect rinittiy . of , our fullest
tionfldence aad , esteeni. ; -
Etiolved, ',That the Halt ho.draped, and the
inenibere, wear the,ueual hedge ef .mourning,
for thlrtedays: -
hia6bied, iiiipitif'thiPs :itUtatitiotio
tie vent the'lamilr.otAtheirAeUensed, , itint
also be. published. in the and , •Potta 4 l
r • ~
• W.. W.' BRIM: .
Tut'. ntruniaiLL . •al vatincit
The New.yorkeprosnedent of the Phila- •
delpliia aii4o vi,..,kor.he,f : the following abstract
'of the AlidlinettAkeilow: i Tuesdny iu•the wise
of., the .iOurdegti'ior;,-Biiictifil"
r - c - Tickfirfafeedinei of7thOtiquei r d, n - t
tiOle ofltapart aims o,rfiier fCiieneoti r -A)r.
, Rrivaiii;•-•tedger, Ode
itliiiii r teUonislicti : ehaig#Aiiitered on the 28th
of Octob9r,iti showing
that he .Was actually to the oitSroivthe day of
tha.,:allegel.linafriage.".• This teovis-also - -Aion;
firmed by a director of the Artisan's Bniik,
who states that Dr. Burden attended a meet
.the Board-on, that day: •
,lii;the'conrep-ef afternoon. Mr. Farrell
was passing Dr. Burden's house, at 111111')u:0
acul sawn num-pass -in. • Immediately
afterwards he heard a cry of murder" and a
fall. He stopped to listen.-when man. in his
Shlio sleeves' opined Dr; Burdidl's front' door
and'erdered him awitY.
FittridrisuitienbeeilaetitAY taken in to' an
other room„where..froirva number-of-personc,
he Peniteirtint l Eckof as 'the man. - The latter
appeared i dumb founded;' bet Uttered' not
The stray,trtink Philadelpiria;.epppOsed
AO - Intro' been Bizikel's,„lt . appears, belongs to
another-I-Person/of the Alma name.: Que.-wit
ness teetified' to the honesty Of -Ferrell's:ohm .
power, but the latter:it testimony not gene
rally: credited. -
Thero•urc . various opinions in New Yerk ae
to tb l• •
tit testimony,. , The, tor,
respondence of the Ledger writes, on W,eduee;
To; daylho, testimony of Farrell has declined
(In oredibliitys 50 per cent. This is the Man
who. professes id :have aeon Or. - Burclell go
Into_3l._Boint stre.ot a leyr• minutes before the
'hunter, null to ofeing.Eok4Lciterirards:eakkie
ho.wever, says he has
hedri in , iho habit of :drinking sometiMee' no
may as 80 glasses-of-spirits without hurting
him, and this ciroumstance:makes people dCubt
whether he' didn't see doulilc on the night of
the murder. " ' Then; again, there woe • nothing
wonderful in, hie identifying Eckel inn room.
where.there were thirty other pertionsfor it
seems that the eyes of all the twenty' nine
Wire turned to that personage, and so riveted
there 'that. any. man , of ordinary intelligence
trust hove concluded—as FOrroll did—thot..ho
was the man, • • .
The Tribuno:ortye:
The testimony given on .Tuesday by Mr.
Farrell is a subject of special discassion in nil
circles, and much doubt is entertained
its veracity. But the most-general impression
is that Mr. Farrell's testimony io *reality re- .
liable. Strong reasons araput forward-for the•
latter opinion. , . • ,
The Times says Farrell's testitnopy ;was otio:'
tainet , Utt thinivay;, . • . .
An anonymotie letter wits sent to. the core,
ner 'stating that a Mr.. Farrell was' in . Bond
:street on the night of. the murder; and had
evidence to give of some Importance, hut that
be declined-to come forward,-"lest-he should.
be kept .from his family and inconvenie”oed
by app en ri pr . ne ,witness,. as ha a poor,
yeifti. , aifisOqii - enceefildiFeunitauttiention -
Mr - . - Farrell was summoned to attend; end he
of Fishhill, N. Y.
- The herald tays,:
The testimony of Mr. Farrell is highly im
portant...ln : the -first, place,-it sorrobern tes
the avidene - e of^three Other permute l'ut 'to the
'time of the murder. Ble.'have 'now four re
epeotable witnesses.wheAx:.thellinieint_be,
tweet half-past ten and eleven. • They all
heard- the cry of murder'. '• 'Two-of them saw
a mon answering' to .the description of 'Dr..
Burden enter the house. - Mr. Farrell, in ad.
dition to this,-glyes us-an account of the tilomF
an the stairway and street door. The man,
Who left. utifinished 'to go down to
the street ropy .deposited the 'marks bn-ble
way. and there Is a stain of-blood on-the pleas
@weare - that EttlionflTtfur
The correspondent of- the Philadelphia-
quiver - says:
.. ,
'Farrell en idle, disioluto fellow; ,and, so
cording to hie otfit aceount,'eonsiderable..of a
drunkard. ...DePend upon it there is not a
word or truth !In' what Farrell has sworn to,
and if over the fapts attending this horrible
sot of titabery.are tondo, pubtio. they will
opntradict this-07ening" story of-Farroire in
every particular. -The murUer' is still a mys
tery, and it remains yet to be .told .who wore
the principal actors in the bloody drama.
A 'New York porreeporalent, of a Philadel.
Oda viper says:
. '
_The Burden murder is getting to be khore;
people talk of-nothing else, and everybody
seems to think itlneet, right, and his Bohnden
duty, to tell to everybody else hie own private
..theory.of the murder.' The exeltementitss
received' a 'stimulus from ttie remarkable testi•
mony of ;Farrell, the man who 'recognizes
Eckel es the person whom he saw stiiiiding at"
Iho door
.in.his shirt sleeves.. ,But Farrell's
teeth - non); is doubled, by very, many, and pub
lic feeling which has, cone/wily been m i ii-tip g
as various developments were !bade,
seems i!gclined to favor Enke,. Mrs cunning
batp itirdecideillY below , par on every
Snodgrass is thought to, be to
,wild, reckless
youth, of colonic, feelings . and,,unrefined
ners, but innocent of any partieiriation in the
crime. As to the Misses Cunnitighoono. enough
has been shown, ip prove .that their character
is none of the best.. Testimony, on this point.
Was given to the Coroner, but .suppreseed, in
the newspapir reports es being unfit for pub
lication. "Eckel in his business connections'
enjoyed' au enviable reputation for,fairness
and punctuality, iond has scores of friends, who
are - confident of his innocence' His Counte
'is rotliet - ambible than"otherwisi, his
forehead rather intenectual,•iond•'
thing in his appearance that would fend ono
,to suppose him capable of such a foul crime.
The case mends adjourned till Suturday.y
It is remered . thiVaftertinon thai Stiodgrlll9B
has nonfessed •that he
strange stories, in. reference tto - the murder,.
and - that he will divulge Something important,.
should he he again examined by the Coroner.
It is also fUrther rumored that Mr:Clinton,
the, counsel of .Eokbl and Mrs. Cunningham,
is endeavoring to persuade SuPtigrioss to leave
CON(InEpB —TNq proceedings in ,Congress
during the past week possess no speciol,iuter..
est. 'On IVeittiesday. both Mope!, met _ in the,
.. -..
anti of 4eprelien!o9yes to epen - pnd coma; the.
yoke lor.ti oeftlewt, and ',li,',i on,Pyeetcletik of Am
u...iiQ Mole? . . The .electoral . votm.stpod r •ett
hereiOrerdihnouueid.: 'Objections Mere pluile,
'to receiving,: the-141d of IV iidoissi n' Oil - the
‘greu ul.thitt the. elseters .did . not mtirt:on the
'dal- . .i
]ad by tow— hnginsib..ern
the erribfe etornittioli: pre.died 'et . t-lot
time, ' The nifenipt teoverelliuill the voice of
d 'sovereign Eitate'did net: 'sticceed:' The vote
of Wisconsin. wee counted with. the ~ r est.,
believe it is, now set ticd:thi4 . James Bitohonaii
and Johnl , C.,BrCckiiiridge ore to be the unit
prisidenf end Vi . e . e'Prebtdeuent the ' United
• .LATE; VllOl% Eintorti:—By the arrival at New
York,. on Friday, °Blast week; Of the steamship
;Africe,:rront .Liver Pool,. we have- rma' both
Europe three days later. The Swine diffieulty.
' though menainiilly eittledois to be referred to
me conference. .ThelArittah fleet .hno.oliptured
`reek in . the Tereinti - kitiff:' It Woe titsii . rumer.
-ed that-the Russimisliad"becapied 'Aite`achn:
. The: Chinese autherititti; at Contowoontlnuing
°Naivete, the) Britieh tyke') trod destroyed'.
anotliM , fort.. :The Chinese be& flrefl, .the ,
foreiin'hieferfee. Thellehge w, re also - des ,
treyed,-andithe-three.principal .banki' burned'
The bombArdinBntwf.(lantooeournmenocil jest. I
the,,tqconfit ThelOne.
don 41/rouse, Harold announces thnt. ; the #eit-
Ciibinet 'had' beld - ri Meeting' "tei - diatniss'
4he reeenstromiOn.yet thb - Another
coalilido4,o l-I kdd dr ,n.
;".•;1 • I 'l' .a; • ;
M. wr,444 1, 1 4 !..Y k for 51,Z istrerity,
n, ileyra,, question
9Setniin llitter ain,Prepareil:by Ar. 9.,
1;611:' .3 1 * ditiibpalpiVar t
have ;long shim been made plainly apparent. They,
purge, fmm the.system' the psorblil humors which:re
tard, ikurmaturah funethinirland 4 bring tpileinna'.o , ther
cheek, and suffering to 4he ;trout%T
systemhey hmilsh time,
therettos ssystem to high
i lionlibl.i ffe e
',MON AlAnn.AsnunG. ' :., : ~ .. ,:i.....
PO . i' ','
r(.;,---• ~. ,_ n ews lOg T• tfegru -
------unt..ll,ftaxe•;.conitentione.------- 4 7 -- --"'---- •--+'-•••------';----
..HAXIIISIteItO, Pb. I#l.—Nbthitig, ar'specie' :-Arerlitttt. of the .coroner's 'ittlry , in the
4 • '
importitnee has takertqfiace• within the.• 14,,•,.! • ,-te' , ' ' Burdett Cage.
week, env the. meeting of ti caucus of•Ameri 4 ,,,, ; ,...N .WYoutt.
•• • F .14 ; — The inquest ' he
.17Ft 1
. t
clans anditepubliell - fiC.pon: theLyiror4otrn - t'.enatier.'ofthe denth.of liarveypirdelljenier.
calling.a citizens',cobvention'fdr,.!the purpthe 1. tor fourteen de.ys of investigation the eel:.
of nominating candidates for<itie . (literati Pliteneti,'ltas been
,'‘etimplittett' the 'Coroner tuts
State offices, in Opp : 9oll°n* the; Dintiel#o l . I limmed : np, the)itrylins renderettita:vordiett ,
party. A committee Wad appter WI& i NI •• i , es. Cunningham, ut Mr. Eckel and Mr Snoil
upon Ali.. Gibtamv, : o nok,him to enlarge Go . ...
ars held SS having been inpliented in
terms of his,eall for'n Republican Convention ; 'aloe
Tant-ttointnittee-warnppointed-and wttited up:l- , the•-riutder. - They are • noir h'eld iit'etieto.dy
on him.' Ho has called together the Republi 1 a await the action or the Grand Jury. The
min State Corilmittoo; - and it - meets at thi I .oldence of yesterday was important in one
plops next week. At.-that time,n-D.II no.l fee.' 1.1 two particulars. .Madame •Alvisit, who
eonferenee'will take place between:it, mid - lilt i seeps a shop tar the 8010 or cutlery, in Broad
iriettibera of the two Males who are oPposetr 'way, that at or about.the day af the murder
to the national Administraiion. . I shall advise She sold to Mr.' Snodgrass tt dagger. - , She
Yon, at the earliest - poosi lo moment,'- of the liroduced.n fellow to the, weapon, and it tip
result of their caucus.. . pears that the Woundrivere• made ' with 'Buell
. , .
. • . an - instrument.- Mr Suudgeass-swareposi
tively that ho bought no dagger.•but l i e was
pusitivelyidentified-by tlivealeiwomnw — lnt• -
niedintely after she lind given her testimony,,
lie was committed to
,pritton:' The Coroner
also received dosPateVes proving that the man
Evans, who had•threatened De. Eurdell's life,
ii now in the Maryland Penitentiery. - The
Coroner's summing up.. 7 hi especially muddy
Where, he attempted to analysoVie evidence
- and'eipliiiirlit° tlie.ary cif the - crime, kliiiilf
Was that of a innjoritref the public 'and the
j ,trade'—that the murder was Committed by
t imelier/mita Withitilifirhouse: fie succeed=
ed,•liowever, irrgiting to the jury the points
of the testimony, 'and the verdict is hit accar.f=
ones with the sentiment,sorthifoommunityt '
D C. Walter, was the last witness examined.
Dr. misiation.
, f , Tbellensts:lmsnotyef , dlifirm'ed tlitvnontb:
nation of Dr. DeWitt ne Atnte Librarian. , By
`common cousert,i, - tho subject bits been post.
ponetl until ne`xt waek.. A strong and bitter
debate upon'the cOofirmittion is o'nficipnte.l.
Alto opposition toltivill (ionic...front - the Reptib-
Alvin sidle of that. body. • The . principal 'objeo
-Bon-urged ogainsV tint' confirmation. is, :ain't
the OSetor has made himself ohnoxi,ons As n.
Dealt/oriole partition. :A . number orthase_whn .
have siffell tithe ohnigo psdnennee it unfounded •
The Th.nrd of : ll,o*min° Comminsinnere now
in noUrnll. There nro mg:* twent, •
irt - TWeleTI .
two of - the .members present; It IA pi6liglit
—that, in. one or two of. the distrjote; no ap, ! ...1
pointments ha vebeen.mrtile. In one of them
the Washington district—the appointee" is. - tinijority_T_OfLtbe ilielitiritirerliTeir, -
' shrewd, able men. Indeed, considering the
small number of the members; it would not be
nn easy.matter to oallecd.promisouousiy. from.'
the distriote of the State, a more intelligent•
• TaxlimiLlfoink Devoel!lA
A great number' of projects effecting mere or
less the operations of banking. institutions.
.. , 11tvp keen presenteil- 7 ono of these will mare
- pti r ritoularly affect:tho city banks. It is a bill
introduced by Dir. Hancock, of the, county, to
tned'epOsits in 'make. Your city banks will
he much more affected by_it than those of,the
rural districts. Your hanks depend for their
profits upon theirdeposits—those of the coun
try upon. their circulation. • The special corn.
. mitten of five,' to . whom it Nam!' referred, ore
- Messrs. Johns, Hancock, Eyster, Thorn and
-Roberts. - It is rumored, and' I have, reason
to belief() that it is-true, that 'Hancock, johns
and Eyeter favor the leading idea contained
in•tbe bill. and,will so report.. I really do not
perceive either' the just* crE.necessity of such
a morsure.:' • .
Katisai Rreolutiono
The resolutions relative to Knneaswere ti
nally disposed of this morning, by it side mo
Anti. It is equivalent to a direct vote against'
--- ifetn. I mean -iiinefinirlififirstrotie Indefl=
ni11 . 314 - It is the motion always used by the
• oppoiiiiiiii — tc7Tin — Cieiire
preliminary stages- of its consideration. - Mr.
Ball. of flrie, hod made the motion originally
Ho obtain. discussion. lie withdrew it just nt
• the moment -the- ItcpuMicanto- had - exhsusted
the discussion upon - their- side. was then
-renewed' by a pemonrat; and prevailed by a
strict party Veto.... • :
Instrnetissi Resolutions
Joint - resolutions instructing our Senators,
and' requesting our Ripresentatives in Con-.
gross to veto against any reduction or abro• -
gatina theiinty .oit railroad iron, 'were hp,
troduced yesterday morning in_ the. Senate„
iaken up immediattgy, and pulsed that body_
I •
by-a unanimous. vote, every Senator present,
li'inney,,--,yrho, if here, would alio
have voted affirmatively. It went iminaliate
ly_to the House of .Representatives,' , ,yrns
promptly taken up, and passed that branch
also by a veto of 81 to 9, the nays being—
Meseta .Gilden, Hancock, : Hoffman, (forks,)
johns... Knight, Leisenring, Longaker, •
vain, and Nicholson-9.
This is a very -decisiyo
,expreesion of the,
opinion of the old Key,' Tnne in regard to the
. proposed 'repeal. or reduotion of the duty on
railroad iron, and it is to he hoped will hese
i• nobenefosial effect upon our motional legisla
tiers. --
-A joint resolution relative to, nn niljaurn•
ment from the 27th..ofFebruery to Mond'.,
the 9th of March, passed the House to•day,
and will pass the Senate •
The Electoral Vote
Congress has got into a . dilemma. In no
cord:mop With law, both liounes met, on Wed.
neaday, in convention to count the votes for
President and Vice President. The ceremony
is of itself of ne practical importance usually,
but 16 this instance-a point of 'much—interest
has arisen.. It is well known that in 'cones.
'queues of n severe snow storm, which blocked
up the roads, the Wisomudn presidential Elec.
tors Were'unable to reach the capital of that
Stott) on the 3d of December, and vote fur
President and -Vice. President, as required hy
law. Their proceedings' were • unavoidably
vostponed till the.lth of the month; and the
q'tkestion ie, shall the vote of WisconAti be
ruled ont 1 ' After- arguitig^the point in joint
convention; fop Same time, Out Senate retired,:
and subseqUently the debuts was kept up ,In
both Houses until the hour of adjournment,
without any decision being arrived at..
A New ProposlUom
IVABUINGTON, Feb. 12. —ln the event of the
fallure.ofCcngress to pans . the bill to 'reduce
, the revenue, itfe. Campbell, of Ohio, will
press, as n financial measure, a bill now under
consideration in the committee •of ways and
mennl„ depositing jturptuarentuie,ifte_r,
• reserving $2,000 000, with the several States,
• fil:ra'tie of representation, or about $78.000
for encle meinber, the Sintes to `pledge their
. faith for. the cite keeping of the ' , money; and!
retutid it , when requireJ, for;the purpose of the
government. ; It ia proposed thus to
' T to pny deer one'llitlf the surplus on the Ist of
Jr. Mr.-Jones, of Tennessee, tied Mr. Florence,
of the _House, end
. Mr. Weller or 11108ettate,
'centime the joint committee to reit on Messrs.
'' , lbiebannen nod Breekiuridge end inform them
of their , eleition - • ••• • '
Bennlers.• Pearce,. •Ifigler and 'Foote have
been intrusted . by the'Synate, with, the duty of
mulking'tiriangements for. the inauguration.
WAsnxxoToN, Tit.. 18.—A deapiitoli reoeiv.
'ed )ioro last Right from a visiiorat,Wlratlaa4
!states hint 11Ir. Boo!latiaif has not yet framed ,
his sOleored ,ft einglo, member of
_ .
It. It is not probable that lie has yet commit
.ted himself to nuy one. by on, overture, hat
'tlint - les'is • priimied' to make.his selections
;$ li
thire can he no doubt. Ile' wuht . naturSlly
4, , :nrnl properly -defer': the tonnumaintion of: his
irirLe — dficial--informatio.•
of hie eltnitio . n_ne P resident. The joint -Acne°
cippelated-td Ma Upon him with that,
,Intormation , will probably • perfoim - tlint *cer-'
!ice ko•olny or .rm.tnorrow. , after which time ,
there can he. no reattonfer,any,:ferther de'er
;In the' ieleMion and, announcement., of the
cahhiet" inembership!: Minter', iti.6. R. '3
.:,Whllregilllr.ltotioey,i);fr. • Howell. Cobb - end
~. Genii 111111111#,firw.mwohli:poken.of: by ; their . ;
peottim repels° the, ap
?. poiciameni•O of State. ..
7,11 lave a, word nbque
"'ibo~iiintiou: `Nine ckft'r tin of our iaeack.h.v ,
hive ' heeii te)4 190
n ' olaitaaoe hri;ona l arihein
18 1110 , tII i rig% no.,•evi.tetit ,14` . ' not
:have "!p: ploy the,gnitt,gattit).-..),Tlie,,Po . ktrnitsier
Geueial. hi u(!ly,peinte t pulleil,heta,:, ‘10.014,1et
ler&limo the titeu.' Pnd ,lbTy .are i
' '44 trOuble. (Via ' reglitee
your loitei
--- I - nt No. 90 lloratiorntrent was pass
ing aldng Bond street on the night of Friday,
the 39111 of January inst, hi about a,quorter
'before eleven o'clock I sown than sitting en
the slepo-of -rthis,%liettserNrrilylipilifhSaapTi
parently nt work at' his Ames while ho wee
thus engaged, I sOw '
the dOor of the house" open
, ed—a 1011111 put his head out, andhaill to the
person' setting 'on the steps,, !‘'w . lnit are you
doing there f" I saw the oiln -who wee sit
tlng oh file stoop leave it ; I,noticed this fact
and went - on. "
The jekry then- retired, nod after &Dern
lion returned the following verdict
Fitst—That the deceased,' Dr. Harvey Bur
loll, wits found 'dead at his 'house, No. 31
Bowl street. on the morning of the 31st -Of
January,' 18111.
Second—That his death was caused, on the
night of :January 80th, by- numerous. wounds
from some sharp instrument.
Third—That the Jury find that Dr. Harvey
Burdell was murdered by Mrs Emma Augus
ta Cunningham and John J. Eckel, es princi •
Fourth• rliat George. Vail Snodgrass was,
accessory before the . fact.
Fifth--That Miss Augusta Cunningham
' and Miss Helen Cunningham, ard.petsons har
ing a knowledge of the fadis, anti concealing
'their knowledge of them.: . . 4 , .
• 7 NEW .Yon k, Feb.:N.—Coroner Connity bad
a ptivate examination of Eckel; Mre.Cunnin'g
ham, and' young Snodgrass, "thie. morning.—
they all protested - their innocence, the (titter
mrding that tf any onelin—oivicanything,about
.theiourderolt ie Wag AtigUtlia. Cunningham,
-or-her 7 mother,--The case was .prelie - fitliTtir
the 'grand jury to•day. .
Dit. 'ISAAC _THOMPSON'S _much-cele ,
kilted SYS "WATER.. 'tits merits stand unrivalled."
This old, triad end invaluable restudy for all the dis
eases Of the oyes, alter having stood the -test- of over
-Fifty-Years nail-the demsod-for it-ls -Ilicreaiiingy
Is now, and been for the past two years, offered lbr
sale in all entire new dress. Neill bottle will two a
Steel Plate Engraved Nnvelopo, with a portiait. St' thq
inventor, Dr.Jeatie Thompson, New Loudon, Conn.,
nod a fac simile othismlgneture, together. with n fee
siutllo rf the 'knottily of thqpreient proprietor, John
L. - Vamp:inn, No. Nirand 153 Hirer street, Troy, - Now
York, and none other can be genuine.
The proprietor bas, been compelled to tusk° this
change in the style of the wrap Per, owing to the large
quantity of counterfeit 'which, fpv'' the past few years
has buen_palinedupon tho.cominunithand_especiallY—!
it the west. -
Purchaaors are farticularly requested to buy 110110
but the above &flatbed, and as the red 'label hereto
foro-uscd /tan boon called In, any found In that Ibrm
the proprlotor does not hesitate to pronounce counter
feit. •
Nor sale - by all the respeetahlo druggists 1:i the Usti
toil States and Canada.
• • •
no tunny friends as the Mustang Linimeotelbu op•
position could not draw a corporal's guard. Mr. Fto
moot roninrked, In his dispatches to Mr. Fillmore
while transporting horses nod cattle Over the plains on
Mexico. "That if the oOvermeerit would send on a lib
oral supply of Mustang Liniment, it would mvo 2e'per
cent of his lomm."' This iv vary, important for all Far
mers and Liverymen to know. The , 3lustang Liniment
is n wonderful article' for man or boast. It should at
ways be used lot Form ' Swellings, Stiff Joints,' Dunn..
Bruises, Rheumatic Pnius, Sc.. and for fields, Slim!.
Fparins,'llingbone, Sc..'upon horses. Ireharo of India
Mons. The Mustang is laid by all respoetable dealer
everywhern. t c ; BARNES 8: PARE,
Oct. Proprietors, New .York.
subdue the pain and intimation from the severest burnt
or scalds. In from one to twenty minutes—and that
wilt heal the wounds without 11 saw f•and elTectually
Fever the Soren—Plion—Salt • Itlfeunt—lntiameas tory
'Rheumatism—Sere and Inflamed Eyes—Cuts—Wounds
—lllo,3es-01d and Inveterate harm—Scald Heed—
Corns and Runlets—Erysipoitts—Sprnins—•
Felons—Chilblains—Bites of Insects—Swelled and Jtro
ken Breast—Sore Nipples—Eruptions—and all other,
Inflammatory and cutaneous diseases, where the parts.
Don't be Incredulous about the many,diseasesnnmed
to be cured by only one thing—but retlectiliat the few,
but positive properties width the Dailey Salvo alone
contains, and nn heretofore enumerated—ono to tour-:'.
_can roach not y bo-tina_tioned_dlnenNox,__but
QUery,—Do not regular bred phystrinns prescribe ralo
mel Inwantly nor stares of different diseases!
Each box of Ur:MINK DALLIra IfAta EXTRAMOR Iles urs
on it a Stool Plato Engraved Label with the signatures
ore. V. CbIeNIINER & CO.. proprieters.'and DENNY
°ALLEY, manufacturer. All..others are counterfeit.
All.orders should be addressed to C. V. Clickener &
Co., 81 Barclay street; Now York.
yru...For sale by all Druggists throughout the United
L . •slxTll . LECTURE!
tiny. POLLOCK. of Harrisburg, will deliver the - aixth,
Lecluto holliro the Ustnis Puts COMPANV on THURS.
DAY, the dOtli of February, IBM, in tho Count Hones.
Senaon'Tlelotts. admitting two persontito the C 011486,
$1 bO. Season Tickets, admitting coo, 50 cents. ,Tieli•
.stn rad ho °Unload from any of the Committee.
J. 50001.1, 0. Datsa6Y,
A. , (1 COltro4.lN, - . C. ti mr.ce
It. M. 817.VR7.1.40)1, • ' Commltteo.
Doe. 241350. -
forSoung Lndles and Ucntlemen, Mechanicsburg, Cum.
berlaud County, Pa,
Thin well known. boarding flchoor for young ladle);
and - gentlemom — coodusted - Thr - sevenul -- yeatu, - by - ther
Rev. J. B.:Loose, A.-51., will be continual by the nub
iiii4bencriihn; enge-geWfdi'iirifitliklititriti•terrefyorrthT
enslnied by mein and female teacher. 01 experience and
• skill in their profession, "}rillqualify pupiln to likeharge
with!dlspatch and 'necuracy, those; duties which arise
from the relations of: reciprocally dependent' bbinga."
Such en desire it. villi be educated and trained for the
business of teaching. Bpeolal attention will be 01'011
in the, Normal depertnients, having connected there
with a Model school.,oducation and trulning of
Instructors of youth; an& when 'qualiflet!qo pains
will be sp trod in obtaining them 011,0111 m-el nations.
We several applications for good teachers.
• In the •cianslcul department, pupils, male and female,
will ho prepared for any close in college. ' • •
' Tenon very moderate,. The next session will emu.
Mence, April 1, 1857. Parents, guardians and others
wishing to WAR the particulars • from it Circular, or,
otherwise, will address,, . .
l'roprlutors of- thq Or-W. inntltute, kiechanictiburg,
. • Ctiutb. Co., Pa.• .
. "11 31A 3 1 1 K P A S N Y D . ; A PIP4II :
Ala grief& mill Clamical School, Landisburg, Pa.
The Berond or winter tontston of this institution Will
cpen du the second Tuceday,of January. 1857. • ..
The usual English and Classical l,ranrheo, adopted by,
'our flint grade Amdenden, wilt bo taught.. Napalns will.
b r spared to ulnae thorough, practical, and moral echo.
-The, villato of 400 itthehihults, taunted in' the Midst
of majestic hill and mountain scenery, three miles dis
tant from the," Warm, Springs," id healtty and quirt;
.surnclontly remote from the irregularttitmof /ante tvwne,
and yet in daily intineittidn, Via Newport-and Permsyt
•. Terms per quarter, s3,B4. l 4,BB;accoidlng to the grade
of• studies. - Musk. French and' Gorman; . ss' attain.
Books at city prices Boarding for ladled in select butt- .
Iles—at prices thorn sl' 200,, $2 00 podireek• '
• Vor,furthunpartimdera
Address eltlier.
• t Rev:T. P. DUCif •
AU,l3 l r, A. „
, ••
. •
ji yard in toy ocoupencyvaltunted tit Qiiineey; with ,
, .four piles of IVnynesboro', Enniklin. county, Pa.. ,
for'enie:- It' includes obont theie aites'of Lind. ti '
, s ub n tarktivii'twoluney,,lirielc,. l .l9.UKAnpd, Kitchen. Ste ,
II Wing. Gaming"find - leo" Itump, and Weil. u6ex- •
t eellent,water at the kitchen door: Steam Englno. Dark.
junto, Currying, Shop. shout forty yeti., ineelli..neder
•rdef. tt , Running • Strewn of Witter figesing through it.
; tingdon; Orctturd,. end 41 khu rwinisite. ,mid, appurtutinneeieto'car'ry °if the Tanning Tinniness orten•
lniv :it lerincrlf.the neateataind. meet omnplettutrU. ,
portlus of the, kind, hicri,stitte or coluniete,,ropkir, and
wilt bo "wild ht. •ii.birgititiAte thinerannnt finds it'neeet4'
m iti re ,. .oloiat,priv.go tile, It will houktld
itt•puttitu'eirthtn'onl,htiTlßST 1N
IttO. .on , 4hiedbf the,purehame ruoney in ash, audTthe
balenewitt. two °octal annual instniniente. . .
• Ntr fdrtdierpartfeulaiirtintrly ~•', •c , "
..1 •
. .
On the 12th !nit, by the . Kromer, Mr. J.
11.1{AST; of Kluge:on; to Mier ANNA O. daughter of
MY. Wro..llencrood, near the Corllsle ~prlngi, this ca. .
On. the 12th - init., by Elder Jobb. A: l'ldennan; Mr.
..mvoilsn, to rs.-OM..
MAI/817idbOfPlalitileld,..0umbirla_ M nd county; '
On the 20th lilt., -by Rem. J. Ewing, Dlr. - GEORGE
MIXEb. to Mien. MAIWARET WEUKLINE, both of
'Green Spring; !Cumberland 'county.
.At the residence of her son In Nowton township, on
the 211 nit., tern MARGARET HAYS, In the 67th year
of har age.
In. this borough 'on Monday evening last, Mr. JOHN
DEMMTT HAMPTON, aged 23 years, 10 months, and 24
The Goodwill. Fixtures, end Furniture of that old
an? Well-611Mb; ishod Soot
.81 - ons,ffor norly,POrtee,sotow
- ItawlinsVon the cornet:of Main and Pitt streets, oppo
site the Methodist Church, Carlisle; Pa. Price $2OO.
Also for rent the &coat MOON pri Main street opposite
the Itiiiiread !Nei and oMco, now In occupancy of Mrs.
Snodgrass. 'tent *125 per annum.,: • , .-- ' •-•
Also. for 'rota, AT C.013T, a well selected stock of Boors
and Sums In lots to cult •purchnsers.. Apply at the
Shoe Store, r er address -' ,J. w. ItAThirINS,
" . -Lancaster, Pa.
, ~
- N.'S . : Spatilkh quarters . eaken-thr_ps pout Pat .1, - _ -
I-- , Feli -20 1557,--lit; ----- - •- - - - ,
• "
_gf,: m lßE. ROOM' TO be
IMLfrOm_theist - of April next, for-the-term of
' olfe year ormore If deslredl the store room lately nom'.
pled by Jameson. Hanson, dreamed, and more rmomily
by W. L..itieCludoch,. in Main street;.,lfewsllle. The
room Is cothddered an eligiable place of business, and
has teen occupied AS a atom room for many years. En
quire of Aira.'.llargaret Iftoinon, residing ortthe
- mimes or to
~, .._, . _.
chituteyi yraiikliti ciiturt. tPyti,
...1 . - 0. , -,,Y 6 1. !:.,.'..,;-• ~., : ":.1., . far'
- Muriagts•
stew, ilhocrtisenients:
kc. 'rho Amdouthrned, trhoso shop ie In North -
street. uoar to Oinss'. Hotel, Cm-IWe, would Inform thli
rleuttuntllneldnory-rind Implements of vinToUs
snit 08 11orse-powers,Tread and hover 'freshers. Plink
.ers of different Muds, Clovor Shelters. Fodder Culture,
Straw etittors,Comi Shollorp and Trend Powers now
on band. ' Y liobalrlug promptly, Terntwlep .
sonata°, KUTZ 4
Poly unry 18, 1857-3 m.
. . •
. ..
' Sin. I. Be It enacted elidhrilained by the Town C,ouns •
cll of tho Borough of Carlisle, an Itis ,horeby_enactod— ,--
and Ordained by the authority of the sapie,'That bores.
after it shalt, he the duty of each and every,owner and.S.''
occupier of property, within thin Borough, whether rap "r
poratlons. or individuals, to remove all - sitiiir or slush
that may fall on the pavements or sidewalks in front '
of or along any lot or property In HIS inlisbitiel part of
the town limits whore persons are accustomed to pass -
end repo:mon foot s within twelve daylight hours after
the same shall hove Wien: And all such owners and
occupiers shall be Ifible Co a pm:fatly of Five Dollars for
every neglect of tho roquiromehts of this ordinance, to -
he rdllected no oiler penalties aro collected.
Sec. 2. It shall bo the duty of the High Constable'
after every fall of snow or slush that may incommode
the walking or render it disagreeable; and after the
Owners acid occuplers of property have had a reasonable'_ - _
.tithe to ratimih - sold snow or slush from tho paventaitta—
and sidewalks In froht of their properties, to go around
the different streets of the Borough, to tiffeenctof each . , •
'street no far as it in inhabited, and rebel:sever the snow
or slush Asti nothavo b n sufficiently. removed from • •
the pavements or sidowal F. he shall notify tile owner .
or occupier of the proper ty in front of which. the sold
'snow or slush shall not have been sufficiently removed,
to remove the same. ,And the said Iligi Constable 'fo. .
giving such notice shall be entitled to demand and suet
for Dm sum of Twenty - five Cents, to hp paid by the per.
sou to whom said notice has boon given; and in Me
said snow or slush -be not imniediately removed, after
etch notice given, It shall bo the duty of the High_ _
Constable Di remove, or employ some one to remove the
rsame; - ffir - which Service Mr-shall bonOritled-to-demand
and nue for the sum of fifty cents for Mary. hour (or ,
losstimnif onaltounle_notriccupled) thatmay-banccu5.......„ . ..
pled in removing 'said allow or slfislii — And it shall tor
his Imperative duty;fdao, in the latter cases, to give In
formation to a Just tee of the Peace of the violation of
the hit section of this Ordinance. and PO. that the pe- •
salty for the same Is also coltected - Tof the. use of the -
- Borough,' Provided. That hciperson shall bo obliged to _
' expose or uncover In winter the box at or near the edge
of a pavement which contains a street wash.
80a. 3. Whore any property' within the - .Boroughts-- -
:Owned Or occupfud by any corporation, tho notice pro
, Third Mk in the second section of this ordhianco, may
be served on the President or any officer of said corpse
ration; and-the said l'resldent or, officer so receiving
said notice shall be personally-liable for tho price that
may be demanded bytho High Constable- for removing-.,- --
the snow or slosh, as provided for In the pecottd section ,
of this ordinen.; this however not , being Intended to ,
rolievo tho corporatkin from Its payment, If the High
Constable shall choose to rellinie the corporation Mam -
its payment. . • ,-, . .
Enacted and pas sed bytbe Town Connell of the 80-rough-of-Carlisle-the-12th,
-rough-of - Carlisle - the - 12th, doy of Fobruitiy; kW, 18: - 57
A. NOBLE, allot Iturgeas .
ttest , Wlt. If. Wt.-ttit, Bect , y. to corporation.•
, Feb. 18, 1857
yisprows' •REPORT.—To tho Ho
nournble the Judges of the Court of Cumberland
County. The undersigned Comtnlttes Appointed by the .
'Court, to visit, OXlllllillO Into, and 'effort upon tile mode'
of management and present condition of the Poorhouse
of this county, beg leave to state that in •discharge of
the duties &Reigned them, they have visited the Insti
tution at different times dull ng.tlucienr. There were
in the Poor `lleum on _the first day of January, 1890,
lob—of which 15 wore colored. There. have been ad.
milted since then 100, Including 0 horn in the house,
nicking the whole number provided for during the year ,
921, including 21 ont.denr .paupers: Of these 17 have
died, 4 bound out, 20 eloped, end I to dischnaged,
ing the number in the house on the first of January,
1657, including 21 outdoor paupers, 111— Iu addition
to the fifregoing, 1.15F1 transient paupern.have beatend-- -
witted and their wants supplied. We are lunch gran.
fled in being able t- say that In nll ifistanbes we found
every thing in gond order. All •the apartments pre
sented a clean and tidy appearance. Their clothing is
abundant, their diet nutritious, end any who are sick
receive the attention of the regular physician. later
is provided for such es are able tosvork. Children have
proper•oare anti nttention 'bestowed upon them, null
when of sufficient years, are put to service with suits
bin persons.
Upon the whole, your Committee aro well intlefied
that the Institiition has been well - mennged for the
year joist expired. We also aee the great necessity of
haring a Hospital separate and apart from the main
bullring, from the filet of persons being sent there with
infectious diseases, and consequently have' to be put
into the mule 'muse with the rest of tho pauperk, which
ought not en to be. We therefore recommend the twee
'Men of a sultnide building to be occupied ns a'llospltitb
Itespectfully, de:
WM. ALEXANDER, Visitors .
rob. 18, 18.5.7,1 t::
910 TA.11.31.1411{S "GARDIsiERS.
°Dor for idtlii:4o,ooo6arrols of Mar
((Manufactured from-the night soli of Now York City,)
in lots to suit purchasers, • ,
This article (greatly improved within, the last two
years) ling boon in the market for eighteen years. aunt
still defies competition, as a manure fin corn or, garden
gnr&tables, being cheaper and more powerful than any'
othEr. and at the simitolime free how disagreeable odor.
Two barryls will' Manure an acre' of corn In the hill,
IA 111 save two-thirds in label, will cause It to tome up
quicker, to grow faster, liven earlier, cud will bring a
larger 'crop on poor ground than oily other fertiliser,
midis also a pn,ventottre of the cut-worm; also, it does
nut injure the cord to be put in rou'act with it.
The 1.. M. (10. point to their long standing roputrition,
and the largo capital ($00,000) invested In their busi
ness. as a gooraidee that the in tiolo they make shal
always hoof such quality as to command a ready sale.
Price In Philath Iphla as follows; ' '
One barrel tot bbis. • - • . $.2 00
Five " to -_
_. _
.andni the rate of 75 . P0r barer tor any quantity oval
10 barrels. , " ' • . • -
4ar" A pamphlet oonsalnlng every information 'will
be sent (free) to any end applying for the same. . •
Orders are regiiestoil early In odvanco, to avoid dimp
pointment.'.7Ndilress. , --
PASCHALL 310111t78 A C 9., Agen ts,_
10.14trertsIth1100101phlfizra - . =-=
Feb. 10, pir,T-Jm.
0, P. PIANAM k a CO. wlll aim:nonce r w ,
In raw days, now edition of thisgrent Z;
work,,ln antamonthly parts. Pries, Si (TA—. • eentw each. •
. .
.. . .
. Each volume will °mishit of four parts , handsomely
printed in imperial octavo. The whole work will be
illugtratud by about..lifty superior Eugravingn on Steel,
including L'ortmlin and original Pictorial Designs, by
etuineut Artists,•with-numorous Wood Cuts nttd Maps.
it:a' ch part will contain M loantn2 picot and one Vagray.
ug othEteel; 'ovary other part swill 'hare two Steel
!ales:. . ' • .- , ... ,
TERNS 01+ rouracwitoN
1. Yarh seml•munthly part, abase ima.
2.5 rents: payable on delivery..
' 2. All subscribers must engage to lake 'the eutiro
a. The,scoond And subsequent volumes will be hutted
In double parts- , and the whole will be published at
regular Intervals attire; weeks.. - -
Among the 111 ustratieus already engrared or nearly
completed, are the •
Oen. Schuyler, Oon. Charles' Lee, Oen. Putnam, (len.
Arnold., Chin. Union; Os n. Ward, Oen. linos, (inn; Sin.
o n ly, Oen. Montgomery. Oen. Lord, Oen, Stirling, Oen.
• llama, iitreheu, Oen. Lafayette,. Canal Pitlaskt, Oen.
Lincoln, Oen, ,Mercer, Oen—Weary bee, Col. Moultrie;
Gen. W..yne, tien.,dintou, Hobert Morrie, Oen, Stark,.
Gen.llamilton, Oen. (iates, Oen, Glover, Gen. Sir WO.
liarn !lowa Oen. Sir Henry Clinton, Washington, ( • ••
be Vett - 11 — v by reale r ) WeehlWiiten, (kelp the picture by
Trumbnil,) Washington, (from the picture byworemni
ler,) Wasbingteg,.(trom , the. picture!o lloudson's Sta
in.) Wavhiugtoa;(ll4(mktis picture bf (trown's Statue,)
War hingmn; (frog the original 'prMile.) Mtp. Washing.
!nit.. %awry • pertrMt.) Mrs. iVeurblVtton,,(fkom Stuart,)
Atka Phillips Mom original picture.) • •
• • ILIXSTBATIONS ON :STEEL:: lfletorleal •' •
:13cinvia, , (ebieflj- frods'original deslgni;)
Sight of Washington e• Birth Place; Mount Vernon,
(3. stone;) Washington us' Stuweyoy: • Washington. at
Part Necessity— Wash,lngton Surveying, tha,llistual
swainp; IVnshingeoU- at. , -Whichesferf- Watlllngton's
Flylil Bports; Fortifying Butikei-Mill; ,Fort, Tiecolara,
`gat Lake tieorgetyFort Mention aiVesf,* Point, in 1780,
111Whington Quelling's mot; coteenporaryOnsff
ing.l View of Nov York,. 1770; Itragton - ftom ,Dorchttster
, Heights, 17701, Arittouniement' of Inaeltentleuce; Bat=
tl;Sof Trenton t. Battle, of Beinnintown: Ba'tle of Mon-
mouth; Braddock's Brittle Mehl; „Wasßingfon• going to
Coogress...ete:; ' ' ' • •
glue r slimy's; trontain; per inninenei. Trus.hlstifry.of ; •
: the yatitor of his Country."—Phil,. Bulletin,
' N. II 4-It' is intendod that thelllustmtions In this
worthy.erthe subject and ofthean , tbor.' . rtists belie been enviers! -in make 'Origno,l
drawings, ollti the snout eminent angrosora are 'nesurgd: ".. '
:Nam ponsoUfillt be spared to make tho ungnwings Cro=' • ,
to Auto .iron art, and fully satislnctory to, mos r •
tours taste. :•.. ; !••,
.Agonts And. Canvassers supplied on.,llberal Justin":
Mon is publWied exeluelyttyrsubscribpre.