Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 11, 1857, Image 2

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dA.Zt S:11E,
,Cargest anti. ttljeapestliaper
$1776 WITOIN . TOE, YEAR:.
itar The Hon: PRESTON KJNO has
been elected'U. S. Senator, to succeed
the" Hon. Hamilton Fish, by, the'Legisla
tion of the ricers Delawara, PetcrOtte and
Ohio, is'now Open, the ioe ha4ing , last
week broken and floated away. Beninese
-at - Pitteberg-has beea actively_r_esnmed,
Two NEW FREE ZTATESt—The.' " U - . S.
Home of Representatives on Saturday
last-passediiills'fOr the admission of Ore:,
TO:i dad Alinnesotte line the-the Union as
States at au early day. -
2 Since Mr. Buohanales return from
Washingt - on the N. Y. Herald professes
to have, reliable-inforniatieeas to the mon
who will' Constitute 'the. new Cabinet, but
' not; precisely the.position which shall be
assigned to each.
,'lt says that from - the
South, Cobb, of Georgia and Floyd, of
' Va. Certain ; ivith Pickins, of South
Carolina, or By2Wn, of Tennessee, as con
tingAnt.... From the North find - West,
Bright, of Indiana; Clifford, 'Of •Maine ;
'AitidJudge Hlsck, of"Penns lvania who
_lshard pressed. for Secretary of Stale.
this latter gentle
man is J. Glancey Joneti 7 4.f the Old
stone, who-has' a number of warm And
zealous, friends. The chalices are that
• Xtidge 'Paoli will be ohoseri. Gen. Cass
and Mr. Marcy who have both been' spo:
.• ken of for' the Secietbryskip of Stale, are
• now said to bi 3 'both out of the question.
Sale of the Main Line
' AOl has been - udi - e - din - eur - State7
Senate, b7lll'. 'Penrose, providing - 4bl :
the sale of the Maih Line of our public
• improvements. - We feel confident that
nothing would gratify the great body of
the tar-payers 011ie 'State more than the
passage 'of a bill which would effect a sale
• , of our Public Works at efair:prieb and
on terms.which, would make' the State
• iseraire. The' settled' comvietiou ,of the .
•peicile,oic this subject is, that it is .high
time for the State to sell out - berToaual
and railroad property and 'fiettle.4. The
oonstructioniOf the Public Worke woe eo:.
tered - Upon the 'Commensiealilt for the
great purpose of developing the resources
of the State and providing a highway
through her •territOry, • And most un
cloubtedly, by their censtfuction the-in
ternal wealth and proSparity of the State
' has been enhanced in the'highest degree,.
_hut it was never dreamed, by, the patriot
io and_ sagacious projectors of these works
that they would become the vast Source
now known to be. The result of the
State's mantigiemept, or rather misman-
agement of,the PubliO Works, as periodi
°ally presented if:rthe.peOple, has had the
effect of proving that we should be in6r
"'Rely better off, in' parting with these
works at almost any 'sacrifice.
,bemooratip pembstt 3
of the Indiana Legisiature have elected
Jesse D. Bright:and. Graham "N. Fitch to
the U. S. Senate. The State Semite did
not participate in the action; the majority
being opposed to-its nor did the R.publi
dark members of tho:liouse. . .The oconT
vention lacked fifteen- votes of a quorum.
'Of course this stands as imush- = illegal as
- —the Jewa - election`, - but the Democrtiti ex
peat to have The'seats a year dr t)vo bu
fore the contest 'can be decided.
Banklon the 2d inst., made, assign- , 1 1
meat of the aseets•of
. the Bank 'to -floratie
Ittithvbri, - Eaci4 thii•Ctiahier, in:' trust 'for
• .the benefit ; of its cre ditors These °aids
will first bi aPplied' to the redeniPiten of
the circulation, andaftar that the baiance.
' will go, to tha , pay merit of depositors, .
WO notice that.the. Chairuian , of
the Republican State• Executive Commit- -
tee has published a call for a Republican . ,
Convention, at Harrisburg,' on
day,the:gsth of 2 March next, for the per
poie4 liorninating can ,dates for G over
itoFand other State officer's.
0.4 e Wo4tis:—So great' has
been.the eitravagant unsmanagernent on
the : Phi° canals for years past; that the
newspapers of fhat,Btite . "are - agitating th e
prejtiet:of 5611160' the' woila te: private
eqPoiatioiis:. • '
Tun BPAitat QIJAILTEREI , The .NftW!'Yotli:
Thrifts ear, ;tbot on Joquirb* of Mes.sre,
bei;lbe , :baliiiiir brokers, we flied. hat 640(6
. !no:pita:for .kliero for tbe Havana 'Market
1:44.p0ie isisy.olB4eibios over slo63n*Spatifeb:
llerterSPeselleAlgoeited;:to , riet full: 28, ,ots;
puocoo rf ay, l l. ~--Holdpra. of ' Speoish
9411,1,eis;qkod yob - Itik,otiC to the large tifseoont
ofWOO!, coot; crested by die %err not'of.fkiw;
•'ipy" . ror;lbi , 4%inakLt‘tok,,re from
sari° 25116We:for tbsoo;• snook tbey are.ivoilb
• , 000tereraolly; according of
These are, however,- •the-:Awirtere r 4biol l - are
„.4191,9413,0 Pwg 01 ,74 ,1 0, 1 4 , 14C.,beed
~,„12,440t 0,4 N
". "
.bktsy, ()ogee .
6othic4l4;oneoolotos, been
' 63erb Mr . John ,Borg ia, who-3161-
.4.y, •
them for sale.• !Try
• 2.• Opr Conatasin,sehool.,Sylitem, • '•-,
yirci have ieceiVedC froin. IlaT'rishurg;
e (acme ing y a e an r
pore of the CUnr,thrit'Sgove...
ta - iy of.the CoUimoiriveattl6
teridatit of:Cetnrno O'OhoolS of. i'enneyb
vania.:The rOPolt foe 1556.,' - i;:iiii'Alre
'lidded reports of the various - County Su-,
perintendents 'and tabular - . statistics,
makes a volume of two hundred and eigh
t Y-eight pages,
.replete with valuable• and
interesting information - .- - co:ncerning the
•-pradtical working and progress of what is
'UnquestimiablY;the highest glory of the
Statc--:ou'r noble , school System.. The
cliool depai:tment of the, governspent, it
Ta e'onced6d, never -was' in - SMOr hands
;than 'under the.administiation of the Sec=
retarv; and _talented Deputy Superim;
tendont, Mr, fliekoli. We giv&the fol 2
.lowing_abstiriet theiteport__::_'
. .
7 - During - tlie:school - oar - the- skgregatrii
number of public , schools in the' State,
outside of Philadelphia, was 10,697, be.:
.Ang an increase of 228 over the previous
. year, and aninerease Of. 1190 oVer the to- , ,
'tal of the year just prier•tathe enactment
of_the_school law_of..May_.Bth4Bs4...The
average timo dttring whicti-the
' • were kept open ,was five months and
twelve . days, • being an increase of two
days over the total . Of - last.' year,. and of,
twelve days over :1853. The number of
_Ambers in the Common schools' of the
* Strife, "ekelitiiiye - cif PhiladelPhiaTii•lif 12, 7 - 7
357; being an' increase of ' 214 over- last
year, and'of 1127' over the year 1853,
'Theteding the oily of PhiladelPhiti; the
. total.nuntbertf teachers was .13,326, of
whom 80 . 15.werentaleS, And - 5312 - faigdet - IT
The , average salary - of each. male teacher
per month was $23 29, beitig-an increase
.per month overlast year ,of 991 cents,,
• and of.N5-1 041. per month over the 'year
1853. . T, he average salary of etch fetuhle
teacher per.montk was $15,85, being in
increase 0f.96 cents per month--over last
year, and of . ; 4 .:3 82
,per month' over •the•
year 18b3.
• • •
- - *The whole number of sehOlars in the
-public_ichools, exeltisive.Of Philadelphia,
was 521,726, and including Philadelphior
586,743: The forneraggregate showtia_
decrease of 7297 since last year, and •ari
increase of 57,171 over the 'year 1853.,
— Thciffc - cit* - striedlast year was , occtl 7 the almost unprecedented se
verity of last minter,. :which: compelled
many pupils. to_ remain at homei. and, on
account of the snow drifts,, stopped sonic
'sphoola .ctitirely.-, The County Superin 7
tendent suffered severely, from tho intense:
• cold during Abut period, and one. of them
,narrowly escaped freezing to death. Stilt
these figures show a largo improvement
over the.condition of things prior to the
I)iissagelof.the. new
overage --coSt--Orteaching--enchi
scholar. •piir month is 51 cents, citclutilye .
of the buildingerpeaditut.e, Or 6;2a cents'
including it. The amount expended itu ,
ring 7 tilii — yeaf - for • purchasing 'ground,
building schoolhouses; repairs; &0.,. was
$332,125 27; being
an increase over.last
year of 865,916 61, and :.over the year
1853 of $184,608 64, and an , increase of
$36,674 98 - °vet the higbist amount 'in
any former year in the , hiStory• .13t , the
school system; The amount expended
for tuition, fuel and, contingencies;. out
`-side"of Philadelphia, was $ 486,345 61,
being an increase 0f:8134,390f:0ver ,last:
year, and $470,443 67 0ver.1853:
- cluding_Philadelphia, the whole.: amount
for, the, State was $1,895,45461. • With
the building expenses mentioned above,
: the i'otaLschool expenditure for the rear
• was 82,221,679 98. •The average rateof
local taxation Tor school' purposes, as cal•
••oulated frOm the returns in 1257 districts,
(five-seVenthe of the whole number,) id
—five mills and five hundredths upon' fhb.
dollar; - •
In forty-three coUlities, the number of
school-houses reported-as sutficiently'well
adapted to the purpose or gr'ade of school
or w ‘ itc ley are mien e.; ; I ;
those• which aro net, in their present con
dition, so adapted, but-sre-so susceptible
of alteration and, improvement'as to be
come so; 3262;'those which are, in all
respects; or in any essential particular,
unfit to be the training places of youth,
2258. Twenty-one counties _report - the
number of school houses with furniture
in of the first class at',s4sr number in
the second class at 1958 ; If ..itt the third
class at 1362, Twenty-seven counties
report the number of graded 'schools at
500.; number of schools in which any
successful attempt at , classification has
been made, 2205'.; those in which there
is neither grading of the schoolsnor clas
sification of the pupils, 1644. Thirty
eight counties report the' teachers' ages
thus: Under seventeen•Year*, 302 ; be
tween seventeen and •twenty-one years,
2026 ; between twenty-ong ,apd Awenty
five, 2486; between twenty-five and thir:
ty, 1200 ;. between thirty and, forty; 908;
between forty and fifty, 323; over fifty
years of age 191. In thirty-two coun
number of teachers born ityPennsylvania
is 5010; and'of those born-out of Penn
sylvania, 843. /
Thirty-four coin-iies report the'nuMber
of teachers Who have taught lag than One,
year; 1793`; wro have taught .Between
one and three yeirs,• 2035 ;••• ; who • have
taughtbetween three and six years, 1058,
who have -taught between six and 'ten
years, 612 ; who have taught between tett
and twenty years, 389 ; who-have taught
- over twenty years, 128. In thirty one
countie4"22ol teachers have read booke
and periodicals on' teaching, 'and 3241;
have not. In thirty-two counties there
-were 2735 of the teachers *ho intend 'to
make teaching a permanent beminess, and
3049 who do not.' Outside of Philadel;
_phia, not two'per cont, of all the teachers
are graduates of colleges or normal schools.
• Not twenty percent. are graduates'-, of
• academies or private seminaries. About
twenty-five per cent. have had , the benefit
of tuition for brief periodi iu academies
and private, whole, and About fifty, pet.
cent., have. ibbeiiied their educational
, . • .
training ,in the common,sehools of their
reePeettv.e uPlghh4eeds.' During the
lest two years, under thelkhience of the
. COAn'ty &Tart titehynts, -A hd eltalnytiS
or the iraded temperti:ty certificate, vast
• impre'vetiient heel'i.ll46 on' the'aft
' of teaelieribY'private 'study and ittendl l
atom upon voluntary, teachers'.' institutes'.
• In Ihrty=thiOli' etientied the' umber" of
• i
teachers whO,give full aatisfaetiori in-their.
•r respective] grades ii - 23703 those who may
;'.he Aletliirteleieherti, and 'MaY• r•be
lempleYd&lill'bettiir' can "be promriect
, 13650 ;•,the number' 'whose pert-ices had
' Sh'ettlit• btiqiiipenged 'These
';ittlieliftedttettobeni are'tolerated-'in the
' their' Places 'can
tatit eld'ht'btr.Supplled ivith'esih are
conspetentindltirrejeor them , t wouldAe
‘to close the schools vainly. But in this
reSpent)the i liehirls, are net half so, badly
off as they ; were two years ago. . The
Cilunti. Superintendents have wrought.
marielleus ehinges in - many - respects:
: _
gopmi,fini) 4EO unit) E. attc,1%, ,, , , ,
CHANGE OF WEATHEII..-:—A • strikilig
change of seatherloolc. place Thursday last,
retlueltig`the nthinaphern from' the frigidity of
'winter to' the inildness and softness of Spring.
The icy fetters of the ranuptain. - atTi*is,:were ,
suddenly ,uptnindi: and' the Ikuge.)..4ka, or
snow in our streets, were put into a rapid pro
cess'_ef,./iguid-ation. _Spring , seemed—
defermitiod on 'aupek'seding winter. On Sun.
Any night; dioWeverianother eharleltool i t OW.
and the has since' been 'oleiii,:keen :end
LECTUREI3.--We':baa not'l,he pleaptire
henring the lectitre of Dr. Lahtbern, before
the Union‘FiriCotnpnnsr.on . Thnitiday night
lino.—bnt-- - -henr-lt—spoktn.fotHnenif—elpquent
(iistilittott of the
To-morrow evening the fifth lecture will be
be delivered in the Court Tionae, by the - Rev.
Dr. Dougherty, outlive hope there will be
GREAT . FLoom.---The-flood-iviiieh.—fol
• lowedthe thaw oflast
,week, was greater than
has been known lbr many:yearv. The I f etort .
'spring, which plume through the Eastern sec
tion of our hoiough, , overflowed its banks on
Sunda) , Afternoon, and so widely did the we-,
-ter spread_on_either aide_that_the_gatt_works,
. ,
about two hundied yards distant, were', inun.
dated. The floors of the Retort house were
cevered:With water, atitditartiroonsmiuence the
supply of gas to dwellings and ctittrelies
Monday evening, however, the . .-werktt*Ore
again in artier and the gas plied as Taint. -
The Honednguinet and ellow, Breeches
creeks, on the twilit nod south borders -? of our
valley,were ship swollen to nn almOst unprece
dented height-on Sunday, and the ice ;broken
up and parried down the stream with great
violence. At several narrow points the ice
singed, and huge banks ,of lee'were thrown .
up to the height,'of twenty or thirty feet in
some places : The. destruotion_of fenced along
itthe Creekos , jirobably. very . considerahleCThe
various caynty.bridges tioross„tliese streams
were in great danger, but We have not learnild
censiderabje- degree:* 'Tke dam at litisler's'
mill, on' the Yellow Breeches, abbut four .
miles from Carlisle, we learn was carried
.away, and also the:One et Shellaberger'e mill.
The injury done is much.leve than might have
been expected from such a &tech:.
ilie•SueqUelmna river , wo learn oointnen:.
cad rising on Sunday eight and soon attained
a fearful height; threatening : the destruction
of the britlg*s at Harrisburg. A report readi
ed here eu ltdondny morning that two'spans of
the Cumberland:Valley_liallread , bridge - tired
been carried awn,s: - -Title eepoct, hewevet,_
was :Without' fetnnWron, 'as but little injury,
was done tothe.bridge.l. A few 'atonea were
dinaoked-out otene,of_thepiers and two pieces
of timber in the under part of one span broken
out. Ou Monday afterneon the passenger and
burden trains passed over the bridge se usual
and the river commenced falling again - almost
as'raeldlyawit had ylsen;
.Agarbu . Monday night tharive'r:again rose
and the rush of ice was treMendous, the lion
seitienettef_which_weethatfOur.of the piers.
on the Harrisburg side were no niuoh•brokon
thtit it wits deemed dangerous' to continuo the
,pasktige of the cars. The superstruCture has
not been materially injured. The passengers
have since Leen taken !throes the river in oak:.
nibuinni on the old bridge.
members, of the two Methodist, congregations
in our borough we. understand have recently
agreed upon terms of union. Thieold Metho
dist Churob on plain street, which was lately
offered for sale, will bo . retained as their place
of worship and we ho .9 will he improved iu
inrerior and external appearance
oRiotfraunkr, MEmNil.—The meet
ing of the County Agricultural Society yester
day woe not very largely attended and but lit
tle businers was done, The cultivation of the
Chinese Sugar Cane was warmly discussed In
an'informal way, and packngee ofareds dis
Whined among the members for plinting the
ensuing season. • -_ • •
.SPltDitil SALM—Bills for tho:,follow
log Sale; have been prietc&at this 41:99e:
Sale of - Wm., Knottle, of Newton township,
ou Tueeday, the 19 'of March. •
Sale of George W. Bandit, of Carlisle, Ou
Thiarsgay, the 26th of Foltruary,
kale of Samuel McCullough,. of Newton
township, oe Thuredny, s tlie - 19 of reliruary.
Bnlo of Tobinslz,' of Dickiubon town
ship, onFridoy, the Abe 93th of.hlnroh..
CORRECTED.—SeveraI errors
which appe4ecl In the shaeineni:ortke eoun-
bo found corrested in this week's popes.
• :';', •.‘
. • •
. At n Ineeting'of the ntudente .
of Uhlte•tint
Aenilerity:beld'oo the 8l OfTehrttatly, the tol
lowing'preambir and . reeolutiotie• were -adopt
Wheiens it bee pleased • the• Almighty God
in the diepeneation of His Providenee,to:take
from our number a beloved enomber, is ,tlie
,of.A..D. HEILIO, tbei . cfore
- Rese4,ed, That in the 'death be mir fellOw
student ‘vo boveluse nn iitiftble , ' companion,
and an affecititMate 'frien.l, the intlitencier a
whose mild,diepf eition, good morals, ud ex,
emplary Woniluot we all have felt and adtulitid.
• *Reselvd,' That we deeply deplOrd the dedtli
of our-follow•studont and sympadtlio with OH&
Mende in thw,loes of one who.was well ,worthy
of their tenderest regard.,
._ . .- .
14.16 hied, That RS ti tnetic.of r e s p e ct, e wa.
thn'titiiderits of White' •Htill ''Academy,' welt!'
the usual budge , of mourning for thirty 'fitiye.: - :
..' Roolva, That, tid; preitatille - ieuti multi: putdiehed in the CO liele,,,attrriOtArg
and *ailing mere aid in the Lutheran '01),-
ierier,' lied that copies be': fo r warded to' the
friends a of the deoeneeth• , 1 ~ : 1..• :.- "*•'.;
'II;; It; BOALE,:- ,1,...f-- ' .; •,..i: :' , t ~.
••'. FBED.,
RAKE,,, - ' • beremittee. „.
: Fefoitaniii Pitctiltire Poi Tits Nevi''Sn
Jeri Cito*:=:..Att h ',tent •
4grionitaidfSoeieeir, , vita 'itiehtly';'ti l piper
„ .
we. rend' front Vhdie'Peat;' president 'the'
OW tiooleff thitt!
thefature,prospeote of:• the eftlar interest: ',in ,
fondek,na' , .bevo audergaugi , lAnci peoi c cj i, an d,
highly ftirorttble,elunim„ ,„, , ,
Tile 0.00 hue lateyeere'been ;tet'
variety; `of die e Abe ejnol itdin borer' warin,en ,
linnet often tinind to theq nest Indio; but until
aktifbolß.Jll.l , o The. severe sahV
0,145 t 'lntel', • te r b);9 it , oear l 7 . !I e,P.I r 4 7 64 ., . the.
oriii;nri . stein 'ifeiktritied that
ihetaft,' end the ether tatubet - of.",dhieltite; nhaV.%
Arne theY , tirei Atv.thinatial l ' breadth Jeti&
has Iran.,phAted ;this year;,,en 4. #lth:anythit . 4 . ,
like tetnir seas o n s ot!a!on,,an,are r rage
ortip..lll.ettraltbl3 tia‘.•";`'. - ^ ' "
.111131; asuilDEm op' Ibu. HURDELL.'
• •
The exellingietittjetir';'Or. the lest week bee
heed thejttittietlgittfen,litp Coroner's jury, of
tit;i4prilklifOkltiAolc-cti,tiati,oltitig - in"
Bond-nG q 1 e! York; vibe on saturJey last
a i!"fit:lr,4l,4:lll":'"Wrg,.,llis.o:`6El.o4'licitil"'or
Earl' ate'
rd, The Yitimates of the house were ;Mrs.
Cunningliamand. her two grUwa up ..daughters,
aMr ttiii - tieldenoe clearly shows
td have mninfitined a criminal intercour s seWith .
Mrir denulstsbitmra.Mr.-.Eittodgxwas,Offianced - ,
twoue 4f, Mita;toi;,finisghters, eillaseAelatfotte
house servants,4hd one or two ihildien =There •
is :evidence of wore etroalei hut: till the"
inmates swertrAtiatlhey heard:no noise, and
wore, not :;;cognikenp:pf, the ~'esuider. Anill the
body' wee:found Ihy- the deice boy next-morn' , :
. in die a,ljeining
buildings sayiliaiitheihearti,thieriof,” met:-
iler",durieg the , eight, and admit a'peauliar
oder,'ll4 if ,woelen, clothes were 'heiht burnt .
The-Most singe:lire 'part ofidhe ifiely 'is that'
Mitt: Danninghatii . elnims to have been legally
married to the 'deatased, and entitled to • hie
effects; although thetwidenee goon to disprove
T.Eati; es 6E4 - tartlet npv,iifl%livedVogetlierintnianf
id wire. • ltds"also'ehown that feradtee'dine
priviitee to the niurder, a very bad feeling, ea
ialclhetween. the much-so flint the
deceased,: who formerly boarded thaeoutie,„
took his molls at the 04;M:wring_ hoteittand
_expreseed firantielit:earneif deihre
get. Mrs,-,Cnnningliettitittaf_XlM 'ln
_deed, the. moral character of all_tioncernetlav
poars'to have been,ef ti:Yeryjoyr,grittle. ,
The Coroner's invastigailoot, up. to Monday,
,give no other' clue 'es to the authors of the
crime •than that fuinfithed Aty circumstantial:
evidence. Cite , of , thei-Opethir theories
that Mrs,.Cunningbant-atati her lover, (Eckel)
wished to secure 'Burdelfii property ; that' e
mon:hike_ ceremony was performed between
lier and n person (Eckel, most - protably)wlui
personated Burden; that the murder was.then
pommitted„, and then comes' tbe- fissumed wl ,
dow's on the property.; The parties in
the house are all iti . bonfinement. Mrs. Cam:
ningham is the wido'w' of aßrooklyn' distiller
• nnitTictvlidie suddeir - death, tome-ten:
years age, - soon after his life, was, insured in
her-favor for $10,000; excited 831T10 comment
phe made the acquaintance of Dr.: Modell nt
-Saratoga, lost.summer, and managed to " iii
veigle' h minto a suit fothrineli of. -promise
of marriage, which he staved off by leasing
her hie house'. from which. he wee about,,to,l
eject her.tvhen dreadful Occurrence. above
recounted, took place. • I
Young Darden; the lad:wholret discoveredi ,
the murder, testifies to haring seen Eckel go
into the back yard, where he had never known
him to go lbefore,.nt nn enrly,hour on SaturdnY
Morning. - • 'A
-Mr. and Mrs. Stevene, who live
in Mercer afreet, testified to Dr. BurJelre hay-
higlteltriliem . - that he felt initiate own
house from mh o of peril:Ms - he did not
thet fie made his will and should never
in arry rs unningfiafniiiii - i4Taifit" •
moos 'he eliould marry her, but, be-would-not
have her to save all his money and Ids life be
• and that when her lease was out in idny'; - -
he thould clear them all out of the house; Tliey
also testified tesundryvhingyending to show
is plot on the.part of gelid tows) Afro Cunning
ham against the'Dooter. - 1 flop, Daniel Ullman
leetified Ao linving ounitilattifik War
past 12 that night,--tgone to . 'bed In the room
directly over-the scene of Mnrder,_slept sound
lq heard•nothing until the alarm was giv.
en MAito morning Mv. „l3rooke, liying oppo4,
-site, stated thathe had beard the-cry of mar.
tier htabout I 1 •, and , Dr.7lfelae , living .niso.
opposite; ehihlled.flannel burning, no did-wise
his wife, at • It weold appeor from.
thia • that the merder we' committed between
11 inul - 12 . o'claok, on Fritiny,olght, and 'llls
contended by-some , that it vest hate been
committed by parties outside of, the house:"
Their theory is that -the Doctor .wits
dogged, or, accompanied to, his lodgings', by
some persons, who f o r'the sake Of plunder, or
to be released frbm some peouniiry obligation;
committed' ;the deed,. :The: entire .-Case is
shrouded. in mystery, and the prebnnitity now
is that the guilty parties will astwe the pun.
Ishinent they so : petit deservei-at least' for
the proisent 6
On Thursday there - was no new • teistimony
elicited worthy Of atteution,'except that of ono
individual, Mr. Rose, stating that on Friday
.night he mime up Broadway, and turnedinto
Broad . street, perhaps q hundred feet behind
a gentleman wearing a cap and shawl, who
.eutered'No. 81 Bond street, by a pass-key, at
a quarter-before eleven . ; and when. he. came
up:to the door lie looked at the number and
patisedon,'and directly after lie beard the cry
of' murder—the first part clear and -distinct,
and the last part faintly spoken, as though the
word was Checked 'timer: Wore it was fairly
uttered. It is also shown Iliat Mr: Eckel, on
owning- to the house-on SaiurdaY; and-being
_told_lay the aeriontilint.Dn,BurdelLims_naur ,
dered. remarked. that it was more likely he
bad killed himself Eakel'olrunk, which bad
been in the house,' fortnight before, has been
removed to some plimalitiaknawn. , The woman
in the' carriage who milled upon Eckel. as
heretofore shown, 'castor Mrs, Cunningham,
butEokel'e Mistress. -
On Friday, Mr:Braisde!),,testified before the
Coroner'e jury, that he knelwith Dr Burdell,
in the room of the lattdiviii appointment, on
Friday Vaterneon. - o'clook,' when the
Doctor said he feared for Me life . ;.and wanted
Britisdall to stay with, him, which, however„,
woehe unable to do. Dr., Buidell said hie
life wee Eckel, Snodgrnes, Mrs
Cunningham and her daughter Augusta lie
sail that they uniecked his room in.his. eb•
nonce and searched his papers . and safe. Thu
Rey:Dr:Cox. Episcopal, Rector°, Zion church,
testified thnt he wnsivith Dr. BurdelL getting
his tooth. fixed,-untiLlive o'clock on Friln
afternenn;, that Burdell aPienred nervous and
fearful ; that ho told him positively he was.not
married, and never - intended to be; that he
•had 'smile. his will add left nothing to Mrs.
Aunningham --
On •Saturdny,le two •daughters of Mrsr
Conninglinm war examined before the to-.
quest. The eideir swore that
. Bho wne pro •
sent at, the marringe, am, thaLitie Doctor
hiineelf Was the person married ; 4fiat he offer
_words thileatenedAtes_life...iLishi_reventeCtite,
fact. I Both sisters swore that . ..they slept with
their mothe . r,lon night of .the murder, the.
iiiether -lnyang . betwestr . .ihAtwo end 'going t..
SwertiLthw4-Fesket was in the
room - about ten o'clock, -Mit only • few
minutes...and thell'wentro birown room; . On
Saterdny.the Court of OomatenDions iesnedri
writ of habeas borpne. tireW„iwiriolt Snodgrass.
,Eakel..ntaltra - Cuntitegitain were taken 'be,
fore :that tribunal. ;',Serodgenstr ttas 'released
on hie parole to °pikes - F.110 ; a witness, 'Eckel.
was .detained on speptclou pf
.the murder.
The ease of Mrs COnninghlim Was left unde
cided. 'The. excitement around the Cede'.
House - wee .very grette,..and there was some
„fear ; that,the mob would iyilob, tho.prisonera.
bit they mere tokcn ,out the , book way,
E'dlieris to beitgain brought up roe minima
.tberi,.btit will not .be"liblige.l to answer any
- 4aestlon . unless he chooseit;its - hols hold on
Ilutoo. l Ml of the murder._ • • •• • ; •
••, .. . .
Da.' IgetA# TtiONIP . 8611 8 intielv• ele
:brated RYE WATER: Pits nit etaiid unrlrnllod." •
IThle.old„tried.andinealuable.7 edy .for all t . he dia.
easesnf the oyek alter' having fig.xxl the teat of 'icier -
'Witty Years, and the daniaud Audi la still/ Increasing. , 1
,lii now, and has boon for, the peek tan yeara, olTered f0r., 1
guile !wan entire bow great: Ijatdt bottle alllt..biatiic a
Stool, Plate Enslaved Envelope; with a Oral alt, of, the,'
'lnventor,-Di. limo 'Thompanni'lieir London: . 'conic:, •1
; 111 4.4 ihe'ellnlbiar lilaphituttorei,. together:- with ti , . lho
'simile of the,lgnaturo or the prekent -Proprietor, John
, I.,;.ThionpsoniNollatandledi Iltraratreet;Tray, ?AM
' York, and 'mine other ban - berg ulna.:., .• , • ~ , ~ ~,
. i
The proprietor has 'been - eo pellid.letnaka“ this'',
4 ,
',change In the style arthi - Orra r owing - to' the large •
'quantity ° . prolanterfolt:'whish '• -:the part , few,: Teo) ,
1. , 1}1111 bean palmed upon the en ulty, hod 'especially
at . tbe , wetVi - :..,s , titi . i ,i,... , : . ~,.,. ,1.:, - -, n, :.,.. r
MPurchasenifdp partieularlY iiested to bay mono,
:b - ut•ttio'alildra deseribeit'arieo be red label`liareto
'fore tined haikheitti ettlicat„lor 11 1 0404 M thati . .lbrth.
Ike propiletirrdinia lot hesitate , prouownee ' mutate , '
1 1151 C"i ~ ' , ,' , .1 -, ; ; -,,, ..1...::, s •::t4.. -- ..q ~ v .
For sr: iltil the.teayeatable gipsts l't the, Vol.
fr i
:', ~,1` :::'k,..4....., : Z.,v4. . .,....-•ia, . .......47 .... 1 ....4.......r.d*•" 4 , ` , ' , .
YREAlONt%atiftlduirraid that ' ta:Zli Col: Fritaimit
, 'had as may) , Ilielide is the Mu up:Liniment . ; the op.
ipoidtkiii•cohht!tinVdtarfae - ete , p' 110 ittotrd. , 'Ali.'l o li-'
lump: krona/01W in.,tibl. , dlOnat , boa , do , Mr, ;111Incorn,
,while trarinporthii,borsiis and tlo 'died , tho' rilalnti 4
AiiirjrcOltiat - tp,thirvernme t W ould peed on a'...11b4
~ 'oral supply of bluetit LlntiPea :la )1 0 .terriditr..0,-2b.,Pcr .
' . peak:Ohl* lossia." ' ida hi Yeril luipatithitler'all 'WO:
!..1111.0 anit.Lltetraiet tantlw, Ilia Atuatand,tlichiiat
'tie a' Wotaldifel article : Far lama all Wet'', ift ,p 104:1,1
'tetrik3 4l lixedil) .i Boreillhtenth ',Stitt 4oltitsi, , nitniig ,
' nrichomylibenatilatia Pains, 41:144' 4 ... far (hidkrOpridim,, ,
Specti3O, i!lnitbfilici#6, , OßPlrlio of. ;44 , Trarr hpiht!
Shout rho no4trif is aohtlity. I rtniparJab ii.. daelar
everywhere. ~ - ~, -'., . ..,.., -, .' KNEW& 1 , . itita , .9
,+ Oet. 2il-4itt; • •' . • • , —. ritTrletare. Nay Wk.: . •
GE N 9 8. tipcOPIV .-A811,1.0
The violent itorrespmedenim i
which .rair.relrt
own to.havolnkettititirM_Mitween.GeoLlYinl,
Id . Scott and Jeketioti lhiri i Seer4lii:Pf
- • ;
ar, wrist:46llin* trans ittecd to the
, 'mate last week oird„orlierestlo juit)tohltelitid,
much to_ be'rlitietied -kb t
•. ;v . ordered, yut it 'cannot ^ gti"'• reiarrt d
. herniae than pOsitivelY discreditable to both
-A-despatah -from-Washington „ills.
--=--thet.from'-a=bitity-tiaininatien of.the , letters,-.
whiehtbere . orp enough t o forth large vol-'
utile, it , ' appea r s _
': Seoti declined
- -gi;remri -Open Mid- sp ecitio-iiittor t '', -Ble•L
_ eretary.novis regarding the expenditure of
' the Secret Service money in ,filexico, hal eying
that no obligation of public or private. honor,
oceiordlog to gui Ranges of nations ;Ind of gir
-1 mica, required him to disclose the names and .
• cirourrstaiwits:• tie," hOwerrer,: expreSsed
Willingitess to give such infertnation for his,
• '.privato'imr-iiioue, which the ReereterY said lie:
suns to rec e ive &Mb - fence:- . Boers
tariD avid, art response to. the „prepiden t, in.'.
,farms him that Gen. Senn had charged himself,
with the,eiiin 'of $2011;00i, 'nil, of, which, ex'-"'
ca ptit r_edLhi_
Mexico, said took credit for'diSbursing $.165;, -
541'zyrawlitg - 636: - 160 - wititeld - by - Gen.- 9 cott-ip
. his ectiount. . This balance the President'
o iliougl?1 the'Seeretary of WirriitittiortzedGyn;
Scott -to retnii). Gerr:Sbotti-bi it: letter Anted
- firlkiew,Nturk;':Deceenber,- , •18§6: vrri - thai
• there ore twb items Milking, $11.88 . 5, ogninet
him as p_nt_almitied•_'or diSalhirvediby_ the_ ,
President, on ncommt of 6 per' pent. ''ohnigoct
br oh nil triohey's . disbureed; 110 says-- it
was entirely 'within The tompetenoy.( of tho.
Viesitient to allow'tbe charge,
asks that .
'suit be biOugli'tsigainirtitlib by the
ment, to repover.rho nmuutit to be'
ddoby.him,noerly 416000.' the _Keel
; dent declined to enter suit, There ore many
explanations relatiie to these figures,_but_the
financial part of the tratisiction" cannot 'be
tardy tinderatood by this mere reference to
the subject.--- Among• the' - documents in the
Opinion of Attorney General 'Cushing,4J
-nry.-1850, to the effect that creating the rank
„._tiLtientennnt General demi not confer .upon
General ScolOril the Matisority wliioh weer Ito
pose.) by the law'of 1708 .11011 Washington,
• who was therehy. made the Cenunander of the
ormieo,'while General Boott was appointed
Lieutenant General by order of the President
of,tbe United'States. The rank carries rat
respective pay and emoluments, hut not ret •
respective authority. Gen: Suoit's.coneapon
densc with the officers of Gavernment goes'
bad: as far as 1848, and that: hetWeen him
, and the Seeretnrrof War, during 1855, con
tains the following features: • Secretary...Da
-vie, July 25th, 11366 Elva: -`
. • ffr leaie Unncrticadlhe exhibition. of feee- •
visit temper in reply to an inquiry 'from this
De : pertinent." &o.
(ten. Boon replies, July 80th. • ' _
tileb e_casy_t o_sho w_ths.k_the,vihnle,
latter, in witioh,a
you charge Me nl....exhibit . -
ing a povish temper, is as flippant in,its
'_ments anti logiattnin - that noctusati
tninly, as Secretary of War, : you havii., done.
: 'enough 'to warrant more than a ao.pidon, that
from the first you hove -considered it'• your
special mission, by repented aggietisiorean
• rights and-feelings, to goad the into some tier ,
r flints' ntitutio- of- official- oppOsition To . yrovo
, my long forbearance; tar - army time of life all
nngry discussions are painful, I will now prow
"cced to enumerate some
. of, the provocations
alluded to, nithout'dilating in this .place on
5-- - yenr . -"pertizanliostility to the 'Brevet . of -Lien
.lenantllenernt 'lndio the compenmition Con=
gresi intended to attach thereto." -
Gen Seolidten,alludes_tti_one of the •Ss!.
cretnry'p ..Ctiptnin's imports," and his " cap
ping the'olimapAyesurpation and absurdity,"
He likewise says: . • •
"Following out- your personal rebuke in
the letter of the 12th, your object; in violation
•of - Principle, is to crush me into a servile oboe.
dienee to yourself'will. I know your -obsti
nacy, and I knew also what lidue - to tnyself .
as a soldier, and if I am crushed, '1 pre
fer. it at Med:tends of my military peers."
The Seorotery rejoins inan unofficial 'nets,
• - dated - August ,28,, '7' -
"Your present accusation, which charges
me with usurpation for the most unworthy
ends,. and imputeit to me motives inconsistent
with official integrity, is considered basely
manevolent,,and pronounced utterly false."'
Gen. Scott 'replying, August 6th, says,:
I have received a note from You, dated 21
instant, which you seem to desire me to con
sider as unofficial ; I shall not comply with
that singulaY fancy, as you can have no legiti
mate claim to address me, except as Secretary
ot War. Accordingly I ; shall- treat your corn •
maniCations, whether designed as pllate and
ecurileus, or as public missives of_ arrogance
and supercilioueness,' as equi.lly -
There are beauties in them which iuglit -- not
- to helost, and it shall Dot bo my fault if. l do
opt render yotir part of thisfrOrrespondence a
memorable esappledo be shunned by your
'To this the Secretary replies, September
, .
"Nor nm I to he at all deterred frost s-ful
exposure 'of oho groundlessness. of your .char•
gee, by the threats - you make •of rendering
My part of this bo'rrespontlenco n memorable
eiample te o be shunned by my . successors.—,
This is the nisirest bravado' iii one him:
self affords the, moat memorable, example ,on
the records of this Department,,of a vain con
troversalist defeated, and ii'faleif eCeigee Mt ,
quintile the pal aau d I ullatunt ion from the severest hurt
r scalds, In from one Ito twenty minuies—and that u
wilt heel the ivetufula without a scar!. and effectually
cure Fever •Ilheum,lnflauffnatory
Rhouniatism-7Bare and Inflamed Eyes—Cul
—Bruises—Old end Inveterate* Sdres—Nenld (lend—
Corns and Bunions—Erysipollut—Sprnins-•,-welliuga
Mons—Chilblains—Bites ortnsects=Swelled and tiro.,
ken Dronst•flore • Nipples,LEruntions,-and all other
Itilinunnntori nud cuteneous disotoagovhcre'the parts
Detilla Incredulous abinit tint many di oases named
Ga be curod,by only ono thing—but reflect thatthe few,,
but positive properties which the .Dalley Salve itioriii
eintalus,'nud as heretofore enumerated—one to tour-t
roach not y the .1(11,1,111.1 tinned disensoa, but
Quory.—Donut 'regular bred phyntrinne pßtscribe rale
reel itutarttly Forts:ores of different diseases!
Eachlios of GENUINE DALLI'B4.'AIN Exrnactoit bee up•
on4aa-Stool-Pintav•Engraved.Labotarltb-the signature',
of C. V. CIAOKENEII Ss CO., proprietors. and HENRY
oALLEY;'nuinuftveturer: •All' Others FP - .eminterfelt..
Ali orders should be,Vidffressed to; C. Clieltenor .1t•
CO.. Ell street, :Vow York.
* l 3-For sale by all Drunintathroughout the ,United
It wnuld hardly do for any one to have the termerity
now days to question the coFeelionve of Dr. Ilaotland's
German Bittera which are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack-
Son. In C. 1411121 of dyspepsia.• liver , complaint, and de
rangement of the digeetive organs, their. tniny virtue*
have long elate 'been ainde• plainly appatpot:, They
purge II•our the systoth the morbid humorh which ' re ,
lard the natural .functions, - and bring polonoss to the
chock, end suffering to the brow.- They banish these
Clegg 'upoti happiness, and raster.' the system to high
health. Nee Adverlisoment. , . • •
gr)U3ll3'l) • VALLEY= • - INSTITUTE.
for )(pang Ladlee and Gentlemen, Necbanlceburg, Cum
berland Cwunty, - Pa.
1 This well. knotor Boarding School for wing ladies
end, 'gentlemen, conducted' fur several years, by the
Rev_S.-Looeit„ A. M, trill be contintied• by I be. sub
scribers, who, engaged for years as Instrurtors of youth,
assisted by male and female Vatcbers oh °snot-knee and
shill in their profession, " will qualify unpile to discharge
with dispatch and accuracy, those duties which arise
f the relations - of reciprocally dependent beings.^
arch as desire -It; be, educated and trained for the
basluess of teaching. SPecial attention toßi Le given
- lit the -- . Norma- departmenis,-becing-connected- there,
With a Model school for tbemducation and training of
instructbris of j'ontli 'and, when qualified', no' pain*.
Will gpmrod .obtaining ,them situations..
We hive now
sevend appircatlotialbr good towbars. '
In. tlekosicvl 40)dirtmDrit;PROK 1 11 ,1 0 - 4111 1 female,
Mill be prepared for any class in college;
Terms . *eir Inedenite.; . Thd nest abasiontwill
mence„ Patriots, guardians and others
wishing , to' Imun the particulars 'front 'a Oltenia!, or,'
otherwise, will address,' • -
'HOPS. k Ir.
”lirepriotors of the C. V..' Institwto, Mecharilhiburg, ,
: '.. •
;••,,•,• AW'S AND PalliAllß. - A •
" Engihdi and Clo.6llo4,£3chdpl, Lana:bail!, Pa.
er wliitr iowna - i, r utifrig;iiyi444,;rne
- :openen the inicentiTntuntay Januari..lB67:n,
The tunuil Enalleb and Claealcid,hrenthes.adnp , o ht.
b '
onr drat grade'A eadernlpe; wrip hoteughte Ndpillna
lettablhtpti; . tilliiiiietilo,iYre,Middst
.. of malestic anCinountalpf acknery r ibree
tent 11.otn the V Warm Sprlngep ta.hatltry
t 'T1140119 recictn rfcrathetrronaPOtitelidrhitnteWnek.
.. and yet . wootty-ekanovitoA,LririNftsrrirt audF , ffingS ,
eitlea In the elate; i•
• Mint' Pailret% wi th oiliono t o r••• • • •
. Tonne per 9uarter, 130)1X, $ Iteeordinor to the wade
aUldaddes..l. Matto: , Planck 'atiO , " (lo Pieni Et. ?cit
tt i l P ttoos" k arl fb at r* p_ l elt l ekr.l o4` "!•
A:p„ ,
4 -
. • MEIPItio ,
, . ,
~..,,-?';" -,:-.„„:,.:,--.'
~f . ..., - ' S , `,. , :freettmditige of Conireetrdurtng
916. 0 4 i--;.,,,,.. l i i i. be le. ,T' s _e4l l l !! 2 1.409. 1 A_,...9°.
r„f!,i,!'"fltilietttntjteed a biOnthovis.O.:
vt:14.4 11 0:2 . ,341,4iti5t4 to form k18143.%,11.!:
„,,..,„, :„...0_::,„,.,„„..4 .111'6 Ai ;
7 1 , ftletS'e,AItitiftS - . l 4llanthatislifilhe tie4littf.,
94***0 0 - AYie-4ni!;);oo:iiiiiiiii ; :4e'
Steam APVentni Cutter bilic which prey'
had '
away . peso . be Senyttc,,waa .passed.ln the
itop..Bo.`itif,, , A,!..billF-was-passed:to,di v id e the'
Stote-of•Telcas retcotwo.judielnilliettiote.=-0 e
Tuesday,. nothing of interest trantipired In
teither Honse. On.Wedilestlay, the credentials
.of ,Mro3intmentytt'new” Belittler from Rhode
- Ittiiiinit — were prole - MCA - in - the - :I as ow
tested election mute, ! the ..nAmmitted of the
- House reported'in•fitiorvsf-Mr.- Hall,-lbe , sit--
Mug member. A mothiti in. the•lfOuse to KY
the Submarine telegraph billAii the table,•wae
n egAtived •by a• vote of yetin .67;
,Intye - . 128.
..nlett passel the iiitts,,,,ettsolution
-piiti)nitirig itt - give"en - Aliltriiiin'h titetinitieoirthe'
entire control of thu contingent fund. Without
the - stipervisirin of,,•titelre unary... Accra i'On
!llittrElay. the Stitottif irgree,i'to all the emenk,,'
inents'of the Moue to'tlie bill' rating to: fo
reign Coins end-the 'co,ittoge of, cents, twid'altto"
added an amenttitenl' 'lit the House, the'mo•
-lien = frir the previoes,tidnittion on, the,Subtint
rine Telegraph'. bill . waV !not suntiiitiSt "Seth.
lictue - e - s — intvc --- irr1np . 16.11... . '-olution--provitlin,
for countiiig the votes, t'Or rreSitient And Vice
President on .Wetincittlgy next, nod tellelts have
hoer, appo inted f?r; tite.ptirpoie.• ,',' . , • "'.
In the Senate, on Nitiutlay., 4r,,prigbk.pre:: _
_eented__the:_eredeptinie .of - ..0i-ik,Atts_lN, )?itch,_
' the preen clothed *Ws the &ado:Hints of II
, Scooter by the Domoornts' of ' the Indiana. Le- -
lislature. . Mr. TrOmtiull presented the, pro
' test of the Itaintua Senate tigainst the legality
'tif the . .etecti tn, and also the protest of thirty
fotir members of. the liense of Representntivee
.of Indianavo the some vgdot. A' discussion
thou nrose as to whether Mr..Finolt shots' I be
sworn, w hiclr'endetl - ito - his - .buing - allowed -, to
'take the oath, .
, . .
. ,
T pontempt Udee..
41Aunisuund — , Feb. 6. , —The fieurati dd•
oupiedt the whole morning in thetnifishyration
of the bill of Mr. Penrose, concerning cert•
tempts of court. The question now pending is
an .amendment offered by .Mr.. Browne; to
matte the bill applicable 'only to. the 28d, 24th,
25th, 2Gth and 27th.scotions of the act of .18'
'36, relative to the jurisdiction and powers of
the C urns. Mr. Penrose continued hii argu-
Mont, which has filreoily extended through
several sessions, in favor of the bill. He ed.)
logized Captain 'Bmall for_the services he has.
performed to his bountry in, the war with
Mexico, and fur the fortitude and diterniina:.
lion lie hns displayed In: resiefing_ivintt_he
the unjust determinntion .and
decree Of the Eippretne Court—'l4 martyr to
to comtiinnd &militia rottiment. , :
• The Senate has not yet noted upon the notni
&Mien of the Rev . ; Dr. De Witt as.Staiiilibra.
:inn. There is 'mime oppo s ition to his confir•
motion by those who thinkthat the Governoi
should have eppointed a party man, while - Jill
'edMit that he has made a most faithful cancer,
niuPthat no favorable change could bo made
in Ohl respect, • • '
The CoutesAed Election Camp
IlKiiatenunit, Feb.. 7.—The Comrcittee . to
. .
tbo .:allegotions Rte.-pa tition -of
George R. Smith contesting the sent of Mr;
Romney, reported this morning Inlavor of the
sitting 'member,' unanimously. The. report
states, that.the error, alleged in the ateturn of.
the . 4th division-of the 9th-ward, by which Mr./
Ramsey receive I. 157 votes; when hut, 187
votes were actually cast for him, was' found to
be correct,' and hati - lhere - , - .been - rio - otttset:
shown in favor of Mr. Ramsey, .11.1 r. Smith
would have been elected by a majority of three
votes, but an error was discovered in tbe. ro
turn of the second division of the 10th' ward
The-return' from this ward as wade f'eut for
the Convention of Return - Judges, 'gave. Mr.'
Smith 819 irpcoe. 11101 p ,;93 m4'4441101' of the.
return In the Protiimitarein'effine II showed it
to be but 809 vote's,' This c rreotion made,
and Mr. Ramey holds hie seat byte •mojority of
seren votes.
The members composing the committee on
the Militia System in the Legislature, have is•
sued a circular, calling thb attention of the
military throughout the Commonwealth, to
the foot that n State Convention will be held
in Harrisburg on the 26th of this inotah, for
the purpose of tithing into cbneideratlon an
entire reform of the 'Militia System of the
State.. Each coanty„is solicited to send at
lead one delegate.
Bank IMlattere
denioarmic -member of -the-
Blouse, has introduced bills to prevent aliens
acting is 'officers of banks or other 'corpora
tions, and deolaring n person• who- haw held
the .office of . President of a, bank. for -three
years inelligible for a fourth. The latter is
intended to prevent More defalcations like that
of 'theleiticaeter Bank. •21.1. Ball 'tts Intro
duced a bill providing for -Free Banking, by
depositing sin teatocks for their security. !lab
has been referred to a select Committee.
A bill bin been introduced ln the- Emit°
by. Mr. Penrose, to, provide for the sale of the
Maine Line ofv:Abe, public works, the wimple'
thin of the Sunbury and Erili•Ritilrund, and to
tedime the Stote , illebt. It peovides Air' the
eale of the' Main Line' to the Peniisylvanin
Central Railroad Company. ,for the
_ssm° of
payable• iu their owu stock; au-'
thoriies them to incresse their stook - for that
purpose, and nleo takes off from that Company
all the present taviethof toting*, dividends;Re
Thu s bill likewise further prov,ides, thnt the
Governor 'Omit-- be- authorized r subscribe.
$5.Q011,000• for thescoMpletion of the Sunhury
and Erie. Railroad; hovrevei r ssid
COmpanji to 'tiny five- per cent, on their sub:
seriptions, until their track shall ho finished ;.
and then the" tk9OOO.OOEN received from, the
'ruin Central . Railroad Company
for th'e liqut
&that of the publietiebt. ' •
." VINO'S 1:11Pti 01?
• O. P. PILITNAiIIwIII commoners _
a foss days. n mew edition of tide griat •
',ark, In seuil.mouthly parts. •yricei dt.•
emits encb.•
Erich volume will amidst of. faur patticlaididsomely
printed In .imeerial .ortaro. The whole work will
illuitnited by about fifty nutieriCi klugimrlnge on Steel,
Including Portralis and orialind Pictorial Peeigne, by
eminent Artists, with numerous At;ood Curt mut BUN.
llech pert will contain el !met .T 2 prey addlinollnitter
lug ou Steel; ecory other pxn,Aylll havt!,o , ro Steel
1. Each serol.montbly pert, eontaleing aS elm°. SOO',
25'eente payable on delivery.'
2. All -eiubscribere must engage to -take the :satire
work. '
3.' The seecind and subsequent volomeserill-be Issued
-in double parts-,and the whole will, be published' est
regular Intervals of two weeks.
• Among the Illustrations alresdy,engraved pr IMO
completed, are the following: ‘
sZciee. Sebuylen, Qum Charles Lee, Mom POtparn,,Gen:
Arnold, lien. Preen, Gem Ward, lieu:Knox; 'Oen. 81n
elaitt Oen; Montgomery. Oen:Lord. Uen.:Btlrllngl:(iem
Baron' Steubeu. Gep. Lora) ette, fount Mulaskl, Den. Lbicoin-Gen.-Mercer -Gene Ilenry;Lre;!Col.:1 1 loolarle ,
Gen. Weywa, Gem Cl inton, Itobert :Morrie tien, 5C 4 4,,
Geri." itandlton, Gen: Gates,'.Gon. Glover. GeMlifrllll.
Ham 'lows, Gen; Biel:Mary Olintoni Washiogton;(filam
tbo picture by_Peale,) Waablogton,,(llne)! the picture by
, Trumbull,l Washlngtoriiiiretun tbeidetureby.trorelnull.
ler,) Washieigbin, (team t,be.yletatle,,Of limidatiMa - Bta ,,
tool Wiesbington"(Gam Os picture ofßrowee Statue,)
Wahington,Areelthie.orkritml Proinui) ISM' , Washing.:
ton, (early"partinit,) „Aire Waebillgio!legtetei 3 titert,),
Übe rbilllpotlttom pleturmy •. ,
11" "!,..7•;1 ''..4I.III.IBTIt:ATIGNI3,OB STBEL. , i
Cra l i tork ,,,l , deedgee;),
s;Blrth Beunt Vernon,
trveyor::,Washlngton' at
g the•,,Dlemal
''Whieheitet ; ' , *asbingtoner
irbg,oorlki‘etapPli fitu;ker.liip; ,Fortliaonderoe
; leiicetleo ertlaration'et West feint, 10,17130;
Wublngton'Quelllng AIWA' (trOmeenteMPoreirydram.,
40.),V0w.0r New Ycrk,377o; Bostomßem Dorchester'
fredglitiv. 1779 VAtiMenueenientetliideperulenter Bat. ,
,tleotl'rontom; Altat,tleoteermant:2 , ln ikethiol Mon.,
mouth' Braddock 's Dnttle Field; ,Witabltlitten going to'
tuns niwaye 4 reamine per •emlnertee,"mts!ble . ..,4
, •
—lt le. Intended that tha illustrations. In, cite.
'edition shell be worthy.of the subject and of the anther.
ThA,befskprtkilmtureit beitivekgago ,:tet:niake4utatieal,
drawings, and tliainost eminent enteateera are seetWed.
No evßetike wilt be Viral to makelbe engravldwelewie,
d lOW teetwite,laan, art, an, 1 1,1010-tatieiketat7 F 0.4
io&otui,tahtc . .•
...Agentaimisleattsalwere mipplieden',Mbeesi..tertesi:,:
't blue: two Mptibilsbed - ekclusividelbesitteerlbare:: '
-1 :44-,Ccuntry papers laserting tblesdeitibmaseitttt ,
*III repel ve a complete swot 'the, I.llWatratettell Bono
f.!jairt,14,481 1 4 ....41eP 1.
• . .
••• • •
.;,;, Items '01) Zefearuji#:,
rd eir2
-71Ovr IfOrk; teb. 9..2-Several'Asfilitiintarsilt
pesOssi 'Were ogtinttned asty,Mti: the ;matter
ttlAfia'.txttrity ;Dr. Male.
AteirtAsir i ip4.Etil
Hone with r.' _Burden,' . testified'. their - belief
that the latter watt at Saratoga, on the 28th
'of Ootoher, the date of the, alleged marriage.
-pers found in blokes 'possession, purpbeting •
to hive pasned - between`Dr. Burden and Mrs.
.Ounstingimm, were forgeries. _
7- Itilia -- Salle - ribitith. a, corset ma ker, testified
that one evening, laie in October, Mre. Can•
ningham and her eldeat daughtereame to her
motheee helm° to await the arrival of gen
tleman. :The hater came.apdaaid "ell tight"
and: then the thiee went. Off.' together. The .
witness woe here conducted to another room.
Kr*ere tte Se rat - persT)
nut the man whit ;called:. for Mye! Cun- ,
minghatn, "hob 'ehe Mffieeltatingly pointed to
r The theory of the prosecution 'that the
Inikht allndsikto wAs the one on ;which , Mrs.
tO have, 'been' nia 'Tried to
Mr.;'110;10t. ,
1 , ,h1r, Eckel, was - th.en - up . ; `but-refu se d.
ztbit plealhat lie wee wee , a , party . An.
te4eitink-discuesion.en s ueiLi,
WM. !int:dell. of dolumbus; Ohio.-a brother.
'of tifit'lletieiiiiiiK i hns green Mince that he 41..:
,tends to apply; foe letters of administration on
;the-tatter's estate; N--
— Flood .of the Slierynehanerna
lIAERIBDUIIp, Feb..9.—There is a great flood'
in the Susquehanna ;The ica6roke up this
aorning, but gorged about four, miles below.
The ice has been thrown • over tha , railroad
track' 10 to If) feet high. , The down train hes
born obliged to rettwo from this Mittee.
It 'armored that one or more bridges On
the Juniata brave been Swept away. . • '",
- piece of the .Comberland Valley
Railroad Bridge over' the Susqoehanna hale
been injured, and the danger of the bridge be
lug-carried away is so imminent that the ears'
hove not passed 'over iK . The sebile along the.
,river is awful, and a great destruction of prop
erty is threatened. •
, Between this place and Middetown the lee
has been .heaped up along the shore, and in
Many places it covers the'traek'of the Harri
sburg and Lancaster Railroad in piles of ten or
twelve feet In height It 'is fearetithat a good
'deal 'of damage hes been dope to the road.
Travel is completely su.pended. Tba, Ex
press train, which Started from here this morit•
ing for Philadelphia, had. to return. (Tho
obstructicins have-since - been removed and the
cars run as Usual.] . . . .
Teiylbie.Freshet on the Hudson
AL➢ANY, Feb. 9,—.A iremendoue flood co
.curved last night, causing 'damage estimated
to amount to two millions of dollars. The'
-city, during the night, was afieene Of tyesui
most confusion, both front fire and water, and
laborer/ were working all night. in removing:
the goods from the stores In the lower flirt of:
the citi.. The second storiee were, as it was'.
thought they would hi, safe.. But at-11 O'clock,-
tile water began rising rapidly, and.thO work-:
men were obliged to .desist, for their own s
:Safety:, ,- '
. .
The water continued rising till 4 o'clock
i (
An& - inoritlng, when - it - iredeNed..arpelnt three ,
fi. higher - than any ever before - known , -fiord---
1 g thavrholeThWer portion of the city us high
tip, ad Green Street . The lower parts of ' Her
/lamer, •Hudstin 'and 'the-parallel streets are.
suirmergeeto!the -first story, and Broadwayi,
flooded from- the :Exchange to - the Beletran '
House. • The' stoles and cellars on . the west
side are all filled with water, find all the streets.
.between Broadway and the river are naviga
ble by boats. A large number of 'cattle have
been drowned. . .
Four hundred cattle were drowned in East
Albany, and.. alto many bottles stabled in the
lower part of the city. Three wrecked bonibe.
paased down the river Ibis morning from aticie;
tw men being:on the roof of one of them.
Tie iludaon River Railroad is submerged,
as is alsolbe Central Railroad, and the trains
are landing their passengers in the- ouiskiiis
of the 'city No trains have left to day, as
yet. At noon the 'natr was again rising ra
pidly. Arid meeting has been Milled for
the relief o the auFerers. • The streets at noon
presented a scene of the greatest ezoitemeut.
Severnl alarms of fire blive been sounded, and
families from the flooded districts nre being
landed froM flat boats at the post-office steps
and other points.
On the 4th . of Yebruarp,'lB6:. by flay. 3. C. Bucher,
Mr. riA3llThi. WOLF, or south Middleton, to Miss
ANNA M., daughter of the lute Charles (uyer, of New
ton township, Cumberland county, Pa. .
, • -
Al' Whit° llall, Cuuitwxlnnd county, on Friday, JA.
nuary 30th. 166 i, A. 1). of barks county, in.,
aged 16 years, 6 mouths, and 30 days.
On the morning of the td inst., at his 'residence In
Wellsville, York county, Mr. VOA AB IiIBSIVT, In the'
49th year of Ids age formerly a resident of Papertown.
New Rh ertisements.
UN I O'N F . I It .E.-.4.'.4OIIIPANA'S'
—l , Iwr ii Lit 451. uit El•
sinjor E. §. EllE, of Carlisle, .will deliver the fifth
lecture before the Union Sinn COMPANS on TIIVIIB-
DAY, the 10th of. February, 1867, to the . COURT 110111$1.
Sulject-- A :Ann Tu.s.". . - • .
- EensOn Tickets, admitting too persons to the course,
$1 00. Season Tickets, admitting one, Weenie. Tick.
ets can he obtained trout en) of the Committee.
• .1. FAGAN, - - ._ U. DELAVY,
A. C C 011.5111,01; C. 11 AlEcit,
. It. M. BTEVEN3O:I, , • Committee.
Dec. 24, Lao). .
. •
, : 1 , 1 RES .
--CONCERT !—The . • Singing
1 -
Class, under the direction of,JOIIN 11. RIIIOIIII,
wl 1 meet In Education Hall, for irobecirsal, on tnitnrday
avaditlif. Neb. litb. ,The p idle are Invited to attend.
hereby giveu that applica
• Uon for Lieenso.under the art of Slot of Mara,
inioliettitiedi -..- Au - Aet - lultegliliite — tlieTeibrif
gtiog Liquors." mustihe tilled with the undersigned en
or before.the :Het ddy.lif Merck neat.
, , JOHN at. CREDO, . •
• „Clerk of Quer. Bess.
1100T1011.—All pereons.knowing then .
selvesiudebted to C.l tihoit Agt., ato hereby both
bed to call and settle their respective accounts as soon en,
pcsedblu, as he Is desirous to limbo a genond settlement.'
Notice Is also elven to thono baying claims or demands
against C. Inhoff, to present the same trishout 'delny for
settionont, C. 1N1191 , F, Agt.
Carlisle; Set. 6, 185T.:=-3t.
SllABP,4leceased.—Notleo. Is hereby given that
Item Testamentary on the .Estste or Bev. Alogancier
Sharp, late of'"l'en tan township, Cumberland 'minty,
deceased, hare been granted by the. Register or %Id
county, to tho subscriber, ,residing ,In the samo town n
ship. AU persons knowing themselmm Indebted lo said
eve roquhed to , mako Immediate . payment. and
those hoeing elahni to presetib them for settlemont to ,
Executor. •
4 TIN, diei;aaid:=l.44lee 111%004 given that Let
tere of .Adadolatratton
,on the estate. of Jane artin,
-late orDlektuaon - townahln, Cumberland M county,' de-.
eeasid, bays leen granted by the ltegtbier of the raid
county; I o the auteerlher;realdlog In Newton town gap.
All Inuaotu.hislng • eltdats agalnot 'Feld estate are, re.
,blueated..o.nresent_thent. foraattletub4,, andthine. make OnmadJate payment to .. '
~ •
otonaz 81MBAN,
. AdmlnlOraton
reb.l:l, len
1.1.1 AN YARD. FOR SALE:,-The.Tan.;
yard in my occtipericy; (hilneey,
!In !bur-Mlles of , Waynesboro'; Franklin eounty, Pa, 167
for min , .7t includos,about tbree'acres of Land, snood,'
substantlal:twestory Brick, HOUSE. and- Eiteben, - Etn ,
bang, Carr - lege end Ice 'Boosts Bunitii and Well 'or ex: ,
oellent water al- the kitchen door,. Steam
ennYing Shop,'sbout tarty yeta.'mostly nodes.
.roof,liC Bunning gtream of . - Piateplissing thieve"' it,
Garden. Orcherd, and all ' th ere4Milte buildings and', -
ippuriolumeelao irony" on'the Mitmitig tualloetia
sively.. It in one orthenestast sod most complete pro
pertles alba .I"ind, p, etate,:of complete repair, and
will be sold M a bargidrer as iblentctrOpf Soda It maces ,
' , m u, r ef, od etnrieste eale i tt will be laid'
At public auctionew,thellßS.T . rulpA.x 1,11
Orietbird of iboPorelooei.tiothrita aukoia ( .4. 5
kwienee In two equal anneal Instalments; r,
• '.'/Nir er,pert let •
,Franklin boo tY
iti;fiti*ol.l4d ,
b 21 , 21?-",
of the recant Mato and VOInOt ,lirvtr.7
naa , whb leads a:•'
, o• 'North ttatutiotAttia:Cai4sio;,, -
.''''iiii,i:ll - 04illli.iiiAqii464$iita`,t:':,: - ' . . •