Ini =I ::Snopesti-oft e Chinese Sugar Cane. , ? 7. • WisniNaToN Teo: 1656 ' • `i ntooiAn is abOut being issued from - the-United'Stater(Rateut Office by •dotni ' imissioner-Mason,itinderithe special qirec. tierCef ~likoWiffiEs4., which - will" ,:h . e-sent-to-thri-'differentState—Agricultu.:± ,infaooietiee:in ., the United States accent ";.rnied-:14 pareehel,the , Chtnesp sugar '. cane , seed; 'raised under!, the superVisiOn Olfice, sufficient to, eultivate_aixteerr'aeregi,with the view of d tending the`aulturci;of this plant in the.. several S,ttiteia. b9en kindly' fa, ~.voied, • With- a n'advaitecreopy ofrthe circus. Aar referied to for,publicatien llmi 4t;is a subjes)t. ;:fOritin'eo'..o the -people of the United •States„ - opecially, those of the Northern - ' _ t Uoion - ,'• and for this reason rnalcu,ncTriforagy The ConinliSsioner • "If consistent "with the regulations of _your Snpiqty, yptCwill.oblige me by put - ting it into such hands for cultivation 64 . ' will be likelS7'tn .keep the seed pure and t,intniiked: With , broomcorn, Gni n ea"eOri), or other,phints that, Would be 'liable 'to ;mix. orit .bridize ,and 'return ,ono-half of ;the :product to, yikur Society for subse-: ;Tient distribution::- I think it would' be • proper to obtitin a written obligation from . .each of the - , parties thus • reeeiving • the • seeds. " .This new plaet seems to be destined to take ep , important position among our 'ecOnoniical products.„' its seeds were sent some six years ago from the North ~ o f china, by, 11f.-:(l6"Montigny to the Geo graphicals,Socioty 9f-Paris: From a our , sou exandeationlif a B p 2411 field of it,, . growing at . reirjeres in France. in the • 'Autumn of, 18_54,LDIr—D._„,.Browlie,_:._ • - then on a mission froia this office for col; Noting agrioulthral inforniatioh and pro ducts', was led to infer fillip, froth :the pc culiarity uPtherelimaterfir,whitlilt7vvier krdwing and its resemblanCe . to; Indian 2,_ _vorn - it would flourish in•• anyxegiQp_, 'Wherover . that plantliduld thrive. From this source he obtained some 200 pounds of tho seed. whieh.witidistiibutedin small. :packages` by this Offiao'inoong Members' of - _ tOngt:ess, with the view of experiinpnt-, ing with it in all parts of the Union, and. . , .thereby aseertaininz its; adpptatieerto the soit - end'elibiiite 'end its economical ---Tui) - inAlto - Unitod - States.- - 4u nutnerous __Lastariciettiho.iesults„-proved .satisfactory — ae - it - attained - thvireiglrt oP tvv - dlvo or fit -- tOen feet"iis.far north rig 'St. Paul, Min. _ - , peseta, and !natured itisoods at various Oat in Massachusetts, New York. Penneylvania and Illinois:" The follow year,.while in F.ranee,,on a similnr mis- sion as above, Idi,Wowne.obtainotl sev-, mal,intshels of:,the -seed -of, •this radt,,; grown from that' reputed' to " boil° been brought' from South Africa by Mr.„Leon ard Wray, of London, and , which bas singe proved tole identical pith that ob.: Mined in 3854 • ff There epee's to be 'a doubt among many in-Europe, tes welPas in this coun try, as to 'the true, botanical name of this plant. M. Louis Vilmoria,. a Scientific cultivator of Paris, provisionally gave it the name of _lloequit,saacharatus, which . 11'4 previously been applied , to the coin- mon brootn 7 olirn;• if, mot to other species, or alonst varieties; of some . allied plant. Ho also conjectured 'that it might be the Sorghum tttgaro'(Andropogan sorghuni or,. others) and thought that it might con- 7 prebend a variety. az . well as' And ropooon cicfra, loicolor„ cto., of Knuth.. Mr. Wray, _ - who hag devoted much of his time and attention to the cultivation of this plaat,___ — witlitho view of oatiiioating sugar from juice, a ape 'ate] and other places,' , states that, in the. south-east part of Ca froria, thertiadiat least fifteen varieties, some of them growing_to_.a . height of twelve and fifteen feet, with steins as . thick as those of the sugar:canp Sacclift-, ruts. ojicina?e. Vihneriti also says • that in a collection of' seeds . sent to the Museum of Natural History at Pariti It 1840, by M. d'Abadie, there were thirty kinds of sorghum aniong the growth of WEI& he' recognized' several plants hay-. . g•stems 'of a saccharine flavor. . Others Il re of the opinion that the common brOom ocnn (gokus saccharaitie,)'the chocolate or • Guinea-ocrn ;(sorylrunt- aufgare) ., Mad the Chinese sugar-cane,(forghuntratthelta ra:ttm) all of which, contain more or lose saccharine matter; belong to' the SaMOT. • sp,enips.bot_are_vitristions - Caused-by--..dif- - fereneeopf soil and - cliniate,'or hitt' dispo • sition to sport after the manneeof Indian corn, and other plants wader. cultivation.' The Chinese sugar-mine differs from the' othors,,in containing a far larger proper-'„' don of juice, and. consequently . . is were for-folder and other economical • • uses,' ”, • • • ; 1766 a plant analogous to the one in:question . was. experimented upon • at,. Florence, in, Italy, by Piptl'o. - .44140, - .foi "' , lhe extrication of sugar; yet it must hayel been of a different. arickY, its seeds- as of a v eletii, these of theChinese•segiir-ohnh are .of , a''' shining jet-black; '4'6(l imapilearaiihe'iden.', field with those of the Sorghuni : ytOttre or the old •Sollootioni, • . „- DE§OXIPTIO,N, AND:HABIT 'OF ITS.O#OWTEL. • "116 voted' On Ordinary 'laine , in.tile .United? - States,, somewhat after thg mannee;hf broom•eornc grown to a height of from • eight,tssixteen-feet t; while, -E in nrols:I . jt y •-•.i, idoeslmnittain Mo're` flint' half thiirfittl tudo."lto•fitems'in . p,straightlend eften covered with ti , Svhitil lilt:rein - of 40,6 A. haviog, ilPnleWhat over and greatly:xes'OblifigAi ancS3liase. of Indiaii - corn;:but, imere,'eli*;l • ant tOrM*Wcii`eiba;all3;,:itiOci -_ lull containing eight'or;tegiita}lcsPiiGhy`,`; • it pad; filithrat.lali.teii!ixoeitichtpinnao;92; of - dense flOwers,:groisiiiitXrii i t;',bdf Chang.: j'AP,l l *.`i)4, . , Vraueopind.in3the'elintiolt: V, oeotilms far prov,ed . unano44;, tionlib 6 4, , by , Xlc - Fileioritt, soixte4 iipbtittilMtalti'UniSoutheid.Stattisi* it 'fir-llopjectAd4,alliffilnithfOillgOriltitt full'4o.o;l.f . t.444,ite.E•pattof,;tka stalks 'in -Alil*,ll29, ' , ' AP Y ; s 9oo o6/glkOkit"fliiiole;OW•: far betterythaidiklian•cori34:oo47,lolio...,rl 8:18t il,4o:4l*pTsFayOltificl,4,,rittlAq Ok ut tt i p , y; 4o 4 , o4 o olrjuo,,,' 4.040101:A00),Ai40 - , cc 61;040: • . , • . • virh n- the-Affirwisl9ffibjently_warxe attit leeg,_new 'pin naoles .iiitalloot,iNit,itt the, ip mos t j ointitrollot td24, #8 O F , '11193,16► :Tale , •!' Ofis'oe6 - to each pinnacle ie 10 ?rail- _l7; ' , t fer r •;• ' ..(PR41:480;10a101kr%We). ,Igis,t.etfix#equ:g.:' , . , ...;:, , • , ,: „.W#FP,A,rI . S , SY /4 n rPs!,V A R Shea, Applied cnot.taken) to eure-Insetiess lot the XIIRDAS,AND,I.IIIf( O .S. (,11'1( 1 T' Ithenmatit , , , Nebtrilgle - Or , Ofbgr. ra l 4::ealit oxlet „where Olivetir .. &atton; alloWforni& y ,, .• Ointment thatsurine • . J.; EVERY' DISEASE: ' Slfiff; • Reference' madd the fbllinelilg . have Used Olico , Tiin'or Mho • i • ~TILURLOW VENDc'Ellifiof tlf&Albany4Ouitsil, , IVAL 11. - TOWNSEND;,Ntnelfelrif Irx'peeneli • .10IIN Litt. BARNARD, Debi Boston florald, -- ISXAC;T:POWLEIt, - Pd6tbaaitar;ll9,W.Yotlii, Cent:EZRA +NPR, Went ._ ---- N.-A.- - ELAN OII i',VOI4-ellid-EtillOoi-POPrAli4- -. C.. N. )IAItN tr,'s:itivretle ELL .00.011"Tx:iiitiyeiFtfultaloM:Y.,', • • ProL JA2illoo4'i MAZES; Nelentle.• ,• ,•• , • :135011011'.7,A)94 AtlflAvittue, ' : lIENItY ItUSSEL, fie South ntreot,'N:Y.' ' nt. Senrothey:lda&luslta& Lire 1ne.,10., l'l22,Breadway;if/., . . • v.' 41,11 b &DUD, Now England liar. Wll, JARVAS,Allliddietown, Conn. „ • And many other narlabs'llellPbo found In our Circuits which can be had of Local Agenta..•---'-- •, • - , , 60.Contis &Bottle, • • • OILEffBILK INIIALINOVLASTERS; 26 - Cants: For gale by S..W. Ilaveretick, only Agent for Carlisle , Pn. ;Also sold at. that Cotopatin Depot, No, IS, Sint, etniot, Now,Pork; 'and by. Druggists generally. • 20,1.866-,-Suf. •TTARDWARE '".l-141WW-Ang .1— • • aoirig. 'P. Lir;44; OciN. • . ere 'ma rewiring their 'Noll, Stock of ;hardware, which 'ls nun/wally, large, and. in • CM:II3 OXiOrl with. their for ' mor 'heavy 'dock niakes It ono, of, ttio. Largest , ond , most varied assortments ,ovei offered to tide public. They • bawl mark thing :tint the Forme' , the Builder, tho , Merchant, or the public, may want in thoir.lines, end - which they,nro selling Id the very lowept They ',elicit...a call fMuc the public botere 'making their Fur- , chases, as theyfeel confident they can offer inducements that will reward the btieer fur the trouble. ' lib oral patronage, meentinuance-of the setae It solicited nt our old stand In North Ilanoirer Sheet; .JOIIN P. LYNN & SON. .Cletabor 8,1860 . , ~.aat A L.l, - ~ ST E "OFI,II A S . KtLLEItI3 OLD, STAND! , • .ONONITE NlN,Ltit dostrorto the attention of his old Mon& and customers to hisnownksortinont of Oonl • thmionbi HATS, of: the Oakford Fail etylo ' with an ologant. assortment of BOP'S CAPS and WINTER HATS of every vnrioty and the Mast fenhiOnablO styles. fie hot also constantly on band n largo and varied on. sortmont of his envu,inanuttleture ns ',tali no city tondo Hots and Caps, suitable for tho season; comprising every vmioty of •Russin :Dormer; M oleskin and Silk lints, fin- Whoa in tho latest ntyle,togothoorith a tuft aisortmopt of CAPS - of avory shape and doscripticx; and nt Ovor9 price. particularly Invites the 01,11 e to call - nod ox andno.his oitoorinlvo assortmoint o stlickin styloanato and which ha is able to put at prices lower than n-i 'over. nin_limuninbor !liquid stand on North Hanover street naXtdoortolluyott's g : 4,8 EITTINILAND-.P.TAMII3, . • a , - I, — , ' ING.—Tho undersigned would inform tho ii 't . . el zo os of Cal lisle, that ho has made arrange 'mutat° do GAS FI'I'IING end. PLUMBING at short 130 -tiC4l,-.140 ourensounbla terms, Ho has engaged the Per vices of a first rata band from l'hlladelphls, and has sup Plied himself with tin extensive, assortruont of PINT UILEB, which, will &liable him to fill all orders promptly All work will bo warranted. Ws stock of Glaa-E/stures will befound 1n tbe - foom exactly opposite his Tinning establisludent. en Nbrth Ifanover stroet,Whgre he Mynas! TINNING, SPOUTING, Ac.-41e la also prepared-to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN IN'AIUL usod by houankoopars and others. He - will also attend - 18 - SPOUTINO HOUSE , ROONING, 'BELL ItANGING, ... . , and-I'LIIMBING. - - ~.Thankful for thnpatronono with which he haaalreedy *on favored, ho respectfully - sorlcits continuance - yr. the same. = WALL TAPER I".' . ...• • ,• • - .JOHN P. LYNE BON havo Elio pleasuro . of Informing the public, that titify Imre at loot .completed the enlargement of tbeir store, and aro now receiving the, largest rind most Naried as sortment of Wall Paper and Window Blinds ever opened in Carlisle.: A cull is solicited from those want' og Paper Itaaalaao of any kind, as wo are confident that all cue supplied trout; DUN mammoth.. atbek. 'At the. old :staatil,yettia . .l,laybyoratreet. April ' TOVES STOV 'S I I - STOVES JOIIN D...cioneas .tho publla.l.4at ho hoe now on hard at his ostabllshrainit; on St.i twit door tollaiion Hall, the largest eud most WM. plots - assortment of COOK, OFFICE A PAR . LOR STOVES to be found 'in this county, ;which will be:sold -at the lo‘dost• prices" for cash or approved credit. stock co nslOts of 4igz TENTnto now .anhighll.p proved PA 000 KING STOVES,lnshei in the most complete manner, and calculated for either, 'wood or coal, or both. All' the old 'standard' patterns which hove stood the tf t, of oxpei-lenee;may ho found at his es 'sblishment. Also, a great variety of the most approve and beauthul PALOR DFFICE STOVES, in eluding ~ umber, of now styles, possessing very supb. nor advantages over those horetofbre In use. Families and housekeepers ore respectfully Invited to give him a call.bufero . purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered, to any part of the country and but up at the shortest no tice. Ito continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SILIDET IltON WAItE, and Capper Work, and ImS constantly,on hand or will make 'to order every article required by housekeepers or others' In this .line.' Stock of Tin, and Copper Ware embrades every kind of household MO kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the .hest manual( lured. Persons in want of articles in his lino may al ways ho sure of being accominodated to their sat isfahtion by giving him a call. - f-1N MANHOOD AND -; IT§ PRE _ninTuRE -nEgLy—amt—obuied 4iiiithaho 20th thourand. A fow words on the rational treatment w flu me c no, o tporma •r retartt nese, Nocturnal - .Emissionsr - Omiltal end Nervous 'Dainty, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, ," • .DY IL DE, LANEY, M. D. The Important fact that the +many alarmlneeom plaints, originating In the Imprudence and solitude of youth, may be nutty remelted, WITHOUT MEDlClZNititigs MS small tract, Clearly demonstrated; and tho ly now and highly succestful treatment, ag adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of whlchsevory one id enabled to CURE lIIMBELP, perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby, aviddi ng.all the advertised nostrums of the day. ' gout to coy address, gratis rod poet-free In a sealed envelope, by remitting (postpaid) two postage stamp to.Dlt. B. DE,LANEY, 1T Lispenard at., Now York City. Oct. 20, 1856-om. ' • TUST' ItEC.EIVED—,. ..F.reshBTitS.WBEIIRTEB,. ..•••• , ' • r • " PINE APPLES,; • • • :' • • IAIBSTESS, • • • ' fl : TOMATO: IEETCIIUP, • ''•.• ' ';'NlStfit . l 3 4l 4'9 .. sB ! a. „intI.:BEIIP rICOGILY b -GINtiER. • , • ; TABLE -0114 AO:. `Above - aitleles 'warranted equal to' any In' market. Foi salo :ow' for eaell at , July-16, 18511.] • T°'CARPENTERS, , : BUR PF e ll,S; &c.—Tho• rodoralgnmt boa' bean ariaontau - an fin , gout nupplytdg MOULDINOS pf any dos gn, or Pot, throe for bull loge , et a murb less rote thou thoY can bo made hero— old' 1,3 , oar'nt most experienced o (hanks. flitarch 20,'110] __,_ , /IBNI;Y , M.140.Z('; I , . 4A -I fultwapply - olltilfoefdltifill3totern . I , •.• Studlers, from ourown mautefacetiryi; no w on hand at wholosalo - anti ierall and of ta , ' , tloutt altos, 'Thiyilre. 'adapted 'for, 'either hand or harm power, and arelnillered toliettie :best Art 'tato diarliot. PASCIIALL 31CrRItillt 4'oo_ ,' .n ,. himploniintaiiaii - Stiliii , . NI, 701 and Mar e M t, l'hlladg phle2 , „ • ..AcaucuvruitAx4.auu- MEN I NS.- , -.llmFroredllay-eremen,-Farmerre I • Bailors, horse Pon op nuillireahera,Ornin •• Fans, Pautageorrgeipinid . :Otuffera • vs. elan Pattpanproioir:Porfertan,qlraln lital* CS. icra in er047,01ify.,, Atigaiuxvollus eco., ..4",42lsaltitral atilt Eimillit4ri,; N ov - 21p. , • • IWlrtrkot,'Plittagelol, NITMAL GOOP.—The 8 ;1i 811- beti : j4 reeeleedVull nies, , F eh 4117=W1, 11 ' ' n fi d I D ) ru c le Wh d o o ve7iWahnoy: ehd Staiihi 4 D Gooch! adalitl to the eiexepu. Aleo . , Ilroeleey,y &a ,t ( i .. c At 1;0.1 VT if ,, ,N,,1..f 4 . ) : oat 4 0 m. i . , qe . ITTNEPIr viviLsl j Parafl ' ulPri.i country iiierclutnis with mtihtlat, minuficktirt . nt pr .- BAK-TOlvi ' • IfTERESTI*G.:;4O' 41htitIvI.1.1.0.'=-L . ..... . , Th(i.xe4ste,cokii aid Cob' 1114t4iti.e.i14. , it 6 r,h-Wie, 74111-batitalien;the'Srpit'ilrapilqin liver all ptherset! a numt.orpf tlpk*ati . t. State aad'c'Optyralia,..4vert ,' fitialay,alialoi,la OA ishould , ltlio one of.t.h!iaa..Faj.lla. t i Vor aidirby , • . -, .'.. ',TORN P. LYNN .4 'SON.... - 2 I. ' ! ;1 1 7.11.' 15 P ! , --- 7" -- Mbrilillailiiir Stroxit„iarllelai.: , liD 0 grid ' ' 9141 . ng o ' of PP I , rp oi ° 6 10 91t ox ,' I tu u t*P " atillsi" f;40; (howl , op d , 1 ; 04, ‘ ,II I.I.SCUA, O nt, and aa,ad 80: ,d 74 , OflAY#l.l • • pgNIOVNAtIPH ' ONat YElt i att),ll ' :: V 41:S4g1461ictuelit taittnet2ittpuono K 10191 • attliers, Yetpet../Übbonti Stravrlluttkini4•46 4, ~,,,-• tk!,y ; .E.R.4.—A4onaiaciesortnionfof binnbr Be' tlidrtk' lowytecDoniutt:Velvettadd kind dth , '.lllllllnOry 03666Juat opened. r u r , • gmei tV":OI'.V.); 44 Aanue4-40,4f-ait,,,,:it?i,,ra, EMEGI _GE 0 R 0 .4 RMA E ; 6 • _ _ 7*,,Officeopiroalle tbo west ikiel or tliticp l 4l 4".. . tf .:1-6•Prileglii,Miktlffs.trt , ' 1 14 4 /4r,lo: l llttitl 4st jn Alropy • LILUrAer, ,, L OOI O S Mait:Patiiiit;Otri/Ll4lk l / 4 , ~ogge 7 puo f pgeNufmtruated, t o,blm willibo,ptomprtly cosid ; i0: 1 ) -P n - 4 1 P IR W 11 .; itcTileY'fikAr 7 1 P?'..t,k'rm.#14, " "OrilAt :';'; verlt/lon,$1; - . r l4iorney tryi,.. • • t iy.lll , Egist!.Mnia iStreetrMANOlaibniel l t. , attind to atI*VEYING bis.nofelutloni, • .. [Mai' 21 1860?-4y, •.DY:?1 fic.lgEFEß'QwffiOitt Npitth pmiar.or ef Mgt too,dooro from , . also , 111.111 A 0r0,..9M0e hourih.tooroparticularlifromPT to 9 Vadat, fif,;,oudfrOm 7 dolooki P. t t.:1 1 .: Nth ~ . „ .• .. .. , ' ..pOCTOR'43:- .4 1 3 ,, ;1 ,,Z.1 . EGLE1i. ' ,,4, 4 ,9PC 43 +' , iiiiiißeitldint'o'iti4 ;titan' gt4fit,titiraiiii9i,. , Ol'on , o 11Itirtibt nigißd.•"Caltstn town andoounta , protaptly i 1 Carllgo:lAA; 2,, 1i3613. 1 ,• ' '..,,,_,,,,..:,, , L • , ; ' , ' ; , •i hr. ,- ,DICIA:r.LOC I .I4.IB' 4 ''' EliMoC,Zt ; ' 'Mtt tlobr'til•ttiO cliaoAbit6itint from Carttolo_tigpst- , ton,dayo ofoacAVlmpf„ . , ;'66-' ';•,,, 1 1D' It. ' r itat ,IMIILT,DENTIStirput tho Dia; et mat, three Aoori' baldly 11i3d fol.& le itilfoibbee—Dr. tlito w , ''% blareW 19 'lBOO--ttf' •W E y - ifistructd M.the art (by Dr.ideo.Z: Dretz, a graditatii of thr,Daltimorojrotal Collogehia now.prepaced receive" blii .frlends and perform the rarlowi operaticus In the line of no Dental:profesidon, at residence , in South Street, third. door from West Straet. Give us 'Terms modocatm: •• 4 '• • DRIVEN R: AND' CONY mIN ctONSLEI4 late Register of Cumber, land .county, will carefully attend.tethe transalbm of all such liaslneas as may be entrusted to him, such as 'the writing of bloods, Mortgages Contraits; &el Ile will alp° devote hlsattentlen le the procuring of Land War manta, kotudomi„Ac. no. well , as: tho • purchana and sale of hod Estate, nogotiations, of tonna, c...”__ row Office on Velta; fief Stroot. tormT:4y.,:pu r ip4, linVL,Pbb LifsqViialtr thaflOthridist Church. ; W';,33RANDT,. Manilfaa.tittrorof Preach Vend, Bottled Ald,l'orter and elder, ' • • ; 1 'fforth B•xsf Street, hem . the Ball Read Bridge, ClarllelC 1 . - .. VEW MARBLE' . YAB 7 - 7 A.l%Tow: i_s j.:.1 - 'the accented than, and now ' in ttio day for 'Beare titortes, ' • . ' -- ~,, • • ' " ills, - itd., 'de., "' V • at IfotTer'n 3tarlde" Yard, Carlisla, Pa. "Also, Iron Pall' . .., [4....1!),.!4m.. Mr= SNYDER & . - LAND"AiIEISTS -311Nta4P.OLTS,Opposltatho Suspension - Brlitio;r4Hlll AVM. Anthony; 'Minnesota - Territory, will buy and .sull lands, negotiate loons, locate land _warrants In lllinnesoladniva, and Wiscouiln: Inqubles respecting tho Soctutry,by,lettor or othecrilsii, proxopilt FYPTOeO.I.. - 111.481L8NAE8...........:. • Hon: Aida, Rarnaey, Ex-Govornpr, MM. H. M . Rico lielepte to,Oungross, Illnnesola,• Gov. Pollock; IBlrrioburg, ~ . • • • , 'Jamesit. Bteole a Co., Philadelphia. . : • ; Frederick Watts, - Carlhao, A. Brtuly Bhorpo L lloq., - • , CI Magoon, Now York, Robert Walsh, Now Orleans, • • Jameli IL Irvine,jlsq., Nowvillo, Iron. J. B. Block, Somerset, Peon'a., R. Sadie, P , • ' .7.• 17, Good; Mayor, Spriniteld, ORM, , Gen. 0.: Anthony, • • w • w Jolt. Caraork,,Esq. St. Louis t , • J. T. Wright; Charleston, 8.C., • • - J, - -`• , 30,000 Rem of Uplmpreved Land•for Sale, at from $2 to $lO per acre; also - Improveo Farms. Lots for sate LL sr ono,. sr p remapy, end filltita_DD the Srltuk niointO)uonni& . . . - seta river. , , . , ~. . . . frAlrartfaulitr attention givon• to the Loaning of Money, and Entering Land Warrants: Address,' • . • , ..- : , . - ' AEYDEIt. k IVPARLANE, March 20, 1856.—1y.1 . Minneapolis, Min. tei. ' - . ESrI i A.TE AG:ENCY,; • N. JEEP 211.61111.80 X."( 808 4k.TIIObIBBON, . HOTllBROniii_an_Plfice at Bt. TosaPb,filo,, for tiro par eluise and,sale of BeacEstritoapyinkonfl'solling Land, Warrants, entering Land owTirae,'BurieYing and Map. ping Tierinsi Iskation'Of Warrants, and making lova.. mantis for nuserealdenta, paying of Taxeli; and all busi ness pertaining to a General Land - Agone7,Bi Missouri, Banes', NOraskai'alid Town. U. ot.fiecond Stroat, North. of A. T. Bonttio'S' Banking flown. - - [July 80, 185 s. ARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY • C MIL And BIBS. CLARK, vito have boon for several yearn engaged In Maching,resportfully announce to the citizens 0/Carlisle and vicinity, that on the At of Sop. tomboy, 1850, they will cpmmence the second session, in Wither Street, near the German Reformed Church, of their SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES: The •Institution will be both' n' hoarding and day school, in which all the branches nocesmry for the com.. pletd education of young ladles will be taught. Assist ants'. of, the highest character for :qualifications and morality will be empleyedlnaccoraance with the wants of the Institution. The rgovernmout will be conducted on strictly Christian principles, while lettarlanient will be iut rigidly excluded. The Principal flatter thempolvcs that their long and .successfuL experience as .teachers.. as. teatified raeomtuandations in their poseetedon; will enable them to establish' an Institution of the lagheat character for young hullos. They erefully peremulcd that such an Institution will be sustained hem by,the' citizens and nelghberlug 'cunntry, and - liope - that 'their - eronfideractr• . " ' ilsarpolcrted. Thd.Schoinstio year 'will consist of tour ferias (eleven weeks each), beginning on September 1 end ending on 505,0 d. Wednesday In July: . TERMS PER,QUARTER (U weeks). - Boarding, including -fuel; lights, and - tuition in-English branches, • . - • 885 00. --'• • Primary Department, - • -- 6 00 Illgher English, - 8,00 .-Ancient and'BroderiiLangiliges, - enclic - -- 6 00 Oruamontal brauchos at professor's charges. No deduction for absents) aftor.ntitnolca, except to ease of protracted Illuaee. ' • Ryazan , ' osil. lion. PRED'H. WATT, • - Bow 0: P. WING,. 2 . , J. 11. 'PARKER, Ifsq., • " KIIE3IP.Iy JAMES HAMILTON, Esq., • " JACOB PITY, : T. H. *MILES Esq., " W. W. ENT,p, . • Dr. 8.• KINFPF,S, ' J. B. MOBSS;' • Ilse. • Mr. STEIHUSTT. ' • - Mar. 19, 1856-1 year. ' ' . : • 117 IHT.H HALL • ACAPEIVIY - THREE MILES WEST 01? Triarasnuita ' The Twelfth, Mission of, this Institution will communed on Monday, the Id of ,Eoreraber.• l'firents and Guar dians :we rixPinsted to 'inquire Into. its merits before sending • iheir sons oryards elsewhere. The location of, the Institution is retired,' pleasant and healthful, and the course of instruction embraces .the nrdium , rT and higher'branches•of, English ..Eaucailopi• to. 'wailer with tholittin, - Grick, Frond:l,4nd Gerniaulane guano:, and. vocal and inlitrumental must's, • Torinsi boarding, washing; and Tuitidn in the English branch-, es and voewl nausiwporsessioft (21 weeks), 86%00. , circular containing,particniars address.. • •DEM:INGER. Sep. yr,,1110. - " • ilarrisbitrg,:tru , WILLIAIIITO T3LArrmianr months) • will cdonnoii6d - lifiNTATlftta - : - /i — nen -toq -build— ing hs 1 * 94, o f",. i t Onif"tnA ( 1,YRW14 , 4 4 • *W. matted totilitis 'VW:SW*I. 4I 9n ntonnan HAS Viikate greet in damn:lonia to poronts'ilio,'dtiiito • itio'^physical and triontel luiptoyouldit of their - 116dt. s - .. Tintittlier infortot trlotiriniditrnsi " • rcipriet or.' Apv119,4850:450.--=.-I,ltinflaYbl`rl4l'll.o4X.4td =MU 11 :::W4P • . • - -, coliti H • u ifyivik I.e. 6 .r • L ' ' iiiii...4te ih,; new, andapacionl Milli N . ,; ; ' ' , ,to .11ALTIISIOltil lITREBT DidtbnOre, blit.". , itaTlV' i , : 'O. H. CUAlthiaLtzt, Principal itad:Boettirer,no,ll ~ , , ~ the &tenni: i,, , i , ~n:, a; , , , , ,i , . . 11. K.l,ouse.; in (lingo of Writing Department. ' ' -',, G. W. Kane} Instructor in Ifereantiltleareniatieno au"' Associate In Book Keeping Departnient.'-'''.', ', ' ' J. U.'lliuti.tra, Titailher In Book Keelplng. • . ' ' ' '-' d T. leltuata. Lecturer an Commercial Law.'',*' . '' ' Theo yours have runlet elopsod Mu& the ndel:atoll. me nt, of this Ingt Itqtion, during which time upivardiiol eight hundred etudente have boon in atlendmiejl;(rep; , , resenting ideartravery BMW i p ' the Viitori), among whom Fun numhenrid Baltimore and elmnrinire ocenily..‘ log proudnont poldtiorni st bilsineas 'men hod tiFidnitt ~ auts.,, , ln :, • +." . ..,,,, :: ,lk I ,' . , V.... ... I, . , COURSE OF BroDi„. tl , ,it -,/, 2{ ~. ' BOOK KEEPINO.4-The Principal Dais the utmost,cron Abuse in assuring the pubde thataftertin'expel lensed i thurteerLyeareln oulallYing Poling Men for the timidit Ing Room and other important dation?, lind_iurnitteriJ ' sive acquaintance 'with the `management of big , pose, hooka of etery;deoPriptlonasisslatedniebit Is by , try ;cal" entitle acconntats,) 'the/ conrst of training in is do. • 14MinentIPPrftettal mid whit, ndanted joy „the various pursuits at 06mmeowend Trad6, Includin i t' inditidualv PartnerahlvllferantliePlitinultictntin i' TMuilatiloni Ext o rgradi o ankirifi , fi ldlinil,,Blititt'l 1 ., i AilitlialidiriP.,-Cinier P teil, r '1 1";t1:r thill„ 11 0 11 ,40:, (ileo.nsit andlrtabefidontablifluglapidlty oreaerption. , with ',mantra ismatincticinitlimi etnctiling the iltudoilt ' to write an, element buidnestrhand on iicompititlO# 011ie' course. iIIBBOARTILE , CiIaihATION ' i In , all Iliidi•Jnillotit lanirlugnalnltnalitAby.tbe nio&neaunsteand' et` yr,e di." 1 , Daily lecture,' are 'fattened - upon ttle, No 'of - '4lg- - - untso49 - 00flie Wpfo4W, - Ste e ritosOn o4aehAin't o) ,z inith,o totillil 40(mtirvi, PapAgneralo Pm:lint Pr4kial hishoOlMo t yriY l ,el4o , 4%, 8 Mnft 6 MUM, Koßlitient pbaltlonpin ItlostoOt . imt9laTt,'` , , t A.,' , 1 ~ c 0., iThetinik i r&ssary Pi an liittuandalill. M 441441 0, olimplote,thescpprsq, reties frotrili to I.2'irelie,, , ' Thera ,bhing norecatitos, - applicants can enter at auy time, Sind attend• lath day and eveningJ ..VplinillAlooll tire 'held at litlitO;Pr tininrillitroWp Ilirardoll In tt lie' Lwlio Pro4nate Or_.,.,,erlilfsetel Ightle q`liii#49;e a 1.1. 1, i * k-.49APi ' . . . -. -,'ti plea toll ,Ingcs, Jon Ja.o .% tlcat , - 1 I'% c s ' Avi.a . rf.f,l4l.f: ', ° 2 .• , • , tie: s, 11'PARLll/L QbuMtioll lEEE ri T. 11.131 L 111.4 . , 1 7NTEr; , ..,-( 1•4 6'iP.i; a — : WARt _ 4 4 • 1 841MIW * 'p. r': ' ' . ' 4 • / ' raYpi:EzildTe. ' ..:.11 . 4keliill , o l l ,l Pri.i omit!. 1 e Aratidttieirit dt thelditho• -- . . 04: Vlacirtgr,,oppoOtteithe.illailmetti,LDopot4i it d ii4* I M OP Olig Lotittlety qtArming Imi4extleditlYtuchi at . , AO Wlar I , : eLL 111 0 , ',411,,tt.t, 4.7,a 'i; ,Orin ••••, • .ji,frlJA 1.1./ARAIN:DRILLSVj•4'AiMk, ...‘:: ?“:,•:/... ~ ,w , s•l ' • , .. 1 1 , 41 .''a- 1 J al jaftiELtiti 'A . .... , iT VOliCarA, B et a ; kiii,t; ' ,G fit)Titli , ii FahOilknit.i. lideta;MOV3/5400 13Y.:41,X*14 AAHB ...it4a.r. rslia'lr9.9ooMAKOYWielit)i.§4 Clad iCt : . e,. . 1 ilp,i9Cli.*,e of,thqi woe, ijmprgypta. And, , ' Iff , ol A 1 114,1114 . 40/ 1 : 1 1 , Bi4 4 :9 I ( I,I3 A'P Pi " PCP6. lniediting tAirkiiii4'7lllo4logre4pplopFNllyiElYited 10-- '811•9-114f44d00.?irP RtWOJPS' •L'il i '''' ''`• '' W 1! .ititi' 44rilen'Teiica s ari, 6ers, 14. r..; awi i 'd *14111104 iciltbli tbld',4,l44lso44iltkpviip by bolitiOn Aykliii""it qmp0?.0,41:14.g.N0i tyin rung .. .., .:- • . , , ~ . • I W O' taIJIiIIRAL) IMPL:EDIENTS. • • 1 4 11NNOVIVB onztorAtitivritiEAttiffit÷- * 1 .- pted , slekvlbr seeing , netn'dnieii seeds' ehd:' : • ,olinno.Y, , Ktuurroeff 1 4 erteNe ciain , 3lll74thitnit . ' , ln the reerHet. , Thillidny'e hifekit'll'inanall::=',, 11oliie_PneieYit Mid Threeher's,prne end a Wino. ;ie.' ',..:. Bpreadette,illenlat!ellTer, :E term end - Yeddet LU tit Ir hilitle_Want_Corn and: Cobld'llr,-Etedn'trAtmeepherht thnrn,t ,Plbeetdrre Bupetiqe/ImplonientewltlO pliethrerle forthttnie tirtho Atm4r nt! gerdner',:fcr tale NI helm and Retell by', ,'. ''' ." 4A , -, :, :: , ' , . '11tg.2:.d,,,,,,d ..,' p' A i l ogtAir4iibitifo . 'it ,• os4: , Tit - Ag.iletatiiiil Wairehbuse effetleed , l3torei'cerner 'ibi •endhlniffetettnetis; Pldledelphle; ' '..,',1011,}, 2506 e, : . .. Nos. il . • s ane iiSguti '§ixtl St ' r eat AthilClTlAVßAViilPLA3iil.ilAiilliACTOilli, IthiAto, yr.. :- Sam gnomes (376 Acres Bloontitlale, near Bristol, Pit; . 1 1 ARMERS OFTHIS NEIGHBOR • , oflVhait and )IYe, loie; • 1 LEINAIPS• SUPER: PIIO9I I .IATO ,U* LIME, if you" katit"hialvy ,Orepa; •or "laildou'a, American , • • iittuthie Elanarddinive PnO eil n tw,.for,OlO•paSt 'ali years successfully for.the Oratti.and Tobacco Crop. 'ln "PenbaYlvarda, :NeW.;l l OrsoYi "1 94 ,47,aret Mailland, and the Islands of Beaed& and patbglocoes• *barrel (29011,0 Milcient" for "ad' arro of ground. The' above`Fettillsont are composed of reliable Chemical Elemento, "which largely 'names° the crop and improve the soil; doubling the value of the loud. Price of the' 'Phosphate of Limo SJO a ton, ,Nltrogened S OO, the per Ort or ;$9 00 per barrel,' '25 a keg., Also every Toriely, of GUANO, Pare;Laild Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate Of SW1(1, Bone Duat,,l'oardered . GaAs dolliereifieb becluirge. • 'OEO.; A. 1.141411; Proprietor, N 0.19 Routh Front Street, Phila.. JitirTo wholeaabi dealeis a liberal discount. Pare- Mete "in the' Eogliah and German, lan quakes.. Gratis Orders 'at a iMatrince,:cinah._:accompan3fPli , or Draft. promptlyntionded -. • • N. /1.--4/IPLf): I IAS .have • been. awarded•bf,tiM.Ponn isylvidili-iiiiitultural &Way, Nest-YOrk OlOttital.WSOn Association,, and the New JereeirState Agricultural * Seeibtv." ' • • Pen '6O-3nlea, A — R M ER8 ' 110:01C. 'TIIGEBNING BIAGIIINESI • - ... - Tbirailliserlborird int to infornsfarmers-and-public gone, idly that they uoir-boveon hand end ato constant• ly manufactuylng Threshing Machines with Irierpont's Patent Shalter;swhich are generally ireknowledgedio be the beet articles now t ih' use. Also a variety of Clothe Huliers,Goin , Shellers and Straw Cutters. , They Mao attend to the repairing of Agricultural Mash' fiery. In .the best:manner and on reasonable torsos. Manufece tory on North itaundror Street, directly . oPposito..the residence of George Alirtagar, , Esq. , • Aneust o Do. . A. PLANK. • .• „.. TFARMERS.—, ThO•subitOrik)6iiiis IMA . Mturned freathe City with ono oithilaigeat assortmentf of tTaillaaili O'rer brought-kalitit has just'receivud 60 dos. 'lotion With and Iritloitt pot.: sisteningk - Iron and steel hooks ranging In palm from 44 to $1 50. .Also - 300-pr straight and twist link tram 'chains from 50 to $126, flown inedd-traces of MI kinds, alsoit lot'orOproad, fifth, breast, butt, ensiling halter • nd-log--elsalue-aory-kirgo,lot of pbovelpauko spades, boon, raising, nta ln abort everything , and 14 thing:wanted by tbo rarniem— • , • : 'ltomembei the old 'stand East Ynln st. Carlisle. March 10, '56. „ ; . 'U. SAXTON. . ;TING', 13 ..i . nrcd for, DEICE & SARGENT, 14. 410 Market atreet, Ehilada This cutter is superior to any now In use, for strength durability; and simplblty of construction ; it cuts fast • er, and is thouitly solf-sharponing Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made., It has but ONE STRAltill'e KNlPE,'whichlany,porson can grind and set with CAW , "but In ordinary rase, is ground in the machine. Thou. sands have already boon sold, and•tha, demand In daily Increasing. In most cakes ah examination Is suflielents to convioco one of It superiority.• Namo after a short' trial Would partArlth it. foe any other. - All sites of the ateiie constantly on band and for sale by - , . J. P. IN NE, • , - : • : 8010 Agout for Cumberland county.. oetil ,KRAUSER'S PORTABLE 011)Illt../MILIA el ina, ihrnisbCd"of improved mmetruction and Ilnith. Their , grinding appbretus is peculiar, and gives them en advantuge over all other mills. py the ectiop of two reciprocating .platons, then pples ibreed-up-sgaineLLthe **mill or repidly.sosolvlbe cylinder and retained till ground toe fine pulp, which of course yields mere juice when suldected to prersure. then if- the pomace wee coarse.. The &raw Pyrex hoe been greatly improved and• strengthened since list year, and the whole - frame is tightened 'by ',holm joint bolts.- It is adapted to,oither bend or boron powerend ran he ,worked by bend to the extent of six to eight , barrels a day 'PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Implement. and Seed Star, • • - 7th and Markel, Phila. • Bop 24, 1856 .., AG CULTURAL 11 PLE7. 'Wag' ingana Shi Tel Plows, thr Corn and 1, •Potatrice, Expanding . Cultlvaters; - , with. Steel Tooth Of varlous.patterna., Yield and Oa ..en Harrows, 114r04 rkhits, Revolving Morse Bakes, -,, p atont • Scythe'. Enatbs and , Ecitheo, „English Lawn .Ecylhos with riveltid backs, imperlur Unloading Ilay Forks, with' rope, and tackle. complete, nod nil other 'articlOs for Farr& anegardon. • , „.. PACCUALL MORRIS CO, • •. • 7th'and Market Streets,'Philn. Im Al.ll . N.: • :S IT. C',o s . 8! ' 1 ; .TIRE 61.1E/LITHE MAGAZINE IN T IIE :WORLD. ' 'BALTAIte DOLMA 44 6is Tur.y. - ,--10131011rayou4vAry_Ainitiem..umgil, , . • •, , •'•• IluciMinged by the unprecedented Sul CePli which this popular monthly:lms snot•with,und the' ropldltrwith which it hoe inereneed its circulation, the pn prietorhes reamed, to mike It still. more . worthy ofte flaiirmBtr4 of the public. That this•admirable work 1114;a s A:1,7 ; A , ad nappy OFon.p.APNEBkir.k. adinitted'hievacy:ptioii , eciritaining, runftl.loraThie: , 1 4,1" 4di ed anYs.r., Pia 7 TOIISTem - c, lictudped..ngemiltEllettor p,autiuuk tor„,:t Tlialines•Dollar Monthly is pibited with nevi , type, ' upon tine white papigt, - aud lip matter Is ropefull3i coin . -piled end atTaUgedbyl the /hada of the editor iiint.pnY= ,priotor,-who has hemsknown to the public no counreted, • vitill.,4• 411'itAu.!5hCia11P1101‘..1.1444.41 oGt NFIVS; ' , c"" t o -1514804,y, .5. TALES, . 'ADVENTUR.ES, , T. .. r.s. 7 rot:ais; . inouoAputuo,. BTOIII.B oP BRET9III.4a i ;• . • frOmilui benbacidbibet *TUN& Wrifeni Ot• to'cintry. • t la also spiced, with a ,yuceni c or,t evvnis of Ale times, of peat:wand weer; or'perverica add tummy"-, .meets oocuritik:• Welther . in spliert:l,..foriniug ; ;,,, rgro ti lcomr uloc tr thr . ie moment rhoir, a;y 7l rhrtismo,rgbroiol ,being con p lgo aetulancithttitsire , adaittil lot lt , go t •there are enough liohtioverear. piiblicatiert* : 11. 01x,!00fi moted tteitspetullarWimet bpi This,VotkAt tcptO, , l• itendedllw • " 7 " , •• , ` , .,i`" 7 , •40,,•.• H,tp.w.p.. hey ya r tolv.,,,:z. • :with otreouth, eat hi , west; ktid 11116004L0' okeictroionth - pophlif"aiii'graphl6'irdsclei'' Jolty, Just such as May lethor, brother or *lend ,would•l' plaerialctbehaddstretithiltfelrele. , !ft in rill hide • parttlenta i fresh - Mid originate, Add r What•it•puS the cheapost inagasine lri %hp:world.: , ••, ' • Any person encloalog 01M bomis to,tho pl•a!XiriaAdri'. acr. , ,holotr; shalt teeelyeltre Elvish*, 'fbi- 'cinOye4r,,or' any is, person toindlnifue atorrestlifertilers atidltarrr ethos tinioalutll rit,CotraliboEfrgiuths. '" ' • ..m. DALTegr, Verner ofTormgiif 141 -, l6ttaAar.p. , :or, -, spigwEJ4Di Amur , Ikungur to talon Pllchckw4 k , Iss us 24? we.l6,,ttt hi n irliltinny iwq;',rolipits, . ...mlo'ilk ..-,- 11 4 , hi. - fvnfinVS.4 l4 . lo4o lo o o,rilling . i , .. ~Cnt4 l"t d" ? 1 1 ' %V= c l if, ni p i alitlittlie7a loroll;km.:„ -Ether 1 t! wigalhAteig : ittfAherPilwt. r- 14-14 , 139 Ofittoil; ,on iwhatAilti:ebotty, theraitiy be. Wean remove . qltiart wit - • itt ^ s4.lb_typti Itt. OfiAlitkibtpatiTiV ,tbite.F.Dio Wiltio6. titgietili IiPP/Ildraild ` ilicipliiiiitil.ibg i t r t i ttibliOtt A i d i , ip:ti ~,'., . i &: 444PfTilrigtenutto' poutpiainte, Cbrotkle: Stinit,o. , .me ittiounii o it disdaten bested with poeitiTe 8 . 10 0W4' ;Y.Ji i rltr i pora .2.1,ba abtiiiii94 by etdrati: L i; In eltber t )vatii:llo3===d e _f r: ' .''T! - ) .:1 - IIICIIM , ,,ouP: S ,tiIan irree i tingi i titbh ~ ...g, „,,,,, , pc, kVA= e_..,....,0 1 rii ll , Alkieqatw, 4 W0...A., 1.,, rF. 1100114 frfin4. *WPAlrt,OttAftVin ;! 4 Abgi: o ; 4 4 4 r. -•%. 'Oat - VOW ArktirOlSCSOArkoil,-,;,i; .:,,Y(,, ,' -101 ' k1 4 0 4 "/Ar .P l, l l 1 :40?7 ,04 9 , 1 ) 4.4.f011pW ered -:.1. Irf'dOiy,RO , 01 PAI.$44,,P3WrTION tiwitAniPPS. ,, -, n,....4.4” ;: quay 'zintiutpload , heie4 , - L.. s :jilt %.` .C. .rl7.%ar Pre ' 4T4: 1 4 ".• oe 04,41°aiC l Pt 4 ' '1 1 t p g •r it4i 311 a %mat att„4Aet zfe i Z'ct 901r•,&mad st rit norms otquarz, kiiviNfra. • iat 1 '0 6 1115 ,0-4""urc' ?--/ Lpjno,lBour 11 , -lillr f -•, '"q lAplres,lo,tre s < ' 2l SupeOlor bartlers, , s sj o v, , Gold Spectacles, , 0 s 60 r .1 1 1 , 1 n o 811vbr • ,ir 3 00 • r, ' sold Bisicendst,' t , Ladles' Geld Penclire g Sliver Tee SPe r ea c t lis ind r bolder, .4 Ottl C 99 '' 'attF• l o:l ' .;!/111:17 Watch , so o&g , ' _rami s sl . tse . d to be ghat al a r ti sopqn- c ir i s tm i , „ s ,•, tl 4 ' OtOrrnp someold and 811vor . Lover' g 44111 lolvor Won the 41loye: p ~ x .1,1L.7 tililla • , "."AV • • p z.y • of,CLQAI(S MAN , - TthhAS, ChiliMiSPUtreet; Wei* iliMre above ith, leOtith eldto Philaddliihhi;(ltreobileetloWallth ().eollatl • il i therip goals Intibit United Statoro)beig-Ueirlh the in tuition ALW 601E111110 al:Allot:ill, their; large Rit i varirvigkive_kr_c oI,OAKII_AL3I4S, Sur for tho' :111VtradVIT Ptak oat - Cahn mitugihriern 440111etiv•-as— airtarerit llo'veltlealn;:ydver - Alolre Antique, Cloth, Plain kink, Ac., Ac, f,vrhlli the Ili. largest'. ,61entifastuilrigalloinbligof enable them to guarantee bettOr value theit Id libtalums. 'OEM BULPIN ' 1 ,7 t Clggiut.Street above 7111:' ' " 1 : 11 . kJ; E SPFNCEIt. THOMAS; Nt1;,•20 'greet 'rbillidutpliii,iinixittcyaunthciurai•,autt Dealer lu., " • ' DBMS; Drignpi I:l3;pltEblindoB,• WAS,: • 'Dr), Stidis; Paints, 01,1_14, - OolotsJY.ldtkkad,Fionekand WindoW 01oss, Wass War', Vat.- plebes' Brumbial,' ; 13,p,cosOilltolo 'Elpicatcatid all °that. nrticlos tonally : Went by Druggists; 'oialors, by mailer otherwis6,nrdmiitly attended to. Country marchanta are invited to rail .nd examine ear ittock - bldbriliairchnalittt 'olsowbero....r.Oloodaiout to any olibo dhaivoi dr,rallnind stations. ; 'lces Low' andX.inods WorcaAted. ,4';1356..,1y. ;JOSEPH A:: ICTEEDLESiManufactii . vvrEE. , SILK AND lIAID.--CLOTII SIEVES,' Comm, Medium and-S ine In mesh: Mute; middlo•sheed, and small In diameter. ItiETALL 01,01,118 Olt WOVEN WIRE,' ' thebest TAOGIIM 017 .. of ,0,..b.,401A1102--i - so Incluslsedand finniinne to six feet In width. • - They erg numbered-so many tipiceiffo the lineal Inch,- end cut -to suit. , - The lubseriber also'keeps constantly in , . 80DEEN8,' • , Sir doith sand ore, Dine, gravel. guano,' sumac sugar, salt, hone, cuffed, splee,•-drugrr, dyoitullss;,/re Together -with an "rusiorment "of BRloll'k NEARED IRON ' WIB'E. All the ahoire'sOlditholesalo and retail by ' • J.-A, NY,EDLEB.; . ,. ' 54 Front Street, , /1!./. •"'' pi Juno 4,1856.-17. nENsLow' /IL CO COMMISI.O,N , • MERCHANTS, • and 'Wholesale Doelera in all Muds of • • FOHEIGH DORIESTId LEAF TOBACCO • • - MANUFACTURED rfcioAcoi, -AND'FOIREION AND DOHESTIOWEGARS; , • 21 South , Front street. Philadelphia'. • . , -. lmporters - of - Fine - ITaValia:S - Cgers, isirthei•- - tholciest• growths' of the Yuelfirebaja.'• A largo asrortinent' of wfilrh , aro kept,Consanttly 'on hand, and fur. sale at a flMall-flTanot, on costoflmportatiou... ' • .—Consignments respectfully sollcitCd, on which liberal' advances will be niado when desired." • . —Specialatteritlon-iven-tourders for purchase orreord niissioir of Tobeeco a also every dosorlotion of Merchan dise for accountr parties living at a distance from this t' for, F. A. (lootsthi celebrated Oen:anti Smoking Tobin-o,romprising thirty different varieties.. April 2;18 . ' „ „. & VAN HARLINGEN.- K L 7—Tho subscribers having roinaved to their • • • • NEW AND SPAOIOI.I3 STOIIE, , No: Clibidnut Street, fourth door above Tenth, Are now prepared to °Ecru large and veil selected stock or the following fresh and desbuble goods, principally of their own ituportat.lon,- or bought• at, auction, which they 'aro' able to sell it .the huporter'S...prroess.unl: to' whleh, they cordially invite the attention of Country - Iderthentsjrntel Beepenyandlamllleikenentily.,, - 11u1T,tiroon and Venitian Window Shading.. ...Barnslay and4rish.Linettlitreoting,V4S-d, 04, , 11:144 114,12-4. • Bolster AudtHllOv fAnerie offsevoisll4lthieb bleachers, and all widths from 38 to rid Inches. •• , • - •.'lled Blankets of all slisosund •;• crib 613 d Ilradki ' • 'Xiod Quilts of the following verletles, vie: Illantellioci, Itreltlng, , Knotted, Register, - AlM=laa, -Ailend:de-an& [Ammeter, of all the desirable sizes. ' • • .Ibureati Covers, Table Covers, Windoiv Curtain Muslin Tench; and Toweling of every variety, Damnsk Cloths and Napkins, Shirting,Limina and Muslin, Cam bric Handkerchiefs, Embeelderies, hosiery, &e. Bine& tO,Datainflts,llloreens, Enbroldured lAN) dartains, UM Cornices, Bands, (limps. Cord, /Fe c . -SHEPPARD' A ,VAN HADIANCIEN, Importers and Dealers end Licosa Alurnislo log (feeds.' " • ' April SO, 1211 El 311 W , 11 B 0 001, loattlo A n i ti oA I - B A RT. N 0.76 Bduth SOcond St., , The establishment has bow and is supplied with the berm iii-the City, principally of his t choice assortment limn the , bee bracing. Minot', Uenis', and CI BOOTS, 8110E8 AI of every description, style, best styles end qualities tri tl This stock cannot be eicsilc Chespneas. Each article is marked at prier, from which no devietim travagant statements will lie effect miles. Goodyear's aum In all AMA atiMee In the market, ellraya r eiTectrully Invited to call. II EL ADELPIILi. t p.....vANs,,PIRE A Tlll7 or, merchants, lawyers, Wan Ilooks,-., rapers, :nr other sal' '4111.F. or ERROL ARIL 3Law.Lbleasell's Mehl A CARD.—TIig.“ Flro ,Proof lloolus,; Papers, Sc., during- the Itulldlime r was purchased of OLIVER EVANS; 01 S. 2nd St., Philadelphia. . : , ' OETZ A 11110 K, REFRIGERATORS. & WATER FILTERS . _ V.VANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigendors for cooling and, presenting manta, butter, milk, water, and all erticlos for culinary purposes. • WATER, for 'purifying bmcklsh oil muddy watery whether affected by ruins, limestone, marl, or other muses; bo had , separate or attached to the Ito frigerntors—a man quantity of ice cooling the *tole n the warmest Weather. • POSTABLE SllO%lllO. RATIO, for therm° orwarm or avid water:. • • ' " • ' ' IVATEIt C..)OLE RS; lbr Hotels, Stores, and Owellings. SWAM 'TRUCES, for moving boxes, - ldes; Ao. • SEAL PEESSES, Copying dn., .Druggist do. . • . OLIVER EVANS.' No. CI South Socond St., (^ doors bolnw Chosnnt,..- March- b, 1.656-Iy. '-(Nstablishod lit 1.05.) 4;1 *. • p.PR r•=4• tgg'. fg-gr 5, • 8.4. r.. 41 rig• 11.' Fok a s g • 81 • .. :gda, .H.EyAIN.pI§„, , :pAix.v.N.T;,6I(AMPL.. OA Min ram& SAFES; wlllO Hall's Patent ..rowder ProotLool,a; bird , 1, awarded 'seppertalUtidala as - 1.4 a World's liedr,,London;4l3sl; and ,alsodtt , the-World's York, labd.-and 'di;- ,Tha'subairlP, rimy) aft tbV, sole .loatidaseturate' SPd , Preidetors , InLtllti. Staid 6f • i 5 • . . • . the above unequalled Safes and., Abe: , , . - genuine ollerring'e • I, wide ,: and . last ° tb lrteoL • years the -nisreautiletOmmunitY,' • have witnessed 'mid -tanne-teati mony to their" nava& ruueo tiro prorif.qualithin. ,- Mere 0 ,4 4.i 2 ;9 00-o f - ehnee Wee here boonaetuallygeld, atiiol Over TWO 1/Unnaste , hate reseed , triumphentlY thicingh accideutatfires.i The OWL:0 are assured , thet nlVSatoti' manufactured by the subsEribers are not only garativ: teed to.batUlly•equali but. In many respects even ' cope rior to those which barq liseWro - severolY tried i by Ore P.W.. , *lll..Yorgat ; the - burningof-the; , .'Tribune ;establishment,'- Nen,York,and nt-the (Arent Wireln,kitriwberrystncot, qt the large .fire last JulY,' 0 PP 0 41 1, 9 , ilni,..elrardArenseti , and.)o l . l l: 4 nore; recently in the Nix* aCrifllt.cluni:Cheanut,ats,; lit:the.eity of • P hild '!0!!! , Wee ranue•ibrth Abe- ne , knowleopu, yotapAntetfe.kmon , sonny.. otber . .'sacnrlLleir faUcl,L. ; flara PO ANN' pivAtiorf§,A,M ti 1 11 4 -- ithluo (bun Stilbs:allll - 4 . oYrder 'Pinny ficturetVeipteledy: • thr Ilnuint; , ,Brokoziar;J , - abaft - requiring. sesmity , frord.ritiniek.4 - Ilank, - NeNit 'Dooraiittc, ort, hand 'OW ihrld.r.tti • orifol‘: -;.4}Ttile;„ l 2!ell, - ealsbrated-LeekalbiNstlis henialatifaciurenep ref+, i Second hand .Safes.,` "FalansAudnial..; .111hesta`tor ether makiialluVie?licenttakelf,ln,nert.nay. • tnt, • - I.o.theqarita asaortmentorAt ono IPnlon Iron of all' 01)10..wrl hinds Btoo0U1101:kIndl..1 1 11.1 ,11 AAp 11 ; &Mpg , . Plateei.Awrlisy,leespellorN4nd eleyY•thlinelhiipthi, tvholesaleiniCe*, o „Wi e ltinilliyarrkultedioil l ; tr, A 2d/o ' , .• • • • ' L E 21 Bourn-Priorer:AteSer, PHILADItenta, -,-- COMMIE43 : WN:..IIII3ROIIANTS.AI4D DALEIIIIO.N ALL "wens or r 4r . -I ' . .LEAIf;,'XODACH -- BIANITFACTIIIIRR - TOiIACCO • -Have ceost9utly on bang and foreale Icer.all kinds of •-trri_pen and" Spatilah Lent lotsiccos, selected with . epode! reference to Minfacturene • ,.•411 articles 11 . old mormulad , to:be; as represented, and, ertni opportunitialTorded for nerindnitio9. , 4..Purcluisereettt distence' can send - their . 'Orders and rely, anon thdog- anleltLf i dly Jserred no If their goods. ere. setected In pth'Serf. :• (April s,lB6ll—]y.; E , t - J. , .. , : -.- . 1,;; - "T „ - t - : (0 ...i•Y7 - *: , ''"• - .I , '.cl'rA.ol:l3'i.t.?:. 1 • i -. I:2t-i l ' , ~4 ; ' r . la .I • P 6. •, -, A.• P'' '''' -pf.' r .•.,4 -• -- f: • 'P. 0 .,,, — ea."! -:•i:•0:. • A.D.. -, a. p cn , ',...f.. 1„. - - : .. : 1,-_-_,._,..,...?„....i1,!"_,,.... , •_-..f.__.. 1,3 .-... " " ).. () • ... f . : - = - ---. 4... 41) -ri - _..... ~... z" - 13-- . . N•, „ ~.. . :5...; , 1.. gi : '.. , !iii.. -• • ,:, c—•.),.. • . 0 1 ,it • • .1 0 •,• _ _ A;VI , N.G , rT'U , N or 'THE •U. S. INSVIANCII; ARNSIITY'ritr'T ' . . Cocriohlrd and Chesnut Streets, " '' 4, llfeciey reciiire'd deposit daily, the anion)); dei le_epterSii Book' and' given to the iDepoilter, rirr if prOfurred,s.iCitilliiite:4lli hoglveo. -- Mime large Mid open; ure. recelvdd, and the amount , paldback,oildeman • di clitti„fila notice. Interest Is paid at 'the rate tif PIPE era CENT,. eery menchig from the day cif depesit;mid ceasing fdertecn Jaya provione toile withdrawal of the money.. • Sn the first day of.hmunry, In each year, the Ihteroat of each, deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the pi thrill:al, as hi) innY poorer,. • ' . • •,• ". The Company ' ave new. npwanle , of s,ooo.dcpoaltore .in the city of,Shiladolphici Slone. - : Any aillthinalinfonnatiOn Wlll by glienb; ialdresaleg the Tagasirasn: . • ' DIRECTO:IS. • . • Stephen enurford. WM. M, Godwin, lowrente Johnson, Saul 11..0caldard. ' Ambrose O. Thompson, ilea. Mellensy, Jacob L. Floranca, ClOani.sonz;.tillit.' • ; 130P4.1215. -I'y: " OFFICE, 66 WALNUT - STILEET. • • . - Onerdoor lbw/0 Second 'Street,' Philedelphln, ' liecolves Deposits In strum of Ono -. Dolltir and upwartia from all classes of the communkty,und allows intoning at the rate'of 'five per cent per annum. !annoy/ paid back on demand: - - Are; Office open •dally from U until 5 o'clock; and on Monday and Saturday. until 9 o'clock in the evening. • • This institutlan auonvenlent and safe 'place of deposit for Partners nod - othore doing businesh • Deposits are paid on.denurud viltho,ut any proviouk notice heiog raquirod. „NANAGicrte, kdtraind . A. ;bou ' pe, . . Ron. j; Stilwell 8. Bishop, 1 .George Boldin, . • 'James P. - Perot, ' Ilobort bforris, , Johil McCnrilco , . Edward L. Clark, ' Jacob Sheets,;. ' • . Capt., Join) Callnghor, • Joscplill. 04011, . "john Bice, Joseph 11. ?dyers, Richard Stotoshury, ' - Edward 11. Trotter,' '- 'William' Shippen, Jr. • n • • - Wm. P. Janke,' ' •: Thomas Cooper, ' . Edgar 11. Pettit,' FR*NWLIE 'Treasurer-011AP. St. 51011R18.• " Secretary--JAMES S.' PRINGLE': ayn-Tho Charter provides that no manager, olllcei or agent shalt directly Ot-401ractlyi-bOnnwLAnYinaneY from ,the Society, •- , ' " Octl7 1866-1 y.., 1 - 41,,tyE PER UENT:SAVANG FUND' OF VIE NATIONAI,SAFETY COMPANY, Walk uut street, souttotost corner of Ilitrd street, Philadel- Ida. Incorporated by too State of Pennsylvania la • .. . , , „ Five per cent. interest le given, and the money is al• ways paid back. whenever le is called ibr, without the necessity of giving notice, for It beforehand. . People who have lnrgo sums put their money in , this Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and con venience It a ff ords, but any sum, large': Or small, to re- This Saving Filnd has tt verilarge amount of Mort gages, Ground Rents and othor first class investments for the security or,Dopositors,: The rules prevent any Director or °Meer from ushig tic boreVriug the monoy. The Office is open to receive and , pay money every day, from 0 o'clock• - in the 'morning tut o'clock In the evening,. and on Monday and Thursday eveniug, till 0 Peoplo who have money to put in, AM itilikd to call the office for further Information. - , • ', • 11F.6 1 1tY L. LIMNER, . • ' 8131.PRIDUE, Vice President. 1511..1, Secretary. • ' October 3,1856.. ' r• N Qll TRUSSES: 2 4-Hernia -or Ituatnrclaucceseltillytrentedillnd comfort bienr.ed, ' y.ueit'of tho. elegant Illntich-Trusacs; Imported-by tbqi aubscribor, andyunlo to.ordor clammily for bla.seles. nil aufforlogyttli,ltOpturp.wl.ll . bo .grAtilled to learn 1 4kt/fa ocaeslon now,ofibta to procure a Trues comblul' log to/troop llglitnotVwltil'teme, durability. and correct. ,coitatlttctlon; to riee,er the cumbrous and wpowforta , ile argeleysoally sold.. An.catanabea osmrtnion always m band, adlepted to"ovori t earlotl.ef.Rupture Ipadulto and:cbll,lol4.atid for.sele at a range of price to eult *Coat of 131n$10 Trunsce, .$4. $3, SA ,and $6 Doubble .$ 4 l Pomoua at nte distance cap Intro a Trues eont to ally nil.: 'him by ren,lltlhggtbe amount, nautili% tommure around. I be ltlps;and AMON; alde`affectea.. „ .„ .For,3alo Wliolcado and.lteinll,l4. tbO Importer. -"' '"' 11:•Nkhourik. , 13. Nf..cor. Of T,iarch A.ltatu DepOt Tot Pr. Pit,ripino Ititgovpal'Atoutilody tape,; r 4 `hoot Eipandi;r*pill. Vreo.9y. grams; rafeut liboulder Druceet Stisponeory 'Llan'digen; 'Spinal Prime and Rope, POrti.b. ,4 11 .°.? lady attondauta . . . T_TOV A li, D..A S S 01. AI 0TION:;. l isiji:' , .4 ,,, 4 ~I ntitikon,rtitc! :-: • ' ':' ,: - •- . . IMPORTANT: ANNOUNCEMENT,'''": .""*" ._'!" . Tti"tillpc' rsone , afilicted with Uinta Monroe: 8111."': .SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE`, poscipl:tlll ~' 1 a r.,BET, syritall, Ac., 4a. ---, , • "..1" ...- . • .'"" 1 ;.." The lIOWARD: ASSOCIATION of ,Dbiladelphlii, In i.low of the awful doettiction - Of humeri, ife'antf haunt, ,cauriedh3rfionlial"dbioases,Ond ihe'doCeidione which iii, practiced upon the unfortunate victims or end,: dieratif_ .9 QUaCkft, Imre directed their ,conanittret Diugoont iuCai ,CII.AItITADLM Liter Worthy; bf:.. their ;name" te,tiDtei MEDICAL ADiriag COATIS, to ~ill,porttorojthui.,af, . . 0 leteit k (Mele: or leemithi; )) whit apply by, et*,,(nPatTahirr with a description 'of. their condition, (ego. occupetlene, , habits of life, 40.3 mitt to eatrento poverty and coffering • to leuttNlot 'MEDICINES FRE,,E AA - MARCIE, .. The MearrlaepAttiOnS , ,ii Pom , TOPD*l4 , Ftit i i tiou s 1 iodnbliebed ,h titesedafinadeirtneritjor Atte turtrof ot,the,, Atli ,and:44 r otr o 4ainict4l4; tl" le4t 1"14I. 4tetnlp'eilir F ki rd..lo,4ino, tit, ,usedlor*i o f ten .'. :-pUrpotto:;•• t,,, ',paw, a 'suiting of Income, which the Diroeterirtialv '4Ptbd to lidCer,ttee the above notice. It Is needhoit to Ad thAt-t4P4, 0, 0.019a150YP0t t i, 41 04 4 'tilitie."4tXediael All ,yi 4 ,„ 4 atgotwoo4vat. . *o(tiodkial , t, - , .., IP Sfihrowlill°o°ll "s i xiit 4 rt,W AP I O4,,rA , ~...., Directord, "" . '', ~ ..,. s oo.roFth° 3 ,,, D jatiirirti*Trott t '-' '';',,4•.:4z,z-t*Z • , .ON , 4 .:;. , • ', 11 3 , P1. 13 cw. 0 4 4 i.,.: , , ::• -, ,.: , . 4 . 4 0: , c , ' , • , : - ‘-„iii... ~..- litiorekiti677M ' 4 ,.._ . ;i.i:5, ~ ., ,. .4 .' , -Y _.,,' lAA . .. ':: L ' '',":41',.0 . ..W O.N .II ,A, Nu 4 1 I hi; tarot - tie* - inteltaneW end MebionableFtlllNlTDßlt 1 Lund CIIAIRA - -,-, ,tti.L'ii,:,i 4 ;4•:i4 ,'1,'14P.,74.11,, , ij , .i. ... • ' IV ~ ..p4lnut. , , A ullifithogau74.llresidsiir Mirbetusilith'liiiirbtr: I ' . • '4lO. rd; 1. Ai , , -",',.' !! 1 , -. , 1.•M1, ir ', ...: 1 011‘14.4 ra;iO4,,iinliSireaturiziiidlii..;:i. , ::: , . s .: l, : -, , ~,,:,,,•, ..., •., 1 Wnltaßt Vtageroo_on,d Watdrobeso.•.,.., ..,•!: !!,, ~•••,•: , ~ ~ I '..,ttlebominy and Walnut Tablet ot all ahem , . ~ . 0.,K ' • 'l!tvnell'BOthYulda, Methostuty,' andalah,l, sol,;,',• j a, , iji, ' ~..'...•. iptoniat. • Jr, , ,1 , A" , k i., ~, ,• t•,i, , ;,i.,,,, , ~-:••.o i, ,, ,'.', -, .:,• , ',1 t+ 1 . r garin.d.ort.Chalro,dotul•ltoeking ' , Otalles,-wlthleleOtOt • ~, ~. halvdotttaaateatl , boeks. 1 •,, , , , ..,.. .-- .. ••,;!,,, ~,,! 1 ,1/ 1 1 110 qeopTItud Walnut ,chatiailikbale-eloth: 4 o l , o tirmr I • ' '' , . ll eatik , i,' i _Sq. , l:'3; ,' .',;. , A :., r:':,t,..„ ,!., .',', , ,,,k , '"V! I ' lain Chairs (Iran Ulnas: , . •.' -, , ',,,,,'%'J: , , , ''