Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 28, 1857, Image 4

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    i hruteros*dun!.
The Three.. Great States
troin - tle iziessagea of the governors
"o? Ohio, New York au& Pennsylvania,
• we get many reliable facts relative, fp the
three great tloiniiiohwealthsof the MI ion;
which cannot fail to be of interest.'"ln .
' _relation to the Publie.....Sedieols.ret this
.we learn frdin Gov. ••Pollock that
there are no less.than seventeen hundred
districts-=ten thousand directors—twelve.
thousand teachers .and ovor_five hundred
; thousand pupils. _ • ' •
amount of money
'• iaised- in Ohio during the piisttyear - . -- for . - - -
apd school hon . :so - at $148038-. 1
• • 94. 'We also find_that the number• of
.3 .
•miles of railroad An actual operation in
. . • that State in 1855,
according to a state
merit. made by the late Secretary-of, State
-was-2593:7 - --Tlie - fipresput - nurnber - is - about --
two 'thousand eight hundred: -'These:Tailreads haye costiatiout' ninety millions
•• Of dollars ;—inoro than a million-of• pass- •
• ..en,gers are annually eifirried upon them,
and their gross receipts fiire put-less than -
f ' six million - rof dollars a year.
. 'Other fact seems almost
to wit-:-The whole area • of the • State,
according to the computations of the .
'Federal authorities , contains 39,964
' •'-' square - miles, or
. 45,576,960 'acres. A
little more than half a century, ago, not
. an-aere-e-P-this-area-hadamen_c_Lared for.
- _oultiyatiOn, ()trove(' reduced to 'private
- ownership.- - There are now hut 43,553
• . acres of public land.undispoßethof-Within
. the entire State of Ohio. In 1810, the'
; number otacres reduced to,,r,i,vate ,pos,
- • session - was '9,953;101. - ..,..,hv,A820',
- quantity had inerease'd,;• 614.,8jp,d4g
acres; inilB3oeStiniating the 'quantity
for two counties from, which there were
no returns, 6,18,199;682 acres; in 1840
estimating - for One - county, t0.19,640,-281
acres ;—in-1850-1.6"..2-3;081i350-mcres - ; -
and in 1855 to 24,220,083 acres. These
• quantities_are_exelusive. of_townzand- city
Tho-censusTeturns of the-Statti,of-New--
York for the past - year are given in a
summary form by Governor King. in- his
'inaugural, and•from an interesting fea r ,
taro in that, document. ~.11.e sett down
the population at 3,835,921--number of •
foreigners 92030. The increase 'of
m population during the past year • . in that
T Stateis 2.48 per cent.. 7 There is within
The State just about as much unimproved'
as improved land,—there being about
-thirteen wiltiuu acres of .
each. -The ---
gregate wealth of the State is two thou
. -sand million'of dollars; Therb are 951,
062 children attendihg s . chool , , fluid -the
aggregate expense of the common - s - chools
of the State is $3,531,042. The
ber of enrolled militia is 335,000 of ,
whom 10,500 are muiformed, armed and
equipped.. - '''' ' •
olagl., The .Massaebusetts.State Board-of•
Agriculture have unanimously
• resolutions recommending the various lig
iieulture societies of that State to take
such measures in reference to the exhibi
tion of horses at their cattle shows, as
shall divest them of all characteristics of
the horse race, and, as far as possible, Of
all . iMnioral tendencies. ' Thdy have also
resolved that the offering of premiums on
. equestrian exhibitions is a perversion of
the funds of the State, and the board reo:
ommends agricultural ,soeietiestnot to use
their fretting courses for fast horset du
ring the cattle shows,-as it is not for' the
interest of the fariner or. the breeder 'of
horses to countenance or allow : in any tri
al of horses, a faster rate than a- mile in
foir minutes, -the trial to be made singly
.or in pairs, harnessed togetlMr. Any .
horse-driven at a faster rate the Board
think should be ruled out- in all premi
-111118. .
- is.not onTy the - basis of fatten - mg; if -
- „you feed in. whiter, but all you need for
wintering stock which is in good order
in the fall. A skilful farmer can make
healthy cattle grow all winter by 'ttring
* his ingenuity to see , how much good hay,
he can mantge to get them to eat; and
this is the great secret in keeping__stock._
Ito who attempts the-experiment, as very
many do, of trying to winter cattle; on
the"least possible quantity of hay,. will
find himself in the end in very much the
• condition of the economist, whti tried to
see with how much salt he: .. could winter
his pork.--4-Itirhurt warn/ weather came;
however, to:hie groat 'astonishment, he'
• had not onl . , lost his salt; but his pork.—
. niekittsonle--thitiress-,•:-. .7-•-••'*;
• •
2 . ll.ObUbT OF AN Am' ittL—A correspon
dent of the Amy nd lir rmer, -
.thig. from Plainfield, Mass., says that he
has raised on his farm, forty 'bushels of
good sound corn, one hundred and fifty
bushels Of potatoes, seven large eurtloads
of pumpkins, fifteen- bushels of -carrots . ,
`twenty bushels . nf turnips, three bushels
of onions, forty cabbage heads, one bush,
el of beans, after using all he needed for
• his family; a lot ofpeas, and fifteen bush
els of sugar beets-all on one acre; in ono
LIINAIt INildENCE.—Fllliattfel pit a
great matey trees in all age. of the moon,
but under other circastancerprecisely
litit'inTlO ex I:mammal, - discov
ered no difference in the timber. Chau
;Talon, at Martinique, tried accurate es
perimentS on many kind of vegetables in
the same Way, planted at different times
in the lunar -month, but discovered no
appreciable difference.
xs4o .— potiftiyraffirivarm and, eoinfor,
table quarters these cold nights, and you
' will find that there will be , a „paving of
corn, or a proportionate incrodse . of fat,,
if the4;•.'obieketis, .turkeys • and all, are'
maderto-"eoiue -off the apple trees; and
roost in the poultry:boase..
'4,? itt r
At:wing 1i09318. ,• ,
Alonandzo assortment of nun and rniblonabloFtrit.XlTU'llg
Walnut and. tiataogun'y 'Bureau, airy Marble'
'. l3 ellterfablett 'and IlTa ' ehatands. • ' ,
- WalnueNtaieres arid Wardrobes. • ' - •
Mahonnnyandar4dnut 'fabloi °foil six r.
Proud' Bod4tO '7* .
ony , aud :Own Toble
ty s,'nt 'Ail •
- Par/or ArJr ,
,Intimloth' 011
seat& 0111 4 m, 44d
1 II : 641 Ni , Cbliro withyOlv - et or
chfairmoy And .Waal nut Choke'TUb b allCatdth or sue
;;,•• 4
°toffs Oraip.
Call Roil aber.aha °lntuit aisiletthont
munituto ItoOnis or the subsoribor, on Irtnalier'streit.'
"Boor this #r:oir of,4okili.l„lonovo. -
July 28;180.
R. •
ef•R. S •
If Isinbaled.and.Altlind (ot takun) to curp.Dtteas
No Itlioninatic, Neuralgic, or other' Pain.' enn , axial
whereollrollar Isapplied. • Olive Tar mixed, .
-with Aluttaii,l'allow foram' an
' • Ointniont that ctirqq,t
•Rofoioned IK mndo•to tbo following gentleniortisho
bavo Used Olive Throw Olit o 'far Ointmorit.
• 'fII,URL9W ,WEED,'Esg •of the Albau,y
, 1VM..11.-TOIYNS END, Now• York pcpress.
JOHN M. BARNARD, Esg:,lloFton Herald: •
ISAAC V. FOWLER, Postnnistdr, New York.
Capt.. EZRA N.YII, Into of tho Steamer Pacific.
E. A. BLANCH, Esif4 Chief Engineer NMI,' It.R.
COOK, Esdnityor IRMO°, N. Y.
• Prof.JAMES I'. MADE'S, Nowarli. N. J. - •
GEOIKIE LAW, sth Avenud, N. Y. 1•
HENRY RUSSEL:Ad Sonth strain, N. Y.'. , .
.10S. L. Mu( ilanoilt Ins. Co., 11'Weill
AV 11 ifllLE,Sacrotaly Mniihaitan - Life Ine. Co.,
127 Broadway.
1. W..IILIPB, No... England Ina. Co.. 20 William et.
, O. W. ENSWORTII,' Forwarder, SI Pearl et.
- ELISMA. PECK, Banker. 2 Broad et:
non. .w . u , .1 y IS, Middletown, Conn.
And Ifiliny ninneS will ho found in our Chian:tit,
'which-eau ha had of our Local Agents.• •
• • OLIVE 'TAB, 5O Cents a Bottle. .
. OINTMENT, ' - 25
othEimitlAi" INHALING PLASTERS, 25 Cents.
' for Salh-bY ; S. W. lltiversliele, tidy Agent fur Carlisle
Ea.• AlsO •sold - at the, CompanY's Depot, No. 10, Stat,
a treeloNeW York, and bylirnggists generally.
A wiust 1856-06: . • • .
- me•now - Tocalving - theh—ethi - titeck - elliardwareewhlch
is unusually, liirgy, and lu 'connexion. with • their row
•infilitiayy Stock-mattes-Won° of the - largest and most
variedassortments over offered fo this' pidle. They
have ovbry thing tint the Vintner, the Stilider, the
Meichant. or thy public, may want in , their Hues, and
-Which they are selling at Hui very lowest prick ' Thoy
solicit - Keen front the public before making their, por
ch:tiros, as they feel confident they eon offer inducements
tiMt wilt coward MO invor for the trouble. • • •
— teolln;cttufnkftil to itigon6rourpnblic - forilioletbriffer:'
hpral introit:4m, cent tin ounce of thy saute it igdicittat
id our old stolid fit North Hanover Strectrtarlisio.
October 8, 1866. " • "
.14 AL L., STYLE
(lEiilitfl KELLER. desires to call the haention of his
old. friends shit customers to his new assortment of Oen.
tleineids lIATS, of the Oak ford bull style,• with an
elegant assortment of 1101"8 CAPS and, WINTER
HATS of every varlet yund the most fashionable styles.
Ile has also on hand n largo and varied as.
sortment of Ids own manufacture an well as city made
Hats and hops, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia; heaver, Ikt:leskin and_ ellit_llats, fin.
'shed iii tae latest style, together with a full nssdrtmen
of CAPS of every shape and descripticre, And at every
price. Ile Jeff Ocularly inch.ou the public to call and ex
amine his eX(lolthiVe assertmenti which In style, mate
ttl .r ininisin - cannot - he-surpassed-by,rany-4-meihe
met which huis able to put at prices lower than ever. .
tvLitenteinber h Is uld stand on North Hanover street
next•deer to Iluyett's (tawdry &era,- .
. kji ISti.—The understated ivould Inform the
X I , cifluns of Carlisle that ho. tins lands arrange
tothitsto doll Ali FITTING and 19.U31111 , 4.1 it short un
tk o, a iol uq rea,onable terms . . flolids,engaged the Far
oleos of a.tii.stjute band frolh and basso p
plied himself Itlth an , eKtenhit e assortledrit of FINT
U It will enable plat to till all orders promptly
All work Will .1c warranted. Ills stork of (11IF Fixtures
will be found I the room exactly opposite his.Tlnning_,
est:o,l6lll.ton t North Ilauoverstreet, whore ho Invites
a ca11...._ -
furnish, or make to prier, every article of TIN '1 VATIE
ivied by honseheepers and-others. lie will also attend
mud 1.9,1.,M1tt .
been f,tvore4ale respetiCully 'solicit!: A COM , IIIIIIIIICO Of
be collie. tj
AIONROE 31010218.
Carlisle, :Juno
have the afture of focorfnitig puldic that they
have at last completed - the enlargement of their -store,
lull aro now revolving the largest and HlVet
Siirtlllolll, or Wall Pan, alTil WhIllOW Blinds ever opened
in ()Wish. A call is sdielted from Hulse wanting Paper
Hangings - of any Idea;-us we aro confident that nil can
Iris supplied -from-our Mammoth block. - - At the-old
stand. North- Havevor-street. i • Aprll 9, 1850.
he Lax noti op hand at his establlslonbot, on Multi St
next door to' 31arlon 11811, the largest and most COO
pleto:assortmimt of COOli, 0119CE:3: PAlt
LOW STOVES to be found In this 'county,
4114": will be SOIL( at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit. Ills stick romists of
d largo ru.sertnient of now and highly 411,-
1 proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
In the most manner. and ealrulnted for either
wood or coal, or both. All Gm - old standard patterns
which hove stood the lest of axperionce, may he found
at his tel ablislsnient. Also, d i great variety of the most
approve. and beauthul P ARLOR OFFICE STOVES, in
eluding number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantagdi 'over those heretofore In use. Families
and housekeepers are' respectflolly Invited to give him a
call bCforo purchasing elsowitere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the ellillary and put nip at the shortest no
tice. flu continues to do all kinds of TIN AND PIIKET
IKON WAR F. and Copper Work, and bas roustarAy on
1101111 or will make to order every article requited by
housekeepers .or others In this line. Ills stock Of Tin
autteopper Ware ern braves every kind of household and
kitchen utemil, warranted equal to the best mune.
Lured: Persons In want of aulleles In his line may al
ways he sure ol being accommodated tathelr satlsfectlor
by giving him a call. . movl-1
mATunii DECAY.—Just published gratis' the
20tlithousand. A few words on the rational treatment
without medicine, of Spermatorimen ur Local Weakness,
Nocturnal Amissionx , flenital and Nervous Duidiilyi
impotency, and Impediments tg Marriage generally,
11Y 11. 1111 I, A M. 0.
The Important fact that the many alattning com
plaints, orlgi tinting In the lulpt'udence and solitude or
youth, may be easily 11,1110VOLI, WITHOUT MEDICINE. Is In
this pmall tract, Clearly demonstrated; and the entire
ly new and highly successful 'treatment, as adopted by
the Author, fully captained, by nmans of which every
11110 lA enabled to ME HIMSELF' perfectly and at the
least possible root, thereby avoiding all_ the advertised
nostrums of the day.. - • '
I , ent to any address , patio nd pos4free In a 'sealed
,Mvelone, by remitting tpost-paid) two postage. stain! ,
to flit. 11. Ill; LANKY, 17 Lispenard st., Now Yorh , City,.
Oct. 20, 1050-0.1.
TABLE Mb, &U. . •
Aboro articles warraTited - plual to any In market ;
FOY Bale low for cash-at.—
July 16, 1816.]
r i 0 -.CARPENTERS, .131HT...TiER - S,
&c.—The--undersigned-has - 11.0 - appomenz - an
agent for supplying MOULDINGS of any ileslgn, or Pat
terns for buildings, at a lunch less ralo than they tall
be toads here—so mild by our znostnxperloneed zuo
chanies. itfareh 211,'501 . Itionty - SAXTON
• . —A full supply or tho premium Shnb Corn
: 6 „4 , :.,,,,PlShollers,"fronz our own nutnufartory, now
• I 'on hand at wholesale and retail and of st
' -..... Hon,: sizes. olhoy urn atiapteil for either
hunt or how„power, and nro believed to bo On best in
Cho market,. PASCHAL!, MORRIS & CO.,
Tauileuzenfand Seed Store,
Nor. 20,.1R511 7th ainOlgrket
ter 1 4: 4 .% AC RI:CULT U RAL
OMENTS.—lninrored Hay Presses, Fanners'
Boilers, Horse powers andThfi , shes.t.,
-Pans, Sausago Outtmrs and Stutters' oY
How, patterns. NS
Portahle e , Grain,
Vegetrble Cutters, Hay; Straw and Foddr Cut
ters in great variety.. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse - and Peed Storo,
Nov. 211, . and Market, Philadelphia.
\ 1... T P
. ler naps, Cashmeres, Ducals, Mous do 'Alines, Colimp.,
A Inamis, Calicos, and 31uslins, with a variety of Fancy
.nini Staid° Dross (loads adapted., to tho season. Also
lloslor., .to .
.! .- , . .- -
Oct 4:'56.3 GEO. W. MTNER.
IV . AILS NAILS ant now pre
pared to supply country Morrlinuts with nails
uninuilictureni prices. , , 11. SAXTON.
NTERFSTING. TO F.41 . 131E318.- 1 :
'rho Mai;lcCorn and Cob 31111, the boot now In usa '
Thls 31 1 111 lumtaken the first premium over ail other). at
a n willow of thu recent Shan and C'ounty Ndrs..Erory
farmer who fet,nhtetoclc should h,aro ono of these'mttle.
For solo by ' • -
P. LYNN k SON. ' •
Nov. North llanoTor'Strcot,
15 t) lbs. - OF. FRESH TURNIP
OV.31:1•16: cos . mlSilng of l'urpo: Top; White
Plat., , Daltis Hybrid, Yellow Nherdeen. Purple rep Huta
Sago, preen Top do., at wholesale and rotaD.
imploment and Seed Store,
- July 30, 1850.] . • 7111 andlineket, •
A full neeortitieut of Bonnet Itlbbone, Thinuot
IN :Micro; Velvet Illbleme, Straw Bottom., &c.
• •
,T 4
13116.—A:goneral asserhooot of Itonilet Feathera,
Flowoloc SopeotfVelvetennd Plusher.; Untie:sand oth
511111ebry uotteJ out owned. .0. W. GITNEIt.
. P. LYNN wholesale and rc ipui.n. In
iiierlesn, German niol•Ensilph Hardivarenna Luttory,
invite the attention of Mechanics. "'armors, and the'
ibllagenerally,to Our„untisuatly'lirge stock, confidant
'eat .Wp are selling good's on moo reasonable terms than
atlacetinuas to Qui county. , [April - 0, 60.
,PAVEp,.--just "received a
y ur splendid stork , of Paper thinglings.
aides and Pirolusird Priotii, embracing, the newest
it most approved, styles. The designs are- nent - and
;:note, and the prices pinch as, cannot tall - to give satin-
Wu Invlto'our friends and the nubile general
'. Wean erntexamlne aitraseortmetitlatfoeuvrchislag'
. • • . • .•gnat Ahun Strect:Carlfshi'
. ,
lIAHCOAL.--(;liuredal constantly on
him' dna Xbr iday. br ' . '
• ' 19....31UM1A
Y~usiness,,,Grar.'~s.;. ~.
G EOR . •
•-•• ivericE OF 711 E EACE
tgt.Offlce opposite Stet ,West ett9F the Court house
51, • Attorney
!fLpr. Office In Main Street,
:-.411m31u91pf irntyristaft :tn blniwlllbi3 promptly at.
tondod,to. Fob, 7. 66. ,
p. Attorneyat,lait.,
iolllco on Mirth 'lltinhvei street, n fow•'dooVo
south et things' Hotel. biudness entrusted UMW'
with be promptly attended to. •-•- [Aprlll6,- •
GREEN, Attorney at
1.M.N1111 attend to 13 . UltVEYING. In connexion with
Lis profexelon, , . • play 21;186(4=-1y,,
. ..
. D R. ~..13; KIEFItk Offico in, North
Ilanovorktrect 6fiti doorsill:on WelSo & ComboWs
store. Office hours, more particularly tram 7 to,o o'clock,
A. Bt., and froln G'to 7 o'clock; I '. N. „
,and llinthlenco East Main StrSot, third dooi doss
tho MsrLid,llouse. Calla 111 town and county - promptly
' •
CnAlsle, Jan.'2,lBllo. . •:' ' .• •• •
• •
DR. I:C.L9Olgl._ 4
South Hanover strbol, riar t .
nort door to' the Post
: --- 0101111 - bestbsont - fronr - Carlhile - tholastlem, - daya
°fond' month. • f.Ang.l, '55
. •
_L./IC[OIIT, Uh'NTlSTfrom . the
itglinoro•CidlegO rif Dii iil Surgery:
• .
the residence of his mother, East Ginthen
street, three . 4uero beloir Bedford. lteference.L—Dr. IJ eo
4.1.1 . rets Blarch.lo,lBsoz=tf.'
•.. , • .
W AL It LL E Y ,
k l3 ' iis- ai.25 b
Pi hat lug been Instructed ---
in - titaltrtjliyDr4ltd. -- 2.
bretz,'n 'graduate of tho Matti:nor° Dental Collogo). la
now, prepared to receive - his trlenda and pei•form the
various:operatirmiln the line of the Dental profession,
at his residence, in South Street,,,thira door seam {Vest,
Street. Ciro us a call. Norms moderate. ' -
31ay 27, 1.821:7- 7 7y. . . -
L. RI.'ONSLEIt, late Register Of Cumber
.land county, will oud to thn transtiCtion of
all such businesses may ho caLviistml , tci him, such an
the writing. of Reeds, Mortgages Contracts, &C.. Ile will
also duiote his nitentirin 'o the procuring of Land War
rants, Pensions, So. na well an the Iturelleso And sale
of 'Real J.:state, negotintloon, of loans, C-. 4-%.0MC0 on
High Street, forme: ly occupied, 4y W. It. Volum
f.cq:near the Methodist Oh orch..
- W. 131tAND,T, Manufactuier of
. Tllnoral Waterg, Yreneli Mend; •
North:Mei Streak, bear the Bride, Carlisle
lAthe accepted time, and now in the day for'
Grave Stones, •
• ; Manual - 6as,
• • Sills, ke., &c., '
at Hoffer's 'Marble Yard, Carlisle, to, Also, Ironltill
lag. . [Apr.l6, '
c,:NYDER & IkI'FARLANE.-- - '
•31.INNEAPOLIS, Opposite the Suspension Bridge, Nulls
of St. Anthony: Minnesota - Torritory,_
will — hri,f - girial — la tut -, T,ie.,..,0t iiiTirliniclorefeliit7td
IVnITIIII in in M I itiletitlin, lOWA, 111111 Wilieollslll. Inquiries
respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promptly
Ituswercd. ' ^ ' .. ' .
711 . tFEREN1ES
---elion,-Alesellantai.e.:ll3l47,,yet l nor,- --,.-
Tien. 11. 3t. Liao. Dolegtit,o to Oangress, Minnesota,
- Ode. Po!leek; Itarrishur; , -. - - .—_____, .
. James P. Steele ;',, Co.. 1411IndelpIda.
Ilan. Predin lel: Watts; Carlisle, ' -
• A. Brady Shaiße. Esq,,,_____,..
— O - 111wiiann7New VO. I;. • . . ~.
Robert Walsh; No,. Orleans. ' _ -
James R.-Irvine. roe.. NeivvlP .
u. ' - -.••
11im..1. S. Marl:, -Sornevbet; Pell Wu., ... •
. n0n..1. It. Eddie, "
J. IC, Good, Mayor, hprinqfleld, Olilo, . • -
Oen. C. Anthony,
' .las. Carson, Esq. K. Louis, ' ' _ _..
'Wm. :Wiliam, Esq.. Baltimore Md., -
-- .MP: Wiight, Charleston. S. d., - ..
J. 31. Wilson, Philadelphia.
• . „
• 114.000 Acme of, 111. improvedtentLfor from .$2
lit slit too - nem; tifeT;
In St. Paul, St. Ail - Olney, awl nit towne on the Mums
I , 4 9...Particular attention Oren to Um Loaning, 01
Money, and Entering Land Warrants. Address,
March 911. Minnpapollo. Min. Tor.
AN01)115 (LYME., at. JEFF' Tllo3lrs4iri. .
Have opened ad calico at St..l oseph, Mo., for the par.
chaso anti solo of Beal Estate. buying and selling. Land
Varrants, entering Land on Thno..Surveyingind Mop.
ping Towns, Location of Warrants,
and making Invest
ments for nuimeghlonta, paying' of Taxes, and all busi
ness perlainitct to alit:norm Laud Agency, In Missouri..
. .
Kansas, Nebra..lia, and loxes.
t-*.olllco on Second Street, North of A. T...lleattle's
11/In kit*, I lowa, [July 30, 3856.
N,_) MIL and MRS. CLARK, rho have been for sevural
yearsrongaged in tenebi 11:4, reNrectfully announce to Ifin
citizens of Carlisle a n d v hitt Hy, that on the Ist of Selo
tem her, 1050, they will continence the second sezbion, In
Inmlher Street, near the German Reformed Church,'of
Thu InstitutfsTElVlll both a bearding . and day
sellout, In which :di the branches neces4ary for the com
plete education Of young ladles will bo taught. Assist
ants of the highest character for qualifications and
morality will he etitployed hi accordance with the wants
of the Institution. The government willbe conducted
On strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will
be as rigidltuscludell.
The Principals'llatter themselves that their long and
successful esperience ad teachers, ns testified by the
recommendations In- their passel:Ann will enable Ilion
to establish Ito Institution of the highest character for
young ladies. They aro fully persuaded that such tut
Institution will to sustained here by the citizens nod
meighboring country, and hope that their confidence
May not be disvpoluted.
--Thu Schelast year-will consist of four terra (eleven
reeks each"). he Inning on September 1 and ending on
second Wednesday in July.
• TERSIII-I , lilt (AMU TER (11 svooks).
-. Boardin...including fuel, itghtg , nnd
tuition lu Englistrinunches, • .035 00.
Primary Depaitalent, - - ft 00
I I igheN•Mgl • 8 00
Ancient and Modern Languages, each, -5 00
Ornamental !Mulches at prOfes,or's charges.
No deduction for absence after entrance, except In
60 or prott acted illness.
non. FItEPIC wAr.OB, P0v..13. P. WINGS
V. B. PARKER, lleq., " - A. H. KItEMER,
JAMES 11.0111.T0N, Esq.,.. " JACOB FRY,
T.-1L,5E11,111.1. Esq., - 11 .. , --AV.--W.-EEI,S.
'.llr. S. B. El EFFER, 11 .1. 11. SIORS,
Mae. - 19, 1800-1 year. • ' . ' •
Thu Twelfth Session of thin Institution will etnotnenco
on Mutably, the 3d of November. Parents mitt Omit,
alarm are requested to inquire Into its merits before
sending their sons or v arils ekes here. The location of
I the 3 nstitutlen is retired, pleasant and healthful,
and the course of .instructien einbrares the iodine.
ry-and- higher branches-el) en - English , Edural An..
gaiter with the Latin, Greek, French. and German lam
- Ktramisi - and'rectil - tmd - instrumentarninAN — TerinV
besetting, washing, null Tuition in the English branch.
es and steal nun& nSCFSIOII (.21 weeks) $60,00. For
'reular containing particulars address.
larrlsburg. Pa.
Sep. 17,1866.]
.I'a.—ThT — Twbutieth Session Ohm
months) will Communed fill May 6th. - A now build
ing hay been eructed containing Gymnasium, Much,
WILL Ineroasod Taolllo. • for ,lbstrratton nod araplo
aCcimunollraluns, this Iranian'on presents trret,t Lt
ducemonts to parents who. &sire the physical and
montal Improvement of aura Stuv.
Terms por Sandell, 4 . 1 . 15 for cireuhus, with full
'formation, address . it, K. Sill 'INS,
Principal and Pr, prictr v,,
Plainfield; Cumberland re.. Pa.
April 0,1850
I /-41,.;"
rentoccd to the new end spaclone N •
10 BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore, 'Md.
O.K. CHAMBERLIN, Principal and Lecturer upon Memo
_tile Science. •
K. L tlns, in charge of Witting Department. .
0. W. KEEP. Instruct t. in 31cmatitliti Calmlntroits and
• ASFooluticin Kook- Keeping Department.
.1. )1. Toclicrin Bank Keeping.
8 T. LOCtlltel. .M COllllllOlllO Law.
Tide° years havo not yet olapsed spur no establish-
went of this institution, during which time upwai de of
eight hundred stn it s hare boon in ottondanee,'(rop.'
resenting nearly Vary State in Um' Union,) among
whom ore numbers In Baltimore and elsewhere ocrupy
lag prominent positions as huOtnits men and account'
K _
BOOBEPINO.—The Principal has the utmost con
Odense in assuring the liublictliat after on expot louse o
fourteen years in,qualifylng young mon for the Count
lug Room and othor important stations, and an- oaten
ekro acquaintance with the manegement - Of busloca,
books of every description, (assisted turbo is by_twO sot
entitle accountats,) the course of training in this
pirtment is eminently practical and well adapted to
,the carious pursuit. of Commerce and,Trnde,tnelfiding
individual; partnership. Mercantile,' Mamillicturlng,
Commission, Exchange, Banking, Shipping. Steamboat.
lag. Compound Company tiperations, &c: •• • • .'
- •PENMANSIMP.—The 'exercises under this head ere
free; easy and graceful, combining,raptdity ofesocution
with beauty of construction, thus enabling the Fi . f %Wont
to write au elegant business hand on nomplotion'ef the
mmiconNmr, CALCULATIONS In all 'their varieue
bearings. an, taught by the.tuost accurate and eiyaidb
Ilona nintli6d- , .2...
. . . .. „ . .. . .
Daily lectures ere clellyered upon the, Peloneo or A.
'counts, Mercantile Customs, &c.; these in conuection,
'-with a series orbs:tures on Commercial.haw, are or,sho
, mghilst Importance to all,asplrlog to Deco propinent
-positions In,tte basin* community, •. , . . • ,
• The tune'' necessary r for, an -Indust? . a ptudebt to
'complete the CoUrso, varies from 8 to -,liceks.., TbOre
being no vacation., applicants can e ter et any tiple,
and nth:lnd:l.3th day and evening: :Essunlnatlons era
had ut Stated periods, aud "illplOinlmaiarded WV. ' - se.
who graduate. l, far ierno, l ete.. vcrita'aud hare a sit ' ~ 5
U r tgrwardoll by well.- .•:' •• ....--'' •,• : •.. • . [1:W..3, ' ' -
NEW' 4611tibtt i rtitAri' • WAREL
tr' . n •.= 11111 , 1:1:111C2dS.
•., .
• - •
Tbo.subacrlbec,incan4byw_tbuilaFoutent..otthe Mattie..• •
;( 11 ' •.Chntall, oppoidte the „Railroad -.Deppt,', Is now
co& tt:lng :varletTof Fartalniclmplcutentaisuclins • -•
• .
• • —P.' •„„ CORN 1311ELLEIt8, ,
• , • • • •• • 1 ": - !•' - . ',':;••• •, • FAIIM '11011.1l118,: -
Coin • and 'Cab. i(Scott's lant),lbo
Grain. BIM, 'naiad Bbovola,,llllAll'illtS'AlgD , llolVEßS •
(Mantly'll mitt' .Wood's Improvement); stmw• Cutteny
whlcb-ati!,.-rof- 2 tbcrinost,Amprolied - kind an
nrorktnanablp, • and WM 'lle.• Cold on, the moat occult,-
pindatjnk• tame; Fanners' are reapoctfully incited
call and otandne belbrepurellaslng• • • •
Pirltor the ConienlatiB6 rot far nern,,Wore`a Patent,.,
Crain Drill 'will be Cold at Shlremanston.n by Benjamin- ,
Cloy, and at Eblppectsbnrii by chrlatlan tong, .
August 20,1860. •. •
Adapted` also for - sowing-cats, g Maa-needs Mid
gonna.. Krauaer's Portable Cider kllll.-,thr Lest - 7 - pe , „
In the market, Ilalliday's r . Mtent•Windmill.—
liorsoPower'e and "thresher a,,Lime and Cuomo
4fArender's, Daniel's flay, grow and I' alder t
Ml° Want Corya nd Cob Mill,. .Spain's Atmcmheria •
Churn. Theabovo Superier Implements with nil ; bole,
for the use of the farmer or gardnor, 'fel fide %\ holm
and Retail by_ ____ • • -•-
a prieult mai Warehouse and Seed Store. corner
- Mid-Market streets, Philadelphia. : July 25,'25. - •
. _
I „
-N. ,
--- = - %- 40 s, /lir ff - A
Nos. 2P and 23_Soueh — Sixth Street
••• . • • • . • • '
SZED CIROFNUS (ato Acres) Bloomsdnle, near Bristol, Pa,
" . HOOD. (I rowers oflTheat and ]lye, use
- _
. . . .
..,, '. ' Fertilizer." .
-= .VM
Thasaunble Dffinuret lave.) _been_ _used for the pest
six years nucceimffilly for the Crain and Tobacco Crop
In Virginia, Pennsylvania. Now Jersey, lletavaro r
Maryland. and the IsMIMS of Berman and Barbados&
A barrel (2.511 lbs..) Is sufficient for an acre i f ground.
Abe above Fortlllzarstare compose , . . c 7 1 mileal
Elenients, which largely increase the crop.and improve
the shil,•doubling the value of the hind. 19 Ice ni the
Phosphate of Llme--$.40 a tan, hltrnectictl VIO.--ille--
Antolini), Fertilizer $25 per ton or $350 per bane!, '
41'25 a hog. ' Also every variely of GIIANC, Pure Land
Plaster, Pot :Ash, N grate of, Opda, Bono Dust, Powdered
Charcoal, k.c..
hoods delivered free of charge. - .
(IBM 'A. I.EINAU, Pmprietor,
, . . . - - N 0.19 SOutil.Front Street, phlla. ."
• .•4Or•To wholesale dealers a liberal discount. - Pa tn.
hide in• the _Entrll7.ll and German laneunges Gintis
Orders at a distance, Cash' accompanying or omit.
promptly attended to. " ' • "
.N.11,--171P1,031AS have been awarded by Um Penn-.
sylyania Agricultu • 1 Sudety. Now York Crystal Nimes
-Association,-and-lit -Noit.-Jorsoy-Elate,_Afolcultuta
Society. • . I Sol , a 's4:4litest
--Thultubactlherwiesire to !Wimp farmers and 04,11 - c
genet ally that theFrTgv-TiTiTilltillninrteconSlant—
ly inantillicturingyhresliing es with _Plen unit's
Patent Shaker, which tire generally iielthawletiged to -
the bat articles now - in use. Also ityfirloty of Clovei ,
Hullers, Corn Shullers and Straw Cutters t They also
attune to the repairing of KgriculturitUlaelt . norY In
the hest - mantic r and on reasonable terms. Montano,.
- tory on North - Hannover •Street; directly opposite the
e.gldeneu of George Metzger, Esq.
August 0 ' ' ARRIMS .- it PLANK:
T O FARMEItS.- - -- . Thesubscriber 'has
J t. ref waled from tip" Clly with one et the liti•get.t
assortments of 11;1111w: we over broualit to this place. lie
.has just received 00 dos. Unite:: with :tint without. pat.
nsteninr:s. Len and'i,teet hooks ranalin; in pairs flour
41 in $1 50. Also EOO pr and I whit link. trace
- chains limn, to'sl2.:l: - .lFouurniailianices 51411 kluilo7
elson lot eispread. lath. breast. butt, cm living hnitur_ .
and log chains—also a very largelorViri.liiielsTibilut,
spades, hoes, rakes, and.ln short everything and ,any . thin% wantrd by the Fat 111 err•
llrmoutiwe the old stand East Main St. Carlisle.
Abirch 15, '5O. 11. SAXTON. •
A 1,1)111011 .1: KAM:ENT. N 0.410 Moil; et slyeet.
This rottyr is superlo: to any now In tz‘e : for ,trelu,,;tll
dap:I:11;17 rintd alinpllpity of conbl.t nctlou: It cote last
er,lkud hv the only eelf-nbarpenlnx Hay, Straw and Corn
Stalk C111M11 . 0001 . 11/111.113. It has hot ONE. Will Alolll'
KNIFE, whirl: any person can grliid and elfin Ills 01Ite ,
but In Oldltialy rase, is ground in the ion-blue. Ir 1101.1•
sands have al: eatly:lx:en bold, and the deunitol is daily
Intreahing. in Most calve an examilintliki In m. nfieleut
to co: Mine one of its soperloritY: 'No one ator n Alert
trial would part with it ler boy oilier. All blues of the
above constantly on liana audio:. Nile by •
.1. P. LYNN,
Solo Agent far Cutuborland county.
4'141.- Cl - DER b 111.1.43 'ran . 'to furnblied or
Lupo owed mush urUoo nod 1:1111-1:. %heir
(- minding appatallr , t 9 perunar, and gives,
them en advaidem over ell oilier mills.
the union or two I °elm°. Aim; . plf.lpeS, ;11011106
nro forced up ti,alnq the teeth of ti laiddly revolving
cylinder nu d'adallied 1111 wound 10 n 1)1/0 1,01 p; wild
of ionise more juice when 14 ultleded 10 prow me
than if the poinaim woe roawi.• The Serew Pll.l. 1189
been tinily Improved nod engibenecl 'Mere lust
Min and the whole limo le lightened by ',finny joint
bolls. It lo.ndanteit to ell hechnud horse power add
can In worked by Laud to the ellent of nix to fight
birrels a day.
Implement :did Esc 1 Sto ' llir
"Lb amildarkel,yhila.. •
Sap. 21. 1566
• MENTS. . • \
„ •
Ridging and Slave'. Plows, fir Corn and , '
spanding—Cultivatem, o -with
' Steel nett or various patterns, Field and -
Carden Harrows, Hand Plows, Revolving Horse 'takes,
patent Scythe • Soothe and Bdile s s English Laavn
Scythes with rtietted aligentle UnlriadlilliMilly -
Forks, with' rope and , tackle 'complain, and all other
articles for faint and garden.
7th and Market Stheets, fhiht.
lati r raluty ItAffiraCAX-11-(Mliti •
litirourneil by the until ereilented SllOll,l 11'111111 this
popular monthly Imo met 01,11. nod tint rapidity with
which i, 11101 (1/1 ( 1 010(1 1. 11 . 110 011C1111113011( 11 1 C . T1 lota has
ruooivit . to make i, ol 111 more woilbY or Ibe -patittunge
orl.he Thal 'Ude ndinhable wet); in
Is admitted hy Awls one, contaitilmr,. nit .it done: Ono
Huudr o d Pages p.;13.101111 uttittalloc.te.:‘ latothbei, bolng
.more than coy ti. Altesnol and•',Orni Imy two
volumes a year o' undimi • pat.ett o. oh, or %ively°,
llundted pages Vl:ending MO ,••• ter 1100wm ,or
. •O NJ.: DOLLA It I "
liallou's Dollar 'Sleepily n. lobed 'with ,new
upon nue white p ' „nod lie mai 10- is vapoluily cent
plied and nerati by :lie item!, or (110 editor and pro
prittLet„. who nos been :alone Jo ;tie polite no connected
with the Iktatou mete, an ol Vomit Sl l / 1 111( 7111 pages eon.
' ['NESTS.' ' • lIICORA I'IIIES, •
from Iho hest nod tno,l, popular tri lints Olvthic Col.llliry.
It Is also plod with a ; tot:full of on, m lablo et onto of
tbwt hues, of pouts nod, V.*:. t : at. lf IH•ovoi le: and Into
cur log Iu either hornispbeto, lin Inliw; All
owecithle companion fur at 'Aube 1111/111011trils hour. any
-where, at home or abroad, each 11111111:01i.holug coniplito
In Itself.
No seam-Inn' subjects aro admitted loin Its pages;,
there are enough contowur sal publications cal:ll4lu
sutod to tie peculiar sect or clique.- rub work Is In=.
tousled for
north or smith. eadt or and in 'll 'led to tho brim
each wont], with-- clo , le. popular awl graphic witch,.
Nay; just such nd any lather, brother Cu. it tumid trzuld
place 1n MU hands urn :molly - circle., It is In all Its
portnients.fresit and us Kiiittl• owl, what It purports to
ho, the thaapadt - nurzazine in the m e,id.,
• Any persou enclosing °NC nOi.LAn In Ibo proprietor, RS
'below, shrill receive the Magazine for one year, or .any
,person sending-us. nottr-zutztrribetWend maim DOLLAID4
at ono that) sball'receive receiver ropy gnats. , . .
' M. td. I:W.110.1er and TroPriotor. • '
- Corner orrermont and Mrendield Streets, Roston.
,June '6ll. , ' . . , ,
.0. mouips,"or ~rodhaulctiburg; Cumberland.
county; Pa., announces billutse titilictal with Tunow,
-Wens.. Cancers, Colypos,.l.,Mtus, Moles or Marks, Ect "Lit •
Klng's'Eyil dud all disease., that have been usnally
treated with Cantata or Kulfe,be Can remove them with.,
out cutting, burning or p.ilu I.neither .Chlonftform on
Ether le adminiateind to the i mliont. It P. no matte'
on What part of the bisly they maybe ; be dm totoolf'
them with perfect safety, and, 111.0 temlirkubly!nhort
time. •, No Diluent) lit Vigetoblenolsou simited, cunt nc
money required until a ento It nerfected, '
Erolapsue Uteri—Female Mmpittints,'Cluunle,,Yonet . ' •
real acid nil other disease!, Created. with gegltisol•ureres
Pull partioulare can be obtained by addressfmr In Millet
English or Gorman, post palti. — Citiionin'on be accom
- modelcsi with. Board on reasotblYe•leiliiu ,
• ,-Blischanieshur,c, is • one - e the -0 , ettiest aid healthy
;towns in. this or nuy olhe, ; '.lelo' 8 'tulles Item
Ilitirlsburg, en- the
.oimban.incl-Yitlioy ltap Jibed, and
nett:Ml . 6lo parte or-the Union.' The Beater will
; visit canoe In any part of the Btu when pm:
reader if you know Any,oftpeleti-fillieW even
ture thrimor this tret0n,,,,,t....,
sE*;itqlry Ppinti,eig here. v ., t,
:: l ljtt i c iji
• • _ .
V7We'4126.16.7a Entail; Artho
15 mcu and dOworryiltoko,g,No. Ogliyliti.Gopond
corpor yry, •
4701 d Lovoe:Adtphosi Auyielled,lCorl4
__Gold-Londlio, 10 catilts,l ' ; '
SIIveS Lever; 101 l JoirollOd,,'' • ..,12,00 •
Sliver Leplno,jewele;-- ' • " •
Supoilor , , 00:
Gold Spectacles, • 7, 00
' Fine Silver do. • • -. • • -'• :4 66..
• Ladles` Gold ••
r 4.1)11'
Silver Tea
}4/onllB, Silver • '6 00
Ivilolil-Pene,-pith-poncllm-Ond altvorNoldo--1- 00
Gold Fiugor. Mugu. ll'Ach Olansue, Sc.c AIL 14 00 1 14.
ntrrented tv be whet th ey ore sold for. • '..
, -a Sucesosor of 0. Conrad:
.!!•0n hold smile Gold and',6llver Levero nod Leplno
Illlowec Minn the abovelnices.
fl 8011 II LPIX & 0,-
Importers and Mendracturers of CLOAKS anti AN
TILLAS, No. 174 Chesnut street; (n few doors abo rM ve 7th,
• south side.) Philadelphia, (in confiectiou with (IROIWIt
BILLION, 3 . 41 Broadway N. Y., the inricest Manufacturer
of these goods in :the United States,/ peg to mall the at
tention of Wholesale:and Udell ,buyers to their lingo
and varied stuck bf CLOAKS, TAi HAS, Ac., Ac., for the
fill! trade!! • Their collection:comprhies a complete as
mortment of nil the latest Parisian Novelties in: Velvet
Moire Antique, Cloth,,Thun Silk, Ac., Ac.; while the fn.
•Ilitivanfforded - hy,thoh , connection - witlC - the — largest -
Mantilit7turing Douse, (of these imods,) In New — York,'
enable them to guarnii too .better value than is obtaina
ble elsewhere ltillieMnrket., 'ONO. BULPIN CO.,
174 Chesnut 'Street above 7th.
• , 011 .'
. SPA NITER THOMAS,. No. 20 South Second Street
Philadelphia, ImpOrter. Maunfinturer, o?td Dealer in
Dye Stull, Paints, Oils, Colors, Wbite Lead, Vrench nod
_Anuiricnintite_Zine.Winduw_Class,.i.ilats_Ware,, Var
nishes,- ltrushes, instruniMits, llrmind Spices, W
Spices. and all other article's usually kept by Druggists;
:including Derax; Indigmarlue, Shellac, Potash, Ae.
All orders; by .nall or otherwise, promptly attended
to; ;Country morchatitieurb invited to call and examine
our Mock before purchasing elsewhere. 4-Q'-Ooodskent
to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices Low
and Goods Warranted. [March 0,3350—]y. •
. .
t, ror of
Coarse, Medium and Find in mesh : large, ndlldle.sised,
and emairin - dienzeter. • _
the best qualltlro. "s itridus - Siz6A of mesh, ivoni Nos. I
• -80 Inclusive, and from doe to sixfeet in o lath.
—"rimy-aro numbered Ko mariy spaces lathe lineal Inch. suit.
'ho subscriber also keeps &instantly Cu blind - -
Ibr coal,. sand or . e, lime, groin; grorel,4mano, sumac
gun c.dt7 — houni — enffee, nide°,
!Together with an. ossorment -of 11101011 r AND AN.
'N BALED IltON ALL tho_oboto sold wholemle
- and retail by J. A.- NEEDLES, -
6{ Nront Stria, Phila.
Julio 4,1850.—1 y
o 2 31E11011A NTS, •
' and Wholeeale Dealers In all hinds of . -
N ueen ranee T0t:y;(5(4,0.;
- 21:SuuLli Front otroot. Philadelphia. '
LaWl! tor , nr FinA—MLyinta_*_vzimLAr_lhoLckaket_
gmwttim •of A larao nsport tool, or
wb)E,l2- aro- !apt ronaluttly - hi 'bale 'dlr.'
imall nd rao• a Oil isoStili . 11113)011 alum,. •
44) - Coa.lgataoatn 10..ja - aa folly 1.611e14e4.1, , ow' which
111111111 111.11,011 . 08 will 'IL! Made idion do'ff'ed,
• 8110 , ..1 d 11LI en Cl m. iron
iii1.1715171.1 . 0b:11 . 1 0 IN 111,00‘ ell/ 11,0.11/UOll
Woo. iheitotiiint, liviii al. a 'cilia:two linin this
motet; • . _ .
. .
0. - .0...5010 Ago i for V. A. Gotitm'o - oelefirated Gorinin
Smoking Toihh • 0., otoih:i , ing thirty dllloroot
• Aprll24. IS • - • •
FT 14: l'l'A It I) .& YAN HAli.7 TNGEN..
)-111.0 nut sel lbw s hav lux rentnrud In their
AS I) ['NAOMI 5T011E:
Noe 248" Chest omit SI, i•et, Vont 111 door /lime° 'l;en
A in nor prepared to lace o largo and wnl I selected stock
ol the lull ow i ler bosh 11110.11,dr:11de goody: pet nelp.illy of
there oirit lnipin (Id ion, or bought at audio., n 11101 .-
they mu 0 ',14. null at I ho.. ey's price, and' to
widen I 11,13...c0dia11y. titvllo I lin 4011,014 m of County' I s—lllotel li - eopers,atnl
Hoff. :•• - ol Von itliiit
---11,11Nley anti iTINIr Munn - 80°0 Ins, 7-1, 6 1 1014; 104;
Pollster an a P:llow [Alio'x of novoral clipfee
mai 1 , 11 with!. from 83.t0
Doti tliankob. °inn sh.e, and 4100106.
. nod I.tadlo
llyd (lull] wor I ho following Vllllotiqfi, V;Yri
Wolf fi oofloth - lloghder, Alhomlna, Alleudnlo•n ud
Ld nroot oral] dm deNirablo Om.
Burets Covet 8. Table Covers. IVindow,Camlal l imp / 41 1
Toweb, ~tmi Toweling of 'every Dainto.k abla,
Cloths and Napkins, Shirting Limon, and 11 Cam
bele ilainikineitioth. hinthaoldevies, Ilu.leLy. tr. Broca+
tel. Damasks, Moreens, Enbrolde, ed Lave :tail Muslin
Cot Mins, UM C 011111144 Rinds, liimpk. Cord. ,Qr.
~,linportors and Bantam; In Linea nut Igen. Furnish'
"Ing Coach,
30, 1856—Bin
p .UNBARS d 0 1, R . 1.0 E
CASH 15.90 T AHD 81101: STORE,
1it0.713 South Second St., Corner of Cantor St.
The establishment. has been enlarged and Improved
nod Is surnlled with the hugest and hest Retail Stock
in Do City, prhicipally or hit, own nunittfaeture, with a
choice assortment 11001 the hest Eastern Alai Let a
bracing Ladles.' Gents', and Child, en's
of ever descripi lnu, style and quality, embracing - the
beat styles and qualities in Oda or any other market.
This idol* cannot, be' eiteelled for Quality Style and
1 .. /111:11 AI Ode Is marked at the vor' !Invest possible
price, .roin which no (101 , 1.1110 n NYIII ho made. No ex
travagant rtateineuts ‘.4111 be needod,llllll 00,10 made to_
effort h.deo.
doodyeJr'a Chid in all variolles. Niro—Gums, so
scarce iikthe market, alWays on hand. "Tho public Is
espectigily-hutted to call. LAI,IIII-11151.1.',
tar _merchants, lawyers, farmers, nod others, having
nooks, Papers, or other valuables, to preserve from
FIRE or 1111110 LA I:8.
Day and Nowoll'a (11ohb's) BANK-LOCKS. - -- •
A CAnn.--I.'bo .‘ Fh•o hoof Sao," that prewrved our
Books, Vapors, km, during-4110 great Fin, at Hart's'
Bullding,H, was purchusud of OLIVER EVANS. ill S. 2nd •
St,Phlladelphja. OETZ 2 'BUCK.
EVANS' Premium Voitillaled licf,lgel eters tor cooling
and preserving meats, butter, milk , .wator, and all
articles or culinary purposes.. •
WATER FILT Kiln for notify - Ins brackish or muddy
Water, whether affected by rains, Ilinebtone, marl, or
Oilier causes; Call be bad sof - wale or atiached Co the
Ile frigerators—a small qu.ihllty or Ico cooll Cho whole
In Cho warmest weather.
POILTADES SILO Wit ! ! BATILS,Jor the Use of warm
or rold_water.
WATED COOLERS, ftirllotelh, Stores, ant) Dwellings.
STORE TRUONS, Sir 1110V11), boxes. ',ales. ,te;
SSy . l. PR ESSE.% Cop:y . ..lllg do.. Dm;Nist do.
EVANS.' ••
No. St SJa - th Second St.. ( 2 drools below Chesnut.
Maveh 5, 1316--ly.' • • (Esta'Alshed in 15.„:5.)
,17 ,
C t '
r : F4
~ : ?:Fs
" e
11 , r:iP
a 0 6 _ 54,
u i ON FIRE PROOF SAFES; with Hail's Patent
• Powder Proof Lochs, which were
, .
S rt A .fca,...*,, ,
~ , ,,,) - 4 . awarded septuuto 31iliali
r at the
~,,,`', l t„trcstr. World's, Fall. London,
, It i ol, and
r, ,„,,,, tn V also at Cho 1 toad s ir , , , th elv.
0 ;.- . 7- ' '''l' IP, Ita rk i 1 1 .0 8( 4 e au s il oinat r ut awl. u ' re " ri
t I MP,' lt " 1 and proprietors In this State of
• Ili; ..S,N the' Matra untquilled Safes and
‘ 4,1.,
''' 1 , 1., Lacks.'The reputation a the
; 4,, ~ , ~: , t . .. genuine "Herring's SafettisTrbrkt;
~ e• • 1 )!(;,-; :. , wide ; ' euid for the last thiciettlat
art-..,.; ..4.,,,, years the utereantile coniutunity
-- 't biro wi, nesse(' and borne testi
. ,
away to their NEVEIit letlLlZia Oro proof Ml:dines. Moro
'than 121000 of tiLaso &Ohs have bean aatuallysold, and
- over TWO - Itttre) ellilltre lelfriliel trlumphaulTylLitihiklit
accidental lire . ;'The palate tire Assured that Oil saps
inanulactu by the sabscriboul'are not only ,quarant•
teed to 'ully equal, lint in many rompechieven slope
rine to 'those which have Leon as severely tried by fire
eon will fOriefklreir . i,erTlee9 IP the burning of the
“Tribitsio' establisintient," New Yeti. aid at the ll reef
Sire 'lntlltrawhetry street. at Cm ha u te tiro lost July,
-opposite Me Girard. liou t va; and still more retently
.in -.the Fins .at Filth 'Unit Chesnut Sta., In the 'elty'ol
.Phildelphi, in Irhich those , Safestn
eie.lbith the ac
knowledged 'Citauribti, when minty ether - securities
failed. • •0 . '' - FARRELtk Co.'; ' t
' laps - So/7 wt, nvas Loce MAlrelte,
• , • at WALNUT Street, Philadelphia-e__
Chiliad' /eon Safen,, kith-feeder: Pit:at 'Lodes, mutt::
fitetutudtaspivanly for Ranks', lirokirs, , Jettiolipits; and
others .requiring security from rogues. t . Illanit ',Vaults;
Doors,' &a. titi hand and , made' to' order.t, 'All ,the most.
ealithratdd , Locits for sale at'inanufidiurers t .ptituat . ' -'
Second 'bind "dates," "Szilaitiinders"..and„•,‘,Tistli
chefttst'ttif other makers; hard Der faked IA pelt pay'
'bent dot liorst,,, , s ros ^"n st j,0rp,.t5,,,,,,...! , , t Cl't
.)1. N K1 , 13.W k 13.r, - .1.‘
InvelCebr. s aped& : 11;.m , voithaw ,
(m' 3.1.11* .flood": r'Pes"ll-'4l°.:'
•,4. tY s jk,l7l'F'.lls
- 1 I. 1011 TO SISSIeS ! ; ato,tt Salmige Mast Oatt ork
Lug ,osi tn,tno world—R... , iox .^ - no vn and oyllnioe
- -,-mado;io oat not graid. - Nor sahib r ..•
dre • 'J. ARMSTRONG -
.. _ .
~c9botl66lo runiEnculinVs AND p RaLRIIS IN ALL
conatithily tin baral arid for rialirlow all kinda of
;Ain't n and Spaiiiiih Lear Toliaccoe,.ieleeted with
,_special reference to Manfacturers' use. '—
AlfartiClea Hold - Warranted to be ria represented,anit
erary opportunity afforded for exoniinatioo.
Purchasers at a dimianCe Can 'send' their' orders and
iraly . upon (wing as faithfully senriat as. if-their goods
'l'llarnaeleetedimprirrm.n. (Aprit
.8 . • , 1 :6 - 1 . pcJ
ta. „• . a g , _ . .
. c ,
-;20 P ;,.-1 , 0 .
,x . Gi.., , . .rt e.,
• .. l '0 - 1 , ~...i.'d • '
' ( - i; - .-7--.
. t. a.. it: •E cn -
r) -
1 .aq 4' 1_ 0 •
A V U Tll E tr.. S
. - Corner Tblf d nod Chesnut Si eds. I l'n.
, CAPITA - 2.10.000. ale
I, rtlCOlVtki deliOnit aolly. mount dew
poNlLeil fry en Lemil Deiluat 'Book And - elven to Llie
- Dowel Col.' co:, Jr eeTlTGevi v:111 to :, - Ivon. •
• All ;nips Imp , eniall,. are I ocelvell. , find the
nntoon p.:10 !tail: on denntud. without, not. e.
Inlet cvi Is paid et I. ho a or 1100 vett offm . .,•toro
Inenelw; depesit,Al cern.' to,1: IDo,(eon
days in eL love to the s:ii]td,:nrnl 0; Iho money.
Cu the 11,4. floy ofdanunryy. In L:eh - ye. the In Lei cot
orenelt dope: IL Is p. 11.1 to the flepoLll to. ; o. added 10 Iho
p be may ffi .
' Tho Coeffmny harm lioLv upefnefle or 3 300 ckposltoes
In Mu city 01 old Idol dfla nlooo. .
Any Len! bo mares:dug
the TREAhL
Ftelilien P. Pres'.t. 'Win. M. Poiln9n,
Lento:tee .Inhasoil. Vigo Pt. - fluthlei
Amin... 0. Thelon...en, (len. Mellein4.
11 7 "/Ilivgley, •.lunies
Jacobi,. Fite ante, . (lust. English.
PUNY Seirotery end 'Preesneer,
J. Oteiroselikttan‘ Teller and Interpeter,
.Sop. 12'tit...7-Iy.
I.j timid red by the Slate cir Pennsylvania lo 1555 ,
ONVICE. 5 !•KALNE:t r _ STREET' :•"
One door above Sernial
••I:4l . L•picl, Deposits {/1-1111111, of 4),.. Dollar nod upward,
cram all classes a (coI rollouo oily. and allows Interest
nt"li,, rata or lire per relit . poi...doom. !limey, paid
back didhaud. open dolly 1;11m 0 iiiiill
5 o'clock. nod on 3looday and tsiturday mil it 0 &clerk
lu the evintliot.
Thin Lis; lin 'Ono - will lie - round n ton, veil lent and sure
ordelaisilrlor Farmers and • niill,l IcOccejc,
in 1 1 1,11.111.1 ob la. bcooslleiiiol,cla cc, demand ,Ith ou t
any pretior.nolleolielog..i on
11.1:4101/A:4.: •
Edmund A. Solider, • Don. Tyson,
13111 Well S. Idshop, • lleorp,re Doldlo, ,
, James r. Ilown t Morris.
John 714 C.tilles, ' i Edward 1,. Clark, „
- 'John Eke, - •
, Joseph I:: Myers. • Eklund' G. SteCesiinry,
11ilivat d li. l'outler, William Shipper, jr.
Franklin Bacon. ,- Wm.
'Ejionnuf Cooper, • Edgar 11. Pettit,
Piehidesl-111ANKIAN FELL.
Treasurer—CllAS. 1110111:1S. •
Serrotary—.l AMES S. PIIINGLF•
Yrn,.Tho Charter poisldes that po manager. Officer Or
agent shall. directly or itllipctly, borrow ally money
from the Stici - ety.. • . 0ct17,1855-1y
nut skeet, soul h•iveia cot aar of Thi,d street, Pia ;WWI-
Oda, Ineurpolated by the State of Pennsylvania Is
1841. • '
' Five per coo L.Julerest is given, and the money In al
ways paid lock :whenever it is called foe, without the
neees4;) of oivhiy entice for it beibrelond.
People who hive large sum:. put their money in this
Saving Vaud . on no:onut on he nuperier safety and con
venieuea any sushi, iflrgo or small, is re
Thifvklavimr - Ftind - has - a - veryiarge - amount - M — MorV
gages, arounVonts rood alum first glass investinents
for thu foccuf liy of Orpobitore. The rules prevent any
Director or Officer frontusing.or bony wing the money.
open to recoil) find pity money in cry
day, from 9 o'clock Iv tho morning till 7 o'clock in the
evening . , and on Monday and Thursday evening, till 9
o'clock. -
Peel& who havo money to pot In, aro Intl! , d to cal
at the otliOo for Writhe'. infointatlori.
HENRY L. BuNNEE, rresidc.a.
,Ilolll`. 56LFItIDUIs , \leo Preoldent.
WM.J. Secretary. -
1111 It - E - NOII - 711:IISSES - .-A-11eiii Ea of
Ilupturostmeessfullitmted, and conithrt InsureeL
Lg U. of the elegant French Trusses, Imported by the'
subscriber, add made to order expressly for his wiles.
- All suiroring with Itupttrre gratified to learn
that (ho oceasion now offers to procure a Truss Tomblin
lug extreme 11;x1ilitess, with ease, durability end eorroct
construction, in Doe of the, cumbrous and .uncontfurtat
blo article usually sold. An extent:lvo assortmen nhr eve_
mr hand, adapted to every society of itupture In' adults
Red eitlltliOa, and fernale at a range of price to suit nil.
Debt of tila3lo Trubito, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $5,.
$340, $3 tend ilb.• , . . - .• .
Porsous ate ills:mice can have a Truss sent-to any ad
d' eats by tom lhiuT .he amoudt. minding mention, around
the hips, and stating side tended.
For Salo Wholesale and Pei all by the importer.
. S. 'll'. en , . of Tcroill h S loeo Ste.. Philadelphia.
Depot ,or Dr. 'buttin% improved Patenetedy Drees;
Chest Expemdurs and Etvetor Braces. ' Patent Shoulder
Bra ry es; huspouso Diode:rest' Siehatl Props and Sup.
Imrts. Ladles' Roar, with coutpotent lady alto:lndite ts.
•• april 11.
IV A R y ll
inr.. .. l l ; S i g i e I A TI O,N
To all pontoon afflicted with' Sexual su i
II LEET, SYPHILIS, to.. &e. . •
Thi. lICIIVARD - - ASSOCIATION. of Philadelphia, in
View, of the awful•destruction of burrow life mid 'wail I
,i .
• ':.used by Sex Ulli discasee. and the deception,' at : •
piactised upon the unfortunate virtinia.of such ditrase.'
icy QuiteltA; have directed their consulting Surgeon, . a
CIIARITABI.II- AOT worthy, of their nato,••to give
31EDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to nil peonns thus of
. nic led, (Male or Felpyile.),who appry - liy letter. (pod:Told)
,with it -description of Weir condition, (ago, ow-oration,
habits of lie An.) and ht - extreme povorty end rufferlutt
• The lloward Association lea bonorfflont Institution,)
ottahlished by. ypeAal enddirmenti Ow tho 'lnit.' of tilt . ,
sick 'and distressed ; itillatialiv l lth .1 0- Vlrultint --- and - pa:-
dothic dliterides," and Its fundir eau be usod,tbr nont ter ,
purpoite. :It- lute :noir Its ,
surplus Wm.., which he
Directors have-voted to' advertiso the-above notice.• ILA
•Is neodlovs to add that tho Ainieclatlon vonunaipla ipt
highest WM.] skill of the age.
,: • ,
Address,' (polit-taild.) I:k.stk:o o ..B . :Cl i All - tr i ,,Conault.,
doflittergeon, R eword Alnociatt nPh lad , , 1 - p i, i
By ,or oc . ,Ita Dlreptorp, • ~
~ ,
--I-- •- ' ' ' ' EZRA - ,11. lIKARTWELI., prealdent -;
" ,april 11: ', -, - ' ONO: PAItEOIIILI/ 7 . §0ciet....v.: " ':
.. .. . .
"y7,09.T8 ' AND . ';. SIWES:-.••• Alioiloi
. , largo asoortmont of Mon'itCoareii and Vino Monti:
14 lea! !Mimeo Boots and • Shoeo.i. tabus: and' am
:moo Boots and Shoes, Gaya Coin:shoos and Buffalo
;arks, at vary /OW prlOoil. ',.. • v
TOW R4I4D Yyl'llE Nig — Ws 1 1 411.11,
1i...1. nEcinip,... '000030n:of' Newipapetriete . anti '
4 WPM., oontobarg o onmplototitt of Nowopapora In .
' ttott.ll.llott - Stater, Canadne end Oreot • Britain:Alio
'only relloble - weik of the kind in the world:' An iiicAl.
7hihte nsehtant to the Edit!. r,llo k•rubthiher,.and pen.;
mot Anterthter. , Slio:+2,011 pp: . ' ~, ' !.. ..- , .-: . !.'t
, en ' •oeuiPt of $2, it Till, be. pre- Id .per melt any
prat o'; r i pe country. *. 5!,,, - , t - .1 4 ..111tOT tlii.V j'.. ,
t ... Publishers, hie. p 3 Peek s „Alit dilpbitir:
- .10 . 1:ditOIS InFerting the, shove tit 'ni nth'. ,ititti.
:.tillarliti ro'i•runto. , and•- sending:caplet!. the.. papal
k 1..Q.......
'pro fhltd to the' !theta edretle,'irtll ratiqvf;l2" -Of gio
. ~ ...... .
A Vlgoieux 1,/10 or' a Premature Deih,
Hol pp, esei•vatlon—Only l- <rub,
Lett:ern containing that value In Stampvelll ensure
a copy per teturn 01' mall. -
1.1/UTIS I, (411/4,TtS 11 GRATIS 1I I
A Floe (11141 e all. -
" Naturo's Ovido,' n netv lid popular tvot•k,Tull oa
valuable advice tin Inipte,slvo AV. lading, alike calculi
ted Lo eleven!, years 01 misery and save thousands of
lives, Is distill Wed rilhout sharp., and remolded by
ntail - ,prepaid, 1,0 an - y Pest the United. bites
on •
ecelvite; an order euctostng twe'pordage: statues. :
..L —"they never dial do more then give temporary
reitei, and they never will! it is because they don't
- touch - the edll2b4 of the diocese. The eAllbel of all ague
nod Winos clisceseo Is the etmosplace Ic poistu rolled •
N instant or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by Its NA- .
r iVRACANTIDOTY,'IIIIII ell diseeoechused by it tlioappeea•s
At once.' Rhodes' Fever and Agent:um is this antidote.
Co Maria, and moreover ft Is at pollee y Incrualcos med
icine. Thu certificateM
of the utant chemist, J. It.
Chilton. of Now•Verk, to this effect, I attached to eve. •
1•y 'nettle; Om eloae, Int does no L od,"lt can do no •
hunt. -
• This is ma, e than•can he wild of Quinine, A11:01.IIC. or
any other Louie In existence, es their use is ruinous to
the eonstilutiou and !ohms ou 11 1.15.11 •Ati UR, which
na.uct allows a pm onto to lent pc.fectly well for a single
momenta I a ille, a talon of then, ti nibs 1 ennex 011110
OXinltib 1,0111 u hatter 'just keel, ea man at Phyolelau:
.` llttltra.tuil,i, MO; illiftril - lirl - Fri6.
JA.§7A.IIIIOADS. Eon,—Deane lii..: Yowl:ant 20 Inst.,
In et hand. Thu Core all I iced tale last .)'car, and taw
dill icul ty in getting coy ono to pm chase at wars greatly .
Increased lima 'ill° Met a hat LI tented) , had been -
doted 1,1111,11 . 1M0 :1,11/Will ;; In lan ti e with the public ain ' t'
being butter then u lug Quinine—not knowing. I pre
oatine,Abot the remedy they ti n ed to axeopu feting Qui.
Diu° ruutained the IntUll I'llaELF I . . .
Yids remedy (known as ^ Swill's Tonic,") would In
variably MLA li nu Ague, but It did not' Cure It, as It •
would often Morn with ?aliened This ono elr
cuundante 1 thionad lu your favor, ff 1 could- lusti tutu -
a test comparison betweon It nod your MICE. The Rib
lowing Is the result;
cases- Quotidian I nterniii taut Fever," of malty
weeks standing. They haul Weil Quintile and of hoc
lemedles, occasionally mlsslug a chill, hot It was (al lu
all Huth cures,) slowly wearing them , out, and laying
the foutidall. to of other nail Rumor maladies. -1 did
suceeed-tu elfectiiig a radical roro of all thred 'of these
capes wiih your iumetly, nod thoy have edt had a chill
fate. In all I filet, of (hem, coos the o Smith's TOzile' , .
had boot, *ad, and would, as betiao staled, break the
shill, but inter a pia tod or two had elapsed It would '
. .
. 1 thick thero'neill bo to iiltlieulty now in airing to .
your ••Cto o" ft, aitttrge aintnia of. ally other remedy. .
UOW Lt tiro c.,..te. %V.11. - 11UCKNYJI., 11. D. O
litthk.b' kixER and AGM , : or ANTIDOTE
TO MA - LABIA, Um only hamlets remedy In OXISIOUO
in equally cattalo asa PREVENTI.V; as a "‘cunr..." Talto
It when you trell the china .cutultz., on, and you • will
not er bare a ,Ingle ono. • •
J. 431.09 A.1117.9DE5, Proprietor,. - •
• .- ProviJonee,
• • neFor sr la l ny W. A. REl.B9 $ arty iltugalets geup ally.
. July 2. 11S;A. „
Fortin:, plat I hied years I tiara boon ommgod In a
uslness kapott - lady to myself, and comparatlvely lbw
OLLIPIS, whom I' have testi acted 'for the Kum or :v.'-'OO .
,each, which Iwo .averagod• me: at • lite"ralbCof Itzl.uoo
to .$5,000 par Kunlun ; and, having made mungcnieu.s
to go to k.urepe bu the yell, to mike:coin the sown busi
ness, lab; willing to give lull histrtisi lons in the ill t to
any pemoost 0 the United States' cr eatitelmovilov•wili
remit 11113 Lilo Mllll - or $l, I ale 'educed; luau thesue
'boss'. have been favored with., and ie - i
the many td:vet
auk no a lodgements I have received froullbese whom I I
have Instructed, 'null oho are making limn
Ft VII 'XI) Fit'llEEN ' beII.I.ARR pEIt 'DAY • . .
itt, it, lo give any mi.= un tippet' unity to en cage in
tills business. which is easy
plcasi•ut. nod' rely ili•ohtio ~ ,
bin, ,at a sMalfrest. 'I I
em s' push' ively Na um:V . in
life mit Mr.. , its.liiMlCCli et the best,classei , ll be given as „, '
iivirds 110 chaste-ter, aud I eau toter to perions whom I
have instruoted;•whe wilt leittifrthat - Illey are making ' "
,froln slto.l6.per day at the Sauna. It in a business in • '
viiiitiv either ".-'- ' • '.- .
"khlioligNgv, and V, MI TIMM& case Make a very hand.
Some Income. Sfvelal lAblvs in valiant; pal is of New
Yolk Stale , l'othStwOltuln andidarY i
land, ibunill. Mon ',.•
instructed,are now making nom v... to *G.por - day at 11, •.
it lea ceitaist. uporres. ;mil bet a dollar or hie Is re- ~.
gulled to shat IS. Upon reielpi of +I,I will Itinne:;•
Malay send to the, applicant aprlnted; haulm. contain.
lug Cull lONLIPPLIOIIb 11l fhb tilt • which -can be per !belly ..
undo, stood ilionte._
.. ... • . . _
_ .
• to tho *malt or Slav last, I rati t my advertisement: -
to tbo edlior•or ibo.'•llosillnallimotte and Denmerat,a
itc o o o , 813 alk, sent blur booof tuy_rivtulars of
Instrnetto•as... On Ito retattal.,•and coi.a ;rueful esokaloa•
tioa:'he Iry rated the following edllottal •In .Lila •
Wvs rat a teatlon.tal be adveritsement 01,,A1r.,A. T.
Payson's, of Nov York: •btiodvd IusdnratIT;WM,IIIT,
noni,",Vrbl4l.will be round lu suothor Mount'. Mr.
b ias , on :k nrooo Obis Ch 00141 s, . alluded, to In lb* act
vortlleMent, and 'oat man - Wino:lon no bad i:, AL...says
;It Is. nlituanbuy, - , - bat a 11. 4 ht, may arid honorable burl. ,
ness. eadanty that My to made •protliablaim a' vary .
••• • • • • ,• • , •
•All Ittoes mud be 'addrotsod to A. T. PAIISONS; BEA
' ; 'Bryttilway,,lten Tort 7 • • .
" [Juno 264 m, •
•-• • • , •. • _
grins: OGILBY
CrfeAF''''TARLETANSAI'Io,t' of
ito , .4
ic„turilfnituoi6ll,lr•sale elidap by', • ••• • ,• 41• ,
; 3, 1 1 4E 1 (! .11 .1 • • 41 X9. W-'/UXNER32
H 0.-0 A Nll'S- ,
Prepared by ,
• , Dlr. e. 2 , OACILBON, PIIItADLIMBIA, 14. •
•". •wilt birefilleilly cure • • •
ari& or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys .
and all diseases mining frein a disordered
•. Lives or-Stoniach.
• Constipition, •
' Inward ' • .
: '.• • motor Dloodlethe Dead,
. • ••• Acidity of thoStomach,j , lau,._ . • •
elajfeiiiihiiii; Megaif for Food, '' •
• 7 Fullness or Weight on the Stomach, . • •
fibul•Eructatione,Siuking or.Plidtering
at the-Pit of,the Stomach. Siiiinitning of
)ho Head, Denied and,Ditileult Driathing
Fluttering at the 'lleart, Chunking or canoes.
:Mg Sensations when ill a lying .posture, , Dimness
of {'isles,Dote of webs before the-Sight, Fevoi •
and dul pain in . the _Head, Deficiency of • ,
..• • Persnindion;Vellowness of the Skin and
• F.yes, Pall, - In'thiSSldei Deck,'" Chest,. ' t
• , • Limbs, 6c, Sudden Flushes of
,•heat, burning in Flesh, • .
,' • ' .
Constant imaginings of
• •_ - ' Evil, end great' o. • • '
irit e
. .
The proprietor, in'tMiling Sp th attention - of the public
to this preparation, Elves so whir a feeling of the utmost -
cantidence In its viatica and adaptation to the diseases
,fer Which it io eecomuninded. • • • • . • •
f_LlLlamecate3v and nutried , ..ettlele-., initene - thcithae7 -_
iddfidllid, test era ton years' trial before the American
pucple,`and.ite_xeputation nod sale Is unrivalled by -.
any Sheila, preparations extent. The testimony in Ito
Btvor given by the most -pentium-it and' well known
Physician,' and Individuals lu all parts of the country
-.lx Unmans°. • • .
A reegourcem of itdianity.', From disorder or obstruction,
a morbid action ef. the sympathetic'end other nerves..
• tollower and the functions of the brain are impaired and
deranged; derangement there, will also' produce diseas
es of the heart,gkinl Nags
..and kidneys. It is owing
to the same„.causettinftntglimaritis„ •
7 11iiiiiairorrellow•Tiover,Cand that inest baneful disease
Consumption. .."
The general want of success in treating diseases of the
livereind stoinach,-has not been a deficiency of.pailcolu
gleal knowledge of their functions...butt..of a suitable
coMpeund that would act upon the distWt and all the •
sympathetic affections. That. has been gained In these
Bitters c-and-they ran be used by persona, ,with the
mast delicate Stomach tiviiii pialect satety—as they , at -
no time Minnie the patient, but give strength and
lucerne tine nenmus incergy. 'They can be taboo at all "
times. mid underell circumstances. No ordinary expo.
• stile will prevent them having a salutary effect, and -
no bad effect can ieault fount an over dose. ,
1 r patients will persevere in the use of tiffs.retnedy,.
and-me it strictly according to directions, it will - cure
the lbregoing diseases la every instance, if not leyond
the power Of medicine. it has caused many to enjoy
the blessing of renewed health. and in many deseratop.
andabandontici cases. n perfeet and ridical cure.• - - -
And fiticllng Cho band of Time weighing heavily upon
I hem With ell its ateendant - Ills, will find hi the use of •
th e ill; tens ,n klbtee iall_lusfilyntmlife-inia4heie-.—•
-eons; restore. in a measure the energy and ardor of
Ore sputhiul Ilays; - bullil up Choir shrunken forms.
id giro health and liappineas to their remaining ars
It le a well ustablisimil fact, that fully oneshelf of-the
male pcii•don of our population, are seldom in the en. •
plaint Lf good health, or to use their own' expression
never feel well." Iliejiare languid, devoid of all en
y, and Lavelle appetite.- To
his class of invalids. these bitters are especially re, 7
winnentled. Their peculiar took and 'lnvigorating
roperiles sender Lb ein Invaluable in each cases. -
Persona vit.iting districts intrias.,cd annually with
EY Mt Ap:D.Au uu,_ur ANY 'FEVER OF A DIIJOUS - •
ATM; E, will Mid that by the timels..ime of one or .
boiUes, the .will not in one Idetance take the db.-
Isa - as - Dio - Dl7 --- aerill - renovnte and'artingtheit the
411Id carry the bile off in its natural channel.--
Dentine is bettor than cure.
id free from Alcoholic Stimulant, and all Injurious -
trCdten is • /minims:tut Is taste rtnd emelt
ainverntionrwillincourrilriii6i.but secretions. from •
o body ; give bloom to the' pallid - cheek and health •
itt vigor tolliwilintce: •• •.
Price tb tents per boil le.. "
Princiral Office Non 00 ARCH street, PblPii, Pa.
Sold by 0 uctists end Steirkeepers in every town
-nod vii hem in the Wiled Stales and CanadaS. and by -
all Druggists in Carlisle. • flay 15. 1850.
FP.1.1.0T1 I), READ !-- •
it:ll4lo'lyd twenty two ynart: ego by DR. NIKKEI:I:g,
corner. w Thintl anti, Uoinu St I nein. Phi loiluipbl,l, Pat.
Ex pimento Illig I endured Dv. K. it most, Huteessful-piw -
1111olier ;I. i in. - nnio 01 r•II nlneSses or II privnlo 11.1,11 V;
P.U.. 1 .9A 1 impedilunnt_tu_martinko ;-
norynus - nod ses,uni iull4nrLLh x. Übwrm o'oi, the obiuy thaw ;wising IMin-nbusu or mercury. 1
' • TAR 1; PAIPPIIitII.A - 11 •
Them In an :iv Intbit nometimen Indulged In by boys
oil on Itrusvint: up with :hum to .mnulionti ;
and -ithinb, Knot :tribune:l Im duoitine, - not - thily .14;:ifisT
serlons obslanlen in matriniol.l4 lumpiness, but given
Lo n soden W . -protruded; Insidious ; awl cleynstatlug
.. •
?ow of thotAl who give way to thin pernielnua practiCe
aro Invare.ef the COl.Chllellreg. 00i they find the um-
Yon hyhtew Fluatored. feel !Anima° poll vuarroontable
Pena:n.l6.a vague loam in the mlud. (See pages 27,
28, LT, or Dr..ll7:'s loot •• Self PreBerval Ion,"
- . . .
Tito unfortunate thus nt:ocled becomes feeble. ip
,unable to labor w lib accustomed vigor, or to apply ids
mind i o study; biro atop Is tardy and weak: be is dull,
Irresolute. and engages even as Lis sports with lore
energy Ilion tAtl, •
I, lie ounincipate himself' beam e the practice has done
its worst. mid enter `matrimony, hl marriage is on.
frititail, and his sense tells him ,hat I libels I.aused by
his ea; ly jellies. flic4ittieconddinxilions which shotild
awoken she attention of nil who mo rly'hi touted.
Can have (by slating their case explicitly, together
with nd :hely syhiptonis. per letter, enclosing W I .
lance) 0.. E. 's medicine. eup,tiipi fated necoidlol4l3%
Com:piled to soy pa, of ,he Coiled Saito,. and
secure film DAMN, E and CURICBII I', by mai! or ex- ,