Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 28, 1857, Image 3
Cie - lildrkets. -CARtIBIZ PROAJOE LUEPORTHD 4011,TUE lIEDALD.I o.Liticz, Wednesday, Jp3uary 28, 1857. FLomi &Tarim% por bbl. - • $ 6,00 do Extra; , dd" - 6,25 do -Family. . do . , 6;60 • do • ,8,25 1,40! 1,80..11 RYE WIIITD WHEAT per-bushel—. , RED .do • • de • Conx Oats CLOVERIEED ' do TIMOTIIYBEED. do, WINTEIL,BAIILEY. do . . SPRING 13AuLoy. .do atm) ittmertisements. - ---.T-LLU_STRATED • EDITION 01' I& TING'S Lift WA9ILIN(TTGI,I7. - - 7,= - 7 -7 7,H - ~ • , G. PrPUTNAM. 4 CO:, w . lll comiusisce ,'" in a few days, a'now editionUf thiegront - Work, Its isemimonthly parts.---Price, 25 1 1 58 -MEV cents each, Loch volumo will consist of four puts, - hand:mutely printed In:lmperial octavo. TOO whole work- will bo . illuStratod by about fifty nuperior Engraving:: on Steel, including Portraits and original 'Pictorial Designs, by eminent Artiste, with 11111110rOliR Wood Cuts nut Maps. —.Bach.part will contain at least. 32 pages and ono Ertgrav . log on Siiiciir - olk(ry: other: part - will :have - two - Sinel - TERMS,OF PUBLICATION.. • • , 1. Each somi.monthly part, containing as above ape" titled, 3S cente,.payable on delivery. ' 2. All subscribers 'must engage to - take tho ontiro work. • ,3. Tho second . and subsequent volumes will bo lesued lit double perts—aud thu whale .will bo published at regular intervals of two weeks. • Awing tutu Illustrations already engrilved Or nearly completed, nro the following: - . .POII,TRAITS ON STEEL.. . Gon. Schuyler, Gan. Charles Lou, Gen. Putunin, ficn• ;Arnold, Oen. Orson, Gen.. Ward, Gen.. Nook; Oen. - Sin'. • cleft, lien. Montgomery, Gun. Lord, s OrnOtirling,.tion. Baron Stedbou, Uon. Lafayette, Gcnifft Pulaski, Oen, . Lincoln, 0011. Mercor, Gen.,lleury Leo, _Col. Moultrier' lion...W.type, -Gen. ClintondlloVrViqrrip,Odut. Stark; (lea. Hamilton , Oen. Gatg94. Octi:GloVer. lien. 81i, W11.. blunt Howe, Gan. Sir Henry cum.?, Washington, . the picture by Pealed Washlisgten,(troin - the picture by Trumbull,) Waehington, (from the picture by woremul ' lord Wieltlngt , n, (from the pieturo of lioudson'a Sta. , We.) Washington, from the picture of Brown's Statue,) Washington, Vona the on profile,) Mrs. Washing ton, (early prtrait,)Washintbn, (from Stuart,) Miss (Dons original picture g .) • ILLUSTRATIONS ON STEEL ••• illstorieul Seems, (chiefly . from origlifhl , ilesigns;) • Sight of Wasltlngton's• Birth _Floc& Mount Vernon, . vlbvan;) Washington as Surveyor; Washington nt 'Fort Necessity; Washington. Surveying the Dismal _Swamp; Wnshington pt Wichiftter. ' .-Wffabington'll Mold Sports; Fortifying Bunker 11111; Fort Ticondero . an; Lake 11 come ; Fortlficatfon at West Point, in 1780; Washington Quolling Rim, (from a cotempomry draw ' ing.) View of New York, 1770; Boston from Dorchester 1770:-oDludependonce7 tie of Trouton; Battle of Germantown; Battio of Mon mouth; Braddock's Dottie Field; Washington going to Congress:Ste. , Most always remain,„par_e_minenco. TIM 'history of — tlnf"Father of 'bin Gin N. 1.1"—It is Intended that the ilinstintiona In thid _edition than ba worthy of,tho soldoct nod of the author: Tho' best artists have been engagoct to Make original draWings, and tho moot eminent engravers are secured. No oNponse will be spared to mak:o the ongravings cro d !table to - Aloe' Iran art, and fully satisfactory to num -. tours of fastidious taste. Agents and Canvassors supplied on liberal terms.. This edition in publinhed exclusively for subscribers. Country papern inserting this advertlsemont 3t. will moire a completo set of the Illustrated edition. • Jan:l4, 1877.—f3t. • . . . 10P,A.RGA.INS1 BARG A INS.I 1.,1 --- I'HICES , REDUCED. - . The suipwrlber has this day_comineured-sellingolT.bls. now, and splendid stock Of whiter - g at. greatly re duced prices, fur cash, 'Froneli 3ferinoes, only - - - ,-- - -. 75 ets. Cashmere Plaids " • . 3734 ' -Muslin de kin's - " . ' - 8, 10 vny, ______Flannsl._ _ '___,- - "_..- - - -15t025 ,- --- Drochasnmillbinliffi.. sll s7l s .YerY , ul"tml - : - Cik." __Slmers. and Canal netts uncoininonly low. Mamma* and Duffield Blankets, Woolen Ulovesand Hosiery, henry • Boots, and Broga n s: . ~ Now In the time to save money, come one and all and 'Mauro good bargains at Mould stand,Jinst Slain Street -CIIAIILEeI OGILIIY. Carlisle, Jan. 14 1857. '. • . -GREAT_ ATTRACTION HUT would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that Ike has mom% chased that well known PAGURRALIAN GALLERY, In Marion Hall, formerly occupied by Geo. M. Holier. The Gallery is now on the second instead of the third floor. This will be a great Inducement to elderly Orvietopar ticular, as it is easy •of acres. The rooms have boon fitted up a superior style, and no pains will be spared to make it a FIRST CLASS GA LLLItY. The apparatus used is of the best quality. We receive our materials. Wren from the manufacturer . ' In Now York city, which enable us to be in receipt of rdt the latest styles of fancy and other cases, and we warrant them to be of a nape rior quality to any over offered for sale in thin Thave placed In this Gallery an artist Kiln bits been In successful operation In life Gallery In Harrisburg for several years past, and will guarantee good Pirturee to all those who will favor us with a rail. All pictures not irerOortly satisfactory will be retaken free of charge. Pictures inserted in Lockets, Brent Pins, Finger Rings, Ac. Instructions givers In the art on reasonable terms. We invite all to call and examine our specimens, who. liter they want pictures or not; thou judge for them selves. CVALEY• INSTITUTE. COMMON . ; NORMAL di CLASSICAL SCHOOL for Youug Lad and tlonyomoit, MeelteCt:esburg, Cum. borlind County, Pa This well known Boarding Sellout for young ladles and gentlemen, conducted for several years, by the Rev..l. S. Loose, A. will ho continued•by the sub . scribers, who, engegod for years as Instructora of youth, --.assisted by.ruele and female teachrs of experience and — .skill In their professlort, - .. will qualify pupils to ills Charge. with dispatch anti accuracy, there duties which ails° from the relations of reciprocally dependent beings." Such as desire It, wilrbe educated and trained for the business of teaching; Special attention mill be given in the Normal departments, hating connected there with a Model school, for the education and training of instructors of youth; and, when qualified, no . pains - will be spared In obtaining them eligible situations. We have now several applications for good teachers. In - the christen' department. pupils, male and female, will, be prepared for any class in colltge, - • • • Terms very .moderato. The next session will rent; 'wishing April L. 1661. Parents, guardians -end ,otheis' wishing to loam the particulars from a• Circular, or -- otherwise, will address, . I. D. RUPP & it. COYLE, Proprietors-of the 0.-Y. Inktltute, Mechanicsburg, Umnb. Co., Ps. _ • . AT T. DEM.PSY•ACA:DEMY.-:- MALE AND FEMALE. A English and Classical School, Landikhurg, Pa. The Second or 'winter s'ossien of this Institution will open on the second Tuesday of January, 1857. The usual English and Classical branches, adopted by our that grade Acadondos,Will be taught. No pains will bo spared to make thorough, practicid.niftrotoral scho lars. The village of 400 ittlftibitants, situated in the midst of - majestic hill and mountain scenery, Owes miles .dil:. tant from thu" Warns Springs," is heal° y and quirt, sulliclently remote Betroth° irregularities of large towns, and yet In dully connection, via Newport and Pennsyl vania-RaltrnatElvitlfilurprilfelporattils-ItlllitratiitF. Terms per quarter, $2, $44, sll,accorditig to (lie grade of studies. Illusic. •klench and' Oiwutau, $5 extra. . Books at city pricesßottriling for ladles in select feud. \ ' SECOND • FAIR OF THE GOOD lics—at pricolffri - do $1 50 to $2 00 per week. •. . .." WILL, 11013 E COMPAI4Y, at Education Hall, coin- For further particulars • '4 •InenCillg Dec. 24, and ending Jan 1, 1837. open error Address either:. thou; and Christmas and New Year's day: Persons ' Bev. T. P. BUCHER, A. Ft, desirous of purchasing Cinuarstas and ' New lizan's dr S.D. FLIP, A. li, PRESENTS are respectfully Invited to attend, as they ' ' Principals. ' . will dud Toys, Dolls, and Fancy articles of every deal caption. Ilefreshmeuts served In every style. , All persons having' articles to present to this COmpa ny•will plasma leave-them at the .resldence..of Miss •ItelglyOn West Pomfret Street.. •. - Season Tickettyadmitting one person, Single Tickets, .13IILY 'GROCtRIES.—Just • re *ju gelied a large addition to my stock of Family Goo' curies, among which will ho (blind Ilio, Lagnyra, Mocha, Java and .Itoosted COFFEES, Crushed Lump, Oranu lated and Brown "SUGARS; Lovering Syrup, New Or leans and Sugar House MOLASSES i Klee, Starch, Soap, Soda, Cream Tartar, Ac. - , Herkimer, Mow Apple, and CHEESE; Bieck, Upson, Imperial and egtra TEAS; Spices of every 'airfoil, Chocolate. Cocoa, Fa• ne rho and Corn Starch, Palsies. Currants, Cit u.r— .ron, Beane, Horning, Cranberries, Macaroni. Grits, Table Oil, Ketchup, I'eppor Saucer, Prospered Peaches, Ping Apples and Strawberries, Pickets, Har kins, Onions and Plecnillli. Fresh Lobsters, I call spacial attention to my largo stock of • :agars - And Tobacco, • . • which la not exr,elliitl in the town.' Lovers et the weod eon besulted slither in quality or price. Also White Grease," • substitute for 'far. 51 &MICHEL 2. and 8. White Plat, Shod, Smoked Herring. Ac.. ,AII of the above artlyles are fresh. and will be sold, low fer.caush. or Country Produ6e taken' In exchange. JUIIM G. WILLIAMS.. Carlisle, January 8,1851. " Bribk ato In %Vest High street:beitrlY 4nPosite the /WI Road Doped. This bousols well adapted for any public business, orm fcmfy residence.for a •Irunll It has teed formerly occupied as -a Orrery Stores For further particulars enquironf the Butsieriber. Posses- Alan direst lid of Anil, 1857. • Jan. 7, 7857.—pd m, JOHN 14IILIPS. • TIOR SALE.—A BARGAIN.—Thci 'Chandelier and' Lituis of tlio FirotPn?obytorlan . Church, Aaply Co " • ' SAMUEL ELuor, JOE. D. HA LIDDLT, CHAS. 061LDY. , • • Committee. OM Jan. 7, 1857, • , VOA. REINT,..—Tim . largo , stor . L' Room In the' Willing tho corner a Main a nd l Itltt streets, ;tow ceteuided'hy the . Cuoutoorland Star: Ledge.. Forletrtleulare ounulroof. , .100.7,786741m' ' r.- ~.; , ROBERT NOBLE.- i n itleu whom ho 14,171 t eli n t r oZ ° a n n7thi t al ' yol tt e l ll f u n P tieVe ti l • tQ him to payuit'irlfonut 7.Rash7, . t : (up. AY. ; QTEAWII4OILERTOICB sohscribsi offers for. lain* ,torn feet tang. and thirty 'ochre.: initattioter; with one fourteen ineh ',flinhapitly at tho Paper :MAI at laisir-• No . Pi mur,Lirs: • • • • •;:•. lejlandbals..liently • ~;airisceftfincou: .. . . OODS FOR Ti{} : - HOLIDAY.S.I. FAIOCY. GOODS, GIFT DOORS,.' &o ,•• • cX' " .11/. - 11AVERSTICIY has-just received from the 'city; and is new opening asplendiddisplay.ofFANCYGOODS, suitable for t.tia approaching Holiday. Season; to•whlch, ho desires to call the attention of his ideal and:the publa. Ills - a ' ssortment in Ulla line Cannot beisprpaesed,.• in novelty and elegance, and both in qttallkit and PH. of the articles, cannottatcrifloasepurc*Ors; It Wont& Im impossible to enumerate hls ' ••" , ' - _ , : ' •• ".,. 110LIDAY•1!AriCY 000118, •- .'• :- • ~• - , whirls coinpriseeiery variety of fancy article albe abet ` exquisite shape such as., -, • • • Palper Mocha Goode, • '-- , - :; "; - 1 '•••' • - "E'legant alabaster and porcelain inksitandsand trays,' • Zancyllvory, pearl and shell mug wads, ' ; ' . ' ' Ladles' Fancy 13entliets, - - .• .. ... -, . Faucy,lVork Boxes, with sewing instruments, ;,.. ' -Port-Monnales,_ofavory_yarkty, • • :'• ',.L. ,: _ _______ • Gold pens and pencels, Fancy pdgew - ssl, glitib — t" „ Papoteries, and a nage variety anodes' Fancy station ~ otth'seals and wafers, Sllkandhead mirsei, Ladles' rldingwhips,-•elegulatitlipb2hed, Ladies' lino. cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags; , . . Brushes Of ovoryklieffor the toilet; , , ,••!,, . . • - itoussol'e Poilumee of the.varlous• kinds, • _ 31usicalihstruutents, of rill kinds and: et, all pricers together milli - on innumerable variety of artleleaelsgant ly IMlshodand suitable fur hollidak.preseuts, to - which he Invites Special attention: • • , ' . . _••., •Alschaniestensive and elegant collection of • iii)CiiikirliftetuooKs ---- .mprislng_thosailoust Efiglisband American ANNUALS for 1057, richly embelished anCinfitiiitild - POETICA Fr WORKS; with • CIIILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOONS, for chililren of all ages, than which nothing can be more spproPriato or,pfeasinites holiday gifts: • illsossortment • 31 , School - Botilts and . School Siationry is.also complete, and comprises every-thing - used •In ' College oud the Schools. lie also dosiresto call She particularatteation of Famillos to his elegant suds y Cl - , ,LAMP., 61.R.ANDOLES, Sec.," •. ' , from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer - anti nthent.f - Philadelphiorsomprising -ercry_style_of. Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning. either lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower Vases . ; Fancy. Screens. &c., •ilis . assortment in this line Is un equaled in the borough. , Also, • .• • , . . . FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONAIIY-NUTS-PRE, • SERVED FRUITS, ,te., In every variety and at oil prices, oil of which ore pure amt fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to his friends anti iii - 6 . little folks. ills stock embraces overything in the lino of Fancy doods,•with many other talielcs useful to housekeepers which the public, aro especially invited to .11 and see during the holidays.- Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Batik on North ihmovor street`. •• • •dep 13.1850,4 • • S. W. 11AVERSTICK. - . • 6 ,49 2,50 1,12 -y1 OG .• 'PILE T.E.3.I_PL 0 •• , NOW OPEN. KRISS' KINGLE IS GOING? And will ho at his •01,1 - Head Quarters irf ,North !Miiver street, during the Christmas and' New Year's festivities, with ono to tho largest assortmentspf '- ciluicr, CONFKCTIONARI ES . Ever 'offered In this placo, consisting In part or Vitio Candy Toys and Fruits,Jolly Cakes, Bon Bons; Gum Chocolate add Molt Drops, RON, Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Sodas Also all the common varieties. - . 'FRUITS'.AND NUTS • of the latest hnportutlons' such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Mucus, Corm:An-Citron. soft and paper shelled Almonds, - Filberts, Croatia; Cortia, and Monad - Nuts. In connection with the an extenslvo us. sortmou tof - TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every quality and price, consisting in park of Fine. ~ Kux;.kifi. china, crying and other Dolls. Solving and Caird liaskfits;Tancy - Boxes, - Flower - Vasesillotto Ova - - Toe Setts, Mesita Drums, Guns, Air Pistids. Accordeons, ilarmohicans, Trumpets; Chessmen of .bong , nud wood, Dominoes, Lotto-and other games. Fate? Soups. Nair - 011F - And ,- PortMonales,.&e._ life Alava .also_a FAMILY GROCERIES such as:pulverised, - crushed and brown Supra of every grade, Coffer, Idoltissm Starch, Green and IMO. Teas, Spiced, Butter, soda,Sugkr, Water and other Crackers, choosy. Se. Thu subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gotten. ous public for the patronage horotollitvi bestowed on him, and hopes; - bk - a - drahe is plcasertemierit a con tinuanco of the samd.. ' ' ' MONYEIt. Carlisle, Dec. 10. DM. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. The atom s of flu subscrileir is in receipt, end tho shelves are now supplied with a handsomer - aolectlon of ado and rich "Y-ItENCII CHINA, • . and decorated fancy ward, such as Inkstands, Racket',, Noses, Cotroncups;•3ntroll - boxes, -Toy-Ton arid-Moue -setts; China dolls In varloty, and a .variety of other artldyesitli well suited for tho cotning - CIitOCHEIES AND SPICES • " - In-every kerbityarralL, and, of hest quality bars Just been added to our former - Stock.• • • NSW -ISETIMEIIIOI iftICkWIICAT, of-._yery Due quality In small sacks also oh band; CRANBERRIES, RAISINS, - • • Cifrrants, Citron and other goods adapted to the season, Ih varloty, constantly in store amid for WO by ' Carlisle. Dec.lo, - . ' • .1. W. EBY. )RESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. _IL —The best place to get thom is at EVANS & CO.'S EAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 409 Broadway,...Now York. VineHrold'ditivelity given davartb - purebasers'of Books: All hooks will be sold as low an can bo had at 'other Stores, many of.them for lees. New Books' received daily. Aum varying in value from 25 costs to $lOO, given with each book at the time it is sold. Having on band a very largo stock of new and, valuable Books, and as our motto le 'Largo 5A103114114 small Profits,' we aro determined to give our customers better bargains than can be had elsewhere. Any book publiehed• In Now York or Philadelphia will bo promptly sent, gift included, on receipt of puhlishner price. Catalogues of Books and presents containing full oxplinations will be sent filet ,to all parts of the country. /no need littoral Induct...molts era offerod to Agents. Any intreun by sending us an order for ton Books, with Mona*" enclosed will bo.entltied to an extra Book and gift. . All orders tbr Books containing money, Ho,ensure perfect safety.) should be rogletorrd at the Post Mire where they ore mailed, arid. directed to Evans & Co., Broadway, New York, lismastrora.—M. Thomas & Sons, South Fourth St., Philadelphia; I. B. Lippincott & rt. Philadelphia; D. Appleton & Co., Broadway, Now Yor k ; Derby &' Jack sun, Nassau St., New York. .0-I ; 'Sond for a Catalogue. ' . • EVANS & CO. Principal Storo, 409 Broadway, Now York. Bran& Stores at Philadelphia and Washington, D. 0 • Doc. 170.850. • •-• • - 5,000 •=III.I,PARTNER WANT ' young man ,Having bean a Salesman In a Dry Goods' StitreAn Carliiilo for -the—fast-eight_years,_aald_wita. fools confidant that through hisludustry and exertions In that time ho would ha able to command a liberal sharo of tho public patronago of Carlisle and its vialultyi wishes n'partne'r to engage witlthitit who moo furnish a Cash Capital of from $4,000 to $5,000, to aiimidence business in .Car: lisle on or about the Ist of April, 1557. Any our In the • possossion Orsaid sum and wishing to Invest the 'Santo In °Misr. .the Dry Goods or Orocory business, (Dry Goods preferred) will hear of a partner that will be willing to talon charge of tho ',minces entirely, If du plred, by calling 0.11 or addressing the llditor of thin pa: per.. [Carlisle, Duo, ad, 1850. 4R Y'S WiRIST3IAS AND NEW- Y4AIIS ESENTS.—A vory rleWassortnteot of elegant and usofulzoods of tho newoVe'Surniuto pro. ducttuus. 12S Arch St., abovo, • PhlhOlalphia. 'Fitrg WRITING 1611SK8, PAM:TERM, JEWIIIIt CASES, - WORK &c .,„ warranted manufactured In our own workshop, fron3 materials seasoned 'to suit • the climate. -128 Arch St., alcove oth, Philadelphia. FRY'il, DREB.BING OASTS dr wood or •Isatlrer, for travelling or home use, are all fitted with articles of real utillt aptl warranted Cutlery, the, hugest assort meuchl tie city toeelect &dm. . • • FRY'S Cabs Satchels, Portinonni es. I'4v/oiling lino: casen:-Scissors In Cases, Portielles;FSOgiw Ono. /sc., as low as similar goods ran La purchased In tha --128-Arals-,Stro hnve-nt Doe. hi 11156.• -•••••-• Philadelphia. GO - 12 , /, cts. WM. ZETTL" Chairman nt Cointril I too. Doo. 17.1856 TIIE. CUNIBIRLAND COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE z ill ineekin Nowville, on Tuesday the 23d lost., and continelfritt session at least four days. The Mends of education are • earnest ly solicited to attonU..-„ Th e Railroad Company will le. elm excursion tickets at half the regular fare. ' A few teachers ha a expressed II willingness to bring 'chimes of seholars exhildt their Modes of teaching; it was hoped that the re;:ulatlembef tha Railroad Com. pony would allow them to pans these Scholars over the road gratis; however,. w nit be done; yet it should by. no 100000duterhhose tontines from exhilv Ring their classes. .The pMints of the sehohira doubt, gratify their children by frobly err ding them, as it is confidently belfikved the mina of education, will bagroat(ii ptilalnce' In'the'exhibk lion hides:as, the folloking order,_will ha observed-, Nowa Me, Ilopewell. Niflin, Frankfort, Middleton. • E. libliiirton, Diekinsim, West Penusboro!iNewton and Selltllatnpteti, on IVaduesday; fN. 'Cimberlatid. N. Pennsborce, bower Allen; ..itampdeu,• Mechanicsburg 'and fill vor Spring, on Thu. sday v , hlppansbutib. Dipper Allan, Carlisle and' Moores, on Friday. • Distinguished gentleman from .11e School Depart,. went, and other &cos are•expected kobe present:. •!: COMMITTEE. .N•E W . '4.0.0 1) 8 , Ali A .1. NJ . riou.4D..v . rekiminS. . ilia ' ye Jest returned from the city and am now open ing a large 'assortment. of elegant, fasltioneble,',,uew styles, Newry andSteple'Dlff.llooDS,to which I would respectfully call the ettenthai or all puteliamorFriod the ladies In particular, - • •:. , f ' ' - Brocche Lopg,and Square Bliavilq;, Snarl's, Vein?. NIL, 'gent. Embeolderies,* Splendid' Silks,' krench Marlene; De' Lidnes, Cashmere Ilaids, Iti6bowii. Talmne. &u., he; "A new Meek Of (Rothe amp Oc•lssitneres. Vueltas; Tick. In„re's •Celicoes. am, In grentmeriety, end very cheep: • . ." Also. same elegant Now .Path nut ..,„Imperlal 'aud In grain Catp,uttiligs, .';', • .-- '' ' ~.; .. 1 / 4 , ' • '' 4 .1. ' li.mumew remising Now OD s .00l A t 4iirl Belling Ahem MI r,apidly,at very redmatill rlcesk ~ my olosrlobroo 'and mistemers, and all In wautof:theep and haudsoinu' koediiiill idoake,tiei,m. ..i.:, leu tils, q u c k bhfore p r erc hes , lutelvee; , :.OqA4, 99iLH3, g 53 ,,, r , • -- -•-- • pi.; . A:l4 IK. I, I,rk 1-;• . ; A •" invoice or-ouporiniAll.wooi . entloniou's Slietwle, Comforts, Hoods, Cope.;•Woolfou Outs, ke. • •• -• UP:O.Y...MITN Eft. E EAT-A) V.T.T.iinlts 1 7 4, ' l ,ti a i t ti4zovs., Conti Saueoge . )lecit, Ontleiv," - the be In, arld- r kelven on, concave and eyllndei —mode lo Cut jag _ rind. 'For coda by " • _ AItitEpIONCI.; . . 11)0BVS" P TITS '1 0, R• 4 8 - 5 - 7 •.• .; THE SATErIiDA'V EVENING POST. • ' ' - Established August 4th, 1631. , T ,- .The publishers Oftblif old and Wanly "Tim 'perish° poseur° In selling the attention of the public tel their prpgrammo Air the coming you.. Surfeited 'With Politics, the claims of literature will be more than. frier uppiTelated'hy the reading world. We have, therefore already made arraugernonts with the follow ing brilliant list of writers:— • .. 'AriLLIAM lIOWITT, (of England.) ALICE CARY,' T,B. ARTEUR, MRS; SOUTEINVORTII, AUGUSTINE DUCANNE, AIRS. M. A. D,ENNISON, the author of ".EILLAIf," Ac. ' • . WO flocign commencing in the find number In , i ao,7 thalalloning ariginatNinrelof • , • ,Tal!events, .or the Squatter'i Zroine, • " By T lllinm Hewitt, author of `Rural life In England,',l This is a story of Australian life, Mr. Hewitt 'having' visited Australia expressly with the object-of acquaint- lug himself with the novel and romantic espects under • which nature and society present thomsel In- that . singular ••. • The following Movelets will than ho given, though probably not lo the order here mentioned: The Story of a Country Girl. hy . Alice Carey. " An original Siev - olot, xvritten'expresnly - far tho Pont. The. Withered Ilehri„An Originbl Nevelet, neritten expressly for the-Post, by T.'l•l.'Ar.thur.,, Light 'Jaime rebind. `in Origitial Novelel, by tlipu t_lior of Confesslon, ' ,Zlliall, or the Chile ,lnllui, dc. ' - • • . _ ..•. •. The Quaker's Prolve, An Original Novelel, riiithor - of , Mtwirithe-Sex ton: , home Pictures,' AG. . The leaid.oj.Buraundy, A. Tale a/ the unsa Cantons; An Original Novelette, by Angustino bu g:tune, author of Tho Lost of the Wilderness,' itc. • We have also tho pronilso.of a short and condensed Novelet, by Moo. SOUTIIWORT,II, to run through, about, six or eight numbers of the Post: • • Win additkin to the abOve . list of •contributions, we design continuing the usual amount of Foreign .Letters,_ilizinatfiketcheShort_Selectige_from all sources, Agricultural Articles, General News, Rumen ous - Anecdotes, Alois of the Produce and Stock Markets, . The Philadelphia Retail. Markets, Rank Note List, Fdl toriiiii?,,kc.; Ac., our object being to givn 11 complete re 'mild. as far as our HMOs will admit, of the Great , 'World.. - „ . EN(IIIAVDIO.9.—In the way of Engraving's, wo gen craft present two weekly—one of tut iustruetive, the otherof a hemorous.eharnete, ' • '• . • . . . 'The posture orrtho Post to any 'plat of .tfio Unitud %tog, paid iluarturly or yearly in advanco, nt the of whore It is received, Is only 20 cents n THItIIB, (Ciis) In aslranqs,)—Single copy, $2 a year 4 Copies., . - 5 • " ... 8 " (and eau to getter up of the Club,) 10 ' 13 - " 15 20. " ' 20 --"- .Address, always post paid. • .. ...- ' ... • • N. 60 South Third Stmt., l'hiladolphia. . • Via).SlWuple Numbere fault gratis to any ono, when roquested. , •7" , ' , .- • , . .Oa.TO EDITORS.—Edltors who give the nbova one Insertion, or condense the material portions of it. (the notices of now contributions and our terms,) for their editorial columns, shall he entitled ttian exchange by sending: a marked ropy of the paper containing the nd. vertisement or notice: •. (Dec. 17,1611. rimal: NEW YORK .1 E G E-R ! 11 THIS GREAT WEEKLY FAMILY PAPRIt has now attained the coctraordluary cireulation of One - Hundred and Ninety Thousand Cc - IOUs; .The Ledger is deyoted to POLITF ORIOINA h'l'A LES, " " SKETCHES; l'OETßY,,Essays, (Jessie and the Current . •hewn, and maintains a high moral tone. It savory ' where acknowledge&to beithe best Family. NKr-111111e -wnridi Hence Its extraordinary and unheard cit poen larity-Mr:-BOINERTtbe-i'mprietur-of—the-ITEDO employs the beht talent of the country, nod by so doing makes tholiest ,paper. Such writers as Fanny Fern, Sylvan us Cobb. jr. and Fanarson Bonnet are permanent -IY-oligagod_on_lt,_anil, write for nn other_papeLlieret_. •after. — Sirs. - Sigournoral - m•constantly - svrltesihr Ural:l - dd a host of other popular authors, including Mrs: Em ma B. N. Snutliworth, Alice Carey, Mrs. Vaughan, Mary' Stanley Gibson, Clarn_Sytiney and others. Thii,Ledger Is beautifully 111 ustiuted every week. • The NEW YORK - LEDGER. Is printed on beautiful . while paper, and Is composed of eight pages, making the handsome- rmonkly- paperin the country. IF is pub . lished'every Saturday, and sold nt ail the_nows in every city and town thronghout the country; - and silbserlbers at $2 per annum; two copies are sent for three dollars. Any person t, ohtalning eight subibirlbers at sl'so each, (which is oar lowest club rates,) and sanding us $l2; will ho entitled to ono copy Free., Terms Invariably in advance. Address - all le'• tore to . RiItIEitT,IIONN Publisherof " New York Lodger," 44 Ann Street, New York. _ pod - time to - subselibe;-nn - El ERSON BENNETTS Great Original 'loyal of FRONTIER LIFE, will be'commeneed on thellrst of January. lice. •• 10. 1850. • , • Stores mik_SOops. W subicriber has LI just opened a variety of Ladles f 'falnts. -11roant, Long nod Square Shawls, Blanket Shaw/a, Merino., Cashmeres, Mous du Limnos, Uinglnun,, Calicoes, Man— lots, Sc., to which In, invites tho attention of the La dles. : - .OEO W. lIITNEIL • Carlisle, Nov. 20,1550 • E N T•Z & B R.Q Jur • . FATI AND WINiElt ppoDs.. Plain Black oilks. S.alln Striped, Mglre Antipu, 'Pam} , Silks; readyjnado Cloth and Plush. Mantles, Velrotn for Mantles, IlarAt Clotdis; a fall nt or FURS. in- eluding Stow 31artln,_Fitch,_kc•, from to $3O; Merino's, Cashmeres. Coburgs, Plain and Fancy atl•wool Do. L 41111., Woolen Plaids. Alpacra. Boni aslant Ilrocha. :Anna and Cashmora Shawls, Fail and. ~tier bonnets, Itounot Volvets, Satins, Feat hors, &c.; Ladles' Shirts, Trlutinlng, &c., Collars and Trlonnlugs In groat varlay. • • • . . , 'Mottle, lia;elmeres, Overcoats, Silk and Woolen Onder.. shirts, Cravats, Collars, Cape,. Insfery, (Iluves,4e. • DON A full and complete assortment of Boma:dies, including Wool Blankets, Counterpanes,•llontestie and Imparted Carpets, Woolen and Cotten Carpet Chain, WOOlOll Ylllll, Gain Shone, Looking (Basses, N. B.—We have made arrangements byorbleli we am furnish any goods to be had, in the city nt three days' notice, 0ct,14, Ew GooDsi. GOOD GOODS! IF YOU WANT NEW GOODS,' GOOD noons, AND OHEAI. GOODS GO TO 'WOODS', next door to idnglanchlin's lintel, and you will find it largo assortment of tidies' Goods, consisting of Black, Fancy andlienoll'lSilksi Meritiofs, Pershin Cloths, De - balnes,De Itages, - Alisieraln - Srotrli - Pittids, -- linek -Flan nels, Scotch. !Manchester; Eariston Chatobral; Ging hapis, Calleoes, Fl. French Worked ' Collars, Ribbons, Hosiery, Moves, A., 4c. DO3lESl''lCS.—iVoolen Twilled Flannels, Drilling- Ticking, Bags and:Bogging, Cotton Flan nels,Osnaborgs, Cinglutin, Table. Draper, Checks, white and col, bred Carpet &v. In Shawls and Blankets too have all sorts,lilze. And condltlong. For gentlemen WO have Finn Franch Black Cloths, Black nod Fancy CIIFSIIIIMS and Doeskins: Satin Vest ing., Twoods, Satinotts, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans,' &e. AN for moo's, women's and children's 'foots& Shoes, wu defy coniPotitlon. Also, a very.suporlor lot cf Groceries, such as Coffee, Sugar, Dice, Spices, &c. Our stuck hoc boon selected Stith the greatest corn as to price and qualify, and ode aro determined to sell at very small advances. Those wishing to purglidse. will find that so ore selling as cheap—if not Chea'per—than auy house in town ; 'and they will find it to their ad- Vatititg,o to give us a call. . Butter, Eggs, gags, SnaVaud Dried Fruit taken at - Market prices. N. W. - WOODS, An't. Don't (ergot the Once, next door to hotel. . " Ort. lit 1R56 RECONI) - .A.IIIIIVAL OF FALL AND WINTEIt GODS. • subscriber Las just returned from Now York and ViiilodolgOa_WithLtho...l,ugest—assortmentenf-elrgnn WINVEIt GOODS - over brought to Carlisle, 'The Indies, will find a splendid assortment of Dress 6011114 of. tho newest style of ESIBROIDEILIES, Inumumo assort= m•nt of .NeedlMworked Collars, Undersleeves, Flounc. lags. jlandkorchlefs, 6:2,,k0ry elegant, and, the cheap. est lu America. • NV. SHAWLS AND.SCARFS.—SteIIa, Braelm, and lllaw het Shawls, boautlful and very cheap. BCNNETS, FEA'TIIEItS AND IeIeOWERS of every do-' seriptlon; also, a largo stb - ck of :Bonnet Elbbsnex,. very. cheap :, .0 NTLEMEN:B REAR.—A fresh lot of Cloths, Cast& Mores and Satlnetts, cheaper than over. CARBETINO-AND 01LLOTHS.—Imperini, Ingrain, Vonitlan and Itui Carpeting, now, handsome and very cheap. BOOTS AND 8110ES.—Anothar largo Invoice of Boots nod Shoes, from the host manufacturers In Phil. .adelPhla. All In want of cheap and gond goods, erre respectfully Invited to call at- the Old Stand, East Main struck, Carlisle. ; • WAS. OG/LllY. ptrlisle; j oetuber 80,1800. NIMV. GOODS-!' NEW GOODS! • FIEST OF, VIE SEASON', 'ho subscriber'has just returned nrotll the r astern cities and is June opening a splendid arteurtmeut of. FALL 000DS, • ' which will he Wild at very low prices. . A large etucb of elegant Stella, Thibot, Cashmere, Brodie surf illanket Shawls.. c nu Au itionsu esierlinunt of the most elegant Saucy and Black Silks; very cheap.; ' Mous. de Imlees;Chaillos. Mediums, l'ammettas, and 'groat variety , of. Brews Weds, very haudectoo Mid very he k fl igl4rel, CeSsln s etts, Jeans, Cloths and.Cas• sime ih great variety. - - BOOTS AN 11,81I0IIS—A large lot, of Boole and Shoes f ever! description' at the:lowest prices, CAESETINO—A noir. assortment of IMperial - , - .ln: gralM Veultlan, and Rag•Curputs. The assortment Is now very large and complete, and alkparsime in wdnt of handsome and cheap goods are respectruily 'lnvited to call at the Old Stand, East Alain Street. :,trop. 10.1880.) ' CUM! OGYLEY. OTTOb.l.—liayu g . • closed our busi ness, we wish to notify our' nustomere of • the. and unmet all who are lodolded to. the firm to Como and make sottlomont, and for the convenience of -such we, will moot them at store on :Wednes day 4av of eerh week, uutilhet let of &unary. • '.• fide. 10, 18511.„ ,, ,' • • •-• STAaI(3IAN & SONS. VOW IthADY, THE NEWSPAPER 'LI 'RECORD, a colleetlon' - of Mil/gaper Fads and Statistics, contoloing a complete list of Isewspapets in the.titsited Status: Canadas and Obeid liritain, Thu only reliaLfe work•of tho kind In the world. Au boat,, .;table assistant to the Editt r,flook Publisher, audGen owl Advertiser. Bro. YOU pp. ,, t t ,Orirecolpt of $2, It will be pro-paid per mall, to any pelt of the country. - LA Y 474 nitortrEns, Publishers, flu. 63 Dock at., Philadelphia. flfit•Editor bislang the , above throo mouths, with editorial Tirkrenco," tot aonding copies of the pap r pre ; tld to Om ahoy drew, will rewires' copy •of OS' worm. • , . . 1,100T.,q>D.. 511U7~9.'-Angtilot ito P Coma; ta: tll , iind•.fitn s.'ratleses a'nd C . 1.1- dran'allnata pia:Shona. Claw. everanuaa. and. Burial.) pockapat var.ll?,rPtie''.B. :- Den, - 17. • ' •,• • CIIAR..OOILLY. . .• .., • . u6fictttiotts. DJ•)ACON PETVITISON MELO I= BENTZ & BRO. 31,eaC Cstqte sufs, 1: 4 1 :14 E. G"N 'N T 49 .u.4-4:4 #.; ; N: ‘4 • " • AT-PRIVATB-SALS,•-• . • ' Situatoht the Westand ortho borough of earlialo, , near. Dickinson College, now owned by sho Real. M'Clin• toak• The lot upon whish ;the buildings ore erected ..conlelns 77- foot In front, on High Street • and 'ditends screw the entire squaro; 48t1 feet to Lonther Street. 'MANSION HOUSE is besuti ' I situated on ahant the centre of c.• "Ibo lot, or midway. bediiviesi the. two , . g• ,: 4 -3z:t streets on an dlevated pondtroti corn. mending 'a Indet.'delli4btful vbiar• of the town sud,stirrounding cohntry., It Is.a epsilons and aligantly finishediluildingvaistihehid..partly_ of_ Dame, Tough cast, and partly of - Brick, conlaining_on the lower floor Large Parlors,, Half Library, „4/Ining ilonm, Santry, nod Kitchen: On tbkilaconds , floor four Bed rooms; ono Dressing Room and ric room; and - on - thleirstaithria - IfettiWoin rooms; _ The out 'funding's consist of a LABOR 'STA. BLE and Carriage liouso„, Wood. House, Work Shop, Outer Kitchon, Ice House and other out Bifildings. The Lot Is covered , witli Ornamental and Fruit Trees .'of every description, the fruit being of thelbelit quality And in tin, greatest abundance. . • '• The buildings are now, and 'were constructed entire ly regardleia of oxpeono. The. VIDOCCA are good, and the entire properly in most , micellent condition.,.' For throe inquire o( • • L. SPONSLEIL Dec. 21,'15.• Real Estate Ag't and 'Scrivener., WLUABLE TOWN_ PROPERTY AT P-1111' ATX SA Situnto on West high Street In the borthigh of Carlisle, -new-ownetixtud. , occupled-hyPrefco;-H, Tiftany,..°Tho property Is on the North 7,.side of- the 'aforesaid . - street,. the lot contaildng 30 feet In front and 240f00t in depth ru .The Improveentsnre ft Barge TWO .` 'orti 8'3011.Y BRICK ifOUSltovith a cornett,- 5 4 • diOus Back Bulldln4 of the same mate • • Hai The entire prop:drti is finished in. the most elegant, wanner, with „water Intenduced, and.llap in every room in the house, By cellont Cellars under the entire Buildings. The Attic ja divided into Chaelbecs„plasteridendivolljhalslied.. The out Buildings. are numerous and convedleut.— Then) js nu excellent large STABLE and Carriage Pad of the lot, a Green House, ttc, . .Ther-PdWpitity'is%ln'tite best possible .fitate of repair, having been recently painted.and.poneredtlimghoue. The lot contains en excellent ass wtment of Fruit. to. getnor with Flowers and dhrnbbory of the.vholcest se lection. • Thu owner is about removing from Carllshii other noise the property mould not be disposed uf. For terms and furthur particulars enquiru of , A. L. SPONSIAIIt,, Dec.2l, Real Estate Atet antlflerlvener. /111(J Reif.... l 4lll,l)JNQ FOR SALE: —Tho undersigned, appointed a COmmittO by the Hoard of Trustees the M. E Church; Iv Ith •Instinc /ions from , he Loo rd to sell tbo - Chiiiub - Edll lt en the corner of High and Pitt Streets, now offer the . said building at •privato rale. if fibt 'gold Prliately it will lie offered la Public Sale, on TIiUItSDAY, the 16th ofJanuary, 1857„ at M. on 'the promises. CHARLES BELL, ' • DAN'L. WONDERLICII It. DIUOItE, Comlee. doe 10 IMPROVED. GRAVEL - 'FARM Al` PRIVATE; SALE, Situate two miles north of Carlisle. on the Conedc. .guinot-Crook.'Adjoining the Carlisio Water Works, CONTAINING Si) ACM ES OM LAND, in tlio highest •state.of eultlyntiOn and under good (once, noarly allot Which is post and ma and wire. • Tho Imprtvonieuta aro a Twarstorjr BLASTEItEIt 110U813, "large — Birtift 44;tl Burn. -with other convopient Oat. • todldinini, a finer Orchard. Appl. • too - other-With-other trolly-a-Voull of Water a t the dtwr. I p T th id eitt t e i rVo 4 rl n s,7a i n bl i e vi n ti n cnh ' e l" L t t ' lre it la r r ' in m ca lm n i fa Y e Inataientently supplied - with Water: .• - --- , ForternTll;4F.Teititaire -- - A. L. SPONSLER, Sop, 24, MO. 'teal Estate Agent and Scrivener. Dir,SIRABLE TOWN PROPEItTY FOR SALE, The subscriber offers at private sale the property obi whiell ho now lives, situate in bother stroidatukid, borough, nearly opposite Dickinson College. Who priV perty consists of a • . • - and Lot of Ground, containing ONE ACRE, more or less. The house Is itew .nd In excellent order, mad has a coin• modious beck buildink, Stabling and • . - other out.houies attached, with a well .011 Water and.pump--The.grounds.are comprising Ilowerphits ' shrubbery and shade trams, and the lot' Is amply filled. With. tho choleest varieties of fruit, comprising eight kinds of fall and winter apples, at least twenty varieties of pasclivs, belle dozoiLvarie, chili of pluans,tugether with' cherries, apricots, pears. ratipberries, (tantalite, gooseberries, ahnond and fig trees. Le, In adaindalsce, allT ; of,rltich are In thrifty bearing condition. ht ie'in every respect a desirable - pnaperty 4; Persons disposed to purchase aro requested. to cell pod examine. sop' • ,2800.)• • . CiIARLES-ENDRRAY. VALUABLE LEVEaTONE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. • , This valatablepropertplat situated in Memo 'township, Cumberland county; alanik 8 Miles east of Carlisle, on the Yellow Breeches Creek, and la known as the "AtiltA'ial WILLIAMS' FARM." M 550610.0 250 ACRES of Alio best. Talley of-13131E. STONE LAND, about 20 of which' are moored with good Timber, In addition to which a large quantity of I gacust la growing, end the residue in ,the highest pos. 'sable state of cultivation. • • _ Tho Improvements ore a large TWO-STORY IlifiCK '.NA? SION BOBBIN, with a Brick • v _ Dark•huildin'g,- Stone ,Spring i o •-• and other convenient out buildings r. • :lap. • Large Stone BANK BARN, with two ,•st threshing Boors, Waggon Shod, Corn Crib, Iloy 11mIne, Corrisgo House!, &c. There lan largo •` Corsi:Tower" puiwinuently fixed to the born. Also a largo Two-story Pntino Tenant Douse, plastered, nd a Frame Barn. A good Orchard of Apples, and fruit f every description.' A line stream'of water risk with . 30 yeider or the house, emptying into the said crook mmudiately In front of the house and biirn. - . 'This property 11118ACPBOS superior advantages, and ~Rees rare Inducements to purchasers. The buildings are most delightfully situated on the banks of a beautb rut stream of. water, the , Yellow Breeches Creed, and sufficiently elevated to make the scenery unsurpassed by any placilTh the country. School hemp are in the Immediate vicinity and a church at' Dillsburg, I brae miles distant. %Hit a' good rood loading to the Caine. Also a firist Mill shunted 011 the 'Yellow Breeches near said faun, on the adjoining property. The location Is entirely bealthyrand eligible in every point of view. For terms, de., enquire of A. L. SPONSLEIt, Aug. 13; 1556-49 Real Estitto Agent and Serly _ ITATFUABIE CORNERTPROP'TY: - AT PRIVATE SALE. • . That vilt , yvaluable and well known BUSINESS STAVE, situate on the earner of North, Hanover lind bendier Streets; In the borough of Carlisle now owned and occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing BO foot front un 11 - annoyer street magi-a feat on-Ireuther. -street.— The intgavements on Hannover • steed on., large TilitEnwnty IIOUSI! , with a largo brick back build. leg finished In the most elegant 'Wanner, containing 11 ig;fArotans including the FOP! room, besides pantries and convenient closet arrangements. 'rho STORE 1300:111s :33 feet In depth, lima .up in' the hest nosslble !Min nor and one of the most desirable and Mug stablished business locations In out town. There Is it largo two story brick building fronting on °tither attest, with a shop attached,- now oceupiel as cabinet maker shop. Also a stablo'on the foot of the it, and other necessary but "buildings. 'The property in toccollont order having boon recently fitted up by is present occupant Feler/us etp enquire of A. L....SPONSI.EIi f sent 5, 1855 Real Estate Agent and Scrirener: ITA.LUA33.LI - 4.1 REAL ESTATE AT •1 , . URI VATE SALE, tkiiisisting of TWO VALUABLE .14.BES.TONE sitantod In Silver Spring township, Cumberland 'Cr., lire miles out of earned°, on tlae 'frindie Spring Road .500 of etilii"eims, with Impnwomonts, will ho math, fn eantain f om VZU to 150' acres, to Null parchailers. with whirl, will hi Ulroo . 10 or I ..kAtereiLOLtheAloat quality of Timbor - limulTr• • , . TiaiLum ovemonts thereon ate a good LOQIIOUSE a Lrrge Bank Barn, with two Threshlog Floors, Wagon Shod, Corn, Grito tend . .otlior Out...buildings: well of. water at Ifni door, and a fine - young Orchard of N Apples, togother with other fruit. ' The other Linn will contain about 130 arms, including .atrait 15 acres of Tiather. This Irtirt "le unimproved, but hat . 3 8 - ;beautiful 1,14, for Thu (ohms In both 'trade aro In good, condition, and Ow land is In a high stapi. of cultivation. .' I'or term; .te.; onquiro of . •- A • . • - • • A T., St'ONSLER, ... . Sep. 10,1850—'44.) . Real Eitatei Agent and f?,c adv.. • I iWO VAL JABTAK , AND . IIIGHLY • j_ CULTIVATED LIAINSTONE FARMS AT PRLVATE Situate In Dickinson township, Cumberland county, no follOwite• No, I. Situate about ouirLialf mile wont of the Stone Tavern, on tho Walnut Bottom Road, aboutuoven - miles west detrital°, t ~ CONTAINING ABOUT 220 - ACRES, - .00 ntwhich acq COTOreld with Good Timber and tho reel. 'dun is In a high stato of cultivation.' The Improremonteirc a large double Two-story Framo House, filled in with • bvick and ' weather tmarded; hitcher' at-ached, 'tre ' wood house. wash innise,amolce house •' , dc. .A double hog Reim, wagon shed, cord crib. and carriage house. There are two 41.01 . .1114iing.W9/lif of Water, one at the ,house :it'd one tit.the barn, and ut largo eistena. YA." line Or chard of apples, together with peach esipexre, cherries, grapes, Ac. . , A line has been run dividing thatrnot into two ports,' ,one of which with the Ithove , tuoptioned improvements will contain 115 neves. There le a One and erhalf atory hog limieepud Stable on the other Part. • = • No. 2. Situnto in amid townehithebout 'ono relit' Treat of N 0.1., on the State Road loading from Nowville, and about midway between the Walnut. Rob tom . Road and the Turnpike, - • ' • " • • • ' • CONTAINING no ACRES, about 45 of whlch are covered with excellent Timber,, the' residue la in a good state of 'cultivation and'uider good fence. The Improveniontii are eutirelY new, end tnnelet of a' FRAME IVEATIIERBOARIT HOUSE, two xiories,'wittl. a &moment ha FraratOlarn; lover pert atone, a cistern at the door, with other. Improvements: .. These properties, are handsomely situated, and offer the greatest. lodureinerta to, purchaser,. - The bindle of the I twat productive character, and the loratleW desira ble In every respect. Nor terms and further particulars enquire it • 7 , A.: 'L. SPONShRit, Oct. I 185144114 ) Ileal Estate Agent and Byer.. • 'O_ENTLEMEN'B'LONG SHAWLS: vjt —Just opened Goutlemen'44 Long glinwls, Gloves, Vomforts, &C. .• . 43. 11%111/TNEII.. 'l - 1 XTEN . IVE FUJRNITURZ.RO,OI%I. • II A =JAMES li;.Wl.,At'Elt .would .reaneeieully, , eal .q..„,, the attbntion of, liousateepentamitbtroubli to bin extenilvostbelc of elegant FURNITURE ..... Including Sorsa, Wardrobes, ()entre a nd 'rehire ' 7 Dressing anti. Plain • 13 mama, and ovary other trtlelu s In his' bmach of business. Also now on hand'' , she, Ini , •oet redtertelent of. - CIIAIIIS in a; at the lowleit 1,. lees. APNlelitg - nulasatttbe ahort:. ' ' - ' .ost notice Awl a Marge branded for funeral,.. 1.1a,A iplielts a call at his establishment, on Itorth . llan roar street, near (lasso's Motel. . , . ' --. - - ,--- -, .Kr iturnitt4ro blood out by the month or year. —... • • , . • notices. ," Carlisle Lind Assttelet ion," will be bud-1n tin rbitrating. Chamber,. Court-liouse, oalhiturday, britarf2d, at 7 o'clock, P. Ef.". An election will be held for President, Tretuntrm, Secretary, and Film Directots, to some for tho ensuing, year, • Jan. 23, 1857 . '-2t 5 . - WM. BENTZ, Sect'y. STATH OF U BLACK,' deo'd. —Notion's herotty given Allot Letters of Admin istratlon on 1110 estate of J. II Black, late of tower Al lentownehipp, Cumberland comity, .doc'd, have beau issued to •the sulbscrlber, resbling in odd township.- All poisons indebted to said estate are. roquested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to. sottlemont - to D. SHELLY, 'Doe. 24, , • ' , . 'Administrator. NOTION , flee lehereby given that. I have applied to the urt of Common Pleas forthe banal:got the insolven Laws,andl.llo theyainve appointed Monday, the 12th day ofJaminy nbSp ter the hearing of me and my crud •Itoreut the Courbdfritme. In the borough of , carliele. when andmbertiyoti tatty attendif 'you think prOpef. Doe. 2t, , 5p • ' WILLIAM. °WINN. 8 .-The paytnershiplioretefore',existintv 16. t 'l t; L UTE) N OF',. PARTNER . 1 S twean the subscribers, under the firm or ABRI6IB PLANK, hes been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons Indebted torlisyluty claims era requested consent.. roll Juttlmake.settlement,• • • • . , JAOO.II ABRIIIB, One. l7—pd. ' -.JOAN PLANK, • be . enntlnifed Malta Old Steed • by Jam . Plank, irhe` solicits o continuance nf,publie. . _ „_ I'STAlill':ol7 - 41A. NA ,PFLEA:: 01111';'illiC'D. = MitIcts is'holiiby•gitaTif 'Hint Let ters of Admtubdration on the estato of Hannah Piton ger, lattrof Dicki n son township; Cumberland county, doecasod, - hare wan granted by the 11eglster of tho said .ntnt..9,i6theLatibscribor,—rasldlag_ '_Newton Toiinglitp, All persons hallo; clauseagainst rctld ea tato Are rag uostod prostint thlith Tor sattlemeut, alit! .those Indebted to make Juunodlatepayment to DAVID DIDIUTII, • Doc. -3, 1856. • •-. •" • Administrator.' 7J A STAVE of WHITEHILL CRANb, Domotied.—Notieli to tiproby given that Lettars of udidsttnilon on tho rotate of Whitetail' Cann°, Into of Silver Sprino township. Cumborland ahaunty, doom. ad, have boon granted by the Register .of said-County to the sultsrriber, rosiding in North Middleton town. ship. .All persons knowing thonutolves indebted to said Notate are required to snake immediate payment, and' thaiso having elating to presonttlaetn'for settlement. to tied() THOMAS U. CHAMBERS, Ad'r. - - STRAY aff.t4EP.- • t 0 .. .00k. 0 e promisee of the subscriber, living on . the farm of David Mew/toner, in Monroe +Mt • township, Cumberland county, about the ••••• 15th of November; FIVE SMEEP, all white. Three of them are Ewes, one. "with horns and tall cut off. Another owe of the ewes is lop•eared.l One" of the wethors has small horns. The owner is request ed to crone forward, prove - property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be sold necorang to law. Nov. 28--3tpd • CONRAD M'QUAID. • • _ r 4 STATE OF, JOHN'.. HEIKES' ,4 DECEASED.—YotIce - 10-Iloteby given thst Let ters Testomontary on tho estate of John lleites, late of Welt. Pounsborough township, Cumberland county, Aureasod, hove boon granted by tin, , Itoglster of sold -conoty-to-t.basubserlbers residing lu the 'lama town ship. All persons Indebtint to said estotonro roquectod to innlie Immediate ',lmola., and those having &Wks will is eson t thorn for settlemont to - . • GEORGE iIRiBFA, DAVID MIKES. • N0v.19--Iltpd.'Executors. . . STATE=OP--EITWA=BFIT-H-IVllar -21DEC'D.-NtrrlCE is hereby ovolt - that - Letters of • - Administration qn . the caste of Elizabeth Wilt; late of --- iWvton township; Cumberland county, deed, have, been granted by. theAkidister of sold county, to the.-* .sutricriber, rosidlidr in West Penns - borough .township. All persons knowing themselves indebted-to said es- • tate aro requested to make immediate payment, and •Those hard tug present thorn 'for settlement to Nov. 20-6 L . doed.—Lotteri, Tostamenthry, on the Estate of STATI4 OF .111. IZA 13 ET II ItERR, : Itaboll 'Kerr. loto of the Borough,. of Cot-1181a. d o - . ofVI ceased, have heed duly Issu'ed to thqsObscribor residing in sold Borough. All-,porsomi baying claims against said Estate mill present them for sottletum4,and Itsoon hideVtud tYlll.inake imyment to , . .JOIIN D. GORGAS; ' • Nov, 5.18561 , . - - . . • is. beieby. given 1.1 that, application will be made tactonextLogio. Word of Pennsylvania, to alter lbs charter of tho Car lisle Deposit Bank, located In, the Borough of Carlisle, daimberland county, so as to confer upon said Back the rights and pilvileges of ellen k of issue' and to change Its flue to the t.,'l . nible Bank; Also to Increase the capital of said Bank (which Is at present snventy two' thousand dollars, with the pilvllogo of increasing the same under Ito meson t charter to one hundred thousand dollars) to Throe Modred Thousand Polinrs. W. M BEIETEVI, July 9, 1A55.] . • enabler. CUMBERLAND VALLEY It.--It.— . • CHANGE OF HOURS! ga cis,ss cuL e-it .,. ..g.... , .. I Q OI. , • . -, • 5-!. ye - a, - On - and after MONDAY. 'October 13, 1650, Passenger Trains will run as follotra: (Sundays excepted: - FOR HARRISBURG : ' " ' ' Ist Train. 21 Train. Leave Chanibersburg. • 3.45, A. 51 2.10, P. M. Shlppensbux, 9.20, . " 2.45, " 'Nerrville, 0.45. " 5.20, " " Carlisle. " ' 10.25, " 3.55, "' " Mechanicsburg, • 10.55, " 4.25, " - - A t 'Harrisburg, ' • '11.25. '° 4.52, 9 _ 0 I i CHAMBERSBURG. ' . • Ist Traln. . 2d Train: Leave Harrlsburig: - _........ 8.45, A. M 1.40, I'. (Si Mechanicsburg 0.25, " 2.10, " -Carlisle. - • 10.15, " 2.48, " . . Rimy Ilia, ' , 10.50, " r ‘ 3.25, ' " " ShlppOnaburg, ' 11.20, " 5150, " - , At Chatubersbutg, 11.53, '', - 2.28, "..- . _ .. - ..- . TRAINS,, - . Leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia at 7.15 P. EL, ati'd 1.15, via Columbia. Leave Harrisburg for PlttsburiLat 3,30 A.M.; 12.55 noon; • and 5.05 P. M. Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, .at 8.50 A. M., and . at 2 P.M: Cars of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail lloadien.Ve Ilan risburg for Auburn, Reading, Sc., daily. , • D - B-At all Stations:mbar° .Tickets an: .11, Fares are TEN CENTS LESS than when pvild In the Cars. . ..0. N. LULL, Superintendent.. ' Rail Road 0111 re, Chamberaburg,l , ' Oct. 14. 1850. .1 - . . • . , Jasurancr WEST ' BRANOII INSURANC,V • CO 4 OF LOCK-WAVE - IP, PA., Insures Detached buildings, Stores, . Merellandltu, Form Property, and other buildings and their contents nt Ministate rates, • CAPITAL ilSlo,ooo—Cll.lltTlilt PERPETU,A.L. ninacTOßS. Hon. John .T. Pearce, - a lion. O. C. Harvey, John 11. Call, • T. T. Alm:nit, Charles A. Mayer, 1). J. Jachinan, 'Charles Crier, . W. White,. Peter Dlekluson,' • Thus, Kitchen. . 110 N. 0., C. HARVEY:Pros. • . . . or. C. ABRAMS, VICO Pros,. ' TIYOMAB.ItITCIIEN, Socretnry... • -•- • • REFEIIENCEB. • 5461 - 601 11. Linn d, . Thas. 11pirman, D..D., I A. A. \Vinci:A - 2 - r Liar, ' Wm. Vanderbell, A: White, - • •Dr..l. 8. Crawford, Jamesqulggle, . . A. Updr,raU; ' • ', John W. Maynard, y James Al.mstrOng, Coil. Simon Cameron, Ilan. Win. Bigler, W.ll. C. 11114X51, Agent, (Carlisle, Peun'a. M .3 , 16,1858-17 CARLISLE AGENCY FOR INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. TIIN FRANKLIN FMK INSURANCE COT., OP PHILADELPHIA: Ohnr,tor Perpqt,uo,l.loo,ooo CnnHa, paid In, Glee • 1 6 3I 2 Chesnut street. , , idiom Ilium/am; either pormanentiorllmlted, against liew or damage by fire, on PROPERTY and sesems Meyer) , deserliklon, In town or Country, on the moot reasonable turns. Applleatlons mode Other personally or by jotter, wlll,bo - promptly attended to. - O. N •ILLNOKER, Pres% • • . . • ' The sub'soilberVagent for the above company for Oarlisle and-its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by 'mail or Persgualipldillt bb promptly attended to by , f' 1 A. 1 . . gAhIINSLIVit, 1' dec,12;55. ' .BealEstate•Ageut end Scrivener. .' p.RE INSURAN.CJ .-TBE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL. FIRE IN SURANCE 0031l'ANY of Cumberland county, incorpo; rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organizod, and 'ln Operation, under, tho management of the following oomailselouere, via: , . Deutel Milky, William Gorgae, Blichaol Cocklin, 'nacho! ) . creueetw.m, Chriettan Staymen, John C. Dun hip, Jacob IL Cuover, I.oivie Myer , Henry Legal), Beeja.. min U.. Musser, Jacob Mamma, Joseph:Wickersham, Alexandei Cathcart.. • , • ' . The rates of Insurance are as low and favorable as any Cempany„of the ktud Pursuas wishing to heeonte application to the agents of the company, , wits are willing. th , wait upon them at any time. • • .lIItNJ. U. llaosArde, President. ILENitT TAMAN Vice President. LEWIS 1111X1t, Secretary. MICHAEL COMO:IN. Treasurer. . . - . . 005113ERIAND Alartin, N.Cum berland; o.' D. German, Kingstown; floury Zenring Shiremartstowu ; Charloa : Bolip ; Dr. J. abl Obistehionn Samuel Graham, West Ponnaborough James Me Dowel, Yrankford; Mode Griffith. South Mid dioton; Samuel ?Dover, Zenpunin Havorstick, Meehan lesburg; Anturfliherrlok,lbliursi; David Coovar, Shop. . . YORK, 03IINTir.--.Tohn Doorman, Dllisbnrg; rotor Woltbr&, Franklin; John SOMP. Puv iTopikington; W, S. Picking;; J. IV.Craft, Parad ise.• 11.1.1tRiSOURO.=-11ousor & Lochman. • : • liombOrs nr tha'coMpany having wlisteei . eoout to e& plratn o havo them renewed ; by making applloatlor. .asy , oftho agotos. , . ; n, gRAIq, •VAZTS;. - Just oaefv - iiii, aln Of drain Fang of Shrolas' snit )1a fir's roanufOtaro. • Mao a flue assartasuit of Fray, Styr.. a,ll.l.'Fotldor Cutters; Of 'foue.diffiront ; tho rbeaa Ifardivaro 13turo of •, , la, Iff.t4l.] „ . . , eiNIVAYS, . ONET SOAP.:=4.l3nway'e pure Soep.oniiiity'elni , proved Ohointral Olive Soup. A fullAmpply of tianile truly. e:krellent- Snaps Just. recetved.»end for gale tit WILLIA.SIS' 0110(1.}.11q;,tifelti.Ativieti,_ OtirlIslo ; Nov. 21,,'05. pROADcIig.P COAL 7 - - . • • low bobliblY of .tho Colobratod Broad Top letrem4the' Mud : 4l4MS tbr might • Sep, 418 w.) • • • Agent. • ---- LIAMILY' COAL-7500 I'ONS KENsirAwr comh,proic... ant reuereanod, proparetroxProtaly for fatally unarm& kcpt tatomteamtm, so that I can tunra, It nairand clue dinfog tllb winter seams, , I tone aloo on hand and for ealo the LUKE 111t1A311 CatlfArare tho nilniarnf Boyd, Bomar & Co., and biIAMPAIN COAL from•tbo althea of Poch , ran, Foal .1 Co.. all of whhill I will MI at email 'pronto .br cash, and dallier to any pall of the borough. "...n0r:14455—, - • 1F,311.111,04Tr-,-; TleQ COAL .CONSUMERff.—/Tbs• sub scriber would respectfully lova? tktraiguntion of citirens of Carlisle to hie large - nlock - of-COAL, el various kinds, such as Lyken's Palley. Raolip*, Egg, Nut for Limeburners, Tnlvorten, Egg nod Nat, Baum°. kin Broken Egg and Nut; all of which he wHi EMI at reduced prices from buit.year, for wish, The Erokenr Egg, and Steve Coal, for family usei will be eereeiied.-- , • By striving to please I hope to have a liberal Patron' . • • . . TO LACKSATITIIS. . . • I am now prepared tBo supply you with the celebrated 'Load Top. Coal, which la considered the best in the State: Come and look et It. I have . the -Allegheny. Coal also on liffrid, all' of which I will sell low for cash: Quick sales and short profits la my motto—a nimble six. pane° la better then • , re dull shilling." Please give no a calk one and all. • . _ JACOB 44-All ordain , loft at lila residence in linatoltreot,or nt-rotor-bionyin'a-iiiidllfillifStaitiinri,atoruo, bo ,prompt attentiad.t)it. • - (Oct, 1,1666. c ARLISLE • DEPOSIT 11ANIi.,: .. . voIk,SPECIAL. DEPOrtITS -wl 1- birreerbred - at - this-flank, - Incorwrated. by MT. - SEW of Pendnylroula, for as Short a. porlud zuryoun Arms, and Intoreiepdfd Of the rate of Five Fla corr. por an, nuw, and the pr.locipalrpald tiatlC4 any time attar ma turity, irltlmut..aotlao. _ __ _ . . Intorest de3sos aftar,the explratitin•ifflM time spool. fled in the etn,lllcate, unless, renowed Ihroinothor given period of four months, or longor.ill which, case thei, torost is paid up, until the time of renewal.. Bank' dpons ah 9 o'clock A. M., and 'closos,ao 3o' cloak P. AI . • fly order of thoLlloard of Directors. ' Dec :4, 1850.' CUMBERLAND VALLEY' BANK. 'PROPRIETORS. Wittlam.Kxn, • •MbLetnna BRENNEMAN ' ••• ItAREIVEO.BTERRETT,.-- JOUN-DONLAP, • RICHARD WOODS, - JQNN_Lg . , Eivermrr,_ lENRY AThiERGEON. • • mid Bank, doing , buslness In the naino of KER, BRENNEMAN k CO. in now fullyttrepared to do:imm oral Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. Money revolved on-Deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposita-- Cortiflcates of Doposit, bearing interest at tho rate of FIVE PER CENT. will be issued for RR short a period as FOUILMO,NTIIS. • • Interest on all certificates will cease at rniturity., • provided, however; that if said:certificates are ronetrod at any time thoreaDer'firanothor given period, they, shall bear the alma rate of interest up to the timq of renewal.. Particular atteittlon paid- to" the collebtion of Notes; Drafts, Checks, .tc.,ln any port of unisex States or Canadas.' Remittances mad° to England, Ireland or the Conti nent. Tho fitlthful and confidential execution of all or. dors entrusted to thom, may be relied upon. They call the attention of Farmors; Mo.:hanks, and• all. others _whotl.iro a-safe-dopository-for,their-money,--to-the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of THIS BANK 'ARE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE T 4 TUE EXTENT OF THEIR ESTATES, for allbthe DEPOSITS and-ether _iMILIGATIONS , of-Kerclirennemon Cor -- • • —They-ha - 4o recttntly-romovedinto-their-N-EW-DANK ,tO ROUSE, directly opposite their former stand; do Vost_Main Stretd..alittr_doorttEase'of-Clo-liall-Rond iepot, where they will nt all times-be pleased to give 't oy information desired in regard to money matters in °floral: . . Open far .business from 9 o'clEick In the morning nu ll 4 o'clock In the evening: 'IL A. STURGEON,• bee.l7 liis6. 'Cashier. GEOROP,RHA, Admittletimtor, res aub Sliops. .p] IV- -- CAP, AND 'SHOE • : STORE. ' . AttIIIYAL OF FALL GOODS FOE ISSO; ho subscriber has just opened du the store-robinfor, Orly - occupied by Geo. W. Itituer,-on the °rimer. of-,the dale square, Main street,-near the Market those, and Aulning the Jewelry Store of {Val. D. Natigio, an on rely n f\V, rind splendid assoctment of Fall and WiutO Jude—comprising the latent styles of ' • • • - RATS, 0(1'S, BOUTS AND 811055 , f every variety and notch, Rio •Ibits consist or extra • a fine Moleskin, Deaver, Clarst,,Komutli, Sporting Rats, &a. Also Stratr eta of on vatic ties. These Ihts are manufactured by ikford, Morris & Co., and otho. celebrated hatters of Jiladelphla. Ito has also every variety of home =nu ot el re. All.thesu goods he will guarantee to give entire milrostion. Ilia stock of Shoes le made up of every variety and fniin the cheapest to the best article In the mar tt, and cannot fall to please. Ile respectfully solleit:10 patronage of the public, :ollng confident that sell the cheapest and best ieds to tho counth• Sep. 17, 1859. E R 0 -0 E lt I E S !- J. W. EBY. A - cholce selection of Grocerim . of every variety, In .ndlog Spices and Teas have been' added to'our former sertMent, among which may be had strictly prime • /HO, JAVA, LAOUVRA Fe MOCHA OMEN,. • together with a general namrtment of : • - • 111t01VN & WHITE IBUHAItS, , eluding Ortolan, Onmulatod, Pulverized, and Charl et Sugars. Also a lorof Now Cheese, Pereira, Corn arch, Muttard, Chomlato, Ac. Alm (Irma and lligck ceo, of Jenkln's select brand. Per'sale at the lowestprices at MARION HALL ORO. • (Oct 20 J. W. NOV. • roruceo.—Of thisvoeil, ambracing Snuff and Cigar 9, wo have now on hand a choice •lection, among which are Cavendish (both plain and +Get), Pig, Congress, Plug and Finn Twist Tobacco, or Mice Importations, pa well as other .good brands of Igara-rfancy. names wo omit—all of 'Which we offer at tat as equal In quality, If not bettor, than any other Aortmont.lit the market. Nor sole at the old stand. Oct 22. pthr.-- ' J. W. EBY. S N G AND S U M • HATS AND OAPS! ' The underslgnott invites the attention of his orrl cue. niers and the public to his sow and 'seasonable aa 'rtmodt of SILK, FUlt and srjtAw_HAT.B.," °Lora_ ke."for gontlemon and Boys wear; of tho intent ylosand best quality. The assortment will be found`_ ' embritco every sort sad size of Hats anti Caps for on, ] h ips and Children; from 'the commonest and loapest to the most stylish and Lishionable, ouch an titford'n spring styleof gentlemen'. [Mtn. White, Black ul Ilmwil,Blnuoll lista, with Fur lists of his own mall actor°, Illyei cloth caps nf, , various colors and prices, ith n large ms.sortnient ?if Illen's'and Boy's straw hats difforent qualities and prices, to suit the pockets of th rich and poor. Fueling confident that every pur• ,aser can be accommodated from Ills extensive and rind assortment' ho cordially' invites his Ihtnd examine nt - hit old entablislimonLeu,.3 . met. • IVICIETROUT. ESTI 1 :) , 1 1 , 1 ARDWA RE 1 • ILY I/ 8 , 5 . 6 1--'-FsA.R..4), subscri,lior having returned from the city. wOuld call ,atteiltion_of. . his friends end the public to the ganndwell solantad assortment of Hardware which be Just receivod, consisting in part of DUILDINU MA nalliliscrews,,binges.locka, bolts, glass, putty .ate, oils, dr. TOOLS.—edgii tools; saws nod pianos o cry descrirtion, with files, maps, hatnmors, anvils, &c MASS o every. discription and quality—mu:mum .sa of iliffeient brandaovhits psdishodAmordcan_glara, ..Inctrentis of.uil;Tres, double thick glass of all sizes, enamelled glass, . A general 'assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD MRS TOOLS, together with.morocco, lining and bind skins, Shoo thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness Mount • saddlutines, de. . COACH THI3ISIINU--runitVass (plain; enamello&Alg , vi and ?mhos/int!) patent and enamelled leather, lea, springs, hubs, spokes. rations, stunts, &a', de. ' .:labinet Makers -will find a large assortment of yarn. -ea mahogany and walnut . vensers,moulding.-rosettes. ir cloth, curieditir, de- . WHITII POLISH PATXT— A nen/article for making a mtifol. white and brilliant polish, for dining-rooms, dors, to. IRON—A largo stock, comprising all kinds in general o. D.Remember the old stand, East High Strout, Car le, Pa. Hasa' 20,18504 - HENRY SAXTON. -;;.;"-- • • p73Fr."--1,-..z.77#77 (AL , r Jac 7 • itOSEWOOD PIANOS FOR S. Al lij Two new and elegant licsowoed Pianos OM and. rtaies, from the colebratedinenufactory of i4ik t. tole '& Co., Dostork. ' These Instruments have been ' •efully selected from a large stock. end - are warranted giro entire satiaartion. Tboy will be suld ai t . 4 CITY PItICHS. 1-' d ‘i kept . n orderbywoonipetant, person; Ibrone ymr •In date wile. — Thom who 'may whit to examine, or pre a good Instritment, are invited to call, upon e eubsc rat Ida residence in Carlisle. ' - Also, TO ItHNT,twdgOod second-band Piano Fortes at per quarter. . , . , JOAN, H. BITYBIAN. mov.-28, 'II. - - "'• • • • - WEEP IT BEFORE l'/IE PEOPLE The Greatest Arrival of the Beason of It* O.OODB AT TILE NEW STORE! • le lathier beets' Just 'returned from the city and Is ~w opening, next door to Costamegna's goted.(tete aglanghlln`s), In NOrth Ilanover Street, a splendid seriment of • , • . e NEW AND, MEAL , DAT DODDS,' 'uprisinglderlooes, Genoa Mika, Patelen Cloths, De. dune, Do Degas, Back .Tlannels; Itibpma, Clothe, Oust ous,tlingitatus, Calicoes, atualins, Cheeks, Tleklngs, . 0101 7, Oloveiywhlte and'eoloredVarpet Chain, &a • • tiItOCIIRIES of all kinds and bejr-Also a largo steak ;of- 11,33T8 AND 8113k.13, !which - he 'al sell am °heap, nanny hone. In torrm • • miluttsr; Emm, Hagq Soap, and Dried Fruit taken ,Market prices. • • " , , ''.Deret•forget - the ' place, 'next 'doer to. Maglaughlites: (kt,*. t lesil) , (RON I IRON !-"=;-Thii - ationiion of the the piddle end Illanktunlthe tiattlinlaily la regnant; — to the large assoitmaikt af Bar Willed Iron of all and klnda iltl7oE - Or all MIAS, FllOll,. hasps. Sere*" ''rtes, Anrllab,Ytcoe, 'llellowa and 'Aoy thing That thd aeltamlth only want. '• Iron sattrln quantltlesatrlty, dolenalo prices.. All k Inda warntntod. p. IaNFI & SON. Oat. 8;1856.3 llduorer at.; Caratl'er" MU= - Ifarbs Bunko. -WM. M. ukurrar, Cashier J. B. KELL.= Atigceactmits. T It. .I . (!tItlYS eatl,E TAR it, • THE 4aREAT . 2.IO7PRICAL :11E61BDt: - It Minh /tied and Applied (ncetalken).to mule Vileness of the THROAT ANDI,VOIIII9. No Rhottmotie, Neuralglii, or othii9q2ihi mast' —Ro y whor tiivcTtrioplled.oll:eTti x, oz lth7itoTrl ii zaypim i:ot77Bsntle. ,here'erouco Is mach to the Billowing gm en Who Wnxt Olive Tar, or 011 v 0 Tar Ointment. THuntow WEB), Esq of tho Albany Journal. {VAL TOWNSIIND,I6w York Expresa JOHN. DI. BARNARD', Esq., Boston Herald. • • -ISAAC- V.-POWLER,-Peatimanter,-NOW-YCirli. Capt. EZRA NYE, Into of the Steamer Pacific. E.A.- BLANCH, Eeq„.Chlef Faginetir Pacific R. R. :C. N. BARNEY, Proo.,U. S. Expreweemnpany. .• ' ELI COOK, Eamayor Buffalo, Prof. JA HES NoWnrk. N. Y. • 0101110 E LAW, bilo Avenue, N. Y. lIIINRY MUSSEL, Ni South stroot, N. Y.' LORD;hlutunt Benefit Ins. Co., 11 Wallet. O.Y. WESIME, Seirrinaty : Dlnnhaltan Life ins; Co., ' .129 Broachiboy, • J. W. JUDD, Now Rnghmd Imo Co., 29 William st. • .Ct. W , ENSWORTII,..Forvravder, Mr Pearl et. • Emu& PECK, Ranker: 9 Cron&. ••• Itev. WE, JARVIS, bltchlitnown,. Conn, • And many other nation will 'be found in our ChiMil:l ifb Which am 80-had of our Local Amiuto. • OLIVE TAR,'" 51:0ContiDottlo. OINTMENT, - 20 - v ." • • OILED-SILK, INHALING - PIASTERS, 72 4 Nide. • — por.Rnitoby - S:W - Ahrrerstlckronly - Agont - for - Ciirllolii Pa qtlic sold nt Gimp:info' Depot, No, XO, Stat, streatr.NeW - Yorkminithy - DruggioDrgenerrilly. . . August 20,1866-01 M. 'HARDWAUE HARDWARE , •JOIFN P.L L;k'NE '' SON, :IL • are now receiving their Pall Flock Of Hardware. which Is unusually large, and; Iti ebdnekiliti tit Ith their for mer henry Mock makes it one. of LIM hirkeet and meet varied assortments Ong' Ofrdttd, to-this pdhlic. They have over? thing that the' .Itjulnier, the .llttilder, the Maraltaut—or-thepublic; may wantrln -, their linetc - ¢d which they are selling at thevorY lbwoet prNes. They Collett a call from the public bolero- malting they pur chases, no they fool confident they can a* inducements that will reword the bower Ow the troaBk • P oding thankful to a gentroutt public snoreil lintnet• lib oral patronage, a continuance of the lt'solicited at our old stautyn North LlanorerEt rep t, JOLIN- P. LYRE & EON', • October 8,1810. f -• • . /TS FALL STYLE-OF HATS 414 • --AT k"ELLER'S OLD STAND: OftiOlca'rllct,LEn daytres to call. the attention of his old friend.. and customers to Ills now assortment of Goy. tlemen's HATS, the Oakford Fall stile, with nd elegant assortment of BOY'S CAPS and WINTER,. HAWS of every varloty and the most fashlonable styles. - Ifihns also constantly on ludidit_lncgo_iiifil varied/sa line-tomtit-a-1i iTimitiefacture as well no city made Ila to and Caps, suitable' forlho £4611011, comprishig.evetr . valietiy,entlissin, Beaver, Mloskln and Silk flats,‘fim dslied tu the Jetted otylMlogother with a full nOrortment of CAPS of eVery shape and descdptlon, and at every pries: bartfenlarly Itivltes the public to mill and ea, amine Ida exoenslve assortmonr, which' in style, mato riti !ot finish cannot be s.missed by. nuy In market., and` which - hole Ale to put at prices lower than over.. M.Remember his old stand-on North Hanover street.. next door to Ifuyett's-OroCery AS FITTING. &ND PLUMB undereignad would inform - the ' ILO citizens of Carlisle that he lent made arrange manta to doGAS FITTING and PIALIIIIING at ',hurt no tiro, and on roman - Mid° tonna. 110 has engaged the ',er tires of a Mkt rata band front Philadelphia, and ban env plied himself with nu °atonal% o aasertinent of FIXT UltliS,.whiel,willenabla him Co fill all ordora promptly— All work will ho watranted. lima Stock of Gan Haim Inv will ho found In thu room exactly opposite his Tinning • es tahlishntant on North Minot er sireet, whore he invites - it , „_2rixtu uT N s_al sa...prepittod—to. furnish, ormake to order, every article of TIN WARE -vied-by-houseltuepars and ethers, Ho will also attend” to SPOUTINO, ItOLIWtOtWING, DELL lIANGIINW . and PLUM WNW • . -. . - ThankfUT Mr the patronage with millet] he lineal ready been fhvorod, hu respectfully solicits q .contlnnance .of" the same. • • - Carlisle; .lune'l4, ALL , PAPER ! JOHN P. triffil.lT hnvo the pleneure of !affirming tho piddle that Choy,, Intro at lAA cothpletod the onto rgentent of their -stoorr,. — and an, now reeciving the largest and - most varied no. . • sortment of Wall Paper and IVindow Blinds over opened In Carlisle., A call is solicited from thesu Panting Paper Ilithgtiiis of any hlint, wp aro couptleatilint all can ho supplied from - our 'amaranth stork. At tho old stand, North Ilavovor street. , April P, itte. ' ,ZTOVES!' STOVES 11 STOVES !!!--- . JOIN D. DOROAS would inform tho public Mini he has now on band at his establishment, oil Main St., next door to Marion 11,01;tho hugest and most -'emu, - Veto assortment ,of COOK, OFFICE A PAR LOR .STOVES to bo found in this county, "-ca which will be sold at, tho lowest prices for .IZ, cash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of 4,-,...4! a largo assortment of now and highly ap proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished in the most complete manner, And calculated for either wood or coal, or both. All the old•lltandard patterns which Imo stood the Lost of experience, may be found at bin os ablishment. Also, a great variety of the most approve. and 'menthol PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, In chiding number of now stylcesossessing very , eupe. nor advantsgm over those heretofore In uso. Profiles and housekeepers are respectfully invltod to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. -Stoves delivered to any part of the country as d,put up at tho shortest no tice. Ile continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on 'hand or will make to order every article required by housekeepers orothors In this line. Die Otoek of Tin and Copper Ware ombracesnvory kind ot household and kitchen utonsilorarrantab equal to the best man:tufa, tured. Persons in want nflarticlos In his lino may al. ways ho surest being aceommodatod to their sat Isfactiou by giving him a call. - ON MANHOOD AND ITS PEE-. MATUR • E DECAY.—Just published gratis the 20th thousand. A few Wordson the rational treatment without medicine of Sporitnitprluma ur Loral Weakness, Nocturnal -:missions, Genital and Nervous Debility, I Impotency, and ImpedlmOnts to Marriage generally, , B Y D. DE LANE Y, M. The _lmportant fact that • the many alarming eon,- pinints, originating. lu the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed, WITHOUT MEDICI:IE, is in this small tract, Clearly demonstrated; and the entire ly new and highly succestful treatment, as adopted by the - Author, fully explained, by means of which-every one 1., enabled to Celle 111318ELP perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. . Emit trrany address; gratis-end - post-free In - a - sealed onVelope, by remitting (post•pald) two postage stamp to DR. B. DM LANEY, 17 Lispenard at., New York City. 0ct.416,1856.--dm. , JUST RECEIVEID— Fresh STRANVIIERRTES, • • " PINE APPLES; - , . . " LonsTEns, .I TOIIA'fO KENN:MI/A .' ' • • MCICLED ONIONS, • - - .ODER ICINS, • . , . PICOLIEX, . PRESERVED GINGER. r- . ~ T4.I3LE 01b, 'AC. c• , Nt. Above- ortlclnititetrrotEtokyqual to any la market, - Vof - imlEil4 h - O w for enst - - ---,DIET-IttrlSso.] To. -- 0 ARPENTE RS; BUITDRIRS, Ao.—The. nadorslgued bon been al;ponscou an agent for supplying MOULDINGS ninny th, , cigat, or Pat terns for buildings, nt a much less - rate than Yhey can le made' hero—so said by our most oxporionced mo rbaulas.. Menlo HENRY SAXTON STAR' CORN-SHE LLERS. 4 . • " —A full supply of tho promlunt Star Coru Shollors, from our own manufactory, now -^ on-hand at wholrealo and retail and of vrtl _rieue„sixor4—Thoynre-ndonted-fon-altber-- _ Loud or le woo power, and aro believed to be tho boat lu ',hu market. I'ASCIIALL 3101tRIS & CO., • Implomont and Seed Store. 7th and Market, Plilladelphia.• Nov. 20, 1R56 • ,?,•,;.• • AGRICULTURAL IMPL 112- -84#' ALENTS.—lmpriwed flay Presses,' Farmers' Boilers, norm Ponta% and Threshers, Crain Mum, Sausa g e Cutters and Stuffing of Tn • rious patterns, luiproved. Portable Orgill Mills, Vegotrble Cutters, Hay, Straw and Futlder Ont., turn in groat variety. PASCII ALL AIORIIIg & co., Agricultural Warobonco Soca Slurs, • ' Nov. 26,1.026... • and AllOtet, IVEW FALL GOODS.—.-abo subscri agmuisotrornivmeaz full assortment Womb, I Mous do losities,Ooblirgs A iistscas, Callcoo, and &Inslino, nitti a variety of Nancy nail Staple Orono Goods adapted to the soma. Aitiq &o Oct 4,'56.1 .NT - 1 AILS! NAILS.!—I. am -A - Ipm , ', parad to aupply.cauntry Alora,hants with nalla at ananufacturoreFicea. ti t SAXTON. . INTER FAM TG .TO FARMERS.- The Magi° Corn And C'ob 31111, the bolt now In two Tills Mill hoe taken the first iirerolum over all °there lit a number of the recent State end County Falre. Every farmer who feeds stock should have one of those mills. Vat Pie by JOHN P. LYNN k EON, North. Honorer Street, L'Orhe Nov. 5, 'N. F i I F • " I c i t JT U R R , P DEED, cot Ihdo'g Itylnid, yellow Abordoon, urplo . .eup Rut • go, tiroon Top do., at wholeraignt Intqq. _SIOR tld Mniduntont and Seed-Stone, 7th and Market, July 80, 1858.] • T?UNINLT RIDIMINS 84 FEAT.IIII3IIB.. 0.,, A r f 'pArrtment Ronnst • Ribbons, Roppot, ire Ribbons, Straw /Nttoi , o. ite, • Oct 14, • ;.I.LICIRO, W. HITNRIC. • D Io ONNETS, • FEATHERS/441;0W- Ell S.-4 gottorel'assortment of Rootlet Featbong, t? trare,Monnot 'Velvets and Pluihee, Iturbee and oth 1 , Millinery Goode Just oFened., r 0:11. HITNX., . ... . . •.- - . • )1114 ARDWARE, ! mutp*A.RE TILE LARGEST STOCK IN 1114 OWNTy ' 0 P. LYNE .4 SON, wholestdo anti - j. Amerlcan, Barmen and English Ilardwaca ancep u tt e tc.. imite the Oteutt4u Pr s lochanicS• Y4ll l l O ll, Attd Gin , nubile generally. to one unumNRY /OP steekoOntldept that we are eolling goods on more reasouabfdteringtkiN 'arty ettror housalu the County.. Ram. WALL — . 4 4 X - PRIC- P rOtAiWrii v • oplenald stock of Taper I p roglngg, %badgeemit Flrelk*rd PrltitsketAlknc 'pi' 'MI the eVroke' and most - illvfoc4it. at. 1408. Tbp de gpa MI.. Peat And d . ulato, end the Prhileallch oounot roll to gt,e, satin. Aketlon. invltacur friends in.di,ol.B4lablic general , ' 4y, to colt ant), 91(tipalne cnte' L aaiorttnelet ettcrjhorYY,. tuexcL2l lt4t Mein Street. , :a; LI ARQQA , L.-0 hatropo .dopetnntly QA ha . fir sal! , B,uu BIONROW3IOItIIIB, WILLI 4118" .0 F,O: W. ITITNVR