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The CARLISLE: LIERAID •Is publisha weekly ou a large sheet, containing P(iltTY CoLUMO, and furnished to Bub :cribure at the rate of $1.60 If paid strictly in advanco; 0,75 if paid within tthe year.; or $2 In all eases whim 2aymont Is delaytel 'until after the expiration Of the _No subscriPtlons roccivod less-period than six months, and 110110 discontinued until all urrearages aroaid),unitsis at tOo option of the publiSher. Papers sentlb Subscribers living out of Cumberland rowdy must he paid for Au advance, or the payment assunied ro,puusildp -porson .11 v ing . in Cmuborlaud coun- Thoso terms will La rigidly adherod to In all rases. . • ADVEILTISEDIENTB' Advertisements will he charged stop per_aquqgq o twelve lines for three Insertions. and 26 touts for each subsequent insertlont'•;All advertisements of less than twelve lines coushieredas a square. The following rates, will bu'rlisrged fur Quartetly,.fialf Yearly and Yearl advertising: 4 - • - : • •• • . . 3 . 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Tho to larguat an Throo gm salted for um to , do J most rens , or any thl to o t to g atantb V' All cure atton n -03 ,N R Ifi,lo 22 29 111.7 r 81 651 2 22 3' 2J ar,l 1901 '7 31 4 1 - 0 j 1 17 I ficiwal& - toc U• S• GIMERNIVEENri. PrOSIttOIItRANKLIN Vito Presidelit—.l`.,r. D. 1:11101IT. Secrotary of•StaLe—Wm: L. Muter. • Secretary of lutorior-ltouria cerotary or Troury—.lnNl ot UTIIItiP. J Sns exretary ot.War-lEFFEILSOS Da VII. - t , ectotttry of Reny—.l....H. C. ' Post. 31mter Conoral—anAms CABINIELL. Attoiney no , lorill—CALED CUNIIINI.I. • - Chief Julia ea of United States—lt..B. Truer STATE GOVERNMENT Governor--JAmss Poi.i.ots. • • Soccoiarrur St 4 Le —AN DREW CI. CURTIN. 811..VOTOV 601101,1—.1. be Aildiim•MlMl—B. CANES. Trousui c.— 11LIM: - H. utlgoi or tilo Nnpioaw CAokt i.twis, J. B. BLA.pc, W. B. Lownix, G. liroomuu., .1. C. IiNoZ • COU.iAT r re SI dell t. Judge—nom JAM IN n. VC:%IIAM A_Twoelolm Judges—lieu..lolou JUIp.. Samuel 'wood burn. District, Atte...my—Wm. Zie Sbeater Prothnnu:my—lmulel l. No.II. Ito:murder ; 4 Ato;.:lllLer-111 , 11am _Ly;le. _____ 131!eviS—Jaeo:, Bowman mhysur— _ Coudi.y Tl;o.vgnek•—.4„dttut Seuseman, County CenimLnlonurs.L s tleorae 'M. Graham, MI .L/lam- lletniersr a, Andrew Kum Clerk to Commis alonera. Michael Wino. Ditueters Of the l'oor--George Drin lle, John' C 'Brown, .9.ainuel '.Buperintundunt flow, Ipeph 'Whack. soxioucaa aerxouns Chia( lloy,„..gsq--Col. 'ARM. r.oxo Could. Coitucil—R. C. IVUOlii,ll4,:(l'resitle.li.) 1:14140, .Who - Thumh , oil : - 311chaul Shuaier, 1 I. Wang, David Sip 9, flobeti, brio, A. A. lino, 31ichuo --1101eolab. Con4l.o)le.:—.John Spahr, lash Coustal.4; lipbur. Mcdirtnoy, Ward Co;it.i.thie. CHUItCHES • \ First Presbyterian Church, northwest anglol of ;Centro - Square. Rol. CONWAV,P. Wlso, Pastor.,`iervicbs every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M. Socond Presbyterian Chureh,curnur of South Hanover •and Pomfrot streets. Bev. ;th , . & kW, Pastor. Services commune° at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, I'. FL - St. Johns Church; (Prot. Episcopal) no, thrust angle of Centro Squab. Itov..J.MOU 11. Molten, hector. .su'rvi c cs at 11 o'clock, A.M., and 'J o'clock, P. M. English Lutheran Church, Budlimd between Main find Louthor -streets. Rov. Jacow Far, Pastor. , Services • lit 11 o'clock, A. 31.,atd 7 o'clock, P. 31. • lumen Rammed Church, Louther, bet)veun Hanover nt .10 , ..4 o'clock, 71., and k 6 P. 31. ~I.eil.tudlst•E.ChurcitAlirot Clump) corner of Meinand Pitt streets. Itev. Juna M. Srinsattslor. Survicus at 'll o'clock, A. M., cud 11 . 4 o'clock, 111 , - 3luthodist B. Church, (second Chargor toy.' Thomas piI;aIIEIITY, Pastor. Somilces in CollegeCimpoli nt 11 o'clock A. 111., tied 3 o'clock, P. 211.. - Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret, near Enst Stre - ot.— .Z___liol.J.MlES.llansury,Pastur—iiervicestat.thnlfud.anu, day of each month., • tlorulitu Luthornn - Church, corium of Pomfret and , Bodihrd Ftrects. lior. 1. P. Easchold, Pastor. Sonic° at . 1113, - 6 AL M. Aka -When changes In the abovo are necessary the pro- !sous aro requested to notify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE. u l tund-Prvfessor-of-Ilerol Roc. Mumma M. Johntiaii, Professor of Philosephy and 11.11;',1) Literature... . •.• tldl. W. blarsliall, ProfcssoiZl — Xneinnt•Languogcs. • Bor. Otis 11. Tlifany, Pr•efessorel 3latbeniatics.- • -- William C. Wilson, Profesion. of Natural Stionce and Cbrator of Ulu Museum. ' • ' Alesaaidor School, Profosioir of Melded and I,loders) Larimies. . ' Samuel 1). Millman, Principal of the Gra'norir School James P. Marshall, Assistant in the Uranium. School. 00,,.PORA.Txons ' Caninas 13.;•031P 11.AN.F...—L'IMAIOnt, ;Lenard Parker; Cockier, Wm. M. Dectean Clerks, J. P. Labeler, ti. C. Fl cam;;arta. Dlreelois. Mellon! Paiker, John ,Zug; 11 ukll Stain t. whoupla Paxton. 11, C. Woodwind, Eamkt Dona o . Jelin s.onlowni, Houry Logan, .sainuiti q Derry. CenueoLaSl/FALLer IL .IL Roan ConraNr,. , -Probidont, ode; it; Wails; Secretary and 'Ti oiler, FAIWord AL . •DlddloLfiulwv3utGudabt ; A. B. limitla --- Passongratraina twlco nday, • anstsrurd, louring Oldish, up 104:5 o'clock, nuiL3.ss o'clock, P-li- -, Two - Lnilias every day West. wa; Curlislo at 10.43 o'clock, A.M.and,2.48, P3l. ova WATEIL COMPANY. Presldont. Fred- • erlok Watim Scceciary, Lour.; ,T o thi.; pl. Ccelowv,Ploctorti,,F,Watta, Diehard Parker. Lemuel Todd. teuleui, Dr. W. W. Lido, Franklin Card; nor. h arry Wuowood.E.]l. Biddle. - ConazaPase TALLNY , M ~ , ANN, P rONMIOIit, 1; iltur• roll; Lc ;der, 16 .1. Sturgeon; Taller,' Jos. a' Director,. Joni; B..6terreit.6-Win. Kor, Pkbard ,WoiAls, John C. Dunlap, Itotp.O.Storropti.' IL A. Bcurzeon, and tlitploinJobn Dunlap: , :r xiATEs cop -POSTAGE.; . . Postoy.w..on'oll lottera of ono-half ounoo-weight or undor,:ceonto pro paid. hoarept. to Cullforufaand Or.gon, which is .10yonflt PahLY,. Postne on I , Tne Ilantto' —within the County, /Mu. tho 81ath.;43 conta Per. yam . - • To miYi.Vtaf 1.4 uuited I.k.aios,lak'eorne; Postage on Oil tionsiont vapors undorop , oulwee ht wolabt,l vont- pro-paid;oi '4 gouts unpaid , -A doOrtised totters tote ohorgod with tho coop adrortlaing. • • • • . , „ IKNLIER W,OllB Ulcers. juinors,"94fulit, 11-Idie &c, cured trithout'Ourgieul - Ofieratkin by,. •, ; ' .Llt. OirkSittiiiiiY.T. 0r „nt. Is'iratiiniet (2nd edition) on tbo Trentialmt" and guru of 'Cancels, 'hum's. bo sent to any addriiss'(freed on re&int of u pestturnituutp. ~ Mika, No. , 11.814 Walnut titter:4, ' - -1 I= HMI uss must bo post-p , • • There is a lonely mill, cline by the little 'hamlet qf, Utlorf, near the, Rhino shore, be tween, tho_vilingeo Hared nod_Ursel,._on_the_ left hank below Bunn. Thie mill_ is said to , bave beenthencene of the folloWing . story which, whether ii lie testi : Hod ae nn _instance• of presence of mintlin a female, °T AD n spe cial otl'rovidence, is equally re: markuble and•WorThi.ortiltention. • : It was on a Sunday 'cnornliigi-'ages long 'ago,' that' the inilley 'of this mill, 'and his whole fathily,l went forth to Imar • the holy Mass at the 'nearest church in • the village of:lleisel. The mill, which., 'was also his..residebee, was, left -in charge of, a servant girl nanied•llanoheen, or, Jeriity, a steut-heartid lass, - who . had Tong_ him in that capioity. An'iefaat child, of An age_tinfit for_tikurok,was left in her •cliarge likowise.• II 161708 10 LI 21 25126 21 3 7 W 210 0.1 IS 1117 1 21 1 " 21 2 ,1 1..M0 51 1 .1 5 6, 7 11 1.13 1 14 DIY 21 21 - 2 05725 I 2 3 4-if/ lul3 ilbl7 It; in 3 21 2. "6 I'3l I. --The-girl was busily employed in preparing diniser for 'the return of her master and his when who should enter bil*of a sed don but an old sweethoort of hers, named Heinrich Bottolor. Ho wits an idle, grace' less fellow, whom the miller Lad forbade his house; but whom Jenny, with the amiable perversity peculiar to her sex, only Aiked, perhope, all the 'bettor because others 'gave him no countenance ; She vytts \ fglfsd lo see him, and she told Astro so, too ; and; although in Abe midst of kr Work, she 'not only- got Lim something to eat at once, but also found time to sit down acid Mote a gossip, while he: dispatched the food also sot • before him. As he ate, however, , he lot fall his ktife. Pick that up, my lass,' said he in a joking way, to the good-natured girl. . 'Nay, IleinrAch,' she replied, "lour back should be more stipple than • min. for you have lead work to make it stiff. I , or nil day long, and yoil do nothing. But, n. er mind ! 'twould go bard with me an I refus , to do more than that for you, bad though you, be.' C Dhputy, J. ljuut This was spoken half sportively anil half in good earnest O'er, kind.liearted as the was, and touch as pho ,liked the scapegrace, she ar , as too hunost and industrioue herself to encourage or approeo ofi . idieness and , a sus picious course of life in any one 'else, how- ever dear to her. Sbe stooped down accord ingly to pick IR the knife. 'As olio was iu 'act of rising; kowever, the treucheroue vil lain .drew a dagger from under his, coat, arid caught her by the snipe of the neck, griping her throat firrfily_ with his fingers to prevent her eWrni — m — i - ii"Tit e while. 'Now, less,' he said, "a wearing -out t naiad 'oath at the seine tindi ; • where is toaster's mon9yi I'll have thit or your life; tie take your choice.'• , • Tne terrified girl would fain 'havti parleyed ;with the. , rufliati, but he wtiuhrhoitr nothing she coultgay. ' . , 'Mentor's money, or your life,- Masi' was all the answer ho 'vouchsafed to her entreaties and-atijurations.--A:choose-at-onie,Ltvits-i,tlik only pltentative he offered her; ' the grave or the gold l' . , • • ? ' ghe'tiaw that t ere was no hope of.meroy at hie Itande; and n sho saw it, her native reso thin awoke in hetiosom. Like tliti___genereli..l ity of her gentlenex ; `she was tiroid.at trifles ; a scratch was a'subject of fear to tier; a drop of blood caused her to ,faiutti'.ari unwonted sound filled her soul with fear in the night. But when her energies were-aroused by any ndonunte cause, she provetl t im her_ sex :,have ever done, that ip ki?urne, iri 4ncluranne, in presence of mind, end in reeourFelf for every emergency, ebe'for eyrpneeed , the hinvoat ufut coolest men Well, well, Heinrich I' she said,. resigned ly ;• I whatioto be. must he.; But if you take the mobey.Tshall even go. along with This will I,e, no homefoi Ina ony more. But .ease your grip•'of my. ~niek o - ,little = don't Squeeze so" herd ;;I'con't nicive.yon'lMg me so tight. And if Lentil stir you con't . ipt . the moileY, times ~olear, "you. kuOir.• •lICOIi tune presses; un4 itrit ha Bono IA an; it: roust liO - done - quickly; fil tlr - kotiaehold - wiltebortly . be anok froui - - 1 71'4 ruffian:relaxed bis and finally let . go Ws. hold. ,Her reasons were all cogent with • . —. • • • . plie:eitt!d, • quiok! quiok 1..-tin. dog Tpiymobey r is in nnyter'e bedroom.' Shitriived uR . nteire, gayly. /to a lack;.. he . roliowed-;tneepl;y;:t . - . her Sha' the Ray p into her musters. sbedroom,- and pointed ,aut the :eolla.r in which. ..teeney., wae . ..00-. if"rek • ,Übjuh)uy,in,ilie'pin.USi of Shur 'room;, tkle fro ighile; 74u ore iyitigi!.up I shull. just,stcp Up stpirs•,to own dpartine . Ut:Oud•giCei::tew . igiiiiti reedy Ise - .utir, i gl4,lUs uS: iit tier 1,7 ie.:rufllun Tros7Abrowit:?oo . bin = guatyi by. lice:oficanews nutirappareut , nuuitt)•,t9.ll . l3Ch pony- IOC; .:,-L , p_,J)--t..t . t j lt . , : - . t. , Nor thn'• SUNSET. • • Who boa not staod at eYaning hotly And gated upon tho glorloita West, A tUrtuarked the Sun's males* sive'op,, Dowrito Ids gorgeous Oceen rest? How bilght blo porting smile O'er ezwilsi It nouns ooth soneftellia:d F.;'OM II: wlike,the smile of !lesion itsoif It lingeis In ttiose fields orals, • . What changing; (leer blending biles, Expression of his mighty face; As insbrog o'er Lia sPirlt„romo The inemorles of his daily rOdo I How spirit-like those flaming clouds, Wreathed round with tints of rosy light; Mho angel sentinels at guard To watch the coming car ofnight. _ In that calm light my soul would pass;. c - With it my latest smile be glyen . Tuaarth'e,loyed scopYs-Ltheu fade away; Into the holler light of beayen. CarMe, Jan. 21, 1857 g r rlrct antr. . Fioni - prixlianfe .lingazine. THE MILLER'S MAID =UM . . , • =ILI ME bimeelf.,wheo . eelf.deoett; as most certain to be lite-d'eetruotion. • • -' was Le'enid, 'hut,benet long. This job will be done in a • - Shedisa„pp44tred at the Words. , He -imme-: kfiateiy'firoliti open the Oheef;, and" was aeon engaged in.temnieging its conteatit.. As he woe ,thue employed, however,., - aisor7 I Med in' thOionterefilation his 'prey; 'and negerly.oacupied in•securierg it on bis: person, - the braveibeartertgird stole down, the atairs, !en tip-too.: -- Creeping - softly along the-ptiesa geri, she speedily gained, the door Of - tbe sham by him.-end likewise unheard. It was but the work of a moment r look turn the the Wards ~a nd: film in. This done, she rushed forth to the outer door of the, mill and gaie the' alarm ~ • • ' Fly Lily 1' she shrieked to: the child, ,her' master's little bey, -en infant • five years old, . the only being within eight - or. aimed. , - of bee. "Fly'! fly to, thy father! fly on, your life! Tell • him we shalt allibe murdered ad ho haste rick beak 1 -F1y..1.9yr• • • - • - The nfiditiNhe wee at play before the door, et once obeyed the energetic command of the bravegiri land speed as hist as hie tiny legs:' could carry him on the road .b - y , which lie know hiii"parents would return from church: ,Hannchen rilicered hirnanward; and lespirlied hie litile.heart.ae heran; _ !Bless thee,.boy I bless thee!'- alto exclaim ed, in'the gledieesirof her heart ; master arrive, in time,'T will offer up a taper on the altar of,our blessefflady of the Kreutzberg, by Bonn.' _ • EMI Gbe.sat doivn'on the 'atone boncih by the mill door to her over,oxeited 'spirit, and she - vrept; -- na'sho - eat, - at - the- thoughts 4,-her 'happy deliverance. ' • „. • Thank, God cjaidaed, !thank 46d for this esioffe Oh I the dead* . villein ! and I so fond of him toot' Agehrill wpintlo tiom tho.grated windon of the chamber in Which she had shut • up the . ruffian Heinrich caught her ear: and made her start at, onceip her lost., . • 6 ,, • 4 -Diether I Diether l' she beard him shoat; • catch-the-ohildTand come hither ! 'I am fast. Come hither? 13rin.V1m,boy-.lere, ens kilt tha girt!' _ •." ---Sbe-glanced-liastily,up,at-thecasement-from which the' imprisoned villain's hand beckoned to some one iu the 'distance; and then looked anxiously after her infanreMisSary. The tle messenger held on his way unhOrmed, how ever'; and she thought. to herself that the riz, lerra Was a false 'one,. raised to excite her fear and overcome I;er resolution. Just,..however, as the (Mild reached.a hollow spot in,tho next field 2 --the channel of a natural drain, thendry wlthlthe heats of iiummer—se sow' another - rnffiatr startup-from-the bed of the drain, and catching hid in hie arms, hasten t?neard the' mill, ' ln.s ,, ,imorilanoo with-the ciireotions: of bla accomplioe. „ In a moment she perceived her .• danger; a moment more . she formed her future plats Of.proceeding. nett eating in to the mill, she double looked and bolted. the door,,,thq only apparbnt entrance to the' edi fice, every other means of obvious' access to the interior being barred by means of strong iron gratings fixed against all theiwindolvs; and then took her poet an,uptier ctsement, determined to swiiit patiently either her' - ' - utas , ter"s return, and her consequent delivery froin, t ;at ilaligerfous position, or her own • death, if it were inevitable. ' Never,' said she to herselr;. 'never 4111111 I 4 • leave-my-master's house- T o-prey to sucb-vil bans, or permit his properly to be carried off before thy oyes by.thotp, while I have, life and strength to defend it.' She had h !rely time to secure herself with in, when'tho ruffian from without, holding the hapless child in one band, and a ,lons,_alt_srp_ knife in the other,' astiniled the door with kicks ..and. Curses, and. imprecations of the most dreadful character. • • Confound ilieor ho cried, applying tho foulest epitaphs of a , bisb_dliO froo,einaking Teutonic) languages aro 80 copious; " open the ddoororl'ldhreak it lu on ye! Tauscnd DOI!' , ...if you'oan, you may,' woo all 'ihe noble (girl replied. 'God is greatdr than auti. in bird Lput my uust. ' Cur the brat's throat !' roared the liming bated rufflauenbove wilt - ;bring her to . reason.' • , . . g one4iOnrted no •qor .!laciniben vas, !Bike ()walled tit:this - cruel suggestion: - For: it too mcni her resolution wavered; but it wasonly,.. ?or a moment. She saw that her own death SCARLET Fnewn.-,The bills of mortality •itt we, certain if She admitted the assailent ; and : ..Imostatli. the large cities continuo to attest Lod she know her master would be- roblfed. She 0 fr o- a arm ing7 royal 'clic ourg e of the- young, and even • the smaller the infant would be spared by her compliance. •owns and rural districtsueem to he unusual- It Was to risk •all . .agninst nothing. Like a y s affeetel 'Wo do not open a ;paper btiitily, dittret girl. she consequently- held' feat in hat is not' freighted with' the burden of ealatn. hor reeolvn.to billet.aa,she.was :while life', re- . • maul, or'utitil assistance should bpi.. . 4,,and the daily reports in our own midst • • : itimonish uslio-ariitotexern_pt- from share •in tha t, -general' efflidtion. Fee some. Ohm ecitomptinyitig 'Lie with the vilest abuse; and the fiercest itnpre- : :rears past the annual reourrenee 'of thie..uh; ; ~,,d,osa at this season, InusbaMtni.the skill of. the Cdtions, - '.l'll-back. this' whelfoe limbs to.picooti with my knife, and Atom' 'burn the ;mill 'over' oadionl profession, and the present winter it ~./..:' Three , your bead. 'Twill be a merry -blaze Ltrow.l . seems 6 l'""T arrived at a Witnec qui even more thildrewin seine quarters fall, I put tuy trast'in • Godi'replied the'dnuni. lose girl; 'never shall le set foot within these walls whilst I bate life, to ye.' • Tbe'rniftiklaldthe infttnt for'n moment on . the swer4,..qp.he i Nought about;.ter 'pewit:meta-, blue wherewith tolexeeute,, the - latter+ it twee t.. In this search If' espied, iiirhaps; the only pintsiblo,glandoittine.eqienen It was ,n-I"erge.aperatttre the w4l, fiereiw wieating.wittilhe great-wheel: and the other utgobineryofthd'tnill;'and simple oacupmite had Rovoc..soppoiCd it . We for , any; ono, to seek ~tidnntisiol through snob ti'dringerthieliitit...'".Ehtted with hie 'Ale:. covery i , wing' the. hatidtt n 4, Pet nf,the little Ittneointr. - tlir - aW grountreeen"ils agiutch - ei fling n'llleliatigitee'r' - 'qo ; 1 6' 4 ; ; bi4-to...tho , !lpg.upuo whioh,,he eitect en wilteiatice. - -;-.A.11 the- wan:unstop of . . . . .. . r( P l3 A ts . °I P 1 " 0 -t *A!° 11 :0° 91?aelY that their servotats ,dOmet .fily oeir - olliklilin's beetle with ghost etorioSiland..the likoetts thin story will ()onetime tbeint - '!lii tho - Obiiittior Deveni:- eittro,' .ttglooi," two of the , aorettees.of a far.,, ~, cirri rigoleti..au : sgrisulteroi`.tehnier °olio, ,',ye,-. re ,or age , : iii th. sis O me : ghost 'stories,:tititil.'he l'ertat theretighly . frikliteeed. , 4llnr he lett„,One ee, them clothed bleiSiAii6 kiatrtrolio.b,.aitd met the , out - 'lnd itif&thild; ' arrivedef at` 14e hottitt`m aTierrined,state, - and , dilthWag t h 116 04,datici!lesti:oitl.r101 0 .. .., • ! ' .':, '.`,, ',.. . wont to' tinik thnnoet , day Wae-oh e to be „ I ~:':. i n o, &n ,e,, l ,tiqe-lter muld wos busied : 2 with, , , , . put pp I;•«,l,vrtierep",e,litpeizJ3(l`,...l4"..tiliklpin eilliousitilVaogititiiii - e. . She ojtiiii , •Rreceei--,- , 'Molting. 4444itid•ra!irIg vii*Y.-":i . he'Pl ,?!.' red-that wo Mewls would he lett uniiiti to ‘131. , ', 4,llletl4l4e . 9e4itiim that, ite.d(otl.trent thel fect,Ril enteral:loe'; andehe knew that en , the ..., effect ''''' ' 4 ' -.. ' ':" % ' - ..: '-.;', ;• : '- .' i . '. .'..; I ' ,. ' isl >.• .; < 4 .• , i':' , •_. o', f ip,%,•p,i,i.h 90.(q,:t41'6 4 L 0 ri,? *t'id .• ri : ;T! i /x0646n orfio::itfliieried bet own ` exist. , '" tuna " f hP:iut on the iable'?lVnthilAo°°P:ar' ,JZivi.t4 thllitii *Ai liii: - ' 4 " i : l '- 'l rented ifili olitViiit:mpiilk4liter l ,•;,,•-• .%-•-•f.-0 - 11 - ,•:',..• ~ • NM= cAltliiSLE:.; . :J A:;..' vitOEOAtjAMTARY ,:iB'; :-.1.857...::, •!:It'is:kiunday,' said ithe ItOrself t , • tthe ollnie_Yor_w_orko_onLtl . nlgottil;_totitOtteil eel ti a l tatldocivi:t 't3tiii'be'l3io;n at: _rind toiply my master;, or, ciorte . !tf his neigh; bore, : wondering at tqo sight hastellithey to knOiv • 'cause.: luoky ,thought,'--ohe ecialirted,;!7!tie dud , No sooner said than , done: . Being, all her life noputdouted,to pill-rpm, it w9rlr.nf n Moment for her, (4 lle,t4bn maoltitt,. 'cry in mution., A Wok hrsiezo whioh,eimung as it-were, by ilia speotaVinferpusition of Providence, at onoo set the'sailit flying. ~The arms of ,the bugo• engine•whirtod ;Mind with,' featful rapidity; the great wheel slowly. re volved nn - its; Thli etitaller gar - , turned and creaked, and gioatteci,Laacorclini. as , thiiy came into notion; the inill.was in full opera- wee ia that very,instant that Hie; ruffian HiUther: bad, .euuceeded in. squeezing . himself through the aperture id the wall, and getting safely lodged iu the interior of the great drain - wheel, ' His dismay, howeier, wits iudistriba ble, when he' began to be whirled about with, its rotation, and found that all .his efforts to put a stop.'tojhe powerful triaeltin - er'y which setit in motion, or to extricate himself .from hie perilous eitnati en' were"freitiestf. Hie cries wore most appalling;; his shrieki were truly .. fearful; his curses and imprecations were her; rible, to hear: Hannehon hiistenrii•HkheiPol,. and'emw him caught, like, a, reptile so be.,was, La his own trap. It need not be ielgii.that the did not liherttieffiim. • Stie...kabw.:thathe - c ould tlian'huit if ho kept ithin rotatory Pritterit - ted'.:She ktiew; attempted to escapit, , thero. fias•no danger of falling atitotilomewthough ie weeinsehsiblUdfdivanireate all, the fe the . mean time the wheel :Wentround and . • eoyand;witli : its'Eiteady i uedettelegeootioni and • 'mind and .rouutl wont thp.ruff{an.nlpng with t, sfeadilp and _anceasieglyoo... „la; vth did to promise the stout:heat*d.girl to do her . no_ ' ',arm; i n vain : did : lie:,fteplarti.er pity eit'l/!A .elploes 'Condi tfob;', vide, ;440. pray . to all. ho powers of beaveii,.4t4adjureall - the.poie-. is of hell to his rteitld'not h . ear, :teed . him; end; ' tutMira' iiii,d - jialieMied of thtitiv • ,kewiae,' nititterit4' . eariftS,..be':WnV;rlvirigif deed,Tdd2 ti ring Wheel until tt !MA, loeliwg.wadlier4tfcin mad t vusw.w.:Miclh - eao:Xte .full sonsel4l , n the bottom 'ef.the engine; n it even , then ; ' its !Imamate. hay .06ntInued to whirled: round, and .rottud,''etlei-i:onnti, - Xis befereOhe . crave girl not clUriiietti*ust to.appoUeaCte,, in 'commotion Vitiveuph villain, and •heing, therefore; afraid .to AleiP4d the working of the . ..urtobinery; er . efopy',.tbe . .;xtilll:gear and tackle prom ruonhig-el, A loutd;ltneektitl'gl4-,l,kii.:.dooe.,.wait-. shortly 'Her heartltied? , sbif' ''itittier ! . It ,y fieietiol '; of their heigbbors. The utiociis tamed. appearance-. ef. in full. twin:Mil/to Sabbath, had fieehefantloipated, ,Htraeted their attention ;:and.they bed, Vast ened.hoMe,froui ohuroh,fer the purpose of as oertaiuing the eimeelif.the phenomenon. The 'tither bore' his little•boy hie -arms ;ho had ,cut the. cords wherewith the Child was tied but he 'was 'unable 'to obtttin . any account, of the. eitraordinary circumstances that had °a ugured-Irian the affrighted innocent. kanuchen, in a few words 'told and then the spirit which had sustained her. so . 'long mid yowell whilg l t he emergency lasted; forsook her at once as it passed away. She feefsoneelene into- the ..arrus ,thefmiller's eldest son,' and woo with gioat difficulty re covered The machinery of the milrwas at once stop -ped,and-the-InanimaleTruffetn-dragged—forth-- from the great wheel. '. The other iuffinn . was brought down from his prison.. - Both-.wore then bound, and sent. off- to ffion under -a strong escort; and in due notirsti,.canie under the hands of the town exentitioner. _.'lt wee not long till Ilannoben became aride. The bridegroom wee the'roilier's eon, who had loved her long end well zbut with a mosion previonely'unrequited: I They lived :henceforward linppily together 'for ninny years; and died at a • good old a g o, ,surro4uci by,n flouriehlug4enilly. Ta the latest hour' ~tf her life; .this 'bravo lienited UroMnai Would' 4Luttlei_n_e_lthe_ColilLtlte_tale_Laf_her_danger. deliverance.. Vietime te'tlici matzo in.s. single femily, and .noidents are mot rate of itskabtainunication to adults. And not only.iS the fatalily occasion, ed by this fearful Ammo°, most (lieu:twang, but even when the, iinfortunnte - naffeter capes with his lifeJie le, fraqaently.• left .with injured sight or heating. In sick. of• these sad clots wn can only'tipeat . the — iiiirilng :to lieelk .r ~.: .~~~,, !cc' , 'qt.-- =I , • Descriptpa of a Snow'Storm " s' fearful night in .tho wintcr•thno, Aa cold as it aver can be 7 The road'of the atorni la baltrd lilt° the °lathe Oftiu“raveS dri anangrY, sea. . • !rho moon is fail, but her'sibret 1104 . TheStord7 ;Joshua out with his wings tonight 7 ' :And ?var the . sky . ,:from south to north, , Not: n star is soon mi the winds come forth. 2 •• • , the st`iength of a mighty glee. ' • All 'dily iho snow curio down;-/tll dny— ' 'As It never came down be fore;" . Ant over the earth atlelidd there lay -sine or three foot-or morn. - The fence was lost, and the.viall of steno; ,The - windows blocked and the woll.eurkgene; 'The haystack'grown'to a Mountalnllft; And the.,rrixiill•plle looked like a monster drift' As It, lay at thefarmgr's door, , _ Aa the night cot in, entne hall and anew, And the air greer'shario and chill, - And the warning roar of a aullenbloW ,:Wns hoard on the dbitant hill; • , - ; And 'LIM Northeel soul on tho mountain Peak, In, his breath how the oll.trees writhe and shriek! Ito nbouts along the plain, hot ho I ' Ito Oyes (mile his nostrils the blinding snow, :• • And growls with n savage will . _ Aqna-fortis Operating on Old Joe ..in the prettyvillage of Haddonfield, Afew. atne-yearu-ago there-imaidod nu bld follow who was familiarly known in the 'town -and country round as ' , Old Joe.!! He had no particular occupation,. except doing ...chormi" - or-errands-nor any partiMilar rocaticTn. Ho. ate where he could got tt bite, and slept where, lib /could find a lodging-place'.' . -Joe was a reg. 'tiler 'toper, and Jersey- -Ugh t ning: bird 'Mir Inca effect on his insides than .much;water. AO' generally made his head-qur rterteet the lower tavern, for there were -two in the town Ile Would, sleep and dozo.away the afternoon, on an old bench In ono corner of the bar reorti,• Fbnt wasillways awake when there was any. drinking going on. ' When ho - vris not asked to drink he' would slip to.tho bar; aurl ° drairi the glasses-of - the - few - drops left in them.. One -afternoon, Dr..,.801u5, _the village ,physioinni.. Wes - tit the tavern„ 'Wittig up it , pireparitieti.,-, lireplaced a tumbler hdltfull of aqUaforlia on tkii2 - hai' -- andlutrted:drett nil - to mix uom trultMr :ingredients.- A few _min:Onto nfiCrw_artis. ho had ocesilon-to usti_the poisonous drug, When' he found, to his -dienbeY, that the tumbler: lied keen' drained to the just drop. ' Wigglne;' exchihned the Doctor, in af fright to the landlord, .What has become of the . aqua-forth I put on the bar a few moments ago • • 'I don't Iftiow,' replied the landlord, Mnless, Old jot? slipped in and drunk • . • In 'this , suspicion they were•both'soon con , :`Hunted; for . the hostler-earalbe had seen 01 Joe takethe fatal draught.. The Doctor know : lug .that he must certainly die, after spetr:ll dose...instituted a search at oboe. Afttie some, hotirs spent . in looking through the barnsiimt , .,. houseS •and wood, for three or four around the village, he was abandoned •to:hier fate. It was a cold night, 'and as the topers assembled around the blazinghiolorY. firem . f the bar room, nothing' was_ thought` oP or talked on but the unfortunate e,ptl.of poor . Old Joe. Some four days having elapsed arid, nothing havingbecaileard from. Old Joe,. they' all•came to the conclusion that he was a goner:, The Doctor, about this ; time, had . to visit a pa tient somo eight miles-distant - T - What , warldtf surprise when about fivemitiles distant from tliC village, to ;see Old Joe in front of a farnier'¢ house, splitting wood. • • .1 • • , 'Why Joi),' said the Doctor,, riding up to the ream; 'I thought'you was dead and buried be fore this; • Doctor?' ' said Joo; loaning on his axliundle. 'Didn't you drink that doeo .I left of old Wiggins', bar, a few days since - 1' replied Joe, hair ashamed to own it. '.ltyou know what it was t' naked the Duo 11122 , : . ..No ' retained Joe. P' -1 -.' .1 \\ • ~ • • •.Why, it witi qualortts—onough'lo hilt it 1 idoziU moo .: , ,1,, . - 'W 11, nowrbO,'clor, , ,:do you know that I. thought tht;re ivaelOotnetlijngAueer about that 'darned stuff, for alloy I. drank at, every. time .1 •blowed my nose' I burned 41, hole 'in. my, pocket handkerchief-'_ , `.....--,.-- NivEit T0i,x4.4 ilasoextxx,.—A MAO iilolllo lentil to Judge of , mow and thingd by genorai prineiples; aiid not by isolatod :facto an d east dants., For example: if altufh will dti a tnean thing to"accamodaloyou, ypu may rest assured that he would-do a still meaner -thing to , dis commode y 61.1, should the OCCUSICM cretiF arise Id other words, a man who, under any circum• stances, i iiiiiiiiiiiiii do a mean or dishon est, set, must be a mean Of - dishonest man—be :must—base—atiLunsound , apot—.l6 . —bis—heart; wllbee- all . manner of corruption is liableto Same : potiple are always tolerant of Tuscan, ty, eo long as it„does not affect theala.man may go on cheating and robbing on.overy,sids, and they,, tent hint , with and nx tend •to„lfint ..the right hand•of: fytlowship, though they are cogairAi.nt:;o:os. 'villniuy, to happens to. tread. on theirmornst , then,. their righteens -,aroused; then they all at once “dlsoorer the 'swindler's true oharaoter;' , . then;:they are loud'in'tbeir.Con tienination of his unquestionable .dishonocty.: and *eiitherarergenitiilliltinghed-at-bythe -- • publio,iantl despised by.,thqs6 who know'what la the :genre!' of theiriudgie s n'apPifiaitition of buii4te Integrity` atidfaie dealing. 7 ' • 8.10311T4 , OVERLIE Alft,—DUrillg: .the: ' present niontb 'nit the plaacittuvisibla to the voiced pe ;eari be seen in the early part -of the evening.. ISfereury, usually invisible, min be seen until bout.the 20th; soon splieet, tte ail`llo l west -tienth;,w44l.-.filehtie,'' t;iro" bourio' higher thin ,- Mereiiiy;' , arid' a A iittle..4lirther south,. Will tnaresse , :ire grillian6Y until ;April: is•dairajlittla "west pflenn*‘l, l ; t taiii l i State. turth i estilfstatielaiourthe tii*!s e t'll , ,ab° 4 ! owls uf e in , the ttorh•thist,i'ltititliettire the `ininti .1 , 11 (fling: 6 oo4=9f APouVifrig,, The lsult'ai.':Okiimot;beLatOr Wiiiioil4ftelksiipile. ;1.- EMI EMI . . 'Piscoveries ifi Africa.; •• • The)itherto-untnown regfotis in the interior , orAfrica ? ' have at length succumbed to the en terprise and energy of modern eXplOrittion.-L' The- mysterioueAttarter . er the.globe i fortified against European inortraienttby its.fatal feiers -the rakulous savagery-Of its inhabitente; and lit - isolation from civilized communities, has at length been, copepod up to the world's gaze; by a mokra.Nnglish 'traveler- 7 Dr: Livingstone— who h - as 'already, some exten'irgiimn kied,theobenefit of hie heroic researchea. The York Tribune of a recent date has a short account of this new adVe - ntarer; and' ~ hie exideittu'' ,Dr; L, we are:. told, is nearly torty:yeara Hie' &eels furr'o wed ship and-Sility-feiers, and bleak with eipo 7 Sure to a burning elm. ' Ilia loft arm is crush ed, arid nearly • helpless, front • the too' cordial embracemf an African lion; and sixteen years among.eavagetr have giOett him an African as : ,_tent,and great hesitancy inaimaking-English. Paositig, through all privations with the heart . ' . of a 'true hero, not, as sacrifiiMe but as victo 7 ries;he reached 5t,,,,,P . aul de Lbanga, in • May, 1854,- after a foot Journey of a thousand' miles , '-from his iitission among the Deolnumas. •• He . remained at St. Loando until the, close of the „year,,,..when he sot out for the unknOwn-Enst.- In,rfarol he arrived at QuilliMano,•Where he wee tekea np by a Jiritiohman of. war. ; On ottiorn , a - 3: he traded :the iceambye - down to the .Z.anticze; thus demonstrating the oxistancikin the: centre of - this nnknorin -Mail of a river -! - 73QUIQ two-thoustind.rniles long. . - • . Tbio immense stream, Whose ditmovery.is the great.fruit cif.. , tha,joUrney, is in itself an ettigmalwithoutmtrallel_ But.a small portion reaoh the sea-coast..' Like 'the 'Abyesinian Nilo, it falls -through h basaltic . 'clort,,..xicartlien:dddlo of 'its 'course;.'velliolt-re ,dnaes its' breadth, trout tootr'to 20 ynt de;- `Abave theae - ratio ii ;inroads out periodically igto-ft . 'great sea; - hundreds of lateral 0116111103 belt* . -it is tt_treequitstreece of a totally different 'ohartieter. 'lte Mouths; seem, 'to ~he jet liernmest -was navigli ..7.late.;oten.!he . poityggese first arfived' in the " -= country; - 300 - years. -, ,46; VIVA haii.lnag - Made 7- ctiased - . ..... has.'mouth offlate_years been itnptiseable, even' :Tut' a 'canoe, from' July to' .Sebruary,,and. for - 200 .bi: - 1360 tulles up the navigation is' • 'tie. Or: attempted- in 'the dry season. And iu thia.:very niontk of:JOT; when :the lower p 027 the'river,2 - after Ito April freshets, `etiinnklo a. more driblet, above the falls the :river spreads out a sea 'over-hundreds of 'Milos.. • This, with frequent cataracts, "cud. the hest:DlV of the natives weuld teem . -to be nu effectual bar to tho'high hopes of fat irwde and fillibristetsingin and'journais are now Mdulging., During this 'unprecedented march, alone and ~: - q ttecng savages, to who:it a white 'face Wes • • • .:f.:l;9lrrioo, Dr. Livingstone wits compelled to T/itinggle through indescribable hardsl.46: The '''‘fulistilftY of the natives he conquered .by hie .likttitlie - kneWledge of their char - actor - - . -- .ificilinattaiongue, to which their's Isrelitied. ... ;Ire - railed rivers, and slept in 'the spongeand ::::Ooze of..lflambee, being often sodrenolied as to be compelled to turn hie armpit into a watch :Nis cattle were destroyed by the ten " -, :ritile.tint-tse4ly, and he .ass'tao poor to , pur : 7 tidos were numerous, being i. v?Otthij ed by many of the tribes as the map- Ltdni.pes:_af4643 , ..departecf-scoul - of - their Milers= ~ :-,daasereas,:too, as his erssbett, arni testifies. :• NOvreieer;',..be thinko the, fear of African wild .beicit - ti . gieitter - in England than in Afrioa, r7. .• • . iiroy . or . his . docainenis%issre' lost while cross j4il::ifverofi. which he canto near toeing his his'a•mentorandalof the lad- , tufies - natiAonglindes a:multitud of eities, ,•towns; riierS, and mountains; Which vill - .fai:M r . :jilt:L..4i the ounknown'region". in our athlete, . . . , ,„ TOWitef . ilia interior he fouiid. the country mdrelbrilLe-and.mere populous. 'The natives witielilliedldele, believed Irantimigraied• exlete;no.after'clenth, and•peidlereaecl religious ,oetentoufaitin groiies and tv.oods. They were 'lees fereeioue and.superstiolous than the - board tilletk : had Al tradition of the deluge, and rnoremeitled governments., 'Some of them practieedAoii.alatioa;.:tind . :used . quinine., and all were eager, for trade, being untirely k Atepen. dont. on .:;•.teilitth calico for .lilothing, a small piece nfiViiiilli.r.OultlpurohaseA.slave,;.Their their , we'qAti;ciii,:ths.',....whelo,:!vvere; not 4611 treated,' many NiiveAAS be ohose;thet.woft'AomiileteAiiiiieskee of their 'ortTek;i - leifiTind . gnribrit . .yib r inh the husbandii dared not . Setae . i>i hie wife's Absence. - They wore fond of ShowAnd.glittcr,' and as nancli'ne $169 had been given for an platenn?Of tbe.intevior.-water-molons. supplied- the pleas of ovater ter some months of the year:, as they do on the , i'lains of Ifun gary in summer, 4 Quaker tribe pn the river. Zanga, never, fight. never have, ooneumption, obblero, small ,poi ,oil '' Those advantages, " howevei, 'are. couninviiiiiftecediii 'the nocessiiyoe arplidnollB .devotion .tii.trade and raising children to'make good , their" hip'svfrom freqAerit inioadi'of their fighting neighbafs.': : , .i/r.'l,ivingstouo'o discoveries, in their ohar. eater- and, their commercial value,•haVo'bien dOelaved bySirlftoderic:flurshisdniebosupe rior to`, Cape of G00;i - .14sco, de.Gaina: • not treater; than - any oomineralal 'valutriirthe they tefintithat sir 4 4listagini Yield to a roec lat t o roan. 2. "A: SokriseaD red-haired, Iker o : l ;iiiii:leie)i . girt `naeltireaglit up infer° the tedoedei:,' in •rtsleli,•Yelc, last week, for- atrik fiig on aged German :woman: "4 Saic,yoli any fanIPY '44 1 i0( 1- tfie- Two sthilder.' Where is " - .1V401144016ai 4 0 4 0 4 r.- Win 'or.l4orn!!..in Initd;; rind , vino ois.:-:10, pup !''' 'mat , P! 1 9,0 1 1 1 1! , !,..1FF,.1 4 0770° kufil!)l4pil :Aar pouf, loitnity.l ••'.l'ili,fg4,lliii:-befowl - .'A;.eouttereil t• ":.±. '.1 , 4 • te: tlitr ii4t MI • MEI ME EMI tanatiantil. Norgiat Sehiior for;Cumberland - coiinty. ' .. i . . ... • Proceedings of it•cOminttee of Directors of Common Schools, from-the different die.: •tricts,,appointed.by the Teachers' Institute, ...: .. at its lust' meeting in Weivvilln, 'on 2d of • - • January last: . ,_ ..,' . ', •:' , • ... • Thu Directors . appolntOd as above, met at, Education HallOLCarlisle, on 18th ofJan. - uaryi'. together' with tboteunty_Stiperinten- '',.`. dont and a ntimbot oL Ilion& of edife - ation. ...f from different townships, and 'organized bt•N • v._ appointing 11, Stuart, chairman, and .3, . '.' . Hamilton, secretary. , , . • -: •• •.. On calling the• roll it appeared 'that' the • following Directors - Wore -preson4. „viz:— Messrs.. Stuart,_Boyer,,Eberly, Plank, Moh •• • ler; IVoaltley, McCulloch, McCandlish,Not- • tlo, Strohm, Giacey, .Taylor, Viazer.ind „Hamilton: . • .1 .-,• • • , . . . , , , On motion, an, inviintion was extended to all the friends of education end common .. schools now- pr,_vient,-iir. who may, attend in • ' Ithe afternoon,to participate in the delibera. • trona of the meeting. '. • • - • • • Mr. Shelly, County Buperintendent,-afier giving his views of the importance of - a •• county Normal Sehobl, stated' the object of ~ the Present meeting to bobo estoblishsuch,.• ! . and the absolute, necessity ,for such action • . at theinfesent time. ' '..,: • . •'.•• • . • . Mr. Gorges also urged' the measure and• - • .the want of such tifeans for ,qualitYinithe• teacher for'his duties tin impartinginstrno- tion and successful goveramobt. • • • •, • • ...Mr. Hamilton gave an- account of the . measures taken in 1850; by -the Board of; Directors of Carlisle, to...open a Normal 'School, with . the plan then proposed, which, •Ini led ..1. - a; want of. co-oporation . by -the Dis tricts in ','..t• county. , t . . . . _ ._. • RI esolv qd That theChairmt wasthen . , an of thi . s m . e . et log:receive proposahr.from- any-part of the county;setting forth• What accommodations. and pro - Visions. w.ould_lat.-furnitated• for a -- NorutaleSchool,ehould It - be located in such district. • . . ' -•• . • . Resolved, .That Messrs,. 'Gorges, Herring "and Hamilton, be a.committoo to report.at an adjourned Meeting this afternoon what . plan would bo best to rake .funds for- - tba support of a Normal School, and the meet ing adjourned until half -past 1 o'clock this. M:urnoon. ' • AFTERNOON SESSION.--at the meeting. in ' the afternoon '4l the- abpvo members wore' present, except Messrs. Eberly' and Plank, ago Messrs. James Eekelo;Katifinian, Dun ,lapnuci Inunhortoti, appeared. aud-tookihnir --- seats. , Mr. Herring gave an accountof his and • asso"ciates" visit to- the -Lanc,ister-NorMal Sehool, with — some' details of thatinntitu- Lion ilad its origin and present Reopens. Mr: Gorges from' the Committee appoint , od this morning, reported,, as follows: - ~ .Your'conimittee supposo that notions tlnan Ulm 'teachers would bo required, and that the 'Salary pf these fora term of three ' unpins could not be loss than. $6OO, and that at least $l5O more would ; be wanted „ for apparatus. •No expense would proba bly be Sincurrtid for school rooms or other accommodations, as tho place whore itmay, 'be located would Provide such.free of all -. charges the advantages to be. derived in. 'such event,'liiiing more than, would repay such papenditure. If, therefore, five _hun dred dollars tiould- be raised-in the county - by - subscription, any fzirther wants would be ,mgt from the tuition, and your commit teo'aru of opinion that thin' sum should bo • apportioned to, tbo several districts, to be raised.hrsubscription in the ratio and pro= portion of the num her of schools seVerally existing in each ;not calling for any funds from the'Board of Directors, but depending en . tiroiy on the freo.will offerings of the frieeda.cifeducation. ,"Wherever $25 shall be subscribed ilia District; such should have the privilege of naming a teacher td attend he Orin -free of tuition, end wherover aDin- Wet. giwit more by setiScription than the apportionment. assignollit,Zstieli staples to be applied:to the - boarding expensen of any , teactior'hemitiated . by_the inliabitanis of thailoistriot or Their ,school Board'. The • County_, Superintendent to appoint oho or , more agents to.take up said subscriptions in each school District. .. All which is rospectfully submitted, '• .; W. R. GORGAS, Chairman. -• 'Which report was adopted by ,the meet ing-atter,setno discussion, and it was' • Resolved,. That a Normal School be estab-• ' lishod for Cumberland county. 'lt was then moVod and agreed, to pro- c'eed to locate the same, and Messrs. Her ring, Gracey, We. ltley, ,MeCandlinb and '. others, laid before the committee certain • proposals offering the use pf Literary Hall, , in Nowville, to be fitted up and furnished ' for, the 'perpeses of a Normal School, and ' *n.; to - lie divided into 'the necessary school • rtioma,lkc.• - Whereupon it iVREI Resolved, That said proposals be aocopt ed and that the Norinal Sellout be located • for the present ntNowvillu. • ..11esolv ed 'nap a Hoard of Trusteos be _ constituted bribe County Superintendent; 'and otie Director elected bk_eitelt ,- selitiol. Board, to moot at Nowvillo on-,the-second, • 'hiesday of February nowt, to aopt and Can, IT out allmeasurds necessary tor organizing and petting,,oporaiion 1.-ho Normal' Sphoolithat etWCounty'Supirintendont bo President of 'Alm • Board,'. Who are eine un thorized to till up any vacancies that may' usist from neslect or ref , s_alto_chodso-a---. - DiretterdirTiniiifa - brirany Board of Hired tore. ; Resulted, Thur Messrs. Clacey:, Nettle, Shelly and McCulloch, tegetlitir with the Nowvillo 'Schoo. Board, , ho a committee to determine and designate. the alterations and, fitting up - of Literary Hall, fri,Nowvillo, for a Normal School.'. Reno/ved,',That-the ab we proceedinge.be . published in ono ormoto papers of the coun ty. , • , 11. STUART, Chairman J. ll4maTOikri See'y. - HORRIBLE SUPERSTITION—PLUGGING A REPUTED WITCH TO DEATII.--Tho 'Browns- ." Ville (Texasj'•iclag not ices a case of super- Minions barlfarism which 'almost surpasses : „. belief. It- is said to have occurred in Mat- 4 amore's, MeXico about a month ago ; :. • It seemed tha t young lady of Matamor os was taken siek;and an old lady of tho sjP. neighborhood; acid to-have some skill in the • .virtue of herbs, Was solicited to, visit . and administer to the patient.. From some • cause or, other old lady failed to attend, and suspicious r,eports - wero - cir o ulated that the'old lady had bewitched the young . one. ' . .De authorities were petitioned 'to oedipal the attendance of the oltbikme. , Officers• were sont to take hot: before her supposed:. ,Victim, and these miserable ignorant , wretch,' • ' es roportedthat they, on several occasiona,•:- , : , rtpaired te her donicit; and could. not and her at,home, but retied instead a auipieloine” Jooking black spit. -After,,soveral efforts ) ,".: ,however they found the old woman at home, instead of hitt bladkicati and Sholvitslaken , ,tetite, presence ol .the -But 'her, : herbs failltettci'resterci' the sick:to, ; iiealtb, • „ and the meddlesome black cat peraistingin•.". 'following, its. • owner,'. and being by tho heighliordfound.in the ,reota of the . tnvalid • fostoui:Of'heraiistiiiss, fixed • that in' the minds 01 those - ,ignorent that the old - *man and blank:cat `were ,ens; dad thti / itahm persou.==triat, :, she "bektig...a - witch could'-take asenmu.ber, own sh ape , qQoll 7 44b4tv valid 'wawa viotltil:tir heir 'dabs:gloat' Art: With thetio convietienS;'',l44o4l,o4:o!::' Sought ont,the.uufinis4o , b l lo. 0:004 "'V. O. : 2 L" ,aotttallyftiedlnitr,nlijiltliAengs t .d 'Oily flogged bor.; Aso. , ,dtiftlPcir.iel* ti3lol l lt*,q: , s* . . -• *- ' - . , _ NO. 21. EMI