;,',.=: . ,, - -,,,,,,,, 1 ,, : , i .v-- , t _... lla ii ttt . ,, i nt.,,, :-sanutP..f,.-,u • •.._,.•. ME An Agiieldturill Ode.' • 'r . DY 19M. ;1:11.1iDY.011 Far back in altos' ." " . Tho plow with Wreaths WIIB crowned,' ' ' The hands, of kings and sages • ' , • Entwined the chaplete sauna, - - Tlll manor spoil • ' ..D.sdained the toll '• , • wi-leh the wFrldwrie nourishodi : And blood and Pillage were the Soil' • In which their laurels flourished. Noir - the "werld 4esPaln . ,i — '• , • Ihe guilt that stains her story, • And weepphor,c2imes amid the cares - ,: :That forined her carlioetglory:; ~ The throne shall crumble, , ;• ' .. - • ••• ,Thetliadem'shall wane,.' ." • . c ep .The tribes of rthe'hail . humble• • The Vrld aKthoce iyho reign; - -... ‘ • ..", ,_• . tut war 'shall lay . , • His - pomp awaY ; ' ' ' ' Tim dime that Morose cherish, Tile glciryearned in deadly fray ~: qhiiii's)lo; decay and Pooch.' /loner waits o'er all the earth, ' .Through endiesS generations-- • The arts that call the thrtlb -.. Ana feed:fli' eaßeetaiit nations, -', From the Country'Gentlemen. The Passion for Large Farms Prejudi.- oial. There is a- passion for •large farms, ' Which very extensively prevails in•this cenntry. Meads men to, add field to field, tract to tract, and small farms or portions of farms allaround them to theft orrgtnal pUrchase, until: they7c - onic. - „ieto 'possession of far more land than they can cultivate or manage to good advantage, .and into possession in,deed,_ of what, in Great Britain would be quite an estate,- or Of what would elevate thepossessor m' i> into ttin anvisd elass.6nanded prOirie tors., The ownership of as many acres • there, is are frequently owned by some of:our - large' farmers Imre, vont:l. - v -7 611e posiessor the much' covetedand much prized title of a "Country Gentleman.". . This , prevailing passion operates so' of teriinjuriously; not only to the, individu cis more immediately concerned, but also to the neighborhoods and school districts in which they are located, that it would be a contribution to the good of many communities, and to the well-being of in - di viduals_aasi_ neigh b de,_ i t_zould-b effectually. restrained._ _Notwithstanding. -__theManyand the obvious prejudicial min • sequences been _seen, °rung, : — at - letuar,.Lre:soonTtollott'friiin thispussion, tip — p - ears to be just as strong,and urgent as-it was many years ago, When the, evil consequences flowing from. it had less• time to develop and manifest themselves. -„WO presume that sotne'of the ridiculous or hurtful eonsequences'Of this passion ; - and of-the possession of large farms by'i one individual, are known to almost every one, ae almost every neighborhood fur . ishes an example of the fruits.. of this. , folly. These natural ersequences ) de nionstrating the injurjousness of the folly under consideration May, in time work out such revolution in public opinion as may put,a 7 eheck-upon.this fiLISSIOn for ' large farms; but as that refdrniation, like acinm-Pthers 'note, little needed, may come rather slowly, we would give it an im. pulse,_by any and every other means re which present themselves. l'or this pur pose we would submit to the considera tion-of the more intelligent or patriotic or:Tiblie:spirited of our.readers, the fol lowing sensible observations ) which were originally presented by Judge Woodward in-his address before the Pennsylvania . State Agricultural Society at its recent fair at Pittsburg. Among several of what Judge W. calls the taints of farmers, elsewhere, as in Pennsylvania, is the want of smaller farms. • • "As a general rule, Pennsylvania farms are too largo. . If a man have capi tal enough to stook and carry on a large farm properly—that is, so as, to make it yield up to' its full capacity, "and at . the • same'time tb be 'growing better,- there can be no just objection to his adding field to field; and farming largely. 'And there are some "advantages peculiar to large farms, such as a• greater diversity and.a more,systeniatic rotation -of props, which the man of largo means hie a per feet right to purchase to himself. , ,But, enerally, speaking, the Capital employed in carrying on farms is very small, and thesis() of farms is out of all proportion to the Capital invested. It is a; distress. ing sight to.see fields half tilled, . Such . ft arming is pernicious as an example; it corrupts and finial kills. the soil, and de grades the cane of agriculture. It is not for me to.juty him many acres a far met might to 'cultivate ; but I -will say 2 -- that - horought - to - atteMpt - iiiciiiiiie - than he oan.oultivate t_,__ ho ghly and Well. If in-. stead of hurrying his sons off, to the West, as they grow into manhood, he would di vide his farm of tive or three hundred a cres among them, until each of them and himself should' litive.biatAfty acres apiece to cultivate,' it - ;would-not surprise 1110 to hear that he null each'son :had found fifty acres, preperly:Mtleiturted, more produe tivethan than the whole had been before. ' The Romans illustrated the impOrtanee of thorough-tillage by' the following apo logue t=A vinedresser had, two daugh- 'lore and a vineyard. • When -his_eldest j daughter : as,married; he gave, her a third of his :.vineyard ftir :a portion, notwith. Rending ho had the same quantity of food -- jll9 formerly. When his youngest dough ter was married, he gave her half of what remained 'and still '-the produce of his,: vine jerd vvae.undiminisred: This resul ted fiom'hie bestowing,as muchlabormp on. the third'pert left, after the'daughters had received their portion, .96 he had beeir abeileteeted - to , give , ;to, . the_ _whole • T ero pan 'be.little doubt With 'theie — *rho . pgreet.Oprkeuch.factees - good • gar-, , den l 4erlearipf, gardening and small farms well tilled ..have often , presontedi that' an experiiientliko :,that . named •'Might be : tried witkeitOOpii.o;reapjaeighborhoods. Many a rell#?e4,#l,t . t!eeit,h4f; And • pro fi tabli , e l 4. l6 .f the re04,6t#11',4412A1,14k.'.'jz,4'';',":,.::•••• ....:,g9,,,e,p,fp.,,,,,i,p0.:.,,,i,E„,,,.„ k ni; i l of ate, m9B - 0-' fa. iffite- A p*Ot (tte: . '. Wif-41 , 00A5 '0% . 190R in t.,W9:irld- Ce A o l? )gil tO i ip, 'lll ta lpr osilall scra*: 4ka t ifkgi:l , 's.o'.', *Taits•lcr , ~ t eafit.'4 ,t 4 s 6 „ ,,rt,:qo49lgjftil ll 4)l6*n , mr=alieliiitii!,periion 'or ''olo lelng very :: -1411 )*** ( filfitiatwili6 Oidiogkeg - : ..,, .1, : 4k,) , Ae) , i4J., - 4 , ,,• .1, 0,, , , •,-;j• 7 ', ', - ,', ' .P . ''' ' ''' ' • ' t,,1 , 1if, i 7,1 ‘,,,, ~‘ .. p o7iia; ut;wilh groove around . its% tenor, and ri,thont_nailt;hol cs .. The up portion-orivatup 19 thin,-"-iiid , hps-LA "-flange projecting c in from its kivier . 'edde ,•- to-match the . grooVetife :::: ,sole These parts- ariP BO arranged - 'as to secare.a:•tigl!t and film connection, and - the whole„ rs madellidditiebally SCenii.by the. of ttie e of screws at the heel : ;; Uae pirio- `tical:adirantige to be derived : from • thia Btyle of shoesis the'fdeility ',with'. Which —Lthay,anay_at.any'_iim e_boxelnoynd_oke2t , ' changed: • • • ' ' " • • '•'• • • ' ' • • "' POTATO, Diaamt.--RUo,pntly, there has been introduced into the potato'-groW- , • ing distriots of Ireland and, Scotland, 'a machine for Unearthing this`favorite .es-• eulent.• , In*comitrnetion itis reported to •be exactidingly sitnple, and with the. its , eidetic . ° of a' goodiplongh horse,. can be, worked to 'advantage. Without cutting, .or otherwise injuring the root, it will' .readily; do tile work of 'twenty men in a day: 'Cultivators arc delighted with t it, and declare,it to be•.a great saver of time, *labor, mid money. It can also be used to, advantage. in turnip fieldt': • ' . . li3diffitit6ous. -40.000 s . O jOiNT STOOK • AO - .30CIATIoN• OF THE, ' • Bid - SPRING .LITERARY INSTITUTE," :• of Nawville;Curaborland,Co.,.Pa. — "` Qralid 'extonsliesale of •• • , ' „ BOCiKS,REAL :ESTATE, .4m. • • 'The.Oroeeeds of the sale to bo devoted to liquidating the Debt ofthe lustittdo. ' ' " • Unparallud. Opportunity to buy a 3mluable Book; end becOme a Shareholder in much valnablo property. • LIEUX. GUNNISON'S ORINA,T WORK' ON , THE MORAIONS, at only Ono Dollar. portopy-Elevin Kooks for_Ten Dollars. Gunnison's Military of tho Mormons is by Iltr. tlio most accurate and reliable work wo hays of that deluded pooplo. In order that every, Odeon .may bocome a Shareholder, the price of a Book and Ocala eats onlenibeiship of the Association lallhe only $l. .Tho Cortifleate'will entitle tlp holder to au - - - interest-in tho following VALUADLE REAVESTATE, &c.: • , 1 ,VAUCAULE IMPROVED:FAR% $4,500 With all 'oecessary Out-buildings, situated iu • Cumberland Valloy, hear Newville,containiag -125 acres. ' . L VALUABLE FARM, • 3,50 Adjoining the above, containing-125 Acres. -r VALUABLE TIMBER. LOTS, 1,8000 Of 50 acres each, situated in Mifflin township, Cumberland county, -2 VALUABLE- TRIBE& LOTS, • - • -- -Of 25 acres I - Spi;ENDID 'NEW ERICK HOUSE, - 2,000 - '2 Story nild'Brlck -Building, adjoining. the Hall on the west. 8 111111ILY.IMPROVED - 011T-LOTS, Of ovor 3 acres each, 'within half a mile of Now. vine, Ift $5OO each. • "• • . •-• 100 Orders for HERRON'S ,CEI.EBRATED MG INK, at VI per ordor,' 1,200 - -I-MAGNIFICENT-ROSEWOOD PIANO, • 400 From the celebrated Factory of Wm. Knob° & Co., Baltimore. • 1 Suporior Ilielodenn. • TOO 2 Splendid HuntingUnse Gold Lover Watches, at ---$lOO-ench, • 2 Splendid Hunting Cake Gold- Lear Watehoe at $B7 50, ' -175 6 Splendid Gbid Watchos, at $5O each, 260 - 15,spiendfd Ladles' Cold-Watches, at $5O each; - 600 10 fine Sliver Levor - Watches, at $25 each, 250 12 " " Watches, at $2O each, - 240 15 Euperior Parlor Clocks, at $3 each,. - 120 50 " Gothic " .• - 3 • 60 ' Cuttago " • 3 • .1 exceliont Family Carriage, (latostatylo), — 1 -•• " "Rockaway 1 u •• Top Buggy, ' 1 excellent Spring Wagon, 1 auperior.Two-horso Road Wagon. 2 sots Splendid Harness May mounting), -2 extra Spanish Saddles, . • 2-sulleaof-Weinut inagnificent.Sofa Table, . 2 " Dresalng'Bureaus, - • -• I splendid flocretary,_ • % • ' 4 Dining Tablos (extra Cherry); „ isets'Clihirs,B $l6 per sot, ' -30 3 Imported Carpots,,2o yards-each, $2O por piece, 00 2 Home-mado Carpets, ductra,,,,each at . $2O per-, carpet, • _ - - 40 8 Parlor Stovon,at 4115 each, • ' 120 2,Orders for Butts Black,Clothes at $2O each, - 130 " %Mk - Dresses, $3O erich," • 60 8 Clothing, 15 - 120 10 i «, Huts, 32' " . • Boots,_ 6 -12 ". Goutiomen's Shoes, $1 60 each, 12 " " Galters,4 00' 12 " Ladies' Shoos, 200 100 . 0 old Pencils, at $2 each, 200 Gold Pons, at $1 00 each, 100 Boxes Assorted Porfumory, at $1 00 each, 40 copies wellhound Bliscollaneons Books, at $1 50 ' each, 16 Ladles' Alhums, fit 52 each, • 500 pieces Popular Muelc, 162 This Association Is founded upon honest and fclr -- principles. Es' Leh book p,urcbasor gets the valuo of his ' money in the book, end on aceliunt of the groat number sold, becomes a shareholder in much valuable pro amay.A certificate will ho presented to snob book pur chnser,j&-ntitilng the holder to an-intoroet in the abovh , valuable property.. As soon tho Woks are all sold, -notice will bo given to the stockholders, and a conven tion will be hold In Newville, at the Institute's nal• when a Committed will be chosen, to whom .the Oro• party will bo delivered, to be distributed aintrog the shareholders. All too articles that can, will ho exhibi ted at the Institute's Fair, on the 12th of August. From tho vary flattering manner in which thin Joint Stock Association is received and patronized, and from the number of tickets Aiready.sold, it is confidently.bo. tiered that the property can be delivered to the share holders in a formonthe. For the character of the "Illa SEISING LITERARY INATITETEX and thooo connected with' it. wo are pormittod to rofer to the following gentle. 111013 IVEVEIIRNOES: Jas. Pollock, Oov. of POlllett, I on. Tbaddous Stevens, Lancaster. Ron. Prodertolc Watts, Car Palo. Ron. Lee,. Todd, Mem. Oon., Carllslo Senator Wm. 11. Welsh, York. lion. Wm. P. Murray, Harrisburg. Wm. Knob° . & Co., 4altimoro. Win; J. Shearer, finis. At Vy, Cumb. Co., P. Paola Shelly, Sup. Common Schools. John W. Brandt. Esq., I:ls._o r_riso ._, urg. ..... Boyer & Brothor, M.All orders for 800 and Cortlilest/9y mai should, be addressed to .. . . . . , JAMES McIEEEHAN, Sec. "Big Spring Literary Inelltute," No Cumberland Co., Pa. AGENTS WANTED, In ,overy, Town and Village in tho United Ettatos,lo - obtain subscriptions for Itooks, to wbom a liberal compilsslnn wllbbe given. All Letters of Imittlry, accompanied by W Postage Stamp, will be pnnptly answered. LIST OF AGENTS.- Samenol Megan, Good Iforee•,• E. W. C.urriden Ship peneburg; John 'Mold, Simplicrdstown; Bfun'alaver, Walnut Bottom; Jas. !Intim . , Lees' Croon Ronda; W. M. Matuar, John W, Belgium - lan ; Shirernanstberni W.. E. Btrock; J. 8. Hostetter, Modhauirshurg; Wm. Maker ; PaPertown; 11-Webbort, Boiling Springs;. E. S. Biqa, 'Locust Grove, J. J. Crawford, .1. 13, Cobaugh,.Nowelllo; J. 11. Crleswell, Shippousburg; & J. E.unlillf,"Groun Spring; Peter Monyer, Wm. Hoffer, Wm.'Syttle, A. C. Corarcum, Carlisle; F. Simper, Newcllle. Depot; 3). S. Croft. LethiburgrJas.. M. Echols Shephordstownt . J. O. Davidoon, Ploinliold; 11. James, 'Wont 11111; lame Null, Churchtown . T. p: Williamson, Dickinson; Henry Huy- . do . r, 111811 n townehip; J. Yanderbelt.Oakvllla; C. Mel linger, Stoughatown; E.B. McCune, Middle Spring; A; P.- Erb, Bridgeport ; Lewis Maar, - Budd - Strohm, Now Kilig - stown; Carey Ala, Mt. Picas ant; Solomon - Sear, Oyster's Point. June 18,1858, sutniturc. a ; Oils ; VETTER'S FIJR, • is% ." 5 •• • qzs; • NITURB. 800M5..- . .• CP, 0 W .O'N- EIA N ' , lare'assortniont of new trod fashionable PUBNITUiIIi and " Walnut. and Mayortuy.Mressing Bureaus, with Marble . tops. Boras, Tablas, and Waohstands.- . • Walaut Btagores and Wardrobe's. iihng.any and M'ainut Tables of all sizes:' Proneli Bedsteads, Mahogany and Plain' Tablev, at all . prices. • Parlor Ann Chairs, und.itoeldng Chairs, with voivot or hairelothaeaticand backs. ~ .?Mahogany and Walnut ()boys with hali4Moth -or sane . Plain Chairs tif all klride!', : "Call and see this new suit elegant'hanoiitnant at the Purnitnro Booms of tho silbscriborj'oti Lotithor stroot. ' near the'corner of..Bortli Hanover, JACOB P ••• ,July 2301* ;-: D 08 - FaT Bi SMILE',, (3AMNIEt .. .. MAKER,aud , illsIbEILTAKtit , 'North Ilanover 80,00; next door' o Class's Hotel. . • " He would respectfully - inform the. ! Citizens .of Carlisle and the public generally, that he has now.on band a largo and elegantaseortmontof FUR , WlTUlLE,tonslsting lu.part of Wardrobes,Card and oth.. :er Tables, Sofas; Bureaus, lhaisteads,_plain and feitity „Scpring Stand/1, etc., manufactured of the beet material and'quality warranted • ' •. Ales axeneral assortmentof CILUEIT'at . the r lowest p r ides, , YENITIAIf, littxne MOO to order,:and repairing promptly attended to. •2. ..„ , comiaNs made at the shortest both:et and ha'r' lug a splendid hearse he•willattendtmerals In town or Remilmboi the stand -7-next doorl-to li. °lea's - • It: B. 4 . XT.VSSIVE F.U.RNITiIItg ItOOM _ ~, ~ ,-,TABIES. R..I9IIAVER, :would , reeneoroulfy`!sal tA",.. 7 . , • the attention, or House•koopers and the pubit' , :to hisextenalve stock or elegant FURNITURE ~. ' 5 q inclUdOgganuf, Wardrobes,Oehtreand Tables' • ~ .........i - Dressintand Plain Bureaus, and °Tarr other 'article In, his bra eli. of busluesS , ...aloe noir' On band' .-1 he largestaasortfnent of, CLIMBS , In• Quasi°, at .., lui loweet prices. ' AOFYlNfirniade•at the short, , getlieticir and a Hearse provided ter thinintls.. He , sbliclhip csl'at his establishment, on North ya4= .. i i i 'weir strett4, near Glnsea's Hoteh ,, , ;1...41i .. ~ • , i'4l4-rarnitiire hired out by'tiemontlipi.year; It . 1" lit B 1 41T - ikt. rn 'lbdc • d. - • a nareek I . : p u . tiIEM ZWlBMlc'oftal kinds and suit _ ' , dons 4W* ha agora:nun sil o a his, Coal linii.tgr i a .to t, n dg' tb di-q*,*#', 4 ; '• 4 4 "Wle" turiome,, COLI A- 1 4 411; mi,t, , ,ggrmoriiike, icwitpdl , '_ • Oglitfaxidp' er' Foundry Indium t.pprettlon, 001imuAl Wm , ;tot*, 1444, 3. , • ;" 17,47:41:544,;.:,1.1,1,••77 , . t‘ ,- ", J;;; • iusiness Zartis. 0 :I L EA . , • •• • • • JIIBTIOB tiIe:TUE •E4OE — . 025i40111ce ‘6l,lest . ?;,vil,Nvoo ,u 44 th(!..C9urt, ~.14),ulo /AMWILL j:/.111:11 - EEM . , ;:Attoine'y Main street, Oarl .wirthut ß ese entewsted . to blizi will be. p ir roltly: at- Attorney-, at Law. 'on , 10r,th 'finnoior striot, n foci doom 'south of alnallotel., 'All Inudnoes ontruered to Idm trill tie'promp~ attended Se: , ."- (A .11115. TA: N.. GREEN, Attorney• at- s law. ix_sonice in East' Nein 'Street,- rdehaninibnig, a-Will attend to iiiirtiMlNQ in connexion with hinproteitalon.. [May DE'. • KIEFPER Office . iri Noith Ileoovet• !tract two doori from Walao 6 Campbell's store. 011ice•houra.'moroPaiticularly from? t 0.9 o'Floqc ? A.IIIL, and fsbm Wtia,"/ o'clock, P. M.. • ho S. P. ZIEGLER.--Offictizi And' hosldonco East Malik Strtiot, third (Igoi•:• chnir_ ho Cforkotiputo., Ws In town - and county promptly. Carlisle, Jan. 2, 1860. • DR, i:O.LOOMIS .: , • I' lli H. ''' :.,?,: r South 'Tiatiovor strmit, '•• ._ next 'door to. the, Poet _ d, \ft, . . Offico. - . • • _. OAYWIIIto absont . from lOeirliale . the iist t - im — diya . of each month. . ' - ~ '.y. • • - fliug.l, '56 • _ .. . • •r='_,: ; -111t.. -. 01: EORGE S. SEA ' i!scii i ` ii i i , RIGHT, DENTIST from the lad -,- tif4-01ileo aitb . e m ras r ldonco l! c e nle of ma n tbir, l 4h r taho: Arcot, throa.doora below Bedford. Reference—Dr. Goo Z,Brota , : .. ' ,-, . . ,: ' , ' March 1.0,186tf.' • L_E baying been Instructed' " • In the art (by Dr. Cleo. Z. 'Freta, graduato of the. Baltimore Dental, College). Is now prepared-to .recelve his friends and-perform the various oporatk.ne in the line of the Dental profession, atitle molder* Int3outli Street, third door from West Street. aloe us n call. Torme,mederate. • ' May 27, 1858-1 y , • - - ORIV - EpTER, AND •.CON.VEYAN v S L. SPONSLEII, late Registeref Cumber - land county;wlll carefully attend to the transaction of all such bdsiness as may bo entrusted to- him, such as the'writing of Deeds, Mortgages Contracts, &c. -Ile will also devote his attention o the proctiring of Land War mute, Peneiena,&c, as' well as the purchase and sale of Real Estate, negotiations, (Violins, ace.trO.olllcamt West High Street. formorlyoccupled, by W. AL rantoBl. Esq. near the Methodist cLurch. - B.ItANDY, Manufacturer of Mineral Waters, French Mead,, Rattled Ale, Porter and Cider - North klistStinot; near the Rail Road Midge, Carlisle 3,600. MEW MARBLE YARD.—Now is the accepted time, and now fa .the day for Grave Stones, 1,600 •_ Sills, tc., &c., at Ileffar'i blarbic Yard, Carlisle, Also, Iron nail ing, - - • [Apr.lo, 'l6-6m. 6. - r.surnart, " .w. IG - st/legit - II cZNYDER & M'FARLANE—, - LAND AO EN T.p - kJ • . MINNEAPOLIS, Opposite the Suspension' Driilgo, Tulle_ --of-St:Atithony,lllllniosotu'VerriNiFy, 7. will buy and 'sell lends, negotiAte loans; locate land warnwite in Minnesota, lowa, and Wisconsin. Inquiries respecting the country, by letter of otherwtoo promptly answered. - . - •-- • • - REFERENcEs. • lion. Alex. Ramsey,..Ex.Governor,. . . lion. 11. M. Dice, Delegate to-Congress, Minnesota, Gov. Pollock, Ilarriaburgi - • James it. Steele it Co., Philadelphia. lion. Frederick Watta, - - A. Brady Sharpe, Mil., O Nagano, brow -York, - • - Robert Walsh, New Orleans, James.R. Irvine, Esq., Norville, • lion. J. S. Black, pnitlersekparan'a., • Won. J. It. Eddie,- " - • , -- J;. - 11, - Good, - MaYncSiitiiigtiolay - Oblor • Getn_C. Anthony • • " Jas..Carson r Esq. St. Louis, -- Wm. ‘Vilson,jisq, Baltimore, MI, J. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C., - 150 200 176 /76 100 • 100 80 76 -15tI . 30000 nereAspigimproved Laud for Salo, at trona $2 to did per acre; /deo lmpiorad Farms. Lots tor sale In St. Paul, St. Anthony, and all town, - on tho 31Inoe• sun; rlvor. . . . OA-Particular attention given to tho Loaning oL Money, and Entering Land "Warrants. Address, - ?NYDER & DITARLANE, March '213, 1856.-IYI Minneapolis. Min. Ter: .I)I4'AL ESTATE AGENCY-: A. to SNOOPY. , 0. POP. ' M. JEFF THOMPSON. • H.Cilt k TllO2ll PSON, Have opened an office at St. 3 mph, Mo., for the pun - chaea and solo of Neal Eels*, buying and soiling Land 'Warrants, entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map ping Towns; Location of Warrmito, and making invest. Monts for non-residents, paying of Taxes, and all burl nose pertaining to a General Land Agency, in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and lowa. dv..LOISce uu Second Stroot, North, of A. T. Beattie's Daubing House. [July 30, 1850. 42 60 24 200 200 100 aufation- fIARLISLRF.EbsIALE 'SEMINARY j Alit. and MRS. CLARK, who inure been for several years engaged in teaching, respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the Ist of Sop: timber, MO, they will commence the second session, in bother Street, near the German Reformed Church, of their. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. . The Institution will be both a boarding and day school, In which all the branches necorestry for the com •plete education of young ladles wilnie taught. kisist anbi of tho highest character for_Analificationa and morality will be employed In pcoordauce with the wants of the Institution: - The government wllll.4couducted on strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will be no rigidly excluded., The Principals flatter themselves that their long and successful experience Ss teachers. ac testified by the recommendations to their possession, will enable them to establish an Institution of tile hlghisiit character for young ladies. They are fully persuaded that such en institution will be sustained here. by - the citisens and neighboring country, and hope that thole confidence may not be disappointed. The Scholastic ypar will consist of four tonne (eleven weeks-each), beginning on September 1 and ending on second 'Wednesday in July. TERMS PER QUARTER (11 weeks). Boarding, Including fuel, lights, and tuition in English branches, - 135 00 Prinutry Department, - - 000 Nigher English,. , . - • , 8 00 . tucleut We'd Sbittern Languages, eaeh, • Ornamontel brancloas at.piamo7or 7 nobanien. No deduction for ebsenco after entrance s except In =so of protracted Illness. I,.9•1Ifl Hon. FRED'K. WATTS, ray. O. P. WINO, 3.. IL 'PARKER, Esq. ll -A:II. EIIEMER, JAMES lIAMILTON, ' Esq., ".• JACOB FRY, T. 11. SKILES Esq., " W. W. EELS, Dr. S. 11. KLESPEIL . P. J. B. ILIHRSAL.-'' . • Roy. Mr. STERRETT. Mar. 19, 1850-1 year. I . v RITE HALL ACADEIVIY.--, MILES WICK OF.IIA.IthIBBURG. - The 'fr Guar Session of this Institution will Commencer lif on e, day, the 3d of November. Parents And _nthFr requested to inquire - into its inerltshefore seuding,their sous orvards elsewhere. The location of the Institution is retlfed, pleasant and healthful, ' 'atilt-the—course-of-instruction — onibraceer — tho - ordlim , branclVs of an English Education, to. gather with the Latin, Greek,`French, and German lam guaos, cud vocal and Instrumental Music, Terms, boirding, washing, and Tuition in the English branch es and vocal mush; per session Or weeks) *WA.. For circular containing pAtticulais Address. • D. DENLINOER. 60V:17-(1850:] LAINVIELD. ACADE Y.---NearP .04.1tLISLE,4a,—Tho Twentieth Session (live menthe) will commune° on May bth. new build. ing hen 'been:erected 'containing Gymnasium, Hoek Room, &c. - • With incralsod facilities for Instruction • nod ample accommodations,this Institution presents great In. ducoments •to .pirents who' desire the physical and mental improvemmit of their sone. Tarim per Session, $66 00.. For. circulars -with Information, per" ,_ Principal and,Prbprietor. fluinUerland . Ap'rl.l 9, 1.880. . . . . . • - • d e . '' . .%' -. / , / , .> ' - ! • ' • 10c6 -N, MERB .VA li . ' b 0 -1.:1 le, ' removal t otho'neri and epecious Mall, If . ,•' '1)11101h111RE STREET, Baltimore, lid. ., ' . O. K. Cusnemitirr, Principal and Le c turer ution Merean' tile *Mu : . E. K:l.osisti,.i m. p' , eharge of Writing Departnient,"- -,- 0.. W. Maur, Instructoriti Mercantile Calculation:wand Aseociatoin Book Jorping Department. J. M. Pitalirs,;Teacher Initook Keeping. , -B , T. Wumans, Lecturer.on-Commercial Law.' - " " , Three years have not yet elapsed since...tbe ostabllih. meat of thleinstitution, during which time upwards of eight hundred students have been In attendant°, (rep. meentlev nearly - every.: Kato r te.-the :1Inlon,) -among, .' whom are numbers in Baltimore and elsewhere occupy.. Jug prominent positione.as business Mon and account 1 ante.'- ,'"-' ' ' CollilBM OP BTlilY.., ', ', ,r, . ' ..' '• =Olt KEEPING.— The Principal his the utmost con ildence In aispring the public thatafteren o:patience° fourteen, years In qualifyingyoung men or the Count I log Room and other important ststions, and au eaten., :Mee aCquaintance' with the :management 'Of Mildness ; books of every description, (enisisted 'tribe Is by, two eat' entige ammilotats,) the muree of Al.:tilting in this de 7 -wartment is eminently Commercepractical end, well adapted4o; 'the to: pursuits of and Trade, including . Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, :Manufacturing, Commission, Exchange, , Banking.'Shipping. Steatibest; juer, Compound Company operations, Be.". this i pIINIJANSHIP;,--The exercises tOder 'Mid's* free, easy and'graMini; combining rapidity Of eseatitteu With beauty of bonstruetion,thue enabling the stlident to write an elegaht.bustnests hand oireohipletiOn'of the ~,.. 44.EntipiTitt aktitLiniwo M'all:theiiidtrads bearings Metalled by . the most accurate aud'espedt;; 'Mous method; 1, 3 , , .. . _ ...?„.;1 -..,,,y,t1,, „,.,... ~..., :;.flailyileeturss are deliverediipon the 8 Une r .off An:, 9oun te,, Mercantile: clillitonfoi . Ab;i'. them' geitn° 4lolo . .4. l th a orio of loptures ob, Otitnieis4lliativ t are or ,the' highest Importance tei#Jl aspiring to;ocenaprendnent positions In„thebuslimee community," ~.;.., -.,-. ~..t ,„ ~:,. i ,r. :;'. , Tha Mme . necomary,4or - an. Industrial:r 'student . 40', comp)dp'sl*.itansei,',.**B froi*#;lo 42 .)feoks.,':alia.rq eNing.nit!Titastlon,,Viplleanto ican , enter.- at. ny4lmsi,: an attend., e W bo,4Akterp% evening: : Matuniustiontere lioudatetintPerifteed'Alni9tOiss :awarded.to-tl , las. lehtt usre.Ofetertee4etOw.WsitetiiittkiurfenselV: ill '?l#- .010140,1P4:1: , ..:: , , c.:: . -,3cotia ,, Y ~,, . ..., , ,..:, , ,,,, , ..4,,,,,,:14 4 . ~, ~,,,72 . ,,,14...:•.,„....i ~, !.- -....,Pr i ,,. .4 ,, 1. c4V i' - .7!, , , ,, ,- -4ze n - 4 " . .•! ,- 44 - I:,,ca -; f.' 4 ;L l a:i i, ti : OP l ' l r* - 4 1 :...,:',.,..,......,.::, , ..... , 4.- - .. .,.. - ±!...:, - ..,.1...-0:::....- , ;:.....-- .t..,...-....1..,......,..7,.. . . . ME blanumente, OFAildEil S. -lhCSlb BCIII Cr a TiCatroturnefrvm thoCitywHsenooflhe largest assortments of Hardware over brought to this place. Ho has Joe) received 80 dps.'llarpea w_lllland trabont, pat, -iisteidnipt, , TriniMid . efeel lnaikiratigliiiiii pairs from 44 to $1 60. , Aloe 800 pr straight and- twist link trace chains from 60 tolva, 'Home made traces of all kinds, also a int of spread,' fifth, breast, butt, carrying halter • and log chine—also a very large lot of shovels, forks, spades. hoes, rakes, and in short eVorYthillS 884 soy thing wanted by the Farmers-, " Remember the old stand East:Main St-Carlisle._ __ March 19,'60. , 0. SAXTON. This cutter IS superior to any now In use, for strengti durability, and situplicity, of construction ; It cuts fast er, and is the only aelfehaipening Hay, Straw and Cori. Stalk Cutter'over made. n has but ONE STBAIOU' KNIFE, which any person can grind and bet with east but in ordinary case, Is ground In the machine. Thor rands have already 'boon sold, and the demand is dall Increasing. In most cases an examination In slinkier to convince ono of Its superiority. No one after a she: trial would part with it' for any other. MI sizes of tb: above constantly on band and for tale by_ octLl RRAUSER'S „PORTABLE CIDER MILLS can still be furnished .. ,%." improved construction and finish. The. • grinding' apparatus is peculiar and givt • thorn an advantage over all o ther By the action of two reelproatting• Pistons, the appb are forced up against the teeth of a rapidly revolvir cylinder and retained till gitiund to a line pulp, whit . of course yields, more juice when subjected to present than if the perfume was coarse., The Screw Press hi been greatly Improved and strengthened since idu year, and the 'whale frame is tightened by strong Pit • bolts. It Is adapted to either band or horse power ar can be worked by hand to the eltent of six to Mgt barrels a day. - 600 AGRICIILIVRAIf IMPLE. VENTS.. ' •~'(!,•• Ridging and Sinvel Plows, for Corn an• Potatoes, Expanding Cultivators, wit - Steel Tooth of various patterns, Field •MI Garden Barrows, Hand Plows, Revolving' florae Raker patent Scythe Snathe •and Scythes,. English Law Scythes with rivettod backs, superior Unloading Forks, with rope and tackle complete. ,u.❑ Hit (MA articles for farm and garden. PASCHALL la 7th and Market Streets. Phila.. . SUCIIESB - !!- HE iIIEAREST_MAGAZINE-IN-Til 13ALLOU'S DOLLAR, bIONTIILY. DESIGNED FOR EVERY AMERICAN HOME. . Encouraged by the unprecedented encases 'which lig. popular monthly has met with, and the rapidity wit which it has Increased its circulation, theproprietorht reso.ved to make It still more worthy of the patronat of the public,. That tide admirable work is.. • . • A7IIIICACLE - OP CIIIIAPNESEr • . is earn' tted_brifiery ono, 'centainleg, as It does, Ot Iluntinid/Pagcli of reading matter in each number, belt more than any of the. $1 Magazines, and forming tv volumes a year of six hundred pages ouch, or Two], • hundred pages of Reading Matter per annum for • ONE DOLLAR! Ballob's Dollar Monthly is printed liith yew type. upon goo white paper, audits matter Is capefully coin plied and arranged by the hands'of the editor and pr.. has - boon knewn to the public as cdun oc to • ; with the Beaton prase ferelatee4 Soarer Its pages cm , taro - NEWS, • MISCELLANY, • . TALES, • ADVENTURES • • ' • d.. DIOURA FRIO, STORIES OF THE SEA, . SKr:MILES; . , WIT AND IIDMOR. ' • from the best and most populai4Citers of 'this ivnintr ; It is also spiced, with a record of the notable events • ' the times, of peace and War, of discoverlen mid 'moron meats °routing ' either hemisphere, &ruling ,agreeable companion for aletsure ambient or hour, an; where, et home or abroad, eaclinumber being coupler' In Itself ' •1 , • ' No sectarian _subjects' am admitted' Into Its -pa ei; there aro • enough. controverts!' publications each d... voted to Re peculiar sect or clique; This - work Is ICI • .141 I'L.1,101.1: :north or south, oast . or west, Landis " tilled tolhe liri cacti month with , chestew popUlai.' and graphic label 'any, Just"ifuch as any father, brother ,or. friend wen place in.tholands of; family circle. is In all non-. partments,' fresh and original; and, what purports t be, the cheapest ansgarinairt the ,world. • - any person enclosing oat nottaa to the proprietor,' a 'below, slip receive thelifigssinefer' one year;or -au Penlaria4ding ne wont subscribers ekturFiant. VOLiARiI at one time aball,reielve a dopy gratis.' M.lll. BALLOU,,Publishor and PrOprietor. • Oorner of Torment and Dromileldgtreeta,2l3oston. • :cA MIRACLE 0" L' KeiUag~ of SleClianieeburg,'Ofitoberlar - Goan 7; 4 announces to those ,alllieted• with Turco. I -Wobs. Cancers,- Pol7ptis,• - but4 ot,Elmits; alit. King's Evil and all diseaseslbat have usage, 4 ,treated with CanidlOok KUlib hoots,' remove theta wit/ , 'out outting,.isarnhig: or vnelthgr 'OhloroibirM ).• .Ether admialstarod• to pullout.. It Is , uo.mitt , ' , on what part bt the .body they, nucrhe, •can'remm thew with etutberaatoty, and in, ty•remarkably sho flaw No Muni' otTegetablOpolsoti 'applied; and money rogedted until a.etwelsPettecti& r. .• • Prolaranu -01teti; Pounds Complaints, Cbroulo, :Ver , real and all ono* disease's 'Areatedwith waive imeew Full particulars, cart be obtained br addresalpg in Alth t un g l i° ll gr aerman;ooWP ) olC'PatiOnti .. . be .aecot, I • tnedutod'Vrittulloard on4easonable tong&•'" • fa one ,cf(theltottlettand - ,lMaltl townelti 31thi•o r. stratheA: dtate , jt Jo. 8 xxklioa fro t Karrisbeigioty.the'ftMbedlanilzValley, 31011 gc4d, Ai r. ae oess ible lkinh f ell , Pelleortbqn l Aft'Abepotiql:' 41sit oases Inamiy part °toe Out WhoWpeFired. ~•• imiung togleropocc.hunvt'aug 001144 tbllOwroi‘x, :tam tlrUtn ? o:,o•:. wen. • 0 '.'..lk,gt.jc.iloll*o).:, ~_,.„- - . . . . •, ' ..,.BW4O.ft,TOULTAtt;.4.I42. - Y,AII , V • --•-• • 'lzooido . ,; .. • - • ,• : • 4= " • YA It SS'iN p' ,-. ' IMPLEMENTS{ , ThS subliCriber,lootn, CI to, the' basement of the Biotin. . di .. .ciirmeh s ,opposite ~ tho • Railroad 'Depot, le ntivr _ir*lC'St-ti. ng a mailetymaarming Isaplatuents,auth as •-: . , ... .. . „ FARM. 8011.4N113, .....• Alortuclt -- ColOSlrltrdoriEtScatt'aTilltint),tthe.:C ristmit arain'illill, Ilerser Shovels, REAPSIIS AND ; MOWERS (Ittain4's with' WorWs.,lniprovement), strait cuttom, &c:, ell. of 'rebid:Vara of the: most improved ktrid and workmenahip,:and phi; be sold, on' - tho .most aocom. inodating ternitl."[ Femora are cilpeetfuiNsinvited to ealrand oaarutne befbro purchasing. ...',. • , • '-' : • ' ' ' - J. AIt.MbTIIONG., . . , .akir , For, the confeni,:aive of farmere, Noore'a Potent Grain Drill will be aol4 at hhiremanitown by Benjatain Qleiy, and at iThippenehuig by Cyrtitlark Tung. , AusiOt 20,100 • -- GRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS.. n,:kr,NNOCIPB ONLYANATED 'WHEAT Adopted also Or sowing orito..gnuoi seeds - ifd -- Knauser's Portablo Cider Hill—the hest' .. In the Hallidarn patent Horse Power's and Thresher's„ limo and 0 ton° Bpreallier'e, Danielle Hey, - Straw and :Todder"u tier Little Mont Corn and Cob Mill, Span's Atmospherin Churn. Thoabove BuporickSinplomenttwittiall othoilo for the ueo of the &river or gardner, for Oslo hoteso and Ilbtnil . , .PASCHALLMOIMISA CO., • Agricultural Warehouse dad Beod Store; corner 71s and Market streets; Philadelphia.; • July 2E4'56. • g cm, Noe: 21 and:23 South Sixth ,Stree • PIIILADBLPIIIA. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DIANUFECTORT, 'MELO, PR.. _ Rasa Onoimos (370 Acres) Bloomsdnle; near Drintol, 15n, • -i TIARNIERS'OF THIS NHIGIII3OH i. • 1100 D, Grewers of Wheat end Dye, use LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, If you want Hpavy Crops, or I' Leinatt's American Theneialuable Manuret have been used for thest sir years, successfully for the .Gralre and - Tobacco Crop In Virginfit, Penneylvanin: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the Islands of Bermuda and Barbealcies. A Barrel (250 lbs,) Is sufficient for an acre - Of -grouild; The aboveyertilliers are composed or reliable.Cheifileal Elements, which largely Increase the crop and improve the soli, doubling the value:of - the. land. — Prlce oflthe Phosphate of Lime-240 a ton, - Nitrogoned $OO, the American Fertilizer 225 per , ten or $.3 - 50 per barrel, $1 26 a keg. Also every variely of GUANO, Puro Lend -Plaster; Pot Ash, Nitrate or Soda; Bone Dust, Powdered •Charcoal, Or. . Goods delivered free of charge. - • GEO. A. LEINAU, Pi-oprietor, • No. 10 South Pivot Street, Phila. • IlOrTo wholesale_ dealers_a_llbemlAilseuunt._rumc . lilets In tho English and German languages Gratis ,Ordors at a clTstaned; Cash neeompatging or Draft. promptly attended to. , , , •N:II. ,, DIPLOIIIAS have been awarded by the Penn sylvania Agricultural 2ocloty,..Nuw_York-Crystal-Palaca Association, and tho Now-Joyaoy : „litate—Agrleultund adv. Wen. I'AItDMERS 1100 K HERE! '• „..•- THRESHING . The subscribers desire to Inform farmers and public generally that they now hereon hand and ate Conetent; .ly xnanufactnrlng Threshing Machines with Pi tt out's Pro atent Shaker; which a generally rithitorlettga tlm the boat articica now In use. Also a variety of over Hullers, Corn Shollais and Straw Cutters. They also attonti to the repairing of Aglictiltnral Mach nary In the begt manner and on reasonable terms. Manufac- tory on North Harmover Street; directly oppOsite the residence of George Metzger, Eng. - • ' - Augusta .ba: APIRIMS k PLANK-. pA T'E N SELF-akt.AIvENING YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manumit...red fin' & SARGENT, No. 410 Market istreA, Thßmlik J. P. LYNE, • Bole Agent for Cumberland county. PASCHALLMORRIS &'CO., Implement and Seed Store, '7th and Mark Sop. 24,1856. =-~t~iln~'cC~l~iß'. . . STATJ.FFEIVI.S44 '.OIIEAP WATGWES'AND JEWELRY.. Wholesale end Retall;et the "l'hiladolphla "aeon and .lowelry.Store,' . ' No. 00 Nortle Socond Streat, corner orQueirryiPtilladolplila, • •.• '.• Gold Lever Matches full jeivelled 18 carat oseee• • s2B 00 Gold Lepino;lB carats, ' - 24'00 ' • '•8111 7 or Lover, full jewelled, , • 12.00' Silver Lolebte, Jo wale, . . B 00' Suporlor Quartles,'• - . • • ". 7'oo , ,Gold Species - cies • • 7, 00 • Floe Silver dd. ' . - -w-O0 . • B-00 -- - Gold 'Bracelets.- — lia - diend Gold Pencils, ..• - •1 00 " Sliver Ton Spoons, set, . - Gold Pens, With pencils and silver holder, - 100 , .Gold-Finger hinge Welch Olseseb, &c. ' All goods warranted to be What tboypro 8 STAUPFEIt & • . Sticeessor oil). Conrad. '• 41CirGeiliadd setup Gold a nd Plivot Lovers and Lupine still lower than thu above prices. . ' VALL. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS „ . • • • . G. 20 MELVIN 8,00, Importers and Mannfecturers of CLOAKS and MAN 'VILLAS, No. 174 Cheimut street,'(l rod deties itbovii 7th south old%) Philadelphia, (in cumulation wttlrilSollfili 'BULKS, at llrotalway.N. Y. 7 the largest Inanufiteturer of these goods In. the United Staten') beg. to call the at tention of Wholesale and Retail buyers lolbeltleige , srfill - rarled etude of CLOAK'S, TALMAS, &e., In., Str.the fall trade! I _Their collection comprises it complete as sertment of all the Intent Parisian Novelties 111' Velvet_ Antique, Cloth r ldnin Slik,lo., Am; whilothe 'MSG.; afforded by their connection with tbd largest Manufinduring. House, (of those goods,) In New York, enable them tokuarantoo bettor value than Is obtaina ble elsewboreln the Market.. GEO. 11111.7P1N & CO.. Sept. I, '6l3—Stn. , • 174 Chesnut Street Mario 7th. W--W H 0 Lle, liECHltira •" T . -SPI4 NOGG TIKOSIAS, No. 20 'South Second Street Philadelphia, Importer, 51aunfacturer, rind Dealer in' DRUGS, INICUIC1N28;0111 , 1511CALS, ACIDS, - Dye Stuffs, Pants, Oils, - Colors, White Lrod, French and American White Zinc, Window .(11ms, Glass Ware, Var . 'ashes, llntehee, Ihstrtiments, Ground Splccs,_Whole - Spices, and All other articles usually kopt.by Druggists, including Borax, Indlgo,Olue, Shellac, Potash, Sc. ' All orders, by moll or otherwlso promnilrattonded to. Country morclutnts are incited to call and examine' our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 41lirtloods sent to any of the wharves or rediroad , stotlone. Prices Low and Goods Warranted. ' [March 0, 1350-Iy. _ JOSFPII A NEEDLES, Nandatitu . rer of • • HAM-CLOTH -SIEVES, • Coarse, Medium and Fine In mesh : largeoniddhusized, • and sanall in diameter. METALL CLOTHS Olt 19OVEN WIRE, the-beat qualities. earioun sizes of mesh, from Nris.'l 80 Inclusive, end from ono to six foot In width. • They ate numbered so many spaces to the lineal Inch, alad'eut to suit. ' _ - ,The eubscribe . ralso,keeps constantly en hand 'SOB . EENS, , for coal, sand ore, lime, grain, gravel,. guano, comae sugar, - salt, bow:, coffee, spite, drngs, 'dye-stuffs:: So Together...witia-mn,assurreent -of BRIO lit AND -AN• NEALED IRON WIRE. All the idiom: sold tehelesule and retail by • . J. A. NEEDLES, 54 . Front Strout, 7Juiiil4;lBso.-ly n , !M co.;• coknussioN . and WholOsalo Dootors In ell-kinds of ItEtON - & - IIoinF A sT.ri:F.LEAP" TOBAboifi; — IIANVFA6IURED TOBACCO,' . • AND FOREIGN AND DONIESTIOID WADS, - 21.Soutl Frout street. Phllndolphld. Importers of Fine - Havana Segare, of the choicest growths of the Vuelinalinjo. • A large assortment of which itro.kupt cnnsanttly on land, and ter sale at 'e mail advance on cost of Importation. •Aireogisignments respectfully solicited, on which lIMmI advances Inadesu hen desired: ' • tip Special Attention Ivan to orders for purshaTto on corn Mission of Tobacco is also every description of Merchan dise, for accounts parties living at a distance from•thle market: ' • . . iik,4l„fiole "Age t for F. A.pootte'e caletirnted german Smoking Tobiv o,romprising thirty different varietlen. April 23, 18. ._ —ly. ~ . . . _SHEPPARD & VAN HARLINGEN,. „. ••• ~,Thegidgieriberalaviug 'removed to thole—,-;-- . NEW AND' SPACIOUS STORE, Chestnut- Street, fourth door above Tenth, — .. • -Ave now prepared tonffeen large and well 'selected stock of.the.following fresh and desirable goods, principally of their own importation, ov_bought_ak-uuctiOn,whiclr, they titre itblet-tb - sell.arthe - Importeerldlceff,-an'd :to which they cortifhlit Invite the attention of Country Merchants, Ifotel Keeper., find families generally. . ButtAireen and-Vonititat Window Shading. ' • Barnsley and Irish Linen 'Sheeting, 7-1, 84, 0-4, 10-4, 114, 12,4., Bolster and Pillow Linens of several choice Meacham Ilad all widths from 38 to 54 inches. Bed Blankets of allslzos and qualities; Crib and Bradle Illenkets. Bed Quilts of the following varieties, vie: Marseilles, Welting, Knotted,-Regleter,-Alhatninti, -- Allendalo Lancaster, of all the deeirableVlses. I Bureau Covers,Zable Covers, D'indmi Curtain Muslin Towels nod Toweling of every variety, Datestdc.Tablit, Clotheand Napkin*, Shirting Linens and Muslin, Cam bric ihnidkerchlefs, Embaolderies, Keeley, See. 'Broca lei', Damasks, Moment', Enbroldered Lace and Muslin Curtains, 011 t Cora:tea, Rands, Wisps. Cord, Ste- SHEPPARD & VAN HARLINGEN, Importers and Dealers In Linen and4Louse Fund:slP , tug Goods. • • April 30,1850—0 m. IS I 1 fil.py 01 A . R ie ' a t ONE-PRlCE ltothil :CASH. BOOT AND SHOE STORE; N 0 . . -76 South, Second St., Corner oiCarar St. • The establishment has been enlarged and improved and is applied with the largest and best Retail Stock in the City, priinsipally of his own manufacture, with a choice assortment. from the best Eastern Market bracing EAdles,' (lents', and Children's; , BOUTS, SHOES AND CAITERS of every clescrlplion, style and qudlity, embracing the boot styles and qualities in this or any other market. This stock cannot be excelled for Quality Style and Cheapness. . . . . - . . . Each article is marked at the very lowest . pomible price, irom which no deviation will he mode. No ex travagant statements will ho wooded, and none raidi) to effect sales. Goodyear's Vans In all wariptles. Piero Gums, so scarce Iu the market, always on band. The public Is espectfully Invited to - asit---.- [April 1, 1850. rpHILA.DELPHIA ADITER'NT. . BPANS' FIRE A: THIEF PROOF SAFES! or merebAnts, lawyers, farmere,•and, others, having Rooks, Paws, or other, aluables, to preserve from FIRE or BURGLARS. Day and Newell's (ifolh's) BANK LOOKS. A Cans.—The "Fire Proof P.afe," that ',method our Books, Papers, &c., during the great Fire at Hart's Buildings, was purchased of OLIVER.EVANB, 0L Pi. 2nd Et, Philadelphia. • GETZ & BUCK:- REPRWERATORE# & WATER FILTERS.. EVANS! Premium Youtilated Refrigerators for cooling end preserving meats, butter, milk, - water, and all articles Cur culinary purposes. WATER 'FILTERS for purifying brackish or muddy water, whether affected by rains, limestone, marl,. or other - causes; •can be bad separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a small quantity of ice cooling the W,1414 in the wannest weather. PORTABLE BROWER BATIJS, for St; use of 'warm r cold water: • IVATER COOLERS, for lintels, Stores, end biennium . ; STORE TRECRS, fur moving boxes, bales; Acv • • SEAL PRESSES, Copying do., Drugslst do. • OLIVER Ey 45:5. No. 61 South Second St., ( 2 deers bolo* Chesnut March 5, 1850-Iy. o (Established 110825.), 'O l 4 c : 40 ; i ' O vg.F : P Plo 6 Eltßigd'S PATENT, CHAMPI ON Filth PROOF SAFES, with Hahn Patent ' Powder Froof . Lecke, which were. awarded separate Modale at the World's Fair, London, 1851; . and else- at the Aforld's Fair, New, Y0rk,,1853 and 'AL' . The subncri. berg aro the ,Mde man ufactumre end, proprietors. in tfils_State 'of 'We' above unequalled Safes and f l acks. The ,reputation' of the' genuine "herring's Safe" to Wort(' wide, and for the last thirteen years the - mercantile community , have 'witnessed and borne testi. Worry to their nevett'vsfurro fireproof (mantle& Afore then 1 2,000 of those Safes have been actually sold, and over'Two Utortinno hate:lnteted triumphantly through accidental fires: The,' public 'ere:ensured that all Safes. manuthotured by the, subscribers are not only gonna, . toed to be fully penal,' but in many respecto even eupe - Her to thogo.whlch have 'boon so severely tried Ityliro ,Few will forget their services in , the'. burning of. the • oeTribune astablishment,? Nasr:Yoriciand at the Croat, .. Fire 'ln Strawberry street; at the large Sri last,dulyi .-opposite the ~Girard MUM, ; anti - stilt mere recently In the,Fire „ifth , end Chesnut .064-Au the' city of --,. 141114010de, in 'width . . then „Safer calms ibrth • theacr. , • linewledged 00414motri whop many...other •:seetirities „.; r :„ ,‘ltton San rot, ILtskileoxli LtkirALtillitttreet., Philadelphia, , Chilled Iron Sense, With' ivy pryirlook*menu - : ,tinctured expreliery'fbillsusitai , , raft* 'Jewellers,' and'l other? requiring , seen rity ' front - . 1114 j Doers, ke. an hamtend r inpdir cader.4,:,4llg s tsei.Meet - colebrAted4Aitki far *Mat minnacfurarie Second 'hand L.... 0 . 4%3.1,.—‘ 1 -?/401kudess '.. and:. "Jon . I .,oltostte orether: maltera;hentebeen 1 pen! , lierrinteefor.*tie nt -: l !'r h Kl l sl 1t 7 .0 ,1 0' • r ig '4 r' i• 4111[12 • !,I . l?Llig_.l • '• 'IRON'I,IROS:I4. I -1 7 1ici ;atto'ntion the' nubliiiiind'lnsinklinitlieliirtlinlartY 1r venue,* • tefthelarge posqrtment Of Ifat and polled ; irpn At, and Weds Otoel bt )sbuls; :114ulps: Betel!, putio;,}Ltivilftg,,yltil'ti:Bolloith and overt ihttlg:l!utt, tbo ., ,Insegnattf.,tney.trant 0151 61lt l .a lt .L itri !. 1471?t , Mtolewlpp7teee.".; All • =SS 1131)ilabilphttl,' TOB/iCCO. AND CIGARS . DENSLOW CO., BROW, Sutter, PHILADRLPHIA, ,COMMISSION'ISIERCIIANTEI AND, DEALERS IN ALL . . . . • LOF:.TODAOOO, - MANUFACTURED TOTIACCO • AND - CIGAItS.' llaoa'seintantly on band and for sale low all kinds of ,Amsrican shit Spanish' Leaf Tebaccosi selected with special referenee bildantkcturers' nob. - 0 • All articles enfil,marraufed to be ne represented, and every opportunity alfor,ded ter esnnilnatlon. •-- , ....—EstrchasersAtit dllitancd:can...send_lbeirorders.and -rely-upon2being-aadhithfulltserved•as-If-tbelr Feeds • Wore selected In poinetf -•••`• • • (April 3, 1806-Iy, 0 - ,P,l '- • ' :,- : ~..,...e " ii •-, g 0n ' -g 0 .-0 • , •: 4 ' E 1 " H.O 45 0 C ) r* 4 y y , v 1 ..., . c • • C . ) 4 .I.' , CD ,5 4 '. rs e i-i kc; . g_, • r ) . I dig R -. 1 : 0 0 • o._ __` „ ___ • 'SAYANG. ,F : UNI). or 'Tar,. U. S. INSURANCE, ANNUITY - 4 TRUST COMI"Y. • S. E. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, Phil's. ' . CAPITAL $250,000: - ca . Money is received on deposit daily, the amen= de. 'malted is entered in to beposit. Book and given to the -Depositor, he, ifprefareed, a certificate will be given.. --,--All , sums - largo - and - smalli nee readied, ,and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. ' Interest is paid at the rate of Five pee CENT., eon mooch* from the day, of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. - • Cn the first day of.Tanuary, in each year, the totem - St' of each deposit is paid to the depositor, drethiodiu the incipAL as he may peter. The Company have now, Upwards of 3,500 dcpesiten; in the City of Philmielphin alone. • Any nditionalinferniation will be given b; addressing, Abe Tnemmurn. DIRECTOSS. • Stephen E. Crawford. Pres't. IPw. V , Godwin, Lawrence Johnson, Vice Pt. .: Mut 11. Goddnil.l: Ambrose O. Thompson, ' Benjamin .IV, Tingley, ,' James Iloiercus, Jacob L. Florence,' Gust, English, PLINY FISK. Secretary and Treasurer, J. GOSIII.SeInariER. • Teller and Intorpoter Sept.-12 '65. 7 -Iy. • . • E - 1 tfl 'a M ' P H n _ Ei kl C., PI a EA__ uitvlNG FUND, Chartorod by the Retool' Penneylvania in it 355 ' • • OFFICE, 55 'WALNUT bTREET - Ono door above _Second Street, Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in Rims of .Ono Dollariod - upwards -from all °lama of-the community, -- andallows interest - tit - 16611M of Ifrp per. cetit per annum.. Moneys paid back on demand. .fO - . lolllee ,opeit dnByJyriit t/ until - 5 - &C 1044 end on - Monday - and Satur=day until P o'clock in trot evening, - • This instittnlonLMlllhofounduconvenient-and-safw of.dupOsltlarltarmeritanti-aliera.dolnic busintlter In Philedelphia. Deposits arn paid on demand without _any-prevlotutputiedLaing4unuiriaLF.`7 7-7,-- • . DIANA63IB. Boutior, lion. Job R. Tyson, . Stilwell S. Bishop, George lloldin, Jnines P. Perot, Robert Morris, John Weenies, Edward L. Clark, - 'Jacob Shoots, Capt. John Oallagher, Joseph M. Couch, , John Rice, ' • Jusepli 11. Myers, Richard O. Stotesbury, Edward 11. Trotter, • William Shippen, Jr. Franklin Bacon,. . Tfen. P. Jenks, , • nomad Cooper, Edgar E. Pettit, • President—FßANKLlN FELL. Treastirer—CHAS. M. MORRIS. Secretgry.JAMES 8. PRINOLE.• IMMO Charter provides that no manager,officer agent shall, directly or Indirectly, borrow any money from the Soddy. 0ct17,1555-Iy,‘ . • - . • 1 , .7":;`; • ' r.; s i t .• . ;;•.''' k,• — • • • • •:";,. ; 4 I • - • . ; a a • !k ?7_ " T . • .2' • IPERCENT. SAVING FUND j_ ON TILE NATIONALJANETY COBINANY, Wal nut staset, soutloweot coriWf 'Third otreot, YLiladel pLla. incorporated by .Btoto of rennsylvania-in• 1841. Five per cant. Interest Is given,and the money is al ways paid back whomever It is alled for, without - the necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. who have large sums put their money In this Saving Wilma, on 'account of , i he superior safety and con. venience it affords, but auy sum, largo or small, Is re ceived. - • 'ale Saving Fund has a very large amount of Mort gages, tiround Roots and other first class investments for time security of Depdsitors. The rules prevent any. Director or °Meer from using or born wing the money, The Mice is open to receive and nay money ettkry day, from ii o'clock In the morning MDT o'clock - ill the OT ening; and on Monday slid Thursday evening, till II o'clock. hr- ro money to put Itt, are - lnylkd to cal trther Information. • HENRY L. BENNE% Preside-It. tOWV. 81:LFIL1P111S, VlcUPteshlont. 01.4...B.E116,11toctutury ' • li', TRUSSES:—Hernia or icewmfuliyirented, and comfort I tom red, gout French Trusses, Imported by the ado to order ox ready for hie wile.. lth Rupturo will Itp, gratified to learn now offers to procure a Truss comblw tneSsTwllli - earoTditiabllity and correct Ilou of the curubmus and uneornforta y sold. Au extensive assortmeu always to &very variety of Rupture in adults t for sale at a range of price to milt all. ^usses, $2, $3, $4 and ss;' Double, s4,' ience can have a Truss sent to anynd ; ug aide tbe amount. sending meaeure around B affected. .sale and Retail by the importer. CALEB 11. NEEDLES, Tivelftli a Baca Ste., Phliadelphia. tuning's Improved Patent Body Brace; and L'rector Traces; Patent Shoulder 'y Bandages; Spinal Napa and Sup. .me, with competent lady attendants.. t april.ll. HU WI ARD ASSOCIATION.. ' ' . '. . ritiLADELpinit. - ,:- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ..- - - - To all persona afflicted with Sexual diseases , a nt • 'SEMINAL W.HAICKESS, .IMPOTENCE, GONOIIII/I a U TART,' IaYPIIILIP, &e., &c. • •Tho 11(11VAltD .ASSOCIATION of 4 Philedelphi in 0 4,... ',view of the awful destruction of liumin lint and tl caused by Sexual diseases, and, the-decelitlens ft if : prectiand upon the unnartunate,victlnis preach Israse. by Quackir, have directed their consulting - Purgeon, as r CIIA RITA - DIX - ACT-worthy . of: their • name, to ' give MEDICAL Air - VICE GRATIS, ,t6:,011, persons - thus af. lillaied.(lkiele orlenuallalnhoPpply by lotter.(Praitlaid,), with a descrlptili; D r nand tknil - Cr,enditbin - , - ;(age. Occupation, laabltsOf liffr,-.M and In extreme poverty antlaulfering -to PIIIMIkiIf 3lk IC7INES - liitliti - Or.CAIAISCIII. • • , • The Mustard Asseeletlon le a benerblent Institution; eatabllshed - by'speelei endearment, An' the:rellef.Of the 1, A c t, a nddiatrered,rafflintekt with . Virulent - and Epo., dairac dleeeses,' andlls fuodreau be need for go other - .purpose: has - now er' surplus' Of *leans; whfcli, the. Directors brie toted: to advertise this 'above notice:- It la needless to add that 'the :Association commands the Adgbestlaledlcal ekUl of the ago..: , •,, • • , , , -•Adoe*, (ritliald,) Dr.,f}r.ol. It. 0AL110914, Coneult- Ink Sargon, Howard AisOciatiotallilladelpble, pa., , • I l i ordotof the Directors- - ~, -• . ,_.,_- , L ,..• -, ', • ''..: r• , „ . ‘.' _ .., EZBA_DAIEADTWZI.A.PreeIdent.' '':- alit-11,1A. ..,;_,• ~ 9 Eco,FAß.f.anz.n,..sotrotarv, , ~ . RWAIir,. I I'IIEIsTEVirBPAPEA.; - oeffeirepiper-Farb And atatietk containing a remplete Het of 4S evniptipers , In :the Vatted States ;' Onnadae 'and Great* Brltatn,. The ;only reliable work of the kind in the world. An level-. :noble a Ohtani - to tho Rath ei - flookruldlehee, wed Oen' •• on melpt.Of $2, ft viii tkelire:inititner 'Will: to aip tarenftbe oountryy S Iipc,si.DROTHAMS; ,- , l , 46lloherir; ; KO: 88 Dock 144 48pTi l tors Ineert l nif the - above Ahrect.reentkibleitn . editorial ' referen* And :sendng 'conies • !4.110-.11)1 , Por pr*pald" t). the above adreati,' I:vlll,oi:etre • ; *1 ;the _ : (10NWAY'S GE,tiUINE - 110NEY EiCai.--Conwitea pure Pplak'Botvp,--CotIVII.O 4 pprovod Stltila" 6 Ekr 2 .l, 1 .7 " I'vn• truly 1 ,48 , JALM474,0 4 WOrr Atit l 4: l 4%nOß' Callaiklttn. SAD. ,• „ , *0 ' ' D ' ... 11 0 O . A..:N- 'D ' 13 - • . ..0 E.RMAN DITTED.S. .• Prepared by :.' , , . • Da. ix R. 'sateen, PuttaDELerne, P. - .. ' *III effeetuelly cure - • • LIVER COMPLAINT; ,DYSPEI'SIA, JAUNDICE, • : Chromic er Nervous Debility, Diactises of, the Kldneya • . and alrdiseases arising from a disordered • ' Liver or Stomach. , • . .........________. 1-Cor - S ucti h pal n ion,____ ~-. ..L r-__ . ___. _ -- InwardrifekFXGl - , „.• • nessor illoodtolhellead, ... ~ : . Acidity of the Stomach, Nail. • sia,lfectriburn, • DisguetforFood, Fullness or Weight en the Stomach, . • . 4114''' ' So ur.Ernetailone,SinklngorFinttering , at thd nit of the Stomach,' Swimming of ' ' .. • • 'the 'Geed, hurried and Difficult Breathing •'. - .: Fluttering at the Heart, ehoaking or Buffoon- ' . ' • ting Sensations when sin ot lying feature, pitmen • ' of vision, Dots of welts before the "fight, Fever and dull palm In the Read; DeficionuY Of ' ' • periplmtion; Yellowness of the Skin and . • ' ' Eyes; Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, . . •'• • . • Mutts, &es, Sudden blosbes,.of- .• ' ' ..,,,„__,,,,,..,....„..n05tf,•8u5taing, Sn'tlui Flesh., " .- ' - "...Constant • - lmagininge of «; -- .1001, and'great De. • • The Irletor In calling the attention of theiMbile • ' to this' par:Olen, dolts° with a feelingof the utmost' confidence in Ite_sirtutts and adaptation to the diseases • for crutch it is recommended. • Wino new end untried article, but one that has ' - stood•the test ofa ten-yearn' trial' before the' American people, and Its reputation and side Is`'unrlvelled by any simllsr preparations extant. • The testimong. In Its fever given by the moot prominent and well known: Physicians and j ostivldonle_ Wall paxt . s of the vaunter '- An immense... , . . .. DERANGEMENTS OYU'S LIVER AND STOMACH. • Are sources of insanity.. From disorder or obstruction,' a morbid action of the sympathetic and other nerves. feeouce, and the finictions of the brain are Impaired and ' deranged; .derangement there will also•produce diseas es of the heart, akin, longs and kidneys. It is owing ~ to the same cause that. thousands die Filth Cholera, Bilious or Yellow Fever, and that most baneful dinette% ' - Consumption. • . The general want of success in treating diseases of the • liver and stomach, has not been a deficiency of patholo gical' knowledge of their functions-but of a suitable monpound that weultiact upon the disease and. all the. - • ..- - sympathetic affections. That hes been gained to these • Bitters: and they. •-can be used by- personk with - the -- - most delicate stomach, with perfect - safety=aci they et - . no time debilitate the.patient, but give strength and increase the nervous energy. They tan be Laken at all ..thnee, nod yndertill•ciromestancest No ordinary expo- • , • sure will preVercrtliem having a salutary effect, and tifilad effpct can result frolic an over &eel- ' if patitmts will persevere In the" use•of this remedy,. -• nod twilit strictly according - to direction% it will Mare the foregoing discaaca in every firatance, if not beyond. , the',opera mediator It has caused many to enjoy -- .the blessing of renewed health; add in Many dmieratop null abandoned cases, a perfect and rtdScal. cure. .' .• • Fliß _ SONSADVANCED IN LIFE, ' • And feeling the bend of Time weighing heavily • upon theni, bilit all Its attendant ills, will,find In the nee of the„Bitters au Elixer that will instil new life Into their • "veins; restore, , in a measure the. energy and ardor of more youthful days; build up -their shrunken forms._ and give health and happiness to their remaining cars .-0 ' • - it if, a well established fact, that fully one-half of the ' Lining, portion of our pepulation;are seldom - in the en. .-. joyoneot of geed health, er to use their own expression never feel well." They, are languid, devoid of all en, ' any, .extremely nervous, and hove no. appetiLe.__Te_____ this vines of - invalide, - these Rltters are especially sot commended. Their peculiar tonic and Invlgoratik properties rendicr them invaluable..in such cases ~ ' . Persona visiting districts barrassed, ecumenic with - FEVER AND - AGUE, or ANY -FEVER OF A 'BILIOUS N,STURE.„wiII-fituLthet-by-tile timely-use - of -- one - 0r77 -- we bottles, they wilhcot in one instance take the die. - ease, as the Bitters will renovatiand strengthen the .. ;system, and carry the bile off in Its natural chew:tel.-1. , Woven non is better than cure. THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE And free from Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injurious • - Ingredients; are pleasant in taste and smell. mild In 7 theleopemtion, will expel all morbid, secretions front the body, give bloom to the pallid Cheek, and health • and vigor to the frame. ' • - Price 75 souls per bottle. , - . . .. . rrinclial Office, No. liAßClLsirece4 Phil*, lia. . ' ', • Sold by Druggisla 'and Storekeepers -In every town and Villsge in the United Staten and Caned., and by • all bruggiSts in Carlisle. ' . 1.11.10„ 15, 1816. - . • El El i TFLICI*D f "t.L'ADr= . • PIIII4DELAIIIA - AIRDIC4ST: 11011813:' .k.tablished twenty twir yemu - kga-bl IK , ,hiMiXl4lNs corner o cot Third and Union strO i ts, TWENTIC-TIVONAAItiee., Experrepcohes riiiiikured Ur, K...a-mostcunceisfutpreto-r- Whaler in the cure of all diseases of a private nature; umull.sle debility, as an, impediment to marriage} nervous and se - tual billimitles, diseases of the, Skin, - mud those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There Is at:Levi] habit sometimes indulged In by boys In solitude, often growing up with them to Manhood; - and which; It not reformed lu due time, not onifbegets parlous onataclea to matrltueLial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, Insidious, aud'desliatating affections. . Few of those who give way to this pernleious.practied aro aware of the consequences, until they and the ner vous eysteu sbl:tiered, feel stranke and unaceountable Poutintioun and vague Mara In the mind. (See , pageS 2 7; 11, 29, of Dr. K.'s bohk on "Self Preservation.' •: - The, unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, -111 unable to labor with accustomed rigor, or to applyhls mind to study; his step Is tardy and weak: he to dull, Irresolute, and engages even In hie sports with ism. energy thou usual. If he oluaneittite hhiniolf before. the practice has done Its won:to:ad enter matrimony, Ids, mitrrLage le un iruitilitand: his mime tells him that this Is caused by hit early' follies. Thesoare consldorationswhieh should awaken the attention of all who are similarly eltuated. PAT/ISNTS AT A DISTANCE Can 'have (by Mating their cue explicitly, together with ail their 'symptoms, per letter, enclosJng a remit tance) medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded .to any put of the United finites, and. secure hum DAJlAtiki and CUItIOSITY, by mall or ex preeL . . . • • READ! .YOUTH AND MANHOOD!! ' A Vigorous Life or a ?tomato le Death, Rinkelin on SeibPreservation—Only MI cents. Lettere containing that value in Stamm will ensure a copy per return of mail. GRATIS I GRATIS !I GRATIS I I ii,.,EreuHIET to aU. MIBEICY—RELINVED., ' -•• Nature'. Guide," a new andAopular work, full o• valuable advice and imPreseivcrtrarning, alleecalcula ted to prevent years of misery ,and save thousands of lives, Is distril uteri without charge, and forwarded 'by prepaid; to any Poet On ip. the (Jutted States _orixecebrinir-an order-enclosing terirpostage stamps. T:ONICS 1)01 —They never did do more than give temporary reiief, and they never will! —ll, is because they don't touch the tarsg ofthe disease. the cause of all ague and billiourdiseases is the ainicapheile poison called Miasma or Malaria. Neutralise this pulsori'hi Its gal ANTILOTE, and all disease mused by it disappears at once. Rhodos' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidote to Pialaria, and moreover it is a perfectly harmless med- Moe. 'The rertibride of the celebrat e d ch em i s t, Chilton, of New.lfork e to this effect, Is attached to eve ry bottle; therefore, inn ,does no, good, it can do ho berm. This la 1113. o than can be mid of Quinine, Arsenic, or any other tunic in existence, Be their use is ruinous to the constitution and brings on bU3.13 •All Ulf, which nary - thous a person to feel perfectly well fora aingio nfoffient. In Illumiation of these truths! annex some extracts from a letter just received from a Physician: Gamut:lowa, Onto, March 17,151(1. JAS. A. lIIIOADS, hey—Lear Toursof 2d inst., is at hand. The Cure arrived late last year, end the difficulty in getting any one to pFirchaso it was greatly increased term the fact that a remedy bad been intro duced which was growing In favor with the public es being better than using Quinine—not knowing, I pre sume, that the remedy they need to escape taking Qui tape contained the LIMO 1TE4.1.1 , I - • - Vbie remedy (known as "Emilia's Tonle;' ) would In variably an'Aguo, but it did not Cgre it, as It '• would oftensteittrnATith.reneueckalger.--Thls-ekercir-7-- eutuitii - rieo I deemed in your favor, if I could Institute ' a test comparison between It and your CURE. The fol lowing is the result; Three persons took .your "Cure," all of vadat Were cases of- - " Quotidian intermittent Fever," of many week. standing, They had tried Quinine and other routedies,accaslonally missing a chill, but it was (aa in all such cases,) slowly wearing them out, and• laying . ' 4ll e_plugilatiffeat.othernud_seirecer-maladies. I 'did euccad in effecting a radical cure of elf three of them. cases with your remedy, and they have nut bad a chill since. In all three of these eases the "Smith's Tonic , .•• .end been used, and would, no beforii stated, break the • -chill, but after a period or two liad elapsed it would • retucia. , 1 think thorn nrill be no difficulty new in gliing to your nCure" the vantage of any other remedy now in.pse bore. dc., de. nucKNEJt. N. D. IlliO,LIEB' IrkiThat and AA I pulp; or ANTIDOTE TO 23lAhAillA, the only Wanda. nixtletly In existence is equdilly eertalu ash raxixsorter, deem , ' Take it when you feel the chills a sawing an, and you will never have a .tulle on. , • , J. 6.3148 A. ROOMS, Proprietor, • . Providence, * * *Forum., by W. A- KW°, and hrtiggists generally. July 2.. TO'EVERYBODY.- low the lost throe yens I have been engaged lu a usiness kncien only tomyself, and, comparatively few others, whom Kliave instructed for the ape' or Vtlo each, which has averaged me at the rate' of 113,000 'to $5,000 per annum; and, having made amusements to go to humps laths Fall, to engage'', tire man busi ness, I an weiliagto }live full luktructiona in the art to any persons in the United States tor Cunene', who will remit mu the SUM of gl- I ant induced, from the suer cep, 1 have hem, Layered with.-and the many thantful aclolowledgereents I hare receireetrem those whom I- - have instructed, aiad ohe are making (mei • ; ....__. MX TO-FIFTEEN' 'DOLLAIIB DAir— at it, to give guy puree an_ opportunity to engage hi- . this busiuesiovhich is easy, pleasant, and vary grotto., 'bia, at a smatteosk , There's pieltirely No I'ub opo In the matter.'' Relnneei of therbest cinema' be given . as regard* lie diameter, and I eaurear to ParIMD•141101II / haralustructekwho will testily tbitt they are Inking , filing/4o *l6 par day at the same._ It Is • PWLin O SS In LeDiElitOß 0E;41:101.101 - - • can engage, and - with perfect ease, make a Vary band. some income. - Severed :Lavinia various Parts of New York'Stete, - Penunylvanta and Maryland,' whom I have instructed, arenow reakheeillcan in to tie per day at - it. - It le a onsets nmactss,and, but a dollar or ;twat* re. 'anted to Mart Uwe receipt- of 01, - I. Will home.. dude], send o'she applicant a printed eimulaicentain, „ leg frdl hestruejtons 1u the ails, uhl# , Mai xcunith.or!daYi lAA.; Dent' my F•setreitistilient - to tbo oduar of the . 4 . modlog Casette and Deinanake sAnd also sent hinioneeof thy 'Arnim's 8f l a -Oa its receipt; and on kinnefiLl entakut..,. two; b aortal Ilia ndlowingeditoriathabla papas.' W. all attention to the advortbematat A ut o f New York, • headed hontaraar' yttlivart.' . 1 1002,"..01 be hiannher eoluanne • .has le nt us ont , or rodanh , "alluded the Ltd , '' .yamisement,atakekiexataluatlatt 'pseud dt is; .ne humbug, bet alight, eeay and Isonnrablo bold, t -"MI letters muscles miltremed A:. T. PARSONS:OW y llenylwaY,'CMOrtelt• ,s. , " - P1n#:,.*• 114 :. - - • VIIN ___Will. .ALP :, ,T.0LE,.1...,,,,,0'kyAedN651§..a.i;=;:•- :4.,,i?1''''4?1,71:4.:r0,.;.'',,;1::,::: uiwr, ,%Jimell.l4. -., ',....„, - ,.,5;•,.. : L . - " , 4 •:.,, - ,,, y . , -.•••-•:,.,•- :- .:I' , '` ''• -''''''' ''' ,• :,:- -.• •; , '''; , . i . :•-' C .. - -Y. , '•. ; c „: ~, .,..t , •;,..;-, , ,i, —*,- • • ..•,..,;,,- •,..•••••;,:•;.,,s-4,:i--th =fil Ittrbitints, MS ~i INE