Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 21, 1857, Image 2

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    30trap` (Eximoitir.
D All. fi'L XI
iVEDN'E''SDAI JAN 21T185T.-7'
p)e rarest anti Egeaptstluvr
K'• We learn by telegraph that there was
eto eleotion of gate Treasuier . yeeteiOtty,
cioiisegifeitoe theie net beitTg . ii — titeerate of
member* present iti either bring* of the' Leg.
Mature, ' • , , • • '
Iltir Gam. Cameron, United Atates
B(446relect from Pennsylvania, was 'in
Wash ngtvu on .pridny-last.;
- Same day - tha - certificate - - ' - el - e7e - tittf
was presented in the Senate:—
U. S. Agricultural Seeiety suet at Waal
ington'hist.,weelt, and elected its • officeri
for the year( • Marshal Wilder wee re-e
-looted -Preeideit, and B. -.Parley - Poore,
chosen Secretary, _Secretary Guthrie's
invitation to hold the next - exliibition at
Mantnoky,iwith the guarantee
of a - fund of 830,000, was ae,cepfed.
Iteekilutions in favorprpurchasing Mount
Vernon, for an Agricultural Univeraity,
were d impend - and adopted. The cul
ture. of the.. Chinese sugar cane was also
• ,
UNITED STATDB •S'errAtext.-.-Several
United .Senators wird - 013o5eri or' nomina different State Legislatures laid;
week. Itt the Massachusetts Louse, of
Reproseatatives, Senator Charles
ner rectairod 303 - Votesto - 12 — ficaffering,
and in , the Senate a nnaniumus vote.
• llon. James F. Siturnens (Rep.) was cho
"sen_by the Legislature of Rhode Island.
The Missouri Legislature has elected the_
-Hon. James S. rare:en, U. S. Senator from
. that.State' for, the short term. He is
of the Aishison stripe,rd was
bl - the aiireV7OterfrOtfitlie - pro . 7.
Shivery Whig and Amdri can mo thers; in.
• order be prevent the success. of • Benton.
The report of tlio Auditor General, State
Treasurer" and % Attorney Eioneral, who
were appointed. Commissioners to investi
gate certain • unpaid, claims against, the
• State-principally on the Portage Rail
road—*aa. presented to the Legislature
last week. Of these ehtims, two hundred
4tnd three of them—ainounting to over
thirty thimsand dollars—were Claims for
labor and service rendered the State; and
ono hundred and fifty-one--amountin to
nearly twenty-thousandddollarsl—were for
materials, merchandise, &e. Those claims
woro.properly, authenticated, elnd the fact
of their remaining unpaid is, in the opin
ion of the Commissioners, ".a striking it ,
lustratiou of the loose manner in which
the affairs of tho Common - wealth were
conducted by her agents on the Portage
Railroad:" The remaining claims al
lowed, amounting to nearly $500:000,.
were for cross ties, Wood, &o. furnished
on the-Portago Railroad. The Commis
sioners considered most of them very sus
picious, but found it impossible to die:
criminate between'the just and fraudu
lent claims.
DOUGLAS vs: tiItIGHT.--7—IS the West-
ern States a lively and very interesting
quarrel is growing Up between. two aspi
ring candidates for the Presidency in 18-
60. Judge Douglas has' made up his
mind to make " a bold strike" then ..for
the White House, while Senator Bright,
of Indiana, has a strong bent of incline-,
tien toventest the nomination with him.
To Oriable,idia the more•,succesafully to
• do this, ho is anxious to have'' , a seat in
• T . Buchanan's Catkinot;.and—bs- . -Plaed
at the-head-of- Departnient -with.-the
'power and zatrosage of which he .Mighe eome,politieal capital for -himself ;-
, but to this, it is said Judge Douglas has
a very decided objeetion, , and has accord
ingly .taken off his coat, rolled .ng• his
sleevesi and gone to work itvg,ood earnest
itedefeat Bright. •
Puraprairlrxe(,:NitAyi)s.7-7The Dis
tricti4t.ttorney contented election , case .is
Mill before the giittrt of Quarter Sessions
and Oetrtmork: Pleas. • The 'Second Ware
its new being' examined. T4:North A
nierinan says that in„ the:As - tenth .pre
duct; anew cue. organized after . the last
bring eleOtion; the hst of-voters fur' h-
'sprit eleOtion, the list t -voters furnist.
1 3*.d to ths' ejection officers
‘ by the City
Oominieooiters,:showed„ 135 voters, yet
it_the Cotober.electioe• 328 votes were
polled l' This wits; ofbours,e; . lp, , wore
than' WitniO . 4sesied, bi,„the 'i]iiinth , Pre-'
ointi.:of,tholereiWard; 513 votes were
polled, Of, *ldelt,l9l, were illegal.; 103
,November; end
'l4O could not be found at all. ' •
eleation of
a State Treanurer for the owning. yekr,
men to takeplnoe in iiirrisburgyeeterdny.
A dannOratio'nktione . ,,was held on Fi(lay
evening. hkii, - 731):••notnielitid ,Mr. • Mai
• graw; n :0 4 00? 1 ,94;k4q,W01?!4,01'-.Te•eieo . -
Sion, Iliii• 11 / 4 4 96 Pi. XAP l l 4 ;WagoiWeller and
Atan4r,tameron dentoaratkwe'rei,l4, 9l i.
irrhi*ioiaitp , g3e resod d'Oulithit
alilr K a rr 4,ds h r g P l l l 7 re. rap 4
• )
igeePe. 1id5456 C Mite=
Silinsiiring at 6e gallital•
leaden. OP debtro'dailviPti'lliOnw from
Otralbusli 0 11 0111(140. th• nortrii:
• 0
The Dep#l*ey.*'4'Bl*e.,t4:',:,m,-'-
elebtiop of , q'en_, Caine on a 4 the
hae''.exeitck the wrath . pf
Abe_dempereey_b_eyerk4 ell bounds. . The
Most - terrible ilenunelatlone
h h ' refused to
• YP ° t l t e ten
. .onaoorats,w o
`414 the ki(;U`'Stq of f l3uotinniin and' tor
. nay. They aro held up as the most id
''famous traitorS,, who ihenteforth' have'
nnthing-to-expect_b_at the direst 'pares_
vengeance. Meantime, while the storm
,gee-ao_furiously i it is said The reousant
. •
d et i wo ratastand heir ground, with cool
niiii-and complacency.
Apart hoviever from its. personal con
sequences. to Vol. Forney, the election of
Gen: dameron hiregaided in all parts of
the country, as an event, of 'the. utmost
ihananse weakness; and the.fact ;th at .
liAteriens party already in a slate of
disOrgapization. Worst' of 'all for , ,the
Presidentrelect, the blame' or this'
ganized state of airairs,ia laid to the ; wane
of tact. and commanding inflnence,in Mr.
ocalcing to
duly elevate Forney lie has already lost
the: ttimhthent eilAtalienated the, friend-.
'ship many of . tlle leading demcierats'of
the State, who now secretly chuckle, o
ver the untoward remit of the Senatorial
election. They laugh at his calamities;. ,
for Mr.l.3uchanan's desertion of them has
led' to tho_defent of. his own - cherished
plan:7llls well said 'that this ,may
regarded as only the beginning of ibaub
ordiriation,'and that the-President elect,
will soon find it impossible to khow his
friends. from hie foes. Mr. - Buchanan .
r hai.failed to-secure a friendly tf-. S. Sena
tot• from his - own State: What success
then 'is he likely to have in the' orgnniza
'tion ,of his administration amid the 'strife
of conflicting interests and factions in-
Washington ? " •
4N :AD4issloN.—Tho„Washington
Oormpondent tifthc'Neiv Orleans Delta,-
seems to,be tho-orian—of -tho -most
ultra Southern politicians, in the - course
of a defenCe of President Pierce observes:
" A law or political policy opposed to
the universal sentiment of a free people
, cannot be wee:anted or enforced without
using the ' means and - applianceti of a
strong .central power We have seen this
illustrated in the Ftwitiie Slave Law
. _now. in Nicaragda The _Reath has .lost
eyerything, while the North passed us
with aziafit's etrhde,,enlarging.in_all_the
- grand Troportions of material power, - ad:
dition of population, and actual terrilori:
•al acquisition. The President has giveo
ua all he could control—his veto power
and his messages. The President has ac
complished nothing practically in our fa
vor, simply because he cannot, in a free
country,-establish a policy in opposition
to the will of - the people. The will of
the people is ageihst the South; and a
longer oontinuance in the Union is mad
• nese."
PHIA.—Tho Keystone Club held an in
-dignation tabling on-Wednesday evening
lest. Presidentßankin . presided. Spee
dieswere made by Edward Powers;Ste
' 'phim Rereak, and others, denouncing, the
traitors -in the
,strongest terms. Mr.,
Powers predicted that Mr. Forney's prim
poets, though shattered for a time, would
• be vastly improvca eventitally, and this
treason' elevate him to the Presidency of
the Republic. Resolutions wore adopted
holding. up Foster and his friends, and
Waggonseller, Lebo . und Manear, to the
execration of the Democratic party; and
openly accusing the lett& of corruption,
and receiving Middletown, , Dank -motes
for their votes. A committee was ap
pointed to prepare a memorial to the
United States Senate, to inquire into the
- illegality of-the-election.,--,
INDIANA 'RILITICS : 7-110 two branch
es of the Indiana Legislature, the Senate
Iming Republica!) and the House demo
cratic, are sparring with each- other in
yelation to the election of a U. S. 'Sena
tet. The : Senate refuses to go into Con-.
vention fOr that purpose. The two Hou
ses ere else at•dead look on another ques
tion The House (Democratic) passed
bill increasing The
,(Demooratic) Gem
nor'i salary; which must: bedone 'before
inaugurated; or it . oannot be done
at all. 'The Senate:(Republican)passed
n' bill rc-aPportiquing r the State. • Thi
House refuses to, pass this,..becauSe_ at
will 41epriveltheir parey, elite advantages
"under.the'vld , ",m3d' unjust arrangement
`•:TlieSeinititiait;aliates by refusing mien
'the Governor's salary. _
LIBEL SUE .—Horace Greely, ,of , the_
Al. Y. Tribune,-.has brought a suit for
bel against the Editorof •theAlleieland
(Ohio) Plci,inclealei;iitiing
at' ten tho u sand dollare. Thrit',vapoi
charged hial, onthe_,24th' Zuly
with receiving,a .
Mariposastock, frotu•l!remont, for aban
donifig Mr. , _Seward, stulionAlteL29th. of
December, it further accused : hire of re-'
a_ bribe, of $4OOO. :from-. the Des
Moiaes River Improvement Company, fer
some service rindered. in the• lobbies of
Bethletem7Ymes urgee - Judge
‘ Nal'iaPrqf
; 3011 ehy'ett the beet , Inlkki:thAt , o,bettikell, ,, ,
'l ,, ; f ilany other 'of our eiehangee: faier. hie
' .
Ittinoau..ON .Loxo leratto.- 7 4.0 ,`atrooleei
. . , . ..,
larder wee committed ,on the , tnenpike. near
_ , , ,
, . ,:eputies,• L . t., , pa Monday aighti4bich • bet'c
. . . .
'., eentetVintensit-eXCitement .tbere:. Tbe ,tIP
• ul .
1 Was Bent; Catiwen,' a ' , gang faiwineotb'ent
....,, learn. 91d,
,wbo. wee rftitsrOug-home, uqn
c 1 ; , 1 i;'t' 4 o(l3'oo,:isn' ORM bikt :04 0 n:' , Ilk tank'
~ .., , ,e fitandila:l4 Toettleboith)O - e'elopb in the
. ::#ening4,tbit.''hirid, broken with .W.olub,:iirifl;
tokets - eitlit:Jl44.ltos**htil':i:4ll**,;fl4
'' PPOlCitt'll . 'Orin, 6 iiii . 444iii*AulttOr:-.017*
..' 4•Jferdleyult,',iilid $ ii chili itotiv ta , etki*troa'ii
''krtkr ui r" 4l itt. •4 1 0 6 4 'Aiiir liirr. I ,4l4iais ,
.i.iti lemsd!:q. • tattpcerirls;-,
t) U.S.
Sse.ooP lagcruAti.— -The second -
'tere\-0-ihe.PritonFiie Company's course will
-i'e-40110id_te4aoirestiivoning_istAlm Ofiurt
ProusSi‘.'Pi"..Priit.' . o; H. Tiffany. • .Subjeot—r.
The .41rewap
GRE4T SNOW ST94ni.--AXall of snow;,furioun_gate• - ..0f
on Sunday evening,_ end on M6ittlay
- the - streets7eristaund
from the_hugo-intotitTiT, t6royn l
'up nt•
dnrioue poliria wind . .
1i4,t110 raged
day on Itlondny and tho.oolti Tbis. intones.,
ciooi. operations nod' intorOourse wore in
oonsequonoe brought to a,• was
ns muob as moot famlliee could hocbmplish to
-mttke _themselves oomfortrble for'-the - .Any."at
borne --,:i'llopfiesago of ttl brim. 00 , ',thp„214.
:ron(f!irrii of-ao9teo sffeotpally, obstiked,., stud,.
7es:4 , r:toy's trintis:', The proba;..
bly.bp opened to:•doy:; .., •
COVAT;The . ,( l coipl week of ~Court
epeutel tql ik.tpedt;,t , in ooneequenee - nflhe
storm; jurqa and. other- parties -Neje:unable
to get'to.towni and, the Court adjourned after
a few niinutesneaTdifiii. —
.. but fifteen jarois answered to: their ,namee,
and - the . oenrt therefore ndjuurnod to:ftio rob-
runty term.
•In - the pin -Of Atra, lIuII, tKied inYho Court
:oilittarteiloseions last week on -]tho" charge
of nuinalaitsitter, in ()cueing the death of her.
tion, a borb,f about . twelve yeare.of age, by
boating hint with'a-etiolt;thejtry brought in
,averdiet of guiity. was, made by
her counsel in erect of-judgment, and for
now, triul: 'l`ll9 aigunient on this motion -has
beeb goetboncd to the-February Court. •
Air A -. CENTE;sIN . A.nrAtirthrURCII
Nearly one hundred Years ago Poi. John Arm
strong, of porlicle, wrote to Siohard Peters
Esq,, the Seeretorx of the , Provinoti of Penn .
Sylvania, its.tollowit . ' .•
" To-morroiv we . begin to haul, etonee • for
the Vullding of .a meeting-house•on Clio north
Side of the — equare; lifiro woe no other donve ;
niout plate. I. have avoided - the - piece you
x itched-on-for - It church. Tlientnues are
rais out 'of Col. 'Stanwiee entrenchment..
We will want help in this ptilitieal as well so
religious work.".
Such Watiiiiiibeginning of the
known as the First Presbyterian. Church of
Carlisle. The town itself had 'otly Mien laid,
out a low years before, and made the seat of
„justice of Cumberland county„l whose limits
flied embraced what are now PoVry,..Frank 7
lin and Redford.dounties., 174 Mr.
O'Neal, who had hien sent toVarlisle oti
_lie businaatt,._l;y , (lev..llamilton,:wrote : to : . the
- flovernor - tharibirmumber of7dWellingrhousur
in-_-_town was five, but that. it -wait-the general'.l
. opinion !hot n number . of log houses would be
The church does not appear to have been-fin.'
killed until several - year& after:. :We do not
mention it as a stigma upon the staunch men
of those days, but as a matter of-information,
that the church was notciiiriPleted until
ther funds--had been secured' by means of a
public jottery: This-mode of raining money
for. public enterpriios was quite common in
the early days .of the country; and we doubt
not was unavoidable. The little community,
it may be supposod, was not wealthy—the-;e- •
sources of what is now the...viclimitvalley in
th"e State:werii nit yet undeV'elopod- , artd`they -
were constantly exposed to hiSstile inoursious'
froth the surrounding Indians. Amid all their_
di t6Onitiei, privations and perils, the building
of the phurcM4ent forward, and in 1761, tho'
Rev. George DuifteldiD.P., was installed as
the first Poslor.
The buildings and builders of a hundred
years ago. have passed away. "dust to dust."
Of the church previously built at the Meet
ing House Springs," two miles west of Car
lisle, naught reuminabut the mouldering tombs
which surrounded it. But the'grand old Pres."
byterinii Church in town still stands, as sound
and firtn as it panes from the betide of the men
of the Revolution ; for its builders exhibited
wise foresight both in its design ny erection.
O is of capacious size—of admirable' proper
tiona—and its massive wills are a model of
Compact and solid masonry. Tie present con•
gregaliotl.haie reason_ congratulate them
selvtisenits location, and to be apeoially thank. ,
ful that," there wes Mipther convenient place"
for 'its erection; fore our public square, with
its groves - of Argesvand-various-ohurehes-and,
public . buildings so tastefully.loodted in each
angle, cannot 'but boTegarded - 118 one of the
most beautiful features of our WWII.
But although its . wabs aro.still standing in
-their Original
, strongth and. beauty, the old
church has at rarionsthries undergone changes
in its interior. At first the entrance dooi'Waa
placed In the south• front—the pOlpit• wets
perched up. ,like a box againet the opposite
wall, and the pews were. of old-fashiuned high
Antl.....straighkbacked_kind....which.....tha.,ltartl •
, .
men and Women of that day probably thought
comfortableAt;a•-future period this arrange--
. Tent watt entirely changed in accordance with,
"moreamOdern taste, r But the ohnrchluis ngain'
been ”Inoderstised" the 4n4sent
Aloe, (who are entitled to warm commendation
Tor. thccoare ttlertake of the ;ancient edifice)•
'and: in -.point or. interior 'embellishment- and
convenienco„..olll,,mow rank - with the finest
churches of citiei Country...: Thi - letet three
months have-been occupied in making Om
itoniosoments;whieh consist of the alteration
of the and an enlargement of 'the
veatikule-rthe•painting of the entire interior
of the Church 'ip freseo—the introduction' of
gas—the wormingOf the building by means 'of
a furnatie in the cellar—and the - refurnishing
-of the church chroughout. The improvements
have ,beenl executed with skill and taste, and
the' interior 'of , the church is •ctow.strikingly
'l:Mindful and ••Incposing in .aPbeitranee. An
nigatt, , whioit is now .behig built by a firm -in
anring ; sad. oetiplete:Che _improvements.'
The Chunk Was ro , t'pened 'for. ieriiett on;
Sunday morning last,'whim aaermon, 010.-
440110.11npreitelei and apProlirietta, - StalPfeaoh
ed by ller. •
rieburg. The tiharaoter of the original Sodteh
,Irish settlers of the:Talley; the, early histary,
of the nituroh; the' eieutiihfch'hatf!
italli}_ the "snlin of
Who ltais Car - M . .IMM
pelpit, - were eloginittlY notiebd•!4., the, eener 2 .
able own' ordination tor si. inl-'
" •it meter of •t e goepo , may te men one
iCoic'place 4 2 in . thii •oliuYoh ;t ierti years
, , , -
,extended, - tittive*btificTueuriii,
this edltliie;;;lhich from l i e hgeo'
with the ''Peet, cannot otw'
jap oftO.ereat 413141 , 0 , , our uommuu o
'the eutuitudritdi'UoUiuri44 obiulOh`whiOli
fattieri.`o4eif which
-40 faiiit'tteete;
ilte',,olitSS4(t7 en du ring _ n
CARLISLE, Juno 80,-17.67
.'- The resolve-of the How of Repreaentatiyee
to investigate the alleged corruptions in the
granting of lands to railroads, &0., with the
appointment of an impartial ono energetic
•to have`already exerted a salutary and puri
fying effect on the atmtisphero of Washington.
The master spirits of the lobby trete hastily
packing up and departing; unl it was thtitight
that -a few l :daye more would afford diseciving,
views of the expanded •and ..liorixolital coat'
-taile• - of the'rear.,gadtrd of that interesting body
Should more be a reaeonablo prospect of Cals.,
it is to ho hoped that the committee will be la
• a.hurry to finish its labors.. For Oa moment
the investigation is closed most of these . gen-
Sewell will be hook; whereas', on
_Wig LWiL, a h fTl continua is pr0ge.09.4
highly)iinprobable that the metropolis - will'
again be oruninentod by .their individual: or.
eidladtiva presence: -- -4,#. - to-ber
Yore, "that the cOnnt:lit go yrilt' net .wiih
talon, in-which:mm-les- sittings will: tatiirre
great publiixbeno6t, evenithough they - should
.not result ht'atiy astounding revelations
The Sergeant-at Arras woe seeking Mr.
Cheater, the correspondent of the Philadelphia
Incinirer,'Vut ho could not be found, h'iiving
-- tie
seine legal prelim's in these investigatioria by
Which ,
'all their witnessio' would be 're
' quired-to disclose: ; the frill 'extent of , their
knowledge, especiallyLiyhore they have robin
larily made chiages.e. the; isol hole is now'di,
reedy' pending, it bilF,'lnfii4 3 Aili - firepare , l by'
the Judielari Committee aiiti carried. through
. The IP,relin!4•4ip,
,-iltecent develppetriente."etve:reasounide as
surance that Gen: Coss . _defeated for the
- , pkintieriibip." 'An inameoaa adverse Pr a , e nn r °
,has been bre - re - Olt to" bear; Which 118001dd not
' 711015 L /1/41:1/Ratka inn ..
thus, if be wield settle ormiSearetary of 'state
est would follair - rintuldlimithin , twenty.
tour bouru, , ,Thc, Souiborot, lotore4t, headed
bysiffr,,Toonibli t ie rokking., -form
m ridabie do
oritstratiiii; in favor :. of Mr.'Toricey; in Pre
ference to frtr.+Clillord; itvo' New England
' •
;1• ' ' ,
Mr. iliaredheatl hacreturped - frpu )(lards ,
- burg; consoling his pereonai7disparsgement
b.T.tql.elcieg,Over deferik of ( Mr. Bushap.,
nu!. recompiiii i ittion* of:Porta, Tin Will ite'yi
probabl,l4jiallt the 'lobby, tit Oltai‘olt4pip-agew
It"Ot of !Atter ,obstion.r ' '
16 their piety and
.. patrietisru, is due to
the, itailettii ,
these lin
prelim:nerds, havt9iiion4ziade,,lthat _we .ahOuld
metttiatt„thit done. jik,
4t:l.;Pel?*l44 l :tl'sPc i ll° l ° tl6 k b Yt 3l6-
*sil;iitib:**taiiitoi4e, - o:6ii o, and'
'the gas fl . atures whioli..are of truly , elegant do
sign' and flnioL, were' furnished
. by Moesre.
Steihen'.&:''llikiti4ri'iS the
,oast corner of , the :
SquarO, isae broken into onTri , l4 night last,
and ticainitfdirabliiniticniht nf:Ohithing
I:!eSoarnps dOched themsotyOs out jil the now_
Attil . ,lol4 their, obt fr otoitiliejiibtri4.c Frorn t tliose'
nnolatiosttatnoti,„tha c tiithit.,;,kutglarsjyeo,
couple of SoldioisClioneio gariisOn . p.ilio had .
deserted !that night bps* not pet bo's'n` - at;.
jested'. • • -
._-,-,..- ,4 , -,..; 4- ~
'fr;im - thdsltipponiburg Nide' that. ttrei''young
:German , : girls -, arrived: 4n borough', lilAt
week, Where they jetire joyfully 'greeted ',by:
twn.yeuog , men,fo debeet 114 were'
%be, married. , The yiang nieri'left Weidetriberg;
• derrnany,' t!io' years egd, end 'eranii . ;to •this'
noun ey iii Minseqiienco of the opposition • of
Abe:parents 'of the' girls to their marriage - :'
They settled nearlihippensburg mid :after . ;a r
:yenr of Iriduitiboufi , toil mere 'able:to 'Send the
euffiCient fut O'to'enable them to
devoted mitidens,- tine: to' the.
objects of their affeotionS, of once 'fled
. cretly fromlieme, and hiking dpassago across
the perilous Atiantio;joiirneyed n'tlistande •• of
'four theuson;l miles without "meeting .on de'
ileintonee 'until they were received' by their .
lovere a(the veil road depot in Shiphoneburg."
for the last Thee days has been tttretrie: The
.thermometerranges in the vicinity of zero. Novertheleße, with good hciueen, pletititf fuel,
warm clothing, and n well spiced board, there
is little diminution of enjoyment.. All may be .
happy at thiiohetii:ful:fii:eBlife: llut the home
of the needy and.destituto,ia n'-fen - rful one,
in tiuoli'ineleineni Weatifer-43bildren . ehiver-
Ing from cohl rind'erying for fifoll:--these things
- appeal lc - thy hearts of thosti Who hove au ii
'bundanco. During this'oOld weather,. we. inunt .
all remember tbh poor! Let them be sought
NORMAL . SIIHOOL.--The • iiyoceediligs
of thelneeting -of -School • Directors, held in
thin boroogh on the 18th inet. hoe' been to
otilyed,_butloolate_to appear in_this ireehls
paper:: : . •
Tho defeat of Forney has created nitwit ex
et enter? . IeTO o- ay among all par es.. any
ardiecair4 witliliTab . WW
quiescence, nod the opposition_ with joY- -
This failure of Mr. Buchannies: first more
mont after bia.ol:cyn to, the Presidency ar
gwea badly.
A Renoontre
An unpleasant personal row:it:are took placo
on the floor of dto noose .yesterday, between
Campbell, of Ohio, andltuSt. It is understood
Russ was angered by Catniii)OWs - prissurd of
the previous question on roYerring the nice
eage - 4 the Committoi of the' Whole, so that
the Muse could-take up' the Tariff bill, and
told Campbell it wail a mean trick, or some
thing to_that effeot.' Campbell' retorted with
offensive Ineguage_ and ondeavored to teach
Rust,-bitt-wai_preienteibyA - -K. Marshall,
who t interfered to preserve the peaco. There
are rumors of a duel, otcourse, but the affair
will'probahly blow over.
lEfoking up a Duet
The 'Minnesota - Loud, bill, wldch — le..noif
kicking up a duet hero, is not connected with
the bill which passed Congress three 'years
ago.. On the contrary, the present bill is got.
ten up - by. the vsr ; y,, parties who pretended
they - found so`much - fraud in the former
but the evidence of which they failed to prove
before the Investigating Committee at the
time.• :The parties to the bill which passed
three years ago are pressing the government
to bring their case before- the Supreme Court,
and it is understobd that the President has
direeted.the Attorney General to do so.
Investigating Committee.
Only two witneuees limit!, been examined lie ,
fore the Investignting committee—Mi. Rity
.monil nuti•Mr. Simonton. Theformer disput
ed the authority,. Baying 14 statements Were
prodicatedmmin' repreemitntlipis which, ns n
jou'rtinlist; ho, would not , rf r.,, Sim
onion wee two,hotirs 4T3jected to n
close scrutiny, covering end present
transactions, Filially, ociiiliti6ition was 'pro , '
'posed•WhiCh.he positivelyl'efulted to answer.
bail there the exatnientiou, Citified, with; an
intimmioW that , he might be twrested. •
Could not be? onna
• . •
'PE rq.N SY L VA MA -.X.EtL A Is VRX I 3:.S .-r ",
• IVinientsl4Y,:Jan: 14.•••
iikoinut the eleation cOmeren 8..
Son'oter, humus:: iFirat,itOtliii Hut reoeiv:p . the
aonourrent•majoHt, of e-iinh Hi; : seco ndly,
, • .-
,” because the - Semite ','did not oomPly •
provieion of the: eleation - Jaw of ruij 1889;
requiring the appointment of tellers, and nnik
_,Jog-nonlinatiOria nt least nno, tiny before t,4
• .
signed. by fourteen Democratic Sennters4tMr.
:111r„•1'.eiuroae "inured to iefer. the 'ifuliject `to
the Judieinry of
I I • . the ithsbnee'of Ur. Browne, owing to sickness
!.- - in his rho •,question
for the present. • . , •
•• Thp.Aullitor (Ignorelots ordered, transmit
, ted rerierts - nf,tlio Banks.: I.,:uleasier• 'Bonk
and Savings Institution, no reports.
'the - niintinritafenfetirn
the . Unlyersity . of: Pvniullronia..- , A hilt ;wain
read by:Mr:log.l'l;UL being a' euPplentent
the Hoene(' - ". • •-•. 0- •
iiig,'ntOl a Yegistry . inw. .•.
Mr Solithot?i, tiOuppiernint to the Penusyl- -
*enia r Ciotl bouipitny, " •
Mr. Flenikon, n Oupplgmeni , Co: the
field .-Ttni I 1 , 04{1., purPhose. * . - Psssod.- The, So•.
nate then adjourned.
. ' The Spottier anontinced . - the
jog' in the - thost inipootant of the -
• .•• —wrANhoolLuomitruks„ - - •-'
• Wags and illeani.--Mensr.4. Fethei: Roberts, •
MU, Dick; Jenkins, Glide'', „Ste
'venson Adiciary- , -'sleSsr.4. Knight, Calhoun '
•/. Wilson, Petrfkon, pit:stand, eleQahnotit,
- ter; Longaker, - Mumma. Eduddlion--:Mi,litird.
Jenkins, - llitlf; Vail, Browne, Walter,
Abratne, Nicholson..
facietrea—Messrs. Smith, (I,ufohe i ). Wharton,
WithroW, (Vork,),4teitun
_Cleaver, Jtitit4 ±SiSlirop, yehti K Et ikii!; Pti i••• •
0211, 'Kerr. - Co.rporariona—Mbfis
Carty, Struthers, Leiseurine, Show, Ilattehek,
..Morehead, Backus, Mater. Itailroacld
Zimmerman, Innis, Rnusolil, Smitlr; (Cinthrla)
Thorn ; Abritess,lllumtna,, Warner, Westbrook,
.Walter, Dicliey,•Katiffnetn:.• _ •
Mr. Jenkins o ff ered tr'protest to-Mr • C.tme.
Jon's election and moved that it hopiseed on
- the jourital:
Mr. Ball moved to postpone the matter in
definitely, supporting the 1110.11011 in a speech.
• - McCahnont also supported the post.
Mr, Foster nod other dethocrate opposed
• the'poatputteuivitt, and the motion was finally
disagreed, to—yeas, 48. nays 48. •
. • •ArLßall then moved to refer the protest to
• the Judiciary. Committee'
A rambling entl - very:earneA - discuirsion- - en . -•,
sued when the previous question was esth.ti,
uud,t)e thution to - refer I,l:iGt-j“.,,,;-1•2„11i1 . .,.' 'l6
que,tiott !the
7.--yottutPttt-go , -ettott-th , —jaul.ll4l.l-1'....-;4641
yeas 15, nap not. , N. , Wlolllll' Vittlyw: ii
nitaitte Wll.B !0,1, 1,_•ti. , .,'•;• r utuvo.l n u tii
of the hone , _ „
- A Toug - at
Minfl Elm Muorlieud..
-stand,,,Petritten, luttl.nthers I.ut:tici . ~./
pqt lie..
1,110 - "i3u.11. won' 0rd,er...1. anti 72 mutritievi uu
mr,Ted paltlV'S. • A Inotion,ww4
mu le-to Adjottirt), t.1111:tilo agreed
L . _49..y8 Adjuurned.,
•• 7. — .. TurnennY;7:in."l2, -
--SnNATR-i , -The---- , Bpoak,eri i iresenteii , -thwAte•:
• . prin. ut the . Coriuuineiooe4i appointed to
hp- - potnl k ets weattni , '
under tin aiiimesed hint session.
A -number : of. petitions -were 'presented,`
among whiob were a nuniher from Philadel
phia in fitvor of a • City Passenger lreilway,
and a modification of the usitrysys t and are
signed by three' hundred business firms of
Philadelphia in favor of the incorporation of
• the Corn,liichange Bank. •
Mr..Pourose . rend in-place a bill to incorpo-•
Tate' the liottse 31anufacturing . Company of
Mr. Penrose, a bill changing the Dante of
the -Board of . , Missions of the Pritsbyterian
• Church,
which passed first reading. •
Mr, Wright, a supplement to the Point
Breeze Park Association. which passed first
• andmecond reading. On third reading—it was
, supported
. by, Mr. Crabb and opposed by Mr.
• Wright„and postponed for the present. The
adjdurned until 'Monday at II o'clock.
. House: Numerous petitams.were presented
'in favor of a City ParetiE;er Railway in, Phila.
phia—for the medication of the-usury la'Ws---
. awl in favor of the repeal of the tai on Inert
Mr. Ball 'read in Rlnce a bill compelling
Banks to discharge
. Mr. Dock, a Gill incorporating the House
Manufactory.Company. , •
, Mr. Ilanceedr,a bill incorporating the Cho-.
mice' Manure -Company; also, a supplement
. to an act regulating Banks.
The bill authorizing Cho United States to
purchase the Pennsylvania. Rink building,
was then' taken up and discussed. The bill
was.sustained by Mr. Knight, and opposed by
Mr. Ball, Mr. iliestand offered nu amend
ment, subjecting the property, to State Taxa
lien; which was discussed by 'Messrs. Ball,
lidecalutiint, Porter, Thorn and Eystar, who
spoke against it. The amendment was
ayes 28, nays 63. The.bill then passed after
which the House adjourned.
The Sonata is not in sossiou to•day, 'having
adjiiurned*ciVer —
1Iontm: Mr..Eyster called up the bill chang
ing the names oldhe Presbyterian Board of
Missions, which was passed.
' V Mr. Eyster also olfcreira series of reselu
instrUctiug the 11. S. Senators mid re
questing the ..Representatives in Congress• to .
vote for the admission. of Kansas as a free.
State. lie waved a raibrallaa a . speciiitl
'committee, 'hut subsequently accepted nn
amendment of Mr. Fetriken that ~,they be in
furred to the Judiciary'Committee. • •
, Mr Foster endeavored to withdraw the
, ieticbaan I, hn6 taturol4ll4sl.,,TMOßlallUJlte
' thation!to withdraw- to ,he not. dn. order.
' Thn motion to reter was then toothy;ii;party,.yeas_ 42 iiiE!'4o. - The rain:damns IW
Mr Jones rend iu !dace it.iiikto incorporate
—the Fayette 11:mli of Uniontown. The .11onso
. then adjourned ' , to meet on "MoM.biy, at: 12
The Corruption InyeellgOting Corninit;
tro--The Printlngitrizroses. ~,
• ' . ~'WnennioTox,..b.o. 16..
J' It.'Siveciley, .fingeti - York who serrial as
an Assistant Thiorlieeper of the, !Iroise during
the lost scosiOn, was to-day examinet by the
caaltmittee sif,lnvestigation on the recent char
gas of coif rien. . , . .. , , '
. ' Mr.•Trija ctt, farmerly. the Chief Clerleof the
Pension I. :co, and Mr Chubb, theflaulter,are'
: reportad ti! latve,been 'Ogg suottn , tied.
',ltl,r . Simontonohe correspondent of the Niw
' 'York' limo:: inenered every questiorratrectillg
- himself. but deulined„andtvering some respect,
• • lag others. on the ground that..bit.. could ,ant
do RD without n:dtghotprittile breach of caufi
tlene. ' lie also invised Oath. 'tins . the • right
- "liittl duty - Of ncianifia Veil t 6in' t Milliii.ii::',:iioril
tonriCtlons vvithriut,holding, themaldves••rerp
•'... onnlble to _prevent .proufs„, unlova spootkulni,r 7 ,
~. gesmre 'made ami nail MlividMthi, by liable.
- - :The superintendent 'of ^Ptiblie ,Printing han
' 'requested the 110uso CoMinitt'ese , f .e t nearly.
.. ~ $241,600, ns,alffieleney,to finish thoprinting
. ordered (1011mi:the 6istsosslOti,of ilintintnthise
' Ancolinrof Nadlielb': lia 'flityfi,'.marciVeia' 011 d
not at.t4o.t time hove `- been ntiato;- ~,i ,• .•', ••••'• ,•
towns and cities On'the ohio'riVor'are
. suffering' from, sMirolir 'of Nei.'
tutu Alofr obfer sepidtee of, eon! bY 'flat bopts,
rem Pittsburg;'but cluring„the'iast summer.
and odtetnn tke river vras 130, ioiv..tbat
oluld be 'taken derrn, and,' ,. rtor Om river Je
"fr .o7 ;* ll BO tha t , nplc , ono be..oonv y,
..tbat route... TIM ralrOnds st:,q,unfOrttmately .
not prepared :with" , Om ; prelim oar's Mul..Olher,
..nrranzatointe'fn'eoeSiary: for 'oeal trnusportri.'
• Can, and beeideiii; the, freigbe , an on. over thO'
; Oh to.rende. i la would
tti*ioliMue,...,prioO' far , :poOr;A:toople.',4e-Clit;
, Abe',Beareiti is rzreriewit,rthera
s l ,. niists tjult,e'a:"MMlV.‘ • tliere .. le e
, };; Market:Belle ' at
,forty, Eifty,,ar ":stity.Oenie
64A 0 ); 1 74 1 0 lqPitzp,T:4liti.k. , . ,l om;oompelled , ,
isz;:tjtnafy ,iri3adulaaturiug establishments etep'
.", .'• • 1.1 . 1
• • • " °'
;. •
t4C. - weeicEttliter news. from'' Anti
Tprsw!lby_ttlid s .errly 2 4,.et New Y4rlk,of the_
George 250,000' in
Thpiiteente)4p Sparro.Nevaile left Sikn.
Frrititediic'oi - Ctlit72 - lth err. for Son4uen WA'
a large_auMber oftArp,pp,o . fpx„,-(ken.....lValke'r,.
Auatteitis,niatie a-few days . .i;re r .iounl4'
to search thls,nteamer ntirgr deck. . The Su ;•
promo.. Coil - WAt . ,C4I4 fdrni ti: .hae, pronounced;
- the - mitirtr Sfattilieht*Ancotihtitu Lionel . except
ingsBoo,ooo. ' Ito.: Papa. reootamends the
Talieptiotruf - thetlebtlf - legfeataraTlT
that'flio . quiialiod of ropuiliatiOu. be submit .
ledlirtho people: No tratitiferrie stook s has,
been made 'since 010.,l1eCidttil . ilte,penple
urn Opposed to TerfFsdiotion. - Meetings ' , .base
linen culled in some parts'of the Stale tii : .give
expression to the publie'oPinlort. - At o....,iheet•
lug hell nt Sou Francisco, a resolution`;#na:
,pyisel,filedgig the redemption of the' debt
' bilbC . People . - The . natetirit:" ellia'illre'e"iiiil"-
.liollB o.f s Apilurs. • The 84prerne .. Cotirl: oleo
,decaltal that sl,soo,oolrerlp isrued ti).. the
'old earl:minden 'for Al It vi . itSsonnente, vas
- itliniltiwnl7 s aIA suit: waso decided, brought
'by ..4,0
1 ,!•.5 - er - &Nile 'fiifj,:slip . ...Eiroperly,qor
'the recovery of money, paid-4e flte, , nify, the
sale haring been since qteclared illegal. Th e .
deciSiOn'isrthat.trithough the 'sole is illegal;
-and therefore the tills reverts to the.oity, yet,
AM.porehnso Money must be recovered' Trim
the , Latill.Tuinitiiiilionera who made the illegal.
tide.. I rl.o timouut in 110W/to - is .$1,200,000,
-The-totrOuis-libm -decided - that .:the- ally-- is
nut liable fur 1i . ;875.00t) .for,' /1 ',lot" puichtsed
fur the county buildings. The Court has also
mootionowtho . oaciofe or the Fremont Mari.
' posh. - grant for'taims, and -thoi estate wilt.. be
sultilbfife4-11ili taxes Um paid.'' A•battle was
'fought 011.00 21er of Noitoruber. at 'Puget
liouttdOuiiieca...tlio.Northeeu Indians and the
U, ii..efiterherilheetteliueette: Twenty , seyea
'lndiana Wein,hilfilfttid.' tweuty 7 ono wounded
.The renialpilerietirrehtlered... Only ono man
beltiligiog. to :-the”,:seinther-Was killed. The
revolution is Pohrlik'pregreking. , Gene . ral
1 \Tirane°, the leader .of 'the movement,' boil
liven received with' enthusiast!) ,ht Arequipa.
Several provinces have declared in his favor.
'Arica was attacked oir.Novembor 24th by the.
insurgent %Learners' Lea and A ptiriatitac.—
'Business was cumplebily paralyzed.. •
wishing to try thi.i new and interesilug plant, will be
supplied' with et liamt 4.160 -perfect :feeds, Pima op
011111a1E, if the'y send it prepaid c 2-11114) ugvelope , rietilSr
directed, to moil them.
Tim jost,recrived a large new,,,FuPply
of first-rate Putts and fresh Seeds from France; to lh ed•
sod-to hie .110000118 10tt,.' , 0 stork of Ante/krill growth.
lie Islas 110 W enough to p l ant OVEIL 200 Attlthe. te ono of
'this stock is for sale, but I nll now WI hand will be divid
ed among suliserll'ers to TIFE - AIiItICULTURIST. (111 S .,
trlbutientriaa Jan. Di to' ch. t!f..) FlOlllO 200 Cr lOW e•
R1+11.111.1,1.1: ole l reels ed do ily, find piehageid of
seed, helog imalr
!.!! E !!!!)11'LTUE I ST' is generally acknowledged to
goer iu the court'', devoted - only to
„is m „• ArN7eji, ihriltied - tinehti: It thllie
• 155i:resit anpatht. 1,1 Oslo. practiral:
t trill. :Oat 1,10 1 7 . Haan 2i30 lnlgo
.-t- Tor a 111 . 01.110 1.1. •.7 7, 7 •t :1.. U.' pig!-v. tititi':Otlll7ll,ll h,itiehe nerth.many tittles
, ~.! 11..!! • Li! " stirs '
SV7II - rili - O; Sugar ono heeds fur
; alter which the hulk. of '• less than hottilng:' , •
r .ul: l I le g sh A el l : note.. Lark 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 1:1 " l?;. ' re ir' t
l' r i ' .il iw ,rl l . e. No A . IriYreltgoo
oho; - V il''Zio.-I.taY The - 1500 hied tor new - gott.-rel. Chart-fill 6111 ,Legill wish
N.,,veiiii,er•2Blli, ". ti the .14111/' •latla'Sfa SOO Iffids7.
at 1111,0.111)11.10011. tllOl shut Ort.litt hill
,noi'l Prie'lle let ters - slafe (hat Ills, - indigos
_o.l_olll4!_epe hoof risiMi:ii[pkiiist Walker, nod Lod
killcll ttliee.n tillitm±teri Gen ..Wallier;witli.
I 1.50 torn, Mid m441)1)031,1 stet 'retake Granada,
.bat had . helm repulsed. :Toe mid v tees _from
Itfrill-lire-111-1). tithe._.-Gen.--Walker. It RH • 'Or-,
'Nlepl.. - .1v1111111 , 011 - 0 - 1 - thrtfil Ef
_Gen_ Cantts:_w Ito :lutd_..ets.
rThindrod men, wel'. supplied _ with_ itroeisions"
mtheitimis of trar.lta t iiiHvy ha l f_
-taken-plae-betweetrt Ite , -a•lvaneeel guards
Gen. Walker's men, are said to be badly SIT,
mind dying du ily_or dysentery. Two -hand:eel
men, hemmed in Cho church: Of 'tinadsloupe,
were- destitute or wafer and hubsisting ,on
horse flesh, but - nevertheless 'obstinately re
fused the,qtrirler olfereel,t there - Jty
Morse., the Americatt Commissioner at,
Bogota, Preuitethiel to Cartbagena in the Bri
tish steamer. •
Advi . cesiavo been iCCeiyeil fiomBnn
,lel'Norto to lccolutei; 32J. . 'Cogtain Scott
had 41 . v - tire : lied wit!)bilt Vnikcr, p'n.l
running 6iN bnAt4 : ' 1V,1,k4;r• had r , lacl
for hi.; own um, ml.l I:0 '
nud rir,• c..:l ru: • r
cir: 1I Ii c
We have important news from Nicayngua,
by the arrival ut New Orleans of. dui' steam
ship Texas.. The Costa Ricans, protected by
the F.tiglitth ticeti o liad seized every .steamboat
On the San Juan River , The. strainer San
Carlos left Virgin Bay with passengers, on
the third of January, but was captured by the
Costa Ricans, soon, after she ,got into the
river. COL Lockridgo, with 260 men, hail
possession of- Punta _Arenas,..:liut the. Costa
Itioaa force of mop men' hidd •every • other
point on the river. ft is conlirmea that Gen.
Ilenningserrliad beaten the allies at Granada,
and joined Walker at Rivas. Walker's array
Is represented to have been in good: spirits,
and never more confiden t
, of success, while the
allies were fighting among themselves.
' ONA Or VIE ROADs TO ettibrs.=OSS oelho
-surest--methods orinaking eriuiinalsjs-to .de.
grade : i labor and-pay undue respeot ,to - wealth.
Mon will run any risks to gain a position in
society. Tho recent disclosures in the oases
of Huntingdon, Tuokortnati, and other similar
delioquents, in this country; of Saddler, Hob
son, Redpatli, and others in England and
France, prove that the desire to appear_woll.,
in society, to bo ranked among the happy fenr
who live without labor and indulge in' the ele
gni-Winn- of life, is one of the strongest inoon:
lives to crime. And it must be noticed, for
the fact is painfully evident, that the false
spirit which rnyerenues mere wealth - and scorns
honest labor, is becoming atermingly preva
lent among no. It.'is time that the Press find
fying opinion,. and prndu,9ing s. moral client,
.Ivtrii employed in checking, the growing evil
in question. It is especially the: duty of pa
rents to instil into the inintht a, their children
just.ideas of the erne dignity of Ilther, and
-the worthlessness ofmiere extrinSie show; for,
the child that heft been innght regarcl ‘ wealth
as dip standard .of excellence, awl bluest M
ime as degrading, will run difarrow risk of
hog his days ttu the gallows or in thuo , ells or a
FrupAY, Jan. 10
. .
SaY,Kentuoity, isA.moit' o go.llunt and 9hival ,
,TFState., .irtrel1 7— ilt lit - iFirlTaireluntry. or t o
is . tho right of suffrage. expressly con
ceded to womag. B,y the,.revised statutes, aux
,%vi,ritalt Jinxing a.ditkid i tteiweett lii e, ages of six
nod eighteenyents,untj' Motu for t.elkool trustee
The right' WWI exereiiid r ag. 0 by t. , e v rn I
widows In *he itortitero -State
Dii. ISAAC •'• THOMPSON'S -Inteli-eelo
begled f.Y.1.111'.1.T1111. "Its morns stand unrittalled."
'fhis old, tried ttod lavalualde remedy for all Ito tlis
-0.4,a of thu opts, atter having ,stood lAN test of .over
Fly Years, and the detnartil'for it Is still' increasiog,.
Is ow, mot itkalaten for the past two yeat:th'olfortal tor
&do in an ottliro nine dress. Each hot Liu will Intro a
steel Pinto flujrured i:nvoloPo; With a pettialt of lho
Inventor, Dr. Isalte -Thompson, Now - LoOdun,
fac'Athilo of his sigoatOro, together mitt g• Ilne
51.110 of the ri;naturu ot tho presoat proprietor, John
I..'f bo. liWand, 153 lthetr street, 'rroy, , Now
Yorltotod m o no other can' ho genuinb. ' ,•
The propriotor has boon compolled" - to Idaho this
Thango in 1.11.4ty1e itf tho wrapper owing to tit° largO
yonuttiv.ofrolintoefeit ividelt f r the.past. loss
has boon palotod , upou the community, and ospocially
at the West. , .
Purrlaviorm are particularly reaueritarl to buy none
but the ahem ke Abed, and ee• tilt ill ti ' label 'hereto
, fun uw.•d liad been pallid ini . allY"l - Ortud.lll. that f uvu
❑te preprletob ilocrVuot het tato to proriounco Counter For Rola by all tho resportablo druggurts,Pr the Vol..
Arid Stathis and Ciihrla.'
• . .
-utt'bditothe pain and lullhuirdluurivin.the Hart rAttluirk
molds, id foom duo, to twouty .mintitea-,-und that a;
will lima] the. wounds with Out a sear; and effectually
' , Alto Feint- 'annis—Pllo--llttle libutua—itifflihintitttes
'Altottitiatteal--noreand lutlatactl - EyeE—Cull;—if oll tidat
Ileobtut.-Old. and TaretUrdto hoees—Ecaldllead
-Corne.nonlltuntonallklryalpolito- 2 -Spraltia l- t.wellltute --1
Voloits—Clillblanullltos of lost-ette7Swelled and Ilro-
Itemlltreast—Dol'a NipPlea:—EruPtlone—and all- other
• lontuntuatery, entaueonif dlsoalote,ythoro the.-parts
r.; Doh's Do lunindulotalraliuutt' the meaty dlseastte named
'to bit oneud by hnly ono thing- , -butrydleetthat Dui few,
,Init rattly° propertloa tehlelt - qui Dailey -.Mateo alone
GOUtUill and us heretufo!d . ontituientod.:-one foup.•'s ,
'-uot.,y,StiO;'aftro ated; tlonud dloootla, .1ml!
biodithyalelautiproaerlbh cab)
root ItfulnxllVioe seam of dltfeeeht dlatuuteall' , ";-
box'of Ogautah Datty'd Voitt, Kara 4 Cinn NV up
on it a SteolTlat6 Engraved Label with . the iilentaturek
bre.N, J ci l ippoitak vroprioors; .and
nALT,IX, tnatilitacturer.. AIL °them are countOefult.
411 orders addrosseil to 0. V. 011eltoner
Do., 81 Iturcloy otyeet, New York. •
r.a.,Vidtuthi'hy StlFDruggleta throughont'tluf Dana*
. .
,FIUSMOST, I ncilittatstot (tANDMATL-11;polarotatatp
- bid an many Monde as tato Mustang,LtatinsOta , titottP . ,
ptStlttrin eon% tion-dinsv. a. corpprnl's gnarl),
monk: rtannrttodi. , ' , llls .dloptitolunt
whits tranninuttrig hontesnuttattlunvnt , theltlatokok
litonlcu,U That tr thivauvtlriiment
aupply of Mustang
,Linitnont,in9ltta. war 21 , :per
c4 1 ,14;, • ar his loitoto. - 3...Th1e ta
tan nutll,lyerymott,titg u out,it.enta*nitiiing l4l o l snont ,
Isn.tiondirrat :article ',fOr man fin .beant;i:.AV . StuttißP
' l l , l,3 l ‘' l t o Wed ' esn'ott,SnalltngsStltr; BUMS.
liruistat;'.lltinutnatin Nun; 44..-ottnVlbr.9nitts, , spothm„
brygteg,.. ;; Bawaruof %Mita
Statun..; Tl4Muitang4o, - 4:l7 , 4tAuspos 4140. ,
• . Arita3k
, Oa A.lit
HBnprec,or DrullercE:,--A late :letter, from
itlaY44 says: ^.+,..
alinoet - reeavergd -the,ueo of
bie poktyried and hie arm`-le
OPittrepoit4 to Slow yigpe of vitality. 'Ha eon.
..tO'ntiilnten , retOrnfng.'hone;, if . hie health atoll
Novo' Harnit; on _the 12111 fitiener;_,
eurgeOnpf the:,lyAhneh,
eelebtfrifel e hyt-ijitin of Itaralie, weed hie
phyttiaianti, and admirably treated his ease."
1 - itte - neEt of Pnbmise —A - olerk ill New York
Unta-got-ititaselt—intfta,.f.. by hating Lou
inany etrings'to his how.. Ufi the evening of
his - inarritteu to a charming.' heiress of 'that
'city he woo arrested und token to the toilibs, on
Suit for n breech nC.proinise to a lady of,New.
ark, N. J and his 'bildal tour. is indefinitely.
postponed. - . The injured lady lays herclatnages
at tenAltoutstrid dollars. -
On the 15th D ' oughe'l4;lDAAo
D. CLA Ric, or Tuntit Co., .1‘41., to JANE A I I.SIBIRONO,
•of Carlisle, Pn. , • • • -
on the .131 h inst., by 'thellev. AA!: Krernor, Mr.
Silver Sprluk township, Plinth: eoithty.
A t-Ichisburg, - Perry enmity, ou the IltWof December,
by lho liev..l. D. Strain, 31r., JOAN 8." WALKER, qi
Flinnet tsburv, Trunk An county', to MIsS
daughter, of, the 'lron, Itober . f, former
Jan. I, 1851; by Rev:C.V. - Wing. Mr..ioflN /13.1iTSA.
toirlfds•-jpi BEIJA-,-I(IItAPATRICK,botb-of-Carroll
NTOTICIE.:--The annual meting - 0P the
Lahti Association," will Lo Lehi. In the
Arbitration Chatnber,... Court House, on Saturday, Fe
bruary 2d, at 7 o'clock,„P, M. An election will 1,0 held
fur President, Treasurer, pecrOtary, and Five' Directord,
to servo Mr the ensuing year.' - • '
Jan. 22, 1857.-20.
...._ .
~ _,.....__ . . . .
uitANii.g.illl),D,l, 191 %VatN k st. Toini:One TieIMF:
k 'f
Pubtr l'rap'r. f Now or ': 'I I. A
Your in Advance.
VOL. XVI.Nod. SANILIILY; 18 . 67. Now Series, N 0.129
CANE—AII old and how BOA..Mem to ,
11,-E CO3I.I'.A,NY'S
U. 11. TIFFIIN V, •Esq...of Carnets, will deliver the
fioeoliti Deinio Ituforo 1.110 lJwos hRe COMPASV
THURSDAY, the, 211(t ofJanunry, • 1h57, In the CeenT
Mutt.. •
. .
mon Tiei:vtfi. otimittlng two peplums lo the l'imrso,
,t a int• Sensinf Tkla Eclainii [ ti tii.elli,_hiii - fivelih CK - - Tie ...
— cliiTiiiriTiraTiiliiarCnirriiiPit lifO - Ctiiinifillte.
. J.:-.0 I , WAN, • 0:101.A.,i - -
-- A CottNmA N. , 0, .11 MEcxy -
_M. M: Sigvt:Ne6c: ..... Committee. -
___Th.,. '7_ IA( ,
~, . .
kik ) AG ENTS..—Experieneed Canvassing Agou to tenni.
nut in all parts of the country for lb° ComprehmMivo
Geography and History."' Acient and 'Modern, of tho
Whole World. from 11113 earliest ngoi to the present time;
by S. It. Goonntem (Peter Parley.) elegantly bound. ond
beautilully illustrated. Prico Sold only by Agents,
to whom special districts will, ho. given. Applicants
should Aldo what countie s they would Oho. For full
parneulars apply to •
, .1: 11. COLTON A Co., No. 172 William fit., N. Y.
. . •
it Asi; E JUDD, 1 191 Wat , er f Torms Ono Dollar
Pan'r 1, Prap'r. f New ark. t A Xoar In A 4 vanco
Vot.. XVI.:No. 1. .I.IS 11A 1U17,18.57. NewSerles, 140.12,0
}IA WI—TIM SOOdrlchirs for.
WORK Fon Tyr. Mourn--
.1 s's VAIIIC.-4CCUttllOglIO 0 ,
work to be done' in the
Field. Orchard, titirden.
fl,roett and' ilot.houses,
-- iidetcpuized with many
valuable hints. This is
Frechll (loam.° Of this
Journal. 'rho Cslemide
lays out 0001 work l:fore
and tnaterildly aids
and systematizes
plans. '
_Aunts for.munuring..
~4.OFAIIAOUS—FuII 'chapter;
on culture—perhaps the
most complete yet writ.
Ilan lizons-311nuto direc
tions of making then',
offealver' unpatented
irk, illus.
ffonsee—lioll Evil cured.
NlAmelids, first
of u thoroughly pinerical
series. •
31A:stouts—Au tau uciug cud
InstruCtiva cut, OK - ming
hou 1.310 of tho 'Epeclol
3lnnurco" are got up"
Maintain I'4Am:ix—Annus-
1 ni account of an attempt
to.usr. •
OtISLII. PLANT-410W to cook
ice..—Tle .I:ipan. •
plus. '
Pardotimicat P6CILIY, Allle
tionn—Frtilts adopt ed,kc.
Pouiniattr—rarrour'il trial
-riBOAU rs—Wln tering. ,
Cons—Tlio Kinglllp.
,of a large stweasful grow.
' of
experlynee very
goodEllloos—'fro ar ti c les
aueurlint In t , & c.
EVAIZOItErNS—Proof Seed.
FENCING—FuIIy illsensaed. •
toreslionimptur of do -1
bar Thomas':, N 0.2..
Iturnaue, or Plant—
Full chapter on culture,
liners IN PM's—Directions
ihr growing, with Lontl•
fill cut.
guts DRAINP In Winter.
STonmy .I).lvs 7 —Work fur.
STAW11).11.1111T, No. I—By n
srower,_ The
first of a fffinTorles - tirliir
coottnued through tho
- ----.,--
largo two rol man (lit.
showing manner .01 lay
. lag out; the place of
trees: plant... Vell't ,
&r. 'A capital t fang for
all, eultlvaturs or small
plots. .
- -
year.. with St.proprinto
monthly dirertiolit,
about this ilitereetiug
11010 1110 . 4, 4 '0M:t0 400
fi eeo•io
- srnding,s.'rethly 1111 . .1.0 ,
ststopott euveloilo.)
Tooto—Ditizing,lthles for.
TutplAm 7 :llor misod cheap ;
e CUL-U/1K NO.'i —The
_first of a full, gnietienl
seclee try La oxgerleured
. . e.
Vi nurnA—Chopier on.;
E above is nn outline if
imbor; find 'that. got up un-
11,11 t and hustle of attending
100 now-subscribers,Jetters.
0: ELEVYN MORE' numbers
ynd as mueb better so' posst
rnished this yeitr; End 'Am.
her E. (18lr' - will La fur--
, 3j 00 now Pubkribers fpr
_ _
dorlbo otoititno
to-»earty-l itt ,ol
lof inquiry, An.
I . ,pital Demo!,
ninhed fruit to
kir ON 1..
N, IL—At least 200 poiTactigeods bfilta
ine,Chloose Sugar Cane NVIII I:0 NIA Yon ,
to every old or nar subscribor to THE
IIIll'hhl'i1It10')' who furnishes n- ready 41-
,1 ect.l (peol.pal4l).ino,lopo to mall thenein.
N. It —TRU nortipwauicisT lajecnted '
1:1I Iho tietropolited , Citv of the coinitry.
the best. point foe getting the best infor
mation from everytiectimi••. -
N. IL- 7 111U AGRICULTURIST surpasses '
nll other similar journals, 10 having, beOlclo
,its 1:0$1.1011t Concluding ,rditor, alt *Asseci
into liditor nt EAOII of .roial points in the
liasttna, Moms nod 'Western ,A •
.10.1.011 of these men, who are thoroughgoing ,
magical Cultivators. Yrultgrowers.
rat f•Orli.' , &To are- constantly furnishing to
AORlGUirrniciv their combined es.,
perloneemad observations in their several •
localiGes. Title arrangement giros the
ijoitrunl UNEQUAILIib advantages for dif
fusing' the very neurprecticaleßiforrontien
' collected from ouch division orate country..
nually expending' $l,OOO, 11500, $2OO, $l.OO,
or lint sl,o 02p;.11pCIL Norm; Orchard,'
tiarden,or thinso.plot' upoulbltrAni.ftlFl-
wlli , well' to 01Irlald single' dollar -a...
year-more in supplying himselfv.lth TUN .
AIIIIICUMURI ST. rtom 14: full - 000
gam! at tlulrs given every year, no 0150 Can •
11111 to derive itt least 'some hintsthatsvill
be north to Dim many Gums the cost,
• TRY it a year—lt :will PAY,. • • ,
. . , .
'kJ OM'.
k,/` ONE.
. .
'Mule of I'vov. 27,1820, DIN' Oreelyaald
cwt lA.outcomenlst. to alarodeuhle quarto;
Industrleuely"edited; and. is particuiatly
1 attempts to cheat the larterra with _
In tic Tri
"Tim Aston
zealously ant
slava o OU all
cated menu ,
am Illd NQ.
~. . ,
Qiitopi . B ;:41i10',' , HARNESS : MAK
-1.3 rna. -,Tii e ru bii,ribei ,, continues. to carry onL .tbo..
varlouotranthos,ln Northilau,
above bugincm‘in4al"toNortai.or Laimard,e scorner
over street, °artistes : two doors
k 1, sa.db L a 11 - ICgditorat assortment
'i w „, b t re" i„ 4 l 6 l l n u ! : ,,,,,ns "nd lartloic e " 1 0
a ° n - Itln n da Of foible able 13A1:0-'
"-- --", VL' F -- DIA:I3 'Biidle4,:. Jtlortbiaarati; Girths,
:: i 4 -' ".. •
' V .. '.
. ' IL, 4' ..traTallnd slid saddle. ; ., d,„, il l , 4 -', :
.., .. `;'•••.1...,'4 \ w hogs) .. Ile also; : xsaus ~ ," ,?„ L ,-.1 ~,-......
-'.llf 0 .11 , tr, nitortitireo„. the; snout ez 1 4 . , IN. , .
-2:.! , •,-, , ,
.1 ,I .approsod•e• PA N-'ls)l'. -, ~..,,.,..,.,, ~ ...
'' ';'-I. ': '. 01 1 . \\\lfo '!_'.. " iil l Tllr N i G i ' o.TiVi:! ,e Li t A n r4 ,l; a b llT -7.'
.....,:,...,-, . \
~. ~,,,..e,.,; 4 1, 4 131e ane,p , ortar_tot , L-50dd1d......
. :
will do well to call ithd r seo tholia.,llO ".:-
',l• - .., ._,, ,E,.: A .4=l,3 o o'inauutioturoillftrnoskl, llrldlesi - ~
' LL ' - , :•.,,,. . - -, Oollars .4103.1VbitiO itto l l,ibek vlui4t',
Alas, and•coufldoptly , : hrolloyas,ftcon the goners) approba • '-:
, aids of Ida customers , that, LL ha toaltud,th.thOlSeat and 4
boot gootoi . lti all their votiotyVE bredtb;kbotll4#6,ao In
' WO country.,. „Ito oho nutkes , oll, Itttobin,clWatiotordo t 0,,:,
Order;,!lot , Strati; Hui% ,Oti)Ja /hat gpvi. - .prhig Mat ~,,
,rouses.;-All tb , t Abol'B,,SlO/9thiclll LhoL,..plado c, tad, hod ~''',
'ttiotor/.4 -4,,i4L•4:"./IWt4!#.L•tlo44atttlslo%l,llt
WM. BENTZ, Socry