„flitritrrw En 1= INI Patent Office Report, , We ,nre , indehted to Hon; LemitelTedil fora copy. of the Patent Office ."Reports „ for 185 q, ust•i e st i edhythe Commissioner. , . . of Patents . .., In Agricultural part, there . are , three' very. ' liatidsePe •ethireil litho . . . --I-graphs - of -North-Devon., cattle; _ bres.l4. by.. • - Leieester, EirglairdiT : —As effort ienaalting to get this breeiforcattlir . generally introduced into: ,the Western • States, we will copy the - felloWing de ; Lour--l-readere :.'• that wish to seethe ' enwravirigs ' can do • • so, by calling at:our alien : . • , "It is 'l3othe 'grazier; then; that this 'breed -is more especially valuable at; few ~ i f any others will rival -them in dispesi 'tiion to fatten .and. in the • quality of the • ;flesh. .Generally, speaking, the cows are inferior to niany'others for the pirposes ;of the dairy, but not as respects thequali ly of themilk ; -- for they yield more than 'anaverawp proportion of ereate . tied' but; ter,both which in pevonaidre.are pro, verbially known. ' Some. fanners,: howev-. er f have found them 6). yield evens large produce of milk, so that in'this particw! lar lunch may depend on, the ,ehoice of - pasturage, or the manner in which .they are kept..••• The..gcneral average of', the. dairies brie. pound' Of butter e . tidy for • _ • each cow, during:S themile - ice Months, or L as long as they are : well fed. , • "This breed will bear transferring to inferior soils - ;: a 0 well' '.as to colder and pore exposed .sltaiations, without: suffer ing in . the E4!ightest 'degree." Thus: upon • the bleak -coast of'iar . folk., arid Upon light • _ and inferior pastures,. they are found to thriveremarkahlY; well, and to sustain • their flesh upon veryindlfferent keeping. ---: ' , are unequalled; and,no description-et cat ' tie aiiiibo..etoitr6d,with them, either for or end urance"of tpinok ::-2.lnirei is almost fereUeelii.Working between . these oxen andgiinie. - of'Other breedsieS there is in a ligbt;t'tileanlY,; active cart:horip,.and the haib "Ter feeding - . purposes,: the -sPevons • p ,te _fatten, colebraled for - fineliess:Of -- their -fIA- and — tlibligiftifeat ;;It hough they do tiot attain . to so great a ' ..li3ight,as some otber breede-they tan at a very early alp. They- may be m •de quite .fit: for' the . butcher when ^"nty-seven oir' thirty menthe old; and tr weigh at , thet age. from. 560 •to 700 If kepi, until three yetin! old, I' ttle longer, theyjnay easily be made from 7.00 p;).840 pounds. at;-whipithe Working Ikons are fattened greatly - - varies. - favorite old bull iefirequently worked Po long, and it then requires both addition, al time and quantity:of - food; but gener ally speaking, a certain number are fed off each year; and fresh ones are Volt* iii to supply their:places. -These old ox , en; when well fed, tittaiii•aflOod; weight; frequently weighing from 1.120 to 11269 pounds:' In this case; 'however, they-are •.: immense consumers, and will: devour dai ly, wheii first pet to turnip's; 5 or 6 bush eta, besides other feed. • ." For certain di4tricts, -'the Deyona ' must he considered most _valuable Pals, being hardy and easily kept: upon the most, scanty herbage on poor soils. FITTING AND PLUMB.: ING.The undersigned would inform the caimans of Carlisle that ho has made arrange moats to do GAS FITTING and PLIniIIING at short no tics, and On reasonable terms. He has engaged the ser ._Tices. of n ;first rate hand from Philadelphia, and has • sup . plied hihiself 6 - Xl6nsire assbrtment, of L'IXT ultE ; whiidivi ill enable him to till all orders promptly , All work will be warranted. Ills stock of Use Fixtur,ea will bb found In the room exactly %Takata his Tinning. establishment en North llanovcr, striae t, w hero be lusttes __ call. . • • . •• •• - TINNINIVSPOTITINGT4eIIeria — raItif - Trlaneind". - ff ' furnlsh,,or make' to order, every article °CAIN 'WARE used by homiekeepore and ethers. „lle,_wlll also _attend. to SPOUTING, - HOUSE4I.OOFINO, BELL' RANGING, and PLUMBING: - • • Thankful for the patmnage with which he Lae already been favored, lie respectfully solicits ft continuaniklof • the same. MONROE MORRIS.' , EDUCATION OE! THE .ACIRfQUTaTiItIIErr • Carlisle, Junc..14..t54.- Their rich and fine quality.of flesh,* , `_.combined with their_enritEdled quuli ms, are incoming moo appreciated than formerly, and they tire.inCieasink Irk importance both. in: in country, amongst the oilier lireeds,."' —No man is so high mile. be.:. indeperi ent of the success of this great interest . ; •~ tio.tuan is . so law as not to be affected by its pro Verity or.,,declilm.: • Agriculture feedirus -;111 a grout . degree it - elotheactie; withotit.it we could not have tuauufae- tares, and we shonhl not have eanitneree These all Stand together' but they . stand' o together like pillars in a cluster, he . Jar- gest in - tai t e - nentre,'and .tbatdargest. is liVe• in a oduntry.of farms coid freciliold tenements ;.a e:Mntry, in whieh Men cultivate . xvitli•-•.their ovicn -bands Iheirown.fao simple acres,, dtaw-J ing"not Only. their 60..sn!ni(miae: • ao-their_Spiiat=of iudepande noe aiiil=w 41 . 1, , f I freedom, •from : the ground: o'4 plcv:• . They are at odic its Ownes, itS• cnitivn tors, and its defenders. The oultiYation of the earth is- the, Most important labor of men. ' , Nam may he oiviiized,in some degreeovithout great MantifactnVen ain't -- with little. commerce~ with his . - distant' neighbours; hut without cultivation 'Of. • . the_earth .he is; in countries', a- say -'•• _age. 'Until he gives up the chase, tied, fixes himself to some place - aid;-s'eelts,.e. living from the earth;:: die•;is a. roaming _b,arbariaM When'tillego 2begies, ,ether arts follew: The ferieurtiOlioreforeL are the founders -*of hiniqty cipfiiation.— Daniel,Widaten. , . . KEEP WEED: AKEONOI.II'.:;9E PIANURE. ....Boole seeds will live tTii;oeltityllniost any. usual ,fermentation ofteStit besides it should-not-heatLeml-fehnent. , - -"Many weeds out in flower will still ripen ; seeds: of our most pernieioui alio !nest te'-! . nts:A(4 . 3;4:We:The Tiro is — ilia _propdi . place' for,thern; lad,_ ashesi they .. are harp:demi and profitable. . , 'RELIEVING CIIIOE.ED extirr:E.--The following.method' of /Air:wing neat Cattle, when , ohojced by , a turnip; ..potato, .beoW 'tried, , It said, and never known to fail:: = Poar,intoithe throat (4 063 anitiud, from a jiitilrbottle, a pint Air 80 of l a mp - m! Sired oil, at the same time rubbing the throat briskly; with the band; Immediate relie'f vall.follow. - ._ This is ea oily tried,,*and:may be the "".means of say ing Many Nalnableanimals. • ' • - • C:,)" ' says tba 7 gtibiliAdvortikjer, a orop is • a -- 11 1 8 0 ;0444 1 4.1 1 0'44 1 4 1 ‘rt 40461'0 of sun- Aosta* :,'TOe to!; , oil andlO feed.liattle and 7 prOi7try;:tis ` iin the SOuth'il,l3YanOe'; but tveo'hiefObfooti , is . to obtain the - fibres,ottlul;,ktallat per-MajcitigiEllftbo ' oultivation,Sdp,ootirk r it .ks expoutpd,to supply abundant": iroi4 l 4; rials for;ficictritiugpul-printing 7 pftp9r , • as walla fine and ooale for Papßti•bang : t I - Vifrirtnitnt. ,Linger on, ieyOung and hdr, • • The Now Yenta botneriklast The. ohlyelth nil her,t)teasurea 1 , - 1' ;wakes onedf allent;pag. . Shat cbanges'llfolfuta'7' Ifnemed Since huit ultited'idreati dayi!, t , ; When out'll*tiOdiditllge:burfa r ees,' Novorlbit waFpl thatlng.taYs. ' „ . ...I.', We dropped a tenr.fut often, , • When -co thought of.days gone by," ;;',-,•:•• 'And wlahodhald:Ulnlaruvilr, 1 ; ',tie that ittundiF might Lei nigh. • - . • : • Farewell, Yaroliol), thou poising y.oar I .• Thtis qutekli posses life tt • • „- And yoereus . they roll , • . . ' 1 To toll us we must ale.: . ••• Little they domed inWunnifey's primer, , •• Their hours were • • • that. UpoWthis world's sunshine, They soon must loolCtholi• Inst. • - , ' : Alas:l'lonsl for those who , • • . Tholr dearest treasures gone, :":" ' And missect,tho sight of glatiitorillig sloe They 'loved to look ••••• , , - kritingiod thing thou urt;l6l(yot,r t• '.. . •' • To aomo with trouble atite, - 4 ' - I , •- ' 'To othere.brt ngiUgtrappineso ;,•' ..;.",.: '_':.. . ' Too bright to last in 1110.'..^ • All blissful istbd coming pita?' :7^ To tbolio In corfy youth • • " lire . this world's treach'ry aud - docolt ,•• Hive dnikonod tlfotnfalr truth:,; •;- • 'But snillo - mi - now,yrrlinpmforis; - , Xor,bright rot llfo appears, ••• Soon—far too soon, youwhearts will fool.,: TLG Fs a saki of tears. . - • . • ; Of broken ties and wounded hopes, • • . Tomartranqualtly, " • .•/ • May you no'cr lose the coostiousnoes..; '• i grind notion:tenet • And *olive ihn brightest irobrofhlbm• • ' That Ahoy aver spina. . . ... • ? • 'And oh May.„„retinful ‘ metnorlos odor Jim; :' • That present seoins'in (aim year* • ' •??.•- ...Will liAng no: nga to you, ' - Sweet d Game to ou to night, my friends,' To-dotha thought oulOY; • ' • That aith, iour old you helped to milts A happy. • • "v • OiRitTgIINBOY • • • • CARLISLE FOUNDRY. • 41g • AND MACHINE SIIOE, The subscrlberhos the satiethetlen of in -1313141ME forming his old friends and patrons-that his estublishinottris again In .tlvo'opd• n, now buildings having been erected since th¢lplu dies trous fire and:the whole establishment put In'Com pieta working order. Orders aro therefore respectfully solicited for work in his lino, which will be done with promptness and in the befit nmuncr. ' • ' STEAM ENGINES 13111 LT , TO ;ORDER :* - - and repaired.. .All kinds Of Machined , In Paper 31ftle, flrist'Slllls and Factories repaired at short notice:11111 Spindles dnissed and.turned. , • . ' • • HORSE POWERS and TIIRESIIINSIXACIIINES' • • such us Bevil Gear Four Horse . Power, ItOrizonhil Gish, Four llvise and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Sher.' • • lore and Crushers, /cc. Patterna made to Order. Iron and • ltrass CASTINGS executed to order, if not oh hand,at the ahortest notice, such as Cranks and MIK Gearing, Spur and Bevil r Gudgeons,:forßaw•Killi,,.Plow Costlugs, Cuttore, Point Shears, WaOn dud CoachAloa, '-es;tipludles,'Car IVileels, Car Chairs. Ac. haialso Failedulph ttmiIit2TOKOGIC:.: ING STOVES, and is constantly making CookingStorits of various improved patterns for coal or wood, ton plate' Stoves, Ciratesr&a. linpairing done to--alt kinds Of ilia' chisterjr, All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken. • `in an badge for work. • ' '•' FRANKLIN GA I tPNEII — • _ _ . -- "QADDLE AND HARNESS MAID io-INa. ma subscriber cOntinues.lo carry On the ' above business,in alLits 'various bmuctimilitNorthgeh oveirdieet;Ceitliislii:ttim - doors North fir LooifarWY.MSmit. where ho intendiftceoliitutost hand atimortarasithrt:neitt' 'in hie line, conslatimt of all • kinds of flushiOnahla SAD: , ; Diartingales/Glalui;.. • .."•""••••-:—.- • • 2 ;elreinglesandihtiters,also TitPlf.l3; Arai:Mt; and saddle 4 ,, , ile also man•- • I ," ufactures the moat lra ••• i 111 1; 1 11 -i elp p p a roj w od o S B P , A o l , l , lB ever utak I\ll r •.?,in c ra a i d Ae ti a n 'ul. pr t" u g t l ei h int • ' "wlll do wall to call and see thorn, lie also manufactures • Harness ; Bridles ; , • s lu all thr sari°. ties, and confidently Is: Colla rsHiv es'and fro Whim tptheir ho general approba; tlon yf his gustomors, that he makes neatest: and best 4ears. in all their variety of bredth, that le made in the country, Ile also 'mikes ail kinds at klatrasses to ardor, vie: .Straw, Husk; Curled Hair and Spring Hat; rasses. All the above articles will be mnde of the beat Material and workmanship and with tbe,utinbstylos .t • WH.0411 - ORN. ;tch: ling ...:,VEW :G001).8 ! NEW' GOODS ! : FIRST OF TIM SEASON! • . Si illVSbiitef wit:fr i t - armed 'Brom :mi....Jai - in and Is now opontrorn splendid sisortment of • FALL'GOODS, '.-ahicti, rail be sold at very low prices. ' A largelstoolt of elegant Stnli4 Thlbet, Casligaro, Brochs. Ana-Blanket Shawls. - • • , , , • An Immorise assortment of the, moat elegant Fancy - and Iltack 811101, very cheap. . , • • --.• Atolls de Latium Chitßiqa. Marinade, Pammettae, and t eatevariety.of Dream Goode, vary handsome and vori Elnancj, Bitinketi, Catednotts, Jeans, Clottia'and East almeros lu groat variety: • BOOTH AND SIIOES—A large lot of Boots - and"' Shone f eierv•ilosarlpilan, at the lowest prices. , OAItI'ETINO—A navy- assortment of Imporial,, • grain. Venltlan, and Rag Carpets. • ' : , The assortment Is now very largo and complete, `arid 411 persons .in want-of handsome and 'cheap goods are regpeetfully Invited to call at the Old Stand, East !alp. .r. eery 10,1856.) • „ 0T OE.—liapitiq oloied dip .busi • • ndsg; Wei Wieti to floury our Customers oO the 04 and request all who aro:lndebted to •the,tirm to :mane and inakeisettlemogt; sup for, the;emtvenlOtion bt such 'we will'meet them at the 'M01,3.'00'13: ece;WIPPe• day otearhmeek; unthhet'i 'Ant ofJettuu7; • . ':.77N0v:19;1856. rboo 'IS '- , AND - :'S HO ES.: -- A 0 . ot he large aaiortnant ttlWeVa'andnoand Find iaids. - - ateldoiroco Boats',mid" , Shaw. - Maasr-and Cddr , ~Zreies Boots and )3haea,,. Own, Ovorahnea .1111 d. Buffalo .Boalfsi aViafx ~ Iq7pricas: , ,,,, i!. -,, , ~, : 1 ~-• ~ ,f -, ~, , i : j r :b0a. , 17::,., ,•, , : ; h. ,,,, •i , , 011fAi -015111110L', 4 .„ ... • . . .. •'..c'friottfitiiiv.si:::is.iiiiihßic.,44 , ..GßA TN; ;1:: f v . 4- mir.L.4:Rirnen l a .rie:,iitylfid:.4.44'aidleit daidiier'i. ';'.,i;lfauixdry axidisecthe .40.4411ta1af doltuaaa r g . ,arl, ~ ,, Glalp11111it!4a kit In n#4": min lBl .l' . "' . ' ' . ".A , 'r,.' deciACL.:-. , -. , -- , .-----''-• s- '' ,,. .4:'‘ 1 1. 1 , 3 Pr;' 1 54* s' ' " , ''. • -.‘4 le 4 iijUlti ~',.1A11,'L,...1:tt41t''11... ! - .:J'N ir ' ' :4 ' . . -"). ..''' . • ; ~... ~ 1.- , , .. • . . , . . , --- .lrtvrTE - lieg" - iiisbielss. - Of the Carrier of llie JANUARY 1, 1850:'"- Old Winter's comp again—shwa The lusfless trnos, ore seen Standing alone In drooping pride, ' Vnrobod Of ,SlSlnmer's green.' en. " The rose hoe als6 lost Its huo, The Illy , A:4O no more; • • ' And wlnter4lnde now whistle eound, The lonolreottage•door. . But ye 01 , A:tours, tuorec - And time shroudibee witli Its vell, And thy Belot reign be sYen Full ninny a bright nod joyous form— ' Full inany.a benuteeus That smiled stint nreleomedthine approach; • Is in the enhkginye now. ,i7j; To such, litliseoma a smiling plafti; AU gaily - decked isttlifloisors ; Alas a fusiong blest era long Will shako theleroseato botraiif. And yet thy_couree, oh..peetteg your! What.thon—thelplarelng thorpo •—•4ts.alitfAxat.htynxl2o met, Shall I repine 7hllo thVso Lloyd' !: Aro sparodlo blOss mo It ioOmod to us but yastailay, - whertlast we tried to find • . 7 • o immure - 1f kn she p . nss Ing yank To feast our : giptiliig 'llow often wo ~ will cast ! !!!!!! - Thecup:6f,groraleed bigif T T . And gladly turn us to that past . 5o fraoght v!lth halipinossl . . .. . . There's many is light from by-gong tliiy.S .Around our pathway cast, . - • . Thorn's many a treasure, garnered- It:. Tim upforgotton' pa4t. , .: :,f'. 606 ,anti EacOiltert). am 33116111C59 Carbs Q E E E , • , , .JUSTICE 2111.1.EA.QE ..vsi.Olfice'oprioeite the Weet•ewl of the' Court ROlll3O .NArIIALIA.AI Attotney 7 7 at. Law:. Offtco In Main Stroot, • RQPllusittess oritrusto4 to blui will bo. promptly at tipidpd to: ' • . Fob; 7, !66., C' n t -Lkilitoo on, -Hanover - street; n - fen doors neuth °talon' liotol. All busimnis' entrusted to him 'will be promptly ettended, (April lb. _JAN. GREEN, Ilttornoy nt~Lnw: In Dad Vain Street, Melionleslifirg., ottand to:SURVEYING In connexion with his profession. [May 21,1650.—x1y, D • t," So R. KIEFFER Office •Noith ilnuovo'r st4oPtiro . doilnifrom . Wolso & CsmpholPs etoro.r. Office hours; inorophrticulittly from TtO Uo'clock, A...M., sod from 6 to'T o'clock; P. M. ' poOOTOR. S; . zxja gx;Ell.--=ofs,T and Itioildono East Maim doorSthot,tblrdolow Market [louse. Culls In town and county promptly Offtoo. fm.Wlllho absent irchn Carnslo ,the lasi ton days of Oath month. ' • ' ' [AO, 'at) )[)11:. GEORGE - S. SEA froutAlsa . Imre Colle ' ga of Dental Surgery. Wl..Office at the reelden6e of his teethe r, East Tbuthel street, three gloms below Bedford.: Itefereere--Dr.Oeo Z.l3reta, th le, 185G—tf. 1L ItILEY, 4 .1 llhavllg—buon• Instrueral 116.4‘1:1 ' 2 tr the art.(by Dr. 0 ea. Z. Dietz; a graduate- of Dna Daltlmoro Dental ; Canoga): Is •now prepared recolvo hla friends' and -perforintho - yarloua operath its in the' lino of tile Dental pinfestlrin, at Isla rveldunce, In South Street, third door' from West , Street. , Oleo us a call, Tonna thOderatin . May 27, 1856-Iy. RIyE NER AND C,O* . NY/iY4N / SPONSI:111t, lateiteglotertMeutither land cortnty, will carefully attend to the trtinoaytion of alfsuch business as may •bo 'entrusted -to hiwoutit no the 'irriting bf Deeds,Mortgagon , Contracts. ke, Ile viii also &vac bin attention to the propuring of Land War rants, Pensions, Sc. no well as • thtf inXiaso and solo of Itent.P.Mate, neptintiono, .of ttiatni,L 01,.0ffletron West: 1110 Street. formerly oeettpled v ilit)y.lf:litfictilat: Esq. near the Methodist Church: / . . (Z.. 131tAN1)P,,411ailutaaiiroi,. : or N....Aritnurid WAtorg, _Frio& Mond, . • : Mottled/Ala, Voituritnd (Nder,": North Hag Strtot, hoar Cho Hall flood Bridgo:'Carlttilo ArklY 111/ d V. n31 . ,11 Y.ARD. •IS tho occopt Unlit; and now' tbo foc"•,;' Grave ; i• onus, • • ' • . / Monuments; libtfor'! • 4lorblec Corlislo, Pa, ' Mao; Itorillall rag.. - [MIK B: PO3NTD2IW ' W. x, xerAntxzix QNYDER & : . 4.0 RAND ACIF ~TS DI INSMAPOLIS,.OpposIta tha Suspension Maga, Falls will' buy and soil lands, neg - ollate loans,-locato bind warrants intlinnanota, teem, mid Wilconslm Inqulriid respecting the country, by letter ar.otharwlso, promptly . . , .. . . REFERENCES. - Hon. Alex. Ramsey, Ex•Hoverhor, • • - • • ." - • •.' Hon. H. M. Rim Delegate to Congress, .011uposota;:. '' Gov. Pollock', Harrisburg, . . - - ' Janice R. Steolo & Co., Philadelphia. • Hon,,Fredorlek Watts, Carlisle, A. Brady Sharpe, Esq., • • --/ - 0 iilagounfliow York, - , • • ~ .. ~ Robert Walsh, New Orleans, - . " '- • .it It: 'Olney' Esci.iNotrvllle, - -;•.' ~.1- . , .. , Hon. J. 8.111aek; Sinnerset, Pewee., _ Iron. J: E. Eddie, - -"O . ' ~ J. 11, CO, lifoyar,,Epringliald, Ch . .ip, , -L Oen: C.-Anthony, - 0 -- " .. . jas:Earson, Esq._SE.Louis; ' — Wnir WllsTiiiTY:sq:lfaltrlmore7ll - C,'7, . l . J. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C.,' - . - • J, M. Wilsolliyhiladelphia. . . . , . . . 30,000 Aereinflir Improved Land for Sitle,-at-fronl.s2 to $lO nor mire; also Improved Farms. Mtn the stile 'in St. Paul, St. Anthony, and all towns on the bliono, soticrlver. •. . . = , lily:Particular attention avow- to . ,tho 'Loaning of . Dlonoy, and Entering Land Warrants. - Address, ' PEYDEIt 4 SVVAIILANE,.. M.rsh 'M. 1850 .- 1 91 . . 'Minneapolis. Min.'Ter. . .- REAL ESTATE A.Q.E.I,sICY. ANDREW O. Ear. . )I. JEVP 1110311110% . • . .EGB.Sc TIIOIIIPBON, "••••" tiara opened an ;office at Bt. Joseph, Mo., for tbo•pur• i • eitarie and sato of heal Estate. buying nhd selling Yand • Arprrants, entering Land on Tinto, Surioylng nnd Map% Ifing,Totene, Location of Warrants,nnd•malting Infest nientsfoi non-iiiitiliiiits;'paylng 'of 'faxes, and all Mist a ling to a Genorin Land Agency in .1111Sekurf: V m ailri, tt li i ri l itntsica, and lowa. • •••• ' • " 101,,011ice on Second Street, North of A.T. Brittle's linniting•ilouso. - • - • ' " [July 50,1868. . Cr'bitcation, • CARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY - Allt:and MRS. CLARK, who have been for Fermat years engaged In teaching,respectfully announce' to the • citizens of Carlialomod vicinity, that on the let of Sep tember, 1856, they will commence the second sesslen,.ln Louther Street, hoar the German Itelbrtued Church, of their SUMMARY FOR YOUNG 'LADIES. The Institution will be both a !warding and day ScherlEht - Wlileli all thus branches neeessury - forthe - cont. plebe education ra young ladies will be taught.. Assist auts• of tUe highest cliffmeter for qualifiCatlous and morality.will be employed hi accordance with the ftants of tbo Institution. The'governmeut will be conducted. on 414 7 ,1 Christian nrlneiples,whlle seettylanhou_wifl re u Jig Wi — oxriudett, Thy Drlncipais flatter themselves find 'their long arid stfccessful experience as teacheis , testifie.l by Die m recomendatims - in their possession, will enable them to establish , an Institution of the highest character Our vonfig ladles. They are fully persuaded that :.sucit an - institution will he sustained here by the citlienii amr • neighboring country. and hope that their confidence may not be disappointed; The Scholastic year will consist of four terms (eleven it edits each), beginning on SepteMber 1 and ending on second Weducsdarin July. tERMS PER QUARTER (11 weeks): Warding, including fuel,- lights, and tuition in English branches, E. 5 00 Prlinfiry Department, ' 6 00. • , higher Eng' ish, 000 Ancient and Modern Languages, ouch,. • 500 — Oren. Nu deduction tor .absence atter entrance, except In case of prof acted Illness. =I noIi.FRED'E. WAWA, Rev. C. P. WES.O. J. PARKER, " A. H. KREMER, JAMES HAMILTON, Esq., " JACOB FIRM; T. II: SEILER Esq., , W. W. lIELS... Dr..S. IL KIEFFER, " J.ll. MOOSS, " Roc. Mr. STERREPE. MS. 10, 185 C--1 year. • • w.Hrrp; HALL AC.tlT)E.ll? . ..e' v TITictiI'mmESIVESTAV unitiosisthiu .Tho Twelfth Session 'of this I nstitutidu will coinmonco on alonday, - the ad of November: Parents and Gnar• Janus ore requested ew requested to Inlre into Its amens before -aending—theirsons-or-wardselsewhore.—Theloration. :the' mxtitution retired, pleasant and houltlifu - and' the - course of, Instruction .embraces the ordina Xt a l:e 'd r , t i llft e t r h b o r =l, g o . o r f ee s k o .guages e and vocal and lostrunienlal musk. Tenn's, -hoariling r washing,'and Tuition In tho English branch es and vocal music per session (21 weeks) *GOO: FOr circular contalnlng.partleulars address.' • , - • . • DENLINIEE, • Sap. 1855.). , . . 13LAINFIELD., ACAtsb.i. Y.—Near -j_ CAWLISIX,, Pa.—The Twoutieth Session (91r0 months) Will commence on May ffth. A 'now build ing laid • been erected containing fly M nasium, A/. Room Bc. • 4 -'With incroasod facilities for * instil clion nut! ample. accommodations, this' Institution p great in lineaments to parents who. desire the phytical and cranial improvoment of 'their sons. Terms par Session, $135 00. 'For • circulafs filth full liformation, address . r. K. LU RKS, • • , • ' Principal and Proprietor, April 0,11156. - Plainfield, Cumberland co., Pa. vo_ m m G. E removed to the bew a - nd guidons Hail, No. Wand 10 BALTIIdiMIE. STREET,,Bilttmoro, Md. , • 0. ()alum:nun, Erlnelind and Lecturer upon'Marcan • tile Science. • Ity.Losizni In 'charge of Writing Department... Cl. W. 11Mar,Inetructorin Mercantile Calculations arM Associate in. Book }Carping Department.. ' J. M. Punitive. Teacher In Book Keeping. T..Wamets, Leqturer on Commercial Law: Three yeariThave not yet elapsed sloes the eitablleh• moot of this inetitution, during which time upwards of eight hundred 'students have been in attendance, (rep•, resenting . nearly every State in the 'Belem) among whom are numbers, in Baltimore and elsewhere occupy log prominent positions agbusiness moil , and iiehount • . COURSE OF dTUAY: • . • • . - - - - BOOK KEEPINO.—The Principal has the Utmost con lb:lance in assuring the public that after an expo, (once o fourteen Years In qualifying young men for the Count' trig Room and other Important stations, and an eaten 'dye acquaintance with , the • management of business boolto of every description, (asSisted as ho Is by two set. entiffe aoconntats,) tlig,,conrso of training iu this do partment me ersdnentry- practical and, well . radapted . to • tbst*irionspursnits of Commerce and Trade, idcludin individual,. Partnership, Mercantile,. ,Dlanufacttiti Commission, Exchange, _Banking, Shipping. Steamboat. log, Compound Conpany, operatiowitc. , r t• :' free; exercises under . .tbis head are free, easy and graCeful,,eombiningranidity'of execution with beauty Of construction, thus enabling the student :to write an elegant,buainess'hand on completion of the l ' -- 21111020;TIL14 OA - Lcitipgztixa wield= I r bearings are taught by the moat • accurate and expts.ll. tlous .Ilailylecture'S x e delivered upon: tne.Belence bf..lo ,Contits; Mokcantile Customs these in Cominction.' , 'wjth a series of lectuna oniCintiMercial Zals, , are- of the ImPortance tan%eflasiog.tn occupy Prontittopy Pnaltlons hitho:lnisineed c'; . ' , •-• Vhe,thlitC•rniceienui , Pli 'an - Industrious , stndent;to' ;,,onspleteine (purse, tastes fromli to .12 Weelta..., unlyeration, applicants: can enteryatlani time,, and , attan4 'both' dayaind ofeinng., ,.. i giandnationSartf ..teld at stet periods , and.'diplOmaa: tralirded,,td,t:nse. _who grnduate.'.lfor tettnik, ettai - 8t 16 0 0 t4400 1 4 0 ;'' 4 0,0; • ". -• • :iv •• .:• Igxicul# ~ it NEW, AGRICULTURAL WARE T.A'St MI . N IMPI EIdENTS:. . - • The, subscriber, located In she. basement of.the Methm ,diet Church, 'opposite - the' - 11iniread • Depot, le TIONY receiving a varlety.of Farming Implement'', such an— ' ." • PLOWS, • GRAIN DRILLS, . • • GRAIN FANS - , • CORN' hirEmuits, ,• FARM BOILERS,. . , Corn 'and Cob drinders (SCoWs Want), the Crascent Grain Mill, Horse Shovels, REAPERS AND.MOWBRS Og_siifferefliith - Waridlimprtivcreenth-Straiviittinvir of'whiel are of the tiviat improved-kind Mid workmanship, and Will be, sold- on the Most MOM. tuoaatlng terms. Farmers-are respactfaiiiinlited;to "Band examine !Afore purchasing, - J. ARMSSTkONO., :!_'Ve-If di. the - conventinde • of. farmers, istro's Patent ,Grain Drill will be sold at Shiremanstownlitilenfamin '.Cielyilind at Shipimusburg by Christian Long... " /input 20,1880. . ' ' • AGItiCIILTURA , IMPLEMENTS. ' \ PENNOCK'S CELEBRATED WIIEAT ~.. 4, . daptod also'- tbr sawing oats , grass seeds and ' , fusuM '..Kransor'SP6rtabla elder Mill—tho best . .;•,,, iino market.' Balllday!s patent Windmill.— ,% Ittirao Pawnee and Thresher's; I.llmaAed Guar .1 • Sproader's, Bunion' Ilay, Straiv . . and Pod r ui tel Jiittlo Want Corn' nod Cob Mill, Spain's- ft mespburls Churn. Theabove Superior hiiplainentspthall unlade for the boo eche humor or garduor, j fe' r tal,e.W buluta apd Retail by •,' . . - .• •-/, PASCHA'LL, 141'6111US & CO., .. . , , ...?itriculturnl Warehouse - and:Sped Stole. earner 714 and Market:4,Mo, Pidladelphly: •July 25,,'55. . • • T. • V s 'ALVAt7'> - 7 ; • ' Os. 21 wad . Sputh Sixth . #Strebt E=! ,(111111001.TURA1 TMPLkkITINT MANTFACTOIII . , pristri. Ps: • • f?:11RID GROUND 9 (370 Acres) Illootnndsla, belt, Basic Cr., FARIIIIRS;(ft?.. THIS 'XIIIOIIBOR -1100D;Groierii of Wlmet no Rie;•iree - MINA Irr HUI'.HUI PIAOSPIIAIIi LIMA • If you' :want.. Maw). Crpg, or "Seimprn American Thom valtjahlo ilfnntfrot kora keen need Ali 0(10,1 alx genre suceetiafitilyabCtlie (lvoß and,,ToLoreo Clop in Virginia. Ponnprisalpla, New UkraWarb:' Maryland. and the) slands 0[454 , 1.1111 . .1a and Barbell,. a. A barrel (250 that) in Punkt:holt 1,1111 lere of goat; .1. The above. Vert'&ors gee coloposial (.I'7o la) lo then.l al Bleuiezita. which largely , lnerenno.tho crop and Improve' the oMbdoubling tho vplun of thin land: . Pried Of the Phosphato. , of .u tow- Nithaioned..so.' the "Aanarloan Filttillrer (25 ton or $3 GO per Lurid; $125 a keg. Also evory yorlaiy of GUANO, Pure laWd Plaster, PorAsh, Nltrnte or•Sodo; Bono List,Tow dared Charcoal, to. , ;. (loodliAtollscred free of charge:. A. I.I.:INAU. Proprietor, Di6'l9lsout,hrrrrint - Stroct; - I'llilm , XIGY - T.o. abolesale• Ocelot* ;Jiberal discount. Poin.• blots la tbo. Eng Sch and Ocatnoti lanyuacen Ali Ws Orders at a dietauco t Colo aeconmaaybig or Drat. promptly attauded., • . N. 11. , ,D1PL03,1AS bait' 'been• nwarded by the Penn sylvania Agri( ulturnl Society. Now York Crystal Palace AosociatieurabA- e illoAirtsbui•sey—Stata-AiflculturaL , ' • • •••• • Sea. 3 60-3 mos, • . . 0 0 K 'HER]] ' mAcimasl The subscrlbors:deslre Inthrm farmers and Futile Folio:Ally that to nolv: Imo on hand and nee .11106111 t TtnanufhotiitinOViirekhitig 'facilities with Pleriunt'a Patent lihaltor,'wbfgli are , Aoliacally acknowledged to to the hest article/1 nOw 'ln use. • Also a variety of 1 Ice or IlulfenyCorn Skallorerand - Straw Cutlets; Thry nice attombto 'the repalrlag 'of Agticultnral Mach very In besVaulancr•Mnbon 'reasonable terms; Matiufac• tory on North Hannover 43troat, , dlrbctly opposite the residenco of kleorge blgtganr,.Elsg, , ' • Augysta.ba. • • •' • . I'LAlgl5. - r otrnthLfromtlio City will ono of Ibe largest ass or to onO- lih`lii4il~iiJ.—Th~suUscriher.hns to a att tO - 441rtiraTO - .lllf Las just rear:di - 44 PO4 - o;;'llatues Ath•tifid vrithont pat. anlCnlngs; ..bun•tuulatvel lwoli ranging in pairs from 44 to $1 $0.. 1 pr deatglit aud, unit link trace, chains from 6640 ,SI . .M. llonntiondo traces of all kinds, r al ki lot•of spread: flftb, *east, butt, carrying halter and log - kludua..-I:lsan ofy largo lot of ihuvels. forks, spadm rakes. tuntriii RilOrt,'AVerylbitig and any thing Wanbld by the Farrocis—t • , , • - Itamenibbr , tho old stand• Bast :Clain, St. Carlblo. blarch 19,756 t '. fi. SAXTO'N. . .. •.. . ' , ~.- ',.:,, .. -:,:.- `, .\. .• . . ~,,...I.:,§,§,•%mtkOZ, 0 0,,i1i0. -- ' . • • , . : • • , '.. • 'l, •::., .. • 4.,, rii - ,, :( • . . , . . • - . • • -'.-.• 1 - 1.,. , -.1.--!. : .... -,,:..,...;•' ..• -.....1„..,-. , .... , .`,e;it' - • ' . •, Ai ,-.•. , -, -- i-:-..t4,...f.., 44 f ...,.„,,. `',A. r '": - , i.4 -- '''.... , . ' . .3 A T E , N T SELF4nii4PPENTNO ICA NREE FEED C1.11.1T111?, Vianum,...-,d for A1.1)111C11 A SARGENT, No. 410 31urhet. Rtre e t , l'llllndtt .'This cutter IN superior to any now In use., for atranpth durability. and simpllolty of construction: It cuts fast er, and in,the only sp/rtdorpcn Ins Day. LI trim end corn StallOCuttCr ever rondo : vlt has but ON I:: ;IT (IA !OUT KNIFE, which any person can grind and set w ith ens, but in ordinary rase;ls ground Ilk tint machine.. I ben. sands have already bean-sold, and the deuttuntia.dolly iffireeSing. Ininoid,',..e.nses alt tii:Orilnathdils sulliciat' to convince one of itanulloriority.' No one aft. , a short trhil,Wouhr part withit for. any other. All slurs of thin above,Constantly on hind and tar valc.b. ' . \. • . I.' P. LYNN, I (AO , bolo - Agent ; fUr eutunoriend coltutr. I • In". _ KRA - USER'S POR'I'ABI;E CIDEB:731:1 LLB can still ftn ultdied 'or boproVed s cot f•trtatifn nr , ci trinh. i bor . krludlnjr . .nl•l , r,nd us In ppoliar. at es • them lin n (age '( Cr By thttactifin of innteeipiient log pltfoo, apples are forced -up • teeth of a iaiddly ren eking cylinder 0.1141 re(11111(1,4 11.(1111:1 to of course yield.: mote Julio whva Idilected to pree.sure than3f - 411e pomace as team: 7 lie Fere.. Ihero has been madly improxo Phil thenolientil Pima last year, pod the whole ffamdiKtichtel id,l y .•11, t g,joint mitt. t' is adapted:to Either band or lon, rt.x or and can ha worked by hilnd . 'Ae the c:stent: of to idght barrels day • I'AFC,IIAI.I, 7‘IOItIOS S C 0.,. • •,:" 7th MA I Win.. 7 Pep. 24. 1856 •-14p+E • 3l'LLN're . • • vol P iw s. f , r 111111 • Rot stool, • Expanding...lNß Is a t ir. with - StooLThatb of larious patteme. Held ai,l Garden arrows,..lla . pd..llpp a. Revolving 1101A1) buten, patent 'Rcytito 49 1 / 1 191a:.tuni "'Scythes,. Englivil fawn eiSaythcs 5v.11.11 riviitted:;baritt, .vnperior , unpadf,g If with • rope and :tacliju ",cuivpiele • ; and all ethyl' articles fur farm sini-gsrden. ~ • ,P.At•Cli ALL v/.wa b and Mari:et:Streets, Phila. - - —M-i-A141'..,g-SV2-:.;S-1 1 --C.4 ' . 1 :-.K--fii-S,227=-- . ' - THE CDEAPEST 31AOAZINE IN 111 E ll'olibli. 1}AIX011! . .-1)0t,LAlt 310NTII LY• • - DESIANED POR , IIVERY AMERICAN 11031 E. . . Encouraged by . the tinPrecadented screen. s hich this popular monthlytias ,ntot witi.„-nr.d the rupiditywity, which it has hurmixedlte circulation, the prep, ieter has rescured to niake it still more worthy of the paironno .of the public. Thdttlds admirable work Is , .- A MIRACLE•OF CIIVAPNESS . .. - ' is admitted. by every line, ceetainitig, t.'s - It d 'a. Ono Hundred Pages of rending mutter in oath nun 'I / more than 'any of the $3 iditgazigi.s, and ' , fining two volumes a year of six hundred pages en 1, or Twelve Hundred pages tf)kadiog Matter per annum fur ", ' . • ON E DOLLAR: _ Dallou's Dollar j'ilontbly 14 _printed gilt now : typo s. „ripen One white paper, and its matter. is .pefidly ern, piled and arranged by the Timis of the editor told pro• printer, who has been known to the public as CV iii.ueted with the Boston press fur sixteen, yearn. Its pekes con tain • . ' .•• _ ' NEWS ; ' . . - MISCELLANY,. • TALES, Al/VENTURI.% . ' POEMS, • . . ~ • 11100 RA PULES,, L - . STORIES OF TILE SEA-,' 131FiETelli.S, !' ' ' WIT. AND, RUMOR. Sc., An; - '.: " from the best and most popular writers of this country. It Is alsdspiced with a mead of the !notable events of the tholes, of peace and wur, of discoveries and Improve- Monts securing in either hemisphere ; ' forming au _egrecable.companiointenaleiglire_tainllenkoritour,any, where, at home boohooed, each number being complete in Itself " • - ' '" ' -- ' • ' No sectarian-subjects are admitted Into its Pages;• there are enough. conteoversal publications each de. -toted to its peculiar sect on. o llgrie. This .work is in tended for •: • ' ... . •• ,_ • , , . .• • ... •',• TIII.E-MILI.TONO ..• .., •• ' nortlfor south, east or. est, and is filled to the Mini each. month ,wi th chaste, popular and graphic. misele• luny, just ouch no anY, father, bruther.vir friend ivnalt 'place in the Initale,Otshfamily circle. It fele all , hide , partmentai'freslihrid'oriklnal, and. what' It Purportstio be, the ohaapeat - mageslne In'the 'world:: -. , , .•An.l iientou' epcliiidng °Ns' nottAttlo UM 'pinprictor: id , • beloW ; shoU,reeeliii the Magazine for ono yopr; gr. - any , person sanding he mann subscribers and mem. DOFLAIIS, at one time obeli receive a copy gmtle. :• • , urn , M. 3f.'DA.1.4.011, - ,Publisher and Proprietor. " ber of Tdrinont and`Bromfleld' Streets, Boston • Juno 11 ,'5O. •-' - . ...., N . 36itiA0LE,.0F:-:scisomg.-bi.. , . . . . ~ . . : 0.44' KeMug, of, bfocblpleiburg, .CUmbpland e t elb eoun 31. Pa., announces to those afflicted ' tr.' Turit , 7 Wens. Cancers, Polypus, L 443,14038 or til rke Beta lifernliiTerririllind'alPtliscastethst•haveit rrusual treated with Candle or Knife, he can retrieve t m with 'out cutting, burning. Or .painineither ()mop rm oi, .gther is admlnlitered to'.ttie , patlent: " h iii , yto matter' on what part of the body .ther may'bei Ivrea teaupy then} with perfect saf4y, and 'in "a - freniarlcably Illbil thin), No Mineral otlregetablepolson Is applied, and nr riteney rogialred until a cure Is perfected.- - . .. • ~. " "Proliperuiff 41.4 .rptuale ANPPlaint"...Monlit.;,..Y:' a i tend and all other diseases treated' with pesitffe s ;Veen • 'Pull partici:dare can be obtikinad by ruldrilealni in either 'English' or °rimer!, Post. pttitlz , ..Patients ehnjo Apf op ~ . roOdeted.withileard unreasonable terms. j': .' •, ' ,'• .. 'Mechanicsburg is. one a the Prettiest and' btelthl totrai In .414 s or. any othei; Otato. It le 4i 'mlloe trom llarriehurgcon the L autnnenentlllallei lila Road, and. ecnebelbla from all Parte of,the rulon;..Tho Doctiv 1111,' cases in any pert, of the State when • F 14.1Cipd mider If yea , know any.ifilleted fellow, tree'' Any). da!LIT not to tel! . l.:tpnic.f thYlAral4w4t,: ; •: • „ . . . • • C- . B.oliiiii - Job,Prlntino done hero; . • • . Vb.041131)i . q.: MEI -•- .. ... . . T. • • -• S'i'KUFFEB: Bt, • HAV.I.:EV 0.,. . • OIIEAP WATCEIES AND 4SWELIihr, .! - '- , •/ - -.."R .4# Wholesale and Retail, nt the "PZ.Dadolpbla WU, - and Jewelry Store " No. 98 North So Int strnot,. . corner of,Cuarry, Philadelphia,' X . . .. Gold Lover lY atchos;fulljaw , Clled, 18 rat .. -.• .$2B OQ. Gold Lupine, 18 carats, 24 00 • • Silver Lever, full jewelled, • , • • . 12,00 / .., Silver LopintrAowols; '• ' ,' . : 900 - Superior Guartlers, - - . •-- ' - - ' -• 7 00. . Gold Spectacles, ' - : ' ' . . , 7. 00 , •. . FlnirSilvor do. .. . • • ' 4 60' • Gold Bracolobs, '' - . ' ' -• • • .' WOO. • ',ladles' Obld 9oncils(' ~, •• 1 00 -' .'••• • Silver Ton Spoonn/sat, . , -- •.-^, ,-•,.• .• , 5 00 -,7-77 11.51WroTniciVith - Wincilaan - d - Vilvnt - haldel-Od • . 2,1 , Li01d .Finger ,Rings Watch - Olanaog,Ac ,c. Ail goods , ioarrautod to lA, whet thoy are sold fon "- • SttIIFFEIL & lIABLEY,, - ." - •• Successor otO. Conrad: • . • Atli.o dd'somoGold and Silver Lovers apd Lapin° still 1 or than the ahnve prices . , • . • . • , • VALL CLOAKS & MANTILIJAS. • • --• • AT WHOLEBALE AM) RETAIL:. BO lIULPIN Ar.‘oo7, / Importers:and Manufacturers of CLOAKS' and 'MAN 'VILLAS, NO. 174 Chesnut street; (a few doors above 7th, south silo,) Philadelphia, (lucent - motion with OhlUltoB UULPIN, 361 Broadway N. Y., the largest tonnufiteturer of those goods in Alto-United Btoteso beg to call" UM at , tontion of Wholdsalo and Retell buyers in.their lalgo and varied stock' of CLOAKS,•TALMA 9, &e., for the. 611 tntdel I Their collodion comprises a complete, as sortanint of all the latest Paiislun- Novoities is VelVot ! . Moire Autlgtio, Cloth; Plain Bilk, hc., while . the fa- ABMs afforded by thole—coltudetion with the largest Manufa3turing Mugu: (of these goods,) In Now Xorlt, onablethetn'to guarantee better value then is obtaina ble elsewhere in the Market. 0110. BULPIN ' Sept 3 , •, 174 thosnut Street' alavin WMIYEE kg — Dlrtra - STOMP,. . . flfl SPA NCI 1t 1211.0MAS,'No. 20 Ponth Second Street Philadelphia, Importer, Mau nfitcturer, and Denier to 1)111105, MEDICINDS, CIIEMICAT,S, ACIDS, ...Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White h e al, nen thand American. Mate Zinc, Window Glass, Glass Wure, Var nishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ornuni Spices, Winde Spices, and all other article. usuallnicept by Dru;glsts, Including Borax, Indigo, Olio, Choline, Pettish, All orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. Country merchant's urn Invited tucall anti examine our sloe); before purchasing elsewhere. Ird-tloods sent' to any of the Wharves or railroad stations. Prices hots', and Goods Warranted.. [March. , • ()SEM "A....NEEDLES,. Man u fan tu z ty : ' Ter ' , WIRE, SILK AND lIAIII.Cif/TH Cbarse:3ledfum and.rlue lu mesh • • mll:mall iu diursiutqr.. • • - CIATII3 -- - :016 best qu:di ties. inrinux size!: of ryeah, frpot-os:i htchr-des. end from one to-,ix.feet hrwi Uli.- Tiny' are nu mbered.,so miny jigIVOS to the lineal Ineh, and cut to enit. O. The subscriber also keeps constantly in hand • far mil, sand ore, !line, grain, gravel. frllnllll, some Rigor. salt. how, coffee. i•plei, di•ogr, ilye:rtuftier du Together ivlth an 'esserbien t• of 'Milli ItT AND AN. NJIAI ED I ItiI;N:WIR.E. All the Move geld Iv lielexale and retail by • '• NEEDLES, ' 6I Front Street,:lihila. Julie• r• . • • rENSLOW- & CO. ; CO 31N. lON • . 311iItClIANTS, ;and Wholeolo llealas ifi oltlisols of • &.11amEtsTic LEAP TonkeCo, . . :%iANLIPACTIIItED T011.0:0, • , AND FOR .D FOREIGN AND OMESTIO‘SEGARS, Et South Front striwt.lphla. Tjuportgra_of_Flnttatitvana-legdars,-of the-choicest_ growths of tlie Vuelta OA, A lingo nsrortinent of which nro IcOpt consanttly. on hand, and for solo at a • small a6ance on rent of Importation. 1 .ttr•Cousignments rot:poi:Unit& solicited, on ithiolt liboral,ndraneen ma&li mon...rtesirod. • Special'attention iron to orders for purclinso on com mission of Tobacco, is also exory desoriptioit of Morella n- Moo, for accounte - parties living nt n distnnce from this market., ' • 10.8010 Ago 1 fn• F, A. frootso's . colobrOted Occroun Smoking lobar o. coin prisin g thirty 1i itpron t v tirist les. April 23, 18 ,—ly. V , • • SLIEPPA I I,) & AN= 11 ARIA N G.E.kr .. —The subscribers having removed 'to then . • NEW AND 14PACI011iefiTHItli, _ --- .._ N 0. 1 4. 0, Chest nut,Ftreot, fourth door shove Ton lb, _.. .kro fiiiiv prepared.to offer a large and well selected stook . --ef.the.following frosh.and-dosirable-goods.-"princlpally.of their:OW!! Importation, or- boughF-at-adetion,---achlelt . they are able' to sell' at the in:porter's prices, and. to 1 which .titoy cordially invite the attention of Country Merchants, Hotel lieopere, and fatuil len generally.' ' heir, Green and Vellitlan Window ~boding. Barnsley and Hash Linen Shorting, 74, 8-4, 64,10.4, e 1t4,1.2.4. . _ Bolster anttl'illow Li noes of several choice bleachers,' : awl all widths from to &I inchei-.1- "Bed Blankets of all sizes and qualities. . - Crib and linulle Ilionkets. ' ," • - ' . - Bed Quilts of tin: folloe lug varieties, viz: Marseilles, Welting, Knotted, Register, Alb:nab:a, Allendale nod Laneaster, of all the desirable sizes. , • Bureau Corers, Table Covers, If indoW Curtain Muslin 'Towels and Toweling-of ivory variety. Damask Table, Clotlss and Nlspklnet. Shirtingl.inous and Muslin, Cum brie Handkerchiefs, Entbaolderh.s, Hosiery, Arc, • Broca tel, Damasks. Moreens, Hobroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains, Hilt Curt:lees, Bands,Cinlps. Cord, Ac. - ----- - SHEPPARD A VAN HABLINOEN, ' Impefters and Dealers in' Linen and House Furnish. I ng 1.1,4'3,4 Aprlf:3o,lBlel-om. , „A l D” N .13 AWS N .IKP RI C E ITholosalu and Rotall • CASH- BOUT . AND SHOE STORE, Ni" . ..7ti dnutL Socond Ft, Corp, of Cattor St , 'rho e:l4blishinelly bilk Leon enlarged and iinprmed and In nkm.plie,l w Ith the largest. and host Retail St..rb in the Qty, inincipally 41 hin Iran manufacture, with tv elloivo assort meta to•no tin I not Lantern 3larket in braving Ldies,' bents', and Children's Mal 2 . . . . . of every des,ription, styl, and qu:rlit:s, embracing the herd style, and qualitir.. In this ur atly taller mnrkot. This stork ens not be exo.lied lire quality etylo and Cheapness. nielt net Irk nE, - the" eety'leleia pukiilge hi price; troui olsi deviation will I, elude. No 6, 6 1111 A in, 1100110 iii and 110110 wade to • effect e 314..;. linedyear'g limo In ail • Varieties. euro unto!, espy. W ully, In tin l . tu, ymll. 1 )11.1 1., Al) E 1;1 3 11 lA. D'V VINT.- NS' Fl lil TI I PROW , S.l FES! for Inrr4/alits, lioryorv, faimort , .• and — ot hors, baring Boos, l'al.purr:, orother oa Ides, tS pfoliervo fr.oto Flla: or HUI:01.11,i, lacy'- and on A , CAhh.—'llo •• 1104 p Shf," presumedd oh' h: 111111 . $ 11101 p...chat,ett of 01,1%1:111 r.V.::\ td S. :hid St., PLlludulphh.. U lt , S1:11".1:ItATOItS IV , ATEIt ' EVANS' Premium Ventilated ItefrigeratorsToreoolinv and peesen Plg meats. / , urtur, Tulik, water, and nil articles f,ir culinary pm lit 1$ A Phlt Ft LT ri - Mi-fur - pn, ifyin,,,-hrackiFh-nr-unnidy junior, whAlter alr,ted l , y cline, limed inarl, Pr other calows ;- be had neparatupy attached to the Redi;;eratei,..—a um: ll tiva:,ltty of 'revealing the whole in tho warmest n waiter. POIITA 61,il 61101VER for the fir cold water. ' ' IV ATI:ICC ))I,KIIS, far Stares. Laid ' WY, TltliClUS.lnr nr.a, in" lemon, EA L PII EFFES, Copying du., Injuggist du. . OLIVItIt EVANS. • No. 11l South Second Ft.. I 1 Inure below Checna: (i Jad,bitshufin • . - ". E.. • t=4 . ; ° -01 . • ' A . l .1. el . -,TI - .uRRING'g..P-ATENT,: CIIAMPI --L-44,._0:t_-.UIRL-' P,ROON-SAPES,valtheLlialPs-Paiont • Powder, Proof Locks; which were 4.411 . 1 4 5, .7 . 77 ,. .! awarded separate "Medals at the ,i7-.,.....- - ..... 1,. ;. ',.: I . yorld a the London , _and . i I :iiiTia li 1 ''': ' ,q - Vo'rok at f2 e anT:l; l l 4 . R Tl l l: i a r tib l' s c e iZ ' 'ti . ''' -7 I P, ''/: b . bent aro the sole • manufectureni l' z ' .., ~,ittitk •;,,,'.;, and proprietors In this State of ~ Cr:Ci : 7 '..:• the , above unequalled Safes and 1,:! ,.. 0 ,01. ....7,,,.; Locks, Tho reputation of the' 1 ' i '' ' 4 an • ~ ' igenulne "Ilurrinies Safe" In worle T, . 1 ~:.,.., wide, and for • the last thirteen ..,.: '17V,94.4/figssA . -; ', years the mercantile Oortnnunity •, have witneeeed end borne test . ' loony to thelr, roam vanilla tiro prig)? qualltles._jdure , 'than 12,000, of,„these Safes have boontictually Sold, and' , over two LEUNDRXD have passed trlncipinintly , through ' accldeutatfires. The.public are assured that all Safes -. nistinfin'AUre,d by the, subscribers, aro not onlyguaren.' Aced to be fully equal, but in- many o respeetweven mope , riot to those which have, boon sin seven:ly tried by lire' ,Few will forgot 'their services in the burning of, the . 44 trIbun 0- cad abllshinent,'! te w 'Yeac,and itt :the Ureat ',` , SSW in 'Strawberry street, at'",the tinge ilre last Jul ' opposite 'the 'Oltard 'lliiiisoi and: lkill.l - Allard room 7 in - the - Fire' at Milli and 'Chesnut "iits, in. the cite t, ".lidelPhia. In wlibh-the,sa..P.afeit_Callla fkb th , ' linowledged 'CuAusioii„ when ninny other securities. foiled. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .", ,: ', , tealiSHL & CO., ...; ~ ' '4. ',,''' • •,','','.' , l '. : Inoti ibtra , AloiLlator. Lode blixinui" . . 4,.., a n t",,... : : , •;._ L - ' 84 IVALINUT Strent, , Philadelphia.‘ ''• ,• Ohilled I pin.Safes, with Powder Proof Locks,' mane. r.°t‘irld oxProllatrfitr Vaults', „Stokers,' Jewellere,'and.l other's requiring security Now rogues„ellank Vaults, , t Doora, do. on „hand,and: wade to order. ' All the meat '-',-celebrated-Leckiftiraleatininufaeturectiprice.... ltecond , :band '''lthifes,"d`'Siilitmtnderti" And !.‘t yiai t e. '• ; Ohests'rof ethoi.intikerin htere'letti taken An port oat , ;Witt Abilloirineg Pie sate at, half prtca: , ' , , ~ , ~ijk, , ~ ~ . . ' ... r0N1.1,R0N ! 2 --Mrhe'attOption of the . ..„ . ~.., .. .. , . . . . 4 ~ the iiuldly,and Blacksmiths partlenlarly la .reqiient.. ied do the laripl assortment of oar awl ItellOd Iron of all , .alriel and ldrida Steel. .of all lauds, Flies, Snaps, Screw , .--. PlatrarAnvllaiNleea, Bellows, and every Calk lhat,tlM Ilbod , nadth may want.. - -Iron'sold in quardlttas at clty ' ..: wlrdowdo prices. '4ll.lklrlawairanted.. ' ' ' JOIIPI-1.:..1.1(N13 & SON. .. .. , , N. liapoverl4., Carllsl.l":7. t 2.001.. 18511 j MOMMIIM • 'IIW - Fu cls [Alrll I, .Ibso. = Pl)iiabELyf)tt: LE" TORACCO AND. 'CIGARS. • , .PENSLOW CO.. •' " • . ' • .21 I , sollTit Frtoirr idritacr,• COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND, DEALERS 7N.ALL • • ii OF DpAF TOBACCO ,' MANUFACTUREDR TOBACCO . . • .:AND CIGARS.. • • Have constantly on hand and for sale low all kindslif- A mcriCan and Spanish' Tara Tobaccos, selected with !Modal reference to hlanfacturers' use. - • • . All articleirsold.warvanteif.to.bo as reprerinted, and_ every oppOrtunity'agarded for °lamination.— . • 'Purchasers at distanco can. sand' their orders and. s raly.upom Dern as falthfullytuirved as -If, their goods wore seleciall pCrson.•• • '; .• • (April 3;1266-Iy. R. rrj , o c, P w';c r -t• ,`• . rt , . .F.;, CD o ..a m ••• H. • crc 2 o •, . . 8A V N. G • FUND' or THE. U. S INSURANCE, ANNUITY tt'TRUST COMM. S.R. Corner Med and Chesnut Streets, , • OA PITAI4 $25U,000. ' • e Money Is received on deposit: daily, the amount.de posited Is entered Urn Deposit 13ook and given to tlio Depositor, or, if preferred, n certificate writhe given. An sums large and Fut:111, are 'received; and Clio amount paid baelcuri demand, without notice. • ' Interest is. paid at the rate of Fin: Poll Min.; thefieing from the day. of deposit, and cent:lug foUrteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. QJi the.first day ofeltinuary, Drench year the Interest - , •of each depoelt is paid to the . depositor, or:added to the p.incipsi. as inn may poorer. The•Compan y have now upwards nt.3,t,00 depositors the city of l'ldiatielphie ' • ! --Any adlllonaltufornattionAvilile glyenh:nddressing..! the : i'n.rsimcs.a. • = . Flophon H. Crawford: l'res'f,. , . {Pm. 11, °cawln __Lawretten .10111,non. Vice Pt. Paul 11. Goddard:, Mobil's.. 0. Tlltoni.sem, ' . Gen. Mellensy,. IN , oiatlt: NV. Tingley,, ' Janie,: De. meux , .1a, , ,..1i L. Fi0mi,,,,,, ' I i Oct. ) .. .nglislt. , PLI Nl' 1 , 1:4:: Ferr..tary clot 'l'reasurer, . .1 C fitait,rviii,v: FR • . Teller and In t orpet4,r, Sept. • • — 3 5; 1 - . 4 ; f11 14.. q • • . . - ^ • • • • Vitir d P• 4 4; kr` • ),•-• 3 • • - - -E 1 N' S SAVING , FUND, Chartered by. the Strata of Ponnsylilla In 1.,855 we- MICH, 55 WALNUT STREET. , door alarrnSecond Street, Philadelphia, • Receives UoposlO lii slims of. tine DolLerinid upwArds from all einFNOS of the community, and allows tutored at the rate of five per cent per annum. siiincyirpald lack on demand. ..airollier - opon . daily from U until - 5 - o'clock; and on Monday and Saturday:until U o'clock - 1n the evening. • --This-Institution-will-he found a convenlent_and.Pilfil - place of deposit rorVin•mers and-others doing loudness. In SWlndelphili. Deposits are paid on detnaud without' any previous nolira being roguirtd. . 1 EMEZEM lion. Job R. Tyson, . Oeorgn )loldin, , Robert Morris, Edward L. Clark, Capt.. John OaUnbar,. John - Rice, Richard G. Stotesbury, 'William Shippetbjr. P: - Jenits, Edgar E. Pettit, • President—FßANKLlN FELL. TreasureP—CllAS. M. MOlllllB. Fecrotary—JA MES . . ..Edmund A. SoudeF, Stilwell S. Bishop, ..Irunos P.Ten,t, MeCanles, • Jacob Sheetz. Joseph \l. Joseph B. blvcrn, Edward 11. 'trotter, rranidln Baron, 'Thomas Cooper, •ldua that nb manager, officer or indirectly, borrow any monoy 0et17,1855-ly tn.,The Charter prov agent xhnll, illroctly or from the Society. 7 Ai A' 1 Ii . 4 , ;--- i ,;,,WO? .•' rfAr ',.: " ''.. • , 4 . -- :'•••z*1.A* , 14 ,1 ;i45. ,, t , ;-:.- ~.%rfc:l4:l, . ;4'..:f:;:k' p , - -, .. , - , 4 , • , _, , .:':',. - ,-. ~.,.,-------______ . Vyl . P ? : -1,-2 •S , 41.k.- - - - ti' ,7 4 .. 0 ,-ofx7-- . 1 . 7.7.y, ~ _ ., 5 4m, : nm., , . ;Vp aff, - ..;,t , 0 , r : . ap. • -I.flag r T V-t,t 4 • : . ..: , v, , , , -- 4, t i ri v ik:.:i:. , - - -..,Ym. ' - [., P - , 34• • K i s - 1 - 4.,t; -'I, 4 - I lA , ti • • ''''' •DA -1 ' ' '''f -'• : iii._:-.... :', vt . ' ... - .. • ~ 1....,, ,, , , , -_ .:. - 4_-.1. A : : ,. 1 . 4.. , __ _ - - ,_-_:__._:_,---.., _•-.,,,• P.-- - - - -- , :.,-----:-7-_ , ---------.:-Qe---------- - ~. • f i IIVE-PER CENT, SAVING FUN!), Ulu 'l' HE :,.vrius., I. 5.1F1.TY COMPANY, 11;0. tit,strect,, s , ,uth•west corner of 'I tried ',trek, Philadel• Oda. Snt,rporated by thy :Ante of Ponnsyhania lit it•ii. . 1.1,e per el nt. interect Is Oven, and the money is al -1.p,1121i1- 411 - whenever- it-If-carted-tor.-without the -I.4eCeS,i t.) . 01 OVtlir 1.01.11:11,101 it, Nit.rl.lllll.d. ' 1 . 10114. rho have large sum,; JULo I heir money in thin FUN ii,: Vlll/11, 01/ 11,41.111 t Iri the noperior Halbty and con y...ion." It adord6, but any sum, ial a, or small, to re. eel, ed. '1 hlx t, 4 aving Focal boo it very large amourit• of 31011. Oround_tunts . ond other first clot:040,ot mento - Cho wearily of 10,110..it0r,.. Tlin rnlox'provouti,tuty hirei•tur nr,ialievr fr.tu utlng 01' horn wing 140 0101.0 y. 'l'llo Olilno lh 01101, to reel:aCan& I.ov money .et ery day, trim it u7eloelt In the morning ill 1"/ o'clock In lit• evening, and on Monday and Thursday oveniog, till 11 l'et/plo vvl.o.havo money to main, are Invl.odrto call 'lto Oleo for lurthur Information. 111...N111* PreoldeJt. • 1:011T. - 813:1'.111PUB'Vbio'Phstd - denc --- . IVSIJ - . - 1LE.L117, - 9ocrAat,, tobOr 3. 1855. .• • ,_. _ - • 11,E N Oil' ItUbSEb.—jlernia or Rupturo auccossfully treated, and condi:tit !mowed. so 61 the elegant Frehch 'rrut.qms, imported by the Tiber, 'and etude to order . expressly for Ids autos. aunt:ring with Rupture tic 7,tt noted to lenni the occasion now oilers to 'donne a.'Eruss combitt Wool° lightness, 'with oust, durability And correct mutton, lu lieu of tlio Muldoon's' and uncomtbiba , Adele usually sold— An vsteneLveatteortmen obtain adoptotht every variety of Rupture In adults diildren, and Ibr sale at n range of idea to 'suit all. of -Single Trumetr, sd, $:1, $4 and $5; 'Doublo, $4, $8 and slo.. , coons at a dlstanco can have a !Innis scut to any ad thy remitting the 1111101111t:sendtug measure around tips, and stating side out-tied.-,- . • r ealu Wholesale and Octal! by the importer. ' ' •OALIM 11. isEEDLIII4„•„ 8. tV. nor. of Twelfth di Ilnru Phlludelphlat ' tot for Dr. Itanning"squiprovudldaiont body „Brace; Expanders 'and hirector.lhares ; • l'olent•Moulder 1; HuSponsory Ilandagea ; . Props and Sup- Ltullos' Rooms; with competent lady attendants. • • ! 11. • TTO .D •A SSOU .I_l • NULADELIUMA. ' - ' lIMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT , • •To all pii.sous afflicted With Sexual diseases, and - 13EMINAlriVEAKNESS,AMPOTEN011,--00NOPIIII1 (MEET, SVPIIILIS, Ac., Ac. ' • . ' .'fhe COWARD :ASSOCIATION 'of • Pliiiadelea; In *law of the awful destruction or human ilk hcalti„ asnsedhy Sexual diseases, and the deceptions Which at. - ,practised upon tho unfortunate victims crouch disease:, by Quacks, have' directed their Consulting Surgeon, as t. LIIIARITADLE ACT •Worthyv Ofname to gi,vs" MEDICAL' ADVICE:GRATIS,: to "all 1.62,911H ' thus at. flicted,(Maio or Noinale.)whohpply by letter, (post : with a description of their condition, (hlfu, occupation, habits of lifu, itc.,)and•in extreme poverty and gulferitm ,to FURNISH MEDICINES TREE OF ' • The 'toward. Association is a:benevolent I nstitil thin, .established: by special endowment, for the relict of the • sick. And distressed, afflicted with 4 4 . Virulent 'and -Epo- Atonic dieeases," anti Its funds :cool bn used fornicother • purpose. • it has now El BMW@ of 4lefipp, which the Directors haie anted to adverClie the n'boLc notice. It 'is neediesi Mond& that' the 'AssOcietienreommands.the highest Medical skill of the ago. , • , _ Address, (post-paid;) Dr, OED. 11. t: CALMOUN;ConsuIt. ii4SUigeen, Itotard'AssoelationrhiltnicighlaiP/I. •py order of the Directors ' ~, • ,••• :.• , •••• • ' • .EZDA. D. -ITEARtIVELL, President., p.kIIECIIIIii/;;Seefettw):.• , • - . IV.OIVIII.I4O)7,I,III.I•NEWSPAPER' REOOIIP, a collection Or: tiewspaPer Peers and Statistics, containing a complete Bet of Nowspapore In the'llaittl @tattoo; C‘anadan +mid Great •lirltetri. 'Tho only reliable work , or the kind In the riorid L,Air %rat , ' uable atteletantin thnZdittr,libelprublisherrandq9A. prat Advertiser.' Brie:2oo;pp; ..‘). sz 'part of the country. LAy ,CARoragns,. • 11b, 08 Doch et.;,Philadetphia., ' She'ttlxrte; throe Meikthai.trlth- editorial *reference, stin''tlending: copied! or the Phew' PM' Id to rim AUTO adreasoriltracetve a.eopp or ,ate . .. .. .. ... ~,. . . . , HONEY. • - ; etiia , oo4Wiiyiel puro Palm ,soip...ootittay!e.la. proved . Oben:dal ,Cdtte . Soap. ;;A: fulV.supplk: of these. Avidi. , excellent , I 1 Jost .seeelvglr, outt ,fer:::ttele ,et ItVILIJAWIWAIII, FIR9CrIY, Mtn Street.. ' i f 't - 09: 1 11114VOY:24'5 , 4 * - ~ ' ~ • ~' -' :. '‘.6. : . ;.ffirbitincs, , •D 4 H. L ; A AN D• CELEBRATED GEJIbiAN BITTERS, ' • - DR, 0. I R . JACERON, PBILADELPUIA, PA. - • , will effectually ciao • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA-, JAUNDICE, Chionic or Nervous Debility, Diseasos of the lildno) - and' all diseases arising' from a disordered . Liver or Stomach. '• • Constipation, . If - Avant Piles, Full. • • nosier Moil to the Road, - Acidity of the Stomach, Nan:. . • ' sea,llearthtirw DitaiustforPOod. . • Fullness oiNS o g Stomach, • • • SourEructationsEinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried end Difficult Dreathing ' • Fluttering at the Heart, Chocking or'suffoca. Ming Sensations when in a lying' posture, Witness • of Vision ' Dots of webs before the Sight, Sober and dull pain in ,ibis Vend, Deficiency of . , • , Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and • Eyes, Pain, in the Side, Back, Chest, • • 'Sudden Flushes of • • Heat, Burning . In the.. Mesh,. Constant Imaginings of • , : Evil, and great ' ' pression.- of . •• • • "The proprietor in calling the attention of the pub' to this-preparation, does so with a feelingof the Wear confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the discas • for which it is recommended. • It Is no now and untried article, but one that b • stood the test of a ten years' trial befere the .4aperic.' people, and its reputation and_ sale is übrlviilled any similar preparations extant. The testimony in Stier given by the most prominent and well knov ,Physicians and individuals in all parts of the COMA. 10 iii11111310"'s Aro sources of insanity. .From disorder or obstructio a morbid action of the sympathettesand other nem , follows, and the ['auctions of - the brain are Impaired deranged; dermigenonit the,'' 'will'also produce disc' 'es of the heart, skin, lungs and kidneys. .11 is owli to the some cause. that thousands die with Choke Bilious Or Yellow Aver, and that most baneful disco, • Consumption. . • - The general want of , success In treating disposes of liver and stomach, has net been a deficiency of - patho.'• gical knowledge of, their 'functions—but of a sultal compound that would get upon the disease and all t: sympathetic illections. That has been gained in the Bitters and they ran be useebby persons with ti most delicate etumnch with perfect sufetytts they ' . no time debililate the patient; but give strength et litcHase the nervous energy.. They . can be token at a times'. find - don deqedi clibuntfittnebs. No ordinary exp . _ sae iirprevent thba having 11. stilutaly enact, at no bad ellba can result from at over dose. •• ; If patients will peraevoro in the 'use, of this remed n ad use It strictly according to directions, it will cu. the for.•going diseases in every, Instance, if not beyon the power of toctUoillei jt has roused many to enjo - the blesaug of reflect rd health, and in 'many dements .. end ttlatiodoned custs..a perfect and radical cute, PLIbiliNN AI/VANUA) IN LIFE, A old feeling, the hand N' Tithe .weighing•lnthy — u illpto Ahem. with all its attebtinut ills, will Thad in the use the lin tort; on blixer that will Instil nob - life into the seine; t elder,: ten ..thiettlnle,the energy and ardor, More.youlliful dust" build up their thruidlenlbi to: - and give health - and litippineas 'to their rentainiu ma . It is a well'elitabllshadfact, that fully one-loalf of tit feinale.portion (dour population, are seldom Int the en joy ment of good health, Onto use their own expressio. ".uever feel well.. Thay.are languid,. devoid of all et orgy; extremely ilertUtte, and have no-appetite. khiselas.s ar-ia vends.- these Antlers-are- especlally-n -ethainended. .Their peculiar tonic and invigeretin phnovi tics reutter,them Invaluable in such cases. - Pumps visiting,dlatrlets...hrirraasett annually wit . FEVER AND : AQUA or ANY FEVER / OF A NATURE, will find that by the timely use of one to wo bottles,,they,wili not In one instance take the tilt_. easeotto the-11l tilers-will-renovate and - ktrilffgflithith system. and carry the bile °lf lulus natural channel, Prevention Is baths than cure. 1 ME TILE 17--A BE-ENTIRELY T.EGETAIII,b • - And free from Alcoholic :Stimulant, and all InjurioU Ingredients; aro pleasant In 'taste and smell. , mild their operation, will expel - all morbid secretions fern the body, give bloom to the pallid cheek, and healti and _vigor to the fro z • Price 75 'cents' per ttle. rrhicll al.oflice. -No. og Al elf street, Phi Pit, Pa. " Sold.by Druggists. and Storekeepers In every toirt and•villege In the United States and Canadas, uud b 3 ail Druggists in Carlisle. Inlay 'l5, MO. . ... AstaFFJATE-D7tRHE-A-D-Ir-r-----:---- . '--- . - - PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. ' lished_twenty two years age by Dit. KINKELIN, corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, in. ...al • • .TIVEN TY-TWO YEARS' • . _ __ Eiiiiiirffin - cffhincrendersd - llr; - K. - a most suceessful - prat , ' - lltloner in the-curd of_alLdlseases of a .private nature; manhood's debility, as un,-impedltiumt..to marrlag.e; nervous and sexual Infirmities, diseases of , the mtd those arising frbm abuse of mercury. - 'TAKE .PARTICULAR Ivol 0, There is an evil habit sometimes Indulged in by boys in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood: and which. 1t not reformed iu duo time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but.gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections.. Few of those who glee why to this pernicious practice :aro aware of the consequences, until they find the ner vous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable emulations and vogue fears in the mind. (See pages 27, 2S, 29, of Dr. K.'s.book on " Solf.lhateikation," • The unfortunate- thus affected becomes .feeble,' 19 unable to inter with eccustomed vigor, or to apply his 'mind to study; his step is tardy and weak: he is dull, irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less energy than usual. ' If ho emancipate himself before the practice has done Its avorstoand enter unktChnonyi Ids marriage is un fruitful, and his sense tells him that,this Is =Used by Ids early follies. Tiff:seam considerations which should awaken tho attention of all whe'are ontilarly situated. .PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE • Can have (by stathig their case explicitly; together with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit. Cauct) medicine, appropriated accordingly. • Forwarded to any part of the United States, and occurs from 1./.olAlili and CURIOSITY, by mall or ex press. READ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD!! - - A Vigorous Lilo ors Prenatture Death, Kink°lin on tioll-Preserintion—only 26 cents. Letters cone:lining that value se Stamps, will onsets a copy per return of mull. I.IILATIS °RAMIS ! UItATIB II I " A FrotIVIFT EIED3II - „ Nature's Guide," a now aud. popular work, full o. N , tl I mall° advice and Impressive warning. alil,o,ralcula • ) ,,, Luot yeaus-ot-misery-atol - anro - thoitsands - tif, JO or, is dit.tril tiled a ithout charge, and forwarded by mail. prepaid.. to any lust Übe° , in the United Status on reeuly,lud an order unclosing two postage stamps. rjr -O N - I C. S. W O.N*? T - 1)_0I ~ —They never did do inure thou give tenon:try renal; and they Laver will! It is because they do&t touch the CAUhf: Cl the dist'aFe. 'lire vaunt+ of all ague arid I.illieus•tihisetes is the RUMr/1131,; Kitt celled )liasana air.l.ni:yrin. N cult itlize that: poison Ly its NA 71.1tAL AN'ALIPOTE. and nil disease eLused by It ,1V4,11,,,,,rn ar0i.ed. I. bodes' Fever and Ague Cure la this iw thief° to Nalaria. and DWI Von or it if, It pet foals - hat tole. teed 1, in., the era lit rate et the celebrated chemist, J. It; t bilton, a f 21,,v•Yoris ' to tile, elk:et, Is attached to eve- . iy, et tie; her ion; it it dot:6 no geed, it tom do no harm. -11.1 k is too, e tliastrian-W said-of - Qulitlite..Ai•nenie, or any nth,e tonic in °xi:dunce, an their use Is rUiLIOUA to too conitituth n so.d I t logs on LU:LIS .16 Lh, which 3105er allow!: o 1.21,011 to furl, perlut tly hell turn single it:natant. Its lit unlrntiou ul those truths I annex Falle • extracts Vern a lilt, r ju4t received from ,r Physician: Unto, March 17, 1t.50. -- JAS. - A. ItlittA hoti.-1/ear Tours of 2d lust., . •is asLute' arrii'eti late last year, and Alto thilkulty lit getting toy cue to lambast, it was greatly , toes enta it In 111 the iha that a remedy hod teen- ' doted which 11115 grow tog in Isticr with the public as Lying Letter khan using Qulstino—liot - knoWing, 1 pro ' stne, that Ilk I north they used to esigtpe taking Qtll- ' 01,,d r , htstlned the 161130 ITSELF I Li:. 'uudy (known an :bath's Tonic ") would in rurinl ' t A au giii.,,LhatitcL _tliustA:uro with renewed vigor. one air. • our fib or, n 1 could Institute 'WOOD it and your CUltli. The col; loving is the tesultt,,. Three ',omens took sour 4 . Cure," all of which were, omen uf Quotidian Intermittent Vever," of • malty 'o(T:had „tried Quinine and-other . remedies, ticcailonally missing' it chill, but it wee Ms In all hitch casos.)slowly 'wearing them out; anti laying' • the founded .n cf other and severer maladies. 1 did -- succeed in effecting a radical cure of ell three of these case/smith Sour remedy, nod they have not had a chill shim •an all flute of these t 71841 the Smith's Tonic":..:. hod been used; and undid, as bonnietilted, break the. chill Out otter a purled or two. had elapsed -it would returu. ' 1 think there will he no difficulty - now in giving to your ?Cure" She vantage grouud - of any other remedy ' now in use hero,' Ac. ' WId.RUCKNER,,M. D. RHODES' leLViilt and - 'MIRE CURE, or ANTIDOTE tiO it A LAMA,' the only' harntless remedy In existence is equally curtain as a mutt - am - Iva, as- , a " coat." Take it whorl you Mel the chills canting on, and you wi11,..: never have tt ono.. • - JAES - A. RHODES, r, Proprieto M A_ Providece, ' ' o ,,,*Partsale by W. A. Kki-ki, and, prtiggists n generally. • 4 July :I. 11511. ),.MPORT/OIT TO EVERYBODY.— •. For the last throe I baye been engaged in a andoess kilo% wordy to foyself, and comparatively tow' others, whom 1 have lantructed for the sum or VICFCI. sachi-Attilcit_basAtioraged..numiitithe•-mte,,0f.../13,0001—÷ to $5,000 per anoodi; and, having,niade arangementa " to go to Europe hithe Fall, to engage In the same bust' nom, l eta willing to give 'full Instructions In, the art to. • . any persons in the Ilnlted'States Canaday, mho will remit toe the sum of $l. - . I tat ',induced, from the sue pots I Tall* been favored with, andthe many thankful 'acknOwledgetitents I hare recelied from those whom I lotveinstrtiPted, are Making' from TIFTEW DOI,LAIIS DAY et any person Int' opportunltY. to:•entt..to •, tido business, width Is easy, pleasant, mid very predta 'lrle, eta Sinai', coot. There is_posltlVely No Howe ' the matter. ' 11,1'mi:twos of tile boat altos can 1. 6 rogarde'lle character, tiod r cdn rafer,to pareons,w4em / have instfueted, tostry,,tbet are making . 4, • Pent sp.ta etifi par day.ai. , Pwhich either "' '6 , 'tan enrage, dud with' po'rfeet make of very hand; some ingoale: ' Bevoial, - Lancrain various , nacre of have s, 'York State,' Ponagy I fin:de - end Nary ' laud, e, instructed, , aro now matiii'g from $4 to alb per day. a It. ,„ It Is OE:ilitni. isustrEfs, , And 'aplleir or two Is iluircd dlateiy hand t to ociza lke . l: - pp l :7l l2 ean - : ' ; I p P ii t : n o t , • In the inooth'uflday,list,Tsont advo , ttbe editor of the f Iteading Onzettoapd pa.; and also seakid,in,oae oflayAr,: xamia. 6,„ lnstivillidens‘...9n Its recdipt,Audan a me editorial In his erY ".',Wci call idle - Won We, advertlagmenr, of, r. T '1.080p(j;q11.*V.:1 , 44 , 4,71)941de1i "IMPARTOIT SO •Oont '! Which will be Mind ii4n,pthen otiluiort ita'all'eal • allAdtrst "Fo. *Tit ver,t,lsemant,'atid ea, exarelnit on we and it, tt le laoae, and end f f hat may Ito madaeoxp, irw capital:;'; ottani mint lie addressed to • . • , ._,, J Broadway, l'ow ; York. , [lnge tARI4.II,TIN lot of 11,_;/White, Tirlfitivut, tor :cgArlogtptiAdallormind Riotiire Bram' e 5,1131. 10111e . ditap by: '4" . 4 1 4 ' ' n ' O. W. W.WWER' RELlli Y.ED =EI _