Mil , CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. ritiPoitrD 4011. TUE .11EB.A.LD11 ' •• 0804111 V., Wodnes* Dnombur 24 1856 yy FLOUR SutefinO, per 5 . 5,50 . . do_ E=_#:,:l:,:t do , do do Wiitrz IVuEr . ,.r per bueliel FRED RYE Co - fix , Orate cLOVEIteEp ••• do TIMOTIITILERD." .'do WniTEjt tfAt!..T,Ey. do SPRING BARLEY, __ • IFTN I 0N: - OO3PAINY'S lu • . 4 1 1 It ST LE 0 VI:FR - 111 UEO. W. 111111WEit, Eag., of Ohninbersburg, will 46. Hour the Drat lecture tioforethO UNION lints.Coslosss op • , TIIUItSDAY,.the Bth of Jauunry, 1857 In ,tllO COURT ILOURe. Sungari Tickets, admitting two persons lb the Course, • • ft, 00. Benson Tlehots, edmlttlnic ono, 60 coats., Tick iibtalned-fronrahref-the-Oomtuitto, J. FAGAN, O:DELANCY, .A. C CORNIIAN, C!'ll *ECK; It. 51. Brkvssition, 24 1650, ANNIVERSARY !—The Fourth 'rug ular Anulvereery of the Orman 'Reformed Sal. utu School will to held on 'New Year's Evening, Jam rary_lat,_lBs7.....Tho exorcises mill consist of Choir and ;elect Exude, soveral addresses, and the regular An. mat Report of the Superlotondont of the Sehm;l. ne Church will be open at - ale o'elock,-oxurcisos-witl venue:lee at halfpast six, and a chiloction will IM ta ;on for the use or Um School. All {swim. Ilioedly•to 41-Moth Schools aro atfoolltmataly invited to attend. S 11. Kit-WEER. Assistant Suporintendent. Doe. 23, 1850 I iAKI'S, FltU ITS AN I) . • foil CIIIuISTIIAS AND NEW - TRANS. subserllfor has Just gocolvoil from philudulphla nod lamopyrilogan endless variety of TOYS AND FANCY, ' ultiditu for Alm lippronelauks Ifidfasys. Also always ohandn.4 viifuty PANOYTAIigS, Prat, Clikes, oily Cakes, Pound Cakes and ovety other variety, .Ith n frosh and carefully, solootbd sloth of FItUIT i o .ThEkIUTIONA lIY, oil of olash will hu Add la somll Mau. Our frionds tiro particularly Int Dull t giro us rail 10r1112 the sonsum on Maio Strout. Imar. - ramposltlitho liollroti Vol t. Arco-vitEanvisTtow, ni lb 9 .Im4l, quality always on ' Due. 24. M • O. 10LiSLE 'DEPOSIT . _ BANK. . tt S - -•fa ho reeriXelat il A antr ; e( l 4 B n f ra T ieti by the Slats ' l'onneylvinala, for-so short u porled he Folio 310NT . 0, 11l interest paid nt the rata or Eive,_pokaii - um, itod the principal peji bitch at any time after now arity, without notice. ' . _ interest scones after the expiration of the time epee!. • al in the tertiticate,.uniess renewed for another given • wluil_offour montinh.orJonger; In which-ease the Went "hi gold up 'untirthztline of renewal. ' Bank w lenat ii clock A. 31, and CiOSw at o' ,I'. 31. y order of the Board o Nee tore. 31. BENTE3T, • . Cashier. - Doc 24, 1856 WEICIISELBAUM,'OPTICIAN r', AND OCULIBTi from - Pidlndnlphin, informs-the tizonn of and vicinity, that he has opened _ .. om at the WASHINGTON HOUSE, kept by Mr. Burk. Ader, where he offers fur sale BPE,NAOLES of °Very Irloty, also and quality. A new invention of Specta, es, for, distant nt,close riading,iilth Gold,' Silver, _ ,eel - and Tortoise Shell Frames, an a now ati4 lipproy ' I asslittgoilt of Tortoise - Shell Ground' flint themes of his ,i i on manufacture. He would Milcularly call the at." - • edion-of the public - to-bin 8 ECTACLES- for._lSHAlt . . MIXED PERSONS, and fo persons who bave-besn mated upon fir the thitar tof tho Eyo, and Whis 2 --- sW-kind afflatus and Geuservors 04-tho eight, -made :the beat Flint and AzitraGlasses. -- Good Glasses may " • > known by their. shape, exact, centre, sharp nod ikkappollahed surface. The qualities are to be found - " , his Glasses. s-,_-- r .MO MX IMPORTANTI—The Tory host ' Thasillian ebble, no universally; previiitto Bo,far, auporier, to any. ther glass. Also, nikroseopes, Spy and Quizzing Wises of ovary size and quality; Telescopes, 'Magnify anff9pera Glasses with different powers, together Thievery variety of articles la the optical line not tentl-ned. Off-OPTICAL and other Instruments and Glasses irefully repairod'at short notice. Ito ran always se - M Glasses to suit the vision of the parson, as lie COOS tom, upon the first trial. Ho will remain In this Mee dating January Court, mid thine, lo want of the Jove plem give lilt,, a call. Ifs will, if qulred, go to any retTAMnble house where, his set. lees may be wanted. Offic•The very best EYE 7 WATER. always for sale. - nali her, 24, 1825. - ' ' •• • L E D."'S U'll V R B . A N ItESIDEOE AT PRIVATE BALE,' . Ituate at the West end of the borough of Carlisle, near ;•1 deltindon College, now owned by the Rev. Dr. iti'Clin ‘, mk- The lot upon which, the buildings are erected Intalns 77 feet In front, on High Struet and- extends crust the entire square, 480 feet to Louther,Stroet. -,..... ' THE MANSION. HOUSE is heatiti - At -71 , fully situhted on about the centre of -, f, ; 1 ;,,-,...„ the hit, or midway between the .two : e. ,, d. , 6 •,• streets on on ;dovetail position com• - ' mending a most delightful view of . ho town and surrounding country. It is a spacious ml elegantly finished Building ronstruetedi artly of ramo, - fough cast, and partly of Brick, cont. Ing on ho lower floor 'Large Parture. hall, Ltbrar) Dining .. . hmm, Dantry.and Kitchen.- On the eeeond floor four Fed roonte; one Dressing Boom and a Bock remit; and n the third but three 'Bed Rooms and two StOro . mots; Tho Buildings consist of a LA 808 STA :LE and Carriage Rouse, Wood house. Work Shop, , uter Kitchen, Ice House and other out ifuilditurs. The tot In covered with:Ornamental and Fruit Trees every user BtfunTllfe - frvilrlittnrofthellest - qusil nil in the greatest abundance. 'file buildings are new, and were constructed collo,. yfrogardloss of expense. The Fences are good, and the Intire properly in • most excelinnt condition. 'For forme enquire of A. L. SPONSLEIL ' Bee. 24,'50. - Beal BMA° Ag't and Scrivener. R., AT ALU/1131,11,' TOWN PROPERTY ,A,T Plt IVAT I.; S Al. B . lilt - int 0`6,,; . 1rat fli.:11 Street In the lanun:lioff'tdlblo. new, owned nod ...opted by Prof (1:11. Tillie,' 'llm prnporty in on tlk, North sido.ot the niie..1.41,1 street. the Int containing:lo feet infront and 210 rdt-ju depth : aiilir ) a ....:• TllO 111111r0V01110IltS are a Large Two 5-. g I STOuli 111111211 11,11.;,.11.,. 0 ith a eoinino• 11 i dben, Back ..ituilding of tin' saute" 111:Ite ' I dal. l'he.viitire pnTerly i.i fi nished hi "... f'.'e ...., .the most elegant manner, with water o tin lured. and Ulm In every mom In tlie house. Ex adient Cogent under the entire Buildings. 'Pilo Attie „0 divided Into Chniiibers, plastered and well hoished. Phu out Building's aro numerals and convenient.— there in an excellent largo sTnitiA and car l i,..._ (loose on the foot of the lot, a Green IL mon, .k.e. 'Tito property In in the best possible Ante of unpile, .Airing been recently Unlitteq,Velpered thr.oijhout. 'Cite lot contains an excelleti ss, L.llOlll, or Fruit, 'to. ;Rutty with Flowers and tihr Lawry of the choicest se.' lertlon. Tho nbottt removing front Carlisle, other. • 'wive the property would sot by disposed of. For terms — iiiirlifitiviiwillculare; - enquird - of • • • • A. L. SPONSLER, I IrAiiilireand-841,0110r. Doc. 24, 'fib STATE OF J. (I.,BLACK, • • —Notice is hereby given 'that Letters o f Admin. aNru ion on the estate of J. C. Black, hite of Lower Al en township, Curelanland county, deed, have' lawn Wined to the subscriber, residing In said township. All personsC indebted - to' neld--estate—unr-requested-to melte Immediate payment, and those having rielms to present them for sottleniont to D. Ail If LLY, Doo. 24, 1856. Administrator. OTI9E TO VREDITORS.-No m At Is Moreby given that I have applied to the oart of Common Pleas for the benefit of thu inseivent Lawn ' 'and that they imve,appointed Ilduday, the 12th day o f January next for the heariog of me and My Mod: Hors at the Court House, In the borough of Carlisle. when and whore you may attend if you think propel.: ' • Dek. 24, '56 . . WILLIAM °WINN. • WALL PAPEIt 1 • : JOUN P. LYNII4t SON have the pleasure of informing the, public that they have ablest completed the enlarge:fleet of their store, And are now revolving the largest and most varied as sortmont of Wallpaper and Window Blinds ever opened In Carlisle. A call is solicited from thee° wanting Paper hangings of any kind, as we are confident that all can be supplied from our mammoth stook. At the old stand,,Nerth.ilavover street. ' April 9, 1859. - IT(YVESI STOWS!! STOVES!!! 1.7 JOHN' D. CIORGAS would intern the public AMA ties now on hand et his eatabliehreent, on Main Mt., seat door•to Marton - Hall, the largest 'and moat coon. Tfete assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAlt- AM STOVES to bb founA In this toasty, which will be sold •at the lowest prices: for • 7:f.c..z. sash or approved credit. Hie stork conelatent a 'ergo assortment bf now •and highly op • c• proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished • in complete mAnnOt, end : calculated for : either wood Or coal, or both. All the old standard • pattenm • which hove stood the test of experience, may be (Mind at bls ea ablishment. Also, si great variety of the most approve• and beautLul PARLOR •OFTICE Summo n .)luding .. number, of new styles, possesping, very cape. • clor advantagetv over those' heretofore HI use. Famlllee and housekeepers are respectfully invitod,to give him a mil before purchulug elsewhere. • Stoves delivered to, ' any part of the country and pa up at the shortest no- lice. He continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET 'I7ItON WARE,tind.Copper Work, and bat constantly on. ',band or. will make to order every, article , required by bonsekeepers;rirrithent in this . 11no, ' Uhl stock of Tin' and Copper Ware embAfts every kind of housellold and sltchen utensil, warfauted equal to the bost•matinfee —Persons-irk-wantotarticles may=al. , ways be aureol,being acirommodated to their satisilictioc by giving hips • „ meal , READY; TIIE NE WBpAPER RECORD; a' collection of Newspaper Facia and atistlca, containing a com'piote llpt of papora . In' th e lj n it e d , E tataa, Canadass and , ',Oniat:Dritat ' , The inly reliable woricofi ,` y nog ' aa4le asslatant Oa the Edlttr, Book Pubilaber; and Oen, .Idvertlser. Bvo. 200 pph - $ On rocelpt.of $2; It rot be, pre;nahi per mall,' to any part of the country. $ - "Publiehers, No, 83 Dock et.," 14 8 1 adolphia."',. .$ XI-Editors Inserting the'abciYO three.'motiitlia. with: editoriallrefarence, and sandbut onplen. of 'the:inper' .'lll - ro.pn1(1”, , cU t ip job *.thimahe i . deue here. Rem. ithoe,rti6ement; ( - 4 00Dg- , FOR: :THE - HOLIDAYS FANCY - GOODS, GIFT .1100E.S; &a. HAVEDSTICK- has Just received from the city and is now Opening asplendld display of FANCY.GOODS, sultabfe for the approaching holiday. Season; to which ho desires 'to call the attention of. his friends and - tho public. - His assortment in thls line cannot bonurpassed in novelty and elegance; and both In quality and'prlco of the articles ' cannot fall to please purchasers. It Would bo impossible to enumerate his HOLIDAY . FANCY. GOODS, 6 00 which Conajarleaeve' , iartal,yef row -- s - haw - iirela • • Nalper'Magbo Octuts.• •• • • - Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-statide ;tad trays, Nancy tvory,peari andybell card cases, • Ladles' Fanernaskets, • Yaney':Work - iloxes, with cowing instruments,. . - Portklonnaietf, ofevery-varietyi .- . Bold pone sod pencele, Fancy paper weights; Papotorles, and a ardd variety of itllee.Faucy Station 1,86 1,26' y. -. • . 3r Mottio smile and nraforg, Silk anitbaid itirsee, ' Ladlee',.eldlng whips; elegantly finished, Ladies' fine 'diary, -' ,Pertitele ltekete!indbme, . ...- , • ' • • • ' • 6,50 2,50 1,12 1 OU 'Brushes of every kind for the toilet; • ' , hoinismrs Perhunes of the verlomekintia, pp Instrumente, of all kinds and at ell prleml, together wltliatt innumerable variety of :uncles elegan t• ly finished and imitable for holllday presente, to' which _ho_luxitosppoclalottenVp.u.,_ ___ Also, an extensive"n d a elegant eidlectioii 3 Or• . s, • I.IOADAir GIFT. BOOKS, vi mprising the various English and American ANNBA IS for 1367., richly embolished and Bustrated POETICAL WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for childron'of all ages, than Which nothing can be mire _appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ilia asset-Linen t at School Books and School Stationry is also complete, and comprises every, thing' Used 1d College_atid_the. Schools. to call th7l - aartlcular attention of Families to his elegant LAMPS, GIRANDOLES; ate., • z z;,2 • . , from. the extensive establishments of Cornelius, r her and others of Philadelphia, comprising every )1 0 14 Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for Mira, tithe lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with ' ver Vase! Fancy Screens. Ad. Ills essortnumt hn s line is un equaled In the I:anvil - I:4h. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTION: 1? - -ZNUTS—Pit sr i nvuti FituVyg, Are, --- n every variety ab - trat all prices, all of which are pun and fresh. such as cat be eefdidentiy recommended I his friends and the la s folks. Ills Etna. ambles, every thing in the lin if Fancy eltrids. with many otlit articles - useful to usakeepers which the public a, esperially. luvil , call and .see during the holiday:3.- Roalember theOld • Stand, nearly apposite the Bank o Semis- Ilatioter dee 13 16511 f. 'Committee. Tv ?E TEMPLJ OF FAN.CY 1 • _ :_ . Now opiq. I= And will im at lib; Old !lead irloartors In' North Hanover street. daring the Christmas toil Now Yoar's rosilvitios, with ono of i be largPst assortmonts of MIEIRMM==ffI . . livor niforo.l ill- this Mace, ronhigtimt ,In 'Part of Film Cau•ly Toy.. mot Fruit,.. 1t.., Ilene, (NM Clioeolon,:nnt Droft4'. nose, Vanlllit. and- iluimt .Almond,. - yronela add ' oxpli•Jiu;; Also thu common varieties. uIi1I1L!1ftI of thu illt.vst Oranges. I.IIIOtIF. 'lsislux. Figs, l'rawls. Currants. Citron: soft :Lod paper shahs] Aluonnls,.7llbertk. Cresol, Cyroa, and Cit•~uunl Nuts. lit ~,,tineetion with tho.above th exttoistvo ns softment of -TOYS AND' FANCY-II001)'S • of eie:ekgapality, and - price. consisting . Iv part of Fine WtiK, china, crjlng . :tut) other Dolls. Sewing . and Card liaAkets. Pion or Vases, 3lotto Caps, 'fen Setts. Slaslt, Drums, Guns, Alr Pistols. Accord.... liartnonicans:Truittpete. Chessoten - of bone and.woott, - Dominoes. Lotto anti other game's. Fancy. Seajle. nitir Oils and Port Mosaics, Sc. Wu move also n fine lot of FAMILI - lIROCKILIP.S, such on. IlUll'OriSllll mashed and brown •Sitgom, of every grade, Cofee, Dhdncers. Starch, Creel, foul Black Tens, Spices. Water, soda,Sugar, Witter and other Crackers, cheese, be. ._ The subwriber returns hla iincere thanks to a goner .cots Publle for the patninaireiteretofore bestowed ori - hint, - sod hem, by n desire to plisse, to merit no continuance of thn aunt!. . _ . 3IONYMIL ' - Carlisle, Dec. 10. 1050. • I HRISTM AS AND"_ NEW -; ; YE .-1j•-: The store of thereubscriber in in receipt, and' ace shelves are now supplied with a handsome selection of . • line and rich . . • -• -- -. r V It E'N C And decoAsted fancy ware, such as Inkstands, Baskets, Vases Coffee cups, Jewell boxes,,Tox 'fa; anff__Dinnar - totiST l C hlinThlrs In variety, and a variety of other Articles all well suited for the coining liollidays. - GROCERIES AND spicEs • In ereryvarlety, frail' and of. hoot quality. hate Suet Leon added- to ourTormar stock.. • • . • • %V lICTIILEIDIM. IitICKWIIKAT, of very fine quality In small sacks also on hand, • • • CRANBERRIES; KATSINA ' Citron and other goods adapted to the season, In variety, constantly In store and for salo'by Carlisle. Dec.lo, 'AO. J. W. icily. p itE RESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. • — place to get thorn lent LEANS CO.'S • AT GIFT-110GB SALE, 409 Broadway, Noir York: Fine Gold Jewelry given away to purelmsers of Books. All books will be sold as low ne can •be • had at other Stores, ninny of them' for less. New hooks. received daily. A (lift-varying in value from 25 'cents to $lOO, given with eneli book at thulium it is sold. Ifaiing on hand a very large Stock of new nod, valuable .Books, and es our motto Is • Large Sales and small Prate,' we are determined to give our customers better bargains titan can be had elsewhere. Any book published in Now York oryhlladelphia will bo_promptly Avid,._ gift_ Included, on rocript of publisher's price. Cataleguos of Books and presents containing full oxplauations will iWsont free to till pease( the country. The most liberal inducements aro offered to Agents. Any.person by sending us an order for ton Bons, with nionoy enclosed will be entitled to on cobra Book and gift. All orders for Books containing mnnoy, (to ensure porrect.saroty,) should bo rerlstered at tiro Post 011ico whore they are mailed, and directed to Evans & Co., lirnadivny, Nan York. kr, eat:Nom—M. Thomas & Sopa, South Fourth St., , ; 1. IL Lippincott & Co: Philadelphia; U. Appleton & Co., Broad way. Now Yor k;' Derby 4 Jack. son. Noseau St., Now York, ere• Send for a catalogue. . • . EVANS & CO. • Principal kora, 409 Tlroadway. New York. Branch Stores at Philadelphia and VYaahlogton, 1). C 1— Dee. 17, 185 d. I .... a •. , A R.T'IF. ~ -, •, V 1:./ ll • ED.—A young man booing boon a Salesman in n Dry, tioods Sloro In Carlisle for the .last eight years, and who look confident that through his Industry and ft:flirt:laus in tint, hut .Icfl fuornlift bur Mao to COllllll/11id it liberal share of I ho public ~..ijarmilivo or Qullkdo and Its vidnity, aisles a partner LO etunqo with hi.o whir:to fuenkli a 00111 Capital of froitrit',ool.l to 50.000, to commence but:lnes, to tor. lisle tut or ;thout ti 11.16:. of A pod, 1 , :f1. 'Ally outfit, Cho poffscssion of saki suns to int 11,t the Nan.. I l" , titiff'r IS,, hey tioad., or tif . LI., 1,..m....,. i 1 !rs 1.1.411: preiorred.) will Ifearaff 'II Nlllllll' 1.11:11 -01.1_m. 111111' LO hate char.;,e of the im lace., 'Of til'ely,. II lit A 'eed, by calling ea or addressito.: the Edit. r to' this pa . poL. _ .... • Infrikle, iv', . d , U.(rlr. ' 1 1 ;El litl 11 I .‘1 .-V.S ~1 NI) -- NEl\'-' Di' ‘ 1 1 : l'% AUS ` , ''E \ VS-- A verY o ' l ' ...""Pf efe,ont and unftful goods or Liu of.oest f_ur. p-an pro. dOctIOOS. 12'. Anl.l St.. /lIPP,I, I oh, , .11111.1elpitla. • . tit WIITTING bESKS. l' Es, CA SI:ii11;‘) lAbl" warrait tad. matt it tae• Lanai In our °wit worlothop, trout lu:declaim .act-aitte , l to stilt. the climate. 12. a Arch St.. ulr, t o ill it. Philadelphia. • FRY'S DltlltrSlNO CASES of wood or leather. for triielllng or home une, are all fitted with articles of coal uglify and trarrailea-Cullory, the largeFt 'Went ht the city to actor[ —Fil - VS - UttbnarSatelielsrPortmonalet . ,-Trav`olling - Itan . Etonis Cases, Siitegoin in easeii, - I . netthlios, t , egar do,. as low au filutilur goods can Itn-ionrchnEed in the United States. • 128 Arch rt. Doc. 3, 1850. r • • • ECONI) TAM 01" THE 0001) kj_WILIOIOSE_CinIeANY, nt_lidlicatien,46ll 4 rout maiming bee. 24, and ending Ja 0 . 1, ROW. open Eveur NIUUT, and Christmas lOW Now Year's_ day. ''croons _dOSII7,UN Of purchasing ClunarmAs and Mar Tr.ait's I'IIf.dENTO are fuspectrully lnvltud to attend: no they will find Toys, Lulls, and Fancy articles of Itvory des, caption. Refreshments served In every style. All persons havieutarticies to present to this Compa ny will please - leave them tho residence of Miss Helgly, In West Pomfret Street. Season Tiekets, admitting one person, Single 'Wickets, Dee. 17. 1856. • • r : CIIE CIDIBEItLAND COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE meet In'Newville, on Tuesday the :Rid Inst., and continue in suselon aD least four days. • The friendi of education ore earnest -ty solicited to ettend. The Reiland Company will is sue excursion tickets at.half the regular tore. A few teachers ha•e expressed a willingness to bring classes of seholars to exhibit their modes of tearhittg; it woe hoped that tho re; illations or the Railroad Com petry would snow them to pass thee° scholars over the mad gretls; this, however, Atill not be . douef yet It should by no means deter those teachers from exhib iting their classes. The parents of the scholars wllleno doubt, gratify their children ..hy_freely • set ding them, an Itis confidently believed the cause of edge:Mon will be greetly_bonelitted Icy their presourif In the exhibi tion of classes, the following order - will be observed- 7 Newville, Hopewell, Mifflin, Frankford, N. - Middleton, S. Middleton, Dickinson, West Ponnsboro', Newton and Southampton, on Wednesday; N. Cumberland, 'N. Denusboro', Lower. Allen, Hampden, .bfechaulcsbuyg and SliveT:pring, on Thm . sday; thlpponsburg, Upper Allen, Carlisle and Monroe, on• Itridayr , , • Distinguished gentlemen from, the &hoot DePartc moot, and•otherplaces are expected to be present.: Dee. 17;180.6. a • c • • - commirma • . . E W GOO D 8 •• A A N 1 lIOLLIDAY - PRESENTS: eve just returned from the city and= now open ing & large" assortment of elegant, fashionable, new, 'styles, Paney and Staple DRY NOUNS, to which I would respectfully call the attention of all purchasers, and' the Ladles Itf particular. • . Ameba Long and dquate Shawls, Brarfo, Furs, Hie" gent Embroideries, 'Splendid Silks, French Merinos, De 'Leine", Cashmere Plalde, Nibbons,' Taiwan, &a., &c. A new stmlictol,othe 7 ings.:calft, Ile., In great variety, and very cheap.' •' Also. mane elegant Now, .Patterns Imperial. and In gralcuCarpettings. •• . , , • dm now ' racel * in g St 4 - jrcikly and ; aallieg them off rapldly;at veryrOdueed prime, My old friends and Customers, and all in want of and baudannlo goods, Will plearie to extualnu this Block brfore urchas• In elsewhere. - '"'Ned717.71,1 •• JBLAO NTs hirolee of superior all wool Cothibita. entlemen's Shawls; Comforts, Cap_es, ViesM ai Gaunkleliy&e.. • - " - • GEO. EAT . CrliTlo( . B i;l:sffitTitlllt;Oß'W , Putisitt 4 -Ctr.,s,;sths tho.w,lrjd '...-.1,-,;:lyeiopi;'iitm...llVe .oF$ 40, g*IAL' `.lfor . • ' • • .•'• , 48610 t. • rtlole of the . most ItkrEitSTICK ...Address, slwttys post pub', • • ' - tIEACON N0:64 South Third :ztreot. Niunbers smut gratis tu - rtny our, when requested. 1(4).„!1`11 IMITAIIS.—Eilltors lobo Oyu Um above one limn - lio n. or eondeese prrtlons of It. (the nothe4 Of new eonti•lllitiunond our 11 . !1100.) for tholr enlnnnis. shall be entitled to au 0xe1un,,...0 tv sendlog ft Toorlo.d ..ops'or tale riper_ sontalulnn the vortlseninfit Irr Itnt are., • I lire. IT. `LII.'• TS 011,\171- I r .I I IIK. SEll ' ' E 1) (ER ' 1 —1 . ._ TillS GREAT WEEICLY LY PAPER has !lOW attained-The itAto•aordinary circulation of OM, Ilundrell and Ninety Timoil.anot Centel! The. LOOM' le devoted to 1 , 3),1TF. I.I.TEILITIIIt E. ORIGINAL TALES. F.S. POETRY. -Essays, flossllinouLtliellurrent Newet.,and maintains a high moral tone. 1 te,is every where acknowh,Lted to be tine best Faintly Paper In the world t• thence Its extraordinary Met unheard orppu• Inrit v. Mr. BONNER.. the Proprietor Or the LEDUER. employs the hesttalptitor the ity Aa dot nit - makes the best - paper. Stich wi Rows nR Van Sy lennus Cobb. jr. and Emerson Bennet :ow permailentz ly etigaled It, and hill write.for no othir paper here after. Mrs. Sl,....eurney al n enlists Of writes roe It do n Grottier popular authors, including Mrs. Em ma-D. N. Soutliworth, Alice Carey, Mrs. Vaughan, Mary - Stanley ilir,son, Clara Sydney rind others. The Lt , dger' Is beautifully illtistrated every week. • . Tha' NEW Y.Ottli LEDO ER Is 'hinted "nn. beentiful while'paper, and is composed or ei 4 la paves, making the hand,ionest weekly paper in the country. It Is Pub lished every Saturday, and entd at all thi% OeWe uFll -re in every city and town throughout the countryi and lain/tiled P.r subscribers a t.'s2 per. Ton Lit no 4. two copies ,orit Sent _Or ulotaluing °Wit subscribers at $1 511 each. - (which Is our lowest club notes,) and sanding us $l2. Will' be °Tattled to note espy Free. .'forniti Invariably In noirititer. Addre ss all let lets , . ROBERT - lIONNEIt, . Putilishei , of "Now, York Ledger,". • ' ''• •--, • 44—knn ritreetoXerr-York. N. 11. , ---Now Is a good time_tri subscribe. n's iiIIEIIB°N 131•:NNIM1'S Groat Origins] Novel of V/lONTINIt LIFII,, will - bo commenced on tho first of January. Dee. 10, 1850: ~ • _. • ••, • , • GOODS.—TII6 sulhitliber ha§ Li, just opened a variety or Lades' Tahoe& Mocha, Last nod Square Shawls. Show's, Nerinoes,. 13nsioneres, Mons de bibles. Oftutlettns. (Nimes. Illan• ke k s, ,te., to which ho Invites theatttetttlon of the La. dies. E 0 'W. I - FAL U A 13141. 4 1 - REAL .F.:81.'..A.TE: AT v PRIVATE SALE, - : • . . Consisting. of 'rwo,vid.uAßLE LtaIESTONiI FARMS; B .F N T Z R' 113 lt CI .: _ 5 1i i , t e u: , , ,, t ; ;d 0. .1: , . ,,i . , ,, t it 0 r r .,r e . Sprin gnri 0 totvitsidpithnitherlarl Ca., 1 I , 011 the frlndle Spri, ~g,,,,d, FALL AN-D WINTER GOODS. " Ono ofs.ild Ihrins,•witit Improvements, Will he unto to : LADIES. .. ' ' ethitain froth 120 te, , 150 acres, to suit imrelnistels. with Tialn Mack Silks. Satin Striped, Mare Antlitu , „ Fancy which will he Oran 10 or 15acresof the hestitualltY of Silks; ready made Cloth and Plush Mantles, Velvets for Timber Land:. ' Mantles, Habit Cloths; a full assortment of FURS. In. Thu Improvements thereon are a gmid /AO 1101100 a eluding Stone . Martin, Fitch. hr ,froni $1 to CIO: - -1 -i. , r'o Ranh \nth tlve Thre.shing. -Merinoes, t!ashnieres, - Cohurgs; Plain - an,tFagey 811.nthot -- - , ..ay ,I- In,. Wagon Shad. Corn (Yin, •miel De 1,%1110A, Weolen Plaids. A Iparva. llondiaxlne; Brochn. 4* ; - 11: other I >ii Won nil i 111, ! IVO •of lout, rat Stella and Cadunere Shawls. Fall unit Muter li. "et s • Vl'? I I 0..1. 4 r. and' a ill.° otheg , n-linril of Rennet Velvets. Satins. Ladies' Skirts. .. 4 ... - • •Ap..1..r. to aloe Ivith .411 - . r trout. is 4 .V.rilhi . ' The' - I 1 Flouncing, Trimming, itc., Collars and Trimmings lan .. „t1,,,,....f,„.., w ill ~,,,,i,, a 1 1,,,, great varlefy. ' " ; ':ln acres: including ale un .15 - 11cres ~r-11,,,,,,,,, Ti,l ... GENTLEMEN.. _ raet Is unlinon.mtl, hut has a "heautiful site thr . , Cloths, Cassimeres , Overcoats. Silk find Woolen Under • ...lolling. • . shirts, Cravats, Collars, Cap,llesiery, Cloves, Sic. : The knees In Toth tracts are In gond condition. ninl DWI ESTICS. - : the land Is Ina high state of cultivation. For terms, .. . 1,c.. U.lllll fro of A full and complete tins Millie lit nr Domosti , ,..lncl noon . Wool Blankets. Counterpanes, D nnestio and imported Carpets, Woolen and Gahm Carpet Chain. Wavle, Tarn. limn Sheen. Loolang Ii lasses. he. , , N. 11.-..-Werh•retr 'unite rtvran.,ontnot-I.4iy-Iyhit 6 ll we can ru.611811/iity gbods4u be bad la the vity at thilie dap.' notice.. ._ _ Oct I{,'so:}x' * *.- . NTH I . ] 11` GOO DS : „Gum) 1.-4001)N.! No. 1. Sifiiire nbruit ono.halr i nilo west of the Stone i 1 ,• ~ Ta, ern. on the Walnut Bottom R 11 (load. nletht seven 1110: , IF Y,./li tI'ANT NEW ( 6)flllµ,i we,t of Car1i..1... Carlisle, Nov. 26, 1966 4.:0003, 0011 CIIE - Host 11 i ' or to I:‘;. , l:tuvii ' llit'l; Hotel. and yoti a largv - as.lttilaott ,oi ...I.6tlirv. s.f -- filavk. num.A 4.ionou (':Minn. IN 'mines. lie Batzos. Alp:keens. :i..otct nobs, 8,01 - c:it, 41:tovhustor, I.l . ;,t , in,•eititinhrog • hams ('oil • •••s Son.s.ll 11..5it47. Elul., A , . &c. )31.,5:11‘..5.--'.l'(...jii rhinitolS, TieLinz. and 11.1.011!, I a [1.1: 1•13, Cilvf if/1w n 0,•.• o.a. tweLl Carton r Loin, k and 6131,141.t,W1, h.I I 1-,1 '1111i•JOI.t. For tiohtkno, 'Are 111 , e Fine Froncli 111:n1, 0.4110, I'llllo /viol -Ve,L• Satlnetts. 1 , 41 1,1%i.tu .;‘). JP:111S. .tn. , r Inovt* , , meoetio and elilldron'o Slwes. we def . , etwm, t - .11, a very n'itiO'wlow ha f thowerles. elhree. So ray.. our ntoek 11:1x 110.1 ',knell With the hle3toSlolll,,lrele, In en, ,a 441 no Wee Elnerlllined oell nt vary sololl It. Ivm wisiang i1''11111 . 1.11111 , 0 Will ilnd Our w e :ire selling,as chap—lf not cheaper-111mi Icily I) on.). lo t-two and limy will ilnd their ntl• 'van to give no it call. ❑uttrr. Eggs, Itags,,Snap and Tided l'ailtlaken'at N. W. WOODS; Ite't: Don't forget the place, next door to magiambilw g - -COrE tr,3Bfin cl 4;11';(7 , 0N - 1 - . ) " -- " - A41:10" - V - A4r — OF — K - Aliir k. 1 AND WINTER GOODS. • just ieturnedfo r m Ntw York and I Philadelphia with the igritsest 'assortment nt eleeatit .WIN'VEII 1;00118 ever budiglit to Carlisle. The ladies will find n splendid natairtnient of Dress Goode of the newest style of EMBROIDERIES. tin 11111111'11FL, assort ni•nt of koedle;Worked Collars. Undrieleel en, Plount, Inge—llitudkurclilelk,.kr.ory-elegant r aint—the,rhear, est In Ainerien. • . . AN.D SCARVB.—Stella, - Pioche, and Blau' •hot 9113W1P, beautiful dad rely cheap. FEATII4IiB AND Fll)W11118 of every de. m.11141°11; also, a largo stock of Rennet Ribbons, very cheep. • • fresh lot of Cloths, Cassl• mores and Satincits, cheaper then over. pAItrETINII AND DI ict:l.OTllB. I luperia I, I, Treln,. Venitlata and Itag'earpuilug, new, bandeau and very cheap. 11°01'8 AND BIiOES.—A nether large invoice of Floats and Shoes,frool the best nutnufactuters All in want of cheap and good geode.' are respectfully Invited to call at the Old Rand, East 3laln street. Carlisle. CHAS. OOILDY. ' Carlisle, October 20,1850. GU .cia eta. 101. ZETTLn, Chairman of Commlituo. NEIV 00.008 I 'NEW GOODS • FIRST OF TIIII'SEASON I . • Tho subscriber has- just, returned from the (astern cities nod is now opening a splendid assortment of • GOODS, Whloh will hn sold at very low pHeori. • A large steep of elegant Stella, Thibot, Cashmere, Praha and Dleinketlikawls• . • ' An immense assortment of the moot elegant Fancy and Black Silks. veryy, client , ' ' Mous do ',nines, Chnilloc Itiorinoes, Pammottas, and great variety of Dress Goods, very handserde'and very ••• „ • • Flannel. Blankets Cassinett4 Jeans, Clothe and Cate sheer. in great variety, ' ' • _ BOOTS AND 8110ES—+A large lot mf Boots and Shoes' I f every description, at,tho loYverd. Prices: - 0/atm:um—AL norr assortment of Imperial, In grain. Venttlau, and Rag Carpets. " • • The assortment It. now.very large and complete ' end all . persons In want . of 'handsome. and cheap goods are respectfully invited to call nt the Old Stand, East Idain Street: - Sop. 10, 1.850.) . • 011.01 1 1-11aving - closed' opr 'busi • loons, -wo •wilth to notify our euntomers or tini, not, nd rognost nil who ore •indobted to the fi rm. to not e 07010 14.7141 make rettlooldnt. and for : tne co ,,,i on ie nco of , nych We will meet thorn nl,the storo•rooin•on•-3Vednys 7 do,gtearh , week, Utltilket ," let otJuintry, • ,l or: ID, infidl , ..' ; ' ', ' STAnY3IAN ..t•SONS. , Dool.'s, 'A I) - . ,SHOES.- - -Another largwassortinnut of ;tten'it nuirso and Flue Bopts. torrnoo Boots and' Shoes. Mlssea and ChM' Soots.and Shles. Punt Cvnrshoes'and, 'Buffa lo Sachs, at4pey Sow prices, •• \l A[TLi . i=Farmary"i dro.:(u9Rod to call At illerdner i s Foundry and one • the Ginfrution .of Colotnau'eAznerlou 9rultk.Mll!. 910 .v ? r auk by • _ • ";' 00919 ‘..i ' ''J. dRMBtRONG. . . , . . riONW.4 irs ,, ;(ll4)4ll:llsjE ITCINEY Pthi'M Nbaoll.l.l)lfra supply tit tloaa tartly oNaallo%t lust tuoiverl -tualf,a , r &Oa, al ,Wll/1;1.A..\11 , :' lf.. l .. , lll,lLQl:l.lliaiaaOlgtlu Strata; . ; .., ; 14 00 16 a P l . o */.ga 145 ;....- • , • . FuOfications pco s THE SATUIIDAY' EVENING: POST.: Established August 4th, 1831. . . Tho publishers of Otto old and firmly estabilsited pt. per take pleasure In calling the ationllon of the puble to their progntmtno for the coming. yeti. Bnrfeitt with politics, the elalins of literature will be more the ever' appreciated by, the rending world. : We have therefore, already made arraugomoute. with the folloo in; brilliant list of writers IVILLIAM_HOWITT, Of England.) ALTOS' OAST, T. S. AIITUU It; MRS. SOUTIIWORTII, AUGUSTIN DUGANNA-IVIRS.II—A-.-DSNNISGX,tho-Aufbor-4.4 "IA UAL'," We design commoncliiOn the first number to gar uary next, the following ortnitint Nevoid : Tallingetta, tile Splatter's home, ••. - - . • anitior !,f• Mirll llfu In-England 'lliothoti or tiIO Pooto.' /Cm, ttc. This - in a story of Australian life; Mr. ilowitt havio 'visited Atultralla expressly with the ollject'of acquain ing himself with the novel and romantic aspects on& which natiinfind soeietypresont themsel , es, in thi singular region. • ' The following Nnvehitirwlll ;then he given : 7 •gi probably not in the oid rher.kinentigned: The Story ,f a Country Oirk .by 41 Carey. An original Nnvelet, wiltte r eutikaressly fly ho Pest. The Withered . pear , An o . omal .Sovolel • Written esfressly for the . S. - Aril-tun Ltght ilnuse NantlirkOrrYingl Novelet the • niittitir of •Mi . Confe Or: tine Child' Medium.' kr. / • The ,Quaker'el" lege, An Original Novelel by 'Mrs.:diary A j ki mison, author ofd Mark, the . Sex ton." Homo P res, • 'The Rai fittrquntly, A.;--Tatel:f the Side. , Cantonal'. n Original Novelette, by Augustine Du • ganne;" uthor el • The Lost of the tic,. • )Vi. tats also the promise — a n short. mut' condensed z Nocelet. by Mos. SOUTIWORTII, to run through about six or right numbers of thn.Post. • . oddition to the above. list of contributions. lee design continuing Elio usual amount of nudge Letters, Orlginol Sketches. Short Selections from "al sources, Agricultural Articles, General News, Hume, ,ois Anecdotes. View of the Prodwe and Stock Markets The Philadelphia Retail Markets, Dank Note List, MI. trials; our object being to give a complete re.• cord. as 'for as will admit, of the 'Great. _lWorld. . • liNtlitAVlNClS.—fn the way of Hogrivlnt,..n. Ira gen. raTs s ent two weekly—nno -of an InKtruetlve, the ntbor of a h timorous elle red er. • • Tlio . p.taxe on the I . N5t to any tort . nf tho United States. p.thl nonrterly or yearly In talvane, nt the of where it Is rewired, Is gniy :hi cents a year. T El: NIS, (Cash In advanc4)--Slngle.. copy,_ ;2 a your. -I envies. • 1. 8 " (and 610 to got ton . up of the Club,) lu 1:: • ' r 1 20 " - • Stbres ant) :SOops. 131:NTZ EIVi- ~C UAS 0041,11 Y. 111.A11 . Sufgs. C,ll-TORCIT , ;BUIL 1)ING F 011• V 1 -b-The undersidood; appointed a .Committe .by the Doan' IlTrtiSteen gf the M. '1: Church, with instruc- Hone from'ttio -Board to sell the ChitrSh Edifice, encode on the corner of High and Pitt. Streets, now offer' the said building at, private sale. if not sold'Prirsitely it ho offered at L'ablie Selo, on THURSDAY, .the 16th of January, 1857,1 at 11 o'clock; a. un on the, proutlees. , difARLES DELL; DAN'Es'YgONDERLICH E. 1400ItE, Corolteey dcw 10 • • • - GH-b-Y-14in -E-D -4yEL,. ARM AT „PRIVATE SAG,ALE. ' filtuato two miles no,rth•of Carlisle, on the Conedo- " guittet - Oreek. adjoin BODO Carlisle Water Works, • CONTAI NO do ACRES OE pAND, • • iti• the highs. state of cullivation,apdf xinder. pod . ,fence, marl • 11,0 f which - Is past and rall-and-w ire. . --.• ' The Impraveureirts are a, Twwstory -e,', " PLASTERED, „HOUSE, a largo Bank' • ::1Y'111•1111 " Barn, with . , other convenient Out ," :%. '`lli II buildings, a fine Orchard of Apples,' ,„ together with other and a'Well of • • Water at the door.: The location Is an, eligible ono, owing to its proximity to the Water Works, from which the entire . farni can be conveniently supplied with water. ." ' • • - For terms, Sc., enquire of " A. L. BPONSLER, _Bop. 21,,18.50,,,,,;, : 1ea1.E5tate Agent and Scrivener. ES I R .1+,31t SALE. he sae: s criber offers at private solo the property on which .110 non lives, situate In Loather street, In this borough, nearly opposite Dickinson Colleho. .The pro perty consists of . " DEICE DWELLING DOUSE, . , and_Ult.l.PL...GrollnstLefintalning. °NEL, ~ . 4''ll - 11 I — A — CR IN, more or less. 'he house is new' • ' and excellent order, and tins a cote. modious hack building, Stribling and 42 • '-'-et other outehouses attached, with a well of water anti pump, Thu grounds are weir cultivated, comprising flower plots shrubbery and shade trees, and :the lot Is amply. filled with the choicest variMies of fruit, comprising eight kinds of fall and winter apples, et least twenty varieties of peaches. halfa dam, eerie. ties of plums,•togelhor with cherries, apricots,' Pears, rnspberrles.. CuilMits. 'gooseberries, almond and' fig, trenste.. In adundance, all of Whielfritro lo law log rondition. It Is in every respect n. dcsiraLic property. Pm ,0111,1 lIISIII.IIO, to purchase aro refiltested , to call and 1, sulfite. septi,:m4q• • cuAltixs MUIGIAY. TALUABLB - tiIESTO.NE FARM SALE - vut us L lo property IM shunted 114 Monroe InwnAblp, Cumberland romity. About 8 1111101 east .of Corl . l4dei 611 tbo Ilrembes Creek:And to known nn the • . , •-. A'M WILLIAMS' FARM.'! • . . . . . . . . . . t Cet.litm,,s ..tio Actzt.:B or the best quality of LUNE STONE 1,1. \U. aboot '2O of whfelt are edver d will, good Timber. in addithtnl to which a large quantity of loot Isar ming.. and the residue lit .the highest pea slide slate of cultivation. .' -. : - ' ' The ham, isotonts are a Iarao • TWOoSTOBY MUCK MANSION !MUSH, with a.„. Mirk .1 1 ,1,X . 2"") ,Back ,tuns . 40110, Mouse, • ki . -p•z.A nod dint!. convenient foitt . builolitoes . Largo cotonte•ltAh4,olAlt:os, With two , • T r titre4dtog. floors. Waggon ;lied, Corn licit', II t, I l.alon. tlarrl,oeo ko. There- IS n -largo liorsoronawino” permanently fixed to Elio. loom., A 1,.,,, lergooToioostory Ira ono Tenant I fousesiolastered, and to FiO1114! Barn. A good:Orchard of Apjriea, unit ilev..ry .1. :ripthon A net stream of we ler.risetiowl 30 of the ionise. mantylitholooto the said 'creek _litionedlooteltio_front ofot.int_housemnil ham , property - possessoca'•auperlor :advantages, anal al ors rare looolitcoments to )1111 . 0111501,1. are moat deliditfolly situated cm the banks afoli lmnuti fel stream of „Inman.. the TidlOw_iireeelirs Creole, and , sullielmotiSo elevated to milie ti, scenery ntraorikissod oy'any - place tn , the enitntr37 - --School-lcousico urn In.tim rininicollate Chiefly and achurch -at 1/111siourgo. three miles distant, with at pfood rood leatilihi to tim • Also :1 ~01.4 sittintiod ion the YollaW firceelomo matt' ,toil fora , on thoo, ohlioitoint6primiorty.: The location is . " lint hely Instltloy, Mod dirlbju In every - point 'of view., For trans. to., 611 , 011cl:hi' ' 14, SPONSLINI, ' Ang:lll,looo—.t.t) VALV.I.3ILE" . OOII.N.E It 'PROFIT; v• Al! •Plti V.VEE'EA . • Tint very Vale&lae. and --knoirn TIUSINNES - STAND !OW t,iornor et North .Ei,ariker -,, :I;eiitlier • StEcintir';lir hererigh eeCririjclo , tinn• (Its 04 • and occupied by Jam!. Fetter. containing 80 feet front on Ila niloyer blandt and feet 011 , benther. street..., tiro ,c .-Alsituirrer. stone; - . L FLEE V. 110 INN, with lirich:liark ild-! hys . it lio linint!illegani his inter, _containing 111: , e ,e, roams Including the store. roolil, besides pantries: , nudeonVenient eleSuf nreangenients:l' The "10)034 ix 33,feet In• deptli,fitted up i • it • the uossiLlo~nannerand ono or the ritiest desirable and long '• ktrtl.llphe'd nesielyeations In oar town: -' • The,6 is large ttro story brick 7iti1114 4 treuithui tin • I,nuther streetorith a shnp Attached,. lionyernuided- 118 rabinet maker shrift. Lso It idable viz the fuet,et the lot, and other necessary not buildings: The . pronerty Is in excellent order having beton' eecontly HUE - N.l'llp 11.0 prosoutnveupant Ear toms Ae..enn [tire of • , A. L. SEQNSLFIt. !real 'l:stet-6,r A lion t inul *rri rimer, - • I= • . L. SPOSSI.EIt .Sep. 10, 1.851}—(:w.) Itlllll.7Fta A to .Agoot , • rIVO VALIJAI.SLE AND !WILLY culairATED LimEsToNE 'FARMS. AT PRIV . A.TE ; SALE. ; itunto In Dickinson s as, (Annl orl.n tl con , -,- ------ tiii'v - TA - r:INg t'AITiliT ''..iiili-Argr.4. -- ----. - ' • 'I A nr ,vt,:..11 it.• :. wort.l 1111111;0A TlttiLeCanti the ttvi• tine I. in a hi ii ...te t te el eultly,tti, t , N _ 'the Itinti;tittntints are 14 lartredoultloiT,rivittery Frame • 11, , 0. tilled In it ith „brie:. iced • 1 ~/,',.., ...7"..., 11 weathertitenhled: I.ltAtitti at:lo.lo.d. ' 0 iiii •• ,, ,i.c1 letni t itant,t9l bens°. hlledie lute' i t.,. 1 . .„ . 1rti;r: . „I, ...il1G1;11:1.(.11,11 ( ltikrn..nir.;,l ni1, , ,L,,, ," .. 1 . 1, cri:and t . .riaiette'liit t te e. '1 hen, r ,,',. 'ti t , ti ,.... • . wilt . ; %Volt'. of Iratel:tite..4,l.,tteintitve -11. :tett 1211. et tintlettit. tntil e I.t:, et-tern. .1; fine. i t,.- I ;lewd tit' Itepitet . t.,:title.l 1.1.11 1...,/ten..l.‘ al', rherd., .. _yr:wee...V.v._ ...._ r. • A line 010 , ley.. rue al, i ii ii., ona into two purls,. . ' , .tee Iv' wl.leh willi Ow ,Ii i''• it.e.•1i..n...1 Istitir. ,,, llltlall • ,ill entltaio 11.1.. e.... 1 holt 1, , a . .e.t•tt. - {ll atlnilf I...tery 11r•µ Ilenve .it.ti."iiii . l7 . I:.•• i Wen pelt, No. 2. ,it ea to it, Nail t tit itt.lllll Went 01.0 111110 went of \e, 1„ on lie "lot, 1(0:0 1.....1)1nr from tleltyt.lo.l.e. le Sew chile anti :Bent midway het 0 yen the 11 41 ilittil ilot• ' teat !toad', inl 1110 .1 . 0rOilik12.;•• • ' CiiNl'.‘l:•.l 'Ail 110 .11.11F.5. . , . . . alloot 45 Or whlttli ore ettitered with eavellotitt'llillter; tlie rivildlie Is in a geed state of rullliatlen nial tinder good morn. TIP, In. ptu‘vlnellt.l. Hue ~,I,Voly ..,,,y, 'mid • ronalel of II Fit.l:ll/.. 11'1iATIII.,:liltt)A HD •lii.)USlti, two etorloe, will, a lenteutent ; a •Krinno Bern. lower part' ' 01010. a eintern at the doer: with other improvements. Thud prepertler. are Inunlttentile eltnated, and Mier . the greatie.t. iallneeineets in inirvlntinrs. 'file land Intel • the most prielnetlve,eltaritsttur. and the inentri. deeira• Ide to every respect. her teethe and further eirtleulars .tintiiiirit of- -- . t _t__:... • • A. L. SPONSLER. (let. I 101.5-l:.‘ , ) • Iliad Eatate Agent ,i • ' - r r() 11.1 1 1iNTIL BUT' Ilte-KS . , &e.-1.1,r und,ri v n,d has been tn.pvinteu on agent Co. nupplying 110111.1,INCI> tirdny 'design, or l'et terns,l, buildings, at a inackfies rote than they con be nude west experienced me HENRY :S,I'.XTON rlnosies, , I Ninrili p' l, ( .; STAR CORN SAI LLERS. 4r' x.: 7 —A fall supply of tile . pretaluin Star Corn l'rom our ion m:wuttetur)i nun uu lined at whideFale and rotall 111.1.0 f vu r6ms Mt.'s. They aro MI4IIIIII fur either ad or ia Toe piney, and are hallevial in he.tha 2 lieAtu market. PASCUAL!: 310111tIS h CO., Tinpltimeut mid Seed Store. ,Lth and Alarket,,Philadolphia," Nor. 20. 10513 n' t 's„ . A G I UIJ'FITIIA.L_IIIITI, E- A*, MENTS.—lmproved tiny Pressen, . Vprinerie 11 4 - Hollers. Horse Powers andllireshernittridn Faun. Situnigo Cuttors and Stanters of vs. _ rise patterns, improved Pori:4llp •(Iridn Mills, l'egetrldo.eutiorn, [lay, Stntw find Fodder 'Cut. tern In grout variety. 1011It1S it Ctl., Agrleultiirsl IVaretiounlintid Seed Store. - . Nov. 26, 10th '7th find 31irrket,, EU' FALL... GOODS.—The'subscri bur how Just received n full ussortitiont of French' '.lerltioes, Cashmere's, Duenls, Mous de 14111{1R, ii)oburgo, -A Ipaissis, Odicos, tind_ll.uslins, with n variety of }aney and Stnple Dross Weds adapted to.the spasms. Mao Iloslur .to Oct .1, 'fri.] MAILS ! NAILS am now p L pored to supply country Norellnntit with ?mile ananutheturprF pikes. ' ' :• 111.,SAX101. 111- . , NTEIIESTING' TO 'FARMERS. , . ~. .-. . Tito Mail° Corn and Cob Mill, the beet now In nae. has 61111 has taken the firsVpromlinn over allothoweat a numboi of Mu mount Btato and Connty•Pslni.,Nyory fanner who, foodautock should hayoutmorthoso' mills. - For sale by Nov. 6,'60, • .701 IN P. LYNN North llatiofor Btroot,'Cor 5An . lbs.,OF-- FRESH• TURNIP vkiSEED. , consisting of Purplo ‘TOp; Whits I na, Milo* x Hybrid, Yellow. AberdoonaurploTop Auto lino, Groan Top do., at wholesale and ratan.. . ".: ' pn§onALL lidglitt7B ' - linplamptit 7th and 3lnikot, July 80;1858.] . - •...... . uN, NE T'ltll3l3oN.ez - FEA I .egIIRS. , A full un of Bonnet , ltitiliOris;' Illonii . et outliers, ;Velvet Itibbous, Strive' Iluttolis,Ae. •''' '- - .. ' 41 c 14 ,'' 5 9•T :. • • :,'.... , ' - ','• ..0p); .iV,•IIITNrn: ' • . figitSiM s 4S).* tc °pond aloOtotment of Bonnet Feat, ors, •) lowdro; llonnot )'olveto and t'loshos,..linchosond oth T ' ,1111111uory aitodolutt'oFetiod„'.. , . G. W;111210.Elit Nov; 20. •AR PWAltlf .II - 1 run LARGIINVI3TOCKIIO*VO.O.7I6 OIN .P.',LYNN. t BON, wholOsalo And ' , r • • • ”,vre r American. Norman mid English Ilardiiaro Cutleiy,',,, ,te.; Invito the ottoullon elm 1 - public goo orally to our unpinuillS lirto stoFk, rounder} t ' tuut r iy tap' lionlos4too2l# OU Olorek 4/workable !grins than 4ipy,Athlir Loimui in thi a?unt(y.- (432 , 41 1), SO. 1 -1 4 STATIt qf CRANII,, is herpby 4lvon tltat Letters of Atintiolstintlott on the estate of ISlntehill Crane, Into or Sit ver'Sprltio township, Cumberland rbunty, deceas ed:have been granted by ',the Registor of sail County to Dui stilyscriber, residing la North Middleton town -Ip.. Ail knowingpersons tlitmisei von itidebtaid'to said Estate rote required to mime hnunallaie payment. ;nut those bail fig claims tO preSent Omit for settlement to - decitl•nd THOMAS U. 011AMID:RS. STHAY-k; td fly#,,A . the promises of the sUlmeriber, - litdnion' y the farm of Untold Nieswangtir, in Monroe township,Cuutborland county, about the ••s••• 16th of November, EINE 'sllBlil', all whlto.. Throb of Chain are Ewes, - with horns on& tail cut olf.• Another one of tkio ewes Is lopMared. _One_ of Dm wethors has small handl.- :rho owner Iv request ed to count f11,114.t.', prove ,jwnjnnrfy, pay Amps Mid take - Wenn away,•or they will ho sold stecordinx• to hrw. •• . r • CONRAD 31• 0 11 Alpf•' tisTxrE JOHN RHINOS, tors restamentary on the estate of John Moines, Into of %Vest l'ennsbormigh township. CuitilmEland count)'; - deceased, Imo been granted, by the Rogister of 'sold county to the subscribers resitting. In the saute town , ship. All persoint indebted,to said esta co aril roquemtod to inal4e !unwell/Ito paymont. and Chow, having clalmS, intent theni formottletuent to '' • • EMIG E . itEi las, • r • DAVID lINIKES, - . • . Executors. • -- TO BTATg OF 'I!: LIZABgT IV(LT,• •EA••Dtc•if:-'4.(yr0.:1,:-Is bli s rebyirlynn Lliatilettera.ot Adnanistration on the estate Of lalzabet.b...yollc..lstan4 Newton tinrinilitp, Ontitherland. rountyy., - riod'ttrliayer, been granted by the linepitatof eopbty, _to. _tho, ; 'aubstriber. L .rialtling.jii:Wosl- 7 Ponnaboiounh- tognsldp. - AI peramis knoaln#2.theinsolves linlyPted—tn_eattes, tato arp . rertuo - Kt - thi — tY, rnakii•lirninitato: psynint, and' °lose Imeing elalosa to presont kasen; for sottloinoat to. ' • ' " ; GEC:MON./IRA, Adininistmtor; 26-43 . pszATE,i OF..ELIZABETif iest3mrintary • on; .tho EstACO ;oT ol'lilliaheth Derr, lite° thodloniugh ,•earied, llowo beon.dulY. 'signed to tin nobserlbor realdlhg In Nnltt Borough. All, pqrsotin. banlng s tinhos !wattle, sxld Estate ivlll•prn4ont thorn n t sottlemont. And ttloso. ludolitod nill rnitico payment to JOIIN D. OftflAS, • • tis hereby, giyen tltaL riPplicatfoo made to tt o neat Loole- Inturo l'onnayi yenta, to alter the charter - of thi Car • Hal' ) D.POsit ;think, the Borough of Carlisle; Cumberland counly,,so its to motor upon sold Bank the rights flint privileges of n Wink or Wino, change- Its .nuoi to the Carible ;Link. ' Also to .nereasO the eapltal of said Bank. (which, le at pregent sevehtrtwo thl.usand &Marti, with the . prlvilop of inereasing the • 'mew - tithierif - Aprasent charter tonne hundredthousand. to Three ituntired"Thousintl Donn.. • ' ' s 51. BEE:CMG - Jult. li, 1 5 1504 - ' - Cashier. (IUNII3ERLAND:VALLEIY: R. citAsfn: ON 'ILOURS! On and alter 5106 MAY. October 13, '1855, Pe-gooticer i Truing 'yin 5111111$ ,llows: (Bundeye excepted, . ! ' FOIL LIAItIIISPUItO s' , 4.. ' • lot Train. .. '•••• 3d yraln.--; I,eavo l'hathersburg' . 3.45, A. 51 ' 2.10,.1'. 3.1..1 " ehippenslierg, '• 0.20, " ' .2.10;• .!'', .; 6ieuvvitle, . 0.45. '. ' 3.20, ••• " " Corligle, ' ' " 10.36, " 3.65, '" " "51n , Ininiesbitrg, ' 10.55, " ' 4,25. ... 'At ILivrisburg, ' ' ' '11:25. " 4.53, 9 ! 16-4,741,0145fi145111411•. - ,•,• .- hit Traln. 2d Trnln: .mar.‘ 110rrlsburg, 8.45, A. M • 1.40„7'.-51 . ••• • 11..e.10 it 11,1 dad. 9.25, .I ' 270, : 0 .. 1 ts . Carlini, 10.15, ” 2.40, II " .\oo Mlle, 10.50,-.-' - : 9.•25, I , ••• -- Shlinr•n•lnvg, -, , 11.20; , 1.., l'• 3,50, 4 , , At 10.400.crs1AtIr.:, • • 1 1.53, " • 2.28, "' . . . . .. •I,nro •!Int014101r,; Sro 1041101o1pIda nl• 7.15 11. IT.,:ntid, • .1.11, 110 0..10.101:1. - ' •' „,,•: ..::;,.' .'.. ... bravo 11.,a.i.intr; I' 0. 1.41.14tirg at 8.30'A.m.;12.115 noon, and 1.0 P. .11.. tnavtFll:l - rrlsburg - lor - 11a11.1rnoro, --- at 8,50 A. '14., .and 51 2.11. 1. • _ .tarn 01'0 itioliln and Sns•inolvinnn. !tall Itond kayo Ilan ' • • 1+4`.!1,-, i'o. Auburn, 11eadlog. &0.. daily. ' , 4 •At-. 111 sllll9un whom l'irkotm nro s o l.l;Fares nro '1',1.). l' I; , ii ' S 1,,;, ,, 5 than when paid In Mb Pars. ' 0. N'EXl , l.,..,Szlinqintondont: Hall l:nad 1•1111 re. Chaulbernbiirg i f • : .0,0;14. 10511.. • • ' . , .. 1.11 C N:SI!tNV,O,R. PA., biennia Stores. Morella !Wino, Farm Property, and Miter buildings, and their eun tents at muderitte rates. TAI. $300,000 11. TIM PtJIPETVA L. ' 1M 17 . 1 7 --7— lltiii:o7 - 0.• 301. m U. UAL • ••• • T. T. Alm'loB, eltarliN A, Mayor, • • IL . 1 ../ackutan, Cln• olos . Urint, W. Whito, . Poter Diebbison, ' • Tbos. Kitebou. • ILAN. 0. C. HARVEY, Pros. ' T. C. AnUtus, Vico Pros. TlloMts KlTollo;.9OCruPtrk. :ilapiitol 11. 1.10 , d, d. \ V.l:l‘..nkranor 'Mi. A. )11t4;coy, .ituttusQul4gl44 Info IV. .Ilaysi.d, 11011. Simon Cauturon, May. 15..5855-1y AGENCY ___FOiII.:4IIO3ISITY_APAINST iran,FitANKLIN VLBE INSURAdOE COY., er. Charter Perpetual;'=.s4oe,ooo' Capital paid in. Office 16311Cheenutstreet. . . . MASC IN . S:III,LANCi{,eithor permanent °Omit:oil, agairist. loss or &wive by .11ru, on minetatrt nits AYFECTii ornvery, dom.:Option, lo.tcorn or Country, ow tho'inost rouremsbin tombs. • Applications made Anther porsonallY or by luttor, wilt be promptly attonthel to. r r. • • •, • • I r { r --..---,,--(.4-N.-11ANOLCEli,•Prefete.' . . . • . The subscribor is agent for hie above company for, 'OarSelected Its vicinity. 'All applications for 1.11IIII)co either by mall or I;Ms mallp will be promptly attondod to byEIKINSLPit, • ' doe 1 . .11'65. r Real Estato Agent and Soil rimer. NER lAN LNS U1t.AN01 4 .1.: TIIE. ALLEN AND II A*T WINNSBORO 'MUTUAL 'VIM IN-' b RANCR O...),MPANY or Cumberland aounty, IncomP* rated by an aid, of Actecably; le now. tally obtainiced, aid In oporatlon ander, tho management of the ,lbllowlng commissioners,. " Dania HAnnY• William R. Gorgtis,- Michael Coeklln, Malcholr thanneman, Chrletlan Litnyman, John U. Dun lap; Jacob U. Center, bowie Ryer, !teary- Logan, Benin- Min 11. Mauer, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wlckoraham, - Ale:Cando' Cathcart. • - • - ' '-• The rates of insumncenre as tow and favorable as any ,Company-of the kind an-the State: "Persons wishing - to 'become members are, invited to make appitentitin to the agents of.the company, - who, are to wait 'lmola' them at any time . •• , • • . • - 4 „- BENJ. If. MOSSI - 111,.Preeldent. LOGAN, Nice President.'" ' • „ SoOretari: M7 o llillb CDOKLlN,.Treaeurei;. . • ' •, • . • 0175ISSILLANDDOCKTP.—Itudcdph tiaititi,'N.Zutl hrrlond; .0.-71.: Herman, Kingstown ; ' Henry - Keating, Shiremanstown •' Charles Bell,: Carlisle ; Dr. - J. - .ethl .ohurohtowd ; ' Ilemitel.-Graham,- - -West;Penneborou g h • 'James idn,Dowel,./trankford;' , Mode GrifilthiDouth Mid oileton; Samuel Coover, Beniamin..l7aversticke Meehan, 46gliurg I john Shordck, Lisburn; David - Coover, Shen' • YOlits. - 01717: 4 1D7 ; ,---John Bowman, Dillsburg;- peter Welford, Prankllnt•John Smith: EkaPiWAebintitAini-Vr; 8, Pinking; Dower; .1. 19. Omit Paradise. - • • ' • HARKISBURIL—Houser diSeehman. • ' • , !Members,etthe,dempanY'havlng,polleled about to Ps.', have them renewed hy- appll'eationr- OANS;. kjimorroooiior,i loeorpoili.itor o , or sinowoo. And -nutitet , A 'Ala° a fliika 4 l4 o itMant br nay,. ;8 ;raw: •d• l'oPlOrilutioro; of Tout. 'dttforant , alto% at the chant Hardware Eliorept' July lb; 1866.] ' • ~ • R. aj...liTOlf. notice. ORIC wv' . " AL. SOCIETY A AfItETING:-:-MeMbers• of the Agricultural So• cloty nil meet at the Court (louse, on Tuesday tbo oth January, 1857, if 11 o'clock .A. M. Subjefft for .dbleus... shin—", What is the. true policy of the farmer tesPect-. lag thif quality and quantity..of fencing?". • .0 - 0111cors fbr the ensuing year willbo ' elected: . '21).30. 17; 1850. THOMAS PAXTON; Presl. COTJR -i ff -Pit a() L 31,A T I IVberena the lionorablaJasfas lE`OnStiati, Pieeio dont :Judgenf the several-Courts of Common_lleasin: - tho'cSUbtlesT um ur and; and.Junlata, and. .Pennsylvania, nnd Justice of the sinanal Catkin; of Oyer ' and Terminer and' General Jail Delivery. in said • coun ties, and ilon.Jonx hurt and SAMUEL VyoopnunaJudge.f 'of the . Court of Oyer end. Ten - Oilier. and General Jail Delivery for the trial of ell capital 'and, other offenders,_- in the sold - county of Cumbarland, hi:their; precepts to ins directed, hearingilate the 10th lay of Noverdber, 1 8 58 hart, ordered the Courtof Oyer and Terminer and Gene ral Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE on 51.151- DAY,' th o 12th of January,. 1857, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two • . • NOTICE IS 11litill3Y.GIVEN to the Coroner, Jus, floes-oltho Peace and Cbnatiblenbf-the geld county e. Cumberland, that they 'are• by tho cold precept corn.• mended to•be then and there im their proper persona, With their rolls,• records, inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do those, things which to their orrice appertain to . be deuo‘end all,Morre that hy,reeognizinces, in prosecute against the Pritioners llutt-are or then - shall'hoain illerialt-of said . aunty, are 'to be then! to prosomte.them as shall be Just. - JACOB BOWMAN, BIIERITIOB Oche, CAILLIBI,;} , Sheriff. • Dee.l7, 185 d. nISSOLMTION 'PARTNER; SIIIP.—Tho pertnorshlp heretofOre oxfstle4 tfrectu_tho subscrilArs,-under . -the, firm - of-AD DI 8 - ' , A PLATIK. hos boon dlssolvod by mutual ,consent. All persons Indebted or having claims aro requested to can and milko sottlemont. • JAI.IOB • Hoc. ' JOHN PLANK. .4:-.D . Tho'buaineaS will be continued 'at the Old Stand by John Plana, who solicits a continuance of public retinue:go.. : • - • . F_,A sTATt, OF LIANNA II • PFLEA: . -' 0 Olt, Dlto'o,- , -Notieo Is liii•ohy 'Orrin flint Let. tors of Adtilnistratioll OLI the estate of lEnnah Pflon- IrGr, laq, of Ole:c4A4 On township, ,Ou abOrlond county, dose:mud, fiat, bdon granted by thotogister. of - tho ii Id .ritinty, 'to tho stibsirlbor, roshi rig - In. Newton rovitishlP.' All ponrins haring chit in s gni nkt sold 'es , , tatotro rolitistod to prisont Chum for °Moment, and thrills indobtod to malco iromeillOto p robot to ; - • - DA VID•DIMUTH, Dor , 3, 1850 • ' - ' i Administrator. Nur. 6.1 R 61 liiMil 3tlguranct: Thos, Bbwman. D. D., Win. Vinnterbolt, FI111.11; • - Dr. J. 8. Crawford, A. Uptlegrelf, Armstrong, lion. Wui. RIM 01, Agent. [Carlisle, POrileft, • . -11ROAi),_ TOY COAL t„ 10,000.iisholo af' the Cniobratod Broad 'Tap alk - smitba' Coal receiving and far wile by. • Sop. 3, 1.856.]":"14. - D. MURRAY, Agora: ... r 4 ..A.MILY COAL.-500 .iONS LY KENS VALLEY' COAL, Drokon and re-ecreonod, ,- prepared expressirfor family use and kept ORDER COVER, so that I can furnish nit 'Dar and analt.during tho , winter season.- .I have also- on hand and for sale the ' LUKE - PILLER. COAL from the Mines of BoYd, Rimer_ - ,A_Co-IttnantlA-.IIOICIN=-00ALrfrom-the-minen-of:Coeh. Iran, Peal A" Co., rant which I will sail at entail profits for eash, , lsud deliver to tiny part of the borough: nov. 14, '55. ' - TT COAL CONS •MERS: - - - ---Tho scribei would respect/ally the attention ol clti-ens of. Carlisle to his large stock of COAL, of varieue kinds,' such 'as Lyiesn's Malloy Broken, Egg, Nut for Lithoburners, firma,* Egg and Nut, Shama.' . )(in Broken Egg and Nut;. all of_srhich Ise will sell at reduced prices from loaf year, for malt. Tho Broken, Egg, and Stove Coal, for family nse, will bo scrothsed.— By striving 'to plcaso I hope to have a liberal patron , • '•' • • TO BLAC I IOSIITII9. •" " It • Inm now proparod to supply you with the veobrated and Top Coal, which is considered tho boot In tho Rata Como and look at it. I hoes tho Alloalamy Coalalso an handiall• of which - I will - soll - Joir - fOr cash. 'quick Wes and short Profits is my motth,a alpibleala• ponco is batter than a Mill chilling. noway glvu no n call, ono and all. • :JACOB SIIROM. ordero left at hie resldonto InEast ntroot, or. nt Peter Monyer's and Ilenry_Basten'e stores, will to promptly attended to.• • Vet..l; 1850. fIUMBRLAND•YAtLEY. till , • • • PROPIIIETOBS.•' . 'WILLIAM KER; • ' MELOILOIR /IRENNERAN, ROBERT O:STERRETT, ~ JOWAUNLAP, RICHARD WODUB, JORN.S. &MET?, • ..TorlN - 13. DuaLsv t i --, • HENRY A. STURGEON.. • • Thifi Blink;•doing business in. tho name of MBA, IlitliNblißilAN 4 BOAS nawlully prepared to flo,a gen eral Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. ' Money received on Deposit and , peld,bacii,on demand witiond notice: Interest paid on Special Daposits.—'- Certificates of Deposit, bearing:interest at .the rate. or MB PIM CiiNT. will be issued for as alior, a period'as NQUit MOSTIIB. ' • • . . futorest, on all- certificates , will Otasci ' at' maturity. prividcdZhowevorct•that If mild certificates aro renoued at any tinie theroafter Mr another given period, thoy shall bear the Some rate, of Literegt up to the time , of ronowal." -Vartiettlne nttontlOO paid to collnatton of Voted, Drafts, Chocks, Ao.,'ln-any part of Om Unltod Stator or Canadaa.• • •.- - Remittances made to England, Ireland hr the Conti; omit. The faithful and confidential ['scent len of all or ders'ontrusted to them, may be relied upon. They call the attention of Earmers, Mechanics, And-all (Altera 'who desire a safe depository for their :money. the undenitilrio fact, that the Propriottirs:of THIS 11.1. NE. ARE fNitt.TIDUALLT.LTABLII Tlt Tfig'EXTENT'OIP• • TilEill ESTATES, far 'nil the DEPOSITS and ether i 01if,111,4T10N:3 of !Cm Eronfitunart Co; ' ' They have tecqutly rontovod into their' NEW BANK- IVO HOUSE. directly Opposite- their thriller stand.• in West Main Street, a few doors East of the Stoll ithad ,•1 Depot, minus:llloy 'will at all times tat-,pleased to give any infortuntion desired in regard to money matters itt. . general. - , . °von for Inviinoos front 0 o'clock - 41.00 writing. on II 4 01clocic in tho.ovoitlng..... __II• A:STURGEON,. Doc: 1,7,18011. Cashier. ' Situreb - r'att4 811upis.- • N 1 V . - -- FrATT • - CAT ) ; AND • SI - (.).111 ARRIVAL OF NAIL GOODS Figt 1860. • - 'rho indeilielber has Joel i*eiled In the storeroom far:. merry occupied tiy Ore. W. Hltner, ou the Corner of. the - public squall°, Male etroct, near the Market htouso, nud adjoitilhg_the _Jewelry Store of Wen. D.' Njinglo r an - on tleoly - ii.we and splorwild.wortstient of Nall.and Winter ' tloods-.+conipelidng the Intost styps of , • • - 0 VS, Wins AND • 8110 ES, • of every variety and Linlahi,' His Alate conehit. of . ..extra.. fine" 'Moleskin, Denvor; - Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Spading nate, ho. Also Steiner: • lista of all I.llaesellatibarir Orikford...gords. & Co., and 'otho . .; colebrtedhattorel of. Ile hstilebio'every - rnrietyvt - hlnermitues' — : Picture. ATI ChCse goods Ito wlgguatantiw to, Ova onPro t•••. : •:. - - • - • Ille...steck.. of Shoos 1 -- slpeto pp - Of every_ varlety_and_—. etylo.ffiim the did:pelf tJoo the ,h(OETCrtiqo the mar• kot, and Cannot Tall tolileasd. . ' „ • . • flit'rdAplictfplly.sblialts: the patronage of :Um plibll6; • Tooling cohfident that' lie can hell the cheapest and be5t,..;...; goods InChe coixaty, • .• • • ~• • • •-• • • • • -^ • - N . R.() .C.E A cliOlco -soloctfion 'cif-Btoceilb's of °toll'' , Vadoty, 'AI tiding didens add Toms halia bcon added tdn'tm forum.. itssorßoant, oolong bed strlctlr prime • RIO, JAYA, I.A.ollyttA & MOOItA cO/1.11.1tE, ' tog - other vltlt A moral'assortmtatt Of ' , • . • BROWN' & WIILTEr-fdllOAltk: ." I :•, ' Jocludtng .orugliod,. rinulatod, Palvotliqd;ordt Clitri.; Sugars..llod Also Alot of Wolf. Choosor ?arctic, Corti• Starch, Mustard, Cliocolgto, Also growl and Tons; of Jonkfo's select lbrAnde, se. J'or - sale at tInS lownstprloot MARION -diA'LL Ono- OERY by - (Oct hi) * 4.. W.-EBY. ''• .• • r OBACCO.—L- . Of this we:eii;.bilibrliainii . gnutran4 Cigars; two once now on band n choke' iicilon.'hinAng Width' are CriVendish.(both plain and -;• Fig ; cress, Piing. and Finn Twist Tobacco, of, ehoice-linportatiope,As well as other good brands of ' t 11.0 We—fancy names weof. black wo °Dr at boost/is quill itliallty, if not better. tlglp any.othar :isHortmont In the market.! For.sebi abtha4ld eland. 0et.22:1856.' „ • • " 'W. EllY. • „ S ING :A D.• STIJIK Di R The undersigned Invites t li fittttentlorr of bbi old cue, ton - furs and the public to-Ills now spa seasonableak• •sortmodt,of SILIC, NUR and STRAW .IEATS,:eLom . !APS,A,C.for , kolitteni n f.a. u l slinyslivilar,.otAbo latest,— :Eyler; and bost - quallty. ThOilinrtinent yin, be - found; brombraco.evory sort and size Of ante and papa for.. llaSfi -- and Children, from am: cioncnbticst and:. • , honpost to thelnost' stylish ;andflishionablo, such. as,: fskford's spring style 0 Egon trantn'R liatir, White, Ind BroWn, Slouch flats, with Fur Hats of his own man-, Mart • 110, 'binth caps tarife - assortment-,ifldon'sfand iloy's straw hati ffdlfferent quMltics agpl prlcotg, to suit tint,: •kets nf:.7 ',ail rich and poor. Feelin confident that every Par .hasor cai ho anconunodated, fAut his extensive and curled lufSertment he rordlally — fuvifos ids friends to ' roll ang.k.furamina,ati hisnld ectabllshritent nol Main StAfet. WII. If:TROUT. L .•: . • • - 0 . .: Js If Itnivsr, L. • I , 'ur lrEilit,tsArroN:••• Tho'subscritieliliteini kurnm.l fainttlinelty.wauld !dim: atteittdon,of- his -:lLleutis, and largo and wellsoleided ateurtment; of llardwarowhich he :hint Just received. consisting in pact of IlUILD11;10 MA. - ;THULA Lti,,tialls,serows, hinges, locks, Imits.;glnss. putty led it M. ails, &e.;. TOOLS—edgelnals; saws ntyl planes n i, ery description, with filos,•rasps.:hannnais, anvils, ,to' • GLASS 'of 'every description. and quality--..rounntm . aline; of difforopt,brands,..whitu'pollabod Froneinglosa o all sizes; doubldthlek glass of all slue,' ground onsinoliyil gloss, &,c..• , • • A general asidtrtmerit dr STOMIMAKEILS AND SAD': .1)IAE KS ,TOClnti. togethdrwlth utorpero, lining and bled. •, Ing skins, slioeihread, wax, fitetidalds, Mimosa monitt. log. sadilletrees,-,te. •., • e • ' ; • • '; • COACH diltl3l.3lllM.l—cAnVass. (plain; ennmelled. ; tired rind embossed,) patent and enamelled lrather,i".' :tains, springs, hubs, spokes..folloes, aborts, &c., &e.. ' Cabinet Matters will And a large assortment or sorTI., mahogany and walntliNenitertuntonlding.rnaettes, hair cloth, curled hair. ko. ;; ITC 'POLISH - PAlNT—A.newArtielo forvzialLing n. 1747CoinlldrW,htit74 1 31.4 1 11;ttAVelitilit - Firliiiing,rooms,; litfLNAL:jarge . tock,"comnripitig , sil kinds In general • - -ufsit„Ttoviimiber the old stand, Last Ifigls Stront, Cnv lisle, l'a. • ;, March 2d, 7.gfiGl. MEd OSEWOOb PIANOS FOR SA I E LliTwo'now and ologant • Rosewood Pianos (11,4 and 7 octaves, from. the celebrated manufartory of linnet, Davis & Co., Boston. .Theae • Instrumento have boon carefully. selected from a largo stock, ond are warranted ,to give,oritirif satisfaction. They sold dt ' • T Y P. ItICES and kept In - order by a competent person, for one year Rom date of sale. r Those who may wish to examine. or In prirchaile a good Itudrument, are Invited to call upon the subserbor-rd.hts-realdeure Also; TO ItitNT, two gtied second-hand Piano Fortes at sl3.per quarter. ' - JOON. K. B:CAYMAN. .2 ITEEp.iT 131FORE - THE - ItEOPLE. The Greatest Arrival of Benson' of MEW GOODS AT .THE.NEW STORE!' . The subeerheivr - htul Just returned from thrreity and IS " 6, " oponing, next door - to Costamagne's Ilotal (late Ilaglaustilin'lo,- In-North Hanover Street, splendid assortment - et' ---- • . NEW ANDICEMAP DP.Y (400b8, • • -••' rapuptialtig •Alittinoes, Genoa ,Silka Persian ClothS, Do. Lnines; Do Segos, Sank Flannels, Ribbons, Cloths, Canal mores, alnithata‘Oalicoes, Hushing, Chucks, Tlcklnks; • ilsidory, Moves,' white and stapled Carpet Chntu,Ap t noornerro of all.kinds and boot, qua' ' „Also a large stock of BOOTS AND SIIOES, whith Do will soil as cheap as any Itouse,lu town. . Butter, Dggs,lings; Soap, and Dried .Fruit taken at- Market priest.. ~ ' Don't - 11Fgpt. She placq nose :door to, Oct 2217856.) - ' " ' . -N, Art. I:IENTLEMEN'S LONG.SRAWLS. _ --31iseozioup,d Goutloplou'* kmg, 'olrivps, Couttortei •.". • --- • - , - : tralyal,A!l4 . ll.! sa!e! o calfg . irvev• ROM P,1,4 NI---Thf! titeeniioll"4f the tha,Pilala a. • IlLickandild particularly fi 14qticiat 4to the laige • .rtment of Bar iind.ltolled,,lron of all setapd kinds :Wet Of All kinds, Bilea, Rasps, Screw mom, 'lces, Bellows, and every :0;411W lhatAh6 lackemith Aqua: ,- Iron sold In quantlttaa holesale ''.4lllltithis warranted.'.•..;:.,_. -• .7 . 011N, gi mom BON, 04. • • 'N tintar Bt.t 9‘3 4 1. 1 ,,; . doue here, - • ,Q,700f., - ljue.,4 ( iii.._,L Ua YU:NWT .OAXTON. 31tisceffaiieTou 40 ; 000 J.o)3.wiTs,ol..•clooFlinimAS • SPRENG'LI'/'EIIARY INSTITUTE " • • • ,of Newville, Cumberland Co ~ P a. - ' Grand and extol:wive solo of •• • BOORS; REAL. ,ESTATE,Ite; • - The proceeds of the sale to ba devoted to liquidating the Debt of the Institute. ••• Unpamllod Opportunity to buy & valwithe Book,"and . hisiotne a Shareholder, in mild's:vat/Able property. , -TllBl -- MORMONStat - olilollar par copy—Eloven Books for Ten Dollare, Gunnison/8 Illetory of the 'Mormons Is by far the most aceurato and, reliable work-we have of that doludoil people. In Order-that every person may become-a Shareholder ; Ihe . price of-a • Book and Certitl- Lte of Membership of the Association will be only $l. -Thu Co , tilicetetwill on fists - thwhelder te•au••• interest' in VALUABLE ,REAL ESTATE; &c.t - . - • • 1 VALUABLE lIIPROVED PARAh -• • _-• #4,500 With all necessary Out-buildings; situated In • ••,. Cumberland Valley, near Now - ville,containing -• , 125 acres. IVALVABLE FARM, • 5,50 Adjoining the above, containing 125 acres. ' VALUABLE TIMBER LOTS, ' • 1,8 0 0 0 Of 50 acres oach;oltuotod in - Mifflin township, Oumborlarid county; ' ..... • • 2VALUABLE TIMBER LOTS,' • „ . 0(20 acres ;mai.- • - 1 SPLENDID NEW ' BRICK DOUSE,', -'• -2,000 ,2 Story and Brick • Building,,adjoinlng the Hall ' on the west, ••• • .. '8 IiiiIIILY. lIIPROVED -OUT-LOTS,' • 1,500 Of bvor 0 acres each, within half a mile of New- • , villa, at #5OO each. "100 Orders for it.EltiNN'S CELEBRATED WRIT , INK; at4lo per order.% 1,200 1 MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD PIANO, • • liO° Py _ e _ set t lio _ c o b sbratod,Pactory - of - Wrm - Thegbo - & ----- ' CO., Baltimore. . . 1 Superb:W.lE6looam. -- • • 100 2 Splendid Routing Case Gold Lnver Watches, at • $lOO 'each, • , . 200 2 Splend 10 ld'llinitlng palm Gold Lever Watches; at ' $B7 ~' • 'l' ", - • • 175 '"' 6 Splendid Gold Watehes, at,s6(l coin, r ' 250 , 15 splendid - Ladle? Gold Watches, at $6O each,' - 800 10 hocElleor Lover Watchos, at $25 each, 260 12 , S , :" • • Watchtis, at $2O each, , • 240 16 superior. Parlor Clocks, at,s'B' each, - 120 50 •• Gothic •"; . •"--"•150— 60 " pot Ea*, •" ' 3 160 •• :1, excellent Family Carriage (latest style), 200 1.• Ilockew g ny, ," • • 175 '1 • Togy.,,. • -.175 1 excellent Sp r u ng` agon, . . 100 OuPittlerTwunersoljpild Wagon. - - 100 - - -2 mots Splendid liernetis (illver mounting), 80 2 extra Slinalmh Saddles, ••• 75 2 - • . suporior - WalnutSotas, ,150 •magnificont:Sofa ' t lfablb 45- -2 , . ,Deessing llureaus, - , ' . 150 1 splendid Secretary,: '6O • 4 Dining Tables (extra Cherry), • 4 Bedsteads', j• . ' 50 • 2 sets Chalrm, at $l5 per set, " 50 • 2 imported Carpets, ^td yardaench, $2O per piece, 50 2 liotnovadp 4.larpoDs . extm, each et $2O per -40 ForionStores,ni#l6.eb. ' •, - 120 Orileris for'Sults - ar hind: Clothes, At #3o„each, .00 - ; 141Ite Presslm; $:•.0 - 60 8 •-•-" .• .; -10 10' " Hale, • 6 SU 12. • " ' Boots. ; • " GoirtionnSlo4 Shots, #3 00 eath, • •42 127' , • ." Gaiters, 400 -CO „ 12-- •" -. LadleS , Slows, 200 .100.1iold_Penclls: at $2 each, • 2OO • £OO-Gold lons, at 51 00 _ • 200, . - 100/11exos'Aiworted•Perfumory, et $1 00 each, . 100 - • 9,copPs sielLlesundlll Ise/Alan eouirßook u, at $1,60 16 Ladies' Alhume, at' $2 each';' - _ • SO - Popular •• " 152' TAls 'Assoclatitni itt Sounded' upon honest •and- J rcir ' Jirilltiplea..:Eaelitlsittk.p.urchasergote.theYablefithle_ money, 11.1159 book, :and on account of the great slumber gold, hscomos is elosteholdor mesh valuable pro; puny.", A:reitlficate Will he presenfett tn,oach book pum. • chaser, ontitling.tliwitelder to an intermit In the above vaidable pniPorty. As soon as the, books are all, sold, - rio - ticenrlttibk•girtiti•toth4 stocklugdors, /Wail coition ',thu/will liohl ;the /institute's Hall, 'When a , Cointeittee "56 elsoken,Yo a 150,,, the ° pun peals/rill •lexxiollvored,:to• . be distributed among the shareholders., All trio articles that on, will be flYetalbl• fed' the•lMithrife'ei Fair, on the , 12th of August. Fenn the very. flattering manner in which this Joint Stock Association Is ..res'elvod and patronliod, and from -1 1 1 6- number.oflieltutiCalrleid,v•seltitlt ineOnfldently-bmi : Resod that the property cap be doltvored Mx the-eller°. in fertniontbs, PUr.the.elsaroelocof the ", il)13 Srntxa Ltreit*TltramuTs.,. eonnetital irlth IL We ore - porptitipd referjo the:following ; goat's, . num : • /-s•• ThaildMisEtinions,'Laitangoi.: --, llllll 3 4llVilt t it, Sonatsor.Wm;llll, Wm. P. Mu it, ilarris,hurg. • ' Rnalio V ~'llidtinlero. • . Wm: J. Shwif cr.:Emu:A t•eytCurrib. Daniel Shelly, Sup. Couttoon•Sinoqle.. . • , ,lohn l W. Mundt. , . ~ • • :Boyer & grottier, c ." 1 1, ,, • , o • - un„.:A.ll bnlerm fOr'llou suit Coilltlcatesol, should-bo addressed-to ;•`,. '• • 7. : • . ' c . JAMES , IrelfEEllAN:ls' "" .. • •:' ' o '. Ego:" Big SPritor Lheraryluillitt.t« •• • • r ...;•• , ,- • ••,• 'No.w Ylll9, Ihntiherland Do.!, AIiTiVZSAVANT.O,: , to ova* Tbirn "/V• the United;Statos, toesbhilisAubmeriptione.,fer jt, .1,. whom ajlbond cortnrilssion will lie given. :All. I•' • I t • of. lintieikl aessnapanted . Irjr.e,Postage Stamps th • promptly'aumwerel. • , 1 • ' t. 4 1, OF AGENTE:: " .. • • • - • • . • etnuliel-1 1 10insw,:. doedi rrolki; V. W..Curriden, sni p pausbwrg; .4i/ha Fleld, Shophertietpsen.; Sawi'L , Gaysw, ," Wel t'Bottom ;' Jas.:lf /dn./ is,; Lila Cross ° Roads; W:01. Matuer, , John 1E; Solt4omanj 111itronlaillitown !IV: SE. Strock, J. S:llioetothm Ilocittinleshorg;,lyos,Noaltisr, • - Paportoltuol. Webberto Bolliiit'Springe; D. 13,1"Psys, ' Lecinst 2. pre w ford, sLII/Colutigh,_Nowv,ll4e; . CriAslrell; Shippouiburg ; & .1. Kunkle/ Oreq••• Sprlngt.„Potor-Aftinyer;Win. Lyttle, A. . Co s t-nun:o, Carliel6; F.:4isvoyef, ,Nenvvllle Dewitt El. " Croft! Leesbitrg: •J 2131. •IL Eekolm, Shenhordstown ,: J. 8: ;Davidion, Plain : Hold; •E.Jotrici, West •11111; * Citurelstown .. T. a. Williamson, Dickinson; Henry §ny. der, Mifflin township; J.,V.SitderfolltsOakvillo: C. Nei-. '•litigor,,lkengtedown; S. MoCuite, 1111ddle Spring"; A; Erb; Bridgeport; Lowle Eitter. Milllin tbwashlp- Payitl•Sthohnl,'Now Kingstown: . Conroy' Ahl, Mt. Weak :ant; 'Sole/Mel Bear,' Oystor's PoittL ;: Juno-1S,1850; , FlerrEll, 7 B U. ; I • i IiOOSIti:"LL—r It'••()N it Ai 1:1•.D ;:iilecato le;isertaielitof now and fashionable yuitNyruity • _ " "'' Alahottany bras:tips Itureaue t witl Marble t i..31:11e. 'ratable. 4oldli • nohatande, • • ',ll`allintlEttotormihreY Wardrobes. : and iyablits pf all ' • l'lalti I Tablecat. all :PIVOS.: • ' • • ' d'arlor .inn (lhaince and itorkinit Chalia,witit velvet or. J .- hair-cloth orate nod . lalittiy and !Walnut •Chaire Ith heir :Wirth or cane ', seats. , • elaln Chairs oral! kinds, ; • ' • Call and Noe tide noir and ob.:A.:nib aasortnient l nt the ltoonis of ti,, onto: 611.0 r,, oitlputher street. laar tho corner of Ifenover.• . • • • . • ~:JAerip rtirrEit: cp.% giu2 July 23,13511, •.1013' Elt.'l`__l3.. SMILEY' , ..CABINET Lt.: ll A En and UNDERTAKER North Ilanorer street, next „ • Ire rvbuld rimpartfully Inform tho'. Athens of Cnrlible and the publle generally, that he, has now on hand n largo and elekantassortment of FUR , N I TURB;ronsisti ng in part of VarArobes, Card and nth or Tables: Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads plain and 'fancy 80saingfitantls,.be.. Inning:n:l.o ad o' Bedsteads, best:note . . , - ! Alxo q gonoral assoitment of at tin, lan'est • •WkSITIAN Intros tanda to - aritinynntl trivlring" prtnnotlj• al:Landed td.' made at tla, rjunitost notice: and liar- - Ing a splondid boarso be will utfaud funnrala In town or " country.' Itetnomber tho stand—next door. toH. (314shi_ . 11. IL SSII hEY. rxTHNSIVE FURNITURE ROOM. - i_j —JAmtis It. ivitAvEit Would rosnoefoully rul tho attlodlon of I looso•kuopersond tho publi . to hls'oxtonolvo stook of unr , ant PUENVIIIIIE ineltullog Soths,lVatdrobon7Contre and Tables Drousho; and_nlolo noccous, and uvuty °thin. - 41.lit'le In his brawl. of-business. Also now on hand She larorit assortment of Cl I Alllt3 In Cut.'sle, at the lowest prlrm AOFFINS made at the short est notice and a IfeArso prorlded'for fonOrals.•He solicits a call nt_hloestaldnhniont, on-North Hp-- -- ,vnerstrool, near I.:nisi:43's ••• • tfn - ynruituro hhed out, hy the month ov,year T B subscriber 'meat hnnd n lnrge - supply of SEA EON En 1.1.13111E1t. of nil hinds and suitable for all pur, ; roses, trldch ho olTern.fbr sale at his Cool . and Lumber , Aarth. tn. near the BAN Works. All order JACOB promptlyatton— , ed • ' •BREO3I. •:" 31tiscielfuttcOtt. VitEP ARM :FOR• PARLOR:AND COOKING 'STOVES; • 'he subseriber at his old Stand on North Ilanover ' ~ 1 74 the Sign of the "Mammoth lied Coffee Pot," do-, Dos to cull the attention of the, public' to' lila largo as• ortment of STOVES, of the Inmost and most fashinna. Me styles, from the boat manntlictorles in the ~ , country, and'at all prices from $540 $l5; a - Among hIa'PARLOR & CIIAMDEIt STOVES • lb. are the Mirror Stove, the Aretle, haver,, Star, ' • Porginn, Union and ,rEtoa Tight, , togsther with other patterns which - lie has of all alum for parlors or chambers.and ealctilsted for bunilog oltber ''tl wood or coal. Also, the rEtna, Globe, Plat4op and Bandbmt or Poor Man's; wlth - other COQK IEO the latoit improffenientalu. -kitcheifidovcs, And Iniend , d for either wood or cuol., the Dining:itoom Cooking .Stovo-a•rievr etc-'`? gent miirle, to which he finites: the particular pttem.f.airi Donut' f6milios. ' lilt cooking stoves rangeln prico..l4om $1 to 25,,with the fixtures" completely . Mild; Nine PlOtti 'vr .roe of 'Arians pat erns and different. prices, .; „ i Also, ENASLELLED AND- TINNED, W,Altlt for COok- - log Stoves, Brass 'Kettles, &d.i' 1006101rautitticle lino of Tin and Copper' Were. • The 'public are reipoot. fully lifiltod to call as-,-Ite4a-coplident with Jild large stock,.yariet,y- and- choapness, of being able - to dip enr.'"; , satisfaction to'etrotTpurchatir. .Cit(l end see. , • .'sl.' MOILED) , 1 144 - 1 1 :0W=-RENT:77 . -.7 71 : 7-411. aLitaniint inv it. the Bollthi, , es east drtrentsth:le °Dreg tiiit' - telit IMm the let'fr:. 011 next: The MIL *III hot he'reeteill.on the sberite •r; •• -' Ph'T7lll. :P. 'WE, PitAit:oo 2 4li;+, 0 1 3RI994p0Oktilalt/Itai banttittaill!ifiutli 1 . 14 uPv , 24 . ' 6 . 15 . , #24#10A11 . ..' ;;•T' .QT04x.;,13c511 4 E4 gsgt,..s • ' ;kisubailfAi:ofteree:flA, tile a ilati.Eltdam toiler; ;a1 een Oat languid thirty inchino • In diamotergwith ltniftodu 'Exalt' Sue, apply at the Papar' at -Pa , - • • mougg: II 8,000 MB I= REM 7MI