Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 07, 1857, Image 2

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.....„...., .A.,
wit l 4l , . 0014 +Y, 514 4 ,... '''''.-,.- • '
Largest ailt).loeitpest
The State Leghliature convened at ITar-
xisburg yesterday, and , it:is . pr'obnble that
z each 'House effected, an organization im
mediately. Tho message of the Govar- .
.not-would'in-that- case-be-Ldcliitered_te
. daatA4.Jur eubscribers„will find it en- .
closed in' their, papers in an extra sheet. -
On tho ,13th, tlie election of United
States'Senator cornea off, When an inter;
eating and cashing time may be expect
ed:—The session 'Wilt . be an hupottant
one, and it may.bii pr§tracted beyond its
usual sitting from : disagicements growing
._out of the, pasikage; ; ;# the: Apportionment
- Bill. This ftS' ah ktapottitnt measure, and
as each HoWse - jihni4ed - by an oppo
sing majority, if dry secure a more. fair
- and equitable dia#4eting of the 'State
'that wouldotherwis'e be - obtained.
We learn (rout Harris'lntre this morn•
ing that the Senate wets Orgnoizedyeederdny
by the election 'of Mp Taggart, of. Northum
erland, Republican; ra Speae_r,, who , on tp.-,
king' the chair mode nagpital speech'.
In the House, our editorial friend, J—Low- •
ranee Getz,,lisq , of the Reading Gazette, wits
eloetea Speaker. ' ~ • • .
The Governor's Mosstie will he delivered
to-day; 'at 12 o'clock. It is cncloacd in-an
eltta7litriddi6'is ou ezaollentT dlicupent;
but we 'have not. room this week to speak of
its merits. . • •
Xr. • l'uohntuls-NOvenients.=
• Mr: Buchanan, it is said, has fixed his
__time for going to Washington about . the
• 15th of February, which will•‘allow . .hirn
a . fortnight for conference . among his
friends before the inauguiation.. If lie
would consulthis cwmconifort, -however,
he would arrange the dabinetlat Wheat
, hine_bey.ond theimwer of • revision, un7'
less - from such accidental causes as re
,attention. Th4e'oniriction is urn
Mr. Cobb, . of . Georgia, will
take the Treasury seals, and Mr. - , Wight
• the Interior, Department. tLpd alsu that
Mr. Oliffol.d,..cif Maine, will be the New
England man, and Ex-Gov.; Floyd, the
representative Man from: Virginia ; nei
of whom have bn speoifically as
signed to places, r. Benjamin, of La.,'
is indicated as the Old Line Whig, who
is to do the' honors hi the Cabinet for.
that extinct party. ' 141 r; husk, who h'as
boen named for a seat, declines upon the
_ . __rumors which accredits with that distinc
' tion. "Tutus far, in Well informed circles,
the belief is,decided that Gen. Cass„Mr.
• Cobb, of Georgia, Mr.' Bright, of jai : .
•ana, Gov. Floy4l, of Va. and Mr. Clifford,
of Maine, have been conclusively settled
upon; and that the remaining • two seats
N 'will be filled' accordingto circumstances
lipd Cyeloped.....
N, ,
noticed, wllile_in_llarrisborgAast—week,
&at the.fte series of portraits . the
Governors of Pennsylvaniii, have been
most tastefully and strikingly arranged.
under the 'direction sof Col. Sullivan, the
• estimable' Deputy . Seeretary,, in the spa:
eious - iinte - -Toom — ot th - c — Executiiie - Depert•
_lnnt. The gallery ,pomprises portraits .
of all the Governors, from
to Cov. pollock, and the likenesses are
all Considered good. Since being ar
. . ranged, sera present, they have attracted
.throngs of . visitors. Our • Cumberland
county . friends who visit
. llurrisbUrg
'should not omit seeing them... They are
pictures of the highest interest to every
citizen. - In looking at , tlle portraits of
the Governors we read the history of our
-glorimis-old—Vocumcrnwealth: s - •
stated that "the U.S. Supreme Court have ,
cob:iota a decision in the Dyed Scott base
tocently argued before them. All tho
judges but two.hold that Coegresshus
powei'oVer the 'question of sliwery in . the
Territories, and that. the. Missouri com
proMise is unconstitutional ; couseryuently
-nulVand-void:-.,:eludges-McLancand Cur.
tus dissenting' . ftbaii - the :'tnajori ty, hold.
'that Coniress has power ,to prohibit
'vary The decision
• will be
, tt few clays. A la.
- ter:ileapatoh, "however; contradicts this
tt.nd says that the Judges, have, not yet
held any consultation on 5,1. e case.
DOINGS it Cotszonlies.=Both obi anoh
es of-Congress were in session on Friday
of titst*Cek;'hug,'ilitl:nct,;4o• anything of
- adjourn cd o ver Liu
Tuesday. Tuosday, the .Sentito or.
dared te,be printede.ten thousand :extin
copies 'of the'report., Su'Orintce
dent ofthe' Coast!Su'rvey ; and theCom
mittee,on TerritOrieswaa directed to,in:
quire Vito the ; .. xp'Qiiioncy of prositling
means for settling the bpurniary, bet.reon'
California . Adjourne4, till
FridaYt, tin the .House, ''thb : "dehate on
Afterwarde , the , iciiidontatier,and Oonstilar,
APproLrmtion; } ull,wa passed ; ; with;' '
arnenduiont..t:',. The House theiradjoetted!
• .
110...11001i Praiser, kEsej.,'.died on ToSiolay.
last, In itgli'VtatelmoilAfie'-- . .A0 - ylOg at 'ssire
burg; fie ltiiereqeAtlY esti _ convey ea.
a .of ,;impai
tempiesime,it; asiclisgefi Abell& fifty. ..
• •
The. Popular Vote for Prtaidea,
. •
The following table, conipiled,pfainly
frem . ,ofliciationrces,,ang which we _sup
poeo to be nearly if not entirely accurate,
gives the votes cast in the several States
on the 4tl4f.Noveniber last:foi. Electors'
of Preliident And. Vice President of the
United.Statas': • • •
_ , ' • ••
Saadi • Buch'ri : ' Far 8 . - -Frei.
_ . . •
Initio, - -•- 88,038 - 4- 5,235 65,514
New-lfreinpaltir6,--52 1 ,407 '.-,4 14 - 8 8a1 5 f 3 -
• Vermont, . 15,677 • • •511 .. 39,561
. Masimchusettn,.. 89,240 .. 19,726 .108;190
' Rhode Inland, '0:680.. ' 1,675 . 11,407
Connecticut, • 34,995 ' ' 2,615- .- 42,715 ,
New York, , 195,878 124,667 ' 874,705
.- New Jersey.. 46.948' , .24,115 28,861
Pennsylvania, . 230,154 82,1-78 .-• 147,360
• Delaware, .. 8,003 ' .. 6,175 • - 306
.• Maryland,. . - 39;115 - .47.462 , - - 281
'Virginia, 90,352 ."60332: 286
- Nolth Carolinn;" 48,246;---3;,886- , - ---,=.....-
Neorgin, . 60;617 42,429' •- --
Florida, •
Thu EleCtofal Colleges Of Vie differeni
States, with the exception:: ofrseetniin,
met pursuant to law_ on'the./34 ultimo, *id
mist their votes in accordanee..with the
expressed will of the people 4 their 're
spective States. _ The elec.terdl votes will
therefore stand. thus : For Bitelianas and
Breokigklge, 174; for Freinoiit and Day
ton, (less Wisconsin, 6,)106; ; and.
Fillmore and Don'elson; 8. - Tlehe,.*ltes
will . be- banyitssed by • thm two HouseS
of Congress - en the second Wednesday
of Februdry next,,- • , • • •
tice - Marshall'hae - bean - properly'atyfog the
author of !nod eaU .ju - riatiru - daiace. If
ho-did - not - know - what wan .linftitutional,
no one ever :loes now. Judie
Trumbull has lately, reproduced: on the
floor of the United States 'SOnatto the tiee: .
eision of Chief Justice Marshpl ,. An the
ease- `
of the AniericarLjpsufanco:.Compa,
nv vs. Cantim, 'to - 'that, ..entigrois, in
'legislating for the Jerritoriee, , ,has the
combined power of the - General' Goiwr*
men id 81t4le:Governnzent: .:Tbis is
all th'e Fremont 'party. hayo' contended
for, arfil-it - the frue - tunfacknoWledied .
- was
cren: Cass started his popular soyereigifty
humbug.. --• •
, .
We' We are really quite under elilip
tions to our neighbor of. the Amerirktn,
for r lishing So, conspicuousl3r a'Short
pare from—the Harrisnurg,_.TeZe
graph, speaking in complimentary forms
of the Herald. We take the earliest oa:
casion to make acknowledgements for the
disintrreeted favor. The few small side
flings with which it ! was accompanied
don't signify"—es Toots was wont to
remark. .
na... We see the name of Wrf,r;r2tiq E.
FRAZER; Esq.. Senator - from Fayette
and Westmorelanii, favorably noticed for
the office of Canal Commissioner. His
counie iripublic life has been firarked by
that ability and integrity which shows
him abundantly. fitted for a posiiion of
highei-fesponsfhliti, andliis-nomina-tion
would be altogether acceptable• in' this
quarter. With men of business talent and
integrity as canal Commissioner,' our,
State works 'and State finances wouldloan
"resat a better as, eat.
-SEtir An editorial of some length in the
New Orlaeans Delta, which is copied
provingly by some of the other Southern:
journals of that kidney, ad voCateithe for.;:
=tine of a Purely Southertip#l.3tinPiel
pare for the,nampnign 0r.1.860, when it
is feared that the Bepublietitt party must
elect its candidates to the Presidency and
ViCe Presidency. What they want with
a more Southern party than the. present
Loeofoco one, rie cannot well conceive..
fie- The Philadelpliia papers are very
justly becoming aroused at the cheapness
of human life in that City. Several pur
dershave recently been ceminitia.iii the
most public streets there, and the mur
derers hqe gone
. undeteeted,_; I'be, city
governinebtaeoins to be..very inefficient.
Mayor Vaux and his polipo.nro of • 14tItt
account. . ,
tar The 'Harrisburg papemcontain i s
formidable list of applioationli for bank
charters, from which we learn that there
are eleven applicaiions for banking privi
leges Tor Philadelphia, on - an aggregate
capital of $14,300,000; while for the
country there are twenty-five applications,.
-for an aggregate capital of $6,628,000,
being a total for the State thirty six ap
plications, and an aggregate capital of
CANDID ADAtissroN,--A letter from
',Riolunon4 lo.tho New Qtleans Del
ta, says that the'reopening of thO:Afriean
slavel - trade is Unpopular In Viroinia and
North' Carolina, but only becam,p,it would
intert?re vOth the prof is deriyed,by.tliese
States - from' the 'breeding. and . _sale of
- 43 1 aves to the far Souph.-•.•'' • •
Tntr, , PlrdosOruY.—Mr:.Etleildgs 'of Ten
oesiietwlicise -indeponcloooo' Awns a
•stainvikthe 'loosely
.Slave• Trade 'ono of the Melee et Itte'day,- , -
;,‘,,te„ an ;:origitittl'inhie'wity; Talking with .' l Oll . lO
- - . l3otltholl3;'Lgettiooloii 'the ether day he
that.the..Fugitive , Slave Last,. nbeet
Whieh,s6;tnitoh,Staa,wita.maklng, is considers' ,
"-hie et - it ,he !! if
; nigger ruittetiatay; 0 . 130 ;et tire things is .eer,
'tairti-either bele - a mean nigger ! ' or' lie' line. a ,
magter, , ..lf the nigger irmeita; hetien't
,OettebinSt-a,n4 the.,',lnailtfp. mean,'
the nigger'!
.0.368. 4.833
48.639 . 28,662
86,393 24.2J3
22069 - 20,781_
• 69,609 6 1 3,891 •
28,757 - 5 144
21,899 4 10..706
68,164 .48,524
• 86,241 ,
.9,444 44,126
. 52.867 1., 66;092
195,814' 96,180
118,672'. 28,886 • 94;876
170,903. _
51;325 35;p1.,
1,828,022 870,858".1,987,625
lr,otun anb t✓ountg 31tatters.
OMITTED.--A unmber of new aaver
tisemento are twitivoidably omitted this-week.
TEACitEIeI3 procee d -.
Inge of this association. ill be- found_ on our
first :page: They mill be read with interest by
all friends'Ok ehoition. . •
. .
tinuanoe of the remrepreheneible'practice of
firing guns, and pistols,. 'which was
.kept up
not only through .the preceding nightbitt next
'day, led to. o fatal disaster in our tioronglx.nn
Now Year's Day. • A young mon named James
Richards,' living on East street, was engaged,
with:. a smeller boy ietiring a.largo horse Phi
tol. They bad, several times
withoittacCident, but in making a last attempt,
.while-•at•-work -ramirig—down :the_ charge a.
premature explosion took 'place with the moat
terrible • eonsequences. The returner pf. . the
pistol,' which wont' steel; entered, the head of
Rieltards_p_assiig,through:_theieft.teMple and
coming out at the'top of his head, He fell.
insensible, and died in en hour or two efter*
The smaller boy was also seriously,wountled
in the hand. 'f'be sympathies of the 4 oonrnu.
fifty are with the affirnted family. •
NEW yEii - ft's_Ex,E;,-.4 . 110 ",nitise and
confusion in town; on New Yetir't; Eve, wag
greater than we ever reinemher'te,haveexpe
rienCed on any similar occasion. (.Thei: Jove.
nilesinoluding not a few. mho astilf:e to a re
spectable station in the ranks of ronnkOod
routtiti - out the year, and ushered" in - the
peW, with the' Most noisy. .deMonstrations2
Every explosive missile was brought infit play,
from a' Qhinese.ernolter, to. ,a-dpuble•slotted
131underbuss... It was tt"tnirattle• tlittt 'no 'tied•
dent occurred, for the strut were (crowded,
and the lten4iest in the . MoSE , fre,
quentedJoenlities Staid, - sober (citizens, every:
where,oharanterixed it as a downright nui
sance—but F the boys engaged in the sport it
Was the rareet - sort of fun, whiehthey.were
'allowed to indulgti in - to their heart's content'
without the slightest interposition on the part
,of the !'-authorities." . •
04.1t0SLE S
Mr. Editor; Tlie Examination of the Female
SOMinary, tindei the direotion Mra::
CLAItEe, took plaoe.on Tuesday of Mativeek,
and _although' the' day was very unfavorable,.
Was ettetaimi by , many of the pafions and
friends of the institution. In compliance with
the wiShiselof .a number or these, you aro re
quested to eipress to the•publio the high gra
tification they-enjoyrd in the (Mamma - then
given. of the - capability - and fidelity of these
teachers ; of the discipline and improvement
of the• : pupilst and of the - excellent spirit
prevailing; among all. The examination wap
evidently fair", as the . pupils had no previous
knowledge of the particular parts to he as -
signed to,eitch,_anCtholanswere_werejelmo . st:
insteneao; in the language of the pepil he r
-self---A-1 rger proportipn than is usual.with
such echo Is, showed-themselves proficient in
the mod a of 'a natural and graceful style of
reading an iof composition. "The compositions
themselves were geneially on such subjects-as
•lMll•bet3n t dated of in the lectures or stud*
in the echo 1, and showed not merely that their
authoreh d well remembered, but that they
'could pry rly analyzatheir_themea.,_, . ...I
- After J vigorous efforts wbidh some in this I
oinienunit haie mode to establish this semi
nary, it must be to them ti.eouroe of great plea
sure to witness these evidences of success, and
especially when they'rementber that, none of
the ordinary metiltsuf gaining publio'fipplanse ,
and patronage 'have been empl4ed. - , -It is,
however, very desirable' that our community
'may still better appiediate the advantages
which such en institution affords, and noised'
fir it to struggle with difficulties which a, just
regard to their own interests would remove.
The Cumberland County Agricultural
clay .had their annual meeting on Montlay .
whichAriut.largely_Mtnmic_d_b,y_Ltke....Zormet a
of the County.
In the absence of the .President the choir
was taken by •Thoptpeon . Galbreath, the first
Vice President:
In persuance of the by-laws, .Cleo. W. Skica
far, Treasurer, presented Lie iecouut ofthe
receipts and espenditurce of . lie paid year,
by which it appeared that the amount of
monies received on all awe:unit; was -
. . $2687 . 18
And amount of disbuilononto 1+1657
Paktum, in Treasury
,And. that there nre outstanding
. Premiums yet unpaid, amount
leg to .
Thie'fiCeount was referred to a - Committee
to be audited and examined. ' : ,
A resolution time then pawed authorizing a
committee to purcihase'an additional place
, : of
land and add to the size of tho present exbi-
ion gr7-au'
The corresponding secretary_phmitted a
draft 'of a charter Of incorporation and ho
was instructed to present
,the same to the
Court' or their approval.
The Society then proceeded to the. discus.:
elon dile What - is - the true- p . oliay,
o thefiermor respecting the quality and quan
tity .of. r fenoing." Every kind of- fencing,
Post and Rail—Board; Wire, Stone, and
fledging and the nOst and durability, of
atoll were fully examined, discussed and their
importance .dwelt upon, eliciting an amount of
eiperience and argument which rendered the
subject excumitlingly interesting.
The following resolution was passed:
• Whereas the Society has experienced 'the
greatest benefit and, indeed, owes much , of its
sulicem to the zealous industry of our present
Treasurer, who has' devoted so much of his
time to the erection of our •buildlogs, prepara•
tion of our 'grounds and keeping our amounts,
therefore;' . . '
. Resolved; Thatithayeenident of the Society
be directed to purchase a Plow and a Ifarrow
and in the name of the Society presorittlhlin
to G. W. Shearer, as a.tolten otregard,and of
our appreciation of his valuable services.
The Society then, adjourned and met in ; _the
afternoon, when the enhject, of (*piping was fur.
thor discussed. The Board of Managers'then
adjourned a‘ndthe.Beolety went Into an - oleo:
lion of officers for the ensuing year. •,
Themes Paxton deollaed. a. re-election—
whereupon yhionpsoa Gilbreath was eleeted
Preeideutforthe.ensuing year and all the oth
er officers were re•eleeted. • ;
• A SPLENDID ICE gilop, bus boon gn
:thereit ttiio sfnoon.,..l!ll9it of, tho aeiltwo,ntiout
town were !nt4':woolc.,,The l loo woe
,vor bettiaibaiti eefint, clear.
from eix tO 4 itglt )nolies tiliok—,with not o.por.
.dole of
_detract quality: ,
What arlostery it wilt preys+ during:the. heats
of euniteer., Blosejage on the, ,whose
:foretlioniThirtre are indebted for . paciting,aprai,
the lum ps Prithat:periedai . the jeer ',Pen it
le ; moat heeded:„.'lle,detiresse,esyetal noun.
naent•t6;,lierpettiate all.:tisne to
qoPlef,', •
, • .. . • i, .
. GOOD Whir) FAIR. 'The New, Year's
Fair of this Company was entirely suceesaful,-
netting tho amount, we understand, of not lees
than Vfoo. • . : -,, ,• '
MASONitt Att.OINTMENT.—At a meet:.
ing of-':the -Grand Lodge , of:Pennsylvania at
Philadelphia; - on - Eittithlaritiscr — Robert A.'
Lainberton, Esq., of Harrisburg, Was ap
pointed Dietriot Deputy - 121mnd Master,_ for
the counties of Dauphin; Lebanon ,Yet.ll, dtup
berlandand and Franklin. '
A GItAND . SUPPEIt.—We had the plea
sup of participating in the grand supper pre'•
pared by SPONBLBIL & W/LBp7!l, tho-poptila
proprietors of the Union Hotel, by order of tb
Odd Fellows, ?or the Choir: of Prof. Otto, W '
REYNOI:DB, Who fav'ored.them'eeitb their choir
mo - sicr nu the occasion at their azinirersar3 -
Mau of tho wiveti of the members of
der, with a'nurntter of other'ladies and,inritu
guesta were :presont.' •Afttir supper when ti
psrties had, returned to the parlor -WirAta •
RAIMI, Hsq of Harilele, a Whitby Odd Fe' •
low; being ,introduced to the assembly;, fa
Torrid them with a brief but suitable addro,
for ,the ;occasion,. 'after which the porti .,
amneed themselves in .various
Now Year opened "upon them ; witi;n ,they-rt.
tired with ruatty, witiboe for the future pre.'
parity tatd . umartilneselef . of Od'
.Mn.:Enrrent:,:,Som.a two ; Reeks slktee, nn
employee-on the reilrood ohserVisd _in the
south''-nest - corner of the.ontnints,.:n-firend en.'
foot-stent;:of,whot:oppenrecd to bis
e. buridtd infant, ..Esch•moriting; tin he beheld
these vnibols oeroret Affection, the.convin•
tion ArcedYitielf .upon . hi m thnt hero rented
the objctivi' evidence of violntod .tiintsttty,or,
. .
, ..
it might . he, 'the hidden' phenoinonn• of the
subjective idea of murder; realized in'the under
stlinding. end hrtioded wee. by a diseased
•rancy. `Time after time his Kennett struggled
pith his Will, and time and again that Inysto•
Hone dread of - the:: Unknown;elinelded—nis
tongue, anti dimmed and elisoured bin Sen
ior!. Days pasSed on; Conscience—that
dread monitor of life—was busy at her task.
In spite:of nil thi.forchorlings of as unknown
•evil, hie' Conspionce impelled the_Will—yes;
impelled the Will—ktylny open to the ;fete of a'
horrified world this ilatmung;,,nvidence of vid•
liatiy . and crime. ttirPhilotiophers talk, ni
they_may, there are momenta when the Will
becomes . a treentiditry power, when the .sonsi
bilities are aroused to_decisiie_actioti v and the
Ulna man , is swept along •iti n'whirlwind of
excitement. ReflBoll4l4BlloB in with-her affir
mations,:•with -the rapidity of light, and the.
Vill e in its swallowed up in
thp,everwheluming dictate's of conscience and
of..right. So this man bad •broodeeover the
mysterious circumstances connected with these
'spectral: gravestones, whilst 'teepee of brood
.and murder, with ell their phantasmngerio
horrors pictided themselves Upon his imagine.
Son,- turning the..effidgent rays *of the King
of day into' he winged:messongora of Heaven's
Wrath*, and trailing amid the blackness of
darkness the-'`obon wing"of,night ncirnes- his
ehiiering • 50u1.",, He no longer dared .00111.
.mune•with himself. - The seoret which lie kr
•ragined—himself- - -to — possess, , pesseseed 'him.
Though he was •iencicatit, yet' this looking up
of the Terrible Within hie SCOMed to.pollitto
the inmost recesses of his soul, and assimilated
his very nature to tOlikoness of itself. In
vain he p„I tuned fliendlong over the rail which
the !treat ' g Zaaramate was wont-to ride; in
sin he ea ed oa, heaven to pity his wo, -- twid
in his ravings, imprecated hell to -relieve, his
- soubi—the conecioustiess_ofthe ever terrible
presencoof his tormentor drove him to the verge
of matinee!). Despair' seized him. Impetuous,
he rushed to the ,corotier. Ho 'poured forth •
in incplierentsontrmes the kkorriblo convio
thine (if his mind. He rid himself of his MS
ter, Mid was once More liimself.• .
A jury was summoned and hastened to the
spot. The atones were speedily removed, but
the frozen ground withstood for 'more timo the
repeated blows of, the pick. Meantime, the
Pres, and numbers of the students had col
lected. The last shovel load of dirt wan re
,frtoved, and then, horrible to'relate I the worst
'fermi e.f the jury were renlized. v There lay
coffin, shrouded in mourning! Horror was
depicted on every noipitemince. The officer
seemed to be struggling with hie feelings to
maintain the stern aspect of duty, whilst a
general Rob of indignation broke from the lips
of the Atuclents. Breathlessly they guyed
whlle.the brakemen remove! the lid. And
then,. rolling out. from...the .hribiliamente_ of
death, there dropped upon the " cold, void
ground" Abe rigid..form of—Ho/ma's Phil iso
• pha.--Tho aell".ll.fte
described. For ficinto moments they stone
mute, then catching up a titter from oolong the
etudents, sallied off in-different-directions,
they woke the roverberatione, of the campus
in ode prolonged about of laughter: .•
In may be stated that the
junior clekylnid" finiehed. , Intellectual
Philosaphy.tiro.weeke,befure,-nt-the Christmas
examinations. . then that it woe
dead to them for the future, they had, in con
sideration of theirteectiOn for the departed,
interred it • at, dead of .night, •and with due
form and' ceremot . % In the spot whioh the
brakesman had regarded with so much (trend.
040 61
1111, KANSAS.
We live sonic fnillieg — nows frotn Kansas.
The 'news of Whitfrides . ;•rjectiosi by the House
having been received ni.Lowrenee, and,no in
tellicienCe of his subtiequent ndni a ion , thO
people fired a:Solute of tidi•ty•two guns in lion-
at Lawretice_from Ossawatnibie itil
quiet in the' southern pert, of the territory
The great land solo et Leav'eTifiirth continued
to pass off quietly. The rivers Missouri and
Kansas. were frozen. over. and pnvigntiiin
closed. The new railway projeue..Srom Keo
kuk, lowa, to, K/1118110 City, N..., has given
area.' impulse to tliO Utter and the toirns in
Kansas near It. A project of another
to connect with this ha+ bent', started in Knii
sae, to proceed from Kovno's City along tin
Kan river to Lawrence.. $30.000 have bee) ,
subscribed to it. Governor 'Geary li n e, it I•
said, sent,a letter to Governor King, of Nev
York, in which he is underworld to take ground
satisfactory to the North. The trial of Par
tridge, one _of the tree State prinonern.from
Osaawatomio.- had been postponed at Teciim
aehTliWing to the absence of the free State
witnesses, They all refused to attend, beliov
log it merely . a trap•tO arrest them. Partridge
had found means to convey to them accounts
Of the inhumanity with which he ie treated.
Very few, except residents, are now remain,
iog in,the territory,— The land sale has 'pro.
dueett'ail excellent effect: in exciting a spirit
of, enterprise and friendly reeling between the
tio'..partiel before unknown. Judge Elmore'
and dome other conservative pro-slavery men,
. have . visited Lawrenea, and made overtures
for peace and union - nion the basis of irelopo- -
pular sovereignty. They talked with' Gayer-
Ater Robinson. It wan conceded that the Inn,
•gua , • laws Aught to be repealed, and. that the
dispute between the two parties should be re
Tarred to a genuine etect.on;.wlien none bUt
voter" of . ' three Months' residence , should vote,
sta. everi possible • proteelliOn f'against: fraud
shbuld be given. It is said 'that ft Ow was
agreed "upon by. which t eth 'parties Of genuine,
reaideMte sheuld.unite In tin 'appeal te Congress
to pass.a bill drawn'uVonthis plan.. Persons
recently, from the - territory' say' that pro slit.,
very ie worn out by the long contest, and that
the free sellers preponderate In the ratin of
ten to one. A large , northern denigration to'
ttie tereitoriii in, the spring :The
.Kansas`, Committee itt - Chinago' 01)1 ftirh'
,statement to this effect, -Access to the tell*
WY is now perfictly. unimpeded; ,
' •
ittiOYsTuttl ,Wsn.H.A dreadful , took
.plaoe Ohrlitmus day, among a nomber' of
PldladelPhis l'oyetermen, in. 'the Xautusent
Mier. . One man wall killed- and hurried . .str.
Drum thret' others .' were , wounded •
and taken,ashorc Three booties were lashed
ashore 'and the tight 1400; tabor. dotitlnued
Vni 4 the iterrihl
news, Orj..ird,efortiptr.,.. 7:
Inauguration : Of Qov. King of N..Tprk.
C . ALBANY, Jan. 2.
. -,The inauguration Of Gov. -King- toOk: place
at th'e Capitol presence of a'
large Assemblage. The ceremonies were high-
. .
ly interesting , and the addressee, b'dh - of the
' retiting and the ineomingGovernor"were loud
, ly applauded. a '
:Afraiik - lit'Washington.-
There lone truth In the- widely„ circulated
report that the:Judges — of t6e_U. S. Supreme
Court hnd cords to a concl u sion in Miseou ,
ri - itred Scott - Slave case., It. is nertnin. that.
the Judges have not yet-had,,alonaulitition on
the, matter. ' . 4
Senntor Myelin will resign. his' sent in the
Sennte i to-merrotv ontl-prneed to Moine forth
with, preliininory to entering_ int. the: Goner
her-ship of Moine. ' .- - ' ' .
The Wife of Judge Devilela_Huirot to
. . DeOth.
WARiIINGTON, 5itn. ,. 4.-4.mest. shocking ail
eideut oatittr,cd-herelaid night by which. the
wife of Volge the . , United Staley
--SupFetne - Cntrr - was - burnt - the
, Judge 11111 i hut vv. fe had -.joist returned frontal
. party. to. hie residence in, Franklin. row,. and
had gone to hie library While Mrtf...Daniellt
paired:o_l)er sleeping room and centinenced .
disrobing preparatory tn•rettring for the night.:
Being very mire sighted, sheAlid not perceive
a candle betting 0,1 the hearth or the ,flames
.3141101 communicated to her clothes until they
completely enveloped 'her.- . the then ran to
Iter_repin, stalking for tp.,eistailice, but her
don•only added strength to the flames, and it
is supposed she arse inin4tl the tire. Before
effectual assistance Could he rendered the un
lortimate burnt tom crisp and died
• after`eight\trours' intense Hollering. She woe
no estimable lady, übnuLBs years of age 'ler
terribly Limit li eitu.ed -nitieft regret anioni.
her large•eirclo of friends and the community
-_rut largo. MuCh.sympathy,..ie_telt.o.o_all Mends
for the Judge end beriitvelmnit.
Otte sta Lenient says that Irs --. 2,11) ittiels..was iu
her night dreifs caught tier. A . .lllliler
is that she iv as in lied reading, when the e
dle her sleeve •
,Mrs. Daniels was The Ihilhigh ter et 'die late
Dr. Harris id formerly Chief or
the Bcreatt of .Medicine and Surgery of the
Nnvy • .Sliti - hviviie two oldrireu; poitiiv,E!.ll
a bolt_ eiglif Anon ths Judge. I/ tide's ems
slightly burnt in
. bis effects ,tolsdiog^oat the'
flames. •
Now Vannes Day .In AVainninltlnn
WmuliNaToN.. J.n 1
All persons connected Oeit 11 'the.Diplontittio
corptcm — ffill - dress, togetherVith - The members
Ortife — Calithi their- respects to the
--Presideet-thin. morning. -- At. noon the -doors
' of the White House were thrown open to the
• public, and thousands, including prominent
statettnem judges, /11111. army and naval offi
cers; entered; the marine band, meanwhile,
'performing a number of national and patriotic .
Airs. The reception continued G t r two hours.
The !lends 'of the. Departments, and many
others, litispitably.entertained.visitoreet their
respective residences. Nearly all secular
business ivntranspended•
'The doeunients"recently milled for by the
Senati3 stro.voluinitions, itticrinthido the here—
toforceuppreased.letters of - Gen. Scott and.the
Sycretary of )If-nr, retative_do_the_pny_of_the.
former as Lieutenant GenerUl. The 'corres
pondence on both sides is port culstrly caumtio
and personal. ,Much anxiety is tionnifested for.
ite•peruoul.. • ' •
• .... .
Huntington at Sing Sing
New — Ytek, Jan. 3,—Deputy Sheriff logics'
lull yesterday afternoon toe Sine Sing, hoeing
in custilyiluntington, the Forger. A tium
ber his-friends-were at the Toombs to bid
him good bye es he came into the passage
•Ileosins elegantly dressetl, and seemed to have
but little concern about his situation.' I hdve.
since learned that when Huntington' arrived
ni Sing Sing, lie, in charge of the 'Deputy,
Sheriff, went to the St Nicholas lintel, iu that
Lo ri , nn ate o jolly good supper—the last 'of
the hind be will•enjoy for four years and tell
niontba, unless he is — pardoned out. %
then delivered to the prisifn lifEm to, add lock -
'O4 up ip his cell. It bits been sUggosted that
* in chasing, a work shop for him he be put to
the forging depni •
Conviction of Trickerman
' Boston, .dn —The jury in the ease of
Tuckerman, who is eltdiged with defrauding
the bitihteru ItAilroad C•n•pornntion, this utter
noon, after six hours theliberotion, rendered it
verdict of GUILTY!- , -Rufus Monte, counsel for
the defendant. iinnieili , tely fi'etra bill of ex
ceptionti, to be argued before the final
eition - of the ease:
THE LANCANTEIt BASK —The effort ht resus
citate the Lancaster Bnk. in progte , very.
satisf 'wordy . ... At 'the .adj.Mrtted ttieetittg . cif
the _Stockholders, on Sitorday last, it wan
stated py A. 11. Smith. Esq., President of the
. Bank that the amount of 'new' stock n4)IV
scribed woo $4OO 000, and ussur.oncea of fur
'titer liberal toletcriptions bad he en held out'
from various parties, 1 , noon Shall be
&early ascertained that the tuqcts of-the bank
will pay elf the circulatilm and _deposits, of
which there now seemed to he'no Moth!: It
was further stated
that some debt., which had
been con•idered doubtitil had mince
become - good J. and n large .attionat due the
Bank by n curtain ',Orly W.lB in 11 lair Way . Of
, being p or the chino sat islatittally art tinged':
;he circulation 11l the bank. since the stispett*.
slot, has been reduced ssBo 407, ot,which time
the notes in circulation amounted to 721,000
The umlaut now out is $423,37.. Tot:4lo4rd
of Directors, since last ineeting, - Itaye taken
some property in part payment of certain
Itte....4ltalutak,--astuttutting—to' $1,6111
The agents timployed . to examine the titli3. to
the Shanaokin COM reiiitti, anti the -aontlitain
of the Stuthury Railroad, had reported them
Loth good, and these reports went to England
itt•the had steamer. If..the.English company.
shall , fail to take• it, auetliSr - party, largely
terested would take bold of those improve
ments, and wink theta to [My off the first and
second mortgage Lund. , „
going thoroonfle of the papers • that the Elec.-
teral,vote of Wisconoin wan lost - by thee inter
vention of d snow storm, turns out to be in.
correct. It is-trde, tie stated, that the •Eleo
tore were prevented, by a etress of weather;
• tram reaching the capital of the State on the,
4th of •December—a anew storm of unrireee;
dented severity having prevailed on the 2d
and lid of December, burying the State under
several feet of snow, and blocking up both
railromis and common roads for several days.
By groat effort, however, the Electors reached
Madison early on the 6t h December; organised;
tooted for President and Vioe President ; made
the returns required by law, and selecting a
messenger to Carry the record of 'their vote .to
Washitigtun—_.They.never doubted-- mo!
meat that' this vote Was legally oast, and
would be duly counted. It would be strange,
indeed, if a snow storm should 'be• - permitted
'to deprive,tho people of a sovereign. State of
-a voles In the choice of
. Chief Magistrate of
the Republio. : •
,rot t'be; ot:Woroistiir,
' T blues.; Who iprofess to believe "'the result of
,the reatairrresidential election to involve
'four years more of pro slavery government,
and a rapid increase in the hOstiliti betitien
the two seotione'pf the. (Mien," and further
believing " the wasting' union to he .a failure,"
have published a call for a convention tc,theet
• at Worcester on the Ifithofjanuary,to "cent
elder'thopraoiickbility, probability end -dx.-
----ixtdiency . of o•suparatlon. and
slave statee, and , to-talie each other measures
',as the cenditien 'of the ;times: May require.",
Should this convention of madmen - resolve to
go 'out of tink 4 ilnlei; thelatit : will be
....:,..sanounced to the . World: „,, •
,116. luoy Stove is lecturing at Harrisburg',
Wooggp'p ß ß~ghte r. .o~oouree,_ ' .
.- n'portion'of,the theilinony given in the °nee of
Huntington, the"fprger. ft discloses n 'truly
ex traorlinaripicture of fuel life in New York.
1 -. - -Samuel -Berry--extititined'by Mr. - Bryan.=
am the Wilier of Huntington's wife;, I have
been in the 11'011 of.vfeiting'him occhsionally
when I'wes in New ~York ; my 'business -*an
-sail making ;• his wife and children have been•
foiic Considerable tithe amity bootie': I would
not like to say fol. what Wenn; she has Beard
,or`eight months with Me at a.time; Ibave
-kno.wn-Iluntingtonto-cut'hiebridts ' and _slip-1s
pets, out of a.dotteructive spirit ;I have visit.-
ed• hie family pring the past year;
- fite - elark - detatrlbeettnrinprtenbrof — the - bouser -
No 86. East Twenty secand,Street ; lie was
`correct in his descHption ; some of the pices.
'•'ll i understood, coat $7OO each; he had a• knell
dog 'which would weigh two pounds; be gave
$B6 forbim; be had another dogthat weigh
ed one hundred and fifty-pounds; be had a
house full ofttervatite ' lie had 'eight -- of ten
during the absence of his *ire'' , ' he had, two
'cam:men pm d two' gvooms b e had a 'man
servant•and five or six 'Orli, atlfirtifit d - ifetnifur
cook; this is wtjile bisrwife was'absent ; slime
orthein viere'diticharged when she returned ;•
I understand he had n band of mealo in hie
„house; lie made" parelitises every day ; ho had
meat screed in silver dishes on thel!Sabbail;
was.ver'y partiettlar about hie meals': I under
stand that he sometimes oi-dered very sumptu - ;,
ens banquets ; I know nothing about Ititt-1
breaking *flings in the , house; I, understood
- lierini - dWcor eight Iforeee'; I Ithew Ite was
preparing stable.prior to bia,nrrost ;I knew
had ptirchttied apiece of land at Yorikers for
a 'summer residence; lie gave .his 'wifif pen
money occa r bmally, but not in large. quanti
ties; the remonstrated against . the smallness ,
of theamouni he wankd give her ;' be had a
project in view far getting up a company for
exporting ice to.Pattatita round the. burn.
wn1.14 of wlc ix in theme .few Wordm
,to the povr 01-hz.m 01111 mechanic " call
Uroutid ottldpoy,", snyit, the rio limit, to avoid
the • trouble el goihg to hisdesk,to get the no
eessory funds, and the ppm' , - mechopie ie
ohliced t.l gn toots to discrpOint his workmen
owl all who diVinnid upon bin; for their duo
It - Is 1111 011+) . ‘ 111:11.11 I' 10 worle;.. the-only real
ghlry iit this rtt-te dm nn itoleiietoljnt' idea of
l-lor, Ode to sustiiin yoursel I
s hY the Irlo,r of
your 11211 Initok, stet pl.ty tm'ensily imocine'd
wh'st.eicshing force (heat isli• I'll call lom]
and the lultoring 111811,.why dermels
upon illnt tiny lor -stihsinteime, if tit'ose who,
could pay 1114 'only ply It 01100, it WOnl.l .
place litiodreds• nod Jitott.oto 14 In a e•t•
to do-lilteWinl. nilllonlllll ruvent "
ser.Y and distress. '
. .
niftrlß 00CaSitilla lELSOUtilerll
'and Tennessee by the repdrts of organized in
:surrettions of the slaves; proves to - have been
bused upon exeggerated ileCOMlts. No serious
outbreak hal occurred, nor is there. ground
fait apreliension., A number of negroes, how-'
over,_have - been Txecuted on suspicion of hav
ing been _rukagatiLin_inaurre.o.tiathay_m
• ~ .
Pngsr,NTs.—The congogreelion of. the Oer-•
mail iteformed Church at ijet,tvsburg, .•
-cently presented their pastor,.Rev. Jacob ,'Zeig
ler, with Rev. Dr. Yodd..rthe ReOtOi - of the Pro
testent Episcopal Chorolent - Stamford. Ct.; re- -
04 , nd a check for $9OO as niChristmas pre.:
P ri 1, from fotirtoon of lab pnrishioners. The
Rev. Dr. Osgood, of New York, it is said: has
r:ceived.slo,oooiii money from, some of hie'.
parishioners to hitild him n — ohnotry kouso:. A
bandsemo'New Year's present. ,
(Conn.) Times gives on Account of Caroline
_children Mary And Franois, -
sieves lately liberated by. their mistress,
(Mrs. Snrah Branch, of Chesterfield, V.a.).whe
have voluntarily returned to bondage, after
trying . to eupport themselves in BostortOB free
people, ['hey declared that they had toiled
constantly and could scarcely gain a subsist
ence and wanted a master t.o . protect them.
ship llifneis arrived nt Now York, on 3doriday,
from Aspin ' wall, bringing later California.nows•
Thelatest'San Francisco date is of ihe"s , ll
There iq very little news of interest. The
Calif;ll.llh Shire electors moden narrow escape
of tint being able to meet nt the capitol lit time
in tittle to east the vote, owing,to the. ground-
Ma of a ntoomer, out board of which they nil
were.”ii — Wns 'found lying iti
Clienintit btreyt, win night last
wyrk, sitiFe,ritig terribly frnin
1. oen•e: Ile wiis token to
wile' e lip died. He :19.1 suet'. potty of Oaten
row.liea in the tureet, who inflicted the injury
Fit IiMONT; TSI: MUST Noi LIANDIDATr. , —If Col. Fremont
had ns malty frisiola Ills tLu Mtwtang I.ll.liocht: the ~to
P 'Hot .4110 e a et I.'rd a guard. Mr. Fie
_tuout_raularlied— dlspai vlust_tu_M
• while transp.wthig horses alit rattle over 'the plains oj
31oxlvo, •• That If thu itovorilliallit would solid un a lih.
erni supply of .Muslail,,s It mould bate CL per
root. ut hls losses." This istart' Impartsht, tor oil lowt
niers slot 1.1% el paten hi 111110. ustalut
Is a mailthriul arts. 11 r limo or Least. It should al
ways be used los Sore N. SNe111111:u. 11111 JAW., Duras,"
Llieuinatle 11111. S. au.. anti for Usids, ;prams
1011141.1.0, de.. spoil Herts.,. Houses of liel•s
liuss. 'I ho 3111,talig is hold I.) all rS
0‘ 00310 hem. • . PAIR
Vet. g.,—/ in. pr, o p r jal et New '
1)a. 1 s.vAc TitomPsoN's much-cele:
Mated LXl'. •• Its tom its eland unrit ;died."
This old. tried aml lel al ttable remedy, ha . all • the die
<.d the eyes. alter hat tug Fttluti Lhe test tf 'Met .
FI Ly Years. and Ike demand .h .r it In still increaeiug,
Is now. anti 11111 i biloll fur the past two years. oßuted !Ur
tillil ill an entire new dress. /at It ladtle will hat a a
Steel Plate Engraved ratvehrpe, with a portlidt of Ike
Inventor, Dr. IhAtie Thompson, :sew- Loudon, Cont.,
shell. , of liirLeilandtltrkrt
simile of theilgunt LOIN of the present pnprlster, John
Thompson, O. lel and 153 Inver street, I'ruy, Amy
York, and none tilinir can largepuinr,-- -
The proprietor has, been compelled to make this
change in the style or tha•• wrapper, owing to the large
quantity of counterfeit v. Well tor the past Mar years
has been palmed upon the community, nod especially
apthe west.
Purcluvairs urn particularly requested Wl' buy none
but the alxlvedeseribed, and as the. red label beret , .
fare used has 41011 called In. any found In' that forth
the proprietor does not hesitate to pronounce counter,
Far sale by all the i'ospecbiblo druggnits 11 the lint
tod States and Canada.
IllhL131( 4 13 GENDINII ExTRACTOR will
eubduu the pain and idlhunatlou from the severest hurt
r scalds, In from one to twenty minutes—and that ti
_Will heal the wounds 'without a scar; and effectually
cure Waver SpreB—piles—Salt Ithuunilnflanimatory
Rheumatism—Sore and Inflamed Byte:-Cuts--Wounds
Bruises—Old and - Inveterate-Bores—Scald Head—
Corns and Dunions—Eryorpolas- , -Spraine welllngs
Yelons—Chllblatus- - Illtes of Insects—Rwelled and Ilro
ken lireast—Sera liipples—Eruptione,and all other
Inflammatory and cutaneous di:ovules, wherejhe parts
Don't bo incredulous about the many diseteses named
to be cured by only one thing—but reflect that the row,
but positive properties which tho Dailey' Delve alone
contains, ,
and as heretofore enumerated—one to four,
can reach• not y the la Cloned diseases, but
Query.—Do not regular bred physiclansprescribe eels
mel inwardly ilffritcovidiFit'dlliecent diseases!
Each box of 0 sonnio PALLY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR EAR up.
Steel Plato Engraved Label with the signatureo
of O. V. CLICKENER & CO.. proprietors. and HENRY
iyALLEY, manufacturer. All others are eounterfrit:
All orders should he addroosed to 0. V. Clickeuer &
Co., 81 Barclay st'reet, New:York. • • •
OIL.Por sale by all Druggists throughout the United
; • •
. .
- A PERFUMED BitEATlL—what lady or gentleman
would remain under the curet, of a disagreeable breath
when by nslng BALM OF A THOUSAND
FLOWERS" as a dontrlfice. would not only render It
sweet but leave the teeth white as alalbesterVany
uersone do not knowrthelr breath' la bad, and sub ,
- Jest Is co delimits their friends will never mention It.,
Ponca single drop of Balm" on. your tooth brush and
wash the teeth night:and morning. A. - fifty cent bottle
A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. niiis Awns hotusintr.
'ed by using the " Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It *III
i c o l ove tan, pimples and freckles from tbasklnileavlng.
It of • eon and marmite hue. Wet a towel, pour on two
tar Wive drops, end mud' the face night and morning.
-,•eueviNold'AVE Ensi—Nvet jour brush
In either wain or cold, water, pour' on :two :or three
drape of " Balm of a Thousaddltlowers," rah thb beard
well, and It.will' make- a" beautiful soft lather, Much
fbellitathigkho operation of slaving. ' Price only Fifty,
mints. Beware: of 'counterfeits. - None gerullne cutlass
'Signed by. •. , V. P. ERTIODIIR C 0.,.., ,
cmt.loosts;-' rranklln Square; New York:
H. omeultx..
OATE A N I). J - 0 BB E 8,,
. .
FURNITIME, CIVERINOSe 8&0•1• 41. ° 4 '
volt avahT DUORIIIIOII or . Tan9wips, yq !wag,. ,
• PDAO9 72 OUEVOOPNItThromr.o,
Pt:Mums:lr correspondent of
theldan - Franoisoo Herald 'fbinishee the fol
lowingas the Polygamous condition .of the
Members of the lent Utah Legislature: • •
membsrs; 171 wives.
House of Representatives-20 Mem
officers.ofthe House-z 6;
Governor Yougg; ---
„Total; 44 persons,
— alartiagts. —
Do WI-1-OoT jr—da av; e Inst., by Dr. W.. .
tt, AYTON, Esq., of Carlisle, Edit°
of the' Volunteer, to Miss MART ELLEN BOYD, dough.--
ter of Oeorge Boyd,
of Harrlsburg. • '
On Thursday, the let Inst., by the Rev. JaMes
Kennedy, Mr. WILLIAM DUNCAN, of Southampton,
to Mles. ISABELLA. • KELSO, daughter of the late
James Helso'nf Newton top, Cumberland Co.'
On the 25th of De`d.,-by the Rev. - 5. Evens,Mr. SAW . • '
- IJELIMELLTef Shlrentanstown;-te ,
DALENE HIGH, of Nowsille. • .
On the 26th ult., by the Rev. A: 11. Eime r ,
BPII - BEF&ThEIrof - Loner - AlleU . wqta - Ifi e a CATHERINE, - driughter•of Hr. John hltner, of the A- •
Olnlty of ' -.• '
On the same day. at Glue' Hotel, by the came, Mr. • .
of the vleltlty of Newvllle. • .
Onllio slime dny at the name place, by'the IMMO, Mr. -
of Eldgetowu, this Ce.• ' . •
- On tnfrfetliikl:; : by the same. Mr. OF.O. W. WHITE
fo Mies MARY ANN cnombion,. both of North Mid
dleton twp., this Co. ' • •
row RENT.—A Biick .House, situ
nze In Rest High street; nearly opposite the:Dail'.
Road Depot. This house is well, adapted for nay public
business,PC.a family, residence tor a, mull family. It .
has boon formerly occupied an a (tracery Store. Por
further particulars; enquire of the Subscriber. Posses
sion given Ist of April, 1857.
Jan.,7,lBlll.—pd Im.
T. 4 bolt• SALE.'—A.
Cfunuleher Etild Lampe of the I , lrst gresbyterinu
Church, Auply to: •
Jos. D. 111Ali!CERT,
CHAS, 0011,1 W. _
4 1 0 It: ll.kN'l%—The Itirge thirdstor:y.
- 1 ' tiooni In the Loll:ling on the earner of l‘lein and
Pitt ,stroots, 110,' I wetkple.l by the Cumberland star
1..t...,e. For.p,trt ;colors enquire of
. Jail. 7, 1t,57.-1 tn. BOBEBT NOBLE. -
.. . — • . ‘. . •
11 \ V Eli N' STAN!) FOll RENT.-
The WM - oil - We offers'for rent the Tavern Stand
* l,ell i i ., , ,m t v o a . s
‘ t . I . te ,. STON ,r E i TA , N i : h i lt N d ,
,11 -4 ,:i :-';:\ seeker. ' situa te e .1 1 11 ' t11 C 1 - 1{ L
OlOn a' t ) 110ttO e ll;
ty , ' t Bond. tan en Mika west of Carlisle.—
, .... . The irroperty consists of A larize and'
con nimilutis ,tone Hansa mod Stabl in g :,stallijent-for
t o
slaty horses, all lo complete order. togethermith Feed.
lug Lots. Orchard and tlerden. The-prpeity is abural
-antly supplied with the best spring enter: •
Also for rant. a IVAMINAIS,If.titIi , SHOP, nod .Ter
ant Ifouse and Lot,---The shuntlari for s - good meth:joie
cannot be • surpilssed In the Stll!. For terms, apply
personally, Or by loiter to the subscrlbee, et C'erliele Po.
Jan. 7, 11557. ..-. - . JOIINOII 31001L ' E.
. • .
MONEY IN'bil.l3lAND.—The
U - aFeirSTIFTIII - want - 71) *-- nintti — sattla up with
thsio to - whom ho Is tndetti•d. and desires all indebted .
to him to pay - up lA/about dolay.t-Bills nro ready.
Jan. 7. 1857. • • OEO. W. lIITNER.
JL JOILN P..LYNE h SON------- ' • - ••
aro now receiving their Fall Stork of Hardware. which
's i " nig cod /n
vier heavy steels makes It ono of the .largest and most ' -
varied assortments ever offered to this public. They .
.hare -every thing that the Farmer the Builder, the .
Merchant-or the publie.- may waist in their lines, nud '
srbieh they are selling at the vary lowest prices.. They
"solicit a millirem tho publib bona° making'tholr Sur
chases, as they feel ronfident they can offer inducements ."!.,
that will rewardotbe lineer for tho trouble.
Feeling thanKful to ageneraus public for their former
liberal patronage, a continuance of the - sanie It solicited -77
at our old stand In North Honest's:Street, Carlisle. • •
- ' JOHN I'. LYNE & SON.
WALL PAlTllt.—Just received . 11
splendid stock of Raper Ifiigings,-Window
Shades and Finrboard Prints, embracing all - the newest
and most approved styles. The designs are neat and
chaste, and the prices euch as cannot fall to give oath.
fnotlen. IVo invite our friends and tbo ppbllc general
ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing .
elsewhere. SAX'EON. •
.march2l • East Man; Street. Carlisle
It is Inhaled and Applied.(not taken) to cure Insagesa
No Rheumatic Neuralgic, or other Pain can exist -
other° Olive Tarts implied. Olive Tar mixed
• with M utton Tallow•forme an •
Ointbeent that curet,
—4lelbrenco is made to tbe following' gentlemen who
have used ()Owl Tar, orAllive Tar Ointment.
• THUBLOW WEED, Esq ,of the Albany Journal.
W3l. 11. TOWNSEND, New Yo Express.' •
.1011 N M. BARNARD, Esq., Boston Herald.
ISAAC V. FOWLER, Postmaster, New York.
Capt. EZRA NYE. tote of the Steamer Pewiflc.
E. A. BLANCA, Esq., Chief Engineer Pacific It. R.
C. N. BARNEY, Prey. U. S. Express Company.
ELI COOK. Ex-mayor Buffalo. N. Y.
Prof..lA - 31ES I'. MARES. Newark. DE J.
0 1911101.1.1,,WW.• Otto tienue, N. Y.
lIENRY RUSSET., 50 South' street, N. Y.
.104. L. LORD, Mutual Benefit Inc. Co., 11 Wall it.
C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary Manhattan Life Ins. Co., -•
127 linoadway.
.1. W.JUDD, Now England Inc. Co.. 20 William et.
0. W. ENSWOIITII, Forwarder, 04 Pearl at.
ELISII A PECK. Banker. 2 Broad at.
Rev. {VAL JARVIS, Middletown, Conn.
And many other panics .will.bFlbundln our Circtilars,.....-"•_
which can be had of our Local Agents.
OLIVE TAR,' - 50 Cents a - Bottle.
01NTNIENT. . - 25
011,110-S11.1: !NM LING PLASTERS. 25 Cents. •
orL ,,ottly-AgenH'or-Carlisie
Pa. Mao sold at tho Cornpaoy'S Depot, No.lo , Stet,
street; New YOlO, and by Druggists generally. , '
August 20, 1456-6 m.
dIATUItY DECAY,—Just puialshial gratis tho
4uth thousand. A low •orals on tiler:dinned trostmeot
without unitliehre, of Sperrnatorhosa or LeraliVenkr.ess,
Nocturnal I.:nilssious. tiohltal and Nervous ilelibityq -
Impotour, it. sio hnroditnenta_to.Marrlago generally,--
Y 1i E LANE Y, 111 , . D.
Thu imperlent fart that the many alarming corn,
nlaiLts. 11h:hottig In the haprudenve and solitude of
youth. lilac Le cagily rumored, WITHOLT Mnicriar., Is in
this smell tract. Clearly dememtteted: and the entire
ly nes. pod bl;zl,ly , siteconftal treatment. as adopted 1 .3" •
the Author, fully explained, I.) tulips of wish's sorry
one I _enabled le et el, must tv perfectlyAnd_At the
least pos...ible cost, thereby Wielding All the ads erased
nestruths of the :Ay. .
thy ettblreFs, gratis.. nd prat-free in a Sealed
v by me ti flap. last-paid) tali to Mai: Fto.u.p
VI Db. 11. Db. LAN lA, 17 LltToriard Nm•w' York City,
, • .
_ • PINE A PP1.1:43,
. .
'' . .
Above articles wannutad equal - to - any In market.
For-xalo !my lur,eaah_at._
.luty 16, 1P66.1
OEOEOII to call the attention.of his
old friends and 'custemers to his new asr4tment of Hen.
tlemen's lIATS, of the ltakford Fall yle, with an
elrgant itsKatnent of IJ(IY'S CAPE and WINTER
HATS of every variety and the most fashionable styles.
Ile has also tonstantly on hand a large and yelled as.
aortment of his oat, manufacture as Well as city made
Hats and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia (leaver, 31 , 1cskin and Silk diet., fin
ished In the Intent style, tokother with a full assortment
of CAI'S of every shape and descriptlcb, and at every
prie% Ho particularly invites the public to call and ex
amino his eXreIIFIVO assortment; which In ayle,.rnate
..RI and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
end which be Is Ode to put at prices lower than ever.
tylk.llememberblsold stand on North Hanover street
neat door to Iluyett's Grocery Store.
INO.—The undondgned would inform the
• ~l hous of Carlisle that he has made an•nge
niontstodoGAS IfITTIRO and PLUMBING at abort no
tire, and on reasonable terms. He hes engaged the aer
A ce s of a flat rate hand from Philadelphia, and soup
plied himself with an extensive assortment of FIAT
hogs, which will enable Wm to OR all orders promptly
All work will bo warranted. His stock of Gas Fixtures
will be Ibund in the room exactly ,oppilitGilthr Tinning
establiahment on North Hanovergtfeet,where he tellies
a Tall .
p repared to
• furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN, WARE
used by housekeepers and Others. He 'will also attend
Th an kf u l for the patronage with which he has already
been favored, ho respectful 4 solicits a continuance' of
the same.
Carlisle, Stow 14, '&4.
qh t i„,,,,h umn , • • , AND MACHINE SHOi, - •
The subscriber had the astbitlictlon of
fogning his old Mende and patrons that"
• - • • - hls establishment Is again illaseliaaPet •
11 , new buildings having - leen erected sine- he late •
Olga .trotte-liretuid-the-wholatiatablhibment put In torn-
plete working order: ~ Orderg , are Centilitre respinittnlT.
•soliclted fer,'work In his 'line, which will be-denerwl
promptness and In the best via' • , ?
and re_palreiL , All Icludiel'ldaihttiery In Paper' '
Gr is t Altlliand ilactorles repaired at short notice. Mill :
Spindled dressed anibturried. • -
Stich as Devil Gear Pour Horse Power, 'llorisontal Goat • -
Bow Heine eind,Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Bud
lore and Crashers; de,. Patterns made tourder. Dun and : • - • •
*au CASTINGS excepted to order,-Wner, - ea, h an g, at
the shortest,notice'sack
,as Cranks,. and 31111'0earisig,
Spur said:Devil Patois, Gudgeons for Saw
Castings, Cutters,. Point Elheapti Wagon. and Coach Dog, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, do, He has also
en hand's. large supply elPhlladelptilatind WO' IMOD. ,
ING ,STOVES, and Is constantly ,tnatlngCooklng
of varloinOmpmved Patterns fir. coal or wood: ten vilite ' •
;loxes, Grates, ke. ttepalting',lene to :all kinds of Me
ohlea hinds Of old , Brass mut Coppertakan
, .4/44104141i041unrits---7 ..,•-
169 wives
22 wiyee
— 6B wiSee
420 wives