Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 07, 1857, Image 1

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PROPlttiTalt AND, P:LlBlrifiLtErt
, 'The CAnunz Ilinain Is published weekly on a large
'isheet;reontaininig.,,,enixr ooLliafrocaiiirraillishOd to sub
, ,riberatit-the-rateosl.7sUitsdri-strietly - inmilraitcet - '
' $1.75 if paid within 'the, year; or $2 in all cases when'
' ?ayment, Is 'defayed until' after the expiration of the
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six'months;ancruona.discrintinued 'until all arrearages
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vertlsents will bu chargeteethsl lier square
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Jou' Pti LNTI IC,
, ft;r:,,,D .1013 PRINTI:
,o.npfote astablisinur
and a , general
id Fancy work Of or
lag rihorCust
rms,, Vorsans'in wan
ho Jobbing oil
call. Erin.). vnEioty
10 06144x' lir
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so_ OA Press,
Cad fd,r 1 , 1;1111
dd jut, Prititl
vE reas,n4,l)ls tm
any tittp n , ,, lit LI
resrenifir 115 IL
anti)/ ott hand.'
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genera[ Coca 3ttf9rtntitioq
VICO 1.i.0811011t—.7E.19E D. 1181011?. '
Berietnry of State—Wei. 1.. ,)lAncr.
Secretary of Intorlov—ltonewr blnalniAnq,
SUeretary ofirroneury—JABl6o GUTHRIE.
Secretary of war-3EOOEBBON DAVIS.
-.,.lecretdry of Navy—JAL C. Donlan.
Post Master Genoral—JAmrs CAMPBELL.'
'Attorney llonornl—CALED CUIWINO.
. Justice of United States—lt. II: TANEY
Onvernor--.lAuEs Pottoeic;
Secretary of State—A:4lmm G. CURTIN. '
Surveyor'llOneral—J. P. BRAT/LET.
_Auditor General—E. BANKS. . • '
Treasurer—HENßl S. MEC,RAW.
JUAIguS 01 the Supremo Conrt—E. LEWIN, :1. B. BLACK,
W. 11. LOWRIE, U. W. WOODWARD, J. C. KN•X' • •
both. aqr ot•r.xt.EßS.
President Judge—lron. JAMES 11. GRAHAM.
Associate Ju John Run), Samuel •Wood
DistrEct Attorney—Wm. J. Sheerer,
Prothonotary—Daniel K. Noull. '
Recorder, kft—John- M. Uregg.-
'Cnokncy Treasurer—Adam Senstumn
Corner—Mitchell Al 'Cielitzt
. .
County Conunisslonors.—Ueorgo . 31. Oreham,
limn 31. liendurs,n, Andrew Bern.. Clerk to tonams
siimorl, II lc (mei Wise.
lhr.wt irs of the I'oor—J.l.o Brian Ile, John C.
Itrown, ;inland Tritt. Superintendent ` Pour House
—l‘.6eph Lubaeh:
. .
Chief lturgoss—Col. Art:drattoNa NUULE,.
A,odstant Burgas—Samuel Uotifd,
To on Couneil—...d. C. Woodward, (yraoadoutd Thos.
, M. Hid lie, John 'Thompson, Miohlud itu;dy
Masi, lurid Sipe, !Wheat Irqu, 1. A. Line, Alchaol
Iloledut b. '
. .
thmsta:blus—tTohn Spurr,
,Jllgh Constablo; ILubert
tact:art ratty, 11 .. e . trd CoustaVu.,,,
. . .
First Prunby Lerlna Churen, uuratwont ....glo of (.114,r0 .
'SqUare, Aar. FosWAy 1....11'nu, l'a:blor.—...wrilcee avta .1
Sunday luviiling. at 11, o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock,
l'. M. t ,
... SUeand Pro:bytiinan Churell,cornor of &milli/Ilan - a - I
and I!..qulrot Streets.•.,,L . ahLtr."_Len'im.n.
conuntincu AL It o'clock, A. Al., and 1 o'clock, 1...11:
• qt....,l,oltud,Cltusel.h.Vcot. cipme.Poia) lontlo.acl an. , '
Omar /WV. JACO , , ~lo.'
hostel, ../ . 01'1'/COS
at 11 o'clock, A.M., nno 3 o'clock, P. al.
English Lutheran Church, tiudhOil bet.,1,1,11 Main SOU
itolltllOP - StrOot - 1100. Plehtor. 1•01:3'10.18
at 11 u'elock, 7 o'cluok, P.
1.101;laintalrIllOti Church, tiouther, WO, run ILumvet
..tali Pitt 51.1 . 000. iIOY. A. IL lit:mica, Pastdr. burolces•
at 10 1 ,4 o'clock, A. IVL, aud liil P. M. .
Muiraidlst Es Church, quoit L,Utirgoi uOlllOr of Main and
Pitt strecie. floc. Joos al: .81.., i' , bles It
II o'clock, A. M,, and 034 4 ' o'clock, P. M. . •= -
Motoodist li. Clio:roll, ( . sucOu..l dov.
DAIUUKILTY, Pastor. SllrViellli to 1.2.0110413Ci1at1i, at 11
o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock, "
• ito.nan Catholic llhdrch, Pomfret, near I . :nat . :Alva,—
Bey. jADIC...k..WiIIRETT, Pastor. - liervlces Oil lily :Wit- bun
: day-of eacWinontli.'
(lemma Lutheran Church,. corner of Pomfret trod
atreete.• Bay. 1. P. Nasehidd, Ilastor. Service at
10.!.5 •
Whoa chin , , the abcivo lure necessary the pro
_Or 'rsons are r rsted to notify UP.,
-DXCILINSON , pozr.amm.
Rov., Charina COltlus, Prosidont and Professor of Morn
Be ! ,
Ito , . Herman M. Johnson,, Professor 'of • Philosophy
and English Literature. • • ,
• James W. /dorsi:Ill, Professoi of Anelont.Languages.
hey: Oils 111 Tidally; Professor of blatheinaties. • .:
William C. Wilson, , Professor of
,hatunil deleneo and
Curator of the Musouin: • -
Alexanderliohelm Professor of - Hebrew and Modern
Samuel D. lifilman, PAnclpal of the Graminie School
Jewel?. Marshal4'de:dotal:a In the prammar School.
DEPOSIT DANK.—PresiaLt; Richard Darker;
Cashlor,' Wiu,,3l.,Datitoug Clerks, J., ,Ilusslor, .N.-0.-
Muasolmau„ Dirootoro, Richard Parker, :ham ~Ztig,
Stuart; Thautas ?Mann, It. C. IVotolward, Robert
Moore,..TottU.Sautlarsoit r tfaury•Legati, liauittal - Wbarryi
• Custneritt`'lt 114.1LOAL COUPANY.—PrOSitIOI4,:
Produrlok \Vette., Secrotury. and TrOUSUrDr, EdWU.rti
Diddle;",SUporluteutlant, F.,i3inith: P.m:lgor trains
t wilco a day. ' Eaatriard, - ivotVluir, Carlisto at 10.'25 o'clock,
A. M. and 3.65 0'910444V •I'iva tmlua ovary day West
word, AtiVlnic Carlisle at lo.4To'clock, 2.48,
. CAR - LISLE tins AND WAWA COMPANY. Drosidout. Fre t.
tirlak Wrattik Socratary, pouittol Toddi Irottp,uror, {VIA_
IlaateuvidAreotolu, Watts, iticlutrdq.arkor,toranal•
Todd, Win. - 111. Beettary Dr:',NY, W. Dale, Fraultlivilleird ,
nor, Henry Ulm •
OuoDPu4lin Y,ALLIGLIUNT..—WhIsidont, - iotiin
ratty-Card:der, U. A. Sturgeon; Taller, Josib..ltoller.•
Diructoradohn.B. Starrett, Wm, Eir, , Melthoir Drourie.•.
• man ) illakard,'Woods,±lpluto. - Diudap, Robt.O. fiterratti
bturatioll, Ault Captatu.Jolut
or roty4 , 4 11.
Postageon' , .allAtittein of 'one ltalf
tinder, S cents prupaid,(exceptpeellibruia and Or4on,'
' which 1810 oentiipreimid.): '..1
Postage onsMtistickistn"...inithitt , thaVilunty;`insi.
'Within the titati; - 10talaja-per year. To tiny part oftne
United Statesid6con l / 2 1.:•' Postage °hall tianelent pepere
under .d.ouneelifin weightid-centn-pni,paidi'or-d,sente
unpaid • Advertleaddedtet , a todm clutritett'# l tkt! ) .) 04 .
R,,C 1411; . 47si4oers; ,'. ~l'enai
M eare:.Tuu tura: - Scrofula,,'Whitn' ,e)TalitutC:ln
cured isßamat dueitiod - Operation
• ' .-•
pra:Dat.'n Pampiet'(dud 'edition) on , thC Treatment
and Uure at Centsite, - Tunieream.;:will abut to , any I
address (free) on receipt era postage atanip.t , 4olgeeilics;
118%1ValnittettlietifhtlidelphIO Mr •
. •
'. ,;+ , 7.;1, , _ ;1'',,,',.
• 81stot,li l lt on r dearer far to me •
• •.'
Than all tho vairi told world togother ;
Nor to be:":, •
Thy lovltig, kind and deliting:brother.
Oh] wheii them, classle halls seem droar
And there Is .no ono near to cheer rood
Oft do 1 weepAilti , Oster dear,
•Yeal d relnenfluT how you wept
' Mulch, our motlitr's dying pillur, !
_And wlion.that_gentlefuother.olept
Beneath the peaceful weeping Willow,
out in the uouuty.
hrluty of material
very Itind, , enalies
notice and uo Lim
of of Billy, Links
II find It their in
of BLANKS con-
And Qh, I pray that.thnu
And I nill alevercenso to Le .
Thy loving, kind and Boating brother.
n: 11, E
Diekilwul Colle.gnr Poe . . 2e.
lruml,paid-to - su
11194 must b
Camberlald , Co.-TeiohereLlnstitnte:'
Ng - rectally te, adjournment the Cumberland
County. Teneltertt luelitutiioonvened iri "'Lite
rary- Newv.ille; Deo. 23.i,_125.6,.•iit
2 o'olock, P.M., ; _
In the abeenco of 00'1're - trident and Seeru
tory; Mr, D4vinnoN Ildtme, Cairliale,:wde
appointed l'reeident, pro ioni : and 4 1/ . .
, The Ciiiistitution and By-Laws of the , DIAS:
tuie were read. The roll being. , called; an in
vitation waa.extended to persona present to
began* members, whereupon. thirty, five per : .
sons subscribed their names to' the Conslitu-
Sun and became rpeinbers of the Institute. •
Mr. Daniel ,Shelly imbing. stated the object
of the 'Teacher's Institute in: a.brief and
quatitirtilantieritlie Institute prqcile4eil to thi
electithi d'officars fog the' efiellirig
to in the unanimous election of the fol
lowing gentlemen. viz: Wet It (Gonna!,
Presi4nt; Messrs. M. ZEIGLER, T..A„McRIN•
NEI', and Wk. WOODBURN, Vice l'reitidenta;
Morrell, 'Recording Secretary
'urreapouding•. ,Seo r etar.
2 3 4
111171 R
130 31...1
Win. 11. Gorges, 11.01, being conducted to
the choir addressed the loy4itufe in n neat
and .appropriate -manner, - thanking them for
the distinguished favor conferred upon hint
,11311(nAns..f 9 jr. holdlilg _each, tetution were ftxcd- i ,
at G to 19 o'clock in the morning. to 4i ,
o'clock in the afternoon, and GI in the e.vra•
fug. oii motion adjoui s ned until. lii.ihis even- i
.• • .
-Tl;e:ltistituto hell% collet' to order I,y_lie
President, lltu minutes of lost yew• eci•e lend
!Owl adopted.
The CialitOt4.o I . lppOilltl.ll -to eNt1111:1,11 •it
progrt,s, 1111 d 4,11 11101011 it ere, etiutit:(lol.
Thu subject uP 01011 . 0411,1 u Web Isrot!gla iJe•
I,•re the lits:ituic, Ir. wl . iu:Ofereq
Icy reatim ha.•
_Mi. 6, ll lgcs b mg
tliu 1 nntituts un nnput t...ue or phrehts
teauhilig aim' child' en enir,cl
0101Aiviwitied 1111.1111;11 1.11
iug 01.10,gintolly 11 . 1.1i1 . 0.1 0.01.01U,..0•11'.1 uliort.
A c 11. 71 ill young I.Dit,ci u 1 Neu vll u, faunal
by 41 ul, li - vnitacror, lnatig leql.ehttd w 1n.../1
- 1116 t litettittllW With It flt:W 4id
degree' of tlpit would 114vo' f 1lotte 9.etlii to
mutt exper,ei.eth perlyrtheus. ---
colitioniu& uu ILu 'llll.l.otluull
tliogrophy being : l ebuititid,
eloo4 . l.44elieliere under Lie direction of lily.
lielies vino uallad upu'al the ele
mentary tildlitlde guugo.
Further reuuu•ks weru anwle,.by Nlessrs
Keihl and ALA:twain. - - •
. Mr. 1). Shelly spoke of the great importance
of Teacherkr interesting their unpile by
trutßiii'Vuited to their capacity.
Mr. L. Eokoh, iu o fvreible , wann6r pointed
out the absurd neilue entertained by tnatiy,
that almost aux person isooinpytent to tench
Print arySeh . ool. .11e believed it • rtviiked
there skill to teach orthography' iiroper6r,.than,
any of the bigher‘bratiplies.•
Mr. Shelly auggested ihn propriety of open-
lug each session with singing and pryer
.k.ljourned: ' • .
,The Institute. nos called to: order :by , the
A choir oompntie'd of severnl members' of the
inotituie and ladies nod gentlemen of tbo form
commenced tb&e . xrrotsip by oingiiiiim ntberib
Prayer by Mr. McElwain.
.The minutes of ylsteitiv 'were.,
aproved. . • ;.
AgrOubly'tfj, the Secretary. aii-
RinteditTiiii' , A.
The , .641iject,. of ,Readingtwo,s , broughtbefoie
'tie. , loiftutd tiy
AL 'X'...P!stur - coneideretl' It 110160fitillityriiet;
otc,,lghly tp,,, oder thud the subjpati
bitf4it „
Igesere. :
:who' urgt;il amemg ottitir tbinga tOttiinE;ortitnott .:
• , •
14 cgl *OA ititYydiiiit'tEltylnetkil
itltita - t3ltipplmottur
!i)tltiiA Lin, n(etkiod' . of
Por tito lion%ld..
'Elstor; - one neon' tlleklin most drenr, '
Yet In my soul most firmly rlven; •
"fin when onr mother called us timer
And charged unnll to ninetln ILeavon.
Ilerinantle mn thy shosilders fell, .
For thou west eldest, save nue brother;
Anttl intro lov - ed.tbee fell esavell
As o'er 1 loved that souther.
Oh Motor! oft I 'wry for thee,
And lichen thci differing shir of o rmr
Shines on . it-worlitin fancy fruit,
I solid my feeble prnyerto I.tenvoti.
d'*bticational. _
0 ITT D Ftht THI: - 111:11
fit .- 71' — weliu uu
1 - 5 , a - Vala WC) 'a uNMIE'
Zinn, • who exeroitiod /them in: reduction. • the loatitnte'on eatabliehing
'I% 31: Richards ih a very inatidotii;i3 tenni:int' . , a, County Nernied l golidoi,.pinaeedicr in an tido•
exhibited hie footle of "iirdching mental gnent end .foreiblEbriannee' nitoni - iteutiliti
tpetie which the clue .diaplayed. remarkable and .pritetioability,dind atlareed
Skill. , ' . waif Inni - dairoier fot ,, puhlfdrition. • "'
. • ..
be hontel g
djoarnment -arrived. the . N
exeroisefi ~ closed -vtitli; l 4 o L_4 ,
..iQuiirtotte" of Newville. •• •• • ••
Adjourneh. • • .; •
. Tho Institute called to "order. by thO
.PresidontL • - 7
' --Singing by thrt'elinir. - •
Mr. McElwain 'exhibited hia'tnade of teach. -
lag Grammar Abrough his olaas, after which
Mr. Shelly itddiessed the clads iiin few mini:
ble eeinarka. ' • _ • .
Shulenberger.intiodooeq.n.olaps et six
girls from :Altertou, und , Mr. Wm. Cavanaugh
clues of erght boy sfroin - .
The clines were exercised iu ChnnUhg Geo
graph), from_outline 'mid exhibited
elgisidernble 0 it e f expertn;iss.
, siiijecdwf pi inutrishiri woe brought he
thre the Institute by fleitstjf, null , further
ft:minks wore nmdc• by
. ..Messrs. :t).'Mor L rett;
P. Sliedy, McElwain, S. A. Sollenherger,
McKeehan, Reynolds, and Slirivur.. •
Its iinportnnee woo, clearly and, eloquently
set fofth Ly litiv..Mr.•llenderson, nad its'oon•
devote !loony led, with n very nmusiog
devotion in the jiro . per movement of the flu.
gero rind tlartih-tti
Theexorcisce 61o . sed by sio'ging: 'Adjo'urncd-
.The Institute was called to order_ by the
Prosideiti. a l3 p y request "School Goverpment" .
'was token ell" and diacuesed by Mr.
Ile helieved..protier — governmeni.tu - the 8041001
to -- th e - impoitant - th ing; and dint PE onrt lie
moat successfully estabtiviied by cultivating .
self respect among the pupil-..was in favor
of. 1.13 i lig the
,rod when all 'other means, were
exhausted. Atlr. Itagiconeurred in the send.
nients•expressed by 11,1 e. Kline
Megitio .r.0f.6 : r01l to the diffnialty of
athip . ting tho govorotoont tho iliveroified
kth , positious of tiohotars, and tune of tho,opi
management of a scliool there slould be co
operation of. Teachers, 'Parents and . School
Directir, who should adopt a series of 'rules,
which should be publiehod to the school.
Mr. S. Eckles• believed the rod was India
pensabln, but did, not advocate the - too fre. -
quent U 6 .0 of it.': Mr. Sh . river folloVved in' some
able remarks. Ilc•was of the opinion that no
eot of rules, however ingenious, could bo inmdo
- to• meet every oaten of misdemeanor; abd
therefore, advocateq, the adoption of the gol
den rule—" Do Right" ' •
Mr. , llensel thought expulsion from sehool
should ho the very last:mottos of pn;oourtug,or•
Idat occurred in.9ls school, - in Which ho_ used_
tile rod on largo boys with peculiar succoss.
•• An inst.rtiutivo Essay was read by Miss La
verty—subject, "Female Education."
Another by Mies A. L. King—subject, ...Tito
yeaciters' Duty." The essay was very credi
table. , ._,.. •
. . _
M=li 0
The Institute was addressed by F. L. 'AI
HiHelen in relereiceu to a niulithly publication
entitled , tlio School Iti•oni Ledger," asking.
,te - iietrers, and
of education hi general.
F • ort}p•a. routorks were. mode by 'lllsswrs..
Shelly and Ali.rrett. .
PreidiletiA ia the choir.—
. --•
4len ut, tiny 'ei.2 -
prt. 'l. cd. l`raj Mr. Iletim3l
The ;object Of gratittu,tr wee brought before
lontitute :11.•ieJee. • Ile liejteeed the
at tie s 0 UV •. 111/.1 .. lilt?: Ulla toe ad-
jl11:11Vt! !.1011011115" b e " thutitted with 1.110
•• o y heteupticnit exciting tfidetia
H.ll tubic , pineu NOnall!. 11. E. Kuhl,
11 lis3lkci,, A,theriuti,ua:klotikezu.
Tie el ject. e.) tites wits diseussea by
Si liver and U. E. East. tet.x' ile:ttrtted Ida inanuer
the audit:sue.
..Putther ehiark.t were ina.ltt by Messni.
Slu tart 6,06 en, ILleltertls, Shehy, nett' S;
Me6,cs Alelr.tulteit, D. Eekele,
le.l.!;lwitte, D. .I:ll'liliauts, Red
were uppeintitl: to draft -renullitlODS the
Thu eICAnCIEUS claeed by singing. Adjourned
, The Inntititte biiitg, elided to order by the
Preeitleitt, the, ee'totnenoul.l . with
"tog by'the choir.
, .
Mr. Ilinkle,introtiticed'anittieresting class'
ofgirls, and 1a9.8 front 4coltanicsi,,irg; and
proe'esded. to give his stiethcid isuohingOe
thograplty, Reading, Aritlime*, Geography,-
Grainmori . 11islosy, Physiology, 'nod Astro-
The °lase plainly evinced that they haie
reeello....thorotigh , "traltityi in' the 'above'
brattalfai •
The ekeroisea were enlivened with music' by
the ...Big SprinirSoze Bond." ' •
After Flinging by, the plqiii3 'Mr Hickok, De.'
puty Ht;tte-Superintendeut, ndilrengid =it In tc
very uppropriuto manner._ He woo pleuksd do
cOYnOttient 'no for the proeperous condition'
of the sehO'ola of ou'r Counly. • '
Au Eeeny woe road by 1111sud.rate Clever—
oubJetd, QIIr Country',' :
~ Anptlier,,by Nies
Hester" lileniing—ettibject,, .: , Tilmportance,
et in' truSuqinng tirnnotitio,iuto, the Opif.l- ,
1491 i i : I Nh T li W itl l!INY 311 !" of ten° 11.4 rf 3,,91 , 1 *
t t"'Vit°l*Rfa i ' °a 4 l° Kl s ,. u ! u 'i u .7i hear4
in •any 0u r commop:, !F hooll: Thsi,ofrFpi
, the- choir. •:, ' •
,: i i` ~I,ioutneu,, WWI, 11" r , Jor 1
•,t - I
taßOsioN: , ‘
—4.-4 4 q4
'lnHtituSo KreplylOit7l44 — lliii — dilkif.7: -
Muste , liy the .11 Ind .4 , -'44-1•4 4 , .44 444.i1-4.; f'
#p) i!Vii:llrtut4ty • ntroido.l
pieuth6l4l' 4 'the "upiin . .whi;3ll '
,eoFlitpeiTtp - drioutibraitineinteiittitert . : , c , . 41
CARLISLE, ' - wEpNEpAY.,,J,ANTJARY 7, 1.857.
M Morrett halved that4ousecoontriblides
to the health of the body, developed the mind
and morale of the pupils, relieves the mono
tony of the Reboot room, and incretteeal a re
lish fur study: "....Nlr. S. Heigea spoke of • the
poweeof music, and the importance of teach•
lug it thoroUghly. Further remarks . were
minim' on the meledenn by Prof. Mayberger.
Ou tnotion of Mr. 01Ileleir the following re-'
solutimi was unanimously adopted.
liraqued, 'Pint a committee- of one director
cruet each township be appointed to take into
ronsidAltion the eltablishment of Normal
Schnul m Cumberlond county.
— Ou intitiOn of - MiFM - c - Ewniti the following
resolution wits offered atid•adopted.-
Resolved, That the membe'r of any township
or I.l,rough who appoititeil:liave the
power to sendhis alternate in case of his in
ability to serve.
Thu chair nnueuneed the fdlowing persons
na constituting flint committee; viz.: Messre
Owen James, - Israel Boyer, S. • Mohler, C.
Eberly, N H. Enkels",' A. J. Kauffman,. S:
Plank, 11. Stuart, A. Laruherthn, J.ts McCul.
tech, S. Weakley, ...Strohm. ['Cootie, Frazier,
J. C. Altiuk, 'll, Craig, S. Taylor..dol. Graey,
John - C. "Dunlap, and James
• Me: -. llliokok remlfrom it work entitled Jan;
'nary and June,'', ft very interesting account
tyro "Grammar of Life." He referred to
the ."Scltoul Room Ledger" and ~ S ch. o ol
Journal" ne important instruments . it. advano...
ing.universal education • ; '
Oh motion of Mr. McElwain it was agreed
41 that when the 'militate adjmirn, it jtdjourii;.to
meet in Shippeiedairg : Tuesday the 20jih,
-toy of bee. 1867. •
The PresideOtaniteunceil the following Bid
Siness Cummittes ; Messrs. 1). D %Eck-
Os, A., A.. Matthews, and Miss • 'Allen ',and
-Mho, Knig.,- • ,
'Miss Kitlg introduced it class of young girls
from Ne*ville;whn.oltent.ed'gengiaiihy: Tito .
'altos 1.4.i.n4drette4,',14 Air e Hostetter and dia
Seyeral remarks Were mode on solving ques
tions' by- Analysis, Mes Sot.
wain; Lyttilt6l:iiq.lEi . ctinelnau• • 1
The: ex`eroises:.closed , with singing.
jeurned; '
~ • „ .
,Inatitute'inut: tho MU
- • " •
The nominitte op 'resolutions made the tot-
Sport'P , l4ohsurea ad Op ted:'
,fieiOlvid;"Titat nit ono olis„and nonihos,
the Citiaberliint) d witty Inot tuts we
lute the peoplb ot.tlint•oont4y,on the brsatiod,
,intereet tideittiatnuetit the . e aule - 9 f.
! , c, drawee' ioh tiyingpd.",b7..tAo
largeJettehd,inues,derjrig,;,opt i 'preifent teepting;,,
-end feel'enoipirkged.tcej,bofl iitititlotti„effoYtb
.pnrfeatlngititraphn!?l:ayel.e..: - ;; ; „ - '•
• ,ReloWec o. l ) jcifq I , l 9ribil ‘ fAttK . I
into fihb'utt rave! eitorx I
!day 'exeiebieit „ • • ••
,Igeseteect,l44'.ilie`ge •, id.regol4o4l,i674,
; ere, fdiaelk
•tiotbe ii il'H°ll!.!;*,(rOf
!r(p retard to our tidtibel;Yelnatt.
Ar.;,Resoived, • . That' (hillga being
tenedl,t are eminen t ly qunliiied by nature for .
;gipuuoq„sohoeln,,lutU" her e!nnitly
suoh, "sitiiinlnron,iy . di;
et eaoleed.iPllek't4eiilnnid it:tionesoury,,thitt•ii,
Norautl iSollook:bo;„enbililishe't ",ln..our county"'
luring thetAiliblingarituitintor:br
.o,ll:tini high and •rospeneible--duties deielving!
upon-thenr. - 7 . 7 - 17”, , • -
-, - ;RiA., , ..gcmg.z :v4am-oxat..
r. ociry
_3:ata • etakeicnAnnetin_tgbh:di
_ouch nn inight . be:eatablighod and
ot.nduatod, aud - OcololudeChie iemarkg ley,io:
ferting.te thg-low gaieties iliginhori; and be.
Hove& that'as , sock!! 'etc isaotigre made them:
,00lvea• waiihy!oi' it by tong - lying inotruotion
tinho Normel .SohoOl, theitisidaties' Would,
‘ ,l
Au inotruntlto essarwalltond.bylthig A. I':
Allen—oubjent,' , :.Vfiirtig*:44 of educntiug
the . rtiaaa of iminktit(l,. bath In ,a literary and
miteono point or view. !Italy, - en
tortainini teeny woo road Brown.
Sitilleat; "Patienge." •
' Mr. 'Hickok frorn.silie - Statd Departmeitt was
Intioduced fly tiro President find
iiildresS the Inatitule; Ife fi'dprred in !dopy° ,
litainary renirtrks to the po:tver,of
the impartatice of introducing it ikitirthe Com.
Lunn schools. Having - taker)ip no particular,
subject, ho. lectured upon
ties Common School education, a very
nbto and eloquent ntatini;r imPrestied the sub
ject's ofohjs lecture 'upon thellolonm.- .
Theiivoceedings of tbu averring vrOre:ittier:-
spCrsed will choice music by tire- Bapd:' Ad
TIM Inhtjtuto 'being called to order the
ereises co nnnenced with singing by, the choir.
Psay or by Itev. Mr. Hoffleifngor. r • -
Minutes of yesterday : Wore - rend, end ap-'
preyed. •
The Auestion of It the loaeher rppousible
foirt he. mo itt hs--well -as 2 -themenial , aulturn-Of
the - Pupils-was . taken'' up; and ti ; yeti ably
. written - and, instructive ease) , was rehd'by
'John hinkle,. which on motion, 1,116 handed
vier for publiontioh. Fuirthor remarks; on
the same subject, wore made by Mos'srs. Gregg,
urged the` neoeseity hf teaohers-uttondinip_
the moral culture of their pupils.'
Nir.- Evans and Mr; MoElivain, ittrefOrentiti:l9.
the jurisdiction of-the-teacher over
pilS while 'guitig to °chord and retinalOg from
it. Me Hickok decided that It drag the teach-;
er'oduty to oerreot the pupils for,allirregula
Miles which came undei his notice, frOur the
time of leaving him until their returri......
The subject of vooalmueie was brought bo•
fore the convention by Mr. Reynolds.
nottle by Iles - sre. Bizjer, Atherton, .Richards;
unir.ltec: Rev.--
. The Trensuror being culled upon made the
follotving repoit, viz: - S•
Number of members 273. Experhtes.s2o.
Balance in the Treasury $llO 00.
.. Singing by_ths.choir. Adjourned._ •
Institute net. President in the chair. 'he
chair opened the exercises by eingiug,. senora-
Medved,' That it Is the opinion of this Insti
tete that. much of the defleiency of instruction
and government in our schools emanates from .
the indolence' of' the teacher, and that we con
clude such nOndnot a violntion of moral prin
' R calved at we ntnrn-our-sincerthlitinks--
to the citizens of Newville and vicinity, fOr the
kindness'mtinifested towards us, and the hos- :
pltality, with' which they have entertained ue,
since coming into their midid,. and hope, that •
they may live Jong to enjoy the .comforts and'
blessings which lleavin has so bountifully
Showered upon them. -
Readved, That we cordifilly'thank the Big
Spring Salta hand' of thii pine(' for the excel-'
font music which (bey have dissoursed.lo 'us :
.d Bring ,the, session of the Institute.- '• - ;---'
• Received,. Thai oar llionks, tire due - ,to the.,
choir mid quartette who 'have so kindly enli 7 '
vened our sesaio . ns with their sweet melodiett;
and that we hereby return-them the same.'
Resolvid- Thet_Lour_thanks-are- due to the -
county superintenderitliir-lis. untiring labors. ..
anti Belt-denying indust6, in the fulfilment
the duties . cf - his office, and having fulfcetifi.±:'
.detier in his ability and -fitness, we -earnestly •
recommend-his reelection. -
Resoft44 Thai will
use our influenco..,tO
Mornmertlio circulation - of-the "School .Ro om
,DedgerYoilited by F. li.LX:Gilleleu, Esq.
Relolked,:associations' of
teachers be formed throughout. the bounty; and
that each association shell report its condition
at our next county meeting.
/?cmiried, Thal the thanks of _the_institutp
po teadere 1 to Mr. Hickok", Deputy Superin
imident of Cdmaion-Bohocle,' fur his able and
eloquent aildtesses' Ware the Institute;• for
his - untiring zeal in the cause of education;
and Serbia taitorabli,in
Inthit .
That thanks of this. Institute aro
due' to the °tricots of the. nisei:dation - for . 'the' •
able mannerin-whiatt:thttaxercisils-bayelieen
combated. . ' • •
Rea - dyed, Thiit our thanks orirduo - to 'the
" pig Sprin!Literary - friatitute" for the .tte@
of LITEMLARY HELL during tho Seseicioeof:thri
- - .
.• • c
Resolutd; - That:the Proirdinge of the Ineti-• ,
tut.) be published jo thet.Penneylvania 'School
Johrnal, and is et loot: two oP the: county
_ Mr: IftiOtotter,. or. teistraeicsbur, exitibitoti
a Jairanito ala . as of :Orle and boys, wbo intro-,?:;
daeoir ibeinselves, tbrkugli arta of ttietc_nutp,
ber,• ''it'•'Ye'ry nent•ling appropriate apeeeb7 .!. ;
.with teaticitiaei fr6ni the ola s. . •
. ~... . . .
~ 131whirit,_pyitty songa est, sung ta ; , , on94c;
. 1.4 - _ - "girl9, .0.119 antis . joining in, the . ott9e99
which .. itilCita,lotitt.nrini4u9e from tho.:9 - utit-,
_.-. - ...., •
. .
Me, lloitetter theA pecotided_t;
keadieg, physiol ogy, in p ahmb "hie ,•:
tiles; themselves very
,Mi , :llostetter ;road an instructive and ably
written essay od educationlkwhich, on motiow,,.„
Was handed over for'illblioation. •
ThiYAtibject of The ef education.of .
'Sexes" - was inkr:od,eiio and diecussed by Rt.
Struw;Mesers. Eoheis,
Dr. Herron, W. H. Woodburn, T s M. Rich-.
A. J.. Kauffman, W. B. Gregg, and
G. 'W. Reynolds, who believed that %oys..and
girls could be educated together with more
success than in separate schools.
. .
Mr. Shelly then addressed the Institute is *
brie'f and forciblis manner, 'and after singing
by the quartette; anti music by the Bend, tint . meet in Shippinstairg
on the. 29111 dayiof Dec. 18&7.
Ilgt, The orthodox . olergy sometimes had
thifir eccentricities, and many good nnecilettitt
are refuted of their lending ministers,of • Otm . - ,
neoticut in the good old times. y . •
'Once upon a time there was it clergyman—
the-Ret—pr. T
high . character, null distinguishes for dig
nity:of manner:. But it, was remarked that
frequently as ho was ascending the - pu'pit,
stairs lie wouhremife. and sometimes almost
titter, as if beset by an uncontrollable desire
to laugh.- This epiited • remark raid at last'
seandaL . Finally. ''L was thought necessary
for some if his clerical friends, nt a meeting..•
of, the associatio.t, to bring up the Matter - for
The case was stated, the Rev. Dr.
being present. Well, gentlemen,' said he,.
'the fact oharged'! is true,'butilieg.
you . to permit ate to offer nu explanation. • _A
few mouths after I was licensed to -- preaey, I
Arnsjira - couittryloWni - anti - ou a:Shblutth - morn - - - -
h "rx - wanithhurro - tibiErwpott the serviiiirs'orthe .
church. Buck _of the pulpit was a window,' •
which looked out,apon,a field or clover,. then:.
in full blpom, fit it wan puentier, .As I rose,
to' commence the reading of the Scriptures, 44.
cast a glance into - the field; and.thire I saw a
wan performing the most. extraordinary 0%6= -
, Ipliiiintt . . - .lfmping, whirling, slapping in all di..
i'ectiJuS,,,anti with a ferocious ugcfny of, our.
lion. - ,
At first I . thought he was mad, but suddenly
t truthhtruthburst upon me, he bad buttoned up
a bumblebee in his pantaloons'', .I am eon- -
stittitionolly serious, gentlemen, and the
shock of this scene upon my - risilile.
ties. w is . so great that I (multi. hardly -get- •
through rho services. ° Several , ;tirnes -I -- was
ppon • the'iVoint of bursiiit into a lough. -Even
to this day - the remembrance 'this. scene,
through the temptation' •of =debilr often
comes upon me when ascending the .pcdpit.;—
this, - I admit; is a weakness, .but I .trust it '
will rather excite 'your sympathy arid -your: ,
prayers' thin': your reprcitelted,'..;
Father Mattbew r the celebrated Tomperinde
Reformer, died at Cork on the •90) instani.—
TheohAld Matthew -was born`et Thpinaptown.
Ireland; October 'l9, 1790. He was left inn or.
plum at an carly•age, adiipted by an aunt and
educated at,liilltenni . ...Aoaderny and at
. 1%14y•
Ho'Wes ordained to•the priesthood at
hheing prerionsii.eniered upon 14
Shilenthropia.luhers"among the. poor. The
urea of whiskey, brought ebJeartnlly to his
“otice among thelytTiehed people, roused
nnwooted ,- "Cithusiiten4 . and he determined
;•pon a orneaderaghinst the deolou.of Alcohol.
.14ciPting principles of total ebstinenee,.
a tuevelletl , frotd'iOUrnteioWn through all
ee,lsland, and his progress ,w;i4 one trintrMh
..,.i.:.marelt...-.•Ho-adininistered- the- pledge - to •
miiiantle at te Nenagh . lo twenty
jumisandi in one day.; ; at , Galway a' hundred'
;'lOusaud: in.,t,wo days; between Galwuy and'
-,onghroa to neatly 7 IWe, hundred thousand.'
Iroin'lrebind'h'e`Wont',idEd.. , ,M4d, aqd then' oe
and 'etratifying"eneiaeaillis: this country
re; Woll7it)meinberedr • :Through ell Ahle he
amassed a eenefer,tilmaelf,lit 'was ton ,
• tautly iu a state of!..porsonal poverty. .Wherk.
began, hh i f,g.ood,Work..hie.,.hrother • was 44i';
SEvitir , FoottC- , :-The'ailighi'litatt:•2:Whe" h!rig a ill*Al.P.rY-I:eile. ll 4Ppar l l 4
his Vwn , honder firfTin•iiraee : .iiMt k *Nn b° R,
ned., redue - 31.1Micwuerle.
• , , •., meei wstiti ir•t44 g od,
wuch far .the: conslderation! ore"teir - remits; ,•••_ • • ' - • •
gives the:Weil& I iberti Tkeiiy; '"'
Peliondrile'L'whoeie 'lo;thele 'jj tuftylOoo upon
Alm, : wblah sum wqe just
• iihi pfix ii:!#.qiiAlin upon and un tn.;
. ..1 1 - 4: , ;di,ciL.,: l ifi=6),; t : Ai ,;‘, : r s, . ity
u ivs i r ii i 4 :road.ilia :, ye;),rp..inattpi
AVON ) : Thn elanderer ,4 -41Wil toll boa NI; ;Vtiel Ti i! wlih
giring', enemy oppoitUnlty to' • 'iliewi,ll f.Mm' puhlto lilo,
. , reezt less prombieutly before
. 4.4.,pp1#14:6' . '
. . ,
. .
Itter.or ! tida er . .CtiMlSltiTANOSS.—Ditferent
employmeoleouni coblitioos of , life; beget in
use tendency to our different passions,. Those
With .are exalted abtivo others in ibeie , daily •
stations,:and:wspeoielly-if they- have to de, wish : •
many persons under:them, and in tunny affairs' •
are often tempted to the haughty...tite z mOrose.::•: l
,the surly ,' and•the more unfriendlytmAks nod
,disturbanoes- of nature; unless theY watch,.
againest:thein with daily' iMie‘. 'The' coniinand•
era 'armi es z and iv fee;
the masters Of thOSS '10;6
bayen irette tittin bar Of 'Corvallis 'untlei l fiieitil
and it'adiltitaidebf : oniiM'iMd - 'iicitieinit'fw'hil;':,
Ilieiretelves, lest they gear* hitbit . of 'affected
pride, l and vanity "ittecln,l; of fret.
impatience, and ortminal anger.
<=l ;,c•••
The statisticians. _of Boston. report -that
!'Leap-your has been a failure" In ino
dern Athens. - There has been twenty per
cent lessor marriage's there
, this year than the
last. The fact is by no Means one'to be joked
over. • • , -
. -
.._ _Funnily, hArever;_-the 'Modern Athenian
• staijattelans ascribe it to the passions rind:ex
oi ewient'oqhe.reoent . Presidential election..
T ey view wedlock from 'afar. If they came'
rpm . ridip to the Boston by'menial_alter, they
would be in the-way-of an oiplitnation of the
lamentaille &ether publish. • That' r
Voriaid'.l4arriage•ii oruslihigly draped with
. ..
silks at to neon iollars pe? yard
4:: -it is festooned with lemma „prices to cause
r dock'javr to hear of-expensive gemined: jew
• elry dashes through the-meshes et the poitig d'
illelcona at, every part,:ailvee plate,. paved
thick upon leases - of „ genteel residences,"
support the altar=anldmilliners' bills of every
purchasiible luxury aid iecessnry, more ter.:
ribledlian the bills of- vultures, litter the barie :
of votive leaves to-the Frost Spirit (Arch) the
oak in autumn... ..What MEW; has this profana
tion of the shrine of marriage- on the young
..... ...
their_persolial_OfTeringir 1
These statlatiolanioau see ieand hear
The aliment of masoqliiie- inaniageable -hu : _
inanity , iota right b y without stopping. Great
heare&from the tiktom or prudent but
homeless hearts, are•all that is given HY:
men; ;:Young artists,-young artisans, young
dhetari,lnerohants' clerks, lawyers 'of more
Youth'than elientagei yet all out of _dept and.
earning comfortable and honorable subsistence .
fOr one; ' the' entire of 1840, pass;•
iniekly,-"alafnied'hy ttie Ovideticeic of the
haezornhle ponditiond attaohed:to . reputable.
, marriage in the's° eviillayir - of - onmpititiOn
. irT
'snolal..disptay, _
'Marriage is now becoisitig'aluxUry to_tuou
in tho Vaited§tates..,..Ths:ocist of.provisions,
the'wd ea of labor, the rent of dwellings,
stost . of neoeeeariei and - Vf hixUrios, added to
'the unrelenting pressure, upon people . .in res.
protable sootety to "dredS - riohly7iiid furnish
tha.iffoiftable prloicrif 'a 'tam : -
ily far ou4'•,of the'reseh dY the salaries and in
(letups of tusstiof tho ;young,
the ohars'oter and, morale of a
'wedloi3k. is prohibited, it ie unfieoetisaiy to en
largek fa-'
idTrilitou and irr:Austria.
. .
. ,
Prudence arid : Oustdui forbid ° marriage. in
the foruieeeotintri, whore'there is not limn.
•ed ilioolite.euffictient mairitain its 7 Wants and
sooial,,protOnaiono: latter, the armed
law holds asunder from the relatior - ii — of. ,man
tld wife ample& • uot • possess proper_
gumantoeithat their eittildren . shall not be
come a burden to tho State. In all ranks of
society income is the . marriage cement of
rove. ' 'l'
Marrkebge may ae Offeotually-bo
ify - the,siptipties of.millinery .ware and. housi3 .
furnishing, as bj'a polion regulation.
If thtse.modern 'Athenian statisticians will
stand - withrtheir'n'ote , boblOrbeside - their . mar=
Tinge altar for two years. to colne,- they will
have to fmoortl a steady diminishing worship
at the shrine. If old moidhood be, as many
say, en evil, the penalty ofd general .repudi
mien of option dress, goods, nud a scorn . of
gingham will bo paid in every. !must; where
there arodatrghtera. - IYeetit not beho'ov i e all
motliere 'ill good .motherSto imitate; indi
;iidually, if slotirt concert, the wiee conduct
of the Belgic *union-or Brussele"" Upperron
dem ?" Theit , ' . ! Retrenchment Sudety". has
been organized to r make' eoonomy faellionable.
Its weekly Meetings receive reports ofsu per
utilities dispensed with, andiliseusi_the_feasi
bulky of further -curtailments 'in 'heusShold
and personal etiennes.- Its members are
'mothers, and these their 'labors are for the
pt rpose of moving marriage to their gra kn-up
aiiiighters t by_noiltiug it v 4 .01100 1 .0 for thoee
young men w!one ... n .. tpto
to thehrhOuntry. and futegrity..
. Oh, for to reeteration",,of"ginghunts• and
prlnte6 . 'Li' there no" d'eliveronoe from the
oftlien%whhat eviiwhii3b.F;renoli ioime weave's
for us?—.Albony'Journal.
Diath of Fat)ier Mattheir
Why Leaß-Year ie a Failure
A Giles of,BTaidy ,
, . . . .
Can't hurt anybody ! • Why I knows per
-son, yonder. he is now,; on high ohaniti, a spe
cimen, of manly beauty, a •Ortl six-footer..
Ile has the bearing of a prinoti,' for he ode..
of our merchant princes. Ilia face wears:the
hue, and noW,.althe age of fifty odd
he has the Cluieli elastic step of our young men
of twenty-five, and mine .more fall of Mirth
and wit than he, and.' knOw lie Keret', dines_
without brandy and water;and'never r glfes - to "
bed without a- terrapin or o34ter - . supper,".with'
plenty of champagne, and morelhan :thist "he '7
was.never,known to be drunk... So here. is ;11,-.
living exemplitr and disproof of the temper..
ape° twaddle about the dangerous naturo of
an occasional glass,. and the,-destructive-ef--
fecte of a teMPerste use of,good
. .
Now it ea happened that this. speoimen of:•
safe brandy drinking with a relation, of ours..
.Hfitlied in a year or two after that of dhionio
Diarrlicea, a common disease to chore-who-are
never drunk, nor ever out of liquor.. He left ,
his widow a eplendid mansion-up town, and-a
clear bve,thdusand a 'year, .besides a large -
fortune to each . ()Chia silt children; for he had •
fillips on every sea and credit at every counter
but which lie never had OCC*OI2. to use'. For.
montbs before he died , -12e Was a year in
ing—he could eat or d rink nothinewithonk .
distresa; and at death, the whole alimentary
canal was a mesa of .disease a .in the midst of
hie millions he died of i inanition. That ie not ,
the < half, reader.: rile left-a - legaoY-tojhie chit- ,
dren:which _we. did -not ineOlop, licr - Ofula
lute beep eating up one' daughter 'for fifteen
years; anothiir le in the ivied honee; the third •
and fourth of unearthly beauty; ..there was
kind Of -grandeur in= that beauty, bat they -
blighted; And fialed and faded, into 'heaven
-we,trustOn.their_aweetect teen, ; another. is
tottering on the verge of the grave,",and only
one is - left with all , the senses, and each' of.
About is--weak 'iiiiras.vrater. - - Why, we matte - .
from the dissecting iaoiti'and7inade a note of
it, it was . •
21:gentlemailofthirty.-ire Was sitting on 'a; ,
- chair,- with no specially 'fridge' symptom_-.
present; still he:was knoirn to bit'a dlssips
ted young man," as 'the saying goes. We
rose, ran flftyfeet, fell dawn'find_.died,• The
doctors see a beauty In death, the ahance of
cutting up a fellow , end*loaking. about, for
sights. The whole covering of the brain was •
thickened,. its cavities were:filled,with a fluid
which:, did not belong to their, destroying
thent;*erdiugh to kill half a doter
.inen with '
apOlexy ;• a great'portion acne lung was in '•••
a sate of gangrene, and nearly. all :the: other
was hardened And useless; blood and yellow
matter plasterhil the inner: covering of, the
lungs,' while angry red. Patches of- destructive.
iidiamation, were scattered along ,the whole .
alimentary canal.... Why, there was enough of
death in that one man's body to' have' killed'
forty men. The doctor who talks aboid gem: .
fling liquor everyday, being "healthy," is
perfect disgrace to the medical name,. and ,
ought to be turned, out to break rook for the..
turnpike for the term of his natural life at a
shilling a day, and find himself.—Bail's JoUr
an/ of Health. • - '
gerThe story of the Connecticut ion-keep
4end COL Gibbs, - the mineralogist, .is intro
dtiood-topark‘the period when a solenoefiret—
began to be popular. The Col. who bad been
stopping eta small tuvern_atuoung the Encinh.-=.
tains, and dippoind of his cash and wardrobe'
in about e. week, had Collected three great • •
sacks of atones.
An acquaintance of the Col.'s came along ; , at
„in the etage-coach and exchtinged, : salutatlipits : i
whielegave rice to 'a
colloquy 'between this
-keeper-of - the - hotel - and - theiCol;'s - friendF
You teem to he acquainted with this win
;lemon ?.•
- -
"Yea; I know :him.; at — fie—Col . (} fibbe r o[=
Long_lelund.' '
Well, he amid his name wite_Gibba, bat • .
ha delta tritnlnaa ltiaroh hare.'
Indeed; what makes yowthinit a en V
hae b - Cen'here a fortnight-kaook
ing• If Monadnock to piectea. He has spent
ail his money, and given Rimy his clothes, Oil
he hasn't it shirt to * his bank. If you are la
friend of Lie,' you ought' to take hie family,
c4uainted'witb - bio -an that . Lama
be token mire of.' • . • •
Ob. I understand. Thi Col. is not insane
he is a Mineraloghii.' • • .• • . • • •-•-••
. A what ?'
.A. mineralogiot—c: collector of tinrious
' Are . alai 'eat • .
Igo ; they are specimens to be preserved
fOr scientific purposes; •
Ha, ha.! what (piddles there are in this
world I Every little while ono . 6n . 'nrii6nes
along - here. Last year, a man, - CiEl a "Pro* -
lessor from - Cambridge, etoppethhere a week,
ketchink all the baks, beetles and butte flies
he could find. Sb.iut the same time , anothe
tone come, end he Went into the mountain,:
pulling up all Alio odd weeds' and strange
pintas 4e met with: He took away bundle
as big as a bay•kook ; And .now this Colonel
somebody is making a conceder' ,of Oen.
;stone('! think the'peepieldowU"ioni• - tray
can't - have much to.. yin, they; wouldn't
take to such hosanna as this.' ,
Col: Benton on Diseipaticin.
A few evenings 1120, COI. Benton delivered.
a leeturs in Iloaton,• before 'the Appreitioee'
Li b rary_liaidaiafi . 411 - letter to - the -Ravi
Ytirk Tribune says: • • •
He •
opened it by giving, in a , kindly, ebar:
nateristio style, some, very , good ntlitips ,
'young trion in general and apprentices
They saw, before them, he remarked; -
person who , hnek4nttained an get,•post
limitwhioh the Psalmists assigns '. to the lima- .
of-life; and now.upen those 'learn "wkilbli -`"-'
some ?animist aeseeiates ioSTewts ,
wt;aknoss. be was oltempt
these infirmitiesleitioh s are sup p osed' fo
16154,05 it. 110, oAd.ft fo f4 4 ?.... 0 . 0 . 1 414) of:.
early life: .praiiklimlilloin he warmly-erdo,_',
was ~t Meel niok- - tttned - 'this .. antitiostt •
Aquatio,,,h),O#4Se 41 1 .,0 1 001,0.thineboisratev ,1 .. , ' , i
„lq,that respect he bad imitated qranklin.r
fie, totally abstainettfOilhilllrk half
life and-was itemustlita: thq,c.dther:tiatf. , :.ll-•
had.not only totally abstained from opiritu?ns
liquors, vinous ligoois; ferMented lickgoil; and'
everything of the kiral e but- , he - had- keptthite
self free-feem,eyery,kirollofdissipatieni'i (Ap.:;,;,7217.
nut:' 1. 10 4 :44
4 0.4 p ,i rl y,
and withiqi PO
o,li , ,tagit-,;!‘vtttrittliig.the
4.4.4 • - at
~kWake,Lbut he haul uoVer spent- one night_ of,
- NO~ -~s.