7' '''rltltnter:O.,Et-partglritt . , ,-, -F:,1;V7"i,,7.'.3.,,.,1 i,4 ,d 0-3 V-i c2gPr. —-4104'tj i . MAV , .„, -- '—... -oi4 .-- ,5 i'corv,the Gormnutown Telegraph Economy iii'Agriculture - . „ . Ma. Eurroe : 7 ,-The• agriculturists of this country aro practically unaetittaitited :••• :with the legitimate Meapingmul-applica, • - tion . iaf the word Economy, in•fiiim -- ing.:- "Even in Great tri-Miii,where a g . icater al,f - tention to the business of saving,ls iiebui --'Atlrtiiiin—i'S-observable the • e :is • laxity:of discipline which contrasts, most • unfavorably with the ludo:A:bids frugality andtigidceonemy of 1,1;i tliur couUtries . • pf Europe, and particularly as this the case with respect, to Belgipin and the Ger man States.. Alate tourist,. Whoso.jour : bluely before too, in, stinteremarks - lustrativeand m of German rural life and .„ flora ''''''''' : • "Each German has.his house, his orch ard, his roadside trees; So - laden with fruit . • that - did - li'eMet carefitlly prop- them up, and tie' together; . and in many -.places 'hold, the bougsl together by means of woe den claps, they would he Aunt asunder by ^their own-weight. Ile hits.his corn plot his plot for. mongol wurzel or liaY; fdr po • .tatoes, for-hemp, etc:.l-Ic•is his own mas . ter; and, therefore” he and ' -:have the strongest Motives for eltertion.. ' You seethe effects of' this in' his industry • 'and eeetiomy.- • - "In • Germany, nothing' is lost. .The produce of the trees and the cows is car '. .ried to market. • Much fruit is dried for • - winter use. You -sec wooden trays of . plums, cherries and_aliced_apples ; laying; - sun:to dry.-” Yom.- see . 'btringy.:of theirs hanging from the.ivindows, -in • the sun,- The cows are kept up fur' the grea :ter' part of tlib . year, and every green thing . is collected for them._ Every . littleMook the graSs giows-by -- tbe - roadaide" river_ awl broek,. is :91're - fully cut by tile .....L.sickle r aud_carrielLhouic; on. the_heada of_ --• Women and bleldree,.in baskets, _of tied ` in large Cloths. Nothing - of the kind that can possibly be made of any use is lost.— :Weeds, nettles, hay, -the very goose•-grass --which covers-waste placel4,is-cut pp. and taken for the.cows..... Yom:sce :the little - • :children standing in the: streets of the - -villages,. and. in-the at reit um. which ' ally run down thein,- lne•ty weal] ing these Weeds before they are given to .the cattle. ' They carefully collect the leaves of --the , -Maisli-grass, l earefutly out "-their .pOtatoo tops:foT•Alfeurolitd - eythri if.-other-things farh gather, green, leaves from the wood:. • " lands. . One.cannot help thinking con - :lineally . Of the: enormous waste-. Of such things in-England-=:-of the vast quunti: ;.ties of grass on banks, by roadsides, in. r•the openings of plantations, in lanes, in. • church-yards,, where grass. from year to year springs and dies, but which if 'care • fully out, would Maintain many thousand cows for the poor. • To pursue kill. far . they . the subject of - German economy. The 'Very cuttings of the vines are - dried and preserved Kr winter fodder. . The tops and refuse of the hemp servo as bect 7 . ding for the cows; nay, even ,the rough stalks of the.poppies ' after the heads have --been , gathered for oil, are saved and con verted into manure for the land. When these are not sufficient, the children' are sent into the weeds to gather moss;' and all our readers,,,,fatuiliar with Germany, willreinomber to have seen- them coming homeward with large bundles of this, on their heads. In autumn, the falling * leaves arc gathered and stacked for the carne purpose., The fir cones, which with ip_ the weeds, : are carefully collected, and sold for lightidg, fires. In short, the, econotity.and care' of the Ger .-"man peasant are nil example to all Eu.: rope._ He bits for•ymirs-ntty, ages-Amen , doing that, as regards agricultural man-. agetnent, to which the British public is but just now beginning to open its eyes. Gerniany, like Judea, is literally a land flowing with milk and honey; a land of . corn and wine, and oil. The plains are full aeon); the hindes, hoivever stonY; • n_r_v greenAvith vineyards ; and though_ they have not the olive, they procure vast , quantities of oil front the walnut, the pop py, and the rape." China, even this practice .is exbeed ed, not only in extent but in the admira l* economy of minute' details. 'Ander son, the traveller, says : ',.•••f(_On a high mountain I discovered , Several : distint patches of cultivated • 'inaintd , itt a state of deolivity, such as ap peared altogether inaccessible, till I saw the 64ner-entployed on 'one_ of them. He lid - `a rope fixed about his middle, whiCli was seemed at the other end, on the top of the mountain ; and by this means the _ , ''''' '' cultivator wanionabled te let him self own to apart ,any. of the precipice, natere-a few. square yards of ground gave him eneouragetnent to"phiet his Vegetables or,his corn ; and in this manlier ho had decorated the ust4ntain with a variety" of miltivated spots. Near the •bottom;- he bad erected • a wooden hut, surrounded with, a small pitice of. cultivated. ground, planted with' cabbages, where ho support- - edi`by menne.ef this hazardous industry, a-wife•and several children. 7 The well known industry of the Chi nese enables them to'overeome • many Ob stacles whieh..were they. to occur :in the .path-ofthe American or English farmer, would' be deemed. insuperable. Their whole life is a life of labor, and their la. boris regulated by system 'which renders' it not only pleasant,. hut abundantly, pre-, • tfluctive.—Amerien • could at. this time; with :her-- present 'Occupied_ b . punditrics, support.fiVe times, her present population • without half tasking the ea pa bilit ies of • her soil; "and yekMithy arc - fain to coni plaiwthat the latter is:irremediably - taitsted andree Mit., An Irish, Germ: n 'or Chinesetiller, would no doubt support himself and family, Midi. .only, this, betje a',E4l:a#t; time - lletone..wealthy, a faTiii.nthnn Amortcan -t WMild , starve: In - their case we behOld philosophy teach -- ingihy,experimentl, 'and ,thelleeson.shonlcr . brtio Meads be lost;op . .ne,' • H•should'ex-, citeand : fitiintilete.us to - new and more ji& dioierte eXerticies;•and firmer reliance, on. self aild'AhoPoil ottriAiai: • icabi,..4 , oiFigic4i6-enbuty: ,:u•iitothi,iqi (;r ilia, and•request'all ,who , lur,"ledebted te Abe, firm to • some and make settlement, and for tha,conionldubdpr: edelowe'xilltineetrElfrimratthe stere , reeer,bi • d%"ca - N e eYiTrOlbot - ' letref 4fiiiary: , cer. , Ao 'lB5l • . ESTAWATAN & 80;48..J., W:TAtttoCi X ' fecetied . tifulraisortmt;nt titTiohak e 0, Citstuneyoh Duatledilotiti do t hiihies, eabuitit,.; • AI Cl iiil4l4.4tiliiii; with sarloty Sabot and konson.v,,mo ..44rs ,Vi; NM • . • • tpa fi e) • legislation, no wisdom 'on tho.part of Con gresti, could liavt3 Priirented this. ' 'lt is idle to, atippise that- , the particular provisions of theifaoygaitic law Wore the causes. of agitation. holm provisions were but the °chasten, or.tllo ptetext of an. egi-, lationOvhiehivas inherentA,the nature of things. ' congress Wielded 'upon the-stilv- , ject In such terms as were most - consona nt • with the .principle of popular sovoreilinty . —which_undorlies our_goyarhment. It could not have legislated otherwise Withouttlo,ing: aurper 'grextr - prinCiple -4 4 -- our_ . • institution: , .the inproscriptiblo:right of e-. quality of th e several States. • ' We perceive, also,' that sectional; inter 7 ests aid , party passions, have 'been the ' groat impediment to the salutary:operation.: -of tha'organie principles adopted, atid the: • chief eauses..ofthe•Succieasive. disturbatices in Kansas: . :The aspumpticfil ihat,:bccanse • in the organization of••tlio Territories of ' .Nebraska and Kansas, 04igress abstained ___,..trom_impukhqrrestrainia. upon' them to which certain ether TeVrilerics -had been subject,'therefore disorde r,s ,oe.curred in t h e latter TerritorY,' is emplattically ..contradic ' ted by the fact that nen . e.h.ti•ve occurred in the former. Those ditiOrdCra were not the consequence, in ,freedom of self-government : conendtialter the 'Verritory • Up Congress, biit of unjiistfitterference on the part,6l persons not inhOilinis of the. Territory., Such interrertmcd wherever it - has exhibited itself, by . ructs.nfipserrit'etien. , • cry character, or of obstructiiin to piocess es of law; liaS been repelled of suppressed, by all the means which. the or; . -and the laWs place inthe harit4d• of the Ex ecutive. • •.In 'those:parts of thepaitety , Staieb where, by reasons of the inflapied itige . bf the pub lie . .mind, ftilsii rumors:Mid `jtiiiropregOnta tiotifi have the greatesti'ciffieficy, it has been assumed t h at it was tlu duty tai 'the Executive not only to tsitpprosti-insurrec- - tignary movements in Kansas but also to "see to the regularities of localt , eliTtions.- , - ..• It needs -little argument, to allow that the • President has no such newer; All govern . • most-in the-United' 'Suttee. rots ' Bally upon popular alectiub. 7,Tito trelidom of elections is liablitto_l2eLimpaffi3d br,the intrusion of Unlawful .votes, of the eXclu elusion of' lawful, ones, by.. lintrup ences,. by _violence or by'frauil",,. 'But the people of the United Status arti,:lbenSetives . the all-stiffreient guardians 4'ollUtit't own rights, and to suppose that fl).0, 1 ;'V.10 not : remedy, in due season, iapy;s1011 ; l'Unldents of civil freedom, -is to supposeAtaerntia..havo . ..ee - ased.to be capable - of selr-getilh'infaient. • „xlio..erbalduntAreho lj-Sinteit,haitatotliow er fe.lnterpose in. elections, to t.04 . :10 their freedom, to canyastheir-Vetes;;)AtAibosbp-' - on theirlogality in the TorrlioriefsWliellian • 'in the States. If he had such pewer,Pie gov-. . .ernernment might be remblicapAtform; but —lt-would be a monarchy-in -faht4atid,-ifl-ho had undertaken' to exercise Sit:•in the, cane . of ICansful, he would be justly-subfeet to the --eharge-..0f-usfirpation,und--OfjOlition—ot the dearest: rights et tlui.Jpeoifjgdf UnitedpStstes. - 'Unwise lairs, equally with 11;ragidaittles at elections, are; in periods •;of went, the occasional incidents er:.'o4l:l3lle. freestand. best political; instittaidm.,..:Put all experience delifinstrittestliat.f,.in'opur try like•-ours,. where the right 'Oriot.;Qriiici- • tutiOn exists in the compli3tesr. - 4 - on;4be attem remedy' Unwise 19fl.i.OFtiOd.; _resort to revolution, is toldlly - e - d£•.6adace; inasmuch as legal institutions, uffdtl; ; ;;ltipie prompt and, efficaciims dress. of rong„. . • . - .I confidently trust that now,;,74rt:, peaceful eonditibn df ICiinsasitff.ade.opPor ' tunity for calm reflection and wisd.legisls tion,„either the legislative lissetubly,Ad%the. Territory,. - or COngress, iiee tlisfijui Oct - shall repair} on its statue the provisions of the Cons p tiVu l tiott E r.'S e u'V . - VOISIVO of tho.great objects tor siirlhil - Wiat- Was ordained and established; M4 3 '41410 Us all other necessary steps to meats'_ - - habitants the enjoyment, withe4,4oli.Stitte tion or abridgment, of all the .orpfft.fdifitlf ,rights, privileges and immunities ellbiis of.the United States, as contempld',: . * the - organic law of the Territory. •.: Full information in relationi.te;•;ffisedf., , ;4 , i vents in this Territory will lie:found 14: 1 410 documents communicated, hordwith !fdlitn l the Departments of State and .War: SYNOPSIS OF OTHER TOPICS OF TIM DIESSAPi*:' . . . Advancing-to the-financial country, the report of the Seoretqf, Trensuty is referred to, and the ::foll'etlipig abstraot presented of tho account •iictirent,Of the past fiscal year: . I= Frofil eIIAtOMA; Other sources, Balance let July, 1855, •ENPEISUITUBES, • Of gavornmeut. quht, To Mexico,. Balance in Treasury, "• $18,802,000 The public debt was, on the sth March, 1863, ' $00,120,9.37 Subsequent increase, _ 2,760,000 Wilda therb has been pnid, in ~_elnaing_pretninm, V 9.425,819 The amount still due is ' $80,737,129 which could be paid at once without embar rousing the public service, but it is iipt yet due, and only redeemable at the option of the . holder. The expenses of the,go;iernment e is be lieved, %ill!l lie greatly reduded in the 'ensuing five years; while the income from-other sour.. ces ilinu customs will tic niizinenteti thus R reduction of_ OM revenue ,from .'custems. ix _,_atiggestesL_na_imgcrulite.,—tunLiigniti:.urged_ upon Congress. The army during the year has been busily ongoged in suppressing the hostilities an incursions of the Indians,. sod with satisfao tory.results. ..LegisiatiOn for the cure of de fects in the organization' of • (hp army is re commended. ••• • • The condition of the navy is warmly op proved; and ittilll the qualities which itnpart eilicsoy and vigor it !Ms . made great progress within the . last few years. • The apprentice system is spolten of as highly serviceable An Itterease-of,the navel force, suggested by the Secretary of the Navy,' to concurred in. - The snip of . public lands during, the year has amounted to 9,227;878 mires, Ifor• which the sum of $8,821,414 has been received Thsre lies liesn located in the same time, with military scrip and land warrants, 30,100;280 acres. From the report of the Festmnefer Genera it arpeare that the aspetitlitures for the last fi,oel year have .amennted to $10,407,868; and the gross reoeink to $7,620,810, -exhibit-, ing n•deficiener of $2 787,067. The 134115C8 of this.defitnevey Ore explained. The obeli- . uob t the fr..niting privilege is recoinmended nod other . suggestions mode to retnetly the tiev_rrlatione_tviiii.Oreat-Britain.artrp'resetr, ted in a rev/node am rot, and 10,itir the _pins• peat of - onearl. - edjfielnlent:er nil differenth a :.the question.fif thi".:sound do u, relating' to Dentnork,is stilt unsettled, but pendifix ne• gotintiOns ere expeeted to.be determined in e4iistoctery , inenner • • The present ittatn.of the internationel qnoto• tion revealing - the security of private proper. tyui n time orient. is considered favorable. to n.conolusion in conformity, with the :prepaid , *ion or the United States. '„ . • • . . . The eteceage;'proceeds to' ,a stotenienf of, exiptink*Teiititoile 'with 11 'Nieninetic,, New :ttriiiicti,i . colt the condition td. the loth inue of,P..untnit, and his 'notion in reference ,Tlie,nitnienge,eonclude's with'nn tippriiprinte summitry . , of,niir-:nntiopitt'-,atiedttionr -end a' grititilittory expressiiin pentinient:upon the u l ;ireraid,,prosperitywo et The Aignitq, nn'tf iyaprirt,tiaca ,of the 'Unftoil 8,404'3,4' are,'rery; objritof!ro n 1 With other ' nation! of.-'t is ::.loo s tditiont end :Europe ihe - dangers; igninst. which Auer kitting' ero beteg.) , -.tint .eq/PfietteilliZpertteyed, Piesident;. 016.. itos ~ eaknoidodgemente to We, tir,qoo::ov4r:L'atitt MEE J E O.IVG• E• E E • • . .JUSTI(.I.., 1111']"ACE 403;91noo oppositp timillest-ood of tho tow Aril 23. 1860 . (1, P. LIUNI.III-CH, Attprney at .I.'4V;. k_i.r,Aimcd.in: North ilnuotor otroctl st cow douris tooth - of butinoforoutryteted - fo - liioi = willlo , firomptly attoodod -[APtil ] 5, A . . N.:GREEN, ...Attorney at Law. councroct sion with hiirprofasidon. ' Ullsy 2l; Ib4S-ry, nn..• S. B. KIEFFER Otlic6 in North L../Ilanover tivo'donrsTrom Wolso & Cumplion's Store. Office hours, more particularly from 7 to U c A. bI., sivi from 6 to 7 o'clock, I', 91. • OCTOR S. P: ZIEGLER.Office: and Residence East Main Street, third dOor -clew 110 Marked House. Calls in .tawiirind county promptly attended. •Carlisle. den. 2, 15213.• „ ii.Ltr~li C. ittlEb.'3l, Attorney r.ir&:—efore-in-mitnrsowvr . ,.naknitir - & s:7Ynu9n.s,lontru,ded to lito, will 1,0 promptly at. 'tollt to. • • ' . Fob, 7. tit,: ILI: W. BRANDT, ullictuier of o Minortd Waters, Yrell..ll Mood, • • nottled Aln, l'ArtOr nod garth Eva' &root, ootr the ItMI Itolf4l aridto, Citrlisto ' • DR, I.D.LOOMIS. , att 1 , ,,.. ‘ South Hanover- street.,:7' \ Ul a . next deer to the Post, . ' MIVIII be absent from - Catlike iho Mei . 'ten days of each month. '. ' ' ''. :' . ' . [Aug. %,:55 - . . . ,l a rk- TiR.. GEOIt,GE •S. SEA-. I . m .g. i . , Lfll.lOllT, DENTIS'r, from the Bel _ ••••• theme college of Dental Surgery`, tc_s),„Offleo at the resldeneenf hie mother, Last. Louthel street, three doors below Bedford.- Itelerence. 2 -Dr. Giro Z. lire& . ' • Illnich.lll,lBsC-tf. - ri sm .. ) w having l ern lustraeted • In, the art (by• Di. (lam Z. trots, a graduate 01 the Baltimore Dental Culloge),•fs now prepared to receive hie friends and perferinf the. various 111)611th - 11N in ilia 1100 of .the Dental prOce0i011; dt his - residence, in South Strput, thlr•i•doorfroni•West Street. , Olve us a call. Terms moderate.__ . • •.• " May 27, 1856--Iy. •..:.• • ,-„, C.RIVE NER-- L. 7 lafo-Bagister of Cumber. land county, will carefully attend-to the tninanctlattlif all aueli business as ding Be entrusted to Illin,vdChtaa . the writing of Deeds, Mortgagee CcAracts„&c. - lie will also devote his attention .0 the procuring of lAnit•M'aC re!, tar Pauslene,.&e, as -"well en •tht."refirlii9ollilCl - 6410 . of Real Es tato, nc,diations. 0f10an5,.40.• West High Streett'formerly occupied, --y ht. 'PeilroSt Esq. near the Methodist, cho••rh. • CIOIVIVAY'S .GENUINE 110i3 .- EY AOAP.—ConWay's" pore Palm .proved Clxolinfrul Soap. A foil supply .of these -truly - excellent Soaps just received and for lole W ILL lAMB' FAMILY UROCERY, Muth Street. . .• Carlisle, Nov. 21,'55. . . riARLISLE-FIMALE SEMINARY . and MRS. CLARK, who have been f p soierid , years engaged in teaching,respectfully anuoutice to the citizens of Carlisle andvlelnity r tiutt-on'tho-dut_of Seto_ tbmber, 1856, they will calm:leo the secondicession,ln lacuna Street; near the Gorman lieformed_Chureh, of their - lIMISTAWY - FOR - TOMNG - LAIM 6. Thq. Institution - will be both if boarding Eid. day' oChool, )n which all the branches.neeesiewy for the tom- Vote education ofSoungladies will be fought. . Assist ants of the highest character for qualifications and Morality will be employed in accordance with•the wants of the Institution. The government will ho conducted On Strictly Christian principles, whilesectarlaniscsi will ho ao rigidly . excluded. The Principaiallatter themselves that their long and Successful experienee •ps tbachicrs, as testified Icy the recommendations In their possession, will enable them ,to establish an Institution of the highest character for young ladici. • They are fully perenoded the such an ;Institution will ho sustained here by the. citizens and neighboring country,Eind hope, thkt their confidence may not be disappointed. • - • _The Scholastic year Will consist of fourtenns (oloven. weeks each), beginning en September-1 and ending on second Wednesday in T___;TERMSPER__QUARTMQ I I weeks), _ - --.llccarding-r-including fuel, lights, pad - ',cation tai Englishbranches,' - fp36-00 , Primary liephrtment, r ... 605 —lfigher•English, - - - - 8.00 Andont and Nl4;dern L'angunie,oach Opnantental branches at•prcifesiinr'S charges. No .deduction for absence after entrance, except in . m_ ean:protracted Hitless. " . , . ' REFERENCES. „Mt:FRI:WK. WATTS, ' ' Nov. O. P. WINE, • _ J. ...PARKER, Esq., " A. If. KREMER., .- ' JAMES HAMILTON, Esq.," JACORFEN, ' • T. IL'SKILES Req., f' W. W.' EELS, . Di. El: B. ILIEFFEE, .:._ ...I. D. MORSS, • ' . . Roy. Mr. STERRETT .1510. r. 19, 1850-1 year. ' • _ / • • • c OMMERBIAL CQ•141...,E,GE; •• iomoi6ii to the now and epacloue )' tali, No. add JO 'BALTIMORE STREET, Bann:we, Md. - 0. K. CIIMIIIERLIN, Principal told Lecturer upon Mercan•• tile Science. • E. K. LOitEli, in cherge,of Writing Department. O. W. Knir, Instructorin Mercantile Calculations and Associate In.llook Keeping Department. J. M. Poiturs, Teacher in hook Keeping.. S T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. . . . . .Three years have not Sot elapsed since the establish ment of this Institution, during which time up warden( eight hundred students have boon In attendance, (rep• resenting nearly ever., State in the Union) among 'whom aro numbers In Baltimore and elsewhere occupy ing prominent positions as business MOl3 and account ante. . ' $64,000,000 10 000,000 i5,850,00d $92,850,000 JIIMTTNQ.—The Principal has tho utniost.con. • Pdence in assuring the public that after an osnoilenco o - ftirttion years in young men for the count lag Room And other important fitatioun, and an exten sive acquaintance with the managenionf_of liminess books orovery description, (assisted as he is by two sci entitle accountats,) the course of training in • thin de, partmoneis eminently practical and. well adapted to* the 'cartons pursuits of Commerce and Trade, including Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, Manufacturing, C0111(116.4014 Exchange, Milking, Shipping, Steambopt• trig, Compound Company operations, kc. • • PENMANSIII.P.—The exorcises under -thislicsid are free r easy and graceful, combining.raphllty prosecution with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student/ .to write au elegant business hand on completion of the Course. $80,172,000 12,778,000 8;000,000 $76,948,00() MERCAN'fILV CALCULATIONS la i nll their various beatings are taught by the most. decimal.) and expedi tious method, . • ' Pally lertures are dolivnredmpon-the. Scloneti-pf—Ae=- $71,570,037 _ . coints, pustoins, &c., these in connection with a lied. of lectures on Commercial Law, are of the highest importarlie to all aspiring to occupy prominent positions In 010 11.111085 The Limo necessary for au Industrious student to complete the - course, varies front 8 to 2.2: weeks. Thorn being- no vacatirei, applicants can tutor at any time, aid attend both tiny Ju a nd evening. Examinations are hold at stated perliids, and diplomas awarded to t we iyho'groduitte. For terms, etc.. write and have a el; A liv forwarded,by mall. ' --- 10 °A : 3, VRESII. DRUGS; MEDICINES &c have just received from Philadelphia,and New York very extdmilve additions to my . "`" r ' . .- f •• e 1 a • nearly eve 'nal le I p c o arum s C 1,r3 c = of Medicine now .in--rise, togutlmr —with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine,Terfm —meryvfilmpsviitationaryrhine-GutleryrFish, more; Tackie,Brushes of almost every &scrip. on, with an endless. variety of Other articles, which I am determined th sell at the deny LOWEST prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars mid oth ors, aro respectfully requested not to pass Die OLD STAND, as they May rest assured that every artielO frill imaold of a good quality, and upon reasonablwforms. Main' street, Cartillle May 80 yr . IXT ALL - PAPER ! , JOITN 1.0(1 , 1fl X' SON _ have the pleasure of Irtformlog the public that they hero at last completed the enlargement of their store, .andnre ; now- receiving the largest' and most `varied as sortment of Wall Vapor and Window Blinds ever. opened in Carlisle. A call Is solicited from tfinsu wanting Vapor Hangings of any kind, as lye aro confident. that all can bo supplied from our mammoth stock': At the old stand, North linvovor street. ,April 0, 1.050. . • Q ADDIE AND HARNESS MAK- Li INCT. The subscriber continues to carry on the above business,th all Its various branches,in North Ilan. over street, Carlisle.tivo doors North of Leonard's corner whore ho intends koopingmf hand a general assortment In, his lieu, consisting or all kinds of fitshlonnble sAlt. DLES, Bridles, Martlngales,'lllribs,. 4 :"-:,......._. . •Circinglesand Haltom, also TRUNKS, '. ~..:v. : . .i , . .,,,1 ., 1) - traveling and saddle 4 4. - ag ..„, I v bags. Ito also 'man.' ,l - 4 - „„, Mfactures - the most 1.41 - m i l • ' approved S P /0118 II , 1 ~.,5 . 1 , ' , i1 C0 1 , rt iy 0 . 1 , 1 11, 1 4t9, - . o l.Z.l l , l ls. o :pili at i t il s . 1( 1 some, durable and pleasant saddle will do well to call and Imo them. Ile • :. A - alio minintitctures liabliess. Brldles,', . Collars and Withal in all their yarie, - tlesitufd - OonifiltintlY laillOvoaniin tlin'aeporal opprobet• ties of his custofoors.thlt ho makes the neatest. and Lost gears, In all their Trirli;ty brliredtti, that Is thud() 1 n 06 country. lio also niakes 'all kinds of lifatutssas to ordar, via: Straw, Husk; Ounled Heir and. Spring Mat' cannon. All tim alioiO articles will be made of the best material and workmanship, and with thii utmost deg patch. . lillil.oBßOßN. . - }TARDWARE , HARDWARE •1-• .- - JOlll , l V. I.ISI. SON •.• • • are 11 0 1frocolvIng their Fail Stock of 'lliiilWare•-grhlvit is unusually largo, and connexion with their for mer heavy sleek makes it ono of the largest and moat varied assortments ever Offered to: thin. public. They have every thing thit' the Farmer, the Builder, the Merchant, eV the public;may,ovant in thelr . lßms, end Which they am selling - at the 'prices.. They solicit a'call Bum' the publiO befbre making their pur• chases; es'theyfoel confident thex can offer induthiments that will irownrd the 411.'0r for, dm trnabler-, ~ , F oellng thankful, to a 'generous public for their former lihornl patrohago. a Continuance of the some It solicited 'l4 our old stand In•Notil ganovgr Strad. Carlisle. • " -"••' • • • ..101.1N:v,-wmii, Octnbai 840 k, • UP,RT'AS:I4:`-- ::.-111‘ 14. I t"I 'PlOWil, err :- - CPiT , and ab.d 8 *" ' Cult Ivato„, with • tar i6a,' 41110an-di" tt 11044'1.'4 " .I\t'eel Vootti 40410 u P 4,, Itakeg, ppatonE`lle VO/14,1?ff. f'mh Unloadingdardon g Hay: Bil4trmhe-w m 7B'i tt i ld h lia crts, d -118cii nPeribl,other ithes wir ro pe,. 64, taellie,; kaorklktlit...Arz-ind:gardrh2. ‘A' COURSE OF STUDY 12igrictittittal: LW. ~ AGRIOtIII' U ILA .1 . , ' -Rop-),ls.- - .-.-- --- F Alt MING ''', 131PLE‘IENT2 ... 111= The sithseriboriioca,va 'to Ihu basement Of the Meth°. AlVl,Dirursh,oppoßltit,tho,ll l alirond-1101p4A,...is DONV receiving n variety of Itrullug - FiftiD3, such as Dill fl,il, - .. DRAIN FANS, -- ' qolt N 'SID:GLEES, ' • •.. FARM BOILIIIIS, • Jan AltitreiTh — lriluders (Scott's OlRlitrtlio Cream - tit Grain Mill, Horse :Shorela, REAPERS AND 310WERSj (Nanny's with Wood's improvameht),:Straw l'ultura. Ac., nll of a bleb nru of the most Improyed kimi.,and reorldnansliip,.And will bo Fold on the most arum modating terms:'. Farmers too . respec tinily invited to call and'egandno before purchasing. -r . -. J.. Alit/STRONG. lEEE ..• . . . 1 243 - Foe tbe,convinibinee of Connell', Moore's Patent Grain' Drifi rennin sold at sbiromo k atovn . by lfenjaulln. -Clay, and of -Sblppousburg by Chidstion Long:. August 20, Me. • • -- , . . . 0-111.CULTU11.Ai; lIVIFLE"gENTS. L--pENNueR'S-CEIikanIATED - WlMATililtifi. dapted also for cooing calk. grass seeds and' guano. liniusar,'4 l'ortablo l liter Z.llll—the Lest in the market. Halliday 's valeta_ Wludn.lll.-- Horse Pomeek and Thresher's. Lime nett (inane Sproader'c, Daniels Hay, Hum kidder Cu illt . Little .01aut Corn and Cob 51111, Spalit's A tmei.pherle Chuni. The above Superior lm [denier ts nitlrnll therm for the use of the farmer ; or, gamine r, ftt ,11!( 111.1 t and Retail by PASCHALL, HUMS CO:, Agricultural WitrehoPse and Sued Stare, earner 1111 nd 51nrket streets, Philadelphia. , July 25, '55. ~i ~~\ ~~ NOB; 21 and 23 South Sixth Street • PM GAD 81,1,111,1.. - • A OTLICII.TUW. IMPLENCNT AIANUFACTORT;StOI. PR. S3.M. 17 ROUNDS (370 Acres) 1110omsdaloolcsr Bristol, PR, TAmER R s, Tuis NEIGHBOR HOOD; Oroworff of Wheat niniltye, LEIH.‘ IPS SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LISFE; V. you, want heavy Cralict,. Leinau's American' 'These valuable MarprellenVe been used fee the past Kik, years suceessfully for the Grain Mill Ta3CCO cfor_ in Virginia. _Pennsylvania. New Jersey. Delaware, Maryland, /Mil the lsiands.of•lin;rinnuitt And ifaChatloes. 41mm] '(2:41 lbs.) is snfl!cient fur an acre of grounttl Thenboie Fri tilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely Myren.e thwerep and improve tlio soil/ doubling the value tl'the lend. Price of tine. PhOsPinate of Lime—s.lo. nt 1011. biltrAgened, $6O, the Atherican Fertiliser $25 per ten or $3 CO per barrel, $1 25 a-keg. - Also every variely of GTIANC,Purp land nester, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, Powile - red Charcoal, Ce. • -- "(foods delivered frro,of charge., , CEO. A. LElVALLCiiiiketer ' No. 19 South Front Street. AinirTo wholesale dealers a liberal discount:--Pann •hlets in - the Englislf, and (Lerman • languages Gratis ..Oraix4l nt n Mlitynce, — Cinsli accoiiipauying.. or - IbraftT.: -promptly attended to. N; B.4=DIPLO3IAS have been awarded by the Penn nitylvetnia-Agrk ultural-Sorietyrliew-cork-Oltrystal-Palence AssOciation, and tine Near Jersey State Agricultural :Se.efota.". , ISen. 3 '33-31nos, . THRESHING MACHINES! • n'eubierlben, &WS to - : (Orono faomera and public gdpeolly that they now have on hand and are constant. lynnanufaclurlttg.Threshing Machines with ,Plorpont's Patent Shaker, 'which are generally acknoiriedged to be .tho best articles now •In ruse. Also a variety of Clover. Hullers, Corn Shelters and Straw• Cutters. They *Ono to the repairing of Agricultural_ dash nary in the - best manner-and on reasonable 'terms. ---Manufa6 terry ott Nortipllannover Street, directly opposite the residence of George Metager, Esq. - August o on. ' ABED'S k PLANK.-. q l O- FARMERS.—The subscriber luis .-A-just-returned from tho:Clty wittiono oft he largest. assortments of Hardware over brought to this place. lie he's justrecOlviM Sddok. IlitlifetfWithlind — wlthout pat. - astenings, Iren'and steel hook 6 ranging in palm It to $1 59. Also Mad...y ' r Ptrulght and twist link trace -chains from 60 to $125. Home 111111.10 tracils 1)(4111.kb:14_ I also a lot Of spread. fifth, breast, butt, carrying halter and log' chains—also ti very large,lot of shovels, forks, spades, hoes, rakes, and in short everything and any thing wanted - by the Fanners— ' Remember thu old'stand East Main St. Carlisle.! March 19,'60. It. SAXTON. pATENT SELF-bIiARPENING YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, mannuo.lored for & SARGENT, No. 410 Market: treot, rhil.da fhb. cutter Is superior to any now in use 'for strength durability, and simpilaity of optistruction cuts fast, or, and Is the only soltisharpcninellay,Sitraw-aud Corn Stalk Cutter over made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT RNIFE, which any poeson can grind and sot with.easet but in ordinary case, Is ground in the machine. Thou sands hallo already boon sold, and the. demand Is daily Increasing.. In most cases an oxandnation is sufficient to convince ono of Ito superiority. No one after a short trial would part with It for Any other. All sixes of the above constantly on hand and for sale by Sole Agent for Cumborland county. •• 1 KRAUSER'S • PORTABLE CIDER MILLS citn still be furnished of • improved construction and finish. Their grinding apparatus is peculiar, and gives - • them an advantage over all other mills. By the action, of two reciprocating pistons, the apples are forced up against the teeth of a rapidly revolving cylindor and retained till ground to a fine pulp, which of course yields lance juice talon suldected to pressure than If' the pular.° was cottitio. The Seyew Press, has boon greatly !mil - foie(' strength'imed since lust year, and the whole frame is tightened by strong joint bolts. It is adapted to either hand or horse power and can be, worked by band to the extent of six to eight barrels a day ; • - — PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Implemont and Seed Store, 7th and - Markel, Philo,. ME Sep. 24, 1850 ImMENS SUCCESSI! 1_ THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN THE,WGELD. • HALLOWS DOLLAR MONTHLY. DESIGNED FOR EVERY AMERICAN HOME: - ,-- Enctmrcigaci by the unprecedented surcess which this pope* mutably bun met with, and the repldity with which it,has increased Its circulation, the proprietor has mantel to make it still snore woi thy of the patronage of the public. _,That this admirable work is • MIRACLE by CII FATNESS js admitted by every-pne, detaining, as IL doe., One litlsidred Ptmesi of reading matter In eachnumber, being More - Masi any of the Sli 'Magazin:cis, Mid forth:lug Lisa volumear ofigs_s_hunsisssLbres each, or Twehe 'Lenard paglii - a Reading Mutter per annum for ON It DOLLAItI •. i DaDon's Dollar Morally is printed with now typo, I noon tine whit° paper, and its tnatter is capefully coin plied and arranged by the hands of the editor and pro. prtutor, whu has boon known to the public as connected with the Doston,press for sixteen years. Its. pages con tain •.• NEWS,' 111160 ELLA TALES, • ADVENTURES, • POEMS, . • • • BIOGRAPHIES, STORIES OF TILE SEA, SKETCHES, - • WIT AND HUMOR. Ac., from the best and most popular writers of this country. -It is also spiced - With a record of tho uetable cleats of the times, of peace and oar, of discoveries and improve. talents occuring • in either Derasphere, forming on agreeable companion fur a leisure moment or hour, any- I - -where, at Leine abroad, cacti being complut e iu itself. No sectarian subjects are 4,Buntail intolts pages; there aro enough couLnw.erszti, publications each dre voted to its peculiar sort or clique. This work- is in tended INF TUE MILLION. -north or isonth, east or west, and Is filled to the brim each mouth •with chaste. Popular, and graphic misclo. lany,Jest such as Any father, brother or friend would place in the fiends of a fondly circle. It is in all Hada partments, fresh and original, and. what it purports to be, the cheapest magazine In the world. . • ' Any person elm:losing ONE DOLLAR to the proprietor. as, below, shall receive the Magazine for ono year, or imp' person sending us allure mit scribers and won DOLLAIId, at ono thee shall receive a ropy gratis. - 31. 31.-1431.1.011. Publisher-land Proprietor. , Corner of Torment and Brourifeld Fleets, post... -June 11, 'K. ' MIRACLE OF ' SCIENCE. . coun y; Pa., announces to those idillctod With TUsll:. , ', Wens. Camera, . Polypus , imptoc - ttoles - crrdlares. dm .f Lila King's COI Miti All diseases that have been tumuli) treated with Caustic or g erni remove them with, out cutting', buntin g `or - or pain; neither Chloroferm of ,pther to edutlpisterod to the patient.: It Is noniattei on what part of the body they num be. be cap remove them With perfeet• asfety, and' .a remarkably shoe' time. No Blineral otNegotalile Pelson Is Applied, and in money required until a chrols perfected.. , Proitipsue Uteri:. Petunia Complaint*. Chronic, Ve.ie real and all other diseases treated with positive Mineesai Bull partlenlars can be obtained by addressing to nlLUer Noun - eh 'or.Gormau, poet paid. "Atlanta can be uccom modeled-with Board on rmmonebla twins: . . Illichavilmiburg is' one. cf, thn 'prcttlest,' and healthj towns lu tido or any Mho; ei tato.' It Is H rollei from • Itarrisbuttron tbo Curnbanand Valicy lhdl Ron .pod accessible. from all parts of, thq Wilco? The. Doctor will .I.lsit eases in any part ofttiPHtotete lion desired.; • tote reader•lf you Hinny any af fl icted followiermt tote, dolay not to toll tiMm of this treatment. • . Al.,L.p/iptß:;„,. Jet .received a =l4:olendld etd;k et : '4ll6: •Sho'cles and nrobeerd erul t rayll; all the loomed atormest ' oieiroiletb atylee„"The"deelgoe ore heat end iletete,,amttlie prima auch..itiLtoitiiiot full. tO give Haile. Illation. We tuy,lte cur y frlooda nod the publlO general. exambio clew oegortmoo heforek , , unlealng rlcewboro. U. 9A,: 'thareh2l '•' _Bent Male l3lreet, Clarflialn O,W, accormea limo; md novi.in - the ,Caritele,-Pa..lelsoaron Bail. . • • I.ll)ilabriiii)i a • • . -.-- - -STAUFFER, & ,11AILLEY.-7- --,• et,. I CLiE A 1' WATCIO;S.AND JEWELRY. ..'' _ • ''fir• irliolesOlo and Retail, at the "Igilladelplaitt li also, ...,d 4oweiry Store;' No. 00 North Second street, corner osQuarry, Plilldeiplila. • Gold Lever II ittobes, full jeWolled, 1.13 carat casus, , - • -' . ' . .. —Guld - LeptmclB crittitie - - . . 21 - 00 , . Sliver Lover, full jewe ' lled, • ~---42 50, -- ---, Silver Lupine, Juwelii, ooo Superior tin:utters, - f 00 • (told Spectacles, ,' 7 00 • Flue Silver do. ' . • • . , 450 hildracoloie, , ' . , • — ll - 00 'Ladles' Gold Peticlis, , - , Silver Tea Spoons. set, , ' 5 00 : „Gold Pens. with pencils and silver holder, - ' 100 . , 'Gold Finger Rings Watch Olasrea,.:&c. All .goods • 'warranted to be what they are s o ld for. • ' . , -STA IJOI'LIi at II AIZLEY. • . . • .. • Successor of IL Conrad., ' , AirOn Ladd some Gold and Silver Levers and Letitia • atllliror than the above prices. .'• , 11 ABE -!ALL CLOAKS & MANTILLAS " . = IF t; 0.11 11 1..P1 and 'MAN TILLAS, No. 174 Chesnut street, (0 few doors above 7th, samth AIM Philadelphia, (to connection with 0 6011.00 Itt4LPIN, SGi lirondway N. Y.. thdlormist manufacturer of those goods-ill the United States,) hog to'call—the at tention of Wholesale mid liotoil buyers to their bilge 11. i varied stock of.CLUAKS, TAL3L.I6, &c., &c,..Gai the fall tradon Moir collection comprises a complete ns isurtinent pf all thealityst Parisian Novelties In - Velvet Moire Antique,.Clotit, Plain Silk, &c. while the fie" ellities 'illirded Joy their' conneetioli with the - largott rilatulthiturieig ihtstee. (of these goods;) in New York; od,ablo,the to gain:tote° bettor valuo than is °Mateo. ide elsineliere Market. .050. lIULPIN & CO.. , Soot. 174 Chesnut nrest above 7 the VII W. IV 110 .1., 14: S . / 1. IA .E . D R 11. G 11 N. SI •, 'NOM THOMAS,'No. 2.0 South 'Secomi—treot Phihidolphlo, Impoitor, :lino nfacturer, and lire ler in • ~,, DS UOB, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ACIDS, Dye Stuffs,'Paintii, 011 S, Colork, Whito Lead, Pronill and. Anfericath Whito Zlnc,.Wintiow Walls, Cloak; Wan. Var. Wallas, Brushes, Instruments, Ur mud Spices, Whore Spices, and other articles usually kept by Druggists, hichidlug Borax, Indlito..ojua, Shellac, Potash, d , c. ' All ordors r by inaji , or othorwlso, promptly attended to. Country merchants nra Invited to call and examine eur stork' holbre purchasing clamber°. lID-floods soot to apy of the wharves or railroad statlonO. Prices Low and Clouds Warranted. - - plabrh — OTl3sl ,- - . Ty: — . 4 - s OSFPII A. .NEEDLES'Aunufactu . , tor of _. .., WIREII SILK AND rtArn-CLOTH -SIEVES; Coarse, Medium and Flue In mesh : largo, middle-sized. - --- itin ....-- -'and allid,dlorneter. . . , ...... . . . . METALL CLOTO Dit WOVSN VIRK, , • f the best qualities. i arlous sizes of mesh, from Nos. I aBO inclusive, and front ono to stn foot In width. . ' They are ;lumbered so monyl . spaees to the lineal Inch, anal cut to suit. " . - ' The'subscriber also keeps eonstgntly to Land ' - SCREENS, • ,for- coal, sand era, lime, grain, gravel. 'guano, sums Rll\ Tolr. salt, hone, :olden, - spire, drugs, dyisstuirss A other with on assurplent of 11E1011Y AND' AN iNEALEDI RON Wglii.• 'All the above sold wliolesal , ilud retail by,' . - J. A. -NEEDLES, .Juno 4, 1856.-1;. . • . 54 Front 'Street, Phila. - \ ~ . ENS I OW --%-- co.-, --commissi g N '-.1) , ' "MERCHANTS, - :- ,• and Wholosale Dealers . in gli kinds of. • . ,!: ' • FOII%ICIN 4:,' DinIESTA9LEAF TOBACCO . , ._ • -- SrA - Ntit+krrifitilt. -- TonAcco, , ' .4- -, . - , AND FOREIGN'. ND DOMESTIO'sSEGARS --- '--. .._. , . . 21 South Pro t straut-Philadelpida.- ' - linpitoss of Fine . Lavinia Sego's's, of this! choicest grosiths of thejsVuelia.abajo. 'A large assortment of whlch,nre kept conatVtly on hand, and -fur sale at a I : small advance on cos t `if . ' ' ACci-Consignments I j spucthilly solicited; on' which I • Illswal advances will 1. undo when desired. Special attention , iv r to orders for purchase on own , mission of TolqacCo. Is aso every description of Merchan ,: - silos, for =mint r - pall,les living at a distance from this _nmrkbt. • '• ..- ! - 1 ,.. SIII-Solo Ago:" l for. Fl. Gootze's cels!hratod Germ. Sntoking 'fol.: go, comprisi* thirty diffeeent varieties. . Aprll23olS .—./y. - ..' . . , .. . ~ . .. QHEPPARD & *AN 'HARLINGEN. ij—The !subscribers baking removed to their .. NEW ANDIrt4IO4.IB STORE, --- -- . • - -- 'No. - 278 - Chestnut Chest nitt Stre t,.fouttli door above Tenth, - c l Are bow prophredi bilbrUi large and *ell Retorted elect of.the followinafra b_andNoshablagoods._principally_a __,_their—otan—,..their they are able to -s,ir the importer's prirek and 1 .... which tliey cirdially it rite the -attention sof Ceuntrj — 6lerchatitk Lintel IReepe, s, and families genendly t _Buff, Or„ben and VAlll4lr Window Shading.; , • Barnsley and Irish len Shooting,,7-4, 8-4, 0-4,10-4 11-4, 12-4.. i - , . • Bolster and Pillow Lin sof several choice bleaChers _and all widths front 38 64 Inches, - - Bed Blankets ot-all sizes and qualities. - -• . Crib and Bradt° Blankets.. . . Bed Quilts of the following varieties, -Marseille. Knotted, Register, Albambta, Allendale am Lancaster, of all the desirable sizes. Bureau Covers, Table Coven, Window Curtain Mush: Towels and Toweling of ovary variety.. Damask Tabl, Clothii and Napkins, Shirting Linens and Muslin, Can brie Handkerchiefs, Embaolderies. Hosiery, &c. Brori tel, Damasks, Maroons, Enbrkddereir :lace and Mush', Curtains, Gilt Cornices, Bands; Gimps. Cord, Ate. SHEPPARD & VAN HARLINGEN, Importers and Dealers in Linen and House Furnlsl. lag Goods. ;^ • April 30, 1850-6 m., U N B A.R'S • O . N C Wholesale and .11etail CASH 1000 r „AND. SUDO - KORA" - N 0.70 Soutg. Second St., Corner of Cantor St. 'the establishment has been enlarged and improve and is supplied with the largest and best Detail Stm in the City, principally of his own manufacture, with choice assortment from the best Ensterii Market n, bracing Ladles,' Gents', and Children's BOOTS, SIIONS AND CAITEIIS of every description, style and quality, embracing th beat style& and qualities in this or nay other mark, This stock cannot be excelled for Quality Style ap , Cheapness. Each article Is 'marked at the very lowest possllo price, iron, whichmo deviation will be. made. No e; ravagaut itatemoca will be needed, and noun made t --- effect • _ - . Ooodyear's Ouin all oitrieties. Pure . Gums, x scarp in thomarket, always on baud. 'rho public i espectfully invited to call.[April 1, 1850. PHILADELPHIA ADVEIVNT.- EVANS' FIRE & THIEF PROOF SAFES! fur merchants, lawyers, farmers, and others, havin, Books, Papers, or. other valuables, to preserve iron FIRE or BURGLARS. r. Day and Newell's (Hobbs ) DANK I,I)CKS,, „, . A CAnm—The .• Fire Proof' Safe," tlia‘Preservid ou Books,' Papers, &c., during the great' Fire lit Hart' Buildings, was purchased of UM VEIL EVANS, al S. In St., Philadelphia. .• GETZ & BUCK. 111.C.ERATORS-&-IVATER-FILTERS.— ' /EVANS' Premium Ventilateditefrigerators for cooling and preserving meats, butter, milk, seater, and. articles for culinary purposes. IVATEIt FILTERS for purifying brackish or muddy %Meer, whether affected by' rains, limestone, marl, es other causes; Cull be had separate or attached to ths 'ltefrlgerators—a small quantity sties cooling the whop in the warmest weather. PORTABLE MOWED. OATHS, for'the use of wars or cold water. IVATEIt CJ.ThERS, fur ilcitels, Stores, and Dwellings: STOKE TRUCES, for moviug boxes, baleic.drc. SEAL PEES:it:S, Copying do., Druggist do. •• • •• • OM VElt EVANS. No. 01 South Second St., ( '2 dosq•s below Chesnut. March 5, 1850-Iy. • (Establislsed in 114115.) .>.__ g i - e g ti op, - r 0 VERRING'S PATENT, CIIAMP,I -1 ON FIRE'. ,Pito3l+ SANS., with 'Hall's 'Patent Powder - Proof Lockm,-which were ; ,- ~,,, , ,„ aw rded separate Medals at, the ' - -....." - VV. World' s Fair. London, 1851, and lte -,t'. . -1 ,Ar. uh. at 'the 'World's Fair, New • . V 4;4 =4l. ',,'l .'4'} ' Fork, loss Ind '51.. The aubscri , --, --,1,„ ' gs,..f. burin re the sole manufacturers 4 ' 'l9 r ' ti'' -'''''', and . proprictors , in' this Stet,o et 1 - ..'"l, t ' i" - f -. ? the abore .unequalled Safes and V Ali , . oft ),.*:. Lucks .' ' The reputation of the L .F., . , 5,,......,:..i? • tßaTd‘e.,i.-2.2?..rrrit.., , ,,s,oltotti,rytt ..„...,., ~ . .::.,,.,,s..r. tho mercantile community , hone witnessed and 'borne lest!- , mony to their Ntern - ' , Ammo Ste Kalif qualities. Moro' thou 1.2,000 of those Safes have boon actually sold r and over Two nuadnto•have putted triumphantly through accidental fires. The public, ars acsurad -that all Safes matrillactured by the subscriLors are not only gua'ran - be fully equal, Ltd in miany respects even eupe 1 1-I , w to those whichlowe been sO4 severely tiled by fire Few will forgot their melees In the burning of the "Tribune establishment." New York;and at the (treat Fire. in Strawberry street, at the large fire last July, oPPosilw the Girard ]louse' and •still.more recently -,in. the' Yin, ei.J , lfill nod Chesnut Ote., In the city.ot r Phildellthia,,ln which those Stares came forth the nes knowledged CIIAMHON, • when* many, other securities - failed.. .- - .' PAltliEL•it CO"' . ' '. ; • lame SAFE AND BANK LOCK:NAKEDS, — , . . :, .. ~ • . .; Si WALNI.IT Street; Philadelphia. '.' „Chilled Iron, flafeeovith.Powder Proof Locks, :mulct. lectured expressly, for_ Wanks,- - lirokenc Jewellers.. and 'other. reqttleing sectielty-froMyrogues. Bank l'aiiits, - home. &Non band .and made - to order: - Al! most, celebrated LoCks ll'o sole atottinulketurereprircar.. , . --, ._,- Sec o n d - hand --"Eafeti,",-"Folorovnders"-aud -"Yam- Choate” Of other - Makers. have, .been taker in mi. Eay menCfor liecrina'S for Pale aChalfpelm.' — ' nal' .- ~ IT RON: IRONI4-Tlio' attention of 'the, tho potato anti ,Illeukerhithe peitloularly.te' requeet., ed, to tho large assorttnout'nf Oar and Rolled Iraq of - ell' slactign 4 , kludg Stopl of ell Muds, Mee; , IhteCe. &row. Thesillellowe, nod every ttaht !het the Alaulteutith MAY wont.'lran sold - nn quluili".". at PAY: 17 . 1 Weeale , All kinds warranted..—;;' ' i•, , • . • • •,. . JOHN ' LYNiI L 'a SON,' • • &1858.1" •*. ' ' ;i.7l;it ;;; • 1i jilj t c pIJr. /1 1 1 1,1}.; .(1031ING .110.LYDAYS• . • . (Greet. Preparations.) . . )t. In returning - thanks - to hie"numerous friends nod readdeuts of-Carlisle And vicinity for their very liberal asthma:o. and anticipating an jocreaked demand - ft r articles of his own 'annul:taunt and Impor , hos made extesive_brepamtlons-toisupply-the_ 1:1Th -- s7iin - ii - ;111 - lifiliti.s7k -- tin sse d by Done, in the iffy, and tebwhislthe.is enrentantly.recalvienf etdditions frame: . Europa, of`tlie newrst styles) - can always, he found a choice < selection of articles suitable for Bridal, •Birthday ' and not) day Presents, of " the • most recherche and unique description; compilsing prertaleb__Dmai u g_ . 2 . aura, NI riling Beek, t aban,earn, Inman Bisque and Parted Figures - ' Muskat Boxes, Okra Glasses, and rich variety of the useful-:and ornamental in Ormolu, Bronze, fhrll, 3losnie, Pastor Blecho, dm. Also Combo Brushes, nod' oilet Articles WM. T. FRY, .123 AIICII Ft. (oppitau t6O Theitrto, Fbilad'a Oct. 8, 1.836-3"ut" • QAVING' FUND OF THE 11.8. k..,) INSURANCE, ANNUITY A TRUST COMI" . Y: E. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, PhlD.a., • • V....112,..CAPri AL $_50,0011.-.tit posited Is thitured_in a-Deposlt liouk and g iven to the .Depositor, or, if preferred. ti certi fi cate will be given. All sums, large and snudli aro received, and the - ernornit lihtd Lack on. downed, without notice. - - interest is paid at tile. rate 'of FIVE PER CENT., Cori-, inettelfron the dBy ordeposit, seal ceasing fourteen days iieurfto the withdrawal of the money. t e firit4ay afJanuary, In each year, the Interest of each deposit'ls paid to the depositor,. or added to the' p.incip.‘l, as II ray prefer. . "Clio Comport have -now upwards of 3,500 ficpcialtois. lathe city al) iladelphin alone. - 1 Any edition information will be given b ' I ,:addre ing the TREASURE --..... T . .. • 'bill EC I TO ' qS \ EtcpbenT.. Crawford. Preiil Ilf . ,IV. 151; 00 3 4 'Lawrence Johnson, Vice Pt. Paul li. thwlderd. Atill.ruso 0. Thompson, . deg. 2,1c116125y„ Benjamin W, Tingley, ' James lieveicus, Jzirol, L. VIM nine, . • Oust. English, PLINY FISK.: ' •( Secretary and Treasurer,. .1. 001:111.9C111.AGE11. Teller and interpeter, Sept. 12 w.--ly. ' •. . . • . • • , . . . . O • . - •. I • E , . . r. -. • t 4 Cl') Ix o tia ,- •' 'A E-1- ~ . . , .. -:- •...,, 4 , E.1 ., :.k ',7'", 4 . 'E; • • • ...' 7 71 1 • ' O. , t 1 t...5.: /...1.)• ~., • ... 1. , ,, . .I=l - E4' , _ • - f , c,,,,,,1n/.4!.!,-,at: , ; y• , ,T. . - - z V . "".0., , . 0 • , NC' N . ViVil "• ' I . i'' - • • • -. A. - -,' ... f..a• VP . ' I=l ' RI .59,;..-,,, 4 •, -.... :..-.',.. • • .1 0 : - E 0 „ > _ ~.:,•• •-• .. • ,e• I 'L-51,4,,..4 •-, ~-. •• '. ' : •,117 . ••• .. • 4 , P , l=.l•M' • :.' • 4.4 .... , .....,..A. - ex...L,1,t!„1. . 7•• • • Zie r" . -•• ';'a Vi • : -C 4 4... • . P - -- 11":?..Vtri..17 ,- . - ...= — • - • • , 4;1 EA M E .Ist . 4 8 SA VINO - FUND, • Charteied by the State of Pennsylvania In 1855 • OFFICE, 05 WALNUT STREET • . 'One door above Second • Streot,• Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in Boma of One Dollar and upwards from all eliteses of the community, and allows interest at the rato of live per cent per annum. Moneys paid leek-on-dethend.--0111ce,opeu-dally froin-9-unill .s.o!clock, and on'Monday:aud Saturday until 0 o'clock .. In the evening. • : • . •• -This lustitution.willbefound aeoneenientland_safe. plate of deposit for Farmers and others doing business in Philadelphia. Deposits ere paid on demaud•without any previous notice-being required. " •- sioiAosne. . . - Edmund A. Souder, • _llan. Job R.-Tyson, Stilwell S. Bishop, . George Boldln, • ^ • • , JamesD. Perot, Robert Morris, .7ohn Mr:Cantos, ' Edward L. Clark, ' • - Jacob Sheets, ' Capt. John Gallagher,. .... Joseph 11. Cowell, • John Bice, . Joseph B. Myers,' Richard 0. Stotesbury, - Edward - IL - Trotter,, ~ " William. ShippenAr. Frinklin"Bacob, ' Wm. P. Jenks : . Thomai Cooper, - ' ' : Edger E:Pettlt, ' ' • Presidedt—FlLANKLlN FELL .. , TreasufeCll'AS. M. MORRIS. ' ' • -• .. • ~, -Secretary-JAMES 8. PRINGLF. , 1111 - .. The Charter proildics that no manager, !leer dr leant shall, directly or-indirectly,.borrow-any_ money -lenhlthe Society. • - "-0ct17,1855-,ly 1 4 11VE PER CENT. SAVING FUND - OF .TIIE NATIONAL SAFETY COMPANY, fret. et street, south•webt corner of Third street, Phlladel- Incorporatea by the State of Pennsylvania in Five per cont. interest is gif en, and the money Is el. 7,ija paid Imik whenever 'lt IS — called for; 'Without the ecessiq of giving notice forit beforehand. Peciple who hive largo sums put their money in this acing Fund, on account of the superior safety and con el:deuce it affords} but any sum, large or small, Is re dyed. -This Saving Fund boo a very large amount of Mort. ages, Gmund Monte and other first clam Investments r the security of Depositors. The rules prevent any 'Vector or Officer from using or born nlng the money. The Office to open to receive and pay money every lay, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the yelling, and on Monday and Thursday'evennfg, 5111.9 cclock. People who have money tcrput In, are Invited to call it the office for further Information. ' ' 41nNitY L. BENNER, Preside-It. ROST. SELFSIINIE, Vice President. ivm. J. REED, Secretary. — o`ctabar 3,1865. EIRE NC 11 TRTJSSES..-11ernia or , Rupture successfully treated and comfort Insured. ay use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the iubscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All suffering with Rupture wilt be gratified to learn that 'the occasion now oilers to procure a Truss combin. inextreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct rantstrurtlon, in lien of..thescumbrous and-unwmfortm Lilo article usually sold. An extrusive assorturen always on hand, adapted to every variety of ItupturcOn adults and children, and fur saleut a range of price to suit all. Coat of Single Trusses, $•2, $3, $4 and $5; -Double, $4, $5. $B, $8 and $lB. . Persons at a distance can hate a Yruss iont.to Di ad dress by remitting the ainount,sandlug measure around the hips, and stating side affected. -' For Salo. Wholesale and Beloit (?), theimpoider. ; CAfitilt 11. NEEDLES, . cor. oTTfr'Slltu S 11acu1is:Z'LDn`d1411 a. Depot for Dr. Ilauning's hoproved-Patont Body Brace; ()hest Expanders and Erector Braces; Potent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Epinal Props and Sup ports. Ladles' Rooms, with compstont lady attendants. opell 11. ITOWA-4D ASSOCIATION: - • '' . I S IIILADELPHIA. IMPORTANT - ANNIIITNCEMENT' , - , To all persona afflicted with Sexual diseases, su ' • SEMINAL WEAKNESS ; DIPOTENCE, tit/MAIM. OLEET, - . - •- - The, HOWARD ASSOCIATION . of Philadelphia, in view of thnawful destruction of bunion life"and boalti caused by Sexual diseascs;,lnd the deceptions, which at: practised upon the unfortunate victims of suili disease, by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon; as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE (MAT'S. toparsons thus af flicted, (Male or Foniale,) who apply Ly itattoy.(post-plid.) with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, tte.,)lndlii extreme poverty and snifter% to PUItNISIL MEDICINES FIUD OF CHAID:IE.. The Howard Assc.elation lea benevolent TOstitution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and I:pe dantic diseases . " auk Its funds ran be used for no other purpose. It bee now a surplus of meannoebteh. the Dinsetors have voted to advertise the above notice. it to needless to add that the Asherlation commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, (postimid,),Dr. OEO. It. CALHOilki o ft • Ing Surgeon. Howard Association Philadelphi , Pa. Dy Order of the Directors, . FIERA D. IFEARTIVELL. Presittent. sprit 11. OEO. EARECHILD. 14rogen. i)LAWS ! PLOWS !—The subscriber teeicloc nn ne;;Wetiltent - 01 tho, relobented BAULK PLOWS. Aloe. ennetartly er hand Ziegler's.. I'lank'a, and lionwond's Hewn. We . 'have also a'veyytio.ge lot or the famous York Pious on hand. and a 0110 4min:tamale OCultivatorl. Ilemetobcr the old stand. past Nails street, ; • • ' Match 1.9, 1R551 • lIEN lir SAXTON. VOW R,EADY, Tilt. NRWS PAPER 11l CUIID. .colloction - Nowspdper Vesta and contdining a complete list of NO.Fpapers in .the tidhl :quips. Denuded and Groat Britain. The only rclial.lo work of the hind hi the world. An Meal usllla amaaelif to thti r, Wok i'ublinher, audOon. oral Advertiser. Pso; 2.0 pp. . • ". On receipt of p 2, it . - 111 ,be . precriald per mall. to•any *irk of the coutitry,.., , ,. GAY DROT111018; No, ICI Dock at., Philadelphia. 44D.IIIIItordineerting the stave thimo months. with ddoding odpied ,the paper pre.paid Kthe ebo ' re adrord. will receive n copy of the ' ' ••• • (dept.' ANO,Eit 011.11,ED:OduciSrs, ens,. C m e r 'Tamorsk. urodr)iit,hout,'Surgipq Op9r4ioploy , • , t2ll4,oltiogLon,tmffigop , :r4. rind Cure orCathrg - g. Tumor". Ac., .111 kg! , t!ont. nadrim - (Tree) bh'reialpt n . 00, 1 #, 711- 11.81.4)Yalnut Strout, Fl, IrRANTAUtE.I.; HARDWARE - I , • ..:' - THE 'LARGEST STOCCIN Titg oouNTlrl.. . 1 iP. UNE rE SON -ntoleggleang:4 o- ! ,, t.monigsig ' A merlon'', Garman eiladt.Engllol4,"lardFtlirkaita tattlery, go., invite thnattantia nrgivrtainteg,Eannets,Aud the WSW geatiTally;. to gnirtiuinallyhttgagtock,conSdent that we ara galling r ownofi, . .. tam, than gawp:4lor hong* in. ,cotan* r ;:,,,...,;; 441 , 11, 4. SO. slld it'j,lrs,. CELEDItATZD • • GERMAN BITT:ERS: .•, • " limp:mud by • : DR. C. N. JACKSON. riIIIADELPIIIA, • ' . will effect udlly cure - LITER COIIPLA'INT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, _Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the . .Kidu,oys_ • ' and all diocesan arising from a disordered • . Liver or Stomach: - • Such as • i• 'Constipation, ' lnward•PllearFull ness or Blood to the Head, . • • - •- - Acidity of the Stomach, Nan- . " • reallearthurn, DlsgustforFood., • • • . Fullness or IVeight the Stomach, ' Sour Eructations, inking or Fluttering • at the Pit of the litoffinch, Swimming of - ' the Head; Hurried and Difficult Breathing uttering at the heart,. Choaking or suffeee: • ' Ong SensatiOns when In a lying posture,- Dimness - , of Vision, Dote of webs before the Sight, Fever • and dull pain ,the • Ilead,'DeficieneY . or:, Berspindlon, Yellowness of the Skin and ' •Peln in the Side, Back, Chest, • Limbs. be, - 6uddint Flushes of • - , Constant :imaginings. of . .Evil,•and great Bo- • pressiow of . ' • - • The proprietor In tailing the attention' of the public' to this preparation, does so with a feeling of the utmost confidence in Its virtues and adaptation to the diseases' fur which it is recommended.. . • • • - It is no 'now-and • untried -article, but ono that bus stood the tea, of a ten years' trial before -the American - maple; and its reputation and sale 10 unrlialled ly .., any sluilltr preparations extant. The testimony to its favor given the most prominent and well known Physicians a 4 Individuals . Inkti - Mute of the country • •is Immense. • , , DElt ANDEMENTS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH, Aro sources of Insanity. From disorder Or obstruction,„ a morbid action of the sympathetic and other nerves fol owe, and the functiedis of the brain are impaired: and • - deranged; derangemeist there will also produce diseas es of the heart, skin, lungs and kidneys. It is owing ' to the same cause that. thousands die with Cholera, . Bilious or Yellow Fever; and thalmostbitueful disease, Consumption. • . , The general want of success in treating diseases of the - liver - and stomach, bloc not been a deficiency of patbolco • o=l knowledge of thUir functiomi—but of "a Imitable compound that would act upon the disease and all the - sympathetic nffectiohs.. That; has been gained to these Bitters.: aud they can 'be used.by_porsons With the most'dellecite stomach with perfect safety—as they at no time debilitate the patient, but - glve strength and •Incrulso the nervolls energy.,...They can be taken at nil times, and under al clibumstance.. No ordinary expo sure will preirent them having Viedutary effect, and - no bad effect ein result from-an over dose. • _ lfmatlents will persevere in the Use of this remedy, -and usailstrictly according - to directlens, it will Pure . the foregoing diseases in every Instance, if not beyond . the power of medicine; it. ban mused many to enjoy the blessing of renewed health, and in many derieratep and abandoned cases, a perfect and•radlCal cute. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE; • And feeling the hand of Time weighing heavily Timis them, with all its attendant ills, will find iu the use of , the inners an Elicer that will instil new life into their - veins; restore, in a -measure the energy and ardor of • • more youthful days; build up their shrunken forms. and give health and lumpiness to their remaining ; • It is a well estribllshed fact, that fully ono-half of the female portion of our population, ire seldom in the en- `. joyment of good health, or'to use.thelr own expression •• never fdel well." They are languid, devoid of all en ergy, extremely nervous, and ham no appetite. To this class of invalids. these Bitters are . especially re. . commended.- Their peculiar tonic and invigorating' properties render them Invaluable in sucheases. distrlctifliiiii =lmla with FEVEIt AND AQUE , or ANY FEVER OF A BILIOUS -- LIOUS .NATURE, -- will find that by the timely urie of 'ime or -wo-bottles;they-Will-not lu.one-instance take-the as the Bitters will renovate and strengthen the • system, and carry the bile off In its natural cannel,-.... , Prevention is better than cure.' •• . "THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE I And free from Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injurious r ingredients; ore pleasant In taste and smell, mild In their operation, will expel all morbid secretions from the body, give bloom to the pallid cheek,. and health and vigor to the frame. • • - - . . • Price 76 cents per bottle. Principal Office. No. SO ARCH et t,Phlra, Pa. " Sold by 'Omahas and Storekee rs in -every town and village In the United 'Mateo a d "Oanadas, and '.by- all Druggbts in Carlisle. IMay 15,1858. •• . AFFLICT.tD, READ !- • •• MIKRICAL TIOUSE. to Ifthed twenty two years ago by DR; RINEELIN. - corner of Tinrd and'Unton Streets, Philadelphia, • TIVENTY-13VO-YEARS , - Experience has rendered Dm& a. most successful pita. Oftener in lbe.eure of all diseases of a private nature; , manhood's debility, as animpedinivnt to marriage;. nervous and sexual infirmities, diseases of the skin andthose arising from abuse of mercury ' TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There Is an evil habit sometimes indulged In by boy. in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood; • and ;ditch, it not reformed lu due time, not only begets serious.obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, Ineldious, and dcrestathag affections. Few of those who ;rice way to this pernicious practice are aware'nf. the consequences, until they find the ner vous system shattered, feel strange aruFnnsccouqtable sensations and vague fears in the mind. (See pages 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K.'s book on "-Self Preservation." - The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor With accustomed rigor, or to apply his mind to study; his step is tardy and weak; he is dull, irresolute, and engages even to his sports with leas energy t han usual.lf he eniancipat . emancipate himself befti . na the pudic° has date its worst, and enter matrimony,, his manage is tua. truitful, and, his sense tells him. that this is caused by hia early Mines. Thesearo considerations whicb Omuld awaken the attention of all who are similarly inflated. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE - Can have' (by stating their case explicitly, together with ail their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit tance) Dr. IL's medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and secure from DAMAGE and CURIOSITY, by roan or ex-, press. " • • • READI YOUTH AND MANI:1001)11 A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death, Hinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 2beents. Letters containing that value In Stamps, will ensure a copy per return of mall. • ' . GRATIS I GRATIS! i ()DAUS 111 ' A Prim GIFT to all. • .x..1.8.F.8..y._.A.E_Li...e.v ED.--,--- -- " Nature'. Guide," a new and popular work, full . o valuable 'advice 'and impressive warning, alike calcula ted to prevent years of misery and save thousands of,. lives, is dlstriLuted without charge, and forwarded by mall, prepaid, to any Post Office in the United States on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. 1 ONI C'S W O'N ' T DO!' • J_ —They never did do more than give temporary . must, and they never will! It is because they, don't - • touch ,the cocoa of the disease... The cause of all rye bud billions diseases is the atmospheric poison called Miasma or 5 1 alarla.—Nentialise this poison by its NA TI:UAL A.VIIDOTE, and all disease soused by it disappears • at once. Ithodetz' Fever and Ague Cure is this antidote to S'idarle, and moreover it is a irerfectly harmless med- Mine. The 'certificate of the celebrated: . chemist, - Chilton . ; of blizre , Yrat;to - thbriffeet, Is to eve ry bottle; therefore, If it does no good, it can do no harm. • -, This is =he than can be mid of Quinine, Arsenic, or any other tonic In existence, es theirfulze is ruinous to the constitution and brings 6n Dilbill AGUE, which never allows a person to feel perfectly well for *single moment. In illustratioireorthese truths I annex some extracts from a letter just received from a I'hysician: OEOROLIOWN, OM% March 17;•18511. • JAB. A. unonms. Esq.—. Dear Sir: Yoursof 24 inst., 6 is at hand. The Cure arrived late last year, and the difficulty in getting any one to purchase it was greatly • increased from the fact that a remedy bad been intro duced which was growing in favor with the public as being Letter than using Quinine—not knowinf, I pre sume, that the remedy they used to escape taking Qui nine contained the DEW IT/SUFI • This remedy (known ea " Umith's Tonic,") would In variably IIItEAR an-Ague, but it did not Cure it,italt would often return with renewed .vigor. This one sir ' - Onmstance3 - doeured - iojOurtsvm7ll - 1 Ins - UtUte a test comparison between Ikea your CURE. The fob lowing is the result; Three persons took lour "Cure," all or which • were • ' cams of "Quotidian ,Interinittant Fever," - or'many „.,z weeks standing. They bad tiled Quinine and other remedies, occasionally missing a chill, but it was (as in all such cases,) slowly wearing them out, and laying the foundatirn of other and severer maladies. , I did succeed in effecting a_radical clue of_all_tbrett or-ther eases viith,your remedy, and they have not had a chill ' since. In all three or these cases the Smith's Tonle" bud been used, and would, as before stated, break the • chili, but aft& a period or two had elapsed it would return. I think there will be no difficulty new in giving to • - your "Cure" the vantage ground of any other &reedy' • now in use hem Ac., dr- WM. 1117CRNER,314 D. RHODES' FEVER and AGM k: CURE, or ANTIDOTE TO•MALAR I A,Alte only lierrollas remedy In ,existence • 'ls equally eartain ash paver:alive, as a erne." Take. it when you foerthe chills. coming on, and you will never have az AnAle one. ^ JAMES A. ERODES, Proprietor, . • ' • Providence, R. I. * * *For sole by W. A. KaLBb, and Druggists generally. • July 2.1868. . • hIPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.- the last three pare I ham been engaged In a . usineas knot. n only to myself, and comparatively ibw . others, whom I have instructed for tho sum or $2OO each, which bas avaraged me at the rate of $3,000 to sS,Cilif for annum; and, having made arangemente to go to tud.pe in the Fall, to engage in tho same burl.' mess. lam willing to give full inetraclions in the art to - any persons iu the United litotes or Canadas, who will remit, ivo the sum of $l. I inn Induced, from the cur- tufa I Lave loon favored with:and the many thankful acknOlri cdgeroents - i - havo received : - Inotu the= whcititi ---- have loslruLteil, anti also are waking from, . • PIPE, PO lib - TEEN DOLLARS PER .DAT at it, to give any person.. an opportunity to engage in thie busineNs which is ow, phnsaut, and very profits.' Me, at a email coat. - Them la positively 100 ituannia in the matter. - litforoneesof the best clasemn he given as regards tie diameter. and I can refer to pereenewhcan have Instructed. who .111 testily that they are making from $5 to Mb liar day at the soma -It U a businemin • - LADIES OR OENTLIMEN can engage. and with perfect ease make a very hand name Moms. Several Limn In various parts of New ' York Kato, Potannylrania and 31 lan , whom I have hastruchal. ant nos making Rom to per day at It. It lea otatratt mamma and but a °Stier two is Ira - • quired to start it. Upon, reacipt of.ill, I will home. nt! diatuly se to the applicant a printed circular contain-. lug full lantana-Dons lu thwart. which earl be w ir e *, understood at in the Month of May last, Y sent my - mivertineMent - :to the - editor of the a• Reading Gazette and Democrat,. - . H a d i ur sad edetieent him. one of-my drawlers of in g ruc reselpt, and on a marshal examine- / v e n.ho inserted the fallowing editorial In his paper: a • -• " Istilkan taithe adeertisiment af.lsli. ---- Ptroooe of New York ' ; headed a barosamall - ro Erma- - ./ 10 .DV! which alit be Oland in another P. hasaanaLuAtatthlaciscohars,..alindeit-e#-ToibeAr . VertlrMont, nod on examination.we-And sr,'W-hav it la, we humbug, but light; easy and honorable nes& and one Abet, may. made.he profitable oak very Mining =vital:" . , . • ' letters Masi bo addressed t 6 A. T.Teason; .Eroll4WAY: Now TOOL • s TM= • _ . PCHEAP , T4II.T.ETANS.—A. lot of Vlllie Tar'elan', for covering Cause&Pars seer ore Ineesiae,lblreeleekeeaby . 1636114 i • SNIN Yr•itlXM,