Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 10, 1856, Image 1

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• The ClAnustx jINRAID is published 'weekly on a large
;sheet., containing YOBli COLUUNO, and furnished to sub
• • $175 If paid ivithiu the year; or $2 In nil cases when
asynient Is delayed until after the expiratlon'of the
, year. No subscriptions received for a less. poriodthan
six months, and none discontinued...until all =mirages
are paid, unless at the option of thaublishor.. Papers
' sent - to subscribers; living, out or Cumberland county
must be paid .for in advance, or the payment Resumed
- • by some responsible person living In Cumberland man-.
ty. These terms will, ,e. rigidly adhered to In all rases.
Adiertlsoments be. charged $l.OO poi square o'
twelve lines fur three Insertions, and 25 cents fur each
subsequent Insertion. Ail advertisements of less than
twelve lines considered as It square. The following tales
'will be charged fur Quarterly,. Half Yearly 0011 Yearly
3 Months. II Months. 12 Mouths.
I Sq u are, (12 lines,) $3.00 . $O.OO $B.OO
2 . " " • 6.00 , 8.00 12,0 U
. 8.00 t: 121 i.
25.00 35.00 45.00
-Adverisements Inserted beforc3larriagee
arid Deaths;
8 conteker line.for first insertion, and 4 cords per line
for subsequent Insertions. -Communications on eubjeets
of limited or individual intermit will be charged 5 cents
per line. Thu Proprietor will not be responsible in dam
ages fur errors in advertisements: Obituary notices not
exceeding file Dues ; will be inserted without chargel
• . '
The CARLISLE Ifeam.u . Jol3 PRINTING OMER Is the
largest and most complete establishment In the county.
Throe good Presses, and a goneral variety of material
suited fur Plain and Fancy work *of every bled, enables
tio_de_Johltclutlng-at,the—shortat—ueticend - on - th
most reasonable terms; Persons in scant of .11ills, Blanks
or hay thing in the •Jobbing, lino, will find it their In
teiest to give us a call., Every variety of. 1.1 LA.: . ,,; ES con
stantly on hand.
/Er All letters on business must ke. v postpaid tt)
ours attention, : •
CocalaitforOuition.: •
Prosldent.'—Frisracurr PIERCE. •
• 'Vito Preradont—JEsss D. BRIGHT.
Beeretary of Plato-3YR'. L. Kuser.
' Elderetery-of Interlor;—liontar MOCLELCAND' — ,
Beeretary-otlfessursure GUTHRIE.
Socrottry of War—, - Jernateorr - Dirifi.
Beeretary of Navy=-Jss: C. Doerayi; r
Post Master General—JAMlE CAMPBELL.
• Attorney General;;-Cstte-Gusnura.
Older Justice of Ordtedltatee—R. ' •
Governor— , Jsmfe 'Fatima& -.- .__.- .
• f3earetaxy of Stete—Axousw G. tiORTIN. . " .
------ Bureeyer - Eieneral—J. - R = Bnewtse. --
• :Jo/Utter General—E. BANKS. "
Judges of the Supreule Gourt=E:Livfll4 - 3.l;t:Thaolq
---L.W.--ll.—Louiusda.„lYWoomfeue, .1-o—Knox
. .
- .
. .
President JAMES ff.:GRAHAM.
, Associate Judges—lion. John Rupp, Samuel Wood
District 'Attorney—Wm. J. Shearer. _
• Prithonotary—Daniel K. Noelli
' Recerderolic.—John AL Gregg.
Regtster—William Lytle.
High Sheriff—Jacob Bowman; Deputy; J. Hem.
minger. _-
-- County Treasurer—Adam fienseman.
County OommisAioners.—lieorge M. Graham, WIL
Kam Si. ilenderw•n, Andrew Kerr. Clerk to Commis
- Michael W 110.,?.- . •
Directors 'of the " Foot'- G eorge " Dilnilo, " john 0.
Drown, Samuel Tritt. Superintendent of Poor House
--Racy& Lobaeh.. • , „
Chief' Burgess—Col. ARMSTRONG NODLIC.
Assistant Burgess—Samuel Could,
Town Council—lt. 0. Woodward, (Preen . d
en /Thos.
M. Biddle, John Thompson, Iltichael Shearer, Henry
Ohm, David Sipe, Robert Irvin, A. A. Lino, Michael
Constables—John' Spahr, nigh Constable; Robert
McCartney; Ward Constable.
First Presbyterian Churca, northwest angle of Centre
Sgnare.—hay. CONWAT P.:Wmo r i'dster.—t-hervices erork
Sunday morning at.ll o'clock,.A. M., and 7 o'clock,
P. M.
Second Presbyterian Church;corner of South Hanover
and Pomfret streets. - Rev. Mr. HALLS, Pastor._ Services
. commence at 11 o'clock, k.. 81., and 7 ^ o clock, P. 31.
St. Jam Church, (Prot. Episcopal) nolthoast angle of
Centre Sears. Rev. Jsoon 11. Hones, Rector/ Services
at 1 l o' clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. i
English Lutheran Church, Bedford between Main and
Louther stmts. Rev. JACOI3 FRY,. Pastor. Seryices
at 11 o'clock, A,„31., And 7 o'clock; I'. M. •
Herman Reformed Chnrch, - Loutlier, between Hanover
. and Pitt streets. 11ev. A. 11. Karsten, Pastor. Survives
at 10% o'clock, A. MA and 0% P. M.
Methodist E.Church, (first Chargo) corner of Main and
Pitt streets. Rev. JOLIN 31, Srws, Pastor. Services at
•11 o'clock, A. M., and 11% o'clock, I'. 31.' -
41ethodist E. Church - , (second Charge) Roy. THOMAS'
Diuouentr, Pastor. Services in College Chapel, at 11
o'clock A. M., and &o'clock, I'. M.
• Roman Catholic Churchskomfret, noar.Esat street.—
Rev. Jsmes.ll3.ancrr, Pastor. Services on the 2nd Sun
. day of each month. " •
Barman Lutheran Church, corner of • Pomfret and
Bedford streets. Rev. I. P. Naschold, Pastor. Service at
10% A. M.
ste-When changes Ln the above are necessary the pro
.per persons are requested to notify us.
_,,..___ .
. Him. Charles Collins, President, and P ro f of Moral
Rey. German. M. Johnson, Professor of 'Philosophy
- and English Literature. . _...
Jamos W. Marshall, Professor or Ancient Langusga.
• Rev. Otis IL Tiffany, Professor of Mathemsticssv
William C. Wilson, Professor of Nitursi Science and
Curator of the Museum.
Alexander Schem, Professor of llebrew and Modern
Languages. .
Samuel D. Hinman Principal of the Grammy-School
James P. Marshall, ' Assistant in the Grammar School.
CATMULE Daemon. lisalt.Prosldent, Richard Parker;
Cashier, WM. H. Reeteng Clerks, J. P. Hassler, N. C.-
3hopelmen. Dlrectorio, Richard Parker, John lug,
Hugh Stuart, Thomas Paxton, R. C. Woodward, Robert •
Moore, John Sanderson, Henry Logan, Samuel Wherry.,
CUMumULAND VALLEY Rs IL' Itoso CousAur.—Prenident,
Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward H.
Diddle; Superintendent, A. N. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day. Eastward, mowing Carnal° at 10.23 o'clock,'
A. N. and 9.55 o'clock, P M. Two trains every day West
ward, .saving Carlisle at 10.43 o'clock, A.M. and 2.48, P.M.
erick Watts; Secretary. Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Wm
M. Dilation; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
Todd, Wm. N. Roetem, Dr. W.- W. Delo, Franklin Card
nor, Henry Class and E. 31. Biddle.
CumardoLoso-Vattror BANK.—Prosldent, Julfn S. Ster
rett; Caaliler, 11. A. Sturgeon; Teller, 'Jos; C. Hoffer.—
Difeiteitclahn B. Sterrett, Woo. Kor, Neirhelr Broom
man,-Rictuord Woods, John C. Dunlap, Itobt. C. Sterrett,
11. #,; attUron, and Captain Aiku Ruufruß.
qi4sr - actxr. -- •
Poetize on ell 'otters of one-half ounce weight or
- uuder,3 cents pre-paid; (except to California and Or-gon,
ail:adds 10, cents pre-paid.)' • , . .
Postage on '•Tus Ilintaxo"—rwlthin the County,
Within the State,l3 cents per year. To any part of the
United States, 20 cents. Postago on all ttaushaa papers
under 3 ounces In vridgb,t;l coot pro-paid, 0r . 3 cents
unpaid • Advertised letters to be charged with the cost
of advertising ; ° '
-- , , • •
. .
J,1•,•*,, , r . • Fresh STRAWBERRIES,
~,4, or° ' '',-*‘-
.f.: - 'I ' PINK APPLES,' , , . .
. , • , . 4 c , Torrtero •gwrcituP,,
. .. 7 , ".• OlIERICINS„ .
.. ricumix, • ' .
• -.- '• ' ' .-. .' PRESERVED aI:WEIL . '
-- - - • • -' ' !.TABLIi OIL, AO; '-
Above artiolos rrorniitto4 ogoal ,to ony 11l luarkot
For eats ;no for coo R at •
j, r 11,,,, 186,3,.1 . :
.:. .. • ' ` AV TELTAIDP. '
r A , STYLE OF. 11 S.
AT KELLEIVS •OLD .0' A N :-• • '•
OguitOt KOLLER' * desired*/ calf the attention' of hie
014 frtendennd oustouirre tabu new attiortnmot of Oen.
tlenien'a IlAgth Of- the Oakfuid atyhi,,' with on .
elegant assortment ofr BOY ' S'. OAPS - ;and 'WI tilSll.
HATS-of every variety'and. the Weetibliblimable etyleL
• Its has alsoconstantly on hand a large and veiled aio
. sortreent of his own manufacture 'air: well as city wade
Bats and Cape, ',ratable fer•thweeason, comprising every,
variety of Roo* , B ooo er. ] !Pleeklit.and Sllltilate, lino
lobed in the latestitYle, together wltlinfulla!teortinent
of CAPS of every shene_and,diaicilgtleh, and at every:
pion, Us partleularlytevlterithapriblle to cull end, ex
amble, hte eseenelve iissertnieet, which , In'styb;
MIAMI Said!, cannot be' surpassed by" nay In market,
.szug which he liOshla tO lint Prieetm* hi thansever;
imßemember hie old atitiuten Nortli'llantover street
nest door to'llnYett'sfEliteery Sto
" ti4k,FouTED
4T TB - : 6- 11411 — ALD”, ton °num.-
- .16nt-trti.
:The light at limo! how bright It beanie
Whennioninb , shades-aroulutuedidl;
And . from the lattice far Ito gleams,
o, and rest, and.comfort call.
When iveariod with the tolls of .day,
- And strife for.glory; gold or
lloq sweet,to meek the quiet way,
Where loving lips will ittp our name
end the light at home.
When through.the dark en d stnrinf'night,
• The weary' wanderer homeward hire, - :
HOrrehooring is that twinkling light, -
Which'through the forOit gloom he ogles;
It is the light at home; he fogs
That loving hearts will - greet him there,
And safely through his bosom. steals
The Joy and love that banish care
Around the light at home. •
The.light at home! whene'oc at last-
It greets the seaman through the starm,
He feels np more the chilling blast
That beats upon'lris manly frirm. '
Long years upon the sea havoiled,
Since.Xary-gare_hcr, parting kiss, -
But the sad tcarw which then she shed .
Will now be.paid with rnpturoue bliss
Around the light at home.
Tho light at homol'llos , still and sward
inrntge from yonder cottage door
The weary !titterer to greet—
When - tho rough tolls.of day aro o'er.
iladts - tho soul that does not know
Tho'blesslngs that this beams Impart,
This cheerful hopis and Joys that flow,
lighten up the heavloot heart"
-• • Around thought at home
•From ancinhati Timm.
.Triangular Bridal..; -
. .
We havo reoently booome acquainted with
the factii of one .of the ..most.:eitraordinary
drinuts in social life, of whibh/we baie knowl-
edge. The- materiel, which wiligradually•-un
-fold-itself-in the following narrative; oombit
nd-with the requisite machinery, 'and inter
woven with fictitious characters necessary to
the artistic developeniOnt of the plot, - would
complete a profoundly interesting, if not_ an
absolutely thrilling romance. Our sketch, hew
.ever, is on unfinished daguerreotype of facts
which recently transpired in one of the tnOtit
attractive inland cities of the !‘ dark aid
bloody ground," and shouted not a hundred
miles distant from Belle Riviera" We
submit the skeleton, leaving the . elaboration
andilnishing.touithes , to be_ woven into ; dra-
made texture, by artiste enjoying more- time
and possessing more-skill -and-imagination
than we can command. • ..
A )ady 'youthful, lo•SinF, aaSomplished, and
the daughter of, a •distikitistied Kentuckian,
enjoying independint compe,tenos, imperioub•
ly commanding the admiration of the gallants
of the deluge bad attracted zealous suitors
from 'abroad, She was, a belle of the Moat
unrivalled - charms, and received--numerous
declarations' of .attachment, many of them
sincere. Like most queenly damsels enjoying
fortunate positions in the social world; 'isbe
wielding-her resistless sceptre unmercifully on
all. wile viiiiiired within th; charmed radii t f
her matchless fascinations. - • -
.—• -
' She reighed ruthlessly during a long and
brilliant career, and her reputation for come
liness and social Skill neither waned with the
lupsc of time or her cruel exercise : of poWer,
but seemed to be promoted without apparent
ly approaching culmination, and splendidly
illustrated the remorseless tyrnuny of capri
cious and passionless beauty. Fatigued at
last and Salad with the common plans tri
umphs of ordinary coquetry, she introduced.
by way of episode, the expedient of engage
ment to marry: Not satisfied, however. with
the usual termination of happy ewutishiP, situ
impro,ved upon minal customs by betrothidg
herself to two Foyers; whom she adroitly mans.
aged to keep. profoundly Ignorant of their mu
t tol pretensions and expectations. •
- `One - suitor wawa talented young . _,
of lair possessions. The other a gentleinati
of "elegant leisure," and luid of runny broad
acres. Both'were tilting for the whimsical
beauty, each 001160i0 . 118 of the 'other'wdevotion
as we have said. mutually unaivate of
their mutual success. The young minister
was favored by
- the damsel's- father, mini. was
ae . ceptc:4 bkilim as the future - lion-in-Iyr:
Acquainted with the madmen ,lieCtility to
himself, and eonsoicus'of her .peetirenoe fur
his rival, as Well as conceiving. the father's
'cousenuadequate fur the accomplishment of
his s puypoccs„and. trusts
. te, time and 'cir
ounistapees to mitigate tier .pre,ludices, • the
young minister ftirbore opliontion .to her.
His rival, meantime 11 . 31.1 been acuepted by
the motber—who,:lika, hirimelf, was ignorant
of the young minister's successful titiftttli
tiond drlniug 14600 rpifiesntly
-fieci to'proCeed, and likireplathig thn father's
objections to himiielf, he. on the - 'ether - -11And,
as his rival had refriined from submitting his
petition to the•me!her,pegicolCirlifs'obtga;'
lions to the father. The artful complioations
Of hit, daughter were thus fir attemle I. with,
lim•happient and' it in n 7 .8110100..
she hugely the extritouli r
perplexing centre ifinra.
. .
The rivals had now !weenie importunate.
4 .
tied solicited thespee.ty uen,uututottt.ttrt.t the,
.contemplated :anonym. Their be t rothe4, how
ever, eaprielouaiy vexed 'nod ;10140464 Alen!
to, her henrys cement, dein lattitlhetri
tereetethrentet a n d promisee,. 31.tahe:Irvt
..laic/0 *0 hip tarn• sweet. iteniis - ' tat flunlly
ceiwitirre t i witlt.their.artlttet ptilitieuv,,ititti tip.
peiete t i the'n.tute dny t hoer . for
ii' off the 'trittegothir tint 1
t 1 rreilLentente," - werelittit : +litrietitiy:.thoviti
oiled ri r l .'t BPl9').tn tha, oitll4l4tiit4'dra lu
The reittieter no 4 hit betrothed ngrvert:'l6
ebrale:lbeir q'oietii, a. fetw,oh their,
toiltt!ayfrliodeehly; Odrieed:. the
other''netroin:tinue inie'parotiena'7Wrre
!11/1,1 Ct?) irpny ! s-were
dispatch ed'far 01111 near, byisui"_heiolge,,and
the cnolber'eebeiee, , en4 . allAbe , :gallantry and'
noinvoi6lrof tbe:bridalleriod...7-Tbe: , ..abeanee
Ocai; ; sed ileaipping
600.-- Row
'lgM'iT 2 o3l'T eM%'N'AM4VX--6-33.
. „
-the—pnrents.. remained in_lsiterntion_iti., the:
iritlit of /mayf prepnrotion has not developed,
but those Intniliar witb the inventive wit or a
sprightly wounta_tvillyendily imagine the keen
diplomacy of our heroine, who sci successfully •
mannged her double the crisis of
consummation. -.Suffice. it, that at the de
nouement.. the parents were the most• com
pletely cohf•iinded of all..
The nuptial'.eve rolled round. Guests as
sembled imglittering concourse, exuberant in
joyous anticipations, andaplenilidly decorated.
The most brilljanz vivacity and gayest 9:infu
sion prevailed. .Thei.officiating - ;minister . `ap- .
penred, nail there' were bright' indication! of
the fullest realization of all. happy nntiolpa- ..
60119. = Monients 'were frittered' in pleasant:
ititerchange- of compliments. Beautiful wo
.menviSnolouily responded to the happy de-
Taira of gallant geutlemen..aild the hoz and
fetishist . burn of pleasant voices agreeably
confused the senses, till the minute' hand of
the parlor cloak pointed the hour. Exposits
tier' now commanded silence. Curiosity a
tiptoe suspended merriment, and only sup-
pressed-alumna - Ts Wore heard in interiala of
The sonorous bell sounded the hour, nnd
'expectation bectimb intense. Scarcely "had
the loot echo of the clanging clock died away .
in silence, when c!ory- cheek_ paled, every
pulsation of beaks suspended: A hoary
sound as of ahuman body, iturdEen with fear- • -
ful suddenness 10 - tlie=fiJori:Tandvacoompanied ---
, by wild- shrieks of terror ythrounded from an*
adjoining - room: - AlO4 'aw'ortiitrrying-- eet,-- --
and nmingled - ecittrof fearful exclamation;
terrified every heart 7 O . moment before so joy.= -
cue. There was an instinctive iush forward -
the flimsy, barrier intercepting the progress of
she hastening' 6 - Ong; gave way, - aCa - depeota.':•"
ale was presented beggaring descriptio'n. _
A frightened „group - of imeutiful women, •
pale_atithesnowy robes of the brill°, °Olio:wed.
in dispiay, • over the fallen form of a stricken --
man, dressed as for a n,nptrial night, deathly
and lying: apparently_ lifeless in the
centre of the floor: •Several 'gentlemen *ere',
chafing:they templet' of the fallen man, - .while
a fait , Woman agitated,7lit. self possessed;
.kneeled at his side, with his head in her lap,
administering powerful restorattves. - The: _
bride arrayedinall her 'transient loveliness
stood on one side,_the-lueire ;of _her .brilliant
countenance alternately deepening to name- ,
lion. and paling to fleecy whiteness, while in
other respects she seemgd calm and • unmoved
as an Idle spectatreseof a dramatic scene.
„Opposite her stood a gentlemen dressed like '
the fallen man, trembling and). fearfully agi.
hated, alternately scanning thir beaatiful: but
passionless vision beford him, end the lifeless
form-at-her_feet... Outside the oirole and half
hidden from view; sunken
bracecf an arm chair, with her face , buried
in the folds of her garmentarreolined . the half •
paralised'MOther of the bride, speechless and
immoveable as a statue.- -Near and frying to
sooth her, stood the dismayed father, netound
ed end, overcome- by- tbe- apparent calamity
that-had befallen'-his:house". • • -
At the moment appointed for the nuptials, -
two bride's grooms claimed the hand of the
bride.. Each one had come with glowing an
ticipations of happiness, mutually congratula
ting themselves upon the approach of the mo• -
meat that would find ihvm united to the: oh.
ject of adoration. Each was oonsoftius of the
other's claims, and the effect, wlien .he dread
foot bursi upon, them_ Wale* tremenfirius-• lb
was too overwhelming for the Young minister:*
With ap ; eart-rending gasp he etauggled fur a '
moment nud fell, headlong and heart stricken •
to • the fluor. lt was that
_appalling' sound,
.mingled with the bliiieks of the bridesmaids,
which so startled their - guests in tee ntidst of
their joyette anticipations-and bil'arity.
The spectacle presented to the rushing - and
terrifie•l throng of beautiful women and gay
gentlemen was -terrifying. The tableaux of -
the fallen groom ; the calm and . unmoved. •
bride; the agitated groom searching ' her with
glaring eyes and livid•features ; the paralysed
mother; the tuttonishett and•humbled , father ;_
the Itneoling forms of-lovely - and sympathetic
wianen ; and the 'grave nod .ominous silence
of their attendant groomsmen, was, one per
haps never before witnessed en a' nuptitil.
of ht.
0 4fter a while the ministratiOns: of kind
nurses began to produce a re-action in the
prostrated system cif.the fallen groom: Signs
of returning artiquitinii Wiener° visible. The •
actors and witnesses of the tragic scene re. ,
gained composure. The l'ather's eelf-pnases•
ohm, returned. Advaneitig to the extremely .
beautifill hatheartleas iluthtlr tiPthe painful
, linunit he sternly Ottaitnnntled leer instant
choice- hetWeen the centeatint; suitors. The
neither, still true-teher partial ties, advous.
ted her favorite. The father maintained fieu
tr: lity. 'but ieiter;iied Itio V commends. The
danighter.aitexeling_biaax-of tier father. plod
tot* moment's reti..ution.• It was granted,
hut n flying messenger immediately des '
patched for the officiating Mu - lister; Who, it
'vats raw diet:livered. had eiteapitil in the ono
ru.don unperceived. and had reirairell'ilitinglit-,
fat nml Eillt rdwfu I towards Lis linme. After
ranch perann , iott he "returned, •ati l the I:m4a.
- kr; witnXe early gaaityhotiv gave Place to rod
tient-anti silence, again-repaired to the parlor
tin await ti, filial develimment th e el p et h i ,
Ha. The jtemni drortt Were now' t tipt:
hing: n,
k stream of brilliant light succeeded - by a
than! of. beauty., irrallhoed the emus, , The. -
'bridal tr.iiii_swePt The nuptial ceramtiny
tio:lll,:aalisSalattlj the heartless, magnificent' :
-pride to , the disvated, hat .itlfering young min
iotori. vOootrotglte last nloateut find: •elic.,
ltn4tee the of
.tbo tiiettt . er:a< vri • i I is'Aigu e) , , it he
titans er'Etnitifeettrott .oetteutquotteeti of
kovitig tieeispeii the misfortune 'of 'tiiitiringe',.!
I%4li'dellttafloolos;t . netrble.heerted,ilurt.
ii the ` , .•4!fe:iil44
of . ‘key.oisolt`iniiiiiter otntee.l Its Juet ileeerte;-
9er:'rketelf . ,
{run nnrrlilj' ~o auth i ts 410131' in tiehrotitid.
';:11/Or'The oboaioiee
of„)Ift; ; soften),
r'-oorifitok is U1 , 4111) . 19* enemy..-L:._ -_-:7T,
' • .- .
~ A fter.alartof allusion to 'the: genera(' proi
perity,Of the ednotry . and A gPRISiIIi, reeogni
tion.Of the favor of Proehienee,,the „President
enters on.the dienneelou of.the pplitioal . quee
Meeeage !ulna : „ ..
. ..
'-- In the brief interval between Alia termina
tion of the latit-and , the commencement of the
session of Congress, - the public, Mind
has been ocitcpied with the care of selecting,
for nnother cOnstitutional term; the President
alai - Vice President of the Unitoiff States... The
determination of the perilous; who are of right,
or contingently, to preside over, the adminie : -
tretion of the government, is under our , aye- .
• tem, committed to the Strotea'and the people.
We appeal to them, by their voice Pronounced
in the foram of law,- to'call whomsoever they
will to the high post 'of Chief Magistrate.—
And tilde it is quit as the Senabirti,refiresent,
the respective. States of the Union, and the
members' Of the House of. Representatives the
-several constituencies of . .qach.4l rifle, se the
President represents the aggregate population
of the United States, Their election of him.
i isAls; explicit end solemn act ofthe sole say
ereigti nutbority of the Union. , It is impossi:
hie to misapprehend the great principles;
_tibial', by their. recent Political notion, the ;
i'people of the United States. have sais4idned
rand announced, .. - They" faro atmerlett the cou-_
atitutional 'equality .or each and all of the
fitSteatof the-Union as States;:they—
firMediihi - VaffetitritiOnalbqualitritreatilVeff• .
all of,the citizens of the United States as citi
zens, wittotever•their religibti,. wherever .their
birth' et:residence ; they have maintained the
InyjeltitbillAy ophe I:l9llBtikugontil rightstif the
different - secti - ons•of the Union,inff they have
proclaimed their derstettand unalterable at
tachment to_ the Union audio the conetlintion,
.as objects' of interest superior to all aubjeots
oflooal or emotional controversy, its the safe-,
guard of the rightsof all; as lhespirit and
the-essence of the libirth-peadeand greatness
of the Republic—, • . ' \ '
•lin doing thierthey bave,"at theasme time,
- emphatically contlemned_the ides_otorgania
log mere geographical parties.; .of marshalling .
r in beadle array towards - each other the differ
ent parts 'of the country, North or South,
East or West. - Schemes of this nature, fraught
with incalculable misobief, end which the con
siderate sense of - the people has rejected,-
couldhave had countenance in no part of.the
country, - had they-not-been dirguiethl-by Bug. '
geittions.plausible in appearapweeting upon
an'excited saute of the publig" bilnd, indiced
by causes temporary in their character, and .
it is to bil hoped, - transient in their influence.
Pitted liberty of association for political ob
jects,,-and thewidest scope of tilsoussion;are
,the received and ordinary conditions of : gov
ernment iit our country. Our institutions,
framed in the spirit of confidence in the in
telligence.and. integrity of the people, do not
forbid citizens, either individually, or assoola
led Aogether,to Attack, by writing, speech, or
any other methlods short of physical force, the
Constitution and the very fixistenee •of the
Union.-- Under-the ehelterbf this-groat-fiber-ty, and protected by the laws and usages of
the government they.assitil, associations have
bOen firmed in some of the States, of individ.
uals, who,•protending to seek only to prevent
the spread of the institution_ of slavery into
the.present or future or Inehoate States of the
Union, are really inflamed with desire to
change the domestic institutions of existing
States. To accomplish their objects they de=,
dicate•theanielves to the odious Intik of depre.
chitin the: government organization which
sterols ',in their' way, and of calutiminthog,
with indiecriMintlie Jnvective, not: only the
citizens of particalni States with . whose -laws
they find fault, but all others of their fellow,
citizens throughout - the country wh o do not
partieipate.with them in their assaults open
the Constikon, framed and adopted by our
fathers, and claiming-for the privileges it hew
secured and the, blessings it has conferred,
the steady . support and grateful reverence of
theirchildren. They echoic -an -object which !
they. well know to be a revolutionary one. : 1
They arenerfeetly nwrire-that', the dumps
in the •relstive condition , of
i the -white' 'and
black races in slaieholding States:which they
would promote, is beyond their lawfulatitivir
ity : that to them it is a foreign ,. object; /bat
it cannot affected by aq prac'eful
,mentality of theirs; that for them, and the
States of which they are . eitisens,- the only
path to_itsaeoompliellynent is' through- Mini=
illg cities, and ravoied . fiehls,.and slaughtered
popuistions,,amd all that is moat- terrible in
foreign, boniplleala with 'civil • and semille .
war ; and that the first Wiep 4 in attempt is
the forcible dittruption.ufa Gauntry embraeiMi
in 'its broad'hosant 10efirepTorliberty, and an.
smontit of iudiiridual:ein4 etv4olo , .
to which theta is no partial - 13 ; history, and
its place hostile governmenre;
driven at once and inevitiday-inkontitual-de•
vastation rad fratriaidalenruage, • tiabsform
hig the . now peaceful and, 'tom t o p e -brother:
load tntn a vast permanent camp". of armed
moil like the ideal 'Miner/3111es and
4.111.,. , " Well knowlag'that . suet; ttud such
;;itfy.are the . means and!tke cmitservlgllooll' of
their plans and purposes, they endensMi 'to
rePurk they, , Mple ,vr,th?: • Spqes.. for
ofvllwor bydoing eretilleng,in
,their pol Fer,
to deprive tiip'.(l,:ttstituti.4l, and- the; laws of
-merud and - to inderrnine: the frill‘rio
IT.ofn!hy appeals tei ria•don , end
tlylariautrittstiagits peaks .
with eecipral Itittrel,t!pd edgollink them
in - stnn.l to face is enegties, ralber . ihAtt
sboultlittirhtsultier ‘ !kr. Mends.
.• It, is by theougency,orlaumh uuworranittile
luteilerense, tUrelgo raid , dotnestiti,-
'thnf' the
hoOttlii4tuifttitolttO possionotaysotuttitot
,naituitOf, ttult...4otototio:.ltuititutiono: . of •the
• Soudisru 'de:at lenittit to tio:ilO,ltiseiust,,
. to
thipJ : filtol,r ; co,l4ll-i04 , . te . inpurary '...fv4uwahip
mith' dot usoict.tiOd
7it4'solllo°n; Ardently
'attoehed to liberty in
41 "
ci,l . oLowoofizipion,di siF.,4mflectituis,
if the evil were na great as'theY deem it, they
.have no remedy to-apply. Ointth at it- -pan -be
only aggravatod:by their violehee and" unoon
etitutional notion. A qUeition, which le one
of thepost difficult of all-the'preblems
oiatinstitutioh, political eophomy and states ,
manehip, they treat with unreasoning inteM
peratme of thought and laiagtiage . , .• Eztremea
beget eilremes. Violent. nttaok from the
North finds - its inevitable consequence in the
growth of a spirit of angry defiance at the
South. Thus in ; the progress of events we had
numbed that coneurumntion, which the. voice
Of the peoVe-has now so pointedly rebuked.of
the attedipt, of a-portion of tile- Slates, by a
sectional organizatien and mo_vement,io usurp
the control of the
,government - pf the United
States. . • '
I confidently believe_ that the great, body of
those who inconsiderately, took this fatal step,
are sincerely attached ~to the'Bon.stitution and
the Union: .The woUld, . upon deliheratien,
shrmic.'with unaffected horror from any
salons not of disunion 'or civil war. But they.
have entered ititoit path,. whichleads nowhere.
unless ik-be-to civil war and_disunion," and
which hits no other. possible outlet. They
have proceeded than far in that ofireetion. in
consequence of the successive stages of their
progress having.consisted of a -series" of sec
ondary issues, 'eaci . t,of which professed to be .
ionfiried% Within constitutional and peaceful
limits, but which ettempted_ indirontly what
fow-men-were-Willing_to , t 3 61reotly,_thnt_is_to.
not aggressively against the oonstiiiitionat .
le or MAtrlr-one-hriff..—_ol,2-11m:,.thirikona..
In the long eoriee of ante of indir7ot aggrea
sion; the first was the strenuous agitation ; by
citizens of - the `northern States, - Congress,
and out of it; Of - the - questlonof uegrb-emanoi
potion in the southern States. •
The tomend'eteP in - this path of evil consisted
of eats oLthe people of the northern States,
-and in several instances of their governments,_
alinedl6 facilitste-the escape, of, persons held ,
to seivice theliouMern States, and to pte
orent their extradition wheti reolnimed accord
lug to law and in virtne:of express, provisions
of the Constitution. To premed() this . objeot;
legislative enactments and other meaner were
'adopted to take away or defeat' righttzothich
the Constitution solemnly guarantied. In or
der to nullify the then existing act of Congress,
concerning. the extradition of fugitive from tier
vice, hrtris were enacted in many States, for- ,
bidding their officers, under the severest pen •
,attlee, to participate in'the execution of any
act of Congrees whatever. In this way that
',vital of - harmonious - - co operation. between
the authorities of the United States and of the
several States, for the maintainance of their
common institutions, which existed in the ear
ly years of the - Republio„ ware destroyed-; con
filets of jurisdiction came to he frequent ; and
Congress found itself. compelled, for the sup
poit of the Constitution, and the vindication
of its power, to authorize the appointment of
new officers charged with the execution. of its
acts, as if,they end the Officers of the States
were the - Ministers, respectively, of foreign
governmentssin.a state of mutual hostility,
rather than fellow magistrates of a common
country, peacefully subsisting under the. pro
teotion of one well constituted UniOn. „Thus
here.mlso, aggression was followed :by r . eoto•
Con; and the attacks upon- ti e.
at this point , did but serve to rai s e hew bar
riers fur itei defense-and security. ' '
The third stage of this unhappy sectional
controversy, way in connexion with the organn>
action of territorial gover A nOnts,and the„ifd
mission of neerStati)B ineikhe 'Union. 'When
It was propoSed to admit the State - of • Main
by Separation df territory from 'that of Ma.,
sachusetts, and the State,"pf Missoor, formed
of a portion of the territory coded by - France
to the Untted.litates,_repreVontatives du Con
greys of to the admission of the. Minor,
tan !OS on conditions suited to-particular views
of publio : potiay. The imposition of such a
condition woe successfully : resisted. But at
'the • snmd.period, the question was presented
'of imposing restrictions upon the residue Mi
the territory ceded by France. That question
wits, fur'the time, disposed of by: the adoption
'Cita geographical line of limitation: •
to this 'connexion it should not he forgotten
thitt France, of her own necerd,' for
ininaideratione of the ranst far-sighted sagacity,
to cede Louisiana to the United Scutt*, and
accession wise accepted by the United. States,
the littler expreoly engaged that "the inhabi
tents of the ceded territory shall be iworpora
•ted in the Union of the United Slates, and ad:
witted as soon as poesible, according to the
principles of the Federal Cons itution, .to the
enjoyment of aill - the rights,' advantages, and
' iunnunities of'citietis of the United Stutes;
aukin _the:meantime boy ehall be Maintained
,end proteited in: the frt;u' enjoyment tit , theig
tibirty„ property, and Ike, religion whieh they
profeti"--tlidria to say, while it rt3111:1i113 in It
territorial conditiou,-ite-iultabitanta_arsAirtin
tnitied and protected in the fre:wenjoyment ; of
their liberty and property, with a right . ' then
to piss into the condition of.Strites on ti foot;
tug of perfect equality with the original Siete,
-Thu enseintent;ywhich established - the r• -
Striettve gragraphicel line, tuts acquiesce' in
ratherdhatt. apprevetr by the States of the
Widen : , It afoot' andhe statute book; huweyer,
fora untidier uf'yeartf; and 'the - peopht'Of the,
, reeliratite itltatesecquie•!ced in' the .te, ettl'ot,
1110i,t of the principle us applied tc - the Stade of
-Tattoo t. and id:wns . prupeeed tett finpire',ce in it,
further applitiatieti to : the tirru my ticquirel
the titted . 4tilitis &opt 411440. . this
Prokaition,wattstnors4ully resist e d by ,the
rePresentatires from the nerthero States; who,
inert:leet' of the 4446'
, upen
odiPidigf#!fiol . 4 . .. 6 : 1 4 Ale!. terri t ory gnu •
iirellYi.whether lAtig north; or., south of.: it;
tbireby:repealing it as , a .1414141$ ' ciicipro
wise, and, bit' i'hit•
ly violating the eettipitkii,df leatuPlsot-there
'fileroupon. this. inuititmont• !AO • bore
bin,.ll,3l;..virtue iu aujr; aenao.,rodietbiiiloot4 4 .3''
elo~tyof~t~ie t"44 °Kcifirilfigili:. o 4o llB l) ) * 4 ;
:uto4loo of tiro Torritoritor - of. Now ..MoilOtO;
Ilia; Sad Waoldoitou.: .
waStheatate of -this , question, whinr
tkinitild.arrived for the organization of the
Territories of Kansas and Nehraskrt: In the
progress of oonstitutional,inquiry. and --.'refleo
tionilt had now at length. oome to be.. leeit
o ear y t at. Congress does not possess
lutional power to impose restriotions of :this
oluiraoter upoit any present or 'future State'sf
' the Ifnion. In'a long series of decisions, on
" the fullest arguMent; after the, most
liberate d'eneideratlon, the Supreme Court of
the United-States had finally determined this
point, in !over) , form under which the question
could nrise, whether as-Lai:Wing putilici or pri
--vitto rights—in questions of this public domain,
of religion; of navigation, and-of servitude.
Tho several States oft-the Union are, by force.
of the - oenstithtion, co . -equal in domestic leg
- islntive power. Congress cannotohnogsa law
_ of domeetio relation in the 'Stat. of Maine ; no
more oanlt in the State of 'Missouri. Any'
statute whieb`proposee
. tit do' this : is a'Mere
nullity; it tr kes away no rigtlt, it ()confers
none. If it remains on the statute book un- :
repealed, it remains there only as a monument,
of anit'a 7 beacon - iif warning - to legis
. latorand . the state:smut. Ts roped itivilt be
only to romovii imperfection from the tdatutes,
'Without nffecting, either in the sense of pOr
tniesionor of prohibition,' the /action of the
•' States, or of their citizens
,fitill,"srlien this 'sentinel' restriotion of this
_ itirojnix o - den& iettei in law, sriss
terms repeelod by the hist Gong - roes, in a clause
of the oistagsizing_tite Territaties_oLKonsn.
rand-Nebraska; that rolioal-ras' ninth)
casioa of a wide-sproati and ; dapgerooa agita
It was alleged that the • original eriaottfitnt
_being-a conipaat of perpetnil moral.obligation,
ite repeal constituted an odious broach of faith.
Au act of Congress, while icremainOtture
pealed,-Inercespecially if it be conititutionally
valid in the-judgment or thoott publio function
arias .whose duty it is- to -;probounce on that.
point, is undoubtedly binding on thoponecienee
Of eaotrgood althea °film-Republic. Bet in
- what sense can it be asserted that the °nook.
mont in question was invested-with perpetuity
..atd entitled to ,the respeat of - a Solemn - corn:
pact? 'Between whom wasthe - compact ? No
distinct oontending pow.ers of the government'.
"'no separateueetionti - of the Union, treating. as
snob, entered int, treaty stipulations on the
eubjoot. It was more clause of an, act of Con
gress, - and like any other centroilerted inatter,
of legislation, received its final shape and was
passed . by'bompromise.ef the conflicting opin
ions or sentiments of the members of , engross.
But it it had moral authority over teen's oon•
soleness, to whom did this authority attach
Not to those of the North, rho had repeatedly
refused to confirm and who
had zealously striven to other and
incompatible regulations upon the subject.
And if, as it thus appears, the
pact had no obligatory force as to the North,
of coarse it could not have had any be to the
Smith, for all, such compacts must 'he - mutual
and of. reeiprocal obligation. .
It has not unfrequontly happened that law•
givers, with undue estimation of the value of
--the-law they-give-or in the•view of imparting
to its peouliar strength, make - Wporpotual in
terms; -but they cannot thus 'bind the con
science, the judgment, and the will of those
who incy.xticeoed them, invested 'wait ' similar
..responsibilities, and" clotted with equal nu',
iliority.,:illore careful itivestig:ition may prove
the . law to be , unsound in principle. l l xperi
(dice may show it to 'be imperfect in detail
and impracticable in execution. And' then
both reason and right combine nut merely to
,notify, lint to require its repeal. ,
The Constitution, anprome_as it is over
all the depArtinents of the government, log
ialativerexecutive ande judicial, is open to,
amendment b its very terms; and Congress
or the States m ty, in 'their discretion, pro
pose antemitnent,:to 'it; soletun compact
though it in truth is between the sovereign
Status of the Union. In the present instance, -
a political enktment, which had ceased to
• have legal power or authority of any kind,
was repealed. The position assumed, that
Congress had no Moral-right to enact such
repeal, was strange enough, and singularly.
NO in view of the fact that the argument
came from those who openly refused obe.
dionce waiting laws of the land, having
' -the,samo popular designation' - and quality
tic coinpromlso acts—nay, more • whop ling
quivoeally dierogarded'aud condemned the •
most positive add obligatory injunctions of
the Constitution itself, and sought, by eve
ry moans within their roach, to 'deprive•a'
portion of their fellow.citizens of the equal
unjoythent of those rights , and privileges
guarantied alike to all by the fundamental.
compaet_of our.Unien. • I -
The argument against the repeal of the
' statute 'line in question, was accompanied
by another of_congenial character, and - et
qually with the former deatituto of fOundtk
thou in reason and truth. It was, imputed
' thaf•the motisure originated in the concep
tion of -extending the Mutts of slave labor,
hoyond those previously assigned to it, and
' that such was its natural 'as"well as Intend
ed ,effect; and theme baseless. assumptions
Were wedeln the northern States, the ground
. :of .unceasing assault
,upon • constitutional
was aireadobsolete, , and also null for un
constitutionality, could haven° influence to
obstruct or to promote- the propagation o
contlieting•viewe'of political or social Nadi,
tuition. -Whim the act organizing the Ter.
ri teries. of Kinsas_tind 'Nebraska , was poised
the inherent ellect . npon that portion of the
i.r-public domain rhos opened to legal settle-
went,' tram to ''admit settlers • from all •the
States ofr the Union alike; each with- his
. convictions of public policy and private in..
• tercet; there to be..found in their discretion;
•, subject to finch limitations as the •Censtitu-
Lion and acts of Congress-thiglWpreseribe,
new States, hereafter to be admitted into
the Union. It- was it freo - flea, :open alike
to all, whether the statute.line of assumed
reetrictims'ivere repnaled or not. Thett're
peal did not open to free Competition of the
diverse opinions and'domestlo. institutions'
it Id. Which,:withObt,ench repeal,:would
have: beenleleamt against';VlCO rAtibund.
that field of Competition tfiready'erienefiilin,
feet and in-law. repeal •
relieve the'; ntatute , hboli. ol;aP..Object i tinti.!::
bl e; ortaqtraent,.,utiponstitatleaal etatt,,.
:; ',and Injurious in'termelia P&p
Is It the fact, that,,in ollthe'eneettled Tel
theUtlited! !Statile; if
- • loft' fracto act:ia thla, respect
' . legal proillhitialts. , op either.. side s
[;9there,Litt- , ..priiteiettce; to •:free .lebor
he fact, than the wailer., tlontestic
Ivor mtich;of ilgor;that, : wheresoevee
a caner 4s.ireely open : , to all the .world,;•
ey will penetril4 esalttolon of those
, . .„
NO. 15,,
ofthe northern . States 1 Is ft the' ilk% that ,
the formetonjoy,,compared.with_thelgter„
such irresistibly superior vitality, indepen.
dent of climate, soil, and all otheritOlden.;
tal circumstances, as to be• able to produce
the supposed result, in spite of the assumed
moral and natural' obstacles - to - its accent
' - plishranatTand - Oftba - morepoti* —
lation of the Northern States 7 -
The argument of. those who advricato:the'
enactment of new laws of_ restHctiorc
condemn the repeal of old ones,to,offract-'
:avers that their particular views or gevern7,
wont have no self-extending or SoiNdotidn' l '
ing porter of own, and will go nowhere
unless.forced by net ef. Congress.
Congress do but pause for a moment
policy of stern coercion ; if it 'venture to try„
the experiment of leaving ' judge, for
themselves what institutions' will beat timlti
them ;iflt be not strained up to perpetual; ,
legislative exertion mithis point; if Cen..
' gross proceed thug to act in the very - 41dt
ef liberty, it id at once charged witlaim
fng to 'extend slave labor into all the
Territories - of the United Stated.
. ...Of course, these imputations on theAft.'!:
tentions of 'Congress in this, respect, con- .
colved as - they were in prejudice, and die..
seminated M . passion; are utterlydestittito - .,
of any justification In the - nature, of 'things,
and 'contrary to - all the fundamental
trines- and„principlits of civil liberty and
self-gevernment.-- ' • . '
'While • therefere,in general, the people
of the Northern States have' never; at any, •
time, arrogated for the federal goveintientl. ,
thp power to interfere with the domestic
condition of persons in the Southern States,,,,
b t. on-the
,contrary have disavowed all such . '
intentions, and have shrunk from couplet.
uous'affiliation with those few who pursue •
their timeliest objects avowedly through the
afilitiimpliftectineaits of revolutionary change-1--
of the government, and with aeceptance of •
the neoessary , consicquenceta civili.and
war=yet - mattrotliYenthave - puffer- , ---
ed themselves to be drawn iettione - dvaites-7 .--
lcent,political issue 'of agitation after anottr;
or, appertaining to tho same set of opinions, ,
and : which subsided , as rapidly as they arose
when it came to be_see4as nnifortnly, 'f
did,qhfit they -were incompatible -with-the --
Compacts of the Constitution and the =hi; -
tence of thelUniqn. • . . • " ",„
-Thus, when the acts of some of the Stateis',, ",
to nullify, the ousting extradition lei'
' posed upon Congress the duty of paStatigia
nerifono;the . country was invited by. iigita«,
tors to enter into party' : organization.tor itlt
repeal;__but_that agitation opeedilyceaied
by reason of the impracticability. of-its olt !
ject. So, when the statute.restriction upon
the: institutions of new States - by 'ateo: , ...
.grephical hue, had been repealed, the ocktutr
try was urged to demand its restoration and
that, Project also died almost with its birth.
Then follow:A the cry of alarm from the •
Worth against imputed southern encroach.
'merits, which cry sprang in reality from the
spirit of revolutionary attack on'the domes
tic institutions of the South; and, after a
troubled . existence of a few months' has
been robeked by the voice of 'a patriotic
people,. . . .
Of this kit agitations one lamentablefeit
ure was, that it wee e a rriatVon at the inutteL ;;3:
diets expense of the peace andliatipMess ,
the people of the Territory of
That was made the battle-field, hot so'nlineh
of opposing factions or interests within it
self, as of the conflicting patisions of the
whole people of the United States: .Revo
luthinary disorder in Kansas had its origin'
in projects of intervention, deliberately ar
ranged by certain members of that Congreu
which enacted the law for the organisation
of the Territory. And when. propagandist
colonization of Kansas had beenthns under- •
taken in oho section of the Union, for the '
systematic Prorbotion of its peculiar view.
of pol icy , there ensued, as a matter of course,
a counteraction with opposite views, in oth.
er.sections of the Union.
In'tobsdlitionce - of - these — androther !wiz
dentsi many note of disorder, it is andante- '
ble,.have been perpetrated in Kansas ? to
the occasional interruption rather than the
permanent suspension, of regular govern
ment. AggroßßlV e and mostreprehensible .
cursions into the territory were undertaken •
both the North and South, and entered
it' on Its northern border by the way of
lowa, as well as on the" eastern by. way of
Missouri ; and there has existed within it
a: state of insurrection against the consti
tutional authorities, not without cotnt
chance from inconsiderate persons imeach
of the great sections of the Union,
But the difficulties in that Territory have
bean extravagantly exaggeratbd forth - ern ,
pose of political agitation elsewhere. The
number and gravfty of the ado of violence
have boon magnified; partly by statements'
entirely untrue, and partly by reiterated . '
accounts of the same rumors or facts. e •
Thus the Territory has been seemingly"
filled with extreme violence, when the whole
amount of such acts. has not been greater
than what 'occasionally spasses before no in •
single cities to the regret'of all good cilia
ze us, but without being regard as of general
or permanent political consequence.
•,- Imputed livegtilarities in the elections:-
had in Kansas, like occasional Irregularities.
of the same description in the States,, were-%
beyond the sphere of action of theExecn
five. ; .But incidents of actual violence ,or.`
of organized 'obstruction to the law, perti- „
naceously renewed froin time to time, have
been mot as they occurred, by such means
a were availrible and as the circumstances
squired; and nothing of this character
now' remains to - affect , the general peace of
the Union. ; . . .
The attempt of a part of the .
Inhabitinte' '
of the Territory to erect a revolutionary ~
government; thcugh sedulously encouraged
and supplied with pecuniary aid from active 4- '
agents - of disorder in some of the - States, , `
has completely failed. Bodies of_armed
men, foreign to' the Territory, have been
prevented from entering or compelled to ~
leavo it.
, Predatory bands, engaged in acts cif 'no •
pine, tinder cover of the existing political'-:'
disturbances, have been arrested or diapers- ,
ed.. l And every well-illigiosedpeisidisnoir''"
enabled once morelo devote hintenlititobliam .1,,„
to he pursuits — Or prosperodir,litettys.ll4 - .
the - proseeutiori of which he un de rtook . " -
participate in the settlement..:or , tbo - Terd4l , 2-.
It affords me unmingled satisfaction thus ~
to Rllllollnoo the peseefultonditlon of thin& s'
in Kansas, especially considering themeane! , l,
to which it,was necessery, te havers/Kum! ~
fer the sttaininent of the end,' namely, th e • "
employment of a part of the rallitarY foree . -.. -
of the United States. The
that force from its Proper duty ordettindhit . '
the country against foreign foes or the ust. , :..
Ages of the frontier, , to employ-it for, the
suspenbion - Or :domestic% inSurtectiott,. ; ll4 . 1
when - the exigency' occurs, ' a matter tif Mei- -.
most earnest solicitude. On* this occasion
of imperative .necessity it bee been done
with the best results,' and, my aistlsilietthlt, ,z, in the attainment:o'Blmb iesulta,by get*
means "is greatly enhanced •br the oossidel ••:-.-
ation',..tbat; through the wisdom and anew ,
of the proacut PxoMlthrour Kamt, 0 40.1% r;
• prudent°, flrinneSs 41614,74111.1 . 113 p ..01 * ,
Of t tt
military ,o(ticera on duty thbre;- trotqltilli ~,-..
has been restored wi th out buotirciii ate — .'"•`.''
finving been shed in:lts ite s aoinpliahment by _
the reTrpe•ef the trnittO Star A tl7li:rr,.. stn
i Th6restoiatiari'efeotimaritivettiplleo- ' ...'•
ly i iiillutt Territory biruithisthe*#afit'br l " :
°bRoOIPS calmly, A"o. 4 pprjrotqg ontl6ll:tii
jUst.value, the,eventswict , nave'ooturret •
go t crumpet of ,the Terrktety, h l4llooollk . pl .1
xtibjet%" . .. '.' ,- •.•_.,_ .. C -•, .. , t.
Isere'Oeitie;iiiiiii•nOnfillfaisYlebefiliFhliik a "
iuturo domestic instituticipeltgfttioeykerv,
lot that-:no human prudencb, no..fbroeof _
. , • . (Cessehtded invfourth pay*) . , •, ; •';-
• ,