Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 03, 1856, Image 4

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    Z -
lartrierol .13rfarttlitit
The Farm and.the Ilan
It Italy, be important to'bonsider _which
is first and: ina 'e , m
t inipOrtant, than or
hisrm, -land, and-water, reek and
before, he did T .- brit it may
not have been'' farin till-he made it 80.
la is maker of the farm, ho is evident
• • lythe most, important; for the thing
Made eanuat Well, be superior to its ma
- 'ker.'• 'The maker must held the first rank.
%kit; strikes us that there is a ;mutual
•: relationship between the man, and 'his
farm which makes each partly dependent
tiptai r inidpiThirifftlie maker of the other.
If the man• makes his-fartu refit ought-to•bemade, it will do much in return to
make hini ; that. is, if he,oultivates Intel
ligetitlyL-thinks,•reasons, experiments as
\becomes a rational being; , improves . his
eaihis stoOk, his grain, hie fruit ;-leirtirr
• the nat, and habits of the things --he
oultivatesq,knows why. he - does
, thing-such ittention to'his feria will re.
, model the..nran, cultivate him as much as
it does the firm. '
• ,When a' man studies.lair and practices,
it intelligently, the professioriwill give
- • strength, 'culture, force-and power cif will
to the..Mati,--that is, his profession will
• roake.hini=inake' him a man of larger
stamp than -IWwould have been- without
the study'and energy put, into it. The
study and practice - of medicine makes the.
• physioian. ,Divinity makes theditine.
In each of thwprofessions, men are made
by them, because they,e,ach require; study
in their acquirement; and intelligence in
. 'their. practice: Our
-great men are chiefly
from the learned professions,' They
require 'a great deal-of mental labor rand
research;, they'exercise.the wind ; they
" stretoh-its-muscles ; they harden its sin- -
' ---ews_;_ they solidify the bones. The - pro
do - mu C h -t o -make the. great-men
, . _that are found in thew. - • •
• "•• go - it'rrhould be with the farming pro
fession. The farm should make . men =
' gre,at men—as weal as the bar and the
'desk. _And it„will;if if is regarded- and
treated in the same way.- Let our young
farmers be intelligentlynrepared for their
. duties. Let them study their profession;
read the authors on scientific farming, on
agrionitural chemistry, on the, earth,. the
.• soil,..stook, fruits, grains, vegetables, and
' _ • thetrou the ••metier) of farming; . -and
••• when they are thus - prepared, them
•oontinue their in all their practical "Oper
"" • ationeow,d_tbriisr.nuv..old,srvit..Lugi Qnt,
more .... gerit men than any other One place
of Inman exertion:. Wherias nincli
telligence is exercised on the farm as .• in
the'other professions, it will .produee
many:great nfen as the 'Same ... intelligence
wilreol4l66 iii 'any -other way. The
lawyer, the doctor, and the divine have .
each, their library. Where is the far- ,
. per's Y Those farmers who have - good
agricultural libraries are among our best
men. Let the farmer make his farm in
the light of the best intelligence that re
. lates toae_subject, and will
make a man of the:first stamp.— Valley
correspondent of the Maine Farmer, in
reply 'toz , ,an inquiry by another correspon
dent for a cure of a bad sore"on a torse's
shoulder, gives the followin,s' -presoiip
Lime-and lard, are the r beet application
to old, and - ba - d — sores;' - of en" kind;ltriatr'
know, especially.. if the bone is muted.
Take good'stone lime, slake dry and
aift.through-almo - seive.-- -Put - the -flour
in a bottle, cork tight, and keep in a dark
plaeplrom light and air, and it will keep
• ;good for years. .Take one part. of lime
- to three parts•or lard, in_bulk, and • mix
well, cold, and apply . a proper quantity
to the sore, twice a, day, and cleanse well .
each time with soap suds. If the sore
descends below tha.outward opening, it
muitbe opened to the bottom . or - it will ,
not teal sound. If the bone be affected,
the Bore probably will not heal and ought
not to till the bone shall be healed under
. .
this' treatment always heal sound.., If
fungus be in the sere, this ointment will
(dear it all out; and keep . it out.
The above proportions are about right,
tukthe applicant will soon learn'tO vary
them if necessary. 'Soule allowanoe igill
be necessary for.thp different strength of
the -lime. '
to an article in the. Annals of the Lux
.amhititAgricultairal'Society, conifintni;
eatecthra Belgian farmer, a heifer calf
is iliiartablduced when the cow is
put to . bull bete milking, 'add a' male
calf:When the cow ie put to bull just af
ter she has been thoroughly milked. The
atithor'ef,thie.statement claims : to hive
eongtiiell. its accuracy: by four:yeara f3X
perkgti44frund2aaserta that' - ,the plan has
oraceee:ded . beyond all 'expecitation. Cows,
whOti4v - ioutily 'had bottle only: male.
'ealvestand that•for four or five years,
gave heifer calves. by the, above treat.
anent. Give it a trial. ' [We have in
, aerted the above before ' more, as a new
" French?' idea than that there was
ly enough in it to,make it of any Trued•
sable the , farmer; but we just
perceliethittillioNeio — Es9/and ..Parme•
sports that Mr: . French, of-13taintree,
raises some of. the
fined lunotig )ati,',iind who is a care
'ol34oo' Pribis andahnilaipheritone
.. sa,'lineAngbeen of,this foot.
:relegraph,:‘ • •
!Tito's lam `ea .
(hott,'-,llVni?iilif,VO, With' pine 'we know ,
not,) , :t4ey .. sqb heir in,. an:s open gafret
thre,tlgh,l co6biest-wititeri.••• , Thia we
• havtOottind, tralinew it for certainty.
• Ent'ati..-upkoking k. earn should. be 'taken
11/149Ptk-g.k4o..*lei ;tench' the literal
' nor 4,4kother..• Tw•haye them open in
fine.:Orei:WheitAtiii,Paoinid,Aeng nfter
thoseCpolibley4o3. , : , „t4tion - „or, BO
1161 6 46i14441013i1601.410, , i
, *Alf' } l,qr. -,..114-1. .6:
vin.laZ ABBIOAL,AN.E6..Littati.,
rt" --.16, -„ 74 011 be: i l
••=jotart4fi: 'V , , l e ': , , „ 0 - ;•it.r
ri ,, t h ~ ,,,, ,i i.„1 , 1, , .. inverimario,
~...... ..,,,,,4:6„........,„d'0n'un orttui r trapeo.:
ilminolenor qind'illtebt Of the mbacriber, villo , will
_wadi di/IMM, 4 Imbl lnc° 7l , lo ,l"ft t 11,PorEo o f
th e '
Pi r= Bl"44 , , 444114°N't di. it:o - .IGbajpi:vd;
Allila X e 1,1.4, 1 15 1 7, , V.: f io.r - ,0, t , 4• 4, . ~
0130. • lirifli”•,:tilt 40 ' "T• 444,01 ,
010iiipjali-Priuting doap.bert. , =l
18 "410
~4 e; 111 , 0.) • :4tii- , ,, 4.4 ~: .. , 1 d ..,..i,
Was4lgtoe.'s Cabbage Bed:
' Washington's father one day went into
the garden and prepared e: little garden, of
finely puluerized earth, on-which be wrote
George's name in. full. Then strewing in.
WA y7Tif Itiblingitieed,-htreoVered'them-ii p
'and smoothed all 'over nicelywith the
'.This bed he purposely prepared close almi
eider-of a gooseberry walk, which, happen..
ing at this time" to be well hung
° with ripe
• knew would — be-honored — wits
be . honored — witi
George's visits pretty regularly every day.
. Not many mornings passed Away before in
Caine George, with ' eyed rolling, and
. cheeksl ,burst with great
news,- " 0 Pa I wine hereeoine •
" What's, the' matter, my son, what's the
matter ?" •
Oriniin,- ft - on — you, Pa 1 - conic - here;
and I'll show you such a Light'its yonhever
saw in all your lifetime."
The old gentlemen,. suspecting :,what
George would be at, gave him his bawd
which lie seized with great eagerness, and
tugging him along through the' 'garden; led
- him pointblank to the bed whereon waslir
scribed, iti large letters, and in all the fresh
noes of newly sprung plants, the full name of
" There,Pa," said George, •quite - in an
eestacy of astoaishment,-" did you , ever see
Such a sight in all your lifetime ..,
" Why, it seems like a curious affair, sure
enough, George." • "
who did make it there—who
did make, it'?", •
"It grew there by chance, I suppose, my
son." • .
"By chance, Pa I, -01 no; noT it 'never
did.grow there by chance. Indeed, Mitt it
never (lid I" - •
"lleigh I .why not, my song" .
"Why, Pa, did you grey 'see any body's
panic in a plaiit - becl,before?".
" . Well, , bat George, such' a thing-. might
happen ththigh,you - never saw it before." •
Yes, Pa, but,' did, never see the little
'planfa grow, up so as to make one single of
my naniellefore nor< how could .they grow
up so as to inake all the letters of my imme,
so exactly? and - ails° neat and even, too,
at top and bottom I 0 Pa, you must not
say. that chance did this.! Indeed, , sonte . -
.body did it, and I dare say,, Pa, y6u
did it, just to scare me, because' - '1 ,am your.
little boy."
figtheilmiled and said, " Well Georgo,
yott havO'gvessed I X indeed Aid it,
but not tiocseiire' you; my son, hit tb learn
yon a great thing which I wish yony2.3mder
stand;-abriht God anti - :his worn's."
" But I Pa - where" is.` God Almighty 72
- rie - fff -Ad - sew - him-yet.
. "True, my son, bat.though` yen never sow
• him, lie you.„You did rot
e alien ten days ago I made this- little
-plantlled, where you see your name in such
beautiful greela letters ;,.but though you did
not see me here, yet you - knoW:that, I - was
- • -
here:" .
• "Yes, Pa, that Ido know that you were
here." - • -
- "Well' and as my son could not believe:
that chance hid Made and 'put together so
exactly - the letters of his . name, (though
only sixteen,)' then hoW can-he _Wieve that -
Armee could have made and -put - together
all those—Millions:-and millions of 'things
that are now so exactly fitted*, his 'good?
That my son 'may look at everything,..,around
him,-see what fine eyes he has - got I and a
iittlo.pug nose to -smell-- the sweet -flowers,
and pretty ears to hear swectsimndS, and a
lovely mouth for his bread and butter, and
0 the little ivory teeth to cut it for him!--.
And-precious little bands and fingers to hold
'his plaYthings, and beautiful' little feet for
him to run about upon. And when my lit
tle rogue of a son is tired with , running
abonti - then the still night comes for him to
lie down, and his mother sings, and the lit
tle crickets chirp sleep; and ns soon
as he has slept' enough, and jumps up as
fresh nnd strong as a- little buck, there the
-sweet golden-light•is-ready for him I. ---When.-
he looks down in the -water, there he sees
the beautiful silver fishes for 'him ; and up
in the trees,'there are • the apples and the
peaches, and thousands of sweet fruits 'for
him ; and all around him, wherever my dear
boy- looks, ho sees everything just to his
wants and wishes ;.the bubbling springs,
with cool, sweet water for hith to drink.; and
theiicakFto inakethe.'spairkling fires -when
he is cold ; and beautiful horses for' him to
ride, and strong oxen to work for him, and—
'ood cows to give 'him milk, and bees to
makn - hitn - sweet - honey for his sweeter mouth,' -
and the little lambs, with snowy wool, for
beautiful clothes for him I .Now these, and
all.the_ten.thoseand_ether,good things .more.
than7my - sotreae:eren think of, - and all so .
exactly fitted for his VEle and delight, how
could clfance ever hay alone all this for my
little son ?" „0-- •
. -
LAZY Bova.-4 lazy boy makes a lazy man,
just as sure as a cranked' trig makes a
orooked trele.•, Whoever saw 'a boy grow up
in itlleness'llutt did not make a shiftless iad
`abond when be became aAnitu,intless he had a
fortun'e left him to,keep up appearances? The'
greai_mass of jpieveti, paupers, and 'Criminals
thnt fill ourpenitentiarios and almhouses, have
come to whut they are by being brought up in
idleuess.' — Those who constitute the butfinels
portion of, comunity; those who make our
gloat and useful men, were trained up in
their boyhood to be industrious.j
8. P. aNtosa.l • Iv. Er. WIARLANi
MINNEAPOLII3, Opposite tiro Susponsion Bridge, Folio
of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory,
will buy and, call lands, negotiate loans, locato laud
warrants In Minnoaotif, lowa, and Wisconsin. •Inquiries
respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promplly.
Hon. Alex. Itantsci. Ex-GovernoC,
lion. It. M. like, Dologate to'Oongrose, ?inanimate,
Gov. Pollock, Harrisburg,
,Jaiimis It. Steele & .; Philadelphia.
Mon. FrodUrtelt Watts,
SkunDev Esq., ';
Mamma, Now York,
Robort WelshoNew Orleans,
James It. Irvine, Eoq.,
• Hon. XS. Black, Somerset, Ponn'a.;
- • -
J.ll, Good, Mayor; Springfield, Ohio,
Gen. C. Anthony, t/
Jas. Carson, reg. St. Louie,
Wnn: Wilson, I'linv'Ealtlinere, Md.,
J. r Wright, Cherloston, S, C.,
J. I.
,Wileen, Philadelphia.
. .
. .
90,000 Ac'eos of Unimproved Land for Sale, at from $3
to $lO per acre;, also Improved Farms. Lots (or sale
In St. - Paul, St. Anthony, and all towns on the Mimeo.
iota liver. - ..
re... Particular attention given to the L061210$ of
Money, and bantering Land 'Warrants., Address,
. ANYD.EIt k .11'FAItLANE.
-March 'lB,-1850..t47,71--------,—MirmeapolfiCitlitroii.'
It (a Inhaled and Applied ('not taken) to cure Dimness
_ - -•• of the THROAAND ,LUNG 8. • -
No Rbountatie 'Nenrolgte or other Palo can 01 : 1 4
where 011ro Tarn' o +ed. 011ra Tor toliced
• • .with Alntkin tbrois '
Olntiliont tbatcurc
•.•• . • . ,
• "Relaroneo la ,toado to , tho-POlowlng - gerithtton-who
has° unestollon•Tor, or 011ve 'Car Q,lohnout. ' "- ''•
-WEED,Parp; of tbe - Albany.Jourool.7.'_
- Wat, TJWNSEND, Nea.York Express. ' •
.1011 N• N. lIARNARD. Eat Boston Boston Herald. •
• • .• ISAAC V. YOWLER, POstroastary Now York. •
'• Capt. EZRA NYE, lalo of Cho Stoomer Nettle:
• Y. A. MANOR, P.N., Chid Englooor Pncl6o 11, R.
C. N../lARN EY; Pros. U.H. Express Company . • '
• • ELI COOK, Exanapor,Duffolo(N. Y. '
, • Prof. JAMESI I . MAPES. Neaark. •
014011011I'LAiV, N
./KWAvontli, N. Y.._ •-•- „• •
' • lIENRY lwassi„ 68 South atioot, N. Y. - ,
JOE:JS'LORD,ldialual Sodefltlna. Co.; n wall
0. i f. ,. ,ig Euppt 4 Sprotary:Nanhattart Life Ins. Co.,
. • J J171: 1 ru5.,0.0.:29 William st. -
.• •L' 0. W. ENSWORTll,'Scirwardor,,64 Poorlat...
'ELMIRA' PECK.llankcir. 2 Ilroad •.; ,
:.;11.4.1V6.4 .1 ,121 / 1 8,'IdIddloteraa, Conn.
other itatnon a(111 . 10 folitid t. oo,olretilara.
....hlch - can be bad 15f 011i14CarAgellitl.
OLIVE Tait; .
C aritas Rattici.• : ,
. .• OINTMENT( ;• 7 ';•.25 - •.` " ;9'. • •
; 1 7( bylkWiHilioratlOß; only AgOat fbri Carl hie
.; ;; tt re 4MIO:1101011 ; 1' tho'„CatOpanra ,D e pot; Slat,.
_ik aihd by: D!ligoes
•1, RUP•Z_ bloged.
iltottp , nee customer" or the
rattleinalini4• 4 = t z - n u a rrn
7,; 0S j ll
0 1174 4 1 : \ : : Pt hl ar%tr MM.°ll7ll l " 2.
40alle • OTAAhtAtea
Isusiness , garbs.
CS EOR G E E t G E, ~
. ros.oisnoe opposite the 'Mist end of ipe, Court House
. 'Apr1123,:1850. ;
•ci • P. 11,UNI1tICH, Attorney at Law.
4-oMce,on North Hanover street, a- feu. doors
'south of Wass' ltotal. All business entrtuil e 4 •to bin%
1,111 be promptly attended to. ' (April M.
• Oficq In . - East•ltaln Street, Mohnnlcebilig,,Pii.
• 1/ 2 2,.%ri1l dttand to SIIMV.EYINCI. In, connexion with,
hie profeseion. • [Maya,
H. -S. B..ICIITIVER Office in North
k-Conpboll' -
. infice hours, moio perticidarly from 7 to 9 o'clock;
A. M., end from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 51.-
I_l 0 - OTOR S. P. ZlEGLlEll..—office
"And Itontdonco .y,nst Main Street, tli;rd door, olow Hulls°. Calls lu town nud ctitity.promptly
nt bolded:
Otrlls!ui.inn. 2, 1856.
. .
Y at Emit.' "Office In 'Main Shoot, Carlo,
ontrustod to him will Lo promptly at.
mini 10. ' • " Fob, 7.'56. -
13RANDT, Maindacinror ~of
31Iherei1- Mann., French Mend:
- • - nettled-Ale:Porter end Cider
. 'oh .V 1 ter Street. neer the hall hind Brhice; Carlisle
Dit.1..10..ti0 °MTS. IN*
South itannver• street:, - iirr. •
snxt door to the Post .
••••. . . . •
Olt-IVIII benhsent from Carnal(' ' tho Jut ten , Jaye
of each month. , • : (Aug. 1,.'5b.
DENTIST, from the Dal
timoro College of Dental Surgery. .
in-Office at the residence of file mother, East Unitises
street, three doorn.lielosUlinifOrd.,..Lltefereoce—Dr. Geo
Z. Duda ' . March 10.1856-Ff.
q •V:, 1g7.11114.V r,
wo w . iw having. boon instructed
In the art (hy pr. Ceo. Z.
trots, a graduate of 'the Baltimore Dental epilogs), Is
now prepared to receive his friends and perform the
various operatirns in the line'of. the Dental profession,
at his residence, In South Street; third door from West
Street. (live UK a calf. Tomlin thodoran.
May 27; 18511-Iy. • . " •
CELL—A. L. SPONSL Ell, Info Itegisterof Cumber
land county, will carefully Attend to tlio transaction of
all such business an may bo entrusted to" him, curb no
"lha•writiug of nerds, Mortgages Contracts, &c. Ito wilt
also duvoto hfo attontion o the proeuring of band War
rants, Pensions, he. nµ upli as the purchase and axle
of itoal Estato;negotlations, ofloans, 10_0111re op
West High Streot. formerly occupied, W. 31. Pennist
Esq. near the 31othodist Church. •
puto Falni,Soap.—Contray's Im
proved Chandra' 01Ivo Soap. A full aupplY th4se,
truly oxeullent Soaps Just rec.:Avila • and' for unto al
Nov. 21, '65.* , . .
CI A d l i t t 1d d c91 . 411 ! .. i c r 1 FEMALE h S , ,IfillN f A R Y
- years-engaged in toachlngirespectfitily announce to the
citizens of Girlish!, and slcialty, that nu tho_lit _of Bicp,
toucher, 1850, they will wournence the second session, in
Louthcr- &root,- noir the Gorman Reffircuhd Church, of
..their---,,---,-- --,----"---'—' - - '
The 'lnstitution will be both. a bearding and day
school, in which all the branches necessary for tho - COM.
plate education of-young ladies will int taught.' Assist
ants of the highest character for qualifications and
morality will loi einployed in accordancp with theArants
oftho Institutiocr.o•The gov.erninent will bo'conduited
em strictly Christian princ(ples, while sectarianism will
be am rigidly excluded. . . .
'rho Principals flatter themselves that their long and
successful experience 48 teachers, we .testiCed by the
roconumihdations In their possession, will enable them'
. to establish an Institution of thic highaat character fog
young ladies. They are fully persuaded that such an
Institution will be sustained - hero by 'the citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that 'their confidence
maY -not be disappointed..
,The Scholastic Lear will consist of four terms (olaren
weeks each)), blufinning on September 1 nod ending oh"
'second Wed u eicclay In - . 1 uly - .
. ' TERMS PER QUA,RTER.(iI weeks),
' ' Boarding, Including _fuel, lights, am)"
• ' tuition In Englimh - brunches, - $15,00
Primary Department, _ - • - 600
Higher English, 8. 00 •
Ancient and Modern Languages, each, - 500 •
Of'ciontental branches at professor's charges.. -
No deduction for nbseuce afar entrance, except In
case of protracted illness.
. ,
- nrrprtgrects.
IIon.FRED'R.VATTS, 11ov. C. P. VINO,
J. 11. PARKER, Esq. 44 A. U. KREMER,
T.-41. SKIERS Eaq., 44 W. W. ERIE, .-
Dr. S. D. KIEFFER," " J. B. 3101(SS,
Afar. 19, 1856-Iyear. -. .. •
poam AfE.R-13 lAL :COLL E.G
tJ renloved to the new and spacious Kali, N 0.119 and
101 BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore, Md.
O. K. Coammstaitt, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercan
tile Sciunco.
E. K. hostat, In charge of Writing Pepartmen t..
G. W. KEMP, Instructor In Mercantile Calculations and
Associate In Book Keeping Departmout. '
HI.II. PHILLIPS, Teacher in Book Keeping.
S T. IVituasts, Lecturer on Coon inertial Law. .
Thetto yrri - rs have not yet elapsed since the establish
went or this institution, during which time upwards of
-eight hundred students have been in attendance, (rep ,
resenting nearly every State in the Union,) among
whom are numbers in Baltimore /yid elsewhere occupy
ing prominent positions us business mon sod account
11001VICEEPTN(1:- -- -T1itirtiny1 Ipiajlje ututoil con
fidonco in assuring ttnii public that after no experience°
fourtilinryears in qualifying young tutin for tho Count
Ing s ltootit and othor Important stations, and au listen
astraNitnim with the Management of busluilaa
bolika of oyefjt desiription, (assisted naletia.hy two ael
entifle hceountats,) the C9llllllO of training In this de
partment is eminently practical nod Well adapted to
the varions pursuits of Contmerco and Trade, including
Individual, Padtionthip, 31ercantilo, Manufacturing,
Commission, lifebtinge,
Ing,Compound Company Bperatious, s:c.• "
Osorcices under this head are
frooomsy and graceful:combining rapidity of execution
with beauty of construction, thus enabling thOstudont
to write an elegant business hand on completion ofthe
MERCANTILE. CALCULATIONS in all their various
bearings aro taught by the Meat aceurate_and expodi ,
tious method.
Daily lectures are delivered upon the &lance of Ao.
counts, Mercantile Customs, /(:c., those In connection
with a series of lectures on Commercial Law, are of the
highest Importance to all aspiring to occupy prominent
positions In the business community. ,
The time necessary for an industrious student to
complete the course, varies tram 8 to 12 weeks, There
being no vacation, applicants can enter :at any time,
And. attend-both day and evenli Examinations are
hold at stated periods, and diploma awarded to t Ise
who graduate. For terms, etc.„ write and have ach
lie forwarded by mall. . LCict.3,
&c.—l have just received from Philadelphia and
/ NOW York-very ostensive additions to my
f former stock, embracing nearly every article
_ of Medicine now in - use, together with
Kis:Paiute, Varnishes, Turpentine, Vern:.
r .z w e mery, Soaps..Stationaty, Vine Cutiory,Fish•
log Tackle,Brunhes of almost every descrip•
on, with au endless variety of other articles, which I
am determinpd to sell at the user LOWEST prices.
All Physicians. Country Merchants. Pedlars and oth•
ers.• are respectfully requested not to passz . the 05.1)
STAND, nit they makst assured that every article will
I:mold of a good qu upon reasonable terms.'
S. .V.MOTT- •
• Main street. Carnal
I M I 2
lase the pleasure of Informing, the public that they
lave nt last completed the enlargement of their store,
end are now receiving .the largest, and most varied aa
sortment of Wnll. Paper andll'lndow Illihde ever opened
in Carlisle. A call Is solicited from those wanting Paper
Onngings of any kind, as we arp confident that all can.
be supplied from our matufauth Stock: At .the old
stand, North !layover street. ' April 0,1850. V
Li INC. The subi4riber, continues to carry on the
above business, in all its Tarinus branches. in North thin
over streettlarUde.two doors 'North ef.4onardli corner
where ho Intends keeping on hand a geneml assortment
In Ws line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD
'-• DLES, bridles, Martingales, Girths,
. . Circlnglesand lialters,also TRUNKS, -
.....3,417, traveling and Saddle .
= .:,--,\ bags. Ile also loan-
. ----7- la.', . l'ife - tiftfirthe mos
- 1 ' 11 N\\l ll ,\\ 'BVa n 7 , l °- 1 8 8:1 3 1.4 6
:Ter used In this
'l, i lir countr . y. aud-lhOse wiehlugd hand;
• ' : '' some, durable 'and pleasant saddle
will do well to calland see them. Ile
' a .." also manufecturelfarness,Slildles,
' Conant and .Whips In all their Tarte
thetand confidently believes franc the general approba
tion of bin custoreers, that be Makes the neatest end
bbst goars. in all their variety ofbrielth. that Is wedeln
thecountry. lie 'nlsci makes. all binds of hiatraesee to
order, vie: 'Straw, Husk, Curled Mi r; and sprang Mat
rakirs.. Ali the ahnve articles will be made eta° beat
i. n t.-b
et°rill , end ;workmanship, and-with the Utmost des.
-.. .wm.osnolu.
Attr.l)lV ARE ! • IiAIiDWARE
L• 7 .111iN LYNN & BON
r. ,1 their .fitock of Hardware. which
',malls' large. and in connision.with their for
mer hoary stock anima it one, 'of the 'lntarst: and moat
aried assortments over elfeesd .to this ' They,
have every thing 'tlw t the Farmer. Abe Builder, tits
Norchant, or, the public, may want lit their linos. and
Which they ore selling at the very lowest mires. They
'solicit a call from: the public, 'before Making" their pur
chance, as they feel confident they can otTer inducements
reward the bluerlbr, the trouble.
Pooling thankful ton generous !Midis (01,1,11,461=er
'liberal tatronago, it:toutinuance of thcilatmhit solicited
tit,Our, old staled to North Ilanover Street. Carlisle. '
"(ictabill: 8;1856
r , ,:., ,, :. -''. :-: • - . literirs. !'. ',.. :-: • .' ':'' .
,- • 4 .: Ridging' and; dkcirel Ploars.'lnn Cil v , d i,and
~ ~ , • ,Potatnes, - Eipanding,7,Cultivntn ~;',Oltit
'‘_.'•" ' ' 'JAW Teeth of variouniinikarns. 'F
Pinion lintrown:Thind'Plons, Revntrin Hors linkm,
patent , &gibe Snitho hod '. Baythes, nglisl4 • pitwo , ,
.Biyythk, ltb,vriintteCbanksi'nupotior. loading Iginy -I
~yAiitrtlt' ' ..gnittneklq.,T.:44Pli'4 9/14!)!f1!!!!.'
• . !ITilidiAindZi'"' ',•,:.••• 'im - ~ .-. .i1, , , , .
. Tho subscribers desire to inform farmers and publ lc
genteelly Met they now have on lunid end ere rent,i ant_
ly- =need nring Threshing Machines x ith I.lerpont's
Patent Shaker, Which are gouendly not no wiedged "i 0 IV
the boat articles Ellalr fn use. •- Also a variety of Clover
.llullers, Corn. Flpdiers and straw Cutter's. They also
Litton( to •the repairing. of Agriculturol Meth eery, in
the host manorr and on reasonable terms. Menufaez
tory on Noi tic Ibinuover .Street, - directly opposite tile
rcSblenro of George Metzger, .Esiri: . .
Auguste so. --- ' . ABRIMS k PLANK.
TO - FAEMERS.—The , subsciribor-bas _
just ed frqm the - City with - on.e' of the. largest
as orttnents of Hardware ever brought to this place..lle
hits just received 80 dos. names with and without pat.
astenlaga, Iron and steel hooks ranging in pairs from
44 to 31 50. Also 300 pr straight and twist Hot trace'
chains from MI to $125. Home madelrares of ail Miis,
also a lot of spread. fifth, breast, hutt, tarrying halter
and log chains—also a very largo lqt of shovels, forks,
spades, bees, rakes. and in abort everything and any._
thing wanted by the Farmers—,
llemember the old stand East Slain St. Carlisle. -
March 59, '6O. 11. SAXTON.
YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, Itiniik.,,,ed fOr
RACII .t SARGENT, N0..110 IMarkct street, fhilada
- MIS cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength
durability. and simplicity of Construction; it cuts fast.
er, and is lho only self-sharpening. Hay, :Amu and Corn
Stalk Cutter over made. -It bus but MEE STRAIGHT
KNIFE, which any person can grind and set with. one. ,
but in ordinary rose, is ground In the machine. Thou.
&Ands have already been sold, and the demand is daily
increasing. • In most cases an examination is sufficient
to convince ono or its superiority. No one after Short,
trial Irinhitiart with if_ kr_ipty
for AlLtdis!Ecifilry
above constantly handodit for lead by
• - .1. I% LYNE,
octil - Solo igoot for Cutuberland,county.
- —KRA USER' S '1413.11;EI
CIDER MILLS can still ho furnirhed or
improved construction nod finish. Their"
grinding apparatus hi, proTtllffriiWgives
'them an advantage over nil trtiwr
ity the aethip reelProcatlnte pistons, the apples
are forced dvkralal.t the teeth of a rapidly revolving
PYlludar and retained till ground ton nee pulp, which
of coursa yields mere juice whop subjected to prorsure
than if the pomattg.was coarse The Screw Presto has
been greatly Impttivod and stiengthoned since lost
year, and the whole frame Is tightened , by F troop Joint
bolts. it is adapted to °lnfer band or horse prwer and
can ho worked ty hand to the extent of six• to •eight:
barrels a day
Encouraged by the unprecedented success eLlchihle
popular monthly has met with, end the cupidity with
Which it has increased its circulation, the prcprietor hae
removed to make Main more worthy-of the patronage
of the public. •That this admit ablo work is •
Is admitted by every one, containing, as It does. One
Hundred Pages of reading mnttor In eaeliumnbor. behig
morn than anyuf the $8 Magazines, and terming two
volumes a S'ruir of six hundred Agee emelt, or 'Twelve
Itundn:d peg" of needing Matter per annum for ••
Ballou's *onthly -printed yid; now type.
npon'nuo white paper, and Ito matter is eapolully caul
piled and arranged-by' the bands of the editor and pro
prietor, whodias been known to the piddle as reinserted
with the Roston press fur 'sixteen yearn. -Its pagce coo-• sin .
TAM'S, ' A 1.)%' U It '
PO nl • Pil
WIT ,A,till ITV UOR. ' a e.. ac., -
ftorfi the bust and nest popular writers of this Cl , llu try.
It le also spiced with a record of thu notublo nl o nto of
the times, of peace and' VI at, of dI. ,I'em Lis and irapmve•
-manta earring lis-elther-bendsphrre, forming an
agreeable eduranutoli for a frlsure moment or hour, any
where, at home or Abroad, 04C11, 'lumber being complete
In itself.
No sectarian .auljects are admitted lute its pages;
• there am enough . .contruvorsal publiratioes earl, de-
'voted to Its peculiar sect or clique. This work If.
tended for
'• • ~..,T412/3. MI I, I 0 N .
north Or. south, ea `or west, and Is to the brim
each month with ehaete. popular and graphic. 'thlsele•
!any, just such so any father, 'mother or Mend Would
place in the hands of a family circle. It. is In all Nadu
partmrads. fresh and original, and, what it purports to
ho, the cheapest Inakisinerthatbo world.
fiy_perramomelosing OOE-DOLLAIC - td tlfopraptio tSr.
**low, shall rocelvoths Magazine. fur one year, or any
person sending us mouraubseribem and Mang DOLLantri
at one Buie until ready* recopy gratis.
11,14. DILLON, Publisher and Proprietor.
Corner of Termont and Bromfield Streets, Boston.
June 11,68,
At M1E,41.0.1X-010'
or, aleobitnicsburg,,,Cumberland
noon y; Fe.,rinuounees to these afflicted 'With Tamar, Wens... Cancers, Folypusi Lupus, Muteror Alidipp
rL Sc..4
ala. King's Evil and all defence that have boah
Areatedwlth CAIIIIM Or Knife, he can Amara them with.
out .uutting,hurnlug . or. pale neither: Ohleroterm.en
'Ether leadminlatinal te :the patient: 'lt is no Mattel
on what part - of liar btdy they may be, ,he can remove
thorn with flirfeet 'Safety, and In a remarkably
lime. No DI natant Vegetablepolson tippLtpd, endue
money required untll a.oure it perfected. ,
Frolspaus Utori, Female .oomplaints, Chronic, Vane
real and all other dheases treated with positive enema
Fall particulars can - benbtaltical by addrossingln elthet
.Npelisit or German, poet 'paid. "Fationte can he accoin,
niodated with Reardon reasonable tonna - •1.
• alochanicsburgls pne e. the. prettiest and healthy,
toWns In title or any othei dtate.:. It is ti miles from
Harrisburg, on - the. ICimbettand Valley Dail Road, and'
accessible from ell parts of the Union.' The Doctor will
!lett cases in any part of the State when desired,
**.Kind reidirifYon knew enyatillcted fellow Cram'
lame; delay not to tell them of thlatreatmene, •
ALL , P,AP.ER.—Just received ~a
, splendid stock - of I ?finer • Ifanginga; :Window
lihades and Yireboant Prints, embracing all tbo newest
and most" "approvedtyles. , The designs are 'neat and
shade; and the pricielaucla as cannot fall to site sails'
taetlod we Lasicaorlrietisand,
the publlelenemi
IT to call at linforeKuhaslug
Main Street:Carlisle'
,101 IN P.'LYNE & SON;
:thicueeptes toss, arid
,1:1,6w :14! tho day
rtiroys Elton
it * ".
• • " • • 1c7=44.,
zroostifs , ,staess .. sst,o,carudi; ri, 1r011.11114 .
[Apr. 10. Yb6-61n.
The subsaiber, loc - awal an the • basement tithe Meth&
dint :Chord', opposite the. - Itallroad - Depot, is now
receiving &variety of Farming implements, Buchan. ':
.PLOWS.i •
GRAIN FANS, r• . • • •
• .
than' and Coh - iirividera (Feratt's Giant), the , Crescent
Oslo Mill:Dome 'Shovels, Iir:APSES AND 11011•1:RS
latany's With Wood's improvement), Strew flutters.
workmanship, and will lay sold on the most accom
modating turnis. Farmers are, respectfully invited to
call and examine before purchasing. - • •
' X?.For Out col:montane° of farmerri, Moorthi Patent
Crain Drill will bo sold at Sbirernnostown by'llenjandn .
'Clay, and at plappousburg by Christian 141. g,
August 2.0,111 M
40 .
opted , also Ihr sowing vats,grasei - serdirand
,gtutimi - ;; usor's Portable Cider Mill—the best
.theefriarltet. ' Halliday's pateat Windthill,—
Hon4Pairer'a and Thresher's, Limo and Guano
• Spreipr's, Daniel's Hay, Straw and. Fodder Cu '
'filiant Cara and Cob llill. Spain's A tmespheris
Churn, :2'heithore Superior Implenielitswttli all other:r
for the use of.tha farmer or garditer, fri sale holm
and Itotall by " •
Warehouse M
and Seed Store. corner t
ant a rHlieekreets, Philadelphia, : July 25,'25.
. 1 ...• ). •
/- •
Nos. 21. and 23 South Sixth Street
S:18TI Gnousns (370 Arran) Elnontednle near brinfoLl'n,
• ---
-11001), Growers of Wheat and Py1..11,11
If •you want heavy Crepe. or '.l.elna Ws American
Pea tinter."
'Miss valuable Menuret have beam-used fir the past
six yeare successfully Mr the Grain and Tobacco Crop
In Virginia, Pennsylvania. -New Jersey, •Delaware,
Maryland. anal the 'lslands 1.1 . Bermuda and Dodders.
A barrel (25t) It.s.);is sufficient' r an ;acre of ground.
The above Fertilisers are romposed.o? reliable 'Clienalcal.
Element's, which largely Increase the ..rap anti improve
thoroll, dOubling the %alumni' the' land:. Prim of the
Phosphate of Lirnrc 00 a ton. Nitrogened the
• American "Fertiliser- $22 per tarn or Si k 0 per barrel.
‘ 111 . 20 at kr,,a. Also every variety of GUANO, Pure land
Plaster, I'ot Aria, Nitrate of Soda, BOLO Must, Powdered
Chart:cull; (ie.. • -
Gotida delivered free of charge. '
/ ONO. A. I,IIINAD. Proprietnr,
. • r No. 10 3outh..Pront Street, Phila. -
.OZ-To wholesale lifllteß a liberal "dlsronnt. Pam
'Wets- in the English !and. German languaKcs Gratis.
Orders at , a distance, Cash accompanying or Draft.
promptly attended to. •
-- N11;= - 31P1:0)1 - A3 - haVIT been awarded by the Penn
sylvania Agricultural Soelety, Now York Crystal - Palace
Assoelation, - and the Now ,Jursoy State-Agricultural
Society. • -- -.lSE'''. at '53,31M.0,.
Implemont and Seed
and Markel,
pep. 24. TFS6
j),liilatt . cl,pl)j. a .
At • av • CI-Ijll.lX AND JBWELNI.
Wholesale andltotall, id the "Philadelphia
Watch and Jewelry Store,' No. UO North Second street,
wreer of Quarry,Thiludelthla,
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 carat
Gold Lephio, 18 carats,
Silver Lover, full Jewelled,
2_ Stiver.Lepine, jewele,--.
Surrlor Quartlere,
• Gold
, Fine Silver 'do.
, Gold Bracelets, •
Ladles' Gold Pencils, • , 4 . •
Silver Tea .'halms, set,
=k l old-yrits,-wlth-peneihrandallvur-holdorv--,--1-00-
Gold' Pingo,. Rings Watch (noises, dec. All- goods
warranted to ho what tliuy are Buhl for.. ' •
• t'" Sueeusgoi.of O. Conrad.
.0 - 4 4 0 n hndd some Gold/rind Silver Luvura and Lopino.
5011 lower than the allure priers.
• 11E0 BULPIN & CO.,
itnitorY.jy'a nil Man uftfctitrers - Of - CLOAKS and - MAN
"fI,LLA \b: 114 CLcs`nutstrret,"(n thw doors above 71.11,
south side,) Philadelphia; (in con with OBOIltir:
361 Broadway N. Y., the largest manufacturer
of these - goods in. the United States) beg to call the at
tention of Wholesale and Rani] buyers to their large
nod Tarimd stork of CLOAKS, TA I.MAS,'&r., &c., for the
fall trade! I Their collectiht comprises n complete as
sorttnent of all the latest Parham Novelties in. Velvet
Moire Antique, Clot if &c.; while the fm
cilities afforded-by their connectbet with the. largest
Itlanufa,7thring Ifottse,;(of these goods.) in. New York,
enable them to guarantee better value than is obtaina
ble elsewhere In the 31arket. • CEO. BUT.I'IN . A. CO., -
Sept. ii, '66-311:11. 174 Chesnut Ftrert above 7th.
XSP4E.. TV IV II 0 I.IE S:A L L'-'D It - U.G
• . , i• oT! o • ...
1 SCI R TIIO3IAS, No..glFoufh Second. Street_
Philadelphia, Imparter, Ala utifact mer. nod Dealer in
- '01,1105, :ll Elilel:i ES. CIIIOIIC - 1 LS, ACIDS,-
Dye Stolle. Paint's, 011 s, COIOIII, Whlto. lend, French arid
Aulif - Call White Mn,'. Wlnduiv Glass. Clami Ware. Var
nishes, Drualws, I astrumears, Or mad Fidees, Whole
Spivs, nod oil Mimr article. usually kept by Druggists,
Including:Dor:ix, Indigo. Clue, Shellac, ('otash, Sc.
All i f i ge t rii, by mall or otherwise. promptly attended
tu. ry ilium:haute ere he rl Led to roll and examine
our) uck herare purchasing else% hare. irtr - thmds Bout
to any of the wharves or fallroad stations. Prices Low
and binfals WarnintsM. . ' plareh 5,1356.--ly.
. .
. .
tit rt.r of •
indylneil : large, naiddltistr.ed,
• • 31%T.5.t . d. ci,oeus — oirlivov
I the bo§t quallthm.-varlons sizes of meph. froin Ton.
o SO Inclusive, and from ono to tix fem. tin width.
They Are All erberell . l. many, ephl'es to thh tumid Inch
nil cat to sta.-
Thosubserlbor also kne . ps constantly c 4 band
for 'coal, R3llll ore, Ilme, grab), grarol,•gunnn, suable
auger. salt; bane, r.deo. rph•e, droga, dye , atuliss fic
Together frith an na4ormout of IIIIIU IIT AND AN•
N PULED I Itinsi 1111:E. All the 'above sold wholesale
ad retail by ' .1. A. NEEDLES,. •
5! Fropt Strout,
" nod Wholesale Dealers In all kluds.of
. . .
---"---- - ------ '" -- KiNtry.ictuur.n To. irro;
,__,AND_ro;tEiliN-H \ NI)-311)%1 fi'l'l t.' , ...SEG Al t 8;7 -- _ -
• " 2t•Sputk Front streq.,l`llll44ulphlit.
Importer - S. of Noe Molina F.oitirs, of the choicest
growths of the V nelta.alajo. A largo asrortweot of
which err kept ennwmttly on hand, and at a
Wall whams on cost of impialation.
k_ii - Comignmeuts . reknectfully. solicited, on which
advances ern he made when desired. • '
.Spodal attention Iron to orders fiir purchase on coin;
11116S6ott. Or Taller. -us ailio.Very desoripl lon of Merchan
dise. fur accounts. parties living at a distance from this
' , . _ .
V. , .5j.,..501cf Ago ['Mr finntr.o's relobrnied (Inman Tolov o.comprising Him ont
April.2:l, IS -
_7—The-subscribers havine.rioneved to their
-- N01'2,7R - Cliest nut Sitleet.ifourth door elsivo Tenth, .
Amnon prepared to eller agarge and well seleCted stock
of the following. fresh and desirable goods, principally of
their own importation, et...bought- at auctionorhich
they are nLlo to sell at the importer's prices, niki to
Ohivit they cordially invite the attention of Country
Merchants, Motel lieepera,and tam flies gengreliy.
- lfutf,Green and Vonithut Window Shading. •
• Barnsley and Irish Linen Sheeting, 7-1, 8-4, n-40 04,.
t-1,12.4. •
Bolster and-Bil low I,lnen's of several choice bleachers,
and all widths from a 8 to 54 Inches.
Bed Blankets of all sinus and qualities.,
Criband Braille Blanket.. •
Bed Quilta of the follow leg varieties, vie: Marseilles,
Welting, Knotted, Register, Allutmlna, Allendale null
Lancaster, oral! the desinible stars. _
'Bureau Covers, Table Covers, Window Curtain Muslin
Towels and Toivellng Of 01 , 67 variety, Daliinak Table,
Cloths and Napkins ' Shirting Linens mind 'lllyslin. Cam
bric Handkerchiefs, Enibaolderies, Hosiery, Ac. ' Breati
tel, Dan:maks, sloreens, Enbroldered Lace and Muslizi"
Curtains, Gilt Cornices, Bands Gimps. Cord, Ac., •
Importers and-Dealers In Linen -and !louse Furnish
ing floods. -
Aprll_llo, 1856-Bm. I
stt - D U B Alt' 0 N R
. 111
holesolo, and Bet ail
N 0.76 SouthSi3cond St. t .Cornei of Carter St;
The establishment hats been enlarged and Improved
nud hi supplied with the largest and lent Detail Stock
in the City, prifielyally of his own manufacture, n Ith
rhoicif atwortmentinom the best theater,, Market m
bracing LadiesTGerits'ould Children's '
of every description. style and quality, embracing the
taut styles and npalitharin this or any ether market.
This stock cannot Cu excelled for Quality Style and
Cheapnetts. •
Each article Is inarked• st the very lowest posslbld'
- price; trent - which tiedtiviation will 'be Ntroi.: -
traVakiiliridelteurentiFtillibitigfeMdiiitififittielnade to
11004u:tea 0 um In all varieties. Pure Gums, so
scarce in the market. always on hand. The public is
_ opt:Art.llly Itivitedto call. ~ [April 1,.186tt.
1. 1
or nerrlidiith, lowyirs, 1411114 N laid °idiom. bating
Books, l'aperii, or othor , voluabies, to iirdsorvo• from
FIRE or IiUIitILAII:i. ' .
Day and New°lre (IraM) HANK LUCKS. •
A CARD.—TiIe " Fire Proof t'ate," that preserved our
Mae., Pitvere. &e., during the great Fire et UW@
Buililinge, Ives purelnunni of uhlyEß lIVANS, 61E. 2nd
tit, Philadelphia. OETZ & BUCK..
EVANS' Premium Ventilated' It efrtgons tuna Mr clielliatt
aid preserving . meats, Mittel:, milli, water, and All
articles Air culinary purposes.
WATER Fl LT ERS tin• purifying brackish or muddy
rater, whether uttected by rains, limestone, marl, or
diner musts.; can bu linieumarate or attached to the
tefrigUntters—ai small quantity of Ire cooling the whole
n the warmest weather.
PORTABLE SIIOIVER HAWS, fur the use of warn
or cult! water. •
WATER. COOLERS, ter Ifetels, Stores, and Dwellings
BTORI: 'MUCKS, f r moving iNIXeS, bales; &e.
SEAL PItESSES, Copying. do.. Druggist do. .
No. 61 Sto,uilt Socond St.. (.2 doors befog Chusnut
Mardi 6, IMO-Iy., , (EsEtl)ll,thed 10.1K1.5.)
aE. Fe"
F7f4 F7'-•
g• •
• i .4-3
• g
;.": 1
I{/ • t c ;4"
ri •
• i•
" 5
' u•P
- P - ATIOITT . eII'AMPkr -
I' SAFES, with Ball's Patent.
wder Proof Locks, which web
carded separate Medals at the
irld's Fair, Louden, 1851, and
at the World's Pair, New
irk; 1333 and '5.1. The outmost.
riaro the solo manufacturers'
.1 proprietors in 'this .Stete of
o above unequalled Peres and
duo Tho reputation of the
ittine "Ilerrliig'p Safe" IA wort,'
Ida, and, fur the last thirtuut . .
Ira the 'n'iercantilti comutunity
re witnessed And borne tostl.
LINO Are proof quelitles- More.
111000 Oates have boon actually sold, and
oirer TWO 11111NIJOED hove ilassed triumphantly through
accidental three, The public are assured that all Safes
roanufitettirod by the subscribers are not only guaran.
teed to be fully equal, but ill many respects even sup° I
riot to thrine,whlch have been so severely tried by Ore
'Few will forgot their. services in the 'burninx,of. the
' "Tribune establishment," Now York, and .at the (frost
Piro In Strawberry street, at the d
more large Ore last'atd7..
'opposite' the. Girard House; an still more
In the - Plro Tritlh and, Chesnut els., In „the . city, of
Phlidelphia, in, which these Safes cairns Furth 'the Sc.
knotilodand CRAUPION; 'whim ninny other: sir...ales.
failed. xourra.& . co., ;
• • . SOON SAYS AND TANK , lucitlifsaxaa, 7
• . .34 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. '
Chilled Iron 'Safes, with:Powder „Proof Larks, menu.
• facture& expressly Orr Banks.' IlfAlerN Jew" lots, and
others requiring security Aare rogues. bans
Cones. Ae.mi .. .hand-aud' made' to. order: All ti
eelebrateo LOPkit for relent manuihrturers' price'
Elecohd, baud. "Safen,"',flSalamendtirs". - rund:
Cliesti" of otter ;makers. have• Vern. taken In pet
imeat rot... Meanies i br 0: 1 0 at half price.:..
RQN,I IRONJ,r-.The,atteution
the paglo and Blaelonnlthe pa' rtlaultirly'ls rogi
ed CO the, lime assortment of Bar and Rolled Iron r
ekes and Medd 'Stool Of all lands,. Nllae,.Basps.-F
Plites, - Anirlls,Slies, Bellows, and'everirtfans. 11
Blacksmitls a,T,Trant, ' hen 501d..104410/,
,wkwdessle prleaf.:,. kftidlAkarranted:
L... ;4011 - N,V. 'LYNN. d .
pet £1,414 . 1 . w ' N. BitnovettES., Cerlisye
pr (Groat oparattong.) • '
: T. PRY, n returning thatik,, to hie numeyoug
Oh:lnds andresidonts of Carlisle and vicinity for tholr
very Ilberal•Patronage.. rtud ontleipating an increased
demand fur articlos of his own manufacture and Impor
• lotion, has made extensive preparatlons to supply the
that FlllllO, in his stock (surpassed by nnno in. Lilo city,
and to'which ho is constantiy,recolviusr_adAttionoyrom_
; - styles) -- enn — alTrri:Vs ion found a
choice selection of articles sultablafor
- and Itolydny Presents, of the must rochorcho and
duseription, ColllrriMing In part rich Greasing
Cnses, Wrlthig Desk, 'Fans, Bronze ilifiqUO nod
!WWI rigtires.•ldualenl Boxes, Oman, tilassp, nnil
Heil variety of tho tumful nod ornamental In titiwolu,_
,e Also Cpanus
Brusltps, and Toilet Ai tides. ~ • -
$2B 00
,24 00
14 00
' 0-00
7 00
7 00
4 60
3 00
1 00
' WM. T. FRY,
123 ARCH St. (opposite the Theatre), Phtl/14V
Oct. 8. 1884,21/1,,.. -
.10 INSURANCE, ANNUITY, PTTIUST COMI"Y. Corner Third and Chain - flit Streets,
- • 11.11,, CAPITAL" - 4 3 0,000.'"&4 •
Money, hi received on deposit daily. the tuneuniMei
posited IsUotortal hi it'lliepalt 'Moak and given lo the
..thus.Sitor, - or, 4 if prelbrred, 0 certificate will be glyon.
All sums large and small, are received,. and the
amount paid back on dentil, tvithoutmotice.
Interest Is paid at the rate of FM l'Elt CENT., tort
_munciug from the day- of deposit, mod ceaslng fourteen
days lweilliots to the' n'ltlidrnwad Or the money.
Cn the first day of,hin nary, In each year, the Interest
°Mash deposit is laid to the depotltor, orutided tothe
as he nolysinfor. . .
'rite company beyo now upwards of 3„,500 deposit Ors
In the city rePhllailelphln alone.
Any nditionalinforTation will he given_b;_addrosfilna
the rosAStara. -
Mit Sel'OSS.
Eitaphen . ll.l(
Lawron. r 7.., N.
Ambrose 0. Thonipsin
nondninin W. Tingley,
Jacob 1.. Florence,
.T. U nE111.SPIIIM11:11,
Sept. 1:1 'fu.-1 y
. • , .- r ----. .• ..... b. ,
.. , .... f . „...A ..._._.:_._.
' r•,•,-, , , , • . g
. ,•,,,,.-- i• .-1
.. ...-,-\:1,.'i:',,..:;i!P,-,:',,z.• - -'p , -
.... - .' 244•Y$l-17-gta, . 't'
• vqiiireAkAl. • .' 8
\ t o
-,- -.,,,`.':4`--V54.-W__.:,____. • g
.i.• q -,-.--A, , ,..--...“ ~., :.,,, . •,..-,
.---e, W ~,F:.--,,-
U 1
charture:l by Li. Seale of Poniisylvtinin lo 1555
One door obove,Secend Street, Philodelphin,
Pereives Deposits In sums of One Ihdlor nod upwards
from nil chimes of the community, nod allows Interest
(ali, rote of fire per cent per annum. pold
1•ock otriletnatid. .01)- Office open 'dolly trout U until
o'elockoind on Monday - and - Saturday - until - It o'clock
In the evening.
This itistit oLion will be found n convenient nod safe
place of deposit for Formers nod others doing buxhnean
in Philadelphia.. Deposits ore paid on ,demoud without
tiny previous notice being required.. ,
lIANNO.UP. e. . •
Edlllll,,a.A. somior; • lion. Job It. Tyson,
slllwell $. Bishop, , (teem;
-.James P. Perot; - Itol.ert Monti%
M , Canlolt. . ..F.thraid 1,. (lark, -
Jogeplt .
.lbsvi,ll H. Myert;,
Edwufil ....
IL ~i
l'rottef., ' Wlllinzn Shpp., Jr.
Franklin Barfon, )I'ol. P../..n kg. ' ..
Voilt;ts,COOPor: - . _Edgar. 11. Ps. I. CI t.
y Pansldent —I , IIANH LI N FELL
Trongurer--4,11A5. 711..310111115.
. . .
r0),:.T.h0 Chnrt"r prov Llov thllt no ronner, officer or
- ngont d !Pct. tlyiG tiny
troupt6o eorirty. _ (le t1731-85A4y
cut 6treot, snoth.wost cr.oro or of Third ;trout, rbllndol
-11In. Incorpt.rotal by tljo- :Ante of l'onosylvapin in
ve-hte_sit given,antl-thu-money-ls-al—
ways pail back' whoneN er It In called for, , witheut the
neres,,ity of kiving notice for It hothrehund.
People lit, have large sonic put their rponey In this
Saving Fund, on account of Ihe superior safety and con
venience-It affords, but toy sum, large or - stnall, re-
eel vett.
This Saving Fund has a very lamp ankaint of Short.
gages, Ground Rents and othen-frrArl•lass Investments
far tite•seenrity of Depositors. The miles prevent any
Director or Officer from using or horn wing the money.
The Mice is open to receive and pay money as try
day, from 11 . o'clock In the morning till T o'clock the
evening, and On lilouday and Thursday uVenl,g, till ii
Peonlo who here money to put tn, are Inel , md to en
t thu °Oleo fur further Information.
.11EN RI L. HENSKE, Preside Jt. •
ItilliT. SEI,FIt 11x3 E, Vico PreeldiMt.
, VIU. J. ItElin, Secretary. —
October 3. 1855.
• • •
I- itENC.II TRUSSES.—Uornia 9r
ittipturotioceff.tully treated. and minden
by use of the 'elegant French imported by the
subscriber, and made to order pap, essly for his Hales.
' All suffering with Rupture mill be gratified to learn
that the occasion now idlers to procure a Truss retain.
Ing extreme lightness:wit b elan, durability and correct
ronstrurciou, In- lieu of the eutilbrAs and uncomfurift•
bin nrl irio Usually sold. An extemOi\e assurtnien
on hiifiil, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults
and children, and for sale at a ratote of price to Kilt all.
Cost of Single Trusses, $2, sit, $4 and ,$5.; Double, $4,
$5. $ll,
P 11
orsous . at dislaneo can Intro n WuAs sant to any ad
d ress hyvondtting. tho amount, sondinVllleahtlfo around
11101410,nd stating pido affected:
Nor Salo IVlmleaktla and hold] by thp Importer.
- N.E1:1,1,E.5.,
S. W. I . nr. of Twelfth k Vico Philadelphia:
Depot Dr. Ilannitkg'e Ite prone(' Patent Body 'nitre;
Chest - Exionntors and Kreetnr Brum; Patent I , houlder
Braves; t4ttspdnxery liandager )Inatl npd Fop.
rwtti. Lattice' Doorno, with els VIA lady Attendant..
-" "
I) • AS.; U.I AriON
1311'01:T.1NT N.NuIINCI:.3IIINT
- - .
To all persona with Sexual diseaseo, SO
ti E ET, SY POI fic.
Thu lI'AVARD.ASSOCIATMN of Thlladelphla, In
vlow of the awful destrtirtion of human Ilfb and heal
rattiest by Sex nal dlseasos, +it'd I hejloreptlons which at
praetisoil upon Ulu unthrtutinte victims of sorb disease
Iqt - hoicks. have directed their consulting Surgeon, 11.63.
CliAliilaßbli• ACT worthy of their mune, ti) give
.MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, td all persona thus, af
flict hod, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, tpost-puld:)
with a description of their condition, (age. oitenpatlon,
habits of itr6. and in extreme poverty and ahlleriug
The ifoivard Assnelittlim Is a bone% about Institution,
estiblishail by spodel thr tbn relief of. the
nick and distressed. effiletorl with " Virulont•and Epe
demi° diseases,". and Its"funlis'citil Lo need Gm rib caber
- pitmen, It bad now a surplos xf 11101111 K, which the
Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It.
th - add - that'thoeAstivelatlidf - etnlintaiidiriliiT
' lghest Medical x4lll of the age. .
Addreas, (post-pa)d,) Dr. U Iin..R;CAIAIGUN, Consult-'
Iturgonn, Howard Association I'hlladelphia,..l'm
lly ardor of the Diroriors, ' •
EZRA D. lIRARTIVELL, Piealdetit.
GEO. FARECIIILI), flocretarr.
! PLOWS subscriber
has and 'ls constantly keeping an nasOrtment of
t u colubruted PAOLI: PLOWS., Also. 'constantly on
hand• Ziegler's,. Plank's, .and Ilentrood'a I'lotrs. We
hare also a Tory Brie lot Of .the &mons York flows fill
band, and a Soo assortment or Culticatorn. ltementhor
the old stand, Past Main street, ' • ..
Match 14..18554". • lIIINRY SAXTON.
LI RECORD, -0 colhwtion of Nowapaper Facto and
Statistic., motel:lingo complete Bet of Nor...paper.. in,
thollolted Stutus. Canada. and Brent. Britain.. The
only of tho kind in the world. •An larnl•
nahlo rtaxivtant to tho Edit o', ' , MOB l'uhlleher, and Oct.
'end Advertiser. Sch. 200 pp.' • .
• Ou rocelpt ho preload per mall, hinny
Partyof the country. . LAY. k 111l0T111018, '
. v Publishers,' Na. 83 Doer et., Philadelphia:
ar.F.dltors inserting tho above throe months, with
editorial rofereneo, and sendilfir
. eciples or the paper
pre t ald to tho aboroA.krese, mill twelve iveopy of- the-
CANCER' OURED.--421anceri,
sweiunip * NO4
10.1 4 .tnent;
p sent to;e!T.I.T
( 1 .4 1 4.
trabrochnd the
pputiliagouemll to onr Uipsdivilylpmelstosl4o(6itldalie
that *Ol.O :80 Olt IkOod■ mi'morg, removable teryhtthift
Any other house fv the ocititity. , • • [April 9, 56.
it. -II
,C 0 O . I? L'• A N- D ' S
ourzunaakm . .
• . Emit:wed by •• t 7
DR. C. M. JACEdett. P1111.4DELP111 . 404. ' . . •
-. Will effectually curl) "I t
~ , ;
.91mMi1oUr..Norosiusalohility,_DROon,cof-the-Ridnoy s—
. Lind MI disoalins arising front a disorthwed
- - - - : Liver,or Stomach. „,,
. ,
Such as - " " ..
. . ~
inword Piles; Full
, .
- ness or Blood to tholicad,
• cidlty-of-theStomilelecNitu
sea Heartburn, Disgust forlood, -
Fullness* or Weight on Ilio Stomach, • '
Sour tructatiolui,oduking or Fluttering - ••
at tho pit of, tho Stomach. Swimming of
tin, ilead,llurried and Difilcult Breathing • '
Flutterhigut t h e 'llhart, .Choaking onwidloca. -
' ling Sensations' whim ill it lying posture, Dimness '
• of Vision. Bids of webs - before the Hot, Poser
and dull pain in the IlCad,,Defielenoy of '
Perspiration. Yollowness of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the Side, Buck, Chest,
. Lind s, da, , • Sudden }'lushes Tel , ,
hunt, Burning ' lii the —Slosir,H , -. --,•—•
~ Constant Ilimglililigry of - • • .
. .
. . , Lull, nod great Do.. -
prdasl9ll of. . . •
Spirits. ,
The proprietor In calling the. attention of tho public
to title uropora:ton, does so ittith n fount - 0f the utmost
WWI 1101,0,1ip-its \ banes and odoptation to the nineteen
for which it is recommoudod.
It is no Inuit and ; untried article, but one that has '
stood the test of a tau years' trial before-We American
pocple, and its reputation and sale Is, unrivalled hy .
npy similarpreparationaextatit„ — ThaVathiliairlifitrr7:
favor given the most ifroadneut and well known
Plushiansand individuals In all parts of the country
is immense. , .
Wm. 111, Oodwin,
• I'4lo 140oddard.
• - Mallensy, •
Su'retory n, n Treaunrer,
Toiler and In turpnter,
Are 'OMIT. Or SiORMItY. Foma aiSUrdOr or obotruction,
a mOrlda art len of thu sympathetic un%other nurses
td owe and thu functions of the brain a' Impaired and
deranged; derangement there will - aba, iitt•duce dioces
es of the heart., lungs and Isidneys. it Is owing •
- T , the same' cause that thousands die with Cholera,
!Winue or renew Fuser, and that most baneful disease
Cunsumptiott. --- " - • • -
Thu general Want of success in treating diseases of the t.
.flour and stomach, has nut been a dolicloncy of patholo4
- great knowledge of their functions—but of a suitable
compound that would act upon the disease and nil the
sympathetic:affections. That has been gained In these
IlitterS r and . they cap Is, used by, persons with the '
most delicate 144/111ftell withperfect oatety—no they ut
nu Dom debilitate the patient, but giro strength and
iuergasu tllO ' nervouii energy. They can tie taken at - all
• times, and under all circumstances. No ordinary cop.:
sure will prevent theta having a Salutary info. I, and
no had effect can result from an over dote.
_ . .
• If patients will persevere In the use of this remedy,
and use It strictly according3TilirectiOns, It will cure
the foregoing diseases try instance, if and beyona
the power of 0; it late caused many to enjoy
the blessing of ~oetted health, nod In many deseratup
arid at-an d..t.ed CO.'S, a perfect and rulichl cure.
And feeling the hand of Th¢o weighing heavily upon
thtnot, with all its attendant ills, will find In the Wit of
the' Bit tars an Ellxer that will instil new 1110 lulu their
veins; restore, in a measure Um energy and ardor of
more youthful days; build up_ their shrunken forms.
and give health and Impniuess 'to their remaining
It Is n well uslaidlidied hid, that fully ounhalf of the
remain portion of our population, are seldom In the en
joyment of good health, or to use their own expression
never feel well.t' • They are IntigUltli devoid of all
may,. extremely nervous, and 'lio no •itypollte,
this elites of , invalids, these hitters are especially ro- ..edittnetided.:—Their•neculiar 'tonic and Invigorating'
propurthiS render them' Invaluable in such cases:
I pi..rsoits•Vli,lililfplet 'tiThaTra6seil - °lineally; - With --
NATURE; will li that by the timely use of 0110 or
we bottles, they will Indio ode instance take the din
Vote, no the Ilitter s will reneiatuand faryligaleu the
NYBtlllll, :aid carry t to Idle oil inns natural ehaun'ul.—.„ •
Prevention Is betterkan cure.
And free front Alcohol' e , timulant, and all Injukour
ingredltnits ; aru . pleasant Ii• taste and_ stnen„:.liald in _
their I.peration, 0111.1,11 011 litortrld secretions than '
the body, gi,u bloom to the 'pallid cheek, andtkuAltb ..
- ant i vigor - • \ . .
Price 7f. euitts per - bottle.
nrinci, al Mee. No. Ott ARCH streut, Phira,
Sold Ity'lnLuggista and Steiritit_eojoutel. _evory---town
and In the Utiftial States and C l / 1 111d10, and 1.1 y•
all Drilgglids to 011 . 1181 e. ' . • 1311 v It, 1856.
• .-, • •
lILA DELPHIA MEDICALtAcen.ty two year sI age by DR. 14 5KEL1N,, --
eoriter •II Third and Union Streets, Philadolphhi,,ptt. . •
Expermice bas rendered Or, K. a most successful prae
ilbmer I. the cure et all - dlseatesbf a private nature;
manhood's debility, no nu_ Impediment to marriage; ~„
.nervous ,nod sexual inlihnitles, diseases of Alto skin
and those arlbilitt - feem antm el mercury.
Thom is an evil 110 Ht sometimes indulgedin by boys
In solitude,'eften giuwing up With Mum to manhood; '.re
and which. it tiol reformed its-due limo, not only begets
serious obstacles to Inatrimoblal happiness, but:gives
rise to a series of protracted, Insidious, and devastating
SeW of those who give way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the consequences, until they, find the nor-
Vousaysteni-shuttered, feel strange and unaccoun table
ronthitions and virtue ft - Mrs In the mind. (See pages 27,
28, 20, of Dr. K.'s book onlu Self Preservation."
The unfortunate thutl affected becomes feeble; In
unable to labor with acenstomed rignr, or to apply his -,
rated to study; his titep (s-tardy and weak: he Is dull,
Irresolute, tied engages hveu ilk . Lis sports with lase .
energy thau_mittal.. :i
Itshe emancipate hiniscObeforo the practice has done -
Its worst, and outer ntutrimony, his marriage is un
fruitful, and his sense t Its hint that this is caused by
kis early follies. Those ane considerations which should
awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated.
. , PAYI.PiNTS .t 1.1! A I)ltiTAliaill
Cii • havii - (by stating t heir case explicitly,. together
with all their symptoms. er letter, unclosing a remit
tance) Dr. Ito medlelno,ipproprlated acixordingly.
Fol•warded to any par ipl the tuned States, nod
recurs front It.illlAtill an MIIIOSITY, by mall or ex
A Vigoiouti Lire of a Pronlature Death, Militant, on -
Sulf.i'reservatiuntitilY 22 contd. ..
Letters con tainiug that value in Stamps, will Sonora .
a cowman. return of mall. ',
...-GliAiflBl.' ti liATi 8I I --GRAM L1.L.1_...—_ ; ..-...
. A FrESllllTtaiir.
31 ISED 17 It'li 1., IE V ED.
" Nature's Uulde," a new and popular work, full o -
valuable advlco nod Impressive warning, alike caleula.
ted,to prevent years of nilSery and liaVil tiIOUSOSSS or,
-II v en,in di:lt'd:id:A withirut charge. and forwarded- by '
mall. prepaid, to'aily lost Office In Ilie./.lnited States
an'recelynn; an order enclosing two postage stamps.
NIOS AV 0 N - ' T D 0 1
lAiy•ttev dr did do more than give 'temporary
react; and they never will! it. Is because 'they don't
touch the ent.,,ir: el the disease. oak; cause of all ague
nod bilious discuses is the atmespheric podson_ealmit
Monona or Malaria. Neuttulise this poison by Its Mi.•
Tun ANTlnove, and all.discabe C. used by it disappears
nt once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this untidbte
to N loria, old moreover it Is a wilco:II) harmless med
-1 ire.
The certificate of the Celohnoted. elneuigt; J. it.
New•York ' to this °fleet, Is ;Attached to eve
ry bottle; therefore, if It does no grood, it can do no .
This is lina,oi thou can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or .
any other tonlic In eilstence, as their use Is ruinous to
the constitution and Wings on 1 4 / 3 ,11 AGUE, 'which
hover allow s; FOll to feel perfectly well fore single
inumeut. Iu illuslrotiom of these truths 1 asses seine .
extroets from is letter just received from u Physician
6,intowrowx, Onto, !Horeb 17, Mt% •
JAS. A. Al lOADS.E,Q.—IIear islr: Yours of 20 Inst.,
Is at hood. The Cure ortived MO last year, and the
difficulty In gutting any one to uurclinie It was greatly
increased front the feet that a remedy hod been Intro-
doted whit% was grew log in !aver w itlf the public us
being better than using Quinine—not • knowing, .1 pro
brittle, that the ernedv they used to escape, taking 40-, • -
nine .11Lalned.the Uh Lai II OL , LF I . •
Vlils I enleoly inwn, o as Tonto,") would hi t
BIiEK Aan ;We; but it did nut Cure It, is I •
would often return with renewed vigor. Thls ono ell , •
cuumtanee 1 dt•omed in your favor,. it } could inbtitute •
a tro 4- ronil'at ism between it and your LURE. The•fol• •••••
low big is the lesult; •
Three toostens took your "Cure," all of which were -
eases of `• Quotidian Interplittont Fever," , ef many •
wee].n inol tried Quinine, end otter
rentedicf , ;i ort'asiunally misMrn..- a chill, but It was (as
all sueh•ruses.) Sinn ly ming' thrio out,'-end laying
the found:llh it cy other and s severer maladies. I M.: .
succeed in elTecting a radical cure of all Shire of these
rests 1, Ith your f elnetly, and they bore riot had a chill
sine, In nil three of these Cokes (ho "Smith's Tonle" • '
hod been used, and w< old, as berme stated, break the •
i•ut otter a period Ur two had elapsed It would
return. •
• i
1 think there will hu no ditlieulty noir in giving to
your Cure" the vanlago ground of irly tither remedy
note lii,use hero, Ca., he. UN. DUCRIiI,II, 31. D, I
TO NIA LAD lA. the enlY tuirusleee otnotly In 'en istence
is equally certain es n I•III,TENTIYE , es if"• coax." 'fake
It yahoo you feel coming en, and you will
nder lone o Juzle gine. , , ,
JA3IIiS A. RDODES. Proprietor,
'Providence, R.
~,leiiy"W. A. litaso, Druggitts generally.
July .. 165 0 .
, .
— Fortbalust - threo - yearal have Loun en{rriged lit a .
° knee n only to myself, mot comparatitoly few
othbra, whom I have instructed for the noun or $2OO •
each which has tiveraged me at the rata of 113,000
to ,$3,000 jot anninn • and, having anode amtgcroonta
to mute }Aurelio In the yolk , to engage in the same burl
union, I AM W 11111.14 to ONO Ihll Inutructions in the art to
any persons In tito.llnited Elates or I:anodes, who will
remit one the aunt of I oar induced, from the sno
rers I have been fat 'wed .with. and. the Many `thankful
acknowledgements I have received frotetticso whom I
Lott, bistro,. tud, and who aro making from . • .
FIVE TO 1 , 1 tailkre DOLLAIIti PER DAY
at It. to give any person en opportitnity to outgrip, in
this business, which is cosy, pie:taint, and very prokta•
ble, elk SMIIII cost. 'Shure is pcslluvely Manna' In '
Ihu matter. Itateroucusof the hest clot:scan be given as
're:turtle its character, and I can refer to pentous whom I
have Instructed, who will testify that they, aro making
front $5 to $lO por day at, the Same. , 14 is d blighlos In •
ran engage, and o Ito perfect ease make a. very hand
sonic 'memo. Steival TAMP) In Tarbaus_patta of.
'York htate, lieunayliaula and.illaryland. whom lbare
Instructed; aituttow making from 83 to *0 per day at it.
In a OENKIMI, outurrias. and,hut a dollar or two la re:
quires'. to start It; ~Upott.:, receipt of *l, I. will Imme
' dint* send to the applicant a printed circular contain
.lag full Instructions lathe art, which can be perihetly
the Month of May last, I sent roy, atiturtisament
-to the minor Of DIU" /lending Onset* and Democrat,"
Reading, , Pa.:, and elan sent him one of my circulars Of
Instructions. - On Ito receipt, and on a careful exatnina, •
thin, tinlnsortedthe following editorial in Walloper:
wWeicall attention to the advortisoment4lllr. A. T.
, Parsons. of Now York, .iteadod , i
sone,'" which will be ihundin another. colunin.i.ildr. p.
. bodsont no one or hissireMlarsi. alluded;.trt. Pt the - ad ,
;yortisettiout, aifiPtaiahmlitallon. we find it, a, tv, wipe
it ler no budbligvbitt ellalitstiatiyand. honorable bus' :
that spageLpr,idtple,titi a .Torx
.•. All lotturd must, be addressed to A. T. PARSONS, 885 •
New York...
. .
1/EAP: TAX L ETA I4BO ;"AI 1 9t ,
P A ,Whito TatletanS. fOr Wileting OMb/de/lora
urelliOnittitbx . male dump by
111 - biting's,