Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 03, 1856, Image 2
. . • th Pcil T_ A " 1383LVISLII, FA. WEDNESDAY, _1856 ICO6 earg est (1,0 ciikst,l3 aper . OURI,II•ER.tAiIO .. OOUNT.Y. TERMS:—Two DoLLAuivAltreic,Aai.oNE DoL LAU . AND FIFTY CENTS, IF PAID rr ADVANCE. . ' $1 75.-iF PAID WITHIN THE YEAR.- xCONGRE SB. The second tTssiod Of tlie•present Con gress commenced - 04.14'01day ,hest. A quoruni:ofmemberverns present in mph branch. The comniii&s sent by each House to , wait on the Preside - Et reported that he would send in ,hi*Message - on Tuesday. In the Prom . , ,the credentials of Whitfield, :as • delegate from' Kansas, were presented by , Mr,..Phelp.s, of Mis souri, who moved thatlm*be sworn. Mr. . Grow, orPa., ohjected. A' spirited de ' late:then ,took place bet Ween Messrs. Grow. and Phelps on' the merits of the question, after which the.motion to swear in Mr. •Whi &lel() was rejected, , ayes 97, noes 104. Mr—Grow then moved to_re eonsider the vote, - and to lay that motion on the table. The'opponents thereof en deavored to defeat This action - by-motioni for a call of the Hourie 'to ,adjourn, etc. They had ev i dently been caught in• their. own net. 'Ne'vertheless time was con sumed until seven, o'clock, -when the Horse, krone majority,' adjourned. .411017. - Po :LOOK 1N '1.1111,11,:pilTLPIIIA We Jearn from Cho Philadelphia papers that Gov. - Pollock spent last week In that pity. • On Thurrhly afternoon- the Oov --;—ernori-L.--tieenitip-iiiinT-I:4_—_fribiAG-IVisited: the Franklin'lngtituto. In the evening he attended the anniversary meeting Of the Philadelphia Bible Society, and de liyered Jin.eloquent 'and iinpressivO ad " dress which was listened to with interest by a late' and: appreciative'audience and , loudly applauded. • On Friday the Governor was among the :guests enter tained•bY.Capt. Wylie h on• oard the fine vessey!.City of Waahington,".and in re-_ ofponseitn a ooroplimentary-sentintlnt, be delivired abinaddreia The Goi'erifOr :alluded to • the commerce of Philadelphia and its relation . to the interior of Pennsylvania, and ex- pressed, ti4arny syinpathy; iu ' behalf of the people'Of every part of onr"State, for the cofiintercial prosperity .of 'PliltoaTOiriAblkutrwattTrams.-- ---The 7 (ilermaetpwrt Telegraph. expresses its high , appreciation - of the ability and • energy with which this paper is conduc ted. It - sitys : a penny paper it is un surpassed ty anyiniblished in the Unit cd •States. is • handsomely, Prinfed, on gOodlaper, and is of the largest class. for the price now isned.'• To all this we add Our endorsement. The Times odds the beit penny paper published in Philadelphia, and furnishes twice the a ount_otreadieg : matter of ppy_otllei pa :. -- ii - erotits olaes. The extraordinary ef forts of the publi§bers to deserve success • should, and ;we trust will,•meet with a bundant reward: . -- • -- - . STARTLING ANNOUNGEMENT§.—The grad jury ofYhiladelphia in their .pre-, ectutrnene on - Thursday hist, called -atten tion tothe numerous instances of viola tion of,laihy selling liquor without a li- oense.•: It was made to appear to the ja sy . that the records of the Board Of Tay 'Aro Appraisers were dpstroyed or •carried 'away from-their place of deposit. •. That numbers of faise and fraudulent certifi- cotes of ioerise have been issueil by some body. : , That said false certificates seen to have-the sal of the court attached end bear other marks-of similarity to the genuine. That the number of inns or taverns have not been hi the oity lon the other hand, they appear to have IMen iargely augmented. Philadel- su p o i tt a hiiii:4s:iiiii:N — ewirork in 11° Thz ISchE* DEVELOPED. Some strange'dieoldnr'es, have been made in New York in , eonseqnenee of the flare-up among, thii....,lolag.ixA tegulV:#oo:*4lll?)4l.2i4l6inik no,} :gatiatedAtatween Walker. andthe,.Cubm ,Inntaon : whieh the latter gave the for mar all illeiraid on . oenditien that who, , his 14ianis'gkia, firm][.; _ . gebliehecl, he ehonld aid in the Cuba" , A - long letter frorn 'Welke —_-ia-also; übh bed s = iu which he - appears l" be oppoted;e:to,-.ennealtion to the Uni ted Sinteepand,to be _eoneerned'in. Both moveniebt'fok:tvgouthern Cenfederacy. , _ELV.o.mokioi'Utiriko - STATts SIN TOIL: I Ni axed the toOnd_ l tnolay-cif.Jounary Senotor,,butlbe , act ApriblBi)lB§3, ohangocl•the.tiine to tb, seoond 4 Pniiality ofTebtua'ry:' ''T • tinitott • .4Tanuts9,*,',lBs6,'T'OionlOirtliO'fO;t'i v ?f 1F 58 SO ihSiillS . SkaioOOtU.g...§.enot; will tnlso i .Rl,stip on the geoond Tuesday I • iTaini4: next, the 13th:: • LEalsumtittit isAmts Tun Go aRN O 4:—.- 0 .4040, flout '- Onrolipti.Legialitop,' the menage of , 'Clovernortitifairor of. reiOryniiie, tiad6, l . l whol .to apeoia ounod the motioe,CO refin;."" - ikiOhrt„(. l P7'lo,„ project , worn votoa clown by large ,majoe Illekthus , thdwiikohe4Agislaturir , to ~ South • • , pritnaverv.w..: • 1 V7' The •startlinitivi;ht.tif the last week is. 1.1) ,pohotttion th e ,of 7,e annua l Message 'of ef . Sioth in, wliieh liTsi4e - ritieliiki 644 fri}oesies,'Oe val of the shade 'trado.! The Goverace, = ~S' ~.~~~ ~~,y l< ~, Mesaageis in_fact&anoet tqolitics and Slavery. Ho declarciOtis 'eatisfaCtion at the'election of Buchanan, but is rather taken 'aback' by the 'gran demunetraticia made by the . Republicans. ~But the democratic triumphle .fears, af 'ter all; has not given Slavery gloater du- • rability: Ile remarks • • Considered In .refereami.. to. the vital issue, between the North and'Soutli, I fear that it will be ikhayren triamph—that it will prove to • be, et best; but a brief respite of feVerlsh,.ex- Imitating excitement, desiined . to,,entl in em• • ,bittered feeling and distracted counsel tinning ourselves. Slavery. and Freesollism min never • be reconciled. Our enemies have been defeat:- 'ed--trot-vanquished-L—A_lnujority_ef_thei 'States have declared Spinet the .South, upon a purely sectional issue, tlie'remainder of them formidable minorities fiercely contend ed for victory under the same banner. The . triumph of thiii 'geographical party, must die '. Emilie the eonfmleraey, unless we are prepared to sink down into 'a state of aoktiowledged feriority. We will actetisely__to--employ the interval of repose afforded by the late election in earnest preparation for the inevitable 'eon . Sid.. The Southern Snites have never dm ' 'mended - Moro than equality nail security.— ' Theiy cannot, submit to less, and remain in the • Union, With Out dishonor and ultimate ruin. Tho Governor points out a plan for stroingthoning, tho " peculiar institution" as -foiloVis:. , The outward pressure against the .institu lion of slavery should prompt us to - da - ttll we canto fortify it within. Diffusion is strength --,gencentrntion4weakttess. Our truespolicy is to diffusethe slave population as much as pos . Bible, and thus Secure in the whole • communi-, ty the motive of-self-interest fur its support. -• I have no doubt of the inherent ability of the' - institution to melanin itself against el) as saults ' is'the basis of our political organ• . ism; end it would-bet bpdiffioult. to show that the poorest white - ufatrethontrAni`is: directly. Concerned in its preseevation ; but the argu ment.dfself-interest is easy of comPrebension and sure of action. - .,'1 recommend the passage_ of a law cam - epilog from, sale (under contracts _to be - herenfter entered into) at least one elave, - .Such - an — immunity every one to exert-WMBOlf to possess his fans. ily ableust , of a property. in some degree above the casualties of debt. As you. multiply the • number who acquire the property, so will you widen and deepen the determination -tosus- Min the , • The GOvernor nest proceeds to argue in favor of the re-opening of the 'African slave trade... We ipiote from this portion of his•message as f 0110314 1 . . TUeetroy the Naluo . of slave labor, ned•otithnr. clpation• foliose' inevitably. - ~ arid hence her systenthtleetre : der e9utnterC 'rts to stliiirilate the•p,roduo ' lion Of cotton in tbe.East..—The-auceess-cvliich -,-- heaants - fainttentletl-titose'effertawill-incite her to- redouble 'them. The East Indian - abbunrin fertile' land -and 'blitap France; too, is encouraging end • stimulating •' its growth in Algeria, with' like advantages of • sell. To maintain oul• present position, we . most have cheap labor, also. • This can be ob tained hut in one way—by re opening the alfri n can slave trade. Until Providence interposes end changes Hie organism the. African must continue to ho hewer, of wood end a draw-. °ref water.' It is a diseased- sentimentality Which starts back at tho idea.of legalizing the, • side trade, and,--at-the-some-time, - cOntem plates, without emotion, the -cruel- servitude • which capital exacts from labor all the world over. - There was a time when canting philan thropists had instilled. into us a belief that above • ry was wrong: Investigation has changed the" ones common sentiment on this point. Thu • Sciuth now-believe that a mysterious Provi• deuce hue brought the two races together'on thiunontinent fiv wise purposes, and that' the existing relation has-been mutually beneficial. . Southan'eltivery has elevated the Alirican to - a degree of civilization which the black race has never attained in any other ege or coon- try. We see it now in its true light; and ro• gard it as the most safe an& stable basis for i free institutions in the world.'. equilibrium between the North find South would not have' been destroyed.. The North has had the Old'lVorld from which to draw ber'supply of labor, and hence the rapid set tlement of the Northwest....:Sinco. lBoB,_the. South•bas supplied her own labor, and hes necessarily made slower' progress in settling up the Southwest. If the trade:, were now - open,.l em persuaded that the South ,would not consent to close it: and this is, perhaps. the best answer to the argument derived from 'Vhe mere sentiment that is arrayed against the proposition. It is apprehended that the opening of this trade will lessen--the value of plaVes and ultimately destroy the institution. It is a sufficient answer to'point to the foot that unrestricted immigration has not, dimin ished the value of labor in the Northwestern • confederacy. The 'cry there is; want of labor, notwithstanding onpitalhas the pauperism of the Old World to press into its - -grinding nor vice. If we cannot supply the demand for slave labor, then we must espeat to be sup • plied with a ineales of labor we do limit want, and which is, from thO very nature of things, • antegonistio to our institutions. It is much better that our drays should be driven by steres—that our factories should be worked by slaves—that'our hotels should be served by slaves—that our locomotives should be man-' ned by slaves, than that we should bo expoi' ed to the introduction, from any-querter, of no population_alien-to_us_by_birth,-training-and ledudation, and which in the process of, time ~must lead 'to that conflict between_copittil end labiir, which makes ir.,:so difficult to maintain free institutions lo all wealthy an highly civilized nations where•vitudi • loath°, 'thins ne oura.da not exist.. Io all •slavehold ing,Statts.vrnepoliciy dictates that the sups riot: taco abeidd direct, and the inferior per „fortn'all meainl service. Competition bet,wein the whits and black titan far this service may • wit disturb Northern sensibility, but 'it. does not exactly suit our latitude. !' liyesAective. hoWever, of interest. the act of CongreM declaring the slave trade pirdcy is a brand upon ue, Wail, I think it' mportant to remover If the pirany,,the elavoinuet by plunder; and no getthity . cap, avoid the logical necessify'of such " conclusion. . Hero are. Southern arguments on the subject of Slavery, tind agrandtle — ign disclosed for,ii extension end. Perpetui ty, iihich,Northetri men should rend and duly ponder._ The Yew,. York,2-Tinzei ~mOnt justly remtrkialtt•four years • aga • - thorb"wos'acii a journal in time Union tl ad 'idVntiated 'filo' "repeal the IkliQFon.i „ ComproMiso r ner . tvai:there living a p ti b . lie uiuq whiff the!? Alr94,ProPose st" , .Iret .it has been,neeomp,';,b,, land-is sustained by the Dentoora.i‘ Part v "ofitho' Union. The 're-opening of de, Mabe Ticidelvithin the - ndn't loitr,syert , t is far azin.eirobabli th(in the, ;Tietil of t4,e hfissouri Oniromise ,was 'bur gears ago. 'l'4.l ll 4'4@i ulfin of ,the ,Sour th'pso who control and guide,%its, public .-.Liseptiment,.taro`r4iclly ?waking :up this issue for the - direat luid'finlal -- deoishitt of ' , m° ll 7q!over:/: Pn EVI'Vfo 'M.' a - o'p'saiici 'to • Z• 4 . . • • , In2f fePet,PateM;44oo;t4) d'ea fat. , isalaf 34 2ll4:beutv4o44 QPNitieuay:Poit'„' „ilOiretid , reseived fer":loniitlitirtitink tutAto wiJP rit"tftik'fia \ iif P 3 ”' 'anji' = \.- - 'f 2. , ": - Another plander Nailed • .- ethe fact that many Repuh-' • lidim:_ptiperslhave annotinced their .. • inten tion support Col'. -Fremont for the j'resideucy ; iti 1860, the locofoco papers .ollieourse find , it necessary to portitlnUM their untlefolcnt assaults and endeavor to Vtlith:thicend in: view. the 11 ashington Ltiioit 9 lust, publishes thelollowit). • , • • -solarniti-umlo - H-BEIIMD-11E-14;1.19-E1) , -014- Ttr.cone.-I.t will be recollected that soon after the October election in Penneylvardir, consitf erable curiosity was evinced as to the where nbnuts of Col. Fremont, who about that time suddenly and mysteriously, disoppeared from lie pulite gaze—at least frOm.the public and ii ote Fnzo °lids fellow citizens of New York. We -it front the most 'unquestionnble au• thnrity,ihnt the Black Republican candidate 64 th e Presidency. disisppenred niysterictielY . frinu New York to nypear as - . Mysteriously PlMdelphin, and that for severnlqnys between the 14fli of .oitober and the l et of November, he renutined incog in the house of Mr. Jenne It. Davie' in the last named -city • rind,; further --nroro;qtwwildo-iin-inmatn_of-ily.-Dationti - he had .one,- if not several interviews .with Mr, Isaac Newton, who resides in Delaware 'coun ty, Pennsylvania, and tifliCat [flat time, wan onndidate for Presidential Mentor:on the Fill more ticket. During thceie interviews, Colonel Fremont made use of the, strongest personal appeals and the Most dishonorable orePosil, lions, with the view of seducing Mr. Newton into his support, and thereby • to betray -the treat reposed in Mr. N,- by his political • asso 'bui-withnut success.. For the truth. of. this statement, we refer, although not autho rind so to do. to Mr. Newton himself. Ile is alMost ns well known to the citizens of Wash ington as he is to the citizens of Philadelphia, and Oil who enjoy the Menisci'', of Ails acquain tance; will cheerfully bear testimony_ to hie ',diameter as axentletenn erthe strictest honor and veracity." • The truth or-falsity-of such e'story readily ascertained ; and the - Philadelphia .Arth•th; A inci•ican,aDd• Sus . have .Iffreadj , put-an effectual extinguisher upon the miserable - slander...,.. The'-.NUrtit Ameri can, of Saturday, sayS; we -have made inquiry in the pioper quarters, and :are prepared - to - say - that it . is catitely false false in the, general impression, it is -in tended to convey, and false in the spe icial -facts-it undertakee-te - assert - rand - 16 - -cal l-upon- theVashingtom-Union-td,-.-pro- ; duce slim most unquestionable - autheri:. ty" upon which it has ventured to make Such a gross and :seandilleus- assertion. tlol..Frecriont hearnot been at all in Phil adelphia or its vicinity„an4 particularly has not-been al the house oflsaice -R. Davis; since -the incctieg4of Republi. canTonvention which nominated him Air ,the Presidency; and-holms'bed no in lbranurse, such es that described, . with anyboffy _and,,least_ r of all, with Isaac Newton, who is Qiunlit: en ilk peif fOrVia'rd as the witness' to prove - thiemo'stridicu loue story., Thd Wholeihing is a :sheer fabrication•; and w 6 shall-expect the pat: ties complicated in_._it, including Tsai(' Newton himself, im to prom unce it at the very first . opportunity." rm. Mr. New ton, has since in a public card, given the allegation a flat denial 'THE REPUBLICAN . VICTORY in Mahn apolis, is confirmed, Occurring just af ter the Presidential and State eleotionSi in both of which the town Was_carried by the romo g ats, this is M a Singular re sult,•showing in . fact, that at the, two great contes a ,ts, large number of spuri ous votei• moist have been cast.. The Germans supported the Republican can didate for Mayor. Imatibis.--0t) the Congressional vote, according- to thcr,offrainhcp'ort - sTtliaClif a Republican majority of 10,257; In the . Legislature the same party hada majority one imtherfousp, and having also elected the Lieitenatitfpoveinitr, - the Senate tie, thus giving a Republican majority of one on joint ballot, NEW BANKS.—There wil - be irthirtp two applications for'new"ba ks, re-char ters and extensions before the next Leg islature of Pennsylvania. Whether the failure of the Lancaster Bank will Rare any influence over the Legislature re mains to be seett,'. AN INTELLInENT'VoTtat.—An amusing in cioent occurred in the town of Oxford on oleo on day. A voter, wttooe literary qttalifioa tions were called in question by the Board of Selmitmen, under the 'rending' law, .lately passed in this State, undertook to enlighten their minds by-,tornplying with its provisions. lie could-spell tolerably, but found it diffic'ult to_read—An,.caiy_placmvas_foutul,_nntL-by spelling slowly, the sense was determined, _untiddhe lost _word was reached, which was , Clovernor.! 'The voter came ton full Mop— e dead halt I That word was a 'loosen' . Ile was requested to' spell it. lie did eq, hut spelled it wrong. ' lie was them-told to try ngiiin. lie did so ; but hesitated again.• He stumbled among thethree syllables for soma time, and atllitet was requested to, pronounce •the word 7 A long pause ensued. Ile. was 'encouraged 'to try once more. lie then brae ed himself up fur the effort, and with deter initiation in his foes, he said he could not ex achy soy what the word woo, but he believed it was yorner.' lie wee then told that lie - WllB rogornee Itini4eif- 7 hut if he would• stick to .his spelling book a year more, he probiThly% would be so far in possession of the legitimate qualification that he Minh; be made, 'on ales tor.—New Haven' Palladium. Xte„„lt is tied Proteetantiam is gaining ground in France rapidly. The Protestants dul.lnvaxtuyntier,.,nout.three thousand.., with ;moving population f at , toast. Vey' lutve-four, soboido,l with foils - butrirpci Tien churches are itinuffloient and n tqr.l beibeefeolerto - itdo - oinithtiditte .1 at. i theitaiin In Ignreoillett: there are five ihtaein.l.Prutestrint •ohurob ,uttentionts, and h. . : e .h.pnrimenta, w.herg n few ienre since t. religion, wee tinknown,'fitiurieh• iup are now to be found. Nuie BUILDING' IN brew , -Yoz!x.:—Tlio^bou. • AO given a list.of the ehipe Whiett hove-beet launched from the New York shin yards eince the beginning of the year, and ; ull of which wlll he . launched _ during :the season, The nrher'launched le 56, of 0.470 aggregate to tinge'', Tlientiinlieron'l he - Mocks' 'and to: b i cot Aoki - thin year-lista, 448.000 tonnage. leunolleit Itt Gre.PLlUllll,9oBrelg; en I. theyetit tyniuly ehij, y harks mid lighters. The laignid veenel is Ihe A, trintiii, 'OOO tone.' Albany .Eieni4g Journal fr?itt ooun tioa .In New York that iber,DemooTnis awl 4,llltaore onitleaged'on Catigress ntid 'Astiinbly alti4f , NW 8 tate:, 4 o ,ln ,in any :planet) th e . tittintitainko p triPketis,rall 19untolgoatv,theion't 4 011 1 1 .440 6, 45affr:in', 00 41 PAlitft;3oo;= (Emmt anb (fourth) Matters Thii number - of aiddentiln College this teatiionle about the' same as last year , The College; buildings :have recently undergone . ' very thorough re. pairs. and : itaprOieMente, The . wood work has baan entirely re-painted, and Venitinn shutterputto-the-numeraue—vvindowah eaterior-of-tke - Cidiego tinildiligs haw pCeseats decidedly Intudaiiina appearance. .Lung 'may the. venerafde inetitution FIRST PICEISRYTIRIIAN • Vine 'service is temporarily suspnnded in this Church, the ancient edifice being in the bands of the carpenters'und , pninters, wyrse-skill is engaged in (*Cart'. solidly alterations -and ImproleMetits. The now - wilrll is principally in-the interior, nnd.iocludes an,alteration, of the galleries, the 'Painting of the Tills in Woe co, thcintrodnotirsof the gas, and-the erea -tion of a furnace fur heating the church. An organ will, 11'(pe, also be !Wed: These improvements will not, .only beautify, the church, hitt nddgtintly t.) the comfort o Oongregution. , • • the church rentnins.: closed,. which will probably ho for . the.ntext month, the pos. WiUg, prouches. alternately in the other churches of theborong,h;the pulpits' of which he has been bind!) , in . v . ile.l to ociitmy. THE SEVEN THAR•ENU3IERATION:OE TAxmit.Mi.—The enumeration 'of taxable cit itene in the several counties - in' tbe State, Which, in intraunace.of section .1V of article I of the Coustitutioh of the Commonwealth, and the several nets of Assembly, is r'equireil . to •Ii made every seten Years in prier to furnish abiteis for-the re apportionment of tlie 'Sint° iinoSeantorial and Representative districts,- is now in course of progression by the asses sors throughout the Seas. The nssessors of. Cumberlend county have 'not yet' ulnae re... - turns from all the townships,. but wr, elicit probably .know. the teen% by neit - week. When nil are.rege!fed, be-preparedfor transtats;ion to the State De -partmont, - • • • FOWL Titrzymo.--Turkeys and chick ens we hear nrelliTf altogether enfo in spite of the electionorStichnnan: - 3'Nifiy - tirthe mean .er_olnue.a..Detitocintic 'electioneers in : the-lost, carnpnign, ft in well linatcn,-sprend the 'Clary that if Fremont Should be elected the " gore'-'.would beget free in the South, and of ooureo would rush' pall mell to the North. ravaging the country, 'stenling the, chicken- anti comMitting_itsnumerable otheC horrihlo outrnges.- Well,Fremont is •defented,,,Buch electetl tint!, tbe Uttictn hns!heen enved, but it lippnr.9 the chickens are not safe, for - we hear .frequently 'of extensile hen-roost depredations:. Isn't - the Sage of,Whesidandbound to sea that 'thesefetriFbinnering expeditions aro put-an •• -- • end to ITARRISIWRO DAILY AND WEEKLY TELECIRAPILOUIr ft:lends who desire to he fully posted in „Legislative proceedings and political movements. at Harrisburg.' shOuld 'subscribe for either the Daily or Weekly Tele graph: OUr next„Vogl, slatu're wilt be entrust ed with - several important duties. Tho elec tion of a U. S. Senator, of Sttito Treasurer, the appointment Of • Senatorial and • Represen lathe dititriets, &0., will make tho proceed ings unusually interasting. , Tlio Daily Tele grdph will mows ,transplr ing at the seat nt government sooner and more satisfactorily than any other paper. The Weekly Telegraph is a onnhcious sheet, adapt ed as well to the familyeirele as the pOlitical reader. The Editorial department is in charge of a gentleman of talent and experi. once. The Daily Telegraph is' published at the rate of $4 a year to persons 'al a distance; $2 for taz months, or $1 for three 'months. _Tlio_lileekly_ and setnl.weekly...Telegrophis furnished to single subset there at *2 per an num. To clubs 'of G persons. fur $9; of 10 pet:sans at $l7 ;of 20 persons at $3O. The person who raises anlub wilt reogive a copy . of paper,gratin. We will cheerfully for ward subscriptions for-the Telegraph. =I . T TllB FATtltt. JOURNAL.— Ito sevenp * vOlunie of this really valuable agricultural journal wiTooininence on tli let bf next Jan uary, with a better standing and brighter prospects than it ever bad befere.-*-In the vol nun just closing,' in addition to the past a mount of original ,and eelented infortnittieu coniarned in its retidiug'colemne,' on': all 13ub joule relating to Progressive Agriculture, there are also upwards of sixty ,handsoinely'execg ted engravings, consisting of newly patented Agricultural Implements, and portraits of sonic-of the finest Stock in the country. r -The publishers any: We feel uniply ; 'encoUrnged 'to redo . uble our aorta, to - itortke the Journal more and inure nociptiible to our readers; and shill! giro our - subscribers of 1857 all the benefit of our post experience, ne to . the Lit erary Soientifie and 'Proetienl Wants ,of_the_ Farming community,"' Address SAMUEL Est' LEN & Ca, N T, ootiier of 7111 aind Market strieta, Phile:lelphia: ' NEW The Heart Ache for IIoine" and . . Little May," foe the Titles of two prett,‘ little pieopzt of Music 1.1 Auguste Mignon, awl puhlfshpl by Messrs :Beek $t Lawton. 164 Chosttiut street, Philadelphia The w.rdita the former piece are by Henry Mot ford. and the latfer pieoe•by 11., H Stud deed They thin be l.e tby applyingipt Mr. Piper's Beck S-utii—p:4 ANOTHEit OF • TIM ;BISTS.HAV elfkingo Oknviaingular_bet_witatnatle upon.the_pyasiden tial elention.hy a Ger man, who - bit:his- tiouse. lot and wife and-bni* that Feetanut would be elected, 'Mier hearing tho result, be- took his deeds, wifaand obildtand- wile a tender of all in good faith, .I.lut his friend, having one wife and five olddrenitefused to, korona° his stook in that tray,•tuld'therefore declined to take:Abe poor-Tines-family and property, but guys hint a pieoe.of-advice,-.-took a drink of beer, and , they parted good friends, ZeirA mule mermen:o off on Tbureday orttbe -Centreville Gonne, 1,:1.J0r it puree of $5O; mile health, beek.tbroale ave.., Four animals ,were entered.; they kldblted theirmettnial.ol.: letinaoy., Cne - fellow was pitched head over one mule baulkint, end mini.] not be In duced to return 'to .the!t rank ;' - entither paid a visit to.the.;toterier ergo bar,'. and_ emovhed deeontera Mid glasses.; " kfiello! called znit. eirq.'cik Iron .the three last beateiantllhe ri• der took. the puree. . k.Nsvr PATllY.—,k , netv ayetem of cure hae 'been luirodueediti* mi.ii. yorlr, t'lintler . the Otte of ilhieelpathy:' It le ales called tthe movement .aure,t and ooneinte,Aa,:kiving, the, palette h geod pUtOttelput,..itthhing,,,, ettetohiog-,und „tvrietiog.: The platt . waild mai to fie -to unapt .tte' the dhoirtise by,theehintoal :- . fOroti I - Wei, r rot : perhape, i 3 it 18 1 at 0(4 ,way llt to' put - potty ,cogiitte., the' eietemto: tore I' to,health. We ehoultl,lltialtlt ou , ehkfullible tie , tt.,eurii -Air liiinssii-4 re yjiiviletit,ditease., ' in, Packed thodgh it wee, found a true bill the riiiserenrit Hayes.- ,Every'fyro flows that such en offence it) net . bailable, al yet Jingo I.econinte dared to tultuit Oyes to hail, and let him run! nettriouns-w-hat be-ouPlit to b , ut tine outrage startled - end incensed' trim, fo.denouneed the malfeesenee of .the brute :%eeenpte in fittingterins, end' if . the s , Glover,. ,ersitits in gird nom out the-feeling which he iron expressed, ho will a , diffi,rent face on . • the matters:in Kansas- War , earnestly hope that John lir.'Genry will, now try.and do full. free State settlers. If he does, uOne..will sustain his course, and .render hini liaise, more eordrally•thrit'the Itopubliotins •, At the very totem during ',which , •Lecompte • 'admitted Ilayes•to sehteneed,•twenty free State men, convicted of manglntighter by • his peeked he five end 'six years' impris onment: The . only dime of- ,thesb men vras, that in pertinence • Ilf, the suggestion of Governor y - 't iekedaind broke up . a'relitior'sstrongliold et Hickory Point, from. whence: raids were mode on Lavirence! ; In the fight lives were loet, • and this wasalie manslaughter Meenwhilcr Clark, the cowardly murderer of Murderer of Pow, the other savage mur•lerer of Major lluy t , Emory the mural r or of Philips,.and scores of other murderers,. MEI is nut said that it has been granted, So there • 'wee ace Pro-Sluvery murderer in mistmly at ~_tlie_last,adviees,..w.ith:a fair prospeef Nut lie • would _be held until trial. The niut al Effect be immense.throughout the Territory. grossing quietly; and the , --squatters, whether free Stale ,tir pro-slavety, Were generally bid ding its their claims at the government ap.- prithinient ; though„ at the same time, un occupied lands,.eligiblyeiruzitedoverobring, ing exorbitant ',demi: Atmut_ IWe..thousand - stratigers.were thelerrifory,-it is Supposed,' With at least a million and a half of gold; trineh of which will be brought Iniale . uninvest-_ -ed.. The eettlere have what-is well known in law--by wide!, ..impertiment hidderahrultept gitiet until the actual "Occu pants of the soil arestervedwithall they want. the fifteenth, we have news_frotn Europe- one' . Week later than previous .nOvicen. The 'in-_ pect of aKairs was deciOedly—mor6-psoifie The Emperor Napoleon bad got back to Paris and upset all the belligerent arrangements 'of Ids ministers, restored the'English alliance to its former footing, and no pia a period to the vriporings of the press on .both sides of the British Channel. The city of Herat, in Afgh - anis - tan, had — been taken by .the Persians, through the aid 'of their 00-religianaries inside. of the walls, but were soon after driven out with hedvyjoss. • Another account says .that the city. lota - been. reduced.- by "famine. The . " Bank of Englund had raised its discount to , seven . per cent. Prince Leinengen, sou of the Duchess of Kent, and half brother to Queen Victoria, is dead lifts from Australia says that Mr. Gem& Oakes, one of the members of the Sydney Ausethhly i 5008 severely beaten in the liouse.on the Bth of August. The es tablishment of Telegraph lines throughout Australia was attracting much attention. Tiu and copper mines hove. been discovered, of grew extent. The gold mines yielded beyond thd usual average._ had_ Pg. tirnage - to theshipping. _ • TIM LANOnsTEn BANK. - 4.4? , P WITiESL CHARM:D.—We learn from the Lancaster. Ex , .pressAif Tuesday that since' Friday last. the '.Lancaster Dank has redeemed about $60,000 of her notes in payment of debts due the bank, thus discharging her lidbilities . to that amount. The payments during these, four, days ran about as follows: On Friday $12;000; Safurday,sBo,oop; Monday $72,006 ; . Tuea day $6,1100. The Express says: • Tho .• decrease in -the amount paict• in -on .TliFsclay is a good indication that the public have confidence in the limn redemption of the notes at their par value, as much et those paid Wiled been bought up at .a discount directly after the suspension. In-addition to the shave it is orilculntetthat ht. .lenut $50,000 ofd the notes inycircutiara will never'he presented for redemption, hay hog been lost or_ destroyed • during :rho forty yea re the hank bus beau- in 'Ter.. lion Pei , hops the notes at no other bank were MOre extensively ctirit7d•ditritiglliat time by travel., -lore 011 A(01111111Mlio, So. • The confidence in the re-organization of the bank Is daily gaining ground, and the ,heavy . -stock holders-aril - subs° ribinglllll.l - IF, - yea wit • tingness, MILITARY AVVAIRN 'IN NEW 11/EX.loo.—Liaut John U. Wilkium, Adjuinnt, find Lieut. L.' W ,O'Bonnan;regimititni.Querter td in urrii : it in 1116 city on the 231 hist, with the non. , Cullllll6.Siulltd Stair, and bond of (hut regiment. - ,• The hentl•quarters of the 3d infantry are temporarily transferred to this place, Col. BonnevilleTetainlng command of his regiment lot addition to Comiontoliog this department Lents and 0 Deaan•nue accompanied by their fomiltes. • ' Lirlt. G., W. ll.mland. of the riflost arrived here do the 21st inst, he will command „the •detueittneht on ditty a' the:department head. squarters.,...Capt. Liewellen-Jones,of-the-ri flee, arrived at Fort Union with his._coMpany_ 'D on the 17th inst., where be has. been co dec, ; . ed to tithe poet. • - • DeWitt Gibson, who had been on leave from thitudeportment for the last live months, returned with the mail on the 23d inst,.. and will 4olin bo on duty at • Alburptefqus.—Sart fa Fe f3azerte , Ocl. 25. • • CRAPLAINS TO CONGRESS —The National Intelligencer states dat a memorial is on foot among sotiii of tire olergytnew of Washington tripreffer their ttervioesr the 'plow) of, the „oltriplains usually appOinted by, Congress. .This proffer is b-aed en the feet , that, last winter,: the olergynien. of Washington were .Invitedto nitetnate in opening the House before Its or geniXation,and .on. the fret that ; the Bugger:h. Poo of ti permanent hi - fragernen - ter• this kind was then made, and only abaudimed fiem the Otesiderntion that no expression of willingness of the clergy 'thus to otfudate hid been - given. It; adds that olergydien, of seven different ,nominations have,nlroady,given their' tupueo to i •the.proPosilion. •, ligt.Anotber curious bet! is stated. In e ,pipere.--i &Wee _iron:miter . this ;soh - milker:lth- an• eight inch 9orn cob in his Oneuth, from Shad. Lake to' Bath,' :Another -Frew:inter' in Baritona' stands nil dak with Lhdrse callar: 'around; bis meek. -Both 'these hiits wero in . . consequence of the . faiturtot Yremont tticitiv,y MORE KANSAS OUTRAGES A correspondent of the . St: Louis Demoseat ves a graphio account of a scene iu , Gov. edliee.. It seems that (leery had pro ved the arrest .of Hayes, - the pro-slavery tHun viko..murdered Buthuh, n pour. free rata cripple. Thu (Itiand Jury.. at 'Lecon'ip rubbers. raviAvni, iiud hoese Burners, gu scot O'er, and nre hond in glove with. this'some Lecompte, and oner Tereitorinl nuitioriOes I if is 'useless to•enla•ge . upon such Diets. 'Our lotest'advices from linnetts, sop• the N. 'Y Tribune. weer a brighter aspect than any we hove previously re ,, eived for months. We do not noon to be bctgiiyed into premature ozultiition 1 but it does -certainKi- seem that Gov. Ochry 11118 halted in mid-career, and re fused tube longer a tr.erelool , of the Border ittanehe.- - murder of tin im•ffeusivo Free elate at IpPle almost before big f.tvii eyes, Anal 'IV cool, btudness like audacity with which the toutderer • ions bailed and let . run by lecompte, "Marshal" - Donaldson being eee..of the sureties, appear to have robs ed the Governor's ire, and he not only declar ed that Hayes, the murderer, should ho re- urteoteil, but: ho., has had IL done.' " Co Tiflis wits the Governor's agent effecting the arrest. Ilaye's• entinsel hail applied to ".Judge" Lecomptifor a habeas corpus, but it LATER FR . 0"1111* int-OPE. the,orrivaVat-Now-York Of :the - stenni. ship -Persia, from Lb/A-pool, with dotes to NEWS El( TELEGRAPH: Later from Vallfornla 13 the.lffinnis,•which.tirrived 'on- Saturday with the.Cnlifornia mail of Nov: b, 'we learn that the aolden43tato has given hee electoral •voto to-James Buchanan. Returne frinu all' the counties weru not, of ceuree, received at the time of the'stenmee's departure from San Francisco, but sufficient render UT - ref ty - cerractrolittitlr — BUChanalr - bibl — nl ) -7 - tained'altlurality n Vane; AiX - I housand - vot&r: Fillmore, stands next in the race, and Freont Inio far I,eltiod: m The defeat of the Republi. cattail' California is attributed to (Ito tut or; sot eyganizatiory of the party,' and a so to t to name causes that ineured it's defeat in Penn sylvania.nnd Indians. If Mr., Fillmore .had not. been Candidate,. three-fourths of the vote he received would undoubtedly-have been giv 'en to Col. Fremont.. Dm election passed off-lairly and peaceably. There were no Hots at' thi„riella andmotallot: hex stuffing. .0n the third Of / Noveinber, the 'State arms, then in the, poskession of the yig lance Cominittee, were • handed over • .t. the• State Custodian, and Governor Johnson immediately withdrevv . his proclamation of in surrection, which gaieiliebity; a technically, legal election. Tn the city' of Son Francisco, the People's or Itefiirm Ticket. linS been Car ' 'ed_by_aLlarge_usajar_ity ivsaie_wA. - Fronted .a s an event of even greater importance than tlie Presideutitd election, as its success would insure the p6Secution of those meal urea 'of Reform which were inaugurated by the late Vigilance Committee, .and would be a'virtual.indorsement Of its acts. As 'en illustration Of the . Worms accomplished by the Vigilance Committee, the fact is noticed in the papers, that. though aver a' thousand new voters were made previous to the 4th,! and though every exertion was made try' each party to turn out its main strength, yet 'the Note of the'city was several hipulreds less than that,pf , last year. It is announced posi tively dna Charles P. Scott:olo4. C. ArKib bem Democratic candidates,llial;e been . elect. ed- to -Oongress.--but- tho- - compleion - :of — the Logislatore_was_not known __There all probability he a Democratic majority.' A pitched battle had faked place. at Too- Intone county, between several thousand Chi.. nese—rnaerie - comic affair, In ita origin and' mode of execution, though. several. Celestials lost..Sheir fives in . the.fray. The people from the Gadsden purchase, we learn from the-Los Angelos'Sfar, had met to take , the necessary steriVor. the formation of State Covelument The Territory, which it proposed to . call Arizona,_has now a pnpoln Hon- of - about - tint thousand souls. A t, rrible tragedy 'find oc curred at Nevada. S‘inie of Toni Bell's gang, escaped from jail; and, .being followed and overtaken, an micoutiter ensued, in which the " Slieritrwits.slibt dead andinather pf his par ty..mortally Minuted: -A confession, one' ht this same ge_o_g,gives some_curions.re7 volutions concerning crimes and criminals in California.'• llerhert, .IWe - other...of Don!, - gress,.left San 'Franciabo on the 6th for ,Wrialt ,ingtoo The'Bulietin - of that city -Makes a bittee attack on Ili3rbert,..liho- reOlio:4 lit an address to the peopk, Of:California. From the -Mexican State-of &horn, ne leakn'that a rev olutionlMrhicikTniout there, .end that the aovernor.lir . al been forced . _lntidligehr.o froni•Oregoo and -Waahingititi Tervitories is not imptrtairt. 'flat !Shads 'hue btought in treasure over $1,800.000. . From Costa. Rion we learn that 'great pre parations were going'on . for the oh an aggressive warogainbt ty-tive thousand dollars bad been-voted to de• !raj , expenses,_ and large.lre,intereetbents- of advaderinn4 eralhCritatetualians were pouring F'imn CHICAGO, Nn v. 30.--4cansas -dntra to the 2 . lnt inst., 'note been reeeived. , Judge "Onto hes refueed the r writ of-habeas-corpus-asked far in the case -of the murderer, Hayes,— cans ing'mueb sacitetneht 'among the pro slavery men. Later irOm Nicaragua. • Asrmwm,r.; Nov. 20—Evening.—The .Brit lob mail steamer Dee has just arrived here, from Greytown. She brings no mivices from the interior 21Nicaragnasf movements later than our previous dates.' Walker - was awaiting the receipt' of provis% ions and munition, had not reached him nt latest adviCes.. The full conviction of all classes at Greytown is tin t, as soon he has received the aforesaid supplies, and arranged his forces, he will- proceed to delve all the allied forces out. Of the , State. Of his iktem lions thereafter, nothing is known. The al, lies were very much . divided and quarrelling among themselves. The steamers from New York pod New o,r -leans had not arrived a.t Greytowu when the Dee left.- - - =I Chicago, Dee., I:'—Kanans dotes to the 24th Italie been received. Thirty-nine Free prisoners at Lecompton escaped on DO_ night of-the 22 . (1 - : No ihilinee woe usedby them. The report that Judge Lecompto bed leaned a process against . Gov. Geary isnot confirmed. It is stated that lie had gained a writ of ha:. belts corpus in - thevaSe of Hayes. • • •• Pro!nlN'aehington , WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 —lt is understood that the President will not send in his annual niessoge before Tuesday. The Whitfield• case will 'iMine up in the House to morrow, and no oltjectionw will be immediately raised tehis re ception as a delegate from Kansas The appearanotrliere this evening of Messrs. litinkS, Pryor, Evans, and other Virginians, with some attending -circumstances. cans% a suspicion that another dust is on the tupis. • DXl , l.^.ll.lENgli or A * StrItGEWL—In 1788, the son of an English clergyman attended the ol.isses at Edinburgh University. and lived in the third Oat in Briatol ' street, its a room Which-,oost Itim six shillingland six. :Renee 'll-week-; after yVat:'s Wien sivaying the surgical sceptre of Engin:id us Sir Astley. C . ,oper, hisjirofessimo d incoine. in a single -ye-sr aniiiiinted to $115,000; and yet, dnring the first twelve' months dth .settled down in London, and was working us a lecturer on an atomy and surgery, his receipts front private practice awountSd to five guineas LONG WINDED --A foreign Jourifnl stnien trumpet;innjor . nnd bnnd•mnster of the Artillery of the Githrd, was to celebrate at Berlin hie fiftieth year of continual service, mid this with imitthred lanys. In honer' of The occasion there was to ho a monster con cert ordliestra playing oped4oo.instrit meats—most of them brass. The ll.ogell blew the retreat at Jena, and the advance at Ldp. hie and Whtoilon. Whatever else may he said of the musical '.yeteritn4 . it is certainly true that lie . has blown his own - trumpet', longer, end with more safoty.'euecess and. re' flown, than most men who performu aimil. • Ilendsv.-LThe voto of the Greet; Mountain State for Preeidont foots up 50;760 It to. in foot, niinore than 'We& polled for Preerdent in tho Harrison compalgn. The reason is tinsenough—thein wati'no contest. ThetH!ate Ints'never been Rarriail Hampshire ' which has the same population as Valmont. t he vote poled at the Presidential elecii•n wis 71000,- ; Had the oh ,lo vote ,of Vermont been polled. • Protnont's majority would have reached Inrty thousand at least . OUROON. —A recent jotter from Oregon/Paten link the c mdition of thinge connected with the Indinu triben in Northern Oregon nod Eastern Watthington Territory, Lave , assumed . to. MO' • alarming aspect than ever, 'owing to, the : feat -Vint several of the lergest 'tribes in. Oregon aurWashington - have joiuml, together an on e bend to fight the Itnetinni,,NeeperCes, *Anne Ada Finthende, numberin g tAfteeu 'haw; dred warriors, wholmialieretofOre taken no part with the entail betide that have owned en, much trouble within the last trepan, ia,tiutC part of the country'..,, • ,•: • . llorr A . ' 4 ill h ,Osper 134 i, - 04, 1 grucioue - gueetile far - advanUd-la, a 000ditioo . whlok` koiolotio; God t o , ;wgmei,l'the rOol"famili ' of. England,- sonic.' ,yrdpro.'oboot,itho,:iciontlx, 4 4,l.E4rootry. This means, yin. English, t hat ' Queen ' 11 .10 112 4 tiii:te:ilioiterbiby:•' -; ",- •.. A great ma4persons speak of Mason's and - Dixon'd Line without exactly knoivirig the his °. 'tory of that boundary... It is identified with a dispute, which originated about two centuries." ago, between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland. It involved a tract of 0,000 square • miles, which was claimed,. by the family Of Lord lialtimore. In the time of King James IL. the. matter was brought before the Com mittee of Trade and Plantations, and •after an investigation._tba:king... the territoryin' that.part between the river mid-bay orDelaWare..and aline from - the latitude of Ilenlopon to 'the 40° of N. lati to his majesty, and thd remainder—now liatt_tx:the--EitsternLSliore-.:of-Maryland-- r te--::- Lord Baltimore. hint the order was . ' not acted on. In. 1732, commissioners ' and 'surveyors busied, themselves again in the matter, but. separated without deciding. In 17;5 * the Penn family took the question into the English Court of Chancery:, Alter h time, the Nord Chancel lor ordered a new measurement, which . took , ;place in 1730, but ended-like' the 'preceding. • At the end of twelve years more; the respective preprietaricit agreed to -oniploy Charles Mason and jerethiali 'Dixon, two geometers, who went to work, and at last set the . questionitt rest, by marking the boundaries between Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. • It should be aeon , ed that .the 'term Mason mid Dixon's Lino is ' only dpplied to that part of the boundary which . onstil i ittes-therontier-ef-Pelinsylvania,-- It extends to a point about forty miles yes.t. of 'tho.Stisrynoltiinfia, and not the western bounda• ry of Pennsylvania.' • NAltlt ' o Staunton (Vn.) Spectator says that Mt. It. .I Glandy',.of that county, deals cattle in Penn sylvonie, had lifty thoustind dollars dep,OSited . In the Lnucaster in Lancaster and bearing a rumor that the Bank was no• anfe,-he proposel to withdraw his money : but the officers assuring him there.tivue no danger ho was'un - the point of allowing it to remain: lie finally concluded, however, to take it out, and the.-neat morning -the hank was closed, , Losses ON TIIN LAKEW.—The nisasters od the lakes thiPerasbn far rxe, thestrof for- - mer years in The.' Chi: — . eago Trilame g.tes i -an imperfect list of . the tomliy loot ve,sels looking an aggregate of niR . steamers, nine propellers; Iwo tugs, five brioil twenty-sight nthoonern.. At a low, ea leula tien32.oo lives have been' lost.. Several of.theyessels. have. disappeared: 'and never - been heard from. TILE TERRITORY OP 4 ARIZONA.'—The resi deiite• of. the Gadsden purr in tso are' taltitig moosuree to orgoniz`t; that torritory,_which. they ,propoie to coil • .Arizona_ They have elected Nailnityl': Cook their delegatZ.To:Cari. gress,.to which kody they will_formitint me- Morial signed b.) - 200 tinmeti, ' piayiug fot n di vision. ofthu Territory of New Mexico, and the fornintitin of a new Governthent in the (bids. deli purchase. 'rho eitintaced population *of the new Territoty, is about 10,000. John'T: - Walker, of the United States Navy; conuidtted auioide in - Nerd York on Tuesday by hanging, while laboring under temporary derangement. Ile was 'under or ders foreett, anti about to sail iti the. frigate IVnbti h: Tifo - dnenied - wwerfivt tv6 - of - obigan, thirty-five yeare of ago, but resided at.,_ Erie, Pa., where he letiies o wife awl many,. friends to nuiurn him jther" . Ati elective Jurlichtry-tvas-ordered Connecticut" nt the recent' °teeth:in. Teeth. eighty years-anti no. nertlico after 70. _ . _ • fos.„poi. T. A, Cambria county, who . bas been for several youri_Clerk. of our Stet° Senil i o, line . been appointed" - Prottiono• tory of the Supreme Court of Minns._ • gia,,Rev. D. V..l)lcLean, D. D., hao resign ed the Presidency of Lafayette College; Boa. ton, Pa. EirThe Blnir County Whig is out for Si mon Ctuneron for United States Senator. PIfEMONT, TUE 1111.isvpia OANDIDATZ.—If Col. Fremont bad as many Moods as the Mustang Liniment, the op; poidtion Could 'not draw a corporal's _guard. Mr—Fsee,_. moot remarked, , in his dispatches to Mr. Fillmore while tinosportlng horses and cattle over the plains of "Mexico, "That if the Governmont would sond on a lib oral supply of Mustang lAnlmont, it would saw, 2b por cont. of his Minim". This Is very important for all bar• mars nod Liverymon to know. Thu Mustang Liniment Is a wonderful article for man or beast. It should al ways ho used lot Sores, Swellings, Still Joints, Burns, Bruises, 'Rheumatic Pains, 9r., and for Golds, Sprains Spavins, Itinghone,&e., upon horses. Beware of -Imita tions. Tho Mucking is sold by nil rospectidde dealers every whero. BARNES 2. PARK, Oct. 211-Im. Proprietors, Now York. DR. - ISAAC Tuomi , soN's much-celo- .bratetiliVE-IYATEIt,-- , lts merits stand- Tit is old, tried nod invaluable remedy fur all the ilia° eases of the open, alter hay hrg stood the test of 'over Fifty Years, and the demand for it Is still increasing, is now, and has been for the past two yea Ctr. offered for • sale in an entire hear dross. Each bottle will have a Reel - Plete - thatrared lluvelopeorith it portialrortlai— itkeentor, the. Isaac Thompson, Now London, Conn; ands Me simile of Ids signature, together' with. a foe simile of the rlgnaluttof the present proprietor, John Thompson, No. 161 and 143 Etter street, Troy, Low York, and none other can be genuine. . The proprietor hawileen compelled to make this ° shange in the style of the wrapper owing to the large Oil - amity of euttaterfeit which ler the past. few Years Ims been palmed upon the community, and especially at the west. , - Purchasers aro particularly requested to buy none but dho ilbove'deseribed, and as the red label hereto fore used has boon called In, any foubd In that terra the proprietor does not hesitate to_ prouounee counter. felt. ' For sato by all tho respootablo druggists I , ‘ tin Unl .d Status and Canada. , ,DALLEY,S GENUINE PAIN EX TRACTOR . A. . • Kadin, the istlit and Infltionition front the severest hurt r scalds, In front ono to twenty ininutes—and that it • will heel the within's without a scar; cud effectually cure Furor SorosTiles--,Salt lihmn—litjhunntatory Illo , unuttistu—Soin and In flamed Eyes—cu is—Woubds —llroises—Old and Itivotorate B.ores—Scald Head— - Corns and Ilunions—Eryslitel.--itraine—s treillage— ' Felona—Chilblains—llites 01'1nm:els—Swelled and Bra hen Breast—Sore 'Nipples—Erupt ions -,and all 'other inflammatory and -elltnlletZUS discaros, where the partal Don't ho I ticredulous,about the tunny diseases named to be cured by Only one thing—but reflect that the few, - 'bite positive properties which-the Dello) . Salve alone contains. nod as hemtufore entunerated--one to four—a ctnuroacp IlUt_y_tilo_tOrthALELltitmod-dlsrmieni-lout---- - 7Query- 7 1)o not regular brad physiciansproscribe rain- : otel inwardly sor scores of different diltes. I Each box or Ocauv. DA LTA's PAIN EXTRA( Ton loos up on It aStmel Plato Engraved Label with th kph:natures • of C. V. CLICICENEIt & CO., proprlett•ni. and HENRY • I,LEY, mattuftuAurer. All - utile'e nre counterfeit. All orders. should be addressed to C. V. Cllekener & Co., 01 harclay, street. Now Verb. ‘• ti-y...,„F0r silo by nil Druggists throu,;liont the United "pittin. A PERFUMED BEE ITlL—What lady or gontlentan would remain under thn curse ol a disagreeable breath who t by using "THE BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS" as a dentrifico would net only render It went, but demo the teeth white en alabastort Many, uersons do not Maur their bteallt to Ind, nod the sub• joet is an delicate theirtfritnlds wlil never ,ntontiate It.. • Pour a tingle &op of rains (a, your tooth brush and wash' tint teeth night atkteurning. -A fifty cent bottle will last a year. • A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION nosy easily be acquir ed by using the italutora Thousand Flowers." It will._ t, coolly u tau. pimples Mai freebies front the skin, leaving '. Itsof a soft fool rosoataltua Wotro towel, pour ou 1,0 . 0 .or theta drops, atul•trash the then night and morning. ) tHIAVINti SI'ADE EASY —Wet yotir slum:log brush • .ist-ettbotwarnt of 'cold water, pour on two or three .droof "INDY_ gIikI II I9.I.INBALFIP,MON.'I.IIIItiht iterMiLl. well, it and f6will male at,beautim soft lather, u s , -facilitating the operation ofrhavinu. -Miro only 'Pity. Oolts. llowaro of •Couuterfeits. • None genuine unless signed is i v. egritum u co., '4.k. 1,18513.-13 m) Ftnukiht Square, Now York, ILIAILICY - 1. bI.PORVEIt.AND,;.JOBBER, ~ . . A IVI IVIIDLESALIC •D6:ll4Elt IN • ''' 0n it T - A - .1 . N. - - 111*A-T Elt lA . L ,'''- FURNITURE COVERINGS,. &c., &c..'&4•0 WITH EVERT DESCRIPTION DV TII/LIIIINGS TO /gATcn• NEW - MII.ISONIO TEJIPLE. _ _ CHESTNUT But Err, AtIOVE . • • W ALL PAPER.—Justreceived a splendid stock of Paper Ilanglngs; Window Shades and rireboard hints, embracing all the newest and moat apProVed si.glea. The designs aro .neat and uhasto, and thaviees Buell as 'cannot fitinto'gtlaitatip Onion. We invite our (lends and the public general: ly to call and examine our assortment before pureha slug . elsewhere._ : ' . U. SAXTON, • , mareb2l , , . Paid Main Street. NOW* MEW,' 'MARBLE', YA/3.De 7 -Now is the aieeiied n0i,.10 the 47 1 b Yaril,Snele, Pa. Mao:lron...Rail . , , „ OLASSICAL ANDAITtR:A.- .win 10 - - penedaa usual on TUESDAY, the' 4tb!'ot. November and:continue Ova moothe.,. The termer Prinelpil t W.' haying retired - from - th e employment of -- 4 tmehlog, the School will be corked on under the trdendance and-direction of the eubscriber, who wi ; • -into dud dllikeu6e, to .edranee tbe best interestref 'penile committed to his care. TEEM fl--100 TuttiOn, -Boarding and 'Lodging,' - per Oct • ROSEB.,T 11cOACHBAbi.