Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 03, 1856, Image 1

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- TERMS O 1 ruuLienvths. , ... . •
. Tho CM11,181.0 Ilati.tto Is published weakly on a large
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'-- The CALLI4Lg' Iferi.tta .lU6 Pill NTINO OFFI CI the
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Food Presses:m.l . a general'varlpty of material,
suited fir Plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables
Us to do job Printing at the shortest netieu and on Om
most r r .".a.:•mahle terms.. In want of Bills, Blanks
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genera[ d; Coca( 3itro9nettimi
5. GOITI:11114X11:ial
President—FßANKLlN PIERCE. •
Viru President—JESSE D. fußßor.. '
Se,retary of SL:ite_—Wxf. L. 31.1ner.
Ititorior—of 111oCi.r.LIAND..
• Sm.t.try of Treasury —JAMLS• C'EfilllE. •
2- Se o cretary of Witii—JEITERSON
:See : eels ry of Nary—.l... C. founts. • • •
Post - Master tielleral•-491ES 0011.11E1X.
P.i.turucy I
ANlnitlJllntire pulted"..itatts—B. B. TANEY
ST 43.T:E1 GO tf 2rl: Lana ;...3
' G.tornbr—ltmcs Pol.t.ocKe , -,.. •
___Se'eretury_of_State—kontnw ri.
titio•eyor ilenortl-3. 1011WLT.Y.
.'Prue-Itrec - 111.Nit: H.
- Jutl.;es.ef the t . ,Illi1 . 0:110 ior.tll9. J. S. SLACk,
W. B. 1.0 cute, 11.: W. Woomi - .4itni,l:-.C. KNoX .• •
, •_ -
coOlsri , w orrs.onus.
e. ,
Pres Moot Judke—llon, .f.uors H. O.IIAM.
.Asiocl.o.o Judges—lion. John Rupp, tioatuel Wood
liihtriel. Attnrody—Wm. J. Shearer.
. Prothouotary—Oaniel li. Noell.'
Recorder, &c.—. John M. Gregg.
. lt,,,e , ster--Williain ,bytle: • .
. .
111.311 Sberidneukt Bowled,: ...' 'Deputy, J._ lieni
County Treasurer—Adorn Sens . bunin.. . . .
Corener—Miteliell 51 'Clelin; .
County Counnisolonem—tleorde M. (inikatn, .WII-
Dam 31.11entlerw,, AndreVlierr. Clerk to Commis
sinners. Nlielniel Wise. .
p,,,,,,,,,,r8 of the Poor—'leonre Brln Ile, 'John C.
Drown, Samuel Trill. Superintendent G' Poor House.
—.Joseph i.oluteh..
noniruala OFFICERS.
' Mini Ilnrgens-,Col. ARMSTRONG NGEILR.
AsAistlint. Burgesti—tiamuel.dould, . .
T.,wil COUlleli—lt... 0. Woodward, (Presuloot). Thos.
M. Mildlo, Joint Thompson, Miehael t+he ' dfur, Ilenry
(Au's, I.).tvid Sipa, itobert Irvin, A. A. Lino, 'Michael
11.11.10). . .
. .
Constables—John Coustabld; llobert
Ticeartual, Ward Constable.
__CisV~.~.ts.-p.___ __ :_.___._ _
First Pre4byterlanChuren. northwest ..ogle of Centro
Square. Rev. CONWAY I'. Visa, Pastor.—conicinti - i: •ery"
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, A. Al., and 1' 'o'clock,
. P. 31. .
Second presbyterial. Church, cornerof-Soutllnnuover
and Pomfret streets. Ituv. Mr. iIOLLS, Pear Services
commence at II o'clock, X M
: ~ and 7 o'cloc , 51. '
St. Johns Church, (Protflipiscopal) nottl ,met angiu of
Centro Square. Rev. JAcou It. Mouse, Rector. Services.
at II o'clock, A. 31.; and 3 o'clock, P. 31.
English Lutheran Church, Redford between Main end
Loutbor streets. Ito. Joann l'astor. Services.,
at 11 o'clock, A. 31.. and 7 o'clock, I'. 51. , '
German Reformed Church, Loutlice, between Hanover
and PR! otruots. Rev-A. 11. lintsuut, Poster. Services
at 1O Y. o'clock, A. M., and 1,.!4 P. 31.,
51ctfiodist B.Clirch,.(first Charge) corner of Main and
I'itt streets. Rev. Jolla 31. 30100, Pastor. liervicos at
11 o'clock A. 31., and lIA o'clock, P. 31.
• 3lut:Lollst 1.1„, Church, Jsecnol Charge) ROY. Tool on.
DAnnikarry, Pastor: Services in ColicAuChapul, at 11
o'clock A. 31., and 3 o'clock. I'. 31.
Roman Catholic Church, POutfret, nosr Esst street.—
Itev..J.tura 11500010, Pastor. Son ices on the 2nd Sun- 1
day of each month.
German ladlienut Church, corner of Pomfret and
lledfoN streets. Rev. I. P..Naschold, Pastor, Scr i p ice at
1034 A. 31.
• . 4 7 0.1111 cm changes In tha ab Ire :we necessary the pre
' per . Varsous are reitiested to notify us.
Rev. Charles Cofllusi President and Professor of Moral
Rev. Herman M. Jolituton, Professor pf Philosophy_
sod English Literature.
James W. Xirshall, l'rofessqr of Anrieoi r e ogpg,,;,
Rey. Otis If, Tiffany, Professor of Mathentuties. -
\t"illiam O:
Wilson, Professor of Natural' Soloa O and
Curator of the Museuui.'
. .......
Alexander iichout, Profcsur of Ilobrew and Modem
"Lange:lgoe: -
' Samuel D. iiilloino; Prlpclioit.of.tho Urandifoir School
Assist:tut id the liraminar School.
• •
„cult= Damn., Diehard L'arher,
Cashiir; WM: 31: -Wehrle; P. Hassler, IN. C.
• Mutrialtuan.- Directors, ftichard Parker, Juba Zug,'
Hugh Stuart, Thomas Paxton, It. C. Woothrard, Dolma
Moo., John Sanderson, Henry Login, Samuel Wherry.
CururcatAso,WAtt..r It LL Soul LIONPANY.—PYCNIdeLIt,
Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, F,cluard
Diddle; Superintend:lnt, A. F. Smith. Nerenger traiSk.
twicoa day. Lastuard, waving Carlisle at 10:-.0 Weleek,
A. M. and 3.55 o'clock, P SJ. Too trains every day West
:.mrlng Carlisle a 1.10.13 o'clock, A.M. and 2.48,1..31.
4:.1111.1SLIi G. 1.4 Arm WArsa COSI.IVIY. President, Fred
erick Watts; Secretary, Lemoul Todd; Treasurer, Win
51. ILlootuas; Directors, F. Watts, Diehard Parker, Lemuel
Todd, Win. M. Mutate, Dr. W. W. Dale, Franklin Gard
ner, Ile Glass and S. 31. Diddle.
Couneruarm DAss.—Presitlent,- John S. Ster
rett; Cashier, 11. A. Sturgeon; Teller, - Jos. C. Hotter.—
, Directors, John-S.-Starrett, Wm. tier,
,MeAchoir Droner:
man,Dichard Woods John C. Dunlap, Hold. C. Stereo,
BATES or rosaAGE•
Postage on all 'lettere of one-hal/ puttee weight or
under,6 costs pro paid, (except tollelll'orida and Or-gen,
which le 10 cents pro-pad.)
Postege on ‘•'.erte thiCouttly, }TEE.
'Within the State, 12 cuute per year. Tohny part . oflho
United States; 26 route.' on all tiOneient papers
under ounces in weight; 1 runt pro-pahl, ors canto
unpaid Advortlood letters 'to ha dint-god-with Alto COsc.
" •' • ;' , I , IOIS.LED ()MONS,
• 0111:111i1118,
- )IC° .
i g ll / ( 1;1/. 6INGEII.
' TABU, 01L,3e.'
Ahoy° articles' rrantod stool to any In markat
Yr low-for cash at
Z I it, 1659
a F. B T 1r L'}.l OP HATS
,lantntOE KEL'hMit desires to call the L attentlan oilds
old friends - mid customers to now assortment ;Alen-
tlemen's 3IATfI;, of 11w °Word Fall, style, with an
elegant isiortment of SOY'S OAPS and WINTl * .lt
'HATS 'of may viriety'and the moot Styles.
Ho ha falso conttantly on hand a large and vnr!od es•
sortment of Ids own manutheture, as well as city made
Hats and Cosi, avdtahlo for - thatemion,Comprislng every
Idled In•the latest style, together with a full
- or CAPS of every shape and deediptich, and at every
- 7 - nrlce ,- Ilepartlentartriftvltal the publleta maims d'cra - :
amino OMlT:wife allsorimont;Whtch ,In style , mate
riti and lash, cannot be' iMrpassed any_ in market,
, ' and whlch'halo to put'at.nrlces lower than eVer•
imßem - niberhlsald stand on Ziort4 Ilahogaiittroet
asdoor to Iluyett's °roomy Utore.:'
sil L T:Tar t ,
. .
suluturnh AND IV INT Iblt
Ah I those wore very pleaaant days,
The de Wu spent together; ,
Came hack through menudy'p golden lino,
1:11 elon.liess summer weather s .
' That 1 may deein I've saved at,laast
_ Some fragments fronflife's scattered feast
1143 wandered past the"shallow stream,
And through the uew•mown boy,
Fmah hour Wastiko Sonia glorious drown
From Paradiso astray.:
Thu scant of roses on the air , • "
boomed part of life which was so fair. •
Vis,rootned nmid tho thick green wood—
. ThrOugh tlihr. .pleoliant tree's; •
Alk, oh ! this aria, seemed yeti , good,
Withlllits nyintories. .
I neviir:s - iVt..illo thoon . so hi lj4ht;
As through tbo!boughs.thoLotiomer night
• Arid DOW I bear the bitter rain
Sweep trent the angry beaver), '
• As blindly/against Use window pane
The withered leaves 11 ea driven; ,
Thou Skint andlorrr the 100011 . appears,
dinThWebno vripviaarilinitbrodgli'.teafa.
That ghastly sloop's uncertain light
.Flung,Wer thog4unt
Tint stahess sorroW of the night
The Iva'lingof -the breeze! -
Nh me! it Nyllti AlliOthl . ll . . 6llllth
Where summer reigned hr-light - and mirth.
And hive, se pleasant, although brief,
Was made ter summer days,
__'.lh,parting ere the leaf,
mellow rays; .
g,hr 000 . 8 it sedari,n,ery strange
•• That ne,'llke all things else, should Change.
Our dream ints'vanisherns it came , 'Sem hoUrs of °mai it nnatehei);
Perchniien ye pinked n dangerous game,
- Rot well the playoqi
Wit hout.riiiinineit In either LTA,-
APB ulasp add hands, - nini so we port.
_ _
pe le rt
L+riim nn
.Eng ' .
[We have deaf mutes,ln this country, but .
the.taute who is,suppoved to tell the fallowing
story has ears and • eyes that are sensitively
acute,'and alwais on the alert. This kind' of
mate intliginous to England. Ha is'en as
sistant to the undertaker, and disci acts as a
watcher in the &umber of 'death. The twince
cipal branch of his business Is to 'dress in
crapes and other sables, and do the grief at
funerals. No funeral is
. considered .respesta
ble:without thO attendance of mutes, and the.
more there are; strangely enough, '.the mer
Yes, sir, lam a mute. My name is Song
ster—lsata pSongstgr, at your service: Just
ask me about Baugalor's-theylcuoiv me ; or
try . Pawler's or Biggins & Co—see what. the)
will say of mei I have walked for, Biggins
& C.). this twenty years book; behind lings,
lords'and commons—yes, sir, and behind the
greet duke, too, when he came up. to St.'
Paul's._'_.l, I they all.:otime to us one
0 I day.. • '
;). Well - • ate we dr v nom.
yes, sir; we - do meet 8.1110 queer
things in our line. Yon 'should filar the
watchers - of - a - long - night, - sittingoyoUnd - rthic .
fires—sonte,of theirym no would astonish youn t .,
They've astonished me sometimes, sod rve
seen a bit of life. You' see, sir, the way of it
!is this. 'When we, mime into a }muse we find
lye fami y, as I tatty say.- all of a heap with
grieving and sorrowing, cu they take no heed
lifold we come and go-when tve like, and
' •
no questions asked (that's 'the way, sir, .we
get to ninny a secret. Why, look at .•that
huskies:9. - of 'Mrs. Craven's,' down at Red
,Grange—which I raw myself, With my own,_
eyes—why that Weans queer whit of. history
as you'd ask to see in print, •
Thank-you, ail., I shouldn't miud—Lit is a
thirsty du, and it's thy work talking. You
would like to boor about Ws. cravetil Very
well, sir,—it'onut: a lung story either. Ilere'n
to"you,sir I _
Lot-tun eem leh ould.eay it was:Rhea% fir
tten yearn ngo though a .year or no one way
or the other isn't touch matter.ctlllllN with
Pa ler, then-1 did tiorioMpiggian '.Cotn 7 '
pun till the year efter—antll recollect, one
even ng about November; fk message canto
down to, the ford that Bongeter Was - wanted
in the office. I went up at - once, and "konntl,
evrrythinglda_ stir, for a great 'order had
'oMpe in—tt heavy Case of an old hall fur- off
iu the country—e, family vault 6tiiiinies, as
we would nay. '
' You-will get e toff
,toget her,' Pow
ler said, every,thilig. decent end
ouinfovieble: I bitve 114041 inetruatiousi so
we must do it liendtiouieiy,
utiOd you. .
,• We Emil fiord work 1111 that day, Dulling
we were
. •
ttrittatlitit night, Ilud we ftiund time shirt
ottough. ~Ibout six o'clock in the evening,
%"vliett ever'yelting wee packed, dad Pawler was
giving me his last instructions, (he - was 'com
ing down himself hiter,) o 3 bung men' came
running' into the offidte—a ..flue, handsome
Rug man;- hat, with a jrace.aawitite as ono
afL.ffilq!itenactitls. 110*".,waa 'very 4 . 11i1 /kid
Staggering, so that, at first", I thought he-was
dieurticrett.iith drinkl 'bdtl-soon saw from
theblaelt-latitti-oh-his hut - that - he.rutistThe - a
relatio‘n,i tuoutner, .01. a chief unntillei Most
'Am 1 in tinker soya the y young :nun; run
ning.up to Plin , '.•
l'awler Etorteclup.
braven, ie that ,yeui,
Lihuught you Treye i.i Finiioe'
Adt . .„
I in time?' said the young meh, very'
ifereCiy„:' Ainsw •...
wibumis ,
asys Pstvier,, they don't go. this
• .
boor., Sit do'vro,' B . ir, fur God's sake
' Thank ., henyen eve Mr.
light anit,d4jiniihje4_ tyke - g r in..
. 1 ; P!'w!er• I o en dePeird'iTcT44." - ! 7
belie enhl:
o° 6 or 4 4er- 10 4 1 :9314V-i!!4a:9,ieS 170 atwpye
, P.
entiefieil ,
4 c(iialtifli.le.. - ? koptil,gb 4 . :Giati 4e ,
• ;
Ay?%3,- wedm . n~.:~'l i 5 t - ) Afeev
nietnn manner to ode that the funeral '(lces
-not-go:fortvard.tilfl ootrie.L_ ' •
'Certainly not sir,' Bev would
be most improper—out OT all rub.' -
•Ah: but you don't knout.' Promise
, ino,
whatever they—any one-innwey. my. poor
tither shallmot go :to hie gravewi;thoni my
seeing him. lint whet geed is my telling yo 4
thin? They will 'have their. Own wliy.
ann't be there.' -
• !Sir,' says Pawler, t I hope I know my di).
ty. - I (ivo your authority, and nn map shall
get the better of .me in this. 4iftike' Your
mind easy, sir.''' . ,
The piling man did not enymny Mere, but
• 4 ,•-•
covared,up his facie with his hands, and short
ly efteMvards• went away in great trouble.—
. We storted not long after,.bYthe night train
—a• good many of us, too. I took all my staff
with mo, ne'PnWler said; besides some exirit
hoods, for it wee to be done bandSontely, and
no, expense sperad. We had n pleasant pnity,
ening down, for, look you, sir, .11 professional
cunt keep nn a sad Lice every day of his MO .
_..,it'it_enongli_to look downcast on his ditty- or
when' he's walking—there 'what .I think,
-Well;„ re Ited . Grange early next mem
ing.;:nne of your-ancient,- openitouse„ have
rwhit tLyoudike 'sort- of . place.
,Why, sir, wheti .
11 saw the straggling buildings, and the ga
bles; aril the roomy • porcii, mid the long aVo!
title with its three rowS of Wale trees ijivhy, -- y
could figure for myself, as plain — mcif — l — WlM L
look ing• at-tlietu, the hid fatuity Vault, - and the
family ancestors in. marble. at-the church
hard by, and the tenants riding upon their
stout cobs.' These thinge7mny be known
Withitalf no eye, as one May any. We got as.
quietly etrwir could-into thedionse ; •of course
keeping out ef . ,the.way...of . company; for }Mu.
know, sir; families - have', • NOllle of'em, it die-.
like to meeting noon the stairs'_'; There's . no'
accounting for these things, sir. Xi: soon as
I woe decent, I sent lip a !nessage nslcing to .
see whoever was 11(11111-11f the. establislimeni,
as is ostiel.--; - I setit.theistaffinto the - kileheni,•" '
and-Went myself to-tho Butler's- room-tolearn—
the•gCodn pities of the place. •'I 'could hove. _
made•a Mature Of him, too, as -I, went along
the gallory.' - A ' Most respectable man this,
Will..liti, I thought to. myself.;,, with a sho . rt
throiM and a husky voice, with *some of the
old port iti hie cheeks, and inure in - the • pan
try cupboard. I know ill= well, they aro -
ell off the same joint: ''' . 7el . l,
,ho was, as I
knew ; he would be, a most.respeciable man,
and showed me how many things lay in a very ,
few•miuules. There wee up-stairs only Mrs. ,
Craven, eecond wife of.Wolborn Craven, Esq.,
.deeratted, ;end Major Craven, his !mother, who-'
managed everything now.
' t The major was bore very often,' sue the
budder, fetchhig . do . iniltielpr, - (i- -- kuifir-Ifir.; -
would.;) %very. often—oftener-When poor Mr.
Welborn Craven woe up in London., He was
very friendly, the major,' tudd the , butler,
looking bard at•tite.' . .
.14 1 ' I Bahl, looking tit him
Here during the illness, I'll owenr.l'
That ho woo; the poor man tiled blessing
! - Sito'a young
and warrant r
I. 1-14;er-f;ftw-Ilex-flit-1-4)tii-1--knew-oli:
was .oting and Inindsome..-I did indeed air.
, •
'1 ou finny Bay that.' says the butler; t but
'there's the bell for you. - •
Su Lwent up at once to the lrawing,
The 111;Tiliwasthere, sitting at the table 7 u
toll dark mat; with a moubte, nail a little
stoop`in tis chest: A very gentlemanly 'man
he was, sir, atol llis voieetvas'ils : t•oft as a wa.-
mati'a. • T4O room mil, rot ber gloomy, as the
lower shutters Were ; and as An I
could melte:out, he becnird to be writing at
the` table. Ile said:
You nye Ihu iwrson sent dpwn by Mr
Pawler '
~ Yea, air,' :aid I, ;DA your service.'
'1 hay.e 'neit for you to bug that everything
May bp in readiams for having the funeral '
to-morrow. This.fs's.- (leaven's wish, for
_ • ,
whoM lam at:fling ' '-
Ittipossible, str,' I said, 'lt can't - he,'
Did you quitc understand: me he said,.
very -- ' •, ,
• I did, sir,' I said ;-• toy hearing tons good
as most people's. But whet I Hay is this,
and IM'Alisrespect .to - you,_that the- interment
of the late IVolbortie .o:oven, lieq., capout
take piece to morrow. You +co my. chief
won't beulowu , and half the .triings aro to
lento ,
This wueu't quite the truth, .for. wolf
havo'‘lono it at en 11011011 Udine; but I had
my orders.'
If that be so,' snyn, tit major; biting his
nails hard.' • there is no D elp for it ; a day
sooner or later can't unite Much difference:
But wlott sh!tli I, ny. to_lkor.: (This tens to
look ypu rir, ii iiiust tiodono to.;
morrow 'morning:}
Crayon wisfios it so,
aud mistreis here.' .• j j ••-• I can't do "im:
(iTtlown etuirs,'` said he; etimpitii Tie
foot. •• • -
I'm sere Mr. Pewter, • when ,he oomes„
I think I asked you to' go - down stairs
le said in his_ polite way; which' BQMOWaY
fi;ok me very in dell . aback:'•
Well sir, I left hint thero, endwe shoitly
after Arta up woks to put things 'in
. order
- There was a sort of large ante-room
,whero the late Welborne Craved,.
Esq. was iy:ng—:•all (ier black oali,an•l no der
it, ream us aver I hat in - , It was full of•.Aucer
oar•hoiirde? and. levatiiiies, and pigeon -holes,
stuck up and dtiep'atid'everywnera, 'Bever
naw'..such - e hnift.thiug—u'ever..• I:settledrep
bo il there - at once; and sent'tile otlmmdown to
the. kitchen to eheer: , ihnir spirits, ~ W hen
had &Lim' a chair to .tho 4ro; and etirred up'
the coals with my Coat, can assure - you I tell
'inere,eo'rifort;iblo. foli'iittwe,.cornfoitehle:
When. Oiera w sorat • AtAlippl.hrokht
'-'llliii4;- * Wittil it got tikrk Otitaide4it*lght'
be; thati:ahout nii o'elook.
vrtie r r
rt t .y
tWi' o : l ; o ,.;9QT l ,iiitin, , l4.o)4, •Ciavin't_sc:4r
CARLISLE, Ii'A.,:IyIi.D.NESDAY, pgpgmoit H .3, i.56,-
. . .
• , .
~• .
r 81r,',Tnnswerecl,, ! I can cai,no more than
what I Ixav,e - Mt:l ah•etdy.'• lehavretriMi . to•
d,iy that it vpis.utterlyimpopeibio."
Mr. Songster," enid the lab, with n soft
gentle voice—how she, picked 'thy name I
cannot ear—.l6.,.Songster, siniliyou see wo
are eo much interested in thin:Matter, am
sure you wilt make every esertien.for us. Do
try, and we shall be so grateful to you.'
What can I do Y„ I said nt oiy wit's end
from their persecution:. I nin dot hindering
the Misinoss;;hut nd•l told the 'Major, there is
nothing ready" • - ' -
.NOrer mind that, Mr. Beaseter,' says she;
' yon will eoatrivu sonic, pla'M Du please, end
.wershall never
Isaw silo waslryllig tojoitl' li f : : rbund me--•
pale lii(ty•wilh soft sMloo:--so'I 'said .
• It's - no use-tallthm you mCu't make is silk,
pnree•out ofa sow s ear; it never was, and it
Inever will be done. Talto m„vMlviee, and "nit
and do it•deeently, and don't sliMin the family
before the neighbors.' '
Itettritttio_ntsjor whispering to 'ltor •ihnt
there wits ciepsa•in what I-said, and that the
had better Neap ; but, she turned;votind on him
with Wielted The late 'Wel
born Cronin, Esquire, lutist Jtaeohad a wenry
'life of it with lief
Will yoii let yourself be:put off Nyftlf tiffs
Adhtiy.l.e . pikdr C.xtiutien? , -- 11 That is-ho itt ? -.Make
won'tinctrifted — iyittrl' I-tell
you,' on ute,- bk. - oyes like
binning cook titell you it shaft go on to..
innrrow.• - any it.' .
used to ho synken.,eiv , illt to, and the
word fetlow:tittick in my•th - roat, na stood up
.. r •
to'her at once.• • ,
In-, no Icing ne Ido tii -r- quey 'bylily
principal, r shall joke no hei;d:_ 4 l.;f bnd.wordit.
• from any holy breathing.. kits Lis instruct.
tions.frion lutydnkiie from ;
that oller . bajig young Mr. Criven , , , who -has
every - right_to_sileit l / 4 hero, and to direct here,'
should - be _ It. told_well.—
You nevOr 'fisw people en tilit4 . up
No, sir, Ito is not. I saw iiiut last eight
myself. • •
to woe 'trying to keep up CrLil . ten,
Who Win quite soared and wandering.
'Let Us go, let us go,' she slid. .knew
it would he this way.. I knew it , ' would, It
is of hanti , Ljust At hand—l knew it.' .
Thi.Major looked quite myeflfted; indoe4,,
all along I aaw he could not make out ,what
Abe would ho • Ot. However; 114.7 - went out
without Baying a word more land I was very
glad to bo •
• Well; air, after that I went'aldiet a
, little-
km king-Ave, ittg4tiati.**Aoy•liie be
always, hOwever,. having en eye, et the late
Welborn Craven, 'Esquire, pursuant to brdets.
I thought it beat to look to.4hier.'nyielf--es
whon I maw they were en determined
—and I.did not know what might come next;
so about cightVoluck I mode all anug-fur the.
,big chair Meru the Are,
and onugling"Myaelf down comfortably. • •
.. . tot r amused myself t, kin; out
the life of the Lilo Welborn Craven, Esquire,
in the coals, .1 found his face there,ratplet;
gentle face, eq doubt, with a high, forehead
and mild eye. - , Bless 'you
you I know how, that
face looked at proud Mrs. Welbure te al.weli as
if I Mut lived an age-in the house. I'll wear
be was proud of her, and loved her maybe ,to
to the day of his death. lea a. queer thing;
that making out faces in the fire!
Ninol my'Self thirsty by
,thia,time . , and
gan to think very hito how I should got at
some drink.; 3f it woo only-plain water. Dly
friend the billipr MO asleep in bed, and had
most likely put his port to 'bed, too I had
no chance in that quarter, and was giving toy.
self up for the• eight to the tonneau; of a dry
throet,When I suddenly thought of the traps
' and pigeon holes around the room. I was
ItooMmt a chair rummaging right' and .left;
and I . thinl(you never 'mime across sucl qiieer
Mau phices hi your : life. Stich little - hull'
thers'ond-doors inside them ngdiu , and draw.
ere and catches, you Hover saw, .914 a
:ight of bottles,. too; iusttlc, lit'ifene of the
sort I wanted % . Thaie-Were'•`plen.ty of - long
-iiiFelitrd77-einilinnuf=elittnipagoe'-antla tta_likeL
-Leh empty, though. There were bottles of
olive oil, fi,ti sauce, owl medicine but if I
was in' the &Indy Desert; could in:Li:Ong
self to Moisten iity clay with,olive oil or' flab
silica. Si I rummaged nn just for the
osit,y•of the thing.
I }vas dragging a long time at • whit looked
liken press door, more out of übstivany then
anything else, whin the bottom clime out in
my hand, and,
.strungu enough, a little pigeon
hole opened it mile away over my head, just
itear the ceiling. Here
,wits a'..'atart l . 1
chairs , upon each otlirr, and eltinbed up. 1
rotind tie end of little.drewers, all rOund—iu
there seers lucks
, tied with gold thread,
and ilinters,done ribbon-,love
.tcriliblee • yt;ulalii.l4.l . aiire; but in the last
,4on a
pretty sized„tlaoattie fr ...4 , ll4 long glues
stopPrr. . •
When you , are'alone that way, r.with netb;
ing,to do, you gets great wied4 to know , the
n 4 and onto ot:Lorerythink.' i i brought down
the flat bottle lollio - ligliTi - uutl — Jituudr.ittitho
'nil over gildjug, anti very handsomely out—
meant I suppose, for those :perfumed' waters
ladies furo7 . - myself- for these
scented'things, so
,Iset the 'Stopper Out and
and begun smelling - it.-`Bet of the' 'Veer
I:loenta' in . the world, you never • Met one like
;that, Pileolitie It .. .turned me dick% all of .a
down again 'before
the te, 4 and began, to :,speoulate,. no nty, , ray
io, upon the perfume bottle; ,lustosl said; for
4ontethinito do. , Ittittot oordtik not. strong
rut can
be no Lorin iloryingitithought, and !aid just
-one ; tiroppu totigne,f:z.ollbLuoyasteball
4" hit, seettshY but titter'
'feeling in the:tteokiandldowit:eleit
Ansted; 4t, : was Ate stronsettrteelleg I ever felt,
ltrotertinnt*tolesethe;tr.Villdi !ts awn:
Itte:gilt , hiptiteAriet ,wL tetiOtititAa
' LW:, • • LS
wne'an odel• thing,. Omit. ' .41m1 why
WRE4 II hid 'away among the lave lettere?,
thought, of the
which It would-'not do to leave - cpen. It
would not do 'to leave opin. It would look as
if Iliad bean spying about. : So I,A;cit upon
the Chairs again to shit it. But it wouldn't .
shut, air, not a bitni it. The hint was the
little door had gone clean book into.,the' wail
out of i jitpid altogether; and ilkliad . tried for
a month I oouldnt have got at it. When
sow that, came down again; and went over to
My chair. I knpw in tho
not bo noticed—at least, not until li,Was out
of the hotip. So I turned round to the fire,
and felt very much'inclinod
,fora dozd-4or;
yodsee, we had come nil the - - night before
without sleeping, 'and I was very tired. was
•going off lightly;-whiinj heard' the door, open
behind me, and ',saw Mrs. Craven 'Coming, in
with a lamp in her hand. I never got
. enoli •
start, • 'She looked so, like a 'ghost, with . her_ ,
long white arms,.and-Iler palo face, and her
fine hair all downmn her book. She remind-
ed mo of one of those knit) women that- come.'
on in the play, stepping on their tom and go
lag to murder their own father or. husband.
want to epoak.toyou,'• stye elle in,a hue
' kit;ilid (irvoice.',; . 9rcht Raid to day you se*
Mr. Craven. Tell no about Oaf, What did
lie say? In he coming 'here? .Elpeak:—be
7—•Yrtr7 - madami' enwlkir,Draven4n--
to;h3, - arid he said thuthe would be here — to. • -
Morrow night.' . •
Sketwi s sted up. her whiie Angers' together
nt this.. I heard her "squeaking to -herself: •
'I. know it. I knew it Tlity would destroy
me if they could! Look here,' pile eald,.etill,
clubbing her s long delietite , fingero. —, lt — innet
be done before ho comes. Do aid me in'thie:
yea nionacen save me.'
"Save you!' .1 said. ' What did she mean
I don't kuow what it was, but I declare to you
air, it all.flished upon me at once.. I saw the..
whole thing. in a minute,-end-all her odd ways --
sine() lintered the house wane to 100 it 'quite
nsfural, Quito natural., - I felt a kind of rags
against . ber rising is me, and, •by way of defy
ing her, I just terned'rodnd andlooked-up it
the open pigeonhole.. •
Her bladk Sytiii followed. mine like a Said' of
lightning. .-
.AlilLahacried..,,witka dreadful scream.
You' have' been spying on,me ! .You •shall
suitor for it. , You are all in a league to, de
stroy me. Give me that bank, Lamy! GM
it up I—give It;ep !'
'Give what up ?' I said. .'
'The bottlayou have stolen! Give it me ~
Quick •
vile plot to crush a poor pones.—
Give it up, or I will It you!' • •
: . .:8114 . ...intu1e. a elteh at me, hut x stepped.
quickly round behind the table.
Ha,.ba,'. said I, t that won't do ; It's ail
safe here;' touching my coat-pocket.
"Give is me!—give it me!' she kept shriek
ing over and over again ; and then she pre
her hair, and beat on the table with; her - tn.:,
fortunate fingers, ae if she wonfil break it
thrdugh. I suppose she stayed there near an
bOur,-raging-round-the-roonci,i,an&going 7 over
the same thinL; • Hive 1 me'r At last she
went away. .
I never pass teKuch to time. as that, before
or since. Never shatkferget what I went'
through with that terible woman. All that
night she was coming in and out, begging and
imploring of me to save her. • She came hitt&
—well, t•suppose twenty times,' Once she
went-down on her knees to me, and I was
very near giving way to .hor, for she was a
fine creature, nnd it 'went against me .to see
her on the ground there breaking: her heart.
Another time she Itsestght
mends, and wante4 to forite• them* into my
hands; but It always, thought of the late Wil.
born Craeen, Esquire, lying in the , next room.
and that helped me to withstand all her tears
and her diamonds and her•-•gold—for she
brought thee out, too, in plenty. Besides I
had a sort of pride in ""not letting myself be
got over by that wicked woman. , •
Well, sir, the daylight began 'to break at "
last, and then she went away for good. ragitig
And cursing as it seemed to be. I knew er
s ab
would nut be back again because of the light;
and-the servants, about.
,So ..1_
gathered teyself 'IT in tile ohalr,—bling:piero.
ed through witheofild etayodaLnt way
till morning. :
Wen it woe broad s day I found myself with
the cold-ashes before me, and felt vorY.wretoh=
ell and ancotnfortahle ; for you see, this was
the secp_aul
. night 1 bad
,gone. without; any
Bleep. Just as I was going doWn to get some
thing to warm me up, the mnj it. crime in as
white as a sheet, with two red' spots under
his eyes, and stooping more .than ever. I
know -what he name for; but I was not going
to be got over by him. Ho tried- to reason,
with me ache called it—his *bite gentleman
like haude shaking and trembling all the time._
Tle said it was adreadftil thing to bring shame
into an ancient family like this. It bad giv:
en him a great shook, he 'Said, and had come,
upon hint - like thunderbolt; and I must say,.
Sir, I have always. thought - the poor : gentle. -
man bud nothing to
,t,lo"with the ludness.' .
• 1
really pitied him, - hiving to do, with that . 'Ra
man But I told hitnplainlY that . when Mr.
Craven arrived iierYthingi
but until he nano, I could'and should flii-noth.
`Bo tae went Ms - 13e came.-
Ten minutes afterLheard a sound of wheels
on'the gravell'Und;rtinning over to the- win- .
dor ease n chase ell covered with dust cum ,
ing bard up - the avenue. I .snepected, who,
was' Weide and ran down totbe door- to meet
tiung-litr,,,Craven jamped out first.
' , then came Pewler,:and afteehim.o quietfoult...
big gentleman la black. . • -
Mrs; Craven here?' sold the 'young
. ,
We're lien eeener,tbaP 704 t.peestit,, Selig
Peerlet t ,todding to -tee!
We all went up emirs together, and the_gen
n''London d'ootor) ,
went. Wiih Mr. Craven etreight to the room oe
the late
, ;Welborn Crayen, tiq• " 1 4
-he-he wiesn'irentfirofeeeer'fioi* theiniepitele, '
and :could find out 'how' 'thew
d o iitb;: - "; 40 thes '3Ol4Te.
staid i , utildes'hsTOS
wiredoleo rer.eutifihilige sod.- ooked
the teffidOW-it tliti4pi''terk"iend
limes. These me; sir , 4i : didn't' peen figure
u bluok elealing along behind the trees ! I
to call out for some one; but I thought the
poor wretch would have troable.enough of ler
.we without my bringing any mere upon her.
,t3c. I looked , out of the 'window again to. see
what she would do 'next. When • she got to
the top of the hill, beyond the .limes, I saw
.her step and Alt, a little; presently
,a man
canie out cautiously and Joined. her;, then
they both disappeisreti behind the trees: • • •
_ .4boutan h_our_after,. they_came out of the
rootn 7 4kft.. Craven very wilt and excited,-Ind
the others talking with him and trying -to
keep him quiet.. Where was she? Where
was she ihe said. Let him have bat
. ven=
gence,tbat was till he wanted. But the quiet-
gentleman from Landoll took him aside-into a
corner, and spoke to him' a longtime very
coolly and - soberly, and gradually'Mr. Craven
became steadier andlistened to him ; and. ae
I Made it ont,fthey agreed that she waigene,
it was beet to let her' go her own way, and
have done with ler. • 4
It Was all carefully hushed Up, and, though
there was some talk among the neighbors, no
one, I believe,. ever got to hear how it really
'happened. - I heard a long timelines that; as
ehndied somewhere in France. •
waif, eir. , it was a quoor thing to hspien to
a-man,- wane( 'it. ?
'John' Phoenix, Poct,pidlosopher, humorist,'
and - a correspondent. Of_ the .Knickerbocker
Magazine, has been sojourning in Oregon, and
thus gives utterance to his experience In that
cliMate, in a letter of •an • August date, from
Portland; Oregon Territory,: , -
It givos me: unteignqd pleasure 'to inform
youlbt . tt I UM-about to,.guit:_the gloomy and
nezer,to-be-dried:up sky - tit oiegon, ,anif 're
our borders. Yes r eir, I'm off; 'services' no
langer required ou these inclement shores:—
abores -which, when yen% read- of- in.:
Astoria,' you naturally Wish to behold, - and
admire old •Aetar's pluck in making establish..,
meats thereon, and 'which, when you xeach,
you wish you hadn't, and admire still, more
old Astor's 'good sense in• breaking hie, estab
lishments up , and quitting
: while there. wait
yet time., •
Rain is an exceedingly pleasant and gratify
inglnstitution In ite way r and in moderation.
'lt causes the grime to grow, the blossoms to
flourish, andia.e poiltive necessity to the um- .
brellanmaker; but when jou get to a country
irtiere it fainsincessaittly twenty-ell hours ti
day-for - seventeen months in the, year, you
cannot resist having the conviction forced upon
your mind that the thing is slightly overdone.'
That's the' case in Oregon. ,lt. commenoed
raining pretty heavily on the third of last No;
.vomber and mintinued up to the 15th of May,
when it set in for a long 'storm, which isret
fairly over yet. There's moisture for you
Caagrees:has Mtntectsbe - nerthern half of it,
thernow - territoryz - -Washinrtonv.Ml-aoooUnt-0
ire Wetness, I suppose, as I can diiine no oth- -
er reason for giving -that name
.to a country
oh f.uget'e Sound Pacific, shore.
The consequences of this atiful climate are
just what might be auppotaid. • The immense
quantity of the protoxide squirted about here
causes trees, buildings, streets, everything to
present a :playa appearance.. The women
lose their color, the map their hair, (washed
of sir,) and thtfanimals, by, constant capon
ore, acquire scales and,fins like the natives of
"thelgtrat,deop. In butt all the inhabitants of
this Territory have a generally scaly appear
ance and raj:Mean a peculiar s soll, a Combi ,
nation, I, should nay, of a fish oIM and a fresh
mudsucher. The minis of Oregon . l4at every.
thing in that linol ever: beheld or
of.--Those that fell on Noah's Ark- were not
more heavy ; those of Nero, Caligula, and I.
Neely Johnson not more terrible, nor those. of
Lady SUffolk and Moscow longer orstronger,
which is aalightlY trotted •utetatoftor Ora liars
happy description. -So', upon the whoie,• I'm
glad I'm off; yes,.,l am quite sure °fit ; and
I long to get to D—, where the peep!. enjoy
the light of the.bleseed_aun;_ind_where...l..can_
eqjosiiVaisc, and-dry my things, and, read Ira
rings %starts.' • ,
-'Howbeit there are many interesting and Cu
rious things in Oregon; many odd and' enter
taining people also therein; and I have seen
much that was funny„ and laughed thereat.
and should have laughed louder and icMger' if
My 'Mouth had not filled with rain before I had
half finished ; and I, might perhaps regret lea-,
ving a,country in which I Imre, had ao .mucb
positive enjoyment mere it not that I hive
chronicled all these amusing things and peou-.
iiaritice, and shall be glad tu:get somewhere
_wherel-canltve 7 a—dry,..laugh 7 over ••theto.—
Such a thing aa 'dry humor° in Oregon is of
course a physical impossibility. •
.Stir The Western 'Neweboy °break - 11es ail
tliiiiolitte on' the uheather:—=l 'spas* - Samtny.:i,
'hat t'a'll have a' terrible:Man In day'oriwo.
Why I..ther; how do you know 2. Gracious,
child t don't youtnow why t ',Thiele the lOth
of September. : - Well:what of that mother ?
git any sign that it will rain? Why..good•
nese eon, of . course it is! the master
never tell you about these things? You see
stvut the 2fithor 21et of this month the snit
.:in 4 up to the top . of tha pole, and then he be
.411./S to slide down 'gain' to the tropics of. eel
4;'n, then it allots rains littnbloses, inlets the
horns of the moon sit turned up and bold the
water all acdttuOh cannot be the cants now, see the moon, has no horns' but is It;
tier Malley state ; so of .course it tattei'rala
soon ' *lf this stupid sohooliitaseei'don't . ,beitin
to larn you those Importent'things lntuit
your edocation into My
&Cat iblOpto hare asocd•deioithn,
. „
Isoitnninrati—lily - MpiTs' Nuen
berm, to jtor clouititer'. ‘ olsitild not hold
ion!, rireti to ygh when Orpteigo the street: l
relined the inittiletic hivir , attolPl
ithioni Abe tieau(y of my flonm4d inn/Wets tia*
I hoe ajoloot ruhted.toy; iyeeistit - to titillate
rmPut: e kzgot•l'l cs l o l 4' the b!flti '#'llootif at
' •
THE pulia.
.• • ,
There came a glint tosny,floor,,, •
A giant dereeind strong •
Hls step Wu heavy on the soar, : ' • •
Ills imaginers ten lards long:'
He crawled iod Tiowned; he shook the pliind;
I trembled through and through—
Atlength hooked hid In the thee • • .
And cried: Who CANS km 'onto
The mighty giant, as I spoke,
Grew pale, and thin and small,
Arid through his body, u'twere smoke,
' !saw the IMIIIIIIII2B AM .
ilhblood•red eyes tuinedilue am ilia,
• Ike whimpered soft and toms=
"Ix thim,"l cried, with glotriug
this the mighty foot"
He Sunk bethre orrnest bee, .
He vanished quite - • -
.And left no shadier on his pleas' '
and the day. - . •
Seth giants come to strike di dumb—
But weak In every part,. •
They melt before the.strong man's eyes,
And fly the tree of heart.
arniony of Revelation and fiedilace.
4uring the,paet yeare.rauch.dineuesion
been elicited in regard to the teachings of ge.':
and their bearing on
have asserted. that the viewsof gOnloglits =re
specting the age of the world. and the Intoell•
eion of organic creations, mintradlottthe
tures, while others'aseert the Contrary. •
ihe question ie one of-deep littered and has "-
engaged, and is now engaging the attentionlel'
many men eminent for.soholastio andel:hued,
attainments. Variou s works have been- writ.
ten pro and con; on the Subjeot, indinunerOus
'controvereial papers given to thd world thre- .
the columns of certain periodicals.
Prof. Icaylar Liwis of :Union - College,. die.;
tingulehed for his bibioal learning, artif'Prnt,
Dana of, Yale_' eo eminent.foi
akin° knOviedge,and ability, bale had - a MS.:
ouseion reoent numbers of the /lib:Wow
Sacra, and the question does not seam to: too
eximusted,-for Prof. Barowe,of Andovir; bit! , I .
gm Into it again in theilast number of 'We
able review. In our opinien-the reetiondis#
been brought to a point at which Irtuy Int
truly said, argument isulmnstediand furtltOr
diepuesion is worse than useless. Our roosintl
for these Opinions . will be givertioo few words.
The Scriptures and the science of violet" •
teach us that this earth was at one' paled
a elate or condition without a living thing ,
upon it—no plant; no flowerf no insect; bird, • ,
-bust or man." Both teat* us that the 511100 . •
emotive' mote of creation described in:- the .11rat s
book of Genesis. are In exact adooidamli with'
the revehitiniii of the :book - .efrtatattot'' , frnsitf'
is no difference of opinion between ths• teach..
ngs of Revelation and Silence on these points, -
One olase believe thOt the days mentioned
In the first chamber of Genesis mean epochs
of time, and may be so interpreted, r onC-thui
accord with the teachings of geology ; the: .
other class believe that the day. referred - to,
cannot bo so interacted; that they mean sa
Ise days ; and thus they assert war MB eci
• nee as-generally-taughti-is-itenticary-to—ltes
elation. ..Tbus the main question stando v hat s '
not involving. we .coneelve. the !east 'coati*.
diction between , science and reielation, • ter
'the question of controversy itione only. Wet,'
Ing to time. •
• Moses, who certainly was ignorant of polo
ogy, has deeoribed thssucceissire acts of ono
ation in that speciflo order which actiords w ith
the science of geology. • It is sea/uable ,to
suppose. that nu ignorant man, in' describing,
the order of nature, as unfolded t the suc
cessive gate of the groat Jailors, would have
presented only a confused and contradietory
effusion; but instead of tite first chapter' of
history being of this character. it vibrates,, in .
unison with the discoveries of t he . most
.................. proving that the pen of itc
author eras, directed by the Author of Crea
tion. The one/idea of the harmony of revela
tion and science; as it relates to the orderi of
,stands upon a grand and impugns*.
file American.
A 'shepherd once, to prove the iittioknua of_ ;
house where we were talking, uid to me,. lt
the middle of a sentence, ooneerning" seine=
thing eine: I'poi thinking, air that the GUI;
in the potatoes.
. Though lie laid nci.stress.. on thefts - 4 . 445 it
and eeid a quiet unconcerned -tone ;.ef
voice, the dog who appeared to be aideig fte•
mediately jumped up and leaping 4 throngit the'
open window, scrambled up to the turf roof
the houes . from . wilich beoceld ace the
field. theri, net seeing theeow.thete:len •.,
into the barn where she waft,. sit'd enditig,Wat ..
all WAP...riAIIt)(3!TIC back to
sumed.hisplado b eside the 61:e
• After a short time the, shepherd .to 4 `the l
cams words aisle, and the dog iefeed4itie'';':'
lookout, but CMllhe faiee Actin • beinegiiiii •
'at the dal time, dog geblup iindbriggjer;
his tekl. lookedids master in Os fade .3rWeit
comical expression Of Intserogatior l / 4 sksek.A
could net help lettgbhig
,siond to the. •a*
which with a alight 4 1; 41r/t bc :
down in his oorner:with an offending &kelt it.
determined not to be made a fool ef.
Some time ago. wat
In tip ,(illasgow ranee Co4d• With 4t,e4blies:
boning, barrel tronk,,ii
stree. Amer the cbargi tiiil4 bon proved, O.
prioOlpal tioOstOor addroimod itinropitimkr:
Died kit'. %into. lb*
t e VoigOei 'biatild" id ;,'
naothiug to !ions, Olds tricks. lre . 001
sign board and whia, does , your honor think he m
did oilth tit • ' ;;;:17
t.p?striiiitr=rhatliptlldlbeitaid fiir”*ll . 4 . '6s
I'll ten $O.: Act 'S . At
°?e't rut fie , eald:be t6 - i jitghl I t wo ul d_ 1!,-"441'
use tome thin
A 8 _ ruiooeirargii4 Qt.
, ht
• " " tA;«!,.! 'tat:
NQ . 1,4.