Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 19, 1856, Image 4

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    -°-: Inimtr:!- - '' Oi-ii.iirfri!..tat,
Work for Winter.
:How silently has the sun stolen south: - now fit .windows; - and
- eastinr , l his '.warm,' beams upon Carpets
that:Were unblessed with-his—smiles. all
. „
-the-summor *long. -The--gorgeous dra,
thcAretit is''gone, tilfd
pies and walnuts no: more flame in
' '• dy rod and yellow. HCre and there on
• :••ly•an oak,. tenacious of its 'russet leaves ;
.remnds vs that Om foliage has hail tits
' I.refinotnil that the . summer is ended.—
' .. .The leaves lie scattered through' the for,*
eats, and b3i4.10-road sole; and give back
lonely-souncrto• the tread'Of the bant
er. The nuts have been gathered, or lie
. scattered `among the, .'burrs, and 'A
hells o
The, blithe 'squid with tail erect, and com
fortable memory. of his winter hoards,
barks eheirely among the bough's. • His
_ "knot-hole iu the hollow cliestmitt,. or oak;
is his. eastle,• and thither he retreats
'Whecte dogs - pursue him.
. . • T h is 'a cool braCing atmosphere at
morning,-and the. white.frest lies glitter
:'• lag upon.-the grass am, the. farmer goes
forth-to his morning duties. The cattle
. still glean something froiu the fields,
though the glorious gremi of . the after
'. math is gone. 'Work out of doors is no
ionger•pressitig, and the industrious - iimit
. enjoys'the fruits of
his summer labors.. The fire-hoard has
'already been removed from' the hearth
for the : winter, and the blazing wood'
'Aims's an air of eliebreiihiess over the
fauily elrele • The winter "school
has begun. and the younger children. are
already at t[icir`stuBi`es. •. The oldiir will
. soon - follow, as soon as We last harvest
'work is done; and' tile old well reset.—
.. What occasion has thefariner, for cheer- fulness and thankfiltiving,..las ho looks
around. upon — This reouiforts.• A kind
• PrOvidefice has bleSt his-basket
s . His .barns, and gran-,
aries'are full and, and hiS 'cellar_ stared,
• with-vegetables. His bins are: fall of
•apples, and his meat barrels, if not • al:
rendy stocked have their filling in certain
• prospect.' Sleelt porkers revel in homi
ny and cleini_strawoual Leaf - Stuff .their
" rou nd roands of-beef.-
Theyoubg" pullets 'with ciroib9 of -.tier),
- red-have-deposited their th-st egg, and
made--noise-enough- for a-whole--•littcr
'Thrift and plenty arc on- every hand,
. 1 and, now if there be a . contented mind,
What Mine SQ
_h o rtppy. as the fariner's: 7 -
No famine-price of !tread' cam, mar his'
peace._ 14 has corn and meat to sell.—
No rogue can run away with Itis•capital.,
His bank ; is one of earth and its dope&
• its never mystcriouly disappear. •
_ The long evenings have come, and
gathered , around•thitblazing hearth, With
hil Wifelintichildreni - he may enjoy life.
He has cultivated his acres diligently,
andhq may now oultixate his mind and
', heart. He has iiis.jonrnals and books,
1 . : . 111 can rc ,, a - the accounts of horticul
rimiltural" . exhibitionti such
--. l'uv'l°°.---- - i
h able to visit. lio
-. flu, J o ow.,,cy, .. been ,
A' , l, opii..the.. political speeches that
./. 4 : 11 C - 1 . 6 .4 crs u v ° ' l .6` ni- 1,1 laid aside during the
' 4 ' 7 ' l "qff 0111 ly d. rn apd . potatoes. . lie
•in po.mayiop itauols, •ii.,, • •
lt,attrq o.ip o;..ponaur s w , ; picseut to the past,
wq Nnu . 'ova m woiov.mury of former gepera
-whim Zzo.t auisioesod •unitis: , • .
' • .
;2 nr,V;T05.41414414.`,1,'21v1,' ' ''
'••- -,', , 7- in 0 t e 1 ., 1 :.,
Pang; Oq £OIIII‘O3tI,I4MIXO )0 "l'No; .1.17;7 ' , , , ' ; I 1',.:;',-;.l*--
...tallikt Nl:purls mu mil -v.- •• - 4 • '.:' • "• t • - I
Jou= Jor mg.., ..7. - .". - ; ; ;
• ~itunox are over,
have notyet cowmen
,/ful soft haze oethe In
•obes the . distant bills and
oC enehauttnent about ev-
CG.. . .•
in thefew sou"r and st,iriny days
that °cede we have a foretaste of what is
in store for us. The sun grows lower in
.the. southern horizon, and ettnuot- touch
longer withstand the- onward 'parch of
winter. Let his departing smile admon
ish us. . 7--
No time should belptA
,in prepa
'ring them for - the While: — They, take
on flesh more easily idwarin than in very
• cold weather. 4-is- a matter of, great
importance that they should have furl'
. feed, at regtilitr-times,"- warm :stalls. -anti
beds, 'orid"be kept quiet as • possible
Cooked-food goes much furtlier than rdw.
Winter, will' sbon be upon tiff,. with its
' Able frosts; If roof is not tight cull
the carpenter and fix it the, first titir
day. Already the leaks have Bpotredthe
paper upon the \Valli, and the carpet up
. .nit the • floor. .This is. poor 'economy.
Stop theleaks. LaSt winter, possibly,
the 'potatoes wero. frost bitten the Ccl-.
lar, and .bushels were thrown away as use
' e w ere fro . -
::,iteri.44.burst.lY,,lsinw take tine ci by. the
- , foreloch,-:antP, ;up -- all around'. the
.. .i..litiiiii,litiforethe'ti,round is frozen. :BLit
'63k7_,Nave - „the wiiidows'darkened
-,,...with straw,. or seaweed,
.then to have,
• - froit-Anitig
time fii r this work, •
~Thalrot, will, do o ,o&1 work, for your
enb oil, if you will give it on oppoll a nity.
l'il'he.ii'dges may, ;tie 'made AV,ith tr. hoovr
tluit is
wantel.Tor'enrlyerops;kihoulci bo inapured
thiliktiges-at lenit
feet higll,.;luist let 'hi: as close
7.icipatlierii . s . possilile — iiitili7,l - 1 at (Thßt
_ .;I;Tso.hnbsbil 'will lie- .pulverized by 'tlio
I .;‘ , fif(j§fii;2,(i iiii' rOpeivo •sOine: hioruonia
'!i'fi,aiii%tl ol lo": 9 ol4' 41,1 d winter ruins. .
a'ronEs. vOn 'Tll'E
are providing for 1)11.Yr19'1
rtduring the winter, do not forget
OteOkrPf , /ea Thore'are.
is youtimabaridry that you have!lot yet .
ud .
asniak yourself-1i unil , In tell !ken t
. 1 . P:: .. litOiti r li.good2oipilVfif.-...agaiitAik l ,-
*1 Atiid4icirtiVql,ni'al'lV,PatOgtYptri.
140 4 I
:1.,z:(11,i..70:;74171r);.18 19f4118.11a.00e. e.
''L ' ' ' ll o M; irojig4ficiftWfau . 6h
(: •
,- EDAL UNITED s : •
Maine was so called as early as 1603 - ,'frotb
' Maine in France, of which Henrietta Maria,
--, Queen of-England was at that time proprietor.
wnsAll_name given to the
territory conveyed by theTlythouth Con pn
ily to Captain John.Miison, by patent, Nuv. 7.
1629; with reference to the pthentee,who waa
- Governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire,
Vermont was so called by the inhabitants
in their Declaration of Independence, Jan
nary 16th, .1777, from the. 'French Der&
saonte, green mountain. -
ArocieltuseltB was so called from Massa..
chthsetts - Bay, and that from the
setts tribe of Indians in the neighborhood of
- "Bbatun: - : 'The trilth is' *night to.hitve
rived its name from the Blue
sayi. Roger Williaixis; - "Ahat
the' Massachusetts was so called from the
'•-r-Blud . • ;
Rhode was,so - called in. 1641,,. iu
refiirththe - to .thd Island of, Ithodea r in the
Mediterranean. , '• ; , - •
Connecticut was so called from I,le Indian
• name of its principal river.. Connecticut 'is
a Mohealtanneew word signifying Long River..
; Wm Fork Was so called in 1664, in relbr
°nee to.the 'DON, of York and Albany, to
, 'whom thiTteritory Was witthted by, the King .
of England. ; • -
• ,
.New .Tersey was-so Called in 1664, from the
ISland of Jersey, on the coast of France, the
. residence of the family of Sir George Carta.
, ret to whoiri this territory was granted.
Ponrqulrania'was so hailed in 1681, after
William Penn. .
Delanuire was so•called in 1703, from Del
aware Ilav,'on which-it lien, and which -1'9, 7 ,
.ceived its name from Lord De La War - , Who
died in this bay.: •
' Maryknd was so calledrin honor of Hen
jrictta Marie, Queen of Charles 'I., in his pa
.taut to Lord Baltimore, Jthie 30th
3YM.. _________ in 158,1 -,after
both the virgin Queen .of England.
Carolina was so called in 1732, 'in -- honor.
of King Charles, IX of France. •
• Georyin, was, ad called in 1732, in honor of
. King George 11.
- kabanui was so called in - ,1827, 'froth Be
-principal river. , ' •
Afississippi was so called in 1809' , 1) .6th its
western bonndary. Miasissippi is said to de
note—the Ivßle_riveil,l4.-e. the rifer' fi - irmed
by the nnion of many. • .
- Louisiana is so called in .honor of Lois
XIV. of France.
renne§se was socalled in 1796, •from its
principal river ; • the word Tennessee signify
41. curved spoon.
• --- Kmtuckywnj -- so called in-, frotrltS
principal ,river. •
Minois was called in 1809, fits princi•
pal river. The ivord is said to signify the
`river of mien. 1 , •
Indiczna-as so called in 1809, from the
.American Indians. •
• Ohio was so called . in -1802, &Om its south
, ,_ern boundary. • _ ,
Missouri was so called, in 1821- from its
. l
ricer.principa-. • -- ' •
illichignn was no. called in 1805 froni Itne
L..lake_on.its.border, ..
Arkeinsa.4 was so called in 1819; from - its
principal river.
Florida W - 11S so called -by Juan Ponce de
Leoli in 1572, - because it waa discovered on
Easter Sunday, in Spanish; Pascua Florida.
Columbia was so 'called in .referenco to
Columbus. "
- Wisconsin is so calletlfrom its principal
/mon is so called -from its principal river.
Oregpn is also . called.fet. its principal river.
Conciseness is one of the charms Of letter
writing: we do not tnean,to say that a letter
should not contain sufficient facts, ideas, and
feelings; but they ought to be as briefly ex
pressed as perspicuity and elegance will,per•
mit. • It' we encumber an'iden with. verbiage
it loses its•power. There are some persons
who, when they express a feelin ,, r •or
thought, of which Shnpliuity should' be the
charm,' clothe it with all the verbal treasures
they possess ': this is like wearingone's whole
wardrobe at once; -the figure is lost in a
mass of drapery. Lengthened pens -v,'.:; fire
as much ont,-of place in ;I' IsAter as,. they
.ivoul&be In
Jiliq ealied - Abe _prototype •_ for they_tire
when written, their faults are also perecjA‘l
With much less difficulty than when 'radon'.
Our style, of course, may rise withyour sub
jeer'; but all parade of words should be
dropped in a familiar epistle. The death of
a •fri,,nd or relation, a calamity, or arty
cumstaace of graveiniportance, should not
be communicatedAn the same !winner as a
trilling own-3011:e, or even a happy event;
n•evity in jhose eases is beauty Hume it
would be deemed unfeeling and abrupt.— •
" You ask rue to send you news of your old
sf-hool-felloW, Harriet is married."—.
This mode of ceminunicating such an event
is - unexceptionable; but it would he Most im-:
proper to-state the young , lady's death in the'
'manner ; that is by merely Sithstituting dead'
for married'.
But in aiming at the acquirement of an el
egant and easy brevity, it is inemnbent on
.us itt once to avoid falling into a 'rugged and
enigmatical style, and becoming so concise
as to be unintelligible. _Boileau, echoing
Horace, says,. `i'vite d'etre bony, et je
obseur...' This is a fault which must be
avoided . ; it is even:.,-hetter to be probe and.
ntelligibl e, than brief and obscure.
. .
The educatirin-of the royal children. being
a Matter_in . wltickalEntustbeLinterested o n
few details of the manner in which the day .
- of the my:ital.:6lms is divided may perhaps
be entertaining to our readers. A primary .
regard is paid to moral , and also religious
duties. They,,rise. early, •breitlitast at eight,
and dine at-two. Their relic* occupations
are allotted, out IVith'almost Military' eked
isess.'- , One hour finds them engaged in the'
'aecient,,:another in -the modern authors;
their tic;obaintariceship with la nguagei
first founded on thorough knowledge of their
grammatical constractionond afterwards.fa
milittriied by- conversation. 'Next they are
trained in those exercises which give • digni
' • ty . and bearing. A nother.hour is agreeably
tilled with the lighter adcornplishments of
_ftuisia_andslaueing...._Agaim_thalappyli We
party assemble in .the riding' school, : where
they may be seendeeply interested in the ra
rions A:Volutions of the menage.
• Thence, while &awing and the further ex
..ereise Of musie . and_the
° tighter_ accomplish.
meats call off the,attention of their sisters,
"lite younger princes proceed to busily engage
: themseevesdit a carpenter's, shop, fitted 'up
ennessly for tbem at the wish-of the 'royal
consort• with a turning lathe and othei tolls
ViSViitiano . ft,' Perfect knOWledgeAf the
cally, - but 'practically .acquainted with thel
ufnifill'aitti . of life. A small laboratory nr-1
Mutionally brouglitiritareryiiisitiON
stance, alsO, of the royal .fatlinrOto,'• ,
ininds of the childi•enare,t,ltus!l up
contemplation of th'e - curiosities of olaqui, nl7
scienen; and the wonders of nature to
(fairy into their pauses. - •., a, • • .
Phis done, thpyintng 'carpenters' and. eau
... dents threw, down -their- semi 40" tucei;),,w:
buckle their ; philosophy and. sbolfider
miniature pendussion galls—Which theyhan 7 .
dle with the dexterity.% practised‘sportsaten
a-. shooting *stroll'rthreugh the roc id;
gardenS:, • The:, 'evoning Meat ) , the pi.ciptira•
tiori.foy the Morning'. lesions,' and
instrni:tions . close the:::dtti.court
VIM: . ' U001)8 , -=-'1a. .subsariber has
:1. 1 114',1n0t.1e0g*,4, honl„ AtiS. P:3 71 M1 is. qmoilie.s.
.. gettes4l , *orfuplupplas , ,gatiA+ , o4:l g0.p4F.,,c(m0kt
,.. -14 ,
.0f.,-, T i.notoractindic k urobto s ., Mpacch: .Rrpited
'.. CasktiMied..e(iid: , Megkeiti Loines•••DroB SIIIIII . in .great
: . variety". Lo •11*1:14 Btiitirke from sl,•fgo;yltrin'oh,
1. mtial4o. will.. PatoAio' lid EtalWifdfiw,i 4 4.44 Irk-''
• Karate ;' .Paribilii 11,411`' nvil4Collin* Itoilto , e - pd.:
.' Abe qpil so ~ e' .kplivkii!' Dram Triiimlifge , Iq,- [0,4
*aridly '43tt*Prano7 and Eittiplb Cloodi. "":,.,- ...-.. _
!. - , - „,noT.: 21i W.I. - '. ' - ',. 'aAo. sy. MITER :,,, '.
,Nusine,ss - .T.arbs - .
• • .
G 14. , ,•0 .11.41.13 , 11 , 0 E ,• .
it 6 Office opposite the Vest end
,of the Court Ifoao
'' • -
P. LIUMRICH, .S.ttiwney
lija.—Cifliso on North Hanover, street, - a fete doors
istitli.ot (Haig' Hotel. _ All. business him
willJ_Lept_sniptly ottonded
N." GREEN, Attor — ey • at - Law:
I", e ctoco East Main Street, Mehtmlesburg, Pa.
n-rtn"ill attend to FiIIitVEYIN(.I 'in connexion with'
his ' ' ' [May 21., 16513.-Iy,
Vt, S. B. K. - LEITER Office in North
struot two doors from )Wise Cvnipbell's
re, Odic° hours, mureparticularly from 7to clock,
A. 11.. had froln S to 7 o'clock,
X tOUTOR s. P. ZIEG.LEIt.---" Office
Reskleneo East Mallt Streot, third door claw
the ne C. it ',USU. Calls lu COWII and county promptly
eartki., Jan. 2, 1856.. • - ' '
ILIA I\l G, RITE EM, Attorney
nt httv. Oiled to hlran
- 4157-11lOtitIOSI entrustetlL to him wtlibe prompity , M
uted. to. , Bob, 7. '55.
• W. pRANI)T, Mamittkotuyor.of,
311noralWaterp,-I•eench Mend, • .
irt Tl4 l3 iil .urll ? ll6
wVa llt torl ;rl.l, lig lAI O
• - ;._
'bit. I Al:LO 0 . fi S ...-.;:;iiii . ,N, ...1iti.,;....• ~
south A im. • street, . 0,.. .........6,...,.......... .„.... t, ..,,
' ; '.N Viter ‘'E. -, '.
noxt' dour , 'to the lust
0111 no, .! , -
taLIVIII be nbjont froth Citrilsio thu last ton days
.of each month. . - , " . l'Att . . 1, 'bs
- - T_ ]'IC GEd RGE- S. SEA
. 100 iiT,-1)EN'll ST, from llui hal
' , -Moore College or Dental Surgery.
. ira_Ofileo at the resideuei, of his mother, East Louthei
street, thrbo doors below Bedford. Role onto—Dr. 000
7.. Bretz ' - • .. - . March 10,1856--tf. .
W ',LEY,
baring been instincts"!
In the nit (b): Dr, (ten.
Dreta;o gradliate ot• too Dentine - re Dental Collogo). is
now, 'prepared to kneelre his friends and perform the
various operand's in the line of the Dental profession,
at Ids residence. in South SI rout, third - door from-West
Street. Gird po a call. Terms Moderate:
May 27, 1855-1 y. • : •
CELL—A. L. suoNswt late Registeeof Cumber,
land county, will Arefully attend to the transaction of
• all such businesias may lie entrusted to:him, such us
the writßil4.firthilabli - Mitrtgages - COntracts,
also devote his attention procuring of Lap! Vfie
• rants. Pensions, to. as well as the purchase and sale
of Real listeto, - negoilatirMs, of loans, J.C. ttu-dillco on'
West High Rtreet, filrinorly oompled, •'y W, Li, Penros•
Rm. user the Methodist Cb mot
lJ SVAP.--Cenway'n pure Ailm Seap,Con - way's Inn
proved:Chemical Olive So.,p. A full supply of these
truly excellent, Soaps Just received -and fur aalo nl
(SItUCEILY,..SIaIn Street.
""terllgle. Nne.'2l,
311Land,l'ilitS. CLARK, who 11w:el:mon for fIUVi.I7II
years engaged iii teaching, respectfully announce to (Ito
citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that en the Ist of Sep
tember:lBso, they Will commence the second session,.in
Louther Street, near the Germail Reformed Church, of
The Institution will be both a boarding and day
school, In which all the branches necessary for the
plate °Lineation of young ladies will be taught. Assist
ants et the - highest 'character, for qualifications and
morality is dl be employed ht accordance tv ith the:Want
ofAllo hastilutiou. The government witi"-be conducted.
- on strictly Cita:Alen principles,' vt hlle sectarianism will
Lu of 6%11111101i. ,
The Educipals flatter - themselves that their long and
stic,oasf ttl. experience - as teaches, as testified by the
recommendations it, their possession, will enable them
to establish ,an Institution of the higlicat detractor for
young indica. They are that
Instit nth., will besustalnett- here- by_ the citizens and
neighboring -country and- lama that their confidence
may net he disappoin ted. - - ••
Thu Scholastie year will consist of four terms (clever
weeks each), beginning on-Septennber—l-ated ending or
second Wednesday -in July. . - • .
boarding, including fuel, lights, and '
--tuition in bliglish brandies . , 4,15
Primary Department-, GOO
higher English, ' ' 800
Ancient nod Modern Languages, ouch, ,- 0 On
Ornamental branches at proles:4,es charges. • -
. Ni, ileductlan for absence after entrance, except - In
case of protracted illness. „ --
_Rey. n
J. It. PARKED, Esq., A. H.,KKEE
JANIES HAMILTON, Esq., ." :IC9l3p_clt,, -
T. 11. SKILIIS Esq., "
"' J. D. MORSS,
Rev. Mr. STERRETT. •
E R is 1 AOll, LII4
V removed to thu now and spitclourifitlirKo,'OD and
lui•11A1.111101tE STREET, Balt Ituoro,Mdt'
O. K. mem; rrhicipal and Leet,uria. upon Mercan
tildltclunce. • • .
LIMIER, In charge of {Writing Dopaytutent.
O. KEMP, Instructor In navantilu Calculations and
Associatu in Book KoupA: Department. „
J. M. luau co, To:whey-in liccO'cut. -
B,'l'. WILLIA3I2,'I;•:. - ;;;Ccr on (201111110rCla I Low..
- Tt's7 . 6..f Intri, not yot elapsed plur tho ostablhh
' 1310115 of this „ ttrat 'talon, during which unto upwards art
olght•lnunlred stadentslno c loon In atfundoneo, (rep
rosonthig" nuarly uvory Plato in the 11)&130 among
whatearo numbura and elsochere.occupy,
191(prdininunt posit i bhs as husiuuss men and account
Ants. •
BOOK IiELIPIN(I.—The Principal has thantmest con_
titian,' In ensuring the nubile that after an expeileneeh
fourtueleyears fu qualifying young men for Abe Count.
lag Room anti other imposkant stations, and on exten.
Sire acquaintance with tilt , management of. business
books of every desercption, (assb.led as he Is by two sel
entitle :u•rouutals.) the course of training in this de
partment Is ethinently practical end well odoptee to
the various put snits of Commerce a 1111 , trade, Including
Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, )I:mural:Wring,
Obinmisslen, Exclunrge, hauling. Mapping, I...le:unbent.
ing, Compound Company upeintions, S,. ' •
PENMAN:AiI be exercises under' tills bead are
free, easy and g - raceful, uumfii.i tit; rapidity el on. othal
with beauty of construction. thus enabling the student
to write an 14'0g:tut business halld un completion ,4`tito
iItIItCANTI LE CA hell hATIONS in all their various
bearings ai•o taught by the cast licellrate and expedl.
Akins method.
• Daily lectures ore delivered upon the Science 'of Ac
counts, 51ereantlle Customs. Ac., them, In connevtien
with a scales of lectures en Commercial Law, are - of the
highest Importance (call aspiring to occupy prominent
positionS'in the business connutinity. • •
The time necessary Sn• au irAn,trions-student to
complete the'courise, varies from 64u 12 Ire6.N.' There
being no vacation, applicants can outer at any time,
and attend both day' and evening. Examinations are
held at stated periods, and diplomas awarded to t use
who terminate. tar terani, eYC., elite lout have aoh
Itr forharded by 'mil. I.Oct. 3,
h:,,vo . t.t - fifacaved" froul
'NoW 'York ',Very mit:melee 'eddittinili to my
r~x 7e --.i. fanner stook; emlwaellig iteaskY weerY it Welt.
• 'of .7ileillelno now In 1.04 0 , together wit",
F Paints, Otis, Vernishes; Turpentine, Poilto
ivory, Soaps, Stationary, Vino Cutlery, Fish.
„log Titekle, Brualies of almost every iluserip
on, with an oudlese varlay of other artlclesot Melt I
• in-determluod-to
All Physic . lons. Country Tderchanti, Pedlars andelli:
ors. nro rospectfully roomlstod not to pass Um OLD
-STASH, as thsy may mit assort' that oYury urtieleksv 111
boiold of a good quaiit'y, and unto] rw uoiinUo tdrms..
3tat at root.'
. .
.10115 1'.....L1C NEI & SON
. .
Lure the plaaanro 'of Informing tholmblic that Limy
gave at last completed the °Mara-06,1a of their store.
and are now receiving thd• largest and most vat let as ,
• sort ot en t of Wall Papor and Wholow Blinds ever °pelted
in Carlisle.. A call to s dlcitod from those wautinfel'apor
I longings of any 111.1. as we are confiditut that nil tool
be supplied front our mamma h stock. At the old
stand, North Ilavover street. ... • Aprlin, Dill.
1 1 (..;! ADDJA - — AND 11.113.NESS' ' IVIAF.-
1 •k_y ISU. The steta,ribor continuo tt..9 , rt:y ou ',the
Above busineis,in all Its i'lltioll.l , branaries;ln North Liao'
_stet-street,-flarllgla two 11.101,...V.0.4.01:-Lltaltlra'N {quick.
'whom Ito Intends koopidg en inual a gonoral assortment
In his line, consisting ol all kinds of fashionable 14. AD•
' . • , IthES, Bridles, Nartingalos, •Irths..
>--- Cifcinglesond Miters, also 'ritts:KS . ,'
,‘ 1111 ,) ' ..S. l 7isol'ltll d i: l So d le l : . 7-571
•.. \'i
g7,7 t v ! d o 6 ,, i t i ' n ,duos
t :Fr ,
, o f. 1
ii sing
,; .li o b r
Ico, .ennio,, datable and , pleasant SAlitill•
. . . , well. to calnind one thorn. lie
a - ItIFIW martufsctureS •Ifaruess, Bridles,
.00thirs . and , Whips, in all tholevarle•
Elea - , and Millidetitly lOW - Am:from thogenondapprobtp
the% of his oustonours, that he maltea the, neatest end
• the country. Ile also mattes all" hinds of Matrasses to
°win. IN: Strum , ; Ilia, elided Mae and Spring Mat;:es. All the shave artielek ,Wlll be made of tholost
~ 0,.., kJ aad svt.a•ltmanship, and with the utmost ME
. . .. ,
. •
.‘ • R E .1: IA - 11 - Pll r- Ait•pl•
IND:Eh...SON • • •
'v.' , Ing their - Reek' of lhirilenfe, lvhttdt
li'nn MU tliV nod
,1 0e nenaielvieiiit
boavy stock. tiuth4 Wont' of the largest and.mest
-varlea assortments over olrernd. -to thin public. '..Tbdy .
' imvu ovary thing the t the-Farmer,; I lie, linildur; the.
• the petite, may. want, In • their Anus; and,
..withat they. two selling tlinvery lowest prices. • They
front the bel;ire "undying thek per
elmses. ap they feel earaident they winnfteeindueemenis
that will roward,the•bwer. for the, .
•'Fouling th4n.lcral gonerornipliblk ibrOiOr.r 6 rlnlte
I flown! pat'amszi, it seutinuanqe of tlio.mend lt,pollatad%
, nt ourrup st4ol In North Ilanoviir Street, Carlisle.
. • 'I • JOI/ SON.i
~i,(ll4totior, 8 1130.. '' • i"
• ,
:1-040 , 8 :and : 81u.valipowe; fbr ccirti and ,
111apandln'g .Oultiv.atnrsi,.. with,
',.,,StaaLTooth of,yar,lnanpa;tarna;Jlid&and-i
~ Oardon Ilarrovai Ilaadjloani-Rarelviaqfiptia )4coai.
, imn austfie r iOu l a;lia and ..:81 108 ;,png!loil' ,
:Yorks; AFlgt nod tcculh i4°. 99° '
447 " -14. g r a griati.
-6 ,akmaric.otrPtlval.;'Phili:.
-r:6 -me-I-N
11114. - Giturch, op,
uwArN - rims,
• • ' CORN 311ELL:1111S,
Corn and Cob Grinders (Scott's Otani). the ersseent
O rein Mill, Train shovels, BEA AND IIOIVEM
(Manny's with 11'ead`ri Improvement), Straw Cutters.
or width itro of ;the most improved kind and
werkmanship, and 4111' be sold on the mast lICCOM
modn tin g Ethus. ' , Farmers ors rospeetfutly
call and examine before purchasing.
- • J. AIbiSTRONO.
, .. • ,
.1/69'For the donvonienta 'of .farmers, Moore's Patent
Crain Drill will i.e sold at Pldrenutmdown by Benjamin
Clay, well at Sbippensburg kftdnistlau Long. ~
' August 211,1 bis. „. ,
. .
Adapted ago for sawing rats. grass seeds and s
guano. Kr.tuser Portable Cider 111 Lest
lu the market.' clalllday*s•patent Windanlll,—.
tierse Power's au, Threshitee,,Lline and Guano
Spreader's, ltanit os Bay, Straw and Pedihti 4.c 1k(
Little Giant con and Cob Mill. Spalm's A ttnileps ..,e
Churn., Then oove ~ u palor 'lmplements wi th nil other:e'
for the use of, the !toner or gardner, I r kali! It
and Retail by . •. • . • • •• ,
•PASCILAI.J.. ItiCdclllB S, CO..
and Agrirtiltural Warehouse and Seed 'Store. comer 71:1
d Market greets. Philadelphia. : July 116, '
„.„ -
Ae- - k•-• to____ --%-y. -
-ssit- ,
— , 4 ../ - . vt, '''' i.
.-- ri c
Nos: 21 and 23 LSiitith - Sixth Street
. . .
AAR1CULT1111.11,;',7 PIV:134C101(T. nr1.401. Pn.
Saari 0 LOUSI,3 (370 Actps)l:le,antittnle. uoitr 1:1 isiol, Pn,
- Orowe!FAX Whvnt, null Rye, ,
- - -
Vpia Ira Itt heavy Crriks 'er America
These valuaLlo Manned have 1 eon mod for the
clx years oneeeesfully:lot_tho Urain and 'd'e'co
in inia, • Pennsylvania. ..'„%ew • -Jersey, 'Vollmer°,
31arylaml, and the Islands al' Bermuda aml...llarbadoes.
A barrel (2.7.0 ll's.) is hUftleiellt acre , . f, ground.,
TM; 11h0N . 1.1 Fertilizers are eemposed of rellahltiChemical
Elements, irblelrlorgely Inetem.e the rri.p and
thq roll. doubling (he valoet.f the lend. Price of Ilse
Phosphate of Limy—SlD a len, Nttrogon'ea ftho
Anna lean Perlilizer per ton or 5:,J At per tan ol;
61 25 it hog. Alex ever; varlely of GUANO, Pure Lend
Plaster, Pot Ash, • Nitrate of lionellust,.Powdered
Charcoal; dc.
, —tlotlcl-delfv4,o4l-free of.ellarge..--
,•. 0 ItO. A. Lt.:Hs:Au. Ptoprletor,
Ne.l9 South Frottt Street, 1,111111
rbirTo whnlahhi. thinlers n,likerni discount. Pam
blebs In, the. English 1111 d: German Innkunger. grell
Orders , L 11,411103; cash- neeempan3 tug , or Dealt.
promptly attended to. - " •
,N. P1.0:11 AB' hnve' been awarded by the Penn
t eylvorlin Agrh ultural So'clety, New York Crystal
Avsnelntlun, nud Ito Now -Jersey :trite Aktileultmti
,Societe.-_ • • - - I Sep. 3 '3d—toad
A R I\l 1J II 8 Lo.olti HERE !
'rho subscribers, dcahro:to Ifiform Dalliers nod ',utile
gonoially that they - now isotecii Sousa cod sic cos:smut
ly toniturcel pith r Threshing o it lervent's•
Patont Shaker, which sire tronetal;y acknowledged to Lo
the LeHt articles 111, 11 , f`.. A is() n Varjety of ('lona.
Hullers, Coro Sheiks o nod :Army Cuttdcs. They clue
jitters( to 'thil leihs icing of Agricultural lito.ll wiry In,
_thelait.t.niltilotr nod eirro.oienable,,teflos, : lititimfac•
tore cis .:toi UV Hap uovel -Atreet. 'direct lyopposite the
- residonctrortlao - rge - 31rititrar, Esq. -
:A - Wont o A ItltllitS A I'LANIcr---.
1131 . 5 . .
jnst returned from the City n.itltrotte,of the largeht
assortments of Ihirdmare ever bro u ght to this ph o. Ile
lutajust received 11(4100. Ilan with end witlo nt pn
astenings, tree and steel honks ranging in pahs font
44-to $1 MI. pr straight and twist linfrfrace
chains from NI to $126. 110010 toady traces DEAR kinds,
also it lot of uproot. fifth, breimt. butt, ,rarrylng halter
'and log chains—also a very largo lot o,E,Shovels, forks,
spades, hoes. rakes. short °repining and any
thing wifnted by the Verniers—
Remember the old stand ilast-itlitin St. Carlisle. • .
March 19.'56. , 11. SAXVIN.
11 ) A T-L-N - T-Sra-bk,APITNINO
jr YANKEE 1 l CUTTERS, minim, ,;red for
ALDRICII SABOENT, No. .410 Merhet street, rhilada
Thi. cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength
and shunt I,:ty tit construction: it cuts fast •
or, tatriTS the only be I f+1.111111,3, lug Iluy. &traw_and Corn
fitalh-eutter ever wade. 1 t hits Lot ONE t•TRAIIIIIIT
ENlFE„whinh anrperson en,, grind and set with ease ,
but In orditiery7•aie.lirgmundlai tlie" ilia""aldiic-Thi ii=
sands have already I,enn-sold. and the deuend-is
• . • 1' ,_i nation, Is sufficient
to roorhtee one of its sop,' Icrlty. No One niter a lort
trial woulil pmt ulth, it PI, sonother. All sizes of the
above constantly on iiiilirand for Fah , by
.1.. P. "LYNE, ..
F.olS Agent for Cuntherlalha county.
- -- —,.
- .
- ,
. Kll AUSER 'S , l'Olyrkl3l,l,
CVDT:ft NULLS .11 still ill furnished of
Improved fOllFtrlld i4lll IIU(r ii.,ihb• IEL if
grinding apparatus Is peculiar, twit 'ell es
them an advantage over lelll,ther mills.
Ity lho ..lit. Of Iwo I Peillr,Mlll :: I iNtlill, 1110 filljiks
are forced up against fin, teeth or a rapidly revel% lug
tylindoi,and retained till ground to a 111 e pulp, 1,1111:11
of courFoyishls mere Juice When suljected to pet sure
than If the-pernaiv mas coarse. The Screw hess has
Lam ereatly •-rimprored ani strengthened since lost
year, and thu whole frame Is tightt tied Ly St rolii Joint
boli.t. It is adapted to either hand sir luxes newer and
can I e worßed hy hand to the extent, of Fix to eight
Luau; a day. .
Implement and Seed Store, .
ith and litarket,..r.blin. '
Snp. 21, 1525.
1 M IE . S E U,C'v() ES S !
Encouraged by - utiprroodented PIIICeFS %Villa' this
fofirl u cif VaVl l L l ?re l l ' t ' s . : • mat nit'; wtd t t ii lte :I " i4 il rle t tn ‘ • ‘ l i t t a h s
pt,s~i,vod hi inaltd it still ktore worthy of tho patronage
ol'tl r 4 l'hal title adinhable woi kls '
. ,
in :Omitted by every one. Containing . , as. it does. .One
lituldred Pages of rendine men% iii eitell
more Limn any of the 4:4 ,Nlan: hies, and naming two
volumes a )ear 'of sir liunderd pages' earb,tv, 1.4u1t.e
Hundred pages pf Reading Matter...par.annum for' •'
0 .11 f Ll. A g r i
Dalian•s Dollar Monthly h 1 'pch.tud with now .type,
twat Quo white riper. and tin matter 10 caw:fully coin
piled and ;manned by the bands of: the editor atufpro.
prleter, wilt, lins been known to the public as eon nedrd
with Inc esh for $11..tV011.) . 1311T, it,. pages con
tain • -
• • .
NI:WS, •
• ' Pllll4 •,
::::TOlt111:4 Tllll ETCHES,
.11 , 11/
from pm Lek. and Must popular Kri Lehi of this country:
11 Wale," t.pkva with n served of lhe notable eroutii oh
thin times. if 10.100 oral' war, of alsem odes a i d Improve
molts occur:lug in either biantspbere, funning an
agreeable V 01111.40011 for a leisure moment or Hour, anY
where at home or abroad, each number being complete
in Itself. • ••• • • : . .
No sectarian suldects are adit.itted Into Its pages;
there are ikliOni4lkf .publicatintis
votial I. ith perallar sc.t. o , r 017,1.0. •!Trils trot h.+4, Joi t
'tended fur • , . •
north or south. Dart ur iscis‘ - "di' , „); Wit thsjiiiin
utch mouth with totsiliteonolseld:
lauy,joist such as any r. frLoirtil,sry a dOK
place the hands ors family -,
fresh Mid arighial, 'Ayurporis to
the cheapest maiiaidAdkia '
!toy person, unchellukdois DO • 00 1
below, Shull receive
person bonding up moirs subscribe noLiuutir,
at olio thou shell receive ot copy gm, • -
, 11...1tALLOU. Yokidishor
Corner of Tormeint andjiromf!!)ld %Wet ',
Julio 1.1, .. -
. 0. L. galllug:of Mochtmlealmrir, oitinhto laud
- AnUn ycltti;Wnfinitiine . ,l - tntlfoetritillhlted - trlfh - Ttiar ,, c
Wons.. Cancers, Polypus, Lunn?, Moles or •51aritsrlIel.",f
ula. Urn apd all dliseases that have bean - usually
treated with Caustic or,Kulfls, he - remora theca with
out .Gnttlutr, hurnlnitt f or "WTI; . nolthor Chloroform of
Ethoris adtidiiiiittned Clio patient- It is no mallet
- on What pint offltutildk they,unty ba, ho can romort
them with ,perfect antyty, and n remarkably slier!
,time. ,No 51literal Vegetahlopotann is appliod, and nt
Money rodulrod until rim Is porreeted. •
.Prolappus:lltori, 'Female. 00,ml:tints, Chrmlio, Vane
real and all other diseaiios treat miewith positiva SiPco/3i
.Full parttoOkro can ho obtained hpluthlmeshiglit elate)
,Bpgllali or Gorman,,Poit4Ml‘E',"•Parionti e..ala!bd ACM=
MOdUted. With 110cur1 . ,04 rotun:labia Luta," • '
' 'llechanlealArg ono' tf the 'prettiest' and healthy.
thirsts In this or, any othes,„§tate.. : lt .8 miles from llarrisburg,,on thet•Culltbatund . .Vallay Mil Road, and
'imeoslible from 'allparta' df,theVnion. .Thlt Dontcm will
viait.l3BBoll:lii:an.f.partigrtlie Bt'atu . wltott dosired,"•
to...lKlrittretidorjryoir'lrsirr,any.allualed fellow nros
tura' delay AEA to tell thispinfOls troatntent•...''
a= bION to.oVorntOtO.-if.
OtOtdd.lo'thi hlithoot style' of ittli sold rioted , 011
Yikdlovapar; jiublishoct and f o r We,' Vholuartle tind'llo.
br- , .4rN.,ROSENTlittl4 , llth9graplier;..N. , l Oar ,
ilimitittliand,CktostnutStfooto: 111114olfilda,, - . filei§'
, .
• .
•" , , ,
. . ,
.(311EAy WATCHES ./1N1)'. ENV ELItY.
~f c . , : ::‘ ,..4,,,d% ll, t iv i esitlo, n ntl nt thn ...I.llll.oolphitt.
corner of Querry,l , lilindolpida,
. Gold' Lover \Vetches, full jewelled, 18 carat
Gold. Lepino,'l.B cruets '
*liver Lover, full jewelled,
Silver Lupine, Jewols. -
•,,e i nr d mj • o p Vpi r tiers,
eine es, • •
. Fine:Silver dn. ' • 4 80
Gold Braeolcts,
Ladles' Cold Pencils, - ' 1 00
Silver Toalqviniig, rot, 5 00
Gold Pens. with pencils and silver InAdcr, 1.00,. °
Gold Finger. Rings \Vetch Glasses, doe. All goods• be what.they tiro sold for.. ' • .
Successor of U. Conrad..
.og7On head some Gold lid Silver Levers end Lopine
'still lower b ee f the above prices. .
1 01.0 11'S . 11 •1 1 1TILLAS
_ • • AT iV1!01.6.%1.,!'1ti 1I RI.TA IL.
a 11 L & • •• '
,Itnporturs and :Manufacturers of CLOAII.B and M AN-•
TILLA6, No. 174 Chesnut street, (in few dliors.ahove 7,1 1
south sida,) Philadelphia, (In vmneetion th'ILIIOIRI
. LIULP)N, Nil Jiro:tawny N. V., thalargest nianufaiturer
z of these goods In the United St ates.),lneg to tall .the at
tontloni of Wholesale and Metal! buyers .tollielr large
steal: of CLUAILS, TAIZI AS. &e., &a-I-fetine
alitll trade!! •'l'lteir collection comprises a eemplete as
sortuntunt i;f all the latest Parisian Novelties Vein et'
Moire Antlque,tloth, Planr.Slll:, &c.. ;:e. • 1,101,1 the fa.
clliLtrs nirforded thole rani eeti,li With the largost
:damn:a-Wring . lf,anse. (of those egiands,/ in NenV York;
ennoble Olean to par:vitta bot, value ,than ca'obtalinne
blo BULPIN '
Sept. • . 171 Chesa int Street above 7th.
V.EW - W LP) E S ,E 1) UG.
tSF.;I' I) It . .. • •
N. nuth T.reond St:real
' !Philadelphia. Impirter. Ilaunti,elatrer..and Dealer In
„ DOS; •
faints, Colin,, White L. I,tl. French and
Antorlzan...Whlte Witulnkr Ulnss. l /lass Ware. Var..
nlshes, lfrlndtes, lust I , nmelnts, unnl Spires, Whnld
Spices. and all other artlrleg ttually kept by Druggists,
Including 13,:rt, Indigo. (Ono. r , ltellac, Potash, dc.
All orders; by mall or otherwise. promptly attended
to. Country merchants aro Invited t, call and examine
our stock brine 1111,111.1,1 g 01:W11110re. Afirtioods sent
to any Itho! or railroad stations. Prices Lair
, ainitioods Warranted. • . 0,1356—.1y.
..Tos.FPII N.I.',EDLES ')lanidactu
ity rer of
Coarse, Medina, and Elite in mesh : large, middle.slzed,
and 1.01811 in Mantel er.
f the hest qualities. arioug sizes of,, - frron No;.
• 0 8.),.. and frill, one V. six feet in width.
TI113). are 1111111b011.11 so many )11.1..08 ti the lineal Inch,
an,LcuLto suit.
TIIO subscriber. also keep's constantly c n hand •
. . 7 . SCREENS,
for coal, sand ore. Jima; grain, gravel. guano, faunae
sugar, salt, . L one, coffee. silic a drugs, dye•stufl'hs &e
Together with an' as4ornient of ill:1011T AND AN.
NEALE') DION Whit E. All the abovo sold wholesale
and 'retail by J. •A. NEEDLES.
Trent Street, Phila.
June .1, 1859.—1 y, • ' • ...
Eno! ANTs,
m• • •
- . and Wholoalo Ileoloro in all hinds of
21 Smith Vritut.ttri,t. •
Importers-of Hue' liiivann .4iegars. of the ehnicest,
tirrmetlir, or Elie Vizelta.alaje, A lar4o nsrertmelit of
I . ept rnnsnuttly on hmjA, amt for sale at a
small I.l,anee On MSC of 11011 , 14:1001 . .
h - l ' onsignmeots respectfully a,7lieited, on which
lillereljuleperee, will Ile made w.heil desired.
Sp!'Ali littinitiOn 1,111 to order S for purchase on COM ,
Mission of Tobacco. .s nlsnevery:llegeript ion nOlerelfan
(llse, for account c parties living at a..dista . nee from this
market. •
, ft:q..Sole Ago i fo'r.F. A. ficlii . tree's celebrated German
Smoking Tobai o.eempriqing thirty different varieties.
April :Vl,lB —lg, •- .
. .
SlqlA.llll - lr,CY'l I Ali - LINO EN.
—Th.rst.,fl;7ol,,,rs having renniiTiehi
i51n.',278 - I. , hestn - ut - Strty - t, h.nrilvtloor-1,14,ve-Tent-hr
.Aro-dine proplreol to oiler a time 11.16 d grill.seipcled Moi(
"of rhe tialiring - 1i , 401 and ili4drabin goods. or
llttlr oro iillpOliatioll, 'or .boollt at auction,
they are shin to sell at the linnorCer's joidt,„ nod to
they cordially invite the :itt phl ion of Country
Morehants, ntel lieeperg. and Canines ,•encrally,
11011,14 rout am] Venitian Window "Shading.
harnsley and- Irish Linen Sheeting, 7-1,8-4, 0-4, 10-1,
Bolster amid I'lll6w Linens of several choice hlt - ,chtrs,
'and nll whlths - fllnn 35 to 5-1 inches.
Bed Blaulietm of vlzi.s mid qualltles.
lied Quilts of the felleuing varieties, viz: Marseilles,
Welting, [(netted:lt ezister, Alhambra, Allendale and
Lancaster, of all the desirable sizes. '
Buren Table Covers, AVI allow Curfain Muslin
Towels find Toweling of every variety, Damask - Table,
Cloths and Napkins. Shirting Linens and Muslin, Cam
bric Handkerchiefs, Embaolderles, Hosiery, Sc. Broca
tel, Damasks, Moreens. Enbreldered Lace and Muslin
Curtains, alit Cornices,
../1111.S, tops. Cord. Sr.
Importers and Dealers in Linen and House Furnish
ing Goods. •
April 30,1854-om.
- Wholesale and Retail
• N 0.76 South F . R 7 01111 £t., Varner tu Carter St.
- e'qtallislinuent has been enlarged and improved
and is supplied with the largest and Inept retail Ronk
in the City, principally of hip-own manufacture, with
clot, assortneurt 100111 tin [lest EOSIOill Marliot IO
.• bracing Ladies,' Dents', and Children's
11951'5. Si 1066 AND CA ITI:ItS
of every description, style itild quality. embracing the
Wit pt: 10K 01111 1111311tieS On this or any otlie'r inarLet.
TM:. stock eaukuot be ex,,,elled_for Quality le-and
-Bach ttetlele- Is untrlod - at. - the :very lowest. possible
- w.irc. Irani a deviation will Le made. No ea
' travitAant ptatenttokts w . net, V, no 110.00 1110 0 0
effect sales.
I.lomlyear's (kin In nil variotles. • Pure Game, no
arnren 'I the marliot alway'a on hotel. 'l'h, public 1,,
rospnntally InvIEM [April"l.lBso.
141111,A1)E1,111 lA. 'A I)VEIt'NT.-
EVAN:i' PINOF 8.1FE91• "
lawyiTs.o ,
Books, Rumps, or other valualth:s - , to
. .
AC In 1 , .—.-Tilo .• jr, .I'ronf rare." that piworvud nur.
Books; P.lpnrs. d,.. during the crept I't . ° at, hurt's
Ilitildings, won purchased 0101,11' lilt It VANS,'III . S. dud
St., Philadelphia. OEM .5,' BUCK.
. ltrwity , .EßAT.)ltS 67 WATER Fl MIMS.
_ EVANS' l'ermi an) Vont) . lattal lt,!ala;:rat ors for rooling
and pro,el,lng moats, halt ori - ntilk,.wator, and all
lull:le:4 for culinary
NVATEIt Flurillt:, for poi Vying In.:wish:li (it., oilthly
valor, whether tLlfeeted 1,7 r.kins, Bluestone, Marl. or
other rousus; ran I.oe h.ul separato_llLaAlarlul to the
IteirigeratorA—it small ,Lnantity cooliiig the whole
In the wannest weatiier.
SIIJWEIL , for thu usu of want
or 1 . 01 , 1 wa tor. '
IV ATER t',) /I,EItS; for Stores, and Dwellings.
4'111.11_110, for moll!) boxer:, 1)3100; SA_,.
Copying tle., Dm 4-44. do.
No, ill :Routh
March .5, 1856—,
4 .:=E; ;, - OP*
I g 2
go &.., e''
r 5 2 ,%. ,_.
E, , .. ; T,g
..,..- i', 5 - 1-1
= r; I ' . c_','
J- r,-- !\ v. V, , _
, - I ,ii i ., V lA/
, c. ;' F . ,:t7,' I tk 01( ../.12,,i1,14U
„Tr'. 4 2 g'-'C' 17 2 (1, ,, - vili..k.,tur i
gE, .., si, 1.,...., , , ,_,,,,
, 1 - y .
, ~4.
r ... 2
.--- V
."'N',!`-' , bi
'' 2 0 0 . , 14 ...!. ilrp 2 . l1 ~4 If t "
-,f2„i..r.f*: -7 IZi'#ILII‘-;,'Atr I li,,Zak.
,E 15 :- ' r-o,„,,,griii;VA,,",4#Nlt
..,..-r . ' ' 1N1 , 1^..1?' rte -3
' F F--g-4 cp
,k.`' , , `. , -: t it>t-Affif
- - )--11--tV----1.7 -
) ) fig P '
I, f.:4: 4 -
„.,.. „. .
-, '.-- N.I°O3,PROON sArm+, with lin!l's Niabta
et w t e l l r e e .
' .i if. ' 4 '- - -" i i i••• , • , 4 _Worhi'a Nair, louden, It .
I't 'Tir 1 t r il aytiOt ..fhe )1714i , 1t Fair, IVe or
. 23anth_4.4, Yi±,_atTbst•ek:
0 ill , : m • , f , 5 ., .bers" a re the sole uninefacturers 1
4 . 4 „: • A•4l , ..:4* and proprietors In this Mato of
l' ,'' ri''''''• 'T - ' -. .', 4 g,',1 • the , above unequalled rpm and
'i, •:itt 11TI p',4l Locks, The remittal° "of ' , the
.4 I:•; , ,,''''' .-•••,,• i t f.r,li genulne“ilerring's Safe 'ls treat' -
7. - -.' I ~0,-S:v wide, and the the last Ilarteet,
•.• 4 `1,,, ',. i --- ,10, :',:yearsthe-marcanlihrwmptii'unlty
- '''''''',' ''T'P'' have witnessed nod.' bilfue testi:
many to their NEVER PATLlNO.fireprOor qualities. ltiore
than 42,000 of those &dem •Itatie been actually sold, and
450ir Two HUNDRED hail. panned' triumphantly 'through
rrichlestal Shoe. • , Tlicr 'had le. ere' assured- that all tinfas
'inanutitetured by the subscribers' are not only guaran-,
teed table fully °suet, but In many respects even sup°
slor to them which hive been so Anverely 410)4 fire
Now will forget their' services in the, burnixs. of the
PTrlbune oslabllbluttent,' , limi,•Yerk,and et thbAreat•
Wire In .Ntraw berry street, at the •litrau Pro last •attl,v,'
opposite the Girard 'louse:. •and -still more recently
lathe Fire atliifth and Chooeut file., In: the elty_or
l'hildalphla in -which these Mars canto forth the no.
kßOWludged Ci1.1.511 , 10N, , Whint :many' 'other , sboutities•
failed. ,t. •• . , • • ' : FAIthEL,S_ .003, • •
_ _
, Propriet n. or
• —.li.WALNUT.Eitreet, Philadelphia, _
Chilled Toon - Safes, with Powder Proof Leeks; watut-.
.1 ..thetureti.exproasly for Oasts, ]dolma„ Jewellers; and
others requiring seettrittLour roguee, pAIIk:VIDAItA,
, eers„ kr. on: liana alid tau dida ; 1 . 0 • tha Malt
CDNIDDIAI LCUS O Tur*itle itt manufacturers Inicuo. • ~•
••-•7• Memo - 'wind 7 "Sllfel , ” ind ars": and
, ---Chestn , of other makers, - hove.-berw taltowin part pity .
wont Ito lierriug's far solo athalf nftee. - . • aPP '
. . ,
. ' • ' '
''-`-TIi"CiN.I%;IRCiN'I 4611
7 2 7qhfi 4:1011. Of.",tVe'
WhOilargo,ssoortancrati oS ilarrind Rollee Brui.or all
siicapiid-Kiwta arcertl
• Blacksmith May f,rvoriti.' Iron said in rytiantirlOsnt riry
irarrantod...— •
' ' LYNII ft. s01(; -- ..
Sttpearitols: .
$2B 00
24 00;
1 DO
9 00
7 00
(Ureat Preparuttuits.)
. T. FRY, In returning thanks to' hIS-'nlneraifs
friondS atid rustduntr,of "Cart li deAlful.f Nulty fur their
patroliage,rinfif ui , ticipating . 'Word:thud
dmand fur ortioluS hiM own manufacture and IttiPor.
tutlon, has mud° ustenateu preparatolo.l. }apply the
the - simeritt bid stock feurpat,red l Ay,llthiq
And to which hu is constantly rerf , i)iiii , ,etaattc,,..iily',7l , ,. ;
I:tirttpe, of nowest stylus) cao. ttlontys 1,0 haunt:lo
shake selection of articles aultabliffOr Whist, I:irfl)fhi?;
AncLfelyday, Presents, otAlln .mosiL'rnehereho tiGd
ma nn(' descriptiOn, coufiffsiffitr - part,lch — Dressitig -
Cases, Writing Desk, Cabas, Mnts, firouse - BisuunAnd
Purian Figules, Musical Beaus, Opera Allasses, and a
rick :Variety of the useful and ornamental In Ormolu,
ltronsu, Shell, Morale,vtroier Slaelio,'&e. Also COMba.
Brushes, noel Toilet Articles. • -
tV3l."l'. FRY, .
• . .123 Altell St. (oppositO the Theatre), Piffled's..
gOct. 8, 1850-3ra, • .
S. 1. Corner Third add 1;11 esnut Streets,
• CA 11TAT 5260,00U.' — '6,z .
- - .
Money six received;ini .deposit daily. the !mount do,
pomted Is (Intl:lad in a Deposit, liook and glVen to the
Depositor, or, if preferred; a certificate ulll , he given.
t'a.ll audio large and'•small, are t (waived, and- the
amount Paid bark on demand, without notice.
•. Interest In paid at the rate of rivE riaccevr. , eon
ncenet,r,; from the day. of deposit, and ceasing fourtedn
days previous to the Wlthdranal ol;the money.
the liiit.chiY - iif,lliEffrihk7fh - earli"ktaf,'GliFtiitafCtit
of each dep,nlt, is paid tollnetleponitor, or tiddnd to the
p.lncin.d, es he may,psofer. ' •
The.Company.have tutor upwards of 3,560 depositors
In t he,eity td - Philadelphia alone'.
Any etlithmal I n fOrmation will be given b; addressing
Ihu,Tasmiumn.. • -
Etophen It. (Fralvford. Pies't. Wm. 31 . ,Goduin, '
Law ragvo Johnson. Vico l't. . I'n u! B. Goddard. ;
Ambro,mo4lmnu.son, ---- Ger. .14.elletIsy,
Itonjamla Ir. Ting 1t,y,_ . ,. hues Deiereux,.
Jacob 1,. I•'lnruure, • • thist..Engllsli, .
1 . '1,1N1.* 'Fltil. w- ~ - Forranry and 'Treasurer,
J. C 061.SCIILAGIT. . Teller.and !1ib:11,4,4,r,
•tieid.:l2.l , 3.—lY• - .
_ .
' '
• .• ••, • / .....
• ..,./{ r
~, ~-:- • . L.,:.,-.., 1,,,, 1 . t•:,-
1 IA ' ~ .a , ~,,ii:j'w.. • ...
I._ F ; • 4 • , ‘ , , ,-- '''. t-=l - ',' P = .;11.-.44 el .
. F 4 • ..... • 1 . -- ' 7 ?.." ,, ;‘,'P .. . - ,; VW' U.-
tzl • ' ''‘4 , ! .. .. , . , :,; , / , *: l . , Vii,` n.
Pa . . ,-„ , ,,A ;4 — e i • F , 1
• - 4 . .
, r , ~.\ Y . 1,/ ,491. •
• cl+ • ~,,,.. • 1 ,-),,..64-4-6,,,,,,,‘: ,, t,er .
.tzl _
- A . Pt , g''''r.?• - , '..- 4 . - -,. ' - ;- - - , 1
•. . .
cl. E A 111 r, v' S' " A VING rUNp,
•Chartered by the State of PonnsYlvania In 1855
OFl'ir'.l, 55 .IVALN ITT brit urr .
' - - --0”.<1 . . F .::1,, ye Second Street, Philndelphin,
itorrhe, Depohlts In Fllfifs reoii - C — IF - tiffir a iiii UPiiiil•
fr, m all classes of the.cominunity'S and-allows inirrrost
at thiirritti of five per rent per M 11111111: - Mon ey fl Ohl
- Wick on domain!. .4.ii - Oilier open dolly from I) until'
5 o'clock, and on Monday and-Saturday until 9 o'clock
In. the evening.
Tirig Institfillon will be found a convenient and safe
place ord.:posit for Farmers and nth. a dioinghusinesh
.in Philadelphia.' Deposits are paid On drum ud . without.
. ally previeus notice being roquirtd.
Edmund X i osi lor,
. - • 11011..101AL Tynnn, -- -
Stilwell S. Bishop, ,'
Jauten P. porot, ' Robert
John Mceludes, . - Edward L. Clark.
Shinto, 'Capt. John Gallagher,
:thseplt Cowell, • John Mee,
Joseph B. Myers, Itifintrd (I. Stote,lntry;
Edward 11. Trotter,
' not. 1`...t0n 1:s. •
Tionias Conper,, rar E. Peitit, .1
President-RA SHUN
greasurer--CIIAS. 31. 310,1:111. -
b - ki•etary‘-.1 m
Charter OG - Trldos - that. nr
ngunt shall, directly nr indirectly, borrow our money
i - frtna - thr - Sorirty. ' - Get 17.1.8;n7,-lly
, 7 ,.t
, m ,s, • .--.2,1
. - 6014 , 4--41.4V1
liy,,WW - Atiii:A
px4-,...---.., - ---- ,- . --- ;-_ , ,
•_;,: - ,L-- -- it- :, ----- --..7i.: - =,:-...'"-- - ---__±.- , * 1- "---
uul s, , uth,‘,Nt of Third Ft,,,t, Phimo
phin. Ineory.ratiA by , the. :late of lepu,sylvairla 111
Fire percent. havrest Is • A lioth nth% the hunter
'tap+ paid havk iln•urree It Is 0i1h..1 for, it Ithout the
hOreq , l y 0 piVulr 110 Ter e
Pelllllo who have lavo souls via their tußney In thk
Saving Food, oil /1,0111,1 or the SllpOliorMeely mini eat,
,0111011e0 It afford.;, hut any sum. largo or sno%ll, in re.
This Saving Fund has n Vt.Ty largo nomunt of :dna.
gages, It round !lents 'hint other lirot close Investments
for the nettrlty of DopoOtors. The rules ,prphent tiny
Director or °Meer frimt mina Or lawn", t he money.
The (Miro Is Imo. Li receive nod pay money of cry
AV . front n..o'elock in the morning till 7 o'clock firth°
and on Monday 111151 'Thursday e, ening, Illf LI
Poople whn have money to put In, aro Invited : to veil
at the taco foe forlherln'forunuloil. . .
HENRI' L. 11EN71111., PreNitiont.
SELFICIP'III, leo Prehbleut
11'31..1. REM), Socretak.y.
Fit ENC Fl TRES SES.-11Qrnin or
Rupture successfully [marl. and rom fort Insured.
by use or the elegant French Trusses. imported lq the
subseilber, 1111 d 11110. , to order txpre4ly for his sales.
, .
All suffering with . Rupture wilt he gratified to learn
that the orrafdon now otters to procure :Tins cembin
lag extreme lightness. with ease. durability and V , lrrOct
construction - , in lieu of the caudal:us and uncumforia.
1110 al•tlele usually .Ifl.. An extensii o asmrtmen always
on hand, adapted tnevery t arioly el Itupt . nre in
and rfUldren, and for sale at a range of p. iced° snit all.
•Cost.fd Single '.frucses, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $4,
$5,,.511, SS and - . .
romans eta distance ran have a Truss rent to any:,-
11Mes by romittlng the amennt.F6ltting meaner° uround
the hips, and stating side affected. '
- bar Sale Whelesulu'and ltetall by the importer.
, S. W, roe. of Twelfth &titer° stn., Philadelphia.
Depot Ibr liannings improved I'a_ out Body Brace;
Chest Eipandors and Erector MucnE; Patent Shoulder
latices; Suspensory Bandages Props and Sup
ports. Ladles' Rooms, with competent lady attendants.
1_107) - 1(1110 — ' - PA11' Tal D I q:A
—Locatiid In Vilhart Street above Eleventh,
1.1111,A DEIXIII A.
Tho_Leetures of the - repthir course oill cointnance nn
the Second Mtnitlay of 'October, and continuo rintil the
flat of March 411F111111:.
Amount of foes for n Pull course of Lectures. ~
(Invariably mai), , • $lOO 00
" Students who 1111, 0 at tended two full courses '
' In other Medical Colleges,
Chaidutites of ot her Medical Colleges,
Matriculation Fee, paid only unit,
tract ical Anatomy,
tiraituntion Fee,
WALTEtt WILLIAMSON, 31.1)., lanurltes Professor of clini•
'cal 111eil4_ine. .
- ,L. - r: M. D., Pr4essor of Malaria Medici. mai
IstYsie SAWA, M. D.,;Pinfesser M Ilonnenathie Aletb
t utii - Pathuliry, end 1 lil,-I.sualso-iif.3ltsllcinis.-----
IssAn 31. W.OlO. 31. D. Profe:isor of 01 slot, les. 'Diseases
of Women and Clatdrun, and 31eilleal Jurisprudence.
31,trrainv :413IPLE, 31. D., Prlifessor of Chemistry and
.I.IeOIIISrAgI.V.V, N. D.. Professor of Furgoey,
A; Reim, 31. D.. Prilessor of Physiology.
Tou .1111.mtern, 31. D., Professor of Anatomy.
3Y. WI 1,1.1.A3150N, 31. 1./., DEAN'.
p N. E. Corner 11th and F il bert Streets, Phila. ,
. August
NV kill), AS'S GO I A TION - .
saTo oil persons nfilicted with- Sexual drseases.
ff.lll..NALLWEAltliEttefi_MterEl' ,o 4, oo N o l:/• 11
I.IS, At. At. ;
.Tho 1101VAlt1) ASSOCIATION of l'hiledelpVld,
view of the awful destruction of human life and Ifoalti ; -
effused by Sexual ilieteleea, and the detentions which at,
,practised upeu tho.unforiu unto victims or such disonset'
by Quarks, hove directed their own:lilting Surgeon, nn a
CIIADITAithE ',ACT worthy of - thole mono, to give
MEDICAL ADVICE. CIIIATIS, to nil .persons: thus , Ith.
flinted,(sllllo or Fetnale.)who apply., by letter, (pcst•peidi
with a description .of-iboir, condition, (me. orenpatioup
habit:l;4Eß, /cp..) and-in extreme poverty all suffering
to mintsiol mrigersEs OF CHAD
lity,ard Assmlal ion Is a benevolent Lion,
established lee venial, endowment, for the relief of the
Blois and viistressed, atificted with Virulent and , Epe."
dente fitscattcs,". and Its funds can he used for no other
dt. has. now, a surplus ,a Means; which the,
Directors' have voted to advertise ttie niece notice. It
lx neifdloss to Odd that tilt Asserfathiu eirminauels the
• Ifigheat iffedleal shill orthe at*
-Addresa4petit-paidj Dr. OHO; It. OALIIOUN,ConsaI.
-Jug Surgeou,,lw
fonrci.AftsbeistionThiladelphlail'a , "
aprll 11 Seeretakv...,
TlAN,t r il!lWol3l.f.El).oiiiie'pz*.'."'W. 7 4A, 9
V I eni, -Ttiraorp,, ScrOVieti '3s7bild .- • 81v,111n8r':f
cntilt•q4 mittiont Aurgic4d.Opilmt,f , m , by , 11 •
". • DK: ,I,OUNEITIMAY..:' ,
taco:N..oo=4i' t'
.tha ouworciioil,TNltim,oovittlwokoht finY.
n. dreg frut,o) im receipt o(4o94.ikiakiturg,,.:ol:llea, Nor.
Apaimelie,tip:.Joi_P4ti rig done _
Y'e ~ ~~is i i~ r _:;
. . .
D IL. 11 0 '0..1? L A N'll.'
111 i It iii. A.s if Ili 'll Lit S. ~. • ,'
. . , DO. C. y..1114,14 , ..1./111.11..I.M1.:t, yA! •
.. , -•
will °Jr,. toilly_roio .' '- -
-,.1 •
,--,-, GrV;:iL_CJJII..q. t 1.a..,/, i ~...,',,,,, A, ~,t,i,.1);c.,, q
, 11ii,,,,h ur .., , :orcoto, lionilit.,, lilne.vv , i„Lilo ~1 foe; f•
. ti ki d i'ul 1 cll.:m's ~risl'o, 11,11, a ul,..,rderctl' ~ . .
- . ..
. Conptipution,
' .. . , Inward Piles, 1,'u11... - . • .
.. iiooo or blood to Ihe Head, , ' •
Acidify of.theStonitich, Non- .
• ' pea Heartburn Disgust for Food;
Futlncas or Wright on the Stomach, " '
Sour Lructatlons.Sinl.iiig or Flitttcritig
.-- at th lit of ilM.4litancli, .trimming of
tho Ile, li Ilurriod and Difficult Breathing •
, .
the Lleart, Clio:thing or sulk - wit-
Ling Seaming , e ltun lull lying posture, Dimness&
' 'of.Vision,.Dets F.: yobs before LW. FeNcr
'tad dull 'l,lllO llt the of
Pen.lldratiall. litalloWin•atl a Idle nklit and I
Eyes, Pain the Back', Chest, •
Limbs. , i‘rtiden flushes of
Mad, linrufig—in the PlOOll,
Constant Inalgininea of • '
71011, and great be.
• pressiOn of
The proprietor in calling the attention of the public
docs_se.v.ith n feeling ',Ulm tit Mont
1 cenlitience'Di its virtue!: and adaptation Co the diseases
for which It is_reconnuendecl. - ^
It Is Ito how 'tad untried artielo,• 'intone that has
'stood the to,t, .1.10,1 years' trial 'belie.° the Anibrican
potpie. and Its iopiitatiou and soh , is unrillled by
any 1.11101 it preparatl•dis extant. %The 'to:abet/Ay in its
favor given h.?! the 01o0:: prolitllrullt and well known '
Physicians and Individuals In all partil of.the countey
Is •-
Arrawitirceti of hunnity. Front cPsertier dr obstruction; ,
'n union 11l the 6,llinithetie and. ether nerve's
lid ens, and the fuocc,..iis of the hininare ed ut .
deranged; derange:aunt there will n/so'pretline disons- .
es of the heart, Hi 11,,. Iltlhx and kidneys. It Is ow lug
to the 0111110 catue that thnusanda' die with Chclora, '
liiiions or Tclbiw Fever, and that- niebt baneful dine/O, .
dionsumption, ,
The general want f success In treating diseases of the
ilvertind'stoitiach,,lias net 1,0011 a deficiency of patholo
gloat knowledge of their functions— r but of it suitable
compound-tint wouldiact upon the diocese and all the
fi) 'apathetic affeetkins. That has Leon-gamed in these
Bitters , : and they, can he aae,l liy . ptirsans with the
most delicate f,teameli with perfect safety--as they at •
no thno debilitate 'the patient, but give strength nod
Mere/Ise the nervous energy .'Ploy can be taken at all •
times, and undo' all circumstances. No ordinary expo-
Illetn having a salutary effect, and
no bad elfect can result front itii_ovek dose. • _ • .
If patients will persevere In the-use 01 I e
and Aso It strictly , according to dir:i.d cure , •
the foi;elrping clise . ikses evcrY I 'gra...s, It' not.heyond
..rlfiNitiwat'mt . nitatiritic.; :::$ aused Jinl'hy to inijoy '
the Isls4liig, rene 7'. 1 a :AU', 1111.1 ounly destkrate
and abandoned "A.. 6 a perleet and ruileal cure.
'A nd_feeliag the hand 01' 'rinse weighing lio.soily upon
mon, all its atemidant Ills, will find in the use'of '
the Bitters an Mixer that will instil now life into then: • •
veins; restore, It inciunre and .ardor of
111000 youthful days; build up; their shrunken foram. •
and give; health - and happituys tp their •r4ualuing_
eni • '
It is 0 10011 °slit 'shed fact. that fully - nue.lialf the
female, pert ur plinlathril, are seldom In \ the on
.leStatin t of geed-he:din, ttr to um.: thrlr own r‘presttioll
-orgy, extremely lici.votiff....and have in, appetite. To ,
-thin einsteof tin's° hitters are. especially ro- •
'peculiar' topic and invigorating
properties render tinandnValuat;itt in such cases,
Peronllo visiting districts harrin.sed annually _with
- 11A1:1.1 It will Iliad that by the timely Ono of ono or
wo betties, they will natlu one, farmime talc the 'Bs ,
11,q 'the nil hers will renovate, and ntrenitthen the
system. and carry the bile off in its natinlil
Proven don is better 0111111 cure.
T1117:1 ARE
And free foul,, A11.1 , 1191i1: Stillitaallt, nod nit injurious
ingrialieuts,• aro plca,mit In taste and smell. Uhl in
thole ultrrittlon, - ,1 II e,V.tntl 11l morbid secretions Iron' .
the body; give bums - to the.pallid cheek, '&m1.1101110.
and viuur to tlin , h nine. ' •r a
'Price 711 eels per Lot 1:0.
411!itu:'No. 1131 A lien street, Phil'a, Pa,.
Kidd by in 1101;1010 nod I:4orekeepers in Ivory, town
and vtlh,ge lie the United States .1111.1 CIIIIIId., and by .
nil Drisalsti. in Carlisle. - 11$, 1810. • k
l'llll,ADEel'lll A 1t011,41T.
l.ntahli>liud , o yearn- agil
corucr ut I.llird tua,Ltit.tuu,;,lrialts.. Philadelphia, Pa.
- T I:NTS:411"Q - -
lixperietoio-has rendowd. Or. li. a. most allaCebaral.
till..r in tite-coot ail ‘ll.,ease.4 of a private Bettye;
In:101.41's debility, AN nu" imisidiniont to marriage;
nervous end noanti diseases of the skin,
anti Chaise arising 1'r0111:1i111S1! td niercury.
Thee° Is an - .Milt:Wit soniei)ints Inclubecd In by boys
in solitude, 9ttolrgrouln.• ' up with them to uputioed ;
and uhleh,ll not iTibmoud lu due time. ant only begets
fictions obstacles to mateintot.ial happiness. but pit es
Ilse ton series of prutracted, Insidious, and devabtatlng
Few of those who 'give :way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the COIIheIjUUM,S, until they Mid the ner
vous tEsteu hhattered, feel strange anti unaccountable
stets:diem:A.ld %ague fears in the mioa. (See pages 27,
28, 2tl, of lie. Its look mu •• Self Preservation."
The unto tunatu thus - affected bcoonies feeble, Is
1111111,11. CI labor .with accustomed viper, or to apply Ids
mind to study;
his step is tardy and weak: he to dull,
irresolute. and 'engages even In, his spirts with lose
ener4 than usual, „
If he emancipate hlinself fiefimo the meths, has done
its worst, and outer matrimony, his marriage to
file cease tells him that this is canted by
his emly p liitis.....There are'ilielkshuul4
wie are similarly situated.
CR II Ism, (by stating their mkt explicitly, together
with all their symptoms. per lottlir,twiclothig, a remit.
laurel Dr. K's Meglicinoopprwristml accordingly.
Forwardea .to ny port J States, nod
secure frosi DAMAtili nod VUItIOSITY, by mail or ex 7
t A Vigorous Lilo or a Prontaturo Klukolla : on
, .
e.elf-Pre,ervution- , Uuly 23 cents. . *,
Letters og that 'value In Stamps, will ensues
a eopy, per retitra of mail. .
- TirATIST — CiP,ATISIr -- GRATisli t ...
Wail," a now and .popular work, full. o
valtoihle ndrira and hopeee 1,1.04% al iOO calcula
ted to lout eot years of ullse s,sv ry a lot ,ate thous:au& of,
th es. Is diarii uteri without clinre. and form ardett
. 11Uall, wools], to any Post lace in., the United 'totes
011 receiving an order enclosing two posialto stamps,
711 1 D N - ID Si WON "r 1)0!
I—They never did tin niore than give .temporary
anti they !Inver will! It is beenuse they don't
touch the tepee of the disease. The cause of all ague
and billions discraes is the aumildieric poison called
:11lassna or Malaria. — Nentraliie this poison by Its NA.
.6111 , 0T11, and all disease cased by it disappears
n t tlhode,' Fever and Ague CllOO is this antidote
to Nalaria, and moreover it Is a perfectly harmless Med
icine. The certificate of the eoi,i.tntod cheinistol. It.
0111 ton, of New.Yorl, to (his etipct. is :ittnelled to ev..
cy.bottle; therell,re, if it deenTito good, St ran do no
Lffids is mote than eau be said of Quinine, -Veenle, or
any othdt. tonic in existence, as their use is miaow to
the constitution nod Itl u gs on DUAtli Ali which
never allows it person to feel perfectly well fur a single
tuoinent...ln liluntratinn cllitese troths I annex scout
exttacts Neat a letter just received feint Mein
lirorawrow 0, 0010, Meet it 17,1850.
. _
JA114.1 ItliflAUS..l,e.--beor Sir: Youisef2d Inst.,
at Laud. The Cure nralved Into lad y val., and' tilt,
dinicufty in getting any into to puirhaso It was greatly
him:mica trim the fart that a reniedy had -Leen Intro
d oretrit Well wits an,ving in favor with (La 'while as -
lathig better than using Quiulitc—not knowing, 'l:pro.
slime, that the remedy they used to 4.,cage taking Qui
nine contained the Mt Lill rftsi.l,l' I
VitO remedy (ttnowri as Smith's Mitle, , rfftnild In
van laidY Mild N. an Ago., but it did "net Litre it, as Ito
would oft,rn return with renewed vigor. 'llils ono air.
cuniqauce.l.denied in your favor, 11,1 could lubtitnto
a test ecuiparistai Letweitu it and your 014141.
lowilnr4A the result;
ThreoPer , olis LoOk your 'Cure," all 'ef which' worn
weeks 'standing. They . had' to itsl Quinine and other
rettiodles, occasionally missing at eLtll, but it WUK On in
nil bitch cinch.) slowly wearing them out, and laying
the thuudati ti Lfctheraud sevel,r maladies. 1, did
Succeed lit efferting a rudiral . euro of all (hien of these
roses with 3 stir remedy, and limy have not hack a chill
since: . lit all.three of.thr,u caycs.llll3 ‘• Smith's Trinte".
had boon used, nit old. its' Lehte Anted, LreakAlie
chill, but nits :orlon or two Lad elapsed it. mould
return. ,•
Mill; there will be no - fllaii , ulty 1100 In:giving to
your '• Cure'. the vanttao gm and or ally other retnetly
now In 010 bete, 4e., &e. • W.ll. Itilt,KNEll ' ill: D.
1!t1uli1 b' FEV.EII and AO UIi,,CURE, or ANTID‘A.F.
TO NA LAlt lA, the only harralowetnedy 111.02,1step:co
in 1.40111iy•ealillitl I . I,NENTIVg. nti . •0:11E."- 'lake
It when you r , the 0111110 tanning on, and you will
never km, a .Lisle one. •
JA.3I ES A. lIIIODLS, Prof', iPtof;
Providence, 11. I.
*.,*.Fil• onto by W. - A. lirtPo, 111111 •Unittlrts•gonortilly.
Juy 2. 16511. ,-• . ~ • . „ • -
JO 03
5 CO
10 00
SO 00
lei' the not throe yearn I have be . en eugaged.lh a
neinogs inily tt inyNelf. twd cinnini thiily„few
thers.' whose 1 hove hwtruotOtt .for the toui or 4 , 209
each, which hoe averaged too at,tt, into oi
t0,,5.5,000 411i111.11.11 t and, having pouto:nreitttionento
to go to Lump in the 1011. to engage It the mule LUPI•
/ willing to glee 'fiat iestoudinowtrito oft to
nor 'kimono' In the 'United hhitOn r ,whoet lll
isho - v
remit nup.tiot all:: jiolut]edifteht:tlia EtIC•F
-CUITSn i &ULU .1:1111i/S. , tlianl:ful
nchnowledgeuiente 1 twee reveit'cd. frOtnilceO7horal
tone inetrnefea. and 'w hp nee molting fronP.' '
. 11111 , :his: D0h1..-lb I'Lli-PAY
at itiAt,give any person an engortunity to tnigage in
tilli'luntine.t.a. which Is easy: Outwa it. and eery Intilltt ,
Itteott it Nnuitreutt.: — TlfitßiAlifirsiiiiTlfrlco:lintiO:crin ---
tint inatttSr. ' li,feruntes of the Inut elatseartl,o given as
regards its ell:nutter, anti 1 eats reThrto vertena suborn I •
have inatructeilovito still teatgelnat LILO are making •
(run ..?.5 to sl6,per'day at Ow Itla a Insiliesa
"which either ' '
. •LenIESOR(iENTLEMEN . -•- '
• Min
_Annaget aino-Nviti k lilikr4a coo, .inake a—very,lbend
ltolisein tiovorall , loMUlS lu 'Arlen. petits Oilier,
• I"Arlbt atatu r Atuntsylvanin asti :tinrVantit n3nnialutto
Instructed, Are bOW 1110 LILL( frolli t to tfr. lief day stilt.
It lap OLNEILtCLUSIN./4 . a. nod hula duller or too is re.
Attired to start It. • Thum . rec6lpti or 01,1' Will ttlinte
'Mutely send 19 Om appliehtit'anrintddtirculatfeAntaln
"lnts fultinstraettens to the Art, irlile4 can bnpAticetly
;untiorstoodatonee.t t' •74,45
httbettnintit ofltay last; t'fontslnriadveititetitent
to tlio'editor,ctr the' '9lendlint GaDemocrat;'ette and Meotfat,"
iteaditur. - Pn.; And Also sent him, brie pf mytireulefe of
instrtiettAim. , Otf Ito reMlint.mitt on a careful 'oarutana•
Omit he itteertinttha follorrlnA. edttofial itildatatipbt:
rail al tontibn to the advertisement of .11r.11.1'.
l'Artions;nr Nov York; littaded't!lnstomltre
Mitbundllinnother - eollaniti..4licP.
tMitigt,tkbiliger.:4lPitMllatth •
rort,Oeartent, o).4:s , ll,oxfunkuhliqq,iy.e,lll44i; 4. At says •
,it; 0, 110. buoibugillut ItinOononiblittmer .
Y t l
itess;itnittme .tbat WV; =Ott AOtatill) Afia.pvory
tritlttm copilot • ;• _ .111
t 1(11 11:01Ord riln . iV;bd Addressed.♦ParA Takaig . 3E5
.jtr.94' ,4*
'VI-111AP CARIJETANa:;:--13',44 of
ooveitig is
p oturo Frau:mo o for sato °heap ,