---.- '_„_•___,,,„„.„,„,::::,...„:„.„..._____,_4,.:,;..,,,..... %•t Prat, .i t .„, •_ , ",.'.. , • .. r•, p.• , t ,•.. : .„ ..,.. r. ,; ), •, -O.IkIELL.IOXI2II',-!!A WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5, 1856 CR; Largest anti geapest duper COUNTY. TERMS.---Two IYOLLAns A. YEAR, ,OR ONE DOL= LAN AND FIFTY CINTB. IF PAIH•IN ADVANCE. $1 76: IF 'IWEI WITHIN THE YEAR. • • PROCLAMATION. • • rxxxow Camino :-A Publinacknowle. . ge •mont,of the goedness' of - Almighty God, and of ---oitr-nettstant-dependentm-npon-his_provitlenae, eminently hecoming - n - free and enlightened people.- • As the " diver of every gond And perfect • gift, He, has crowned the. post :year, . with his good - neon, and caused our paths to drip , with. fatness." Our• free 'inetitu,tiens, our t rights end : privilegee,.oivikanti.rellgions, have- bee continued . and-preserved. .Snionce and Art, , with the great interests of eduention;morality and religion,"have been 'encouraged and ad. "amed ; industry, in all its - departments, has been honored tind , rewarded, and ' the general condition of the people improved.. Our Vomutortwealth hns. been greatly bless ed. The ravages of disease and death—of • . famine and pestilence, have not been permit ted to Comeneermp ; nor havethe lioriiirs of • ' warAlsturhed the Peaceful quiet dour betties The -earth .has yielded her•inareatte,and richly rewarded the labor of :the husbandman.--, Abundant prosperity, .with - smiling - plenty-and - the blessings of health, have been. ours. Ao knowledging, with gratitude, these bles4mts of a.ltind Provtdence t let us "enter' into •His gates with thanksgiving, and, into His courts "vrith - praise;btrthunkfity unto - Him 'and - bless - 1 ,-•. Deeply impressed-with.the-importance and , prOpriety .of this duty, and in accordance with' the wishes of many good citizens, I, JAMES POLLOCKAInvernor ofthe Common . • wealth of Nonsylvanin, do hereby recommend . THURSDAY, ibe 20th day of November. next, . be a day of -geneial Phanksgiviilg aqd Praise tbrOughout•this State ;:and eainestly implore the 'people, that, abstaining from all Worldly _ business'and persuits on that day;.they Unite' . in Offering thanks to Almighty God for-His past goodneee and mercy and humbly tee eeteitrilini-for a continuance,of Alueblesainge:• `Given under my hand and the Great_ Seal ..of the State atilarriaburg,• this 2let day of ; oo ' .• teller, in the year one,thouttand eight hundred and fifty-Bin; and of the Commonwealth. the eighty-first. Bic TILE GovEnnoti. ' • - • . • ANDREW G. CURTIN. •. [ontl2-0] Beo'y of the Commonwealth-2 THE RESULT . The battle is over, 'and the telegraphiC __reperts _which have reached is leave.little - doubt that the - oPponeuts - of -- Buchanan,- divided - - :and distracted by internecine have - fallen - Hbefore7 - the---enemy With4rOfessed friends in Philadelphia, and morn or less-in every eestern county, playing directly into the binds of our : p poiients, what other than a disastrous re 'suit could be expected ? • '• In our own'county the returns are,not complete, but indicate that Buchanan will carry the county by a majority of "at least 200, _which will be a depooratio galn of 100 orb • the October election. Mortifying as this result is to us, it die appoin ta the calculations of our opponents, who were fully supplied with " Fillrnore• straight tickets," Which. thermade inde fatigable exertions to palm upon uhaus- • peoting friends of Filllmore, and thus confidently expected to Secure a majority offrem five . to eight hundred for Dias- BEIM In relation to the grand result we ;gibe I such loose. general,„'reports wo were 'a ble' to secure by tettliVfi • bbforo going to press. Liter returns may. vary the complexion of things. • . In Philadelphitithe straight Fillmore. .tieket,had helped Buchanan to ixreported plurality of ibbutl2,ooq and. baSeprried Chester the iiipe Way; by 500' 'plurality. Buchanan carries the State it is ikely tb. straight. Fillmore vote. •In NeW York city Buchanan's plural iti,is-slti& to be 20,000 . ; But laiiigains 'are, OP4ted for Fremont in the interior - coinnties; Which may giie him the State. All Xhe New , Engiand States are donee ' ded.to , have gone for Col. Frement,' • • . • 11dOrylaridhas gone for•Fillmite'hy ceneiderehle 'majority, and ellachtinan :Oarried New Jersey andDehiware. Nclietutnalfave ytvt besn.recield - in- Akeativs of the , result in the Western and Southern States. . • • . I Its„ ster reports say the Philadelphia' , piiijority not - eieeed 8,000. T Piz NUMBER OF Vorzus.-Tbe white male ,population, of the United States, 'for instance, over 21. 1 yeare otit,l4, • i tinfil to beiniasuthed;imititled' ta . 4iitti; : ie avo„Q6,94l.eity4lg,,,g,poQ,poo.,_pi,infiabi, - tants ;who,do not use their-franchise.. In the, State - of New York in. 1852,. the. ye• ting'Opultition exceeded 800,0001 yet tlpi votes tetuilied 'did not; iUtteti' Oieeed frOY,(kiA.` the iliiiQl 43l .ttiveiltY-otle are ne4r l Y, B 4ooot _ll;l4sokt:he ; iota in 1858.. was only 138, 0000fhowing:that. nearly , twaihirati of gift idsilt fopulatibli; 'for" ,Fionio''tiaiiitY `staid IffotiV Aoki the Ptekrticie PeettTee,greet le Oret*PtheF .§t.etee• ESE liT,e4simaviruhy7iTworuuge:Stateer-.- North , Oarcilioti, - anflitlhusiesippi,% have ge4 deit4illh6 '2oth Of "dig *fi'§i6l466llol.o4' d"4 - , "ivOk teen eill****E-404 Ow.9 l *l. o Pjfi•Pger4:7Me Ala biajh ttt M ( 4 6 :14 1 0,,,,, a 4d-endaftvor to 4 OikeoutopaimT"!o, - -;pitike,444 in its. ) 1 4Wi .49 "5 , 4 1 4 Z'tt s lV '49# 1 * 037 4 01 4 1 i of ioanY ago tiOtt.t.P.Ont , 4 o sahireAll'a xig ll 4 iißrorid ::00u4 , *.bhiti.4l4!* bilged to' leave....- T 1 a -..t(oxf; C4gr 00s "" Whatever May be • the result •• of ~ t 1; Pfesidential• theTfoCerit, eleatiOne . in Pennaylvtinia, Ohio:and Indiana', have :Settled the ecnnplexion tho...Honse '•cif -;1-Reprettentatiinii , iin-the-35tIongrus- The Democratic gains so far as ascertain fet2l comprise 9 in Pennsylvania, 7' in Ohio, and sin Indiana---in all 21. De:' du"cOng the three Republican-'gains in' ,Maine, lowa and Missouri, and 18 spit_ remains to the credit of the Demderacr,• " which "willrattier be increased than - di- Minished by the.results in other States, . o wing mainly !nth° fact that jp < ninny districts•Ameriean candidates are 'run ning in competition with . the,ltepublican , • • ' • _ apy event .therefore, the grass will be-Deumbraticjrbbth-branch-- es. The state of intrties in the. United States Senate ,will not be, materiallS , ,charige'd `from their •existing rclittion. While there is a nominal anti Nebraska majority in the present•pnuse - of. Repre sentativeS experience demonstrated du, ring the protractectstruggle.for speaker ship, and since then, in measures attempt. -ted for' Kansas, that it was not'oontrolla ble as - a party organisation, and in most of the Districts represented by them the Democrats have - sucCeeded. The legisla tion,pf the country will,_therefole, return to - the - custody - of the-Demoeracy afteklie- 4th of March next, and we hope they will make better use of it than they . did • —in_thelast Congress, w_ben a_grtat promise was flagrantly' and, gratuitously •violt4eil, and the'angrY sectional eothmo. tionovhich kad been Cdrupokd by the dequi6seenee of all parties after the' 44 • nality'! adlustnient of 1850, wat.repewad wiih an intensity and passion whieh have exotted~eep apprehenstoas insome guar- tars, and unsettled-for-a•.tinie'those—in mate and fraternal relationtiwhitiMreom iiiMiTftiffiotigm anidintelablineureii le- 7 1M the duty- Mike of- , the North and the Sou.h THE 11HETINO OF SOUTHERN tGOVER - NORB.—Teis .stated in the . Nur/es/on Standard, that the meeting'of Southern - Gorernorsi of which mention -has' been ._alreadimade, took place in part; at least, in C., on the 14th iill7—Tt •does not.s . ppear,-however, that therewere, ' any others present besides the Governors of North-Carolina,_South—Carolina_mid Virginia.' What was the object,or_effeet of their meeting is not stated. The Ra leigh Register takes the matter up, and assuming that the object of the meeting was to concert a Scheme of disunion, pro claims it :a profanation of the. lured soil of North Carolina. The questions are naked;ftiat, by whtso invitation did they come? Second, 'why did they meet? And third, what must North Caroline say to an attempt to hitch het on to dui ear of disunion ?. Tho Augusta (Ga.) Sen tinel is quite; indignant at the'movernmit. Gov. Wise has written a, long letter in reply to thelliqu_iry by the Raleigh Reg 't ister.as to - the purpose of his recent Visit, to:Raleigh. .He designates the inquiry as rude and impertinent, and avers that he Nvoilt to Raleigh on his_own_ -motion, throwing himself on his constitutional right to go there when he pleilses.,, The residue of the letter is devoted to the dis ouSsion'of the elviVery quesqori, , ,. • • SW-According to the New York Times, in the event of their being,no choice of a President by the people, the Democrats have concocted a 'Plan to prevent Mr. • Fillmore's name from going before The —House-of—Representatives,--And--Huts—t ' force a choice between' Buchanan and From:int. It is to be. accomplished in ,this way... The. Constitution, proyides that the name of only the three highest candidates voted, for i 'the electoral—col " lege are to go tothe Hodse of Represeu:„ tatives. The Buchanan mon 'are.to iide , theirVotes in the electoral . college, one-half voting for. Buchanan, the Other for'Governor Wise, or .and chosen name, ewes to give to both a higher vote than Filinrore, anxi_theis oioludo him froth the House. This idea is not' new with. the Times, 'though it ushers it forth with a great braying of trumpets: ,The Rich mend,Exa2nfner some is:oohs ago recant-. nieniAdd it to, the Deyloomoy.• however ) two serious obStaeles in the way of ite teeeomplishrnent. The first is - that • 'tlie'Deirioorati tire - riot . likely to have elect ; toral votes - enough to; arry two . ,.eandidatik ,inintikeHouse,;ana the seconkis, that if itecompljelled• it would almost certainly Yreaniti.in 'the election of Fremont::,;` • ' ' STRAUMT-OUT FtwoonvsK.—The Buel•anan and Fillmore parties , "in' Indi ana hove formed a frisioh eleetm:altieket. In .gois , York Sitite; the same parties are said to Ilky,e,,egeeto a fasion 4 ,. pet . !mly„ upon the'eleetor4ticitet, - but for mem bers of Congress, and Of the. State Legis lature: 'The ;Alton 'Oenrier • mentions ihiiny in'sfaiMeS, dein g show - that_ • there m h eonitnna undexlstandipg between attnie .partieS of .In Massa: ohusetts,,the pro-slayery Whigs, Delio - Americian4rovs; i n ino ,t, ' the , sa trfo. , eatid ida teti fok"Cengress i and tbQ ine!st'airenentie to b"at.Bankii, '.fieettent; Vermont and Ohip,lhe Fillrtiore the imeceati Of stli, etzt . derats. 0., says the • ,1 ‘•, • ; • . IBI)PaILTANT DENt;ON.7-it Of stated' clip , ~1 3 " 4 '' . 1 f i' .4 l' laid ' L ' - af" s i ble. [ 1 ,‘T etl s 7 -9i-tli e ! nf i'o o. - fi ° e° ' l g „IL!' -. - " I t nei or 'Kiitin' [l'‘T ill itSt t ht) l t l9 g 9.11411 1 41 ° ?4, , .---' ~ , ,,„ 2 ,,„, P ".40,410."djecORA/Aliti94. bAtirean,i,thei 7P,P,Ip-, ' I i teet01 4, 40 . 1 1 .4090/ 1 4 1 4egY19,4%.41 1 ' 0 '-o. l3 Wrg Pr i ieithotaferOce , mefAt?rt,f9r,9, fautilli,:vitlitpd 1 totiglOnfrlf‘44:; ,414,1 Ariertk:S4r Otot 4 P. ' , oo ,l 4lsShe,ni-Vinigt* °PO qiiioP7oPkg . i ,t on orth i f questjoniii I liolliki - ea leficid. • First onow-or tit ' " •.= „ r . tt . attooon to tipy, 1= * Theie/i;stre'inany, of our friends m•the Di l sidential,Crinvass who ''doubtless. cerely believed that, the Union was . in. danger..•. Shameless locofoco trio* aS its effect:, and thousands of honest, credu lous individuals were bonstyntly haunted' by the thought of tho:UniOn 7 —our Union----sudderily 'eruMbling and ,eyashing to.piecasil The Most distinct idea such mop have .of the Uuion• probe- . fly-is, that of'Mfragide arid - fairy-like edi fice as delicate as fiost-work, which the gotta percha cane of BtillY'Prooks might. 'dashinto - atoms - aeany moment• of mad.' ness. • Men with such notions .orctiurse became the easy vjetians'; of loco(ocoism; ~ .tuttl• nitheiNoted for frielanan' , Or as ati-, ird-IY:rendered—tititif=ballotnlit-nollit3r_hy voting,the‘!atyalght=Out'Kerner° delta." .• .flow 'this locofeernicry ot. disunion. Ps regnided . I.)Y truly patriotic • men' Of tie South is well shown in. the.e2ttractS front . - a recent-letterLo(the_P:on. Kenneth Ray 'ner, of North Ctrnelinn, Which we subjoin. Would that intelligent teen irntlrn 'Neigh ,9 . 94lgA s tkcifr ... uc:9pppc4 jto :the. base ness and ttiehery 'of, locofecoism; which first commits a monstrous outrage such as the repeal of the Ni-souri Compromise;' and then after opening the'seuices of-see:: t•ional agittitation :makes capital:out of its lwtheischief.__The_rcharacter_of_ locofo, I it is.portrayed by Mr: Rayner' with a masteK hand... .1:I4r Milli ' .--• . My d ear sir, you cam have no idea how the _southern people are Wonted end bedeviled by Locofocoism, upon this - everlasting subject of slavery ngitatien. : Slavery, agitation is .r the, very pabuluni of its t'XiStelleC to Democracy hero in the South. It is their frump card.in 'every political game... • * 41 ' E* No, I repeat it, it is notthe South,. Vtit it . ijak, the Demcieraticparly lenders. mid their Iligli sergeants throughout theTation, who are the - -authors-oft:till --the-evilak-Lthat-tiow-beseb-the- COLIIIIrii grit ing out of the slavery question. - Iris nei:tfew thing with that party. It is an old„game with them.. They detiounded liar- XiSerl, - (3.lay,_Taylor .:pnci_Scoft—alh-ns-nho litionists=ond tha y succeeded .in tieliidri - ag thousands 'of the honest and unsuspecting in the South to believe their slanders ,noinst these great nnd riot! liken, • It wakalibirteWeri hoped and believed. that,•witlctlin 'passage of the Compromise treasures-of 1840obe coun try would at bast lanctrpeve .en thea*.subjcet of Slavery.' * - *-•• * • * * * The KansdaN , ebraslta bill pnssed With the ' proviso repealing the Mis-ouri Comptomise— aind a dark and ' disastrous day-..-for the _coun try; and *Molly for the Sltiltil, WOO the day that-it did pass. Front that day•to this the - country has had ho - pence ---- Slavery - ngitationi rules the.bour,--11ormony Ittas . given pinee.„6 , - discord. -- Section is arrayed against 'section. -The herd of ngitators has been raised from thes obscurity to which' the ll:Map:mid - Se -of 1850 - had -- consigned - t hem.:--Th rem t sef-tliiiu- ; nion are rife throughout the land, and knaves and blockheads are longing tc - lify their unhal• _low.e.sl liiinde-upon the workd of the .giants of the revolution. The reign of hireling demo gogties hi afflicting the country. In the hub' ling and boiling of- the waters of Strife, the 'very froth and scum of the social elements are floating on the surface A the political caul dron.' Even here In the south, .the Dethecrnt ie lenders are' endeavoring to organize a reign of terror, by putting under the ban of public opinion, and denouncing' as not true to the South, every man who' dares to expose . their double-dealing on ilthi - nueitieh of slav ery; and their treasonable designs against the': In tegrity of the Union. " '-. - • . - In reply to your second Inquiry, 'whether the Southern people seriously- contetnplate,a dissolution of the Union, in ease 'Fremont should be elected I—l'ainswea, No! emphati ly, No! The masses of the Southern people, whether Whigs, Americans, or Democrats, are devoted to the Union; and they will 'maintain and defend it at the hazard of tlqir lives, and the expenditure of their hearts7busr-blood.- , -. The Democratic leaders'' of the South, with _but_few_exceptions,_nrLialking of disunion,_ anti-are trying to familiarize the public mind with the idea of -disunion ; In pee Fremont should be elected. Andtrue totheir vocation,' they are denouncing; as skives and submission ists,, all whai refuse to unite with theitilfrtheir mad career. "Bat. even - of those bakine this ground,utafew are in serious earnest. There is a small faction in the Southern States whit , ) si 'are bona e dieuniouistB-who hove been - .for years maturing their plans—aind who 'would be glad to see Fremont elected, if they thought 'it would bring about disunion. This faction is inconsiderable .in numbees. anti hears about the same relation, numerically, to the people of the-South that the hand of crazy fanatics, at-the-Northerteutkee_Ake_Cituslitullan and the Union, its It "league with hell."'hear •to the people of the Northern Stites. But the great annjiwity of the Demeeratic lenders In the Sonth_whe are mouthing and gown riding about distuth n,,,d0 so for party - effect. Their object is trYfrighten the timid and wa vering.. Their purposeis to _drive Others to the supportlif Buchantm,„through their fears .It is no care for thainstieution of slaveri—ft is no.conocrtrfor. the 'rights of the South, that stimulates their belljgerent propensities.. It is because they are nlaraned at the prospect of their loss of political power, nt the . chnnces of their being tlepri.ved of (Ade. 'at the bare idea -of-being-drkven - frour the - Tintio - nal - Tre - Furiff . FL -- that, bite hungry wolves 'overt:then nt their pre theya raise this howl of disunion. They are not in earnest, and if they were, it would he al the same Follow:Poly for us, rind thanketo the nature of oar institutions, this Union can't be dissolved, except by, resorting to . tbe-source nf, all'pnwer—the people 'wt .- the hallat-boir. And when Sint first :appeal is :Matte r the 'lapse aSol! , ,portira will. bo fount' Irpo . ,to the - Mali: VIICY will Vot." agree'. tb - oyer- Ilieciv , ibiti goaternment,'lmenitso'n - man, no 'matter lizw odious or 'obnoxious': to -them he ,may be,,has.heen,e.lected President—provided 'he has been fairly elected, - in strict accortintice' - With nll the farms of the Constitution and the litivia. 'You may 161$ on It , lint the Masses. of the Democratic - party' will ttesert their leaders whenever.they attempt to commit ,them' to disunion, becanse they loge been beaten in an, 'election, -- It - lat 'a ropronclr and on :insult • to thefloutbern people; to say that they 'would destroy this II:11okt for.lnny such oauge ; .ond as p Southern min. I hurl heel; the charge As , a slander and, at wrong upon the conservative , musses of the South. '..Thepeinalc - of the . S.olith_ knowt too Well - what/this Union costa=theY know too well whit its blessings are—they con too plainly forcpeethe horrible .consequeriees end dread alsnaters --- Whioli'lnuit - eilinienpott i. its` disruption` -- ''''' - --- ,4 ' , '' ' The Eleotorgl Vote We publish - :to-day the oleetoial vote for the: benefit , of. our : , readers. ;There will. "be . great reqUisitiori for it in the iiext few 'days. ''There• are 296 aleatorsi h) fill, V t 11.149 necessary, to a ohoiee.-- The ie ae follows: l:ree S(ate,y.,, 5' " " :6 Mussuolku eOl (8j MOD I4 l l).ncit . 4 Conpe4lloo, , ROW L. ' NOW Jeriey,% 7 r : 27: 01110., • ;.i 21 .1; Michigan, •- '6 41 - Iciwrirf ".1 : Otitimlis,„ • , . 4 -1' • beia;lo,l4llotatiped.ln `1 E, o (i.eqta, ,MayeSlVea. DO itrmre,,, ',. .-; , : 8 ittiii.ilnrid;:,.' . ". „ ' , -- ''B .. Yrigitiial ~ ~:• ''-''' 'l5 , 0 , 16 ;Ciii4illiir,,. ..i„.10 13001i' Cip'slltkai ~-;.,, ~, (.I . ggrgiii_ t . '„' '. , ”, „ 1 9 Ali, bi l pm ;'' ' ' l l l Afailitittipi: . • : ',. , ' , 7". Louilitlinly i k_ , V. .;•: ,,, , , ....,:A Allkillig a 154,,,,..T .;. : ,;;:„ 4 , l i eritieiliee; . -,' ; ':', 12 . Wofittiolw, , , , • ''''92'' WirssofirwfiJ: l :; , .:'.l. = 9 FlOrtglti: - .., ' ,-', ' • ," Al. TP?ViSit; •,/, ' .., ~./ .6, , . .- I , ' 7 l2p #llOlti'thirOer; Igedoey;to:l?,obcklie,il49 PEN N . SiIVANTS:ELEC TION COUrt t lEs: • . -Adams, ' 1784-- - 1670,, 809 _2270 Allegheny, . 8740 6877 /34. 12319 Armstrong, • 1333 2149 2, • , 2806 Bender: 1834 . 1090 . '11761 41410 •! Bedford, '' • . 1677 - 1791, 2296 2173 Berke, 6948 • 3261.' 10000 3939 •1311iir, 1465 , 2392 1900 2626, Branford, 2476 . 4178 2042 • 6017 Bucks 5329 4123 ' 6265 .5600 . 2182 :2682' - 25(10 8098 2063 — . 1387" 2739 1556 1...519 1591 938 Centre, 1 1 11851 2033 2725 2404 Chester, . • 4460'. 4668 5801. 6207 Clarion, ' ' i 2154. 1508 - 2687 1680 •Clinton, '934 996 • "1408' 1277: Gul i(r bin; 1713E_' 984 -2706 --1097_ Crawford, -" 1 2016 , 2091- :2895 4;161 Clinihertand; ,2600 " • 32211 21175 Dauphin, 2031; , '3021 2944 '3409' Delaware, .1487 , 1082 ." 11919 , '2438 Elk, 855 203 . .,1!, , 531 . 'BO6 Erie; 1608 211314' 1980: 4083 .Fayette; .2620 *2312 • 3418 32 5 5 Franklin; 211'1 280 33(10 3410 Ftil ion, 822 609 933 • 079 Greene, ' 1007 1893 ~ 2047 • 1558, Huntingdon, rum 1920 1910 . 2196 dinno, .- 067 2316- ' 1500 3 . 8 1 7 Jefferson, 1039 1043 1326 1449, Juniata, .. 837 1023 1311 9202 Lanenster,.. • 5609 5801 8029 10472 Lpwi mice, ' 854 11117. , 1107' 2685 Lehnnon, 18(15 2256, 224'21'. - 2771. Lehigh, • 8394 2633' 4063 3192 Lucerne, 3957 _3571 ••5563 4562 . LYcoming, ' 22(16 2034 • 3138 - 2736 11PKeinr ------- 265 455 ' -"- Mercer, 1 . 635' 1808 2506 8434 11ittlin,--• - 1310 1382 1559 1861' :Monroe,. . 1327 531 2047 528 Mo'ntgomery, . 5207 3573 . (1727 4782 Montour, ' 920.. 438 1221 ' 660 Nortlina. pion, 3738 2448 4664 2344 .Nnediumb'd . ,, 1983 1011 ~ 2801 71716 Porry, - 1832 1539 . = 2057 1970.: Philadelphia, 27284 26770 86038' 32004 Pike, • 614' " (141 81'5 '254 Potter,- 436 634 674 1117. Seim} - 5012 - 1175 688 t ' .4628 SOldelHet, 1481. 2050 1773 2547 Snyder:---819-1090- 1123--11,17-7 Stfaquelinna, 1679 _2164 - 2320 - 3-124 Sullivan,' 3.17 - 292 . andi • Tiogn, —" 1381 — 1723 -- -- 11 11 '3089 Uniont=.• 793 ARO - Vernmgo,. 151/1 -- 1408 — • 109 - 1909 Warren, • "7_17 _•...1)(i8 1100 1052 W,:tohington,_, -8182 3214 9310 4424 . '. 1594 1420 :21112 2055 Wesl/T:fret/Ind, 8597 8200 • " 9920 4285 Wyoming, 529 794 1081 .-• 1090 York 6383 4601. -.6070 ' 4594 Tatnl,- . )61281 149.745 - 21: . !925 2.10172 .PEDLNSY . I.VIICIA ILiIaiSLATURE IleitEe'.of It epre'xelttetti•ea: ;hi — 2 • John' AluoEolman, opp Alley/10! Win, Stevenson, n C. 9: 113-eter, • J --B Bliickhouse. n. Nich. Voeglitley, jr., o Armstrong, I ST. John K Calhoun. dem. W, 111. Abrams, d. It, J. Nicholson, d. Beaver, ; J• p. Duda L. Imbrie, o. George P. Shaw, o. A. W. Crawford, 0. -Bedford, 4T. Smith, d. Win 0. Rekocer J.lawronce Octs, - •Wm.lLcins, d. Ndnomncker, 'Michael 11011 Man, d. • '-Blair 4•• Hunt. • Winthrodd,.O. John Gihhoney, o. • , J. -13:,„G. Babcock, o. Cullen Nicholas,o d John-11:4;ovidf - 11T - Carbon and flodmin ita v v . p, d. Enos To SEE John Smith, Choler, Dr B V. Dickey, co .IntomPenrese, PAI XBOll ViCkoo. c. Cleik - Seth A. Baclts, d, - 'Chthon, /,yefinnoy, J. Petriken. d. lennc Beason. Columbia, er - Errt; — t ; erunford. . Josef.% l r ii, o. Luottr.l Rued, o. C'tt tithe. land. James.'ArleOvo, d Wm. ilorperid, ' David Jluiumn, o. Jol4lViight, o. Daiwure: Hiram Cli user, Wiirelllini Wnrnrr, co . -Gideon J. Bnil, .Pzunk/in, . George..lnct,h, u. Jr. cob Wlllirrbw, o, Poyei te ea .rinorel'd "teary 'D. Tosser, (1; John Petoi• A, . . „ "j'Wn•A bible of the Senator wee pnhiishe(l in our Itri. .Uttioh majority in the .Senate; .3 ;' Denio"ilt,4ll l sii . enpitit in the Fl.,;tise, 58 rtiiiin:, 47; pett.verntin . tnejet . iry oil joint bellot,•8. PeuneylvnOta Coniressiensal Election Lis. illembers.Etict Plpronee, 0495 7276. 2 .. oy Non is, 6018 : 6411 R. .J•inies 7933 • • 6758 -4 , Henry 111. . - • 9279 9117 5. ;Owen Julien, . . 9674. 8001 .0. Juin) 3024 ~. 8383 7. 11+-ny 10321 8789 8, •J I:ll,inery ' • 11'061 • - 3947 .:4 . ?t(44 , y,..1.e?./ty+s*erfai :3320 10001 1.0: John O A Kunlrsi,• 7860 • ...,822.7 11... pewlktt, '. 8900 • 6418 12 . * John d: Abiltininery,.. 10442 : 7667 14, 'Guiusi/a,4., Groti4. - .• - 13625 15 -•. . • 0980 .0448 16: . Jrlin A: Ald, - 11101 ' .0630 17, IVilts6n Rellly, . 10224 0715 John 8473 • 8792 19.'• ' John 87'24' 10409 20.: AVillininAontgorpofy, 941.1 21. .David Mich , .6944',. . 9151 Piirukin . 4854'; 7127 23.': IV)4.,SrelSart. - - '54117 9652 24 9775.. • • ; ;V . 114 20. .1./d/In . ,,pick'• ..4215., • 00.44. - 2 1 6 80":: 20:11:08 ,Lncofo pa. Al4)Filzi . ; 101$ 9 "fizidoopfoopo in ' biziiiii4i 4 64l‘trefestisTs Expresskllt es Jim , folldwlng eh spter et?,domes 7 . , tick gingsidWri, was 'l',l36liiii ( .4nkPill 'el a b,' n,O lfrr hu s vand se)zoct oho : appArt. itaty., to ~ elspewi ths some tier,vaat,..4h4 -nametit.llsrtin; On their hi OE4OI 'With a 3 , 64 Ile liars e ttr" '''‘oo ',`,lkit.. ;King's money -I tietnippenitiint; , retur9, ea 4 45? 0 and 1 0 947-o,nt Aii%gn o. olol *.iopediJrffpre„ c vyith till -the .moreatleinilialiiiiiis 'tlabotiee Kiiemaiied•ofr : in purstiff,r,aoushiLiOdg hl_wisidtikAtiptili4tirticLautn— Znii 'r . 'isoi;.:.: , "',''.' ,. .;, 18 . 915 O ce C g R. K.' C: tnpv 11, d jadiU 2 .1113. 111oni fiend, - • •••••-bmiraster.--. .Wil]in.uLJlnmiLon, o. John A. Ifeit•Tami, P. Y. o Chris. S.. o Jos. D. Powril, o. • Lebanon. C. E. Ilotlinnn. 0. - • - Luzerne. Stephen-Jenkine, d Tlioninm Smith7d: Mercer. : Samuel Kerr, a. . S. P. AVCaltnont, o. Thomas Struthers, o. John Purcell, {o.. • Monroe & L. IVeetbrouk, d. 'Aforygomery..- Jos. W. HlHops, d. A. W. Longakeryd: George Bela, d, Northampton. John A. limestl. Jesse Pearson, d.. Northumberland. Jno: II: Zintnurman:d Charles - C -13randti - d; S. S. Bishop, a George T. Thorn, a J,.leob Duch, o. :George: B. Smith, a. l'hiladelphza County Chua. 111. Leisenring,d Townsrnd Yearsley, el Franklin d Charles Corty, rl. Abriilrani At tbur, d. . l 'John Roberts, d John Ilaaaelc, er -- Robert 13 Knight; d. , Jolla Wharton, 11. Henry A. Gilder, d. - Schuylkill. WITI. 13. Lebo, a . Wagonheller, Sorile set. Juime • Augnmino, n. Suxqueltanna. Simon B. Chaim, 0. Alfred If ine; 0. ran L. P. Wil . ;bl . «.ni o Union, 1 1. c Thomas Bowerod: • • •, Wass/any/on. J. S. Vonvoorltis; o. ',John' C. Sloon, o. 'Wayne. N: IV. Vigil, J. Jnyneja IR,,mtiry, Santuvl Aienear, Nano Beck, d.'• WM see 1M., - when"ahn 'finaklytold' '• that • slro was'alrently married and hod a 'hitslatittin •Californln. Ale implored her, to Mane with but.was peremptorily reftMed; whereupon he prOauked n warrant' f4i. her arrest.• Alderman. Eytau bold lit $1,500 bail, in" default 'at ' 'whial'a . eifintulOtenSiitte . lodged .ngainst , her. hut ale Wll9 80011 relorwail, •..I.t jp.:stntail that ille.dashing - -motinglml3went off, Cru .ring!Opl. 'ictitepiny Okty of `l3illtimcire.• •i: The , ! oontemod• 'election. instituted - ..hy. - , Itlunn, tho.Union,,,annditinto , , fq• - Pysdkeouting ,e4torney . ,,tt4' brouglit•to light nUtnerona ft.htt.' dttlent, voten of . foted Poditnen ere'llintnfuoili vflio - ypied, though •. , they i'; , hilTos's'ed they 'rietoi , 64e•Inr.ed • • t opt Cp,o perg tit.one,puo,,,;otote.. found •••1,Y,.440. Ide,opc4 ~pocttt.. ~,Appiliey I was' throivit tldt;, yetetoo ,I;ousot' rtnew„.etherotthoyAnd,somito'frbm;,;',",JOhn iey.gap jiegtoi.rtptijil: OUpplylpioftle' .1301ie fiiii)i mo iursovillo , Rnitrolift;• itenr Bnieery i I le , by fire ', BELEM it °fan anti -Tallinn 3ltattm GRAND 'CoN.CI , : itT IN Erll3thitTlON rendimi will be grittiffed to learn that liernincrer's large class of 260 pupils will • • _, give a (=Pawl Musical IllnfortninmOt on Mon . pits will essist in singing 25 choice pieces of miscolinneoueintisic, interspersed withDuatts. end Soles by 'Mr. I{. and members of lbc Claus, - • • 25cent5,•abilcliou half price; Doors open ot:(iio'cleck, cm.cert,to commence la 7i. AWCAPTMN O'KEEt', who came _pas senger in• the steamer 'roans to . New, -York, states that Captain' Willianman,..late of 11 . (6 Nicaraguan Army, 'formerly of fhe United States Army, and a, resident. of yeatrington. city; where he lenvec a child, recently -fell frrm the deck of the steamer—San Cerise in -VirgitiThay and was drowned. Captain W, wit s_n_gondleiti/en_and_bra.rosoldier,mmLiery -highly esteemed by all'whr knew hits. Capt. Williamson was formerly stationed at th - e - Crir, lisle Barrneks as Sergeant Mpjor. • .12,& - IVe . have received the first 'min tier of "The ..Aratio o new weekly -paper, ift (Mortar..? m, .1002 muonteoeed in' by CItOrtIT fi 131(1F:I.OV, /1t 83 i)e(ik.Sireei. It io edited by .S M. Bigelow, n,pd Nfts. E. D. E- N. Sontliworth, whkhis a sufficient guaranty or its imceess as n first dlass litgrary" paper. The, number before us is ti beaktiful specimen of typoira phy, and tho matter, illttstralions, ontrioni ensemble suck as' to gomrttend 'it to popall4favor.At to, or is to be, "the Skr paper of 'Aturricn,",ond in addition to the sc- "Itifowledgeil nbili!y of the- .ciliiresm, th e cwt • trilintnrs will be of the Star order; nod 'pub lished—lit V 2 per nnoutrt, Single copy; s3 . ,iio for . liv,..copies , ,. *,5 fir 61.14 ,copicp, copies for to oi:ic odd, esp. Limit FROM - EUROPE, ---We 'MVO' litter M _ ropenn news, the . steantship Viogn laving retie - lied New York Oixli Ilavre dates to the dlemg continental odvices three days nail--.the. stenn•hip Canadian, : having d Q reacheuebec with Liverpool '2l,st....lllol'aris_conference of the Eutpentr, to- the - picers Was to reassemble on the 111th. The German miners state thdit the Ring, of • Nal - de:3 --has-orgeil,the-eabinclaof:SLL:Peterslmrgi - - - Vd can nod Berlin, to conclude dri favor of the . . - roleprity of the kingdom of the Sicilies a treaty analogns to that guaranteeing - the in tegrity of t he,Ot lemon Etirpire.• The latest advices state that - the preparations for'the de ft imo of Naples — ara being 'redoubled:: No modification of thcfmibistry had taken ptnce. All are anxiously looking for the 'allied ilectif. • The French rquadron nos - iiniihored in the roods at Toulon, iently to deport. Four Stir-_ 314341n - 44s were also ready at. Genoa. .An English Steamer arrived at Ajaecio on the 120'3' Withlardess_to Admiral_Dundal. and accordingly twe.stenm frigates put to sea the nextmrirning. The remointler .of the squint: run sailed in thic eiren)hgr- „ .INSURECTIO . N Union county, Ark9.Mrns, there hits been'grent excitenient on nccotmt of the discovery of 'a plot among the negroes to ri'e ul - in . rebellion on the.lsth rif this month. Fortunately, the plot Was diScovered' in time to prevent one of the most bloody massacres in the whole nn. nals of insurreniona The plot.was , ' very os tensive, and negtios who were taken up and made to confess,• implicated others twenty miles off: Some of the negroeli say the rising was to take place on the day of the Presider". tial election. 7flio..inen till being front home on that day, the,plot was to murder the wom en and children first, and then - attack the un— armed men at the polls. Several white men have been implicated. and netified to leave the country,in . n'given time, or be hung. The, plot seems tohave been very extensive,-reach ing as far as Testis. WOE 11E . ATItIG /47CO1AMi0 . TO SCRIPTURE. Reeent,London pnpers report it strange ease of the perversion of . the ' scriptures,. ,The h E , C is thus stated in the Loudon illustrated ::TIIII C S: • The Rev. George Bird is 'prenehing 'at Nybitehaven. and holding forth the doctrine that it-is pet:T . ectly scriptural for 11 Man to bent Itie wife. Ile is said to haeo - n coniiiiler able entigrepatioli. One of bin flock wal Into ; ly taken before the Magistrate for• ill-uning wife;hie OlO WOlllOll said she bad no utsh her husband should be punished if he would promise tint tp tier badly ngain. Whin ricked by the magistrate whether he would make'the requisite prinise;llo.TernSoll, 803- ink; "am I to obey . Iho lows of Oust or. the laws of man?" An he would not'give the piomise the magistrate committed him to prison-for-a-month,-vaili:bard-laber.-41,c- Rev. Ito Bird has since delivermf a co 7 urse of lectures on the subject of Scott's conviction. lie contend., iliat it inn mates duty' to rule . his two I usehnld: and tint if his \ wife re' • fuses to obey hisWders, lie is justified accord: big to the law of God, in beating her in order to enfo - rce obedience. . • FIVE 1161:BAND COMMITTED IN CALIFOpiIA IN SIX. YEAUs San .Vraneisco paper gives"the I,AhrAy‘t , a, iliformatiomderlyed 'from 11 pamphlet just published in.that Viking a portion .of the undoes - of- morders that have been published since)Bs2,,and the other evidences that we have on record pro; rises to stint time, and slime,, it will, be seen that the number of those who • have met on untimely end by murder is truly, The District AttMfney.of San Francisco. Any cue conversant with. the historyof the ".Great. Purl la Emporium '' since that time will renal ~,ly:nOree that crisis has not diminished'-with ' the increase of pepulatinu.• It was stated on or 'near the - Olose of - the year 1856, by the pub• lie pees 4. that for, the yea• just past 6 re httn-• dn,ed•mnrder's lied bee'n•brought to their no.. tide. The tempi or of this work feels perfect ly safe in tety lop that .nnt less than five. them. sand murders,have bean committed in Cali fornia within the.ln-t sif:.years. I will nisi) here imMtien, that fr(pt the examination of the old filer pf diiily'rnners, It appears that the- accidentyldeAttis.have not been less in ..triumber khan tin:l.3o6y ;murder ler :the same time. • .I'lll.l.,,cunt,rm.t. Oat. 21.—A benutiful twenty five nr: . rested night before last on n charge of bigamy. , . . The charge wisiirefeired gninst her by , her oi 'husband, who mitrried her abottothree- weeks since in New York, offer which they' Mune to 'this City'and took hidgings n't iiinit9.lin'Foifiqli 1 , 'street. ' Tlie Mirty'remuined tiler about ten cinyi,.whett the female tett and.to krooms. at a housaidSlifestnue street-- Otf Wednesday JIM bustiand.lieard pl_the'whereaboute of liii faithless sponSe, and. milled' nt the , diotel. to ,~_ KIINI A 8 • 1 : 16 v Gen*Y; the United States Arthy,and.the Missouri-militias Lavesucceeded' at length it apprars, in ostabliallig , . 4 o'rder ill -Wiirsitw .. . ,altern fushienp bythe,law-runt-arder-exp'e •dientri . of 'a military 'ixpolaion of :the Tree State.settlei.s still emismetti,4ll.erythineon. .behalf of.Katisas'll§ n slily.State works bean: tifully. The. free State.colonists have been:to -n.-great-extenti-destroyed, or, th . iven - outTo'r burnt out, or rob`a , ll or staryetl out; and 'un-. der the benign dispeosat]rn of Mr. Pierce, his . nun! (leery, his NliSbouri code, Ids dragoons and the bOrdervolunieers, another Alissouri pro.slavery Legislature has been elected. with - Gen Whitfield returned AS - their delegate - to Congress. Thu State Convention Mr' Konsits framed by Missouri delegatei oinVler • the pro.. , fection of the' United States troops; 'and the neita bill by the-nest Congress for the mission into the Union of Kansas as a slave Stnto by force of arms'. , 'The-whole issue fief the fourth of November • now turns upon the man who is to sign or vete'. tht bill. All - the rest is . settliql—tixed'as fate. --7.--T-heie-ree , -Strt-te-priStuters•--ttecomptur, Kadsat territory, hove published an address, air which. they day- they.itre confined ih n small lonthstnne pi.rsotr, with two catinons•: in front or it, under guard of the pro slavery militia' conithandtal by Titus; and unable to procure Medical assktance or stiflieient food or 'cloth ing. o:tea their party hasAtied since the' ar rest, and others are dangerously id. :Covet tier Geaq's positron ,i,i-Leqnni.plati. does net seem a very ' enviable ono. The pro, slavery party accuse him if sympathy with the, Alioqtiottistq, and denounce biro in no niettstit.ed ,tt.e111: , .• One La COl run iliteatened to short him a few days eiune, ott account of the appointment of Col. Walker to the Coirnitand of the 'military Company raised in LitWrefice.- The.Goi , ernor's action, in this respect:has 'excited their displentiure. • At the i•ecent . election there were •ticarly ronA thousand votes polled, The secret Blue - Letlgne - oT - Alls. , ourf - fur :Mire& fl'Onrtwenty , live' hundred to tlisl..elll7.usand voters, who rigida entered the Jet ritory and again robbed the pimple Of the dee ivo franchise,' , This shin was quietly inade and asurt full" conC-etil ed ns pos,il)l6. They * began to coma -in two weeks before the election, and took core to opine in riutnerous small 'partres to all the - fcruut.points, - FIVE LIVES LOOT CIA3II , IIINC . —Last Sat urdity evening, a:distressing accident. occurr• ml,-in-the hoti , e Andrei! Moni7e, in _the first iVet'd; Philadi.dphie.' Mrs Moore was'ip the. netf, filling a olnimphine lantp, Which waS lighted, whenmne of the children neehlentally hit lier arnvreausingthecatt=ctintalfting,.-the fluid lo upset.- The fluid fvtis immediately ;ignited, setting fire to Mrs-Moore s clothineY aFf well as to that.of -the children •plaling ahOut the roonE The alarm and excitement . that ensued was intense, 'and 0-though the heig,liimra did all in their power to extinguish lire blimps,Vve- children,- and and Mrs: Moore, were dreadfully burned, Due of the sufferers dill not belong to the family', lett :had just entered the house, on en errand.— II er name was Dion .3ane Lamson:, 'eged nhout.l2 years.. SheiMmegiatelv . rllll_lqt the alley into the lane, nu4l threw herself down Mike gittter, be - loath an open fire plug, di rectly in front of the Imuse,. ISTotivithstandlng - this." - she was' so dreadfully- burned --that—she -died it few hotirs afterwards, in the adjoining house Three--other---obildi'en, --Ennea--11.- MorT'o: aged 9, Rachel I). Moore, aged d; and Willrelmina Moore, aged fi, - hart) Ainee Zed, the tWo - former in - tire - course-of-Sun-der-night and the latter on Monday. •The remaining child, an infaiit, was still alive 'on itlonday evening, but has since died, malting the fifth victim of this terrible accident. - ••- Ame ANCIENT CIItItICIIES IN PHIT:ADELPIIIA.—The Oldest chUrch in Philadelphia is the Gloria Dci, which was erected in-1700 en the some site as its predecessor, which was built of loge, and served•the doublePUrpose of a place of worship and n defence against the Indians. Christ Church is where Washington and Frankliri'worshippetr - If woo rilso, , at 'O6E' log building; the present edifice was finished in 1753. Ifte chime of eight bells wns brought by Capt. Ridden from Englund tree of,freirtlil, and in complement to him rang out peal On his arrival. The good 4. Queen Anne" presented part of .the • communion service .in 1708. • . SucerdtV OucnoN,---A gentleman-in-Hart— ford, Conn. has received it letter ft om a 'Ms- , *nary in Oregon, in which it is declared flint thereis n deliberate attempt make Oregon it slave State,'and that there are already still ernl hundred slaves in the territory.. Ile says “O'on. Dine (the second of Brooks, of South Carolina, in the affair with Oen. ‘Vilson),is one of the Principal leaders in.lltie trenclar. ous-movement.' Ile. is now in IVastangt en, la boring lo about. It is understood here that OIiVICOS Amy . ° been received hefo front him ° to the 'effect-that tini..restOetion . - (Wilmet Proviso, prohibiting slavery) will be removed during the coining session of Con gress,-rund- thn t-t h butt-be—open-to forma slave Constitution.",,,,, LATE NEWS IlllA CA LIFORNIA:.—Tho Steam arrived at New York, on Tues. 'day, from Aspinwall, with sixfeen days.. tarot fie** front* California and Oregon. Two of the Supreme Coot t Judges, who were 'elected h'y the American party. have grate' ver to the pr. '''''' ete ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' met the h . ostile'lMlian Chiefs in °velum, 'Mid einlea 'toyed to negotiate it peace. They were friend ly. Waadlington WiTifory: also, the- Jodi nun were quiet, and a' trundler, of them luni t submitted, and bens sent to thu re:wry:Won' provided for them. 1 large•dnilus. of (.11i111,4 , 0 into-the Austrian OW diggings is• mentionrd., Tho rebels China hove gained - 4 great vio•-' tory •ovor. dal erialiEts. ' . lIIIMii Mgra,ssEs.mAnu Coak:l 7 —Mr. Jacob B. Garber, of )Veat llempbelil, liwactister from .the Chinese earn stalk, (Soryunt 4 Sachal*unt,)--,q very superior nrticlo of molasets, The CJl tunhin Spy says: " ft is the result of en. ex perinient which is highly entisfnctery, going to show that the North eon produce itO own sugarinpl'lnolloes at n reasonable expense. null eqind if net superior in quality to tiny in rho mitrket et this time, .The coin in well hlrawn us wo think it will prove serionSilvdi t o the Nuenr and' nraielY tie us highly chtimeted.' DALL;F: v,i Cit'RikiNn r..x!rtt,tuTptt will bdun On pain and Inft a mntlhn frnrn..tnonnvoreit butt I r sc . :this, in front one to twenty minutes—and that u will fteati-the-WOUlllitl thOilt • ft- tcar;--ftud : effectually-, cure Fever Sures—Piles—Nun Jilieum--Initannuatery ltheurnatinin- , Bore and Intl/tined t un Is —Bruises—Old and _lnveterate JSores—Scald flood— Mins hint iihnlons—Eryilipelas--Ilipraine—liavellingx Yelouli—Chliblains--ilites of Inserts—Swelled and lire. ken_ *east—Sore Nipples—Eruptions—and all other' inflammatory and cutaneous diseases, where the parts. Don't be incredulous a houtjhe many, diseases named to lie cured by,only_pde thing--biltrellect that the low, but positive propeities which the Dailey Valve alone contains, and-as heretofore, enumerated—ono' to tour- • eon reach net y, tho ogn,in tit tloned. diS eases; . but query.—Du no t.rogula ihred physicianspresee&t a tAin met inwardly nor scoreif of different diseases Each box of thonits•listax's Tam itryascrou has up , / on itA Stool Plato Muir:lied tAliel with the signatures of 0. V. OLICKEN kit & CO.. proprietors, and • lIENRY •tritiXEY,.tatinfacturear. All ethers ' are cennterfelt: All'ortierg should be intdressed to C. V. Clicliener4 St-llarelny street, New York..'-_ • •• • . , 0.,9 * 1f0r solo, by All Druggistshr toughont the • „A PEItFUdIFD IlltA.Tifl::.:iVhst lady , or gontlenutti would •.rolunlxt under, tho curse of a tllstafelutblo'brieirli whoi by using.. - Tll.lf. MAYA''' . 'I,ItCUSAND dentrlnco would nut only,ronder ft: sweet but leave Ilia troth white as alebastor Many ,I)Clilollli . doribt:ltnorellthir breath' Is hod, and flie.subt, foot is so,dellcate.tholr toads; win nayor , mention It. Pour a elbgloilrop Itelnt" on your, tooth brush and,. wash the tooth nlialt and merniug, A fifty cunt Pottle last a. year. . , . • - • COmPLExION any coolly 1,6 ^Moll' t,d yyl ugh% the,“ flalm of Tbouould Flowers." jt.Yrfn rotrinve tan, plu3ples end frollifivi tbaui the Akin', / 02, 1...1 It; of a sort and roseate hut. VAlt a towel; .pOtto On tW:,, 'otltlfrgo drops, ondoreslt,tlo.fecp night, nd morning. y. SMA VINO; 3.1A11.11 Ile,SXLMAyonr' . shirrlfitt'brdsli bi•oltherWilriii•or Md . -writ ep,,p3ur.oni two on.throlf flrepti.pfl` Malin efta Thousand Vloware,'l rub the hoard It will and II; he'stitiffil•soft lather '..nbiett , iktrllltatln'githo'oporatlen tilioly_ingt... , ;Kricb.oply,Fifty ._hxignbS:hyonorsNone ponplue Unless , -,Oerr,,-18elleut).,-;7;rlPronldln &war!, soiwiforkl ' VitEMONT, rnr: MUSTANG CANDirctiz.lf Col. Frometr ' bad affinarry•frlctids as tlm .Mustang Liniment, the op,t position could not draw u corporal's guard. Mr. Ito mont ritnarked, In Ills dlsnatidies to, Mr. Fillmora• while transporting horses and outdo tour. the plains of Mexico. "That if thoVocornitiont wintld solid otca,tib oral supply of Mustang Liniment, it would ...re 25 por coatrofirisiesses..-- , .fiels-is vary-important tbrall, Far, ntera and Liverymen to Ittn.oB. Tim Mustang Liniment is a Woutlorful artlekikLnirittur_beast.--:It ti gttlll—td. -wn llmtfises, &c., and ° for ()olds,' S. Mitts Sparing, Ringbolt°, Sr., upon horses.. Beware. of knit. 1110 . 3lu.43111; is sold by all raspeetablo deafens verywin‘re. ' 11A it N,ES,4L •PA it lt, • "PropriotorsNow - Yorlc,-- , =3l MPOItTER AN'IIJOBBER,. • INIMIXSAP, nriAt,ER IN CURTAIN" 111. A YE; S, FURNITURE, coVERINGS, • "" WITH EVERT EtheitIPTION 00 TRIMIIN(113 TO MATER: NEW 11 A kIONIC TENIPLE, . . ' OMIT:VET STREET, AIIOTE SEVENTH Siarrfanes. . . Or, lliniiiiir Ina mouth by tlihnol..T. T. h'olhoht,' .Mr_111:0111.41C1114 . 31E11; to Ihh:s MART-FELKER, both , 'of Curlislu. '' '- I CIIHISIC. on Thum Inv. 00t.16111 by the ltev. IteElktOir,Avii iFFMAN, to 111b..CA1:17 cUMFORT. both of MIM - - On the :100i iuFt., hy the same, Mr. ".IAOOII 9. POcr VLIt; to 3I us LEAH tiLIME, both of•3loclutnicsburg, turnb..eo. On 11)6 kuude day. by the KUM.• Mr.. ascon K LEP PEIt, to :11iss ELIZA A. ST/1031E, both tlCarlhle. On On 30th WC, by the Bev. A. IL liremee, 16. JA .OOII AVI 0o11:01Ali lot /If South 31Iddldon, t 9 31140 CATIIAhINE A. Nlt %Er:VW:0)10)rd tAvp. 713C11111.5. • On the 2.111 tilt.. nrirr a Inng: . lllhes% StJEANNAII will, of Mr. moot'. of Rolling npriogs. ogott JS ).M,• < ; i)e lavkcts, PRODUCE -14/ME T. 111E1'011TM/ , FHB. THE HEE A LD.I • . •I'mu,t9LE,,Wologs lay, Octolmr 2J 196 C. Lo Supei tine, yer _ - --:6 - 2 5- do Rxtra, . • do , - - .• ' , 6,50 • dck. • - 13 75 1,36 WHITE per bushel Rut, • - du . do do: Con Oats do 1-0-h4WRRStiI:I) T(31.0'Pl11 :. S1:1:1) WINTIIIt ILIELLY. do SPRING linnis.r. , (10 If kIyADEILPIIIi• DX ARIZE TS 13= The Flrittr market remains' inaotrve, holders ere: firm in their ilernande, but the expert in quiry is limited, and only about '2OOO . bble found buyere for export, mostly better brands,. incluclin i t 1000 'bble .. V. 13. Thews', oat 800 di) Broad etreet mille r at that tig - nro, 800binletritrgle extra at -57,12/ end 100 hide fain:yr - do - at $7.371 per bbl Standard ninl•eltipPing-bratule aro oflered• at *6,87,3. hut we )min• of no 'soles. Par homi 'oonsuMption prim; range as .above for Comr mon brands atorextra,land $7.50 ft 8 for fan ny::locs., as in . .(ogili!r-: , '-ftye - Ffour and wanted-at:tit'. per Co'rn Ment rp miciti4 obeut, stationary. with further saes .of Mel3l . Rl-s_[oll per hi!. There was more Wheat - Wring t ‘ b day, and prices at the• close of 'Change ru ed some ,wloit iii oivor of the buyer, sake reaching abgtt 17,000 bushels in lots-at 157c'for prime , Southern red; and Mal 70c for whitb, the ratter for very choice lots ,only Rye con- • tinucs steady; nod 120Qa1400 bush.. Penns: brought 'Boe.' Corn is in good demand and rather higher, with sales_ef .15,000 bushels -to note at OGo'for i'enna. yellow, in' , atore, .and GBo for Southern, nfloat;•inc.luding 2000 bush, NVlNto;at the latter rate. Oats are rather dell. aid about , 3000 bushels onty, have, been sold at 454:. for Jersey and DOlawore, afloat. Netu ~I.loilertiscinents 11 S ,`ATE -OF LUZ A 13ET II KERB, debt.—Letters .Testntnentary on. the Estate II of 1..11.11 nth lierr. had or the Borough of r;irli,le de. eeltsed r halt..-I.eon AulF h.ned to ths 531,1 llorom,h. All parlous having, chtho,. nvort.t . Estato will presont them for svttlentent nod thoso Indebted rail nniko payment to . • JOHN 11. CIORGAS, liar. No% 1 g EAT CUTTERS !—A largo lot of the useful ovaries for Falun.) and Butchers Bso, just resolved nod fur sole cheap Ly '.loll\ r. LYNN & SON. North Hanover Street,. Carlisle. Not f, '5.1 T NTEIII , ;STI NG TO 'FARM tit S .- The 31:wie Corn nod Cob Sllii. (ho boot new In use. .'ibis 31111 bah tnkon the (lost Nl:locum over nil others nt ..n . iittilber of the wont 6tato nod minty Fairs. ,Ev dry nirlll, Who foods stock should LutVO Ono of these mina. For sale by .1011:` , 1 I'. TXNII ---North_linnorPr-Struct—earlislo EMEEita • O'FICE.-AN ELECTION for NINE — llitu - op.ns to serve tho ..enotOpg year, in . I.ho Carlisle Dopto•it• Book, 1. - 4161 d .1 iho' nothing moodny_the 17111 day, of Nomnbur lust., bo Moon the tour 0f , 4 o'cloch,4 : JI, nod AY. .AI.•IiELTEM, Nov. 1.1 6.T - Cashion. • N (100 WI • G()01) (OODS ! IF YOU- WANT. NEW 0001)8, .• 0 00004 eIIEAV 0001)0 00, \T'dr.or t,c 31,tylauchlin's llotol. and you will find. a large at...lllllsta of Ladies - titled:, cat.isting of Bloch, Foil Il,vmt Silks; MerlllooP, Poi 11111 • eilltilS t Lu Baglni, - Alparem, ScotrifTlaids,„ - Far . ); Flan , - tiSls, Scotch, Tilaticheiter, Faris:on, "Chatalprag . liams.,Calicoes. lino Fretich-IVvrkSd Collars, Ribbons, Holten'. &e. lroliESTlCS,=Wooltht Twilled Flnnels,-..Drilllng ,Th•Ling, Bags and Barging, Cetton rian'nels,Clsnaborgs, ,/ten rpd cAd4,Cttpotg nliatn..Tulde Draper, Checks, white and col, o -"kin ilutivis find Blankets wo have all sorts, sizes and For gentlemen wo have BIM; French Flack Cloths, Black and Caney C'assimeres and Doeskins, Satin yeat- Ingx, Tweeds, tiatinutts, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jesus, ,to. ,te far men*Kwomen's and chlldrett's Beets & Shoes, .ivo defy _competition. • Also. n very•superlarlot r Groceries, such as Coffee, Sutar, Dice, Spices, &e. . Our stock has been selected with the greatest care as to price and quality, and we aro determined to sell at very small advances. These Sr hiding to purchase will figd that ao ore selling as , heap—if not cheapci—than any llama, Ln to,wn ; and they will lind it to their .ad vnota4eta rive its a call. • Mutt r, Eggs, Bags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at Market prices. N. W. WOODS, Ag't. Don't forgot the place, .r.ext dour to'flthigluutlilin's hotel. [0et..20 ISt° .1 • &e.—Tho . undorFlgned has • ham 141Kopbra nd ragout forsupplying AIOULIJINUS nny doslgn ' or Pat turns for bulldJugx, at a mulh less rate than tliey can ho nanki null by elur must e xpmi o n e ed me elmnlrs, _ r‘foreh kIN Ith SAXTON ,NOTICE.- Ctttlt.'Veley It. It. 01116, it) 1850. • The Ikeird-of Managers - have declared a DINIDEND OF ONE VER. CENT, upon the Unpreferrod Stock or Lid Etunpalty, payablo on demand. Oct 22:185C—.411v 1 - .. 1 0 Y - S, - .FANCY.GOODS . ,, B -- •_ ASKETS •• Thu I.i'r,rest Assortma; and Ingest Prlees. '• ' . TILLED larcaustai, ling just 'clmed at his Nmv Stare, No. ill SOUTH PGUIPPII syIIIMT, between Aliirket atpl Chestnut Sp.,. „Philadelphia, 150 OASES 'N E W ,/./01/S, received by tho last 'packet, - makiug. the greatest variety of Fancy Goods ever attired. ' Toys, Dolls, Fancy Daskots, China and Alabaster Goads, 4confpctionory, Paper, Fanry Boxes, Sugar . , Gases, Tobacco DoseaPlres,'Teeth • ' with every variety of. I rusAirts',' Articles rout French and,GeratinAloods,,wLiell 40 O MO at; the vary 10w,,,5t •, rates. early. -011(01'01'1'am troll asiartad, at' si' $lO, and $lO par ' GRA IN . VAN S •• • „iustiacniircul, a lat. of Ginin FllOlO Off 813rafiloje mop ea!s - ,witatiurseturo. ' -Also a Ono okadrtnvoit of ..Straw, a Poiliter,,Gultara r or, Pius, dlllarept, kind's; at ;thasilioripitarillvara ';]-., XTENRIVE YURNITIJItE R 0931 .. 14 -....J.A'Atif,S it: NVNAVEIt ,Sr osild:fayesnoqfaitNy' cal' •' jth 0'4481.4t0n of Ilmselteeberoatfd the 'isn't • : , :to his eakenalve.atoa of elegant ftlf it 1i.V.1.9.i 1111 , ,' - Inctudlug SofeeilVardrbbe4Centreand T “HOS 7 Dreaslogand Plata' , Burdatta;' andevery ether....., art)cle in his branch er_buslitese ,, ' Also' A:ow bn hand -' i t she largest absortmeictef OffAlllB Itt'o4l:elq; - itt".-, , , •. : - the loweat.prlcear 'AOFFINS 'ipade at tit 4 : Lbc rt- • • . eat notice:and a Hearse proyldeirforluneribti Ile;l - ' • pottelta a. 0111 at hteestahllshruent;on North Ilan:, • - . . your Areal, near GlaelseN.lloteli, ,•, J: ~..., A ~„ ' ;,;'„ 1 ..,..• mr*.sernitureeftt , bythn nienthnr 'yetti..."•.' , ' WEI 7. 0 111 11 0 50 30 0,35 BD Troaailor,