• • . • 4 ..: ;•. • • ~ - • • • •,'•• •,! • • • , •.• , . , • • • • • •ct . .. 7.:A;i:'4 - ;: ( '. 4 , , • • . • • . y •4• . • „ T . , . •• V _ xn - • • • • "yt - - • • ;. "; , . • I - - • • , • - t • _ - "(- VOL: LVII. E. BEATTY, PROPRIETOR 'AND .PUBLISHER - Eanis OP rvoi l , lc•tTft)N.. vPho CAindaLC Mann'.ltl puldlghed weekly on a largo shoot; containing roan eoLualaa, amt furnialied to su b craws at the rate of 31.10 if paid strictly In advance; $1.75 If paid within the Year; or $2 in all eases - adieu ?ayment; is - delayed until after the expiration of 11w year. No Ha/Ny.l.ll4lons received for a AuSS.Tariall than six months, and nom. disemti❑uod until all art t.nages aro paid, unless at the option a the -publi.her.--Papurs sent .to subscribers living cut of !.:iimborland county must be 11:11,1 for in advance. i n • the paythent assumed by 00111.0 raapunsiblu persi s t cl.lag In Cumberland coun ty. These terms will by to In all Catai. ADVERTISUMENTS Advertisements will be charged - $l.OO - per squared tw e l ve sinus for three insertions,- and.2sceuts forenelL. subsequout .insurtion. 'All advertisements of less than twelve liues eonsidered as a s , tnaro. The fbllowing rates wilrbu idoirged for Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly - Advertising: 41 Months: U Months/ 12 -Months. 4 Squ are, , l (12 lines,) $4,.00 $ll.OO - a.uu SAW. 112.0 d 16 urn, 16 , ..0 0 0 0 •44 - 21.00 .37,00 ------ Advertisemonts-insorted-hoforo_Marriages antliteaths; 8 cents per line fur first Insertion. and 4 cents per line - - for subsequent insertions. ColllllllillitatiollB w SUbleaft of limited or individual luteretit will be charged a cents per Tho Proprietor will not to rospomible in dam ., ages fur orroiTah advertise:mute. Obituary indices not ' exceeding live tirrua, will'he inserted without charge. . JOB PRINTING: -- MO CARLIALE llzattn Jolt PIiINTING,OFFICE Is the • largost and 111114 rompletii establishment iu the eounty• Three good Pres,o.s. nod a,xeneral 1.1.1°0. °foe:Aerial suited for Plain :old Fanry work of drily hind, 0141,10 n. us to do Job Printing at the shortest — notice afid 41 the must rmsonablo terms. Person sin want of or any thing in the Jobbifo.; liiee, will find it their in --toren to give us n .11. Evely salute of 111,1 con - .0114tutfion hand. : • AZ:if. All letters'on business most be •post.paid to se -2.3.tro_attmition. Ontera tr! E,actif 3liformation tr..S• Goik.Elits;r:az.nr.e, Prest.limt—FONKLlN ' Vico Prosident—Jusg ll..lltuouT. •Secrotary.uf ' • Eliwrotary Inturior--Itooor-Nl6.l.wasu, lio.-rotary' of Troasury—.l,l3lES Ii UT HMI:. - Secretary of 1Var...../EITIAIMiN I)AVIS. , Bucrutary of Nuvy—JAd. Loom N: Post niviter i'.offoralirJAmtis 1 , 131141E1.1. , -Attbrnoy tioueptl-I,AtHil-Cl:stuNo. 7 Chiof JSISLico of United StatulPrit. B. TANI.f ---; STAT.k.I GOV.URDTX/EDTT Governor—J.o,m Mimi.. Secretary of State—A:mu:lv Crthui. • Surveyor Ueueral-J; P. - Buoixr. , kuditor Udheral—E. Treasurer—l/12 , 1:r 5.:01,1,W. Judges of the Suprome Court-LE. I.mi, J. S. KLAC‘X, W. S. I.umuEi U. W..Woeum one, J. C: KNOX • • cicvattant I'rol,lont Judgt,--lion..i.smr.l 11. (111.61.‘m. - - - Associato Rupp, tmmuel Wood Durn, District Atturnoy,—.Ww. . Protlionotary-- , Laniel K. Noell. - -- Recorder, Ac.—Jolla .11. Gregg. . High Slit:riff—Jacob Bowman; Ueputy, J.M.B nor:• County Trouguror—Athun Fimsomun., Corouor — Jns"l4h6m‘PsoP• County C01111116510...—.1:unes Armstrong, Georgia M. Crab:nu, WlMaui M. lhatorbou. •.1 " sioners. Mlehnol Iso. ',Directors of tho Poor—floorgo ShealTor, Meorgo rq,,dlo, John C. Itrov(pi.,,'Zuptrintoudoni (4 Pour I.lsu4k—• ..; . :ippoph Luontin, ' `'' ' ''"" """ BOROUGH OFFICERS. •, Chief AlOttirhoNri 'NOBLE. . . Assistant 'largess—Samuel Town Couneil-1:. C. Woodward, (President)" Thos. 31. Diddle, John Thompson, Michael ',heater, !leery Glass, David Slile,, , ltobert Irvin, A. A. Line, Michael Constables--John Spahr, nigh Coni,table; Robert ydeCartney, Ward Constable. 01/URCIIES. ' First Pilisbyterian Church, northwest angle. of Contra Squat'o. Rev. Como P. Wiso, faster.—Services oray -Solidity . morning •at o'clock, and 7 Waal, . . Second Proshyterhifi Church; earner of South limo - Ivor and Pomfret ntrsets. Rev. Mt. Esti.s, Paster. Services; eminence at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o'clock, P. 31. St. Johns Church, (Phut. Episcopal) unitise:nit angle of Centro Square. 3101100, Rector. Services at 11 o'clock, A.M., and 3 o'clock,.P. - English Lutliefan Church, Bedford blitween Louther streLds. lice. Fart looter. Services .at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o'clock'. UOYRIaII Church, 'mother, holvreen Ilanorer and Pitt streets. Iter. A. 11. 'Va. Lit, i'a.,tor: 40.1 lees at 11J A'TY cluck"' A. 31., and I': 31, SluthvJlOt elou,11; thrnt l'ltartm corner of 31einalitl \ • ritt.-4,0a, Ito,, Jong) Pastor, sort ices at. 11 o'clock, .1, 31., and tit; P. 31. • , • ' 3100 1 011,A E. Chore oiereetl'ellartre) ltev: Toomvs DAUtilll.ltA r, l'aster. it•eS ilk Colle ‘ tellhapul, at, .11 o'clock .t. e'clook, I'. 31. • .• t. •' n Choral,, P olo' u Cothelie enda i, near fast stree— ltev• JANII. BARRETT, Pfister. Services on the sod Sun day Of caell month. . . • tier/nun Lutheran (Lureli, earner of Poinfrot antt Iladford streuteL Rue. I. IL:Cukheld, Ihibtor. -tiervicti aL 11% d. ti. W AALL-hen changes lietho alloyu are necessary tho pro par persons are rug motod to notify us. D:COHTNSON.COLLEGE nov..Charlos Prenideut, and. Professor of )lornl beitmco. nov. Herman M. Johusou, Prolelisur• of Philosophy aud English Liter:duly.; Junius W. Marshall, Profess, of Anelontiulguages.. Bor. Otis 11. Thiatiy, Profei,or of • C. IVilhiu, Professor o,..Nutural and 'Curator of 'M usouni— . • ' • Alexander Seheal, Professor of Ilelawrof and 31,deru Languages. • • ' Benjamin Arbogast, .Tutor In Languages. Samuel U. Hillman, _Prim:in:ill& the tirammin,Sehnor William A. Snively, AsSistant In the Grammar Schou. - coo.lpAsuoisys. 711ANg.—President, Itleitard Parker; - . - - - Cashier, Wni. 31; Nadeau Clerks, J. P.-Hassler, N. C. ,31ussolinan. DirectorS, Richard Parker; JOhu Zug, Ilugh Stuart, Thomas Paxton, It. C. Woodward, Retort Moore, John Sanderson. Henry Lapin, Srunuct 3 lVherry. CLIMUMILIANM IL it Rote Cone.VNV.-Prositiout, • Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Ede erd 31. Diddle; Superfiitendant; Smith. - Pitshenger twice a day. Eastward, ienviug Carlisle at 10.25 o'clock, A. H. and 2.17 o'cloelt,P- 31. Two trains ovary day West . :ward, .raring Carlisle at 9.42 o'clock, A. M.antl 2.11, P. 31. °ARUM , : CAS AND WATER COMPANY.' President. Fred. crick Watts; Secretary, Leinnel 'todd; Treasurer, Wm . 711. Beetbut; Directors, P. Watts, ltichard Parker, Lemuel - Todd, Wut. 31. Boehm, Dr. W. W. 11.11,,, Franklin Used nor, hoary Class and E. 31.1110,110. CUMBEIIL.IND VAttsr -11.ts,ii.-.--PreNlitant, John S. Ster 'rett; Cashier, if. A. Sturgeon; Teller, Jos. C. Hoffer.— . Directors, John S. Sterrett, Win. Kee., Maki& Menne. man,..giehard Woods ' John C. Doubly, Ilobt.C, Sterrett, - • 11. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. nATr.s OF FOS E.EIGE Postage, on • idj letters of ono flair ounce weight or ' under 3 cents priNaid, ((except toe.lifornia and Or-gon, which is 10 cents prediald).. Postage on ..I:llEVllVClP'm'firithin the County, FREE. Within the diet% colds' nor year. To any part -of the United Statiiii,ga watt. Postage on all tionsicitt liners under 3 ounces In weight, 1 cunt pralialil,.or 2 cents unpaid Advertised letting EU be chat gad with the coot of advertiaing. J UST ni4;oEi V ED— -" .. .• Prenh STRAWBERRIES, ,f, • 0 PINE APPLES, , . . - , • 0 LOBSTERS, - __ - • 0 TOIIATO - KETCHUP, 2 - . . PICKLED ONIONS, • ' . , iIIIERKINS, PICOLILY, .. . . . . • PRESERVED GINO pt. , ' • . '-,.. . . . . - TAILLE OIL; &o. -- . • Abnro ortlaos Irarrantod equal to anyi lir ntoritot. Pot HMO low fpr en /41 xit ' - July 16; 1350.1 S 1? It IN U Or' S . AT NELLEN'S OLD STAND!. 6E011.0E KELLER desires to call the attention undo • old Moons and customers to his now assortmont of Con tlOmen'it UAW, of the Oakfurd Spring style, with an. elegant assortment of .1101'8 CAPS and SUMMER HATS of ovary variety and tiler most fashitinable•stklea Ile has also constantly on hand a large and carted atr aortmeut of his own manufacture. as well as city made Eats and Cape, suitablo for the season, comprising every fariety of ilusala, Beaver, liirreslrip .and 811 k MOOR,- tho Intent style, together nOli a ROI nssorfineut , • of OAPS or orory'shapo and descrlptlet., and at orery vire. ~lio particularly Invites ties puluilc to call and os • antino his esounsive ,u,ssortinent, which In Stile, Matt, , inland litilshrcannot.l4 siirptissed by any in Market, pad whlch,ho Is Alb to int at prices lower than ever: • • r)•>!t,-Itumomlier his old stand en Northltuuover street noxt door to Iluyett`a Orocery Mtorti ".... • -. • • c 11114.1A,P, ..of 11,qat. Tarzetau. Tug coloring Chandeliers, And P nro Framer. for solo'cliOny •,„!. Juuu.2fl , jittsine'ss GEORGE'EGE, • . ausTici. ot , " 11111: E ACE i1197-oflloo nppopitu.tho Writ ood of thu Court Ileum, - April 23; , • • I>l P. IRJAI.IIII3 . 11,..Attorney at" Law. on North Honorer street, it few doors uai of (lines' lintel. All busluess outrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April GILEEN, Attorney at Law. .nrwee Sint., Street, Mcbrmiesburg, to StIItVF:VINI,LIu councilou with Ids professlnn. • [May 21, I 1R. , . S. B. KIEFFER Office in North _Lifii.uov,...gti ! .ivt two doors from Weise & Campbell's ~tore: 0111,rhour,litore 'particularly front 7 to 9 o dock, A. ; 3i,, oil from Z, to 7 o'clock, ,:11„ f • • O It . S, OOT and Ilesidunre East 31aIn - Street, third door elow the Mnrket I luuse. Calk in town And county promptly nttumhul. Curtl4lo. - Jnn:2; 18.16. WILLIAM IttLEEM, Attorney nt Law. onko_in .mniu-S4,Yeet, Pn.— ... - Itu:tineEs entrusted to biro Will be promptly nt - • fj„, W. BRANDT Alinuilkettkroy . oc ‘_A.p mineral wat erg, Fronell Mend, ' Bottled Me, Porte,' nod Cider, ,rtl, 17 t:r. .4tr001., nem. the Itnil Bond Bridge; Curlisle • Iht.I.C.LOO3IIS sopth flunover street. nins 11014 • t...‘ the Po,t °thee. • • . WI-1111111e nbgent from iCurthilo s thq.. lust ton diets. of each )(apth. [Aug. 1, V.".,Z, - • . C... 1 jilt.' 01;01tGE - S:'•81141- 2:---,zr• AyiniiillVliENTlST. front Alm Rol I ti.....• tullege ~r Dentol thlrgery• ft_P- 0 11ire zit the resishoir . rit.f 1114 mother,liost Louthor !twat—three dtro, 1,,10w Medford. Rotel - ever—Di: . Geo zzirrei, - - ic v v . ha, bee.instructed in the art (bp Dr. Geo. Z, n. graduate nt the Baltimore Dental Colloge)• , line. preFataat income his frieuels and I,erfbrut the Ivarious operath its in the line of the' Dental pratession. I tit his reAdenee, to tiontit Sereet, third — doer tram West shovel, • Gil o .tt dill. Terms moderato., May 27. lsat`,.jy. - , QCIII.-V 14.; N.ll it AND • CONVEYAN I;.'-npalN9l,l:ll, Isle Register - or etniThee Mod out. ty, ill carerulty attend to the trausactlois of nil latAtinta is may he entettst, to 111111; titt•lrit% the welting or.lhaals, - 31ortgagoa Conte:tete, &e. 110 lode nlst devote his tttleollon .10 tint procuring, of Ladd-M*llr 17111ln, POlO4 J., :to AVII/ I :if use piirehatte end sale al Real I:attste, ne.mtlatlons, aflonun, •ne.• 110.011 ice un Wem. Hiatt t 4 treet, foroteas ttomniled, 11. lienfose. 1•34.1. near the 3lothiallat u . 1) F.,A_L ,, __.E . S T A ''.l.' E A_Gr_E NC Y .. • jet, • ANIIIMW 0.1.110. 1 - - I,llJtri'7 - 110i21,0S E 11 -- 1..5: : T 1 S 0 . 51 PS ON , Ilnre opened an Mitre of . L, .11.01111, 510., for the pur• elrft , eoltti mil , .I.lleol. Cslate_buyitg: awl soiling hand IVdrrants: etti•iii,... Lain% WI 'flint,. Surfij lidiftutd Mini= toimt Too 'is; ',ration of frarranto.wtot-toakinn Int cot.. moot:. f • umor,idents. too b.,' 'tn . Taxeriontd all land oo..; port.dolog to a lit:ai.l . 3l land AgelleS iu Allsmutri ' Ituniets, Nebr . :l,l, and_ leuu. , U ' , Mgr . . 00 reeoud Street. North of A. T. IlentlitiA_ (tanking 1100s0. - • • [July al, 1556. iri Ali IX —1)11.. J 0115: • K. .SNll'fll 111014 ,V) 1,1,e: 11111 y lofm•ms Um Hell& of Ilointropothy 1111.1 Itelbrm, as well as the ',oldie generally, that Ito will be as,lsted in the 'tractive of 31edlein0 and Surgery by OIL. J OIN AiIIISTIIONII, 1:11.0 Of Carlitile. ' • To yr 01.11 Frurio.,-qtyhealth being in a great do wee restored, I Witl , asslid Int...6,irrir In pie practice of MOM,: and Suraciy. times ho found at Ititi Zinc, in South Hanover 'street-, %%lieu not out pro fessionally. - • JOHN ARMSTRONG. !Carlisle, September ti,lBLl3. • : SN YDER & 11I'FARLANE— IJ AGENTS. .111NN EA PO Lis. Opposite the Suspension Bridge, Falls of St. Anthony, Minnehola Territory, will buy Mal hell lauds, negotiate loans, locate land warrants ill 3111111eNUI:00W11,1111li MR:OIIAM 13,111,titIK Chet Cuuntr3lby letter or otherwiEe, plomptly anhu end: - REFERENCES. • • • lion. Alex. Ramsey. Ex-Governor, ._._ 11. 31. 1i1e4.1/cleote to Oimgrei.s, 311duesola, Gov; Pollinik, ilanicx It. Steele & Co., Philadelphia. Wilt G., Cot lisle, A. 111 ads :411011e - Now ' liork, • Walsh, New Orlon., Joules It. Irvine, Esq., New, Jiro, . Black. lioiner.lit, • G. Eddie, i• •' J. 11, Good, Nlii3 Ohio, C; Attthoitc; •• ENI. St. Idyllll.l. AVM. dm. e, 31d., . • ' 'l'. Cliarle.tors. . J. )1. ICilveo. Philadelphia. AvroA of n•ilhprvnad !Anil front to $lO ry•r arro; 1110 'lmproved l'arnni. Lots for salt in St. ...q..l.ntlstoly, and all to. no on the lintla.- eaola rit er. . . . . . top.l'artleular attention given it, the Loa ll ill g -- of 3loney, and Eliteriug Land Warrauts. Add: CS, FN YllElt & 3ITAIt LA N 1:, 'Thir elt .. '.ti, 1 4 56.-11.Y.1 ... 311tmeniKdiq. MN. Ter. 1 - 1 1 AY 1 0 V 1 1.1,E ItiI , 33IALE SEM ." INAIt p wiii i...,nmed . of September, ISso.tler the direr -01011 of the Principal. 00111101 ill be ;misted by the 5.,,m0 le:fetters formerly P1111110y0d: The seholiebtie year win be livhhel letobre o'erAstons of live Moabn miell—the first eoinniereineoe the let" of September, the seetnel 1 . 111,0h1e lot of . Fel , e 11111 y. , ' There m ill he tiro units_sit stud - in the insiit lUD —thy lerilllNAL tbe the rhreler 0031000 finishing any branch of study. will receive a eElet letrATY. signed by the Principal and Told., 'Those coinpletlier a ,resiular cum . se will receive Diplomas and Testimonials of Merit. • TV.II3IN, Ptac ; 4 F.591...,—P1TC 31(nrns. Board. fuel, light. rolnit furnished, - *lO 00 "Mit.i. , o in English ItranrheA. " - - • 10 00 and tl,e of Piano, - - 20 WI Olt ri•inati, fn . :ming .uni Oil Panting, 12_110 Pond/ling:old Drat, - 0 00 Branch. Latin ur Greek, with other 4 00 Waslllnr per durru,. - - - 40 Fur further Firtietziars 500 Orel!ler. • . J. .IC.ENNEDI'.. •- August 20; 1836-Ith. • • Principal. ' f sil—rt_gpi,, , 4 ' 1 ....i.W.—.4 .4_.:...,•._-,.1 - J - -7. . , . -- 7. - ......‘ , ••••4;• , , f0r: , , k1.:ii_,- - .. 1 - ---- - -.7 • • • .r . -7--,... L .,....., M . . 3 , : :, ../...„_., yid. 1 c ::. • 1 pp ) 08E WOOD PIANOS FOR SALE tb Ton newitdsole6ut I:o sword' . Pianos 133.4 and, octaves, from he celebrated manufactory of 'linet; Davis & lesion. These I u fitments have Loam earefully„selettod trthu ;urge ark,and.are warranted to give entire satisfaction. They will bcisida at 2 • -. -I3I'I•I7.P . ItIOES arid Itept in order by i competent yorson, for one year trom.date of sale. Those who may wish to examine. or to purchase a gsedliiitriiniont, an., Invited to cull 141013 the subserber at his reattioncreln Owlish). Also, TO ititY.T, two maul sucond.hand Plano Fortes at $S per quarto, JOIIN it. STAICNIAN. ' nay. ss, '55. • " . , FRI All PRI.'7GS, MEDICI& ES, •,&..c ~..e.--1 have - just received from Philadelphia and .. ..,. e, New York very extensive additions to my foi morstoeh, embracing nearly everyarticle ' - i - , -- ----1 .f . Medicine new in use, together with ~ - . sluts, Oils;Varnishes, . Turpentine, Polio ...v.ll 1 ii. ' n ery, Soaps,_ Stutionary, Tine Cutlery, Fish ' .11 g Tackle, .., Laasc., ..“'“'......A, u very uescrip: En, with au o—“l_6o, y —rletyg_ptiker articles. which I ant dateemined to Self at 00 VEST LOWEST prieest — : - : All l'iipd; inns. tiouirtry Merchants, Pedlars and nth ers, aro respectfully' requoded . not to pass the OLD STAND, as thdyinity root assured that every article will hevold,k . g ood quality, and upon reasonable terms. • • • S. ELLIOTT. ,busy 30.. Main street. Carlisio WILLI AitS' NrOW READY; THE`NEWSPAPER odic:lieu or Newspaper Pacts `rti.d •.iiptistßaomitmliiliK4 a to iiplete lister lisaavapapers in the Ratio} States,. Cantdes and ihvitt, ,11r1Wri. .The only rollaide mirk of the kind in.tho world. Aur naval nable 11SKibtall 4to till Eilltt r,llook Publisher, and Glen. oral A dverilser. Svc. 200 pp. ; . On ra,olitt nt rill he prepaid per mail, • to any part of the country. LAY & 111:011.1111l$, .• •• • Pulillaliera, No. 8.1 Doek'st., Philadelphia. , • a4 , -EilhOra inserting the above prise Mouths, with talltarlal riakirones, and Minding., copies of, thy paper ' pre-pald to the above Mb iv Mu, will receive a copy • of tir o " • ,„' ' - . , • " ALL A.PER • • • • JOU P. GYMS 41 SON hitru.the pi , • •re of Informing AhrLpublin that . Wei %aro at L • completed tho enlargement. of their Store, and u • now rorviritup tits larkost and most isilmlarg' surtment of Wall Paper and Whidou over opened la Carlisle. A. call Is &incited from those wanting Paper liorigiugs of/I[ly kind, as ito .are confident:that all,ran• .be 'lmp plied : foam our nummoth -stook.: At • the old' sktud,North liaSoTer street; April - 9,lkt), • • p 0 0 ° ..AST(IIINDING DEVELOPMENTS ADDRESS OF THE 'REPUBLICAN STATE CWAIITTEE. The Union Flectoral Ticket ! AMERICANS ! READ AND JUDGE lA .ITo tie .People of l'elinvlvania : 1 FELOW CITIZENS:—The RellUbliCllll Stale .Executive-Committee, appointed by the : State I Convention Whitt') assembled in _Philadelphia in Jane last, was charged with the dutkr^of - nominating candidittes.for • Electors - of l'resi- - . - - .. dent and Vice President of the United States. The Committee; always desirous ,of secur- I ing a fair and honorable alliance with other ' parties in his State r who are hostile to the , ifercible'extensiini 61' , Slavery into free -terri tory, conSideredthicqta2dutieit would be die-, leharged with Greater stitistaction to its con looiastitlincy,by, 'casting . no - obstacles ,in'•the :may of such an ntliance. A large number of .- our fellow citizens had expressed their prefer. • ences for Mr. FiLtmour, ns a eandidnte__for. the Piesidepey, .although• their. opiiiions ou the question of Slavery eitclision were con current with those entermined.by the Repub - Bean party. Already' the.Retublicans and th, Americtins were uniliql - m.siivprft - cd - the cat • didates , for certain- State.,ollice4._lnMvery county of the Commonwealth n fraternal feel ing existed between _the masses Of...'the . two patties. : In every county, with but ono 'or two .exceptions, they Milted_ on the- same can-, dittoes for COngress and the State Legislature,. and a generaddesrre was expressed froM.llll --u-ifitertiofilie'Stiiii for a union (mine Flee. toral'fieket, -About:the middle of -- August - a vet hal coMmunication : was. Mode by ...Me. Sanderson, Chairinattof the American State Central Committee ; to the • Itepablicon State, Committee, expressive .ef . an anxiety to imile the two parties, and reptesting that the' Repub licans should poiljion - e their nomination •of elee tori in order 'to aeiure that olject: ' 'Saverel. menthers -of - the - .A4Delieall' Committee mode• the some-retriest, founding it on- the assur- mice that-the-friends of - Fiimmottc,-throughout : the State generally, considered his election hopeless, and earnestly desired to secure 'the. defeiii of Mr. ISILICIIANAN. Soon after Mr.: S'ANuansoN:p fraternal com munication to. the Chairman of ViiP'itebilbli can, Committee, he visited the city 'Of' Wash. ington, and. immediately wilds return, a let ter was received from him, as follows: - • • • PIIILADELPIIIA, Aug. 27, 1856.. .Sitt-Iu obedience to the instructions:of,. the Fillmore and Donnelson State Committee, I submit to Sum, for the consideration and ac tion of the Republican State Committee, of which you are Chairman, the following pro position: . •• . That the Chairman of the TletnoCratio Rer publican, and American State_Comotittees, unite in issuing a call for such number of -meetings, to be Iteltflit Spelt / times and places as may be agreed upon br them, at which the issues itiVolved in the inisent ]'residential l ‘i canvass shall be tlisetisset'(hy au .equal noun her of spe'alters of each la rty,ittitl Jilt th e Chairmen of .ctelt eommit tfii l Pligriit'rt.o 'the ' - exclusiverfght of se;eetitit. '.:tiitt- natuthet:s _for_, Lis party, nt such tiler till o, lull that tlieh•" , lutoics shall Ile announced j ii the call fur the tr, 3er tLLA.NE meeting. You will °Midge by giving an answer to this ptopotttiliirii, iu helmlf.otoyour Committee, ILL curliest convenience. • lam reepectfulix, yotirs,.• P.: S.INDEItgO'N, Chairman AlllQViCall, State Cututaittei: . This proposition, submitted by Mr. Sander son. seetued to contemplate enmity insteli'd of pence—open _war ?listen(' of fraternity with the friends of Fremont and Dayton. It was so inconsistent with his verbal communiCation, paste but dr , hort time before tu' the Chairman . of the Ilepublican:Committee, us to require some explanation, which we sought by the fol . - • lowing totter : _• • • . PHILADELPHIA . , August 29; 1836 * Sir—l received your le'tter of the 27th . by which-yon otillina for the. eellsitletilliell a ii action of the Itcpubitcan State Committee the follbwing ' • • wrh.t. the Chairman of the Democratic Ile. publican and American Siete Committees unite in loaning fl eall fal.suelt nember_of meetings to be held at stich tim ac es mud places as may be agree I upon by them, which the issue,s_in.. rolveTl in the present ettIIVIISS shall be discus sed by - an etlual iiiiinber speakers of , euclt psrty, and that the eimirman of each contruit tee shall have dim. exclusive right of selecting the speakers Per . his party lit each /meetings; but that the names -shali . be announced iu the call for, the 'meeting. Thistesetution seems to require come ex phtuution before it chit be tinnily acted, open by our Ctuntuittee. A few daytrago 1 bad the honor-to receive - from you, - through the, lion. James Cooper; a very dikftict intimation that the Committee of which you nre.Clitdimau de sire todinite with the Itepubfican State Coni mittee,ln the formation of an Electoral Ticket, to be . Supported by all the citizens of Venitayl- Itailitt_who are opposed to tad Cincinnati Plat form arntdo the election' of 11r. .Ducliezzazi.— Outhat ground you requested ; thrbugh Co . dper, thpt the Iteputdicatt Committee should-, taut form an electoral ticket at their meeting which had been called tor yesterday, the 28th inst. Several members of your Committee oubse r quently waited upon me, and .stated no their opinion that; our fellow.eitizens in lie interior,' of, the Stale who preferred Mr. Fillinte as . a candidate for the Presidency; were - very gen.. orally iu favor of 011011 a actors°. I expressed to Omni, is well us , to Mr. Cooper, my cordial adlptiescenee in the suggestion, mod I tun now instructed by the lloputilithin State c.'ottituittte to say that the preposition for a Union Elect° nil meets With their hearty and. ottani - - ~ end for Itidpurpose indicated by you, they bltve deferred the formation of art Electoral' Ticket, and have tanned the 18th - proximo as a , suitable time for Boni actiqii4n4lto matter. • •If the proposition elittaneed itt , your letter be intended to tithe Or k in after a Union ticket • Bloat Jtave been tortintd, 'Mid Americana and Itepublictans are to Meet:tie allies tuTesist the extension of Slavery to territory, which wits solemnly dedicated ; to freedom, weetinnot hes-. Auto to,uceept it, +Oa that issue which stands paramont in thtneentest, we are ready to giro ,you hand mid heart, in earnest struggle with th at e,t on nan fan wbiah seolet:in'the 'disguise of Delnoinuoy, to degrade the white Laboring ' unto to the hvel si a negro shave. - ' • As,eman its reaeive % your reply, I Will fut'-' s thine - definite ant(Wer :to the Preposiiion'oontaineif in your' ' -lum, veiyiresptetfupy, yours, CIi.OIIIIIONSi • • Stele Cora . . Tho explanation ihuu sought was' heeer.giv! • Sanderson -x641464,0 CARLISLE" PA.; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1856: solitlfnl. eition,'but"rrsonally aolicite ,‘tbe Chairman of the Republica!' Oc»in'Wee,' to ioilhdralp hie tette, 'on the-ground. oot be (Me; Ssinderson),,had. expected a iionmiunication from Cot. Forti'ey, the Chairemn.of the Demo:ratio State-Co:emit tee, bdibadreosived none, and it . was there• fors unnecessary to pCeserve the' correvondcrice. Ifs-request wow not complied With. On 12th of §Uptember, he renewed it in person, and pressed it. with muoh earnestimes, but without .success. Oa the'ouune day, he sought a third nd - secret interview , With the .Cliairman oet.he Republican Committee to whom be had ad dressed folio - Wing note: '. . FRIDAY AinInNOON, DEAR Stn.—l have Verney's' filmier, and would like to bee you before 4 o'clock. Can you not slip in at the side door, and see me at my office ? Ido p9t like to call twice the same day at you'r office. Truly, To this note tho,follovring answer •was • mediately_tiven: "! • • FRIDAY. P. M., Sept..l2 , . DEAR 'Sin —t cannot call on you this after. noon, as you request._ Perhaps it is unneoes.• vary, us 1 can see no reason for withdrawing my reply In'your letter hf the 27th ult.i and do - nut feel myself at 'liberty to comply with your request in that particular,. Mr. Forney's answer could hare no influencs'on my•oonrso, under tiny circumstances. If you aiiiically in favor of uniting thdipti position on ono Electoral Ticket, why tieen tiiere he any mystery aboin. it ? I ii4oed no 'concealments in the inciter, and if anything, is to.M. - dlone,..ive mast not proMptly anti frankly. Ver rot, — Catcall, ours, eft. GIBBONS., In the evening of the some day (Sept. 42) the Anferican . Statit; , Committeit met in dolphin; hot itis'understood that Mr: Bettaer son ,witlple/d from his eoPeagues the foregoing 6rresjmndence. Ifie,C,e!ninittee nt that time Passed a resolution Atilt they were - favor of any honorable arrangement with the j;444f, of •Fretnont and Dayton Is defeat .Ifr. which Mr. Eanderson was regitistektii;ll4opU• !dente to the. Itepublienn C:ithail#o - IV*lolt was , to meet on the 18th of the eitiii4*.i(o.= He auppreeffed the resoluliOn; and the ten, although in•seasion.:_tglittin •fwo hundred yards of the ''tide elor" 'Of)titfoffioo,i received no infornintion-from -.lt was, still deemed expedient that,,the Re ,: publican Committee sliguldttalta no aettb n _in the formation of an Elecitoral TiCkel, `without n fair and apes (weft:recite_ Atuertcan - ommittee. The subject was accordingly poet pone dto the 7th of - October, and; the follow, ingletter was addressed to Mr, Sanderson: • f'utt..t.itzLetziA, Sept: 20, 1800, . Dt Au. Sin instructed by the Repub. lican State - Executive Committee to invite a• conference witithe 4merican State Committee at Harrisburg' on the 7th prox.; for the pill.- pose of forming en Electoral Ticket, to be sup pUrted by the citizens of Pennsylvania' who are opposed Co thp.oxtmi9n of Slaverx.rzAlP ,the.nleation of Mr. Biminibah to the-Piasiden . At the meeting of the Committee,. which I have the hornir to represent, held ott',the 18th instant, of which you hail notice, seine , cocuu• ideation 'on this subjea from the Smecican Committeowns fully expecte,f; buknone was received, and I hive not had the pleasure of hearing from you since. •• . . We have been led to suppose that your Com mittee-has authority to withdraw the whole, .or in part, the Electornl Ticket nominated by the . American Convention, fur the pitrpose of securing an alliance of the two parties against a contemn enemy, : And believing that such no niay_be ['nitwit without comprumis !.itig the honorer either part thn Republican' Committee has postponed IA notnivation of candidates fur Electors-to the latest; period which is consistent with the authority delega , led to it by the State Conventi6u. ' rtherefore beg leave to urge npou you 1110. necessity of calling your Committee together . for the purpoin, and at the time nod place abliV O designs led. If you determine to do"say...l , will Ncheerfully forward your notice to clacii uteMber of your committee - by,oue 01 moru,special messengers whom you May consider 'worthy of your couti.. I — hence. 'Very truly yours, CHARLES GIBBONS,. Chairman It6publinan.Stitteoi..Cormaiitten. Invitations to a conference were oleo addres. Bed to the individual' - members of the Ameri can committee, from several of whom written answers Were received, urging a postponement of action putil After the October election— pledging Illemsolims in favor of is Union ticket —and Conannicating,Tfor tll6)first time, the resolution passel by Their CuMmittee on the ... IN.' of September, villich had been suppre's sted by their Chairmen. •One Member of the Ctirainittee, referring to some of his colleagues in con n ection with the promisition fern Union ticket, suys•-: , :They may notpia us for polo eVil reasons i but, le this. as it - nitiy, we can carry the State without theta. An appeal to, the' great body et, the Americatt• party,- iti:the last resort, is the true pulley.. I give you, agaiit,, the 111 . 01 st untjualiked assurance that I _will lead this movement, (fur a Union ticket.) and it will succeed.". Is the writer of: the latter indicants his suspicion of the corrupti bility of some members of the.Amerioau Cont; . mittee, it is obviously improper td mention as name wikutit his authority. (0 the' oth . o-Oct - Cilier, the following reply was received Irons Mr. Bauderson, threigh the PLIDLAWIL PIIIA, Oct: 8, 1866 DEAR Sini—Being about from the oi,ty, when yaur letter'n-as laid on inyilesKirilitl nut Cbitob me until my return honie, 'illicit will ex. pluln the 'OM.II31;1 of.the &jut iu acknowledging its 'receipt. - • . The Fillmore ittill)o&Stlioli State CoMinittea willheisirit meeting in,this city on the evening of , lain instant, when I mill present your outuutunanftion - for - the consideration and uo thin orseid thmuitte. RhOwing the viewe of the members of the !Jowl:alum, as 'I do, on the sulijeot to which -youti. lid& relates, l tim sob. -istitni_thatjujuieellig oi• the time .unil:-placo Mated by ,):ou,, would end. in uicomplisliiiii 'nothing', and be entirely useless.... Ilenop. I Uo not feel myself warranted in aomplyitig with t yuurtuquest 'therefore respectfully. :de. cline.to convene them at Ilurrialitirg ok,the Tile instant:: • ` a . - em v ar y tj'olY, 3 ours., • •• • • J. P. SAlkillEllacqq. , . _The Repuldieuh Coinmiktee met'at Hurrlp burg, ou the , 7th instant, _nu&'adjourned 'to meat - in Phlluielphie;,:in the 16th, for the pur pose of forming the . kleotoraf 'pate . ..tin con. junction with the Atherienn CJMitditee:. - 11 M 'Minn:tea of the proceedings Of the)est nenied hotly, nt itu'lueetiuron.theltitb,' luive• been published, and 'it aipettilfthat Mr.. Sanderson stippreant4 the fOrnoluiloMMunioni!OeutiliFoti , , sell to hini Ou t the 4 2.9th Beitembei,. t 0.141 blB The:ltepithlten*Comtellttoi , ltt its meeting, MEI hold on the same day; sent a deputation to the Ainiirioan Conimittee with.thn.following in afruotiOns: • •:• - , Resolved, 'Vint tbe'Corinitted appointed to 'confer with the Fillmore and Donolson State Committee, be inetructed to invite Wein 'to meet . tnd unite with the Republican State Ex. ecutive Committee for the purpose of forming an ElectoraFTicket, opposed to the election of Tames Buchanan, upon•the basis proposed by the Union State Central Committee, as . pub• liebeeiti the call :for a Union State Conven tion to. meet at Harrisburg on 21st Inst. • And if this idvitation be not rtecepted, then, Resolved, That the said committee. be im struoted to invite the Fillmore and . Doneloon Slate Committee to Meat with us for the pur pose of forming an Electoral ticket• en some other basis, which will he likely to receive the support of the reople of this State opposed tO the Cincinnati Platform and the oleation of James Buchanan. • Ilim American Committee refused to swept either 19vitatitm, and rejected the following resolution, offered by Mr. Francis, Jordon, of Bedford : • • ResolueCThat if tho friends of Fremont and Inytitti.aciumit and support the American Electoral Tioltewat the ensuing election •we are Willing that the ticket nifty cast the elec. toral.vote of the 'State for Fremont and Day ton, in.case it will defeat Mr. Buchanan, and will tali' elect Fillmore and Donelson if given to them: They also struck from their Electoral Ticket twos gentlemen, who had been placed on it by the Amerioan State 'cionven!ion, 'who -had de clared-that they,preferred Mr. Fremont to Mr. Buchanan for the Prosideßgy, - substituted oth ers who prefer the latter to the former am:A-- date, and finally adjotirned. A minority of the Committees (seven' in colleagues, then united with the- Republican and North Atnerican'comnlittees, and ffirnied a Union Electoral Ticket, which is fully pinioed in_the Official . announcement already made. • • , All that could bo done by tho chnirmsn of the American State Coannitte'e and his coadju tors in the Democratic ranks,.to give the Elec toral vlite of - Pennsylvania to Mr, BIICIIANiN, by a secret ` - side-door' — eomb,luatien with - the friende — of that gentletitan; to divide- the strength of the Opposition-,--hiis - been ;accom plished.- The propeaiiion of the 27th August, I .wns_exidentlyslasigtifd_to_e_mbroil the Amer.. can anditepailican parties in every cougty where they had united. on Assembly and Con: gressional candidates, and thus aid the ileum). oracyto an - overwhelming iictory.- For what other object did the Chairman of the AMeriosn State Committee place himself in communica tion with Mr. PORNNY ? Whether that gentle. tlemen accepted au invitation to .'slip in at the side-door", of Mr: SaNnEksox, or-whether Mr. Skanonsoa ..skops•iin at the side-door" of Mr. FonsiT, is not certainly known. Why Mr. SaananitoN doo;" interview, and shrink back from a fair, open. and honorable conferenoo,,:oan only lie eur: mimed. Although Chairman of the American State Committee, it is well understood that he was never - oounected with the Americanergo ! , nizetion, and under other circumstances, a Side.door" effort on his pert to annihilate it, would perbaps subject him to no reproach. But - why ho should participate in the concoc. lien of a scheme to fruitrate and defeat the well known wishes and purposes of that partY, after it had so far honored him with its confi dence note place lam at the head of its State CetunTittee, is a qua'stion which must be set tled by those who have. beeu betrayed. The Democratic Sitio ticket has been elected by tt mail majority It received the votes et thodeands of Fttmatous's friends in 'Philadel phia imil elerwhere,Who minuet support SA - 3ILS BUCIAANAN for the Presidency.' slipped in at du side door," while UM true friends of .the Union ticket were slumberiug at their posts. They- have not been vigilant. They have not put forth their strength. ' The official returns ol_thairecent election , show tbaLin wan• ties thei• votes have not been polled. In Cum , berlatid, the entire - vote is nearly' six hundred less than in. 1854. Berks, It is nearly -jive hundred less than in 1854: lu Franklin, it ; is nearly air hundred leis than in , 1852. .1u Dau. 'phut there-is an increase of seveutrvotes only, since 1852. Similar deficiencies will bo found in the official returns from other counties The Detnouratc party, with a perfect urgent nation in every election distria in the State, polled every voto . ,altich could 'be secured by the utmost vigil.it.ccoind at any mist. Never before were such efforts made by-Out party to' carry an electionand never was -uu- opposi tion more sanguine of its own stilioess; nod mere neglectful of the proper means 'to secure Friends of I,iberty,l ; Wo invoke, rouse from that nut:dueness which Must ,prove fatal to every clause; however just and holy - it maybe, With you u gracious Providedoe hue deposited the power arresting the extension of human slavery to the free Territories of tho country. This is the single object of • the kLe publican party. 'lt proposes ne interference with the constitutional' claims of--any--State. It does not concern itself with slavery. in the Suuth—it sook's no qiturrel witlinny - seetiMi of the Union. But it demands fidelity - to that solemn- compact which' adadtted: Missouri, pledged freedoid to Kansas, until:meet; to n framed eimutry. deolares that those Who 'destroyed it, •shalt,tlerive their own wrongful ae.!„mid this is a principle daily utitniuiStered in every eourt,•..uf justieo thrimghout the oivilized wOrld4,r'.lt.•.:prontul gates uo Political doctrines ''.ut" '"reocnt, origin, btatimuds itself - ..upon_thoik • Matiraetid nod _utaiutidned_r_by.:__Wm_diku;;.lk,lid El Y LIES FHA:MIAS, and other Tatt,,Y, or the Ituptsolie. Tito EiveturalTioket uomitteiosi by t67..1 actiott of the Stare Cuutinittee, , re'proututo halt), the:principles foe which we euuteuti., .h:rory vote cuot fur-iliac which aoutolue the w u wwi of Jon C .. Fne~to~i is itoCte for Swig° yriucr Ohio, aggregate will Their ntreugtla 'of Penticylraula:• lu `pr9portien to tirt:i-thiretiey-- of: eiitti , Lr -fur. that ticket :4113;4;y - iv - - , .0f the ehlialu'h of the iwerit,i-airreleotqn, the vuie O.:reu!iikifirunia he . :eaei in the yleotorolCellege. • AOtl so, in preportiou to , the number or - vote's , : coot ."ter i'lu,/,aup'!li,.lSiona and the eatne twenty Eli Hill receive'' in the Elebtornl.:CellegO„ . Vainio . aT Tiiixoneni are' tueriforel:r . via o.4atilitik3s; anpremaoy toy be.eoituotod by thair'.reOppid " ' • • , . tivo friends with 'all the earnestness in their .powers each obntonding for their without compromise or concealment, and tisk . ing nofavors:af the other. This plan of"union; esattinK,no moral sacrifice; :must commend itself to the frieds of both candidates, and its aceoptance by; them must result in the defeat ' of Mr. BeCHANAN.• • • Republicans"! Lot us prepare for the final struggle. .Our cause As juit=our candidate is worthy! Itrthe prime .and vigor of a. life which has been devoted to -honorable, labori ous and useftil servioee to the country, the ac knowledged founder of the Free State of Cali fornia, the first who openod a path for tho , emigrant across the Rooky Mountains to the shores of the Pacific, facing death, and over. coming dangers in • the ‘enterprise which no man before him had dared to encounter, be has been presented 'to the people, not as a cal culating and successful politician, but as one from their own r4nks. whose oareor is the evi dance of merit, capacity, and patriotism. If you would check the extension of Slavery,, and assert the' worth and digni of free labor; if ;you would preserve the constitutional rights Of every section of-our beloved country ; if you would "insure domestic tranquility, establish ',ustioe,irotnide the general welfare and se cure the blessings of liberty to yourselves and your-posterity,!L the_time to do it. is ricer! For those very objects, tho lives and fortunes. of men, in the early history of our Country, worn pledged sacrifices aro demanded-of-you. ille — ask only that every citizen who values midi blessings, affedestrer to make them perm.nent, may for that pur pose devote a few days of peacefal Jabot. to th,e . cause. A, full vote in Pennsylvania, en the 4th of NOvember, will settle forever. the see. tional 'controversy into whiohtheooU.,Otyy hos been plunged by the-scandalous me asures of an administration whmh XL% - Buon&NAN has publicly 'approved and is pledged to maintain.. CHARLES GIBBONS, Chairman of Rep. Slate Er : bornrnittee: PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20, 1850. LIFE'S VICISSITUDES.- A CLIAPTEII Peat YOUNg . MEN While they teach humility, BM's vicissi: tudes aro well - calcifiated to. encourage Alio• Jowly and cheer the Mint-hearted. posy mon pro so rich in this country but that:they may leek thonneami to . purchase a dinner, • and may die in utter destitution, On the Other hand, the poor, friendless boy of to day may, in no great nmnbOr of yoars,. be-• . come the possesser4qcores of thousands, ht o loved find rospoeted of -a largo comma tiny. • k . TNot 'very many years,iAnco, a little' boy.. might have been soon picking 'up chips for the widowed mother's. fire, whore a public building Was in process of erection. Since thatdinto the little boy has grown to ho a man; - and that man is—flit:am Powers, world-renowned, and as highly honored. Au awkward -youth left , t Jersey , '" many years ago. The best use his father could , put bins to was to help- make the family shoes in wintertime. By long years of in dustry, temperance and economy, his for- - tune is now counted- by millions. And still mindful'oftfurnati vicissitudes, lie has • donated a large property to the city author ' ities, providing that"its income shall ho given . to the poor, sb long as there are none °Oils family and mune to:apply fore night lodging or ft loaf of b"read# • years ago a firtlierless was placed in a third or fourth rate country store, as for his' victuals and clothes." His cherry-face and laughing .cOuntenance, his accommodating disposition, and the alacri ty With which ho Served his customers, Soon advanced him to a better stole, et a 'dollar a Week oxtra, .regularly placed in the hands of his mother, to aid her by marketing for others, to. support het' little family: To-day ho ships cargoes for his :own vessels, put embarks in no im • portant enterprise without - first consulting that mother still. • ° The.son of an "apple woman" we k'n w ow to be oneofllorichest men in_the United. States, and-who accumulated his wealth by . his own activity and enterpriso r , not by speculation, but, by legitimate commerce— ' by honorable mercantile competition.. A nice young man," ten years ago --wOrth - fiftyllmusand dollarS; who delightod, l M I horses, hounds and guniiing, married a young ladrof Superior refinement and edit - eakn. ' Now, with that same wife and live Ma' children, in a count - 4 village beyond . the Hirissippi,heteaches•a - writing'school - _ for his daily bread. . Let us ley go x.eund 'to times king -past and nee how histhry teaches the same les son. 1,1 j" In 1777, Mr. Hastings redeived an hum ble petition from the great Mogul' for' aid • against his enemies—ton years later and - MroHastings is on' his knees in the House of Lords, and was 'obliged to' ive bail that he would not run away. In 1 7 78, Lord North was Prime Minister • to England, the Counsellor of ltings—ten years laier,•and it is recorded Lord North ua led out of Westminster- Abbey by Rua 'of his'daughters." • in 1777, there was a smart, active waiter at a country tavernrrtett years' later, ho was a nabob, a, baronet, a Knight of the. Shire. .• • Iu 1777, Dr:' P. wont: to' the, gallery „of'' the House of Commons to hear' Mr. Pitt's speech and. was turned , out—ten years later of Lords, to - defend a. draytuan, while Mr. , - !Poitt stood below at the bar to hear him; By these examples, let yyung men. learn • that attention, diligent, persevering, loving attention to ainiost any useful (=Hiegel' hu- Man life, gnaranteeS success, whethei in a Monarthy or. a Republic, _,whether - ttuder. Kings.or Prealdents. TitaCto bb 'geed' at • any ,one 'thing itself-elevating, and:, aids, to higher success.. Thdt which g,ives -- .enduring-success-it not family:' name i ~ n or . wealth, nor accident,mor position, nor value 'Welch - 4CW the steady, 'energetie ,