Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 22, 1856, Image 4

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    ~,,,: • "„--14,01,tr, 0 . ! .;:,)14Di- i .tigii,t7.,
. - Fattening Amniale
the follow : ini liiuts, on the oubject,.
from.,-that•,yaluable agricultur} real,
the &Ibany gultivetor;,)yill be fouu of
• "Substancesin which tho nutriment
• is much oondentrated should be fed with
much care. There is, danger, -especially
-• when-the animal is first put to feed, that
• more - my be eaten at once than the con
• , gestite organs. can manage. ••, Meal' of
id highly nutritive,rand
when properly fed, causes unbinds to fat
' ten Meter than almost any other kind: of
food. They will not however bear to
be excluaively kept on this article for
• any length of time. enl made from
tho 'heaviest varieties 0f40r,p,--especially
that grown in the northern and eastern.
States, is quite too strong food'for cattle,
sheep 'or horses to be full fed upon.—
' Hence ono of the advantages of having
the.cob ground with the corn; by which
the nutriment is diffused. through,•a'
• greater bulk, lays lighter on th 3 stomach,
and is more thoroughly digested. The
effeets of purecornmeal on animals we
suppose to be similar to. that sometimes
produced on-our ownr•apeciesi - by - the 'use ,
wlfolitTif — fleiir=4ll6 . • be
oonies-dispeptio, and is forced tq tuse
bread which has the bran mixed - -with
the flour. •• The =mixture offthecob - with
the cern, answers the purpose of bran--
the health of the animal is prtierved and
the process of digestion goes on uninter
uptedly. In fact, the advantages of
grinding the cob and am tergether for
• feeding cattle, may bo be well es-.
_ tablishe& — For hogs_the benefit of the
.cob it; net, we think so evident, those
animals ,appearing ,to be beter-adapted to
..,taking . their nourishment in a concentra
. ted,form-than those which ruminate or
chew their .cud. Yet fitod 'sufficiently
' bulky to - effeet the distension of the-bow
els ittnOespary for hogs.
"Hay or straw cut into lengths so
short as to be readily-mixed with meal,
'answers a goqd purpose in rendering, the
meal easy_ of digestion, and in enabling
• the animal to extract all the. nutriment
from It.. •
, - "The conclusion ,arrived at- from; the
: result of series of experiments, institu
ted by-the-Highland Society-of-Scotland;
. aA* years ago, was that the superiority
_ 'i.. , - - tiircooked over Uncooked fob& for cattle,
is but trifling,lind not sufficient to bal
ance the.cost; but for'-hogs, the-.extra
cost Otpreliaration was 'repaid.
'rt`he appetite and health of the ani
, male are promoted by giiiing a variety of.
food. This fact has led to the prepara
tions foi fattenibg stock. For fattening
htigs wo have used with advantage' the
following mixtures : TWo parts pota
toes and two parts pumpkins; boil to
gather until they can be easily mashed
fine, then add one.part meal, stirring - and
mixing intimately together. The heat
of the potatoes and pumpkins will scald
or cook the meal, and when cold the mix
- turn will be a stiff pudding. 2. Two of
ripe palatable • apples; (Dither .sweet' or
sour;) boil' till they call be mashed- fine,
and then add ono part meal, (either from
corn, barley or oats. and peas; 'allowing
the same wights,) and • mix together
'while the potatoes and apples aro hot.
' , "Hogs aro more fond of food when. it
;is slightly .forniented, (riot beeoining
_gently sour,) and they appoarto.fatten
faster if it is :iven to thorn in this state
Welmve never seen, hogs thrive faster
than when fed on these mixtures, with
..oseasionaly a little dairy slop, and we
• have alnays feund the pork solid and
of good quality.
To JUDGE OF A 11 011.8 E.—In purchas
ing a horse, sight; wind, feet and limbs
must be the uppermost objects of inqui
ry.; for nine horses out of ten are defeo
tive in one of these ,particulars. _First
then, exatuine_his_eyes e _artd do this he
fore he comes out of the stable; seetha ,
they are clear and .transparenf; and tha
the pupils or apples of the eye are exact
ly, alike:in size as well as color. Next
`examine his pipes; if good and sound on
being nipped in the gullet,,he will utter
a • seund like that from a ,palr of bellows;
but if his lungs are touched -and he is
broken winded, he
_swill give:vent to a
dry;huskY, Short—cough ;---look••• td•his•
limbs; in passillg your hand down his
-- legs, - if - Ymi -- find-any-unnatural
ancy, or puffiness, or if in feeling firstone
lef and then the other, you discover any
difference between them, dis ease, more'
or less, is, present : he may not be lame,
hit he is not clean upon his.legs: If he
is bread and full betwemi the eyes,, he .
may be:depended on as a horse of good
-Sense, and capable of ,heing trained to
ilmost'anything.. If you want a gentle
horse, , get one . , with more or less white
'obi)* him';many suppose that the parti
colored horses belonging to cireusaes,
shows, &0., are selected for. their odity,
but it is 'on account of, •their 'doeility and.
gentle:fess :in fact the•more• kindly you
treakhoises, ilie,betteiyou will be -trey-,
tad in return:'
PLAiITINd - ,'FAtTrx TnErs..:As . the
season for 'transplanting "trbea';, is -op
proaohing,,'we.have a,word to offer an, the
best time for doing this:Work.: . :Weidlitde
to spiing:and fell. ~ "It is well knoWnthat
there are' various 'Opinions On ',this *Mb-.
Jed, and, many are indueed to: wait, , six
months from reading,the 'viewBi Of *seine
,'when in' fact:. he'lf bettO. have
plantahil:tieet. ,' :. . .;,, - ,
If • neW- 2 --it"bein; , autuinnyOrt are
. readh-and Tour !Oil ielilry,. eend_at 'once.
your order to yotir nurseryman; and don't
.. delay 7 -the fall is the " best 'ti?ite7 . for
you. ',lfit hi:airing and , you are ready,
to planti_don't. whit " till' fall erf'OY'.,ie'.=
count-the , sPring is then ; the; at-'time'
for you.: : 7, Thia ' 'del4ing „a, tn tter I -no"
,needful-to be donp'es,,piantiug' ittrees;'
ivied dilOtlying, along ;from one year to
another, is .:.not the, part of" wisdom 'end'
, Will, never bring:to. our palates . the, Ad&
dolts:Products of the, iine.aneihe:.tiei;
—Donqottnp miio.tiPoonsull tiObedi!;•,bitt?
' off. with : the order: :•:' ,s •ltint, 'lyour;;Ai rot iii i t:
- well prepared two or, Ors° . 01)*IiK ,
•,If yeu :4 41 ,V*Itth ' t i i ' -) 9 6w 1 1116 314*
groun ( Vll4, tifiiio-.;olffht,',`ltie4irii4.
wheriiiyo4.want *youi,tre es ;: thie, - *tit ) 1 (g.
.iiiice , Ate'li,bar:brodtii 2 g fiti(;An*iiiey,,
..-Fisisih - 11 , riling a , bet* or eaktlll; - tt l oot
laighietfraukd each - tree pitokiiig". fiiiSly‘ . ',,,,
• - .. . , , _ . . .
• ; - WAT,CIHES .C.T 4 00103 . f.
~" 7- • bairn now, °gland - and f o rmle
mayArldntnun unmain Street, opposite Alarireal#ll;An,
..oistßritirnair'lind elegant stock'cif
• 'Oold.Yaver IYatehorklittflting and•Opcoi cue, Sllverr,,,Ao.,'
Sliver Lephie and Quarter Batches, a largo varlety,l.
Oold Anelkers for Ladles and.C/entlemOn.
epleridldissortmont for ladiesnuti &MP.
Gold Chains for ves and fib; gold curb chains;... -
Finger Itings;•Ouff-plils, Studs, Shrove Buttons. -
-,OrosserirDrop and - .lloop'Ear-ltingeiqularge'rmieLP. --
SllvorAnd - rfated'llSipeorterr
- _Knives, to. of various styles ant4llces, •!-
Gold and Silver Thimbles
~ . • • .
Gold,Bilvor and Common Thimbles,
'to suit all: gee, and to ahlariliiTrivite - partreillor
. attantion.
Port Monnales, a large assortment at every idea, .
Uold Pens, of the boot make at various prices '
Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, AccordeonsiSpectaclo eases,
Ladlos Card Cases, silver ang,,pearl, abvadops
Bracelets, gold and common •- Watch Chains
'Also a • large variety of articles I n the Jowolry
sollat the lowest prices. All 'articles War
. ranted to be what they are sold for.
Particular attention paid to the REPATIHNO OF
wATotrEs. and all Work Warranted. Iteturningthanhs
to my old !donde and cuidontors for , former patronage,
I respectfully solicit a continuance of their-favors. •
june2o. - • • ' THOMAS CUNLYN.
"'Nis -HATS AND diPal •
The undersigned invites the attention of his old cus•
- tomors aud - tho public to his now and Seabonable as:
sortinedt of SILK, FUR and STRAW' HATS, CLOTH
CAPS, &c for gentlemen And BoyS• wear, of the latest
Styles andbost quality. The aisortmentwill be round,
'to embrace ovary sort and also - of Hats. and Cape for
Men, Boys And Children, from - the commonest and
cheapest, to the Most' stidlitlilMAlTltialiltdiAbia, - such, - As
Oakford's spring style of gentletheis's Hats,•White;Black
and Brown, Slouch Hats, with Fur Hats ofhls own limn ,
&Astute, Boys cloth caps of 'various colors and prices,
with a large assortment of Mon's and- Boy's straw hats
of different qtralltles and prices, to suit- the pockots. of
both rich and poor. Fooling confident that every pur.
chaser can be accommodated from his extensive• and
varied 'assortment, he 'cordially invites his friends to
call and examina at his old octabllshmont MI Main
Stroot. 1 WM., 11. TROUT.
Thu seLscriber would respectfully inform his frlendinind
the public generally, that he bas just returned from the
city with a largo and varied .assortuiont of •
&., which ho oilers for solo on the.
most reasonable terms, at his New • Stet, ,e %
•cornerbf North Hanover street and the Pub. t 1
lle Sessaro-,*directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. Ills stock etnbmses everything - usually
f Et-a -Grocery- end-Variety-80re, -
-Thopubliehre invited to •eatil-anti- exproinehis stock
before purchasing•eleewhero, as he fools Confident he can
sell the lehit goods at the lowest prices. ; • •
1.1 o lot of seasonable 0004,juat reoeived; will be
-- Old very cheaP•itt the store of thB subscriber, in \Vesta'
Mal u Street. Please call and ace before purchasing else
August 13, 1850.
Nit. 11.1103,CLARK,_who hekveleemfer_sevoral
3stri ongumni in teaching,respnetfullyitunounce to the
citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the lot of,Sep
tembOr, 1850, they will connuonce The second oussion, in
Louther Street, near the Gorman Reformed Church, of
Tho Institution will be boil boarding and'tlay
school; 111 which all the branches necessary_fer_the_coni•.
Pletoudutation of young ladies will bataught. Assist
ants of the highest clutfacter'. for qualifications and
ineralityfylllbefunidoiedinaccordence with tile Iraqi ,
of the institution. The government will be conducted
on strictly Christian principles, while sectarlatilsM will
be as rigidly excluded.
_ The Prlucipaisflatter themsalvee that their long and
successful experience as teachers, as-testified by the
refammendations in their possession will enable them
to'establish an Institution of the higlieat character for
young hulks. Thoy,are fully persuaded that. suclvau
Institution will be sustained hero citizens and
neighboring country, and, hope that their confidence,
may not be disappointed.. ' • .
- The Scholastic year; will tloneist of foui terms (OlovoU
neeksuach), beginnln on September I. and ending on
second Wednesday in uly.
TER3IB PElt QUARTER (11 week's).
Boaiding, including tuol, lights, and
') • -tuition in English !wenches; 035 00
Primary Department, - 0 00
Vigher.English, - - .8 00 '
Ancioneand Modern Languages, eaqh, .- 5 00 .
Ornamontarbrauchos at professor'achargcs..
No deduction for absouco attar entrance', - oxcept in
- -case of protractod illuoss. '
. .
J. B. PARKER, Esq., " A. H. KREMER,
T. H. MILES Esq., - W. W. EELS,
Dr. 8. B. KIEFFER., ."• J. B. MORS%
Mar. 19, 1856-1 year. ,
Tho Twelfth Session of this Institution will commence
on Monday, tho 3d of Novenibor. Parents and Guar
dians aro requested to inquire into its merits !wforo
sending Hick sons or wards elsewhere. Tho location of
tho Institution is retired,*.plemsant rind healthful,
and .the "course. of instruction Unawares the ordina
ry and higher branches of an English Education, to.
gather with tho Latin, Greek, French, und (Jarman lan
guages, and vocal and lustrumontal music, Terms,
boarding, washing, and Tuition in the English branch
es and vocal musio per session 421 wooks) 8t30,00. --For
circular containing particulars address.
Sop. 17, ISM] Harrisburg, PA.
04RLI8LE, Pa.—The Twentieth Session (five
months) will commence en hey Gth. A' now build
ing has been erected containing Gymnasium, Aluble
Boom,&a. ,
--Witi.increasod--facillties-for,lnstruction-nud - amplw
accommodations, this Institution presents great in
duminients to parents whirl desire the physical and
mental improvement of their sons.
Terms par Session, $O5 00. For circulars. with fall
information, address It. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield, Clumberlaud co., Pa.
April 9 v 1850
G 44-
. removed to the new and spacious Hall, No. SD and
11.1 - BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore, Md.
O.K. CIIABUILRLIN, Prlllelpal and beeturer_upon i,loreau
tile Science.
E. IVA:make, In charge of Writing Departnicut: • .
O. W. Kane,lnstructor in Mercantile Calculationaand
- Associate in Book Keeping Department. L . .
7..11. PHILLIPS, Teacher in Book Keeping, • , ' J
8-T. WILLIAMS, Lecturer on Counurclal,Law.:-----
Three years Lava not yet elapsed since' the establish
mono of this Institution, during which time up wants of
eight hundred students have boon In attendance, (rep.
resenting nearly every State in the Bytom) among
whofil are numbers in Baltimore and elsewhere occupy
ing prominent positions as business men and account
ants. .
' BOOK KEEPING.—The Principal has the utmost con
- lidence in assuring the public that after an experience o
fourteen years in qualifying young men for the Count
ing-ltoam-and other- impurtantstatious,aiuLan_exteit,
sive acquaintance with the management Of business
books of every,description, (eisisted as he is by two, sel
entitle accountats,) the course of training in this de
partment is eminently practihal end well adapted to
the varione pursuits of Commerce and Trade, including
Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, Manufacturing,
Commission, Exchange, Banking, Shipping. Steamboat•
ing, Compound Company operations, .tc.
PSNMANSIIIP.i—The exercises under this head are
free; easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution•
with' beauty of construction; thus enablingthe student
to write an elegant business lunid,ou completion of the
- MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS in all theft various
bearings are taught by the most, accurate and °avail-
Mous method. ' '"
.. . .
Daily lectures are - delivered upon the /Sciatca of An:
(taunts,' Marceifitlia Customs, these in connection
.with a series of lectures on Commercial Law, aro of the
highest importanco to all aspiring to ocoupy protninedt
positions in the businees community.
The time nedessary foram Industelons student to
Complete the course, varlos from Bto 12 weeks. There
.being no vacation, applicants can outer' at any time,
and'attenti both day and evoning. Examinations ere
- bald at statedperlods, and. diplomas awardpd t isc
who graduato. For terms, - etc., wrlfif and have ft al: A
)ar forwarded by mall. . [Oct. 9,
MENIMENT4 'l3lle
TI -
Roolvoll by tho'Sonatel and lionsonfitopiesontrttitoi
'iir t•ho Commontionith. of l'onnsylvanin in amoral •
'Ainombly met, That' , the followinirtimondmints
Vroposod to the Constitution of tiro Orimmonwealth, in
accordance with tho , provisionstho "tooth articto
‘thoroof. " .
, There shall be an additional . article to said Ponititu;
;' tlon to be dasignatbd ne Awribto: XII. ' „', „.
-• ,• .•• Off PUBLIO DatrfS.• • ~;.•
Ssomorr The'State may contract debts, to. suPply
Mutual deficits pr failures lir roven lOs; • or to
- perteetr not otherwise prbildid for; but the aproptc
amount of such dobta.diraat contingent, .-whalicr
. amitracted by virtue, of one or more Acts of tliol./ mom I.
AsSembly; crab different, periodaof than; shall
eximod seven hundred' and-fifty ttionsaiid• dollarii:
the monetarisitik tram the , creation of ouch" o. o d ,
'shell be applied' to the purpos e; for width it,
' Mined, or to` repay , the 'debts so - contraCted;epd ;3 . 4it,
addltiorao , the
,abirie - 'power
the State oinay contract debts to -repel lbraplon,, Sup.
pceis Insurrection, defend the State in war, or' to re•
eLdeem the' present - outstanding, .ludebtednose of the
413tate; but,the,mopoy orioles from tbo contracting "of
.s.dob debts, shabbioponod to tbd po r poeo , for ,whloh
Woe roved, or:totepey . oych debts, hnk to , other,
UflOmo,Whatiyr , r..
n :‘- - Ammon 8, .Szpopt the debts above joniteifiedi
'Vilna one and, two of this - Article,; no debt ,whatoyAr.
be created by'or - Mnltiohalf'of tho'fitate., • •
proridatbr the parriont,of thapresche
I.llebt, amtanyeddithinat debt, contreatad .ClibrefAitl,
ite' Scot. oeselon:. After. the.
'YodoOtlontitthlO;Mraendnient;treate: a.slnkitnt:lnn4
shalthe eqffle,ent t 4. P.a.t.glo' noceulqgVititerpst:
.r=otisgob 110,4' ennoilly„tojeduae the prinelpit
MO r by , suroiot less than two hundred ' - and .ttly,
'cletitne.qcilliirivWblob slaking Aulli r kudb o Cnslit.or
thillEkettnittiiatin'abnio Cffthe public 'Lg .- tout thee.
i. , :10"" thaw Ortnbd blAbe-;fitote,_ or .th rMoode off.the
tbi. ll4 iit 6, 'P' P4rtt•hereof,ii"nd of theincomo. .
' gr a, l :; a lrl;l4l 4 , l n cli 4 I MlB 4 : kig °"' ' d
rolgea w ,by I.w. —The -s4,l=Viild`:"."'Tba—aLt
Ztorro anb 01)ops,
`creased; from lime to Oita, by cosigning to it any part
'of tit.; taxes,. or.:Ather rayeuriespf , . Slate, hot. re-.
LArlired ferthAliirdliiirYlichtchirrelit%expinisiCA:of..go-7
•ernment,Aint.taillessin cease, , of , *war, 'insurrection Or
. invasion;,rio'Pal . P,of ',the Said. sfuking fund shell be
..tuled'or appliodPtherftise than in the extinguishment -
-of the; publie,labt,.....unftl...thci.Amourit Af. eueb
is reduced beleirlbe , 800 of five millions of dollars.
/i.;: . .Tho credit WIWI Commonwealth shall not
any "Manner, or' • ¢ birpledged, or loaned toinny
, corporation, or 'assbelati'n; nor
shall thacommbnirrolth hereafter become ajointowner
or eteriftiolderibi any company,association, or. corpora-
Sec. S. The ealneckotilioalth abelLnot_Asatimeab. -
" de*, or any part theroof; of any'county, city, boroughi
or' toWnship; or "of any corporation or, association
unless such' debt shall have - been contracted tnatiable,
"the 'state "to ih . piciljnyasiOnrsupPreis domeotic
- "felf in time of war, or to assist the
state in the disehargo , of any porfton of - its present
county, city, boraugh,townabip, or Incorporated dia.
trict, by virtue cora voto of its eittzons, or othorwiso. to
become a stockholder 'in -any . company . , 'issociatitin ' or
corporation; dr to obtain money for, its credit
tO,. any corporation, association, Institution; or paity.
Tbeio - balldie an additional-article to said constit
tution,'to bo desiguatod as article -, as follows:
®No county shall-be -Ili tided- by a-lino totting off oXor
ono-tont h of its popnlation (either to ibrinanow county
or othorwiso), without the 'expross assont of such
:county, by a voto of tho olectora thoroof; not shall any
now 'establiehed, containing lesis•tkan four
liuudreil square tulles.
From section two of the first ariicle of the' constitu•
ttrlko out 'tho words "of the city of Philadelphia,:
and Of .eachi county ,respootively ;" from section ilvo.
saMe - articlo,'.l3‘riko out the words,—Y Of Philadelphia
and of the several ctiuntios;" from 'motion novae,'mane
articlo; strike out the words " neither Cho city ofPhila
dol~6ln nor any . ,"-and insert in lieu thoroof .tho .curds,
'endue;rand strllso out section tour, ante a rticle,
and rotten thereof Ipso t tho 'allowing:
' " See. 4. In the yoar one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-four, and in every wreath your Wore:after,.
roprosontatives to the number of ono hundred, shall be
apportions.. and distributed equally 'throughout the
state, by districts, In proportion to the number of tax.
able inhabitants in the several parts Cheroot; exodpt
that - any county containing at least three thousand
five hundred taxable' may be allowed a separate repro
. sontatio,rl but no more thaw three-counties shall be
joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation
of a disirlct.' Any city containing a autliclont number
of taxables to entitio it to at least two reprosoutatives,
shall have 'a separato representation aSsignod it, and
shall he divided into convenient districts of contiguous
territory, of equal taxable papulation 'tallow nosy be,
each of which districts shall elect one.representative."
At the end of section seven, same article, insert these
words, "the city of Philadolphhi"shall bo divided ihth
single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as
nearly equal in taxable population as possiblo ; but 110
'ward shall bo divided in thitformation_thoreotii_--
- .Tbeagislatifie; attits first seMon,Afterileadoptlon-
Of this - aniiiirditildiciliall - daida the city of Philadelphia
into senatorial and representative districts, in thd
manner' above provided; such districts to remain ,un
changed until the apportionment. In_the year ono
thousand eight hundrod null sixty-four.
The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke,
or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter con
ferred by, or under, any special or general law, when
ever In - their opinion it may belniurioua la the citizens
of the commonwealth: in suclemenner, however, thal
no injustice shall be done to the c'orporators,
- - . , In jfennte,_.Aprll.2l,..lB46
Reamer., Tharthle resolution pass. On the first
antondreent, yeas 24, nays 5. On the second amend,
mont, yeas 19, anvil). On. the. third amendment,:yeas
28, nays I: - On the fourth amendment, Yeas 23, nays
4 Extract from the Journal. .
• In House of Representatlves,l •
• April 21, 1850.:
RESOLVED, That this resolution pass. On the that
amemlinent, yeas 72, nays 24. On-the Second amend.
_went,. yeas 03, nays 25.. On the third amendment,
- yeas GI, nays 25; and on fourth amendment, yeas 69,
nays 16. Extraoefrom the Journal.
Filed April 24, 1840.1 Soc. of the Commonwealth
Secretary's Office,
Harrisburg, Juno 2'l, 1350.
' T do hereby corthjr that' the above and 'foregoing
true and correct copy of the original "Resolution 1,.,.
Live to an - amendment of the Constitution," aw tlh
same remains on - Ille In this office. —
1 Th
,-••••,) • In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
L.S. ?my hand and reused to be eillsed e seal of
. ~ .vj-9 the Secretary's !Mice, the day and year 'above
written. - ', • . A. G. CUIIIiIIN,
. See. 01 the Commonwealth..
, In'Sonnie, April 21, 1850.
Residution proposing amondetentslo the, Constltu
Lion of the Commonwealth being under Consideration,
On the,question,
Will theßonate agree to the firit amendment'?
'.Tho yeas and nays wore taken agmeally to the pro
TißiOnli of the Constitution, and were as follows: ' •
Yeas—Messrs.- Browne,- lluckalow,-Cresswell, Evans,
_Ferguson, Flenniken,- liege, • Ingram, Jarolsen, Knox,
Laubaeh, Lewls, Price, Sellers, Shuman,
Souther.• iitmub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry,
Vilkinicand Platt,'Speaker, 24.
Nays—Messrs, Orabb„ Oregg, Jordan, Mellinger, and
Pratt—S. -
Seth° question was determined In the affirmative.
On the question,
• Will the Senate agree to the eoeond amendment?
Thh yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro-
visions of the Constitution; and were as follows;
. . ,
'Yeas—Messrs. lirowno, Buckalow, Cresswell, Kraus,
Ilogo, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, ?Wenn
took, Sollars, 8c uman, Southey, Straub, Walton,
Welsh, .Whorry, and Wilkins-1B
nays—Messrs. CiabbiForguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price
and .Platt, Spimker6.
So-the question was determhied In the affirmative. •
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to thu third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Con
stltutlon, and were as follows ;
. Yoax—Mossrs. lirowno, lluokalow, Crabb, Cross . ‘voil
Evans, Forgusdn, Flenniken, logo, Ingram, Jamison
Jordan, Knox Laubach, Lowls, Mollingor
l'ratt, Price, SelWro, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Tog
,gart, Walton, Womb, V, Vorry, „Wilkins, and Platt
Bo tho question wax determinod In the alllrmajdoe.
Ofi tho iuestrOh,'
• WM tho Soma° agreo to the fourth amendmont T
The yeas and nays wore takou agrooably to the Con
atituti2u, and Wore an follow, via:
Yowl—Messrs, Drowns, Buelcoloar, Cresswell, Evans,
Flonniken, Hoge, Ingrain, JllllllBOll, Jordan, Knoz,Lau
bach, Lowin, M'Clintock, Price, Sullen, Shuman, South
er, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and'Platt,
Nays—Messrs. Crabb, Orogg, Mellinger and Pratt—l.
So the question was dotorminod in the affirmative.
Journal of tho !Immo of Reprosoiltativon, April• 21,
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro•
visions of the Constitution, and on the first proposed
funaluiment, were no follow, viz:
Yeasiilessrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwln,
Beck, (Licoming,) Beck, (York,) Bombard, Boyd, Boy
er, Brown, Brush, Buchanan; Cald well, Campbell, Carty
Craig, Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger, Fausold, .Foster
Got., Halms, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs
logos, Hippie, Holcomb, Liunsocker, Imbrie, Inghani•
Innis Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte. Lebo, Longnkor
Lovett, ki'Calmont, M'Carthy, 3CColub, Mauglo, Me
soar, Miller, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnemach nr
_Orr, Pearson,Fluilps,Tuivell,_Barokoy, Reed, Reinhold
Itiddio, Roberta, Shenk,' (Allogheny,) Smith
(Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming,) &roue°. Thompson, Vail
Whallon, Wright; (Dauphin.) Wright, (Luzern°, Tim
Merman and Wright, Speaker-72.
Nays—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Coburn,
Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Oibbonoy, Hamilton,. Han
cock, ilousokoopor, Loisonring, Magee, Manley, Morris,
illummtf; ratterson,.Sallsbury, .Smith,,(Philatiolphlai) -
.Walter,Wintrode and Yearsloy-2-1. •
So' the question was determined in too affirmative.
' On the question,
Will the House agree to the second amendment?
The-yeasand-rmys-werelfken, follows,_
vie: .
Yeas—Messrs. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Drill, Dock,
(14coming,) Bock, (York,) Bornhard, Boyd, Brown,
Brush, Buchanan', Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig,
Plus°ld, Fouler, Geis ' Holues, Harrod, !farina., Hiring,
Ilfbire, llllL'illllogas, Nipple, Holcomb, Huneacker, Im
brie, Ingham Innis, Irwin. Johns, Johnson, Laporto,
:Lobo, Longalier, Lovett, M'Cohnont, :Worthy, M'Comb,
Mangle, Illetrear, Montgooory, Moorhoad, Nun ,
nernachor, Orr, Pearson, Purcell, Ramsay, Rood, Holm
bold, Riddle,' Roberts, Shenk., Smith, (Alloghony),
Strolls°, Vail, Whallon Wright, (Lturerno,) Zimmerman
and.Wilght, S peaker.-68. . • •
Nays—Messrs. Auguetino, Bare, Clover, Scllnger;
,Pry, Pulton,. Gaylord, Gliderney; Hamilton, Hancock,
Ifunoker, Laisenringr Magee, Manloy, Morris, Mumma,
' Patterson, Phelps, Salisbury, Smith. (Cambria) Thomp.
soli, Walter, Wintrode, Wright (Dauphin) and Years.
So the quasHoP ViaS determined In tho affirmative.
- On tho question,
Will the House agree to the third amendment/
Tho yeas and nays wore taken, and wore as follow,
'viz: • r •
Yogis—Diesere. ...A.tubirenn,"Bacitue, Baldwin, Ball,
Dock, (Lyeoulhig) Beek, .(York) Bernhard, BOyd, , Bn.
yer, Brown, lluchatian,,Caldwell, tlumpboll,Carty,Cnilg,
Crawford, Edinger, raueold, Fostor,,Yry, Getz, Unlace,
Harper, illbbe; , 11111;'
Ifoloomb lioneekooper, Imbrlo,lnghani, Nolo, Irwin,.
Johns,Johnson; s l,aporte, Lobo, - jungabor,. Lovett,
SCCtilmouti M'Colnh, Manglo,,Alenear, 5111Ier,Siontgoew
pry, Nugnotnneliiir ' BoarsonAlltelpe,
toy, itoda",:',lliddlei,Shonk Smith, (Alloghony,) Inlttn ,
(Canibria,)'' Snitth; °Myra hig,). ThompHon, Whallon ,
:Wright, (Dauphin) Wright (Luzorwo) nod Zhniner-,
'Brom—Messrs. Barry; Clover, Coburn. Doak, Dewdal,
Fulton, Gaylord, Gibbonay,• Hamilton -Hancock, Ilunu
ker, Lelsonling,,lWCarthy, Magee, Elimley, Moorhead,
Morris, Patterson, Ralnhold, :Roberts, Salisbury, Wal
ter, Wlntrode, Yearsley and Wright, Bpoaker-25
So the question. WAS' CigtOrlialledlEl the affirmative.
0. L. Reßing, , 'of Iloclutnlcsburg, Cumberland
nounly ; Pa. r announcos to those afflicted with Tuirm , s,
Wens. Cancers, Polypus, „Lupus, Moles , or Marks; 80,
atlas lung's Evil and all diseases that have boon Atonally
tralted ivith Caustie or linife,he can remove thomvith ,
_out__cutting, burning-or-pain pmettlier.Chlereforni-or
, Ether Is administered .to the :patient. It Is no matter
on what part of the . oar they may be, ho call remove
them with perfot," safety, and inm romarkablymborl
„Limo, .No.Mirlerffl'ot Trigetablepolson IS applied, and IK
.. ,
:Money rug : aired ntf.kod i re is perfected., , -
Prolapsua Uterlf Muni ro
Complaints, Ohnte, Veln4
reel and:ellother d easigt,treatod with positive mulcObs
Pull particulars eaffltanl4alned , by addressing in either
,Eugliell or German, paSkimid: ,, Pationta cavvbe.aceom
' narstotcd.witklloard on reasonable terms... •', • •
Alooltanionburg iq ono• t.f the prettiest add healthy
towns to - this or, - . any othei titate. lt ,: is 8 miles ,from
llerriabtlig, on 'the Cumberland Valley Ratl' Road, and
accessible - froni,all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
4 #
visit callgrin any part or • State when desired, ,• ,
~' ty),..K.lndivader !rye , ow any.afilloted fellow tree
tnie;delay not to,tell t f,thigtreatmerit•
. ~ ...
, 'BECIETAttI'II OPYI6E ' . " }
:: IlarrLoburg, Juno 21, 1858. •
the question,. •-'• '
Will the Rohn agree -to the fourth amendment
Thu you nod unya were tkon,nnd were CO
• -,Y+ -Andericat
romlnc.) (lierr,). Bertauwd, Boyd, Boyer, Brown,'
itra.M. Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig,
Cra lowtal, Edinger, Poucold, - Politer, Fry, (tot;
- par Minos, Hibbs, tilliegas, liipple,
4omi,. ,ii twolieeper, , ltunseekor, Irnbrei Innis, Ir
win, dolt .a,o,„ipaporto r , Leibo, - longaker: LUTett,,,M'Cal
liont M'Cnrthy, APContli, Mauglo, .Ittenear,. Miller.
'AMitigoniery, Moorhead,, ?Influent-ache; . Orr,- Petition,
,Phelps, Purcell, Rainsoy, Rob.
into, Shenk; Bwilib, . (Cambria.) Fndtlo4PlYoulluitac
' Walter, -,Whallon, .Wrlght,,,(faizerno,)
Irearoloy, Zintmortrtan and.Wrlght, Speaker—WV-
Nays—, ille4ro; riarry, 'Clover, Colourni' Fultopitilb='
bonyi Haliong Ilan k, Itutioter, ,
Ultimo, Manley
So tpe.quoetien,gas driorwilnnit`ti: tie affirmative.
,Pol2l2l9.eraita ' Pl: -
rd(PeoFtlfy that the ..abOve, and- kinigolng..le ,a true'
.and oorre'et tomer tlie4.lteas'! , and "Nitys" taken. on
the Resolutlon propoelng amendmentitto.the Constltu:
:tl e n of the Commonwealth, as , the mtne'appeani on the
,yonn*la Otthe two Rouses of theneneral Aesembly.
;this Commonwealth Mr the sosslottof 1860: ,
'o`Witness, my hand.and the seal of saldbffiee,
this twenty-seventh day of ?tine, ono thon.;
nd'elett , hundred and flftynlx; - ,
Bierhtery the' inmonwealth
- 1.1,-..,3;- - -,:.' „.;'- .- -- ,--110011,18; ..,,..1'..". .-.• :
P '-•-•••" '
, • A.B.MING
• . , •
... • •.- .-._ ..... .
The aubaCrtber, locate in . the basement . of the Metho
dist 'Church,: 'opposite tile - liallread- - Depot,'• In now
receiving h variety of parreingillnplementa, such riz
.... . ...ORA7N.DN.G.L9. ... • ...
Clotii--and - Cobrdrindorli (Scott's Giant); thd Crescent
•Orain Hdrso , Shovelai REAPERS AND' MOWERS
(Manny'd irith Mind's linpinvonlonti, Straw- CuttOca,
MIL of - which nro.of tho most linpro7ed - kind and,
pouhrounship, and. will sold -on-tho most. acedito•
- moddtirretoym - K -- Ftfrrobrs - ora - rospoctfullyliiMir o
nail'bnd examine before purchasing.
JIM•Tok tbs'aonthhhoica of farmers, Mooro's Pntont
Otain Drill will bo sold'at Sbiramanstown by Bahhuain
Clay,.nnd nt hhinponsburg by Christian Long.
August 20,1820. „ ' "
dapted also for cowing pals, gram needs and
guann,7Krtuturr'srPortribletider - lIIJIL=the best
in the market. IleMay's potent Wind Mill—
. Poweetiand Threshers, Limo and Guano
Spreader's, Daniera Ray, Straw and Fodder Cutter.
Little Want Corn nod Cob NIII, Spain's Atmospheric
Churn. Theabove Superior Implements with all otberle
for the nse of the farmer or gardnor, for mie , Rboiria
.and Retail by . •
Agricultural Warahonao and Seed Syro. corner 7tl
and Market streets, Pldladolphia. -- • - julk2s; '65.
Nos. 21 and 23 South Siith Street'
. .
.S3ElY'OnouN on MO Acres) BloOnistinle, near Brlblol, Pa
1 1 ARMERS OF !L'lllS
..• 11000, Growers of Meat and Rye, uaa
- If - you : - wa Cary - Cropsg -- rk
- reitniiior - 7 -. .. • .
These valuable Manure!. have leen used for the pest
six' years successfully fur the •Ilraln nud 'Tobacco Crop
in Virginia, Ponnsylvania[ Now Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland, and the Islands-of 116 - Ifnuda and Darbadoes.
A barrel 2.5(.1 MAO he sufficient for an acre of ground.
The above Forth iheri are composed of rellablitChemical
, Elements, which largely increase the crop and Improve
the soil, doubling the. value of the land. Price of the.
Phosphate of Lime—s4o 'a ton, Nitrogened $6O, the
American Fertilizer $.25 per tun or $857 per ballet,
$1 25 almg. Also every sanely of OTJAND, Pure Land
Piaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, Ma - dared.
Charcoal, - •
Goods delivered free of charge.• , '
. GEO. A. LElNAll,Proprietor, ,
Nd. id 'South k'ront Street, Phila.
blots in the Engllsli and German languages Gratis
Ordgys nt a distance, _Cash_ accompanying ( orDraft.
prodiptly attended to. , .
N. IL—DIPLO M AS bare been awarded by the Penn
sylvania Agrhulturalliociety;Now York CryStal Palace
Association, nud the Now, Jersey State :Agricultural
Society.' [Sep."3-'l4-31nos,
1 4 TIIRESII1) iAciuNEsi
The subscribers desire to Inform farmers and publir
generally that they now harem, hand and are enilNlallt•
ly manufacturing Threshing . Machines with Nemours
atom shaker, which aro generally to be
the host articles now in use. Also a variety of Clover
Hullers, Corh. Shelters and :glow Cutters. They also
- ottoman the ropalring of Agricultural Mach nary in
the boot inatiner-and - on - reasonable - terms. Idanufac•
,tory ou l"lorth..l„lanuover Street,
..slirectly opposite the
'residenre of Oborgo Motsgar, Leg.- • •
A uguxt o .u 0.,.. :.... ......", ......AVRI3IB4 PLANK,-
916FAIt LEttS.=:-Tife subscriber has
-- -I,:iutrilturriMficorn tits Olty.witlMmo of the largeSt
assortmonta of liardwaraorot brotight'to this placo. Ito
has Just-received SO dos. Haines with mid withotit pat.
astonings, Iron and steel hooks Minting In Paletarinii,
44 to Si - 60. Also 300 pr straight and twist link trace
chains from 50 to $125. Ilona, mode traces Oran kinds,
- also a lot of spread. fifth, tweet, Mitt, carrying halter
and log chuins—also a very large lot of shovels, forks,
spades, hoes, ritkos, and In short overytbing - aud" any
-thing wanted by the farmers— - I___
Remember the old - stand - East Main St. Carlisle.. .
March 10,'50,-' . 11, SAXTON.
Utt, ulerk-.--1
-- -YANICEE• FEED. curritng, ml.num..tur.ea for
RICILA SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, Philatla
This cutter in superiorteasny now In use, for strength
durability, and sin3pllaity of construction ; It ruts fast.
or, +nulls the only self-sharpening Hay; Straw and Corn
Stalk Cuttor ever Amide. it has but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE, whirls arty person can grind and set with easto
but in ordinary case, Is ground in , the machine. :Thou
sande have already - boon sold, and -the demand la daily
intreasing. In most cases an examination Is authelent
to convince one of its superiority. No ono after a short
trial would part with It for-any other.-- All Macao(' the
bovo constantly on hand and for sale by
'....1. I'. LYNS,
Solo Agent tbr Cumberland county.
' -
4441, " CIDER MILLS ctifil 6011 be furnished of
....,`AI: Improved construction - and finish. Their
• 1 • grirllng apparatus is peculiar, and ,givra
theatil an advantage over all other millet
Ily the action of iwo reciprocating, pistons, tho apples
are forced up agniumt tho tooth of a rapidly rovolving
cylinder and retaltiel till -ground to a lino pulp, which
of course yields more 'juice when sultiectoa to pressure
than If. the pounce was-coarse. , The Screv Press boa
boots greatly improved and strengthened since last
year, and the whsle frame is tlghtoneo by strong Joist
bolts... It is adapted to either hand br horse panel. and
can ho worked by band to tho extant orsix.to_eight
barrela a day. . .
lin phnnont and Seed Store,
7tll and Marko!, Phila. •
Sop. 2.4, 1856
• Encouraged by the unetecedented success which thin
poptilar monthly Imo met with, and the iiiPiclity with
which it has iticroasial its °imitation, the proprieter has
.reso,vol to make It still mew worthy of thopatromige.
- of the public. - That tlils - tiduilreble'wr is ,
Is admitted by every one, containing, as it does, One
Hundred Pages of reading matter in each number, being
nitirti than any of the $3 Megazines, and fortidug,two
volumes nyear iIT - MC - Iftfirduld pages - lA:whit - 1r - TwoTvo
Hundred pages of Jteadiug Metter per annum for
N' I; I) L L - A it •
• Balton's Dollai Monthly Is printed with now typo,
upon flue-white paper; And Its matter is capofully com
piled and arranged by the bends of the editor and pro;
priut - or, - wile has been knohn to the public no connected
• with the Boston press for sixteen years. Its pages con ,
POEMS, 11100 It Al' HIES,
from the bust and most popular W'ritora of this 'Country.
It is also spiced with,a record of tilt, notable avouts of
the times, of ponce and will-, of discoveries and improve
ments miming In olther hemisphere, - forming an
Agreeable emApanion for a leisure moment or hour, any
whore, at home or shroud, each numbor.bulug complete
No sectarian sob heti are. Admitted Into its ilageti;
there are enough controverSal publications each de
voted to its Pecollar sect or clique. This work is In
-tended for
• Tllli MILLION,
north hr• south, east or.west, and in filled to the brim
such month-with rhoste, popular and graphic mlicle•
bony, jusfliiii.lllnif la:Other or . friend nolifild
. placo Ip the hands of n (Mil) , circle: it is In all Its do
partmonta..fra*And original; anii, what It purports to
be, the cheapolit magazine In the world. . •
Any Iler$01101101Onnii; oar: Doman to the pgprtetiCr, as
shall moire the Magazine for one year, or. any
person sanding no MOUT subimrlbors and ;rant, nottens,
atone time shall reconaMt copy gratis. , •• ,
111. M, BALLOU, Publisher and Proprletor.
bornbr of Torment and Bromfield Streets, Boston..
oCatTRWIT's '(sf'4ollN. ,th• FR.E4
moNV—The most' act likonees over ruadot, ox
canted in ,higbeet tity gAlArk, and printed on lino
/nail': paper, published and for 'alai. 'Wholesale nod Ito:.
',tail, by, L. N. ROSH:4IIAL, Lithographer, N. IV, nor;
ind.Choituullitreate Sloe of
paper;l7li2C;Betail price $l. •:A.llberal diseount
;Wallowed thosikwielling,t9.sell again.'.
Apg '
- . . •• •
: t I HARCOAT.—Chrirpo4.,..OPt,i I 4OI.jVYI.IIFI
V/ 'land and foriale li . 7.,''' ' ...!....„ ' ... , - ..i.Nr.'.7.
not. 24. '65. • ,
.... : _ " ..; : . W -,.lsl l .gpil.ltAY: .'
- . . . -
r A
—The subscriberahaving removed to their. .
• • No. 278. Chestnut Fit cot, fourth door shove Tenth, '
_Are now prepnrjid to elTer a largo and well selected stock
of thelellowinit-fre , h-and desirable goods: principally of
their own Importation, or ..bought 14 auction, which
they ere able" to sell at the impeller's prices, and to
• which - theyjmrdiallycotton,- of-Country
Merchants, Hotel Keopers,lllllliiimllles gend'ially. •
lititi 3 Oreen. and ,Venition Window
I'd, 12.4. • -
' Bolster and_Pillow,Linens.oUseVeraLeheled bleachers,
and all. w Idtlis from 38 to 54 inches. ,
— '" -- 111 - ,Allilankets of all sizes and
Bed Quilts of the following varieties, 'wiz Marseilles;
Welting, Root End, Register; Alhambra, , Allendale end
Lancaster, of all the desirable sizes.
• Bureau Covers, Table Covers, Window Curtain MuSlln
Towel's and Toweling of decry variety, Daninsk Table,
Cloths and Nspki it, Shirting Linens and Muslin, Cam
bric Handkerchiefs, Embaoideries, Hosiery, &e. Broca
. tel, Damasks, Moreens, Enbroldered Lace mid Muslin
Curtains, Gilt Cornices, Bands, °holm Cord, /, •
Imperters and Dealers in Linen and House Furnish.
lag Goods. '
. April 30,1858-11 m. •
ON; FINN ritoop SAFES, with Hall's; Patent
Powder Proof Leaks, which wore
• ''.o•VSgr-•••••;;.„- t „ accorded impend.° :Violate at the
l••• , .t:cr Mg, -IYorld'a Fair, London,lBsl, and
also . at the World's Fair, New
lurk, 1853 and 'AL • The aubscri
.•i•t. ' here aro the. solo manufacturers
a." and proprietors. in this State of
4. the above unequalled Saes and
•• Aiyq: Locks. The reputation- of the
• • 'yt 9r; ‘g enuinogrerrin g , . world
i seditd4 wide, xd. for tb,: n last thirteen
• • "".'" !r. • rav r e a wi ' t 3 iu m ts:e re d an and ' irrn u o n teed
Monct to their nem TAILING! film proofluntitiqs. -More
:then 12,800 of these Safes 'bare been actually Cold, and
over, TWO HUNDRED have passed triumphantly throngh .
-- 7iMeldentallti•Os. Tire,Public are assured thatitirSafea•
manufactured by the' subscribers are' hot only guaram
'teed to be fully equal, but iu many respects eon Huse"
:"'rloo to those - which have been se 'sovarele tried by Sro ;
„ Few will forgot' their sorCiees in the burning of .the
ciTribuno establishment," Now York, end at the Great
Fire In-Strawberry stroot;.at the - largo•fire inst• July,
opposite - the Girard House; and'' still more recently
In the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut, rte., in tile city of
• , Phildelphia in 'which those Safes coots forth the ac.
• knowledged Vitommos, -when' many oilier socuritiee
PiCed. ' • •
• •• - t'lnort ELM AND - BANK LOOK MAJLEttB , .
• .-." - , ..14 WALNUT Street . , Philadelphli.•
:Chilled flecinllttfos, with Powder Treat Locks, mahm.
;featured esmemly for Banks, Brokorm.Jewollerii, and
',others requiring Henrik) , front coguali... Bank • Yaults,•
Doors, &e. on hand and
_made to miler . " All the most
trolebrated-Lookiffor.salo at nianufacturerst prices,. • ,
• ' , Soloed hand., , ,Safils,"• "Sidewinders" and 'lro n
•••:" ChostsP of other .makers, bare 'been. litken in part pay
• '- merit for•Fferringla ter rdeatilMfOaCal • '
.'..TRON I IRONlTlie;etieetion of the
the public andillaclianitths ifertlaularlk Ie iettuikit:
ed to the WO ataortment of Bar and 'Rolled Iron of, all
aim and kinds Steel of: idl. kinds, l iJoo, -hasps; threw
Plates, Anvlls,Vlcos; Ilellotral and prory ittlng-lhat. the
',Mae/smith may wants , . Iron eel& Itilutintltles at city'
Wholosalo'prlcoa,.. All kind El warranted.. •
JOHN. 1'.. - LYN.E'k
0,1868) N.XeinOvor St. Cal
• • ...STAUFFEIt & :
D'Lelesnlo acid lletall,nt
' Waren end Jewelry Store" No. 00 NortlfBocond etruot,
cornerefQuerry,-Phlladhla, - •
' Gold LoVur Watches, fulljewolled,lB caret
• cum.' ' , . • $2B 00
• 'Gold Lepine, 18 carats, • . •' • 24 00
Sliver Lover, full jewelled, ••12 00
• • •---• • .4) r
-Bup_odotguartfors, ;.• • •
- Gold Spectacles, s• • -
Sloe Silver do. . •
• ;
- Silver Tun. Sperms, Vet,
- Gold
7 00.
. • 450
3 00
;er holder, 1 00
ask's, he_ "AU
' • Stu:moor of 0. Conrad.
ne-On hadd sonio Gold and Silver LeVera and Lepino
still lower than Um above prima. . a
• - •
, • 013 0 811 PI.N & CO..`,
• Importers 'and MatinfactureYa of CLOAKS and MAN
' TILLAS, No. 174 Chemin t street,,.(a few,doora ahevelth,
south - sido Philadelphia, (in connection with (MORON
BULPIN, 361 Broadway N. T., tholargest manufacturer
of these gondola the United Staten.) beg to call tho at;
tenth's, of Wholesale end Retail buyers to their largo
and varied stock orCLOAICS, TALMAS, So., ite.,,for the
fall trade!! Their collection comprigea a -complete no.
sorb:neat of all tho, latest Parisian Nuveltim jn' , Volvot
Moire Antique, Cleth,,Phun Silk, &c., to.; while"Alte fa•
'ditties afforded by. their connection with the •Ifirgcst7.
)lanufasturing !rouse, (of these geo de) _, in NSW Yurk,.
--eriable - them to guaralitgoliettW, thou la nbtaina
bin elsewhere In, the Market. - OBO.BULI'i N CO.
,Sept. 3, nl-3ni. • 174 Chesnut Street above 7th:'
• rE - w - 0.1;11 RALE DRUG
N. SPA NCER . THOMAS, No. 20 South lieonnd Street
' Philiolulphla, Importer, lllttunfacttrer' and Dealer in -
Dye Stuflh, Paints. 011 s 'Colors. White Lead, French and
.Ameriean White .Y.lnevVindow Class, Chaos Ware. Var
.- - nlshes; ItrUsbes, - .lnStruntentS, Gr,Jund .Spices,r, Whole
:Spices, and all ether article. usually kept by'Druggists„
'lncluding BMus, ltnthm. Glue, Shellac,' Potash, be.
All orders: by mall or otherwise,• promptly attedded
to. Country merchants are-Invited to chil and examine
our stock before purchasing elsewhere. GlyOoods sant
to any of the whar'ves or railroad . stations. Prices Low
and Goods Warranted.. (Morels 0, 1350-Iy.
TOSFPII -A. 'NEEDLES, ilianufactu
• el rer or
Coarse, Slodium and Fine lu Mesh large, iniddleadaed;
and small in diameter. •
. _. METALL_CLOTIDU Olt_woviirg_-_-_wum — ._;,7,
- Ufa - best qua11t174.7 - farlduS Fl oe irf mesh, from Nee. 1-
to 80 liclusiVe, and from one to six feet In width.
They ore numbered so nuiny spares to the lineal Inch,
and cut IA suit. :
The subsci•lbor also keeps constantly cn band
On coal, sand ore, lime, graln,,gravel, guano,- Inlnittll
Rope, salt, he:re, coffee. spice, drdo, dyFirtuffes Ac
Together with-an ussornient of mama AND AN•
NEALE') DION. WIRE. - All - the above sold - whelegalii .
and retail by . J. A. NEEDLES,
qt. S 1 Front Street, Phila..
Juno .1, 1.8.5111 y. •
CO., •
• and 11'holegalO llealoniin allltinth3 of
FI3II.ItIUP7 tt r— DUAII,STIC .13 - Elir:Toirree - o:,
•AftNorActuhtu TOIIACCO,. . . .
AND 'FORE Ili N - A - NO DOM ESTICIip Mil AltS - ,- :
21 South Front ottout. Philadelphia..
- Importers of Thai ifoinna . E.egae, 'of tho choicest
growths of the olrop, 'A largo asrortinont of
Which aro
.10116 eonsonttly on hand, and for solo at a
small Advance on cost of importation.
gii.U.nudguments respectfully solicited, on which.
libernl advances will ho ro n do w han desired. ' '
:Imolai attention iven to orders for purchase on cont.
'mission ofirobacca—is alsothvorrileseriptionsif-Merchar,
dies, for account c parties living at a distance froth this
419,..5010 Ago t for F. A. Oootze'a celebrated °entre
Smoking Tobaf o,roiiiiirliAng thirty dlffeeent varieties,.
. -Apr1123,18
D U Nlvhßti. 'Sxnloa ? ,i tC R E-P 1 . 3,1 C E
. No. 76 South Second St.,'Corner of Carter St.-
The estalilisliment has been enlarged and improved
and Is supplied with the largest and best lietail Stock
_Jo the City, Minelpally of hisamm manufacture, with a
choice assortment from the hat Eastern Market m
bracing Ladies,' Gents', and Children's
' of every description, style and quality, embracing the
best styles and qualities In this or any other market.
This stock cannot he excelled for Quality Style and
Each article In marked at the very lowest possible
price, irons which no deviation will be made. No ex
travagant statements will be mended, and - none made to
-- effort - sales.
Goodyear's GUrn In all varieties. . Pure Guninoso
scarce in the market. always on hand. The public is
respectfully invited to call: [April 1, lapri.
or m6relinlitti, Ins4ors, rumors, anaothors, having
Books, Vapors, or other roluablos, to liNrsorvo from
Day and Nowell's (Bubb's) 'BANK LOCKS.
A CAnn.—'fhoFire Proof Snfo,".that proSorved our
Books, -Vapors, &e. 4 during the great Fire at Ilart's
Buildings, was purelnised of OLIVER, EVA.NS,I3I. S. dud
St., Philadelphia. . GETZ A BUCK.'
. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrlgeratore for cooling
and preserving , meats, butter, mill:, water, and all
articles for culinary purposes.
WATER El I;PEIIS for purifying brackish or muddy:
water, whether affected' by rains, limestone, marl, or
other camais; can he had , separate or attached to tho
Refrigerators—a aniall'quantity of ico cooling tho whole
In the weather.
PORTABLE SIIOWER BATHS, for the use of war ,
cold water.'
WATER COOLERS, forlletels, Stores, and Dwellings
STORE TRUCK'S, for wooing boxes, Icales; &c.
SEAL PRESSES, Copylug do., Druggist do.
No. 111. Snutl/Second St., ( 2 doors below Chesnut.
March 5, 1.856-Iy. lu 18:(6.)
2, a
Li =72
<T,d '
5. a
0 r 0
; - 42-5 I
4 caa.
ts ta2
• LE!
• a
11) lit lobe 1p 1p
IN G-.... FUND or •Tlit U.S.
* Iit I3IO IIANOD,A.Ni.tDDI:X. mu
• &Corner Third and•Cliemint Streets, Phlra.
. $250, 641. •
____lllbney la facetted bintetiosit daily. the amount de.
posited la entered In a ~ Deposit •11ook and given to the
• Depositor, or, if preferred, certificate will be given.
All sums larga.qtk email, ttre received, and the
•amotuit paid beck Mi,dennirid, with°
. 1 4,thatia.h - - !'
- _lnterest Is pahl..:e.t . ..lDaLuttEnt..tiva..-fse-oatritc cork , .
..neintritnrn tlak•ef deposit, and conking fourteen
I . nitrevious to the withdrarelpf the money.
n tTiallist day oiJaunary, In eiTkb yidr, the interest
fof each doposit Is paid to the depeatterc the
ns h 0 may paefai. - -.-• ; • _
The Clinopany have inuf upwards of .
p,6qo ddpesitors
In the'elty of Philadelpitinalone.
Any aditionhl information will bo'givenhy addressing
'llm-Titaxsuatip _
Stephen It. Crawfotd, Pren't
Lawrence Johnson, Vibe Pt:
Ambrose 0. Thompson,
11'. Tingley,"
.locot, I,lloranco,
mi NV:1 , 16K.. • -- -
Sept. 12 111.—ly.
; (12
Ar ,
G -
f. ' . 4
Cri -
• 4.:40°
Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania In 1855
One door tasty,' Second Street, Philadelphia,'
Receives Deposits In Ennis, of One Dollar.nnd trvards
from all classes of the community, and allows nterest
nt the rate of live per cent per annum. Moneys paid
hack on demand. open daily from 0 until
s'o'clobk, and on Monday and Saturday until 0 o'clock
In the evening..
Thiglnstllntion_wllLbo ((mull a_conVenient„_and_ Ram
tuiCiaTerg doing business
n Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on demaud without
ny previous notice being raquirod.
Edmuna A. Bowler,
Stilwell S. 1 1 Islw , P,
James P. Perot,
Jacob Shentr,•
Josoph B. Myerfir
.Edw . ard IL l`rotiur, . William,Sh Ippoh, Jr.
Franklin Bacon, Wol.• P. Junks. ' -
y Thomas Opopur, • — Eoar E. l'utilt,
I're:4lloW —FRANK LI N -FELL.
. Trepsum—CllAS. M. MORR IS.
------- 8. - eurstaryJ A MRS S. PRINO Lir.
Irn . ,,Tlio Charter provides - that nu managur, officer or
axon t-shallolirootly,u!--inalreetly,borvuw-eny-money
front thu Soddy.
.., - , V , . OetLL,lB55-ly
nut street, south.west corner of TWA! street, Philadel
phia. Incorporated by the Stale of Pennsylvania In
Five per cent. Interest Is given, and The money is at
ways paid back whenever it is called for, without the
necessity of giving notice for it beforehand.
, People who have large sums put their money In this
:laving Fund, on account of the superior safety and con
veience it affords, but any sum, largo or'small, is re
This Saving Fund has a very large amount of Mort
gages,Orounll Rents and other firiff, class Investments
for the security of Depositors. The rules prevent any
Director or Officer front using or berry vi.gtho money.
The Ofilco - ls open t 0 receive and pay Money every
day, from 9 o'clock - in the morning till 7 o'clock in the
evening, and on Mbuday and Thursday evening, till 9
. People who have money to put in, are invited to ca
t thermic° for further information.
. HENRY L. BENINEIt; Preoldent.
POET. SELPRIDUE, Tice President.
Wid. J. REED, Secretary.
October 3,1855.
FE NC 11 TRUSSES.—Hern in or
u Rupture successfully treated. and comfort insured:
by use of , the elegant French Trusses. Imported by the
subscribetyandmade-te order expressly hfs sales. •
All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn
Ott tho occasion now offers to procure a TrUSs cornbln.
g extreme lightness. with ease. durability and corre
- construction, in lieu of the - cumbrous and uncomforta
ble article usually sold. An ex tonsivp assortmon always
on hand. adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults
and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all,
Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3,14 and $5 Double, $4,
$5, $O, $8 and $lO.
Persons at n distance can have a Truss sent to any ad
d ress by refult ting the amount. rending measure arnuird
the hips, and-stating side affected.
For Oulu Wholesale and Retail by,tho Importer. 4
S. W. gar. of Twelfth Jr Dace Sts., Philadelphia.
Begot for D. Banning's Improved Paiont Body Brace;
Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent 81thulder
Brous; Suspensory -Bandages; Spinal Prone/mid •Sup
ports. Ladles' Rooms, with competent lady attendants.
• aprlll.l.
HOMEO-PATH EC 111 :vs, D I 0-A-1:
Located lu Filbert Street above Eleventh, --
1 1 111 LADELVIII A. ! -
The Lectures of the regular .eouyao will' continence ni
the Second 'Monday of October, end continuo until the
first ofMarch ensuing. .. •
Amount of foes fora full course of Lectures .
4 - Invariably cash), $lOOOO
Stmlauts who have attended two full edurses
in other Medical Celleges, •
Graduates of of her Medical Collegesr
- Matriculatiou Fee, - paid only once,
Pfactical Anatomy,
Onnitutiou Fee,
AVALTEit WILLIAMSON, M.U. MoorDno Professor of Cm
cal 31eiltaiie.
J. P.. Dmis, .31,
_Professor of 3laterin Iledlca apd
A.Lyaa 31. D., Professor at llomosnathie Usti
totes. Pathology. and the P "splice of Al ediclue:`
'sane 31. NV MID, 31. D., Professor of 'tllistetrics, Diseases
of Women and Children, and !iledleal Jurisprudence.
Marimpi SenilE, Prlifyssor 'or Chomiatry and
.JACOII D.. - Pri,fesso.r of Surgery,
WILLIAM.K. Rum, NI. D., Professor of Physiology.
Wis. Too 111:131lITII, 31. D., Professor of Anatomy.
W. WII.I.IA3ISON, 31. D.; Msg. .
N. E. Corner }sth and Filbert Streets, - Phila. -
August 6,105 Q,
To-all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, nut
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of •Philedelphia,-In
vlow of the awful destruction of hUman life and heal tt, ,
caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which at,,
practised upon Um unfortnnato ACM. (Wench diseaset
by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgebn, as &
CHARITABLE ACT woldhy of their tune, to give
MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus ay-
Blettal;TlValwor Neuraltlietneapply by letter, (post-IWO
with a description of 'their condition, (age, occupation,
(habits of life, A 0.,) and In extreme poem ty and suffering
The IToward Association la a benevolent Institution,
established by special endowment, for the relief of the'
sick find distressed, afflicted with "ylrulent and. Epo
deniffl diseases," and its funds can be used for no other,
purpose. It has now a surplus of means, 'whisli; \ the
Directors have voted to advertise the abovanoti • It
is needless to add that the Ahßeclation command tile
blithest Medical skill of the ago. ;
Address,- (post-paid,) Dr. OHO: R. CALHOUN; Consult-,
Ig SUrgeOn, Howard Association Philadelphia,
By order of tint Directors,
EZRA D. If EARTWELL, President.
Ulcers, Tumors, Setofalai White. Birching, kc.,
'cured Without Surgical Operation by •
' • Olt. LQUNSBERRY. •
Pemplot (2nd edition) or, the .Treatment And Ouro'oteancors, Tumors, La. , will bo sept to any
'address ((roe) on receipt of a postage stamp. 0111 co No.
1.1334 Walnut Street, rhilad9lphia. ' ' (Her. a, 631.3 m.
Ridging 'and. 6htvel Plows, fir Corn .and.
Potatoes,' Expanding Cultivators, with
Steel. Teeth 'of various' pall erns, Field arid'
Gordon Ilarrcats,. Elowsi Ilevolvingiforse Rakes,
patent' Scythe-. tinaths.'and Soy thes,• English. Lawh
Scythevrith allotted beaky .stiperior. Unloading tiny
Forks, with rope and. tuoko. mandate, and - all other
'articles for farm and garden
. • . rAsOrAti; ircitufs co 4.
i Itivand Market Streots,,Plilia.—„
1 OW
1bii., 4 01? , FRESEI.A.' - u,ANIT..„
SEED, consisting •or Purpie., , pop mite
' Fi l , - Dalleg Hybrid,,Yellow Aberde . e,n,.Purple Top nuts'
liago,,Preen Top do.; at wholesale and refall. • ... - , ..
' PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., ',. •, '
.. .linplerrig,nt and Seed store,
.7th 'and Market, Phila,
. .
C*4' %' I- . Chev Job Printink'doneitierci. .' .
• Wm: IT, Godwin,
B. Goddard.
Goo. 111alonsy,
, Janies.llovoreux,
. Gust. English,
Secretary and Treasurer,
' Tollor and Intorpoter,
Hon. Job R, Tyson,
Georg° Bol,lln,
- Robert rtlorrls
-Edward 1:. Clerk,
Capt. Joi: (NINO:or,
John Mee
Richard .
S r, r,qtrifry,
50 00
:30 00
10 00
30 00
R• .
_D - -
II 0 0 F. LAN .1j ! S
m.LEA;T.D .
Prepared by .
will effectually euro
. . .
Cbronic or Nervoun Dolnlity - , -. :Dlseasercurlbe,lllueye,
- ItibriflrdlieaTes arising &mire. clisordored
.• Liver or Stomach. • •
• • ,Inward
ness or Bleed to the-Head, •
' Acidity of the Stoteach, Noel . '
, - - seagourtburn, Disgust forl/ood,
'Fullness or•&lit on theAtortMeh
So — uThilietatlons,Sinking or Fluttering
- at the Plt of the Stemach, - Swlninting of.- '
the Head, Hurried arid-Dillicult Breathing
Fluttering at the heart, Cho:Ming or. euffocae•
Mug Sensations when, a lying •osture, Dimness
rtlVision Dots of webs before the Sight, Sever '
and dull paina in 'the head; efieloney of '
Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and
' • • Byes. Pala In ,thtit Shle, Back, Chrult, •
, • • Sudden Flushes of • •
Heat, Burning in the Flesh,
,Conatunt Imaginings of
• -Evil, and grout) DLO
prmodon of .
The proprietor In calling the attention of Alto public .
to•tlits preparation, does su whin he'll:lgor the utmost
conlidenee ill its virtues aild adaptation to the diseases
fur which it is mccdumended.. -
It is lot lOW and untried article, but ono that has
stood the test of a tee . yealle trial before the. American
potpie, and Its reputation slid solo Is unrivalled by
ally shall Sr prop.tratiThis extant. • Thu testimony In Its
favor give. by thy lutist prominent and well known
Phyiticia as mall nate iduals -nail parts.of the country
Are sources of insanity: From dtsor'dor ur übatruction,
et the sympatitutie and other nerves
IttPows, and the functions of the braid are Lap:tired and
deranged; derangement there will also produce diseas. ,
esx,fth - t-inetrtsleitt, lungs and itiallOYS; -It to owing
to the name canny Cittlt tlittlISSIViS Ate With Cholera, .
:litiburPar - Yellow Fever, nod that most baneful disease,
want ofunceess-intreatlng diseases of the
liver andematach, hos not been a deficiency, of pothole:.
gloat knowledge, of their funettens—but o p : p , epit a bjp ,
compound taut would act apial the disease and all the
sympathetic affections. That has been gained In those ,
Bitters: and they eau bo used by persons with the
must delicate stounich with perfect safety 7 --as they at
no time debilitate the pull'. t, but give strength' and
increase the nervous allergy.' Tnertan be taken pt all
times; uni tut tier all eirmunstemals. .INo ordinary expo
sure will.provent them having an salutary elfeet,.. and
no bad effect can result from an over dove. • . ,
if patienta will rraevere In the use of this remedy,,ta.arding-toilitectienrrit-avill-care
the foregoing disuasea in every inst ruc, ifnot . hoyond,
the power of nietth , lno; It 11:tA.,7t0,e,.1 Don , y to enjoy
the blessing of renewed he; in, and in-many desper,nte
and ab,,,,damca ridir,il onto,
ADVANUED IN LIFE, ,••••• • •
And feelin.; tArO" hunt 01 Thee-weighing heavily 'upon
Its attendant Ills, will lied in tho use of
um hitters we Ether that will instil new life Into their
veins;-rastura,•in 1110/Ifillri, tim energy and arildr of_
p,,,i4nutlitill days; build up thoir•ahrunkon'forms..
and givo health . and happiness to their remaining
ears • . -
It isn well enlablishedlha, that fully ono•half of the
female virtien poPulation, are seldbinin the en
joyment ol good health, or to use their own expression
" never foul welt They ,are languid; of - all en
ergy), oat r muelyer v wul; , And inaveliri appetite. To
this class of there Haw. are especially re•
commended77 - Thetr — poeullar — triale — airinyy,ql,ll.ll4
properties render, them Invaluable In such emus."
—Persons visiting-districts' harrassett- annually' With -
lilt 'AND AU kill, or ANY .1 0 11V1l11. OP A BILIOUS
NATURE, will find that by the timely non of one or
wo biittles, they will nor in obi, lbstamm take the'dlo-, -
time, as the lit tiers will renovate and strengthen Abe
sy.stent, and'earr., the bile off In Its natural ohMinel.--
Preventio6 is bi.t , er than cure.
And frau front At,mona .ttlioulont,: and nil Injurious
ingredients; HIV pira,lllV 111 testa and smell, mild In:
theh. operation. will expel all morbid fneretions from
thelody, Oyu bloom to the pallid cheek, and health
nod rigor to the frame.
Price 7k rents per bottle.
Principal (nnai,No. JU A Mill street, Mira, Pn.•
by lb tiggists, and Sjorphooparti:lu . ovary, town.
Stales, not Canabis. and by
all iruggiot In Carlisle. ••• . L3lay_ls, 1856.
EstabEfillod twenEy two . years ngo by-Dlt. KiNKEIAN,
corupr el Thira mut Untcal Streets, I.lllladolplitn,
Exponent:Chas rendered lit. IC, it lewd, sitecessful, prno.,
titioliel . In the Intro or ,dyike.,,,,,r it private nature;
manhood's debility, as ..e 1.0 1 .111.... a: to •marriagei;—
neinius and sexual inilrtnitleB.l.ll4easos .of_lhe_skju,_=
and those arising. front abuse id mercury.
1'11070.19 sir ov ll habit soinethoca‘indulgod in by boys
In solitude, oljen growing up with °them to manhood;
- and which,lf nut reformed In duo thou, not only begets
serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives
rive tO ti series unfrottacted, insidious, and devastating
affections. ••• !..
low ofthose - who give way to lithuiernicious practice'
are aware of the consequences, uotll ihuy fed the ner
vous system shattered, fool strange and unaccountable
sensations and vaguolears In the mind. (doe pages 27,
20, 25, of Dr. book on Self Preservation." ." -
'rho unfortunate thus affothid beeomes feeble, is
unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his
mind to tautly • his step is tardy and weak: he in dull,
Irresolute, Ind engages even in his sports with logo
energy than usual.
If he emancipate himself before the practice has done
its worst, and-enter matrlmony,' - his marriage in un
fruitful, sod his 1401.1 telfs him that this is caused ! y
his rally follies. Mettler° considerations which should
awaken the attention of all who are siudlarly attnatod,
Can bare (by stating, their case , explicitly, together
with ail their symptoms. per letter, enclosing a 'remit
tance) Da Its medicine, appropriated accordingly.
Forwarded to say part of the United States, and
secure from DAMAUH•and by mail or ex
pros 9.
A Vigorous' Lire or a Premature brain, •on
Self.Prehervatiutt—,Only :25 cents.
Letters containing that valutkin Stamps, will onsttro
a oopy per return of mail.
• 1. A Fr. GIFT-to
Siiture'Rl:lld-do," - a - new - and - popular work, full - of
valuable Ravin: '311(1 linpreNgivo wai uing, alike ealeubt
tii to prevent 'years or ini , ery find onto thousands'of,
lives, in rllrtrii tiled without cluir,;e:iiiid forwarded by
mail-prepaid. to any Post. OM, in the United States
on receiving au order I;ifelosing two postage stamps.
rrONICS IT • ON' — 'r DO!
—They never did ,do mere than give temporary
relief, and they never milli It is because they don't
tench the tm 0r ihe disease. The .1160 of all ague
and billions diseases is the at nipspheric poison railed
Mlasum or Malaria. - -Nentralize this poison by Its NA
TURA!. ANTIDOTE, and all disease e. used by it disappears
nt once. Rhodes Fever and Aga Cure is this zitaldoto
to War!. and niereeverjt is a perfectly harmless med
icine: The certificate of the celebrated chemist, J. it.
Chilton, of New-York, to this Meet, is attnchod to us.
ry bottle; therefiru, if it does no , good; It can do 4 0
INTIIIa is 'mho than tan ho said of Quinine, Arsenio, of
any other tunic in °xi:Awl - Re,. titeir use is ruluous_to.
the - constitution and brings ou AGUI which
mover allows a person to feel perfectly well fur a single
moment. In 11111,tration of tin. , o truths 1 annex somo
extracts from a letter ji.t creel rod froth a Physician:
Orono} Ten o.lntle, March 17, 1850.
JAS. A. - RHOADS. hat.—Door Sir: Yoursof 2d Inst.,
is at hand: The Caro arrived late last year, and the
difficulty is get' ing anyone to purchase It wan greatly
increased from the fart that a restudy had been intro
duced which was 'growing in Ihvor with the public as
being better than using Quinine—not knowing, I pro.
sutne, that the remedy , they used to escape taking Qui
-nine contained the Dittiti 1T61.1.1,1
Yids romody (itneWn as "'Smith's Toulc,''.) would In
variably ItREA Wan A goo. but it did .not Chro It, ma It
Would often rot urn, withronowjel Tills ono oh ,
On...lance I deemed in.your or, it 1 could Institute
a test couniarisol) betWCOU It mad your lot
lowia Is,tbe esult;
—Throuneroons -your 1 i Curo,". all of which
cases of — .Quothl'an Ititermittant Fever," of many 42
weeks standing. They. had 'tiled Quinine and other
'remedies, occasionally in toning in chill, but It - was (pain,
all such eases,) slowly wearing them mut, and laying
tholoundatb nof other anti f.everer. mid:ldles. I dbl.
boomed lit affecting a radical aura of all Alyea of Ahem
cases with your remedy, and illoy'lmou apt chill
since. In al) Owe of these cases the 0 Smith's Taois t '
lrul book
,useirand would,io lero boost the
chill, but after 0 fierloil or two had elapOtrit' would
'rotor,,._ -
I think Vlore will he no iiherolty -now in giving to
y_aur"Curs" rho vantage ground of any other remedy
now In use, , IVM. WEXNER., M. I).
TO MALARIA; Um only barmiest/ remody In oxlstonce
'he iquolly corbels as a 04trf.Nrive, as a "CORE." Take
it a l io . you Poi: 110 chills coming on, and you loill
newer barna one.. ' • • . . '
auslitoits kn nu. only to myself, and c , omparatively few
others, whom I intro instructed for the Sum or V2OO
each, which has av e raged low at the-rate of $3,000
to $4OOO per annum; and, 'molt* made, arangemonta
'to go to Enrols, lo ,tho Full, to cit,utge in the-same buais;
nom, I tun willing to give fun ink I not ions in the art to
any persons irt the United States or Caned:km, who will
remit me taw sum uf I am. Induced, fount the sue-
cols 1 have been favored with. and the many thankful
acknowledgments I hove received from those whom I
-have instructed, and who are making fr u it . • •
• , 11 FIVE PO itS PER DAY
at it, to give any portion an opp o rtunity to engage i n •
this business, which is t easy. - ploatattt, and very pronto,'
Up, tit a small e t, Vlore is positively No llutustaf; in
the matter. References of the best class can bo given as. ••
regards Ito chtirocrar, until can refer to persons avhOln I.:
have instructed, who will tastily that they are making - - • -
_front $ 5 -00- s PtrAity_at_titeaume..,ltisa,busluess.lll-2,::---
"rthich either, . • .
can engage, and with perfect case -make a very hand
some income.. Several ~auks in .various parte of New.. •
York State, l'onusyl vaniat and 'Maryland, whom I have •
instructed, ore now'making from $3 to ttli per day at it. -
It is a GENERAL nuamrss, and but a dollar or two is re- ' •
quire,' to start it. linen Tqelp t _or $l, I wig Jilin •
, diately send to the applicant a printed circular. Onto U. ,
lug full instructions trptlizast; which can be perfeety: . -
understood at once. "• • - .
'ln the month of• May list, I sent • My. •adveitittement • •
to the editor of the "Reading Gazette and
Reading Pa.,.and tibia Seat him one of my circulars of 'r
instruCtioivs On its receipt. aid on a careful Oaritnitta• * •
Men, he inserted the
We call attqutien to the I drertieentent of Mr. A folltnrin i g editorial in his paper :
_•"•:, T.
•VarsonspetNeW YUrk;,,,houded,ltlttrunsztor t Co Byray.,
'trans," which will be found In another, column. bleP,
has sent us ono of hie zireularsi-ttlluded - fa.% the• ad. •
rvertlsomentiand• On examination wellroV It, ofhir Bays •
it pr„ no humbug, but a light, easy and 'honorable blast. , •
neSS,lttld one that may .be. made •-profltablz on a Very
All letters mwatbe'A; T,"P'ARSOITS; 885:,
Broadway, New York. „ •• (June ".
White a'arloto)m,„lbr .povering Chaddipliore anel•
P cture Tratete4lbrAlltigtCap
;two 2/..) . HITNER •