Stew, A.6Bertisemeilfs NOTlcalc=-- Ouutb. Vn lloy R. R. Office,' • ' Oct. 19, 1.959. Tho Board of Idariagortr hnyo doctored alli VIDEND OF ONE Pl.lll CENT. upon tho Unproferrod Stock atlas Company, payable on demand. • • Oct 22, 113507 Fir. 71-IE - TIASSIO2I. - 17 - 21.-N - D - 171 - T -11,4 RA -111'-111011 8.C11001.6 at_ Newlin°, Ph., will'be s • wpened as usubl_on TUESDAY - , ,the 4U of Novattiber next, and continuo. live 'loans. The former Prhici pal, W. B. Lino, having retired from employment of ' teaching, the thihool ,viii be carried on under tlio super. tittentibncw_sud' ditsg_lion of the, subscriber, who will • use duo dillgonce to riatancelli - Cliarliftiihigirilf tiro . pupils committed to his tore. . TilltitlSFor Tuition, Boarding end Lodging,'. per, seam, $OO 00: • " Oct 32-Ow.) ROBERT -11IcCAMiltAN. ' Tz;;EEP . IT . BEFORLP . THE PEOPLS The Greatost•Arrlval of the, Seaton' of .W,'o - 0 0 - DS - A T:,T ME NEW WSTOR El . - The subset_ bee has just returned from: the el ty and Is now opening,' next door to Coslamatpues• Hotel (late ; *Mottlaughlin's), in Mali llnnover!Streat, A splendid assortment of • , -) NSW AND OIIIIAP 1110" GOODS Do ramp-rising- Morinoes, Genes Silks, 1 . 01.11111 ' Cloths, Do. Mina, Do Bops, Seek Flannels, Clothe, eassl • mores, diuglanns,Galleoes„. Minding, (hocks, 'Makings, Mealary, Gloves, white Enid colored Carpet Chain, to. •. • GROCERIES of all blade and best • Alana largn stork . of BOUTS Asp SHOES, whie)t ho sell as' eheap its any liense In t - lat Eggs, Rags,,Soap, and .Itried Fruit taken at Market priors. • • • ' Den't.forant tho place, next door, tl Magloughlin's Hotel. -- - Oct; 22, 185 n) B GROCE ,11, I -J. N. EBY. • ". A choice selection•of Groceries of every variety, in, eluding Spices and Tans have bre a added to our former assortment, among 01d.% be had strictly prim /HO, JAVA. L littA. A 'MOCHA CONFER, toge'iptr with :i itenural assortment of ' .ltilOWN A. WHITE BUGABS, innl 'idling Crunched, Granulated, Pulverize 1, and Clarb flail Strars. Also a lot of 'New Cheese, Farah., Cern Starch, Idustvd, Chocolate, Ac. Also Green and Black teas, of Joni:lll's select brand. For sale at the lowest' rices at MARION HALL GRO CERY by (Oct 21) J. W. EBY. _ • - • 1110BAdC0.— f this-weed, embraemg Snuff and Cigar:lo,s have now . on hand a choice Selection, amony+ . which aro Cavendish (both plain and sweat), Nig, Congress; Vag and Fine Twist"rohaven,• of choice importatione, on well as other. good brands of ' Cigars—fancy flames we molt—all of whieh wo offer at • loast..a.S•eiftnitin - qualit3Tif - not better;lhan-anrather , assortment in too prirket.._ Fur side at the old stand. , .1....311• 4:111 ri•UAIB. VALLEY • INSTITUTE.- CLASSICAL 'ANDNORM AL SCHOOL, BIEOIIANICSIMIU, Roy. J. S, LoSgo, A,M., • Principal. The' Wintor Session of this Institution opens on the Ist orNovomber. 'rho buildings are very aupartor and the noconimodalions excellent., Students can preps!, them• solves at this' Institution for College, for practical bud• noss, or for teaching. 'ratans, $O5. Address ./03. S. LOOSE, 31e,rlianicsburg, - Oct '2.2, '56-01v) ' , Cumberland Cu.; I'a. puI3LIC SALE . OF: .VALUABLE _ REAL ESTATE. r 11 111 hd offered at publi ~ sale, .on the promises, on TIRTIiriDAY, November ' . 1856. a . -- - ' QUIST A. -MI , IIIOIIANT Mild., ! :.. with front'ls to 45' Al . US Of iA 4 mi. The Mill'has four rail - of skulini=hr lifigilendid — order, and' doing it fine business yielding'from 15 to 25 per cent. on the amount far which it,will In sold. Itris.seltiont,alfected•by low water or leo> . Also, _at the sdme time and plan'. a FAINT, adjoin ing. the mill, con tal ul og alma 130.ACR ES, about 100-of which are undel. cultivation. 'Photo pr.opertios are sit uated about Ij,', miles east of the borough of Middle town, I.lduphin county.- The opportunity for purchas ing . good a paying . property Is seldom offered to the public. Terms e.asy. For particular information apply to the subscriber in l'lliddlet.rwm, Pa. Oct 22, 185:1—ts.) . . 'lll Ul3l/1 () --- - St .S I.I:JE. —The._,:subscriber ==i ~'~'T P:lli'lY ACRES OF ni D, Id 11111111 Am toa.nahlil. Wu% /dung . Cumb. Vallov - • It. IL, au - done.tourth of n mile from Maahanieslatrg. • juiulng property of l'aturgautz. Thu gioaler portion of this - laud. has boon very. homily limod. Salo'to • l‘pua . u,by • (Oct 22-3 w) • JONAS 111,11)P.-. Olt P AN S' COUIVU SALE. In pursuance of An order of Orphanh' Con of Cumberland countl, gill bo sold on STEMMA. , Novintnim 1 . 7350,_ the following al uttldo prf•perty. '• MEM fifty feet in faint and one hundred toot in depth, nit. =iiTibA - in tho borough of Shiremantown, Cumberland ityilete thopropertv of Throws Pecurm,nf limp= den township, said county, deed. nod now in the oi•cu paney of Jacob Eppley: The building in n Log ..Planter . cd House, with a Stone Homo attached ; good Stable and 1111 oxcallent elfitern on the premises. Salo to corn mance at 2 o'clock P. M. ou sold dar, when terms will be tirade known hy hAVID SOOPP Oct 8, UN. Guardian Minor Children T'D sFANCY GOODS, . BASKETS, — AO., O. The Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices. W. TILLER ,Inrorrun, bas just opened at his New Store; No. 18 BOUM VOUItTII STnEET, between Market and Ohqsnut Sts., Palladalplibt, 150 GASES NEIV GOODS, received by the last Vicket, making the greatest variety of Fancy Goods over offered. Toys, Dolls, Fancy Baskets, s Gblen and Alabaster Goods, ConfeetionorY, Paper Fancy' Boxes, • Sogur , CaSeS, Tobacco Boxes, Pipes, Teeth' Brushes,' to., to', with every vd.sety of Druggists' - Articles' and French , and Gerwan Goods, which ho offers 'at the very lowest rates. Call early. , Cases of Toys, woll assorted, at $5, $lO, and $2O per rose. (Oct 22,.18511-43w. T 4 EA F - TOBACCO --AND—CIG-ABS— DENBLOW a .00.;' - 21 Boron FRONT *MEET, FIIII,I,ELPIIIA, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN ALL - -'" RINDS OF - ' • , LEAF TOBACCO; MANUFACTURED,TOBACCO . , AND ciaArts. Hare constantly on blind'Mid for solo low all kinds of .Amen -on and Spanish Vont' Tobaccos, selected with sporlal reference to Manfacturers' use. • All otticles - sold.werniiiied tSLo as represented,.and ovary oppnrtunity afforded for examination. Purchasers at a distance can, send their• orders and rely upon, being no faithfully stirred as H. their goods were selected In person. • (April 3, 11410--ly. . • -- - I .DRUGS AND • 011EMICALS, •, . With a Spltnnlid variety of . - CONFECTIONAItY AND FANCY GOODS. -.' Thu undersigned hits just' replenished his stook of goods; and as his Drowni and Chemicals, have hpan so. looted with great ,hare, he is prepared In nil MT orders pinmpilv— Chi friends may rely upon the gonuinone . and purity of every article. '. ' His stock of CDNFEC'FIONARY in large and acted D with 4pocial reforonce to Cie uMay's. I i II afford any variety persons may desire in that ,11 e. Ile has a large:assortment of French.Gurmau and dotuaitie Fancy' Candies, all fresh and of tha r pest quality. His as. a admant of FANCY tiOODS ergo . and anthraces al most every thing nucessa,r or the Toilet and Family. lie Inv it 6. speuliti atWtian to his Fancy Work - Beans, Ladles' Bus, Colo bottles, iVateh and Card Tiqys, Port It ii•y4, k. , 140. • . ''• 07' -'' t • ' •' bb --7- , ' fj •, p 444 • •-•4 " - • ,:-..:, .. •'• 44 t ' o ; b• : ci ) ''. E ‘L/. • . C.) :1 . , ! • •••4 ~.. „ „ . a i-: 1 1••• % ::' 6'4 ',:, 4.- a)c P 4 U. v ›, v , —.d s • .• .- 0 • - • .? I:4 d c " - Pet 8 - Z . V (.) VURS I FURS I—A small lot of L i: Stone. Martin mul Fitch NUlty, In Hata. Aho tatuvillo.llrorlia, and Cashruaro Scarfs, and Fall and. Winter Shawls. ,113.0N4NET. RI 813 0 S & FEATHERS t full assortment ^of I.lcniiee Itlbbons,"BonuCl nathers, Vulva Itibbops, Straw Datong, am • Oct X 4, 'OM] . GEO. W. RITN'EII. • XEIV FALL' OO DS.—The subscri her has „lent received a full assertmeut Frei guineas, Cashmeres, Bunts, Mouede,Laines, °ninny.; Alpareos, Caucus, and Muslin++, with a variety pt Fancy and 13Lnple Dress Goods adapted to the season. Also Roeder • ke.• '— Oct 14, '66.7 AARDWARE 1-* HARDWARE . LAROEST STOCK VII IN.p COUNTY 0 ti .P. MOTE & 9w, wholesale and_ rc : !:O.3.:Jeieirs lu Ainerluni, a aaaaaaaaaaaa English Hardware anti tindery, &c., Invite the ettehtiou ofMeclutukrs, Fanners, and the publiogenerally, to our unnltuilly largo'stoelt, confident that we nro selling Ittiodif on wore reasonable toms than any ether hens° in the county,: [April 0, 66. I, ALL .T.AF'ER I , . • ' • 301 IN i . ..LYNE k BON hero tho plasura of.,lnformium the titbits that they hive at last complntod the onlargontonVof their store; 'and arm now resolving the largest and Inost.verleta •sartmont o? Wall Paper and Window 131Inds ever Oponod In CarlSelo., A - rall Is solicited Aqui, those wanting Paper Waglugs of any kind, carpe aro confidant that all can be supplied from uqr mammoth Stuck... At 'the old 'eland, North Havoyer . April 9, 1856. _ • , ,DWARF"! ItARDIVAAN, JOLIN P. LYNI.I."-A SON , 1116 - 174 receiving their : Pall Stock of, Hardware, which te nominally /arse . , and' in, Connexion with theirltr• seer heavyatock makes it ono of- tie largest - awl - most varied aaaortniente :Seer, tittered to this Public.' .Thay :have every, thing . , 'thee the • Partner, the .Ihilblar, the, Nerobant,*or niay, want in 'their lines, and which they aro boiling:At the very lowest 'prices. they :solicit a poll bate t‘to, public ' before . nutking . thatannr+ ohases,sei they feel confident they can otter iud4clneata . that williewardthe hifror tar Ebb trouble. Heeling-tbankful to Icketteraae public tb ' KtJeoi'r'tpniior liberal patronage; a coutlnuanueor tlurrtreqjteolleltO4- 0 . 1 044.P1and inNerthlianover.Stroet: -• • JOUII OON, ' • ItEPAREz. PARLOR AND. CoOliniti'STOVES. The subscriber at his ohltitond OnliOrtli'llanover et., artiste, the elsii.of the "Mammoth lied Coffee Pot," du kes to call the attention of thi:priblia•tu his largo . 8 * ortmont of STOVES; of ,taitilnuttaist and Most lifshiona tile styles, filial., the boa manufactories lu the' '7., • coantry, and at all jiricol fioui to $l5. AinOug his PARLOR:Ic ClIA3111B14$ 1 "0 Itovorq .y.ES ar, are thelfi u irror Stove; thoA i :ni fcrl r i f ich ho of elf sie • for Parlors or chaintiors,opderileiilatud ferburning eithe'V wood or coal. Also; the /Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-tlep auffliandbox-or Poor lan's, with other IIia:STOVES, comprising the latest improvements In kitchen stoves, nod intended for eitheb wood or coal.— - AlsWll7sl9lfiroonri..looking - Stovic — n - now - anttele -- gent tarticle. to which he invites the particular atten tion of ibmilica. Ills cooking stoves rango in price.from $t to 25, - with the fixtures complete.• Also, Ntuo rises roe of various patterns and different prides. s liso, IiNAMEW,ED AND 'PINNED WARE for Cook- - log Sterne, Drage Kathie, die, Also, every article In the floo of Tin and Coppor Ware. The public aro respect. folly Invited to cell as 119'15 ethilideut with his large Stock; varli.fy turd cheapoess;of truing able-to give en tire satisfactlon to every purehasor.. Call and silo. • • oct. 25, 1554. _-. MORRIS E. M. BIDDL.E, .:Trtasuror. ! 's ... . - R. STAFFORD'S 'OLIVE - -VAR g , 'firs GREAT ELECTRICAb, REMEDY, I is lithaled-antl e Applftidilia taken) to cure Ihmiess of tho THROAT AND LUNGS. . -- No Rheumatic, Nouralgic, or othar, Palo ran' exist .-whureollve 'Paris applied. Olive Twr mixed ..• "with 'Mutton. 'Tallow twins-an . - - , -- ', , - . : '--- Ointment lit if:cures EVERY rDISEA 32 OF TILE SKIN. . ' Roforeace Is mad t I, tho following gentleman who have,u - sed (E 1.., l ' Alr, or Olive ,Tar Ointtnentt . ' - 'XII UR I, 1W WI3IID, Dal , of, the Albany Journal. ' W I ' it. TOWNSEND, Now, YorlC'Express. ' JOIIN M. BARNARD; Esq., Boston Ifetitld. ISAAC V. POlVLllll,'Postmaster, New York. . Capt. EZRA NYE, late of the Steamer Pacific. • E. A. ni.ANctr, Esi.,.Chiof Engineer Pacific IL R. r C. N.•BARNBY, Pres. U. &Express Company. : ELI COOK, Es.-taayar'Buffido, N. Y. Prof. JAMES P. lIIKPrIS, 'Newark. N.J. . DEOltlll3 LAW, sth Avenue, N.Y. .. lIENRY RUSSEL; ati South street, N. Y. • ' ' '.7OS. L. LORD, Mutual itenotiklns. Co., I 1 Wall st. C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary Illauhattan. Life „Ins. Co., 127 Broadway: . 0. W. JUDI), Now England Ins. Co.. 29 William st. O. W. EsswoitTri, Forwarder, 64. Pearl st. ' ELISII4. PECK, Banker ; 2 Broad st. ' •'. • ' - 11ev. WM, JARVIS, Middletown, Glum: , And lively other names will he found lu our Circulars, ' which can bit 11,1 of our Local Agents.. OLIVE TAR, - - 50 Cants a Battle.' ' OINTMENT. -- - 23 " • . ." N. W. WOODS, AO OIL Efi-SII4C TN IT.I LINO PLASTERS, 25 Cants. • Fai Salo by S. W. llavorstlck, only . Agont for Carlisle l'a. sold . tbo o,ll)p:toy's Depot, No. 10, §Tat, stroot,-;shv-York,and-by-Druggists gouorallY• August 36, 1850-0:a. ••,, • I sits FETTER'S FU.II - - !•;„. v • ct , 19 ,4. NOW -ROMS. C W NOW ON O A -ND a large angartment of now and flthionableFORNITUILE nod CM. IRS 11 . 111!It and Mahogany Orem:ink Bureaus, with marble . .. . . . -- Salts, Tal,lea. and Wa.hstanda. , • Walnut Etagvras laid Wardrobes. ~ci. 31a hog.tily and IVainnt:Pablos oral! sizes. ..; r,- French liedstends, : , lalcogait:y nod ' , lain Tabloq, at all 'prb!es. Parlor Aral Chaira, mid Rocking Chairs, with volvot or hair.tloth aeats.nna backs. • . :11nIniLtany and Walnut Chairs with hair , tioth or cans Phan Chaim of air mud.. mua this new and elegant assortment at tho Fprolt ore Booms of the-subscriber, on Loutherstreet. near the rm•ner of North Ifauover, July Q U IV RESII AmilvAr. 1_ (3, ej.v . ju. . OF.HAEDAILM - HENRY SAXITiN: The subscrlherhaving returned from tho city would call the al tendon of his needs and tie public to the largo and well solocted.s..rtment of Ilardomro which ho has Just received, consisting in part of BUILDING MA TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, Irks, bolts, glass, patty paints. oils TOOT,S-ndgo tools; saws and planes o. ovary desc ription, critic Mee, 09s, hammers, anvils, 4c , (HASS nl every al.criptl*r and, quality—common 'glass or di IToronl, brands; whltc polished American glass, brooch glass of all sloes, tulle thick jilass of all siren, ground enaniolied Mass: kc. A goneral-lumnrtnient of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD. - 1/1.71 . 1115 - T001,S; togetliermit}i-morocco7 lining and-bind ing skins, shoo thread, wag, pegs, lasts, harness nfonnt• ing, saddletrees, ke.. • - . • CIIACH TRIMMINO,.--canrasi:fplalni-onamolisdiAg andaud-onamolfirldloather, axles, aprings,,hube, spokes, felines, shads, kr., Caldbot Makers will find a largo assortment of yarn mahogany and walnut r oneors,moulding, rosettes, hair:cloth, curled hair, dc. =EI , d - 1111'E. roLizqi l'.ll NT— A: 1:1.7 articlo for making n beautiful, white an brilliant polinh,lor dlning•rooms, . • parlors. - 1 ItOS—A largo stock, comprising all kinds in goficral BEIZEIII vt - 9,,Ttomombor-the old stand, East 11.10 Stroot, Car slo, Va. - =SE . " 6-ilen ire TEAS, COFFEE— .... _a_ Th. nuhscriber ' has just added to his former stock a general selection of 01101013 01t0C1111.1118,.as well as all the other variety of articles , usually kept In' a grocery Store, embracing Rio 1 / 4 3( o(am—roasted and green—at 12%-and 14 cents L'l , per lb., Orleans, Clariflad, Crushed and Pulverized 2 d Sugars, of fine qualities; Chocolates, Spices,Dalry [..• Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which aro o. toyed at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the for nor support given us, and invite a further callTrom our friends dud customers Marlon Will, Carlisle. J. K.I is PF E li, , DRUGGIST., has moved his store from the format stand to his new building immediately opposite, and adjoining Mr• C. Inhod's Store 'faill.; made every arrangement to preserve his Medicines ,fresh and pure, and having replenished his assortment of carefully selected drugs, ho is now again prepared to 'attend to business with .are and promptness. Ills assortment • will furnish almost every thing that may be called for, either by the physician. or the family. for domestic use. The gyeateer care - and precantlon-will-bembserved in the compouud l.•ig of prescriptions and dispensing -of modicines. - -Ills assettment of Confectionaries and Fandy U.& Is very general, and will enable purchasers to suit themselves. May 20,1858. . . Dlt I!ISERVI&G SUGAIt.—A general L ass;lrt omit of Crushed, Sifted nod Pulver d Sugars of Lust quality, as also Soft Crushed, Cl rifled and jailor qualities ..,,onstantly on hand, s Bale for proervhig and all othor purpoAos—gp ally ,ap 01,D 1. 1 111Cr.:1: • Al 5 / a constant supply of thus.l. oast Coffees, Tons, Spires and other artlolos'll‘ alwaYa on attention Julnotted to ours ft haters buying elsewhere. - Carlisle. July 25, 'PS. • _ 1 J. W. EBY. .81 7- + :IL '— itlid smelt of Pap e j r .ll lt t i.i g ie l . t e igs ei ;7il d a uiew 911.1ez1+fPcl card Prints , um)oat iog oil the newest end t iglproved styles. Tao designs are sent slid to,,aml the priees.suel, as cannot fail to give antis. iiketion. We Invite our friends and the piil4llc—gimeral iv to call and examine our . assortnienfbefure purchasing elsewhere. • li. SAXTON, Inarchkil • East MIR, Street. earliFfe. `MAR WA; YARD. w is IA "the accepted Um°, and nalr la tin, day far Urave..Stouux, . • . , . . . sm., 5c.,..&c... at, llclfor's Marble .Yord, Carlisle, Pa. Also, Iron na Ins. ...,. 7 , .. _ ..._ LApr. 10..50-6m. -1-)LOWSA T YL !--"-T-ho-subsoriber j_ has and is constalitly:.kedplng. au assortment of , the colelentedllACrliCAlso, constantly on Muni Zloglor`o, Plniik's,l and llenwood's Plows. Ive .I.myy„nls2z4.,ory !Argo lot: of tho famous York Plows on lihndrundif..fme assortment of Cultivators. Itemumber the old stand, Cost Malinrtroet, Carlisle. Muds le, .1835.[ lIENRY PAXTON. MEW LUMBER YARD !-H UM . 11) ; :y; k : CO. having oponeat a' large LuMbur Yard at Mechaitaburg, mould InvltO Carpenters,. Builders and otho're wanting Lumber to call and Hoe, UK they have all binds of Luatbor on hand: , All orders sent to 3lecbanlcaburg viii be punctu r allytittended 'to." 1850.-3 m. ASCYTHES SCYTHE SNATHS.— co dozen Criss nod Orliln Scythes, of all ninketi. so a large eisslrtineut of Scathe of all kinds, Grass amillrain Ifakus, flay, Manure cud Shaking Forks, by the quantlty—just rocolved at tho Choap Hardware Store of IL SAXTON, East Main Street, Carlisle. Fltl4.l,9loubsct. E uis.ljt ltt SUPERIOR 'FRESH HERRING' : or tole yoar's catch. • For aalo at tho eatabliaLod •.rocury. J.. 1.). HALBERT, ti . H1:23,18551 . North Hanovar &root. =MMIE CARLISLE DEPOSIT. BANK.--; • - FTWE PER CENT. • At a mooting of tho Eoard 'of Directors, held on tho 6th of klareh, 1856, it wee unanimously resolved that tutor est ahead I ini paid ou special • deposits liy "the Carlisle Commit Sleek, incorporated by. the .Btui.o of Pommy!. Futile, as itliioll{: . "-' Y - . 4 per coot. por'nunum for 4 mouths, ... 4%. ~" :i ;. '.. "'..8 . • " - • i 3 . 2 w • --Interest ceases after - the explirittlon - of - tho certificate, - unless reissued, and the money always paid back %vitt', out notice. . -,- . GEO. W. a►T:;ER . J3y ordeibt the Board oC Diroctore. March 12, 1810.1 . "11'1111:11/11A101,-CaRbtor. . CUMBEItIAA.Nb .• . .VALLEY. BANK, • tWILLIANI KER,:k ' - RODEIIT Q.'S-rename,- , • 111611.11tA 1110011, - JOHN L 4: STOCI . t, -'3etiet C. DUNI.AP, , /LIMILY - A,181 . 1 , 110:011. , Tlllll Bank" doing ; huxhionaln 'nate° of - .KNII, • BRENNESIAN 00.1 s tam fully prepared to do a gob 'oral banking Busin - ms with promptness and lidellty - . - .i-' . Uonoy rooeleod on Deposit 'nod paid baukan dotuatnd without notice. ..Inkness. paid. cm ~Sposial:DoPoSite-" PoPthmlar atteuthni paid, tp.the :colloctiou or.Notos, Malts, elneoles;&han any part of: tlia , United States or. Thiinittmieet, inadd to, higlennil.LX;pid4 dotal -sant. The:f dtlaful andaonfidetitiel elOtul OP orall or" - dors ontntstea to mean; Ii ay bo rolled upon.; Tboy'idll atollf Ulna's be 'ploped to'itive atipinforomtiondoolred In romnd tp npuey muttons Inponend: • ,-. • - The Proprietors of this Bina indivlduallYAlahlo• to.tho witoot,, of tin* e states : ttmidommite and .mtheroblholtiods of! ior, Itrennofian k Ca.: • .10k.. 1 3ankingIfo leo In.Te'aut's Main Street," Mfo duoridast of the Rsil Road DitoOt.:• OMM Velma +. 'Jams from I/ o'olook. In. tit., morniuK untU o'elgek In • .the•evoolog. 11. A. dTtlltUEoJ..;,Caalder. If, A —lntoristnt.tha rote of • n par'eeitt: per - auntnn', wlljlstelduif Special depuelts palker r etoteie • 7. 4 3 iirii AlasioltlB, ' ' :311i§ce1(ti4tijit . ,.:.'.., 1=:! HENRY BAXTON IN2M2 Blonuniedtg,. 0 1 / 1 11i9, 11111 INZI Stores "anb Stjops:- , 7:30 scURER.o . P it s - c ci• over and louther ate., • C 0 ltlifgbli:—Thoundereigin; ml has always on hand n'hirge stOckof'iiperloi Cabinet ' Ware, lekan the different ntyles,'lslileti he is prepared to : sell at the lowest juices. lion invites attention particu larly to the I'OTENT tumid Bern= IliinSrEAD, a moot useful nrtillo, which entirely". elainteil all objections.— The ban:Jure:sir be old•liedetcade. They barn given entire satisfaction to all nlio have them 1n use. —3n—cormanaltua - vrayornmsrman - gruutrto - . --- . - ' .4 • "JAOOI3.E.ETTEIt.--- . OBERT B. SMILEY, CABINET 7IIAKIIit and UNDERTAICER- Mirth Ilanoveratreet, .next door to-7,VAT - ,..? - tt t i Insintllatef. Ito would rospedfUlly Inform tho eltizons, of Carlisle and tho public generally, that ho has Atm on hand a large and elegant assortmenfoflllll - in part of 'l5 ardrobes, Card and oth er Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads,. plain and. fancy Sewing Stands, ,bc., manufactured of the. best material and quality-warranted "Also a gonural assortment of CHAIRS at tho lowest prices. VONITIAN BLINDS DISCI° to order, and repairing promptly attended tn. COFFINS male at-the shortest notice; and hay lug a splendid hearse he will attend funeralsittrtown or country.. timbersltculnan door to 11. Glass's Bute!.( . - . It. B. SMILEY. NEW. HAT, CAP, AND. SHOE _.• *ARRIVAL _OF ; FALL GOODS FOR 1856. - ". The subscriber his Just opened In 'the store-room - feN smarty occupied by nee. W. Miser, on the corner of the.; publie sguaCe, Main street, near the Market U 01180; and, ~ adjoining the Joirulti Store of Wm. D. Naugle,' anon. tiroly niw and splendid nssortment of Fall - arid Winter ' Goods—comprising the latesestyles o 4 lIATS, '1) I'S,. BOOTS AND SHOES, of every variety stid'finish. • • • Ills Rats consist of eictra fine Moleskin, Deaver, Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting Hats, Sr. Also Straw ' Hats of all Tarts ties: These Hats lire menufactured by •- •Oaltford, Morris &Co., and celebrated hatters of Pfillatlelphia. Ile halt also every variety of Ir. mo Menu- . facture. All these goods ho will goittuu tee to give entire Ills stock of Shape IS made up of over) , variety and style, from the cheapest Ik. the boot article In tho mg kot, and ertaubt fail to plelisc. Ifri respectfully solicits the patronage of the public, feeling confident that ho can sell the cheapest and boat goods In the county, Sep. 17, Isso. A.DDLE - AND HARNESS .31AK- . rNa. The - subscriber continues to carry On the, above liusiness, in all its various bninclies, In North Deg." • over street, Carl isle. two doors North pf Leonard's corner where he Intends keeping on-hands general assortment -- In' his line, consisting of all hi ads of fashloneble_SAD. D Exs,_ itrittlo.Llgnsidnial6g, cliCiugivsana lialters,also'f KINKS, traveling and saddle. Oast bags. Ile 'also anon- - ulhetures the moat 1 51 Improved Sys assil , • Sails aan ever used 1n this country. and those, wishing a Immt. 001110. durable and pleasant saddle will So wpll to call and see thom-lie also manufactures IliirneSsOirldlos, Cutlers and Whips hi all their verb, les, and confidently believes from' the general npprolep Inn of his customers, that he Makes the neatest. and' nest gears, in ell their variety of bro. - Ith, that Is made In :he country. He also makes all kinds of .slntresses to order, viz: Straw, INA, Curled Mir and Spring Mat,- - racers. All the ahoy., articles will bn.made of the best material and workmanship, and with 'the utmost des. patch. . . WM,OSIIDIt N. GOODS-! - 'NEW - GOODS!! OF TIIE- SE.ASON I ' , • The - aubikillEr;,has just returned' limn the fastpris ' cities and Is nowlmening a splendid ass,ortment of FALL bOO , • which will lie sold at very low-prices. • - A •largo stock, of elegant Stella, Thibaf, Cashmere, lirorta and Itlnnket jin Immonsit assortment of the most elegant Sah . cy--.. and Black Slits very cheap. Mous do •Laincs, Chnllluy, Merinoes, Puraniettaa, and . great variety of, Dress Goods, very Inindsotne and .vory _ 111110 . . _ Flannel, Blankets, Cass!netts, Jeans, Cloths and-Caa staleros in great - variety. =BOOTS AND SIB darge lot of - Mots and Sho p s every deaerlption, at the lowest pikes, CAILITTINII—A new assortment 'Of Imperial 'ln grain, Venitlan, and Bag Carpets, ansurtniunt l - -hate'ery large and complete, and all persona want of handsome and cheap goods are respectfully'invfted to call at the Old Stand, East Main. Sep..lo, Ma.) - - MEW. subscriber has -.Li just - retuned froM the city 'Mid Is opening a goneral'assortmont of Fancy and Staple Goods. consist: ing of 'French Merl:lons, Coburgs, Alpacas, Printed Cashmeres and Mons do Lainrs . Dress .Silks In groat variety, Long Erocha Rhtiirls from $l5 to $2O. French illankot Shawls. Cambric nod Swiss Edgings and In—, palm:it and Cambric and Swiss Collars. 'Merino and Silk Shirts — and—llmws. - - Press Trimmings in great variety with other Fancy and Staple Goode, n'ov. 2l; '55. GEO. W. .111VNER. fios : fittinn unt) 31/adjinen), aAS. FITTING AND PLUMB .-n undersigned would Inform th e fCarlisle tlwt ho has made arrange moa t,, to do GAS FITTING and PLIMILNG at Short no Lice, and on ronsonnblo terms. Ho has engaged tho ear vices of a Prat rate hand from Philadelphia, and has sup plied himself with an extenslio nssortmont of FIXT GRES, which will enable him to 1111 all orders promptly All work will be warranted. Illa stock of (Ins Fixtures will 1m found in tho room oicactly opposlto Lin Tinning establishment on North Hanover street, where ho a call. , lINNING, SPOUTING, rh . c.—Ho sins preperid to furnish, or make to order, every midi° of ¶ ymt.u. usdd by houvoliooporri hod other. Ile wpralßn attend to SPOUTING, HOUSE-BOOPING, IHILL 'HANGING, aid ' Thankful for the patronage si tri which he has already boon favorod,lto respectful] nolkits a continuance of the mum • _Clarlials, ins tt,^s4. • • cARLISLE MUNDRY • AND MACHINE SHOP, .1„z The iTubscriber has the satisfaction of itt i forming his old friends and patrons that his establishwentis again in active ape r., n, new buildings Ithvlng been-erected since the late diaa tromi wro and the whole establishment put in com plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully solicited for work In his- line, which will ho done with' promptness and Gi the hest manner. STEAM ENtiliiliS BUILT TO ORDER and repaired. • All lands of. Mnehinery in Paper Mills, Gnat Mills ant Farteiles repaired nt short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and tOned. 11011.9.1 POWEIIS and THRESHING' MACHINES Fuelfrio It.6;11 °ear Four Ilorso Power,. Iforizonthl gear Four }lonia nod Two Horse l'owore; )'}ought. Corn Shot. tors and Crushors, &o."C'attorns made to order. Iron nud =ll2=!Mt=ll2E2ll the Rhorteßi notice. Ruch es Cranhe and Miff Gear Spur and Bevil 'Wheels. ❑ud;;eonn for Sew Mlllr, Plow Carthre:puttere, Point Slicers. Wagon and Conch !lox- es; Splndltia. Car %Vin,ls. Car Chairs. ite.• has also on hand a large supply of 11/11adel Oda and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and is eonsfantry making Cooking Stovra of various Improved patterns fur coal or wood, tan plate Stoves, Grates, ke. Repairing don o .to all kinds of I'd a eblpery. Allklnds of old Irons Brass and Coppor taken In _tpsi bongo for work. FIL , VSK f.T:;I TID7:1?,11. 1119m:6116 .. . . • BAr E S T'I3II , ANCit' . ..MSIrRANdE , T - CO., OF LOCK DA VEN, PA., insures . DoDiclind buildings Stores, Merchandise, Farm Property; and other buildings, and their contents at moderato rates. •' CLAPITAI. S3OO,OOO—CUARTEK PEDVETU AL.. • . • DIRECTORS. ' Hon. jobn, J. Pearce, lion. 0. 0. Hervey, John 11. Ilall, •T. T. Abotms, ' • Charles A. Mayer, . D. .I.,J:sclunan, • Charles Criat, - IV: iVjtitc, . • Peter Dickinson, . Thns. Kitchen. lION. 0. C. 11AleVDIC, Pros. .: "' ''''' • T; C. AURAMS, Vice Pres. THOAB KITCHEN, Secretary. ' . • ateensaims.' . . Samuel 11. Lim d, • • 'rhos. Bowman. D. D., 'A. A. Wiliegariluer, Win. Vandorholt, L. A. Mackay, Win. Fearon, A..Whito, ' Dr. J. S. Crawford, , JallloBQuigglo, A. tfmtegrad; ' . •' John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, ' . 'lon. Simon eainuron, Hon. Wm. Bigler., WM. 0. IMBED, Agent, Learlifile, l'onu'a, 31,5 y 15, 1856-ly • fi.AßL•ral: E AGENCY, k..)- FOR INDEMNITY . AGKINST LOSS BY FIRE. . TILE . F.RINKLIN FIEE INSURANCE CO'Y, • Chartnr . 'Pertietunt.a- p s P lU ' ; ' ,glit u tAtal paid bt. 'Offico • , . 11.1.3 . 1 ;6 Chesnut street; MAHE fas ueANCE, either perinauent or limited, again's! loss or damn() by flre,ou PROPERTY ill)d MEM Of oiory description, In town or Country, on the moat reasonable ;terms. Appilea tines:node either porsonally or by letter, will bb promptly attanded to. , DANO;LER, The -suluirribe'r It agent for the above company for Carlisle and Its_vielnity: All applications for Insurance either by mail or persuliallY will be proMptly attended to by. • ._, -A. L:spiiNerxii, dec. lilt, '.55. fleet Es ate Agent arid ticrivehek . • - U,RANCE. -ALi,xs- I• Aell) EAST "PIINNBIIOIIO MUTUAL TIRE , SItANCE COSI.PAtiY of Ontaborland county, IncOrTO-, rated by au act ofAssombly, to now fully- organized, and In operation under the nurnagetnent.of the tenoning , 'couturier:loners, '". • ' Daniel Ilalley, William It, Oordas,4lllClutrel Molchoir'Brennenrn; Christian Stayniatt; John 0. llutr,,, Jacob 11. OooVer, Lewis flyer, floury" Logan, ItimM., into- IL Jacob Mumma; IV lekorelnuni , :Alexander Untlwrirt. ' 4 , • Tho rates ot imigrancti avian low and fa9ratno tot 1t0.9 .Company of.tho laud In-the lit'uto..- Pomade wishing. to • - :become Ineth4Uril here invited to -make opplicationi to the • •;tgouts'of_tho onionony,•who. are - willing': to. wait upon, •., • them at any time.Ulih p eNnY ,i)El,•,titli 'Vico Vro!iltiont„ , .: 'LtrWIStl/lr,hB,,Ragrotar.* .; • illgit4rtL Totrut•or,,.. -• bOUNTY.—lludoltth Alartin, N . Oum -. 4 borlantli, - .11;• 4.llormani. KingstOapatAlonry, Zoaring • Shironianoto,Wii't -Charles. Caollold • .11#: Ah) : wol •mttam 'Vast "ronnoboonnah Ohlt(ttlltaltul '4l 'arimth ,South had' •Jontott Ala ,ttOwat-ltontMforlil• Innate t" ' • Bothnia ooorer DonJarnln'ttatforaticky•ltlochatt- a„ ••' lostatig John EihirrtakOtialtartv-Itltrtl:, , , hordotiik,n& itri t i ' , „ 41,' Malting, Dovar;4: Nr.,.citattl';,raratilso; nrtitisnuttoinngor &Looltman. : ' Illontbora 01';'thit'iMairany having polloloa alettleFox, ,•, ,ttlicatio tutvo theta renewed .1.?1, 1 *.194'1'- I , pw id i tt r n. to. .;not.,,ofthaagetna.' ,t • . ; 11.0EiliN, STAND - FOR:- AgNT4--: The Subsirlbscdffecs fur.: rent the Tai4lria - Stand ' • ' r r 4 r ell•buenra,ciet the STONE TAI/XitNi d'o., • 'now - in: theocwipancy of 'aecob ded-. -Hecker, situate on the 194i:tut - Sett= CeiFlislo: - The' property consists of, a..lerge,and commonivsintuno liousw•and Stabling sufficient for nlxty, horses, all in complete order; together with reed; ing• fotibOrchard andaardon. „ The pmperry is abund .ewtirsuivirc-d-curr.tspriwg-weter. , , : 11.1so for recit;toVAGON-MLICEIt'S SITOP,t and' , Ten ant lIOUSQ and lot. The sitnatleiFfor a goodin - WaidU cannot be 'surpassed dm the State. Nor tones, apply personally or by letter ,to the subscriber git•Carllslo r Par. - ••• . • JOIINSOMMOOR.E:-.. .9ctober 6, 1855...--3tpd. • • VAL' CABLE' Ciattglilt PLOP'TY;' • 'AT PRIVATE sax. ',That .Yery„raluablu and known 'BUSINESS STAND situittenn the corner of North IL:mover and, Louther St:oots, in tho borough of Carlisle now owned and occupied by Jacob fetter, containing. 30 feiit 'front en Remover Areal and 24,) feet on Louther stroot.— • The linpreviinunits — on ilannnver:sionat . aro a large TIIREE nT..iitY I 0113EywIth a largo.brick back build- Ing fin linuciln ties most elegant. manner, containing 11 rooms Including the store room, besides pantries and con smile' closot acraugorue Ott. The STORE 0031 ifl 33 feet In dopth, fitted up In the -best, toossible 111:1fl nor and Ono of,tho most'doslrable and long „stabilshed business locations In our town. . There la a largo two story brick building fronting on Louther street, with n shop attached, now occupied as a cabinet maker shop. Also a stable On the foot of the lot, and other 'nereasary ont buildings, .'The property is in excellent order having boon recently fitted up by the present occupant .For terms to, enquire of • . , A. L. SPONSLER, • Iteal Es AgentitntrOcrivener. - sopt 5, 1865 . , . n.l.GlitiY. IMPROVED. GatAlr.ti. ~ FARM AT - PRIVATE SA.l;ll. - Sriitito two a dj o i n ing north of Calislo, on te ;Coned°. guine t Crook, g the Cerlis r lo•WaterWorks, ' • CONTAINING SO ACRES'Ott LOD,' • in the. highest state of cultivation. and, under good fence, nearly all of which le post and rail and wire., 4 . , , The ' lmprovements are a Tiverstory a...q"*'`"'' - The HOUSE, a-llarge Bank 4 Born, with other. convenient Ont .Mr; ;. buildings, a fine Oreharit of Applos, in i ..,4‹ . ,,i ; ,•,1 7 . • 2 • trrgotkor with otherfruit, and a Well of . Wator nt the door. The Ideation is an eligible one, owing to lts proximlty to tho Wntor Works, from svideir.the entire farm =Who , conveniently supplied with water. ' . • Forlorms, Ac., enquire of • • ~.. , A, L. spoNsrm, .Sop.'24; 11350. Real Estate Agent and.Scrivenor, J. B. K 8.14.131 • DESIRABLE. TOWN PROPERTY • •-- FOIL SALE.• - Tho xulrxrrihe otters nt privato sale illa propoky.on whicli 10, nnw.lives, eltunto IrCrioilibi,l' a titftit;ltillits wough,•nearly 9pposito Dlchinsun Cutlugc. Tho_pro• -- trryc - =nlF;TdroT . • IMICI( DWELLING 110U8E, • . . . .... ... at ~..,„, and Lot of orotund, containing ONE ?..Il' . Allitil, more or less. Tho lions°.ls new ~17 I, ~.." hod in otscollent order, and hems: ann. 0, ,, -* :,, modious lack' building, Btablilig and ts'._-'''" ' ....,, °thin. out-honses attathed, with.n won • of water and pump.. The are well' callliated,' Comprising flower plots, shrubbery and shado trees and the-lot-is - amply tilled, with the sickest "varietiesuf fruit, comprising eight kinds of fall and winter apples, at least twenty varieties of peachoi, half a dozon yards ties of ,pluins, together with cherries, ai-lecke, pears, rssitbotrlos, .Curniuts, gooseberries, abound and fig trees. ,br.. in miundance, all of which. aro , In thrifty bearing condition. It is iu _every respect a dcsithble property. - IM spits disposed to, purchasearo minuted to call and examine. . ~ . e0p1.4:9Gt1.1 - ,cinucr.Es It. MURRAY. ATALUARLE LIMESTONE FARM V. AT PRIV= AMA. .;" • This saleable property is situated in Mame, township, Cumberland county, about 8 miles east or Carlisle, on tho'Yeliow lireeehesCreek. mid Is known an the - • . ' 'ARRA% WILLIAMS' FARM." • . . . ' . Tt. contrilics 260 ACIIES of Um bent quality of LIME STONE. LAND, nliout - 20 of ifillell are coven d trilh good Timber, In Addition to which • o Isrgoljuitralty of 'mount ii. growing. noil - tliro iesiduo. In the highost pos sible state of °lilt] rotion. _ • . • The Improvonionto n lime TWO-STORY BRICK , :--111AN8iON jrOIISH, 'with Back-building, Stone Spring it }Was°, ~,.;"/ nod other convenient-out buildings .7 ttnrk!, . Large Stone BAI 4 iK, tbresiilng lloors.-WaggOn . She'd, Corn Crib; Hay. House, Carriage 'louse, Are. Thera id a large "Maire.power' , pfirmnriently Piud to the barn. A Ino a largo Two-story'Frnol o Tenant 1 fbuse, plastered, and n A good'Oreluiril of Appals, and fruit. ne-ocery-delieriptioin—A-limi-strenni orlyntet-rinns-with In IS yards of the bonen, emptying into tho- said ereeL: iunfiedintely in-froni-octifirotrsirmid-berrn---*---. • This property possesses superior - advantages, 'in. offers rare induconietils to purchasers. The buildings :aro most delightfully situated on the hanks of a hound. ful struain of water, the. Yellow Brooches Crook, and sulllciontly °located to make the scenery unsurpassed by any place hi the country. School houses aro in the Inunudletu virinicy had a church. at Dillsburg, throe miles liktant. with a -good rood leading to the same. Also a Oast Mill situated on the T llow Brooches near said farm. on the adjoining proport The lecetionit. entirely healthy', and eligible in ever point of view. For tormi4 Sc., enquire of . • - • A. L. 8 , ANBLER, Aug. 13, 1856—tf.) Real Estate As• mt and ficriv. ATA-L. U A 13 , 1'E FA; ' PRIVATE. ,SALF.,.. V ... Tbls vahmbla property lit.STLuated luDiclanson town'. „."...ta in ship, Cumberland cm ty, 43.4 'miles eoutk Paper. of town,l mile from c o Gettysburg road, Icing betwpen It and the Oxfdr e road, and about 4‘,4 miles from Alie York Springs, known as' 11w WAL'IEM VER. FARM, CONTAINING 190 ACRES OF LAND, ..---. ~. One huddred of Ichlet aro cleared and In a good state ofetiftivatlem-and tho residua Is covered with 000 d Timber, and Young Chesnut of the flnestquality. ' Th 6 Improvements are'n one and it i it t ' 1 ''-',- ''-‘,„ half story LOW HOUSE, thoroughly ' ~,; , --,„, --, 7 repalroll, 1.00 BANK BARN, Wagon ;'/- . :,to.•': Shed and Corn Crib, Smoke 'House, "N' I°. " Dry House, and other convenient Out-buildings. Agood Apple Orchard, besides cherry; peach, and other fruit trees. A beautiful stream of running water within a short distance cf the door. About 4000 bushels of Limo have linen put on the Enrol within:the last couple of years. ,The land In producaise, and the feces goild : ` - A per terms,c.; onquironf - ' . - A. Ia , ,SPONDLER, " • Beal Estate Agent and Scrivener, July 30,1350—K) ~ ',arils', Pa. t monius.? VALUABLE :B AL ESTATE AT I'ItIV ATP: SALE, • ' Consisting of TWO VALUABLE LESIEFIWNE FARMS, situated in Silver Spring township, Cittdhorland Co., live miles east of Cnrlislo, on. the Trindlo Spring Road. Ono of mid thrum, with Imprnvements,.wlll be made to contain from 120 to 110 acres, to suit porchasorn, with which will be given 10 or 16 acres of the best quality of Thobey Land.., . Thu tinprovCmonts thereon aro a good LOG HOUSE • • L rgo flankanln. with two Threshing floors, Witgon Shod, Corn Crib, and , other Out-buildings; well of wilier at he minor, and n lino young Orchard - of • Aiming, together with other fruit. "- 'rho other firm will nuntain about 130.ncros, including nhout 15 acros.ll Timber. This Ireui is unimprove4,but has a beautiful site for building. •' 'rho fences In both trnete aro In good condition, and tho hind is inn high stato of cultivation. For terms, enquiro of , . . • • '• A. L. APONSLER, SO. 10, 1850-6 w.) Reel Entnte Agent end Spiv' 1111V0 VALUABLE AND MTHLY ii yILTIVAMED LIMESTONE PAWLS. AT PRIVATE SALE. ' - 81tunto In Dlckinnon tonclifp,:pumbetland' county, No. I. Sit into about ono-half mile west of the Stone - Taverniort - tlik - Wainntlidttafftltond,ationt seven miles. West of Carl late,' ' CONTAINING AIIOIIT 220 'ACMES. eti of which are covered with Good Thnheraud;the rod , dun is In a high state of cuKlydtton. . The improvements are it Jorge double Twastory Tramo • Rouse, filled tu with brick and ,! weather-boarded; kitchen at.ankted, wood housantash house, smoke house Sc. A doublo Log Barn, wagon shod, corn crib, end earrings house. 'Mere are two noier.telling 11 - ells of Water, ono ht the house anti cite at the born, nod a large claim, A fine Oa -chord °Nipples, together with peaches, pears; cherries, . grapes, - - A lieu line been run dirldieg-the tract into two parts, -.ono of which with the ahoy° mentioned improvements wlll,cmrtaln 115 nerve. There Is moue and a-half story Leg Ileum nail Stable on the tither:part. No. 2. §ltunte in Raid, township, about ono mile west of N 0.1.. on the State Bead landing from Gottyshurg to Nemo ills, and attest midway between the.Wainut Bot tom haul and the 'furtipike,' • 0351TA1N,ING llo' ACHES, • about 45 of which are corerott'wlth excellent Timber, the residue in lu a good state of-cultivation and nutter good fancy. The Improvementn are entirely new, and consist of a FitA3IG•WEATIIERBOARD GOOSE, two •storlet, with a hasement ; a Frame Dam, lower. part, atone, it cistern at the door, with other improvements. -These !impartial aro handsomely situated; and offer the greatest inducetnentn to purchasers. The laud Is of the most productivo character, and the location desira ble lit ovary, respect. For terms andfurther partieulans • ,:- • . L, SPONBLEit,, • .• Oct. 1 15554 W ) • Real Estate Apia and Scriv.• • t STOVES ! STOVES 1 STOVES 11l D. OORGAS would Inform the- pablie that o has now-on hand at his estabLishmont, on Main Bt., neat door to Marion, nail, tho largest and most cony ' piste' assortment 'oT 0001 C, OFFICE, k • LOIt STOVES 'Iie found in this - county, - - which will bo sold, at, the, lowest prices for ',4itt - 4:5; • dash - or approved credit.. Ille stook consists of :3., lama asear,twent of MO( and • highly up. proved PATENT altolf.lNG' STOVES, finished hi the meet - Conwdetoinanner, and ralcubited Ihr either Ail....4llo_,9lo:,itoßder4_,•pattor:ps_ bsve stood - tho toot of esporlonoO, May he Ihund able ar abliehment.• ,Also, a great , varlety'of. the most' - approve - beautLul PARLOR orgron sTovEsou-. .riuding., 'number of now , strlea,rsto..sollig sups tior alutagesOvor thopo hereto orti; Farallon ' •andhiS Nekoepors are - , raspeatailly in tad • Ara biola; 'call dtititpurchising elr.owhere. • abyss - slivered'.4c any part ut the country and put up titer shortost'nal 110 continues to do - 611'1(10s of N AND fiII.N.ET 'nos WARE, and copper Work,..and constantly o n . hind or flake • to •ordor Ovary, artielb.rounirod by hbusekoonalii or ethers In tido line., ;Ills , Stools:of Tln• arid oOnpor.Waro4nObriiens Wary klndif household kitchou utonsil,warranteCoquata Ilea, bee t mann* •tured..• Persons .Irovant , of . artiolea. h:11,11ns may- p. „Ways ho salvo' bologaO,OatoV,‘ lbeaatlinhatiO4, by giving hint a call.' • , e 4.• TT 2k.b.TE rtr- - Itt v tr aox..PertrurcA, , , , ,t, , . M.:lilitXarkatratrect„ above 13th', Plkiladelpfda:•. .Inipokter„..liiiinisfactuirer - and -Dcalei:la•-all- ittndiesnd. • itualitlea of .1 1 .4,N9r YUllfllor•ladles an 1 101illdroa: , 11;^ , 1 1 ';'wouldrall thb attont..l9o. Of tha:ladies.'add:otlxgra hunienso atiortailait,being-tho directimnOrter . Atid• • Idauilfoettlitr alEtay.Oura. r feel confident r ln asking that bean idler .tlnfifgreateit Induopmants. td• those In , nailt and at, thitaamo'thne Will have one of the largOst allsOrtraentAnnelaOt.fkou.•l:V., „, • • aterolbdpOpanitthatrf 41D,Ule4o , glie ,Velcro purogyJikijq lay lesalo denartounit.i. lit ' supullo4'"to'atfoli ,ttin. , llB - uttfor every artiste to thti' Buriloo r ,supat thi'liassat..oosalhis. , Monnfacturars' • Prima. • , • ; JOUN.PAWIR A, ' .Eon ' .Maet3oe 1 :,' Xeof (fstite Safes. M AT =Mt! =ll Coat :garbs . . 13ROAD TOP COAL=_-': 10,000 bushels of the Oolobratod Top aclujoiltheCoSlreeelvlug end foe 'futle by' - - • 89. 8, 12501 - • - • MURRAY; Agent. 17 4 1A1V, ILY KENBVALLEY COAL, Broker, and rasproonodi prepared exprosaly,for family usp and kept ,tianza COVER, ao that I"can furnish It - Day • and MAN Mirth - a' the vfixdar.stumn.—Jainv.a_almtniLad•to r otb n - LUKE FIDLER .COAL from the mines'of Boyd. Reare,r:l Co., andaiLidlOKlN.COALfrom,thaolupa of-Cord.— rap, Peal &C0., - all of which I will sell at Timall prntA fo cash, and deliver to any.part of the'horou6l4. ' • . W. B. MU iIIIA y. y01:10 . scriber would respectfully 'invite thO attutrinin of u °remind° to hls large stock or COAL, o; varioue kinds such. as -Lyken's Valloy Nut for Liusebittners, Travenol', Egg and Nut. :Thaw .ldit Broken, Egg and Nut; of vidch• he will cu ll at 'reduced prices from last.yonr,:for cask. Thu nrokan, Egg, and Stove Coal, for family, ,use. gm'onod.— By striving to please...l—hope te, . have a liberal patron ago. TO BLAOKBNIItIIB . . _ I am now prepared to supply you with the celetmtad B. oad Top' e y al, which is considered the best in the State. Come and look AIWA. I v have the Cool also onliandalriiiiiiiiitr Twill Sall loin for'catth. Quick sales and short profits is my motto—a nimble six ponce is better than a dull 'shilling— Pleaso a eatl; one and all. ~, • • -• • • • " " JACOB snittoc. tar.l4l orderslett, at his residence in Bast street.,Vr, at Peter Monyer's and lleury Sastou's a ores,"yrill be promptly attended to. ($ et. 1, 1850, Musine6s (Earts G' 10:1t-GE B G JUBTICE OF_TIIE . E ACE 10_01110 Opp:wits tho Mot and of the Court House Aprll 156. ' _ et . , P. RUMItICH, Attoiney..atLaw.. ‘...J• — Oinco on ' North Hanover - streiltoi for/ doors moth of Olass' Hotel. All business entrusled to him will tie promptly /attended to; • [April 15. A N. GREEN,. Attorney .at. Law. :7—.olllce in Enot Maha Street, Ikiebanicsbtirg, Pa. attend td BUILVEYIEG In connexion with ads pmfceslon. • Tblny. 21, 1856.-.4y, _l_,l S: B. KIEFFER Office ie. North llanover street two doors from Weiss & Campbell's store.. Office hours, More particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. M 0 and from 6to 7 o'clock, I'. M. • p dI oCTOR, S,, P. ZIEGLER—Office reunabßosldenee East Main Street, third door claw - he erkot - llonse. --- Calltrla tinvtricud. county promptly attendod. . • 21;11W" . WILLIAM C. RIIEB3I,- Attoiney nt. In Main Stroot, Owlish+, 40 - .llwatt:tors entrusted to him will ha promptly qt ndod to.' ' Fob; BRANDT, Manufacturer of Watere, French Mead, - - Bottled Ale, Porter and Cider, " North FherStreet,'hoar the hall Road-Bridge, Carllele_ bit. c:-L(10mIS South Hanover. street, next door to the. Post • • bo!nbsont from Carlisle tho lest ton days of .ch.month. _ ' [Atm. 1, 'bt. (EORWE 8. molt DENTIST, from the RAP 111SLQ .8. imoro Cont. eof Dental Surgery. .',113.0111e0 et the resldouce of Ids mother; East Louthor street, three doors below Bedford. itofureoco—Dr. Goo. E. Bretz - --March 10.1556—t5. W M. R 171 E 1 " 31 11116 N.A ., having been instructed - In the art (by Dr. Goo. Z. Drets, a graduate of the Baltimore Dental College). Is now proparod to rocelre his (HAMM] and perforiu the earloue rworritlcnirlit the line of the Dental profession, at his resiaineo, In South Street,third door from West -.Strout. - Ulve 113 'Deimainodeinte.- SPONSLEtt, late Register of Cu:tabor laud county, will carefully attoud to the transaction of all such husluoss ea aty_he,mptruated to him, ouch he tieceviiillig of Weeds, - Mortkages Contracts, .inf. lie will nisotiovate o the-procuring of Land-War ratits,Tenslons, &a. no well- as the purchase and sajo ofifoitiCatiito,,negotiatione, of loans, - ac. t;i3,„.oflicohn West High... Street, formerly occupied, W.„3l:.Penr'ost. Esq. Wear the Methodist Church. DEAL .ESTATE - AGE.NCY. Ath:OtENTO. ZOIS. • JOY! TOOMFBON. 73Z} II .t 7. 110 - '31,801i Ifavo opened an °nice at lit.losoph, Mo., for Um par• ebasaand solo of lteal.Estato,•buyintand selling-Laud Warrants,•entering Land On Tfloo, Ourveying and Map. ping Towns, Location of Warrants, and making invest. Intuits for non•residents, paying of Taxes, and all bust. nom portaining to a °anorak Land Agency in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, And lowa. on Second Street, North of A. T. BeattJe's Buoking ffi lfouee. ' ' [July 80, 1860. OARD.;-:—Dn..• . J.ofttr . K. SMITH' most It ll respectfully Informs the friends of Homoeopathy and Reform, as well as-ttio publics generally, that he will be assisted in the practice of Medicine and Surgery by Da. Join Alp('intl./NO, late of CarllOti. To ur OLD rittinns-11y health being in a gre4 do gree restorod,l will. assist TM. Slam in the practice of ,Modirlne and Surgery. I can at all times be found at his office, In South llauover street, when not out prm fhoslonally. JOHN ASNISTHONO: Owlish., September 5,1850. CE3M=I sNYDER & M'FARLANE-- LANp AGENTS. • AISZNEAPOLIS, Opposite CIO SURIOUSIOII Bridge, Falls of St. Autbony, - blinnearda•Territory will buy and sell/lands, negotiate' •foans, 'melte land Warrants n .llnnesota, lowa, antrIVVeRMIT. respoetlng.the country, by letter or ptherwlse, promptly answered. REFERENCES. -.• Ron: Alex. Ramsey, Ex.Ooveruor, - • • lion. 11. M. Rice, Delegate to Oongtoss, Minnesota, (Joy. Pollock, Ilarrishum • James It. Rode 4 Co.,,Pbliadelphia. . -. lieu. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, A. Brady 'Sharpy ER., . _ Ma4oun, Now York, .Itobert Walsh, Now Orleans, Jaynes M. •Irvine, Esq., Nowville, 11en..1. 8. Illack,F3ornerset, Pentea., Uon. J. It. Eddie, .--- .7. 11, Good, Mayor, Springfield, Ohio, - • Gen. C. Anthony, " Jas. Canton, Esq. St. Louis, Wm. Wilson, Esq., Baltimore, Md., . J. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C., J. M. Wilsou, Philadelphia. • 30.000 Acres of Ur•lmproved Land for Sale, at from $2 to $lO per nor°, also lmprovod. Farms. Lots for fele in St... Punt, St..Anthouy, and pll towns on the Minnie auto river. . 014_Particular attention girth' to the Loaning-of Money, hud Entering Land Warrauts. .tddreee. °NYDER & hITARLANE, - Iltarch RB, 1850.-Ix.i Minneapolls.,Mlu. Tor. FAYETTEVILLE - I?Em.A.Lg: SEM INARY.—The duties Of this Institution Will be r,sumed on the Ist of September, 15513M8 - dor the direr the-Princlpal,-who-will-be.assisted.ity the.same_ teachers formerly employed. The scholastic year will be divided into two sessions of Five-Months each—the first commencing on the Ist of September, the second on the let of February. There will bo two courses of study In the Institution OMONAL and the nIXIIILATI. Pupils In the former course linlehlmr, any .branch of study, will receive a CEnTIFICATn signed by the Principal and Teacher, Those' completing a twuldr - coutso will recefreDiploreas and Testimonials of Merit. " • o- ' . Tr.Slde, Von SOBSION—FIVE MONTHS. Board, fuel, light. room furnished, $50.00 Tuition in 1b41:1 Branches, " .-- 10 00 " 111 le and use of Piano -/• . 20 00 _ nitro ' " Drawing and 011 'fainting, 13 00 66 . Pencilling and Drawing, - 800 " French, Latin or Grook, with other • . ' 4 00 Washing per doton, -49 For further particulars son circular; ItENNEDY. ' • • August 20, 1868. - -Itn. • • Principal., ROSEWOOD PIANOS FOkt SALE , Two' now and (demerit Reacmcre.Planbe 616 - abd vas, from. the celebrated , mannfactirs'iof Ifahot, Divas a Co. Poston. :Them lostrumealf - have bent carefoilpodected from a bultdetetk, oblharo warranted give 'entire aatlefactlon, lfhor 11111 he irdld at .. .- .._ . and order by a competent, persen;fer ono year from date of sale. Thosomho'moymtehlti Mounf no, or to purchase a good InstrumenLare inilted to call upon the subscrber at Ids resideurell (earliglo.', - . - . - Also, TO WSW, two good prat) )(14umd Plano Fortes at .s,Sperquarter: - - - • , -,• WIN - RZIST.AXMAN:', - 14 .., . . . VICES?' ,I)ItTJGS . , , 1%. 1.-I , ', lil (1 N I 8, & xl, ..t..-1, iitteeititt rdoeirmt from Philudelphin trot .., • ' •' • NOT York 'Tory extutolvo udditiono Li 01 'termer Stockitonitrarlie; noorly.o rot)• it aisle • ..., of filledielno•.- noir . - Li, uso t toketlier • with rAlitrititiOlim'Vernielhoi, ' Turpentine, Vertu :, • 1 . µwry, haps, Shitionery; blue Cutlery, Fish.' L•litel`aohis,Drushos of ,almost every deserip , . •rottorithilitorellemPrarlety,:of - otber•srticlesilrtiich - j: , amdeterinied - Of tritelt . t ;the.estte tottrzy prides. i.; • ~ •.•• .Alt Physylk ,-101-0. iiitry,itiereititittl*Podlarit'entL•oth, 'his' , tare rispeetfoilk.erhtted not. to peso tho ,OLD' Brim), gig they ratty:mit eteartid ttutt, usury a k tlclo*lll bonold of ti good quullty, and opt', rditsonsble tonne*. . . • ....•• ..... . , . ~.. - DU I n CRY 40 ' ntAt4 . 4l - 1. or iairepaneelficte"iiitt'. t eUrtt. *leaning* complete list or liewspanoreln .tblinlted., Steles,' Canada& end Great prit,oll4 -The onlyreliable work of .the kind In Ill:acrid: 'ilekjnyel• - tutblo aseletant to , the ..lktlttri Beek licher, Ind Gerpkt 04 . 4.A.41#441110r,:48 , r0;.2Q0444 4 • fs" I '! ; LOrirecelpVeg 0114„ , Pei' Malt, tte,eny: part tkie . ; 'Publiehere, , trapilelterp Inserting the. above ; three,montlle,-Mtln editorial reference, etude pending ' ,641001. - Or - 1 0 4 P Or. 44111614.1 tb aboveisdrim . lyreceive Copy:. ofthe' . . . . . . . : l ESTATE'or:A4RG4.ItArXIMkt.',f, — ll46;:deiiniall.'4Netiae hi horoby giren; ; .that4;at:;: : :tors festanuinte!rriai..thb. Main Margaret klexiduki, ' late of theheinugherceilisle,,,Onteberlanditonnti4:de, imased,'. havebeen.' granted.: by the Itegistei , Lef said 'county to thesubseriber, 'residing In said borough,: , parsons knowing themselves indebted lo sold estate are required to,make immediate payment, abd thesahaving ,elaimeto present them ,for, settlementlo • •. ' ,WM. ; 13.411111.11AT,' , —. 7 — D3, 58777 ; • • , .-.:77.7rxesiaterrr. T t eilt 7 l . that application will bo mode to tl next Logia. (hum of Vennaylvaubt;to alter the cluirtor'of the Car liale - Depusit - DanliTlecated - lirtha - Doraugh - alf , Carllalo7 liumborland - rounlyparrurtarconforlapon - saidllanktho right. and 'priVilogos of er Bank ofissue ' and to change Its • ame to.thoCarlislo 'Bank. Also to increase the capital of aaid Bank (which Is at present sevanty.two. thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing tine : same un d or Its prcaont charter to ono hundred thousand dollars) to Three Hundred Thouaand Dollars. - • 19'. BEETE3f, July 0, 1860.] °ashlar. (YOUR T • - PRO LAMA T j wher6afc the Llonotable.Jesuts H. 011MIAN. Erect. dent Tudgenf the 'several Courtsiof Comtnon•Pleatiin "the counties of_Dumberland;-Perry-and - Juniata, - and7 - Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer' and Terminer and Genera] Jail Delivery lit said cont. tips, and llon.Joint RUPP and &must Woonnnatt Judges of the •Ccittrt of Oyer and !Ten:hitter And-General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in-the mid county of Cumberland, by thoir prooopta to me directed,tearing date the 25th day,of.August 11350, have ordered the Courtof Oyer and Torminor and Osmo nd Jail Delivery to be, CARLISLE on EON DAY. the 10th of November, 1850,10 10 o'clock In the :'orenoon, to continue ono weelc. , • NOTICE IS JIEREDY GIVEN to- the coroner, Jos, Dees of the Peace and Constables of the said county of , Cumberland, that they - are' by the mid' precept , minded to' be them and those in , their 'proper persons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, eliminations and ail other romembmnces,,to do those things vylpich to their Wilco appertain to be doge, and - all those that are bound by reoognieancee, to prosecute - against the prisoners thatiwe or. then shall bo In the'jail of said *county, are to• ix there to pnisocuto them as shall be . JACOB BOWMAN, . 8111:11.1PedOPFICR:OAILLTEILE1 Sheriff. UMBERLAND VALLEY R. R.- r... 1 •,g, ',or% 2 gla On and titter MONDAY. October 13, -1858, Passenger • Trains will run as follows: - (Sundays.oacepiod :- •• • FOR HARRISBURG - ' • • • ' let Train. 'reeve Chambiirsburt. - 8,15, A.. 61 2.10, P. M. " Nowvillo, • 0.45. " 8.20, 4 ' as Carlisle, : '• 10.25, "' 8.55, " Mechanicsbarg; ' 10.65,- • 4.25, - - ' At Harrisburg, 11.25. " 4.62, 11 7,0 n. 01.1A3111B10311URGa • eV-Train. , , 2d Train:. Mayo Harrisburg, 8.45, A. 8.1 - 1.40, P. M . Mechanicsburg; " . ' Carlisle ." 4 1 2.48, ". " , Nestvilto, 10.60, " - 8.25; . . • " Slapponsbilrg, At Chnuaborsburg, -11.20, 44 : 3.50, 44 ' 11.63, ' 2.28, , 44 TRAINS' tonsil Harrisburg for Philadolphia at 7.15 P. M., and 1.15, via Cointabia. . , - Leasa lierriabnig for Pittsburg at 0.33 A. 51.; 12.66 noon, end 6.05 P. 81. . 14, Lasso liarrieburg for BaHimoro, at 8.60 A. 41., and Cara Of Datiphin - riid Susqvielliana hill Rend leave Bar. risburg for Auburn, Reeding, &c., daily. .itTp4„At all-Stationisihoro. Tickets are sold, Faros are TEN CENTS LESS than when paid iu the Cars. ' .0. N. LOLL, Superintendent. Rail Road Omco, Chambersburg,} • • , • • — Oct. 14, 1850. .. STOOK- AS .IATION.OF THE " ala SPICING L ' ITERABIe INSTITUTE," of Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa. • lirand and extensive sale of • • • - . BOOKS,MAAL ESTATE,,Ac. . --- The proceedaof the sale to be devoted to-liquidating the -r D sbt,of the Institute:. 01 • - Unlparalled• Opportunity to buy a valuable , and become a Shaeholdsr in much valuable property. _ LIEULAIUNNISOIPS _GREAT __WORK ON__TIIE_ MORMONS, at only Ono Dollar per copy — Eleven Books for Teo Dollars. -Gunnison's History of the Mormons is by far the moat accurate and reliable .work we have of that deladed people.-- In order that• every person may -becomea-Shareholder r the -price- of-a-Book and Cortiti-- mte of Membership of the '-alsociation will be only $l. The CortUicate*lll entitle the boldly to an iniorOet its Abe following • • • , VALUABLE ItEAL ESTA.TE,i&c.: • • 1. VALUABLE IMPROVED FAIIBIi $3,500 With ail-necessary OutAulldinga, situated IA • OualberimadValleY,.nearNewville,coatalcsing - 125 acres. . • ' 1 VALUABLE *ARM, Adjoining the above containing 125 acres.. VALUABLE TIMBER LOTS,. 1,8000 o[so acres each, situated In Mifflin township, Cumberland county, - • 2 VALUABLE TIMBER LOTS, • Of 25-acres each. • 1 SPLENDID NEW BRICK HOUSE,, 2,000 s.• 2 Story and Brick Building, adjoining the Hall • the west. 3 1110 LILY. IMPROVED OUT-LOTS, Of overl acres each, within Ralf a mile of New vino, at *5OO each. 100 Mors for lIERRON'S CELEBRATED WRIT- INOMPK:nt 41.6 par ardor, ; '1,200 1 MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD PIANO, 900 From the celebrated Factory of Wm. Knabo k • Co., Baltimore. 1 Superior ilielodoon, 2 Splendid Hunting Can Gold Lover Watches, at $lOO each, .. 200 2 Splondid Bunting Case Gold Lover Watches, at . . $B7 50, 175 . , 5 Splendid Gold Watches, $5O each, ' '250. 15 splendid Ladles' Gold Watches, at $5O each, 7 500 10 hue Silver Lever Watches, at 25 each, 257 12 " " • Watches, at.s2o each. .., . 2-10 15 superior Parlor Clocks, at $B-each, . " 120 50. ", —Gothic. " 3 160 50 " Cottage -" a • 150 1 excellent-Family Carriage (latest. style), 1 " 'Rockaway . - 1—",..... 1 excellent Spring Wagon, 1 superior Two-horse item! Wagon. ' 2 set,, Splendid Ilarness (silver mounting), 2 extra Spituivh Saddles, 2 superior Walnut Sofas, 1 magnificent Sofa Tabl!, 11 1 ,1EM=1!I 2 " Dressing lturoaus, - 150 1 s plendid Secretary, 50 4 Dieing Tables (extra Cherry), 50 4 Iledatoads, ' , 2.sots Chaim, at $l5 per set, • 30 3 Imported Carpets, 211yarde each, $2O par piece; 60 2 Llosa. , eindo Carpets, °Atm, each at $.23 per ' - carpet, • '. 8 Tartar Stoves . , at $l5 earl., ' 120 2 Orders for Suits Clack Clothes, at 1130 each, 2 " ' • Sllk Crosses, $3O each, . - S-" • • Clothing, 1 10 - " Unto, . . 12— " Boots, , .0 10 "• Gentlemord•Shoos, 413 50 each, 12 " Gaiters, 400 12 " Ladies' Shoes; 200 - 24 100 Gold Pencils, at $2 each, . 200 200 Gold Pons, et sl'oo each, '2OO • 100' Boxes Aesorted-Perfuniery, et $1 00 each, -- 100 40 copies weilhound 511scollaboons liooks, at $1,50 each, • k,:• 00 15 Ladies' Albums, at $2 each, 500 *dell Popular Music, .. 152 . This Association is founded upon hopest and fel r principles. Each book purchaser gets the value of. his money In the book, and on account of thogreat numWr, sold, becomes is shareholder hs, much valuable pro perty. A certificate will be presented to each book putv - chaser; entitling the holder to an-interest In-theabove valuableproperty. As. somi as 'the books small imid, notice will bo given. to the stockholders, and a conven tion sill' be hold In Noweille, at the Institute', Hall. when a Committecs:yill .1,0 chosen, to whom_the pro perty will be delivered, to be distributed among the shareholders. All the articles that can, will be exhibi ted at -the ,Xnatitute's Fair, on the of August.- From the-very flattering manner In which this Joint Stock Association Is received and patronlsed,.and from the number or tickets alrespyld it is confidently be lieved that the property can delivered to the share hblderis in a few months. No the 'Character of the "Bm SPRING LITERARY INSTITUTE," and .those coribecteAwith it. we are permitted to refer to the following , gentle men - REFERENCES: . ' lion. Jas. Pollock, Uov. of Penu'a.. • • Lon. Thaddeus Stevens, Lancastor, Iloti. Frederick Watts, Cnrl'elo. ' lion. Lom. Todd, Mom. Con., Carlini°. • • Senator Wm. 11. Wolsh,.York. • ` : . , - -.....-... • Hon. Wm. F. Dlurmy, Harrisburg. . , '" • Wm. Kaaba & Co., Baltimore..- . • • : . Wm..l. Shearer, Pros. Att'y, Cumb. Co., Pi. Daittel Shelly, Sup. Common Schools. John W. Brandt. Bso - •`' larrisLurg, Boyer & Brother, - so-All orders for. Boos and Cartiticatoli, by mail, should be addressed to ' , . . • . • AGENTS WANTED, in twit! T.:kin and Villaie in the United Status, to obtain subsoriptions for Books, to 'whom a liberal commission will be gluon. AU Lotter* of inquiry, accompanlPd ~1.1 / 4 7 tago Stamp, will be, Prix!Pqr.:answered. • • , • , LIST ON AGENTS.. ‘.- Seminal Metraw, OoodIlope; B. 19.'Ourriden,' , 81tipt ponsburg; John Fluid, Sitephentotown: &mil: Glaser,. . Wabiut Bottom ;..hui. Elatton r Leop'Pross ROltdir Jtataor, JOlni • riV, Seigiamitn.. Shiremanstown 1.W..E. Struck, .J.' Sr Uostottor, litochaulasharg; Wm. Noaker, 'Popurlowui'lt. Wobbert..Bolling i3Pringo; D Lomita Grove, J. J. Crawford, Newrilie ; J. ll. Ortsswroii, Shippeusburgi 5...1. Kunkle; Oroon. Spring ; .Stitor.Monyer, Waj. Uollur..Wm. Lyttle, A.:0; C0i111113;1, Cern*: N. Swoysr, Newrille.Depot ; D. S. • CairL - LeesbYirg: - Jas - M. ShoPlienisialsO: Dovidsaii: Ploineold: E. James,'Test Ism° llull,t Churoiltown . T. G. Wilibunson.Dickinoms: Ueitry Soy dor, Mifflin township; J. VoisderholLOoksiUs; Stoughstmin; E. S. McCune, Middle Spring; 'A P.' Erb, Bridgepo r t; Lowie township;'. aarld Strohm, New Kingotown: Ant o,dotnen Boar, 0314.30 , ' • SPEING-;STYLEOP. -4121111.:: - .. - .41.T...xpLximrtit OM:WAND,: 0 ecincig 'KELLER dachas t.O . call die:attention 'old frionds nd ppifinnorti to bit ntofslicortmoot of Clett ',Wino es lIATS; of ilia Oaktbril,' finvinwstyle r wltb alegunt"tociortimint of" 1101"8 ..and,411321174EX: -, ..'. RAM brovortsartety'and the - mot ftuthlonsbloityles. 14 bac also aonitantly onJutnd a lMge axid ~ nortmenCof f4O. 0,11 rrykulithAttro ; well swat Tots min 4 OtiP4Sitabla for ttrolOPONWthlitin v erY.:: -, :' vinoty. or Ittusils, postcrig &C Ma* fatiedld tha latfiststyle p limiYblTBlith a fall C . A413 064' chSSo :Oa .iaciaSt.tiogian4 OCorni 1004: lie pirticuliitly,lnlttoSAWDOW all.andna ilegotttraioeneavo "-P TA 'Aila linte4;6aiinov NY:Jun.l=ll4w sq - marlcee,,. ; intlzhiCli he Obl'o Put'atjidceb , lower tbnakeior.: Remomlbirhle all stand on librthpinovonilt . rost:!:„ diSor'tO fluYott,'S arocory Stem . , P A. 4) ".. 'MAO Telrletarg, fbr . coverlig 4714de1ibi* : 4442,4; , , etgre 'frames, for asl)s4iiiip br . ./• '.• '-:-• Juno •. • • , -, ,.4,ci:tke's. , -;:',.. ,, p -, CHANGE Olt 1101.1E8I • ' 'JAMES 'MCKEXIIAN, Soc. "Big Sklng.Literary LietiLut,p,'! Neyvv,lllo, Cumborland .PROOLAMATION. Ass 4 sem Iy.6f the _ Commonwealth of Pennsylvanisi entitled" ,411 Act:releVouto %Abe:elections COniEiOn"" .:,,sealtiVlunised - thO 2d darof.lnly, L.D.3B22,ltlimado' the duty,iotthe. Rhoda , of .nrery. oonaty -within this , ;ComMonweeith,lo.itive ; _publie , notice .or the 'General ' EleatlonsAnd In etteb-notteetnettmetatei. 1. - . The °Mearsln toeleetedd• JAartili BOWSAW, lUgh-,:iiiitniffloillieSotulti:of__!.-. ti - nelibilidididdlieNtiritialcelTiiiiiiiirlirgive this pub, lie notice to the eleetora KUM c ounty t of Cumberland,' thatorr TIJEFIDAWthe 4th day of, en _eleetion_wilLbodield-et_thammenilelectioirdistrletre _tabilehed_by_lavalmiatcLeetintyritt,whleh'-time-they-- will veto by ballot for. the severaVofficeTs' hetilinkner- ' • named, viz: 7-- • ' • . • TWENTY-SEVEN. rmitsciNs , - for Eloctore of the Prosldent 'and. Vim President of 'flip United ' The Mid - election will be held throughout themninty, • . • . • . • ... as follows: . . . „ . • The election In the election district cornpoied of . the', borough of Carlisle and the townships of Notth 'tong South Middleton, Lower Dickinson and Lower 'N'ranliford, will be hold at the Court Mouse In the her , migh ofCarlisle, ' • • Tta election In the eleetioit district compoited of Low- - erWest-Tennsborough — townehlii, bo held at the . North SchooHlouse In Plaingold., .t The election in the election district composed of SG. iror Spring township, will be held attht public house of, George Duey, in IThgesiown In Said toWnaldp. •• . - The' electien in the election district, composed of • Hampden township; willbe held at'.the, Bow occupied " , by'llenry"Mckernoil, inuaidlownship. _ The election in the election- - district composed of the township of Upper, Allen, , ivill•be , held at the public hones occupied by W. W.-Kline, in Shepherdstown `The election „in 'the elebtion district composed of the -' township of tower Allen, will be, held at the wagon. milker shopofJoneis lianchbarger, on Slate Hill. ' The election in the election district composed of East Pennsborough -township, will be hold at the public louse now occupledby A. Huiatsberger, at the West end of the Uarrhiburg Bridge. -•-. - The election in the election district mimosa) of New Cumberland, will be hold at the house formerly kept . by Wm...IL Bohl; in the borough of New Cumberland. The election Mahe election district composed of the ' Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be - hold at the Public_ house ofJohnqfoover, In said borough. . —The - election In the' election district composed of '• Monroe township, will •be bold at the public house of Samuel 2Mgeler, in Churchtown In said township, - The eleetlon In the election district composed - of -11 p.. per Diekinsen township, will be bold at the house now occupied by Jelin Garman, in said township. The election In the electibu district composed of the borough of Newville, and too nehips of Mlisin , Upper . Fraoktord, Upper Wist Pennsborough, and, that part of. Newton township not included in the Leoeburg election district, will ,e held at the Brick School House In the ' borough of Newvllle. , • ' The elookion In the election district - composed"W. township will be held. at the -New Brisk School-Honsei-In-Newlriarg, - housid•Aownslitp - The election In the election district composed of the „ borough of Shippensburg, Shipponshurg township, and that part of Southampton township not Included In tho Leesburg election district,•.wlli be held at the Council House, in the borough of Shipponsbuig. The election in the election district composed of parte of Newton and Southampton townships, not embraced . in _the Newville and Shippensburg districts, will be hold at-the house formerly:occupied by -s Willia- Max,' - well In Loosburg. - • NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN - That every person except justices orthe Peace who= shall hold any office or appointment Of profit or trust 1 under tlfortiffitbill3tates or of_this State, or any city or " incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officor or ageiirho is or shall be empltryed under the legislative, ~ executive, or judi ciary departments of this State, or' , thellnited States; or of any city or ofbny incorporated district •; and also _that any blomber.of Congress and of . the - ture, and of the Select or Common Council of arty city, or commissioner of any incorporated district, is by law incapableof holding or exercising at the same time the -- office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any elections of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of such election shall be e li gible to be there voted for. . . And the said act of Assembly, entitled an ;act rola. - flog to the elections — cif - this Commonwealth, passed July . 2, 1850, further provideuts follows, to wit:-.., °Thatthe linspectors and Judges shall moot at the; Once appointed for holding the elections of the. district to.whlch they respectively belong, before nine o'clock . 'ln the morning of the Second 'Tuesday in Octifber, end -each of said inspectontahall appoint One clerk; . who__ *all be a 'qualified voter tf said district. . "In case the portion who shall-have received. the sect end highest number of roteri for Inspector shall net at-- • tend on the day ;of. the election,..then the potton who' shall have received the second highest number Oriotes -at-the-neat preceding eloctlon r ehaltact. as Inspector place. And in aute_the person who 'shall Dave Mx .- ceivelthli highest number of vt.teirfor inspector shall • not attend, the-person elected judge shall _appOint en his place; and in case the pemotralected Judge shall not-a t ca mho - receiv- ' ed the highest number of votes shall appoint ajudge in his phiroor if any vsmney shall continue in the board - Ibethe space of one hour after the time flied by lat , for , the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which' such officer shall' . have been-sleeted, present at the place of election, shall elect one of their number to till such vacancy: . " It shall bo the duty.of the several assessortof each district to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township election, during the whole time _ said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving, la formation to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the 'right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such ether matters in rola• then to the assessments of voters as the said inspectors -or either of them shall from time to time reppire. "No person shall be permitted to vote at any election .• as aforemld, other than a white freeman of the age of twenty,one years or more, who snail have resided In the State at least one Isar, and In the election district where he offers his vote at toast ton days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been messed at least ten days before the election. But a citixen of the 8,000 8,600 1,5b0 United Staten who has previously been a qualified Voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and ,who shall have resided in the election district arid paid taxes as aforesaid, shall he entitled to vote after. resid- I Ins In this - State six months: Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, between t, entyuno and tword)-to o years, who have resided in an election district as eforeaaid, shall be entitled - to Note although they shall not have paid taxes. • " No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is' not contained in the list. of taxableiinhabitants - fur, nished by the Cemmlssioners, unless Flfet,-,he produce a.racelpt for the payment-within-two year/ of - a - State - or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory - evidence, - either - on big oath'ur firmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that be 70 - plirladirKTAK, or on fall urtis — tr - produce a receipt shall make oathto the payment' thereon Second, ithe claim a right to vote by being an elector, between the -200 175 100 100 80 160 ago of twt;ntpone and twontytwo peens, he shall de. pose on oath or affirmation thrt ho has melded In this State at least one year next before his application. and make such proof of residence to thy district airisreqnlv edby this act. and that ho does verily believe. from the account given him, that he le of the age aforesaid, and such other evidence as Is required by this act, where. upon the name of the person thus admitted to vote ehttll bo insetted in the alphabetical list by the inspe ct tors, and a Uoto made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax,"' Ulm shall be admitted to vote by reason of Wilde* paid tax ; or the word "age,' If he shall be admitted by reason of such age, shall be called. out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes ott the lists of voters kept by them. • . . mien where-the name of-the person-elalmieg- -- to vote hfibund on the list, furnished by toe COMMIS, alopore and assessor. or his right to vote, whether-found thereon or not; is objected-to by any qualified eltigen," it shall be-the dutjmiTthe Inspectors to examine Mark - Orson on oath as to his qualifications, and If he claims • to have resided within the State for one year or m ore his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but shall" Inake.froof by at least mid ooropetaut witness who ' shall be if qualified elector, that he bee resided" in the distrlct.for more than ten days next Immediately pre. ' ceding such election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide residence, ire pursuance of his lawful all. • in* is In said district, and that I e did not remove into said diati let for the purpose of 'toting thereto. —"Every-person qualified aeratbremidiand•who shall. - - make duo proof, if required, of the reddenco and imp . mont of taxes as.afbresaid, shall be admitted to vote in • - the fdwnshlp ; werd = -• ' - "If any person shall pievent orattempt preient Any pincer Of any election under thireict frotn; holding " • such elution, or use thresten.,any..vlolencie to any •• .sneh officer, or shall Interrupt nr improperly; Interfere' .with - him in the execution of Ada duty, or shall.. block; 'up the window, or avenue' to any window. where. the same may-beholding, or shall riotously rlierturl, tho mute at ouch election, or shall - nee any intimidating. threats, force or .Tiolenco, with design to Influence un duly or overaereeny elector, ortoprevent him from ee.• ting or to restrain the freedom of 'Such persons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding liYa hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not lone than three nor more than ,twelve months, and Hit shall be shown to Conft, where" the trial of auchxdrence,: aliall be had, that the offending wet not a ' resident of the city, ward; district, or township ;where, the offenco was scommitted, and; not - entitled to :Vote , therein, then on conviction heehall be sentenmotto, , pay a linen( not leas then ono huudred,nor more than • one thousand dolleis, and be Imprisoned not lase than six mouths nor more than two years. "If any persbu or persons shall make any bat dews ger upon the result of any 'ideation within the i3onti moowealth e or shall oiler to make any such bet or wa: ger, either. by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any, written or printed advertisement,' challenge or invite 'any person to mate mooch bet or wager, upon conviction. thereof ho of they'shall forfeit and pay throo times the 'amount so bet or to be bet.. ' ' , • , „ ..... . . , . " 'fatly pieserfnot bY .'hlw:.unklifled, shalt fmndu• lordly votn,Lat 9.lo„election of .tbli fentlituonwerillh, pr benni n othernim qtuditled Shall vote out at hie . proper , .•, ..distr i t ,- or ' Many 'person knowing : the ,want of such qual pittloni, shall aid mi procure each pang= to vide; the parson olfehding,:abalf, on .tonvietiollete , lined in ... zany sum not exceeding two, hundred:dollen', and be ' .I.mpringnedlbr any term not exceeding. three months. .. Irony person shall vote at more. than one ' elndlon .distriet, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once . l' 1. on the same day, or abaft fraudulently fold And,de?lver . ,;;,. ip to the immector two tickets together, with - the' intent .. y illegallxtq veto, or ellen • proem, another to do f 15 7 .: 14. , .L-....:- or they offending. shall on conviction beeped eum not hue, than hi fifty nor more than Ave , 1 10ur ' 1 dollars. audbo imprisoned for any term , not ',Zarin .... •,, three nor more than twelve montim.:-. , -1- - ,2 - . , ' 7: .--Y If any.polsort. not qualified to vote In-this ' stois.,; . ,;..i. wealth agreeably tee law, (except the sous e qualified -.:' .^ , l . .cltlnrps,) shall appear at, any , place of electi on. IbrAtte:. L •-',' purpose of influencing the, citisens .nnalifiert to,vvot,e, ': 4 ' . :. dlon conviction &Mit and .paY *CY OM ne.*:.lin.w n i- . emdintnne hundred "dollar* for ovary stichiPiroute. arm •.,',./.. ' be imprieolled fora*, term neteXceedlnflthPeßlPCOPL7'::.: , -1 . ".. ditreeablpitolbe , provislotia of: the ihrtf a tireb motion , ',' ,( i. , I of the ' ald act,'Olrami;leneMlindApecla). . ireHori idtall , .;. - ` be ripened , between ,the leptrinhUhhthinn , teir In 41tit' , ;1" , ArepoonAnd shalljpritinurip.!rdthqutlfiterruptlon - or ,„. 0: 1 1 4193# 13 4e0 uktll'ooleig le .4,4kkl*..,ht(ilP+t,kingihini,, :.„,,:. Ittim pollo.rfitailv 009141, - _ ,, 1 , A . ',' , .',, - .." 4 " , . --- .'.' ,- ,''' ' ....: L .,,(1, ;. ~, A nd tiOluilt*.tnrip .reit . .q3ll*6 , &state 'ilbiiiiiid; - ~/. ' 3 1t0.11t '1 , 4414.-. 01,*otrociplreillAct,Mapt at the Court 1i0n597,4 Inttlef ' bAcehlitKOn't!ia.thiTd'Oßratter the ~.. - .404 w .. joMife.i7'i gm ilih'fizij , , of .4)etobora : thee 4 1 4 11 '4. ' . 'Mt011ikhT . %• , •.:P 5 6; , ' . .:. -, ` . '. .„, ~-.”' ',,--,- i.tAt ee! lettiii - Inf . 14,0,:ak*1iiN:44(46:44 - al .'- • ~,+,, . 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