Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 22, 1856, Image 2

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    „ .
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Alt 1 4 alai's,
*ilDNtSroikY - 1 1 1 1 : 31 % ,22 2 , 1856 . r
tOe ear,ilest ( 9 10 COMlPestToPer
tl 1114 E r R. Alf oottnrr.
75 . lit. 1411$
• •
JOHN•VVE,Etiorr, -, bf•Catifornia.
WM. I:3SAVTON'tof Neil Tersey
UNION. snap. tuorriorri9:N.
Union* Elector,al Ticket ;',Formed
luNickar'srutiT tiongsys
_ REMY. for.=the Contegt!
• 'Wertaire onlY'reom to say . before . going
plies that:theUnien State Convention, whir*
was held . yesterday in HarmliburA . compris
ed'Olpietentatives from avery section •of the
Btfite,aha that - iM prdeeedin gs:.werh• marked
. •
1Y entire harmony : and good . feeling. - Fre
_lnont andrillmore men came together
. hitt.ene fee li ngd but onidetiiiinifiation-- - -.
an ,
„......that.tif uniting in one grand moveintint . to
defeat James Irliiet
tension of :hunian s l avery': • ,
oneltindred and -twenty delegates were
pretreat, 'ecimprising both Fillmbre and, Fie;
Inor men; frOnillearlY every, +Murky in - the
State. Cumberland county wai. repreeented
;by billows: L, Todd, .John Jaines
*Orr, Heorge Zinn, E.' Beatty and Jacob --Bow
ibiirger, "the 'Coorention „Was temporarily
'organised-by electing Wm.-Df. *Baird, Esq., Of
ChairPianlz. ,- A permanent organize=
tiOn wee subseetiently mide, by electing- the
. :Hen. Zemgel Todd of Cumberland,' as prod,
, •
dent,. Who on 'taking the chair made en elo
- qinent and stirriagladdreee_theraoterited
_the true-Union spirit, L: -
The Union Electoral Ticket,- as publisied
in another column. by . the joint committees,
was •unanimonily adopted. and ratified , amid
, turiltnous cheering for Union and. Freedom
. 'A Committee was also appointed :to prepare
' 'an address to the people,. explanatory of the
basis of Uniois..
In the evening- a large, and enthuiisellt
- mass meeting. was held In ilic.Cefftt'ilouse,
which aae derly crowded. A oaeimittee was
aPPolvitoo_o_w r olt on GeTi,“_,F.4.tiontr,_ who in
..eempliatee with the remit of the meeting
- rantroade c his o niearatdeand.delivored a Ara
• ZiT i illt:rl z elstnoraing and , approving
.ro 00Mr.. ei` nd the plan -.of Union.. Gov.
bom'tn I . soh-,eras,-tHreedingly_felio.ltaus_
~ :::..nguage-and spirit,,and wits reopen.
-shouts of applanee. --lie wne follow--
A by the lion. 'Lemuel Todd, Hon. Charles B.
Penrose and Hon. R." T. Conrad qt
pbli, *bone addrerei exalted intense enthusi.
JO Unton-movement Is now fatili a itie4elit
The right spirit ts, arottsed,;'4nd let every
-4-9Pponent of-Buchanan
mor for llie great - conteet. r t7t, we are united'
zed vigilant we shall be vietorions I 'Freeintni
Our friends from every , section Of the
counV-tell us `startling stories of the besa
falsehoods and misrepresentations, which;
mith,tbe more potent, influences of money
and Wildskey, operated: most estensivAly_
briziging about the demooratic victory .
in Ctimberland . county. Men' of reaped
% tsbilitSc and influence 'even lent their'
melvis to the circulation 'of wilful false
hooihi and slanders. '• That Todd voted
_himself double pay:in:Congress—that he
voted against paying the Ariny T -that he
voted himself a large supply Of books-
. that he factiously delayedtbo;eleetion of
a Speaker for months at Fremont' and
his siiii riCre qaTriscsiAh° l it i s n is!st
fav6rof elevating negroes .above the
theipoor white man 7 ..-that,the e
lection of Frornont would bring about a
brooc?. wai.—that Fremont is a „Catholic
=that Fremont is, in favor of: aboliehing
_ slaveo_by_force, and letting thetSOUth - -_,
ern nogroos opmeicortfl degrado - and_
deatrdy the means of subsistence of Mirth
ern white laborers: ‘ixcli were sonic)
the vile and monstrousfalsehoods not Only
eiroulated"froin'the,titump ufiseraind--
- ens slang-Wliangers, but stealttili, meanly
whispered in the ears of
nioreligporaut persona by latiofoios olaiiia
men of- veracity and truth.
With this sweeping • tide . degmation,
and slander against him; the 7on. Lulu::
trEVTODD has been defeated. Mit . .. with.
•malice and slander doing their worst to
him down , he bes novertholessb n e i e fi n .
pit • • . tutv by . a sig .
s tained in his ow . neo
' llll. 2,4lgratifYing majority. .
- 7.4S a ,t; k4nds of Fremont and Free
.Lab_o . r I
. . 4. i . j ' hoods andostoh tile :... 1 -D,;',.
'! atieltife 'the fai4e, .7.4i:rinegais
, i. a • •
nem defeat yolf.:a.: -. . t• . t
.'.. " kic il*- A like ` pit tannot be' ObSolrui, • : un
' ...-----;::. e t
iihe... lo * ll ...4t':# l ich!'
• ":::*AIIY pro fit t•on arittibuideT will
........_•The' of det!a° I
~. ._ ..-
lindi( i 4te
' " . pork ' 'nit o ur • gallant . o
7-. • lial fig.e,n- aV, , . - $,.-ii,, our .
•-,•,,;; 4 , ;;pronidenob • 0 ;" 7'' • " i' .- b
. "••' ••`•' -7 ' .I,'''. '..-rAk"diiig ini*S4V i e / Y t e
feat it.m94F- .- •• •'''' I n to
' r . ) , / it e , r, titit kra,velli#g,Yo9lqe .;
' '...4.—."..—°t '
'continue iii : biliii - tt 118 ,as
• lkii,j3kqe p ower -b-, B e it niis ,t 4
eg ßlit ' il e l!Pj 3lll4l°° s'
the , eat Re ,
% all,:iiiere groY to great
, . edhere-i ,-4. ...h • - -Jefferson,.
..2 -----.,-4 216, teit.0fi4, 9PI BB •-• • . •
• pAuu , .irtp • .xi n ,„..., ,, .• -
I :., , k tr, the
I :•_-'. ' the Aiiiit4or,- n".1,1i osig,...,iii:::Atis
-,-,.:*• 2 .6,32#.1311.71-c7Al 7 7t: n 4li' :;•
•.,-' ' -,,n0n".; istiiAg}i§t'Atie.o4.!).l.lPla,4;ii,,,4l.s--..iit-'-,
~.,...„..,•::',,,,L.titterialf.itn„ oni
..,,,,. 4,.....v:e.•:,*:A.-•••rmt.:6/.,:i.", -- 4, 1 : • tie
1 •- v 4. . ,- I .. :-4,141-e•-kfivi1i,,,w,.,.51,,,„4,,
~ t , .! . ; •• t . osit.,.P, 3' , . - - •'''• ./..taliciitii#:.
~ '7.4, - •••••• 4.ttiOittokl*.• .:77-..;-- '"'\'''...:' • ;
-"`i.0.1,4,1•,--" - —4 -
* . .'
... ~ -
fano -iisitsCiapsieViast.'„
-1.-PP?' ail irOtt'
,a .n';Xidtl-Bmthk~iyp~ { b6ialntaire~.•
\, - 78040:iiiwzit'av06 - ,(,oo. l tTuvoi ,
Otnitik frO ,) m
the'. fre'
_art egao: to come in . .pp,
sPeedilyehanged' the aspeci - of,ffiTi - ! ,
• Ttir ' illaot's'district;:with a Uniono
/of nearly 8000, was a new Sort ef•
der, and the, faces of•olir
—immediatelibrightened, While the Bu
°hailtin:men ,began, tikieel: decidedly anT- .
Not Until'paturday : evening was , it.
by.anY•means certain that the `Buchanan
,men had carried the . State: at all: .'1" As
the offieitiftetnyris are net nth:41.36 their:
precise naajoritylis'not yet known, but it
will probably .33T:deed •4,000: ; "
.:On the,
ptherhaild We have the, gratifying
ligencie that the have - in'• all
. probability carried both branches of the
.• Legislatire;:thustscurinithe election of
a krnifta'Stito - , Senator'!'; this feet .'is
full Of-encenrageMent to our friends,. and
shcould inspire theta 'witte.ftesh enthusi;
won for the zreat demsivebattle in 'No
vember.. Such a result is in fact, it• de
feat to the pen:Mora* 'party, and• indi:
sates, most clearly that Pennsylvania can
and wane redeemed _on . the fourth of
• November,. if those opposed•to - Mr." Bu
chanan ate - but meto-themselves-and
strike the blew in:the m ann e r in which
it can , be madelelt:' Thiiisan -
- dorie by,supporting the Union. electoral
d tieket. Let then all, who wish to' ob
tain a triumph in this State, - .
- harmoniously, and unitedly adopt it.
An Enooniagiiii Fact
It is n Well established fact, that Penn
sylvania always _casts, - a stronger anti
Denaooratie vote `at Presidential elections
than she does at the -niece - local - State
ones. In 1836, in_'October the .dorrio
orats swept the Stati3.bytt crushing ma 7,
jority. But at the „Presidential 'eleotion
which ocPurrod'a few. weeks subsequently
YAW BUREN receive(' only 4364. majori
ty, and for many days it
, was thought
• Ilanarson had -carried the - State. In
.1840, at the -State tho -Demo
orats had 4649 majoilty r -but-at theßresi
' dential ele(ition they lost . it by' In
---1844-the::-democrats earried....both_elee:',
tions, but-the last by a reduced'inajority..
In 1848-Gov. Jonnwrori was elected' ,by
:only 802 majerity,_and the Democratic
Canal Conirelisioner was elected: , But
IrogoVeßber Gen. il'ArLon -- eairieil - the
Stat 6 _by.213,944_ _over • Mets,,„,and 23( . 37
over the •V,O BUREN.
and Cass.: In .1852 Mr. HotICINE3 was
elected Canal'Cominissioner by the demo
orate, heiiing'reeeiVed 171,08 votes, and
-- after this Gen ScUTT.' obtat4ed 179,122
-votes; and PIERCE a : ighter6majority than
It willaus 'seen3hat the'
,;pending result in our State-does not set
tle the Presidentialiote'of Pennsylvania,
and therefore
every encouragementlo work diligently
until the 4t4 of November.
Bally ,Again for the Great Battle
Let the - frioads-of Free-Labor in Cum
berland c ounty again gird on their armor
for the great contest on the • 4th of No
vember. 'On the:YealtrortffiCdtty rests
the all-important question whetter Free
dom or Slavery shall rule the Republic,
and let every Mail who adheres to 'the
Republican principles of . Jefferson and,
MadisonPiepare do;his whole duty.
If Kansas and the vast expanse of tor. ,
ritory beyond is to be wrested from free
white . labor and giirea np - to Slavery, let
.Currtherland - county haieler skirts clear
•of tin? crime, A good 'majority can be
give against the extension. of
~slavery, if
:the properLoxertion be, made, and every
man Who nig" that...majority
Wilthave'something to be proud of the
' hingest,day he, liver
Na Full Yote Out
• As is usually the ease when the demo
crate are out in fullforaestur friends fail
to poll their whole vote.. Our
_Vote in
this county is two hundred Short, and all
around uswe hear oft' men who agree with
us but hid not turn out and vote.
A gentleman from . one . of ,the smaller
townships in this county tellavis.that lie
Inews twelrot friends of Fremont who
will vote in November, but who could
not be "pievailed;i! attend the•eleo
tion last Tuesday.. 7 In ivio other town
ships we hear of FIFTY kid-Buchanan
' men who were not out Let all our of
'..forts he, dirsoted towards getting - out the
yet) in Novembeis--- - ?, •
tiou.of tlie./lon. • B. PENROS ,
of Philadelphia, , tO,Aile•Senate, is eioee
iiglrOttifyt94 to friends heiv,..and
bea 1n ou ingjorityja , ;the
" in'
l end
ll 4l )!*i'rei 4 ;
wi 4 4: 0 YeitIA sol,kaire. in ith;
at 'oiio:e aokiloivjecye
,hl o .=—.R.ernit l ant fiziess
e 1 folk. `, 1
To th Peng° enl
- 1 - 8 7 Y
;, ° •
'':..'..V!:•he.. i . ' '. i t c -r• r , , , elgoAmombo ,
n r '
'o f , "
I, - ' , e ,
pe h
eto, 44 :pill erl te, tAokillon„ena 4 l'p
101h-o,o## Ototf:lt°cod*Ceioitt4e,
iaic efie'o'ooo 3 ,' 4 o . :
ii6vr,:i)Oic!iit, to lhe:
1/01 , Y10 4 i'"0, 1 ‘ 4 4(,4 0h1i0r1E144.4.
iiii - .'lo,lo=on-the-haefs-reoicingiehdedlhy,:. -1 4.
"Union Sittie Cepiral Ctitoiitlfted." i '.•'-`,:.-,:,.:',:.-:"
Tikrotiip:aii.Oelhcaleitte-ra ',oOminatedYneo
-commonttkiaoh-ticket:L=flitLikainc;irtiJollin .
'40 , ...147m0nt ie "Antteit'at 'the. horid4' tiiif',;Fre
-mo. n'nd -boson ticket, as,roireseatiog. the
. olector,,cod the of 'Mih.
1441 Fittniere ie 'placed ..ei,' . .the:: lieed or. tI i 0
Fillmore and itenneleert ticket,' as . , tepresoet
lug the twifttraetenth'electot-of that-latty:
The fickg . td"agree'd:iipiee are'efffoll - owe is . ; '''. ',"
'.Tontill•Pat 1!IONT.;;.
• ..ltniep•lyvlN',of CentiOCOiiiity
JoeepliXdwarde, Pbiliderphia ; '
Mahlon Dieliirkeloh;
11 ileou Jewell , Pbiludelphhl .' , ••••
.Alberi •
'Caleb N. Taylor;
7, - Clielifer. o o. ll lT
' Baird, Berkscounty.
Michael H. Shirk, Lancaster oonuiy.
Simon Caineron, pauphin siOunty. •'
John MeCortilicic; Northumberland. county._
Smith 13. Thompson . , Montobr dounty.. •
Russell F. Lord, Wayne connty.'.•' ,•
Frederick E, Smith,',Tioka connty. • . :•
Abram Updegraff, Lyooming county.
Joseph D. Simpson. Perry county.
•Ifeaikesh Easton. Frankljst county!
'Edward Scull, Somoreet'countf. -- ' •
• William M. Stbwiiit,lndlana county.
Alfred Patterson,.Fayette county: ‘•
- Renoir C. Sawyer; Allegheny county...
Jacob - Painter, Allegheny county. - •
Lawienne Lavirence °entity.
George_ W. Artioid,.Clarion county:
-. Janice Skinner, Erie ofunty. . .
---,-.------ c ---:---4--- ELECTOES , : --2 . --- - - •
-. Muirauti Frumbnu.. ..- .
. • . Tames Irvin ;of Centre Co. '
Joseph Edwards,.Phlladelphie. • -
George N. •Eeliert,. Philadelphia. i
Mahlon ll;DioMason, Philadelphia.
' Wileon Jewell, Philadelphia. '
' Albert G. - Ito*lAndirFniladellibia.
• Caleb N. Taylor, Bucks county.
;William Darlington, ClulY"ter.,
lyilliatit 111:,, Baird, Bork's. . . ,
Michael H. Shirk, Lnuaneter.-
Simon CaMerrin i .Dauphin. -.--, •
John McCoriiiick; - Northumberland.
Samuel B.•ThoMpeon, Montour. ,
Ituasell - F tordr-,Way ii:- --• --_:•2
'. Frederick E, Smith, ioga - . :.
Abram Updegraff,L ooming. ,•
~.josiLiph D.' Simpsbo, Perry. -
116 1 , u 1:-Iii 11 4 ,elon„.Frin3 1,1 1n. -
Edward Scull. tkime'rsot: ' -
• Win ! M. 'Stewart, Indiana: • -
.. Alfred Patterson, Fayette:: .
_ Benair C. Sawyer, Allegheny. '
Jacob Painter, Allegheny. -••-- .
- Lnwrenee L.•MeGulftin, Lawrence.
- _:George W. Arnold, Clarkin. - •
. - -JamesSkinner,vErien ?.,-_.- - .• •-•:.-
, .
- The : twenty-six eleotors-are pledged-to cast
the votes of the Stale in.the Eleetoral...Collige
for the respective oandidatee .for :the Presi
tion to-the popular Totegiven to each
. tioket.
This forms a complete union el theopposition
strength in .Pennallvania,, while it enables
every voter to iiidioate his 'preference of the
Presidential eatididates without any copper.-
, inise-c.ftids.pelociplea.......Every vote givlb to
,the . .yremont tioket counts in favor of ,
principles and candidatesof the Reptiblican
ritTitortli-pine-riewpartleirrespectively;-and •
eilry vote given 11 - the - Fillinere - treltereonitt•
in favor of the_Fitlinore.and Donolson party,
a d fully reProsented lathe final re
sult. ' , . , . . ~ . ,
. The undersigned now call upon all who are
opposed to slavery ,extenslon over free teritory
-‘-to the Increase of 'hive representation in
the'Federal Governdient, and O s the Cincin
nati platform and its.-candidates—and .upon
all wile desire to preserve the peace and the
honor'ol the Country, and faithfully to ens
min the OonStitutional rights of every section; to co-operate with.thenOtt this contest
- fOr'Unlon, Liberty and-Justice I We solemn.
y invoke their active and earnest 'efforts , ef
forts to overthrow that sectional organization
which seeks to.force slavery upon a free pec•
plc at the point of the sword, and degrades
Acorican citizenship by vitating its `este
guards at the ballot box.. ~ .
.-. The undersigned have appointed a coriimir ,
tee to prepare anitildress to_theptdiPle, which' '
will be ,published in,w-felYTOys. -„, ,
IVe,,aro-1...p0rf0 anneuncothatintire mt.
-ritnifiy existed in the proceedings of the com=
mittees, and-no doubt is entertained that the
result of our -common' 'efforts to secure the
adoption of the Union Eleetoral Ticket .now
presented, will be hailed with satiefaation by
every-citizen-of Pennsylvania, who is 'honest
' ly hostile to the Cincinnati Platform and,. the•
election of James Buchanan to the Presidenoy.
Chairman Rep.'St. Execu tive born. -
RUSSEL EftRET, Allegheny. . . •
B. D. PETTEN,GILL, Philadelphia. •
A. H. RosErutira, , ' do: . '
A. T. CHUB, . ', ' , .2. do . • ' ,
E. J. MOORE, Lehigh. • .' . '
• JACOB HOFYMAN, Berks. :., .
• E. C. DARLINOTON,Lencaster: •
~ " ,
J.' ADAMS FISHER; Dauphin. '......,. .-,
B. BANNAN, Schuylkill. : -
A P. GROW,•Luzerno. '., ' •-., ' : -.,.
HENRY GREEN..NorthamPton. - ' -.:-
A.F.. HUMPHREIY, Ttoga. .
' jOSEPII.SPECK, Perry. - '• - "-- ..
r ---
- .IOIIITHTFILL'ERTIIed o - d -- r —'-
. ,
&iii.laiMOND,*Blair. •
EDGAR COWAN, Westmoreland.
ALEXANDER 11111RDOCII, Rriehington.
C. B. M. SMITH, Allegheny.
THOS. I, SHIELDS, do. , •
WM. F. CLARK, Mercer. ,411
JAMES B..IIYERS, Venango. •;'
JOHN COVODR. Chpirman'
I.l. , Atnerlosat State Eseontlie Corn.
• • W. F. JOHNSTON;Allegheny,
• J. L. GOBBLER, Philadelphia.
JNO. W. RYAN, Philadelphia.
0. II I'. PARKER, •-do
C. A. WALBORN,. do
1.11..8,P,WELL, Alloghouy.
N. P...RAWYEk do • ,
NORTON.. Birks ,
D. Di DA.VIDSON;•Tayette., •
: P: RARE; liii*enke , •
• JNO•i.:PERGI.D3OI . 4 , ,I , A I asinoe
019 .W RARIUS ; AauPhin
'• •
Weitmorelaad. • •
n PcAnklIA
IdYRRO, Cliktiou.
ROWE, Cieniffeld.,,*,' ••• '
ILLI AM SON; Huntingdon.
DANIEL AiMstrong.-
. 20015,DICK..Crawford. ,---
T1108..4:110WEIV, Deliver.
EDWARD 80011; Romersei. •, • "'
.4NO,O".#4,II.EIRTANP, 141)oaster„. 'r •
: :•,;42•ANC XM:LigtKlt' Cl
-.••• DOiß*TiirDiaoks.
r ay g V•AillulgOTPPEotdinis• -
..... - 13CiN;!(11Q11141TyEli .. . ;,. , , • "'
.-: •
w Wit lobruZLsoiesirio*v.:4 , .. ,
.0 8088_8; 11,'?.LAT4 1:111002"..', ; •••
!1•-' 1 :' . .",•Ki t WPA 39 - 0VTE4 0 V61611org44',..1.
• - , Tl49sa N. 4 1 11 4 1 . 10
1 1 4,ki$T
Po•,;thi ,
'4:0 1
61 4 dot
T~t~ ;
Ili' 7..',-.- .. -
.---.;',.,,,t:.Vir.:';'.`c''l'''''' -
- :1%. 1 ",.... :'''.",`:Y?;,-:.'ig1',..,i1',-.i
- ~..:',,,;.:
1. - -.. - 914":.7 . ".'.. - Arity`o - n - of -- 0 , 7R - oberioithilon. ,-.
Union:: • -"
14th - 14 4 .: GlntuAWAl.EitiOwi' VPl°o;' :
/Johrek:Ahl - ,:Aeni ,
John Oii,rndeo7rdon,
20thJgnithin-„,Knijil4,.-11nion.q• •
' Ri Yak, '-•
.23d- - 4 .:' l 4 Bnisiiiit4 . l.lnion , :;
24th 4 4'; Jaines ,
44 ' '...143,hit Mak,
• 11:110APITULAN19 14 .
'_:_l2_l/iimocrAts; '
P jig' IS IA Vie. NIA , L EGni; . A4 v rr.
Stat . ° Seqate. `• •
let Digt..PhiltujelOin Oiatbe
•:• 'anti ,Chiirigs Pentose - • 4;
Ingram' nd Riabard.L.
8, 11.1olligoldory—'Chop. , P.' goon . , •
4. Ehester and Delitirark!—.!aiimi; P. Leudit.',
5. Borkia—John, C. EynTO.. • .
5. Buck's—Jonathan Ely. • . .
7. 'Lancaster.and-Lebanorohri W. Killing
. • er - und lae r ab G. Shuman.
8. Daup h in. Northuiberland.,Pavid
9. Noriliampton
10. - *Carboni. Monroer-Plio-ancLiVayme_-41ing.
11.- Adams and - Franklin—George W.: Wow- -
er. •
12: York—William 'ff. Weld". -
18. Curnbeiland and Perrp—llenry Pelthr.:*
14: Cony(); Lyaornlng, Sullivan -7
Andrew'. Gregg. - ' - • -
15. Blair; Cambria and Huntingdon—John
16. - .Luserne; - Montouren. Columbia—Geo. P.
17. Brea ford; Susquehanna and Wyeming.,..E.
Tiega, Potter, Itlegerta, Clearfield,
Jettereon - -ffenry Souther.
19. Meteor, - Venango and WarrenZ-Olenal W.
. - Scofield.* '• . _
20. Brie 'and Crawford—D: 6. Finney.'
21: Butler, Beaver and Lawrence—John -R.
Harris. *
22. and Ed. .D.l/2
28: ynshington'abd Greeri—Tohn -, C.
• "
24. Sdtairset,. - Bedard and • Fuiton,-,-.Franois.
• • Jordan; .
. .
25., Armstrong, Indiana-anti -Clarioi—Tiiian
26..Juniata,lin and tinionL-J;imeit* M.
; • • • ,
27: Westmorland and, Fayette--Wm. E. Fra
zer,— _
28. &buylkill—C. Dl. Straub„ '
''Demoprats, 16 Opposition, 18; Now. aori
'ore marked with' a qtar.
' Itoltse.olt Replieeelitakitrec.
Impossible to state atiourately how the
will - atand, bet from . theinrioaorepoito
thot hisio-reaobed.uo,,wo-in4 6 —the- folio winZ-
Allegheny, $ ••
Aintatto . ',-
Beaver, • • ?. •
Bedford, &o.
Berke, •• —^
Blair, &o, •
'Bradford, -
Carbone &O. '
Cheater, . ,
Clearfield, &o.
Clinton, &o. •••• •
Columbia, &o.
Cumberland s __
' rauklin,
Fayette & Week'
Greene, ' ,
Indiana, •
Lebanon; ' •
Luzerne, •, '
Monroe, •
Montgorrierri r .
Phila. county,
Soinersot, •
'Suequelea. &o,
Tioga. - ••
Union, &o, •
Vushington, j . •
.iYayne, • ' • t
" The following la a'summary of the laws and •
oonstitutional requirements in the election a
i a President nod, 'Tice Pcesident :.
.1. Electors ele):ted Oh the flritTueedaY at
terstbellirst Monday;
.in ,Pineombar. • - "
Elsotofe'ineet on the Bret Wednesday' ih
December, and tit their votes.. .They • then
signihree oerii atea—send a messenger with
one copY;to the Prealdent 'et. the' Sonata at
i Washington hereto the first IYedneaday In Jan
nary=enOther hymen to.the same . persou,;emil
• the third deliver to the United Statee:4liiiyiyi
Judge-where ' electors meet::;... - :. •
- 8.. Eat& State tirovidee by hew for filling any
encanoilp therileard of Electors, occmsioned
by abeepim,.deatti,. or .resignation. Such -of
the eleotore.Mr are, present are . generally. Ai;
Ocand to fill eny'vsonnoy. '
4;, The Giiiirne'r :
.gives'notice to elective?
'Of theirelectiOn'tieforethe Mei Wednesday' f . o
December. ~ , . ... • ;•,:•...., , . •
... , •
B,..Cisi the Stiond )Vedeerday in Fobruoiy,
,COgrens.sivill:ii,ein sessiOn and .o p en likrer
turns: , •*.Tne'Prosident - er 04:Seents • 0 ,411 ;3 ',,
the. pre/king - of-the, House 4 . 4epreilenlati!dei, .•
open peierlitioNte :or returns; owl, conet.elltie
having. .......
emits. , n.Ttie , person the.. greatest ,oune..
bit of notes for:Poildent; if snob riumber be'
iv! Inejority;,,of the whojihunibsi Of. ele<4are;
'shalltie the President : •• •• -;..,..._ .
,-:,- , . ....,-.
8. 'trio perepo bon o mnicirity , asabese; Om
cho ice to,pi
ade from ; the, gros: hlgh s eit
return embers
,of; the'ffoise.'4
SMlee; toian i4;o4loocinto - electoral' Com
-PAttiii; #a Iv ta q OHL;
tick.)%polit',l of the 10tata--seili.S(nte lans..
inthisl i tientic rote.' . . ,i;.: :,, ."--;.,
,TAlrnelthiiiot Pie'onnallnies . vit a Iriajoi
il(.Blrskillintis before thifOtit of arch; 'then
1 1 1I,Yit 4 ' ) Prfiirtealshill'acS: 1 0.Vre s k d o nV,
It .i
...ia l , fie.people : 10 14 0 01,c:thotiih , their
eliiitAehiti VlbeiPtesidisiiN.,tithiatebt:flenate of
ithiWted . Btntee iitiill , '"einkette . illeolion froth
I,lEXtere•: highest Mindidetie;rettrhed 1,1:0 them
Its4eto-eeri..:, ...,, -.,.: ..;•i , ,„ `,"' .:,...,:!' r.•.;. •
~ .. , . ..„.. ~ .
Et*, 2:00'
Veil. Ward:. :2131; 7 y 145
Mid , ll e
Dtbkinsori, 91.
. • ' 44 :
T2 . 1* . j.118'
108: 82,;:• 109, , • :88
.:,1 „ :041110 , j • :144 75 ,
• 114:'.; , *
:r• _."' : ' 9•f: :97
`lOB - 120 .; .107 411'
'• • 162 118! 112
19.1.; -137 '198,.' 3l7'
878. - ..Y670
- 262
Bhipp_tiusbiig,:.••• ..:.246 =266x287
• -
• ".?•\'r;
Totnl, ,
East Ward, - 168 ' 168. 280 '227'll';rll. 246'• 248 165 169
BoWth Middielon, 176 178 • 286„ 288
:North Middlotan, 1-.150 '149. " 289, 287
'Lower Mar t inson ..• 60 59, 01.. 90
Lopiei.Frenkivrd, 41 - '1 - 44' . 2. 62- •62
CALII4I;E DisT,nioy - S4l - 846 - 1028 - 1028-
Lower. Allen, • , 107 -95 •• 91 •81
pper - Aile --,-- -441 *147 , 86_ _Bl
Diekineon, 1 - 61 . 178 7.; 212 217
En4,..Penneborei.' 141 186 , . : 96
•Weet.Penntthero,' 125 .
.125 ' 42 -- •42
Itopewell, ' • 75 . 77 118 115
Hampden, 90" •92 101 - 9 . 0
Leesburg, ll7 - :103 110 'llB'
Mnolumineburg, '449 .. 164 121 118
nroe, • . . • 191 .191 'lB7 187
• 404 400 - 550 654
NoF Cumberland, f. 2 50 .35• • 15
Silver Spring, _ •78 101 299' 277
Shippeneburg,-.. .269 - 262--246 --242
r tr
• •
• P
• g 5 •or a .
.- .
East Ward, -167 ' 183 : v:l5 .192 97
Weal . Ward, 228 226- 141 , 141 : .78
8. Middleton;, 204- --- 162 '226 -198 : , -=B4
1 , 451idd1et0n,,•:16 0. 1 . 86 .' 222 283 . .86
Dloklnson;, .59 '6B - 76'-
L. Frankford,. 41' :44 66, '6l: -• 7
CAIILISLE Do. 839 757 . 98i 900 • 272`
L__Alleu,.. _lO4 - 104 78 89
U. Allen, 145-77142.7:132. 87 1
Dleklnson,• —172 - 186 - 207. 211 7_
:* Permaboro'l36 185 - - -111 98 19
- W.'Pennaborel l4, .; ~ 128 42 - 42' 18
. Hopewell, - 75 75 ,49 111 15
Hampden, • 91 93' 100 - 4
Leesburg, 97 101- 119 120 - -
11leehaniesb g g; 159' 188. 102 119 22
Monroe,--„, —lB7- • 88 -187 189 7.
Neweille, 403 414 522. 651 9
N.Cumberland, 64 51 .13 .18
,Bileer 11.pring, 94 •85 - 276 , 287' 8
.260 201- • 2V, 244.
Total,. 29 81 2848 2 994. 11174 889
. .
Vommissioner and District attorney.
• g .
- ;
. .
'East 'Yard, 164 234 160. 284
West:Mad; " 1:85 176 .. 240 171
South Middleton, 172 248 169 245
North Middlebin, . 177 '2ll 145', 243
Lower Diokineon, 58 -98 55' . 96
Lower.Froultford, . 47 59 - 44, 62
611118139 Ei4B • 1016 818 1051
Lower, Allen, • 107 83 05 95
Upper Allen, . 1114 86 142 87
Dioslnsdn, • ; -181 212 178 222 .
East Pennsboro.' 144 94 123 - 118
West Peunsboro.' , 122 48 119 47
Hopewell, ' 77 114 71 049
'Hampden, . 04 .97 88
Leesburg, . 102 119 1.00 . -117
Mechanicsburg, 161 119 180 140
• 197. 181' 185 142
. Newrillo, • 897 655 874 582
New Cumberland, • . 62 15 56 11
Miser Spring, .. 111. 266 91 286
. SblpPeueburg,. • 273 • 248 :248 262,
Total, . • 2985 • 8197 .2808 8377
The vote on the othor candidates varieskso
little from the ethers•that .we do not deem it
iieoessary . to give t'Aii vote in elm* distriet,,=—•
The aggregate for each candidate is as 'fel- .
Auditor. General.
- • ,
Darwin Pholpe, (.hotop,)
Jaoob Fry, '(Dim.,),
:Nur* eyoF, General: - •,
Bartholemew Laporte., (Union,)
.John Bowe, (Dem.) ,• ' • '• ••
. . . . . .
~.Pdajortl'xfor2DAßS -
•;;;;;i. -,. - !!'
... ''ate l4 Jitenato , :', 1
'Kirk' Haloes, (Uniou,) .; . •
Henry Fetter,,(Dem.,) .
... ~• ,
. , .
B gorily tor Fetter, • .• ,•'. ,
. , .. . . ;
s. ,
•:',-..!. ''.•-i, -
.-- Vounty uirveyoi.
r William D. Shoop, (Union;)
Abrit'ut Limbotton, (Dem..Y•' • •
~_ . - ~. •. .-.-
. .
•'''l%llljority,for Lambertou, •
-••••••• • .titieato* the Poor.
jr.; Olt
13riniugl Tritt,
.... •
rd n i c ) r ay for , ,Trikt a , ator.
(Union') 29728216
iviti EYIOr';
'Coronas. -, ': ;-';,. ti
(DO I n"
' s ti:
.',.'' esitt.'sOne-7 - $
r.' !UT iS i P ilr ' 19 • 'now repiessittitiTs o ,_ l
•1 ' Wllliatil BiOar' -'' 'f th Vsite"
X4ll.o7l:rit______fa 11 !,_t.... P. iiiir
4_ iipfliab-kt---'l,--usirea_
Stated,' B engag?4 'IP '
bout; this,
' dtpouments, .thrgug • ....,,
~Otal.i'a4/°"g 1 ' f `ttk containing
IStsk,.., , der bl a Setistoria -c rn. .- . 001'4
e•qlq •,- .• ,_•„;ltaid idaii4ers
l ' iltscYPeat 4 111 F b° '-.' ~ t ',Rothe suPPc't"'i
to 't, tuihosr of h 0 m° ' , th ,
jam P t - , , aii:ocimplaitt titiqff, ,,
''- '' - *heßsoha.qaq P. , • ~ the • riplpt•
,g 0 'p t°4l ''
...... ' a totinko pail to 1 ..,„,,
•,.. i . 0. . , 6 ,1)...,• ~,,e , ,,,,,„„r „ k y ,-,
gY - ts t - antt,tbat. t .7.*,0 700,11 t
iblitiOßl,ooll Lur, Buiebimsfrt :An ti . • -1,,
' ,. 1 . 6,1tFut opPoind t ° 4- ,ib m , mi, Bilieo„,,,PcP, ,
iii..i oit.alqiuTett;io Airgai9sur?l,t,-",7,-,r,,,„
,4 / 1 11 . 00 4 r41 " 4 i . ' 40 at -40.,piri,-,-? 11---,,-ii...L,
'ClOrgYP'invh"litad;',flitiYiitulOtt.,*':*-1981e- 4
i.Totc'pothlihirsoi,,u443Awgint -kw
„, I;:teirkf . iity , . , tsoktkk**4oo:io,...- -
Ve.4-,411,:iml -- iiko*trii--,4 0 - -
ttatkv, tt-raokr,Al.
„,,,,,4,,„„ „,,,,,,,,,,,
''4lo/lii t,§n, 1-o,filikighlity,*" 6---`
Al* ' --"l t e i f . 6lll 4,lAbo"
11,0,.1,41.41.iti4,111% 4+...viomitirittb.i.
el p , a , ‘ riot
VI iidatizAihe ...11,1:3-4,10441044
. At ...1,•
47n T: ,, ..,
ik'Sr. , i ,OI 4 t YP4 -, -o'' F.F, '.?;! , ,a
~ . ., i , . -
'0',,5.3,,,...4,,,,,...5.-?;.,,_ ,-, :,2__-_ - _ - .1-_,-/-•• -.-- - -
237 8$28;:;8082' 8027.
` 1 4
2994 29G7 ,8213 8196
Aoixi 'ft
116-1111 ll 1), Cr 6.
Teh . ool/06.,1 1 Trit 1 =--the second an
eihibition. t ntit ociand centXt9
rimiltars.l Society, laiii4:9sC- 1 4,ifiriosithie
itiore - euticeislitrthon,„
odkalVedilelldaYwn a ":°,llTAdkk . "oAe
poured n'en VICISBe, At- an itt,y,
„morning the a;riVal of carriaOs'
nveettes lending info town ^gave teltett;'Of ii
Aboui - 10`o clock — the - traiturfrourEast.,
and West 'came. in dMisely packed yrltit pas.-
sengere t9sd , Moto the word of• the " 'oldest
inhabitant!' thaf never btilire within his Mem.
erg has oar town heen eo full of visitors On
ride.Y.mornitigs hoWever, a change'of weath
er unfortunately took , place which abruptly
terminated, thiflirillianoy of the ,Exhibition
reoelpts of Wednesday and Thursday we
'Understand umlauted to about $'2000,.,
-,, thentimher and quality
tidies *Exhibition the Fair' was :also fully
equal l if not supericir to the lost
year., ',The report .4.f. the oommitttes
'will be Mir next' paper,':will.„.we
hO.lO-,TlOrdo9*--Aiiie :ample tienionetration of
this fact. , IMdonsequenee of the rain-on Fria
day we were not able to makoas thorough an
examiuntion:of.the Fair' n's its: desired, and
can therettre.sPeakiarticularly ofbut'feW of
The disjilay, made . by D,
Naugle, of silver warai; by tho - s..'.Conlyn,:of . .
jewelry - Mid ; •by_ flaversilok, of
rich fain)) , goods; by D. J. kieffer,:of thp same;
by J. P.,Line kfloo,• of elegantly tiolished
hardware;• hy-ilenry , Suktan, of a similar dis
play; by Jacob Keller,. of'snperb' s hats and
caps; elioited , the highest admiration nod ion.,
dared that departmintof tfie exhibition
liar!) , brilliant. - Particular : attention was also
drawn to the spronlid pieces of se
...fimitilifeA and dressing btfreaus, exhibited by
•Dapt.John Brioker; of-Nowville. For beauty
Of design. mefibaitibaleonstructidn, and high
external, finish, these articles were -acknOwl•
edged to be of unsurpassed richness - and Ex
cellence. Capt. Brielcerie en'titled to groat
credit for thcr.perfection to wllich be has
brought his Mt.. James: It'. Weaver, of Cai7 .
lisle, also ironic, a handsome display of tables
and'elmirs, - the design and firdstruf which were
- oinimly . praiised by all whe_savf them. -Bat of
the'multitOde ittbries,'Dierhandiworit of th
adied, thepaintings, fhe embrOideries, the,
'cakes; .the . .golden-hued butter, the nice white
liread, the imeseryed fraiis, the fellies, domes-'1
tie.iilies,_woolarklandiinfi!l.gcot!t, fruits, -veg 7
,etableS; &o. It ie impossitdo to• Speak. in detail.
We must leave,it,' id: the- Committeetr*.to .da
.them justice. -The extraordinary potatoes, of
several species. - exhibited by John 'Lutz, of
Aloniee, and the large •vaiiotios of - apples by_
.Deorge Brindle, of lgooroo,•aro entitled- how,
over; -to special
nStiom • -
P. the whole the - Fair was one alyfitchTeot --
'noble - old - county - may - well - be - proutl, and.-wo
aongratulale its officers and menifiers on the
itteady—onward-marciroflte-SoeietY, - . I
,MNEMOTEOIiNY.—Tho first lesson or
basis of the new science In aid of the Memory
will be given IMO (Wedectidoy) . e . ,Fening,
'Education Hag by Mrs. Anitie' Tickets for
11M - course, - sl;oo.oacb, may be obtained
'lit - thelltill." - tudies 7 wheAto not wish to at
tehd tbe'publia Class are requested to meet
punctual ly at six'o'elock; niraugentents
ill be made to Butt tbeii lirientOce.
• . .
SUDDEN DEATII.--We regret to, earn
•. . .
that Mr. Henry, Williams,." respectable awl
wellknown.farmer ofNorth , Middleton town
diedituddenly on Thursday Last. Mr.
WiWams , vrin
.town on Tuceday last and
voted, but iiken
. 810 after returning
home and died after two days illness.
At a meeting of the Cumberland. Fire Com•
pang borongit of Carlisle, keld on the
.. - _
12:th'inst., theiellowing resolutions were unan,
...... - .
imouely adopted f --'-,_._.,_•_ •
Resolved,' That
,we, as ntembliFrof the Cum.
borland Fire Company, deeply, and sincerely
lament the loss of our young fellOW member,
SAMUEL . ALE X ANDER, a valuable and: - efficient
member of this Conipany, who in the dispse
nations-of Providence has been suddenly taken
Krum our midst,-ip, • tho morning of- life, and
that we adopt, as expressive of our sorrow; all
the usual tokens of outwars.l sorrowing.. ' - •
.-. ResOlved, That we tender to- the survid,ing
Tatant:and family of the (licensed our meet
4iineere and heart-felt sympathy'in the bereave
'tt'ment with 'which they have been a ed.
Rooked That a copy. of these` t Valens
, 'be-furnished . to - the • family of the ' eased,
1 and that they be published in the
persintthie borough •' _
By order of the Company. ~ .
_—• I'. QUIaLu, .
- • - - '- . PETER &Wilt, ' •
--•- - Comii4ttee.
Tiqx.,--An impression seems,to, previWin the
L _
Loomoson4_that no provieionls:me4e in, the
Eleotica-Lawe, of this.Cometenwettittt. for tho,
for theenssemient of 'iotersittfier7tit e'Votobor
election;.and that, cons e quently, thse who'
~ .. o
have not been nasalised ten days previous to
the 14th . of October, wnl be precluded from
_ „ • .. .
voting at the Presidential - Election, ,• This;
however, is i'mititnico: By*go'
'B7 of. Ott_now, addition. cif MoEinney'w Digest
of, the Election Laws, our rea d ers will find, a
- - . . • • • - •
eupplatnentlcatract-passed,-AprilUL. 1848,
,which specially applies to ,‘ this fo#jeot, and.
reads as follows: . - . .. ..='... . -
: Section IL. Every year liAvitich the ciOichoi
tifthjaVoaimonwealth shall vote 'foe elopteri
of Vresident and ViceTresident of -the . United
States.the'aseessors of the : sequel wardetewn•L
ships, incorporated • districts and 'Wrought!: of
thio.Commonweiltlc'eicqt within the 'ci .. ty•nd
.county.o. pitamoi a ; shall, pt Ml reasonable
,times ofteitbe:aveond tuesday .. in , Ootqber in
- .said years,l-ond'Atntil 'within icrec?ays,' of the
tithe:fired:by NW' for' the ileciton• of electors of
Presidentid • red ..President of the llitited:
VOges, - on the: personal application , Of, any
'wbite'lreeinan claiming , to . ;46,,aieeine.4. idibin
!;tbo,PropeeVard,.township, inehrOUrateit .-4i 8 , 7 '
trim, or'boroogh, pr, elaitning•d,:.right to.Voto
tharqin,'ne,being between thotages.OfJWenty .
. POI mid fwinty.tvio years,. Arlithivelfigr,Oded '
in this Comixtonweitithone.4eß i V:' 4oorAbe
bametof suqkperson%on..thlt:)l4 or pixo;lo*'-'
habitants; vied: itaid;%itesosseic ithall,"wilititaij
eight days..preViMo9:,-thOZdhy.:.:f zed.' fur .. . the .
zoleisl.l;44tsig. .ftltoftit.,rne..**9l47*ato:
6)04 of thil ,- ,popOr ,pokiiiii?!'oO',lktittelil,iitt
-Aftgr:gitirXhig.-001.givInt.4(Wioiie;'1..: aliolC.
0 1 .1,i0r ;91ke:991).**tkV.ClotrilsOiinti 04:4h01,
" - fifip.i3litlyfi i9u4t,iiiCif*. 1841iy,„;.'eliid"-,.,gpilia„,',
''' isafijAreao4,ooloo ot h eleif r io K :ol ' ,ibt
''.4.)tiiiit':ool,o.lo4lsii,ol64W,Al.o.l.4'•'4lid 10a
001-* it,boAkOfei,k944::# : •:itlAtt i si t v. - . o .': one O f
l'tlio-PApeaqrsMiSl lB 7,P!,o ,o, r.; oB44 i ni. `.! didi rßiq;
?iiii-OleoCeteli:o7o)..4-orkijiiV.a 6 i*M , l'oti
liii . ,doKS - 144:1cr: - ;: theAglPOtien 'AP; said ,‘olo6 ; .
~ ,,,Ar t , ,, r ,.--- , •,,,5,w--. 1 ,- - -:4 ., ...t,- , 44:4 - e,w•. 3 '- , ` , - , '. , • 1,--, : -. . , - - -- , r -
', , tm ,t,,f,.. ; :ki1,..1,.;, , , , ::., -- , , ,, , ,V.-.5 c ..4 , , , :-..7. ,:',:,.;:,,,-;,•:.' .'" .'`.
..-.f.. S '- 'f- 4 I . '9‘'.;'' : .' " 4 ' ' ' ','''A ' . ' •'.. ' '•! ',,') .:: ::,
:( 1 ,0"404 16 ' ' 'N' T ' i x,so ; : v . ! , r iii%eii4'
'aiiko - 44A . WP#41;0 4 8 - "Alif*:
i' A vi.0" , 00 , 00i iiiq4 iiii li:kix
ri-i'. - r,FlSSii&g#4.4 , P 5; '*
1 40
-,_•..,..- ,- --..:1 - -va1,. , -1; - 00111011lio 1 , -• OW
=4,zivir;zl.oo-L, -
819 t
0 fli.g.flt,
to A lett,
r. '
op I
1 o ni,
it 1.,„, 1 1i. , sko:
..Aper , cluoiraf .1440:gire:
''' 4#l 2 t v g l i hit i elititiiiVriralii!lPt;U 4 r
M 44 3 itiroost , Wttliirel44sooAel,-;
W411:444 - 0040 0 t 104 . 14 !' g1101`":
t ic
:4 1 %,,Altirttkftitrt,:<'-'la , ,$,
t, , i4V , .-64,= ,',l ~,I?( A ' ' ' ::` - '4,tI),N -: • •
:i: , '''' '''"
and ,-.T.-isiteher
,The,lionestll.llmOre Mean have at lest
.got their. eyes Openeg . to the infameus
plot:which was clevisetl to, transfer their.
::wliicli`liha just been issued by a' - number - ----
!6f L .the most.; distinidishe4 American
''''rields,of'Fil),nioie ,Philtrjelphirt•
Att anis holadclrets of-the erib,
Etate;tommitteo whidh::'giveit' the '
eoTreiToSAPtice[developoing this infathous
plot will ' be published' our:tiekt. ,-- , At .•
_present_ we catt . onlysaytthat'tho'.tiaitora •
have been smoked ottiltnd that
est Fillmore men of Philadelphia•aro. now
deolaring for the Union. Electoral Ticket.
SpoedAhn good cause! - • •
There can he tio . denial that'•vv,i, - the cinder- •
•signed:liWee beet?, and are; beth Atnerionds
;rind Fillmore mod •Wel'have .watched the.
,prowess - of this .canvass with a, profound -. at-
Motion, - worthy:of - the cause and-times;,- Front,
circumstances hut recently - brought to
Itoare satisfied that - plantehave been maturing•,,:
to hand overjthe,'entire ,Aintrieno party to the '-•
DentOcroticiplatforto: - In the address of.ChriP...
1217400118,..E11, Chairman - of the "Iteptiblicar.
.State Executive Comthitted, he states, that on •
.the 12,11'ef September . a.resolution was passed
by the Atnerioo . Stato Conimittee 'favortit
any . honorahldariiingement - with the friends of_
Fremont end Dayton, to defeat ,Mr; Buchanan.
We-have investigated this fact, and find, that •
sueltntesolution'was puma': This fact has
'been studiously ooncenled from the. American
party of this city and State: 'lt' is now the • •
time to speak plainly. 'The' cant?' an'of our
Fillmore State Committedis,not no*,•ner was
he over connected' with our, American party,
-tecie-do-tvethink_thatAte_sliouldfillow even Ma
entire Executive, Comittee , to stultify . our 7
eitime_an_d_to consign nato entire defeat by -
their cry of straight' line - AiiiirTdar7fraltiff:= —
Mr. Sanderson lees 'not believe_ (for he. says ,
so ) that the Fillmore Electoral ticket' can be
•olented. It,ia n niece question of how many
votes can we poll ns a forlorn hope. •
There can no evil result - to us b 3-• Uniting
upon a Union Electoral Ticket upon ,National
grounds.. The propositipn le - to form one tick-,
et headed with Fillitiore'S name, and another
ticket lieaded with Fremont's name, and. the ,
.vote in the college to be casofor each midi-.
datiriccoving to the nuinber of vated-polled--,__ --
by each ticket. ;Can anything be - fairer thaO . , -
- this? We are ever Fillmore non, - Well can . so. ,
express-oarselvee by our voted; and our cent,
man VilificaLenemy, who *tends on.'-a • plat- •
form 'entirely inimical to-Americaniprinoiplea,
may be defeated. • Wonre, by_this.menns, se. •
curing votes in the Electoral College for
mare, whero,,we would not live' one without -
it. resolves itself. into.rl question of utter
defeat, by advocating our candidate in one
mode, or .of obtaiiiingfor our
_candidate, by
another mode , - a fair proportion of theoslciato
ml vote , of Pennsylvania.
ciursolves we know, the, responsibilities ,
we, assume, and we believe that our American '
friendstliroughont-tine , Union will thapkuus,-;
after the oginvasTi — Ta over. es iry --- We - 7 --
-ehould-not-liat•O' made_ such_
.To day we' ito,!;becoutse_tve are 'sure that •
treachery. is being attempted, and we, are not .
ou r — Avirevtatin — Party - , -- isthich — eie -, watave our political - ex stance, alma • 1 ?
behandeit overtte a.,body, for the use
,of that _
niii•-named-liemacirntic-Partf, against
we have been battling since the organization .
ortheameripan_r_orts . •
OB — A7J ONES; ---
ALFRED.COOrER, • , • ?
many others.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 21, 1856
A PER.PU.IIIPI) IlftEATll.—{fhat lady or gentleman
would rounds, under the curse of a disagreeable breath ,
FLOWIIRS" no a dentrlilee • would not only condor it
/moot but leave the 'teeth white ';ul alabaster? Many
Demons do not know their breath is bad, and - the sub
ject is so delicate their frionds.will.nstor mention it.
Pour a singl2 drop of " Balm". on your tooth brush and
wash the teeth' niglit , and morning .,, A' Arty coot bottle
will last a yenr.7
... .
. .
A BEAUFIFIJI. COMPLF,XIOR - xuay easily be acqulrs
ed by using tlio 4 -!llaiptof WThsitisaushlrlogors. v It Will .
reinevo tan, pipaplesettid frceklegfroni the sitin,leaving
It - era goft - audras:dotwliueK - -Vet a-tonreli pour on two- ._.
or three drops, and wash the - face night and morning.
SHAVING MADE EASY —Wet your obeying brush '
in either warm or cold seater, pour on, two Or three
drops of "Balm of, a Thouwsed Flowers,". rub the board
well, and it will look° a beautiful soft lather, much
faeili toting the operation of slowing. File a only Fifty
cents. 'Beware of counterfeits. .None genuine unlace
eignod by •, •W. P. FETIUDOE & CO.,
issn.—cio •
__Franklin Square, Now York..
. .
NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. .• • , ' - ••
• • - cAniasts, WodnomorvoioplffitZlBsr.
FLOUR soporfino o por'hbl. - $6 26
-do Extrn„ dei ; " . 6,60
. -
'1 ;. 76 1
do, .•
Voting WURAT per hushol
.isEll do • do
: RYE do
Oats •
Sr4eth`a`.lLuu Y. do
.• • • , 310NDAY ilvfitil3filt!4optgeoe 24.
.Flour Und .Monl—The Flour marlietlin
eti'pricee nre f freeb'...
grutiud Flour .frOoi wheat ut . 4(i,75 Or '.
prtles.p!,*xtra , ninkfuney brnlita
11.4. bere ?r
Rye FlOuiie wort : b, 74.7! V,,,c4 . ;l l 4l{uwiLc {.
.of fresh, group cups.) v ,
cs firia. and
,priaea aro locr-..
er.- ,§alr B A priaie zoorr ., S9'uthora.aao. - p4; , imp.
a,.1,08 for irtka,-,',
RY o.oo, aes.. .i-81aviti;;,46164 9 . 1 Polirla, at 78'
yellow at ;' Bli°pei~ts , afloat .;
Ontw.,:4e soiroe • •
saleo ofOrini;o.ohl..rooti9lynaio anCroolit*are
at 4g.*'..43c,":;f4i:t'c,)o: - pailey worth sl' 80'
41ii . iiit,47,4,7 ; 26 .oer 4.11111 ii: :rarigoo •
Aft( age -• •
.maottiar Dil istiu4;OrN,GuttswNeipkP4 tOg--
‘ 0 '
1111,3 _$ 1 0 Ab
?Ecqt.o@°,•7l• - ;
imto/a aa aa 01r1PKkt7t417xu,mo:a _ ulga
I 2 .:
3 1cP 1. ; .
ala••••••••••• 111
-• • •
------ ~,, --
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JER:rt.... 74,, tAoi,i.iit6olo..grftakti,4l44,o:.
7 ' '' ' '611444(/ r . sttiBo , 4l.l4.4zripii97. oiii „„„
: oiriOiti o o7 l h- .oiinitiiirlit. -
t"-t" tollfi.S*-.,''l36,l4*"'')Plib Besl ito.o " l4°.°D ., 7 •cit '
ApoeititrMit4Pi.V,l.:ttit6.'o4**l,l4,.6 . 1 4 4 g`ai7gta i Ati'. •.'
_iiirit.efi' teal'9AiitOi'lettlitubt44l-*". 1 - 1644,tniae laming :;+:
Ntilll t g iUrbut(lfid l o o # l fteAt.,..
•ftartorr..„.7li'T. 04 0.• i•• •••••-,1A.:
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