MEM =MI Yr.,:n the Philnt FreedoWs varitiv To the res,eiet• Venusylvaolatts I ' • To the 4,nxi hint all . . . Gralatisirt.,_latiwi•, and bipthez; Wake i, , A...rreeflozp!s dying call, ..' • ' • ' :NOW or ?Over! .. Slaali Fli9 q..:,“il or,;' , l;all.sho hill?' See our 11:n,:,;),,Jf m u st and drooping, , • Lowered b'y If i•iughts' da4ard'hain.l; .1,., 0 ) co. to d rd: i c'::n!Lvar•pi•otectioii;,• ~ ‘ -' • ow to onty au Iddf the laud; . ' . .. . , • . r;d tr nd Utherastors, , .Is.orth end F, , itth thet•eing demand! . . . ~ Pee the of.pittn4wati tlwell,htgb -Atishig eky; Sao t,h6 torrents , flowhig, , )11tere'( , ur brotl6ris slaughtowd lie I . _ Ittathtus, . 4 Laws of num dery K op:tune • f IT,•• Mariam unign, • • ••a.• 1 :liars. built of yore Keep that imr.whiire ttiny pLite,ii it, Ur••••••••• yt•u are I'm morn..-• - l•ap.t,lie prairies ' _ f , •iin - er laurel IMMO . FAToi.lotilt b of Slavery w.o,,fia.! by tho.Stato;. Now that ~, c lo; would change thoir:places t loVaker - : the ballot That wP,1•t41.... our country' fate 1S ny . upon thee; Or the,th.e. , o:. 1.1.0 werld; - Now, of Shouhl t l y : , 3:p ler be unitirfed; sas 7 .tyratite! "Froth ,:, thr thoody seam be hurled I" tho ho ,1,)1.1.1 They NVOtil.i tl,-•O,lhnyi4ould '111run : 0, lay th9o low. • 1•" r nor country, : tittt, On 'the LiAi - flung by.l salt:tett band; Thus it !le nwttu : ' • • "Libert) ;irowdt...arl thubind."• ring it loudly, - Ring e.itc. nii.,, and band!' ronusyl ran column, • 1u the 1 thv f r ee; In tho - 5h..1.• will bles, you, -11'11,io-3 Once upon tin, hi,Thest,sfinamit r • Of :flunuta r in,chaiit, great Pathfinder t ;tiff, holgth 91.4:11U! Leibim that flag again! Cumberland ( r Va.. f 4 f•pt.. 24, • . _ ' - Frorn'tho North Auleiran, , . Washington, Fremont and Internal Improvements. When a man Looornes an historical eliarae 'ter; and ~,,,,, is a popular rallying word, it is usually for deeds performed under the • __preasure—ollLigamr!rdinarylexigaralies salient'and remarkable points in his history aro those which catch the popular eye, •and their rectuital 11:1s,tliepubkic ear. But ea „traordinary circumstances are not those which constitute daily life of" a man, or_ the his• • tory of a natn,n.- The growth and prosperity of both indivbinal interests and public-con cerns are made up og_details too matter of facf,for the patriotic speech or the stirring lyric.. And it will be found that the really grout men of all ageb and nations have,• in their history, a Lock ground of laborious, eve application, which fills up the picture of tbeircharaoters, and shows that they did not achieve gr_atness by a coup do mairt—'-that they *t r io not illo• in the intervals between their exploits. •They were ready. for.: great crises by the habit. of daily discipline. •They were . aliraysja work. •Cyrus knew. the indi vidual names of,hiT soldiers. The Duke ',of Wellington was a terror to a negligent com missariat. The great Napoleon could. not be s defrauded by am upholsterer in a button. And George Washington was a man of details, thoronghly understanding and' appreciating thirrelative valuty and force of all the parts of the-machinery he had to direct. Warhingtou vas a lover of his wilnie,cOUP.., 'try. :Ile - delighted to dwell upen her pros ,Pecis of future prOspirity, wealth and bappi- But.he know eery well that these re. 'suite were not to be reached lOglowing speech - es, and glorioui descants on freedom, republi canism, and the future. lie had no turn for. 'iliVklolitical castle building• which furnishes ' the tinsel Fourth of July orations. Ffe knew that if the nation-became great and -prosper one it must be by deidlopement of Its' resour ces; and that no theoretical union could be of value, unless perfected in an actual connection by easy modes of_ intercourse between- the members of the oonfederacy. While yet the 'States were British previnies, and the patriot ism of the colonist. led to the fostering of their own interests, and the strengthening of the alliance with the mother country, Washington was anxious to make.the prosperity of the sea board and the interior identical, that the wee tortko‘olonists might not fraternise 'with, the Spa:duds atulYreich, Se-dfeatled lest they RN= . • elie'uld be drawn by intereHi and' commerce away from'ibe mother country ; arid .their An glo-Saron-affinitea. '; • ° • EMU I PA I w et. t olWashingtori:we find hint firef trsa. Mainber of a. surveying party. among -the ° wilds,. and . glides of the Alleghenies, . Nbit, selected itemni3tof the qualities ilettalopedin',:that fieryvice, Wf),6eo•jiim:thispafetted as,n tees.. the Governor' Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg. : :From early 'youth he n9,tedla a di.iry facts worthknowing, • and obServatiens Worth repeating ; and while, obey= ing his instructions as to 'the .: Main' object - of his journey; on his return,ko . ,Varied MS route, As.the' result of lis-exptiditimi he Presented :al, r(l)01:t to legislature upon the ,practicability oloommunication with Cuuther..l land.. , • He was coinplintented 'by a military promotion, and accompanied General Frad dock tin Iris unforttinateiriarch... Still.pushing his favorite design, he Made afterward several tours of 'examination. In 1770 he reportetl,to the doveriter of Maryland a. plan covering The whole route to Pittsburg. In 1774 he brought the subject before the House of • BUrgeises of Virgkida. : Portioni.lrf his journnl and extracts front_ his letter's in . refe:retiee .to the features and capabilities of the western country Were widely published , inthergaxetteSof•the day. Thus the, ..mere explorer end surveyor" Ives introduded to the nation ; .atitthose wh had •the'direction of.the-armies' of the, United Colonies, found in George Washington's eapa• cities as a .!ptitliffirder," and in r hiii. - -traits of courage, presence of mind and readiness-of re source, the qualities which' eutitleti hitn jo the highest trust aver reposed in any commander.. The war of ihe_Rovolutioni- of: aourse Suspend.- hisfovorite project, but in 1781, upon:his, re= tirewout to Mount Vernon. he returned with renewed earnestness-to the:, suport of the. mas o ureswhiclipromised to strengthen and perpetuate .the union•of the now—free :3 Siates. liiviing'Liouself but a few months' rest, main 'he undertook a western 'tour ; .Und.,fortitied .41.i : the collection of tieW•faelti s and the verifi cationaOld, lie pressediipon the 'legislatures of Irirginitt Mid Marylarid„the establialtirmmtof the Potomac:.,Cenipany, : einee continued in the -Eh ettap eake-autl—Olrie—Cattal*-Compmty: - - - H - e was its . first President, and, remained,. at its .headfrothiti orgaidiatien in - 1.781.",ti1l his "e -leetienielthe Presidency of the United :States 'in 1788.` As an officer of the company heves attentive and industrious, systettiatie, and far sighted. We are indebted to Pickell's recent '!'A.Neiv, Chapter in Mite Early Life of Washington,". for the setting forth a n d arrangement of the f;tcts tit which we have barely glanced. By them!, ,W;tshing ton is presented in a practical light, and in a point of view to which the American people are Lot.accustpmed. These things show that. in the making'up of Washington tis well as gf other . master minds, the Simply; useful Ives present, though to readers of ordin'ary brief histeries not prominent. Washington carried into the . osecutiye chair of 'the United.States.the-saine.aeund views up on tnationo interests which had,moved him to his youthful ezplorations., 1118 polioy of fostering intOrpol , improvements . .was more or less adhe'redlo till, in It, General Jackson lints' a long li of vetoes with a disappro. val.of the Maysville Road. That` Pres.itient's notions of internal improvements were thus satirized by a rhymester of the day: ' • - "Improvements will be approbated, If in the sun or moon located: - As-Andrew ressonsl without doubt-all We make on earih-are purely local; And on all such ho deems it meet to Inflict his Presidential veto." The .abstractions and impracticabilities which had commenced to disturb politicians-. chiefly, we snspect, bedause a primitive state of roads. !vixen as of society, is best fur black chattels—now took a solid form of resistartoe, and the Whig party was dondemned, because, - ateong its other heinous heresi6s inherited from Washington and the Whigs of '76, it de• fended internal improvements, . las a not ho entirely crushed out. It will re-appear, in communities as well de individuals, and has fought its way against follow-in-the-footsteps Van Buren, crotchety Tyler,eand war-decla ring Polk, until by tkir.,Plurce the: opposition to it w,t carried so palpably-to the 'Wadi° ad absurdum, that the formidable veto was itself vetoed at the ?last session, more than epee. Gentlemen united upon that who could unite on nothing else. 'Perhaps the coming man' 'frightened them. There is unsuspicious omen in the similarity of the causes which brought Fremont, as well as Washington, first before the public eye.. Identified as Fremont is with the cberishectpolicy of Waebirigton, the Bub. etantial union of the States of the confederacy by improved and facile routes of traiekand . of transportation, while Pierce bad nothing _to l o ss by apposing internal improvements, there were those who bad. There were men in Con- grass who were and are opposed to the Path -finder who could not afford, like Mr. Pierce tO keep themselves in marked contrast with him, upon a tinestion on the merits of which thine- - tion and its . probable 'future President are a 7 greed. But their repentance eoines too late, tiniest it goes farther to the very length of oni • . . . . • - • • • ~-, ~, : ~: ;f 4 `1:: . t x 3 ',' '''' J'' `' -'i' 1,0 ' ,. ~. .. .. . . (?. " 1. ' tit rititt t x A tb,„......:.. ......... - -......7! - -.7,...,..,........,,,... ~f,„....„,,„._,.......„..,.,....„.„,.„...„,...„___.....„, ••. , ..7 , -.:,..4. , :...,!:.'0,- , -- 1 :.e , :...A , , , f,i. , c ,. .k.,.-- ~, .- . — ,,-...4- r .. ~ - -•-• .. ~ .•. -• iaining - the a aria lititithe; party W • ho . fie‘ pdliey ... they hail& thud 'enderseil;' .... ....",...--.....,-.• %.,......' — Gi.eati'talente - , ---- ntid l 'administritit , e ---2 :84 - oei'ty tai-eur-e- . -te,be "p x h ibi t , ,4A . 11 . -13,41 atteett:their....prie..._ sensor attempts.; atid . it, id well:Paid , ',..1 - FreH mont, 'that What-ever , h beas. ..untb..riakeu bp - has done, weir.'" .The, man te":lWhom .. thejapd he. lives ' ' ln is familiar, ~Iti: its., jets th / and breadth; to. whom California is not a:distant dream,. and to whow(the'• ! terriitiries of the Republic are not 4 mere yeil r ower Atllipot on. ihe'inip, as the colorer. cho6ie"r has i ll ' i l ia • knowledge of the, phYPlettr, geography' of- his Country no mean:er useless acquisition. And wizen to the exploration - . ho, brings.. science . which bag both furnished the'rpind : and train- . .', .edit for ! oi . usefal pursiiits; . industry, "with• out *Web no parts or, acquirements are avall-: . able; and all the other qualities whieb give him theiiiig of. the true nietal, Q iie may safely entrust: any charge to him" which he will con- Pent to assume. And when; besides this; he is' net a sectional man, but knotie• his .country- teen IcOrth and'South, mixing with all-and-un . derstanding all, we feel that in giving - hini our suffrages, we are ciusulting the prosperiti of .the wh - ole.irepu,bTie. No Procrustes bed, the pingo ofpelitical-a - nd sectional partiiunship, • obniracts' hisi viors of-duiy: - ;. u 6 i ) )ifa; l :i i i" df c - .. tated by the tiltraists of both sections, and et: . ferveseing with,its heterogeneous components, obfuscates -hip vision. -The Cincinnati . cem pou nil, ifra ttemptud to be - ii cl ini'lijstered - to any gOvertunent, would expletie, it upon the first tritn.•lndompatibles..can't . mix. "The Cinciu. fliiti - reparation will do until after the elec tionto talk about '`to select portions to select. , ! udicuces. . Its principles, so called, will .an swer to keep the country,in confusionat home;_ to'etnbarrass our relations abroad ;• to mak.e baitle grounds of everYitieb of public terriurry awl finally to destroy any adnlinistrationfhich, . . • attempts to ctrry such a compound of gun powder and lire in the - p . iine lotyl .. - : But , they Will not serve .- to: govern- a - great - within -- 11.- 2 The: Republican platform mob miles -the tried_ ptinciples.of the-old-Whigs -,-true republicans -:--and adds to . .them sic',ply -the deductions which a new crisis demands.' . 'With the 'one par.7 is harmony 'of - design ;. with both the o_t_h_th_ir_r_euiH.ciledh.feAniiteLlieifetiSnie.ll: it cannot be difficult n fora nut i untrainelled by prejudice, _or tinsviayed by- interest, to dhoope between them. . . 1:11 PO It T 1"1'0 A IJE,S . • • D:c., Ingrettie,a ts.. .3 the,. z Ills Is the - re sult.Of 0 long and eitenslve practice; they are Mil& In their operation, 8411 eortaln of ITSLOVi:iL! nature 10 its proper enannel. In every I izstaiiee have Ilnise Pills pm, ved suceessfto They itiariably:epen those 140,.truelions to willol Found - 61am liiilfiV? - cititt bring natt r iveduto its proper channel, wherebj. health is rostyred and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one., NO female can iMIJIIy good health unless she is regular; and whenever an olistructimi takes, place, whether from ex posure, odd or any otherobause, the generarßialth tui inodintely decline, and the want of such a rem edy has been the cause of soia.ttly eirdsutoptlonsameng young females. To ladies whese health Will nrit rerznit of an inereas,.• of their family, those pills will prove it •val -usrlde acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.— . Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart,Tloa:. thing of food, cold di turlsal sleep do ninst al ways. arise remit she interrutition of nature;' and 'whenever. that Is OW Moe, th6little will invariably remedy all thert evils. `thee the les:intlleaclatrc — tn - tht cure of Leucerrheca. commonly called the "Whites." These pills should nov• ter be taken during prNmancy, as they mould be sure to enuse a miscarriage.- 'Warranted purely Yegotable.-and free from Anything Iniurious to Hid or health. Fulland explicit directiens.accompany each box. 1- - 'these pills are put up hl square Bat boxes. l'Ortl4slls. residing where there agency established. by onclo:: sing One Dollard') n letter, prepaid, ti Dr. C. L. CdrEze.•:: M ts,. No. .267, Bloodier street, New York, can have Moll; sent to their respective addrobslve by mail. ... I ) MM EN.S E SUCCESS.!!- THv; CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN THE •WORLD. BAT,LOU'S 4)OLLAIt 310.111.1.1- DESIOED Fuji. EVE . EY AMERICAN HOME Encouraged by thb unprecedented success which thi. popular monthly has met with. and the t - apidiXY with which it has increased its circulation, fliVprepriet4,lf.ii cos )tvel to make, it still more worthy ofthe patronage of the public. That this admirable work is 31111ACLR OF CHEAPNESS IVa l ttrnitted by every one, containing, as It doeS. One' hundred - Pages of reading nfat tenin each number. being more than ally of the $3 Magazines, and forming tea 'volumes a year of 'slit hundred pages each, or Twelve flundred . pages of Reading Matter per annum fur • 0 N L R I llolion's Dollar Monthly Is printed with now -type.' npon fino White paper, and its matter is capefully coin piled and arranged by the hands of the editor anti pro prietor, who has boon known to tho public as connected with the for sateen years. Its pages con tain , . . . .. NEWS, • - ' ?it ISCIELANY, t ------ : - TA - LES -----------,---- AIiVENTURES,• :—''."-- POENIS, • MOHR A PULE& : , STORIES OF THE SEA, SKETCHES, . WIT AND HUHDE. .. . de:, c.,..A ' • , . . from thil best and most popular writers of this country. It is also spiced with a record of .the notable events of the times, of peace and itar, of discoveries and Improve ments occurhig In either hemisphere, forming an agriacable companion for a labium moment Or hour, any _w htro,_athome of abroad, each number-being complete in itself. . . ',.. : , • No sectarian subjects aro admitted into its pages; there aro enough - controversal - publications each do• voted to Its peculiar sect or elhine. This work is in tendodlor nOrtb:oi south, r eaVor M we l etan i d ° ls N filled to thi brim each month with. chaste, .popular and graphic misele lolly, just such as any father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle. It is in all lts de partments, fresh and original, and, what it purports to be, the cheapest magmata in the world. • ' . Any person enclosing max DOLLAR to the proprietor,. as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year, or any person boding us =OUT subscribers and /ROOT DOLLARS,. at one time ahall•receivo is copy gratis.- • -- • . M. M, BAlLOCl;Publisher and Proprietor. Corner,of Torment and Brumfield Streets, Boston: June 11,'50. • . • . , VRESHMEDICINE S' re:eared - from Piiilidelphht and , New., York very extensive additions to my former stock,embraeing nearly everyartiole - N of Medicine now 'in use, together- with Paints; 011 s, Varnishes, 'TtirPefitine, ter4l - mery, peeps, Stationkry, pine Cutlery,rish - fug Tackle, Brushes of almost' everydascrip ion, with an endless variety of other. articles • which 1. am deter Mined to sell at the Toy town! prices: , All physicians, oountry - Merchants, Pedlars and oth ers, are respectfully reqnested not to pass, the . OLD STAND; as they may rest soured that every aillele will bosold of a good quality, and upon reasonablelernur. ' S. ItLLIO'PT. Nay 30. Main street. Oarlisles 31/istefituteuus. Eitotcti' . citi::;.;.l).-ii:po:-..: • •• • 4' o • W.A.OLI ES . I el., 0 S. , . 14- Cr4FAV,FtIit • • • • • have nevi on baud and Siti 8i toy eau sta ! :** o r. Streitt, - opposite Minh:hillll entirely new and elegant stock oh: • ' •• IVA 11.3:11, AILDALIONit, e. - Gold Lever ‘Vatelies,..hunting and open ease, SilVer Levine aud lounder Viet:dies, a large valie6 ,Gold Auction for Ladies pod Gen tleini.oh • ,' • .I%ledrillions,,a splendid astiortuteht foriadies and lireast Pins of every, pattern. mad all prices: • * Geld Lauds lor vest Will hdr, wad cui U chairs; CnIE-plus,-Studs, alccv,eJunius,. • Crosses. Drop and Ituep.lar-Lingt,; a large ILI tiihel Forks, ?fable and Tea Spouse, hutter ,Knives • 4:e. t -, f vorlints stylus and prices., Gold and Sliver 7 bimbles, • • : - Gold, Silver 14)111 i:0111411011 Spl:Ct ides, a hogs aisOrtniei, t to, suit all: gee; and ill xbich we invite p:uUculiu . attention. Port 111onruiles. n large assortment at. every, price, okild Pells, of the I.est - niako at various l'aney fluxes, Port Polies, Accordeons. Spectar.le vasc#. silver' and pearl. at various pl lees, . zwelidsrgold and common; Itatels t Indus , Mgt) a largo variety of articles in 'the Jewelry line, whish I will sell nt'theluweFt. prices.. All articldi Pal: ran to what'they are sold ,for. lkif,Particularattention 111(1 to the IZEPALLI_Nti WA"! e II lit and all work warms:tad. Belau 111111 i t . to my Old friends and custointrir for forther patronage,: I respe..tfully solicit a conti»usnce of their myt.i juntkz,.! , • THOMAS COlf.Ylc. XIE 1 ' AItD IV B • STUiSI.- 7 - .1. ' STAYMAN & SONS' Woes STIIVET MILD HMI , llr.rnr. • located, is the 'room lately pi-1300d liy :IP a grocery Rove. west of the Reif Evnil hnveju.t openeil Plltzird new etriek of ILA WABE, t.t nth they.would (TB tha atteutf9n ottlolr friends and the jialdie generally. - The stnek, nhidn 1, _large and varies t!ns-sehcfcd with espeeptl rt-fm more 1 ,, the wants of the, public, and consists Di ',mt of the - • BUILDING 1-1,1!:DIVA RE of .all latches. hinges, Wins: Yn.lls,`nrrswa. ocerniettele"of - Molls - M . ..6 need in pairing. Also, glass. rutty,pitints,Lrnshes, &v.. if the most approved (inane:: and on . 11,0 most reasonal , h? terms. ' GAll . lliliT 31AliEltS 7 —The pf Cabinet Makers 'is invited 'to our assortluetit of,-rnynisbes. veneers, knobs, roPotts. mouldings, which will Lo found equal' to any In the rount3.. - . SADDLEI(S antri:OACI(MA KERN wlll - 11m1 in their departinent all .the artiel4. ,- usually required In their line of liwines?„.surii:tis cte••l - ;pringv : psii:s, 10. WALL PAPER—This ngsort.uumt of- Wall raper eni liraces-ayonvleto'ywelay (indee paterns of every .inaljty,:and at.studi price.;as cannot f(dl to give satioietlott. 'Also (orders. win AN ,4 I , 'N; de. 110tiSti fri:EEPX)IS invitell:to call and emunine our stock of eutlery, plated war, sp.ons, • mills, randiest irks. :mutters, walters. sboVels and taiigs, hollow ware, _brass and Iron kettles, sad which we Intend to-selhery low. .EAIINIEItS - --Eor the 1.10 , 0 or Farmers we.liitre . attend: - Jess variety of. nil Alto 'articles adapted-to their trod, , , usually. ii , tind li, Ibtrtlival:e Stores. such as plows, forks, spades, shoeels, hOes,rilkes. hamits,Araces, halter chains. he., all' at . , the very leweNt, rates, to highu e eltll.llwir 4 , Sporlal notipo; MECHANICS, the attention of Mechanics generally • to our stock of edge tools, Pvcl,4. bravos. bit t, , auger'. 11:11111111.7 . S. .te.. - which tvi,lci.ow to 14 of so peri,•l , and STEEL ofall Ititutscoostot Ely o : Itmol ler sale-cheap: Wfiß7.lllP,WCTlNlTlttrillT47llll'irli- our 1.:05. 4 1.‘. na kr 1 . 113i . !!,0, /Itriel, attention to aa, , l :1 01‘,1, P• 11;- cointuodate APB hop,, 101.1,1k :1.40: Don't for. Art ph,•,.. the April 1, S P G AND SI7 rr NATS AND C.!AP:i! Tin. undersigned invites the attention of his old rue , tofiters and the public to his now - nod Os. sortinedt of BjLKt FUR suit STRAW itAws. CLOTH. ''CAI':.Sc. for gentlemen n-ni Boys near. of the tat eA styles and best quality. The asoorlment fiat to einlmteit every sort and size of lint , . and yaw; for ' Mt-n o Boys mid Childron, from the comoodia,t and' . clit:iipeg to the most stylish and fitshhoutMe. such es oaktord's spring style of gentlemen's flats, 11 hitt.. Black— nod Brown. Slouch 11114, with Fur lints offils Inv n man ufacture. Boys cloth capspf various colors alit pri-es, with a large asSortment of Men's and Boy's sto. ot , hi l ts of t qualities and prices. to suit the tr.. 4.1.4.- of tooth rirh and poor. Feeling confident that -vary pm • chaser can he acrommodatod from his eaton , im o and . - varied.assortnittni he cordially inYltes feb llttS . to' all and examine at his old ectablishment ita Main Street. •- ' • . WM: 11. TROUT. AND VA El LTY STOBE. The ,ul•scriber would, reßpectfully inform bk-feieuite-aed . , . • ~.. ors , ly.that.-h.adr.:4l.4t-i-ettfen•hd-frotcrd .' • city with a large and Yaried :I!Oiortnient of . , ,• 6 iiheßll I rd.,, li LASS and QUEEN; , ..AV Alt F., 443 ' . 'i' t FISH, &v., d.. w hich be cdTers for sale on the "Ii most . reasonable terms, at his New ,Store, sR o lf corner of North Hanove'r Slreet and {hi rul- 0 ; 4 0 ' die Square, directly ,11PIOAlti, the Clirihde he. - - posit Bank.. MN . eeoek , ornbrnsva everything usually iii itV . locery and Variety store. .. 4 . . '''"The puldie are hivitssi to call and examit e his steek haf(leloirclias i ing ekeybere, as he feels o.nne.cnt he con selL'thele'st. goods at the i.wect pi haN. ,r .1. A. HALBERT. . „ Crepirc! , added to his former stock a Veil era GROCERIES, as well as all Lilo 4 , 1114 varn•pi . I`lo kept in a Grocery P. re. nmf green—;a 1•2?.: .Z6f. '),per Ili., Orleans. ' , rush 4,1 - rked. • ugars. of fine qualities; CM.c. Ic - .=::lnt;• , . Fairy, salt. and a variety of late artl:l..s. all et fere& at the loWesi cash mires, 0 an. thankful fjrt he (armor supporrgiren tis. bud' fin ito a further Call (tent nue friends and customers. „• J. W. EIIY. tsarist hall. Carlisle . • fps anh MinOineru. . 161 r AS FITTING AND PLUMB "NO.—The undersiAned would Intim-Alm citizens of Carlisle Mail. he has nwolii arrange mints todoGAS FITTING and. PLU3I . IIING at short no flee, and on reasonable terms. Ile has engagial the ser xiliamoLa. first rate baud twin Philiklphla,filitalisisup_. Plied himself with an extensive assortment of FINT Uft};,.S, which will enable blm to fill all orders promptly All work will be warranted. Ills stock of tins Fixtures will be ibuntl in the room exactly opposite Hs 'finning establishment on North Hanover street, where hi ltes a call. ... TINNINM, SPOUTING, Is _Also prepared to furnish. or make to order, every article of. TIN WANE used by housekeepers and others. Ile will aho attend to . SPOUTP.4O, - - HOUSE-ROOFING, .13EEL lIA N I Ntl, - and PLUMBING. ' Thankful for the patronage with which helutsalresdy heen favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance it,, the same. • Car Milo, Juiio 14d54 "CARLISLE AIIJNDR'Y • R p gß The aubscriher i/rLasilw.he3isaAgisiflalcronSiolfOlPW lTLlUVlllnU forming his old friends and waning that his establishment is again In active ope rati. a, now buildings having been erected 'since the late dies trous tire and thd whole eitabliehment put bream plate working order. Orders are therefore .respectfully.- solicited for work in hit line, which will be done with prOnptness and in the best manner._ ' STEAM ENGINES BUILT TO OILDER.J's.% and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in, Paper Mills, Grist Mills and , Factories repaired at short notiM Mill Spindles dressediand turned. - • HORSE POWERS arid' THRESHING MACHINES such as Bevil Gear Four Morse Power,Alorizontal Gear Four Worse and Two Herm PoWers, Ploughs, Corn Shel ters and Crushers, Ac. Patterns made to order. Iron and' Itrass - CASTWIS executedliporder; if not :on 'hand, at the shortest notice; such as Crank* and.' Mill Gearing, Spur and Beill Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow Dustings, Critters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Box._ es, Spihdles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, dc:l Ito has also • on band a largo supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stoves of various improved patterns for coal •or wood, ton plate 'tovos, 0 tes. Ac. Bemiring done •to all kinds -. Ma chinery. All kinds of old- Iron, Itntss.and Copper taken in'exchangi for work. FRANKLIN.PARDNER - En BEMS == STArq.I.S MONROE M0R8,15 WALTER Wrixtxxsois, EnierltniLl'rofesaor of Cli - cal Medicine. J. P. DARE, 71. D., Professor of Mateda Medics a Tberapoutl ms, t x It. Sasix, eL kilwProfessor,ot Ifomamatble tutes, - Pathologya.nd the P:actice of Medicine. Is.sSo M. WARD, NI. D.. Professor of Obstetrics, Mies of Women and Children, and Medlail Jurisprit, der Mirrimir Suns, M. D., Prbfeasor of Ohemlatiy Toxicology.. • . • . JACOI3 Dassaxs, M. D.. ProNssorof SuriterY. - Wuxust - A: READ, M. P. Profetnir of PhystoloiY. WU. Ton Ilrasurli, M. D., Professor'of Anatomy. • . W. WILNAMEION, M. Do Dux. N. E. Corner 11th and Filbert streets, PhDs August 6,1856, mi - • RONA IRON !—The attention of. J 1 the public and lliackendths particulaily hi rogue . egi to the large assortment of Bar and Rolled Iron of sires and khaki Steel of all kinds; Tiles, Rave. Scr." Plates, Andls,Vie s, Hollows, and Query thing lhst t Elackaraith may - want. fron'sold fa quantities at e• ,* wholesale tiOdes. - All kinds warranted. • ' • - JOflN-r. LYNR. h SON. N:llanover St., CarliaL . , . . . . Iltiri,l'a.ib'elli . l)i . n, - ,_.- . . tdA kill' -A! N 'EDIGES. 'Mail ttilic. t i , • ~----1, rp'-'44--:-.,--, — —", , % UHF% :SILK il NI) HAM-CLOTH SII:V},s, r.![%ar',9•, - t (di uiri - nn it I, /I i ,iitnll In (11;tuiiltur. ' • ." • '.31 I:TALL 'OR ivovEN Ni . .llE, • . 'of the be 4 ‘arionv,;:izes of meAh, from Nog.. 11) 511 loeliteie, allll,trllla pug , to :•lic 'feet, in. iti'idth... They are 011101 M t2(l hlr111,Illy.j.111:01.0% tile ahil'eut to rwit. . !N ! alsu'hee , , eont.ta'ntly oi.hana :4,14 \ - • ' ' '' • for 4 , 1'61,- sal4l' ere, iA. i;'1011,1,` gun s it6, I,pna, iwne. 'recethee with an aseortnent Itl.lto IT A:\ IV .AV. Nr)ALFA) I IttLN All. txe above Fold who've., : . . • and retail hy . ' • June -I. 1.4:;0.--ly: '' ~ '• ' . • .v.. ..... . . FIENSLOIV 4 UO., - UO,ylit IS 810....„ ' . . itllldalit: (f' • F,01t1.;10:S; &...I)os'AJEB7.Ic.LEAF TOBACCO • .31,‘Nurjr`rUlt %fro, . , AND FOlt};l4iN AN It bOM hti'll.l,VS.l::(4A,l:B; 21 ilm'ut..ll Fropt Areftt:Philutleli.lll;i. , • • Impott.cra of Vine llotonit Fei#o," of 'the chalet,. Itt , wt• of the Vuolta-a/n.tja.. A large ogrartniont; bleb ore Lt•pt I. l)th , lllttly do itand,' and C :wall ,ulvarms nr. rOs,t , itnpurtatioti. - , . 4,3•renlnd.:lnnentti respect sallelted, on ' Ii I a't ro I 101 a re.s bp.,td,itht when dosli Mpg , iel attention Ivan to °Niers tn. purchatl.e:on aA/ ~ii"i",, ~t 34 , 0 eV,ly daso, ipt 11.4 'for at.,!ontit r orti( , s at a 4i:4...ince frl,lni ntarlict. Igo CI - 6 - r TY. A. Germ: 'l'nt o.compil,lN; thirty ditTeiJnt, snatch A mil lS , • . II 11AIITANG .suiLFeril;ols basing r,norved ANI) 1):1.;;.; No. 2;Bl'hestout .. 4 treet. - 14urtli door AI live Tenth. 11010 lareparOil to Offer a 3rt:Ve aTid well Feb rte.' tlie . h. 8,011 th.slehl.le their own Importation or 1 , ...0;;1tt •at: auetion. Is h. thoy at'e .able t:: sell at the importer's: prices. awl. %Odell they e.wrtllally invite-the anew ivu_of :‘lol,ll , ttits. 111 , tel liiveperg. nnor iirkwo mid irldois Shading. . • Barnsley-and Irish •hinen :.•:lietting, 7-4, *44). 7 4, 1 , 114.12:4. and PElow.Liiwn, of several e1.40•5ee..1.1pa.,1p and :di widths from aNt,., 5L inidws. - - Red I:Linhet, all•dzi.s.and lunlitiis. ;.• .• - Quint ! . ot• theftill , ,ing . varieties. 7tlar , (4 . ls'wdt,•ll, Alba:aka, Allendale hanea%•ter. 111 all t i 1 1 41171 1 ,10 • • ..11111..14 Covers, 'fable Cover., IV)nd..w Curt ain7ilu...• and•Towl.ling of every varirty.l)amaFt Ta' and Naplitus.:•llllll,lw,r hi IleaS "' ' ' :%16r,:ens,"1.:iibrohlt!rvd hare thud' 31t.i. Curtains, ( * lat. Cornices; Bands. Minns. - • ' ;;Ift EP1'.44:1) VAN - 11 - AIMINGES.• I nipr.rtors•and bea!ers and !Louse • .(;,oeds, , ,• • U 0-N E-P it I ; . - 1 - 11i3tale and retail . • n(ltyr - Axr) ;moil sTORE, fir. e. :nit#r3ramd t - iC - ornerrof - (.'arter - St. 1-11 P, / d s Hi t :u). ,u1:pa,..1 with. tlip A. and -,lbpxt j,, tic). primtipally las ,twn m a nufacture. tit el,Ace , rtment trout thaLbrA Eastern lkiarket lerAcin g Ladies,'•thints' and Childrelis , • lb has: t , II4ES - CATtI:RS bv,ry deNeripiion, et vim and quality, embracing, bdastj ha and qualities In this or any other Lem: This stork cannot Le excelled tbr. tletditY Style' artitle It nvirkrd at lho very lorrost possi . prii•it, ?rota a Llr4 na tioviiiti,ol will ha - motto. No , itavapiat to mailed, and 'Iola; wad* ~(I.l,lyear s Ourn in all varieties. Pura Gums. s..aree in the• market. alw'Sys . I,ln hand. 'The pnbfl respentuliy vit mitt) rill. {.April 1, • jy '4l :it EN C II - Tit I.J.SSES.—llernia Rupture successfully treated. and rob) fort insut use 01 the elegant Freni•ti Trusseg. inaphrted 1.3 ~ ~.übseriber. and made to order expressly fur his sales. All milt.ling >rith I:uptunt-wili be. „ratified to to. , that the occzodon now offer, to procure a Truss cond. lor r ztroth ii:,ht nes, 1, Rh ease, durability and corn construction. In lieu o.', - thy cumbrous and nutoznfor• hie article usually-sold. An extensive assortthen itlx, un hand, adapted to u•sery , tr . ol Rupture in 21111: • and children, and Pq• sate at a range of price to .cult .' Cost Of r3ivie Trtmses, s'2, $:.: 'I and $5; Double, $5. s , i, .RS and $ltV. . Pet SODS at a ,diAance can have a Truss SOU t 1.0 any: Arri. r.matt t the amount. sending measure artm uLliiie;. - Ind T - tetia;:. aidc .For .ale WholeNtle and Retail by the Importer. CALEB IL NEEDLIZS cor. of Twelfth & Rare Stet, Philadelphi , .Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Putout Body Er., Chest Expanders and Ecnctor. Braces; Patent Ilraeys; :,•!osperisory ilanAlageN; Spinal Props and ports.' I.adies' Not Ins, with conipetent lady attoudat . april il_W A. it 1), ASSOCIATIW r.kIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To all persons atiliked with sexual diseases. so 101 WEAKNESS. IMPOTLNUE, 00NOItlIM, ET, 51711111.16% ' T 1... ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia. of [no awful destruction of human life and Ilea by Sexual diseases. tuuttbe deceptionftwhich I.; • upon the unfortunate victims of such disc:• have directed their consult' ; ;4' ABLE ACT Worthy of „their name, to • iitv'At, ADVICE. (IRATIS, to all persons . thus ;111. 1.4r 7 ( tittle or Female.) who apply by letter, (post-pa w.i tl, a description of their condition, (ago, ()erupt' • Ithilts of life, and in extreme poverty and sulfur to ElatNiedi MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. 'Ttfolloward 'Association Is a benevolent Instittit' estiblished by special endowment, for the relfef of sick. - and distressedt afflicted with "Virulent and• I • deal le diseases," and its funds • can ho used for so or purpose. 'lt has cow a surplus of means, which r. Directors have voted to advertise the above notice: ' is needless to add that the Association commands 1 highest Medical shill of the age. • ._ Address, (post-paid,) Dr. 01;0. R. CALHOUN, Cons' log'Surgeoui Howard Association -14 y orticeotrthe-Dliertors, • EZRA D. WRARTWELL,PreabIeo , GEO. - FART:CHILD; Secretary. april 11 111031110PATHIC - D. IC A . COLLEGE OF IENSSII.VANIN. • Located In Filbert Street above Eleventh, - • . PHILADELPIIIA. Thu Lectures of the regular course will .commene.. the-Second Monday of October, and continuo until first of March ensuing. . . . Atuount'Of foes for a full course of Lectures (Invariably cash), $lOO 0 , Students whttheve attended two full courses • in other Modlear,olloges, ' Graduates of otherVediera Colleges, listriculathin Fee, tied only once, Practical Anatomy, Graduation Fee, FACULTY Oct. s, me.) El .1. A:N1...1,1 , 1.E5. ,I Fro:it .itrret, ]7lla boo $OO .'5O ' 10t, $0 C