IC 4 :lr[l6llaLil ._,..-;,.q1.. 1 :. , -- , - . / : 10.%A \ _ v,....,,, - : —_,, -1.- EPP' . ,_ 1.(j f 5 3f4.6:4 -- 4P ' "' ,''',. r i k. :4 Z l N.*ik 1,f 4• 1 4 kir* , , N. je,-,. _ : qi . ' ' .l. ''' 0:. ''' . ':::..t. , 1 , 0,, ... !,,', i 4 ; ;? i . - .7.-67,i:2:-or 'l'4' 4 * 1 r ? V4i3":14/..%:1)4.9.T0k 4 ,7 ik.,' 44 .I""ll6*.`rki,rl/$ , 1 . ! . -,----,,•,,i,v,,-, .11,0., 5 7 v.., • $.4::14,, 1W 111, .. -4- . 7 ~. N ‘ ' •C!.. - -". • ' . MEN Trout t:l:l.llNuto . wn TelPgraph , , .11, I‘' W II 01,ES A Ii El.) It 11% *firs. Ent Ma :—Thei , elare few article, . ,k . h T 0 R 11, . ' l s If a domestic character that p o , sess , i . = P - , 'NCER Titomis, -4,, 20 South se 41 ‘ id 'street ism ~t,,ipiti 1, Int r o Let, 11 owl' I, Lure', and Denies in • !uglier 1, aim than'good cider. It is tic- , okras, mmoeiNrs. CIILMICALt., ACIDS, 'c''''sary for 'a 1 4 1 eat v'lrietY of 11:,(2,,, and .I 1 A )) ,,1',-;', tu i'l l. ;'',l l. h ti rii, ) , lii i', l ,`,i i ,:Zy l .t h P,.. t ', 3 , l ,li, d , l N i l l 'i'r i ire. I \ !tiird 0, hen sufficient, cafe is exeicised in its I 1,,,tiL,, niasho,,, In e titinients, GI noul Prices, Whole (I.lnd4:titre, constitutes A most pleasant t i ' i o ',l t i T l i} a, l , l ,?! l ';',„',il l !, / , 11 4 ' l `„ 1 :`` ; ', 1 1 1 , 0 1 1 1 • I `,Pi t ,„ll,,?:',','f 4l ' t s , tad healthful beverage. But notwith- t, All r,', ',' • lf, i 4' 1 1 11 . .r " ;1 1 1 1 1 1 11t " , r 1 ( 1 ' t t i h t ° 11 t { " It i rit i n l i Pil li nt4iga(41 staildill' ,111 this, Very little good cider iv i oat ,e.,,th. Lel itu puith tton tt 01 , ,eiilitta""Agllo c uYi n i, L o h e l( t i obe I'oll 1111 o\l I 1 1 ,2; to di(' C'll 01,0 , 011 ec,-; iti i z t ,, , , 1 ) the , tll ‘; , , i ,:i li ,, t i t lt i e t , , l. ni• ratlio id ~,,t 111011 s Prices Lou [lt vet 1 3, 1.3 - 6-1.). ki . ,wed in picng the it ult,and the almost --- - - -- .Her neglect of neatness iindskillin nia- VALI. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS • ~ I , At %VIVO /811,r .11:11 111 Tilt :UP! aild prescil mg lb. hall elr in the i - ti r.,0 It UIPI N & I u., . . i , ipposition tnat all dpples al e posvessed t i .rs and i m 4 ,,,,t ~ tin•(-1 , , ot (1;1 (10 4111...MAN t erfual y„due for caderotod th.it wiletlie,_ si , all4 , l,' , i'etii_l4ll. t. ,l r =r ( l l ,.PL l Z, l ii : ;:; ,( ;l l- ta m ~ , 1 N , .,,,1 1,, ,i III• IV N. V, t/11 I ir t e.t, 111 int Vat tore. Ile . lie ~, , ,I , et t to acid, sound 01 1 otten. . , • ~ , ,h ~ gnus}. HA [ht, linked c •tilt,'S )k. • t" call flll , LE• .I)e\' are lit fur the null, and._ may be t•' , Lit+ iif NI It 111, Ll' lid hi tit/ hi , ' - i , to their lar g e i•,ii Lu (I up to e,[ii il adv,ll) tage and profit.. - ' t ',l l l ,l l ,',',',;'," t V;, tr t , (.1 ,1 1 ,: t , t r 0 , . 1 .. 1 i. :,:: (.' ,' : i r' t ".th" illi.,;11, however, cider of good quilit3 i , s , dt-1 ,, ,,L , . , et ts•.l to , eut,t, n ,: P1 •,,,,,.4,/,', ),1 1 Velvet 1,-nred, the apphs should be bat vested 1 • :',l i t't',":r ti ,T,T loth 14 ":=1''1 . 1111,11'Z' • l l ts i l , hen fully jipe,but bufwe they baLe bo- ''' ''' •to n ow , ~,l,iinN,o• I' i t I . , 1 I I flit , 11 i better:tiny th o i, ~,I t tot I. Tune in the sli , hiest de , s i tee decayed.—'l i, , i-rsh• - t t,i oal her\ Y. co ['he fruit should then be carefully spited '' , '''' ' 17,1 ( lit,,,ti -• ,it to, cr 7th 01(1 only the soundest reserved,fur the. N r I . ; x( it IOI)S •' Ni:W ilOUI):, !--1 oest II iior. of-that 15 hich is dcsi , rned tot -- I I ~, • lot a ~,,,„ til tido 0., t 1 tutd ro ot‘t liiPl be ( 1 tt 1 1 ll' 1p o f t ill• . b , rr I , } till il • lb, rin 111 •t i t t li, yr MAI• 1: t't ,as a bovel'ave ; the hop e ,- -d , , sta.•l PI, I-, tali io,l -,,•, 1,,,i it i on holn , i I-, 1. et ,ft Olt, and ti, o t-hat ,which has bc.- ''''' t ,','„.., 11 i• , 11 "I ' u " ' NoDuit ‘‘‘. ' •,[tile dis,ased. nolo any eau , e, set, tight,- - tut to infetior article Pei fect eleanli- „ 14 1 Rl''''` ll II I l ] It IZ IN G !—The 4 s , 'r II tit in t ..tt .itt tl i lit i 1 11('' , , shoithi be observed in peifectint .i' - ~:, '''''''' , ' the giinding poet- , 4, Ivhieli s h ou ld if , ' I l'" 11 1 ..„ . " 11 flli ''/I I/ Lititl,'N" , r ..) r-stble, be performed two or three day. - '' l ` l° ' " u ' ' it `" i ''' ' LI " 0 th '''''''''"'"'' d i '' , • • 1 . 1 •,..! •/, .I. DII 1 1.111.1 tr, North II 01.1ot t , treet. 'Jet Ole illetitSlll" and the pumice to i"" '' P" 5 " 1 ,--0 :;round fruit pet witted to stand and inel- j j UST It ECI EVE D- , - low in the vat till it assumes a, deep rwl 0 2 leech `. ll t twilEititiE .l , ' -, Pt's 4.1'1' COlol'. Clean strawshould be used in '," ' ' . i. us ,E lu . , LLs._ . forming the " cheese," -as mouldy stiam-I • -- T ilt Il' I li,P,T,'ltri', . PI( 1.1,1. D i IN 1 t) ,, , ,, would deteriorate the quality of • the li- ' (.11,,IttLI \ l uor exprossed, — by impaiting to it a 1.10,11.11.1 PI:F•Int \ t'D OINGEn. ii` musty flavor which* mill increase with ; ~ • i %NJ; 1,11„ AL , _ age,• and 7 llMilly rend - er it unfit to drink 1 -- , or kb ., i i, 7,l:tit:li.•: ~,, , 1 ,1 i 'llt-'4-- t , ln it t O finv — h — ritTrkut or for any (Aim. use. 11 ater should.} 1111 , 1 ,, , 1 , , I. ' 11 1L1A411 , 3,_ never be added, as it is certain to ren AT-140v 11( 1 Ul 3 I ;it •y A 11 ) !____ l lum del' it hard and unpleasant to the taste • 1 1,, , ~ , , ) 1 , ~ 0 ~,,,,,, I p,111,* , a large ..t1111 g`r . a tro when drunk. The casks, also, in which at \, h i n t ,•,', ti r,,, iioul I invite clap, taco., ,louder, , ti 41 ,'01 , •1 , , Itltlll- hililli I 1 to t ill lflli io. 0 11 1, t 1 it is put, should be thoroughly cleansed ht.,. al lotttl.. of tot ti't trim hand.orderslll .chit t„ befoie beinff ired, and if they ale Molll- ••1 ^II titctlitir4 it ill he putt( to tilt attended to :,June 11, J. , It .--- In- , a dy, or pus-essed ol'any unpleasant smell,.; - . - - SI Plt I.N I i & SU ADI Elt C LOT II LNG 1 . it .would be judicious to itittocluce into, them, tiff er thort ugh ablutions • • , , , 1... I i 151,-/.... .. 111,0 It ti o temp tum tii, mined [heti . . 1 r c w s trip , o f c thiv:ls4, dipped lii mo l te d 5 0 t, ,, , ,, t,, i t i a 1 , , , ,,.; . 1, , ,- , ,, ,, ,5 t • , , , , ,, , ,,, ,, t i ii i :i a, , k i 1i t It , „ 11,,t0, whit[ ;Jliithtone, arid set on the before they 7 "'''' I du , in ICo town, ( I ,;I:ln t r u ' L " l ''' o ' I I oil t id I 1. 4 111/ I Cl•ablu •, are intioduced. Tlte fumes a this de- I Li ht 11,1 ato,. ( i , C 111.; tiagration will permeate every pait and l ,1 4 lit net ii, rt itt .i, I. Ittthid ; ,)11 la i'l ,' e Him; t i 1t)&L;, pole of the interior SUlT:tee of the cask, - no•-.. , lit im,iii,- ci•ato,,, 4 , arid neutr.dize those noxious principles , -Is. tl. and Sunday i', , [flit;, 11 tint •Ittl tt IA ttlitt : I;1 tilling, (111(1 unsavory atoms which are. the prin- lk o la ail ,sit ho, t vhaiii,, K , ••iii,.: and little' CI itilitilti, (•1 sal cause of sourness and baldness, ill ii,,„ nild t Mill.; altql Stlilthllns, the liquor when used, or attempted to [lease and stylish (•I ithin i .t. ( (nap out , lie i l k! elothin 4 , be used, as a beverage. After eider has 1 / 1 111) kind to • lothin g , *ITYTII MI th 0 1 ()ugh 13 , it-1.11 Mild be tit-err ]and lacked off into clean barrels, and suffered to remain for a month or two, m heti to clarify' it, from one to tiv,o quarts of (dean - white beach sand mixed with the xdlites of half a dozen eggs, and one pint ot mustard seed, should be introduced, and the liquor, after a reasonable liin e , be once more racked, and, if it ICI \ 11 1( ' article is wanted, put in bottle , ~,,d el ~, -ly corked. Some prefer to ono, the s , and racking,, and idiom . - tbe liquor to, le main in the barrels with the sand, eggs and mustard, unremoved. This prevents it from becoming sour, or possessed of that fiat and di agreeable flavor which, is so disgusting and even nattseating to most palates Good cider always coin mands and always mill command a good price in our markets. Berke Cottnty, Ailgust 20, •1850 CARE, .OF COIVi3 . IN WINTER:.7-31iich ,cows - -should be stabled, especially at .. night-and in nnpleaSatit veether. Thin is too frequently neglected, the mulch cow, receiving. no better care .thanl thcise not in milk, and other farm - cattle. This is a mistaken policy, if milk be the ob ject desired. The more. comfortaLle they can be' kept, the greater the pro duct from, a given amount .olfood. Good hay - may well form. a part of their food, but they need something more. Carrots, _turnips, ,beets"; parsnips, potatoes and ap ples, aregenerally well 'relished by cows, and promote the flow d milk and...the health• and thrift of the animal. Carrots are highly esteemed for this Purpose . , and Are generally thought better than beets or turnips.. • . ". -• • RAIN FANS,. GRAIN' - FANS.--:- Just iecelved, a lot of Grain Fans of Shreinos' and ik °bier's manufaeture. Also ft fine zuotortniant of Hey, Straw, a d Fodder Putters, of four different kinds, at; the che'n Hardware Store of July 16. 1856.] pa. Cheep Job-Printing done here.' IQfpartinnit. . - . ',- R - cicr43aFETTES Vint = % cs ky ll t„9: ,4. : NITUlit: 1:0011i. . N 0 11' . UV- It A. N 1) .a largo assortnuint of now and fashionabluEUlt:NlTUltE nut CIIAIMS - ----1.--L‘t,tlnnt.-and-31ittanzity-I)M , SNing-Iture . it lISENV ith-initrldo - 7 . .., • tops. '., ' ,~ .~~___._~- i NE 0 LI. Y 11. SA XTON 311i6`cefftutcouf. as, a as. am a. is airo s. \Val lilt }Angel:es and NI ,• ' . . i ,SlA.hogitny nod Ncrilnut T.Lblus of nlLsi es, ite,i,gtOads, !ilatio,_zait.ir:and. Plain Tables, fit alp ArniXhairs. flOoking Chairs, with vo'lvot or hair-,elotli Honig acid l•acks. Mahogany and Walnut Chairs with liair.cloth or cams • g..atti. 1111111 Call and sea this now,anti elevant . asq , wtniont, at.. 1.1.10 Purnit tiro llo,;ms of Chi; skihscribor,,oo Louthor street. near Ilio'corn.lr of North patiover. , , J'AL:9I.4, 1;1",12,E it. July 23, tsrai tt•nmi yo ng,tortment may he found Fine Itlat.lt And Mutt NONV Sulu anti Frock Coat , In tb, las:lthnts of Frottott and English Cl“th,,. NCty styli Ckwas, nl•lllttek, Itn,wn, !Hue and Grttott Cl..its. and I'l4lllBlld Fairy Cassitheres. thnut, Cntt...n ( . .,t3ti, or every kind. ; ta b!, : cad. entilwts ruriety titan !ke lt . and YI 9:14-!.: Fts,th , lt ii, i t and Yancy Cassintero I" t'llUt ;!,L ,Bore l ..tut y t'.trsl twrl.l .16 r 1: iiii; t t 116som . R, Cra ire. ;"11,41 , 1 . 11.1131:S, LiblekisGl.UVeS 11l .1 U1111n1:11a..., • C4111:410, Alit'll - 111,PlIANS COLIIIT S.I..LE. -- 1 1 n ' I pursuance of ten order of the Orphans' Court of ( CU - abed:tint iaunity„the subscriber will expose to pub. lit , w.ily. , the promises, . ..t.NDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th. 185'6, at 1: p. tn., Of said day, the real 'estate of 4 hilt : te A, (_if i. .N l. l ) ,ln o re t e , t . ( 3, 11 - i li u di N ip ls ..deeeased; via : . ie townsiiip. etunlierland 'county, near situa Brand entuining Vile and - three-quarter acres or. iron I motor fence. Tho improvements are a Two-story 1.1. T.; 11 - 01',: 4 ci, .... , table, and - other out-build. lo , _s. Tuere are a number of I , ,r:uit Trees, ou the prima se., and a well 0f, , ,...7,0,..t.water convenient to the door. The ternis.will bes.--. 1. 0. per cant: When the property he stricken olf, and. the lailaiice on the Ist of N A lril i .L5:,7.. JOHN ' .E ~ , h ilt, Aug 20, 1856—ta. • . - hxecutor. , --.'•IPI.'SPICING AN b SUN :II Eli- 0 OODS The- subevribers two just received ono of the largest stocks orDry Goods evsr brought to Carlisle.' Their as sw•tment is full and complete, comprising ' LADI ES' DR CO GOODS, Poplinti, Challis, 'Bat-ogee, Tissues, Lawns, lirli liantes, Lamrtines, Crape de Espagno, Cam ' brit's, Swiss Bombast nex;-Cashtuores,.Al- ' • - • pacas, Detainee, Steing Shalfle, • Bonnets. flats, Flowers, . Skirts,Parasols, - - Hosiery, and Trimmings in great vitiiety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAIt, Cloths, Cessimeres, Hallam Clot Its, Cashmerottee, Linens, Tweeds Vestings, Silk. Undershirts, lints; C a ps, Cravats, and Collars. Alsa a full and complete assortment of I'LE 'DOMESTIC GOODS, I net tiding WdOilon anti:Cotton Yarn, Carpet Chain, Win dow Blinds, Feathers, Oil Clotdis, Looking Glasses, CAr. pet Bags, Brushes, and a variety of Fancy Articles. MOURNING 000DS always on hand. • 'Those who wish to obtain the best goods AT VIC 1.00:97' PRIM aro respectfully Invited to rail at • • • • BENTZ de BRO. . April 23, 1860.1 Smith Hanover Street. IF3RESERVING_SUGAII:—A gerieral assortment of Crashed, Sifted,` Idg Pulverised Sugars of best quality, as also Soft tirushed, and other qualities comtantly - on hand, suitable for preserving and all othilt. Turposesr—generally - at - Ow PRICER. • Also a constant supply' of t,ho choicest. Coffees, Teas, Spices and other articles to variety always on hand.— alto n t lon is invited to our stock before buying elsewhere. Carlisle, July 25,'65. - • • 4. W. EBY. grarlisje f),trao. BATE.: - LULL ACA y , •Titi: 1 , ,E , :‘.1.1.1,Eti.WE5T:01 , -If.kliiiisEsti,l:: I The 'l'wellth, tiession ,thls Institntlini will tontine - on Monday, thi) -;!..d. of . .Noventhor. • l'arciits and tin dians•arii regnest•:d. to inquire intOCiits nitwits be,. sending their soils or %varaselsewheie. Tiro - TOelitidr. itttitit-ittitnr.-6--re-.4red.7--nien'tlPrt—and—hortlthfrr!. .and No' cour;ie of in,tro..tiou wain-aces the °rain, ry and higher bianeln of an English ,);duration, gat tila-Lal;114-G tol d (Terwan 1..:1111.P2K; 11011 and ins trtutand al 'musk, Terms, boarding; wasiiitai, and Tuitiwa in the English branch es and .rocal mush: per session (Al weeka)--,5C4,00.•, Fur circular particulars address. D. DENLINCIEIt. , " • -„ Pa. Sep. 17, • • ) 1.4 AIN FIEL D . ' .AU.r.3 110, .N 1 11" .—N ear 1.. • CAN LI ziLE, L'a.—l'Vg. ' Twentieth :.eFnioti ,(fAu i..wits) m 111 t, it WI )lay oth: A' tuAv bAlii it, - tug Igtfi. bgutt—orvctuLLeutitaluiu.g. U.) utuablutti, ..M.u.qc . , !wont. G:g. • . . d • -11101 liCeri;:tsed .11itilitiem for illt , trugtion• anti ample , ucconitumiatiolls,_:thjs btEtitutivit presetits • gteut 'la dtteeinglits to irtrvit is v. h., :desire Alto phSliiciti . laid v.:eta:9-401.0 vinh,e u tA , ,f their ,:;0118. ~ .' • , --• • • , Torsos fier I.IU. Fur:crii.fulais, with full inforuitithih r address • April 9; ,I,sti PE,\IAI4III. .k_!) mit: and 51118. cl4ltlC, who have been for sestSal years engaged in teaching; respertfullY announce - to the, elti4entsolVarliide and vicinity, that to the lot of Sep tamber,•lBfon, they will commence the sOLVIIII NeSSIOII, Iti PlUther Street,' . near the German Reformed Clitirch, of their • . -' v SE3IINAIIY Foil YOUNG f..A.I)IES. The Institution will lni both a boarding and day Atdwol. lu whieh all thehranches necesiiary for the 'emu: idete education of young t:ttfirs . will he taught.. AFSkt lints of, the highest character for litialiticAtiotse, 11.1.1 d Morality will be entpb , yed io accord:aim with the-wants . of the InStizution. The government will be Zauidttaed on.strictiv Christian principles, while seNni.llllFl7l V, ill ' be as riuidly excluded.- • _ 'The natttLthemselyes that their long and _tiuccet..s:fel„xp oerien -t ee :is eachers, a 5 • testified' bythe , reeota immdae ions in their pescession, mtitution'of the higlivat'eltemeter I,r young ladles. They are fully i;ersmoled thar melt an Institution-will he sin.t.:dned hem by the citizenn and.. • nei Jibe - ring eotnitrvi and hive that *their linden, dis nmi,lnted. - S•dt-dast CA' Wirt (:+lllSi.t of I'' ur terms (eleven . e ,4, " - ea ,ll H+ ,- tiiiiiitig - eu - z , eptember 1 and ending on. second Wi,lne,hty - OiAIITITIt (Ii wet:l.o. - I:glits, 'and wtti ;t ii,:tat„ll,lll..rata•la.s, • $46 oo - 6 (ti A. 16,10 ,, ' Z-1"tol . . , 4 : 1 1 , 1:11tItt/ital itrillylit, At. 1ti't , : , , , 01 . :t.. t ittit , ,...,,. ~ ~ , • :St! tit,tillClAttlt ri: titt.tt . :keit Ater Vltt.l'altl'e, i.tXt:eltf.l!) Ctl,:.' 01 . 1 n i3trat•tuti , i/i11t . ,:-_ ..:, • . . _ . . . Ilon:FREll'IC I\'.\ i'1% , .,, , liev. 0. P. .NV I NO:, ' J. II; 0 11 . 1.11.,:P. --- E,7.1., ' •• ..\ . 11. 1: It I.M 1111.,- .1.1%11:Al I 5.111..1 . 11.N.'1:51.; .I'.tt', tlI fli.ll'.. -. T. 11. :. 4 .1 I 1.1.::, 1'....1., W. NV, I.F.l,er'• . _ pr: -- :. 1.11 li.11:1;Ft - ./;. - .1. !I. 31o;;:-.:i, '. . li , r. ,v,s..S-TERRV;II'.' 'l,ti.. 19. I --1 V. r... .. . . SE , 4;2; zia'd EItCI A 1, C G ', reKloved to ti t• lltot Mid 11.111, Sp. Ito and — ll.lll - KETITITAT.I7.- 7 1.7T1TEr. cti :)13. 1 ary 1111 AI i. 61.• K. (i. mtru,.t.qr to and tigvi: , ..:...;Eyj:l•lll,: Ucp tutii,,•l:!.. I!! l i T. +,‘ r, a tat,. Lary. • ` • • s O,ttr go , t srt.. l .tpstni stn.. , Cho v..411 1, ;1-11- ' la•flt 4 .1 Nt hi, 11 :ht. Ls /11%, atti•.!ll.tlic.;. It• 1*.• , (.1/0:14 r‘r..ie" w h, ai,d 4.6.»t hell , prm/111111:_14_11,...itit/11/4111:L—LU,illi.F. Ilief,ti!,[. It/OK. NEEPlNG.—Thol'rimip:a hal, the utmost emi titkilet• in :6..uring thu public that after '.itt '61,01 tent:o t. fourteol youtirmou fur tritt Cpt tug I:mout :til other IL111.011:11(L htnllollS, and till With 1110 1.11:11INgi•IIIVIII or •bu,..il.wm: ot evttri irtsAhtlNl as hi, is by two sci .ectritic !ia• cour.o of training in' this le partioutat 114,,Itnin vial) i.ntetical and Ns ell adAptee. to the varionsinti stilt:, of Com mere° and Titid,r. Individual, l'art l'-rreaut de, Alan utact using. Coatt.l6Amt, Exclial.ge, Ilan king, shipping: ztevusbzst• emitponi'd Uotripany opvratiomya,,,, • he oxervi,es wider tlxIW lietelaro in. , 0,1.7:1f;y and grweldrooni bluing rapidity el oxuctit iuu ith heatits; of cotistructien, tlitis'elialdieg the s t l o on t to writti'a.thlegant ie.inumrliaild OIL coutplutiai of the O 3; eI:CA:NUM: CALCULATION in All their vrirl'lns bißtrings aro taught by the must accurate mat el petp- Lions method. Daily lectures are delivered upon the 'Science of- Ac counts, 'Mercantile 01,ttnnii, - tilptil) in connection with a series of lectures on Commercial Law, are of the highest importance to all aspiring to occup,y prominent positions in thOusiness community. Thu time necessary hr an industrious student to complete the course, varies' from S to 12 weeks. Thole being no vacition; applicants can enter at ally time. and attend both day mot evening% Exammations s are held at stated periods, and 'diplouuts awarded to t 'who graduate. For terms, etc.. write-stud Lily n ci. ler forwarded by mail. au6 81)0pi. N - EW btORE'& NEW GOOD ! - The subscriber hAltuit -returned from the city, mid is now (waning, next door to 'Chas.• hotel, in North Hanover btreet, a splendid assortment of new and cheap DitY tiooDs, comprising Bonnets, ilibl.ons, Cloths. Cassimeres, (linghams, LawllA,Call.mes, MUssillS, Cheeks; Tiekings, Gloves, white and colored Car Pet • G 11.0CER.I.LS ut , all kinds, and lr r DI. qualify* : Also, a largo superiur BOOTS A\Stlol... X4ll, ut' whirl/ sell as cheap as any house in town. (Sutler, Eggs, Rags, Seal, and Dried Fruit taken at Market prices . . N. W. WOUDS,.AgI, _ - Carlisle, April lA, 1536, • FALL NOTICE.— Ju F uel; The undjrsigned basjusi repleuivh- MtiM=g illti.telittlES. AND QIJEgNSWAIII:, ' _and Is prepared to supply Ids friends:tad customers with altunst anything_ required - lu domestic Me, at prices which he hopes will prove b3lisfautom Ilk stock con sists of (ivory variety 'of goats saiMide fin• town and country tisu. lie has also-on lutuela general assortment of ILIAD \ ARE, such as may heneeded by farmers aid mechanics for every day use. Ills stock r.t, WINES, BRANDIES AND kITHER 1..; 4 01JOIIS Islam° and embraces nu oxeellept assortment of choice qualite . s. AU Ibr sale Ilainlerode and . Retail, south Eiist turner of !known' and Louthor street!, enHisie, l'a. Oa Country Produce taken In exchange , for goods. nov. 21, '.55. • - SAMUEL C. 11EYETP. D Ei‘IOVAL.-DRY The subscriber has removed. his stone Lathe house recently occupled• by Dr. W. Cauffunut, next door to Chitrles Maglaughlln's Hotel; where he hes u general Assortment of DRY MUMS; GROCERIES, -11p0Tg and 8110 a, and will be happy to base his Diode and customers .onoand sue him. Thankful far past favors, he hop es by strict attention to his business to merit a share of publle-patronaga. April 9, 1840.] A TTENTIONDYS.P.t!]PTICS—Those - - who havebeen aftilcted.foi‘ years with this t oniomo disease, and who have beon 'almost every Nostrum before the public without relief, wo Pay to you try "Kieffer's AntiDyspoptic"_ and yousillsoon be convinced of its great superiority over every other preparation..-We could givo,you many certificates orob orating our assertions, but a single trial Is worth-more. than all. ThLs remedy Is prepared and sold at tbe Brug Store of B. KEIFF.KIt # South Banover street. o'fu:r doors south of the Cturt IX; go, Carlblift. • • ~ • ~:-t .t~ltl'RtiOLl._. • . Proprletti r,.__ Plaiutiula Cumlierlatid ° = COURSE OF STUDY W. WOODS, Agt -: ~~3,utilt~;~ lA.E.LISLE DEPOSIT BANK.— FIVE J'Elt • • meeting of the Iloittd of DirectorF, huh 011 the rah' .tra ! , thf,ts, tt WM. muudniouelytesulled that tutor. (hood the, jai sa oa aprrinl . tteFobi toeurporatetl.. by. the Ftat,o of l'euueyl n. ' 4 per cent. tier anninn for 4montlw, 1 1titerest t.enees otter the expiratioti of the.cortill • te, iirikss.rehu‘ Ltd, and the motley ale:l33H p • Nsith... out notice. by order of the Board of Dirt;ctorN. W. M. 11'e:14.11.M. • • - (.... , ;LINIBE.ILLA.N.I,) VALLEY. . • P.V.JPRIETotts.• • ' •. it :1,1.1A.11 KER,.: : ": : 1111.tonont li . nni;NbtAx, L.V, 1.1;1 c).:.,1 Laiu.'l T, ..1611:i pu:+I•AP, b 1‘... %no Wocum, duns li, Sit:all - T. . . T. 1.01.• C. Ilum.,tr; '- • ll'ENtir .A . . Sittaino:4. . , 'Thin P.al,k, doing 'husiiievv. In the 1111111 . 0 1.4 . KEIL, .131LENN.E.d.kN, A: Cll. Is now fully prepared to du &gen eral Banltiog Business With prom ptitosA and f.deli'ty, . Money rec.eivect on I)eposit and paid-hack on deinantl Without nutire. Interest paid on il!ki . 3l - i) , lo9BlLh. Ptirtieular attention paid to the collect lon of Notes,' grafts, Cheeks, kr. in any part of the United :Autos or Ciiiiiidali ''''.':' '''.'": • . . jleutittancer-trade to I:right:id, Ireland or the Conti nent. Thu faitho.l and ronlidclithil execution of nlbor dors untruitud tot hem, may be relied upon. They will at all tittles ho ple.,,ed to giVe . any information desired in-regard-to mune.) 'natters in geocutl. . The proprietors La 'this Bank are indiv blindly liable td.thlr extent of their estates for all the dope sits 'and other oblfgatious of b. e 1.,. Ilrentleinan • wy.,.llanking !louse hi Trout's ihdlaling , Main Street,. a few dmirs Nisi of the ltoad Depot." Opelt.litx busi •awls front 0 o'elocit in- tip• morning until 4 o'elork in the evening. • .ll. A. . N. A —.interest at the,i.de of 5 per cent. per uununt will be pahlon : 4 peeinl del. vita us herettiftde. •- - _ , t'tobc" 4._ ..in-.-ipja):c. Tc).ll' Iv.IY.rE.III C.OoKINO STOVES :it 111. 1,1 , 1. !..tand , i).Nort.ll Uncover it., el the ••.‘111111110,41,- VIA l'ollue 1... t." de • to oall the , Cllr e pin U! larp... un ~•1'1117UtlG.~l . - , •,1 ( 0 , rmi • I,lt , t4t;;li , s, Irlru thv. 1,..,,,...t.t..1,ittact0ri0;. eutintrv. and ;it all pt ice”lr.ot•So o to .Itamit,.: his It 1,01: '!I I'4 STOV LS; 'lre thu AtlVe. thu A 17.`tarj i'111 , 11 . t . /1, Union nod ..'Ettiti Ai.. i'i:',llt,togffitim pattern: \chit It ,tuts r.. 1 iirl VitiqT I , i, till: I.`gr.l:l`, lint:4AT ,ill.l lasi 11. x i.c Pols 31 , 111'5. v. i 11.. ., her 01o1:- -I . .. , TOV sompri;lto, the httcst . inipt, , enientt• lit .:arses, and tor "either tlorlli.,/og. Room 1;661,111g stose—ti het. and (Au vaptai tosi his)) hit iti itss the p.ictieu..a atten• Lint ,faCitilies. tov.iittatorl• in pt taros complete. Also, .Nior elate ration:A.:atm-li, and dplvient'prices. • • I) Ti,:s NEI) 11 Al: for Cool,- ;stos I:cass •Aiso, cyst y tit - Lich.; kti the tint -till 1 in attd fully ins itoit to tall as lie is (4qllideot, '‘,ll h Its ',at ge Nal isty and climiptim.s. ahle to t L.• every purslift•sri- oin:toil sett---- 1 , L4 .I , qts I). thiltG.lS.‘rt , til.ttilifornt pul.lk that Test Ind); (1,1! larp•Pt. tn. =MMI=EMMMEDMI . r .„.... E . e,it---,:- . ~ r etl'- v - S — t . n - .. - tm , . . -- t frepirsl7:yr . T .. ni . 1-:--i...—:,,nir r r: ;.' . ‘ l l , l j: -)' ,. ' • 111 ,.., 1 :it •1 "1 • l e. i ii; t 1 1 1 , :t s i !, :l t t e l' eri l ,.l.s ' ts ' i ',l f . to , ...,,,,1410% A _132-,.:',. I,,, , et_levn; et fl nail highly, iii , :• vtf ~`. ..p e0v.;?,',1', . ..'T- 1 , . - 5 T.(. 4 ioh I NI; STO V 1..: , .,,1i ?fished in tiike ii i i, , 4 ..o.l.piett , 111:111!it.t. and calculated for either tent •l or .., al. ire Islet iii.. Ail .tlo• old, standard 4eitteriis wilieli list,• sti vil the teSt•of V). plkilee, linty it found nt hi , e4 - iil.li,liuli , lit. A Isis-it i.i , eat larlety of the most approve and .I.e:Wriitil l'.llth. 111 4_ , FFILit: STOVE;i I , lu ll Willi; .., tiontlijr or hit St)!(,;. pi,sis.A.lng very supe ri.ir itili.:ll.lp:go% firer tlit4se lie;:ottitt re in use.. Families and himsokeet.ers are respectfully invlttql to glee him n* e3ll lift put - eh:wing elsovlteiii. ii , .tove , .4 ~ lullyyred_lo_ Any I,:ivt of the country "iiiiil . putTrip - atfliii siMrtest to , tire. Ate c.Aitinues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET lihiN NV...11i E. and Copper Work. and has cotistautly en hand or, will make' br - odoe every article required by house - it . ..ever": or tints it: this line. Illy storWf Tin iiii.ti Copper ll Ir,te em e. kind of lionsolivild and kitilum utensil. wan:mil:it ell tial to-Cum./4 , 4 nittnufais. lured. Persons In want of artlcics Iti his line may al way s he suro.l a . eing accommodated to their fiat isfactlor by :zit ingliini a roll, . ii.ovl-1 ilitnrancE IV ESit . IiItANCII..INISULZA - . STI': I Ct)., 01' I,Odli . II A . I'EN, l'A.: losuiles Dttticlted . Imildlop.s. Myrvr. Meryliaddi .', 't r 1 1! Pr''l ,ol 2 ,- ,. ,10- 0_11.,T imildirivl, hind I,lzl-ir ei ~ i ! MlAs 1.11 1 .1.-31....-11:14.4- .. CA I'IT.L S:loit,i.oo--.'ll A lITEII - ,Rl'l.T U A 1.. t DI RECTOr.;‘. -- • lion, :lobo J. Nitro!, llow U. C. llarvgy, John B. Hull, : T. I'. Al-ratnr, , , Cliarl,t. A..lltl).er, - .- '. D. '.I, Jackmn, CtgliFtei (list, . . W. W law, Peter D1.41w,0n, . Tiros: li.l•,tion , ' IiON. U. C.,11.111N E:. • l - , Prea. T. C. AIII,OIS, NA. li Prer. • THOwAs kiln:lit:4, Sr.:rotsty. ,t,„ - iz..l Llt I.Ncy- , . Samuel It. Ll°. d. • Thos.:Bowman. D. D., A. A. Witle;:a,r - diter, .- ,Nut. VaudelVt...,, 1.. A. - .M:t,:koy, - Wm, kv:11'01.1, A. 11 . 11 . 1te, ' , Dr I •••- 1.).1%% ford, '. .iniesngnigglo, . A. Uli , le.tttatl, - I, , ht NV. )1:1‘ wird, .11u..: .Iruistrottg, 11%111. ISlinoti Ctrkiterim,_ 11..i11. 3% m.,111.1er. - . .• ' _..._. 1)31.1'. 1011,i-,11, Agtnt, . . :Thly 11, Ifir , tl-I.y. . it:m.ll.le, Palish'. ... .• i I A.1{.1, .I S ._ 14 .ti ' A IrE N (2 , ~... 1 Yon IND}:INITY .113. 1 0ST LOSS• 1 1 11 1 , 111.1:.. - ‘) . Tllli FRA.Ii - I.IN. FINE. INSI :V lAC);..tol 4 4.___:: ~ .. . . ... . . .. or Plin.AoLt.vinc Charter Perpetual,--i41.16,00 Capital Paid - in: . Office 1.13:.;j;i Chesnut hired. MAKE .is9Ulu,:cr,eltheeperniatiotit orlynlted, tigalnFt lutqi or Ammage by lire, on 1.11011..111E and aTI.CIS 4' every depot iption, in town or Country, on the'mort mnnou3 l to eirms. pplitlitions !thole either person/0:v or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. lIANCKlOl,l'resl. The subs. fiber Is !gent for the above company for Owlish, and its vicinity. All applications tor . int:unmet; either by mall or itersottelly,iyill he 'promptly attended to by . • A. L. dee.l2,. Iteal Estate Agent iittd &trivet-tr. I, l lltE INSURANCE.-THE ALLEN ,AND CAST PENNSHOUO MUTUAL Filth: IN sciliANLI: COMPANY of Cuniberlund county, incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, is now. fully oraanized; and in operation under the management of the folloming commissioners, viz: • Daniel. Halley, William R. Gergas,•Mlehael Cocklin, .11elelion Brenneman, einlidian Staynkiiri, doLn C. Dun lap, duet) H. Coiner, (antis llyer, Henry Logan, Belida-. Olin- H. Musser., Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wlekerxhaui( Alexander Cathcart.. Thu ratan of Iniuronce orene low anal thrombin As any Cowpony of the hitt,in. 410 StoCel Persona wibiling to become tnowbers arc iltvitotli to wake application trrthe agents of the cowpony,. who are willing to Wait upon them at any time, BENJ. II:. MO $i:1:, President HENRY. LOCIAN, Viee President. - a• 11YER . , -, Socfethry - COCKLIN, MEM CUMIIERLA-7.5.al COUNTY.--Ittidolph Martin, N. Cum borland; It, !Lerman, hlrigotnirn; Henry Zoaring Shlrenutratown ; Charles C,Qellolo • Pr. J, Ahh Churchtvn.P rahatri, - West Penneborougli; Jamos Mc rrankford: MuddOrillith, South.lllld, di - 60M T SiiiitnirCooVer,llaujantin,liav,orOtick; itsburg John ShorrlOc; Lisburn; I ) avld,CooTor),s!'!pr hordstOwn. . 'YORK COUNTY.--John Bowman, Biltithurg; Peter Woltord, Finnltljn; John Smith, P.0(1.. Waahlaoeni W.. Plekitim Boyer; J. IV. Craft, Paradise. Leehtnam 3..totnbentot,.thopompziny baying policies about ,to Itto/O..tbotsi retprived by toiskinzapplicatien to my •of tApa.Ntriii . :' • • •• -•••----.• • , .-gtiotti ! qii. EW •AG _MGT LT I 1 WARE - Rooms. , A R.:11 I N G • 1- - 4410-1.40-44411 -04-Alt'... I : dirt Church. oitizoFittr'l!te NIP!" .• 'l.t.p.A. Is nov• zt .ydriety of . rzirtitlng built 114,0V5, • - • . DRILLS. • - • • •. • .001 ZN ;,1,1 AIR, • ••••-: • ttz ),11ERS;,- 4 'Corn. mnl Colt' Gtindortz • (Sffitt•z; t .i.it.f 1, the Clizst6itt Grain MIL Ifin•se D-31(iWKI‘ z 9 01:inny'tz •with . lVocd's Thopyz.Tott vow CrittoF, • of,.witich IVO, of the no-z -t itrlrwted land itttd: woz•kinitosizip, -and •tvID-1 e z.old 1; 0 no ttt itecom. meth og torinzt. FtirtnerK, t.t 100 tO ui I rind ttxtintine IctOre porrlnAld- • • 1 U:r. 11 0NO. . • • FSPror the eenvenielire ftuir , ..• r.1,4,1e's l'aterft. GI-011.mM Iviti Le Poltl'itt .11 13 114.Tjtanin CLtc,abi! Flkippurib.l.tirgLy Q.111111.! , k Augnl4. 20, ___ -7--u--- , ---- c -c---- 7 ,, ffrNi" ~,,. aim, LA IiAL 1.,,, .I,i. ..!J.a IS . . i PifNIN.GCIi'S Ct',l,l.lili ATLI) 1, III.AT InilLt-- A :tilted also fur sou ha; oats. pass r, rds :did „ . 0•41,.. ;;yams.Eranser's Poi t eldt, k Wei. :11),I-- I In 1 , 1 k it GT* 111 1,10. 111.111,e1. 1111 111111t:‘ 8 )ISIVIs 1. Il 14 - 1111 111.— I - 111'Ie Power's end 1 1.1 esher . Linn .1,1 I ; t..no ., Ild eado s, Daniel 8 111ty, i r III• ni d It !bier I. otter. lilte . `Little Giant Corn 1 , 1111 Cob 211111. i a .•i •• AI in,..9 be) it. Cl urn. 'I heabol I 4' MAI ICC 11111 , 111111 li 1 ''. ik 1111 1111 01/1.1 r Inr the use el the hu tuer or gtu tint t , I , .r :,:rlO 1111(1.P, anti 'titan by ~ • —PASCUA 1,1.. AV 1.10:4 & CO., A pi(•tilt lira] Warell yid e and I -cm ••• tort , . Coiner 711 and Mayket ). treets. 1 bililelphid. July 2 r,, 'ft,. 'L. • • , s , • • / ". _ , NrA,:2F and . ::-S 'South Street . • AGMCVI Tll%ll. T3117.1.;.1/ Y 1 31'0.1 I - P;l‘.tJ•l. I'4; • • 6/0T; . .. . . I, •F I AI -.E R 8 M 't , -T•1 I IS. _N;' , . I( ; I i Iliol-• , - .-ilooly, cii,.,• - ,., 5.:111)1i.itt ;11. , ', ,. V.'. 1111 , • ' . -1X.1N14 . : 1.1.1.:1; PHI •-..1'1l Al ' ' . l.' 1....Y.E, . . '.. if yru - +.lt 1: t la ~1 y'CI . 1. , .. , t •• id , , .... t:',., ~A Ines ic:al _ • ' ' '... liltilizet. - - . . • I '•..'llu , valfiaMe Yanuri.t IniNo -. 1.• on i•..CI r..,i..the pB:4 six 3 e.: , t -, I..ll , :;:t.sfully foi tio , Grflin. ;;;-.: li..l.arect Cu-p . Jt; Virginia, I'onnkylNa . l.la. New Ail. ey.. Del:-viln-o. • I:trlat“..l. 1:1,11 the•l•lat.tis . r.f ril ;Luc. ..; .1 lint:Ladoes. A hut,: L'.1.1 ji.s.l' is stAliehlit, kr ' at: ...,.cri.,:f ground.. . ,The aN.ve Fertilin•vt , are i• , .46,1 4 (.5,t1 i I r , :ii.,l le..Cherniutl...... th9p.Tirtil t i. n 11.rr,:ly ineron.e. the , rf ?, and Insprikve the ;4.11, doubling the talus cf tin lat d. hive of the l'hoNkliate of. Llnti--;:•:•iit - 'a tr.!). Nitr....i.u.:.1 Aifil, the ' Antillean .tertilfzer i'2:7* per t.. 11 'lt. i.; :II 1 . 1.1' 1 arri-I, .5...1.25 a ki.ir. Also rutty NSI kly , :f OVA \ f; • Pure Land 1•1,11 , l.er. I'll At-h, :It van: 1. f.:'!4 (Ill ; ii. I, Lunt, /VW derld^ •• l'hutre,nl, .i.e. - . th.uth. deliTerecl fire cr ultnr;:l... . . r• • - --, 4 . G Eit. 'A. I.I.INAV. l'lr prketcr, . .. ~ I - •:- • No. 19..: , i-uttt 1 : i..) ~ . - tieet..l'hlln. ._..ftrii T 6 1 1. 1 012t.ale_Jlisleis_ii.alLA,;41-,.- 11 .„ . 4_,,__11,,,______. lili:1 - s..itf lie - 1:14:11F1; till Ge . iti•rth ::i citat.i.s (.;;;Itiq Ind; 'H at a. diFfar.l, --- cet.h ac.c.' 1.1 ;.; .. It,: (to Draft, pt 4 -:, !di. - attended to, : L:.:. . ' :\ - .4'. - I.III'I,OIAS have. 1 e, , n awid .1, iil.y the Perm sylN:il i 0 Arl'il IlltWitt : ,, ...letv: , •Neu 1) il, 1..: - ~.61 Prilare 'As,(4j..;li - it: ccl the Nt-w ..r.isvy Ftat.. -- .l“l.lllturer :•'ociet3. ' !:•i1,..: ':,i1_1 , ,,„ - ,, • ______ .• _.. _ . - ' " , I 11;11IS . . , ... , • -. 1 • 4 . - : - ...'' w - . q q , ' 412 ZZEr=ta'll'i'if ,it..i.O. k ' i ' I --. , --r— -..;;;ow?;-?.... _ N o ••1 1, 0 1 1. , , 1 ,, -•,:, \; i i 4 ',',.. A '• • • - .i , ' , j l . L'l' . ZIOn:4•1----,..i7r5",=r-‘:;, '''-1 . .c1. 1 ,1z. -- -;:'. - •,:•-•-,!:, r. - 7t- •:._-;)•- • • , Z' ,, , t le''.''''•'•:' , '" - - 4 !' - ',•:-1- ''- • ,-- 1 . ) A T SELF-:,,rt.A.E I ).ENING - yANuEE FEET) (1:111.11S. LurrAl fcr tlj)ltlC7l .k '• SAM-ENT, No, 410 31:trl:a ,troot, thilniln cutter Is allperi..e tc. any new ill use. for strength etd4triietioui it cull , or. and is tht.i.4•••ly - writ 1 . 1 , 11 :talk Culti•r utcr toady. It has but tiNE Ti!; AICIIIT IFE, which any tierit•ti can grind and .et with eat:, I lint in ordiiiiir is ground in the u•iieliiito. —Mot - rands }lave already been sidd, aril the den•and Is daily Jnereasing. In most cases an SUThriellt to eallyilllV one of its superiority. No sue after a shot I -Crtaiwould part with it ti.r any ether. .111-sizes of the' above constantly On hand and ti r sale r . • - J. I'. INNE, • Sole Agent for entnberland county. • . • 1, 1 Alt .\1,1 4 ] RS LOOK-HERE! :%IACILAN - 1.:.•! • 'fhe subscribers desire to . inforin fanny's and public renerall) that they.laiw - haNeiiii hand and are canstnut lv manufacturing Threshing Marlitnes with. Pierpcut's :dent :-Itidser, which are generally tieknewledgeu to la tlio I -eat ,n tielys now- in .use. Also a t ariety of .iilover lluilers, Curl .holders and Straw Cuttirs. 'They nine repairlug - cf.Agrivultura3. Mai ii new in the 1 est - ina iincr and on reasonable terms. Mann fac too on ,Ninthilannover lAteat,directly riltb the le.4ldelicu Aletzgur, lira. ' A ..A.1.11;1115 ME • _ FAIIMEIIB.--The subscriber has. just returned from the City W 010111! Of the larp , st assortments of Hardware ever brought to this place. Ile has just revelvvd Dames with and - it Murat ' astenings, 'lion and steel-Links ranging in pairs hem 44 to $1 to. alsolloo pr-straight and ttilst link trace chains from i . . 11 to iil2li. Ihme inade tritecs of all kinds,., airo a lot iit fitth, lteast, butt, carrying halter and log ehanis—also a vcry large lot of shovels, forks, spades, hoes, rakes,-and in Fhort everythfug and any- • thing wanted by the Farmers-- llememberthe old stand. East Main 31arch 11:SAXTON. - - fb • -• AGRICULTURAL JMPLE, • 3tENTS. . Ridging. and t 4 ltivel Plows,for Corp and otaines, E.v,ilautirrig 'Cultivators, with • _ - Steel Teeth of varkus patterns, Field and (i 11; It'atiows, Hand News, Revolt inglioratt Rakes, itatent - Seythe .tiunthe and Scythes, Englit,b .I.uwn Sullies with rFeetted hacks, snperior Unloading lily Fucks. with ripe and tackle complete, and all other utlicles (or tarn, and garditn. l'Ai;(11-4,11 24101tRIS ,t CO., ith . . . and Market Streets, Phila. 500sETD 8 : OF FR' EMI TURNIP. _1 eonsiktitig 4.4 Purple Top, WWI; flat, Liale's Hybrid, Yellow Aberdeen, Purple lop linta • I.kago, Green Top do., at wholesale and retail. PASCHALL MORRIS S CO., • lypletnent and'Seed Store, ith and Market, 1'151114 ly ZO, 180.] fiONWAY'S GENUINE " HONEY SOAP.7-I.7onway's pure rem Seap.—Conway's Im proved Cheinicel Olive. Soap. A full supply (.1' these truly excellent Seeps Oust received and. Sr eels et WI LLI MAW SA ?MIX , tItOCE.IiY. I Main Street. LOWS ra • "S I—The subscriber Lae and is constantly ktteplng as assortment of tint celebrated EAOL.k: PLOWS. Also, constantly on hand Ziegler's, Plank's, and llenwood's Plows. We have film a very large lot of the lambus York Plows on band, and a tine assortment of Cultivators. Itennouter the old stand, East Matt street . i Ca Pi i" ),9 •" AlaAch 19; ]S55,[. • 1111..tiltY SAXTON. • MEM fMI'I,I , IIENTB P1111.31 1 L1.1'111.1 . !Ea