, _- 4 tri ---," :N. , ....i -.. .- :.• • .. . .... ,', i:.. , *- ~• 07. 4 : ' 1 • . _ . ' ,' . • c.:46,- ,' 4 ' ~ , - ' . • . . ..' . ' '''''T• :•-ve. -1 1 . . .. 2 ~= • : ..,-,, • ..' -a- 4 %) -- N :- • •••!"- e;.l' • - .. - . -,. clii*o -• '• .- -"'" '' CAILLISL3II. WEDNESDAY; OCT. 15 1856. the eargestanb Cheapest Taper IN OIIMIINAND COUNTY. DOLLAns A YEAR, OR ONE -JAIL AND FIFTY CENTS; IF PAID IN ADVANCE..- .7 $l - 75 - IF - PAID - WITRIN THE YEAR. TIM PEOPLE'S CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT, JOHN C. FREMONT, ,of California. FOR :VICE PRESIDENT, Lif - RAYTOX - of New Jersey. ELECTIONS YtsTndiAi.---Stato elac- tiona ° teak place yesterday in . Penbsylva- nia, Ohio • and Indiana.'- -In, ell- these -- StardifCtiii - greemen - wore - to - 4% eledrel= in Pennsylvania twenty-five—in Ohio <: twenty-one--irana-,eleveny-making fifty-seien in all. • _ ' , • • Union . Electoial —Ticket: - Tho Sato election being now overit is —the-dutyif - thtopporrents7of ---- lk -- tchanan to take -immediate ste.s fori,unitin. their ' strength on the aamo Electoral ticket. We publish to-day the address of the nien Committee in which they pro -poipla-n of union, and the holding of a State bonrention on the 21st inst. to . carry the plan into effect. A. call forra County Convention to appoint , delegntes to represent Cumberland county,wili found under our editorial head, and we trust will be promptly responded to._ ThO . proposedplan_We are confident,,yill accepted alike by-Fremont and Filltnore men as entirelLFAlß . and Jusr toward both branches - of the opposition. And as it is to the mutual interest of each to unite, we hope delegates will be sent to the Convention and the plan carried into effect without delay. CHANCES IN THE HousE.-:—Should. the Presidential election go into the' House of Representatives, the following will be the exact condition of the vote :—For • Fremont—Maine; New Hampshire, Ver mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con neetieut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey; Ohio,'lndiana, Michigan ;- wig- Cousin For 'Buchan ia, North . Carol in a, South. Carolina, - Georgia, :Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, California-10. Jr FilTfiore —Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky-, Mis souri-4. The three States of Tennessee, Texaf ,_ ami lowa would not vote at all, because Tennessee and Texas are each exactly divided between , - Sillmore and BuCtranan, and lowa divided .between Buchanan and Fremont. • GEARY'S PEACE •IN -KANSAS.I.7-=Adyi - ces from Kansan , -t0 the Ist inst. state that Gov. Geary had caused to be arrested and confined in Lecompton.On the _charge of, murder in the,first degree - ono. hundred, and sevenn-Pree State men, whci are mostly under the charge 0f,C01,.. Titus. The first returns of the Congressional e lection indicate the success - of Whitfield, the- pro-slavery' candidate, The Free Stale did nat probably-vote at all. FLORIDA ELECTION--;-The Governor's election. in Florida, .which took place on Thtirsday last, ,is still in -doubt, the ote being exceedingly close letwcen Walker, the American candidate, and Perry, the democratio.cf;riVidate for Governor. The Ame , rieans-had'made latge gains in the counties heard frold. se' Tho Riiihntop4 Enquirer is aba7 tin& somewhat the, tone , of, fierceness it_ latety assumed: rt::.'loW concedes that Ahern are Southern.• wilty:ipho will take ' office under rretnont.• Is this not a most pacifies concession? not wonder ful that the firSt.ffunilies would. do 'any such thing? The-Eleotion.—Our -Defeat— We shall not attempt to give espies- sion to the chagrin we feel over the Iv - suit of yesterday. It is not Worth' while to indulge" in dolorous shining._ We -__) have bet the enmny ,and — they are our" --conquerers I, The Union may be safe, but the . Union Ticketsaro gone toatnash. As nearly - as we are able to arrive-at the result, at the time of going to press, our candidate for Congress, the Hon Lenntel - Todii, has about 140 majority in ,Cumberland county, and a flying re- ort from Perry gives him about-150 majority there. But as York is reported "to 'have gone against him by 1000 or - more,' - he is consequently defeated ; antl that he'slteuld be beaten by a man so-in finitely'his intellectual inferikwe feel, for the credit of the district, to be most mortifying. The, _Democratic majority on the State ticket in Cumberland coun. ty will probably be from 150 to 200. From qher counties we have the fol lowing reported . majorities . _which if 64- rest indicate indicate the success of'the Democra tic •State ticket. - • • - , , . - DEMpelt - ATIC7 - 11AJORITIES: -- : — . - 'Mifflin, . • - 800; York, •• - , • . .. . . l 2OO. , Westmoreland, .7. - • • 800.. 'Berke, .... - •••• . two. ._ . . •Northumbe r igo ‘ ! ; .. . - 600. • • Schuylkill,. . - ' • 1500. Montgomery; ' . - .'-• 1989.• . - -- 7 2:71:10 - . -- Titi - killittibuiraty, ' • • • ,-._ .. . Northr mpton, 2300. . --SOO.-- UNION MAJORITIES. Lancaster Allegheny Dauphin Bunke • • Franklin Botts en Wise, The Hon: John M, Both has cieliv- Bred a-speech at an American mass meet :ing in Petersburg, -Yirginia, equally spirited-and-remarkable with-his previous efforts iu the present Campaign... He went 'there' 14' invitation of the Exeett- tive Coniruittee of the American party in Petersburg; sand the audience he :ad dressed numbered two thousand' persons. He hurled a hau \ ghty defiance at Gover: nor Wise, denoiincadim as a traitor.and' a madman, characterised his threats as mere baby talk, spoke of \tkouthern. - disu nionism as the old cry of " t-til \ f s '," blamed Henry Clay for having by "iisNeOmpro inise privented Gen. Jackson frt4iliang log Calhoun in 1833, as ho believed - bin) to have been-the- real' cause of all, present sectional troubles. He refuse!' to defend Mr.Fillnioie's &minion sPee - ch - tif Albany. He took ,a vote on the question whether disunion•shoUld be the remedy in 'dim of Fremont's election and not a sinylc person the assembly rose in e,1 1 .0 1 • of 'lisunio 4`‘.ln conclueioni Mr. "lofts expressed his. belief that the elec .tion..-for President would go 'lnto the -House of Representatives, • when he thoueht it likely that Fremont would be electtid. • -The following are some of. the points ho made ag4itiat Mr. Wietii i Mr. Wise, forgetting 59 fir his high, office, calls me traitor, when he 'knew that the question of my- pardon, if convicted, might' come belcri him who. had already,, prejudged the min'. Ile has the boldnetis to . denounce, but looks the courage to do what he' calla on the Mayor of the, city to do for bitn , Larrest tue. As KT had committed , treason 'against theCOminon Council of Richmond! no for• gets it is his business to arrest nie for treason —that be.is liable to be impeached for neglect of duty—,his sworn solemn duty. Yet heleols at liberty to play .the braggart—dishonoring, hi's office and fomeliting discord bY', writing letters to Forney—.it was Forney, I believe— that the'olection. of Fremont would- be the cause for-a-dissolution of the Union. , Well, Mr. Mayor, lam at your service. All I ask is that Seott and - Wise Shall prosecute me, and .1 slinithave the privilege of defending-my self." . the charge that Bottt‘weuld accept office under Fretriont, lie said: . , —" Whoa John Tyler shook, these-thirty pie ces of'silver at me I shook my fist in his face. Ilelhoolc - tbem ut Wipe, and Wise pocketed them !" . . • ' - In regard to the braggart threats of lynch.. log and'hanging to freely made„ against:, him • by thbltiehmond -Enquirer, .11;!i , ;; - 11Ottv,eaid that ,he 'might be overeetne, ai4,11;) •never oar ' riedArms, but the diffieuity. Tf is to find some .une,to bead the line te nitiek him. KM • LITTLE DELAWARE DEMOCRATIC I-- The•democmts have at last carried - little Delaware. At the election for Assessors ail` In.speotors on 'Wednesday, last, all three counties in . the State.' went demo-; oral°. hi 'decided majorities. i)eraiii. FRElftllo/1‘11; • As the opponents of John C. Fremont are still circulating the.base falsehood that-he-is a _CatboliC,-- making it do ser vice•ameng the creduloo; the, ignorant, nd- the- uninfditnedi-itia - well - perhaps7,tcr meet , it occaSionally with .evidence to the contrary. It is one. of the 'Torsi features of oursociety=-one whitch every honora ble man must. deprecitethat partizan strife should constantly; -degeneratelnib personal warfare, and thSt slanders which have time and ag4itr — been - disproved,- should by a mean, debased and rttalig. nant party press, be iterated and reitera ted; 'until, by the mere force of repetition credulous minds are induced togive them credence. it is so with this Catholic falsehood. Col. Fremont has repeatedly denied that he is or,„„kas been a Catholic. Some cif the most intelligent men-ii the community, including a number of emi nent divines, have investigated the story and, convinced themselyes , that it is with out—the shadow of foundation. Old friends andacquaintances of Fre- , ,mont, almost without number, have testi fled ,tn"-the contury, and the evidence whicy_bas been brought ferward to sus tain Alie charge bait been disproved. Yet still the ours bark at the empty hole, and will bark there until after the election. . Their course is mean and, covierdl--..and, would be centeMptible, if their powerfor mischief was_notinfinitely_dispropoqion,l ate to their moral character and standing n the community 3000 4200 600 :,200 200 Among the numerous letters from gen emen who hiive c4lled — urion, Col. :Fre. wont, and have heard from his - own - lips the emphatic declaration that he is no Romanist but belongs to the ,Frotestant Episcopal 'church, the recent letter of the ReV.- GEO. DiiFFlEtb, now. Pas t —or of the Central Presbyterian ,Church of Philadel -phia, is-most clear and emphittia::-,.Mr. Duffield is well known and esteemed by our community as the son of the verieia. ble Dr: Duffield, .now of Detroit, but for merly Pastor`_ t riesbyterian church of this borough.. To.Mr..Duffieid, its to every-person else who has ever celled upon him, Cu!. Fremont gave the most distinct and emphatic denial of the charge of Roinanism, so industriously and ma-i licioiisly circulated against him. • -.ll7ete-. after, says Mr. Duffield, in the conclusion aids letter, which we will publish entire in .our next, " all -the inferential testi- . niony in the world will not have a feath er's weight with me against the positive assertion of Col. Fremont." • Important Movement, At a meeting of the Democratic, Pre nu:int-Club- of Philadelphia held. on the evening of the 7tl,ll,ust„, after, speeches from John M. Read and Gov., Reeder, the following resolution was-Unanimously adopted with great applause ; ; Resolved, that, in the opinion of this meeting it is expedient to, hold a Demo. craticConvention at Harrisburg, on Sat urday, .the 1811 i —of October, of all Detup. : crate who are opposed to the — Ciiicinnati platform; and in fever of free Itahsas and free white labor, and of that genuine einooratt, Col. John C. Premont,.of -Cali fornia, in order to take" the necessary measures to secure'his : triumphant elec tion to, the. Presideuey of the United States. This is an importantmovement and we hope that some of our problinent.: demo- crats in Cumberlatid . who haVe boldly de clared for Fremont will find it convenient to be present at the Convention. • TRUE. 8 QUTLIERI!I FEELING.—The N: Y. Times gives•the folloiving' extract •of kr letter written by a,,gentlernah in North • Carolina to - a .merchant in, New York : . " The PreSidential contest is the ab sorbing topic .ikere as elsewhere. The entire `vote of the slave States will.proba bly be given to Mr. Buchanan ; but' .we - begin. to . apprehend that Col. Tremont will' be the .next President nor will two fifths of our population" regret it. The -threat of. our. politicians. that ..ikk,case he_ a elected they will diasolire the Union, is the veriest nonsense that was ever uttered and' is so regaisded by th-gipAt-inass::,of the people. • Pa , iki you read the speech of Mi.-Botta at Richmond ? That tells t)e story, for the South, and is opening the eyes of 'thousands.'.' BALTIMORE - CITY ' BLEOT/011.—The City clecition in Baltimore for Ma,yor and Coucilom Wednesday , last, resulted in, a sweeping victory for the Ambricans. The, majority for Thomas. Swan, Ameri mg for Mayor, is 153.9. The_Ame '- ,cans have also,a majority in each branch. of the City Councils. This may be re garded- as securing the State for Fillmore. The election. Was .obaracterized, espe• chilly during the latter part of the day, by grejit disorder and much fighting,. in which _pistols.. anttsuns :were fr(ely 'used: The fighting in the Fourteenth -and-Eighth-witMS-was particularly severe; :four men being killed atd , some twenty persons• wounded. Among the latter were three children.. • MORE DEMOCRATS ABANDONING Bu _CHANAN.---GEO. A. CoPrEE,_the ixtcetit editor of the' Philadelphia Argil's; who has just returned from stumping Penn sylvania for Buchanan, has 'joined the Democratic Fremont Club in Philadel- plii with_ opestch___endorsing_the—Re— publican doctrines. Mr. Coffee was. the person who formally anuolinced to 'Mr - Buchanan — his nomination-when the Key stone Club visited Wheatland, ,on their 'returnin., from Cincinnati. He was also . the orator of the Fourth of ,July Demo eratic meeting in Independence Square. State Electors of Wisconsin, ha's declined the-position, and written a' letter ienottn- - , cing-Democracy. ' = • iYJ .=-- town alio CITANOE OF .TRAIIII3.—A change of , hours on the C. V. Rail Road wee made on Monday last. The Morning train for Harris burg now leaves Carlisle at 10.26 o'clook,•and the afternoon — train at 3.50 --- .. Tbe -morning train from llarlisbuit will arrive in . Carlisle at 10.05 o'clock, and the afternoon . train at 2.40. • . DR. G. W. NEnnen.--LOur ,young townsmanDreGronox W. Natritcw i we-learn has received the appointment of "Demonstrator of Operative , Dental Surgery," in ,the more Dental College ead'Ainti 'ilitered upon the duties of his post. . AS this is a position in the isstitution w i liich can only be held by a gradnate, and a graduate of the highest merit, it may be regarded as a moat flattering token on the part of the Faculty of the College of their high appreciation of Dr. Neidich's abili ties. Last year Dr. N. occupied the position of Assistant to the Professor of Mechanical Dentistry, in the enme , institution. His pres ent appointment is therefore a deoldedpromo. tion. From our knowledge of Dr. Neidioh'e character..and_skilt in_his—profesaioa.we_htiVe. all confidence that the expectations of the fac ulty in thus-elevating him will be fully met by his satisfactory discharge of thesduties. - DON'T FORGET THE FAIR P-In the midifof thi election excitement our County Agricultural Fair must net . be forgotten. - It opens to-day - and will continue until Friday. Since last year material' changes have been made in the grounds and new. buildings erect • ed which will give greater faiilittee to exhibi tors. We learn,that yesterday a considerable number of miscellaneous articles, 'besides farm stock, were brouht, to' the 'grounds, And we trust the display will come fully up to the gratifying exhibition of last year. The weather will not: be as beautiful and genial, but as the dust has been ,laid by „ a oopioum rain it will be quite as comfortable-for tees. •sdriVe are told this morning that thedis otartioles at,tlae Fair far exceeds that of last year. The number of visiters•to-morrow will be immense. ' • . , _ DALbEr,B GENUINE PAIN EXTRACTOR Will subdue the pain and iullantatlon from the sevlirest burn r scalds, in frOm one to twenty miuutetik=and that it Will heal Abe wouuds•without a scar; and effectually cure Fever Sores-=Piles—tuft Itheum—lntlanimutory Rheumatism—Sore and.lntlamed Eyes—Cute . --Wottian: —liruises— , Ohl and Inveterate autos—Scald Uced— Corns and ltuutpus—Erysipeles.--:lipreins—ovullings-- Felons--Chilblalus—Bites of Insects—Swelled and Bros ken Breast—Fore NlPples—Eruptions—and all - other lull :minatory and cutaneous. diseases, where the parts Don't be incredulous about the many diseases named to'be cured by only one thing—but reflect that the few, but positive properties which - the bailey Salve alone Contains, and as heretofore eimfoorated—ane to four can reach nut y the aforJ•iilaci Mooned diseases,: but Query.—Do tail regular breciphyslelansi3rescrlLW.C7iilb inel inwardly ser scores of different diseases!, ' Each box of OENVINE DALLIt'S PAIN ErticAuTOit has on it a steel Plato Engraved Label with the signatures' of C. V. CLICKENEIt A; CO., proprietors. and HENRY tiALLEV, manufacturer. 'Ali others are counterfeit. All orders should be addressed to C. V. ClleNeuer fi Co.. Si Rarvley streat,New ° York. ' . .is:lor sale by all - Ilruggists thrpughput the United. tatas. ATERVILVED 131tEA.TH..,--:-What lady or 0at10344 would reniain.under the'eursO disagreeable breath when „hy___uaing_."THE BALM •til , A THOUSAND FLOWERS" as .a dentritico Irould not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white es alabaster? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and' the sub ject is so delicate 410 h-friends will never inentlon it. tour a single drop of "Halm" on your tooth brush and - wash the teeth night and morning. A tlfty cent bottle 'Will last a year. . . . On the 7th Inst., by the Rey. J, Evans, Mr. 'DAVID SANDERSON, of Frankford township, to Miss RACIIED . LEIIMAN„of 'West l'ennabore township, - --- . on-the -kb inet.,=by-the; same, Mr,' SOLOMON - BNV. - -DKR, of North Middleton . township, to Mine ELIZA+ • BETH ROBll, of Frankford township. • • .• - • n the 7th lost, Hy tt , e /t4;.s.„L.lseoh—F-ry- r .mr,buit,4 CHOIR. ZIEGLER to Miss FANNY HOOKER both of North Middleton. • On the 9th inst., by.y the wine; Mr. DANIEL Ktin to . Muss MARY. C. ZEIGLER, both'of North Middleton. On the 9th inst., by the Rev. A. ll...Kremer, OEOIUDI StILUFF to Miss CAROLINE TURNER, • - both of Carlisle. On the same day, by the same, Mr. EDWARD HULL tO.sllsi CATHARINE WORMLEY, both of Perry Co. On the 25th ult., In Cornelis, •by the Re*. James r. litamody,_Atr. WILLIAM-WEAKLEY-to:sllaa JANE CAVANAUGH, both of Spilog.Milhi. Ofl 'the ludlnst.,,,lby_thelsame,-Mr.-WILLIAM-MI - tiflitio Miss ELIZABETH ANN' daughter' of Mr. John Hockey, both of Dickinson township. • - . ( On the 14 lust, by the Rev. J. C. Dueller, Mr. CYRUS . TRUMMA, of South Middleton towushlp, to. Miss MARY- ANN;' daughter of Mr. Abraham • Niekey,' of • Friuikford township, . - . Ou if; ti 10th Inet.,_in Charles_ coun.ty,—Blarylaudi— ANNIN 44:185, daughter of-Jacob and SWUM Itbeetu, of Carlisle; aged four years., - -BURS ! FURS !—A small lot :of 819404artin_and—Ilitch- , PUitB r in—eet&--.-Als; Vbevl Ile. Brach*, And Cashmere Scarfs, and Nall and Winter Bhavrle. P0t.14, '66.] uNNET RIBBONS N FEATHERS. A full assortment of Bonnet — Ribbons; Bonnet Bathers, Velvet Bibbons,Etraw Buttons, &c. Oct 14, '66.) OEO. W. lIITNER. ,EW FALL GOODS.—The subsori ,her has just received a full assortment French -Mer noes, Cashmeres, Ducals, Mous de Laines,COburp, . Alpaccas, Calicos, and !Unsling, with a variety of Fancy and-Staple - Dress - Ooods - adapted to Oct season. - - Also IlosiCry, &c.' . Oct 14,'6¢.) Plain Black Silks. Satin Striped, Moire Antiquf „Fancy Silks; ready made Cloth and Plush Mantles, Velvets for Mantles, habit Cloths; a full assortment of FUItS, in cluding. Stone Martin, Fitch,- .tc, from $3 to $3O; Merinoq, Cashmeres, Coburgs, Min and Fancy x 114 1 ,001 De Ulnas, :Woolen Plaids, Alpacca, liOrnhasino;-Brocha, Stella and .Cashmero Shawls, Fag...nd Winter.Bonnats, Bonnet Velvets, Satins, Feat.thirs, dri.; Ladies'--Skirtit o Flouncing, Trimming, ac.,'Collars and Trimmings in great variety. do Natters. Cloths, Otaellueresy,Overeoate, tillk and Woolen Under , abuts, Cravats, Collars, p_spe L Lloaltry, OloveaLc __ --- •' * bOMESTICS. . - • A full and complete assortment of Domestics, Including Wool Blankets, Counterpanes, Domestic and Dupe Carpets, Woolen and Cotton Carpet Chain, ,Woolett Yarn, Gum Shoes, - Looking °leases, tc. • N..1.1 7 -Wo have made arrangements by which.we can furnish any goods to be had In the city , at three days' notice, Oct 14, '441.1 IsIUMBERLA.ND VALLEY R. CHANQE WPROURS.! a • a••• • -• e,s.• • L.". "__^ " !.$1 11." . , . On and eitior MONDAY October 13, 1850, l'assenger Trains will run as fol lows: (Sundays excepted: NOR HARRISBURG : 4 Ist Train. 2d Traln. Leave Chambersburg 3.45; A. M 2.10; P. M " Shippensburg, .' . 9.20,- " 2.40, 4. " ' Now villa, - - 9.45. 1 4. 3.20, " " Carlisle ' , 10.25, " 3.55,. In " Mechanicsburg, 10.55, " -4.25, " At Harrisburg, 11:25. " 4. 52 , " ;MR CIiAMBERSBURCI Ist Train. Leave HarrisbUrgi 8.45, A. 58 •• Mechanicsburg, 9.2 k " 11 Carlisle,4 - 10.15, 11 " Newvile; 10.50, - 1 " " Shlppenaburg, 11.20, " -AkOhambersburgil - • 11:53, - TRAINS • Leave Itnrrlsbnrg for Philadelphia at 7.15 P. M., and 1.15, via Columbia. I Leave Harrisburg for, Pittsburg at 3.30, A.M.; 12.55 noon, and 6.05' P. 51. Leave Harrisburg for Baltimore, at 8.50 A. 51., and at 2 P. 51: r. Cars of -Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road leave Har risburg for Auburn, Reading, &c., daily. • AetrAtall Stations where Tickets are sold, Fares, ars TEN CENTS LESS than schen paid in the Cars. ' • _ ' 0. N. LULL, Superintendent, Rail Road Office,. Chambersbmw,} • Oct. 14, 1850. CR T R • OU PO CL A'M A T I. ON.— Whereas the Honorable Janes H. URAIIAU, Presi dent JUdge of the several Courts of Conimou Pleas in the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata; and Pennsylvania; clad Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said coum ties, and Hon. J 011 X purr Mid SAMUEL IN uoialuici Judges orthe• Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the triad of all capital and other offenders, in the sold county'of CuMbekland, by their precepts to mu directed, bearing date thet 25th. ley of August DiMi, have) ordered the Court of Oyer and TerMinerand Gene ral Jail Delivery to be holden at CAELISLE on 11.1,1 N DAY; the loth of November. 1850, at 10 o'clock in the Mreuocin; to continue one week. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that they are by" the said precept Com manded to be then and there in theliliroper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other rentembmuces, to. do those Wings which to their office, appertaletri bo dune, and all those that are bound by recognlsances t r to prosecute against the Prisoners that are or them - shall bu in the jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be , uet. • •. JACOB BOWMAN, . SHERIFF'S OFFICE, CARLISLE, } 0ct.14, 1856. THE. COMING 11OLYDAYS I - (Great Preparations.) • Nt .o. T. in returning thanks •to his numerous friends trod rosillents of Carlisle and vicinity for their very patronage. and anticipating an Increased &vim' for articles of his own manufacture and impor• tation,has - tuado . atenSivapreparatMns to supply the the same, in his stock (surpassed by none in the city, and to . w hich' Ito is constantly receiving addithms from Europe, of the newest' stiles) can always be fotind a choice selection of articles suitable' for Bridal, Birthday and. ilolyday Presents, or the mot recherche and unique'deSaiptiom comprising in part rich Dressing Caries, Writing Desk, Cabas, Faits, Bronze Bisque and Parfait. Figures, Musical Boxes, Opera' Masses, and a rich'varlety of the useful and ornamental in Ormolu, Bronze, Shell, Mosaic, yapper .Macho, Also Combs. Brushes, and Toilet Articles. ' - • WM. T. 'FRI% 129 Anil St. (oppostto the Thentre), Philud'it Oct, 8 1 IStitl=3.tu, . . • T . • • OST.-Ou - Sunday-. , evening, last, j ihe,t,th of Ocieber sontewhere between' Papertown alio L'arlisle; a l'Clehlr ,WOLLET, cent4duing about $35. ' A reward ric five dollars will be paid to •the tinder - by leaving it at the Herald Witte or returning It tO the subscriber. • - CILARLEIS if. MULLIN. 'l'apertown, (Wt. Bth WI '— . . . ' . . fIIIA.IICO AL.—Charcoal constantly on ltand and for alo 131 , nor. 21. 'ob. , W. B.MTIRRAY. Snarrtages; Meathsi - New ilboertisements. _ .• -E T Z- • B - R FALL AND WINTER GOODS. - LADIES, GENTLEMEN CI W.' HITHER OEO. W.:IIITNER. BENTZ & DUO 2d Tralo: 1.40, I'. Bi 2.10, 2.48, " 3.25, EMI bhuriff.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers