Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 15, 1856, Image 1
E.:BEA*Ti I PROPRIETVR, AN PUBLISUBW. _ The CARLISLE lieitat,a is published weekly on a large , sheet, coutaining .roirry animas and fu rnished to sub ----erlhortat if paidstrictly in advance; .11.75 if paid within the: year; or $2 cares - when layment is delayed until after, the expiration of the year. No subscriptions received for a less period than dx months,und none discontinued until till arrearages Ire paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers lent to subscribers living out of Cumberland 'county must be paid for In advance, or the payment assumed by some responsible person living in Cumberland ,coun- ty,. These terms will be , rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVIORTISIBRIENT6 I .. Advertisements will be charged $l.OO per square o /twelve lines for three insertions, and 26 cents for each ifilbsequent Insertion. - All advertisements of lees than twelve lines considered as s. Name. Thefollowlagritee will be charged for Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly verttsfmr ------- 3 Months. 0 Months. 12 Months. 1 - ikustre(l2lines,)--$3.00 '2 .! a .6.00. 8.00 12.00 • I/ Volumn, =- • 8.00 12.00 • 10.00 , - - ' 12.00 20.00 30.00 14 • 26.00 moo ' Advertisements inserted before Maiviages and 'Deaths, eents per line for first insertion, and 4 cents per line. fOr subsequent insertions. Communications on subjects - df lifilitednr Individual interest will be charged 5 cents 'per line. The Proprietor will not be responsible In dam agerfor errors In advertisements. Obituary notices not exceeding five linen, wilt be inserted without charge. JOB PftlX TI No. The CAnusu HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE to the largest and most complete establishment in the county. Three good Preesoe, and- a-general . variety of material • nutted for Plain and Pansy work of every kind, enables ma to do Job Printing at the shortest notice and on'the most reasona - bliftdrms. Personsin - want of Bilis,Blanks , or any thing in the .Jobbing line, will find it their in terent-to give.nsAccall. Every Teddy of BLANKS eon ' ntantly on band.. • Oa. All letters on buninius mast be post-paid to na ture attention. • - • • . aeneraf it Local 3nformatton.,. U. 8- GOV'EIRNME.NT. , PresIdent—FRANKLIN PIERCE. . ' Vice President—Jens D. Snion.r. Secretary of State--WA. L. 31skey. , . .Secretahy of.lptertor—RonEnx MCCLELLAND. • Secretary of TreitsithAlLES . BOCECtiAry orwari , -4EYFERSON DAyrs. Secretary.of Navy—JAS. C. Donum. Post Master generala:Jsares Attorney Genersl—ft.En Cusnoro. Chief Justic&of United Stat6s—R. B. TANEY STATE GOVERNMENT• • Govoruor—JAstEs Pottec&.' _.Ser.ietary-of State—A:velum 0: Suirveyor GOOOMI---J. P. -.BRAWLEY. - Auditor General—E. BANxs. ' - - Treasurer—llk:am S. 511:ennw. , Jud;es of the Supremo. . Court—E..LEWlB, J. B. BLACX L4ATUS, G. W. WOODW&IID, J. C. KNOX COUNTY oprzeints,. .--President Judge—lion. JAMES Asicciate Judges—ltou..4chu Rupp; - Sitauel - Wood Distriet-Attorney—Wm..J:.Shearer. --- Prothollutury , -Daniel K. Noe Recorder, de.—John M. Gregg. • • Ra , ,elster-.Willtazu Lytle. • Shetiff—Jacob DcwmAn; Deputy, Jaines . • , County - Troasuror;•--Adam StltlSCMlltt. Obroner—Joseph C. Thompson. , ' County iConirolssioners.—Jamos Armstrong, Ge, or g e Orahamf 11. llotniorbou: Clerk to COUI/2/Itri ikiPaeriO4teb4ol Wine. Poor—Gleorgo SimelTer, Qeorgo Brin dle, Jelin 0. Brown. • 84porintendout Of Tosoptt bolmett. . BOROUGH orrioitxts. Chief Iturgoss—Xol. AwasruoNa Assistaut Burgass—Samuel Gould, • ' • Town C.. Woodward,, (President) Thos. Blddifo,..lohu Thotupsim, Micluwi i lsafor, floury Wass, David Slpo, Robert Irvin, A. A. Liao, Moho! ilolcou21). • Constables-4ohn Spahr, high Contahlo; ItoLort. hicCa' •WEtrd Constable. . o . . CHURCHES. First Presbyterian Church', northamst Axigie of Cenife SpIWYO. ityY. CONWAY WiNc7, PAStff.—Sehrleei. ever?y: Sunday morning 0, 11 o'clock, A. 31., an 7 o'clock, P. M. . Second . Presbyterian Church, corner a SOuth Hanover and Poin . fraritreets: liar. Sir:lints, Pastor: Services confluence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, I'. M. St, Joints Church, (Prot. Episeilipai) noi theast,angla of Centre . Square. . liev,-.4pou B. Moass, Rector. dry lees at 11 O'clock, AM., and 3 o'clock, I'. M. ti English Ltheran Clitirch,liedftrd between Main and Loather streets. Bev, -.lscou FRY; Pastor. Services at n o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, I'. it. German Re al:tea Church, Loather, between nanover . and-Pitt - Streets, Rev. A. It. Kutimint, Pastor. Services - at 1034 o'clock, A. M., and 9 . !,i P. M. Methodist Church, (first Charge)) corner of Main and Pitt streets. iteV. Join( M. .irisu, Pastor. Services ut 11 o'clock. A.. M., and 6 . !.6 o'clock, I'. M.— • Methodigt .1.i., Church, (second Charge) Rev. TnomAs Pastor, Services iu CollegeOluipel, at 11 o'clock A. M., and d o'clock,..P. M. - • !Comm Catbolic Church, Poodiet, near East street.— Rey, :totes itiittm, Pastor. Services on the 2titt Sun-, day of each month: ~Qerman Lutheran- Church, corner of. Pomfret and bedford streets, Rpv. 1. P. Nasehold, Ilastor. service at :L11.);., [ 4 X.. 111. • . ~),W,lhen changes lu the above are.neeetoeury the pre pie perOtts are iequested tAI notify us. . • .' .. , ~DICKINSON COLLEGM. • Rev. °harks Collins, President and Professor ; of Moral -Science.' . . - a . MIN'. ' Iliirtrum M. Johnson, Professor of Blillosophy • and Buklinh Literature. - • James W. Marshall, Ptofossor. of •Anclont•LaMmagos.' Rev. Otis 11. Tiffany, Professor of Mathp)ll4l(l4., . . Willra C. Wilson, Professor of Natural &Immo anti Carat Of the Museum. > • • . ' Alo ndor Schom, l'rolllsSor of Ilebrerr and 3lodefn tangdagei. - ' -• ' . Benjamin Arboptht,,Tutor In Languages: • , Samnol D, ilillman, Principal of Um Grammar School. '• WiWam A. Splvaly, Assistant:in the Grammar &boo. 1111 , . • VORPOILATIONS. ' . .--. C1E1,1131,3 DEPOSIT 13ANK.—President, Richard Parker; Cashier, Wm. M. Reclean Clarks, J. P. tinnier, N..C. Mnssolman.. 'Directors, Richard Parker, •John. Zug, , 4ntli Stuart, Thomas Paxton, R. C. Woodward, Robert ` , llol;rteilottu - Sande'mpon, Ifenry. Logan; Samtud WhinTh •: .- 11tilitteuumo viLux it, 141T0.t-TT - Voisreir.—Prosidont; "..zciiedift Watts;, gecrotary aud •Troasurdr; Edward . M. , : DWI uporintondant, A. F. Smith. Passenger traina tadatly.. " Esitwint, .osNiiikg Carlisle at 1025 d'clook, _LJA.At. s :# ' ALT - .S'i3ock, P 'M. •Two_traitts preWday West; ' ward . , liaWag. - Clidisit St 9:43 o'slocic, - A': Miandl.ll,-PAL_ s pi - ' CAUL GsS AISOVATEIt CO/STANT. . President, .d?rod; . eriek 1 al Socrota4, Lornual Todd; Treasurer; Wm , •M: !feet 04 DiroctorsvP. Watts, Motu:s.lll Parkor, Lemuel. . Todd; W. M. liooter,.w. W. Dale,.Franicliioard! nor, floury Glass 1111 1 , ... M..1i1dd10..-(., . .' . . ''' '..' '.._._CtIA9.3III.AND V. 31441 -111 ANIL -, -PPOEIrIOPIT, 'Jab 114kor ,Pott;(eashieijt...4::4kiirgocruI Teller. Jos. C. lioffiw.-- , . -Directors, John S. Sterrett, Wm.' Her, Moleboir linmno. 4 ) nianj Richard WOods;44Min C. Dualay;lhabtio.93terrett,-- ~. 11. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dnulap.-. , •- ' 4 ' ' . _ *AMES OF POSTAGE. Postage ; on all. letters of one-half ounce weight or nader;a cents pro-paid, (except to Callforn la and Or.gon, - which 010 cents proTpaid) . • ' . • • Postage on ' , Tax liiihavo"—vvithin the County, rase.' , Within the State, 18 tents per year. 'to any part, of the iluited. States, 20 couto w Postage on all transient - papers .iander". - 3 ounces-in wElght, cent , pre-paid, Or '2 cents ;unpaid Advertised letters to bo charged with the cost - iiifildvertlain - g: • • VOL. LVII. ),rlittidlilt, - UNION ELECTORAL TICKET. To the Voters of - Pennsylvania. ACTION, OP THE I7EIOM BTATM COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Union State Committee, held pursuant to a call, at Coverly's Hotel, in Harrisburg, on Itlesday _October: 7, 3846, at o'clook--en !station, ROBERT M. PALMER, of Schuylkill county, was Called' to - the — chair, - andA—H, Mirrata, otAlltgherty cortn ty,_ appointed Secretary. On motion, it iras Resolved, That it is desirable that * all the voters of Penasylvania„,_Oppoied to:Tames Bu• charms, the. nominee of the Cincinnati Coa• vention, for,tbe Presidency; .should unite on khe same Elootoral Ticket on equitable terms, and thusinsure the defeat of the common eni3- ,my.of Americanism and Republicanism. Resolved, That we - invite the friends of FILLMORE RIO FREMONT in Pennsylvania, to ntestla Maas Convention,-at the Sest,ef Jos the-ieveral cities mid counties -of the Commonwealth, on Wednesday, the 15th day of October next, and choose twice as many Delegates as. each Citj and County. is entitled to members of , the legislature, who will , meet in Convention at Harrisburg: on Tuesday:the 21st day of Ootob - er next . , to form an Electoral Ticket, to be aupPored by all, the opponents of James Buchanan. - Resolved,--That-we_recommenfiro the Con vention thus assembled the:formation of an Union Electoral Ticket, upon the following basis: ,Twenty-six Electors shall consist . of the same names :--- the twenty-seventh elector _on the Ftu.sto - netieket stiair - consist of-a--differ eat name' from the iw.entY-seventh on the FREMONT. ticket. For . example,: itllttain rimaeonn and'twenty six other names selected fteim the several Congreesional districts shall form ono ticket ;', and Jolts . C.'FREMONT_Stid the same twenty.sit names above referred to shall form the other ticket. The twenty-six Electors 'shall be pledged to oast the Etectut al 'well of the - State for Altmann Ftmatona and Ann C. FREMONT,. respectively; precisely iu proportion to the popular votes mist for each ae indicated by the twenty•seventh Elector ' nu etta • ticket. • For• example, if MILLARD FILLMORE, (or the twenty-sevyrith Elector who represents hito,jeeceivea an equal number of votes with Joint C. Funuonr or his repre. frmative; then thirteen Eletitorat votes. shall' be given for MILLARD•FILLMORE and thirteen for Joan C. lonntotl. 0 This will enable every voter to act efficien,t. ly against JAMES Encnatiatt -without any sacrifice of principle. The F.!LI.M01111. - men vote for him alone, the FREMONT men for him alo'rie, and,yet by associated action they in crease the chances of each. We think no one can object to this proposition who is not in heftrttu favor. of Ikunagan. : _ Resolved, That if the State Executive Com mittees of the two parties unite on a joint ticket before the meeting of this Convention, it be recoMmended by the Convention to rail iy their action. • • . Resolved, That no time may be lost after the Union Ticket shall be formed, we recom-, mend the Delegates from the different dis tricts to -agree on" their respective Electors before they leave home and procure from • them the following written pledge; . " Should I be chosen a Presidential Elector for the State of Pennsylvania, I hereby pledge myself en to cast the vote of the State, tiint MILLAIID PILLMORE and JOHN - C. FREMONT shall receive Electoral votes equal to the 'pro portion of popular vote's given to each, as indicated by the 27th (or - leading) Elector on each ticket • Resolved, •Tit'at,kthese proceedings be pub lished in - all of the papers in the State favora• ble to an Union Electoral Ticket. Resolved,' That this Committee dO now ,ad journ. ? • R08T.41 1 PALMER., Chairman. A. Willumtt, Sec;etary, Union County Convention. In accordance with the above call, the mem ben' of the Union COntity Convention of this 11th of-August last, which nominated our re cent ,Union . Contity Tioitet., are requested to ro assemble, in Carlisle, on SATURDA.Y, the 18th of October; ' " to appoint two Sonateriill and four • Representative delegated to the Union'Mtate Conventiou; which, id to he bold in Harriabtirg, on the 210t,ipst,, to no:ilium° t o Uniow,Electoral Ticket. . • um. The , Kansaa. Aid Committee' in New Yorle have reeeived' , u contribution' of oioo Ithis2shoirs that 'there_are' *pie_ l'n , `that Stat 3 Who do not agree wither BuchananCpoliticians in regarding freedom as curs's. • . ' • Tx MILTON, bEDIOCRAT, an old liu tooofeco paper, line taken down the names of Buchanan 'and 13reekinridge, and-Oatne-out for -Freinont-and Dayton. uttit 3t,.....1A-iiiii..,::::,; -- . lt.::: : ,f.i!:itt s ji . ii......:' - eit . l, - .t..; Atitution vote to :put, .into power titose•arhb 'wish to ”tear that Conatiltiyon trampti i( under foot?" , Idr., Itochonan - was nominated to please these men, 'and the' Cincinnati plat. TEDNE.SD-A-Y.÷ , ..OTQIIETR:::I6:,'--18 . 06., MUM!, BLAST FROM BROOKS. Col. Preston B. Biooks, at.the recent •ova. thin given him by his constituents at Ninety , six, S. C., honor of Ile ruffianly , assault on Senator Sumner; with Senator Butler, Our. -Admits, Senator Toombs, &0., among. . the guest., thus declared himself "We havejhe Josue upon - us now; and. how are to meet it! I tell youlellpw•citizens, from the botton of my heart, that the only mode whitih I think availablb for meeting it iejueno tear l the Constitution of the United /Reim. trample it under ' foot, and form a Southern Confederacy, every State - of ywhich - will — .bea slaveholding States_pioud and 'prolonged cheers. 3 I believilt ataTiffiliditi - thtftwe'ot my maker—l 'believe it on my responsibili ty to you as your hondred representative, that the only hope of the South is in the South, end" the only available means of making that hope effective is to cut- asunder the honds.. Wbich tie us to.gether, And fake our separate posi tion in the family of nations. These are my opinions. The) have always been my 'Opin ions. They have always been-my-opinions.— I have beeh a Disunionist' from the tune I could think,' •- • • —Here you see exposed -the ultiity of the pretense that the Republican movement and party are.the cause of this Disunion fertrient at the South. They 'are but the pretexts seized upon by those Who Levi been-Disunion fats all along, arid steadily watching fur op:Por tunities and excusets„for trehollion. It we should tamely_ surrender all the territories to Slavery, they might—wait till they have gained_ st,bure holtcon--therm; ; _._hut—they would find some other pretextAr disunion the .day After. Brooks is going the whole hog for Ilholtaii au, thouglf lie preferred - Pierce - or.-Douglas; but he plays, his gaute.on the true ;Southern._ principle—if you . win, -- take ;' if you fuse, fight. If Buchanan is elected, Iteil - .Tvilling 'to g,t) on awhilti; if not; - be isfer rebelliiin at Once. Ap, say.: "Now, renew-citizen!. I . want the South to corni•equareSup to Mr. Buchanan.. Let us do our whole duty. •Let'its test the OXierittrent of our, friends, and if it fails,.tht we can with the more grade ask thew to adopt our -count. eels for the future. I tell you that the, issue Must be made. I- am by no means' confident of the election ofJaines Buchanan. I think it probable tont John C. 'Fremont may be. the pelt President. . With the platform upon which be goes into power, with.' $80,000.000 I at his control, with the Army and Ntivy at his 1 command, what is to be done to you When all these elements of jioivir are in the hands of a dangerous, binfruan? • Now fellow-citizens, I 1'134 this myself and, my friends. I have got Jriends here between whose opinions on_politics there is a shade of difference, and a decided shade., I- am not going to canifinit them: lam not the -State vt . South Carolina . lam not going• to commit my Congressional District. I speak as a man —as a private geutlernaM—as a slave holder; and I tell you that our hone is alone in the South, and the only -, mode of 'making. that. hope available is for the Smith breome act' to effect the dissolution of - the' American Uniim. And Lilly this', that if john C. Fremont is e iected,President,of the United States, our peo ple ought4o.have sense enough to knoiy" that the issue is . upou time, and cannot be avoided. When that difficulty is upon yon—and I be lieve you will 'avoid the very verge of honor—and you are compelled to-meet it, take the philosophy of Shakspoaro, and, ' , from the nettle, danger, pluck the flower, safety.' Ud and meet it halt-way,-and you rob it of its ter: vers. And, as_this dissolution is ,to come, I think .you ought : as sensible tnee., take a running etarvand bit the first blow. • Now, fellow-citizens, Ido not care what may bo the effect itt the'North, we have good friends there: There are goad men there whom MIT - and respect—men who are patriots; but tdayou they are but white spot, on, the pavement of blaek,—lnit au oasis in the desert. I speak on My individual responsibility: -if Fremont be .elected President of the 'United States,,/ am for the - people In their'majesty rising above the law, and leaders, taking 'the power intu their own hands, going by.concert or not by concert, and lay4ng. the strong urm of Southern freemen upon the treasury and Aiehives'ef,the, government [Applause]. ,I speak, for myself; do not any what Ido not Intend to do: .'lf you, people the Fourth Congressional District, 50, 100; '1:400, or 1,000 of you, intimate to tne that you Wont we. to go with you-my life,, my: fortune, ,MY „reputation, shall be at your 1-,ervice. "' I have oven now men in my eye who are'soldier4und Vilinltave been tried. ,I, seelerelC9l.__Gleddert and Ma jor McCulioni, and' toll their, pat riotism will riee-eapp - erior.,,lFtibOir pride: If You'sarYou want me' to go, hunahlt'as I ain, and as superb:lr as they, aro to 10 E 1 ant reattlYv and,l,, know their -- .putriotism --- iiill call T un* them to take if it must be,' a subordinate, cora , l, mend in doing 'their a - tilY` pond Can abiding Democrats of the 'North vote to'sustain these traitors'? Can men 3ith, love our glorious land and' Our . plataidnas Op . " I tralk forth was ar r anged to suit their yiews. Can Democrat, Whig, American or MThHain, spte 4 infaxor of Mr. Buchsuian.and_hisyWorm! after reading_these extracts? • • Tali NATIONAL AGRIODLTORAL Philadelphia papers contain-pleasant accounts of the great fair at- Poweltoof The weather was propitious, and the attendance on the first day was immense. The HOD: MARSHALL Wxxxxa opened the exhibition with .a brief speech, upon being informed that _the:;caval °idiot I/IW, horses was ready for the grand mare. roun the grounds. He congratulatid the good people of Philadelphia upon the an; spicing commencement,' and expressed the hope that its conalasion might beglarious, the realization of their hopes and the advancement of American agrioUlture. i•The remarks , of the President we rereceit! 7 ed with . eheere„the band inside the enclosure' of the track struck up a national air, and-the, ,word was given fer.the cavalcade First came_theMarshaLand hie_assistants_on horseback; then followed led horses, splendid animals, that pranced and pawed the ground as if concioue- of their own beauty; then fol lowed trotting horses, with almost every de: acription alight vehicle watched; then fam ily'horses, draught horses, stallion!, ponies, jacks,, &c. So, splendid an equine display has - never been witnessed in Philadelphia, " The - Yidittallers of Philadelphia had an im• • posing - parade - on the 6th; - -- it was -the - first-., general display of that useful, and =gotriforta -610 and the Evening - Journal etates that it divided- attention with the• National" Agricultural Show, and of 'all . ' thaspageants.ever witneased this was the most - striking: The procession was formally wel comed by Marehall P, Esq., the Pres ident of the-Pali, amidst the cheers of 75,000 sneotators. It was an hour in passing a giv en point, and its progress was - marked by the most perfect - order and attention-la detail , There was a large attendance to the fair to day, numbering thirty to forty thousand.— the,racing•on thecourse was spirited and the grinoipul attraction. ,T he grand banquet came • oft at half past 2, when eighteen hundred per suns, ineluding two hundred ladies, eat down. Among rte invited guests were Bishops Potter, of Pennsylvania, anditicCloskey, of Michigan, who pronounced grace and , returned thanks before and after the meal. The tables filled the immense tent, and were boautiftilly deco rated and bounteously supplied. Alter the. edibles were disposed of President Wilder, made an address, welcornitigthe guests and complimenting Philadelphia as• being the most appropriate place fdr the jubilee, the first ag ricultural society of the Union having been es tablished by her citizens. Speeches were al- - - so made by Gov. Pollook, Mayor Van; Gov., Rice, of New Jersey; G. W. P. Curtis of Vir ginia ; J.osiiih Quincy, of Boston; A. B. Coo ger, of Noti- York - . and W: M. Meredith.- The premiums w'ere, then declared. The receipts will amount in the aggregate to $40,000. MURDER, IN PIIILADELPIIIA.— o,s 831,,1. midnight, a fatal affray occurred at 0,0•• ner . of Ninth .tind South Strews, 1;01.w...01 a • party of Moyameasingrowdies Natives from Baltimore, calleo thu Baps." It is alleged that a gal.t: ore )01 raer were rushing,to attack the what, the foremost man, named Iticletyre ' was promptly knocked down by the '• Rip Raps" and shot dead. The Baltimore club is. the same one which' has lately .been in such 80- ' rious riots atlonte. Tt is on alrisit Were Several p'ersons of the party have been tuTist • ed, charged frith 'the anurder, and twp of them, said.,to be Baltimore policemen, are al leged to be the perpetrators. of the' bloody deed. • The story of the Moyamensinp 'party is, that Mclntyre was killed without provoca. lion. He is said, however, to have boot a desperate cbaraCter, I frequentliTbefore the Court of Quarter Sessions for offences .of all kinds. :Thirty-threeinembers of the Shiftier. Hose Company have,been sinci:cortnitted to prison on the charge of murder Lad riot in connexion• with the above. ' ,BUO/LANAN,OUTILAGUN IN lit'IItIriKIALL COLIN"- Tr.---Srentont Alen Mobbed"cind Several Shot,_ 00t,.. tneetii4 of the friends of Fremont and Daytoia was hen' last evening at yerreetwiliei SehuSrlkilleeuntY. The, aieet in; was disturbed by a horde , of Ituele tt oan . rowdies, anti, the, speaker', were o etpned ,and shot at. ' • M. Patterson Was atoned - while -on 'the stand, And just as liCtinti '"the other I speakers , Nrere leaving, a ball !as Arad itito'the carriage, which'grazeti the face ,44; Linn [ l3 ,4,4hoismenr, 'aid shot elf the' ciatiV a citiieri ,of Miners-. , t-Tattersaia-saye. that.ha.millgtrather iti the, hands of Atehison sold his liorder gulfmns - *flan In those of these , nochatuto savages of comity. „Finally, the vallititylrino tiara called out s ,atia ,they- atteeieededi fivaoroix nfthe ringlett4era of the riot.' .o,iio of them in eacap,e, • was shot dead *. ThOothere &rain , the vtat.oh:;hooe at Miners- 'vile. Several perioali were' donsiderakly in: t ----- , 1,0.-7: CIE= J! F u* cAupouxe.` Theittesniehip George Law errired at New York on Sunday night, with two weeks later intelligence front California, and nearly two millions io pia • 'The general intelligence from. le:. unimportant: 'Polities§ occupleci--th-e±pubUss— mind almost to this exclusion of every. other subject. In San Francisco there' was a mots: • , went to unite rarione element& in opposition • to the democrats, who are the bitter.. enemies :to the Vigilance - COMMitteeks. • The - • cans Were at worst actively, and a Warm Prim if:Jenne) contest is expected: - Herbert of Congress froth 1-131e, arrived • at Bab -- Franoisco—by - the - last steamer. - He was-immeadiately waited upott by stkieconuttee, who presented him a polities signed by 2,000 persons, praying him to, del— the cif of his presence. When the committee entered hie room, be thought they bore one. of - .B2's' little order* for his typeranee at the, ..g*iiimityg's room, nod trenebledlikee lie said he would oonei r dder the sub ject mat: ter of the petition and return an answer. • Society :in California continued in a lvery...., disorganised State, and. murders and robberies were frequent. The rooms, of the Vigilance Committee wereclosed, the' arms put away and the Sentinels removisil. The was are generally goed, - mech better than poted early in. the !season. - -The yield of - v., - pier, peaches and . .other fruits has • also been abundant-. Mowers; reapers and other labor'. saving- machinery-it being-introduced, to the, - great benefit of the.:farmer. _ • .. —• CONNECTICUT ELECTION. As some of the Demoorabo Ilolitioians have attempted to influence the 'eleolion in penneyl vania by representing that they have triumph ed iu Coneotiout at the town elections, it icor. interest to know the. real result. This we learn from -the New !laved (Conn.) ialadioni, whioh-paper: has-returns from 126; which 76 were carried by the'Premout - party, and 46 - 1;y the united Fillinarnors and Buchan. iers. The .latter are publishing; garbled . embracing only 113 towns, and leading out a .net gain. • • The Palladium sap "The Fremontera havo - a - majority--o! tOwneln-all that, avethuslar , voted,--.But the - . best. °falls that, the Buchatianiers are neatly , -beaten in- such-strongholds as • CloishireLby lee, than a dozen votes, and Hamden and Wallingford by only . a-few - more, - and that, too in the ,largest town meeting ever held. '••The fact is that the changes'in this. State to - the:- - cause of Fremont and Freedom have been hit moue.), and, the upholderii - of,tho nem des- The Hartford Evening Press .of the says :- ••- • - 4 , We have now received information from . 'nearly every town in the State which held its election on Monday. Our .returna are from 140 towns—of these 81 give Fremont majori ties, 53 -Buchanan majorities, and. eix:ltre di- vided. Compared with last fell; the Fremont • tire have gained in 24 towns, and the Buchats iers in 10. In 16 of the Fremont towns, and in 6 of ,tha divided towns, Ingham (Democrat) last - tpriug bad a 0/040 majority over all oppo. sition.' DUEL PILEVENTpD.;—AB Wail •' ai tioipsted Messrs B. B. Botts and Pryor, of Richmond, with their friends, went out early on Tuesday morning, for the purpos e s oft hostile meeting near Blair's farm, jest acoroes• the boundary liae of the District of Columbia. The ground was selected,:but before their positionliere taken, all the_parties were arrested, together with the wet selected for the duel;-pie tots. They were brought before Justice God dard, in 'Washington, when the principals were released on their parole of ',honor, thee they would return to Riclunend in the even-, lug' in ddinpany with, the,officer sent froth the latter city to arrest them.. - Co ,, peretown (N., Y.) Itopublican • tttui•Uouwcrut contains a circular, signed by' flu? huridred and eighty-nine citizensi who have heretofore 00-operated with the Americas par•, . ty.~• They say. that having become satisfied th it an intrigue is on foot to divert the, obli- abode reitiug on American• from Their le 'gitiroate ends, and being now convinced . that to'citet a vote for Fillmore le an indirect sup. port to Ruehanan,. they take this method of pub icly avowing their determination to give• to tile Republican party and 'to their nominees their earnest, active, and mcieLhear ty ;support. . A Droncsn VA,IrrY —The New York Daily , Sews, the'orgati of the Ilards," has tout at the head Oita columns . for Mayor, Mr. Libby_ The 7Liasißook, the'organ of the ' Ralf shelli3,' ha's put •up Fernand Wood. The News to VorroteVere upon - the opponents. GCMG Litihy., and the Day Rook giros the otter side of the lrouse •. 'particular fits." New YOrk is lost to !jr. Mckinnon, and 1 . the leading Democrats eliero openly akkaowledge it. , ' ' • '2056,We Lid?lii teleatttilik iliat'attyl a portfttitit a grent citizens of all ' parties - had gathered at Indiana, Pa., to bear a challenge debate' on national' politics," t . , ween' railotis" Republicans and 'Democrat's, and that - 'the , 'Republioans:tacked : t:ine;-- %to-- learn from the Inclitina Register that tri seat thing happened.•:!...-No,challengto was merle or ,asceptad beforehand hut . ritt ,two. =nonage gathered, - the Denieeratidesiringto hate the • chation of reaching the large cases of Reptibli• dug, sent -4* Challeititi: The L lrtunthit ineor • dteired to o restrict the ;debate: tai the subject of slavery iu territories, and offered to diwa nos • it the nett tivonitig, Whereupon the.. DOOOll - ittr4iiti to' meet . the &telt; hisne, lune ad rtentlytaciost out.