Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1856, Image 8

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    OI ~iC'- J 4
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[ltEfOß'f ED. 1)R. RE' 11E11 43.R.]
CiTILLR:E, Weft estlay,lictober 8. 185 G.
blil. - • :3 6
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• .dtl Family
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INTER 13AELEt. ' do -
:Old Virginny in a Stew
• The Hum John M. Bottit, otVirginin,ls an- .
-ther noble Southern: man, who °like Judg*
hates, of ilisiourcSenntur Bell, of !rennet.
• eo, Hon. Beniy Winter Pavia, of Baltimoio,4
tit other - true Southern patriots, - .nitres to .
-.l3 , itt plain huignage that the election QUl:re:
mot:it-will not distolve the:Union.; In. a speech:
• ecently delivered nt Richmond, V irginia, he
oucludes na foll.ows • • • .
.‘ With regard to the .fieguent thientli of
4t4union, let me say that the Union is. in no
:'urger of a dissolution. • There are. bat ;two
.._.;ways of_AligsoLving the Union: ono is by Teat)._
tt tion And force, which the strong tiiiii --orthii
. zenernl government will always be able to
put down ; and the other is by a convention
•.1 oie . - States- that ;adopted the, constitution,
• .nci fratned,the government 'of their choice..
Newspaper editors and cross road politicians
oave nopower to dissolve it, and thereds_noW
Ind always will be, good senseettough-among
theconsei.vativii olenienti of nom
engaged in their daily avocations in the field,
ut the workshop,, in theAfactories, and in eve.
. IT pursuit of life,'nOt heeding nor earing''
the cry of ' wolf! wolf!' with which our ears
have become familiarized; 'but who ° will, when
occasion calls for it, rise up in their mighty
r stt - ength•and trample under foot these noisy,
zp , iiiiSchievous-ma_lcoritents; . 'wilco, timke . - - • /'.nlght
• . hideons',witlittheir•yells of disuniOn ; and hit
me' tell them that • I will tneet• theta at•Phil
lippi,' and . on that
.field they will find 'me
kneeling ntnoother_nitar_. than the altar of
'the Union. worshipping at no other shrine •
--_ thou - the - shrine-of the' Constitution,_and___fight=_
ing under no _other flag than the stars - and
stripes of the:United States." - -'•
• For the utteratiewof tbesenoble'sentin6 en ,
the'ltiehmond• Enquire', and its democratic.
coten3porariee in Virginia, aro doing the beat
- -they - enn tii)-a-mob against_Jahn Minor
Botta for daring to say in Richmond that the
• The N. Y Herald via that.thesa democrati
pinnies are berntaiiig, and kicking and biting
-and-snorting over thia declarative like a pack
of veritable jackasses afflicted with' tbe botts.
' Mr.'Pryor ealls'upon hie fellow citizens to ex
pel tS; - to - ostracfse Butts. to export Botts
to the North, to drive Botts out of the State
forthwith ; •in fact, Master Pryor would think
t none too good"for Botts," if Brooks were to,
come suddenly upon him and maul him over
the head within an inch of his life; or if the
infuriate ruffians of the secession deraocrt cy
were to bang, draw and quarier Botts, nod
roast 7hira and •eat him, blood, body, and
banes. •
..Dorm BOTTS.—The Southern press, the
"secession portion of it at least, is down on
...ißott.4 like a thunder gu - st. The Martinsburg
(Va.): Republican, the Lynchburg Republican,.
the Staunton Vindicator, the , Alexandria Sen•
tine!, South Side Democrat.
Ste., are all let loose upon him. Oae (-ad
him a Sampson pulling down Know. Nothin g
ism ;Apther complains that his h.,-
' been peddled round the State, repeated iu ea
rioue pleees,-,arid that "there is more then ono
iu Virginia;" another says that he has in
dulged in a freak of " mad intOxhiation t " and
" total abstinence" is the only " remedy" for
his "maddening cup;" another derrounca
him as a traitor, another as a Cataline of the
" darkest hue," who would sell his Country,
or ",betray his Ciod " All this rantipole stuff
betrays the force and power with which - Botts
has hit the mark. But we respectfully nsk,
Monet man ia a match for all the secessionists
of Virginia, how ; is 'that project to be carried
out against a gobd many millions of Bottees
Nawa FROM CIINTRAL AlllMlCA.—ily_the sr.
rival'of the Tenneasse at New York we receive
interesting pews from Nicaragua and Costa
Rica. The tide in represented as baring again
turned in Walker's favor. Rio army well or
, ganized and in good health end spirits, con
sisted of about 1,600 Americans. A couple
of hard , fought skirmiehss had taken place at
body of Elan Jacinto, Where a oody of the adherente of
Rivas bad fortified themselves in a ranohe.--
Xwo attempts to dislodge theni proved unsua
eessful, and the Government troops were com
pelled to retire with considerable loss. Rivas,
as a political leader, is said to be extinguished.
Re still retains - possession, of leon, - but .his
men'are dying daily front starvation and oho!.
era. From Costa Rica we learn that the eel
diers are opposed to another invasion of Nic
aragua, but declared tbelireadlness to defend
their own country, if rooked. " We receive
no confirmation of the Sumer that Costa Rica
had concluded a treaty 'with Niearagua. On
the contrary It l mere than probable that,
with she Winter reason, the war betwitinVtbe
two Countries will be renewed. When lb*
- , Tennessee left f there was a Jarge_ British lest.
at Elan Juan and more vessels were daily. ex..
511iN1)aJ.ENTS ,20 The. CONSTITUI,Vr. UB
Tab COMO:01'4E1M: •
Fins . r - AIKENDirmr - 7 --,-- ---------
6,51. There shall be an additional unit:lo'6 said.Conetitu
6. 7: t , t_o_u.. to.bii • - • des!gut e d p r as tn i rjetr ii ii.;. r tA. : .-,_ . • . .
p .., . „SF.OTIQN 1, .T 4 State may contract debts, to 'supply
-zasual deficits or failures in revon , ths, or to ' , meta ea
. I,g; ponses bototherwise provided for;; . but the aggregate
L .i_ ran= FIT , i , ! I t i b
i. t . ti or d o i n re . c o t r o u r lor t a lt e i t n a g o e i n t t ile ALl e ic u t e l r ic a s;
It r . Assembly; or at different porioda of time, shall never
`" exettl seven hundred.and laity thousand dollars, and
•5( the a pney arising irout the, creation of such debts,
.;? ' shell 1, u applied to the purpose- for which It was oh
. 31'. tithed, or to repay the debts AO contracted, and to no
. .
B ' 2; c4-h S e go u s rP : ° /. s° ln w l h ul a ( t i e ltro r n . to the above iiinited . power
"2 - 7 - ; tifeStiito may - contract- debts- to-ropelLitivaidon. sup_ insurrection; defend the State in :war,-or fo,„ ru-
deem. th - d . present, ouptairdim — filTdii - hadnalii'af L 'iltit' -
State; but the money aid - sing from the contracting of
such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which
it NVILS raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other
purpose whatever.
3...Ucept the debts above specified, In sec
tions ono . and two of this Article; no debt. whatever
shall bo'created by or on behalf of the State.
SECTIO:V 4. TO provide for the paymentnf the present
• debt; and any additional debt; coutraetad as aforesaid,
-0 the Legislature shall, at its first session. after Atte
. adoption of this ameutiment, - create a sinking fund,
which shall be sufliciont,to pay the - accruing interest
on such debt, anti annually to roducti t principal
thereof bym sum not less than two hu red ml fifty
thousand dollars ; - .which sinking fu d shall consist of
!' the net atinnal income of the pub it waits, from time
to time owned by the - State, the proceeds ,of the
--sale_Otthe Kanto. or attypart thereof, and of the insiOnut
or precede asides of stoats ownird. by. the State -- to
gether with othhr funds, Or resources, that may be des
zinitetlbylaw. saidilnking fund may be in
cre.o.ed, fr0ut.4111.3 to thee, VasslgeOng to-it Way part
of the taxes. or -other revenue's of the State, pot re
quired Mr the ordknary and current expenses of gov
erikmentond unless itf case of, war, insurrection or
- - invasion;hd part of `rho; said . sinking fund shell,-be.!
•' Oscd or applied otherwise than: In the extinguishment
of the - public debt.;- uittil , the amount of such debt !
is reduced below the sum of five millions of ddliars.- !
Si;crfox 1,. The credit of the COmmonwealth shall not
ht :toy nianner, or. event; be pledged, or loaned to, any
fhdiridnal,•.,-ompany'oorporation, or asfleciati - n ;. nor
shall the commonwealth hereafter becomettjuin t owner
or stockholder, in :illy cOlapany,assOetation, Or. eOrpept :
• tinai..
From section two of the first article of tho tonstitti
,(loll, t trike on t the words or the 'city of Philadelphia,
and of 0:tell-comity respectively ;" from_soction rive.
.; saute artiele,., strlku out the words, " of. Philadolphia.
and of iliesecond - COunties;" "Section"ittiVenTsamo
article, strike out tho words, neither thocity of Philo
v-'.' land insort to lieu there 2f the words
and in lieu thoroot luse t toe following: A'-'• •
Ste. 4. In the year ono thousand eight hundred
and sixty-fotr, and in every soconth you: thoroafter,
ropkotontatives theuutnber of one hundred,shallisi
apportion°_ mid distributed equally throughout the
state, by dlittrictS, in proporibin to the number of Fax
able inhabit Ants in 'the several parts theroof; exeopt
that any county containing at ,least three thousand
_ fly 9.llUtittred_taxablos may ho allowed a soperate-repre
si.ntation ; but no more than thriso °aunties shall be
joined, and-no county shall bo divided, in rho formation '
of a district. Any city'contaiuhiga sufficient number
of taxabies to entitle it to -at least two representatives.
shall have a separate ropresontation assignorit, and
shall ho divided into convenient districts of contiguous
territory, of equal taxable population a's near ZU4 1 11 1,
each of which districts shall elect one representative."
At the end of section seven, same article, insort those.
words, the city of Philadelphia shall bo divided Into
'Anglo senatorial distriets, of contiguous territory as
Isearly equal in taxable population as possible; but no
ward shall be dit , idiid in the formation thereof."
The legislature; at Its first session, after the adoption
of this amendment, shall divide the city Of Philadelphia
Into senatorial and roproacistativo districts, In the
manner above provided; 'such-districts to ronialn un
changed' until the apportionmont• the year one -
thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. . .
The ie.tlalatoro shall !tare the power to alter,rovnke,
or an n ul, any charter or iocoeporation hereafter coo•
f t •rr4 , l by, or tooter. any special or 17,eurral law , orhon
,;or ia•tiolr opinion It tr.ny be lojurloos to tho citizens
, untimonVirealth : In fiurb manner, however, tlicit
uo inSiltied•tatall be dune to tbo mrporators.
• In Senate. 40 . 11 21..1850.
ItssOLVXD, That. this resolution. pass, On the first
amendment, yeas 24, nays 5. On' the second attend
taunt, yeas 19, says d.• On the third amendment, yeas
28, nays 1. On 'the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays
4 Extract from the Journal.
• In Roman ofiteprosontatirosi
Alb 2,t, 19,56. . •....
Itasot.vrzt, That this resolution pass. On tho t
amendment, yeas . 72, nays 24. Ou the Plooopd amend.
moot, yoas 61, nays 2.5, On the third amendment,
yens 64, nays 25; and on fourth amendment, yea! 69,
nays 16. .Extraot from the Journal.
n'Ta Qryies. A. •
Filed April 24, 1856.} See, of the Cominonwegdth
- Secretary's Office; . 1
, • ' Harrisburg, June 27,1356. j
I do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is
true and correct copy of the original "Resolution rela
tive to an amendment of the Constitution," se the
same romaine on Ale in this office.
. —A., - . In testimony whereof I have hereunto *A
LS. my hand and mused to be affixed the seal of
, —,-.0 'the Secretary's Office, the - day andyear above
written. A. G. CURTIN,
. Sec. 01 the Commonwealth;
1 -- -;
• . In Senate. April 21, 1856.
Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth being under ecessiderition, .
• Oil the.gnestion, • . 4 ,
. - Will thS Sonata agree to the first, amendment t -
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were as follows:
Yeas—lfessre. Browne, Bnclialew, cresswell, Ivan*
Ferguson; Mennikeuilloge,—lnintawsi—Janllssni—Mntrs,
Likukseh, Lewis, ' M'Clintock, Price, Sellers, ShUmate,
Soother. - Straub. Taggart, Widt ol 4--W- 01 0-11, Wherry,
Wilkins and Pratt, Speaker, 24. ' - .
Nays—Messrs: °tab!), Oregg,lordan, Mellinger, and
So the question was detenidued In the effinnattiiti.
On the question
Will th e Semite agree to the second amendment I ,
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the prW,
whitens of the Oonstitution; and were as Mows:
Yeas—Messrs. Browne, pucka'', Cresswell, Itra4
Rom Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Laubseb,,Leals, Wean.
too. Sailers,. Skurnan, Souther, Straub, Walton,
Welsh, Wherry; sod
• Nays Messrs. Otabb, Bergman, Gregg, Pratt, Price,
and Matt, Snooker-1. • , ,
So the question wiukdeterroloed in the itennatirn
On the question. •,;(. I . r , •' • • -
Will the Sedate ag6er tnthe third amendment U
• Thelma and hays were taktitlogreeably to the Oon
ttitution, ond Were is ibilows; . . _
Revived by tlie,Sennto end liquee Irf lloprrsoiltatives
Clenitnenneelth ot• Annosytvatiiit iu Umieral
sseinbly - met,"thet — tbe — ibilowing-iiineinltinnite—uto
t reposed to the Constitution dt tin, Ceninkunviealtb, In
accordance , With the, profleiens of the tenth artiste
thdruot. - • •
ScN. 13.r'fho cotattionwealth 'shall - not :muffin the
deid, - or tiny part thereol,,ocany county, city,-boreugh,"
or towindiiii; or - of ally - corporation or , raimeiatlon ;
unless such debt shall luive been contracted' to enable,
the state to repel invasion, - suppress. domestic imm-.
realm', defend itself •Ip time of war, or to assist the
state in - the - diseharge tiny portion of .its present
indebtedness. •
- 7. Tho Logislatnte .shall not notarize any
- county, city, bertaigh, township. or incorporated dis•
trict, 1?). - virtu e - of a Into of its citizens, ;or otherwise - . 10
become a stoekholtidr in' any emnparry, - itssociation, uc
n;rporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its - nrinilt
to; ally corporation, tisochttion, institution, or PartY. •
••- sixoNO AnNIWENT. , - •
There shall be an additional .artiele• said con-Attu
tutigti, to be designated as article XLI., asfoliowa ;
No ounty'sball bo - - by a :Witt tutting off over
one-tenth of its.poimlntiou (either to forma new ouluty
- or - r4lterwlso), wlthotiti-the express askoit •Of ,such
eolotty, by n vote of the electors tliertioft:ttoraltall-n - fiY
new county - be ostabllshedi Lout : mining less thau four
hundred sqintre mites. -
Tt! nn A:Ht!OSIF:NT
To tu swum, xma, articlo t
nrlialc fjcraW
luaus, ,Forgu.son :Flenniken, Huge; Ingram, Jamison,
Joiditn Kno*, Laubae Lowis,-Nl'Untock, , Met 4ngee,
Vint!, Price, Sellers, 6humau, Souther, traun7, Tag
gart, IVelsh, Wherry, and Platt.
bpeaker-2 _ s, • .
vacs--Mr. Creg Vii_.-
7130 t ttio gitbsttori
On the.questkm, •
Will the bolutte agruo to the fourth arbendniont
___The_yeah auwil, w_ere..taken_agruuably_tot_hpOom
stitutiom and were au hdlow, viz:
Yeas—MeSsrs, iiroWite,:ltuukalow, Creswell, Evans,
Flenniken, lingo, Ingram; Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lau
barb, howls, M'Clintouk. Price, liOlors, Sling:an; South-.
br,ll,ritittl, Walton, I% eish,W hurry, and Platt,
• - Nrtys-4 , lessrs. Cribb,Gregg, Mellinger anci-l'ratt-4..
_So.the,questien.wasAeteixiiiied in_tho Affirmative.
Journal of the IlLuse.,:of Representatives, Aprllll,
The yeas and nays•were.taken agreeably to, the pro
visions of the Constitution, Sod on 1110 first proposed
amendment, were es follow,
Yeas—Messrs. Anderson,, Backus, Baldwin,' 'Ball,
Beck, (Lycomiug,j- Beek, (,York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Boy.
or,. Brown, Brush; Buchanan,lfalthrell, Campbell,Carty
CraWletti; -- Drrir.3loV — Edifiglir; — ltiriffMlll - , — ltOlger
liame.L.llaiper,Dloins, 1 liiihs 11111, 1111
logits,..llipple, Holcomb. 11 nuseeker, luibrle, lug am
Innis, Irwin, Johna, Johnson, Lapel-to, Lebo, Long:titer
Lovett, M.g.falmout, Wearthy,.,llVComb, .A. 1 1)12100, .Me
tnear,, Mll ler, (Bon tgoniery; Moorhead, Nun - nein:Leh er
'Orr. 'N
-arson, Phelps, Purcell, Itainsey,•lfeed,ltoinhold,
Roberts,' Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith
(Cluinigla.) Smith, (Wyom Ing) :grouse. Thompson, Vail
Whallon, Wright, (Dauphin) Wright, (Lucerne, Zhu
merman and Wright, Speaker-72.
NUys—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Coburn,
Deck, Fry, - .Fulton, Gaylord, flibbeney, Ilan
'cock, Ifou,seiceeper,'Leismating, Magee, Manley, - Morris,
Mumma, Patterson, Salislary, Smith, (Philadelphat)
'Walter ' Viititrodu and Yearsley-2,1.
. the question' WAS determined in the fifflrnintive r '
On the question,
~ •
• Will the agree to the'second atnendment?
The yens and nays were takon, and were as follows,
Y eas—Mi tiers. Ahd - e rson -IlaCk us, Baldicitt, Ball, Beth,
.(Lycotning)"`lleek i (York,) Born Mirth Boyd, Browu,
- Brush,- Buell/mita, - Caldivolly-Cutnitbell,..Carty,..kTraig,,
Yawntd, Foster, Rutz, ltaines, Hamel; -Harper, Heins,
Hibbs, Hill, Hjllcgas, Hiuple, Holcomb, Hummel:or. ho.
brio, Ingham ‘ lrulta, Johns, Joinuttin, ..Laporte,
Lebo, Lottgaker, Lovett, Wealmont, M'Carthy, An:oath,.
Abinear, Miller,'Motttgomery, Moorhead, NUIP.
tmutcher, Orr, Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed; Rata
hold, Riddle,' Itoperhs Rhenk,• Smith, Allegitetty),
StcousC, Vail, ‘Vhalht, IVright, (husertteo Zimmerman
luta Wright. Speaker.—t 33. - . ,
Augustine', Barry. Clever,. Edinge . r;
Fry, tialfon, ahylorti, UIl,l nuy Hamilton, Ilaneea,
Ituneker, Magee - , Manley. Miirris,
Pat 0.1 rialislairy, Smith. (Canihria,) Theinie
son, Walter, Wlntrode, Wright (liauphin) and Yeahe
the question Was detertuinedln,the affinuative.'.'
On the quc, iii- •
II rise 114reo to the third amendment? .
• !rho attki.fias were taken . , and erre ;IS fbnOW;
..Anderrnt, Backus. Baldwin, Ball,
Beck, I(l,yonnflog,) Beck, (Vorlid Bernhard, ltnyd, Iti••
y er; Brown, Buchanan, 1.,%111.1 , Cautphell, Carty. Craig,
Crawford, Edi kor, Vausohl,
limper; Heins, Bibb's, 11111, Ilillegati,_l_llbp/e,
.1 hilt:oath, Housekeeper, 11111min:1110am, .1 Inds, Irwin,
- ;lohns, 'Johnson; Laporte Lobo, Longuker,'
111'ikiliff ant, ?Peon] b, :Menem r, ;11111er, Montgom
ery, INiurtfeluidter . , Orr, Pearson, PholPs, Purcell, Bain
soy, Reed,. Riddle, 6honk . fifitith - (Allogliony;rBnoith:
(Cantbrin,) L.:uf 414 . (iVyinfthigi Thompson. Wit - allow
Wright, (Danplkin,) (Luzernu) and 7.luffner
ti iS-11 e,•;A vs. ita rry, CI uver; Colmrn, il , nk,_ll'.wcl.
1, 4 y littlie
her, Lei:am:deg;
. NlTarthy, Magee, )111r110y, MOOrbead,
Mprilti. Prat CM7101 : 11111101(1,-(WIN.qq$,
ter . „ Winfrodo, yrlght;SpeAkkii:-.::;'2.5
the question was determined in the atilqiuttlV&
On'the question, ",
.IVill the Ilease agree the fourth :intendment
. The yeas and nays were taken, andavere ns - fellow,
viz: .
YrAs—Messra. Anderson,' ilacknii, RaJI, Beek. ( 1 •P•
coli)ng.)Alecii., (York,)liernliprd, Boyd,. Boyar, Brown,
11iiiiili.'111iChroutni - hiwelli . Campbell,—Carty,--Craig,
Crawrird, 'Menial. Edln3cr. Fausold, Foster, Fry, Getz,
Harper Reifies. /MA's, /1111, 11111egas,
tfol, Johoslltipvitijkouer, , v ‘ dpillyc, Innis, lr
moot, I.lreartlay, 3PContb, Mangle, Meuerir. WM
'Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnemacher. Orr, Pearson,
Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Rob.
arts, Shenk; Smith, (Combria,). Sinith,. (Wyoming,)
Thompson. Vail, Walter, Whalion, 'Wright, (Luzerne,)
Yearsley, Zimmerman and Wright. Speaker—tip.
Nays—Messrs.. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Gib
hoi y, Iluines; - 11nucocli,'Iluneker, Ingham, Leisenring,
Magee, Manley Morris, l'attorion, Salisbury and 'Win.
trade-Itl. • •
So the question was detanmined in the affirmative
4 .
SEenrrAar's °prier,
liarrisburg, June 27,4856. f
Ponnsykania, •
' I do certifythat the ahovo and foregoing- is a true
and correct ropy of the ." Yeas" 'Mid "Nays" taken on
the Resolution
_proposing amendments to the Ci'aistitu
ton of the Commonwealth, as the tame apponra on the
Journals of th(i two 'louses of the Cioniwal Assembly of
this Cominonwealth for the session 0f1N54.
• - - Witness niy•hand and the sual of said office,
sand eight hundred and fifty-six.,
- --A. Cl. CURTIN,
• ' Secretary - Of tlui-CufinuOnlttilth:
The subscriber having returned from the city would call
the attention of his friends and the public to 'the
large and Wen soloctodwortment of Gardwarelvhich he
has just received, consisting, in part of BUILDING MA.
TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts,glass, putty,
paints, oils, etc. TOOLS-redgotools; saws and planes o,
every description, with Ales, maps, hammers, anvils, &ea
GLASS of every' description and quality—common
gloss of different brands, white polished - Able - dean glass,
French glass of all sites, double thick glass of all sizes,
ground enamelled glass, &e.
• A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS,`togethor with moroccO, lining and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, vas, pegs, iasts, harness mount.
ing, saddletrees.. &e.
COACH TalllolllNlO:canvase (plain, anal:nailed, fig..
fared and embossed,) patent and enamelled loather,
axles, springs, hubs, spekos, felines, sh/uts, &c., &e.
Cabinet Makers will find a large 'assortment of yarn-
Ishes, mahogany and walnut.veneers,moulding,resettes,
hair cloth, curled hair, &c.
WHITE POLISH PAINT—A new article for making a
beautiful. whits7and brilliant polish, for dining-rooms,
parlors, Sm: „
IltON—A large4tQck, climprlaing all kinds In general
clajlemember the old, statul r East 111gb Street, Car.
isle, ra.
March 20,1850.]
tr Two new and oleMatt Rosewood Pianos 634 and
octavos, froth the, celebrated manufactory of
Davis h Co, Boston. These Instruments have j _boon
se% itlid-ficWia REV - eh - dim/wa `
to give entire satisfaction. They will be sold at
and IMO.- in order by a competent .person, for-one year
from date of sale. Those who may wish to examlne, or
to purchase , a good Instrument, are Invited to call upon
the subscrber at his residence in Carlisle.
Also, TO KENT, two good secondhand Plano Portos at
sdpor quarter. JOHN R4STA.Y2dA.N.
nor. 28;'68. , . .
'pRESERVING SUGAR .-- A general
assortloont of tritilled, Rifted and Polvorised
ugars of best quality, as also Bolt Cru s h e d ch w i.d e d
pup of er qualities ouudantly on hand, suitable for
Wert` ng owl .all Other Durposes—genendly-at OLD
Alio, constant. supply of the choicest Coffees, Teas,
Spices d other articles in variety always on hand,—
attend° is invited to our stock bider. buying °L umbers.
04 . 1414 Ju.l7 5 . 15 i 166 ? . . J.:W. Elm.-
Clabb, CI
, . .
, .
__ - -- -- - .
- - - • ____________ _
II E 0 11,0- B. :. I''J G 313 , ' .'• . • -11)ROMY-TOP: - .00A1-•- 1 -_____ - -
1.--4 ft -, 10,000 bushels of the Celebrated Broad. Top
• 1.1.”01 1 '.ce opposite the West end, of the. Cotirtahniso
____Aprllia,M.s.o. • - aeitsrattirS' Conl.receiying arid for Bale by
._____-.,,.. ----,-- ----Sop.--.31r?f3 1:. ,. . 7....14.,___1Y...11- 1,11,,Agant - ,
' .i .- 1 P. lIUMRICII, . Attorney:it law, , --•'----- - • • • • • • • • . ----'--
k j.—omoo on North nonovor, greet, or-few doors . ' ini AMILY "COAL.-500 • TONS LY, •
oath of tlinkr - notot - ---0-businoss-obtrosiot.}-4.0-hiny .. ."-----tows_.vALLEx_coior,innkoi, i od r&a . Cretaled
will be promptly attended to. '• . ' [April 16_, m upared expressly for family useand kept Ill'iDtl3 covta,
so , thnt .1 cart furnish it DRY- and CLAN during the ,
Winter season. 1 have also on grand and for sale 'the.
LUKE FllrhElt COAL from. thrtinines of Boyd, ltoiser.:
&Am, and bIIAMOKIN COAL froin the mines of Coch-
ran, Veal ,k Co., all of which 1 will sell at 'Small prOtits
for cash, and deliver to any -part of the borough.
noy. 14; '65. ' - ' , ~ . W. B. MURRAY...,
• •
• N.. GREEN; Attotni4
,at . LaW.
et - ifilco in • Yak, .liiain Street, Mehiinicsburg,l'a.•
attend to SUIiVEYINCI in connexion with
his profession. : • ' • Meg 21 , 1566 —ly ;
• -
ju .I.auover street two doors from Weise
store.' ‘nfice liotirs, more particularly from 7161.1 o'clock;
A. ;mit from sto 7 'o'clock, Y. M. • •, •
TAOCTOR .8. P. -ZIEGLER.--4)lfice
_EI and llesidoncil East 3lnin.Streot;thlrddoOi plow
tfie Market Musa. CallB in town and county promptly
Carllide, Jan. 2:,..1856.
W 0: R i.ll
ITEIi,. Attorney
et Law., ,' (mu 14 -Main. Strout, Carlisle, kat—
,i*--Business ontrested to Lim will be prbmptly at
'tided to. . - .- " - `: • Fob, 7.'65:
(1. W. BRANDT, Manufacturer of
‘_A G . Ilittioral Waters, Pronoh Mend; • •
floated Ale, Porter - rind Cider,
North East Street, near 4eltail Road 13rIdge, Carlisle
DR. I. C.L00.111:1 8' ar a ----- I c ,- „ th .jrp,..: - 44,
South Hanover street, / """ ' willsm., ei , -
nox.door to the Post • . .
.ImAYSII be absent ft)
of (mutt month.
R. (31,4".0.R.GE S. SEA
111T,_PENTMT,cruin the
quecire College of llental 4u - rg - 615% ,
'')..Office at the rest once of hih thether, East Louther
street, three doors below.Bedforki. ltoterence—Dr• Geo . .
Z. Bretz March ,10,165-6-r--tf.
tts , 7
in the art Ory Dr. Geo. Z.
liretz, a graduato VI • taie tialtiiituro tiiiiitl - Cullogi.9- iN
114) W prepa r ,ia to receivo his !dotal:: /4 II li 'Weil/TM tho
various imoai( its lii the lino of the I)iiiitarpriffessiou,
at his residottoo, in. South Arcot, thiru itoor_fruul NN est
:.. 4 1 . ..r . 00t. 111% ous a .
1 1111. Terms iiiodtlrato. • -
'flay 27,
. .
C lilt iA ND .__COA)i LI AN
, 3171 L-LA: L. til'ONSLklt, late, liegbiter of Cumber
land county, will carefully attend to the tranNactlon of
all'sucli liuslnassns laity ho entrusted to blur. "atoll as'
the writing of Deeds, iNiertgagils Contracts, Sc. Hu will
4156 duvote hisatteution,to the proeuilnk of Lali (1 War
rants. Pensions, &c 4 no WOW as :the' purchase nod aala
or Real Estate, nogotiations, ofloans, ac. tt . )....oilhalpn
West-high Stroot. furinerlyuccuided . , W. 31. Peorost
Esq, near the 3futhodist Church.'
• •
E Al
xi ) ----..tvv.y.w-u, - 41;11' T110.311.,50N _
linvo ointhed nn ul6eo nt J Mo., for tbo * pui;
ellase and - sale of Real Estatu, buying nfid Laud
Wilrlllllol,,ylet .k.and on Time, Surruylng and Mal"
plYig 7u guy, Locution if It'arranticand making inyest
niunts for ncli-residonts. Ifityifig of Taxes, and all Inud-
HUSH purtniningto a tiendrai Land Agency in Missouri;
. 1C111iStl; N and-Iowa: -: ::.• -•
`i[2' fli co - 'on: V c con d- runt, - North - 0f.4,4',1ii.att16-'s
IJia,kL,g lion" . j.luly. 30,
N. P. z , Nri'Elt.• ' , . ,' W. K, li'FAlti. tan
Q.N Y DER & - wl? ARL AN E-- . -
• . .
M.A N NEAPOLIS, 'Opposite the Suspension Bridge, Falls
-.- • - - of cit. Anthony, Minnesota_ Territory,
Will buy and sell lands', negotiate "loans; locate land
warrants in Minnesota, lowa, and WlsconSin. Inquiries
respecting the country, by letter or otherwlie, promptly
-REFERENCES. /-,-.,...... •
Hon. Alex. IttuniCy, Ex-Governor,
lion. 11. :11. Dice, Delegate, to Oongrss, Minnesota, -
Clay. Pollock, Harrisburg,
James It. Steele A Co., Philadelphia. 7--
lion. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, . .
, . .
A. Brady Sharpe, Esq.,_ .
0 Mag,oun, Now York. -,.......--, '
- -
Hobert Weird', Now (Means,
Jellies It. Irvine, kisq., Newrille, '..
•. . '
Hon. J. S. Illark, Somerset, Peliteitt.7
lion. J. It. Eddie,- .". ill .
J. 11, Good, Mayor, Springfield, 0113,
Gen. C. Anthony . , . " .
Jas. Carsoh; Esq. St. Louis; .
Wm. Wilson, Esq., Italtimore,•Md.,
J. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C.,
J. M. Wilson, Philadelphia. • , '
• 30,000 Acres of likrnpmvad Lan"llar Sale, at from $2
to $lO i/Or MVO; also improved Fa oil. Lots for sale
In St. Paul, St, Anthony, and all _towns on the IlInne•
seta river... . ' •
. . .
Gp„..Partieular attention given to the Longing
Money, and Entering Land , Warnitits. Address, . •
• PlarEß•
March ?0,1858.-Iy.l Minneapolis. Min. Ter.
Altli.—The duties of this Institution will be
r.,sumed on_thelst of.Septentl?er, 1536, under the direc-'
Linn of the Principal, who will be assisted by the same
teachers formerly employed. The scholasticcycar will
be divided into two sessions of Fire 31onths each—the
first commencing on the lst of September, the second
on the Ist of February. .
There will be two courses of study in the Institution
—the orrioNAt and the Etta:LAIL " Pupils in the former
course finishing any branch' of study, will •reccite -a
CYRTIVICATY signed by the Principal and Teacher. Those
completing a regular course will receive Diplomas and
Tostimoniats of Merit. . - • . •
rzn- StssioN—Elva MONTHS.
Board, fuel, light:room furnished, - *5O 00
Tuition In English Branches, - • 10 00
• " brusiennd use of Piano,- - 20 00
" Chietnatia Drawing and Oil Painting, 'l2 00
• " • Pencilling and Brewing, - - .6 00
", French, Latin .or Greek, With other
studies, . • - - - .
Washing per doion, - -
For fUrther particulars see circular,
August 20, 1856-4 m.
ligg.l .l l
t—*K- . •
• I
- 11 F
4 4 7 1
18. a.
0.!. ,
U.. I
MONT.--The most correct likeness ever made; ex
ecuted to the highest style of Art, sidle-fated on line
India paper, published And for sale, Wholesale end • Re
tail, by L. N. ROSENTHAL, Lithographer N, W. cor
ner Filth and Obestant Streehr Philadelphia. ' Sim of
paper, 17x26. • Retail Pribe '.liberal discount will
be allowed those wishing to sell again, '
- Aug 18. (itioNAGENIII
Carlisle. the last ten days
,-[Aug. 4'55
W It 1.;
baying been, inHtructed
t'utO. COAL CONS (INKRS:—The sub-
L scriber would respectfully invite the iittontioud
toe chi:ens - of Carlisle to large stock Of •IJOALiof
various kiwis, such •us Lykan's Valley Broken, Egg,
iNut for Linieburners, Truyorton, Egg and - Nut, blaina>.
kin En - ikon,. Egg and Nut; all of which hu will bull at
7ttlurail=prices,tteni,.lakt-_L - Cash. The'llrogen
s4g, and *toy° Coal, for family use - 4111 - be - tieriiiifted:-=
- te - I:ave=a-liberaL-Pstro -
I a g e • ' •
• rata now prepared to supply you with the celebrated
B. oad• 'fop Coal, which is considered the best in the
State. Count and look at it. l_lelye the - Allegheny
Coal also on hand; ttll of which 1 will tahlow for cash.
Qtilctt sales and short,prollts isiny motto-4 nintbleaix.
pence ie better than u - dull shilling: Please -glie•us a
call, one and all
,All.orders left at Lis residence in East street, or.
at . ketur Monyor's and henry 1 axtun's• sores, will be
promptly • j0ct..1„1850.
- - - -
consldoratiou us' a
I.4loU•dato tor the °Vico (a 118buldAT.6 — J tilitik; ttilti
berlauct cu'uuty, at tug eiisuing auct promise
alerted) to thu duties uY said °like with
ta(oll4y . au,.,( Impartiality.
l'n,pertown, July 2J, Viol).-
ATE "JUDO E:—.44.110f-citizutis biltur
m) . 8011 to your ilunsiderstiuu as it ytiLutyria.s.-eANDIDAI
(91' t lio oilicb of ALtSkilA ATE J DUE ; promising it elect
ed to litinifthe duties ut,tlie uffice.uititout tear, favor,
or affection.
Aug, 0, .1556.
tlio It `.A s s 0-6.1.-.4 T-E:-j- - --U-D:(.31-11..
YELLom . -crrizENs :—Throu g h tho urgent 501i
.e..... tint 01 Ititlltiltl, 1. have been unittekel .0 Otter myself
as i earnililate tor thuorlice okitu - AISBOIaATE., illititilli
iif l'infiberlandiwunty; ut-tlbe ensuing goneraf elestiow
and vuly respceffully solicit, your suffrages for said of
tieu, pledging myself, tr eleetwl, to discharge the-duties
of the saws-with iiiipartlalityi and with a attlet regard
to the dewande uf tile law and publio'fuetice. - .
. . • CLt.m.EtsB...II'.FAIt.LAN.E.
Newton Township, July-!, 1656. .
OTI.C.E.—' An Electi6 IL lot Officers,
1.1 .11114 )lattagers Of the eutoberlundl(ttlley littilroad
will he hold at the littilrtgal ÜBlcu, lit lhaut
beriiourgt ou rtIW,u)AY, the hth' of Oetohei• next; be
irerti-thtrhoute 01-10 A,At-te.hd_i_i•,.h., of salt' 445.
Sup. 37,1856
STATE .0E - 11AltG.A.RET - - --- FLE3I
(No, decefisikt..—Notice . ie Lereby giveu Let
...,,,tatueutary un tho rstate at Iftargliret rfetuitig,
late or-,tie lanattigh of Carlisle, uutuberlatid comity, U.,-
ce:tsetl, hate" team granted by • the Itegiater ex said
whaty L the subscriber, residing in said borough. All
pursues kitar, lug theumulves Indebted to said estate are
required t.inaisu luatiediate_paytuent, and those baying
claims to 'nevem. theta Ibt settlement to
Ixedu tor.
-.Sep. 17, 1850
NOTlC,E.—Notice ie . hereby given
that application will be made to ti e nest Legis.
.tile of Penns) 'vim's, to alter tie charter of Me Car
lisle Deposit Bunk, located iu the Borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county; So us to cooler upon said Deck the
rights and privileges of a hank of issue, and to change
its auie •to tltrl LaFlble Dank. Also to increase the
capital' of said Bank (which is at present seventy two
thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing Ma/
same under its ) present charter to oneltandredthoweand
dollars) to flume I,lunureUl'housand Ifotlnrs .'
W. M. 11.E.k.TEM,.—
1 . 6615.]
Stores anti ,Stjops:,
eEtnlGHlik:H.Hlt desires to call the attention of his
old friends and customers to his new assortment oft en
tleinon's HATS, of the Oakford 'Spring style, witii au
i'leginirasiOrtnietertirliOrti — CAPS — and' - /MIMMER- -
11,4,Ts of every variety and the must fashionable styles,
Ho has also constantly on hand a large and varied ati•
sortment of his own manufacture as well as city. made
lints and Caps, suitable for the season, comprising every
variety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats, fin
ished in the latest style t together with am full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at every
price. He particularly invites the public to call and aw
aminelds esoonsive assortment, which in style, matt!
ritl and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
end which he is able to put at prices lower than ever.
g.a..tlentember his old stand on North Hanover street
next door to iluyett's Grocery Store.
I have now on hand and tot sale , at
toy oru ot,two etyciillintreet,nppositeldeuion tall, an
enteral) , new and elegant stock of • '
Gold Lever Watches, hunting and open case,liiver'do.
Silver Leptue and Quarter Watches,* large Varlet,-
Gold AnchorS fqr Ladies and Gentlemen. • '
Medallions, a splendid assortment for ladies and tents.
Breast Pins of every pattern, and all prices,
Gold Chains for vest and fob, gold curb Elaine,
Ringer kings, Cuff-pins, Studs, Sleeve Button&
Crosses. Drop and Hoop Ear -kings, a large variety,
Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, da of_various, stYlee olt4 pr
Gold and Sliver Thimbles -
Gold, Silver-and tkunmon ' Spectseles, lama assortment
to Suit all gee, and to which •we inAte particular
attention. - '
Port Idontuties, a large ass - et:tweet, at every price, ,
Gold Pens, of the best Make at various prices, • • •
Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, Acconiebne, Spectacle cities,
Ladies Card ellfien r ßilver and pearl, at various prices,
Bracelets, gold:and Common; Watch Chains ditto.
. Also a large variety of rwticluriSi the. Jewelry line,
which I Will sell at the lowest r ice, .- ' articles war
ranted to be'what they are sot ihr.
03-Particularattention paid the REPAIIIINII OP .
WATONES and all work warranted. Retnining thanks
t o My 04 Meuds and customers lbr fertle, patronageS,
respectfully solicit a continuance of their inters.. •
'`julte2o" ' -T/103 1, 48, cceILYN. .
4 00
mat Dif• TUN *MASON! • • • '
• snbscrlber luut just returned from-the eastern •
atlas and is now opening • splendid assortment of, •
. •
PALL GOODS; ) •"' - •
width will be sold at very low prices. • ' ' ,
A large steel( of elegant Stagy' Thant; Cashinere k
Broth* and Blanket BkaMLti .
. •An immense assortment of• the most ilegnut rang
'end /WO ItilWiTery cheap. ••• .
Moms de. lanes. Mollies. hierhwes, POramettas., and
g reat vartet,y of Dress Goods, Very bandit:mut and, very
• Flannel; Dlaidiets, easeinetts, Jeans , Oaths. and,*
sim a tr as s in great variety. •
Shoe AND SHONS—A large lot of Boots and Shoe.
trove" , &Merl. ptioni-at the lowest prices.
OARPETINO—A new , assortment of• _ _
grain. VenitLirt, and Dag Caupete. • •
The amortment is now very large and complete, pd
all persons. in want of handsome and cheap goodnce
respectfully invited to call* the Old Stand,,Dast -
Sep. 1,0, 1850.) 011A8
.TA.001.3 SIIItOM