Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1856, Image 7

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Isa'ae T. Ifopper, the well known Quaker
philatithropiet, was emphatically the friend of
the friendless,. and sedulously devoted his long
IN to deeds of benevolence, •Untoldnurabers
of persons,.hnve been Kosopid from Misery, de
tradation and 'tuinAy hls kind assistance
l etipp . oft and counsel, and now live' to Wails
their betiefuetott, The followinginteresting
tale of trutli,showed bow teaderly he wooed a
wanderer bank to.virtue's path, and how , ton
derly ho rebuked those who Meditated the de
struction of the poor and the lowly: •
A young, girl, -the only daughter' of a -poor
widow, removed from the country toPhiladel
phis, toearn her living by covering umbrellas..
She wis very handsome i with gloisy. black
hair, large beaming eyes, and ••lipa like, wet
coral." She was just at that acceptable age
. when youth is ripening into
° womanhood;
wheti the sell' begins to be pervaded' by that
restlesa prinoirdd, which impels peer hutnanity
_to seek perfection in union.
At a,hgt.?l, nearthri- store for - itThiChatie
worked, an Bnglish.triteellei,PailedLOrd Hen
ry Stuart, hail taken lodgifigs. • He Was a'stri.•
, kingly handsome man, and of princely car
, riuge. As this distinguished stranger passed ,
to and from the hotel-he ericountered tire - um=. --
brella girl, and was attracted by. her `uucom
mon beauty. • Ile easily traced ~her to the
store, where he soon afterwards went to pur
chase an umbrella. This was followed by
presents of flowers, chats by the wayside, and
invitations to walk or ride; ail,of which were
gratefully-accepted by the uususpeoting rus
tic ; for she was as ignorant of the danger of
a-cify__as_were the spirrele...oliker native field.
He was merely pliry-iiig-a-geme-for- teMporary
excitement. She; with ahead full el fonnince,
and a heart melting under the intluenee - of
love, uncwisoiously endangelieg. the happiness
of her whole life. •
1.„..._L0rd Henry inilted her to_visit _the public ,
gardens on-the Fourth of-July. In the /SIM
'. plietty of her - heart, - she believed all--his flat
tering professions, and considered herself his
bride elect; she therefore accepted 'Oar invi
tation with innocent frankness. But she had
no dress fikto appear in on such.a public 00
_elision with 'a gentleman of kiigG — ra,.tik; - whom ,
she_ believed to be
_her futurciditintid. While
these thoughts revolved' in her mind, her eyes
were unfortans,toly eburwoectt by bo.atirul
Piece of ink olongling to her employer.
Could she not take it without being seen, and I
pay fur it secretly when she had earned enough
of money I:Tlucme_tation conquered her in
a moment weakness. She 'concealed the
silk and carried it to her lodgings. It was
• the first thing she had' ever stolen, and her re=
morse was painful: She would have carried
it back, but'she dreaded - discovery. • She was
not sure, thatrepeetanee would be met by a
spirit of: forgivenelis e
- • On- the-iventful -Ponta' July .ehe. came
out in her dress.• Lord Henry complimented '
her on her .elegant appearance, - but she was
not happy . _ On their way he talked to her in
A manner 'that she did not comprehend. Per
ceiving this, he spoke more 'explicitly. • The
•guiltless young creature stopped and- looked
into his face 'with . a mouraful reproach, and
burst into tears, The nobleman took her
hand kindlyand said, "My dear, are you an
- innocent,girl V' •
• " I em, I am," she relined with convulsive
sobs. what, have I ever done or said that
.you Should oak: me such a question ?"
The'evidentainderity of: - her words stirred
the deep•fountain of, his better. nature. 'lf
you arelonotient" said he, 'God' forbid that
I should make you, otherwise—but you aceep•
ted pay invitationi n aud presents so,readilythat
, I sitpposed you understood • .
*What • could• I understand,' said she,,\ 'ex.-
:43Spt that yon intended ' to„,rsake,, me your
wife-2!' • '
• Though accred-amid the proudest_ distinc
tions of rink', he felt no inolination te smile.—
lin blushed and was silent. - The 'heartless
conventionalities of the world-etood. rebuked
in the presence. of affectionate simplicity, .' He
cenieledjuir to Iter humble • home, • and beide,
her farewell, with a thankful oonciousness
'chat i he,had"iinne no irretrievable' izjury to her
'fitWire 'The: , 'Tenieutbrance - of her
• Weald , be as the recollietiOni of the
.e.,Wth her
:the wound
VMS deelf.t r ,46l}o:%•9l,:it;iite her chandler
Abe; eiSp4ll, bltterrise . cf , heart titer ruined 'air
castles.' MO 'the; dram she had stolen to
• : make,her,aPparande-befittiag bride Ohl
wel., : the• t heerty,"of her 'rklor: widowed
mother break.ll she s hould ever 'knot that
-• - her clilldlifis - ,Ctilief • ,
Wreiohodlorebedings • prexed•too
true., • The silk was traced to her,• she Wit;
_while. On her Wit to th 4 store
god' to prison. If,ep ode@ !WO
On the 'fourth' day the 'keeper' ealled upon
• IsattOT.lloppeynd informed hitn-that there
.\waa a girl in pr on who appeared , to be utter
. ly friendless; "and deterniined to die by star-
vation —
wii t rtiTher assistance: lie fitind 'her lying
in the cel4 witli.her face btariedinher hands,
sobbing its irher heart would break. Hetried.
ro"aprnfoft her but could obtain no.nnuwer
%Leave us - alone, said he to the keeper,
perhapeshe-will-apeak-to-tne-if-there-ia-per one
to helm', When they were alone *tfogetlier. he
piitthe hair back: from her temples, <laid his
hand caltaly Upon het:. beautiful head, and,
said in soothing tones, 'My child consider me
.as_tfy father, 3.01, mu all thou bast done.-- ,
If thou bast taken this, silk tell m 6 all abotit
it; 'I will do for thee as I ligrould' for my own
daughter, and Ideuhtnot I can help thee out
(dads difficulty.', ' • - ,
After a, long time spent in affectionate en
treaty, she • leaned, her young head on 'l4a
friendly sheulderrand,sobbed out, `Oh, I wish.
I-was dead; o what will my 'poor mother say"
whin she knows of my disgrace.' - •
"Perhaps we can manage that she •nover
shall knom it,'. replied -he. Alluring her hy
this bopo he graduallrobtained from her the
story of her-acquaintance with the nobleman.
Ile bade comforted and take nourish
ment, for he would eee that thoinlk.was -paid
for_ and,the prosecution withdrawn.
lie went immediately to her employer and
told hinc'the story. , This is herfirefoifelide,'
said he . 'The girl ie''yeung, - and shills the
child of t -* poor widow, Give her a'.*Chance' to
retrieve this one false step and she may be re• society, a asefill.and honomble wont.;
- ati:-I.will - s - ee - that thou art paid forthe - siIILI.
The man readily agreed to withdraw tke
prosecution, and said. he would ha.ire dealt
i4therwise witicthe-giel if he •had'' known all
the circumitanoes., shoultist have in
quired into the merits of the oase,'. replied
Friend Hopper . . ,:.• •
kind'hearted man next proceeded to the
hotel, and with , Quaker situOioity
. of speech .
inquired for Henry Stuart. The seriant soon
returned and conducted him to the chamber.
The nobleman , appeared surprisid, :that
stranger, In the Quaker-coituuto,.shOuld thus
lntruile upon his luxurious privacy. ' Whoa
to hoard of him errand heldusbedtieeply,and
admitted - the truth of the' girl's,-state
-His benevolent - visitor took the oppor- .
,unity-to-.bour a-testimony—againet•-the-- sin of
profligacy.. , lie did it tri - ttUdh kind_and fath
erly manner that tho . yOun'g man's heart was .
,osood. "•
Ile excused himself by saying that he would
not have tampered•with, the girl- if-he bad
known her to bo virtuous. *I have done
many wrongs,' said he, ' but, thank God, no
innocence -weighs on my
conscience. I have always esteemed it the
basest act of which a man is capable." ,The
imprisonment of the poor giriniiirtlie forlorn
situation in which she had been found dis
tressed him greatly. When Friend Hopper
represented that the silk had been stolen for
his siko, that the girl had thereby lost profit
able employment, and was hinged to return
to her distaw home to avoid the danger of ex-,
posure, be took out a fifty dollar note and of
fered it to pay her expenses. Nay,' - said
Isaac, ' Thou arta very ritfh man, I presume.
I see In thy hand itlarge..roll Of Bubb ,dotini.
She is the daughter of a poor widow, and-tit - on
had been the moans of her doing a great
injury. Give me Another.' •
Lord Henry-banded him Another fifty dol.
lar.note and smiled as -he slid / lon under
stand your business well. But you have - acted
nobly, ang I reverence you for it. 1r you
ever visit England, come and see trie ; will
give you a cordial welcome, and treat y,en, as
a nobleman.'
'Farewell, friend,' replied tho Quaker—
s' though much , tolalaine in this affair, thou'
host behaved nobly: May'st thou be blessed
ia, domestic life, and trifle no more with the
feeling's of poor girls; not even with 'those
whom others him betrayed and deserted:'
- When the girl was arrested she. had suffi
cient presence of mind to :Leanne,* false name,
and by that means hirtrue one, was kept out
• of tho- newspapers. I cud . said she,'
for my poor mother's sake.". With the mon
ey given by Lord B*art,thc,,ellk , wrae paid for
4 ;4 Olift ietitr:.homa • to _her mother well
provided'with, clotiOng.,",,Her name and, place
of rilidenei fori4rTioined a secret iu the
brfaei,#f her beo,eiM4er. - ,
- . l'Oartafterrtheie `events irenspired a l ady
citfiek PrientgOpParoa,house and asked to
see' him; .Whezohe,,entered the room be
foUndi: handebigeli dressed yourg metron
abd , al49o.iflibg f ‘ tvitiZer six yearsold. She
rose : ::tinia4l7,:;to flieet!, him, : and.' her voice
ohokod , ,O, Mend Hopper, de you
know tne /le reolled,that'bo did not: She
fixes her tearftk, ayes
.;earpostly upon
and said, i:lfou,piee k itelped lite when I was
in gree,f,dlStOss ! ! the- : good missionary
had Ifelped'ttiO r nilitii *distress ici - be 'able :to
recolietiller Wiiioo More precise information.'
With alremulene *Mee eg - )bade' ber son rgo
intodkit.nesLroona for,a minutes; thou
dropelug:On beiknees, sfielid herffeeis in his
aa#' B o l j.od 'out ; ii4„tki,girl who 'otole •
tiao Salk. Obi where shouldl now be itit had
not been for you • • ,
When her emotion was somewhat calmed
she told hire that ebe bad-married a highly
respectable man, a Senator of his native state
The' kind -hearted--itriendimmedintoly
t mho bad again and agnitt passed his,. dvrining,
looking wistfully at flap windows ,to Catch a
eight of lain; but wlleit a!te attempted to. en-
erber courage railel
But I must return- borne to morrOw i ' . chid
slte; 7 l-antl4-could-not-go—away—Witlvoit—iance
more" seeking find thanking him who had.
saved 'me froin ruin.' She recalledher.little
boy,and said,te him,,' Look el id re
member him well for be was thOnst /Hood
your mother ever had:" With an, earnest in;
happy' bottle - , find'-n--fer
vent God bless you,' - she bade her benefactor
farewell. . ,
a aWes me ! - "tratillirty. -- Pa r--
the, : 'llinta nnAzv-hara't put up a pule, with'
amuck old woman's garter tied to the top, and
pained on it 7" and alit . laid down her sPeeta
ales, Wiped her eyes and. gave a .sigh, Ike
smiled and th3uglit the old lady'sblnader wad
a 'happy hit. • •" • • •
Drill -: "torcs.
......_,„_ ,
:if ) J. KIE .F.F Elt , lli - I, UG GIST,:
I ) • fins in i)v lid ills store Trent the fittniiir Stand to - hiii
new building immediately opposite, and adjoining Mr
C. Inhoirs'i;tore Having made every arrangement to
preserve his' Medicines fresh and pure, and having
replenished his assortment of carefully.selected drugs,
he is now again prePartai to attend to kaisliniss with
. aro and protmitness. Ills assortment, will furnish
Oiliest every thing,tillitTTaffy lie - enlied - foiciiitifer - Itithii
physician. or the family. for domestic use. The greatest.
calu and prectio
inn will be observed in the compound
ing of prescrip e ns and dispensing of 10d141 HUH. ' Ills
assoltment Of 'onfeetiounnes and - Faney Goods is very
general, and V. ii wtalilu purchasers to suit themselves.
May 28, ISt el. • Iv, , ..
... •
- --: With-a Splendid varliity , nf
The undersigned has juid replenished his stock .0
goods; and as his liru,:a and Chenthads, have been se.
Meted with groat •cnrc, he is prepared •iii Jill all.arders
irompti - f — ltia - fricudsall?y - rely-upon - the genuluthiess'
and purity of every article. . • .• • . -
Ills stock of CON F (4:AoN:tin' is MO and selected
with 'special reference to ill.) iloi huge
It will :Ilford
rinivariety:poriams inay_desire fli that line.. - IVol2iis a
I a rge:s ssort timiltuf-Fre i 10 , florin's 114111 ditorrrestie Eaneyn
Candies, all_frush and of the very best quality. Ills as•
sortment of NANCY iiibtilti is' Pug° and embraces al
most-every thing, necessary for the Toilet and katally,
lie inaites special at.teit Sion to his Fain:y Work Boxes,
Ladies' Bugg, Cologne botti es ,• Watch , and Card Treys,
_Port .N.lllos. Tortmonies. de., 16.: .
. Quick Saliss,:sinall prolits and strict consistency in
tralC , stiall - chapacierisu out littainusic --
dec. 19, 'IS, '' ,
I, I ItESII 11.11.13 ' DICINI. 4 b -
1 1 Lac
hII4C just reeelviki from l'hilatlelpida and
New York very extonxiiT additions to my
former stork, embracing nearly every article.
of-Medicine --110 w lu use, together_ 1111
1 1 4.7 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, - Perfu•
miry. Soaps lit:alma:try, Flue Cutlery, Finli•
• le- tog Tuklmitrusittm - ot utmost - every dot;erip. -
iom with an endless variety of other :inkier, yhtelf
OnYntry"3lerelautte. Pedlars and oth
era. are realsaArililY requested hot to Ivies the OLD
NAND, as they may rest assured - thiiVevery article will
besold of-a-good-qualltyi aucLunon rennonel,ie termis-
ELIA Orr..
Akin street. C4Ol/1104
May ail
Toe combination of ingredients in thesitjjille bathe re
sult of a long and extensive practice; they are mild In
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In . evory instance have thesiipro.
Ted successful. They invariably open those obstructions
to 'Which Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance changed to a ilealt4Y one. No
female cart enjoy - good health unless ihels regular; and
whenever an obstruction takes plice, -- 01114hur front ex
posure, cold or ally other cause, the generia
medlately begins tarffecilue, and the want of such a rem
edy has been the cause of so many consumptions among
young females. To ladles whose health will not rermit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a vet
liable acquisition, as they will prevont- pregnancy.—
ifeadaelte, pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of food, and di turbid sleep do most alwaysairlse
from she interruption of nature; and whenever that It
the CAW, the pills will Invariably remedy all alert evils.
Nor are the)ess of in the cure of Leueorrlausi,
commonly nailed the -'whites." These pills should nev
er be taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to"
museitamiscarriage. Warninted purely Vegetable. and
- free from anything incurious to Hid or health. 'kullanu
explicit directions accompany each box.
These pills arc put up in square flat boxes. Persofis
residing where there is no agency - established. by uncle
sing One Dollar in a letter, go-paid, to Dr. C. L. CIik:ZSE
*MAN, No. '267, Dieicker Area, New York, can have them
sent to their respective addrossive by mall. '
Encom.aged by tho unprecedented'success which this
popular monthly has mot with; and the - rapidity with .
which it has increased its arculation, the proprietor has
reseiored, to 'snake it still more worthy of the patronage
of the public'. That this:Admirable work is
is admitted by everyone,' containing, as •it does, One
Hundred Pages of reading matter in oaelt number, balog
more than' an/ of the - $3 Magazines, - and forming two
volumes a year of six hundred paps oath, or Twelve
Hundred pages of Reading Matter per annum for
Monthly, tar, printed' now type„
npon'fine white paper s ind Its matter is' Itipol'ully onus
piled and arranged by the hands of the 'editor and pro
printer, who has beenknoWn to the public 103eprineeted
with the Boston presSlbr "lateen years. ;Its guise con
-•s' - . ,
- 13Toluts or THE SEA, REETCHES, • -
WIT AND lIBMOIL r ac., apw
from the best'arta inostpopulai 'Writers of'this 'country.
It is also spiced with a record of the notable. events of
the times, of peace and war, of discoveries and•intrirovk
meats occuring in either hemisphere; Riming au
agreeable companion itir a leisure moment or hrinr,any
where, at home or abroad, each number being eel:opiate'
In itself. '
No sectarian subjects are admitted .into its pages;
there tiro enough controversal publications . each de--
voted-to its peculiar- sect or- elkino. :,This work is in
' • '' •• .•
io.ct or west, andis! filleato the , brim,
each month with chaste, popular and pantie Daiwa. ,
lettyijust suchad any father;, brother or friend walk!.
.Play , In the bendier is family circle.:
partments, fresh and original, And, wbat,purportate,
I : l6 ;the cheapest magazine In the world,
joy, iteißou , DOWit to the pitribtor," AP
receive the Magazine for ' erre r,
person 'sending na matte subscribers and ma ,DO,maaa•
at one tithe shall receive a copy gratis..
".11. M. BALLOU, Publisher and 1 roprlotu..
Corner of Torment and Bromfield Streets oaten,
Juno 11,'56. • •,•
Ite printing promptly executed.
Stot - es- crub--Simp.
. _
.TAtqar JEWELRY:4m.
haVanow_nn_hambundior mania
my vim Stant& on 'Main Street; oppoaiten.llarian'llalh ail
entirely , new and elegant stock or, • •
e old - hever - W.atehettchunting-tind;bpen-case-,-Sih-er-dc-
Silver Leptne and Quarter M niches, a large variety.
(fold Aucb,ors for Ladies and Gentlemen. •
Medallions, a splendid
,assortment fouladies and gents. :
Breast Pins of every pattern,'and all prices, . • •
Gold Chnlus fOrirest and fob, gold curb chains,
Plug;er ltlugs, Culftplns, Studs,- Sleeve Buttons. ,"
Crotisop. Drop and Hoop .Ear-itings, a large variety. , ,
Silver and Plated Forks, Table and T easpoons ; Lutter
&c. of vatiousatyles and prices, •• •
0;1d, Silver and Common Spectacles, a large sasiwtinetet
to suit all ges, and to whirl •we invite particular
Port Monnales, a large assortmentat eVeryprice, •
Gold Pens, of the best make at varlons prices', ,
Eaney_Boxes,_Port Folios, AccordeOntklipecinclecus'es._ .
Ladies Card Cases, silver tin i•d - ••W'rliaftrarl - o - VS - Priccit,
bracelets, gold and common; Watch Chains ditto:
Also a largo varlet - ofarticles in the JeWelry.
which I will sellat the lowest - prices, Ml' articles war
ranted to he what they are sold for. •
prs,t,.l'artieular attention paid to the DEFAMING CP
WAtt:lf ES and all work warranted. Returning thanks
to my old friends and customers for fernier patronage,
respect fully solicit a continuance of their faro,
June2u , • T 110111 4 .8 CONDI' N.
The subscrils , rii. lenated in the room lately' oreupied
by Mrs, Foust ne it grocery store, west of the Rail Road
Depot. linvejo.4 opened amen tlre new stock of HARD
WARE, to-which they would call the attenthiii
friendj and the public 'generally. The stork, 1 4 /dal Su
large and varied, was isilected with especial reference
the,wants of- the public, slid consists in
,part of the
following... qa;•,
I,WILDING HARDWARE of 'all kinds, such as locks,'
latches;- screws ' comprising_
every article of Hardware .used in building nod • re ,
pairing. Also, glass, potty, paints. brushes, he.. of the
most approied• quality and, on the most reasonable
Vorms. • •
CABINET MAKERS—The attention of Cabinet
Makers is inilt E ed .to our assortment of varnishes,
veneer's, knobs, rosette, moulding's, &c., which will he
found 'equal to arrY In the county.•
RAJOLEItri and COACIIMAKERS will find in their
departnieut....alt the articles usually required lu their
line of business, such as rteel,prinits, axles,
WALL PAPER—Thesassortment of Wall Paper em
braces a complete variety of new and choice paterns.of
every guallty:and at such prices'as cannot fail to . give
satisfaction. Also borders, window shades, Ix.,
11011.1811 KEEPERS aro invited to call and examine.
our stock. of cutlery, plated ware; spoons, ladles, coffee
mills, utndlestlcks, snuffers, waiters. shovels and tongs,
stitir^ rode, hollow ware; - lirasa and iron kettles, sad
Irons, etc., which we Intend to sell very low. .
letiltMliltS—For the use of Faimers we have an end
less variety of all the articles adapted to their line of
trade, usually found hi Hardware Stores, Such as plows,
links, t+ades, shovels, bees, rakes, hanies,•tritres, baiter
chains, Am., all at the very,lowest rates, tOyailch tie
call their especial notice. - • •
4e,—We ; invite-- the, attention =of
Mechanics generally to our stock of .edge tools,
lutell,_Raws, braces. 'Atte, ftwers. limonters, files, r±tspi!.
3c., trhlch Wp know to be era superior quality.
IRON. and STEEL (Call kinds euzistatitly
tr tctio
Thoh -come, frie»ds.-
ur goods, as we thriq:c usiti:ng frr
from - a - strict littentitiii—to-fm , •ibrr:
!Aim moqatO AV 9 , .11, rrpo ..t 0 Jiieril.: a Oil ;amp. ':
age. • Drnet . forpet tbr place, 11 , 10. : .. e.t of--
the ItAlltrind lirpot: ". : - . •
April 1 i llgii;--Ay.) ' STAYMAS .t: SUN 1S
AS P. 1.1.1. N ',4 . AND SUM NI 44.: R.
~ .
.. . -....---: HATS ANli CAI'S! . ' I
it:, J. u EF frk. .
Tlie undersigned:invites the attention of his old eus
tovidrs arld the Public
4 to his new anti Hutson:lWe
sorttnerlt-oftlr...ursm;.-........r0ys vaiVat_tue_tately_
CAPS: 4O- i - Weld quality. 'The assorttneut will be f o und
to embrace every sort and size of 'Mats and Caps for
Men,Aloys ; and Children, from the commonest and
cheapest tothe most stylish and fashionahle, tmel) ais '
Oakfurd'asprinittdyle of gentlemen's lints. White: /Wick
and Brt.wn, Slouch Rata, Witlaur Rats - 6f his-own-team
ufseture, Boys Both caps of various colors and prici,s,
with a large assortment of Metes and Iloy's straw hats
of different 4itialitas and prices; to suit the pockets of
both rich and poor. Feeling confident that every pnr
charier can be acootrlmodnted front his extensive and -
varied assortment be cordially invites his frhmds to
call and examine at his old ectablishment on Main
Street. , WM. if. TROUT.,
Thu subscriber would respect !ally inform his friends and
the public generally, that ho has just returned frein'the .
city with a large and varied Lineament of
FISH, &c..&.. which he Wens for sale on thi roo'y
most reasonahleAerms,_at his.,New Ston e
corner of North Hanover street and the Dui. , 7°
lIC Sifilare, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bank. 1110 stock embrases everything usually
in a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are Invited to call and examiee his stock
before purchasing ehewhere, AP he feels emif.dent lie car
sell the hest goods at the lowest prices.
.1. D. HALBERT. '
. .
Rtres--;-' 67.2 irn
g al I The sehsrril e) 'has hist
added to his former stock Agoner:ll selueti.l• ° o!
OItneERIES; as well as nil the ether N:11 kt
pn,uSually •kept hi it Orem., ll , tore' cal i i Na: I h'
Coffee roasted nod green- , -at and 11 11 I).
title4tns, Chi Cruslwd ; eth•i•.!,
raid,Stigars. Of line qualities; Cht•c•lnlcs. h es. I air;
Fait. and n variety of Fancy articles. nil of o 11 are e•
fered at the lowest 'cash prices. W c are t fer t le•
termer eappoit given AIN, and invite alu Mier call from
our frieials and eustoniers. .3. W. .I.IIY.
I Narion BAIL Carlisie. •
.9os ,fitting cinb Mitictjinero.
ING.—Tho undersigned would Inform the
di rens of Carlisle that he has made arrange
monis todooAB FITTING and PLUMBING 'at short no
tico, and On reasonable terms. Ito has engaged the ser
vices'of,tt first rate hand from Philadelphia, and has sup
plied himself with. an extends* assortment oY FIXT
DRUB, which till enable him to fill all orders promptly
All work will ho warranted: His stock of ties Fixtures
gill bo found in the room exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on North Hanover street, NV bury be.lus ices
. •
TINNING, srovnica, &c.—lle is. also prepared to
furnish, or make .to order, ever` y article of TIN WARE
usod by housekeepers mid others. Ile will alko attend,
and . - i '
Thankful for the patronage with which he basalready
been thvored, he respectfully - solicits a continuance o
the same,
Carlisle, JuneA4,c''44.
• pi t , ::CARLISLE
.11411%1QTR . 40 ) I ACIUNC SHOP,
e: • The subscriber has the satisfaction of in. '
1 .,41/11C forming his old friends. antlyatrans that
'• • -• , his establishment Is•againtn active nlat* , ,
rath.n, now buildings.having been erected mince the late
MBA trona tire and the whole establishment rutin, corn-
plots working order. Orders' are, therethro,raslielhill7
• solithed for entirk In his lino* which will'he done with
.promptneSs and in the boat manner.'. - ‘• •
. • stumd racQuir.o ninvr,To, prom
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery In, l'iPer,
•Grlataillisand••Funnies . repaired% at altertnotice.
Spindles droikrt and turned.. -• ' •
itteli-pis-lievll43ear-Four-Merin—Pawer. HaviventaLO •
sour liorse and Two Homo FrriversiFloughs,,,Clorri Sh4L,-.•
i.era and Ornshertr, dtc. Patter:la Order- Iran an
netss, CASTINGS' executed to ordoar, - it not -on
the thertestnetiee,'such as:Cranks and 'WM Rearing;
spar and Devil' Wheels, Budgeons, thr,Saw AlllfsePlurr,N
'quitings, Ontters,•Mut Wagon'and Coach Fox. ,•
!a, Spindles. Car Wheels, Car ,Chairsoici Ale has OHO_
i ts hand a bwiteaupply.orrhlladolphia and Troy • COOK 4
NO STOVES, and Is comptantlY making Cooking stoves.:
.14011.8 Imprortil pattWater coal or wood, ten plate
ca Orates. ortofatetialving dono to all kinds or lila
yips ••. All kindittit.old Iron, Brass and Copper taken.
41;yi wpii for work.
j'OSFP.II, A. - NEEDLES, Manufaotu -
WIRE: SILIC. Axn irnin-ctout SIEVES ?
Coario,.llfudium nuts Eno in;mesh : large, middle-412.d.
- and small in diameter. - •
:- .Cifiliti_best_itutifiges.'i talons sizes of mesh, from NOP. 1
41 , i4 inchisito, and from one to.siii feet in wldth.
They are numberiid en many spaces to thii !Meal Inch
end cut. to suit. - . ~, • .
. .
.The subscriber also keeps constantly in hand
~ .....-. ... r . SOIt.E.ESS, '. , •
kir 'coal, sand ore, 'Hine, genin, gravel: enalm, sunA.
sugitr, salt, bone, i•cigen,. 91co, drugrOlye-dye 4.. i.
.with an Immanent of
.. 114111112. 4ND A.
NEALLO llioN Wrii.E. • All the above g t il,i . 4 lioliiHti,::
nud-rotail - by,- . .--,' \,.,- .....-_ .1. A. NE EllIAES;;;, ~- ' s4.4ront Street, tiiiie:
Juno 4, 1800.—.1y. • . •
TNT. f (5 “ EN. S.LON• . & - •i•
• MERCHANTS, •L' • -
and Withlesttle lhatlerß In nll leinds cf . •
Fran*,- - r-ffv4A)oAtp;Tip--liiii.L=l.loßA.cro, _ •
iprporters of Fine Havana' Begars, of the . choicrrt
growths of. the Y net tambajo. - A large asrortment
which are 'kept conianttiv on. band, and Mr 1 , :4 le at
small advance on cost of linPortatton.
g U
rY - Consninents resP th
ecttully. solicld - , on viht , .
Ilhmul advances will be'nunte.when desired.
Speelal attention iven to Orders ter purchase on. cm
mission 011'01r:co. 4s also every deseriptl'om Merche.
diSe, for accounts parties liviN . itt'a distance from th
marltet.- .
tE!'t,,Sojo Ago t for F. A. (lootio's celebrated Germ
ttioking Toba , 0. ef anprbilog thirty ditlereht varietkr.
April 23, 18 —l,y,
Q ItEPPAII & 11 - A REIN G14;1%, •
L..77.-Th'e subscribers 11:Maga:moved to their—. •
NbilY AND SPACIOUS' WrollE,_ .
No. ,
2/ll.Chesthut Street, fourtli door abiive
Are (lifer a largo and well selected...dr. , :
of the following fresh and deSirtible pleas. r -
their own Importation, or bta4:lit at :Auctimi s 14 .
they are ate to call 'at the importer's ia ieeQ• and
which they cordially invite the attention of Couul -
Men:Mints, MAO Keepers, nod families gents
Duff, Green and 'Venltian Window Slnhilm.•. — " •
lint li?y :roil - ylstrllilleir
11-4. 12-4.
• Bolster mitt Pkilow Linens of several eLoirr, 'Heads .•
anitall widths risen! 38 to 54' ruche.;.
. 'Bed itiiinkets of ell FIZOP and quatittes, •• •
Crib slid Muffle Tilatikets. .
Mod Quilts of the following varieties. viz: Mu rseill
Welting; Knotted, ltegister. A thumb: a, A lienifideil '
Lancaster, °fall the desirable sizes
Bureau (lovers, Viitile Covers, 'Window Gensler 31iisl',
Towels and Towelitig of bivery varie_tr,lhintakk l'al i -
Cloths and Naphins, Shirting Linens and . -M mliii, Cio
brie Itandkerehiers, EmbaoiderliKllesierr. ,te. ' B
tel. Damasks, na.
.1-Milirptdered' Lace :mil :Um::
Curtains, Gilt Corulees, Hatftis, (hums. Ci rd. ke. -
Silli"lhAftD Si VAN HACH7:d ilql,
Imtmrte'rs am!.l;ei:liirs in Linen and House Furl& I
lugpoods. ' .
April ;4"
0 5 6 ---
, 11, , ,1,i1in. . . - _.....
vil IT N_B:A_R'LS. qi) N .14;-.1.'• It Lk; !
. 1 I 7 1 and t i CA3lloo s tAll STkiltE;
No, l'd'Seuth Second St., Corner of Carttir_til.:,_ i
- The establishment liss been-enlarged and Milne\ ,
and is supplied with tho largest and best Itelail Ste ~
I,). t I i lity, -- fiii - liiipallyielltisliOtti IlfatittnikUllY, - *IV , .
.iiiitAes_ass.ortment_. frUm the , best, Eastern !tied:et «t,
1 brad 'lg. ladies,' tlopils' . ,..anddill - th i - ; en' -
lief every description, style and. quality, embracing il ,
best styles and qualities In thi §. .,.er nuy baler - -r - marl:.-
This stock cannot be - Anti:elle& for',l2uality Style a«,
Cheapness . . • •
havit article ,bi 'niarkod at the Tory lowest possit.
prlee, )rem-which no deviation, will be made. . No t
travagant statements will bo needed; and nbi.e made i
_Z i tliii . in. the_MArlter;.alvTaTti'bil hand, . The pliblii
respeetfUlly invited to call.. - [April 1.-1851.
N C 14. T
ItuPture successfully treated, and eonstort meta •
by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by
'subscriber. - stutEllltdo to order ex t.ressly for S FOit4l. -
All autferlus, witli o lliipturc will be gratibed to leta
that the occasion non . ..odors to procure a Tiuss coral
lug extreme lir,htni!sit, with ease, durability nod entre,
construction, in lien Of the cumbrous and nriconl rem:
ble article usually told: Ah extensive tosterttnen
no hand, adapted to every Tarinty of Rupture in lulu:,
and children, and for stile at a range of price to suit a
Cost of Single Trurses; sti, $4 'and ssl•t i lteuble, t: •
5. $6, SS and M. - .
Persons at n'distanre tom have n Truss sent to any r.
dress by remitting the amount, sending measure wens . ..
the hips, antbanting side nitected:
For Salo Wholesale and Retail by the importer. • • •
for. orTwulfth & Race Stit.,Dlillndelpblo,
Depot fur Dr. Ilanulpy.'s Irripmed Patent Ludy Bro..
ell h:xpandurs - nntl, 2 PireetOr -Braca; Patent_ I,lloulto
Braces; Suspensory Bandages ;. Spinal Privet rind 1.1.
ports. Ladies Rooms, with cutupeteut lady att
spi endar.l
ll 13.
. ,
To all persons atilicted with Sexual disilwes. sui
PIII LIS, ke.,,Lc. • Y.
The tioIVARO ASSOCIATION' of Pitiutdelphla.
low ,d WO awful destruction of human life and beam
• ;,;0-..4.6) . sexual diseases, and the deceptions ahieh g,,
upon the unfortunate victims of such
ac. - have directed their consulting Surgeon; it,
Ci lA' I'l &ILE ACT worthy• of , their name, to et ,
ti..I+IV'AI. ADVICE OItATIS, to. all .versens thus
' 1
k Vele or Forodewhe apply. by letter, (pc,4l-ila
with a description of their condition, (age.,eccupatiel
habits of Lite, &e.,) Arid in extreme poverty and sufferi
The Howard Association is adonevolont I nstituth • -
established by special endowment; tbrdho relict of ti .
dcit''and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and 1 4
letede'diseases,." and its funds can :be usetV . tt r otb.
- , urpose , It has now a surplus of 'means, hieh t 1
Directors hei , e voted to advertise the. above notice.
is nendieleal to odd that the A MtlAtifl4l3 commands 11 1 4
Medlool_skill of the age.
Address, (post-paid,) Dr. Et). R. CALHOUN ? COnEti,:
lug Siirgeon, Howard - Association Philadelphia. l'a.:
By order of Directors •
EZRA D. ' .IIEARTWELL; President
• .
aril H. GEO. FARECUILD. Secretor*. •
• ~
• ,
Located In Filbert Street Moe! Stover. lb;
the Lectirtn of the.regular courses/tit commence
tho Second Mandy of October, and contlnup until 4.4 '
,trst of)larchetlifto l B ,
lotU4int4otfeenthr a fill course of Lectures
• • (In'farbibly cash), . • $lOO 00
Btudanta wbnjeTti a4O tend ed t , nof,up:courses
In other Modlaateollegts, 001 00
• Oridcodes ofotber Medical BOOO
5144triculatIou Pee, petit ot4lx once, , 500
80 .
Ondulkt 4 /*4 *
Moans 'Wttlismscdi, Etneiltns Protester of CHI '
cal Medicine.. , • -
1. Assn, ' D 4 'Frollistii - Itatiria` Medici in
TherePttPtlcs.' , "
Abv.4 l l rriess°±', ol norocenoltio init .
• • tutes.Vatliology. and the .P.ntettee . itiredichl et:
ldisc Wsup.,'_sli'D;4'Prefesser of 01%tetries, Ttl;eaF
et Weinani anti Childkiii; tied rdical' Surispruden.
AlarrusNy.'4ltet , s, 14. Prhfessor or Cbeintstry
• Tex,
mila.:Profeinsor of Suite ry, • 7,
Wnifsatt.A.. ItrauS4 Protestor of P ystology.
Ascnozu, D., Professor cif Anatomy...
• '• , • I ..Niuerilth and Silbert Streetiii'Phila.
August „ , • -
`I x~I3DN EN,(~NL ` tbrdiviag
italgui 4 of Niter 60 to 60 I'M, caateirovi Utt.arn.
Force rutops,Darn Door Rollers, Whea.
with Oats and Orals,. &ewers attached. Mews
various Ivltterns and ekes,' 'Square ,arid kispandiP;
Harrows,. Gore's preuiluta patent . Rutter, Worker,—.
new article just received. 4 9eo, : articles it
their proper season „ tor the Ihrm end moon.
lltirnent. and deed etcre
7 and Market, Phila.
July 30,1850.']
• 3tANtyrATili s ix Tomtcco, ' •
, '3l South Frovt ittivot. I'hUadc Aida: