Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1856, Image 6

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fitllll anb
- From the Scientific Anuiricen
Natiens - are powerful in proportion to
productive,capacity of things use.
ful and necessary ;.but so far as' the . niere
' physical power of, Wien is concerned,
-there is but little difference between thos..
of differentcountries.,. The barbarian Can
endure as muchtoil and fatigue as the
man, 'and yet' the productive
owers •Of Um: . country, in — c - ohipansun
withlhos'e of China, for example, With
her -2''6,0110,000 , of. inhabitants; is be •
. yond calculation: . 'kW earl We account
. for thiS - ? . Tlifiv-Chinese are an industri- .
sous and patient people, .and, they have
every variety Of 'soil and clibiate, and
yet they are . weak and4owerless,in corn
.. parison with a, nation having nine times
less inhaLitants. • • • . NEW WHOIA,ESALE-,DILU.O
. .. . . . ' STORE
• There" is one thing very evident to US N..5 10,4 NC,Tit TIIOMAS, No. 20 South Second Street
as tho ruling element of national power . Plifilli t 't• ttr i t c e;' , N r . 1 -r-gr i V7j , A na rig"
in modern times, 7 —we mean nilecbanical Dye Stuffs, iaints, Oils, Colors, White 14C;t1, FreM . ll:mi,
' American White Zinc . .. Window Glass, glass 'Ware, Var.
- . -ge. 111Us r -flo_ the. fir_o_d_. tic_tio_u of ttsefair roa. - litsbes, Itrushtts, instr u ments, - (mend - Spices, - whole
ehinery.: AS a nation multiplies its Ina, Sniciis',lnd all other artiClok-usually4tolit..hy Druggists,'
CitilleS, so . inu ' Alitdr its, power..--- , I%.liLtid(i:iiiir';',`l`).Z.'l3l•::lllli)°;'Grotinirwrtuallivic:..olu'oi
p la ti 4 y h 'ut Ar t e e . lided
. The great - tind powerful ,nations ',of . the to. Coeintry In e rtliaanto are' invited' to 611 and °kaoline
• • oat' stock before purchasing elsewhere.. ir•. - .6-a.-Kos Sent
d i . •
present y, Ale those which have the t,., a n y of the wharvesor E aliread sttiou. l'rieue I.w
• and ariods IYarrantod. 'Nara: 6, 10-Iy.
.greafes.t number of inachines„ For ex-- __
• , ! , - k.ple, in Clina r the work which we dc, . 1 - 4 1 ALb. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS .
with machinery they perfaiiii - With man. .' ' - -••-. A- W1M1.:541.11-AVr...lircAll.. ' •
01' ' I N & •
.oltll t. I . . C 0,0., .
ual labor*. With one Steam 'engine „ 0 l, •
nportor and Manufacturers of CLOAKS. and MAN
-100 horse poNyer, we tu do a:- ! T " 1 i1 i. t 1 i . , .V i, , 1, 5u. i, 1 1 7 , - i t h ltr o i l l i t a lt s•r i e r , , lt n ,
N.Y.,1 liairiltVilirtltl7oi'liitill:
much work as'ean be done there by a iim,..,ts,':•!stik.',.a,f.,l-av .N N. Y .. 'the iar A eiit net ufacturer
Iholltalld'.lllo 11, and a.thousand Steam en .:
.4 these {; nods In. the Unit e d States.) be g to ci 1 the at,
i t entlon.olVi'holesale and Retail i m yers' to th it-large
gine , : of ail hundred, horse power - each, iind varie4 stock of MAKS, T.U.3IAS, A:c., Ac..
fir the
are equal to the labor_of-a-million__ men LI:" t r" de! '11"r e illection . oiirises a
,omlp! t he
.----- IAIOII2II. " alLtil , s latest. 'Parisian Novelties in 1 (livid,
. • , the • Moire Anti q ue) C IrTETITTI ilill - S1 I krol:gi_ . ._Wilillt the f a
With-all other kinds Of machineS
. _ .. -Cillties afforded by Choir connection with Jhe liiifsa
,53.111 C COW prisons are equally app a,• nilinf:trturin4 House, (of those f g oods,l in 'New York,
This is the way we •Jherease producti. enable them to g uarantee better ' , talon tha'n Is obtaina
ble olsewhere Sallie Nlarket. OEO.IIIII4'IN & Co.,
labor; this is 't Ile - way we T econoinise.-Aa- —301.t.._a,•155---3ia. C_- 174 Cliesnut.Street :41,:we'70:
b.or. In -China there are few•maehines,
and these: are but 7 _rune.; there are no
steam - engines, saga:l:boas t .. railroads,
„poWer .looms,-.woodplaning .machines,
thrashing machines„ reapers--ione -of .
. those • machines,.countless_ in_nuinber, II E it RI N GA--The
by-whieliWe-economisciaborrand _render. 'has just , • ecolve4 lot of
_ .
- our country great in power and comfort. -ThiF:sl.l:llminiNii;_'.
of titleyear'!+ Nor sale tit' the est:6ll,4lA
• • able in its varied:" Abundant:o. Every
new machine invented to economise la- .• • North lirmovor St I)Al,llElt'f..
_bor, therefore, is a public, benefit, and
every inventor a public benefactor.. Oh;
- how much we owe- to inventors :.without
them we have no -reason for supposing_
0 we would be more . comfortable - , greater,
or inure civilized than the Chinese, or
eveii - rateritatinist'But • with all ourti
machines, countless in number. though
they be, much is yet before our invent;
tors to accomplish.;, their task will .not
be done until they have' reliefed. Mani
from tui incalculable amount of drudgery;
which he yet performs; not until they.
place biter, in a still wore favorable po-._
. sition . for his intellectual and moral de
... • Improvements. in machinery, by in-
creasing productive labor, giTe maul
10.0 - urp,' - *And . dins • inereaSe. his- plc:waxes:A
• A friend iedeutly. from France, who had
Visited 4. great number of flour mills in
that; country, spoke in sorrow of the con- I
vtinual drudgery caused by rade and in-i
efficient n nchinery—.ehlightened and-re-1
fined,,though that country is, and full of I
ingenious .artieuns. Day and night;l
from year's end to year's "end, Sabbath,
days 'and all, the clatter Of • the
• never ceased—Ahe operatives were pei
feet slave's to the machines. , ii.uii .tur.
improved machinery they court; ne , L ,
plish four times as much worm,
find leisure to improve their.unhos, and
• rest their toil-wornframest •
In our last number a correspondent
.. gave us pleasing information regarding
his-sum:esti-in, thrashing by a portable
steam engine ; this application of steam
power, .More
. uniVersally adopted, will
save a vast amount .of. labor. Plowing
by. steam is another' Application .whieh,
when fully successful, as it uo,
,doubt l
• Will berWill also affect an immense sav•l
int;'. • I •
• •: . 1t is not possitro - ' 'for us to point • out
all the objects to which ihventors can
. yet devote their energiet And talents in
- making new cont.. of wind over mut
ter, but th 4 are stnumerous as the
sands on the 'sea shore. Au - inventor
should have this thought, ever prose it
with him, '. l liow can 1 best economise
labor ofiany kind. 7 Every persow-gains
by iMprovementsin'machinery, and none
so. much as those mechanics who combine - .
.' their own labors, with machinery, in the,
.business in. whit* they., are partienlirly
engaged.;.: The unintlifacturer. Who . makes.
• the cheapest and beat...article, by, having
the must inaprcted:..iitiaehines 40' 'scone intselabori - coott obtains-a—iuperior
• tom f o r s his - pradicti,, - and thus while he
benoilts leis country byadding to its pip
dUctivepowerssUP, also benetitsildiuself.,
•At every xliibltiOn of Induitry; 7 ---suOV
aiy the: 'Fair ;of .the Anierioan institute'
now op . on: in the,Cryitid. Paltice;this city.
iiiventotts and meelianies,alionld•infroin.,
isa every machine and: article. rithibited,
SCiroli . oht their defeca, Mid study him.
•• to iMprove.them. This ia, oho excellent
• ; itfity
. way to benefit •thenisehies 'and their • fel
_ - :low men .by improving and • increasing
—Age n ts—of—Power; and--probably
point ciliiew to many. ••:-- . • •
"' t i t c._,,„'„ ; . , Os A „ FETTER'S . . •FUR
-. 1 ''''" 15" m° ' V -'''''' - NITURE .7100 MS .
-• ' CP` • WP'• • ORO --
N *0 w . 0 ICI 11A Nn •
--a large assortment of ouOr and fashionable FURNITURE
and CHAIRS '
•Wolnut and 'Mahogany Dressingilureaus, with marble
Sofas, Tables. and washstands. . .
Wliliii4 Etagores arid Wardrobes..
--'_illahogauy.and WninUt • Tables of all sizes.. ... ,
Pancli iledsteads, Maho'grifiy Mid Plain'Tablesd at all
prices. ' ' .:__"
- Pallor Arhn Chairs, and Rocking : Chairs, witu velvet or
' • ..--- hair-cloth-scats ayd backs. •
Mahogany and Walnut- Phairs With hainaoth or cano
, seats. • .-
Plain Chairs of all kinds.
. :
• ea and, see this new and olegant assortmont at tho
' Furilituro Robms of the subscriber, on Louther
. street.
near the corner of North Ifanovor. -
, • - 1.1, W. -
-tar t a lot of sa awtall - a -- tkommiti.t roeelred. will be
old very cheap at the'sturo'uf - the subscriber, in-WeFte
Slain street. Phase call and see before purchusina else
where.MAlL IMtl T SNOMIILASS . .
. . .
10:rust 13,1850.
JUST .13,11:0 14.11 Y- • ,
•. , •. OtIEREINS,
PItEIigILVED 01E6E1'. .
Above articles wurreuted equal to any in mirket
For Ante low for cashnt
July Id, 18o6."
• MEL& Co. having oponed n hiritt+.l.umbor Yard
nt :%leolitinicaburg, would. invite Carpenters, Builders
and others wanting - Lumber to Ail' and sae. as thpy
hare all kinds of Lumber on hand. All orders sent to
Mecimnicsburg will be punctually attended to. •
Juno 11. 1850.—:Ini-
. It E Al O.,VA L. . •
s r i. enNEII k 1111.0,. have tutupivitratlly moveditielrl
Sto to the corner room of Burklielder's lintel, where
they will be pledsed to smthoir - old customers. ,• '
....':Flite'and Common Clothing,
,• ' Plain and Figured Clothing,
• • Light and sombre Clothing, ' •
' Night and morning, Clothing . - •
' ' Noon and evening Clothing, •
'' • ' . Dress and business Clothing,
. --Week and Sunday •Chtthing,,
.. - llomu:and traveling (nothlifg, .
ltri.tht and soft hued Clothing;
" Big and little" (nothing, • .
-- -,:- .- lliiyit' dud youngdnbt's Clothing,.....
' ` Drava dg'
dud stylish Clothing',
, Cheap mind elie.ipor Chthlitis, .
Or any kind of .11,4 hie„,
oily tio had at 6 VEIN CB k 11110'3. Cheap Clothing
St we. . ,
A e mag ,',lnilr (ix totod r 0 :issortntent Indy he found Fine
. iti k .k nod Blue Novi •Atylo mid Fro& Coot , unkdo
in ill!. kitttAt 1,u,h1 ins or Vratieh and English Cloths—.
..iv style Business !bats. of Black. Brown, Blue and
Orden Clubs. and ,'lain and Fancy„Cosidinures. ,
Lintiniiinv,hotit. and - t;ottint - Coats, of every kind.
Double and - Single•breasted Vests, nn' endless variety
.of Plain and:-Fancy Silks, Satine,„Cassinteres, Uruna
dines, and•Mnrseilles, &c.--• "'""'
Fine Black French Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere
Pants; Plain Light-Colored Fancy Cassimero Pants—
.. Spridg Styles. -- , -,.,, • . ~..•. ,
Also a full Assortment of hirt.4, Collarti,Bottoins, Cra
vats, Poaket . ilandkerchiefa;Stispouders, StockS,Gloves,
llomecy and Umbrellas.
—1 Carlisle, April 16,,18,56. .
. •
pursuance, of a'n order Of the Orphans' Court of
Cumberland county, the subscriber will expose to pub.
lic sale, on thermises, • . •
On MO. DAY; SEPTEMBER, 29th, 1850,
at 1 o'clock, ,p: M., of saiday, the real estate of
4 8
Hobert Cook, late of Monroe to ship. deceased, viz:
• sitdate In Monroe township, Cumberland county, near
Eraudt's Mill, containing One- and three-quarter acres
of Orourd, all ander fence. The improvements are a
Two-story 14,M HOIJSS, Citable , and other out-build
ings. There are a number of Fruit Trees on the premi
ses, and a well of good watdr conVeulent-to the door.
The terms will be—le per cent., when the property is
~s l.4 drickeu °d o lma the balance on the Ist of April, 1t551.,
' • Executor,
13 it 110 00DS 1
Aug 20, 18,56—t5•
_The subsCrWors have just received, ono of the largest
stocks of Dry. Goods ever brought, to Owlish). Their a*
sutteaot is full and complete, Comprising
811 ks, Poplib; Challis, Bares's, Tissues, Wals, Brit
. liautea,• Lamartlnes, Crisp° de kla4tgne, Cunt. . •
tislas ilombasinas, Cashmeres, Al,
pacas, Ddlalues, Spring !Shawls, '
bonnets, Flats, Flowers,
Skirts,Parasals, •
•• groat — sartaty. ---- t
cloths, flastioloreih ftatialiCloths, Cashauerettes; Lini t roti.
Tweeds, VestingS, Silk Undershirts, linta, Caps, Cravats, :
arid Collars. • Also a full - and 'complete asiortinent, of
STAPLE ,I)OkIEST/0,..000D80, „1.1
ineludlng Woollen and Cotton Urn, Carpet main, Wiri.
•AloorilLinds, Feathers, 011 Cloths, looking Classes, Au.,
pet Bags, Brushes, *rid 4114147 , 0 r VOW: ikqicies• • •
•• • MOUBNIX(I,,BOODS • • .
.alw,ays On hand. iThoole who to obtain the - bal'
goods AT Int 41Wit3T 1 . 11.14/4" NV ;artfully invited to
cOl at
April 13, litStl.j
. Idonkkkuorot Otroot.or , :
De 6 Cheap Job Piinti
The.Tweirth B,tiollnf thbtaititutien wilrEonatience
en Newby, the J 4 of .Noveinber..: . Parents And O liar;
dians are requested to inquire into its merits bcibre
"1 - 4e11411i - g -- thrir seas erwardsvisewhere._!Plielocation of
' the Institution is retired, pleasant and licaltliFii,
and the course, el. Instruction °tailraces the online
ry mad higher branches-of an' English - Edutetien;
gaiter. with the Latin, ()reek, French, and COERItill st
gitagoa, and vocal .anat. instrinnental music, Terms,
hoarding,,washing r undTuithutin the Fautlisit branch
es anti vocal amide p 4 BesSiOnl.2lweeltsysllo,oo. -For
circular centeluing particulars address .t ,,
Harrisburg, Pa.
JACOB. FF:rT111(
Sop. 17, 1866.]
' • (.14 tLISLE,
,I'n.—Thu Twentieth Session (tlvo
•q) vill commune° Oil May. Mai. A: .nuw , build
,vi .
7. eon, ureetett . containing Vynnmsituu,, Alusio
illg hss
•• nereased faellitleS for Instruction and ample
ace modatlons, - HAS :Institution presents great
ducentonts to parents who . desire the pliYsical and
mental impeoveumut of their sOns. • ,
'!'arms per Session, $95 UO. Poe cirenlain
information, address • .
'April ' • Principal and PrOprietor, •
il , Me. Plainfield, Cuiiiintrisna cm, Pm,
mit and MIK CLA 11K,• who IMve been for sect:nl,
years engaged in teaching, respectfully announce to the
citizolas of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the let of Sep.
tember, 1856, they will Commence the second S6OOllOll
belittler Street, near.the (lemon lietbrined Church, of
The Institution will be both a .boarding and day
school, In which all the branches necessary fer . the conk- -
pletenducatiun of young ladies will be taught,. Assist- .
ants -of the highest character .for qualifications -and
morality will Inbemployed in accordance with the wants
of tholnstltutlott. The . government willbe conducted
on strictly Christian principles, while sectarlaniem
be as rigidly excluded.
Thu l'rincipals natter theinselves that their long'and
successful experience as teachers, as testified by the
recoultraondations in their possession, will unable them
C, Ortho bigliellt character Tor
young ladies. They'are fully persuaded that such an
Institution will be sustained here by the citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that their confidence
allay not he disappointed.
The S.:hid:l4oc year will consist of four terms (elov,tin •
eelot each). beAbining,' on September I and ending on
SOCOlldlrellllol4llly ill July.
Boardifig, including tild,
tuition iu branches,. • Vitt 00 , ,
•"- --Erintary 'Department,. - •- et 00'
. 1 •
Higher - - - ,ti On
Ancient :ma D It.dorti'Latiguages, elicit,-5..00'
Ornamental brandies at pridessor's
.N 0 deduction for absence alter outrAnee, except in
'casit'of prototetcd illness.. •
lion. FE ED`ll. wArrs, RUN. C. C. AV ENO.
J. It. PA UK ED; Es:. •• . A. 11. KU EM ED,
.JAMES HAMILTON: Kin., " J A(1011 1:1IY, ' •
'D. 11.. SKI LES Esq.,. , ' . "• IV .ATTE ELS.
Dr. S. B. KIEFFEII, - , " .1. 11, MOltthtt,
Rov. Mr. sTiautwa. . .
mar.-.lp, 1 tisg-1 yy,ar. ' • ..;
- W)/z ;/W,
f - 10.1111IE R.O 1A L- C O'L LEG
- 1..4n0w.a to MittMittnow and spacious Hall, NU, frFa7iid
, IviBNLTIMORC SlritEr.T. halt iinoro. Md. .
U. K. CINAM7WILIS, Principal and Lcaurur upon . 31-orean '
• .
the &leiter. • - -
. , .
E. K: Lomita, In elnirgu or IV.riting Dopart.tricnt.
U. 11". Kiur, Instructor in 31tiremitin! Calculutions And
Associate lu Book lieeplug Duiga:cment
I'llllllrd. Tuticher In Ii wk lieeping.
8 T. WILLIAIKS,Lueturer ou Commercial haw.
Three years have not yet elaps,el since the establish,
nient Of this institution, during Ivhich time upwards of
eight hundred students have Loon Orattendaucc, (rep
resenting nearly every State In the Union,) among
whom are putabera in tlalthuore and elsewhere occupy
ing prdtalnent radtlons as bum luess wen and account
BOOK KBEPING,The Principal heath:Cut:nest con
fidence iu.ussuring the public that after an experience o
fourteen yeArAln qualifying young men fur the Count
lug Room' nd other important stations, and an exten
sive acquaintance with the management of buSinees
books of every description, (lissistod as he is by, twoCci
entitle accountitic,i tha,course of training in this de
partment, is eminently practical said well adaptakt - to
the various pursuits Ipl'Uottimerco and Trade, incitiding
individual, Partnership; 3iercantlle, Man utak:Wring,
Commission,.Eceluinge, Banking, shipping. Steamboat
ing, Ceuipaund Company operations, ,te.
_ _t t:NM - AN:MI P. - - 4 41m ex.ercises - under this-head-are
lice, easy and gradeful; coutbining rapidity of execution
with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student
to write an elegant business hand on cohOctiou of the
1111RCANT1LE dALCULATIONS in all their various
bearings are taught by the most accurate and expedi
tious method. •
Daily lectures are delivered upon the Science of Ae.
counts, Mercantile Cavite:us, ac., these in tennectiou
with a series of ledurea ou ComMercial Law; are of the
highest importance to all aspiring to occupy prominent
positionS in the business community.
Vhe tlinc,,,necessary for an' industrious student to
complete the course, varies from 8 to 12 weeks. Thol'e
being no vacation,
applicants can enter at any thou;
and Attend both day and,evening. .Exaininations are
held itt stated -periods, and diplomas awarded io t use
who graduate. For tortes, etc., write and inivo n CI., P
lar forwarded by mall. ft.:c t. 3,
eiorL:;. dub ',:fil)ivs.
The subscriber has just returned from tilt - City;
aud is now opening, next door to Chas. lilaglauchlin's
Initel, in North Hanover streeti-a splondld 'asiortment
of new and cheap DRY 00015, , comprising Bonnets, :
Ribbons, Cloths. C Lawns, Call.mes,
DeLaines, balm s, Cheeks.- Ticklugs, Hosiery, _Morns,
white and colored. Carpet Chain, dm.
• OROCBILIES of all lands, and best quality. AliM, a
large stock of superior BOUTS AND SII01;S. All of
which he will sell as cheap as any lions() In town'. •
Butter, Eggs; Bugg, Soap and - Dried Fruit taken at
Blarket prices.' - • 'N. W. WOODS, :Wt.
Carlisle, April
1855•"" F ALL
u li nd li ersigu N ed O h2 L ju l st U rep E len . ish
ed but stock. of •
and Is prepared to supply his friend:intod customers with
ahnost moil:dug required fu domestic use, at prices
which he hopes wilt prove satisiltctury. . Ills stock con
sists of ovary variety of ..kfoods sultablo for town aid
noun trrtise. flu has also ou hand it general assortuthnt
of ILIAD W ARE, such as may be medial by farmers and
mechanics for every day use. We stock or
Is largo and embraces an excellent assorUneut of choice
'mantes. All for oate Wholcattleuud Retail, Southliast
comer of Ilanotter,aud Loutttor streets, Carlisle, I.a.
Sir Country Produce - talut in exchange for goods.
not. '2101)5.. - SAMUEL C. 11UYETT. •
' The oulocriborhitii noosed his store to the house
riS;ently occupied by Dr. 11. W. Ciutiman, next door to
Clutriosldaglaugh '1 Hotel, where he has a general
assortnteilt, of • • • •
ant will be happy to have his *friends aud customers
come nntt see, btal•2--Thankfut for. pas Lfavors,lul hopei
by strict attention to . his business to merit a share of
April 9;184g.]
of roi wh. lotto • u deleted for years with thls
b o p reoz oo, •dw her been using almost
everysOstram be itho t we sa y .
to y ou .try• 4$ Kieffer's AntopePtio and you willful:so
be sonelneed . of Its Fried superiority orer every other
ori)paration.; We-could giro you many certificates geob
orating our imitations, but a single trial is, worth more.
than all. This remedy is prepared and sold ntlhe prug
Store of 11.3. South ilanover street a fey
doors south of the Ocurt. F' ; -so, Carilsio.
• , • FIVE PER •
- Ara meeting ot tbe-Dourd-et-Pirectors, huld_onthe_f4h_
of March; th6o, It was unanimously resolved that inter
est sheud lbe paid on miecial 'deposits by Ilhe Cdtlisio
Deposit' Dank, incorporated by the kitate of Dennsyl.
- fdidaTaafellowa.
per cent. per annum for 4 months,
I .
" it r 12
'lnterest cous6s After the expiration'of thheartificate,
unless renewed, and the money always paid hack with
out notice.
•• ,• ' lty'order of the Board of Directors.
March 12, 1850,j \ir:l4l; .Cludiler.
WORDei, r Joutv S. STEILETT, • ;
..1011:1 0. DUNLAP, HENRY A. STURGEON. ' •
This Bank, doing business in'tho moue of WEIL
Bit Ebib:t..MAN &' CO. is now fully prepared to do a gee,
oral thinking ifuSinoss with proinptuess and fidelity.
Money receivial on Deposit. and pull baciLon demand
without notice. Interest. paid oti• Special
Partidular attention .paid to.the, colhiction td Notes,
Drafts, Cheeks; &c. in any part of the 'United States or
Canadas • .
Remittances made to England, Ireland or tho Conti
nent. The faithful and confidential execution °fall or
`ders.entrusted to . then, may be relied upon. They will
at all tinter be pleased to_givo, any information desired
in regard to niofie:; matters id generate, '
The proprietors a this' Bank aro individually liable
to the extent of their • estates for all the dbptsits and
other obligations of her, lirennentan & Co..
tfo_ilail king House in Trout's Building, Main Street,
mfew deers east of the Ea Road epot. O pen for bust-
M from ()o'clock iu the ll
mornin D g, until 4 o'
the evening. il. A-STURGEON, Caflier.
A --Interest at the vote of ; b.per 'cent. per auburn
will be pahlfen Special - fiep• sits us heretofore.
Carlisle, Marelv.lB. Isi 0., . „.
.9tour.& uiu-umtr.
p.EP ARE;, • -1\ 'IZ.
,_ __ .. - rmatmt - Aisli COOKING STOVES.
The Subscriber at his old stann iniNorth Hanover st.
Carlisle, the Mum of the "Mannuoth Red Coffee rot," do.
Ives to call the attention of the peblie• to I& largo as
°anoint of Sti IV HS, Ut 'tho newest and most lashietia
,. I ble styles, from the bust Manufactories In the
"'',...: country, and at all prices frttn $3 to $l6.
0 ,1
..'•-• -- -
_-- Among his VA R.1.01C &CII A SI Mit t.TONES
i •. , ,... are the Mirror Stove, the 'Meth!. teVere, `tar, aMq l'ertlan, Unlon and ilitemAir 'tight. together
--. with Other patterns which he has of all -sizes.
fai pariOrs erchanibers.and calculated tm btiruinisaxither
w o od or_ coal, salsa, the ittita; (Ilolai,' Aster,.-Albany,
FlatTop7tild Bandbox 'or Voor Mon's. 'w ith other COOK
-11t; Sit!VES, corepriaing the latest imMovements in - 1
kitchen stofeS, and intended to either mood or coal.—
Also. the Dining Room 'Cooking. :dive=rt new Mill Ore-)
gaticartlele: to - which - he' invites -the:particular-atteu-_t
tlen'ot families'. llis rooting stoves mango in priec i ,filen
$1 tal 2.5, with.tho fixtures - complete. Also, Nil.e'Platto
B'. yeA of v :Mous patterns amid different prices. -
. • Alst / . I .' : N ' SY! F.T.1:1 , ..D - A:iVl/ - TIN N Elr - NtA I tii - th r- Cook
ing Stovo, truss Kettles, &c. Also, every article in the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. Tho public are respect.
fully - iiiilted to call its he is confident with his large '
tet4e-vartety,lind Cheapness, of being all,do'to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchnsOr. Call and see.
()Ct. '2:s. 1854. ' • ' M. MlillltlS
. _
-------------; --;--
To V ..ES ! 81:0 - .V.14;61 1 . , - &.l' 0 VES - 1 -- --- .
..L3::101i-s li. (I(I.ItHAS• would infoim the public that
he has now on hand at his establishment, on....Main-St4-
non t Marion Hall. the largest end moat cool
\\ -- -- piet9 assortment of COUR, OFFICE .t.-P
tr. All
, Dill STiIVES to be found in this county,
....,• .• w hich 'will -he sold .at the lowest prices' for
il" - cash or approved Credit. His stork. CIUIPIStti of
.‘1 rg
• Vi.j a lae assort-tautM
of .now id highly ap.
-- proved PATENT commit) STOVES, finished .
In the neat coMpletc noiper, and calculated for either
wool orcoal, or-both.All,-the-old-standard-patturns
which have stood the test of. experience, may be found
at his v. ablishment. Also. a great variety of tho moot
approve ~ and beautioll PA ItItOIt . 'OI.TICE STOVES, in
cluding ~number of 'new style*. possessing very supe
rior advantagom over those heretofore In use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully Invited to give him a
call before purchasing olatewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of. the country and put up at the ibortest no
tice. lie continues to do all kinds of. TIN AND SlitlET
IRON IVAR E. and Copper Work, anti has constantly on
hand or will make :to order' every article required by
housekeepers or others in this line. His stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil. warranted equal to the best manufac
tured. Persons in want of articles in his line may al
ways be sure ¢l being accommodatedto their satisfactioe
by giving blm a call.
.. 1 •1-1
\ - __.. F.
CO., OF LO I m IA::E rt N B ,. PA., insures Detached
buildings, Stores, 3 erehandlze, Farm Property, and
other buildings, and heir contents itt moderate nttes.
CAPITAL $300,00 I—Cli A ItTER PE PETLi AL. •
. -
. C.
lion. John Penice, ' ', lion. O. C. In y, --
John 11. Hall, - T.T. Abrams,
Charles A. Mayer, , D. J. Jackman, - ' •
Charles Crist, . , W. White,
Peter Dickinson, • Thos. Kitchen. .
. .
IION. G. C. IiARVEY, I Pri.s:
, . T. C. A umtsts; Vice Pres^.
1 • ItI:V.M.LENCY.A.
SaMllOlll. Litt' d, Thos. Bowman, D. D.,
A. A. Winegaritner, . Win. Vandorbelt;
L. A. Mneltey; . . Wm. Feeron,
71.. Whit°. ' ' Dr..l. S. Crawford,
• -0 .. .. , a•-•
'James (Niggle, •
~..,..&b ., upmgra“, .
John w, mtlyiitirti,
lion. Simon Cameron,
ilis lr e ..M l ;n i t i . i. -- 11 : 1 4 1 , e , r 1 „ sent.
. -.-
May 15, 1856--ly. (Carl tat e,•retin'ao
Charter Perpetual.—s4oo,oo o Capital paid in. ot!lce
16334 . Chesnut street. •
- - -
Was INstmcvog, either permanent or limited, against
loss or damage by tire, on rnoectrry and-',ervrers of every
description, in town orCountily, on the most reasonable
terms. Applications made either personally or by letter,
will be promptly attendedlo.
' C. N. BANOKElt,Pres't.
The suliseriker Is agent kir the above cinripany for
Carlisle and its 'vicinity,. All applications for insurance
either by swill or personally will be Airciniptly attended
to by , . .I.4.,AroNsix4z, '
dec.l2, heal Estate Agent and tierivener..
su RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and
In operation under the management of the following
commissioners, .. •
Daniel Bailey, William R. Grimes, Michael Cocklin,
3lelcheir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun
lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewis Ilyer, Henry Legauiller4a 7
min H.' Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph•Wii- ' -
Alexander Cathcart.... • . .
Tho rates of Insurance are as low and favoisibr.... ny
Company of the kind 'in' the State. Perseus wishing to
become menthols are invited to make application to the,
agents of the company, . who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
•DENJ:II. MOsKER, PiesfderiC
HENRY LOGAN, 'Vice President. • . •
• ' LEWIS LITER, Secretary.
AGENTS •' t • .
~. _ _ •
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.-.Rudolph Martini N. tam,
borland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; -I.lenr7Jeao,
.Shiremaustown ; Charleel - Belk CarlislS ;
Churchtown ,• Samuel Graham, West : Perinstarongh
James Mo Dowel, Prtnkfordi. Mode griffitb; South Mid-
Aleten;',Samuel Coever, Bonier:Hu Ilaverstickillection
icsburg ;
. 1 10hrt Shenick,'Lls'kurn; David Ocrovsr, Mlep.
YORK' COUNTY , --John Bo r wman,„_Dillsburgl Peter
Wolford;Prariklini.'John Smith,gleq:rivAol'l n g l°4l
S. picking, Dever;
,J; CriftiParsraise:
HARRlRllllllo.—Upuser. , t Lockman. '
Members of the about ex-
Oman a have tharit renewed , by' making application to
nyy of the agetnis.
311E51u:tutu .
• .. nooko. .
. :
_.T.• 1 4 . 2. . .
The subscriber, lec=7.Ta flal Casement of the Methcs
lst --- Church, oppositrr i- the --- ltaibk,sll Depot is now
receiving a variety of Farming luiplernents, such as
• • COUN -611ELLERS,
. • FAlllfrnorr,Eits, .
Corn and Cob Grinders (Scott's Glant),•the 'Crescent
arum - 'Gorse Sirovels,r-REAPERS AlsiD - MOWERS
plainly's with Wood's 7inproviallent), Straw Cutters,
4.e., all of which 're of the most improved kind and
workmanship, and will bo . sold. on the most accom
modating terms. Farmers are respectfullY invited to
call and examine before purchasing._. '
. .
. . .
. .
4:4 - FOr •the convenience of farmers, Itloore's Patent.
° Grain Drill will la) sold at ; Shiremanstown by Denjandu
Clay; anEtat Strhgtensburit by Christian Long.
A ugpst 20, 3 Obe. ..- • '
Adapted also for sowing oats. grass Seeds and
guano.' lirAuser's
in the market. Halliday's patent Windmill.—
liorse Power'm and Thresher's, Lime and (luau °
Spreader's. Daniel's -41ay. Strew and Fudder,t utter.
Little tlinnt, Corn and Cob 11111, Spain's - A tnirspiat is
Chum' Superior Implements With fill et erlc
for the use of the farmer or gardner, for sale 11bolesas,
and lictail by .
' Agricultural Warabouse.and Seed Store, Corner 7h
and Market streets. Philadelphia. • 'July ikA,
J ~
, P r
NOs. 'll and - 23 . _ South Sixth Street
Amiwevrnut 1511.1.1.311,N4 31ANUFAC1ORY.
Sam , (4,un:ins (L7O Arrefi)'itlonnisdale, near lifiatni, Pa
.1100D, - Criowers of Wheat lind flye, use
If you Want heavy •Cr(pS. or " American
Thesit_en.luableilanueet_hgve_t een_ustal_farille_ past
six years successfully for the.tirain and Totacco Crop
in Yirgiviin,,- Pennsylvania, New. Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland. and the islands of Bermuda and thricadoes.
- A-barrel (2:.1.) is sufficient for -an acre-of-ground.
The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical
IJemeutn.sihhchlargely lucrense the crop andlinproe s e
'the son. doubling the %nine of the land. Price of the
Phosphate of -I.lnie--$4O ton, . - Nittnirened SCO 3 ' the
American Fertilizer V 25 per ton or S 3 ;41' per barrel, .
4b 25 a keg. Also ever'y T./tricky of GUANO. Pure Laud
plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Sods none Dust,,,ytlydered
Charcoal, 6i'. - -
Goods (tethered free of
LEINAU; Proprietor..
No. In South Front Street. Phila.
blets in the—English and Gelman languages Giulia
(Inters at a distainee,. Cart' necemianying or Draft.
pn mptly. at tended' to.
. PLONI AK have been ntrat4lo by the Penn
sylvania Agri( ultural Society. New York (!rystal„Palaca
.and the New Jersey State Agricultnral
„. Dzips
.al4/111C11 k,SAIIIIENT, No. 410 'Market street, Thilada
Vitt Mitter'ill superior tiCan'yllevrtirtise;lor - strength'
durabilitY,Und simpliaity of construction ; it cots feat•
er, and is the only self-sharpy:ling Hay, Straw and Corn
Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIOUT
KNIFE, which any person con grind and set with ease.)
but in ordinary case, Is ground In the, machine. Thou
aands linve nlready.been sold, and the demand is daily
increasing. In 'most cases an examination Is, sufficient
to convince one . of its superiority. No one after a short
trial would part:with it for any other. All siren of the
above Consteinily on baud and for vale by
Sole Agent for Cumberland county.
j r. iItMI4S. 1,06 k ITERE I
. . _
i'he subscribers desire to -infornt farmers and public
gown nlly that they now tomcat hand and are constant
ly_nranufacturing Threshing'Alachlnce with Pierpont's
Patent riLaker, , which are generally acknowledged to bo.
the I.e,t articles now In use. Also a variety of Clover
Oldie% Corn Sheller's and Straw Cutters. They also •
attern. to the repairing of Agricultural Mach nary . in
the best manner- and on reasonable terms, Manufac
tory ou North Ilanno'ver Streetq directly opposite- the
resldence of Georg° Iletagar, Esq.
Auguit o ea. .
.AlllillhlB & PLANK.
110 FARMERS:—'The 'subscriber has
just returned from the City with 'ode of the largest
as.surtments of liardwaro•ever brought to tbleplaca. lie
has just received SO dos. llamas with and without pat.
astenings, lion mid steel hooks ranging in mars fro's
it to $1.50. Also 300 pr straight and• twist link trace
chains from 50 to $125. ilome•made traces of all kinds ;
also a lot of spread, fifth, breast, butt; carrying halter
and log chains—also•a'very+largo lot of shovels, forks,
spades,. hoes, rakes, and in short everything and any
thing wanted by the Farmers--
Remember the old stand East Main Bt. Carlisle.
March 19,'58.. • . . • , , 11. EAXTON. I
' , t 1:. • -
; •
Ridging and Sluval Plows, for 'Corn and
Potatoes, klxpandlug Cultivators, with -
stool T oo th of carious patterns, h eld and
Venue,. i• TOwil, Hand Plows, Revolving Horse Rakes,
patent Scythe , Smiths and Scythes, .Suglirat lawn
Scythes with rivefted basks, superior ! intending,-Ray
g or k r ,, with rope and tackle complete; and all other.
articles for tkrui and garden. • •
and Market Streets, Phila.
115 00 S 2PB: c°°l3 Psl 4 112 4 1 1° 1 1 1N. r.
,Hale a Gybed, 'Yellow A oerucin, r ,re'rp' avp i itu i ts
pogo, Green Top do, at, wholesele and Me%
rAscnALL Nokias
holder:pent' and Seed Store,
10 5 null Ina re 4 l'ldla,
July 1888.3
/ - 10NWAYIS -. GENUINE/410NET .
-- sCiell , , , -:=CorroteeltPurrraltn,./ntkr'-
p ro yad- ("bereft* Olio Soap. 'A of tufa*
truly' excellent Soaps jut' received' and for sale at
- TAl4lLlrStreet. •
Carlisle Nor 21 '66: • . • •
LOWS.I ., PLQWS 17-4'he subscriber.
has and IS' ,keeping an , assortment of
he celebrated EAGLE P LOWS.. Also, "constantly oa r
hand Ziegler's, Plank's, and ilenwood's ; Plows. We
kayo also a Very large lot of the Atmons York Plows on
Land; an d A tine assortment of oultlvatore." Itentembm
the old stand, Fast Matti etiCeet,
Match 19,1854 ' ' .• , TiENRY #AXTON.