Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1856, Image 5

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---- . - 01fthe - call - otWisTIL - Idlilkitylltig,asking-the Citizens_
---eclthahorongh-of-Carlisle_adttiti: vielnity_toineet and,
consider whatln6asurea siteuld 'be taken to spenro our
citizens from outrageshy the soldiers of the Garrison,
and to prevent a recurrence of the teraldo ,calaniity
which recently took place, it'very large holly of our
zens issenlbled in the Court l'lodse, on •'Thursdey
- the ipst.,-.wlien, on motion, the following .
officers were elected: - •
Pmismiwri—EPUßAJNl. COIt gMAN, Es ti.
Vic PRESIDRNTS—Joseph Lebach, Dr. B. J. Kieffer,
Dr. Simnel EllMtt, Richard • Parker, William -Little,-
John •Rnuderson. • •
SECRETATLIES—Dr. .j. C. Neff; Samuel: Gould, Philipp
Tho object alba meeting WAS stated by Wm, 11. • • Mi
der, Esq., followed. by remarks from lion. Hop
• • bure;• llowdorson, Esq.„and Thos.lli. Diddlo;Esq.,
when the 'follbwing preamble and , roiolutioni worn
enthusiastically adoptudl . ‘ •
By th e ,, roco pt coWardirattaek and iorrihre 'outrage
Upon the person and the property of one of OM most
peaceable and worthy vlOl,OllB, by an'arnied mob' of U.
S. soldiei . s from the Carlisle Barracks, we are forced to
the unpleasant necessity uif 'demanding tedross for
repeated lujiiii - ticati - d - itsklug protection ttgalitst the
recurrence of like scenes of violence.. Complaints; we
understand ; have - been made that .outrages had boon
committed; and ovum of almost daily elm:nu-once, upon
the properties 01 our citizens near-the thicrison, with
out producing the change which might have reasonably
been e.speJted.
Mr. McDowell, iu the prline of life, in the enjoyment
of health, in the possession of property, has been mur
derously assaulted—hits skull
'dangered, hiSproperty vivistatc'hy au armed fund of
assassins, twenty-Dve soldiers of the ,United States,
- having an op - pointed leader, and with the avowed pur
pose of destroying and plundering property and taking
life. Is there nu remedy? Is there no redress? is
there no protection? , ' • • .
'Soldiers luvve been tolerated in their lawless-conduct.',
until a -crime has - been coimuithal in otir midst, so
'frightful in its consequences,as to call together:a public
• meeting of the citizens of this community' to take pre
per, measures for the protection of their lives and
property against the-depredations of lawless and unre
strained soldiers.
Thls much Is duo to a -worthY'citizenovho has been
the victim of a 'gruel, unprovoked and inexcusable
outrage; it is duti to big faiblly,and - frlends; it is duo to'
curse ves As citizens of the same com !mini ty. A fearful
1." responsibility re,its somewhere. It the soleihn con
' victlon of this meeting that, if these out ragescannot be
preieuted, it,is theMay,* thti 'government to remove
the " petit." If tilos , can be - previinted, it is our duty
laud our right as citizens to deniand such sixduftest and
restrictive measures as will alibril relief. Therefore
Resolved, That the diets' mulched With this brutal'
evivardly attack upon' a worthy citizen, on his own
`PreiniSes, and the many ineke-usable annoyances which
the citizens of the town and of the immediate neighbor-
N-,, !,litiod have repeatedly suffered from the soldiers, be laid
3i ors the Secretary_ef War, and that respectfully'
but earnestly requested to afford such relief as give
---- to - ouritizons--fulLand,,iunple_seettrity_for_their lives
end the difjoyment of theivnreperty.,
!Ibselved, Tre4 the - preceeliings of 'this Meeting be„.
signed by the offfeeks, and that a committee of nine be
, appointed by the President to lay this subject and the
• proceedings of the Meeting before the Secretary of Aar
iu such manner as-said coalmittee-eliall deem Mist.
Resolved, That the procceding,s, bo -published In the
_papers of our borough. •
following personii were appointed:lite - Committee
. 'provided for by the resolutions:
It. M. lionderstm, Esq., 11. D. Schmidt, 'Akin. Lain
berton, Mitchell McClellan, Jacob Itheent, `John Safi
dersom J. D. Mutton, Holmes Blair, W. 11. Miller, isq.
Signed by the Officers.
Hew -..filluer&einnts.
j:OST.—on Surlday
.he sth of October, somewhere betweoirl'apoilown
ir POCKET WOLId eoutillidug about
$35. A roward of five dollars will be paid to the finder
by leavlairit at the Herald office orreturiiihi.; it to tho
subscriber. OILUILES'II.
. Papertewri, Oct. Sth 1856.
"MEW GOODS.—The subscriber. has
.1.•1 -just received and is now opening a large assort
ment of FRESH GOODY suited •to tho season—please'
caltanit got bargains.
• Carlisle, tle)v.l4oSs.
IL The subscriber offers for, rent the Tavern Stand,
well known as the STONE TAVERN,
DM ,. in the occupancy of Jacob Red
,•,;1.7 805C0r, 6ltuato ontho Walnut Bottom
• :-
hl '.l*!.:, Road, seven miles west of Carlisle.
• •:-• - -'...-.,--!—*.'t.-- . ' - The property consists of - a large 'and
coluinocueus Z4ullo :House and Stabling sufficient for
sixty horses, all In complete order, together with Feed ,
ing Lots, Orchard and Oarden. The property is abund
antly.suppiled with the best spring watet.' .
Also for-rent, a WACION-,MAKEit'S SHOP, and Ten
ant House and Lot. The situation fat a good Mechanic'
cantiot-`bo • kurpassed in the State. Vim torms,'apply
personally or by letter to the . subscriber 'at Carlisle IM.
- October 8,1855.--Upd. - • -
are now receiving their Pall Stock of Hardware. which
is unusually Itirge 4 ..and In connexion with their for
neer heavy stock makes It one of the flargest and most
varied assortments ever offered_in_this public. They
Lave every thing that the Farmer, the Builder, the
3lerchant, or the public, may want In their lines, and
whlch.thoy are selling at the very lowest prices.. They
solicit a Call from the public before making their pur
chases, as they fuel confident they can offer inducements
that will , rdWurd the Ma i er for the trouble.
Peeling thankful to a gene;rous public•for their fanner
liberal patronage, a continuance of the same it - solicited
at our old stand in North Hanover Street ,'Carlisle.
ON !`IRON!--The attention of the
the ipublio and Blackimiths particularly is request
ed to the large assortment of liar and Rolled Iron of. all
sizes and kinds Steel of all kinds, Files, Rasps, BC 1;3-W'
Plates,.Anvils,Vices, Bellows, and every thing Ault the
Blacksmith may.want. Iron sold in quantities at city
wholesale prices. All kinds warranted:
N. 4.rt.nover St., Carlisle.
Oct. 8,1856. E
— ll , m..l'. FRY, in . n3turning_timnlis to. his, numerous
friends and residents of Carlisle anti Vicinity for' their
:very liberal patronage, and anticitating an increased
demaud for articiesof his own mantel tcture and imporn
tation; has made extensive preparations to supply' the
the same, in his stools (surpassed by 'none' 'in the city,
awl t,o - which he is constantly receiving additions from
' Europe; of the newest styles) can always he found a
0101,C4 selection of articles suitable tbr Bridal, Birthday
andnolyday. Xresentts, of 'the , most recherche and
unique deisuiptiiin, comprising in part rich Dressing
°Mee, Writing Peek, Cebu, Fans, Bronze Bisque and
Itay.lan Misuses, Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, and 41.
nen vlttlati of the useful and ornamental in Ornialtli .
Bronze, Stiell,'ldistale . , Papier Macho, &e. Also Combs
'Brushes, uO T Tol.l4Vairt.leles.
1.11. T. FRY,
1214=b1. litqopposito the Theatre),
Oct. 8 latott—lini • •
- •
subscriber barijnit returned item the eity with the
• largest and best stock of _ _ • ••
_ _ . DIDAHWARD, • .
: - ,wver.hiought to this place;te -which he Invites Went.
tenth:in °Title customers and the public generedly:- iris
stock has .been' Wooled with great ,care, and be feel*
eqnfident,that it Is unsurpas , soil tar excellence or Verft
Coffee, TM,' Molasses, Syrup, Dice, Cheese,
Starch, Marsarmli ; Pickles, Ketchups, llominy, itc.,
the very best quality.
,Vita and. Dinner lets. and :every variety of Chins,
Stone and Common Waro._ •
Clothes ' Market; Traveling And Fanc y Baskets tst
great variety.
Fresh No. 1; 2, and 3 Mackerel, Salmon,
Call and examine fin' yourselves: -
Oct. 1,1860,3 ? J. A. //ALBERT.
.- - . fER & ' HARLEY.
... . STAUF
---" 7-4. ? Wholesale and Retail, at the "Philadelphia
atc . and Jewelry S tor e ," No. 96 North 86cond street,
corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, . .
Gold Lever Watches, fulliewelled,l/3 carat
cases, ...
i2B 00
---Gold-Lepine, 18 carats, -
Silver Leverilall jewelled;. . .. ; ,12 00
131iier Lepine; jewels, • - ' 900
Superior Quartiers, • . .: . , ,I op
Gold Spectacles, - • T 00
Fine Sliver do. , . , 4 40
-:-Goldllricelets,. ' ' - - 8 00
Ladithil Gold Pencils, . t ' ' • . . 100 .
Sliver TowiSpOotts, set, - ' ' ' 800
Gold Pen; with peni le and liver holder, , 100
'Gold Finger Ringo, Watch Glasses, &c. :All goods
Warranted to be what they are sold for. _ ..''
1 • ' - ' . ' BTA VEER A HARLEY
. , . ticcessor aril Conrad.„
AQlpghadd some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepine
still lower WWI OW sl-oove prices. .
Neu litttiertisements.
-0T1.011.#-Di_GEoRGE--W.- ,
will be absent from earnslo until Um GLII of IThrefi.
lift Tha MerehaVitinill at the 11011IngSpringit,4%
miles dit.'t of Carliklk If{ olTyred tbr rent limn the lst of
April next. The Mill will hot ho rented on•lliu shares.
Sep. 1.‘7,856.) ,pram F. Ell S./ ,
, „ ,
- -
X°. 41 Market 'Street, abevo Bth,Philadelphia.
Importer, 'Manufacturer and Dealer in all Moils ,and
qualities of FANCY FURS ter•Ladies and Children. 1.
F. would call the attention of tho ladies and others to
his immense assortment, being the direct •linporter and
Manufacturer oral' My Furs. I feel confident triaging
that I can offer the greatest intlhboments to, those In
want and at the, same time will have One of the largest
assortment to-select fromi,
• Storekeepers and the trade will please givit mein call
before puretiasing, „ as my Wholesale &parkin en t i is well
'supplied to meet the 'demand for every artielo in the
Fur lino„and at Alto letvest posible klanufacturers'
Prices: • - • ' JOHN '
:Sop 284 Market .Street. '
NEW , 1.1AT7 • : CAI:), AND SHOE
• ARRIVAL OF •FALL, 000DS•FOR 1.866.
The subseribor he just ()paned in-.the' store-room for
merly ()erupted by (m. W. Either, on the corner of the
public square, Main street, near the 'Market 110Ikie, and
-adjoining the Jewelry Store of Wm. D. Naugle, an en
ti rely u,311" and .splendid. assortment of Fall 'andNiihitcr.
Goods-L—comprising, the latest Styles Of
of overftarle,ty and finish.
Ills !fats consist of extra fine' Moleskin, Beaver,
Pearl, Clntet, Kossuth; Sporting Hats; ,V.e. Also Straw
tints of ail varit ties. These flats are manufitetured by
Oakford, Morris Sr. Co., and Ono: celebrated hatters of
Phib ielphia. Ire has also every variety of hAno'unnu,
, re. . 1 these goods he w ill• guarantee to give entice
Ills stock of aiIOOR is made up of every. Variety and
Style from the oheepest to the best article In the Mar
ket. and - cannot fall to pleasc.„
He respectfully solicits .the patronage of the
fueling confident that ho can sell the cheapest and best
goodain the county,
. That very valuable and welt:known BUSINESS
"STAND Situate on.' the corner of North Hanover and
Louther.Sfreets, iii flie - bbrough of Carlisle now' owned
and occupied la.lacoh Fetter, containing 30 feet front
on Hannover street and../-10 feet on Louther street.—
The improvements on Hannover street are a larze
THREE STORY IMUSE. with a large brick back build
ing finished In the most elegant. manner, containing 11
fftr unis including the store room, besides pantries
a) convenient efoset aryangementk. . The SToR E
. ROW t. dS feet in depth, fitted up in the best
b..Sillte'untuner - and'ornyof - tho - most desirable-antHmtg
stablished business locations in our town.
• . .
There is a large twil.story•brick building fronting on
Louther street, with a shop attached, now occupied as
a'cabi het nether shop. Also a stable on tile foot i ot the
lot, and other - necessary _on t The property
is in excellent 'brae'. having beet reCtqltly - fitted up•-by
the present occupant For terms &c. enquire of •
sept 6 - -Real Estate Agent and ticrirener.. -
fiALE.-INIII be soldat public'sale,hu the_preuilt
ON SATtYRDAY, OCTOI2DII 18, 1886, • ,
tin Wym known property of late Dr, Ilhya, dee'd:-
situate - 10,p CentreTille, Cum herland county, tan miles
treat of Ca'rlikile. The lot contains about TWO -kelt ES,
having therein:l erected n two story isineK. nousE,
. M'll calculated for two famillea, a tlrst.
••.6 '-', .•rate ' atno Stahle.had other buildings:
~• .l). . 1 l a.,a It . .
t.ll 't lever-telling Water near the
4. ;1 : i LIT, door: and egkcal Cistern - . Thole!, fronts
h' . .„.• ., - :. •., on Main la well calculated to
'avian into
This property is very desirable be
neighborhood nud convenient to vim
stnres,_?pills, &v.
Any person wishing to 'low tbo property ry
call on the subscriber. The . sido wilt COIIIIIIOIC,
o'clock, P. 31., on said day; when. terms will be curie
known by
Sep. 04.155
AT rittvaxF, SALE.
Situate in Dickinson township, Cumbilnitiud county;
as fellows;
Igo. I. Situate about one-ittlf• mile west of the Stone
Tavern. on the Wilinut Bottom Read, ithont seven-miles
-west of-Carlisle,
00 of which are covered with Good Timber and the revi.
due is in a high state of cultivation.
The improvements area largo double Two-story Frsme
House, filled -in with brick and
weather-boarded; kitchen atZaPhed.
wood house, wash.himse,smoke•bottsA
•:! : &c. A'denble Log Bark, wltgen„shetl,
' 'corn crib, and carriage,house. There
are two He ver-miling Wells of Water,nrioat the -house
and ono at the barn, and a large cistern. A flue -Or
chard of apples, together with peaches, pears, cherries,
grapes, &c. •
A line has boon run dividing the tract-into two parts,
one of which with the above mentioned improvements
will contain 115 acres. •: There is a one and a-half story
Log House and Stable on the other part.
No. 2. Situate in said township, about one mile west
of N 0.1., on the State Road leading from Gettysburg to
Newvillo, and about midway between the Walnut Bot
tom Road and the Turnpike, - '-
about 45 of which are covered with excellent Timber,
the residue is In a ,good,stato of cultivation and under
'good fence. The Improvements aro entirely new,•and
stories, with a basement; a Frame Barn-lower part
stone, a cistern at the door, with other improvements.
'These • properties aro handsomely situated, and offer
the greatest Inducements to pi chasers. • The land Is of
the most produativo character, and the location donira•
Ida iu every respect. For terms and further particulars
enquire of A. L. SI'ONSLSR,
• 0et..1.18645-0w ) Real Estat,e_Agent.and Scriv.
CIDBII. MILLS can still be furnished of
Improved construction andAnish. Their
( . grinding apparatus is peculiar, and gives
them an, advantage over all other mills.
By the action of two reciprocating pistons, the apples
are forced upmminst the teeth of a rapidly revolving
cylinder and retained till ground to a fine pulp, which
'of course yields more , juice when subjected to pressure
'than if the pomace was coarse. The Screw Press has
On greatly iMproied and strengthened- since last
ear, and the whole frame is tightened byetrorig joint
its. ft is adapted to either hand or horse power and
can bei worked by hand to the extent 'of six to elkht
barrels a day'
Implement and Seed Store,
7th and market, I'Llla.
SeP. 24 , 1868.
,crsEA.P:I4R LETANS.—A , lot, of
Initteviii tar cioverlog Chandollen .and
P Priam,* sale cheap by . -
Jima 11.) „ - G2O. W. 1111TNE.1!,-
' IVILEREAS, in and by an a-t.of the General
SelnolYnf theCommonweeith o 1 t tusylvail la, entitled
an, .±..Aet _relating_to_thp,electipM.L . X_ltbisAlom men
wealtn.,!' pass ad the 2 d - day - eiJillyi - A - . - D.l3 : 2;it .ffiffiade
hadutrefrthe+heritt-:of—overy cm:ety Within_th
Commonwealth, toleye public notice. of 'the Deneral
Elections, and in such notice to enumerate: •
1. Thu officers to be elected. • • ~
2. Designate the place at whieli the eiertion is to be.
held. *. : ' • •' ' _
. •
High Sheriff Of the counti,pf
,Cuuthorbind, do hereby make knOwn and rl ye phis•pub.
lie notice tai - the elebters of 'the coutity_of,Uumborland,
that on ,TUESDAY,'the 14th day of , October next, -an
election_wlll beheld at tho several election districts es
tablished by law in eon rity. fit - . Willett' ti:ne. - Huey
will vote by ballot for 'the several officers- 11,rellinfter
named. via:
• •
ONE . 'PERSON far Canal' Comnihislottor of the Com
monwealth of Peinisylvania.•
ONE I'ERSON for Auditor - General of tho Continon
wealth of Pennsylvania.
' ONE PERSON for khurveybr General of the Cainanem
wealth of Pennsylvania. . ..„
ONE PERSON to represent the counties of Cumber
land, York, and Perry iu the Congress of the Maid
ONE PERSON to represent the counties of Cumber , :
land anal Perry in' the Semite of Pennsylvania. •
TWO PERSONS to represent the county of. Cumber
land in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON for District Attorney' of Cumberland
county., . ,
- ON I.; P
ERSON fair Surveyor of Cumberland county.
TWO voitspNs for Associate Judges of,thoCounty of
pu l tilwland.- • . .
-ONE PERSON - for oOrinnissloner of Cumberland Co. •
. ONE PERSON for-Direetor of the Peer of.Cumberhand'
county. , . •
.ON P. PERSON flir Auditor of ettinbcrland county.
ONE PERSON far Curtner of Cumberland county.
- said election will be held throughout the county
as : follows:
The eleelion in the election district comPosecl.of the
borough or Caidisie and the eownships of North 'Middle
ton, South '3lialdieton,' Lowe,' Dielal'ason said Lower.
Frankford. will be hold at the CoUrt House in the boa ,
'bush of Carlisle.
The election in the election district composed of Low
er WeSt Pcmasborough township, will be held at the
North School House in Plainfield.
• The election in the election tilstrletyaomposed of Sll , '
ver Spring township, will be held at tba, public house of
George Duey,-in llogestown said township.
The election in than election district composit.of
Hampden township, will he hold at the lionsooccupied
by !hoary Illekertaell, in said township. . -
'The election in the dlootion district composed Of the,
township of Upper Allen, will 14.a..heladat 'the public
louse occupie' by W. W. Kline, in Shephiaalstown.'
The election in the election.distriel composed-of the
township of !Amer Allen,Avill' be held at the wagon-'
maker shop of Jonas Ilunchbarger,on. Slafe 11111.
Tle-electidal It,. the district compeSial of East
Pen*lafrough townslilii: 1/45 held at the public
house now occupied by Huntaiberger, aL the West end,
or the Ireataishanr/.a Bridge.
The election in the eleetien distrdet conaposeatof New
Claintaariand. will be held at the house fermerly kept.
by Wall. Bold, in the borough of Ne.wyonile.cla n d..,•.
The election In alto election district
° composed of the
thorough of Mechanicsburg, helal at the public
house of John 11/iv ~ In scut t borough. - : •
— The • election in 'the - etertion . district - tompesed of
Morarde toss laship, vlll he held at the puldic souse of
Sammil Algeior. iu Churetatown. in said township.
Tin/ e'metima in the election iii?triet compoi , cd of: 1115-
111.1. Mat illtioll Loßuship, will ilea hell at the 11(.1IS011OW l i
occupied by dolitithornian. in said. township. -
election in theidection-distriet t +imposed or.tho I
'borough - of and Ewa:l/ships of Mifflin;
Nrinkfrral.-ltlle'r West -Penushoriat h anadhlt. parLaill
Newton . township not included in Gap Loesburg.election
district. will be held at the Ihrick House in the
horough,or Sew villas.
The election_ .11 istrict
'Hopewell township- will lei held at the .SeW Brick
School 'Danko, in Is:ambito!: in said'
1110al.)11'111 . 01 . 0 001'0.n-district mini/tea of the
horoitgli of Shippenshtirg, Siiimenn.lonwtowuShip, anal
c as t, hear t orv...,..7iiiitlittitipton tow tisfilirfitiriliefffiTtfirlti
-the Leesburg 'election' district; Jos held-. at the
Council House. In the borough of Shippainalatirg.
The, eleadlondia the eluctioridistricVeompose a l of parts
of Newton and Southampton townships, not an/darn:to
in the 'Xt . :lrvine andi-Shippiansburg districts, will de
held at the house lhemerly, occupied
h y William Max
werl in Leesburg.
L. 14 7 ,4 In n. Ltllthy
That every person cxecpt Justleex of the Pence who
shall !told any onice or appointirent of profit or trust
under Ott" United Hateg , or , of tins State. or any pity vr
incorporated district, whether ei rounnha , ioned officer or
,w.t 1
otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent. who Is or shall
: employe under. the legislative, executive, or . Judi
;Aar • e onts Of this State,' or the United States,
error ai el to of any ipcorporated district; and also
that any , ir of Congress and of the State I.egisla
ture, and of , .'elei:t or Common Council of tiny city,
or commissicitier -• any incorporated dibtilct L is by law
incapable of hold! i''' Td-exercishig at the Mills time the
office or appnintinet of judgii, luspectoii iir clerk of any_
elections of this Coutinenwealth . , and that Am inspector.
Judge, or other officer of inch oloaion shrill be eligible
to be there voted for. '
. .
...Anil the said act.of Assembly, entitled...An-art_ rein
ting to the elections of this Oninnonwoalth, pasted July
2, 18(41, further provides as follows, • to wit:
-That the inspectors and judges shall meet at the
Plaee npinduted for loilding the elmtions of the district
to which they respectively belong., before nine u'rluck
In the morning of the Second Tuesday in October. and
VA eh of acid inspectors 'shall appoint one clerk, whl,
shalt be a qualified voter of said district.
" In ease the person who shall have received the see.
and highest number of totes for Inspector shall not at
tend on the day of the election, then the• person who
shall have received the second, bight* number Of votes
.at the neat preceding election, shall act as inspector in
his place. And in case the person who shall have 're
ceived the highest number of. v, tes thr • inspector shall
not. attend, the person'oleded judge shall appoint an -
insptctor in his plaCe; and In' case the 'person elected
judge shall not attend, then the inspector who reedv
od the highest nutnber of votes shall appoint ;judge in
his place r or if any vacancy shall continue in the hoard
for thy apace of ono hour after the flute traml by late for
the opening of the election, the qualified .oters of the
township, ward or district for which such oftieer shall
have been elected, present at the place of election shell
elect pkt.ii.Q.(thair number to fill such vacancy. •
" It shall be the duty of the several assessors of each
district to attend•at the place of holding every general,
special, or township election,. during the whole time
said electionis kept open, for the purpose of giving in
formation to the inspectors and judges when called on,
in relation to the right of any person assessed, by them
to vote at such election, or such other matters in rela
tion to the assessments of voters as the said inspecters
or either of thorn shall fromtime to time require.•
" No person shall ho permitted to ;rote at any election
as aforesaid, other than a white freeman of the gigd of
twenty-one years or more, who snail have resided- in the
State at least one year, and in the election distiict
where he offers his vote at least ton days immediately
precedingsuch -election, and within tWo years paid a
State or County, tax, which shall have been re:sewed-at
least ten days belbre the election. But a citizen of the
United States who has previously been a qualified voter
of this State, and ronilived therefrom and returned, and
who shall haveresided In the election district and paid
taxes as afbresaid; shall- bo entitled to vote after maid.
lug In, thls State six mouths: Provided, '.That the
white freemen, citicena of the United States, between
lv:enty-one and twenty-te o years, who have resided in
an election district as aforesaid, : shall be entitled to
vote although they shall not hare paid taxes,
"No person shell be permitted to vote whose name it
not contained In the list , of taxable inhabitance fur
nished by the Commissioners, unless First, " be produce
a receipt fbr the payment withln-two-years of a State
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and Ova setisflectory• evidence, either on his oath or af
firmation, or' the oath or affirmation of another, that he
has paid such se tax, or on failure to produce a receipt
shall =lce oathlo the payment thereof. Second, If ho
claim a right to vote by. being an elector .between the
age of,twenty-on6 and twenty-two yea.res,"he shall do•
pose on oath or allinnetion'that he has resided' In this
State - at - least one yearnext-betbre his application, and
melee such proof of reeldenco in the district' es is requir
ed binds act, and that he'does verily believe. from the
Account given him," that he to of the_ge aforesaid, and
such ether evidence eels requifierhy th - WaTec - Wlfifro - - -
upon, the• name bf the person thus admitted' to - vete
shallbe inserted in the alphabetical_list by_the hispec-
tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing tlfe
word," tax," if he obeli he edreitted, to vote' by reason
of having saddles; or the word!'. age," If:he shall be
admitted to vote btrerison of such age, shell be called
out to the elerleg, who shell nieleii the tike nates - oretho:
lists of voters keipt`hy. thee& .0;,
_':'_, . , .': •. '
" Iu all cases where tbe ustne,Of the person claiming
to veleta found on thelist rarnialted , by the Comfits.
goners and meaner, or his right to vote, whetherfound
thereon or, not, bfoldeeted to by: any mantled, citizen"
it shall be the duty of the Inspector, to examin
person on oath am to his Ocialifications,,and if he ag &aims
to hives residl within the State Ibr one year cc more.
his—oath " tlntilicient proof, thereof, but she
_, ,
._ .---• .
make proof by at least ono compotent witness— who
shall ho a hualliled elector, that he has resided in tlio
district for more than ten days nest humediately Pro.
eatlinir Snell elettit4andShati also himielt rtWear that
13 'eatti district, at.d that 1 did not remove iiito
aid - disti . lot - for4he-purpowor-chting-thereln •
".livery person qualified as. aforesaid, no 'mho ,shall
make due proof, 11requrrod, residence and pay-.'
most of taxes as:aforesaid, shall ho admitted to vote in
the township, ward Or:\listrict which ••ho shall re -
" If any person shall prevent or atteinpt . tii prevent'
any officer of any election under this-act from holding
-suclteloctlon, or use or threaten anY. vielonee_to,
sneb officer, or shall ifiterruptf,r improporly• internee-
Avithtilm In theexecutiment his duty, or shall block
up the winch - 4, Or avenue to any window where the
came may be holding,.or shall riotously disturb the
.peace at such election, or shall use any iiiarelcia(ii,g
threats, force or violeiffie,'with deSlgn to intluonew`mi
duly:or overawe any elector, or to prevent him tram vo. •
tiny iirto restrain the freedmit orcholecii- such perms
ou.contletlou shall be fined brainy sum not, exceeding
file! hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time rot .
less than three nor more than twelve AtvAtais. and
shall be shown to Court, where the trA' lof such eifenceo
.shall. be had, that, the. purse' .50 offending was na t
resident of the city . ; Ward, district ur township, , where
! the offence waseMnindtted, and' not entitled to vote
therein. then on conviction Ito be 'sentenced to
pay a fine of not less:Wad one hundred nor , more than
/nit, thousand dollars, and ;JO linpriseund hot less !than •
six months :nor moo than two years.
If any-person or persons shall make..401.5' hot • or
ger opon the result of any. election within the
monp ealth, or shall.offor to make any such let or wa
ger tier by verbal proclamation tlierecf. or -by any
written ur printed 'advertisement, cliallenee or
any pro to make such bet Or wager, upon oftivirt ion
thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the
amount 51 bet onto be bet.
if any personnot'hy law qualified, shall fralid u
lently_ vote
,at any election of this Common wean h,
being other," mt qualified Shall veto out of bis prnlmr -
'district, 'or if any person knoWing the want of such
qualifications shalt aid or pr'neure 511th person to vote,
the person im conviction no lined in
any utile. not c:; reeding two hundred dollars• anklie
imprisoned for any tent not exceeding thl•eo months..
Irony person .hall Vote at More than one election
district. or other,. ise fraudulently vote more than once
on the canto day, riSshall fraudulently fold and deliver
to the inspector two tickets together. With the 'lntent '
illegally to vote, nr,sliall procian another to do so. lie
or they
,pfrending, sholl.on conviction be fined 'ill tiny
Kurt 11ot lefts titan ''fifty nor Mere than five hundred '
dollarit. and lie imprisonill 'for ziu term tot lest; than
three nor more than twelve months.
"If any person-not qualified to vote In this ('onvnen
-Wealth agreeably to NW. 1,. - copt the sons of. qualified
citixens,) shall appear, at nny place of election for the,
purpose of InPuencing thr eßixons, qualified to • vote,
ho shall on conviction-forfeit and pay any sum not ex
reeding one hundred dollars fln- every such liffenre,-and
be imprisoned liirany term noticxceedine; three nioni
—Agreeably to the. prat - 61011h; i f the-sixty-first- Feel ion
of the said act; every General 1 ,, ic.1111 Election Shull
Im opened between, the bours.l" and tenin the
shall continue' 'svittiont interruption or
adjoin:l4lmA until sewn o'clock 011.1 m -evening, when
the polls shall be deceit: .
And the judges of the respective clisfrictS aforeseild.
are by the said act requirod to meet of the Court Ifoue.
In tile boroughof earns're, on the third 44 after the
election. [being Whiny. the - 1711i day or iletober.l,theii
'and there-to perforin the .thinor . requirod !,It' them 'by.
Tim return judges of tlio Codirressionni dtstrtrt, and
of the Sonntnrial district will meet, itt
.0e flute fixed by law;
• - iltvi..rl 'under: rt tlijr•ltit Any pf
•ieptt.ittber, 1850,
Not' tsltil . : kiiirt•s.
I'IP,SIRAI3LE .'ll,l \V I'lt()PEE'lN
For. F,ki.F.,
. ~..,. -.. •
A. . •
I. frtzl-*. rrif.f.r-t•frov—iit—vci-L-atu.....,...:Je- rh. prpi , rty at
which he nt..‘v !1...N. Nittuttc An 1..,tt,1t,, ,Ituut. in this
bi , ugh, Dear'ly ripositill.ivkins, a I ~11,,; , ,, 1 , 1„• p ro .,
pertptoiLsists of a
BRICK bwimoNG !must:,
, .
v.,:_t:,t, -- and Lot of Gronnd,• contaliiing-ONE
,4 ACRE., more or less. The house is new
- ,771;. •;' and itreseellent order, and 111,t-Tretini
'-:&'t .
inodinfis hark bunging, 'Stabling and
.. ; , !..'- 7 4,:. , ,:..-2,- othei out•houstis attached. with it well
of watcr'and pump. The grounds are well cultivated,
Comprising limier plots, - shrublierymul shade tiebs, and
the lOt is amply' filled with the, choleuat varieties of
fruit, comprising eight Militant fall and winter apples,
at least twonty varieties of penetivs, half a tiomin varle- ~
tics of plums, together with cherries, apricots, pears.
raspberries, Currants,, gooseberries, almond and fig
trees, &e., in adutulance, all „el which are in thrifty
bearing condition. .It, is in every respect a (toil able
Properly. Persons disposed to purauise Me requested
to call and examine.
sepr, 2860,1 . CHARLES E. NIUREAV. '
011 1 nt ili rs i tl A nee N t. t;f • 1 -S n; ‘ ;ll l :l 4 l+ E s'-Conrt l c?f
Cumberland trounty, will, ho sold nt the Tavern liouFe
at 10 o'idock interest of the fern• minor dill.'
drug of 11, Church, deceased, in that valnablein; pert
known as the "Bridgeport Properts,l' wi Harris
burg, embracing the largo Tavern Ilonse, ;law e'
Dwelling Houses, 4c., containing ab , ut Ilc Acres ui'
Land, being well calculated for Lun+Let :lig and 7llnnu• •
factoring purposes. Also. about. 24 Ak roe auk'
excellent TIMBER IaSB. situated the Sus
-quchanna riser, and near the Penle . .- Itallreud
Bridge. Terms matte known on 4141 v VI •:110
• CAIN 1•Al,
\1 \1..1;. 1:k t,t;.l:-.
Sop .
VALUAB . LE 1411114.:S1 EFA
Tl:jv vain:o4a pitperty iF fittialcti in :tri •'.it , 1t
Cuniberla eouttty, about 1S I,Wc, coal c I hsle, on
the Yellow ilreeehy. I. 10 r c.1% 1.• the
" A IlltAlt IVII.I.IIAII.',yAI!M,."
Tt contains 26) ACHES of the bost quality of LIMP,
STONE LAN I), about 4 .10 of ccbleh are corcl•rd with
gttll Timber, in addition to. which a. large qoant Ity of
Locust is growing, and the residue In the II Igh - e;t pos.
Bible state or cultivation.
The Improvements are a large TWO•STORY BRICK
MANSION IlOVSK; with a „Wick
_ • Back.building, Stone Spring Mouse,
and other cenv °Wont put buildings
• Large Stone RANK ItAltl , 4 with two
threshing floors. Waggon Shed, Corn
Crib, Hay House, Carriage Mouse, ke. There Is a large
Morse-power" permanently Axed to the barn. - •
'Also a largo Two.story YrameTeunnt Muse, plastered,'
and a Frame. Barn. A good Orchard or Apples, and fruit
of every,description• A. tine stream of wider rises with-.
yardi of the blouse, emptying into the said eaok
hornedlately.ln (kondpf theumsennd barn, •
t• This property 'superior adiantages. #nd
offers rare •Inducements to purchasers. 'The buildings
are most delightfully situated on the banks of a beauti
ful stream of water, the Yellow ilreechea Creek. and
sufficiently elevated to make the scenery unsurpassed
by any place In the country, . Scheel - houses are in the
immediate vicinity. and a church nt Dillsburg, -three
miles distant, with a good road • leading to the same.
Also a Oriel Mill situated on the Yellow Ilreerhes near'
said hunt, on the adjoining property. The location is
entirely healthy, and eligible In every point of view,
• Forterina; key en q u i r e of
Aug. 23, 2 3 0 6 —ti) )leal Estate Agent and Sertv
•This valuable property is situated in Dickinson town
ship,Cumberland, county, 4% miles - south of Paper.
town, 1 mile fivnisthe Gettysburg road, lvictg between
it andthe Oicibrd road, and about . 414'mlies from .thi,
York Springs,' known as the WALTL'IWYER FARA
One hundred of which are cleared and in a good state
-o feultivatiouinell - the - reeddue - Ivrovered - witirild o 4-
Timber, and Young Chesnut of the finest quality.
'The improvements area one Aug a
4 . 2 ,, taw .. half story LOGROUSE thoroughly
'was • repaired, LOG BANK BARN, Wagon
•: Shed and •Oorn Crib. Smoke House,
• •Itty Souse, :- and other convenient
Outhull. ngs: , good Apple Orchard, besides cherry,
litich, and othtu
A beauti fu l atreals'or dinning water within a shod
distance nt the deer. "About 4000 bushels ofllme hem
been put on the Marti within the lad couple of , eats.
The land la productive, and the fences good.
For ; Ike, enquire of • • ,
14-p, . ?teal *date Agent and Scrivener,
'4 l :50--tf.) • Carpels, Pa.
'ea estate Sufes.
AitOatili..y. I,APROVED .GRAVi
- -- ---,-.------FIVIIM-7-ATS-EcTVATE"-SALL= -- ,
,O • two Tidies . - north' of Carlisle, on the (",ortr ,
in the highest slate of cultivation And under • p
fufieu, nearly all of which is post and rail and wire.
, The Impreveulents are a Twe•st
e, , .. : moo:Km? ,ifousrk a large Is.
4x; .F Barn, with tither eonyenient, 1.-.'
4;4: : , :-. buildings, a. fine Orchard of App"
~r i ,, i ;. '
4. %,:;z .. .4 . ..,:: :
together wittrother.fruit, and a Me:.
• • • 'Water. at the door. • .
The hienilon on eligible 000, owing, t., its prOAlt.
to the Water it'orim trout which the °ogre larm
cool'enti; , ptly supplied 'with water.
For terhut, ehtiuire of
Sep: 21,.1856. heel tsititt: Agent.aturSeriver.,
131 . 1131 AC , swill 'expo:se
Ij. pitbll, sale, on TUESDAY, the 14th of OL;t ,
lu tilt) • •
• • • • LOT OF 0110 . 131 CD
xhlch bolelign to the CUmberlond
pally, ou Main street, in Carlisle, bolitided by tli , v
street, the 'College, Academy;' and pl'operty of
Heeling, containing GO -feet iu front and , 2:40 few.
depth. It Is -situate iliAlte most eligible position
'rerins' . ntade ktiowti orr day onnly. •
'Sep.:2 I. I`SSG
yA T. U.A.:13141 , 1 Plt 0 1)1 - 411 trrY.
'RA sul.scriber will'ofT;.:r at Tublie
On sxruitnny,, 1t550,
thil follot ing propnrty—
No. I.—.A TiacT '
, tnwnsbini Ctlmberiand county tulJ ininu the villa
:ilp.phert , tnwn, , cotitnining abont. (1;1!..-
into ill fields, and in a high- state -of culti
having, loco Ihneki over Oxon fiop:
nun! ts are n gooll.Tvq.stnry lINVELLINC. -
tattling nigh; rnotns,ond Ititclwn : itilew Bunk
and ()tiler nenessiny nut-hou,nsF. , a TIOV(.1.4:6111::7
-.IIC Water in the yard, NI , It h fc.pnuipl-In , l4•an A: ,
Orchnrii. also pear, lo; tun, 4mAcherry trFes.
No, tiround,
lug, talnint TWO - ACRES, on which in a LAV FAA: .
IMPS IVare House, Stabling; to.
henna .'l.lll.led as alstore.
N. 3.—A Trart first.rato LIMESTONE LAND. ,
fonrill of u • utilu from Shepllerdstown.
ACRES and .16 porches. known - hk Elk , Ore'P.a.tli.
per.ty.." Till, Itnprgvmnullts nit a r.t..• tIE
011(1101d a half stori..s high. it Long St.itlo. a good
den: witti a1:( - 7 — verzltilling. Well _of Watttr.ot,r the d
This provorty will be sold together or in five at Tf. I'
Sale to effinnvoire at .I• 2 at., on said day.
terjuswill be tondo known by
5:.91.GN14).14 . /8 SALEL-IVil]
A._ tit 'Millie Falk, ut thOet.iiii Matsu in Ulu
afCarlisle, on AT li.1) AY , the [Sth'rfOrtuh
10 Cel(Wit, A. M., all, that NA
aituaterl'ln the bare I.lgll 11,1aFerraid, frrartiag re!r.'
street, adjoininp, pratierties •hf Ephralui L.:tee!, WI
It heem,
.1.44„ rind (Ahura, and_ eat) tal n Ing in t
frrot and,in depth ono hoatlred andlwenty. feet. •
The lionse Is a TWo . story :...,
A,• .-- 'l,„ IIOU:31: with Dinin l'oom Ind I
. ii.:li: *Kitchen ' . 7 atnl'a hy itt g lin ' t In- ~
. tit 7 -
..m ThisioTexty is a latest tiOsiriti:h:
1 -, •
-=...--tience;liftlis_Eitantterl in the . I,eSt
t.,wn. P7ossession Eisen On the ISt of April, 11 , 57, ,
terms will Le wade. giit.wn 4 . _
STIWIEF..): K E 1. 1 , 1 ,1115-. 7 .
AFsigintO of F. ..N . IZosensuq
g..p. 17.
I)1313LIC SALE.-7-The subscriber v,
min at public sale tin the preinises. in
ot4n -township; JaillC oast of Papect,nvi, t 0 '
etenfleading front Papertown to Craighead`s.l4:ll.
ON% SATUItDA l': OCTOBER 11, 1 , 458,
A TR ACT 011' LAND, containing 'fen Aces
grArel laud; L ving'theinou erected a two.storl.
'MUSE. Frame Barn. hug Pen.
• • - -Also an excellent Well. cf Water
. tn, pump at the door, and " .
'11,47 7 , Orel rd of choke fruit. The Va
• undue good fences and in a Mil;
' • •-. 0 -*-** -- : of eultlvation. '
Sale to - commence at • o'clock, when terns v
made known by
fiop, 17,.16.50t5.)
• - AT PRIVATE SALE.. • " ,
: 4 itilete about ono half nine soutlnvregt of the ti , r ,
of Newville, partly In •Novton and 'partly la
Pent:AMY , OW nSIIIIIS, oft tho• road leading .ron
vino to : , .prlosclial. now owned by .f. ti. Mehirintd•
sLout In or which are covoreti with otxql Tiu.l (.r,
the residue is in a high state of 'cultivation. The
_... ,„..., ..
,provetnents aro a ono 3r.(1 iv-bal f w
. '• it -1, .Lou -: liol.s.E,- -ISNNIi - - i Alt is;,--
'if: ....t., • , other Out-builtliOst also a go , 41"
T ..., 1 .:1 not Homo, and a fine Orchard t•. •
4—..,..,:r^ • - house . , A stream of waterrises it.
fig 'tSpring near Um Mansion House, front w hid:
"P. 4111 1t supply of
,cold water is :Worded by IllenT,
pipes and .4: pump. • A first-rnto ,patent Linwskli•
situated on the'prinnises, and the best quitiity of tt
for burning limo. . . --- ...
----This--proporty• Is • vary handsomely locate.d, th "
Spring, a nm.gnllleont stream or water, ruils-thrr
the coutre. aft. It fs tl ronven hint distance fr,..nn
town, extending to the Comb. Valley hailroad
Depot, whlah salkyoad botinds It for some distAr.ce
• For toraM, amiiilre of
• •
•ito tr... 1 In Sileor Spring township, Cumberland
cpilite: cast.of Carlisle, du the Trlndie Spring It•
tone. , Nrhi faring, with .tutpnictunents, will bo_nut.d,..
c ‘utain fouin 120' to 150 ticres,:p suit purchesers.
which will be given 10 or 15 *es of the best qualit
Timber Lind.- • - —' - • .
The Improvements thereon are a g00d.1.00 HOLT:
• Lcrge Bunk Pith; with two Tbresl
Floors, Wagon : 4 1.1ed,• Corn CHI,.
ai I "s other Out-1)01(14)gs; well of watt
I I the *inerant' a tine youtig
Apples, together with' ether fruit.
, lhu other turm will contain 0
130 acres,. Including about 15 acres of Timber.
tract is , unimproved, but has a beautiful etc
The foncee in both tracts are in good condition.
the land is in a high state of cultivation. For to
enquire of
Sepllo,lB*-6w..) Reel Estnia Agent and 5..:1
FARM FOR SALE.—The subscri: .
will offer at public sale, on
at . 11 O'ClOik,.A.l4" on the premises. -his Farm ,
In, Upper Allen township, Cumb. county, on the
road leading from Harrisburg to Gettysburg, and w I
the main road trato,xnft; to Sterrett's Gap mares. •
toile from Sehpberdstewn, two from Illechanlcsbur F •
I the Cumb.Valley Railroad, seven miles from llarriri
and one from the Yellow Breeches Creek,. adjoi
lands of Christianjfattsler, Samuel Miller, and otl
Containing 22 Acres and 120 perches of slatalao,.
cleared, and a first-rate state of cultivation.
ImprOvententa are .a. - now BE'
• , HOUSE,. - a . new etcne end' Yr:
ra Barn„ and,, other out-bulidlogr.
, netertalllng well of water 'near
v. doOt,Mith.pnmt, in IL A. 'the. ,
Apple Orchard of choice fruit,*withn variety* of •Pt
Cherry and other fruit trees.. This is a. very deaf :
place, situated. Ina healthy, neighborhood ; and,
sentent to mills, Churches, schools, irn.
on the: subscriber, residing on the premises, vrim
give auflutbrmation required. • .
ang 27, UPI) *, TIIOM4S,OOI,
GARDEN ENGINES. throwing: , ,
stream of water •60 to 60 feet, caatircin Lift -
Force Pumps, Barn ' Door ROOM, Turnip Drills, pi J '
Drills, with Oqta and•Gratur- Sowers attached. Plots
.patternif ' and 'also, Square and Espana
Harrows, Corea pretratra patent Hater-Marker
new article just received. Also, all other &tide
their proper season, itor ttur farm and garden.
Implement arid Heed Ste.
• 711 t end Market, Phila.*
July 11,