Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1856, Image 3

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• •
• C. L. Kl.olllg, of MeehlkniMburg, Climber/and
iseutityi-Da.,saiaMang , to:Vlosomtilieimd :with 'runt .. .YlN
Welis. Cancers; l'ovi.
lnq. HOler - or - filnriterBma
King's Evil .tO'd all tilkaNtaus that have been•usually
treated with CO Clc tw Knife. he can remove them with•
out cutting, b{trni ng „pain ; neither Chlorotbrm of
Ether is adritihislored tiro patient.. It is no matter
ou what part of Iles 17ody they iaay be . , be can remove
them with petl'o. , t s.wrety. rind in .a remarkably-short
time. No Mino:. - al ..r V'.ogrt. able poison is applied, and .nc
_ 'mousy required oaf II a ovro is - perfeetud;• •
Proiapsus T
ri:olesle Complaints, Chronic, .Ntinui
.real and all earn . tioated with positive suocess.•
Bull partieulon v., ti_bo by: addressing in either
B ag ilioi or thir,o. k o.p.:,t,t lA. - .Pat touts . eau - be !salt=
moduted with “,,:tr.l.oFi l'(: . .lS.Allaqe terms.
Illeehaniesbure o ~ f Li - id prettiest and healthy
tawns_in_this or 2itate.) It is 8 miles from
'Harrisburg, on Cio
tucosstide.from art, or the Union. The Doctor
visit eases Jo I 3 `Matti when desired. :
ea. ici o d mo m ; kr.i.dv any lidliciocilelloW ores
taro, delay not to Al them of this treatment' •
0. U .1? L A-N ' 8
.1) R,..
• G 11.1t , M :s1: — . 11 1 '1 T.l: It S.
I'l(w:trod by
Pg. C. PatIAPELP//lA t PA
eif.:Lually core _ • :
ChruOic,or Nor, on , 10iiieasos of the, -14 Imps,
mud 3 11Si ag, item a disordered
Li Vet' Ur :'1,41.111/Cii. • .
711,•111144 •
• - •
Wood tot Road, •
• seii,ll. , ,irtl.oro, DisgulitforFootl.,
or . 11',•i ,Silt ou tbo ,Stomach, Sour . ot...tioo...initi.iticor Fluttering -
at too •,;wlinuting of
the 1.10461.
t 'l , • It'•vt, ttuatkingorxutioos
tilig Sentiatt•,o, tylog.posturu, Dim nem .
of risjou, /.)...fore the Ii ht, FpVor
and titileLiti I:1 Oil.. 01
ta.l.-±.l. Emii.uf the: a ut.i
'AU Back, ettost,
....• . Viughos .
:41'01 1161- • ,
, )1( °
• •
The propried , ' e 1. he attention of the public
.to tills in Or 1%1;1 L. ll , •A'l t it. it flail UK oa
' Lay elitela it is
It is no new u:.} ..i.• 1 .Lrtie/e, but one• that bas
. vtJad the test r, 1/erne the Atuer/ritti
g1e,..,p1e.-and its !T..° and sate 'is unrivalled by
\I-I:lt.' Thu testi :non v in its'
, Law sivott . :);: .nine %Eta well know
d•ny,ifelues ill p,irts of the ck•untry
lii i•upense..
Are - tiattreys_uii , J?t , Jratir UV. olLitrai etion,
; a o roi,f artjn.l ::.op itti,;fie and Caller 1101 . Y.35
;01.0%4'5, alld t;U: ItIlft.;ti; , ;;;;1;1;1 tat) brain art:in/paired and
• deranged jt deyi 1/01 . 11 wail 411210 pl'uNttleu
os or` tne heart •• n:- firt.l., kidneys. It Is - owing
to the aame ca'.,- , I .1;J!,.1..,00.114.1.$ 'Ws with tlialera,.
cur LLI•lt /1.1.05 t bAllattl disease,
,• • .
gene 1•;11 ,11.•1', uc, s:+ llt butting diseases of the
' llYuf and 5a0ndt,,d.,11 t•• •t•,t noun a doheiutley of patheltr.
.17:77,c , ,1•fa115 - nowled,: ,-- • - • -1 : - '.1,-1,- , 0--•••taatis--4;llB.Ltlf-a
cotupd,uul - tltiii - ••• ttre.illsuase and all the
_ 1 u.ts 11..4 V)1111 g.t.iiirati in these
and ,t hy - nati,olle -with .tins•
Luogit delipa to 3.,t II pc , llklOt Phileity—lts 1116 y
oil taut give stren4thi And
i. t LIVANISO 4 . 0
: 1 - .1; r..; . r. {AMYcau IV {Maly att. ma,
and Aitaa.:es. No u'74luary expo
sure will.pre6 , t,•iiis a salutt try .elfed., and
tio bad Pawl c.,,u au over dean.
It:patlonta wi!! is LLe use of this remedy,
and-UAJ it Stll , i to direct/ will cure
the.ferdgolugea!) 111ri.311C! y. 41 nut Uoyouol
the.power'el w • 1.1.1.; tstillty tal • ValjOy
(AO elemiag of iu touit ,doss xr+
and auatuloiteJ rwlieg.t eu"
J.\ 01',A,NL,r;ll IY LIF
Awl feellutt 1.0.• iwt hi un rui , ,hlug 4nurtly upeti
todw, ivittt - al , r:, . 11.! will Laud 10 lotto use of
,t 1111 ter; et. 11:1: will Justil new life. tutu
',lilts; restore. I.t .0,1.,01.0 Liao energy awl attlOr of
Moro yoUtliNl ki:; . l_ttp . their siaruukeu torius.
and give heti:a an.l 6.lpinuess to ttioir• remelt/lug
it is a well that fully olio-half of the
foals-le are,teiltiont lu the en
joyment (Ago.. I uv..+t ut ato nee their men eXpreggiuu
',ever 1 . 0,i.1" 11 . 0.1" ,are languid devoll/ of all sm.
'orgy, extreme.) • tie' awl have uo appetite. To
this class of tit' t it/Leers are. especially- re.
enumentlitii. tome and iuyigurating
eroperties iosatuiele in such CARON. •
PersOns tlArruastni auuutilly with
lilt AND .tAi ,YlW.tlitc . I.II.LIUUS
N ATUltii, will ti:,.! the timely us° of one or
wo b•ittios, tue7 tioi duo install - co Lahti the
, ogse, as tli„,3 r;,..loVate unit fitrungtfrieli thu
3YStolll, , a , kid C41% . 1 . L I .if lu its uatural alluaueL—
travouLlou Is o ; tier itt tit tune. •
A 1: :.. E1TA.131.111
And free 11.001 and all injurious
ingroJAertts; g ar.. c 'et., u taste and smell, mild
&heir operatio,u, ill morbid secretion, from
Chu body, g i-v. t ~t Lu pai/id. chuck, and health'
mud vigo,r to the tr, 0 . ..
k'rlcu 75 .teats
Principal ',Mo. .4tol/ street, Phlre,
dull by Drug„ ,+t: ant ihirekeepers itt every town
and I vill4go la tea :Rates and Climadaa, and by
all Druggists ill (May 15, 1851.1. •
A. FFLIC:.i.' I), itif.4l.l)! • •
Lst,i.abdakritaotay , ap by ll,lt. li 'KNLIN
curaux ut Third 6traeta, Philadelphia, l'a.
T t'-'2 WO YEARS'
Experience has rendered Ur. K. a inotit.sureeSsful prac
titioner In the cur.) aildiseases of a prira te 'nature;
nutubood's debiliv.- as an irepediniaut t6-.marriage;
nervous and sexual infirmities, cliseasesOf the, skin;
and those arising - friio v.busi2 of mercury.
_ NOTWE'.. .
Thorp is au evil lnthit tAllotimes indulged irkby boys
eolitudo, often g•rowin,.: up with them to manhood;
'and which, it not ro:qraml In duo time; nut only begets
serious obstacles co liCttrin . inuial happiness, but gives
rise to a series of protrwted, insidious, and devastating
alfections. ,
'Few of those . who give way to this pernicious practice
are aware of the consalnenees, until they flint the tier
votts system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable
"wonesalons,nud vague tears In the mind. (See pages'- ,
dB, 29, of 9r. E.'s nook ou " Self VieServation."
The 'unfortunate thus affected becomes , feeble, •is
.unible_to. labor with accustomed. vigor, or, to apply his
• mind to study ; his step Is tardy and weak: he Is dull,
drresolute, and engages even in his sports with lass
energy than usual.; .
Übe emancipate himself before the practice has done
eta worst, and outer qriatrinsony, his marriage' is un
fruitful, and his sense tells hint that this is caused by.
Isis early follies. Tkuseare considerathmil which should
, awaken the attention of alt studharly situated.
item have (by etatilig• their case , explicitly, together
with all their syulinnus, per . /otter, enclosing a remit
tence) Dr. 11.'s medicine, surprOprlated accerdingly.
Forwarded to auy part of the. Dnited /Mates, and
:secure front DAslAtilt ,and OURIOI3ITY, by lean or ex
, Rit4.U1 , 11,111731
A Vigorous Life" or' a' Ihroniature Death, Iflnhelin on
Self-Preservation- Ainly 25 cents; • 4'
Letters eeetelelli2 that value In &Amp!, will ensure
•11 copy per roturrt'ofxuall„ ,,, '„. , , ,„ , .
,1 ditA.llB) 1 011.5 AS I!I •
A 'Free Gum to all. ."
. I 15 II it Y
Maui& s Guido," a oxen and Opuiar work, tall, of
' , valuable Advice -attd A-wiles/dye watningotilkeCalcUla
itd to.preeeitt Yeerti a <misery and save thousands of,
'Urea, is distributed. 'without chargtvand lbrwaided 'by
• mall, Preteld) "Y Olt entee c tit - ,eks Dotted States
(ord#r 4,porlier enclosing tlio postagetatamp&
' •
P• ORTR Alt OF JOHN -0..
most correct tikenese tareeinoi ;
_ecnted In the highest style of Art, andlittiated on fine
India paper, published and-for tale, :Wholesale and . . 46,.
sti,. by •. L. N. !tin...Ili:NTH AL, Lithographer, N. voi;
- nor Fifth end Oheitout,Stroote RWisdeiptda. • 81ae of
17v2t1. Retail price $l. A liberal diseoent
. will
ifie.allowed those wishing to Bon ; - •
• 473 - Au I; ; NTS WANTED...Ipr .• „
...,_. • ...—:>•Fg4* . ..-di,N„ . 'sioo 0 ; ' ' slooo'll
' , •5 1 Z : ,:,:4 ' . AFFLICTIO - ' • :'
- - Wi . A * ':, - - cii - t :- „u"zi---' 4 , ° A:ii=s c 4hir 61.
i 4 ..:-
..„, 4,- ..,,:,,,, lowing curd . •It Is youOcularly •
• - ''-',..„,?........ --- important to &MANIA Elt:1 AND
'''''''. ' TRAVELLERS, to prevent' Owl..
----'_----- being - iffisled and :deceived by
thelying boaiits,. lidso proudsus o and 'Spurious , recom
inundations (from•tho dead and inknown) of Foroign
and - Native Quack% of whom thore•hro more in .Phila
dolphia_lhan elsewhere, becaeseof the don - pulley of tho
laws.uf the State.. Citizens know and wroidtheaL - . ~, . 1
flaving tried one to twenty dollars. worth of 'Quacks'
Mixtures, Extracts, Invigorating' Elixirs, Cordials, hit
ters, ‘i s cc. - wfthout effect—hir s sing been deceived by tilts
tin/mon:Awl and exaggerated accounts-of ..„' 4 cif-Abuse,
Secret Diseases and, their consequence - a, published in ,
Airrintistintentsfdlooks - , - - - &c,r-enftriiisled—by- false—re—l
ceipts and wrong advice contained thereinotirposely
to increase Sufferings, mid alarm and frighten the un
thinking, the more easily to extort large foes, - (which tp
more evident, being sold for less than cost of printing
sand advertising)—having paitliive to one,hundrod dol
lars to Foreign and Native Quacks,
having suffered much and long=-though the time lost
cannot be recalled, nor the money - recovered' you ,Raid
and were defrauded of, yet you can he cured, however
bad, long standing or &Sliding your case, by Dr. Lahr.
" Re wise. betimes; Delays aredangerous." -
"Time is Money; Thus, saved is Money earned."
, married, or contemplating marriage, suffering
I from Self-Abuse or its Consequences,' or suifering-from''
,any 'other causing, defects, or deseasest,' and LADIES,
whatever their' diseases or situations, may honorably
rely and confide in Dr. Leidy's skill and success: Ac.
- commodatitnis,if required, with kind and efficient, at
tendarioe, at Da.(l,ElDY't3 PitIVATE'IIOSPITA L. '
7.777.CRU'rfriS - 31DITY'T.PACWW1-I,I:PREVAILI - .
Is waged.the following cannot be contradfeted, namely;
• • Dn. N, B. LEIDY,
Nu. 814 North-Tomah Street, above Dace. •
Is the only repiler Physician in — in - Fling in PUtiadel
`phin, Graduate of the lluiverslty'of Pennsylvaititi,o;
1833, (twenty-two years). exclusively
.itrtgaged in, the
treatuteht of Secret or De/it - Ate Disest. , c of both sexes,
Self-Abe - Se and -itit - consequences; Lt,, ;tic Weaknetta
and ; Net vousnosA; Irregularities and Other
disease-8. or situations of Females; and which lie will
cure In u se time and less - restraint,--more effectually,
than atiy utter, tinder forfeit of •
- oxE TltotisAND-D0,1,1,.(1tt.:1.
Dr. LEID' has mom pntieuts. and' cures thenito,
than all advert ising,pottors, so enlled or other wise. On o,
PhDittlelphla combined, and,proudly 'refers to Profes
sors and respectable Physicians, limey of wham consult- fi7 - in~tbscr Bail .
chants end ProPrictors, as to his known skill, re
putation 1114 unparalleled tttnsoss. . . .
. .
Cl.ll have neregsary ti V (CO and anedielnri' fent
mail othervisg,. to . tiy part of the United Stator,
giving t clegrription of their cases (eachisi rig, ...areason_'
;LOW tee)' 1.1.11 LW, _
No. 111 North 1 7 111.1.11TIUStr'eet, above Race,
• l'hilade.lllla.
A ntzugtl •
• - •
10 'lst 1 . 0 d WiNl 'l' .
—Theymel•er did do owre thau - give temporary
r mod; and they never will I It is Imo:It/Au they ; dm* t
Ouch the etas, of the di.soase.l cause of all aqua
r ood IditioUs disictscx is tho atmo. , phorie poisou ca/Cud
- Atiasmii-or Neutraliee itiis Poison by-its NA
TURAL Attfllto ft:. and all alsOrtlic .used by It' dtSuppeartC .
at alleO::AddLOdUtt!,k'uycr and Ague Cure is this aiitaiLite
tii - S4tarta r altddilltcdoctwitis- a portuctlynltarotluss-tucd ,
icinu„The cortitietitemf- the eelobrated eLtoutist. J. It.
Chilton, of :Cow•York, to tied elfuut, ikattdackled to ero•
bottlOA tllvtot:)rti, if it (I.)es uo good, it can 1/1) no
harem • • , .
,Thin Is m xo than eau be salt of Qttimittetrsenie, ur
any Other toulc iu uxistencv; &huh . eau is rikiu.4,to
thu euristituU,“) hrjiigs 111J!..0.1 ALI _
neVer aliyws µ pursue to tutil perfectly Well fur a. single
tuouiuut, ti/Usiratioit these truths 1 uanos. 1.1111.1
eXtr4ctS 'from'a letter just (seat vtst from It PliyslMa
• cie.ilti(iKnio'S, o«fe, 11arch ti, i. 840.
. 11 . S. A. HMV( DS.. Eld.7--Dedr Sir:. Vourate'll Inst.,
IN at hand. Ile Cure' arrived tato 'fist year, ind the
difficulty lu gusting any oho In purclidsu it was greatly
increasod trout the fact that t rofiteily had k 40.111 intro•
due.),l which n•.ta growing In favor Whit Lill, pubile 011
bellitf boiler titan using Quinine—hot Ppro•
Sulue, that.the remedy they used to escape taking Qui.
nine eel taitied cite /14i11.U_.11.'6.61.,F, I .
. . .
Vhisreutetly (kuvwn us "Stalt,li's Tonio,") would in
variably /Me:A.S . . au Akue, but it did not. Cure it, an it
would often ruturu with renewed vigor. Thlit ouo'•cir
cuiustauee 1 deemed in your favor, if I could institute
teat comparibou between It and your CUltb:. Thu
lowing la the testilt; •
Twee pen.ojl6 tarok yopr "Coro," all of which were
cases of — Quotidian Infennittant Fever," of malty
weeks statithug. They had tried quinine anti other
remedies, occasionally Julie:ins a chill, but it was (as in
•all such caseajziowly weurluir them out, and living
the found:W. u s of Other and severer maladies. I did
I'll:coed In elfectlug a radical cure of all three of these
cases_wlthyour remedy, nut limy have not h a d a ehm
sioce. In all throe of these cases thu Smith's 'route"
had beau used, and would, us before stated, break the
chili, but alter a period or, two bud elapsed 1t would
ruturu. ,
1 think there will be no dißleulty now itt giving to
yoUr"Cure'llio vantage „ground of any ether remedy
now in nee here, do., Sc. W3l. BUCKNER, 31, D.
lt .eii/VElt and .A 013113/ ILE, uP ANTIDOTE
.31.41,t/ti A, the only hartalees remedy lu existence
is equally eartaln as a rat:va„ariva, us I eunn." Take
it when you mei the chilla . :eunalug ou„suti. you will
never have a ~in;le ono.
JAitdii3 A. It I.IODES, Prapristor,
Pruidtiunce, It. I.
. .
yFor stir Lp W..A. KELSO, and. Druggists gunman)!
()ANGER ' ti It 1 1 .4).---;Canceri'-.V.iiiii
. Ulcers, Tuinors, Scrofula, %Vhlto &c.
curial willsoutSurg,ical Operation by
ttS.Dr. L.'s Pumplet (2nd edition) on the Treatment
and Uuro otCaneent, Tuutorti, - kc., will Le sent to any
address Ow) ou reßipt of ayostage stamp. UMee, No.
/1334. Walnut Street, Philadelphia. , (Sep. 3,69-4 m.
For the last three years-I have been engaged in a
Int:duces knoNII Only to myself, and comparatively few
others, whom 1 'lmre ,instructed for the sum or $2OO
each, which. has averaged me at the rate of $3,090
to sd,ooo per. annum; and; having made mangements
to go to Eunme in the Fall, to engage in the same bad
r am to give full instructionirte the art to
any persons iu the Udited states or Canadas, who will
remit me the - sum of $l. I ant induced, front the suc
cess I have been tkvored with. and the many thankful
sikuowledgernents I have received 'trine hoc whom I
have instructed, and who are making front
lit it, to give any person iu opportunity to engage in.
this business, which le easy, pleasant, and very profita
ble, at a entail cost. There is positively No lintelino in
the matter. Referencesof the best demean be given as
regards its character, and I can refer to persons whom I
have instructed, who• Will testify that they are making
,from $5 to $l5 per day at the same. It is a bialdnosB fa
which either
tan engage, and with perfect ease make a very hand
seine Income..- t3everaktssiga,lll.XerifP4l.,Partff-PTer:
Pork State, nnsylrank ILO Mrtryland;w‘om "aye'
'instructed, are now making front 43 to .° per day at it.
It is a 0111SRaL suaisses, and but a dollar or two is re.
quired, to dart it. , Upon receipt of It, I will Immo.
diateiy send to the applicant a printed circular:contain
ing fttLkinatructiunaltsthe art, which can be perfectly
understood at once.
• • In ttikatouth of May last, I sent my advertisement.
to the editcw of the Seeding Duette and Democrat,"
Reading, Pa., and elm Bent him -mit of my circulars of
Instructions. . gm its recelpt,nud on a careful examina
tion. heinsected the following editorial In his paper: •
We cult attentfoh to the advertisement of. Air. A. T.
Persons; of New' POrk, headed rfittruimascr
soar," *MO. will baftnind in another coltimn. Air. P.
has sent us one of-his circulars, Ailluiled _lnAns,
vertisement,and on examination we lind It, re he Says
It is, so humbug, but alight, easy and honorable bust •
mess. endow that may .t.te made .priiiit4l.ols a eery
taillltelpital.", • • • •
/I.lll9tters Wieldtressed to A. T, PARSONS, 88&
4roadway, New York. ' [dune 2Mm.
undorslved .hati been !app.;,,c,,,,,E, fto
agent for supplysDg MOULDINGS crony &shin, or' Pat
bnlblinge t at , a !n eh' lose Mato than they, mu.
be tondo liere-44.siddby:, our most experienced nie
ettertiett.. 20;4501. . MINGY SAXTON '
Carlisle Perulb
~_h~tn~et~t~in - -;=
"E RR I NG'•S PATENT ). 611 A NIP 1,
ON Fri:lt 'FitOOF SAFES, - with' 110:Fs' I"nteut.
- I vmder Proof Locks, whhdi u
awarded separate .51;alais• at the
"Irtrrs — Fdlr7twittowitStirsrird
Pa at the World's Fair, New
n'lc, 1853 and P 64. The subserl
- aro the sole nutoutheturera
' proprietors 'ln this State of
above unequalled Satan. and
be. • The reputation of the
t nine "lieril tig'S Safe7-Isu4rh'
le,' and for the last thirteel,
trs - the'ntercautilo community
Ai 'witnessed and 'Borne testi
mony to their NI.;Vt:It" FAWN° fire proof qualitieS. More
than 12,000 Of those Safes, have been actually sold,'and
over TWO llLlPinto have passed. triumphantly through
accidental - Pres. The public are assured ,that all Safes
anapittiactiiredity - the' - latbseribers4tre=not-only-glutran,_
teed to be fully equal, biirlit ninny respects even supe
rior to - those which have beou so, severely tiled by fire
Veit' will leo:mt.-their services in, the burning of the
"Tribune esttibllshnient',' New York, and at the (treat
Fire in Strawberry street, at "the large [hp last July,
opposite the . Girard Rouse; and, still more, recently
In the Fire at Fifth and ClieSnut . sts., in the city of
Phildelphia, in which these Safes coma forth the tiC•
knowledge& CHAMPION, 'When - many other securities
failed. FAllitEL It CO.,
IRON SAFI?, AND BANK Loot 31mo:aff. •
34 WALNUT Street,- Philadelphia. '
'• Chilled Iron Satbs..wlth_Powder_Proot Locks, 11151111-
Actured • exprtisly • for ,Banks, Brokers, Jewellers, - and
Others requiring security from rogues. Bank 'Vaults,
Doom - , Be; on hand and ruffle to Order. All the most
celebrated hocks for sale at manufacturers' prices. -
Secondtend "Safes," .‘"Salanvanders" and "Iron
Chests" of other makers, have been taken in part pay
-merit forlierrine's for sale at half price. '114,1*
. .
' i
• 3 .
'1,3 ar t.
. -/)-- •-' I ,V, ~ 7 1 , - , , J 1:•:.• ,
r° „-.• • ~, i ;, , , , 1
• -4 e,, , „ 4 :-'/ ) ... 41.0 . :,i
11$ 4 41::e, II '
Charttiroll by the Statt, or l'enhsiNauln '11i56
oriacE, ricEE'r
On(door above Second Strout, Philadelphia,
Iteceivi 1,11,4 . e:its in Milli:4 . of Ono 1)0111ir And up war d s
front all classes of the eMninwhity, and allinis interest
at the rate of' live per rent pi r annum. ;Moneys paid
back on demand. 4&i Unice open doily from U until
5 o',elock., and on Mntaday and 'Sat urdtty •until U o'clock
in the eyening, . .
•_A'his Institution will found a couventent-s»d"-safe
place el deposit ler ELtraura one
In Philadelphht. Ihiposits.tyruiniid on demand without
any_Pro rmtui red.
• • . --• DIANAOLIT.E.,
Z:711.11111.114A - .-841tith,e,'
- anwen tieorge .
J.ttues Perot. : Robot 31vrris, -
John MeCanles,, Edward 1.. Clark,
. Jscoh S.heets, Capt..loqu liallag her,
juseph - M;Cmiell, . John Rice,
Joseph 11. Myers, . Richard U. Stotesbury,
Edward 11. Trottef; , • William Shippen, jr.
Franklin r .
Thomas Cooper, Edgar E. Pett ' it,
• I ; reslde NE LIN FP.1,11.
Treasurer—CHAS. M. MIMI:IS.
Suertitary—.l.l NIES S. Pltl-NO-IN.
Itoly-Thu Chrtrter providen that no manager, officer or
ugent shall, directly or iiidir.:r;tly, borrow any money
f tout the :Society,. Octl7,le4Tly
tut merchants, lawyora, nu -Lours, uud others, having
Papers, or other valuables, to -proiervu .frout
Filth or IiUIL IL.tUS.
. //ay and Nowt:ll's (Midi's) BANK LOCKS.
cAitu,Th. Fero l•roof that prosorrod our
Books, Vapors, Se., during the groat /aru ai Bart's"
Buildings, wets pure:linage' or tea EVANS, 01. S. dud
St., Philadelphia. • - cfITZ
EVAN S' Premium Vent'leted Itetrigeraturiiter cooling
aiid preservlilg utouts, hu tter, water," tiud : -all
nitieies ler culinary purposes. - _ .
WATER VI bar Int rifyllig brackish or muddy
water, Avis:their *fleeted by rains, itantaitUllo, marl, ur
oth - er cALLSO ;' can be had separate or attached to the
Refrigeraters—a sniall quantity ()lice coullug thu whole
in the wareiost weather.
MUTABLE SILOWLIL - BATILS, for the use of vertu
or cold water.
,V.121:n COOLIMS,"for Hotels, Stores,sud Dwellings
sTinip; TRUCKS, for moving boxes, bales; ite.
Copyiug du., Druggist do. •
, • 01:1 %%nit EVANS.
, No. Of. South SOCORti St., (-2-duurs below Cfiesnut.
Waren .5, 18;15.)
ET, otii• 0011N:lilt of Ilan
over and Loather Its,
dlaSLK—The u.ndersig
uil has always en hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet
Witificiii all the different, styles; which he is prepared to
sell at the lowest prices:* lie invites attention particu
larly to the liarnwr Seem° Dorn:al disix-VaAn, a recut
usuiul artiele, which entirely obviates ap objections.—
The bottom can he attached to old. Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisfaction to all who have there in use.
- CONEINS made to order at the shortest notice,
Aorta Hanover street,. next door to y
Ulons's liotol.
' lie would respoetfully inform the R .
4itisens of Carlislivand the public generally, that he
has now on, hind a large and ulogantaasortwout of F UR-
NiTUlti‘coualsting in part of Wardrobes, Card and oth
er Tables, Sao, Bureaus, Bedstuads,._plain and.tiiu y.
Sewing Stands, ttc.; manufactured of the bast material
and quality warranted. •
Also p general assortinent of CHAIRS at the holiest
prime. VENITIIN BLINDS made to order, and repairing
PivinplAy attended to. • -
OOFFiNS 'made at the shortest netice,'"and hay
lug a Splendid bowie ho will attend tuner/tie la town or
country. • .
.441?". September the stand—next door -to Itt, Mates
B. SM/LBY. ,
R. WICAVRR wuld resoecfeully
the attention of Itouse-keepornatid the public
to his extensive stock of elogant FURNITURE,
r AVeludiu*.Soilur,lt'ardrober,Odutersittul Tables )
15'6j - 8 ' 15 14 NutPhidry - BureauS, and every tither
art(cle In his, branch of business- Also now on luiud
the largest atiortment of CIIAIRB in Carlisle, at
the lowest pima._ AOFEIBB made at the short,
oat odic:sand allearre provided for fnnerals, tia
solicits a tali at his estailklOvnotit* on: pofta go-
'"er dreel, near Ohusse's lintel, • • , •
Itirlturnitury hired 0 11 t"bl Pre. Inecktltbc roar.
.4f3Yliftgs - 4.19
•• 60 dozenOrass:atid. - Andtvit, 4l o 4l s o ' nwalltiw
/1 so a large assorttneuV6( Setittia - 6 'all. kinds, Gime
and Oran Rakes, Hay, Manure and . Shakfttx(Ap(ks, by
the quantity—just, reoetved at the Molp /Loftin
ftgre of LI. tid.WON, .Kest Main Street, carihdei. .; •
I 7 IHRAP ~ T ARLETANS.-r-A, lot. l of
White Tarlatans, for covering diaridellerviiisd
P cture Frames, for•salo eherip by • ' •
Juno 11,3 ; 9lO. MTN=
-= ~~J ~t~~~c[~lji:
, .........._______ „ .
4ZA VING' FUND :or tIitALS. -
.K). ANSUBANCE, Al .111 Y ,tintiun.conn"Y. •
-...'5. it. Currier Third. and Chesnut klii eels, : Plan.
-Ik9_ CAPIZAK,V2Se.ticO. —4.4
.4 0.
' torrey-fit-reeelvedv , -
~ pi;ibite7liftilyi•—theamount..dix--
, posited is entered bitr : ''''v posit ,Hook and given,to the
Depositor, or, if prigi 'ooertificate wils be given. '
...All sums large linoMall,...ari; received, and the.
amount paid back eivdernoridy'lifithont notice. :
Interest is. paid at the rata' of rive V}.ll: CENT., con
mencing from the day of deposit, and ceasing •tburteen
days previous to the vilthdrawal tit the money. ''L •
Cu the first clay o'Llantlitry; in with yedr, the interest
of each detositisTaidto Pm depositor,
~' or addial,to the
pi incip.4.l, as he ugly profer:•
' The Company have :now upwitrilk ( jf 3,500 deposlto . rs,
in the city of Philadelphia alone. ‘ . . . •
Any.aditional information *ill he given by addressing.
the TREASIMER: ' .
. Stephen )1. CrawfOfd:Presl
• Lawrence Johnson, Vice Pt.
- -Ambrose°. Thompson,
Benjamin W, 11ngley;
'Jacob L. Florance,
Sept. 12 '55:7--ly,
above Seventh, Philadelphia, respectfully -Informs the
public that he is prepared to melte the *Vllowing
TWENTY Boardman, Gray & Co.'s celebrated PIANOS;
and TWENTr C. W. Fisk ,t.T6.'s I'IJ2iIJUM BMW
DIWNS ar be placed In the hands of . a Committee of .
gentlemen. to be by them distributed among the holden+
of tit,;.rertiticates.
• ...
To chef' purchaser of my - Eopular-Music, a coitificite
will be presented. entitling the 'holder to nn interest in
ONE EI.ANO and 1.451 E MELODEON, to bo - disposed of by
the Committee. for the benefit of those holding certifi
eat Ng When ONE TIIOUSA N 11 DOLLARS' worth of :11ushi
shall have Lein soliEiso that each person investing One
ITiilliiri , rill - nat - unly - roceiee-inv.anebtlio value-of Money_
paid out;ilint will lir-ve secured. to -Mtn an interest. hi
common with other certificate bidders, In the abovp
tribution. The suceeeding distrilintkina will be con.
subject , to the saute regulation, until the 20
Tholes and 20 Nlelodeonp are distributed. '
- -
PartkulasiaLtenlion is Invltedio_that feature of thiS •
pht • whichsalls for a disPoStli of the instruments when
but WOO certificates haye been issued, thus avoiding the
Ya'xatimM flelny 'and proliaLlW drsappointment attend
ing certain schemes now. before the public. .• 7 ,
Music .may be selected from my entire stock, whie.h
comprises ovety Catalogue in the United . fitates.
Orders forwarded by mail will Le - faithfully and
promptly nttotided tll7:'* „.
N. IL—Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of-
Pianos, from the celebrated-manullmtories of Ilosednian,
dray : A. Co., of Albany; :Jacob chickuring 4: A. W; Ladd.
& ' lli ooston; Ely & Manger, and B 4.
ennett 7 Co:,'Wf -
New York, Also, C. W. Fisk & Co.'s Premium Melte
Aeons, to be had at the 'lowest minufacutuioesprices.--
Plead thu following from Goduy's Musical Editor.)
llontomas, GHAT VOtTS.— , -We sin So'well
pleased with the instruments made -by this firm that
we have determined to be instrumental ourselves. that
is—lte4urtilehing—our—sobseribers nnit tAliers with en
at:tiele that we.cau recommend and warrant:. Morels
always a' dlfficuity attending the purchase of - pianos.
because persons cannot rely hdlg upon the recommenda
tions they receive from 'mnnufacturers, who aro inter.
ested, of course, In the sale of their own manufacture.
how. we era not Interested In the matter in any way,
except so far as to see that those who patronize our
-Ikiok".shalk be well served with the best pianos Memo.
For a list of
. prices wee cover, at which mounts we w ill
send Pianos, - .varrante'_ d
for one veer, the freight to be
paid by the parsons ordering. tt'e
..annex a letter re
ceived from a gentleman. in. Virginia, to whom we Fent
one of these Pianos:
'•L. A. GODSY, Ksq.—Dear hsve groat pleastire
lu nekndwledging the receipt of the Piano Porte which
you were so good as to order for my wife from Boardman
& Gray's. It was delayed for some time at Winchester;
but I am happy to say that it came In excellent coodi.
tiun. We are decidedly pleased with the instrument.
The rosewood Is of a beautiful quality: the case Is plain
(we like It the better for It); the touch is very easy for
a new instrument, and the tone Islirubelear and sweet.
All who have tried It, admire it and speak In the highest
terms .of its mellowness and aweotness bf tone. We
deeply regret that we did not order the ‘Attnehment:'
we must have It yet. '
"We - are - deeply indebted-to -von for _your ageneY
procuring for us so good an instrument. Ile pleased
ruivlso oor acknowledgments. Your obt. servt,
dec. 5,'55. J. 1). W."
oat itreet, south best corner of Third street; Philadel
phia, incorporated lOU State of Perinaylsaula lu
1841; •
Five pet cent, interest Is given, and the money la lel•
ways paid back whenever it la called Mr, without the
neeelielt 3 of giving notice for it , beforehand.
' People who have large sums put their money in thle
Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and Con
venience It afforda,,but any curl, large or small, Is te•
This Easing Tirol Ws a Very holm 'takeout of Slott
'Mae' around Ilents and other Brat done Inyeatakeute
for the security of Depoldters. The mho prevent' any
Dtkostor or Myer from using or borttltlng the money,
The Mee le open, to receive and pay money even,'
daY, lhin'9 - o'clock In the inernlng MI I f o'clock in the
evening, and on gouda ) , and Thursday evening, till a
£enple who hive money to put in, are Invited to re
at the offs* Ibr Anther Irdhunatlon.
• ' MIRY L.
• - MT.. SELFRIDGE, ift,Preso4l4at.
• Vi# , RESI4 Btocrst Ar 7.
October . 3,, - •
Jaet i•bethea one of she'll/keit aidOit;: r )
titenta=tunivittas over brouet '..021161k
Obi oonalstliax OottOPt""")
14144„1 4 , no of all Won. The .m t a,
itrlciss• are low= tmitypas'eivet help
u,ylng at IL 11 NW nardWlits Store. IS •
Street, • 4w441 , 11 US& •
tiFilatOOAL7—Ctic*cd coikt•tuatlyotf
‘,".ttand um/ Ibr saltiby . '4O
111.'• ' • W..114/IIIRRAY.
. . .
• , l'aul 11 . - tioddard. •
(leo. Nlellensy.
James Doverenx, ••.
Gust. English.
Secretary and Ti ensurer,
- ..Teller and
Be It' enacted and ordained by the' Town
Council of the Borough of Carlisle,*autl it it hereby en:
acted and ordained by the authority of the BRUM. That
hereafterit shall not be lawful for any. Dlll/4)11 or tither
personntt the instance and request of the owner of any .
property, to lay, make, or construct any pavement- in
any street or alihy, in the Borough, or Carlisle. Miless
flielfeight and breadth , or kitid• paiemen,t -shall 'hare
heeu first previously fixed and settled by the lierougli.
regulators; and n certiticate.given by.them to that Orem.,
and any mason or Other person laying; making or con
structing, or assisting in-laying, making or construct
ing, any such pavement without such certificate being
first previously procured, shalt be liable to a line of
Twenty Dollnrs
- That
„ any one whotdra - 11 idalietously grid 1
fullyf Throw water fromany hose attached to any wash
pave. upon any person, or , upon any liorso. Carriage,
Wagon or any other vehicle, shall be liable to a ,iirtu of
Ten-frollars fur each anti evBry such offence. • • -
Ste. 3. 'flint '-the owner of any Cow ointher rattle
that shah be fOurni trespassing - on the public streets of
this llorough•i,4ween Oct hours of it P, M., anti
1 c'eloclt, A. M., throughout- the year, shall he liable to
a BUe df Fire Puitars.ibr miry, - uch trespass.
Sec. 4. The fines and penalties imposed by this Orel
nance shalt be rccoveraldi as provided - by the 3'241 r,cc
•tlon of the Act of 'Asseniblyi-l-nssed the :Sr: day of
April, MI. •
' ' .As NOBLE, Chief Iturriess.,
Aittrst t‘earetary to Corporation.
tiept. 18.M.17-:,..:w.
rittPli ANS". COURT SALE:-: In •
purAuanco:o.f ruilordetL_of - the OrploirtfcCoitrt
Cumberland con nty. will ho sold at puldie sale, on
SATLKOAY, Cho •27th of September, IMO, on the 'prefab. -
sec, in Mceiroe township, Cumberland oc , unty. on the
Lisburn road, about two utiles ,net, of illurclitowui,
mora.:_oriuss,All urlder,gooth fence, nod In o'good strao .
of cultiva improvements cultivation. rho impvements are a sto ti ary an
half LiKl. HOUSE, Promo ;hop, Barn,.Corn I.7rib.Smoko
l(ouih, &i Thereisal...o a goof App"o Orchard on lin,
preinteef!,.togethei with a great variety of other_choico
fruit trees. Tinge la a never-failing well of water con.
venhoot to the . door of the dwelling.. The nbovedo
scribed property will be sokl as belonging to the estate
of - Daniel Kline, deceased.. Sale to cotnence .at 2 -
o'clock, P. M., when tone will be made in ktiown by
--August 20, 1 SLG—t s
k I NG. The subscriber 'continues to carryii on i
above business. in all ita•varlouS branches.inNorthlittn- •
'over stret t,Car - itsle. two doors North of Leunafd's corner
where ho intends keeping on hand a ( getteral titskirtinetit ' .
lu Lis line; sousistiitg of all kinds of fashionable SA.G- -,
.DLES, Bridles. Martingales, Girths,
- CireinglesandValters,als? TRUNKS,
.dt \ 1 traveling and, sa - ddhi • t g b - --i-tert.
- .W. :it t :' _tap. He also man- p., -- , -'7' ,
q 'AI 1 . , ufactures the _null Mii rat
i 0 l il l t A l l'fit il) ;VdS e .s.D a n ll t,;,s B e l ver used in this'
i l' country, and those wishing a hand- •
- ' '' `l, 1 " 1 ,1 . some,_ durable and pleasant saddle
' ' • *ado well to call and see them. Ile
a also manufactures Harness, While% - -
Collars and Whips in 411.11101 r vat - le- -
ties; and confidently juifloves frolic the general tippmba- '
lion of 'llls customers, that ho makes the neatest and
best gears, in all their variety of hredth, that Is made I a .
the country. Ile 'also 'makes all kinds of Matmsses to
order, rlzt StraW. Husk. Curled Hair and Spring Mat
rssses. All the alsivit articles will be made of the bet•t
material and workmanship, and with the utmost d, ll
patch. . . - • WM. OSBORN.
..alialetl:ind Applied tnot taken) tip cur.) /imams
No Rheumatic, untlgie, or other Pahl esti exist
woure U 4 v o Tur la applied. Olive Tar mixed '
withlltiTtbu Tullew forma as
'A./haw - aat ilaut cures '
Reforonee is made to the hillowing gentlemen who.
bus used OlivO Tar, or 01lio Ter Ointment. • -
TIIURLOW WEED, EN ,or the Albany Journal. „
11'al. 11. TOWNSEND, New York Express.
JUIIN 31. BAILS ABU, Leq. , lloston thinsld.
. ISAAC V. FOWLER, Pikituntster. Now York."
Capt. EZRA NYE, late of the Steauler Pacific.
N. A. BLANCO, ksy., Chief Engineer Pachie IL It.
C. NE, V, Pres. U. S. E.:pram; Coutpatiy.
kiLL COON, Ex-mayor Buffalo, N. Y.
.Prof.JA)IES I'. MAI'ILS. Newark. N. J.
is° ROE LA IV, 6th Avenue, N. Y.
lIENBY iLt,aw eii South street, N. Y.
/./, ut uni.lie uefit Ins. Co., 11 Wall st. '
..alanhiotin Life Ins. CO., i
J. W. J C.l/0. New 'England Ina. Co., 21 . 1 WijlLvm et.
O. W. ENs WLIBTD, sorwarder, Pearl st, -• '
• ELlrillit PECK, Its.ukor, 2 Broad at. .
Rev. WM, JAB, l'/S, Middletown, Conn.
And many othili names will bi found in our Circulars,
Which can be had of our Local Arata.
OLIVE TAlt, 60 Cents st Bottle.
. - • :44 -•
t1 , 11.1.3.).31-LK INIIALIIIO FLASTRUS3,23.ftts,
For Sate by biaveretick, only Agout fur Carlisle
Pa.. Also sold at the Ciiinpapra Depot, Nu.-16, Star,
'street, New York;aulfby Drilla/tits -
- August 2ti, . _ • •
N.IIW GOODS.—The. subscriber hug
just returned front . the city and is opening; a
general oat ortleoutof Fumy wad Staple Goode,comist
ug of French gariuues„ Ouburga, Alpateaa, Printed
L'ashoterea and Mous do Lalura. DMZ dilka Ya great
variety, bon &who .Bhiwia kot $l6 to VG. Free.*
Blanket ShaaLs. 01:Aiteic and Salsa ii:dgltyta and in
steiloirs and Quabric and Swiss Collars. Morino and
Silk Skirts and Drags. Vitae 'ltiostoins iu weikt
variety with other Vanes and Staphi (Rots.
nue. a:4 OSO. W. LIMNER.
I NLie
, AL
i , , , , . . collection of Nwrijiaper Facia - and
cat eon a complete list or beempeptml hi
Ike United lltntes, and . Onset Britain: The
only reliable work 011ie kind intim amid. An Irma).
ymble aidetant to thu Editt.s444 Publisher; andllen
eral 041;14113er. Beo. 230 pp. • .
Oa receipt 442, it.rill ha Platk lt lA ps r ma mall[' tO $2.7
part of th e come a 41ROTIllap,
, Fu .
No. 83 Derlt at.,' Philadelphia.
Wilkiliore asertiailtio• above throe months * with •
editorial reuitronin and aandind, cntilles or' The paw
wre- paid to thetabovereinnOnd nom 4 * cOpY of the
ork. . , i Beg 2..rftl e , ~ - ,
ti,..—tiume, and now la %a glartar
- eta" Slams, .
• .
o,Tioffitti )itatbl• 1 44dtairlishir Ado , Iron
hie ' ' • ' 'LEAP:a
aeII,BABRITING SlaGalte6;-A gum'
iumortniii ot• Crimboi. anCPpitterised
on of boat Away. !ha a*daßt Crusito4 ma i d
ant other 'unties watiatuli 61 1 'WA ratable for
.prattrtitis Ptikta.ther nintfaus - at eta
41sn'lk ‘.14406.10 eapplyiki the itholccat mss, Tom,
S.PiteS Mr: *Aldus in varlet" aboroy on h abi t_
attciai~lontsttrttesltoAurax* b,t!lkstetr,),ilus *I so %item •
J . ulr - J. N„,
V • .
That Tory, 'valuable and - Well • known -DUSINI;SS- --- -.-
STAND situate on the corner of North Hanover and •
_Cautthoatrauts,. o_lairauglthaallolr,.o.ltued—
and occupied by atb Fetter, containing 30 feet front
on Hannover Are and 2-IJ feet int" Louthej. street.
The Improvements en lianuoyer skeet are .it large.
.TIIRRE STORY HOUSE, with a large brick bark build
ing linishettin the utost elegant manner; contitl»lng 11 .
rooms including the store room, besides yantries
ilg ndequvenient closetatilangoinents. The STORE •
ROOM is 33 feet In depth;, fitted uP" iii thebest
tiosaible.inanner and one of the most desirable and long:
- StitbliSheil -- business - loeationS - in ourlownz --, -
Tliere is a large two Story brick building fronting on .
Louther streetrwith a•shop attached, now occupied as
a cabinet maker shop. Also is stable On the foot of the
lot, and other necessary out buildings. The property ••
Is In excellent ordlir-having• been recently fittedill, 14
Ve - Wiimit - o - derront --- leortorus - teenquiro - of ' -
• A. L..spoNsEnn, . .
.Item .11 , :tiMte Agent and Scrivener... .
opt 5
W . the, AAI tWAT A... 11) LONGS