El ~Suliliral: ____A_ltetter from Gov. Reeder on the ap proaching Eldatift — of - President - and the Candidates. NEW YORK CITY, Sflit.. 18, 1866. To the Edit Ors of Me Event Poet T.,EMEN—Thei letter' of . yotii . Verrettpondent H , and your editorial' comments upon it thel9tli l inst,, seenrin tx)mmon courtesy 'lr_mantLaLeepl • Your Uorrespondent does not err: tosay that deoireAho success ofthe ?put! man party,,nn tie e candidate, and that I.am ready to . contribute, any bonornble , ellort to . bring•it about., This is riot the result of nny preference ns to men,* but in spite of it. With ‘Colimel FrCmtint I • ~, ani ennquainted. I have never seen him, • nor ii any communication ivith him, d'irect or indirect, Verbal or written. ; On the Other hand, my feelings of friendt•hip and . ,ntltnirn.6 Pion . for 'Mr. Buchanan, as a man, nre of no ordinary charaCter,..and are strengthened by years of friendly Intimacy. ad reciprocal acts of kintlnens,'unint.srrupted to IOAS - time by n 1 it 4 - gy, ,p)1 - 1 - 01(1e - iiffilidiiig . .orl unpeniiiiiiffeelidikl . and I . wii.id:iit any tiine defend him promptly' and indignantly against personal attacks up.' on his reputation. I believe hi 1.- to he a man of distingOisfred ability, of big integrity awl. , : .. .... ._ .. yaluable•experiiince. .11e is .:nrronnded, too . In - Pennsylvania, by many po ' 'cal friendi; whom pMstonally I love. and este , and to whom I am •urrited_br : ties .of ng cherished sociaide intirnncY, and the loss idwhose filiould.regard Ilse great calamity. , Per more than n ckuatte.r• of a' cen tury I have steadily,.labored with the _Demo-, _bratio party, and never doubted that-I should . do -no during tuy:life.'—qor years I have ex~ . erted - myself.to bring about Mr% Buchanatert _nOtrijnation. .4n-184 . 8 and-IW2 I wasone o f o f -those who carriel for him.th_e_Alelegates blear district, [lnd was his zealous and :iirdent - Stip . porter, On cach•opeasion I was in the Na; tional Convention as 'one of his delegates. , These ties fire)Oxacedingly:stroiigunir hard to sever especially with one who iti•-:natttrally of a conservative cast, And slow to oliange old liabity of thoughi - nruiaction, ; and T have re sisted for mouths the .convictions-that w urging . me to, my present °declaration. thave diligently sought reasons and arguments to - save myself the pain of breakin g up old asso- ciations and alienating myself from my old friends, but nll in vain. My love of oountry and hatred of opposition would not . allow my feelings and inclinations either to- delude my judgment or still my conscience, and I, am compelled to forfoit my self respect by com• mittiug whit I,belieie he*palpably . wrang. or else enroll myself in opposition to the Dom • ocratic party. I'see no reasonable hope,ufjustice and sym pathy for the people of Kansas in the suocesr of the Democracy. In its ranks, and with the power to control its action, are found the for tier Ruffians of Missouri and their-acuomyli ces of the South, who have trampled upon the Constitution, and all the essential principles. of our Govermilent, and fobbi - tilansas of its civil libi3rty and right of suffrage, laid wash its territory with fire and sword, and repudia• ted.even civilization itself. In its platform I find the enunciation 'of principles which' vvotild put the rope nbouttVe nooks of men for exercising tfie Constitutions right of petitiobing Congress for a State Gov• _eminent, or a rod - fess of grievances. far wore. than those which led' to the war of the Revofu Lion, and a,declaration stigmatizing es "armed'. resistance to-law" the moderate and justifiabli self-defence of.ren shamefully and infamous!) oppressed by'.ruffian violence and outrage, be yond all human endurance. -• I find the whole .party,pf the nation assen3= bled in National Convention, with.bat ono in 'dividual dissent, expressing its "unqualified 2 admiration" of an Administration wbizh has lent itself as the tool and accomplice of all thi --wrong's'-inflicted upon Ktinsaii, and by its ve nality,and.iinbeoility braughtlhe country to an intestine war. I find all its Representatives_ in Congres!, :With three individtial exceptioni,"laboring in earnest zeal, by spoeoh and vote,, to cover up ' the iniquities of tbiti Administration- and the Rorder'Ruffians of Missouri. and to suppress o fair iniesti:ation of. outra whi'ob shock both humanity, and republicaniem, and defy the ConstitUtion and ,tha laws. ; • -'•-• `I find those same ropresentatiVes, after the • 'truth was elicited in Spite of their efforts, still refttsing,to relieve' the; people from a code of isms inaposed upon them ,by foreign army, and still refuitingto,adrait them into the Union, , only for reasons,WhiciOnthe cases' of nine existinglgtates, had beetiAeolared untenable and of no acepent. C• , them diaregarding;i'lree eenetitution adopied in a legal, constitutional and - time , . sanctioned manner na r ihi h'no'man Can dopht to have reflected the will of the, people,) =..and-suPportinialaw to produce a substitute, 4 .,. N H which It is easy to , show would haieTierpetn -4-) ated In the State Gavornment 'the 'usurpation 0616 had by force already seised upon the • • Government of the Territory. I find theorrefueing to tnakeappropriatione for the army, utileas'th4 ti • rtny.ii to be peed to enforce a.oode of.laws violative.-on their face of the Constitution, enacted by a Leiiela titre. in violation• of the lows of the United Stott's, and imposed . by'foreign force Upon cOn quered and subjugated . 4iricau citizens. 'I find them, , in a word,: steadily aiding by all their Congressional action to Make a'slave State hi northern-latitudes,-and that, too, a , gainst the will of its inhabitants. . I find that one member,.lho more Than any other. stood out against the'snslavement of his wFiite fellow zensi-itt-refused-s-re-nominaT . : tion'brthtfr-Dera ooratitt part aPlie district.— I - find in.the canvass novugoing on that the whole tone oftheir party press. is in:the 'W same- direction. hen _the•,first startling intelli gence of the o - utrages in - Kansas reached - the States,_ their editois denounced ~ the,. foul - *wrong in twins of fitting indignation. It wee but a spasniodicr •effort, however, and in .de: faience to , the South and the' prevading senti ment, of the .party; they have dropped off, one • after the other, until now, so far a I Ilve been able to ascertain, there is . not a - Deinoeratio .paper which dare's boldly to. lustify,and fend the-FreeState-partyiqind-denounce:their luvaclers. •In place of encouragement and sympathy for 'their outraged fellow 'citizens from the North," there-ii little else "than jeers and ridicule for their oppresseteand suffering ,. condition- , -misrepresentation Of . their motives and conduct, and a pretended incredulity of, the statements-riud appeals which they send,. their brethrep pf the States. . - Ifind.their.speakers exhibiting the samiittpif Sortie . of them .ignoring tug qucstiou;tl= tirely; others of thern• treating-it with pryer sions,. miarePresentations; and, false iss,ues ; • and others taking 'openly the side of ,the op. pressers; but no one of them advocating the oausc of Kansas, •or'favbring her admission under the free State Constitution adopted_by • her-people. •- • In the public demonstrations and proees : sions of the party, I find banners and devices containing brutal insults, In response to the appeals - of that people for priitectiori against unparalleled wrongs, Calculated, as no doubt 'they infist be intended, to prepare the mimes action o -ler a confirmed refusal, of justice:and protec -lienTand a relentless persistence in Outrage -and-oppression. . I find till the Democrats 'South, and a por tion of the DeMocracy of the North boldly re• pudiating the KanSas-Nebraska bill, by intik Ling that Slavery hoe - fi tight to go into Terri; tories, in spite of Congress or the peoplei and that the inhabitants tot the Territory have no right to pass Territorial laws to f3r bid or exclude it. Democratic representa tives from Pennsylvania-even, in the Senate and the HOuse, bold and - proclaim the'Se-opinT_ ions ; while other Representatives from Penn.. Aylvanin., with Democratic leaders from ether 'States, declare themselves publicly to. be non committal' upon 'this heresy ; the - inevitable tendency of which it is' easy to show, will be to prevent almost entirely _the . formation of, any more free States, Having originated a movement myself, to aid our people - hy foetidly them men and mon ey, and having prosecuted it with tits strictest av;idance of party charactet, --And' a steady , . neutrality as to the political canvass: and , vitt'e ellritettly asked tisado operation of matt of all parties, I have foiled to :enlist in ,it:toT my knowledge a. single Democrat. In the the, c, mven iianit of Clevids r a atilt Btiffalo, called without distinction of party, in furtherance of. this t.iitertirise, there was L no Detitoorat pres• eta but myself. This cannot have been' from any want of generosity or of means, but only in deference to the prevailing tone and _senti- . meat of. the . party. which is enlisted upon, the other side of the question. And not only. have they abstained . . from .. Aiding the move- Meat but in their presses and by their private" . influence they have endeavored to criPple and retard it by sneering at it,: warning the (kink mnnity against it as trensonable,,and deolar.' ing that.-the,rnoney .:reuld'bn to prevent: coin- : tributiona even from friends of the measure: Imight go on with this ' 'catalogue, and en.: umorate other indications, if neoessaryi• showing that the prevailing tone of the party is hostile to Kansas ; but I. consider it only necessary to add that what I have said relates but' to the The ,South, .where the i great mass of the'par y s figie f o und, makes no preteopion, as A. whole c to the ndeooooy of anythidg tut pure Border Ruthaßieo?, What then haie the 'Free State , coma_ of Kan; sae to expect from'e, Democratic Administia= tiOn.,, even ifPiesbled over by `Mr. BUObanan ? If he could be lift tn - Oet 'Upon his own .influ. mom and free.from all ,pledges and obliga tions; expressed and-implied, the Oils , would be very ,different. But; unfortunatelf;thii :is ; notlLt,itis election would 'riglttinlly gem Isidore& a deoision against us, whatever may he Ifs' Olin - private 'feelings: ; Offices 'at . Washingtoi3, in Kansas, ; and . - ststowhere,- 7 . would tionoSeirily t Ja larie, .exten4 ~ ' b e fiOe'.ll with our enemies .' His informatiOm would come through a distorted mediutn ; and lastly,' be could not aid us. without:having 'first made up his mind to be - abandonedlitd - warrod upon by a tick his Own petty. The eouth_Would charge him with violating hie predgee,,Miii turn upon him with-the bitterist hoeillity;` - ami 'A191114'6 {or,' tioo of the Northern DemoOrnoylrmild follow this example. Ife would thne - be loft witkolit a party to .support his Administration; unless he should cast himself into the arms of thi . Republicans. We cannot, ,it Seethe ,to 'me; either twit or expect him 'to do this - ripen question where Party Unmare so plainly drawn before his election. Like all other men in the same situation, he must obey the. party metal-. ment on which he is elected. That thereare DemoOrats_in_Pennsplvania_who_are full. of -indignatiorragainstonduct - of t 7the — Souttr - in regard to Kansa*, I am wellLawure. that 'they would use theii_ influence to redress :her wrongs, :1 'am well :satisfied : but they are too few in proportion . to the whsle party of .the Union to sustain his adminstration a war with his party. They have ohs yet been• unable to make their opinions' appear and he felt in the party, and, of course, cannot' do, so . hereafter. honor their good intentions, but I cannot believe in their power. I repeat that I have been fireed to these conclusions after no slight "titruggle,with my . -fe °finis and in clinntionr. Sh ould - Mr - . - Buctran - an be elected, itud his Administration. be dif. forent fioni what my "judgement compells me to believe, I shall give it my cordial approba .tion, and my feeble though willing support.— As I believenow, I must regard . the Demo cratio-partfas fully committed to . Southern sectionalism' Toward which for some time past if hasbeen ra 4 pidly tending:and riluit it, well aisured that inY duty-to my country, demands at niy hando this sairitice of personal feeling. Very truly yours, A. II: IMEDEIt. TILEY TIIOVGIIT IN Isl 9 Protest. of `Pennsylvania-.against Sla • - . . very klxtension:- [Extract froikthe JOurnal of the Reuse of Eepresvilt tiro; of the State of renusylvaula.j ' ~A'anotion_wne'uiade by Mr,. Roane* and Thabliiin, and read as follows. Senate and house or Representatiree,.of the Conitnenwealth•of Penneylranin; -- wh'ilit - lhny Aerial. the right of-the individtial; Stites la exprees their opinion upon all publiolaeasnres aware that its urefnlnese must in a_great degree,. depend upon the discretion with which it is exerciaed ; they heliyve _that the right ought not to be resorted to itpon trivial sue_ . jectiiir unimportant occasions ; but' they are also persuaded that there are moments i when the neglect to exorcise it would be a dei•olic lion of public duty. "Such au ooCanion iss, in their.ljudgement; demande the frank expression , of.the Senti ments of Pennsylvania, n 1 Presented A ineasure . wae ardently supported in the last Congress of the United States, trod Will pro. , bably be 'as earnestly urged during•the exist ing session of Chat body, which hays Palpable tendency to impair the. political . relations of the several States; which-is calculated to mar the social happiness of the present and future generations; which, if adopted, would impede the march ofand and freedom through' the world; and wcmld transfe.^ from a vita -1 guided ancestry an odioue•stain, and hx it indelibly upon the present •taise• - la measure, in brief, which proposes to spread the crimes and cruelties of Slavery from the hanksi of the Mississippi to the shores of the . Pacific. • '' When a measure of this character is • seri , ogsly advocated , in the Republican Congress of Almeria's , in the nineteenth century;,, the several States are invoked , by the duty which they owe to the"' Deity, by the veneration which they entertain for the memory of the; foUnders of the Republic, and by a tender regardlor'_posterity, to protest Against its adoption, to refuse' . to 06i/emit `with crime, and to limit the range of anevilyhioli already bangs in an awful bodinki, over a iarge por= tion of the Union. • • — • Nor can such a protest be entered by any State with greiter;. peoptiety than that of retinsilvania ; this Commonwealth has as sacredly respected. the rights of other States ao it has been'earefnl of its own ; it has been the invariable aim of the people of Penn:qty . a. , nis to extend to the universe by their example the Unadulterated I)lessings of civil and re ligious freedom; and it is their pride they have been at alltimer . the practical advocates of those improvements and charities among '. Men Which' are so Well calculated 'to enable them - to answer the purpose of their ,creator —and .11BOVEALL they _boast th 4 Wen thi foretrio4in RENO VINO THE POLLUTION SLAVIORY frotit'amo'ngst , ,th'en.- • • ' indeed,... • tbe ,me!sall.rO against which Pennsylvania 'oonsiders.it her duty to, raise her voles, were oaloulated to abridge, any of tha'rights gwirriirtieirte - the several if-odious as Slavery is, it was proposed to histenite.extinatiote.-by meads itijuriens to the-States-npon , whiob ft is unhappilY ed, , Pennsylvania would be amongst _the' first . to insist upon- a'reaoro - "observation---of -the COnstitutiOnal - ootapitot. ' Bet it cannot be Preted4ed thet:the'States are alfto'be affeet,=, , ed;. brrefusint- extend the ,mlitoblefs, human hondalge over the•lioundless regions of the ifest; a territory which farmed no part of the Union at the adoption of the Consitti, e~all= 7. INE been , ` but lately pu&cbaeed Iron tke',Europ!an power, by the people of. thclinien et laTii; tiny may not be admitted as n Site into the ijnion:at the . , disoretjon prbouiresel; wbinh muet establish Republican form ;o1 t end' nc other; and whose climate affords t4p'-iit the pretexts urged for restoring to the labor :of natives of the torrid zoner:T — such i s territory has no right, inherent or •acquirdil, such as those States posti,e4e6l which established the existiug. Constitution.. •iVhen that-constitution was framed inSer tember, .1787,'the concessionAbat three-fifths . t-t lin'alav s-In-Pie-8 tateiTiben4xieti la gshould-: be represented in Cetigiess could not have been intended-to eninbrate regions at that 'time held by .it foreign po Nor. On the contrary, so. - anxious were the Congress of that. day to e l ', - fine humirrt-bondage within its ancient ho, thut,-;ota - the - .l3th of-July, 1787, that : body , u mininimuily declared 'that slavery, or involun• tary seryitudt, should not exist in the exten• sive territories bounded by the Ohio, the Mia sissippi,.Oanada, and the lakes ; and in, the ninth article of the oonstitutioa itself,-the pow er ofGiSngress to prohibit -tile migration of .... -servil es - after — BPS:, i e - _ - _ expressly — remignizlicl ;- nor is , there to be.found in the statute book a single instance nfthe.adinission of a Territory to . the rank of a State,.in which Congress has adhered to the right vested In them by the Constitution - to stipulate with:the Territory upon the conditiAns of the boon. . . .., • 'The Senate, and" House of Representatives of Penneylvania, therefore, cannot but depre2 cats any departure from the humane and eri. lightenee policy : pursued not only iiy. the ilfusr triousCongress whiCh framed the Constitution, but by:limit. success - ors, without exception. They aro pursusded that to been the fertile regions_ef the }Veit t(i a servile we,' would tend. to increase!'theif --- nurnhol boy nd,_ all past example, would open a new -nod Sieady market for thddiletlees'veMters of di timer( flesh, obit-render all schemes for_obtiterating MOST FOUL BLOT Upon the Atiterican char. actor, useless end Unavailing. these cohvictipus,. ; full per. suasion that upon this tolda there is Lint one opinion iniPent.is,yivomin, it is,• • • • , Ress/val, by tie Semite-and House of Rep resentativor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl that.the Senators of thin Staie in . the - Congress of - tre•United, States be - ; -- nati they are hereby requested to il . vote against the ad of any Territory us. a State' into the Utlion 4. l\ unlessthe said Territory shall stipulate aisle roe that 'the further, introduequ -of, slayeii or, involuntary tle'rviitulu, excePi`for • OVllllCwhereof the-party shalt have been du . /1". ly cony / toted, shall he prohibited, and that all childreborn- within-the maid Territory,. after, its tidninision.into the Union as a State, shall be free, iiut may be held to service antil the age of twenty-fire years. • 'Resolved, That the Goiernor be„ and he is thereby ; requested to cause a copy of the foregoing preamble and" resolutions to be transmitted to, each_of_the_Sentitors resentatives;df this Staceiti" the Congress of the United States. • I • 'Laid on the table. • . 'Agreeably to'the order of the day, _the House resumed the consideration' of the reso lutions postponed on the 14th instant, relative to preventing the introduction of slavery into states hereafter to bel,admitted into the Union. 'And on the question; 'Will the House agree to the resolution?' The yeas and nays were required by Mr Randall, and Mr. Solider, and:were as follows, namely : • YiA —M e . r Alexander,Anderson, Ash bridge, Bailey, Blackfan, Bower, Brackenridge, Brewster, Caldwell, Cochran, Connelly, Cold ter,_(l). Craig, Criesman, Cummin, Dewart, Dirtuack Devar, Dole, Dorrance, Duane, Estop, Eenstermacher, Foutks, Gurnant, Gilmore, (8) Hanna, Haas, Hays, Hindmin, Holmes, Jarret, Jenks, Jones, Kelton, Kerlin, Keys: Kohler, Kyle, Lehman, (4) Lightner, Logan, MrClure, M'Fee, Mann, Mengle,ldiddleswarth, (5) Miller, P,. Mitchel, Norrisoh, Newhard, Nfible, Ogle, Orr, Porter,(6)Dovelt, (7) Rahrer, Randill, (8) Ramsay, Ray, Reed, Ryder Riseher, • Robeson,'' A. Robinson, ; B. Rohrer; Rosenberry, Rutherford; Rutter, Ryan, Sallade, BCC O, Wilson Smith; William Smith, ,Bouder, Stewart, , Stockman, Etnrgeon, §wartzwelder, Thackara. —(10)- *Thompson; Todd; (11) Troior; Uhler; Wallace; Weaier, Wills, Wilkins, (12) ' WynhOop, LawronSe, kiegker. •• "SO thi'queation Wee decided In'thinffirina.-: tide.`. , Ordered Abet the Clerk :present , the said issointione to - the Senate for oonturrenOe.". • poMoorate iniCoMM:k; Veileraliets in Ratio. fi joaleh Randall and Jacob Bouder, , Biqa, of Philadelphia.' . • IfOn.' Seoretary of the Tioaeurs underpinaial'jsektion., • • 2 .lion. Richard Coulter, late Judge of the Supreme,Court of Peumsylvania. 3 The late lion. John' Gilmore, of Butler 4 0 , 1 , - EMI r - G7 Tffunevict, becember 17, 1819 County; tiftOr Congiese; 4 The late Dr". Wm: tobtnius i of Phiradel. .5 lion; eOliddleswarth, of UnionConnty, afterwards a nioinber of Congress. --, —76-Elarot.-Eflifid-TrriiM7ther—i-Re-Presen tative from Hinatingdon County, ' I.Dr.:RichardiP4vall, native Of Virginia. 8 Josiah Randall, .1 1 ,1.2 : ,1 : : of Pntladelphia. 9 Him. Daniel. Aturgeon, since liniied" . ) State Senator and -Treasurer of the Mint " Philadelphia.. , ; 10 "I f l4e late Mr Thackare., :Curator of the : Acadeerty - of - Flue Ati. , e s - To ti d , .11.titA Oin - al 'of Pennsylvania. 12 . Hon. Win. iyillcine, of Allegheny -Coati- - . .ty, since United States Sonabr,. Minister to Russia and member 'of the-Senate of-Pennsyl- VAUIII. . -- The Senate,- which-11 , as largely Democratin, ,passed the resolutions, ttitp:ll.'nottly,...and the Gnvernor.Wm Fin,tlej. , , Demeerftt, iigned them.. ' • Dreadfir Tragedy la Texas. which the heart Sickens; and which have be- • come so centreon. in the - Bo 2d.:48 ..of - enormity, .was c6noti on' the night of the 20th lilt. • - , • The victims Were-A. F. 2,1.e . .:re, _Esq„ his wife and a . lovely orploitt 'girl, twelve years old, who was by adoption the family. They had jtist seated at the supper table in the entry ' of. their .110t0P,I, when - the um ! SUMO, coolly fixing a ru,!,,,tar lon gum by prop ping aboard between t h e t:NO tries of an ab• thea'twenty.steps frohl tiOrt,thlo; aft!. view of his unsuspecting vicuaie„ discharged at them a doublebarrk:lt.,'. gun. r , At - I,lke first Moere fell.. TOO 'eat.on his left, ' exclaimed, " Lord,hate,ruei . eV i" and at that . . rec . .instant eived the cog;toicis k,flksecord gun, fired in quick 81.14COS6IVL - tii,o fellinstentkk.- and the orphan girl, who w seated on 141ooro e- - right-and between Mr. v.1 , .,t,t0 ::ti() the ABMs - sin; sprnug tato the lianas culled,for canto phor, - but - befure the servapt - culd - she was dead! Mr. •.I...4'.;l;.cisived • three . of the cheat. Hie arm elbow 'wits much shattered. and tub huad - shot through. Ile lived a Jew minuten, - liutilio.ser spoke. Mrs. Moore received four . 11.1 the face, and ' never seemed to have bre.r,th,d tfter.she fell._ A single shot etruelt 4 the y:,ung girl alitqe to the left of the , •spitie, ;I,l•.ug4the heart; and cawing out at the lett oipple, lodged is her clothes. 1 have this rd.ca'iti, my posses sion ; it in fivideiltly.4, "Tile Coreuer's inquest ,i;„! • not elicit thing sufficient to found ~ ...n:a•reat'upon. There is a treat deal of excittioeui in reference .to the murders, and .1 iluvuuti:i ::ape, the -thou sand eyes turned in search c.f . this fiendish monster, may yet detect.hin, through oven Alta "close obscurity he bus doawn.,around him. The tears of friends, the of an innocent orphan, aud-the justice--o[- - --cry aloud against him. • Mr. Moore wan an in'..k,,l4eitt, amiable, worti4 citizen, Among tile most worm-heart 4d, w.pminly and beneroleaL of-iier se*, Mrs. Moore had no' superior. 'Without children herself sho'had shown the goo4iness of her na ture in adopting from arlt. , ng the indigent three homeless orphans, on a bolo she net only lavished all the care and kit:apes, of a meth-. er, but by has left (zloty bottwo, a joang lady,l6 and a boy I 1 ycniii) most of her large estate, _ . ES Auoux-A Gitu:s 11,) ou aro e pre-' oise man, and wish to be cort-tinwhatyou get, never maul a girl named ..Un for we hare the authority of Lindley Ntitroy, and, Others; that an is an ititiefinitearti4!•:, ' If you would like to have a wlfe who is "one of a thousand," you shoultliorry an EmilyCr an En/major any printer osti tell you that ''ems' are-always counted by thousands . If pa do not ; wish to bbvo a- - bustling,, fly about wife, you aliould.not soar -y one named Jenny; .for every cotton spinner knows that Annie' are aliraye on the go. If you marry'otie named Margaret you may fear from the manner that she will . end her days ; Arial the world, kuoirti that "Pegs" ere-made4oratioging The etoelitteereint writer in the world ie he 'Who is siwa,ya botind- . , ...*Oniztay adore your wife, bat you will be Stir-passed in lovo when ' your Avife is a Cera. Unless you would have the Evil One for a . tallier•in•law,,you'abould not marry a. lady named for we all know who ji ~the . father of Lize—(lies.) If yott wilitOo succeed in, tiro 43 a porteryou ehoultrmarry•ti Caroline. anti troat her • • 'for so long as you •oontiatur to do a so, you will be'good to. Carry r• ",Many met - of high moratpritidplesaud who would not gamble for the world still baits-. not refised to take a Bet. • • • The man who struck's light - n3s been at* rested for assault anti battery. • '-