11110lIri, Shall the systpin of Slavery be fastened onl Kansas. . It is plain as the boon day sun to ewbry ono .who takes the pains to reflect on the "stihjeci, Ina the 'success . Jt - the admittistratioti pni;ty is the coluitig Prsiiiential election must yas,teil ---slay . ery-upon--Kli s n s-Avres t i ng_thet___Nt eat_ • empire froiu free men and free labor,' and giv ing it into" the hands of the slave proprietor , and his Aft:dean - bond servants. Though . this is doubted or drilled, s, few words•muet make it evident even to the unthinliing. • - -Therlitinoeratie_parti , at the South .tiniirer-: stilly maintain s hit the citizen of a chive State has an c'quol right with the citizen of ~4State, to tqkehl3. property negroes) into the terriioi.iee' which belong to all States in common, iin(l retain them ther.e.iii the con- dition of slaves: We 'do not stop , 10 discuss the, - :question, w'Jtither it - in right oven in Gin . gress - to Make. a wrong use Ott the national dc main, to allow governments be established in it that are not republican ndefree, and q's tents to he set up in it that are "morally, no and poiitleallY evil," that 'thwart, as 7 . in tick asAniieradittiry rnottttrotly 'whit ity would, the very - emit; and purposes for Which . —we becauie,a - natiott antrtook our-proud - pry , :eminent place aniong the 'nations of the earth. Liberty, wo bold, the grand idea of our goN rninent,-tits foundation, superstructuro• and top stone ;,ttUt litierty nitct slavery iiiy equal and perpetual alliancaler all aies to Caine. Liberty was ;be - doctrine ofithe fetnidern And . • r fatheis of the who regarded slavery _ .. as restricted to-rts then; existing and -7---unitoil-in-pro,dnitini,;from_ail the natiiitial domain lyingboyond - the lniii'dariei of the 13ut Wliatever lolly he its merits, this in the Southern Ikaio'eratic ^doetrine ; the .; slave holder may tike: his slaves to any pori• tion of thet&xrilories of the United States and keeps thein tboro. Congress has _no right to . interfere witlithe system by any . whatever: . .Nvitlter has the territorial logisla, - -tore any right-lo interfere in_ilte_wWycilf pro 7, liihiting it, any lauce than it has a right to tur bid the. free •e1t,.;,-.cit 1:1'0111 going into the terri- - - iories•witlhis cows, 'his . ohattels : -- itud --- Merchandizo•. If this .doctrine -Of course eittvery becoinee at once establiAiod Nothing farther iy necessary than ttr . feT.r . prop_rietors to proceed to the territories, taking their siav6 gangs with theta, and the' institution is set up, and no earthly Power can say, why do you au ? _ Is that the' doctrine of the Administration and of the Cincinnati Convention? Is it the Democratic doctrine here at the North ? It is not squatter sovereignty in the abstract !sense of that phrase ; which, by its terms, intimates that the , people. of the territory are to decide the question for thetnselves, Whether they will have slavery or not. The nou•iuterveutien principle gives them llobSon's choice. They eon accept slavery, but they oanoot•reject it; which is very, inuch . likeethe sovereignty of a slave, Who is et: liberty to work when bo• is bulden,.,but has no libertyto - Thrtige — to -- wOrk: It is - obvious, that, this is the kind of squatter sovereignty which the people of Kansas have enjoyed, and which the federal administration and the CincinnatiConventiou have practically, recognised, and are now seeking 'Co . maintain by moral infineace' 'and' ,by" force and territorial legislature, (itself chosen by the , eovereigns of Miseouri, and not of Kansas) adopted this.intorpretation of squatter sove reignty, for they immedirtely set about the enactment of laws, of the most horrid nature, to pr9tect slavery in the territories; taking it for gritnted that the citizens of the. South had a right to come . there with their slaves, and to retain them* there in bondage.' They 'did not enact-a law to-establish slavery. For accord te. the non4ntervention - doctrinei, that in stitution, without the Creation of positive' law, had an existence, and 4 legal existence, in the territory. The lawe''whioli they framed obly professed to seouro to the immigrant from the South, what they termed his preexisting, con situtiohal right, to hold slaves there. Islay, so confidently did they maintain We doctrine, that they passed a statue, by which it was made an offence, punishable with two -years' • imprisoument at hard labor, with a heavy chain and ball attached to the Hint's, for an individual to pro - claim that - slaverY had no le , • gal existence in Kansas, but was an usurper e, the soil.. • . ,- • That is squatter 'sovereignty in practice. It is sanctioned by the adininisiration. It is the universal Democratic creed; held, theo 'retioaliy, throughout the whole tdouth, and at least practically throughout the Northern wing (fortunately a small wing, growing beau , iifally less), of tint ono, great partY. Nay, in conversing with the partisans of Demme ' ay , among us, wo find that at least nine - out of every ten of them are zealous advocates the _ win-interventiok principle, maintaining that the citizens of the South have the same right to take their elates into Kansas ai the citizens of the North td go there with their horses and cows, their ohattles and perchan— In that proportion of inetinoes - , - nre run a norrolv chance of being called diounioniets and abolitionists. and we venture ,to dissent From: this, doctrine ;--,a •doctrine which our recent invention, • • • 4 . -It follows from this, that,i'he success of the mitiktrit,tion-pam3-in-the-noining' •pmethitt - tlal election,. Will inevitably, fasten the itirriti intion of slavery upon Kansas.. And we leave it to the counnon sense (Sall men, ivho knout: itnything 'about tile nature:of ,the institution_ -and-,the-characte - t--and-purputtes-of-dis •kandists whether it would be possible to -Pp— root.it, after it had becothe fast route] in the soil 2 gonsidered highly fanatical, mere•. Irto.fellow the creed. of our fathers: . and of .hoth.the old parties in tho• North, by : trYitig to trevent the intrusion of slavery upon'the free. territories of the nation ; would - What be cow Adored •an immeasurably greaterAisplity of fanaticism to attempt to 'remove it, when it had nequired . 011 possession there ? Then the cry would rend. the heavens tliat we were interfering with r•litv,erY:whereit existed we we were depriVing men of their property ; were expelling . them from the soil where they were Memel', in_ a legitimate' business. If the exdrfettrelit runs high - now, whatmouid we not have reasert to expect under such, ciretim: stances. the propagandists whe,invented dais new principle, are well welfare that pos.' 'session is, nine-tenthS'oe - ilie._ la; laii-dTitiaCif the flings of slavery were once fastened on-its coveted prey, all mitt!' could ritit, rescue the . taritoty from its . power. — This is. the-question at issue; shall Congress have the right; alWays accorded to it, aud . eXereised by . it, heretofore, to prohibit.slayery in the free territories of - . the United ; or this principle of non-intervention prevail Which -- gives up Kansas, Nehrhslta, and _all our- ter•• terles_alike,Ae_tbe system of linuilirlibtol- . . nge Rnd slave Tabor? - I,t, is the tno:kt niomen• tons questioneyer luldhelote grout nation,. au..j.ts_doeision lmpthe continued freedom, lill3 g;o6', and the perpetuity of. our_liopublic. —North Anierielm. • . • Aliscelftmeotts. IVA LT5.1131,1.: *CIO ILNR.I.I -- P1I;O1 'Tv. AT PRIVATE SALE. —That -very valuable.. and. well . known fiIISiNESS_ STAND situate on' the corner of North llanover and bontlier Streets, in the borotfgh of Carlisle now owned and ocenpleil by Jacob Fetter, containing-30 feet ii, on Hannover street and •„!:-.1 feet oat L.mther_ st,reet. The improvements on Jlannovor 14toevt . aro a large TititEK S"CORY HOUSE, Uhl' a large brick bark miff& in.. finished In t - liernm - s1 ina mom, containing - 14 i • i l i ) i ' ll l 4 l' , f i t ' 11U:111 1r e Itols'te store room, besldcs pantries )OM. is 33 - feet In depth, fitted up_ln_the„hO,,t. possible 1118811er and one of the most deslrablaanti long Anldished Misfiles. locations In our town: 'Phot : e is :f large two story brink (rooting on Leather street, With 8 4,110 t/ Ai:WIWI, limy occupied is a (Niblnet inaki , r shop. Also a stable on the foot of the lot. :lint .ntlt/loniltlings. The' pnmerty is in excelltnit order having been recent ly• titled tip by the present occupant, For terms ',Se. enquire of • A. L. SPONSIJ;7I, : Sept L • Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. jll - . STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. e TOE GREAT ELECTICICAL REMEDY.' It is Inhaled and Applied (not taken) to cure Ihseaess orthe TIIROAT AND LUNGS. No Rheumatic, Neuralgic. or other Pain can exist where Olive Ter is npplied. Olive Tar mixed. • • with Mutton Tallow forms au Ointment tiviteures . • EVERY DISEASE OF TIDE SKIN. Reference is 'Made 'to Old following gentlemen who have used Olio Tar, or Oil o T.ir Ointment. ~.—, ' Llunkbom: WEED. Esq ~of the Albany Journal. WM. B. TOWNSEND, New York Express. JOHN M. BARNARD, Esq., 11 , e•ton Herald. ISAAC V. FOWLER, Postmaster, New York. Capt. EZRA NYE, late of the Steamer Pacific. \ E. A. BL.ANCII, Esq., Chief Engineer Pacific IL t. C. N. BARNEY, Pres. U. 'S. Express Company. • ELI COOK, Es.-mayor-Butfalo, N. Y. Prof, JAMES P. MAPES, Newark. N.J. OEORGE LAW, 6th Avenue:, Y. HENRY RUSSEL: 55 South street. N. Y.• .10S. L. LORD. Mutual Bentlit lns. Co., 11 Wall'SL • C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary Manhattan Life lion. To., 12i'llroadway. ' . J. W:JIIDD, New England Ins. Co.. 24 O. W. ENSWORTII, Forwarder, 64 Pearrst. BUSH A PECK. Banker. Broad st. Rev. W.ll, JARVIS, Middletown, Conn: And ninny ethermntoes will Ito found In our Circulars, which cant be had of our Local Agents. OLIVE TAIL - - „ Cents a Bottle. • . I:OINTMENT,• - " OILED•SILK INDALINO PLASTERS, 25 Cents. For Sale by S. W: Haverstick, only Agent for Carlisle .Pn. Also sold the Company's Depot, N 0.16, Stet, street, New York, 'and by Druggists generally. A ugust . 2o, 1856 , 6 m. • 011 DI N ANC:K.I:N REFERENCE TO THE LAYING OF PAYEMENTS, - n. SECA.. Ile it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and it b hereby en acted and or ailted by the authority of the .That hereafter It shall not be lawful for any masMi or other person, at the instance and request of the owner of any property, to lay, make,. or construct any pavement in ' any street or alloy, in the-Borough of Carlislo, ,, unless the height and breadth of said paVement shall have been first previously flied and settled by . the Borough regulator's, and a certificate given by them to that effect, and any mason or other.persou laying, making or con. struutlng. or assisting in Whig, making or construct: ing, any such pavement without such - certificate bOing first provioutly procured, shall be liable to a flint of Twenty Dollars Sao. 2. That any one who shall maliciously and wit-. fully throw water fromany,hose attached tdi any wash pave, upon any persen, or upon-any Horse, Carriage, Wagon or any other vehicle, shall be liable' to a fine of Ton Dollars for etch and every such offence. • Sac. 3... That the owner of any Cow or other cattle that 0)01 be ibund trespassing on the public streets tit this BOiO between tlbiercrirrirofBV:lockri'. - 31;Thnif c'clock, A. throughout the year. shall boilable te a fineOf Five' Dollars for every such trespass. Ste. 4. The fines and penalties imposed by this Ordl , nonce shall be recoverable as vovidect by the 32d Sec tlim of the Act of -Assembly, passed the 3d" day *of April, 18514 " - A. NOBLE, Chief Bunietis. Attest—Wu. IL Wirttxt., Secretary to Corpouitlon. Sept. 3,18407-2 w. • W 111A:R13 . LE — 11—Woir YAR.-is Nte.aocepted s time, and now it the day'-,for OMIT fitorthic • • Monuments,. , Mar, &c ., at Hoffer's 'Marble Yard, Carlisle, Pa. Also, Iron Rail Mg. • . [Apr. 16. ',584m. NEW. GOODS.—The suhsoriher, has just received and is now opening a large assort-, meut of GOODS putted to the season—ploase call and get bargains. 4 Carpel°, Nov. 14,'45. SNOD9RABB. lei.job'printing promptly execuled darliste D. 7 .1113 J . I I E-1.4 7 --F-E,-11.- i -i-At,14.1:34:4-6S 0 1... jut,. moved his store f• 0111 tiro former stand to his immediately upposlte, nod adjidni Mr• C.,dnhott's 'Stole having made. everp•:uamugement'to preserve his Medicines fresh pine. a lid reptirifistrStrhbritssertinent - of - eareftillrsilert - ed - drogs. he, is now again prepared to attend t 'business with are and pr,mpt tiess.. Ills assortment • vAll fnellish almost every - thing that maybe (gilled for, ',Misr by the physirlati. or the family" for domestic use. he greatest care mud precdution will he observed it,,mpound inief premaiptibms 'and dispensing of .medicines.,, Ills assoi moot of Ottifortionaries,and Ftieey- ii ions lOvery . n 4 t,neral 7 and-will-emible--purellasers-to--suit -thonsolves--- 1 - Nay 28, 1856. , -- D-RUGS AND. CILEMICA.I.S i • With a Splendid varietyV • - • . CONFECTIONA. A-N A , N Y GOODS. - The undersigned has just:replenished his stoelt ni „. , nods; raid no his.liriiO and Chemicals: - hay.u.beeir se lected with great. care, he is prepared in fill all Order, - _promptlY Ills friends. may rely upon .thegimuineness .tethrlei - -Ills stock . of CONFECTIONARY Is large and selected with special - rellirence to On variety persons may ileshaixln that line. lie has a lar . ;e nsitatiutint of French, German and doihestic Fancy Candlcs, all fresh and or tiro very best quality., Ins as• sort.nent of FANCY tiOODS is 'large and embraces si tarist every dhilig necessary fur -the Toilet and Family . . 41U invites special :Moo anc . 4o his Piney Work Boxes; Ladies' Bags, ciilog . au bottles Watch and Card Trays, Port Folios. Portmonks.'&c., • Quick tales, smell profits and strict consistency In trail.. shall charae:erise ounbusiness. - B. 3, KIEFFER. • 1 RESIT DRUGS, MEDI.CINES,',Sx - have just received from Philadelphia and New Vurk Very extensive additionslo my. ~X4a 4 cf: • forth .r Nbli . k,l2llllll%lein g nearly every article of Mediel.66 no w . in use, together with ... V . rtridstiem,.Turpontitie,terfit• --miery r Soaps,..i,tationary: Finu.Catlery..Fish lug tickle, Brushes or Latinist every deserip• ion, wll,ll an endless Narlety or other articles; which I am determined jo sell at the Vi iiy. towEsv prices.. -.All PhySieltuni, Conotry Merchants, Pedlars and oth• ere. aro resPectfully requested not to pass the 01.1 i STAND; as they may rest assured that every article will besold of a' , muil quality, - and upon eeasonalde.terins, S. ELLIOTT. May :1 , 1. Main street„Carlisles - - 31iisreffnueous. - \1 • / • k 1.)01tT .1. i 0 LES!' • "lilt. cilEp:sEmss , s or ingredients ht these / ills Is the re sult of a Mag and extensive'praet teeTTlTey are trittit—in t heir oiler:lo.m, and eertaitt eif restoring nature, to its prop'er cnao [tel. lit every instance have these pro ved successful. 'rimy••itivarlably Mien those obstructions to which Females are liable,. awl bring nature into Its tapper cliauttel, whereby health 1.. restbred and the pale mot deatlhy conitteitituce changed to a health',"./lii... 1 . 0:11711P 6-111 `lilt' is regnL•u•; and 11' thnn.v..,t on obstructivit takes. plats% whether from ex posure. cold or any other rause. the general health. inediately begins to deeline, and thewant of such arent• edy has t o il the cause qto meaty eiIIISUI/Iptipiis all/Oleg f et n a i es ,hearthWllCAMt.ll:l ; Mit o f au incr e a s e of th 'eir faMily. these pills will Move a vat uablo'acq-nsitlou, they trill prevent proznaticy.- 11eadache, pain tictlMSille,letrilitatilm of the heart'. low_ two.; or fo.sl. and di tarleal sleep do most always ;trig,' front site interruption el' nature; and whenesect- that is tile ease, the pills will invariably remedy all'thert et Us. Sm• arc the b•ss'allicacions - in the 'cure - or Letteorriues, I emomonly osiled tho 'rhose should uev or lie taken during pre:ma:My, at they would be soreto to CIAO n Raise:to:MO. Warranted purely vegetable. and Gee from anything inittrious to litd or health. - Fulland explicit directions accompany each box. These - pills are.pnt opt) square limit 'boxes. Persons residing where there Is no agency established. by multi , Ming One-Dollar 1u a letter, pre-paid. to Dr. C. L. M,:r.sz• it tx,No. Itlenclier street ; New York, - tan have them sent to their respective addresshe br 1::.111. :•-• - • - r 31 31 11 N S C 8 S.! !I I_ Tiliteile.APEST AGAZINE IN THEIVOIt 11,\ LLOU'S 1)0111,A1.1. MONTILLY DESIGNED FOIL EVERY A3IEItICA.N HOME. Encouraged by the unprecedented success which this popnlar monthly has met with, mid the rapidity with which it has inertia:it'd its circulation, the proprietor lots reso,vel to make it still more worthy of the patronage 15f the public. That this admirable work is A MIRACLE OF CIIFAPNESS is admitted by every one, containing, as it does. One Hundred Doges of rending matter lu each number. twins more than any of .the $:1 Magazines, and thrilling two vnlutnes a year of six hundred .pages earli,.nr Twelve Hundred pages of Reading Matter per annum Mr - ONE'DOI•L.tIt! _ Ballou's Dollar Monthly , Is printed with ,new typo, npon tine' white paper; and, its matter Is c.xpefully rout piled - and arranged by {h,:• hands of the editor and pro prietor, whn has been It titiw u to the public as connected with the Boston press forsixteep.yeats..lts pages eun• lain NEWS, MISCELLANY, • TALES, ADVENTURES, . POEMS, • ERNIE A PIIIES, STORIES OF THE SEA,. SRETCIIF.S, • WIT AND ILUMOII. • from the best and most popular writers or.thts country. It Is also spiced with a record of the notable events o f The [tunes, of peace and war, of discoveries and MTh we molts occuri,ng in 'either hemisphere, forming an agreeable companion for a leisure moment or hour. ally whore. at home or abroad, • each number being complete in Itself. ' .. No sectarian suldects are admitted into its temos ; ihere.itre enough controverted publications iNtell do. voted to its peculiar Sect or clique. -work is in % tended for ,• • north or , south, east' or. west, and is filled to the brim TA - MI - month with chaste, popular and graphic ntlsrie lauy, just such as any father, brother or friend would place in the hands of a family circle.. It is In all hale putt - tents, fresh and original, and, what It purports to_ be, the cheapest magazine in the world. Any person enclosing rote IHILLAU to the proprietor, as below, - shall receive thellagazine for one year;'or any -persAn sending us MdlIT subscribers and I.IOIIT DOLLAIttI, at one time Shall receive a copy gratis. . M. M. BALLOU", Publisher and Proprietor.. Corner of Termont :twilit - I=llold Streets, Dost On. . June 11. 'M. . Z ADDLE . ,AND= . IIARNESS .51A1.c. 0 INC.. "The subscriber continues to carry do-the above business, in all its various branches, in Nortix Man.? over street,Rarilsie,tvio doors North of Leonard's corner where-he intends keeping' on hind a general assortment in his line, oonsisting ofcli kinds of fashionable SAD LES . D, Bridles, Martingales, Malls, Cireing esand Halters, aloo'fltUNKS, v".., ‘,..:, Vol ‘ A„ traveling and saddle .5,.,..v„ \ \I; bags.' He also man- .... .11 ' lll 11 o'' .ufactures ' the most rill t ' r ( ,L, 11 f approved PAItIB II . . , i 1 'lllt \:, 8P ILI It 0 SODLEB over used in ibis • • 1 0 coant durablehes wishing. a hand -1 • .' , k 11,1! 1 ' , sante,and illeasant saddle will do well to call and see them. He , • $ - also manufactures Harness, Bridles, 1 , - Collars and Whips in all their varle- Iliii,ridn *conAderitly—balleves'inurrthe-genumtappio ~. tion or his customers, that be makes the .neatest and best gears, in all their variety of brodth, that is Made in . the country. Ho' also . makes all kinds of.hlatmsses to order, via: Straw, Husk, Curled Hair lin& Spring Mat rasses. ' All the above articles will be nmlb-of the best material and .workmanship,,amt. with the , utraost des. patch.. .Wlr. OSBORN, , TIRTILOW, COURT SALE,—Ip• NJ' pursuance of- AD order of the Orphans' Court of ttittiberland county. will be - sold at public , sale, on SATIIII.DAY i ,the 27th of September, 1850, on the peen* me, in Montt* * . towniblp, Cumberland county, on the Lisburn road, about two miles oast of Churchtown, - SIX ACRES OF LIMESTONE LAND,'" moikor less, all under good fence, add In a good state of cultivation. The improvements we a story and a half LOQ HOUSE, Frame Shop, Darn, Cora Orib, Smoke'House, &c. There Is also a good Apple Orchard-on the premises, together with a great variety of-other choice fruit trees. There is a never-Ming well of water ooa ventont treitthe door of the dwelling. , The above de• scribed property will be sold as belonging to-the estate Of Daniel - Kline, deceased. ' Sale to conunonco at 2 o'clock, P. AL k whets terms will bomade.knoWn" by SAMUEL KLINE, . 1 . -Auguist • • Aduillitattalor. 44 • 1 .-3torcs nub Zliop,s. sfi ßjn , -:-- 11-A-TJJ_IIES4,4,IO CK.4, 1 / 4 ;LIL4.O_,SEVILJA.._ I' FANCY JEWELRY. ice. it l ror of • • 'l. .. lititm. - - , .., - ,Ai.. I buys now ens band and lei pale ni t''' ..' . W 11l 11, St_lili.' ANDVAIit-cLont . SIEVES, - my-thu out WA , 1 , .. 1 4111L1 Istreet -- ,•ep plat e :thni,,h. I all. an 4 . 1 1 '' , ..airso, 31edinilmord - Fille'n n i ie t f l l l t t_ o large, nilddlsi, entirely no* and elegant; stock or • and sinziltin diameter. ' V-A:fbill- - 14S - r.,14•1-W-F-1144)-A-1 - 1-10.N'S, Ai . . M FA! ALI. CLGTILS SI ' , 'lOl Wfitli• ' i - th e best i utilities lariousi - p , of• I Praia Gold Lever Watches, hunting and upon emit., t3ilier 10. ,j , '' , ./ . ", • i .18 'lO i 1101 1 ,111! HMI 11 - 0111 .1111 e tkvix 1,,t, In w idth . it:ilfer Lupine aud Quarter 'it atehes, a large iluitly. - • - 4 .etold Anchor - slur Ladies rind Qentlenten. - ' 1 - -- They :Ire nnodtcred so 110 , 0 Y sitlees to the lineal iii toit -, nil 1•11 t. tij! . . t%teAltlllions, a splendid assektmeiiti for ladies and gents. ! Breast Pins or every. pattern, antUll prices, ' •;" i The subscriber alswkeeps eonstem y t . w ,h, in d . Geld Chains fur vest and fob. "'old. earl, chains, -, ... ~...-, .• ,1 - . :,,,,/. 5a0d . 01., , 1in,( 1. - ,.. . 1 -1 ,. . 1 , ;' , ' •-4, g ii pvel. oionr„ em, Pi tiger - Rings, Culi-pins, Stnd ' s."Sleeve Buttor.s. .. ~ .. .. ugmi. - tialt, limn': (slice. slibrei ea , gs. dr,: stullss . -Crosses,Propiaud-Ifoop-Etitshingti,-a-large-yarielv-t -.Silver and Plated Forks, Table• sod Ten SpooLs:Lntter 1 . . ' " it 4 ::: ‘ ' t : L ii i e ,i; r i i c t U r c 'i" ,,vl ' l7 l ' ,. 4 . 4llfi Ai n i! --i ti!„ I „7 4 ,‘!, l , l. l .li i v is e h r . , Kuiveg, ,Cr, of various styles and prices, - lid retail by • 1 • Ll' Goldand:SilverThimbles, • . .b. ~ Gerd.SilverandCommonSpettielos,alarge'zissertment • 54 Fr'fl-ltrest Piib i 'toeuit all t ges, and to whirls wo invite particular attention'. Port 3 - iiin mires, a large assortment - n t every price, • ileld - Pens, of the best brake at various, prices. , Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, Areordeons, Spectmila ,cases, - .aiiiiis Card Cases, silver and piihri,•attvarietis prices, -. soliets, - -geldinmon; Wstei• Chning4ol4.l.- • • - ' Also a jarge.,:varioty= el_artleles in Alm Jewelry...line.' *Wei Twill sell at the leWest price:it All articles s , or, ranted.to be what they nie sold .for, , in '•,„Particularattenticin paid 0 - the IcEPAIEJNO OF, WATCHES. and all work warranted.. lieturnint•thanint i to my old friends and eustomiirs ---- feritornur patrolpo, Irespeetfully solicit a continuance of their not Ir.' _ "June - in - ' - .I'lll.ol AS CpNLYN. ~.... . _ • • • 1V - 1.2.1 V _HARDWARE -- -ST R E.. ..i.: STA - YMAN & SONS, . EST YIIIN STPEET.; mut' ffik limb hone in-qtor. The - sullsei fliers. located in the room lately occupied by Mrs, Foi, , t a grocery :itoru, nest of the !tail I:tagt Depot. lrave.;nct opened an entire new stock wAIZE, to ::ndi they would rail the attention of their friend.; and the public' generally. The sr.'s:4,- which, is !urge and N'ari,,,ii - i!nts selected with especial n'iI'IVTINA fu the wants of toe public, and. contists-in p.O t the following: . I,DINO 11AP.PWARInif all 'kinds, such asiori.s. latches, hinges, artiele• of ilt.rd ware used in- building and • re. pairing.. Also, glass. putty, paints. brushes, t rio most approved quality and on . the lutist easonablo terms, . . CABINET .attention of Cabinet - Maktris te,ohir aPsirwttnent.:_of_varnif.bes , , veneers, knoba,.resetti.,.notddllic.,..which...uill„ke found equal to any In 11,e-. SAVOIXIIS and COAC• A KEItS will find in - Melt dep,irtnient all thin _hatch's usually-required in their lino of business, such as ste.d springs, x PAPER — the. ass to of IVall Paper em• lira,;(isa complete variety of •11.,v and choice- pater& of every quality, and at such pri; es as Otunot fail to .give satistactillo: Also boilers, el u tion shades, Ae., HOUSE KEEPERS are invitt d-te call 'and examine _tiustock_of...cuidery....plate_d_wa_u_. swills. ladles, COifil• ndils,pandlestirks, snuffers, wairi-rs, shovels and toags., stair rods, hollow ware. brass and iron kettles, sad If'on - S-A c., Which we intend to soli very low. - FA HSI ERS—For.the use Of Farmers we-have an end• 'less variety ‘of all the articles adakted to their line of trade, usually Rut nd tlr Ilardwa re l'tores, such es.piolvs, forl;s,"spades, shovels, hoes, rakes. hewer:, traces: halter Ac., - all - at the :very - loWest - ratetyto Whieh-ve . call their especial notice.. ' ' M F.CLIANIOS. :the attention of - Muth:mks generally to Our Stock of edge toils, plan k, lev - els. saws, bravos, Idtts,-inigers. hammers, files, rasps Ac., which •We k'in , w to Is' of it superior . IRON and ST ELL or :111 hinds ~,,,t•n,tly hand and. ilr sale cheap, -- -- , • 'flee come, friends„hed give. tie a „an our psuls. as sec kliargo vo;thit: for them : wed from a strict attention t ,ad ctuninodate tan lirrp.. to mot Or 0 ,1 two. ;Doa f",- ; :r.,t ?I:ut. g•I•. tEe Railroad 141.1 .April 1, 17/ SPII 1 N • N \ I r: It 11ATS. A\l) . - 'rho ttndtirshrited tnv Item the attention of Ills old cus tomers nod • the' public to his new mid seasoigi gortintalt of Sildi; Ftilt and 'STRAW HATS. PhitTll CAPS, &e. for gentlemen :rid Boys wear. of the latest styles nod hat quality: 'The riss , rtment iilll lie found — 1 to embrace every sort and size of lists and Paps for Mon, 'l..toys and- Children, front tin. 4a,inttliwort - rim:west to the most stylish and fashiMialle, such as ilalsfor,l's - spring style of gentlemen's lints, n u: L.. and lirnwn,,Shinelt lints, with Pur lists othi,,,Wll Suns ufacture, Hoyt; cloth saps of various ceders and with a largo assortMent df Men's mid lloy's ntraw hats_ of dilforent qualities and priers. t.e suit the pockets of lath rich and poor. Feeling confident that every pur ehaser van be neconituedoird from ills extensive and varied assortment he 1 . 001:illy .111VItt's 11.14, friends to • call and examine ht his old Irchtlilislimiod on Mali. Street. W M IL TROUT. • • - - 14 R Ott -- •''-- - -'''''''' 7 o I?s i T EW 6 1t(r.1 , 3 . N. • RIE AND VA IibETY SIDIIE. 'f he subscriber would respectfully in fornilris fi iends'nud the public generally, that he has j ustdad u rued frail the. city with a large and varied assortnient of _„,... " liltilt'FAt I ES, (MASS slid Qt,,,,LEENS-11, AII I , "'"`"'" FISII, Ai.. A.. which ho °lbws fi , r sale on thi' ; 1141 '.11i ( i most reasonable termselit his New Stun, , at . :I;if owner of North ilantrier street and,thi , Pul . i , n ,„ 0 4 1 - .. lie Square', directlfiippasite , the Carlisle Di.. posit Dartk.„-Ifis stock inalirases everything usually ' in a Oriseiwy and Yarlety - sture, • ~.,.. • The„.mitiliel are Invited to call and rametr:i his stock heci4 4l 011 , 413%41g elsewhere, as he freit-ririfdent he can . . .- run the best goods at Ilie• lowest pt l- -ii. . . . : I .'l'• li All I.EIVP. _,..-,--- , •G R tic -- - r .,, Ti:, A-F . . c( ) Vl ,' I•.'J,- --, I - ri, Ic, ~-,•- A Th.• -1,.i...,., .1,, ,, J. 4 added to his former strict ngen;,ral 40II`C it ~/ I ll' WE . . ' GROCERIES. as well as rill iliii ,Llliia . ..iik. , .l' r , ' :u ' 5, n -I i„ usually kept in .A (;n , ..i.ry 7 tile...mit:will., 11 if, Xi Colfliii--.lvastod mid v;ri-iiii—r,t, 1' , ~ , ,i1 I: , , 1 t ._._.: per 111.. Orleans, elorltb,d. Croildal -11 ,, I Id, F. , i>, a b.. Sugars. of 11110 qualities; Clio. -10 , 7 i.: pl. , i s I :`.U' Stilt. ill i i a variety id Mire art irks. all , it , 1.i.11 in .* , • ferial at the liksesi. eash pri,ais. li e a re.ilimOi ful rid no' ..rilier support given us, and invite a lot titer call fit in our friends and customers. - . J, W. EBY. - Marlon Ilan. Carlisle.. • .- .. . , kips Sitting nub altncOinern. G _AsPITTINOr AND PLUMB. ING,The undersigned would In forin the ' citizens of Carlisle that. he has rondo arrant e • manta todoilAS FITTING and PLUMBING at short nu . tire, and on reasonable terms, Ile has engaged the err vices of a tirst rate hand front Philadelphia, and has sup i Plied himself .Wlth an extensive assortment of FIAT UItES., which wlll.euable hint to till all orders promptly All work will be warranted: ills stock of Gas Fixtures will be thunti in the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishment on North Ilatiover street, where he invites • a call. • TINNING, SPOUTING, Ac.—lle Is also prepared to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN used by housekeepers and others. Ile will also atteml to SPOUTING, lIOUSE-ROOYING, BF,LL and PLUM SING. Thankful for the,patronago with which he hasalready been favored, he respectfully solicits a 'continuance of . the saute. MONROE MORRIS. Carlisle, .lutte 14, '54.. • • • CARLISLE FOUNDRY senmzicacm- The subscriber has the satisfaction of I n lofting his old friends - and patrons that his establishment la again in active ope ra.* ti, new buildings having been erected eine° the late dtatt,, trims tire and *the whole establishment put In com plete working order. Orders are :therefore respectfiallY solicited for workin hie line, which , will ho tiono with promptness and in the bestmatiner. " STEAM ENGINES BUILT TO ORDER . and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in Paper Mills, - Grist Mills and Factories repaired, at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. HORSE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES . • such as Bevil Gear. Four-Horse Power, Horizontal Gear Your Horse and Two Hone Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shay, lent and Crushers, do. Patterns made to order. Iron Anil Brass CASTINGS eSectited to,order, if not on band, at the ehertesznotice, such ,turCranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels,, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow Geldings, (hitters, PointShears,Wagen and Coach Box-,_ es, Spindles, Car. Wheels, Car Chaim, Ac. Ito has also on lumds. large supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stoves•. of various improved patterns for coal op.wood, ton plate 'Stoves, Grates, dc. Repairing done. to all kinds of Ma! ebincry, All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken it exchange . forwerk. . may 9 YBANKLIN GARDNER. June 4,..1F1111.—1y. •-' . _._. _...- .._•_ D .EN SLO NV & CO., (.:(..)A1186.1( • M I.:pc - AL% STS, . - • and N't . holii,:ile Diniers in all . Min,,,f , - Fon Eii;l:. & DomEsTic .LI.AF r .1.131A( . - - - ~. -31,0:1 - thiLLkir...Joil irco _. ' .- ----AN") Vaiii.:ltl,S..'.A-N_D__DONII>TIiIII - illiAlls,.. , 21 South Front struot. L'hilin.li..lph I . . . . . . I Impnrtern of Finn Havana. Segarv... of t ,i, d „,i . I.;!rowt.liii , of the .3'lldt:4-al.:do. A lzirge•a'''' mien: whit.ii_ tiro kept 'IMISII II t tly t»i hand, and' lo ale', Milan ti , lYalive..ini toot of importation. ~ ~ & a•t.;, i niii. 2 linients respectfully ;:olleited, ( w ,, 1 - f_ Liberal tidratilies iiiii hit !Mole m hen debited, , ; ~ Special attention Avon to orderto t..r purclak, min:.G II orrolauxo. nlso e%ery 1 . 1 , :1121'0111a c parties,li,t•ing at a distance.lll market. rlinoking o. comprising ti dilleient. ,_ • • •Qii . E.PPAII , I) AN HA 111,INGE : rMot:% * ed to their- . N rivActi,us sTolzE, . No. 278 Chestnut. Street, Mural Mor above Tent - "A • ' 11ruf5m red -te-olMt-Illarimnird -wcll4 ,, lect att of the, Milowinit frieM and del . :habit , goods. prineipi • their own importatioiL or: IMintlit at_ auction, w. . they am al,M_ t' Noll- at tile:importer's am• wilioh they cordially invite the attentiati of Con: • ' Morchants. Hotel keepers. and families ;.dmerally. _ and Venitian 1S indow Shading. ' • tiarnsley and F1M0.1in4 . 7•4; 54, 11-4, 12-4. - • . . - • , holster and l'lllowl,lnans of :•loveral choice Wm: Land all Akidtlis from to 54 inchea. - It illaiikettiof all sizes and qualities. • „. , " • Crib and Braille Bed Quilt3,of tkti follwrn inglnfieties, viz: Nare'k Welting. kinotted. Mintuda a, Allaniair" . • Laiirager. 01'1111 . 0e dosirabit. sizes _ linri•an!Co'vers. 'Fable Cori:l:s, n dor Cnrtain NI, • Towris ands 'row , •lh.f of uvrry'variety. Damask T. Cletim.and \npklas,:~htrtiLT`TlTr'nsllAtt':lthslin~ ---- lair namil,ffeldefs, Embaolderks, - Ilosiery.•&c. ' Datnamk):. MoriTns. 41nl.roitirrcal I.mv and lit • Cutiains, lliit Cnrilices, SHEVPAIII) VAN MIEN . Importers and Dralers Iu Liitiu and 'House Fur t . log Goodg; . . '---- A pril - :39.1 95C—em , , . -. -_ . . ______ ..... trA - 71 DUNBAR'S . ONE-P. 111( rkl . :Wholesale and lletact CASII BOOT AND SHOE STORE, - . . ' . No. IT. Sonth Second St.,. Corner orearter Si. Tlnc e..tablisbnient hoe. Levu enlamed'and 41111,, 9 hid 1!“01pplied with-the la-reat - Ulla - hestitlgail :_ i 0 the I 7it.,• principally' of his own wan inia•tuft., w. , -,•11 , ,i,•,• u‘s;,,tinent groin the Lust Fandern Market brarnrg Ladies,' Cents', and lihildren's - • ' • -- I. ---- : ' Ili ITS, FIIOES A ND . CA ITEMS 1 every-description, style' and quality, edibracin;. lan,t - sty les end qualities in this - or any ether ma, ,Th k - 4,ick - cannot be , excelled -for Quality Style . Cheapness. ' - - . . . r.ach article is' marked at' the i'ery lox:est • pos, 'ri'oe, A nen which 114 dev lotion mill- be Tito. Ni I ravagant •tatinnents will be needed, and none um, 00,41, Folog. . . . . ---4.4lilyettes•-• oum -I n—all.Nnrietie.s. :Iluire. Gum, scarce in the 'plarket, nhvays on hand. The pub. :irespeetrully invited to call. -•- [April 1,1, 1 4 T `.l %.* 1 . 4 1 11 111-N C-11 T . -RU.B SE S.-11 ern in... • L itupture successfully treated, and comfort inst. ty use of the-elegant French Trusses,.imperted subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sal . All midi:ring with Eupture"will le gratified to/. that the occasion now offers to prOCUF.O a Truss coe;.l ing extrprile Ilichtness„ with ease, durability andeoi.7 - paistruction. In Den of the cumbrous and unecinife, liltetirtiele usually sold. An extensive assortmen nh -0 - n hand, aditutell to every variety of Rupture iu nu and children. and for sale at a range of price to suit Cost of .'lngle Trusses, $2, ,iii, $4 and st; Double. - =:,, $O, s`i end $ l O. fervent: at a distance can have a Truss sent to an dress by reinittifig the amount. sending IlleaSure nr, • ho hips, and stating side. affected.' Fur Sale Wholesale and lietall'by the importer. 'CALEB IL, NEEDLES S. W. eon of Twelfth & Race Sirs., Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body .1.,: Chest Expvidltrs and lireetor Braces; nitent Shot Braces: Susismsery Bandages; Spinal Pips and .. ports. Ladie Rooms, With competent lady attend: , april.' • NV/1111) ASSOCIATIO _ PHILADELPHIA. IM POBTANT AN NOUNCE3LENT rill persons afflicted with Sexual diseases. su SEMINAL NV EAKNI:SS, imPoTENcx,-uuNuititl: oLELT, LW, • h lIOWAItD • AASOCIATION of -Philadelphia ito, of the awful destruCtion of human life and Inr ~,m•ed I.y-Iz - exit:ll diseases, and the deceptions whir! Upon. the unfortunate victims of such , . directed their consulting SurgeoL. : :i t Aur worthy of 'their name, to o ;tit ADVICiti GitATI:3, to all' persona the tlie , ed &Male or Female.) who apply bY letter, (postrj description; of their, condition, (age, eecuPa: IcyLit4 of life, and in extreme poverty and sae,. t.:: MI.DICINES FREE' OF CHARGE. The Howard Association Is a benevolent • Institu established by specialmmlowment, for the relief t sick sinl distressed, afflicted With" Virulent and .' demic diseases," and 'kts funds can be used for is t purpose.. It 'has • now a surplus 'of means, which Directors have voted..to advertise the above notlet Ix needless' to add that the Association command highest Medical skilful' the age. , • - • - Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO„It..CALHOUN, Cor • log Surgeon, Howard Association Philadelphia, Pa • • By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTIVELL, Preside 01W. FARECUILD. Secretary. 110mEoPATilic - M D C COLLEGE OP PENN-S-YLVANIA. • Located In Filbert Street above Eleventh; . • ' PHILADELPIIIA The Lectures of ,the regular course Kill: common the Second 'Monday of October, and continue unt first ofMarch ensuing. Amount of fees for a full course of Lectures ' cash),' ' Students who have attended two full courses , other Medical Colleges, Graduates of other Medical felleges, Matriculation Feo,•paid only once, Practical Anatomy ; • .1( Graduation Fee; • FACULT • ! • - • Y. .mansos,lLD" Emeritus Professor of Mus cal Medicine. J. P. DAKE, M. D., Professor Of Meter's. Jiledicn Therapeutics. . AINAN• B, Usu., M.. D., Professor of Dom.:coati:do tutus, Patholoo. and the P.-actice of,,,Medicine Is.'s° M. WARD, M.D.. Professor of Obsteirim,Di: Of Women and Children, and MedicairJurispruo MATTHEW SEMPLE,M. D., Prhfessor of Chemlitr,‘ Toxicology. JACOB DILkIII t EIr, M. D.. Professor of Surgery. . WILLIAM A. REED, M. D., Professor of PhysiolOgy. WK. TO llsusora, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. ' •, ' W. WILLIAMSON, Al. D., Diu' N. E. Corner Ilth and Plltant Streets, Pb August 8, 1856, . • GARDEN ENGINES, ,TnT9*.in; stream of. water 50 to 50 het, atsr.4ron.Lifi. Force Pumps, Barn Door Rollers;•Turnip 11 Drills, wlth'Oata andHraast Sowers attached. Plc various patterns.- and-Altai; &Ma* sad Err's' Darrow*, Ociives_.prernium 4witent Butter Work., now article just received. Also, all other artier their proper seasuni. for the farm and. garden... PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Doplement and Sood St July 30, 1850.] 7th and Merkot, ' 1)1)1la44 , 14,11)iit, '4l),LES,_Alaniafact , i ME Id I=