Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 01, 1856, Image 2

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O'er the country; east and'wesi;• •
TllClV'Sfinmetliing curious brewing, ,
folks. re, gathered everywhere,
• .2.'heir country's troubles viewing; , •
Then cannot,keep.froin talking out ; _
Just what the
'And when they 100 l sbearnest '
•lt is dre:Olfulpif dio doubt, 'em. . •
Cnonns...ll:lntt'Tflioinatter, Yani;oe boys?
the matter
lienclWond Ininilslogether now,
FretiCan of all partiesl_
"Tho , like•nf this wiwev er siiwr
They say with py tt•blazitig
“The soui h is riazy for us all
• To go CO n raising. `
She smals lier ugly Iturn
To bully', Luse, end 410(4 118, ,
Aud swear by ell the woolly pates,
She surely Shell hove Kansas?
The. fedlis that Jive a' little North,
Are opt to take - the Pallets, .
And just, as like n i itot'lltey've 'fear('
Oi Nmne tremendous capers.
And s hi6V;lt;tol - . ttitcfoollfdrirosS
tt Lied of notion
sure-us gUIIS, ho ' l alit folks,
hey'ro all hr. gl eat: e!Atitiali4T
They sent six hundred men or so,
TO Sit in I . ( i.IIV-ttlltititt
And evely man uas. eyes and
:111 attention. :
/Led ft -Li
And listoning thou:qids gairvd in..
l'l.noi looming cannon rettryil llie
Ui JOHN FII.EMONT fnr captain.'
11TFI7Filioerals are hly antriliffT"
Ant.i'vrawl about half•hearlAil:
They bra . g.-aynf 'yet they , lOok-as -if
Their Mends had: all departed.
Their plmforin is.tb villainous -
To Nita mortal man 'on. •
And yet •t, y'aS 110110 too dart: or steep
Fur .ttir.:Jint.,lluchanatt.:
-The 't,,therrtlip;s-1 don't know wintt.
I tsa . ri‘atlylt,4oliall '611r 1. 7 5.. "
.ono name iygltt, if k l l4 , loNr.tsß9,‘
n • • Tit, We-that taus4 , tofid
Hintore though alticky man,
\Val tied linngt•lf forsaken, _‘
I'Vitti not. n Otigle state at all
' Tv Indi)Mint i;nve - Itis bacon.
Jut YAnkeo'D eMnen Wel their 1.10,3 d
15'ith noble ardor burning;
And mean to hay scword'or so;
Their conntry'§' fate concerning=
And ishen•they come to `etc, I gueh.4
• If nit repulsvd-by'diatan,— •
They'll send Pierce home and In his place,
Elect Fremont and Dayton.
So, brothers, rally for the strife
And get your votes In order; •
Let not a nuiu be lost or left
In all your Ain& border.
' Unfurl your bannerA to the kreeze,
To P.oat o'er land and river,
And thousand wind; shall catchihefolds
Of freedom's flag forever.
.. oliti~al:
By . what is called the Democratic rule it
said that .the South will be injured if she can
not take her Mayes into all our vast territory
Who 'and' what is ,the South ?' The South i
six millions of free • people, living in - . State
which embrace over nine hundred Omani)
square miles of territory; and they have wit
them over three millions of 51a‘46% . . What i
the North? • ..•They , htve not nine; bitadre
-thousand' miles of territory ; they have tn..
450:000 miles, on which there are dwellin..,
this day thirteen millions of free people.. New,
1 say the South has. forced, this itame . upon . us,
and suppose we accept it as an issue,in which
one or the other must be 'injured,:, shall. ;he
injured party be the 6 uiiilione.who have 900,
000 square miles of territory to dwell in, or
the thirteen millions who have. but 450,00(1
miles. Shall slavery be hemmed in, or OW;
°the freedom of the North be unshed into the
little space ? That is the question, my fellow,
..citizens, for you to decide, and as you vote at,
the cowing Presidential election, so, perhaps,
Will You in Philadelphia . decide it.
But, say you, slavery ie in thb States, and
we have nothing to do with it: So say l l.
The Coistitution, you say, protects it in the
States. So says every ittepuVliaT - tn; and •we
agtee that it is our duty, as citizens loyal to
the Constitution, to - protect _Slavery in . , the
States ; but the question for ue
,th decide is;,
shall it. go there in the territories? Shall
the-White laboring man be 4• orusbed. out ?"
Shall we he pint up in these fifteen States 00
that the; populationshall become so abundant
. and land pi• high that wages will fall and- the
white man be -little better. than a slave ?
, Nirben t ,"vy friend 9,. will Albs European- mat
' ,grant - fit ' i - rafrooting, " When New York and
all4.l l aelon,.and_Baltintere,aid
7 Cincinnati have their :over-Crowded atreets t
__and lanes and alleys; and - when there shall bb
--;; no cheaP land in' the far Westto maim . te I'
What will bo the condition of . American
A laborer? Will - not
,twenty or thirty Years
aim to bring us to 2 4 .4.:Buchanan'S standard
of wadei—the Buroyean standard—Ahat which
ilrivis the- Irishman, and , the 'German, and
every other EurciPeari. from' his• land Y. • IS
there ,not every day a.7ti:de-,-nf-iniiigi•ation7ll-o-w--t
-ing froin .tbe westward—taking 'up new
latal.arid settling there, opening 4-w.field, of
.savery, which now shuts , us „opt froth. the'
South; shut us Dirt from the' North, and q
*-are penOn, arid , inn littlOvhile•,our
lion will,be 'like that of .1121 Ope,: ' . 011.1 my-.
fellow citizens, what woeldli! the condition
- ef the South - then! There is there - a - servile .
.race, tyrannized over by their masters, bat
held in bondage 'hy'the great free North. We
tp ---
and fetch them back.; it'is khJwii .We have
‘ poWer to crush them if they attempt•tc - armape.
But reduce the laboring Masses of the
to ‘ten cents day, c 'or ta-,twenty--fiVe cents
a day, or-'the Europetin Standard of •WageS'
quete . Mr: Vichanan's precise language)
. and there cOmdiinn affinity between the- op
- pressedof the,Northand the oppressed- of the
South:L.' We wetlrd make a fearful day of
reckoning to those . who had dope the•wrong •
But,' say some, it is .only' a wrong to
the itegro—it does not touch the white man ;
it is anly:a wrong to the farm-laborer—it:does
.not touch the man of the workshop, and- the.
mechanic."' Let me-tell you you make a.niisH
lake there. • Let me roadie yOuiti advertise
ment front the Itichmon.d (4a:)'' Dispatch' of
Janniii7:lBil6; . • • -
'HIRING) RIC 11111010;
servants, 'both male and female . are.. common.
ding higher prices thitf.,yeor than the past . ,_
Farth hands bring from $l3O to $163„ and
women from $4O - ta $75 per , year. Factory
iindsMive advanced
.about ls t ier cent. on
7 - 1 - iorytrar, -- timl - firsfTate - funnie - cooksof ,-- good.
,•and without encumbrance, have
advanced even - above -that ratio." •
- • !factory hands.,.. sort of factorie4?--
'IV friends, all the tobacco of, Richmond,
-- the --grea),---tobacco. city..oEithis_country,
made by slaves. 'lf yob go into their tobacco
faciories, - yon find no white working .men, or
WUrking. Women, there:=-. ma q imstake . ;.
I mean you find no free ones; they are, all .
slaves, tnough some are as white as- any of,' G into Tennessee • at, tai iron works
• there,' and yim shod find mine .obot_slaves• la
--boring them; in-tfie.ore banks:or the
• . - •
What is the law of the South upon this
question ? I quote it as given •by the same
paper, the Richmond Inquirer: •
fy the holding of white men in slavery, pro
vided, thicifig,h the Mother,. they are descend
ed however remoOly from a negro slave.'
The first cross is a 'half breed ;! the second
cross is a quadroon. Trace it in geometrical
progression. In the next' there is but one
eighth of negro blood in the next only the
fourth cross there is one-sixteenth of negro
blood; and where , the taint is so slight as , that,
who shall trace it? Who shall discover it?—
' 'thee reached that point. for many of their
slaves have lees than one sixteenth—bay bat
ene,thirtyliihth Tart African blood .their
veins ; bu so long es the mother is a slave
though she have but one thirty-sixth part of
African blood aid the father have . none, the
child is still's slave, 'his condition , folloiring
that of his mother; one ;the principle,. 'partite
Trequilur 'venoms.' The doctrine of 'white 'alto
very is no Mere abstract theory of the - Soull?: -
it is becoming* necessity.. , They must either'
_operations; or in the 'manufacture and WOI k
ing ofiron : !I appeal tiCariy : colonliattcnist
that is hrre to say. whether during the last
Tihree-years-a-prominetit - gentleman of Tenn
. esseq. , —l belie 4 it is Hon Slr, Bell—has nut
setiLto . Liberia' 120 excellent iron-wtakers..
men and women, from his iron works l,de
velop the iroe'rosources of Africa ? W. Ave
the slave labor of 'Virginia comp in ^ .h
• free labor in the inanufacttive of tobnic - n
,_.; ,
Tenneesee slave labor is competing he
free labor of Pennsylvania in the man,
of iron. Go to Georgia and yen ii 4
, boasting that Georgia itt • ibe: - Slaseenusetts
of the South.' They take you to their cot
- ton factories and through their 'various ,work
shops, and you find.slaves performing all the
`labor jp every establishment ; and I challenge
you 49, study the freight-lists of the line of
steailiers•Plying between this city and Sayan:-
'FICah - , - Georgitr, - 7 - and - yetr --- wi 11-4 ntl-1 hat,4lle-y
-carry Philadelphia coarse cotton
fabrics manufactured by slaves near the cotton' the neighborhoodof Stteannah; andl
they mndersell the Philadelphia mechanic. in
his own city, - because - their labor is labor
witlniut wages—labor .at the 'hands of the
people who beget children and whose children
are counted as cattle by their owners. . -
Not only do they. Interfere with labor of this
kind ; hut I tell yuu, my . friends, the question.
~- is pi ! •rsed upon us by the South l for the : cstab-,
fish»tent of_whitt slavery.'. This' ii;:-' tte idle talk.
..They sisy the inetitutton is no Intigereafe if it
dependi upon the sluctrine of African slavery..
This is a -necessity.
:, of the' South. 'Let, me
.''read to you an.advertisetaent taken from the
Richmond InqUirer. of -Slay 27th, 1856: A
runaway 'Phil' is advertised-se belonging to
.the estate ofVni. Gooch and is spoken :of as
. follows: 1.,...,
• The said negro Le 'nearly.white, with eyes
blue, hair a little our is almost 0 feet I 0
inches high, not more tha 20 years old. It.
is believed he will endeavor to make - his way
to kfree State as he cab anywhere pass for a
white man.'
(foible .:itjetatb.
emancipate their most ,valuable Sla ves;; bec a use
-•they'•are-WhiW, or th6,..iMUSt--fitsiie-upen_tbz_
Nortiftitirrendering all our eittensive , territory
to their tiMouliar institutien:' - :' • . -- '..1 .
beek-:at-it; my. fellow-cit'r.enstram4-exagge .- -
rating. .('No.') .Am I wandering one httir's.!
'breath from the real state of the' case*? I ask
you, Oh 1 .• workingmen' of Pennsylvania, to go
to your pillows to night and ponder as you
in - i - v - ei - p - Oaderecl heftne; upoulliejitliiit'is
before.youin :this election. If ydu ar the
Meads of treedom-,,if you love llie contitn 7
tion_of_Ybur-coun yt - r - f - - - - -- if y ti ------- ii ---- names
of its great pettiots---•if you believe in a su
perintending and avenging - Providence-7U you
believe in . Ohristianq which teaches you. that
'in 118 much as ye have done it, unto the iinst
one of these,' . (the 'suffering. ones. of earth',)
'ye have &Me itiintro yrinr•G; . eitt Master'-'--Oh!
think, atid"think - that nil 'these mastere are
connected with your vote in.the coming presi...
dentin' cleotibu—tli by your , vote you May
either say that i itutiiia whieWthtis degYildes
humanity,. sh he hemmed into the. South of
that line of 30 .degrees, 30 minutes; or that it
shall stalk with unbanished fruit ,ail:.over the,
great territarie* --- ofThe Yan shalt-vs:ay
wheth er the laborer shall. Walk erect,a freeman;
putting his Wages in his packet and Spending',
them at'his will, or whether :in the Sciuth ,
white or "ilia; he shell be the mere creature
of his owner, and in the nortlr: he reduted by
the-competition of unpaid a conditioh.
scarcely more happy Abair that of th'e Slave.
Is not•the issue a portentous' one? Is.'it
WO one demanding reflection ?- Is it -not one
'demanding vigorous action ? Oh !my fellow .
couniquitin, let not' party !matey mil;lad:y - 6V, - .
Be not, deluded bilk° cry . of 4 7AinericattieiVr
if it 7 woUld lend
,fetarotn "the'fr,de' aide of this
issite. Americanism is to stand up for free
deni and Critinlity of min. _ VmManse np
tilliuse.) A - Merlcanisuris.-to-goVern-Atnerica ,
by satin+ AnteriCan apiiit wbieh will maintain
the equality of 'freedom of . rhan.'
(Loud 'chests.) Be not humbugged either by
the cry ot"depacracy.':': :There - was a time
wincri the Democracy of our country
to be; and I at least believed them
to_tholeet to the lioe'—whett , l
were the friends offreelloto,:egaal 7
ity tied education—When I believed that they
strove to give to ulna the freest and fullest
chances to develop-himself "gild provide for the
prosperity of his posterity. .
But what is-the-so-called-ADemocracy-Lot-ti
day? I spurn the Democratic party of to day.
(A perfect storm of applause,`which did not
subside fur several minutes). I° spurn it, be
cause it tramples and spits upon the graves of,
the great nit;n who Organized it, and libels
their greet names. (Cheering) I spurn • it,
because, as I have eboWn you from these vol
umes, it has proved recreant to all the great
principles that led it on to victory; (Ap
plause.) 1 spurn it, because, instead of he
ing,the friend dirtlibr and the laboring man,
it is attempted to degrade the freemen of the
Nprtb to a level with a slave of the South.—
(Cheers.) I spurn and I scorn the sham De
moorreay-of to.riday, , -beeause-zit-is- attempting
to extend allover our country n system which
which.makes tho child_of a woman descended
from a slave, a slave, be hens white - as' white'
:be :be, , -though his he Caucassian and his
spirit as free as that of Jefferson or of Wash
ington'. (Loud applause.), I scorn the Dem
ocrat() party, because it has silenced Its own
lenders, or expelled them from its ranks, and
placed itself in charge of s i bs Disunion orators
of the South. ~ I scorn it ,because it has in
the cabinet of its President, Jeff Davis, a Dip :
unionist of Mississippi,' and it bas Bent thrpugh
the 'whole North, stumping in its cause, Ben-.
ator Benjamin, of Louisiana, a Distminnigt,
Senator Toombs, of Georgia, a Dis Unionist,
Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia,
Dieunionist—because its columns are led on
`by meti who are Pledged to dissolve the Union
and sanritice the constitution of • the country.
(Applause.) I scorn the ao-called Democrat
io party of Pennsylvania especially,- because;
:having silenced its former leaders, or
it expel!-
ed them from its bosom, has taken those as
its champions and" it leaders with whom I
hive bad a life-long political bailie.
Why, what is this Democracy t It puts me
in mind of a knife which a French gentleman
of my acquaintance had, of which he used to
.oss a great ea . ' Tr - a a goo. e ow, a
little thick - beaded at times, but very kind
hearted. ," Thelo n " said he, "Mr. ti., is one
very good knife vich I tirought from France
wiz me. I values him very much, both be
cause I brought him from - France wiz me,.and
because he Ina wiz some accidents and I giq i
hien repaired, and he just as good as ever.
Fret, soon 'after' emu to- - this-eountry- I
brae - se blade, and I take'kfm to Mr. Shivei=
ley Cheseut street, and - he put in BL - new,
blade, - just as " geod as the old one ; den; a
good vile after dat, I broke ze handle; -icoi
dentally; And I go' to Mr.' Shively again, but
Mr;Shively move away, and'l go around in .
Seundstreati Mildr ! Iliebardsonotnd,- put
s new handle ei—so I have m:y lame old
knife just sis good as new." (Laughter.) The
pettworatiolparty have got a nevi-blade and a
new -- handle , to-their - knife (great-laughter) but
it is, they say, just u good as new.
friends, don't believe .Ilitsen-L-doiii 7 t b •
.1i eve_th enl..,__LoolLfor_yourselieis,Ahluk.Joy
yourselveS,, inquire for' yourseives.:4f you
have thOugbt of voting'.e.ither for Mr
Do ifol take my assertion.. •Do not take the
assertion of and 'partizan lender, God. knobs
I do not propose voluntarily to . becnine Your'
letich;r: ' I did:not seek the poSition:in which
•bac, - tiltd
far distant when I first beittat : --1.-bad-lieetr
answer... was, I cannot
accept—l cannot serve ; and nothioi but a
sense.of duty has brouihttne-to , the-mind.-to,
serve. 'But I Usk you while you listen to•.'rtic
.to think- 2 -when you leave me to examine the
queistion Which I have put before you, 'and to
look to the-'authorities. If I have' Made, a
misstatement .1 have made =- it - unconsciously: -
If I have made a misstatdment, I have been
Misled by the law books-that I have studied—
by the..antliorities Which 1: bring here [Ben
ton's Thirty. Years' View,) by the various
ones yrhicli my library furnishes, : by, Which I
test it. I have present
of the went hithers of
!livisinti of Tityrty; - witli
an you to stand
Well," say some,
ry, you are right in' dc
thejiniou! save the
in ribout oe much
muuntaioS. (Lau#i t i
as easy at this moment
Union.' Our-paity,-4;the:constilutional - party;
(I,oudOheerintlee strind 'Where the fath
e troto - ti - r - oViiire'stood—we-atand-w-itere-the
;Whig party anti the piqnocratic arty- agreed
in, standing, down ti-14--trovrrseni administra
tion. [Appirittsed Anrthere ean'he no die
solution of the 'Union -for adhering to.'tbat
.13Utr.sny sane, .voli.•have — taken up- two .
candidates from the north—molt:m . li one see
tion—aml Mr. Fillmore sags tha- the South
ought-not to stand that. They stood itwhen
J ane townsman, .Richard Rush,
'cm ran as a can& '
__Write for the Vice I residency,
with John Adams, of Massaclitisettfi,.forTres
Went; _They-sioott it when Gen. Williarn
ry Ifriirisan,-.of Ohio, rat; with Granger of
•NeW_ York. We stood 'it when . Andrew Jack
son, of Tennes4e; witlnJohn C. Calhoun,
of,South Caroline. It bas been stood i so oftin,•
that there is no danger of dissolution on that
But, our position is this: if wetsre beaten,
we ncquiese.c:--o,ol‘ 'our flint., and fire ugaiu
[applause] and if we are viotorious„ we w4ll see,
who will dissolve the Union, [Vociferous cheers.
A, voice—• That's it!'] Why, there is-as-much
of Andrew Jackson in John -C. Fremont as
there - Could be if be were 'a chip of the old
block,' as there is in any human being that
lives. [Great applause] ''Old Hickory' him
self lived upon acorns, and Fremont had tee•
ted a little dog's meat—just , us Caleb Cushing
has, though Coshing did it-by mistake. When.l
on his Chinese mission, be was dining with a
Chi lamen-cf. rank,...antLaccortling_ to e_rules_
of Chinese - etiquette, bad to taste of every dish
One he tasted which pleased his palate ex
ceedingly Well. WiShing to It.quiie whit it
was, 'and being unable to speak the language,
said he supposing it to he , a duck,.'' Quack,
quack V 'No, no,' replied the Chinaman, very
promptly ; 'bow, wow,—wow r • [Shouts of
laughter] But when Col. Fiemont tirint to
the Indian council, and they sat before him,
roast dog meat, he knew he had to show him
self-able to, do anythifg -and eyerythitig ; at;
he went at it.with is- much '.alacrity as the
hungriestlndian'present : Isay" he didnot
like it much', but he was in the service, of his
country, and must not shrink ; so he ate it.
Again see the bearing of COlonel Fremont;
in that terrible expedition whiebheiindertook
at his Own expense, to explore the Rooky
Mountains. ins guide had misled
on one of the highest peaks, three thousand
feet above our level; they, were almost blinded
by a drift of bard frozen sinew, throughwthich
they bad to walk waste deep. They gathered
their little forces together he and tie thirty
three men, and sheltered themselves for the
'night. It was the 24th of December.• In Ike
morning they made their way bank over the
peak to get its shelter against the wind.—
, riT)Trbud - dled tr by ,
mui num— together as, by not
to keep themselves warm, and fell one after
another, making the nucleus. of a snowbenk,*:
Their implements were , lost, and suck tines
panted dangers and difficulties had enecul,Pat'
sad them that despair seemed to be overtaking
the men. lie rallied their spirits, and he
spent that,Chriettnas in reading li4ekitteste, to
- show - thetn t that - be-glad - not disteneerted - and
that be did not feel disheartened by danger.---,
Wien cut off tram all resew:eta, misled by his
guide, deceived by one in - whoni be trusted;
with the hearts of his, nien.. curdling in their
bosoms, .'and the dutn brutes who t:ould not
be inspired by , lila brenry,' oinking around
him he Oalmlylooltup a iiilot7e . of 'Blackstone;
and by that dealslon , of chant:ter, that appar
ent kidiferenco to the . oiroumitances that
suireenaded kbn, be assured his men that their
detention was after all bra , a mere Christmas .
halt. When they had' sufficicptly' reed' lie
dispatched a detatObment on the 'backward
track fornaaistance, and whenilay_d_
turn in tituo.-ho-himielf, , with • knotpalci on
1014 back,' soqght abd found pooi
. .
the cold. Ile hurriod ; on, and on, and on,
til he found relief.and saved thelreat . hody of
that company, of men. .IYe have in hini• a mau
who has exhibited the character of Napoloon
forletiergy==the ctittrhor - of - 4nciteon:for firm
tins never been preaideit; it is true, but who
has neyeT9Meil,ltalteiF to perform' any duty ; '
civil or military., ino,wL oti be has not shown
himself .up to the 10010--[long continued en
thusinstio epplaßs443 7 -A man born
South ar the •Sloth, but who his
served his whole ? country—a man' familiar
-with ali*ilstory, arid 'especially familiar with
all Aniericatr history--the first 'enlightened ,
magi that traversed this region of Eansas 7 -the
man•whe gave not only to America,but to the
world theknowledge -- the complete knowledge,
I might say—of the. Rocky • mountain's: their .. •
passes, their various scientific disclosures . ; ho
,revealed therunliaild:with wonderful rapidity:
_the_ntati who-gave-4,
who represented. that btate" with marked nbili
ty for it.short,timeinthe councils- ofthe na 7
ti,n—the man [and mark it ] wiled the lea..
I •
dere of the bemocratic party one year ago
sought to make the candidate of that party-fof _
the presidedgy. The proof is clear, and un- .
.do - abled,--thatrather more than - e'year ago,.
FluyJ;-ot' Virginia, -and other die
tinguished.Dentucrats-sought to make Mr. Fre- .
- count the candidate of the Peuiocratic party.
He listened to theiii, and when be found -that
they would ask him to . appro've of the repeal,.
of the Missouri - Compromise line, he said . to
.to them ';ever;'- that he had been a Demo
that he owed to the Democratic party
all the political preferinent be had-ever had ;
7ibit he liiiine political aspirations; .hutwere
the Dresideacy.of the United ; States tWent,y
times that P,resideneY; Ise - never would consent
to see bb laIT ry extended by the abolition or:
abrogation of. the_Mi-sours Compromise floe, ''''
Grout a; Manse.] Ile is:a man fit for any ,
and tor in v eery
the r ), nerged o cy ; , and a : • ikon behind .
.._ osidentlitl Chair, will
*.L .,...„\ 1 / 4..
stand. one of.the,yoUngest and ablest ,jurist of z
New Jersey—a man who : has distinguished
- himself - upon the:liench,. : •as:a- 'lawyer and a •
chancelor,,,nnd who has rendered, himself emi
nent in the councils oithe nation—a safe man
—a cautions roan—a - firm Man.. s : They are
both the friends of freedattil and 1 . .ask, you, ,
let • your party predilections hitherto have
been what they may; 'to 'Unite with: ckne_eom-
mon consent. and vote for your'own . old, doe. -
trines--vote for the doctrines of Washington
and Jefferson, and • Polk, and Harrison and
'Taylor—vote for the freedom of the North—
for the eufranchiseinent or labor a, id the pres
ervation of its freedom—vote for man, as man :
—vote for . Fremont and Dayton, and . leave'
other issues to. take,care of themselves, here
after. Americans cannot 'govern America!
until we have a free America to be governed.
[Rapturous applanse: which contint4id some
_... —.:_.
- •
The MaripOia Claim.
So much has been said about Col. Fremont's
Mariposa lands, and so many contradictory -
stories have been put afloat in. public `prints
as to their extent and value and the nature of
hi., title to them, that a's a matter of curiosity
for, our readers we copy from a recent publi
cation the annexed extract of a letter from
Col. F. himself, authentically giving the per-,
ticulars:-- • - 4. 7
" The Mariposa claim is a tract of lend ten
leagues in extent, lying on, e: creek of the
same name in the San quin .valley. It
:was - purchased for me by Mr Larkin in .tbe ,
beginning of . 1847, and during my absenco
with the battalion in the South, from 1). Juan
D. Aly.arada. to whom It bad.been granted in '
consideration of his public services. Mr. Lar-
kin paid for it $3, - 000. I had river seen the
place and knew nothing ot-Ite character' or
‘ value. The purchase•was made before Cali
fornia was ceded to I:kb - United States, and
long before any gold hid been diecovered. I
visited the place in company with Dr. Corrie,
Mr. Reed, 'and several other gentlemen, and
for the ; fiFst time saw the laud. Two thirds
only are adapted-4,0', farming; on the other
Mr.. go was .imiliered, anir we went .to
work to.dig it 00. So soon as it was known
that we were there. hundreds—e n becoming
thousands.-Crowdedto the ame place, and,
to this day, from two' to th!,e,e i houeand per
sons have been regulirly einployed. They
have woilteirthem freely . ; no one b e e ever of
fered theni the slightest impedintentr,. nor
-have - 3 myself - eyer - esprisied to any one -or - -
entertained en intention of - interfering.' with
thelree working of the mineilit ;this. place.
I regard the calm to the!quip:4 in' the
sem light as any, otiterifisted right. It War
s pit : ribose fairly made, ax d' . hire; iilwaYa
supposed that sit semi future.. tittle ; the tali
dity orthe-elsios , would,be settled by the pro.
per; Goole., 'i out S*6olo to sweit ; that do
oleion,itbether it be &Torah, -or otherwise,
and la Meanest titse to leave the: gold, as
is now, lies; to all itho bare the- itidatis
clitleot it. ,