Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 01, 1856, Image 1

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    List of Premiums of the Cumb. County
Agricultural Society for the
Pall of 1856.
- OCTOBER. 15,16, AND 17
• Neat battle.
ill over Dim t.ottrs 614,
' 2nd best do.. . •, do. between two and:three
2nd beat do.. •
kest do. and two .
2nd best do. . •
Best Bull Calf : . •
' /lest• Cow over ,
three years oia .
2nd boat do. ..
Rest do. between two and throi
"2nd best do.. .
Best MVO between one ,and two'
2nd Imist do.
Best Hafer Calf
Bost Stallion ov'er'ibanyeni•e of Itg6'
- 2nd, best do. - .' , • • •
Best ao. between three and:Sour years
• 2nd best do.. • •
Best Horse Colt bettropri two and three
. -
21.0 WO d 0...
Best Yearling Colt
• 2nd. best 10.. : • . .
Best Mare over four years , . •
2nd bost,llo. . ' • .• • • •
Most do. between three and four •
2nd best do.
Best do. between two and tbroO
2nd best do. .
Best Yearling Filly . . ... •
Best pair Draughtliorsos •
2ud best do. . . .
— Bost pair Horses; light draught . .
2nd best d 0... . .
Best single Saddle horse • .
' Best singlellarness Horse
- Jacks and. Mal
. BeSt-Tivar,L of ules . •
Best 'Foam of Ilorios . ' . •.: .
Best pairof Mules -. • • .
. .
. . .
. . Sheep and Swine....._
Sect pen of Sheep, not, lees than- three, . . .
2ml beet do__. •
Best - Buck do.
•. •
Best Swe •• • . . • .
ltest Boar overonb year old • .
2ad ' . .
/lest Boar Under one year old •
2nd best do.' • ••
Best Sow over one year (dd. '
2nd beat do.. • .
----- reld - Snw - undeeone , year_ohL__..
2ud best do. • •
Pout t ry°.
Bost ape)) otptilekoris, nut lest; than srx,
do.. , , .
Bost. pair of Chieloins .
2nd best tic,. . . . .
Bost pair of Guise -
Boit pair of - Ducks . •• ' •
. .
Agricultural Implements and Al[arbiters
The best dis • play of Agricultural Implements • ' • b 1:10
Ltuat ('low ' :., . , 200
'Dust Subeoll Plow •-- . • • '. • . - 1 . 00
•Dest.llarrow,' . . . . 1 00
—Bust efilth , ator .. - - .. . , . 100
• Beet Grain and Seed Drill • . •`. , . , 300
_:. - Dest Corn Planter-- • . 2 00
Duet Reaper
_.. - . f. 00
.. . . _ . .
Best Mower - .• : "' . . ---'. - .'. • • 00
•- Duet Combined limiper and:Mower , f_ . ,_, , . • b,..00
Dust. llorse-powne - • . . - .2 00
---- 110 et Thresher. ; ., .• S' 00
Beet Wheat Fan . - - . - 200
. Best Clover Huller . . . -- - . . • • 300
Best Farm Wagou. • •. .- .
111.auttfsitzturea. Art(clea.
. . - V•LASS Nil. 1. - .
The best assortment of Shovels, Hues, Manure
Forks, eaeh,..- . . . .
Best assrtrtment of Tool's .
Best Root, Chtter Churn. Cheese Press, Milk
Pans, drain Aleasnres, Axes. Bet 'live;
. Willow, Baskets, Farm Baskets, Cedar
.. -. Ware, each. . - • • . . •
Beet . eet of Wagon Harness (hind gears) '.,
•` • • _(frout gears))_,_ __
Bear fcet of CariLigttlirarnow . • . . ..
Best set of Single ilarness ..
liestSaAldlo . • , .
Best. ,Ihitlfo: • . ' ..,..: - .. . •a.
Bust display of llarness • . ..... .. .
Lest pair of-horse Shoes (special 'premium) .. •
- ' ' cuss - rio. 2.
Best Two-horse Carriage
Best Twohorso Buggy
Best One-horse Buggy , . .
Dust Spring Wagon .
Vast display of Usbioct W'aro
2nd bust do.
:A best do. . •.
_ • Dairy and Honey
Bost lot of Butter; not less Oat& a lbs.,
. .
Bost box ot Ilouoy . • . •
_ 2ud . . . .
• Preserves an 4 Plekles.
Best lot of Preserves more Una' one year bld
2nd best do.
3d best do. .
Best lot of Picklos
2nd bestdo.
Best 1.4 bushel of Wheel (white)
Best q t bushel a Wheat (red) .
Best 1 bushel of Cornwhite).
Bost bushel of Oorn (rod) .
. 1 4 bushel of Rye . .
Best /,‘, bushel of Outs
Best :;t4 bushel of Barley • .
Best three ears of (torn
Moor: /g r ind Mord.
Best barrel of Flour .
Best bushel of Buckwheat Meal
. —Vegetables.
,Best 4 bushel Potateesilrish)
" • (Sweet).
" " Turnips . •
Best Ituta -Rages, Sugar Beets, diribts, Tar
.snips, Red Beets, Sgusabes i Egir-Plants,------1
• Cabbage Celery, Caulidawer, - Pump. ;
kir,s, •_ . . • • . 60
display of Table Vegetables. . . - Of
Best. sample of Bread • . ..• • .' • ;
Household ProdnettOsiti.
For the 'best specimen of Woolen Blankets,
: Woolen Cloth, Woolen Carpet, Coverlet, • '
Bag„Carpets, Woolen Knit Stockings,
Mittens, Oltives,clelannel; Linen, Onus.
, • ' tiented Needle-work, Quilts, Sheets,
• ' • Counterpanes, Mats, llearth Bug, Shelf
Work, was flowers, cwitdool),
cover, each, . . • • . •
'Fruit stud Flowers.
Bast specimen of Fall Apples .' . .•
'est specimen of Peaches
liest specimen of fears :
Best specimen of Crapes .
Best sweimen of Plunur . .
...Best__dWpiiiyq Flowers :*
Silverpltattal, storke,,Glaset an .
test exhibtter Silver:Ware.
Best %able ,Cutlery . . •
' Bost Brltanla Were, • •
Best Glass Ware ', . - • •
Zest Jewelry " . • • • •
Beat Daguerreotypes
Best Tanned Leather • •
Best Stoves for 'Wood and Coil • •
Best 915 Stoves
Bacon +and ,Illtewle•
Beet thun cured the exhibitor •
• • Alliseelleuneous Articles,
The Society. will' AiTiwgt.discrettotuiry premiums Sir
li ti gesAterions articles pxhlbited, whether they be en.
erated above or nottlinehei Domestic Wines, Mules
ailoots, 'Paintings, Musical . Instrumentx,Via-Ware
Gas-Fl ~ Steam ,Enginatr and=Machineat
binds; mad for any newlyinvented and Amend litaelthab.
r Ploughing !latch,
for the Di4t,- • 7 AOO
litteonirbest, • - - 4el
T h e Itl o , 4 ofilai Itiatch',for all those who Will be ready,
• :
will start on 'Ftiday, the aTth; exactly at 9 o'clock , —
:- The address (ifa pence/Am rotund , to deliver It) Will
at 11 • o'clock. Premtams will be awarded at 1
clock ; and the afternoon wllltie oceupled by an enc.
tics of .011 suet, • articles as contributors may please to
41speite of.. THOS. PAXTON, l'roildent
r SABD'ff.. WATTS, Oor.
$ 4 00
• eO
- 00
2 00
M 3
• 100
2 00
• 2 00
• 1 00
. 1 CO
• 1 00
1 00
6 00
4 00
8 00
8 00
2 00
2 00
7- ,
76,titlit _2' -,Expiioibr:
1 00
4 00
*8 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
3 00
4 00
klee`An , enthusiastic admirer of the beau.
ties of . nature, , u4resented in the lofty moun
tains and lovely valleys of our own . county,
sends us the folhiwing. .
ItArmrrowN„ Cumberland county,
, • „ September 12th, 1830. f
. •
To; I 4
o ' L o f 1 American
- •
• ir! obscure village, hither
' .cittn : to fame, except
• extenl
deriVed its
nem,/ 14,t0t.attalping Celebrity in, affording
a cliM .. '4ititOable Value:in - cases ofldiseas.
ed..lini';;.l4Wits., Or , any and all affections
of the There is o peculiar
sOfiness atmosphe're derived .
trorm the poit : o Ott;
,ciraidation of fresh •and
trong-brec-zes~iY!'shing_thrliugb dlie forgo of
I. he Mountain, •resenibliog, s the high .winds of
Sharon and Catskill, 11 , 14. dampness
-Sullicienv-to_genera'tedeo* ;7 o4lly delote ! ;,
riMts- to health,. as air water iii ponds.
I:ri(egnates for want of circulationrinduding
phj4icians to caution their patients against
night air, llere it is as balmy and iii liocer!t
at midnight ks nip day. The oldestinhtlhi
-6,olllirmB that, the average fall of dew dohs . .
not exceed 'six:nights ikt .theyear.' and dial:
only - previous'tou long continued sti.rm.--,
111ontpolter iii Franca has been hiadrlY-r. cua-
mended;hiit7NiOitTi thiriddrifiet iu rurope
comparable to drynosS of clinfayi The season
opens early iii May; Oetober mid fcoveMber
have been passed here delightfully and bone
frcially=luxiirient baths and a tine swimming
'4)091 equal tod3erkleys celebrated plunge -
'fire inhalation from' Groves ofyioe, fir and
cedar, which give audit attraction to Akeu,
South Carolina; is here 'equally balmy and
• •
S (10
3 00
3 00
4 00
4 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
I 00
A 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
" I n 00
1 QO
1 00
1 00
1 u 0
1 00
1 Ot.
2 0
1 MI
2 uu
1 00
it iK to _who s e_
1 - practicaFtuedical-tolence and-int uitive--soglick.
e,.4. 4 rly.arcertained the salubrity- stud value
of this clinmie, that m any of his . patients are
indebted for the return of balmy health. Ar
riving - •witif • it-.:Tacking -cough-..end appalling
hemorrhage, a few weeks have invigorated
their debilitated, frames,' cud 'the rosy hue of
health glows on their cheeks..
.... •
Two excellent Hotels, kept by Mr. Pattorr
an;l Squire Moore, afford all the comforts of
home,: but unfortunately the rooms are so
spacious that but one hundred- can be aooom.
.rnoditted; when atienst three hundred desired
that if- the accommodations were enlarged,,
one thousand, would resort here' every searon,
8 00
3 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
1 00
• Thu access. is most facile, Leaving
moee at quarter - past eight, you pass through
York and Carlisle, and arrive to au early din
' There arc beautiful
York Springs 6 miles, Carlisle Spriug&9, Ba -
racks '6, Pine Grove Furnace 6—the walks nr
hi t t'!" picturesque ; Woodland Shades, Classic
Graves, Secluded Dells, Lovers' Rock; the
ifiletiire'Race Course, and - the Holly Rivulet,
With' diversified Wafer Falls widening into
Lakes. Springs--,Chalybente, Sulphur and,
pure Chrystal—gush (ruin the Mountain's base
like-waters.trom,the desert:rock of okL ,
-I wandered through morrow pathways per.
fumed with the, fragrance of wild flowers, the
cliff and mountain peak. My guide, a Syren
Sylph, just budding into life,. fascinating siiv
-enteen,---she-glided alongwith - the - grace ora
fawn, and the•joy of a child, her fairy foot it
fell like snow on earth; s 6 soft and mute ; au
enthusiastic admirer of the beautimornature,
her. choice selection of varletrwilii
glowing descriptions of nature's beatitieit gave,
enchantment Wall around—it seemed fairy.
land, aptly described in Sir %Vatter Scott's
Lady of the Lake. Alas 1 too swirl disenchan
ted by her disapperance Found but too
late—Paradise before mb, Paradise lost to me.
She was already appropriated. The silvery'
tones-other voice and 'bright visions of the
past "still rustle through the trees, float on
the wave, and eoho in the. breeze." . -
Our _ enterprising fellow townsman, Mr.
_Kempton,is' erecting -most 'extensive Paper
Works, at nn outlay aftifty thousand dollars';
prosperity flourishes in this healthful region.
At the beautiful residence.of the proprietor
of the ?Mumble mills now in suceessful opera
tiori; lodated in the midst of an extensive grove,
I mei In company with his son-in-law, the gal.
lent Col May, the, , cetehrtited Geerge Law, a
*an of Owens intellect, ioundjudgment,kid
practical common Sense; •The fatuity WOW. -
induced the so4tyled Ainerican 'party to pre.
fir Col: Premont, only 'proves 4• Quem Deus
vide perdempriue demented."
" Au ituprpolive Beene- presented Itself on.
Sabbath morning. ,A. rustic arbor on an,
!wed knoll aim filled . with village girls, assem
bled btes pious lidylroin Hilda - lore to recalls
instruotions-041,fiunday Sohool Scholars.
ariaa feast titAhe lanocento—whose happy
countenances Indicated-cheerfulness and de
vOtion to thee'Great' Supreme, and grititttde
and , affeetiort; to' their aralable' preceptiese,
wile,. Although a. comparative% stranger, had
devoted the,Sabbatli to this:holy purpose; - -
fully realised the truth and beauty of sacred
Writ.—" Suffer littletibildron to come unto we,
for of such:is-the Bing, A 4 %of Heaven."
3 00
• - I 10
I 00
:^_~' ;,
3 00
1 00
I o 0
, IA
1 00
t 60
• • J. 00
- lateens.
1 lib'
,1 oo
. 140
1 00
. 2 02
. 300
I •00.
-4 4. • *.
-. : • .• .
a t. ...
_ if
1; :11 - ' 4iiit_ : :ll r: . 'Ht.', - I):t , .. l:ktrii til ::_ei:i4it.-1.:E:
TI11110E; OP,RESPg,CT.:
nion Philo. • 'fall.
Dickinson College, Sept: 24th 1856.
*Whereas, •It bath pleased the.kliiiise . Crett
tor to 'remove from'our number Bra: Geo. It.
Veazey therefore----
Resobyed, flint, whilst we bow in submission
to the Divine Will, we deeply , deplore his loss.
Resolved,. That we extend our eondoltnce to
the family and friends of the dec'd. in this
our mutual affliction.
../.?eso/v4 That we drape our hall .rtnd - tvear
the usual bacfge•of mourning. •
Resolved, - Tl?itt copy -of these resolutions
be sent to the latnily,and- that they also .be
published in the Carlisle and lltltimore pa
WM. II; EFFlNGER r ,Conitniitce.
Union Philo. Mit,
jneLinson Collie, SepL. 18 J
' Wherens:••lly dispensation of Providence our
brother .3: Eat,' noche6tir ,EMI. bus been tol
led hence. tterefure'
Resubietl, That we deeply sympathize with
his bereaved relettous'ittid friends in this our
mutual stliietioe. g .
.Resolved, Tint ce •Irope our hall and weer
the tuitiol toichte of tuouruintr. ."
That n copy of theme resolutions
Ire ben.t, to the futnily'usid thtt'they he publish
ed in th e Carlisle nail Denton papers: ---
.„ _ ,
- * - s'or L. J. joN Es,
.W M * 11. I.: I.' 14' I N GE - It; committee,
• - -
_J NO. ;U.' RH OOK.HCG. , -•:.---- -
Agre_tally. to a mill - a meeting of •Ilie
I - •
friends, of the Union Stnte atid County Tickets
tviN held in Plainfield on Saturday: evening
int:l - the . 27th, tilt,' Tbe - nieetilig etas - orgitnized
by selecting-the . folljtving named
-act- as
Vice Vresidetita.—Jacob !Ltionds,' . .iscst.)
Sites, Alextintler•Davitlson and James H. Da
Se,cretairy 'et,. —UO nrr , Bear awl
J amen
Committec.---Jamea D._Grensoa, James B.
Lacky au-d-,TatnealiL3Dowell,'Esq.
The following resolutions were 1.112111110:10116.
. .
ly adopted:
Resolved, That we approve of the Union
Efate Ticket, formed by the Union State Con.
vent ion at Harrisburg . —for Canal Commission.
er Auditor General and. Surveyor General.
__Resolved. Titat we approve of the County
Ticket, Armed tot the'opponenti of the - Natien.
al Administration, for Cumberland County;
and we hereby pledge . ourselves that we will
use all honorable means to elect every • man
named on that ticket. ' - . '
Resolved, That the Hon. Lemuel Todd de.
I:erv_es.lhe support of _ every good citizen of l i
•his Coogressionaldiliffiecfer - hitrable, patri-
.-..:.urse in Congress, in regard to the mutti
erous outrage 4 in Congress; produced by
the uncalled for repeal of the Missouri Com
proralse. IVe will use all hontAble_menns to
re-elect hint.
Resolved, That we condemn the. Territorial
,laws of Kansas, which - punish by imprisonment,
the most odious and tyrunical, the freedom
of speech, and or the press, •in the discussion
of the,evils of Slavery, a right secured to all
citizens by the ' Constitution of the. United
States. -
- Resolved, That the odious tyranical territo
rial laws of Kansas, Cannot be approved by the
descendants of the sages and HEROES, that
framed the Declaration of Indspendence,enac%
tetthe Ordinance (y.Atitioh Shivery
is prohibited POREVER; eicept or oriuieWf
ter conviction, in all territory, then belonging
to the Union;) and who adopted the Constitu
tion of the United. States, the .purest charter
for liberty of conscience, liberty of speech and
liberty of the press, Oat was ever devised by
the wisdom of man.
Resolved, That we do not desire to• interfere
with slavery iti the States where it existe un-
der the laws thereof, but we do desire to pre
vent Ehe extension of Slavery into territory
'that is free fiorn its pollution.
----- RarshWß>a tGe - typreee - edingw - turpublialy
ed Cariisle American, herald and Ship
pensburg News.
TmtUttutar Ftn i ß _ 111. AON AT
* 'brr
PnuanxLPIIIA.--Th t e PhAialelph T ana ate ;wide
awake In regard to the exabitton of the U. S.
Agricultural society, < wl ioli takes place in
Alit City - next week, opening on the yth. Th
hilidelphia inquirer eats, the ground will
be double in extent that of the State_ Pair
two yeartseince. • Many of the sheds are near
ly they,prestat__iigite 11 pictnF
!nue appearance with their geble ends jut
ting toward the fair grounds. Alien will .be
stalle . Prerided for hundred. cattle: LA .
treatment :feature of the 'grounds ie the
course for the oihibitiou of horses,• near the
southern end.. ITh6 track will be nearly
and; great care ie : taken to "Adapt it for, the
purpose for which it is detiigned. The wing
is half a. mile in Vircuinferince, And near It
there will be a stand erected that will &coma-
tlke while document, but, - a11,, - .the important
parte will be foundln our column,. ~ •
The deposition
• of Jatnee 'Bucbagtin ,eatab
lishee the following facto, • which . the people
etunild all ,re ember; "
• ' - •:Firet. lit t'Col.s Fremont iti better entitled
than any of er man'te be called the conquer
or:of California. , • , , , ~
Seem:444* the forage; and . supplies, al
leged to have b
• een'furniihed him in •Oilifor-:
via, were necessary; and that 'no'' appropria- -
lions had been made by Congress for thle pur
chase, because they , could not • anticipate Ault,
Vol.. Fremont would accomplish enelt great
relmlts , i._By Ms own personal exertions, and
without previous instructions.''
2llird, That, in the opinion of /amen 'Bach..
map, to *obese of bls-kacwiede and bullet
-Cot Fremont
,never received for
• hininelf :fedi-
Vides*, erfor hieirlitate use and anneldinc
ilon whatever fer , thelratts drawn' upon • the
&watery of Stele . for;the afortisild forego
and supplies. '
*that Buchanan drafts
justly and properly; rawn and payable by The'
421overnment, and that ha' would' have paid
moaate eight thousand spectators. • Insid
this ring the_tent -of President Wilder will b'
located. The tents for - the different .depart --
ments of th'e exhibition ' for the offoers, fn
the banquet, and for the use of the Iteportei
for the Prestiwill occupy:appropriate pine( ••
,fin the grouiids Some idea Of. the extent •
the.buildinis to be erected may
,be formai .
from the fact that in addition to' the tents
marquees,' over half a million feet. of lumbe
will be required,in putting up the necessary
temporary structures. The entranoe to the
grounds willbe at the northern and southe-rn_
extremities of the area. rind the exitgotes will'.
be iaeated on the western side. .
The 'exhibition will coinmetme on the 7th o,
October. The yutobetae Association . intend
-to-celebrate-the-event by a grnnd parade r
which active and eiteuhitie preparations are
making, _ '
~ •
Biglers Falsehoods Refuted by Bu
At the cloSe of the_lnet session of Congres .
it resolution was linseed by the united Stater
Senate, on the metier! of William. Bigler,,:
this State, Calling on the Treasn'iy Depart
went to report to the Senate the papers 'con
taining.the finnlicialaceoents of John clintries
Fremont with the .Government,---The'objer
of this inquiry vi:ltig to conveY to the' publi
the impression thitt, in the draftedrawn
col. .Fremont on government,. for sup.'
-plies fey his command ' in Qiilifornin;lie Arer: .
for. More tliriii the aovernment received, an
allowed much more than a fair compensatim.
for what he did receive. .P.enator Bigler an
his party have been-giving-exteniive:-cirenln
tion •to iniarepresentations - nnd falsehO
_ .
about the pecuniarY .
transaotions of Fremon
whon,in California, and there is no doubt that.
in this.dirty work, Bigler has bean promptei
. , ,
and encouraged by, James Buchanan himself
istbLecoming the active agent of calunthy r sm
r° I? a vrati. Bigler is endeavoring to atonp fo'
s okcal sin of having opposed the nomi
1. Buchanan . and- - ntrvecAted 7 that - o -
t '
- ,o- Pie . rae, •.. . • -
' 5 . 0 U 01. Fremont was in California, .der ..
- • t o w" with lilexice; he, as Governor :' o
t vdrew font. drafts, amonnting ,All
"1 .-- Au — A - upon James Buchanan; fle Ilectit- -
th,:4,igtitte, in layer .or F. lluttman, for
forage and supplies furnished to the C4lifor
i l ia Battalion, raised - and omm:omitted by Col:
Fremont. When those drafts were, presented,
ftle. Buchanan did not pay them, because Con
greas had -nut appropriated and platted at his
disposal any money fur that purpose.
nee drafts fell into the hands of some per-__
soul; in London.: In . 1852 - Cet. ' Ftentontiiiits
in London, And was there arrested for debts
he had contracted in California. As ourtliov-.
ernment could not be sued,:and`no appropri•,
titian had been made by Congress for their
payment, the holders of the drafts thought
the surest and shortest way to- obtain- their
money was to hold Col, Fremont personally
littple. l) , The case mime before 1114' efllli't I.t .
Exchequer. The testimony of Jame> :
nen, upon whom the-draft, were or .tco. be
ing considered essential to the I...mothe
Court, appointed Henry L.,, thigh
Campbell and Peter real' oe"I'llila teipuia.
to take the de.positions` of.wittir,s. 1%, o P.
Fremont. Under the i
..gtiilA . .tY if ii..• e.,..
mission issued in Louden, the. thr.,- geut t -
men named proceeded' to take the ttepvtiiiioti
of James Buchanan. The Commissionsers
were awortt to take the deposition and make
the examination, truly, faithfully. and impar
tially to the - best of their skill andknowledge.
Buchanan Will sworn' to, make true answers to
all questions - touching the matter at issue,
without fettr_or affection to *either ,party, and
the clerk was sworn .truly,', faithfully :and
without partiality to write down the deposi.
tion. The deposition of Buchanan thus taken
was sent under seal to.Bir Jae. Parke, a. Chief'
Baron of the. Court of EOlequer. The last
steamer from England brought to New York a
itertified copy of thie deposition ; of James Be.
chanan. All the Material parte of the depo
sition will fie found in our. paper of !sat week
under the caption of," Who Conquered Cali
fornia," taken from the New York- Evening-
Post. The New ork Tribune . has . Wished
them,till while Secretary of State, if Congress
-had- mnde-nuy-approprintion-tomeet-them,
Sixth, Thnt notwithstanding . ehe verdict • of
a court martial against Col. Fremont in '49,
_jr. Buchanan'is , unable to decide upon the
merits of the dispute between Cots. Fremont
and Kearney.. Col. Polk,„iesi:ored "Fremont
his-swor4.l l -ftod-P-olitis„Beeretary-of,State-E-Aid.
not know whether -Cot Fremont or. General
Kearney was in the wrong.
Last, Thttt William Bigler is a low•minded;
lying caitiff, who in his plaee in the Serinte
insinuated falsehoods against Col • Fremont,.
and who is now roaming over parts of Penn
falsehooda that are
refuted by the testimony of Jame Buchanatt
---.l7arriaburg Telegraph. • , '
`The Providence Journal publishes : the fol
lowing correspondence : (Mr: TIATFIELD IS a
Methodist minister of high standing; and Pas
tor bf.the: Forsyth et. 'Methodist 'EpiicoPa•
Church; New• York.) •
• ' IVAitum:, It: 1., Sept. 12, 185 G,
DEAR Bno : I have aome Interest and more
,curiosity to know the truth in reference to the
.repitt, so current; — that, ..Col.- kretimpt . is
dacha() ;. and it has occurred to me that you
,may have means of .knowing, and perhaps
would, take the trouble to inform au old friend
_and_corref!pondenton :the. subject--
It is-cxtretuelY difficult to arrive nt the
truth in dines of such intense excitement ; ns
t he_political papers arc filled with contrnilic
tory"Staternents, each • otwhich Claims to --- b'e
true.. . •
Are ,y.on_Acquainted with Alderman Fullmer,
wile has testified on " the subject Y .Are you
able to give me definite and reliable informa- , ,,,
tlr - regard=tcrt ii - e-report-t h t -FT ein on PAS
a Catholic ? , ' , -
An answer to the above at such time as 'pay
auit.your.conVenierice will oblige, Yours truly,
it..3LityrytEr.n,_ • 8. C. MOWN.
I .
° Nnw 'roux, Sept 13, 1856.
DEaulluorttbii: Your note of the 12th'-insf.
came tq. hand this Morning, until avail my i se_ll
of My first, leisure monietits to reply to ..its
'contents. Of Alderman Fullmer I have noih
ing to. say. .1 do not know the man, and have"
no wish to repeat 'rumors . that are current
with regard•to , his !clot:Amer. _ In_ times of
high political -. excitement like the present,
such rumors_re utterly unreliable. ' - :Touching
the report_that Col.' Froinont-is a Catitori - e; 1
am prepared to give you ..definite and relin.:
ble information." - Such -reports. are- - utterly,
false, a lie from end to end." Macatilay,.
in one of his reviews, says that one 'who—has
nerar read the life of Barere, may be said not
triknoiv_what_ll: li0)13. The eloquent essayist
wonld.certainly modify his opinion were he to
acquaint himself with the presep_t_maition of
Atnefican - politics, or look occasionally in the
columns of some of our Fillmore 'papers. 7 —
Neither Barere, nor the father of lies himself,.
_ever_concoetsd_a_haser falsehtiod than the one
by which.a set of demagogues nre attempting
to deceive the public regard to the re•
ligious sentiments of Col: Fremont Ile is
not a Romanist, never lies been, and has done
nothitig.to_gire actor to the fabrications, of his
slatidiars. John Wesley was not more free
fromt all reasonable suspicion of leaning toward
the church of Rome than 'John C. - Fremont. ,
He wns educated in the Protestnnt faith, con
firmed in a Protestant Church, has been. du
ring all his lifetime,. and is now, an undis
guised and decided Protestant. This state
ment I make not on the strength of newspa•
.er - repertsTirer-fromitearsay-.-or--second--hand--.
testimony.-- I am - personally acquainted With
Col. Fremont, and know that he is nut a :pa
pist, just as 1° know. you are not one. With
the hope that my reply will be satisfactory, I
remain, Fraternally yours; ~
Rev. ~S. C BROWN,
The Alilwaukie American of the 26th inst.
has an-account of the burping of the steamer
Niagara and the loss of over sixty lives.
Mr florrc,y ..linswortli, from Royalton,
Windsor comity, Vermont, was - aboardivitb
his wife, three. children, father; and sister,in
law, with it 6114. lie alone of all the party
was saved: Mr. was standing alone on
the stern of the boat, on the hurricane deck,.
when he first saw the smoke - and streaks of
flame breaking through the deck, above the
engine between the beims. Re immediately
rin forward to where hiefamily waa standing.
The cry of "firer.' f i
re!" was immediately ,
raised from , a score of voices. Alen, wonten
and,children rushed - on deck, with horror de
picted upon every countenance, and numbers
rushed, to . the guards anti sprang shrieking
into the water, to be buried in, their liquid
graves. Mr. Aineworth gathered his family
around him, antl,',uoaided, uncoiled the large
hawser at the bdw, and threw it aver 'the
guards, lie then let his wife and children
down, and finally . descended In the noose of
the hawser himself, and bong fast • Until the
flames bad burned off the' rope, and lot him
tl. -- titer -
drop into thi - water. ~' r. iutii•Utte ._ gok
hold of* boat upside down, to which a num-,
her of poor drowning wretches werehanging
in tho last agonies of death. Re thinite that'
at least , a dozen persons were hanging, to the
bast whoa he Betted hold: Oae after another
of these dropped IA until:- only himself re
mained. Be then auototaled in getting three
men, (Mr. • Chambers. of N.B. ; I. P. Kenedy,
and . Hugh Renedy.) in the boat with him. The
fear pereolii *ere sit finally picked uphy a
Small boat nom theechooner. Dir. Ainsworth
thinks that there were about eat :hundred ~
cabin passedgettitut board *hese the ; boat left •
Sheybootn, besides a large number in the.' '
steerega i kti-A.-lest -all hia-baggege_ and--_
libttil t °amid donate in money: , MI: A
state the aondnet of Captain Alliller*
4 14
welt ooloted to ( I,oist the terrOrOd am the
two of the paissetweric and *tithe was de
bust teen to teats the blunting *leek of kis
vessel. .0f the pecuniary law by tide terriVe
dinette Ire_ ItemeottilvaL .dieSk le elseet be '
URI out !mu _44tOci,uettJe taleeoMOl.itlio - 7 7 :
ttothiagla Comparem to, the feari)ll leas of
human. life. - " •' '