Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 24, 1856, Image 6

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farnitro! Iltpartmint,
( 1
On Shoeing Horses that o,verreach
I was bred from my youth. a Meek
. nith arki farmer,- and- whether:a-natniral
eelanie.or not,l was anxious to kno*
z w-hy@amt---W-hdreforesLof-things,=er,_
:ore properly.speaking,_ the_:.cusinalities
ad preventives.. ~ I was also fond of
.ying experiments upon - sat things as;
,ipeared favorable for improvements.
-as generally in the shop with my-father
I the. evenings, rainy. days and
. her times as spared from-.the'
XII] or school. - By. bajnir, in -the shop
• ? unuch, I obtained life. view of the far
.. ,drs. generally, and by that was enabled
-wake 'minx iinprOVemen ts on..the farm.
learned alai), that many farmers enter
i:n very erroneous views about
- - they, :
.were bound` to
kietate according to prejudice; as, for,
.stance, one says—" . This horse 'over-:
--aeries, 1. want, you . to put the forward
-;noes its far, forward as posaible, and set
-oe hind shoesas far hack, or he will ar
off." I would soinetimes. try
n1 , 189_116 e
° case by_ saying2.tlie" Way J .
,revent a horse from- overreaching, is to
unguent the .speed . of the forward-. feet
- 7. - nd - retard - AlieLmotion - Of-the-hind -ones-;-
Juiin'Order to accoMplish that tshall
Aare, to reverse yOUr -directieng. Sume
.vho had little or-no..mechnical genius;
would cut shoji; ail argument and-say :
‘Tollow - my directioaS or . else not shoe
.! he horse." • Of eptirse. a mechanic'thust .
_obey orders,.if-he
. breaks: owners so, the
. horse werdd-go_.out,_nicely
- fettered - , with his•shoes - clicking'at - ei - ;ery
step; whilei e perhapS,. the Man of inquiry
• WOuldAre - sire:
..way is, to - make theAbe:Cork - a very low,
and- standing a. little_ .under, and -the
• shoes set:as - far back as convenier
for Ward feet, with high' heel -.corks,
• so as to let them roll over as soon as pos
sible. On the hind feet, I- 'have the
heel cork IoW, and toe cork high project- .
inglorward, thus keeping back the hind
foot, while conning up over - a high toe
. 1 Cork giving time for_ the. forward _foot.
. to g?onit of the way. - If thus shod, the
horAe will travel clean, without' a click,
and - his 'speed will be increased ona trot
fifteen or twenty seconds in- a ,
' England Farmer.
Keeping Apples for Winter.
Apples are kept through the winter
-1.• By being laid on the floor - in a cool ,
cellar _with. alight covering of straw, and
air _dm it t e cr!fro -= a _nor nd o_ ,__u nti 1_
it yiecoMes so cold ab to ',endanger, their
freezing. • 2.. By. being packed in flour
barrels, and headed up, and suffered to
. remain, in , open sheds until the severity
of winter . requires their 'removal. so it
cool, d'pllar, where they' are - to be
laid in tie-5,.0 their
.sides., hi .:on to
cases they ar t eipacked 404 tit ::•
light stratum tif strawy, ofAry - t , t it ti t '
dust or_chaff interposed, so as to 1,, ep
the apples from. touching, and this as .far:
as 1 have observed, is the best plan.. 3;
3.lany.. farmers Make a-cave of boards in
theirlards or gardens, and fill it with
'apples, covering it over with ‘earth, and
. admittint , the air by .means" of a stove
pipe. •in this case,. Care' ouglit to' be
• taken to prevent the earth from touching
the-apples, anii sufficient drains -made
• around it to carry off the water, This
method succeeds well, , and Apples are
. thus preserved till late in the spring.
coarth way is 'to lay the fruit on Lelves
in.the cellar, but it is difficult tin: most
'places to
. keep the rats out, these vermin . :
very often make sad destruction, as I
' have experienced more than ,once.—
tiounerg •Gentivitan. ,„
Parni-Saap Books.
.Every firmer Ahould keep a scrap- book.
pictures and poems, and other dainty
wares, in:a splendid folie, but that be
should (ibtain a large and plainly but
substantially ,bound folio of light .car
tridge-paper: or of wrapping-paper, so
well made that it can—to written on.---=
Then let'him.cut, or direct:his- children
to cut, froin his county paper, or from
the Herald, everything relating Act ag,ri,
eillture whieh he•can Tay "Ihis
To avoid confusion, and for sake •of 'ref
. -erence, be TAM do - lvell to :devote a,
portion •of the book to. each Slibjeot, and
arb age them alphabetically. Thus, un
der the letter A may come general re-
mar L-s on agrieulture, apples or any other
farming subjpot beginning with A. An
index should. be made • to ..facilitat'e the
• finding of any article required, and plen room left on the...mtirgin of each
page fortliC - it -- ahie - flo write crown any
• remarks of
,his own .. Such a volume
would in a year or-two, become a matter
pf Constant reference, and a source o
vec,y. decided .profit.
.„ .
9 / . ', A tirs,, FETTER'S VUR
CP.'" INA ' lifeY N:0 W 0 N It A N
a 1A1.6 , 1, astortuaont of now and fashionablortMNlTUßll
and CHAIRS •
Walnut and Mahugantflretsing liurettua, with tuarblo
' . tops: • ... • .. . • ' I
Sofas, 'riblos. and Washstands. . ..
Walnut .Ettigorom and Wardrobes.
Mahogany and 'Walnut Tables of all sizes. '. , •
'ruclf-ite•dstilads, Tabloc,.at all
. • prir•es..
Parlor Sc' Chairs Itocking-Chalre f with telvet or
, hair-eloth seats and hacks.
Nitihopityand Walnut Chairs with hair-cloth or cane'
. '„
• seats. ~
. .
Plain Chairs of all kinds. •
Cidl and see this new and elegant assortment at tho
FUTIlit aro Rooms. of the sobacrlbor, On Mother street.
noar the corner of North !lancer. •
July 21, 186(t. •• -
____ ,
NTE 1-1 0 L ALE.D It U G
S I;.F,
N. SP.,:rNeltit TIiOMAS, No. 2Q South Second Strvt-
Philadelpids„, imorter, Mauttracturer,and - licaler in
Bye -- Stufis, Paints, Oils, Colors. White kat!, French and
American White Zino. Window 'Glass; Wass Warr. %ar.
/1174r11111 - elltS, - tirlund
„spices. and all Other artlcle3_witially kept by Drpr,g,tsts,
Inclu.iln. Borax, ltidtteb. -
All orders, by,itiall or otherifiv. promptly attended
Country merchants are itivited to call and examine
our cock betwe pohsliaslog elsewhere. sent
tl any et the wharros or railroad 'stations. Prlocs bow'
and thuds W arr aut,,,,t plarch 0, 1:156-xly.
- • •tih. 0 IS ILI, PA - . IN: .3r„. .0 :
'Ttitlyrters and Nlanufacturers of CLOAICS and MAN
- -- TILLAS, No. 1-74-171f0-ifut-strtut7(sfew-doors-rthossr7thi
. 4 ' l o h OM:0..41)111ft, (1n connection wit.1164.:911,1ig
111'1,l'IN,361•Broadwgy N. Y., the largest. in•inufseturcr
-of these lb - oils in tint United States,) beg to eat! theat,
— Vtititin - of - Whniesale and lietail-1-users- to. their Int ge
d -V4Tied.stock_of_CI:OAK73,:.TALMAS, Ace.,
tdll tr 411.4!! Their enlitniti in eontpriseS a edniuletc
Fortment.of all the latest 1 . 31'61311, Isiove!tios in Velvet
•Ire Antique, Cloth, Plain Sill:, Au., Ac. • white the fa•
(ditties their connection with the lar,test
Mint ufa .•.t thing -House, (o 1 these goods,) In New_lLtrk,',
enable Went to guarantee better Nalue than is obtain'.
tie elsewherit in the..)darket. - OVA). A C,)..
' Sept: 3, 's6—:lnt. 174 Chesnut Strek. ihore7th.
rEw GOOD:31 NEW i.4001)5. A
' lar l o lot of
. soasoiiablo (loot ,just ro , :ulvetl, ATM h o
ohl vary rhepp ?a the store of the sulwrihor, In iro_oto
street. .I'ren'se enN nod Roe ~ro.ittirch:shy7 oh 4,
• Aueust 13. ISto3. ,
. •
.. - F R . 1f., 1 5 , 11. 1), HE 11.. It 1 ., .N i G a l -- ; ;I t
hay..just • .
. .
-of-thi.-year•sjclaclr.--For-galeitt-tho esiablishm...l,
. • Orocery. ' .1. D. HALBERT. ,
~ prn 23,14551 North Hanover Strwt.
--- krexli 3fl t NIV.RE I t Iti ES, -
• PINE .A Pl' I. ES, .
• •
‘,.. MAI A'Pk) li ETCHUP, :".•
- riumatu inathss,. '
_.- _. . _ 0 !LER KINS, _ •
__ _
PICOLJI.X, • ' .
, .• .
1 TABLE Oil, &O. .
I • Above • articles warranted °quo' to any in alorket
For solo `ow for cash at
July DI, 1860.1 WILLIAIIS.'.
. - - •
T ____
W LU3II3ER 'YARD !-1:1 U . AI
mET, & C o . h avin g opened a large Lumber Yard
• at Mcchanickburg, would Invite Carpenters, Builders
and others wanting Lumber to call and sec, as they
have all kinds of Lumber on liana. „ Ali orders sent to
Mechanicsburg will be punctually attended to.
' June 1.1.18,511.-3 - . . . . .
'‘ Q -- .PI,IINGT I'S IFAI lii.Eli eI.OPITING !
KJ, . It B M-0 V-A .1.... . . .
_ otiLEIN.IIII. AL DR.D. hum teMpotarat ily_muv ad 'their
Storcdo the corner robin of Burkholder 's ilotel, where
they will ho pleased to see their old, customers.
Yin° and Common Clothing, "
Plain :icd Fig ured Clothing, . ...._
'.Light All .SO . IOIIIN ClOthilitC•
.N.i.Olt. add inornith:, Clothlti; . .
- ' .Noolt and ...VOliing l.'10t111•Ig. a .
1.111 , 3/1 MI 1011!111..ASA,1110t,i1111g. . -
1.V. , e - i 51.3 , 1 Sunday Clothing. .- - •
'`.• ' :" 1 ;ain :Ind tiAy.!ll , 4 Oothitit,
~ .
~ 16 , ,,,,,,,,i ~.tic. likt. , 'it•i'llo.ilii,ig.. '','
. tp...., .iml :it ro. - CIA him:.
IMys' nod young nt,m!s kluthing;
tin.% e aid -ay lish Clothing, ...
. • - Cifrads sod .Oic vol. Clothing.
Ur Ally killifol,;lothilig, _, •
maybe had at STEINBR ,t IMO'S: Cheap Clothing
' `...4.1rv. .
Altiong ..heir euiteusi ye assortmetituitty_hefenini Fine
Ilia, , k and,llino,Now Style Dross and Frock Coat , made
en the lateityashions of French and English Cloths.'
:New style Business Coats, of Bliick, Brown, Blue and
eili con 'CIOIII4, and Plain and Fancy Cassimeres„
..I.inenllinclintn, and Cotton Coats, of every land.
:• boutle and Single-breasted Vests, an endless variety
sit' 'Plain mind Fancy Silks, Satins; Cassimeres, Orono
Coo , . and Marseilles .&e.' .
.fine Black .Fronrii. Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere
'Putts; Plain LOA-Colored Fancy Caseinlero Pants
- ' .;•.'pvidg Myles. - .
Also a full ussortniont of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra-'
- vats, rocket liandlecroldefs, Sitspenders, Stocks, GIOVeS,
ilusbry and Unduallea. .
, Cialislo;April 10, 1356. . , - ,
XTIIINV" G001)S.-411e . subscriber, has
.11 just. returned from the citY•sind is opening a
goneral assortment of Fancy and Staple Otxxim, consist,
of French hierinues, Coburg'', Alisaccas, Printed
.tlastanores and lifous.lo Lain& Dross Saha .in groat
I.ltrioty. Long Brocha ghawla from -$l5 to $2O. fronch
illoultet Shawl*. C,ansiirie and Swiss Edgings and lu
:settings and Cambric and Swiss Oollaro. Merino and
Silk ..foltirts and Draws. Dross Trimmings its great
-vurictVitli other Fancy and staple goods..
stov.:2l, '55. GEO. W. 111TNER.
.- . .
Fit—Tho undersigned has been, apposestai'an
.agent•fca• supplying 51OULDINOS of any deal , ,tit, or ; Pat=
j er i n i rfor e Aulldlngp 1 4. a t re l l: less rate x tl e n n -thet
sa cs! .
[March 20;66] • 116Nil l .ir SAXTON t
IL" : pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Cumberland county, the subscriber will expose to pub
licsale, on thf promises,
On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1850,
at 1-o'clock, p. m. - said day, the rcad estate of
Itobart Cook; late oeMOnroo township, deoealsql, yle :
situe to
' •
in :Monroe township, Cumberland county, near
Brandt's Kill, containing One and threozgyarter metes
ofteroutdi all ander fence. . The improvements , are .4i
TwrAtozy :LOO IICIUSN, - .Btabler, - and - other -- out - hulidA
loge. There are a number of Fruit TreeB on the'proixti•
era, anti a well of good water oonseniont to the door:
The ta.V.DIS wllt be.--10 per, cent. when the property is
stricken off,nud the balance on the let of April, 1807.
l ikttg-111, lei 11—ts
Ette. 6tiob. printi ug promptly ticeeptpd,
artiste Actalb.
tbutittoit- _
_ _ _
. W .
Thu Twelfth Session of this Institution will commenge_
on Monday, the 3d of Noveinher. Parents and thw
-dianuireTrequeSted-to-inquire-inte, its--merits-befere
sending their sons-or wards °Bmber°. ,The location'of
the Institution is retired, pleasant and- healthful,
and the course of instruction embraces the ordinal''
ry and higher iiranclieti'-of, an English Education, to
gether-with the-Latin, Greek, French, and (Jarman lan
guages, and- vocal and instrumental music, -Tonna,
hoarding, washing; and Tuition In the English branch
es and vocal music per session (31 weeks) 50U,90. For
circular containing particulars address. • •' • • • -
5e0.17; ISO.] • . Harrisburg, Pa,
- • •
„bAItLIS .Pa.•—:Tho Twentieth liceilon (five'
months) will' commence on Nay -sth. A new build
ing has becin erected ,containing t yuufasiuuy Illusic
Room, • •
With increased facilities-for Instruction atul ample
accommodations, this Institution presents groat in
ducontonts to• parents who 'desire. the physical and
mental iniproc*ent Of their • •
Terms' per tiession, $65•09. •For circulars, with full
information address • • • it.
Principal aI/ STiztiribtilirT. --
April 9, 1556. • Plainfield, Gumberlami __
iAltbizilAli.; FEiI I A.L.I 4 : SEMINAItY.,,
k_) 1111: and MRS. CLARK,. who have been for . several
years engaged in teaching, respectfully annAnce to the
citizens of Carlisle and v Witt IV, that nu the Ist . of 'Sep
teinber; 1556, they will commence , the second se.ssion, In ,
LoVier 'Street, heal- the Gorman _Reformed Chnrch,of
The Institution • will .he boll a boarding and day
school, ill which all the branches necessary for the COM-
I) it! tt; (1,111C:11,k/1/ of - young ladies will Do. taught. Assist
ants. of
,the highest character for qualifications and
morality wnt I.d - employed in accordance with the wants
of the Institution',, The governitiontmill be conducted
on strictlyChristiOt piinclPesoglille sectarburitan will
'be al: rigidly excluded. . •*3 • . ' . .
the •Prlticipais flatter theinsolvei that their long and
successful. ei.pdriencti as •teachers. as - testillad - hy 'the
re onnuuudati.cus-hr their possession, iy . itteniti±lo them_
to establish am! nstitution of the highest Aittructer.i.r
young ladie4. They are fully persuaded that such au
Institution will bessastalntal, here by the citizens and
'eighboring' con'fitry, and hOpte that their confidence .
may not be di,,ippoilltl'Ll. • .
The SCl6lllStie year will consist of four terms (eleven
a eakg ea-.h), beginning on fiepteinber 1 and ending, on
.seeond 14'611 . 1o:N) - in ,Itily. . . .
4 - T rlt3l:- l'itAt' Q.C.t ivrErt 1 11.Aeo4s). , ..
Boarding, ineludin4 1 . .1, if g ht,, .1111,
- tuition In MiT.FI7 - sli• brunettes, - $35 00 ..
---71,rintey-heletetoten.t..- --- . t, iin
11 le.-1,....,r English, • - • • - . . . 8 _on
- A Bella' t and lbalertt Limptiv.. , ,e4, emit, '- 5 la.l - .
Oimainemial branelies at pride...a ir's charges.' . ..
_lin deditrtion for al,senco . itfter entrance, except - In of proTract'etl 1 - Ilicss.l . .
. .
It V. Vt: It. It C -
C. P. WING; •
J. B. P,I7:F.EIt, ' • .• A. 11.,
J.c Ni I "• ./ACt.1111 . 1.11:, -
T. li. SKILE:z 4i ll';tC. EELS: 2
Dr. '4i. - ‘.- IrflroitSS,' -
. • Rev.-Mr; HTEItP.F.'II.'. •-
MAT.. 10, - - •
-. ' llG~lL~llls
•("_; j l o_3l. 1111: It C /11 - 4 0_ G
rumored to the new and syncious Ilkill , So. 99 and
lui BA LEDtuitict,TREET, gaitlutoto..ll‘l.
CitAmr.riaaN, Priflopal and bictuierpon Mexcarj.
eeieuce. _
LK. K. I, ,, aiga, in clinr.ze.orlVriting Department. 00
- 61% ---- tirite, - Justrtteturirr — Mrrrarrtite - 4'aiEtthitiutts and- 1
Associa.t - c-in ItcN,k, Ke.Ting Department. .1
Teaeln,r in isa‘kk l.eepiuq.. .
ti T. %VWlans. Lecturer on l'9,lnutercial Law.
Throe y.e.trs have n,,t. yet C11(11,0241 since thzsztAblish.. ,
taunt ni thi4 inmcitutionidarjug Whlch Unto upwarda.nt
cl ht htnidted ,rttlents have-Lane lii attendance, (reli•
heariy every tatu In the Untoa,) nuiong
whom are numbers in lialtiutore andplsewheie occupy
leg pramtuent pusitiOus as 4businusS — uien audactxtuut
auto. • -
11001( KEE . PING.—The Principal has the-utmost-con
fidence In assuring the public that after au expel Mime
Murteen years in itialit)itig young men for the Count
tug Room and other important tit:atolls, and an exteit
sive :Acquaintance with the management of bushiest;
'books of every dosaiption. (assisted as hit is by two sel
entitle accountats,) the,eourse of training in this de,
}mai - aunt is eininently practical mid well adaptec , to
.the various pursuits of Commerce and Trude, Inelndiug
individual, Partnership, • Mercantile, Manufacturing,
Commission, Exchange, Banking, :dapping. Bteacubeat
lug, Compound Company operations; Sc.
exorcist's under this head Are
free, easy and graceful, combining rapidity prosecution
with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student
to'write un elegant business hand cut completion of the
MEIiCANTII.ECA Let , CATIONS in all' their varitius
LitiFingsAnliuglicby - thcr muSt -- nccuratt - an'd l'itpoOt
tiou-s to laud. •
Daily lectures are deliVered upon the Science of At•
counts, Idercantl,le, Customs,. am., these In connection
with a series of lectilies'on Commercial Law, are of the
highest l )mportain all aspiring to occupy prominent
positions In the businessionimunity.
The time kcessary foe an industrious student' to
complete the course, varies froth 8 to 12 weeks. Thin+
being um:varalon, applicants can enter at any time,
cud attend both day and cloning.. Examinationsare
imid at stated perloos, and diplomas awarded to t. tse
who graduate. For terna,etc., write-and have a ci:
tar forwarded by mall. bOet. 3,
• Thesubseribor. has just returned from the city,
and is now opening, - next door to Chita. Itimilauctdin's
hotel; in North linuovor street, a splendid assortment
of no and cheap DRY (lOODS, 'comprising .Iknittots,
Ribbons, Cloths. Cassimerea, O I mtbanta, Lawns, CalLsoes,
Dobaincs,llluslins, Checks. 'Pickings, 'Hosiery, Gloves,
Willie and colormt carpot Chain, &e. . . • • - .
• - ,
011(Kyn . nIES of all :kinds, and best quality. 'Alio, a
largo- atock of .sUparIor•7IIOOTh.AND:SI I OES. All_ of
whlchlui will soil as cheap asnnY house in town.
But tor, Eggs, nags, Soap and Dried Frult takon"at
Market prices. N. W. WOOLS, Ag't. •
Carnal°, April 10, 12.50. ' • ..,
1855 A L J. 4 NOTICE.—
. Tho uudeislgned has just replenish
ed his moot of
and is Prepared to supply his friends and customers with
almost knything required in domestic use, at prices
which - he hopes will prove satisfactory. His stock eon•
slats of es ery_variety of soods suitable for town and
country use. He has also ou hand a general assortment
of HARM ARE, such its may beveeded by farmers and
mechanics for every day use. Ills stock of
i t l e hVeed embalm an excellent assortment of choice,
qualites. All for sale Wholesale and Retail, South East
corns? of ILsnover and Louther streets, Carlisle, l'a.
'AitiY , Country Prodttco taken In exchange for goods.
nov. 21, '55. ' ' SAMUEL O.IIINETT.
I - VE3 lOVAL:,--,DRY - G 1 01)DS;
. jou if"o subscriber has removed his store to the braise
recently occupied by Dr. U. W. Gauttman, next door to
Charles Maglaugbilu's .11fotel, whore ho has it general
assortment of •
and will be happy to have bis friends and customers
come and sew Um. Thanicini for fast favors, he hopes
by strict attention to his business to merit a sharp of
public patrona
April 9, 1910.]ge..
of you who biorebeen afflicted for yeari withthis
t ersome disease, and who have been ushig ilmoit'
every Nostrum before the putdie without relief, we say
to you try. .".Kletrer's Antillyepeptio" and you wilisoon
b„ 0 „l noo d o f 14. groa t superiority over every other
jproporation. We could give you many certificates orob
.orating our assertions,. but a single trial is worth Moro.
than all. Tills remedy Is prepared and sold at the Drug
Store of D. J. SHIFFEJI,. South Hanover street >r fey,
doors south of the Court Ul'eiergeribile.
x. W. WOODiiiAg - t.
Au a meeting of the Board of Directors,' held on the sth
of ?larch 1806, it was unanimousby resolved that Inter -est-shoud - lbo — paid -- on --- aDeelardeposits by the Carlisle
Deposit Bank, 17corpomted by the .15tato..of Pptousji•
mule, as follows: . • °
• 4 per cent, per annum for 4 months,:
• b ,o• 46 *, l.
- liaterestecaSes - aftor• the expiration of' the certificate;
unless renewed, and the money . always paid-back with
out notice. •
By order of the Board of Birectors.
March 12, 1850.] W. M. BELTEM,CasbIar.
. . . • PROPRIETORS. • . •
HRNIARD Woons,. Joiii S. STERETT, •
This Batik, doing business in, the name of KER,
BRENNEMAN & CO. Is now• fully prepared to do a gen-
eral Banking Business with promptness and fidelity.
Money reeelved on Deposit and paid back on demand
without uothm. Interest 'pall on Spleial Depoiits.—
Particular attention paid to the collection' of Notes.
runs;-Choelm,-,l;e4n-any-part44—theAlnited , Sruliiii7o- 7.
Caundas. •
,Itemittances mule to England, Ireland or theContiz
nebt. The faithful and confidential execution of all or
dure entrusted to than, may be relied upon. 'they will
at all times be plem.u.l to give any information desired
in regard to money matters in general.
The proprieters of this Bank are Individually liable
to the extedt of their estates for all the deposits and
other obligntioue or Iter, Brenneman & Co:
UN, Banking house in Trout's Building, Maln'Street,
a feu; doors east of the Bail fond Dela': Open Tor huffi
ness from 9 o'clock in• tint morning until 4 _o'clock in
the evening. • 11. A. STUBUEON, Cashier.
•N. A —lnterest at the fate of 5 ptr cent.' per, aunt=
W 111 be paidon Sperlal dept hits as heretofore.
Carlisle; March 16.'184' • •
s"touc St, iCin-wnrc.
p REP Alt E-E0
Thesubseriber at his-old stand on North llanover st.,
au-lisle, the sigli of tho-Mantmoth lied Coffee Pot," de
ireS to call the attention of the radio to his large at:-
oat:lcaOf STOVES, of. the stonAtet and most fashions
• his styles.froirithe hest manufactories in the
'tit • • country, and at all prices Trent $3 to ;tit, ••
4 r -Among his PARLOR A CliA:1111LR-STOVES
h,q't • are the Mirror Stove, the Aralc. Revere, Star,
• ~; • :Porsian, Union l o rd :Etna Air 'light, together
•with other patterns which he has of all , slzes
parlurs.or iirallitti3ritTaffibinlrxiint - ed - forintrhing 4 itire'
wood or.cital. Also, the
Flat-top and Bandbox or Ponr Man's, with tatter COOK
-IN-0 iyItiVES. comprising the I:ttest orients in
kitchen stores, ;not intoutbtd for, either wbetl_or coal.—
1.., the hieing Room , Cooking' Stove—a tea and.ele
in article, Itoatthieh lie hares the portion:it atten
tion of families. Ills ettobitig.stoves range in prit-ti,frefn
2;,, with the fixtures complete. hat a late
'-3•..res if sarluus pottterrtS'and different prireS.. '.-
ing Sttretrs, Brat-sr-Keitlits, Ac. Also, 'e - very artirlo4n the
iliwuf lin and Copper Wale. The public
fill iiivlteil to call ss ho la-confident with his
storb. ninety and elu itpness. ttf being able to gist, en
tire satisfaction to et cry purchaser. Call and see. . -
,Det, • -, M.
. . .
uottoAs would - inform the public that
he has now op hand at his establishment, on Main !
next tioor•te Marlon !lull. the largest and .must corn
, pletc sof- tinch tof CQUII - ,•O W
Log. STOVES , to i.e found in - this county.
which will lia'sold at the - lowest prices,ler
cash or approved credit., Ills stock consists of
L.144 -1- 4 ,f,., a large :iss.fluietit of new and - highly
pros ed PATE.b T COOKINO STOVES!, finished
In the post complete 111311110 t. and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which hsxe stood the test 'of 'esperionce, may be forma'
at his es ablislanunt. Also, a great variety of the most
approve- ,and lienuti.ul I'AithoICOFFICE STOVES, in
cluding number of new styles. fiossessing . very supe
rior ads antngiis over those heretatere iu use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
call better, purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part-of the eouptry and put up at the shortest no
tice. Ile contftfuetiVo do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
-IRON -WAltli, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
'hand or will make to ooder every article required by
housekeepers' or others in this line. His 'stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the hest manufac
tured. Persons in want of articles in his line may - al.:
, ways be sureol being accommodated to thelesatisthctior
by giving him a call. ' tnovl -1
-.3nsuranct .
r: co.. or Lodi( lI:VEN, PA., insures Detached
buildings, stores. Merchandise, Farrar Property, and
other buildings, and their contents at moderate rates.
How. John J. Pearce,
John B. Hall, - , T. T. Abrams,.
Charles. A.lilayer, D. J. Jackman, .
Charles Cilia, W. White, .
.__. _
Peter Dickinson, - ' Thos:•Kitchen. •
110 N. Cl. C. HARVEY, Pres.
T. C. Aattaids -Vice Tres
-- TultiAs KITCrIEN, Secretary. - ' ' '
it trritmts.
Fainclet U. Taw d, Thos. Bowman, D. D.,
A. A, Winegur . dnur, 11 in; Vnnderhelt, '
L. A. Martuy,e_.— • Win. Fenron,
A. White, Dr. J. S. er,inlisrd,
J tunes (Wiggle, A. Updeginff,
Jahn W. Ma) wird, Jerner. Aril:strong. -- k
non. Shaun Cameron, llon. Win. Iligler.
't1:41 1 :..e. JOIEE:11, Agent,
[Chili:de. Poite*.
May 15.18511-1 i;
Charttir Porpeturd.—sloo,ooo Capital paid lu. 4ce
- _ • 16itti Chesnut atruut. .•
MLitt Issuntoice, either permanent er limited, against
loss or damage by tire, on mierintry and erracra of every
description, In tom u or Country, on the most reasonable
terms. Applications made either personally or by letter,
bo promptly attended to.
C. N lIANCKEit, Pres't.
The subsrriber is agent for the above company for
Carlisle and its vicinity. All appliaitions for insurance
either - by mail or persoually will be , proinptly attended
to byA. L. SPoN SI.Elt; •
. .
- de0.12, '65:: Real Estate Agent and *riveuer.
SURANCE. COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo
rated by an act of Assembly, is now
.fully organized, and
In operation under the management of the following
commissioners, via:
Daniel Bailey, William R. Oorgas, I)lichae) o oc ku u ,
. Melehoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John 10'. Dun
lap, Jacob IL Coovor, Lewis Ilyer,' Henry Mom; n eD A.,
min IL Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph. Wickersham,
Alexander Cathcart.
no rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any
Company-ofthe-kind-in -- the - State. — Pereous Whibirrytti
become members are invited to make application 'to the
agents of the company, who are willing' to • wait upon
thom'at any tine.
BENJ. IL MOSSER, President.
HENRY LOGAN, Vico President.
LEWIS lIYER, Secretary;
MICHAEL COCit.LIN, Treasurer. •
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.--TRudolph Martin, N. Cum
borland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Bearing,
Shiromanstoirn • Charles 800, Carlisle ; Ahl
Churchtowu • Samuel Graham; West Perumborough
James M c D o 'i r el, Yrardcford; Mode Griffith, South Mid*
dleton; Samuel Coovor, Benjamin Haverstick'iNteehan
lealnifg-IJobtf-Shorrickildsburn; David Coover - , -- Sher
hordstown.. •
YORK COTINTY , --Jobe Borman,. Dillsburg; Detint
Woltbrd, Franklin; John Stialtl, - Rsq., Waehin#nn; v.
.8. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise.
HARRISBURCL—Bouser d Loohman. '
Mombors of tbo company hiving policies' about to ex.
pircan e bain thOrn rontored by making application to
may of the agotus. , „, • .
111 ROOMS.
The subscriber, lomuou iu the. basement of the_Methc«.
ABA Church, , opposite' thafflt. Ititread Depot, is now
receiving a variety of Farming Implements, such as
• • . ' GRAIN DRILLS, „ . .
- • ...GRAIN FANS,
Corn and Cob Grinders (Scott's Giant); tie Crestget ,
Grain MIR, Horse Shovels, REAPERS . AND MOWERS
(Manny's•with Wood's Improvement), Straw. Cutters,
Atc., all of which' are. of the most improved kind and '
workmanship, and wilt he sold tui the • most accom- '
modating terms. Farmers are respectfully invited to
call and examine before Purchasing. '
4a-For the • convenience of farmers, Moore's Patent.
Grain Driti will be sold at Shiremanstown by•Benjarein-
ClaY, and nt Shippensburg by. Christian Long: • •
August :1,1856.
A . citMcsa_s_cf,- _
Adapted also .lbr soWing 'oati.-grass seeds and
guatio..:Hr.suser's Portable Cider Mill--the best'
In the market. • Halliday's patent:Win - 11mill.—
Horse Potter's and Thresher's, Lime and Guano .•
Spreader's, Daniel's May, Straw and Fodder Lotter.-
Little Giant Corn and Cob' Mill, Spain's Atmospheric
Churn. Tho above Supyrior Implements with all others/.
s.rqh - o — iiieTOf the lathier or gardner, fur sale Wholesale .
and Retail by
. • PASCHALL, momus & co., '
Agricultural Warehouse and • Seed Store, corner 74
and Market streets, Philadelphia.. July 25, •
lion. (;. C:Tlarccp~ — ---
50-0-1-4-bi:4F±IF4ES.II-7---TURNIP7-- --
I • SEED, coreistirig of Purple Top, 'White •
kil, Dales Ilibrid,,Tellew .Aberdeen, Purple TOp Ruts
Dago, Green Top dpi., at trholluale and retail • .
, • - ' Implement and Seed Store,'
'July 30;15564 • 7th and Market, PhDs,
Nos: 21 au . d..23 South. Sixth Street
• .
. ,
AGRICEiTURALIMPLEMENT 14 AIN vrnernur. Bristol, PA. ,
ED Gitolriss:l37o- AcrOs) . ,
Bloomsdale near Bristol, l'a,
. Boom Growers of Wheat and Eye, %IRO '
8 1 121rElt 01+' LIME, •
'lf you, waut
_heavy ..Crops, .or t.Lelpau% American_
.These valuable Maninel have been used for the mkt
slx 7 yedra mlrcesSfully ft.r the Grain and Tobacco Crap'
in I•it};luia, l'eum•ivnblit.. New Jersey,' Delaware,
Maryland, and the If:lauds of Bermuda and Barbadoes.
A barrel (250 NufficlOnt for an acre of grouild.
-The alaive lertilizets are cinnpoapil of rellatle.Cherolcal
Elementa, which 15rgelY increase the crop dud improve
tlth soil, doubling , the value of tlll3 land. Price of the
l'horphute of Lime- - $49 a ton, Nitrogeried $6O, the
American Fertilizer 725 per ton or- S 3 t'Al per barrel,
91'25 a 'keg. Also every vnrleiy of GUANO, PurnLand
Plaster. Dot_Ash, =Nitrate of . :6odri,' Done Dust,-Powdered
Chnieval, Scc. ' . •
' GaAs delivered free of charge. - • •
OF.O=-14,-LElNAlT:Treprletor, ,
1 4 :o. 19' South ProntLitreet„Phila:
. _
.p To wholesale Seale - re. it diAcount.. Ptitn- -
idet. - t - in -- the Ilhollsh and German Languages' Gratis
ilrdee et a,dlqtanee, Cosh nerotnpanying or Dialt. •
promptly attended to.' •
hai'-e been awardo by the Penn-
sylea Ap,rh ulturaVoclety.LNew_Yor_k. CGstal, l'alaeo
Assoelat IA , II, • and the Now Jersey Stat•S• Agrirultuitti,
Society: - - [Sep. 3 '56-3mom
YANKEE FEED , CUTTERS,. manuiattund •for
ALDRICH t SARRE:NT : No. 410 Market street, fhilada
Thh cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength'
durability. and slinplioity of coustrudlou ; it cuts fast•
or, arid is the only self-sharpening HaY, Straw and COrn
Stalk Cutteriiver made.-• lt- has ,but ONE STRAIGHT
whichAnyperson grind and Wet with ease
but in ordinary case, Is grtiund in the machine: Thou
sands have already - been sold, and the demand is daily
increasing. In most t ascii an examination la sufficient
to convince one of Its superiority. ' No one after a short
trial would part with It for any other-. All sizes of the
boye constantly on hand and for sale by
•m • # J. P. LYNE, •
Sole Agent for Cumberland county.
subsalbers desire to inform farmers and public
genet ully.ihat thtiy now have ou hand and aro constant
ly manufacturing Threshing Machines with 'Plerpont's
t'atent olialter, which are generally acknowledged to be
the best articles now in use. Also'a variety of Clover
Hullers, Cern Shelters and Straw Cutters. They edict
attemt to the repairing -of Agricultural Mach nery in
the best manner and ou reasonable tern's. 'Manufac
tory on North Hannover Street, diiectly opposite tbo
residence of emerge iletvgar, Esq.
August o no. ABRIMS k PLANK.
Fl l O FAItigERS.-7-The subscriber has
i_g_ just returned from the City with one of the.largest
assortments, of lianlware ever brought to tide place. lie
has just received 90 dot. Mathes with and' without pat.
astunings, Iron and steel hooks ranging in pairs from
44 to - $1 1100 . pr straight and twist link trace
chains from ;Al to $1215.. Mule nude traces of all kinds,
also a lot of spread, fifth, breast, butt; carrying halter
and log chains--ale's very large lot of shovels, forks,
spadea,.hoes, rakes, and in abort everything and any . -
thing wanted by the Farmers--
Remember the old stand East Main St. Carlisle. •
March 1, H. INIXTON. ,
„:" RENTS.
.1., Ridging and Slave' Plows, for Corn and
Potatoes, Expanding Cultivators, with
Steel Toeth or various patterns, Field and
tio. Aga lows, Hand Plows, Revolving Horse Rakes,
patent 'Scythe Snaths and Scythes, English Lawn
Ocythes with rivetted backs, superior Unloading May
Forks, with rope and tackle complete, and all other
articles for Arm and garden.
th and Market Streets, Phila.
- -
SOAV,—Onoway's pure Palm Soap.—Oouiray's Im.
pcored-Clunnlcal _Ogre lloap—.& full supply. of three
truly excellent Soaps - just rereived sud for ask et
Pollak, Nov. 21, ' _
IptOWSI 7 PLO'tVST=- - -11 - e -- ailbacriber - -
. has and EA G L E _ leaping att
e celebrated - TWIN& M 9O ; COngt"i l i
hand • Ziegler's, Plank's, and llehwood'sNre .
have also a very large lot 'of the filirllopa York' Plena on'. '
hand, and 'a tine assortment of Cultivators. Remember. '
the old stand; East 31alti street) Carlisle. '
blracti-19, . • ' HENRI, BAXTO/fo.