Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 24, 1856, Image 3
AltiLi/i : co-, 1 A MIRACLE OF SCIENCE. -I#. C , L. Willing, of, lifooltinicaburg„ 'Cumberland -mouuty;-Pa.,:anoimnciis to those afflicted with Tutireat, Wens, Cancers, Pnlyp i 5, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Sei ula. King'SEvll and dl diseases that have been Usdally reatedwith Caustic or Knife,he can ;Maim them with, but • cutting, b0i'.4,1,4-sor,-pato ; neither 'Chloroform et Ether is administ ‘ i , nod to the • patient. It is 11Q mattet on what partbf t body they Wray be, ho can remove 'them with perfnt safety, and in a remarkably, short time. No Mineral id . Vegeta hie poisonis applied, and as money required - until a cure is perfected. Prolapsus Uteri, all Complaints, Chronic, filne real and all °the r dificases treated with positive Enlecesa Full particulars c:11 . 1 be obtained by addressing in either post paid. Patients can be accom modated with:D.3rd oa' reasimable terms. • Alechanicsburg .is one .sf roc prettieStiind healthy towns in this or ptic °the, State. It is a miles from liarrisburgi on the lunibethind Valley Rai/ Road, and accessible trona al! I , Atts of the Union. The Doctor will '-visit cases in any 1.9 rt of the State when desired. na.:Kind ready , r iryou knoW any afflicted fellow ems tura, delay not to tell thom , of this treatment . . JI 0 0 F. - L •.A.N ' tALLEIMATED GE IL N T T • _ ItirpAred by Dr.. C. 3t. iaintsus, PnILtPELPIIIA, Ply will.udertually cure `DIVER COMPIiA N'r, DYSPEPSIA; JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervon , :..Beitility, Disenses of the Kidneys, n od all die. , .‘ses arising from a disordered' • • . . Liver or Stomach. • •.• Such as - Constipation,' Inward •• he, "s or Illood to the llead, . tv of the Stomach, Nan , • • ' ' sea ,Ileartlinru r Disgust for Food. Fullness e Weight on the Stomach, • --' ' Sour frociatians,Sinkingtir Fluttering • at . he I:it, of the Stomach', Swimming of Alledlead. Ilurriuttawl Bililcult Breathing Fluttortil'artinr-±trarty-chealting or sutroca ting Sensati• , o:: when lit a lying vesture, 1)11 these - Of Vision. :lots of webs before the Sight,'Fever , • and dull vain in the, Bead, Deaciestey . of _ y e lloWness.of the'Skin and ---" • ityes: "Pal ,t iu the Side, Back,' Chest, • • Idatt•-•, , Sudden Flushes of ' It.oL. Burning, in - the : C• , ant imaginings of - . . . • and great;Be . ' preSsion • • Z.+ 'kits, • . The.prepriotn ni callings t neiititebtltitf"of - the - pc bib: - to this repent ., i daessvowith afeeling of the utmost conthietteivin v,vt aas and adaptation to the diseases lor which it is t•:, •ounnentled. It is no new . : , ,, / untried article, but One that has stood thetest 1,1 a tali years', trial before the 'American -pucine, and Its - ).•putation and sale td unrivalled by luny_ Audi Ar prep,;O:t;Tht. cony 111 favor - given :ay the most, pranuinunt and well known and luthYldaald toparts of the country Is Immense. - • 1 • DERANGEMENTS OF TUE 'DIVER. ANI/STGBACII. Are sources of Insanity.' From disorder or obstrileti•oi,. tudrhillactleu of tae sympathetic and .other nerves ful:ows', and the fLUICOI.II IS 01 the Wiliu are . iiiipaleuti and deranged /-derangetnent there will also produce (Wei's., es of the heart, skin, lungs and.kidneys. It is owing to the saute cause tuat - thetisandtlite Bilious or:Fellow Fever, - and that most, baneful atseitse, • Cousamptioit, . - The general want of success in treatingaliseascs of the Boer and sewn:tell; has nut been a deticiene_y or pa tliolu gical knowledge of, limn - functiohs--but of a sal rallie compound that Would act Upon the disease and all ilia ,sympathetic atlections.• Tnat bas been gainoi iti thlise Bitters: and they eau be used cy persons aitti 'the most delicate stomach with perfect safety-=ay they 'at . no time, debilitate the patitilit,Thut glee strength and increase the nerved:: energy. They can be Ltiutlll at allr• times, and under ail eircamst.33:l:tS. No ordinary ei:po sure will prevent. %how haying a - salutary elfect, and no bad effect can insult Pratt 111 1 Over hose. • If patieuts-will par.aaverc in the use uf this remedy, and use itstrictly aaeordiug to directi/ms, it will cure the foregoing - diseases in every instance, if nut beyond the power Of 11:10Liii..1111.!i it hiss C/11.1SOil 111:illy to enjoy. ' the blessing, 1.11 I:130,1'01 tie:LIM, and in many Cespirate dud abautinitai cases, a perfect and ritlieal ecru. . ADVANCEU LIFE, " " And feeling the - hand of 'lime weighing heavily. upon Cleat whit ail basernllN will find iu the use ef the ditters at)that will iustiluew life, into their veins; restore., in a measure the energy add • ardor of mere youthful live; build up their shrunken :limns. and give health and happiness to their remaining ears— . . •- It is a well o .tablished fact, that fully one•Lialf of thin female portion of oar • populatlsubaro tiehiCilliill 1110 en jortauat of 0,1,1 healtn, or to•use their own expression uovor foal ta ff y Thiry are lang,uld, devoid of all en 'or ,:y, extrontaiy nervous, and have no. appetite.. To china class of iii;;Lil,B, those Bitters are especially re. ciintuoußed. Ttleir poeuliar tonic and, invigorating proportres.runder Loom itivaitiable In such eases. Porous- visitio.t-districts harrassed anuthilly with •PEVEIt ANL) .liLili, or ANY YkSiat OF A IiLLILNI,S NAl:tilts, - will it:id-that by t h e timely use of one or wo botttes., they will uutiti ono lust:taco take the dia. vAtite, as the Bitters will rouovale and strengtlion the system;syste, and c.irey the bile off lit itii naturall cuaunal.— Prevention hi bettor than curo. . . fUIY A ilk: )..1:),T1.1:1iI.Y. VELLETAI.I TX Aud free from Alcoholic Stimulant, nod all injurious ingredients; are pleasant iu taste and smell, mild in their operation. will wept all or soCrotlons front • the Body, givo to the pallid amok, a f r o and vigor to the 1.-alic. . Price 75 cant: ;i:eir bottle. . • . . Principal 01111; J. No. lei ARGIL street, PhiPa,Tit. • • Sold try Drii46tista niul StorekeePersju every tower and village lit - tio3 United States and. Catiatiaby all Bruggista 1 it I:..eibis. inay 15, 1851. _ A FF.1,1411,11)- It lUD- 1-- '.. pIIILADIMPIIIA MEDICAL 1101,1513. .6tzt-71ished two•:ty hvt.iy , :ars ago la inc. EINEM:OI, .corner et 'f liir I .;,d. Ullion'titreets, Philadelphia, Pa. i:','l e.yrY.TIO ygAltS, .. Experience hae'veniteecd Dr..lil: a most successful prac titioner in the rttro•ot all diseases of a private nature; Al-alfh-nrs-clotillity,-as-an_ltopoitigtent to marriage; nervous and sexual lzhirmitleS, diseaisTi-01-filif-eltirf;- stud thosearid II:: fro -A m abuse'of mercury:. .T. 11; P ETIEULAIt "NTiCE. There is an c‘ I; habit sometimes indulged in by boys in solitude, tilt, n. 'growl eg up with them to manhood; and which, II not reformed nt duo tittle not onlybegets KlieS - serious obstacies to -matrimonial Imppiness; but rise to a sorb.? , i.t piotracted,•insidious, and devastating .„- .. affections,' . ' • Few of th oscwho give way to this pornialtvas pract UM ice are aware of Ce , consequences, until they flint ner vous system sl!. , fture , i, feel strange and unaccountable - sensations and v a.: - u c fears in the mind. (See pages 27, . 28, 29, of Dr. 1;:ot book on " Self PitBOrteltiell." The- anafortutmte.7thus affected becomes feeble, is • unable tolafe I. with accusmed vigor, or to apply his . mind to study ; lsts stop is tardy and weak: is dull, ' irresolute, and gagcs even in. his s %orbs cli with isee -energy than usual. , ~. , If he eriittrßttFttrhhoself-befortlbe_practke has done itx.werst,,and enter matrimony, his mairligtThritn - - - '• fruitful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies. Those are considerations which should awaken thnetteatioli.of all. Who are similarly situated.' -s, I . PAI",tIiNTS'AT A DISTANCE , . I Can lutVe (bp. Ft'ithig their, case esplinitly,. together with all their sympteins, per letter, enclosing a remit.' tans) Dr. E..'s . medicine, appropriated accordingly.' Forwarded to; any part of the -United States, and seduce from P M A AUL' and CUItIOSITY, by mail or READ! YOUTH YOUTII - AND MANUOODII - • . . • il , Vigorous 1 • 1 6 , or a 'Premature Death, Kinkolin on' , Belt-Preservation—Only 2e cents. • . - . .. _ , Lettere.contitningthat value In Stainps, . will,eneure , - 7 si - coptper - retorn . ef mail, • GRATIS I tIItATI2II GICATIB4I 1 - --- -*- , . . - -A.-pros GIFT to all.• M :I lEitY. itELIDVE full D. f "Natmre's Guide," a new and popular work,9 • valuable. inlvice and impressive warning, alike retell* -- ---- - ' ' ted to precept .yeare of wise and save thousands • • liees,la distributed - without charge, and forwarded by . mall, prep:lll,ft , any' Pest Office• in the United States on'reCitelniiau.or.dor enclosing two postage stamps. . 'p01131.1.1' OF JOHN 'O. ntg. • MONT.--The utost correct Lthdriehi - 046 inatti; ei e~oouted'ln the bigbect r;tyld of Lit; and 13 Tinted on flue India paper, published and for sale, Wholesale and He tall, by L. Iv. itosimitA.L,. Lithographer" N. -W. tor. • , . Der Filth and Oh estunt. Streets Philadelphia.; Else of paper 1.1:42€4. Rytail .prlm $l. A liberal discount will allasved tlage w tabling to, sell again: ' I.a?:*r.AOSNTS IiPAIiTEJLeir , . icctit, • 41: . .41,.. ; -. 0001 . • $lOOOll • A c hw-TED • AND '' UNT 1 • 0 tTUZA • , Out out and preserve the fol ./ lowing card. Atli; particularly important ' , to STRANGERS 4NO TRAVELLERS, to prevent their . being ullifif/d •. e ld—deceived_by_ thelying boasts,' false, promises, and spurious mem unondations (from the dead and unknown) of Foreign and Native Quaeks, of whom there are more in Mahe dolphin than elsewhere, because of the clemency of the • laws of the state. Citizens know and avoid them. '• • 'Having tried ono to twenty dollars worth of Quack Miitures, Extracts, Invigorating-. Elixirs, Cordials, Hit ters,fte.-, without effecthaving been &delved by mis represented, and exaggerated .accounts, of Self-/Lbuse, - Secret Diseases and their consequoncesaublifilted lu Advertisements, Books, Sc., and misled by false re-. ceipts and wrong advice _contained therein, purposely to increase sufferings, and•alarm and' frighten the un thinking; the more easily to ektort large fees, (which more exident, being sold for loss than cost of printing and advertising)—having paid live to one hundred dol lars to Foreign and Native Quacks, WITHOUT Well NU CURED, • , - having suffered much and long--though the time lost munot•be recalled, nor thiNuouoy recoverfxl you. paid and were defrauded of, yet you can be cured, - however bad, long standing or aillictang'your case, by Dr. LEIDY. "lie betimes; Delays are dangerous." • , "Time is Money • Time saved is Money earned." YOUNG MEN Olt OTHERS, • • Ingle, married, or contemplating taarrispe. suffering from Self-Abuse of its consequences, or suffering from any other causes, defects, or diseases, and LADIES, whatever their diseases or. sitiettkins, ntarhonorably -tiffy-tind-bfifitittin-Dr,-.Leidy:s skill and, stleeeSS._ Ac- coinmodations, if rfiiiiffi`ot , with 'kind and effiefent tonflance, at DR. LEIDI'S • PIUV ATE HOSP•ITA l. TUN:ruts NioriTY AND 'PREY AI • 6N E THODSAND DOLLARS Is waged the fulkiwing cannot be contradicted, namely that . ..r.0 0,., , .. tz-- ...„.,,,,,,...,,c,t, ..,..,.: - _ , ...-4, ' ' 4 ( s., A s , - 1 1 , 11 ,` 1.„ =JO' __-'------'__,Atr' Da. N. U. LEIDY, ' N 6.114 North Founrit Street, above Mice, Ts the only regular. Pitysicinn residing - in Pitiladi4l-, phia, G.rrdnntu Of. the liniverslty of Pennsylvania. o 1333, (twenty-tw) ,years) exclusively engaged in the treatment of ,tirieri3t or Delicate of both sexes. Self-Abuse. add its consequences; ‘Veaknesti and Inability; Net v 90511055; Irregularitfei, and other or situations of Females; and. which he will cure in lets time and less restraint, more offeetually,, tlndianyqt•lter, under forfeit of • TIIDUS,\ND DOLLAIIS. ' lir. I.m.ny has more patients. and - cures them toe, , tht.n all advertisim: Doctors. so called or otherwise, lit Philadelphia co:di:Died, and.lWoudly-Tplet's -to-Proles— sop; au d r yspect.ible Physician"), many of whoin'eonsult hint in' critleal eases, and ispeet,ib Citizens: kili Mer eltatits and Hotel Proprietors, 4e Hs to lilt re putation :tint uaparallehd , sur.cess. Hiz-aANT eau have neceS , Cary advi , o and Jmedicine sent them-by inaD-or iltherwlso to amt. Tart. At' the it'nitml SCites, gi vim! s derrrlption' of their cases - (eneloi r tibia fee) by' let t 4 , - • Du. N. LEIDY, ' • No.-11.4 North younTit Street, above Hare, A tgrist 15. 1S:)5 I 'll.o N I C S 1V O• N ' . .l' D --rii,,y never - did (IL , •more-t ba it -giviC temporary •r e ,,,,Camd-they never will! It is because they don touch the eares of t he' .1 1 - The - cause of ail ,a4ue - and billions diseases is th Li Milit/Sitherilt phew l Vallol/ Mi.isnia-or Netitralize this poison by Its NA: -tNTILuir, and all'diseffse ustai by it disappears at sited,' Rhodes,' Fever and Ague Cure is this antidote to Nalaria, and - moreover it is a perfectly harinlessMed.. The ceithicate of the - effiefira DM chemist, .1. R. oi l men, of Now•Vork, to this ctfc , •t. is Attached, to eve. ry bottle; there - fire, flit 41oes no good, it c 7.1 1. -710 no -harm. • 'this is in.. e titan can .I,c said of Quinine, Ar'senic, or any other tonic in existence, as their use Is: ruinous to the constitution awl brings-on 10 Ull A(IUII , wit jot never allows a persoa to tBvl perfectly wall for a single moment. lu ilialtration of these truths I annex some extracts front a letter justreceived from a Physician: • OneadCrows;Onio, litrela 17, Isfei. JAS. A.—lhiar Yoursof is at Itand. Tile Cure sm./ late last year, and the difficulty In get ti itgany one to purchase It was greatly imiressed from the tact that a remedy had been - intro duced which was growing in favor with the public as being butter tia:tii.uslng ulnino—not ,knowing, I pro-. 'mime, that the remedv they used to escape tuktug.llui. nine contained the liloo ITSELF I AIDA reniedy•(ltnown as “Itlinitlt's Tonic,") would in variably BREA.E. an Ague, but It did not Cure it, as It , -Would ofteu return with retrowed vigor. This one el: , cumstaneel 'deemed lii your - favor,lll could institute.' a test etimMuison betw,eau it and your cult% The fol. lowing is the iesulti. • . Three persons took your "Cure," all of whicl. wore 'oases of "Quotidian lutertnittant Fever," -of many Weeks' Standing. They had tried Qululub and Zither remedies, occasionally missinr, a chill, but it wits (as In all swill cases.) slowly wearing thorn out; and. htying the Mundial , n of other And severer maludies.• l did idicceed In effecting a ridical cure of all throe of these cases with your remedy, and they have not, had trchill since. Ingtil three of the" Smith's Tonic" had been used, - and would, its before stated, brook the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return. s. • I think there will 'be no difileulty now in glyPieto your "Cure" the vantage ground of any other remedy now in use here. dc., Ae. WM. BUCKNER, MAD. 'MODE'S' FEVER uud AUER CURE, or ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, the only Intrude:is remedy in existence is equally eortalii as itt , itsmixrivii, a "coat." Take it when you feel the chins coining-un,aud you will never have a Ati,;•li, one. • . lk:11 ES A. RHODES, Proprietor • • Providelicki, it. ' I. *,,..F0r ,sale by W. A. Kase, and Druggists generally. iss4. • MIR f'UNCEII, OURED.—Canc . ors, Wen 4 Incera, Tutuore,• Scrofula, White Swelling, L. cured without Surgical Operation Dit by . • . • , va...Dr. Pamplet ('2nd edition) on the iPreattnefit and Cure of Caneers, 'rumors, be. tent to any address (free) ou . reeeipt ;of.a pestage stamp. Oillea, No. 118 1 4 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. (Sep. 3,59-3 m. tiq. PORT ANT TO EVE YBOD Y. - I Jr... For the last throo;years I have boon engaged in a business known only to myself, and comparatively few others, wheni I. have instructed for the sum or $2OO each,. which has averaged mo. at the rate of $3,000. to $5,000 per annum; anti, -having made araugements to go to Europe in the Fall;trion,mge in the same bust nem, I atn.wllling to give, full instructions In the art to Any persona in the United States or Caundas, who will remit tne.the sin/ of $l. I ant induced, from the suc cess I have been favored with, and the-many thankful acknowledgements I have received front those whom 1 have instructed, and who are making from. FIVE TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS PEE DAY al it, to, give auy person an' opportunity to engage in this business, Which is easy, pleasant, and very profita ble, at a small cost.- There is positively No Itunune in I the matter. Referencesnf the best chtssean be given as _ To gards its character, and I can refer to persona whom I have instructed7Whe Will testify - that front $6 to .15 per day at the same. It is a business-in which either' LA . . DIES OR GENTLEMEN • can engage, and with perfect ease make a very hand some Income. Several tames In of New -York State, Pennsylvania and Maryland, whom I have instructed, are now making front $3 to .0 per day at It. :Itis a OTNIMAL BUN}:S9, and but or Is re . quired to start SI Upon receipt a of sll,dollar wi t ll wo Immo. dtately send to the applicant a priutedcirculer contain ing fell instructions in the art, which can he perfectly _understood at once. , . . in the month of Stay last, "leant my adveltiserient to the editor of the "Reading Gazette and Democrat," Reading, l'a., and also sent him ono of my circulars of ,initructions.. On its receipt, and on a careful examine: inserted the following.editerialln his paper: We call atteiithirfto-the advertisement of Mr.. A. T. Parsons, of New York, headed "1311.4.11TAN'r TO EMIT: nowt," whicdt will be Coned In another column. Mr: P. has sent us one of his circulars, alluded to in the ad. vertisement, and on exaMination we find honoran 11" , sdys it is, no hurabug, but n light, easy anti able bud nese. and one that may bo made profitable on a very trilling capltaV - All letters must be addressed toA. 'T. P 25 S, 85 Broadany,New-York.. [Juno. QRAIN FANS, GRA. N FANS.- Just 'calved, a lot of Grain Yana of Shreines' and Mg lor's mauufscture. Also a fine assortment'of liay, Stravr,•a..d' Fodder Cutters, of four different kinds, at the, cheap liar4lwaiti StotSttk • July "15. 18511,1 ' . .• • A. SAXTON.... H~xli le--- exnl IP.1)1[C1P1)1t1--- .. nERRING'S PATENT, CIIAMPL ON. FIRE ritoo SAFES, with Ett Patent Piiwder Proof Locks; which were 'awarded separate Mediae at the l's Fair, London, Mil, and tt the World's Fair, NOW Ha And ?f..4. The-subscri ire the solethanittiteturere woprietore in this State 'of ;,t—mnetualled-Sufes4 4l3 .d_. t. The - reputation of the ins "Herring's Safe" is work' and for the last thirteen ,the mercantile conintunity witnessed and borne testi aony to-their :a tire proof qualities.: More than 1.3,000 of Wes° Sethi have.been actually sold, and over TWO-11UNDIIIID-111V0 passed trimnphantly through accidental fires. The Public are assured-that-all-in Safes, manufactured by. the rubsiTibuis are ;not only girati teed to be Nick equal, Mit in Many respects oven sups nor to 'those Avltleh have- been so severely tried fire Few will forget -their services in the buruing-.01, the "Tribune establishment," New-York, and at the great Fire In Strawberry street. nt the. large fire last July, opposite the Olrard house and still more recently lu the Fire at Fifth and Cheeleut stB., in the city 01 Phildulphia, in which thiCse Safes came forththe, 6 knowledge!' Ciimerms, when many other neutral° , failed. 4: CO.. , - lime SAVE AND BANK LOCK MAKERS. 34 WALNUT Street, , Chilled Iron Wee; with Powder Proof Locks, perm. facture(' ii'icprOisly for Banks, Brokers, Jewellers. and others requiring security from rogues. Punk Vaults, Doom, Air. on liand and made to order. All the most celebrated Locke Pe. side at manufacturers' prices: Second -hand "-Sofas,""Salamanders" Ad "Iron Chests" of other makers. have been taken in pftt - pay mAtlincilening's for saleAlutlirrieei _ • I • P. MI 51.7,' A )1 1, \' S . S 1 " 1-N t er FUND : (ha, tei 4:4 by nti• I'vnnh)li anni Ibis " • till. a Vt A Ws. T 1,11 E One Itl,‘ `or. i:treet, Philadelphia; Itocet% fit p in Anus i i i "urn, linilar and 111.i:oats from all el oni-4. , ,ut Oil' C.lll ill Ullit3 3111111.110%1N ntAlr p ost at the Lite ol lave cent pea Mllllllll. 31 , i110) s aid h t lep. on demand. J 1 • lintec air n dully. frottOt 414011, 5 tidal., and int 31ohilay and iNiturtlay until 0 in the el.-n. 114.1. rids i I tiunuuu.will he found a cot %salvia .tal safe place-ot deje,sit tor artnets and nth rt. doing husitie , .ei an Philialelphla. Deposits are lend oat dirusttal Without any profile twilit, a•tan,. n..laititd. Mainland .k. 11. Tyson, - 1;e•orgil lluldin, . ..1.1111, , . P. Perot. Etplwi .1,4111 411 (.1 L. t lark, ' Jar ,pt, Jolla lhella,ther, Joseph John Plea, J.isupit U. Ns 14, )til dU. state , i , llrY, EdWat ter, • 'in ilia :•1111 , p , “, Jr. 114111,1 m Bacon, - 14ni. .ltnal 'll.llllO Cooper, Ed,:111 • F..Tettit, K LIN TrtnlSl.lnlr-011.45.' M. Secretar)-.,i.1..MES S. PRINGLY. trl)„The l'harter pro%itits that no manager, inlayer yr agent shall, diro, tly or Indir ec tly,-hot too t 1 7 taw,l, ,Lb-1 motley . front the ttorlety. octy . , 1.31.11LA.DE.L1.111.1.A. A.LiVER'INL— ..,v,vA.Ns, ilia: Ac . 3:1.E1E l'ltOOk' SAFESI - -,...: tuoressuts, lawyors; fame itud.Lothors, haring Books, ;Yapura, or utuar. , taivab os, to preserve from klitt; or tit/ Atil:AlcS.— ,•• - - ---- - • .. ' Lay aud Nowell's (Ilobh's) BANK- bop Ks.. A Csoo.—Tho -..k•grO - Trout' safe," that'Presurved our Hooks, l'apers, kc., durlug the great ktre •at Hart's Buildings, \vas pUrchasod of ULI t• tat EVAN, (SIS. Lind St., OA isdolphitt. ~ • tiETZ a BUCK. .. . ILEFRICERATOItS k. WATT FILTERS. EVA:s a' Premium' Ventilated lteirlierators tor cooling . and preserving meats; 'butter, _milk, water, dud, all articles tor emiliary'furposes. WATER tor purifying brackish or Muddy water, whether alleet,nd by rains, limestone, marl, or tabor causes; cau, be had separate air attached to the Refrigerators—a smalt quantity of lee cooling, the whole lu the warmest weather. 61101V.r...1t DATLIS, for the use of warm ur cold water. ATliit 4.;UOLEItS, for llotels, Stores, and Dwellings. STOttE Titl.loii. 4 , for Muting boxes, bales; dc.. 6.6 AL PiteSithii, Copying do., Druggist do. EVANS. No. 61 6,211tb Second .St., - ( 2 'doors below Chsnut. March 5, (r.stablishod .16..):i.) ^tT• if - 101iNE . 11, of 'tN... 0 50 j over and Loather nts. C - L.-di:AU:E.—The undersign- IMS W 114 tt. Oa hanu u,urge. stock' of superior Cubtuut Ware, in all the dillereut styles, which a he is prepared to • sell at the lovresd prices. • lie invites ttention particu larly.te the_ PATLNT 61 , 11/NO BUTTON NIDSIILAD, 11 11.108 t ysetul :article, whiCh entifely - obviatesall ohjectious. — The hottool can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have Oven eutird-satisfaction to all who have then iu use. •Awcoyielpis wade to order at the shortest notice. -JACOB le p()BERT B. SMILEY, CABINET f MAKES and UNlWlti`Alf.Elt Aorta. Hanover street, next door to ? • ? Ulnss's betel. Ito would respectfully Inform the citizens Of"'Carlisle and the public generally, that he has now on baud a ISZZO and elegantassOrtment of Jiblt- NlTUltii4cousiating In part of Wardrobes, Card and oth-, or Tables, bobs, bureaus, ; bedstead, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, nauttufactlred of the bast material and quality warranted. '' • Also a senerarassqrtn3ent of CILAIRS - at the lowest prices. VENITIAN lit made to order, and repairing 'Womptlyattendedio , Are CO,KVINti made at ttierilMite-Stiao-tioarozuct hay.. itig a splendid beaFse he will attend fnuerais in town or nountry. " • .41:rr !Remember the stand ;. .dior to, U. Glare's tlotel. It AMIL Y. PXTLNSIV.II FURNITURE 1t9,0 'JLA "JAMBS R. WEAVER. wouldecibully call 'age the attention of liousalteeperasuni the public to Lie extensive stock of elegettlPUßN mum:, including sofax, Warditibei, tit/mitre end Tables, D r oning and Plain Ibireaus, and every other article in bis branois or business-. Also now onisand also largesissiortinentOf IMAMS lu Car/Isle, it the loicett'pOidos, 4101f01 4 18 made at. the Miort est notice and a:lbeavnii - Penvid id in* Lie tsolicite a tail alt bls establishilienti on hurt - *oer siren, limb Wessel; flan /iota, .• • • Atir Purniture tared out by the month or year. CYIiiIES & SCYTHE 'SNATLIS.-- 430 damp Orris and Grata Scythes,' of all . makes. Mee &Large- assertraeat of &laths of all kinds, Grass and Grain hakes, Itty,Maaure .and I Shaldrig Boras, by the qoautity—jast facetted at the Ckap Hardware Store of IL SAXTON, Pat Mali StreecOir , lisle: • • • . . °HEAT TAILLETANS.--j—A lot of Thito.'farletans, for covering Chandeliers and Picture , Yram4 for sale'cheap by. Juno 11.1 , -1- rr.: 6 - - urniturc. _l3l)itabcipbt SA.VIN . G . FUND or THE iNSURANDB, ANNUITY & TRUST COMFY. . S. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, l'hil'a. WI,. CAPITAL $250,000.. • Meaty is received on deposit 'daily, the amount de posited iv entered In a Deposit Book and the. Dbpositor, or, %preferred, a certificate will be . All- sums. large and Elnan,, are received, and the . amount paid back on demand, Without notice. • . lfiterest is paid at the rate of PIVE PER cEST., com mon(' log frail - We - day of - depollitvni - ccasing, - fourtoon, days previous . to the withdrawal (Attie money'. .." On the first day ofJanuary, in each year, the interest of cult deposit is paid to the depositor; or added, to the pilecipali as ho may prefer.... The Cowpony have now-upwards of 0,500 depositors iii the city .of Philadelphia alone. " Atty. adltional information Will be given by addressing the TREAHURER ' .--DIWEGTOSS- Stephen IL.Ciawforti, Pree't Lawrence.l4llm•Fon, l'ieu Pt. A mbroFe 0. TlMinpwii, • Benjamin 14. Tingley, • Jamb L. Florence, • . PLINY FISK. • .L C -.Sept. 12'55. -.. 1y. • . GR AT , .E X (,ITEMNT! • PLANO: J ." AND 'MELODEONS UflsN AWAYI— doItN MAHE% MASONIC , Nvlr.f' above' Seventh, Philadelphia. resp TEmPL eci E fully citE for ims the thatilie is prepared to make the following, puhlla --• SPLENDID OFFER. TWENTY Boardtvinu;Orny &Co.'s celebrated PIANOS,, and TWENTY C. 'W. Fisk h Co.'s. PREM 101 MEW ,DEONS w :I_LJ , e placed .1n the Minds of a, committee of gentlemen, to be by thentolislributed among the holder* , of my certilicdtes. To each Purchaser of soy Popular Music, a eertificate' will be presented. entitling the holder to an Ihterest ONE NANO and ONE MELODEON. to be disposed of by the Committee for the benefit of those holding certill ratan when-ON b ILLA RS' worth shall have been sold, so that each and, Olio Donal' will not only receive in, and the value of money paid out, Gut will secured to him an interest. in vommon with other certificate holders,On the above dis tribution. The succeeding distributions will be con tinned, sultjert to the sauie regulation, until -the' 20 pianos - and 20 Melodeons are.dlitrilmted. . • Particular attentiomis iniited to that. feitture.of this plan which calls for mdisposal of the lust ruthent &when hut taut certificates have been issued, thus avoiding the sexatious delay and probable disappointment uttend l - , ug'eertaln schinnes now before the piddle. Music may be selected from toy entire stock, which comprises OVVI y Catalogue in the United States: rz . Order§ MrWarded by....mai1..w111- be "faithfully and iiromptly attended to.. N. B.—ConstattiTy 'on hand a mdendlirassortment of ot)lebratedltianufae.torles of Boardman; Cray .V.(20.. of g -- it A . A: N Albany; Jaeoh Ckerhi-. WLadd Oh., of Boston; Ely anger. and - Bennett .- - tt . -Co:, of New -York; AlSo, C: W.-Fisk .&-Co:s Premium :Melo deoilS, to be had at the leirest manuticeuturilr's prices. II ' ['lead the following froin Godey's Musical Editor.] DOloDukx, liner k Co.'s Pr,qxo Foxis.—We are so well please-d with the lostruments made by this tirui that I ire have determined to be instrumental ourselves, that is. In furnishing odr . subscribers and others with an article that we can reconintend sod warrant. 'there is always a difficulty. atteildlng the purchase of pianos, becausepersons cannot rely fully upon the recommenda. thou. they receive from fonoutiodurers, who are toter ested, of course, in the sale of theirpwn manufacture.' Now, we are not interested in the matter-in any-way except so far as to sue that theoeiWito pittronize,Our ."Book" shalt be well Served with the best pianos made. For a list of prices see cover, at which amount's w o witl send Piancs."elirranted for OLIO year, the freight to bet paid by the parsons ordering. I .Ve annex a letter -re celeed from a gentleman iu Virginia, to whom we mut ono of these Pianos:— "L. A. tloor.l, Esu.- 7 Dear Sir—l have great pleasure In acknowledging the receipt of the Piano Fußoardthanritowhich you wore so good motto order for my wife from dray's.. It was delayed for some time at Winchester; but 1 aut happy to say that it came in-excellent condi tion. We are decidedly pleased with the instrument.. The rosewood is of a beautiful quality: the case is plain (we like it-the better for It); the touch is very easy for a new instrument, and the tone Is tlrm.clear and 'Meet. AU who have tried It. admire it and speak in the highest' terms of its mellowness and sweetness of tone. We deeply regret that wo did not order too 'Attathtneut:' we must harp It yet. "We are deeply indebted to you for your agency in proctiring for us so glx - al an Inittrument. Be Pleased to, receive nor acknowledgments. Your obt:servt., -dec..s, J. 1). W." nut street, south-west col 9f iu riga- Incorporated by tho State of Ilermsylvania 1841.. • Dire per ceut. interetit is given, and the money is al ways paid back whenever it is culled for, without the -necesslo-of n otice for it beforehand.. People wfruf have isrges'unts•put their money-imihis_ Saving Duck& on account of the stiorsallhty and mu venhmce Ltaords,hut any sum, lalge or Wall, is re gaThis 'Z.l.tving Find has 'very large amount klf Mort ges, thourid Rents and other first class ineestmente Uhr the security of DePceitorm • The rules ,prevent any Director or Meer from using or boirrwiing the money. The Office is open to receive end pay money every dity, Dom 9 'o'clock in' the morning till 1 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday .sid - TitnellNy evening, till 9 o'clock, ' •-- - People who have money to put in, are aeli at the Oleo **further initematiou. llENRYPreeitri c at. • ItOtTk SINIF/ITDIES, Vim --WM. J. BALD, Dectetery. , October 3;138b. • FLY . NETS I FLY NETS '• j .. •Just rediret,' one of thebUiestissert- Y ) ' snouts of FIS toms ever brought to — I i I Ohs place; consisting of Cotton, Lima, MIL\ Oiled Twine , fiefs of all colors. The , . ,ffro, prices' aro so low the peoplo caret blip -. :-•••• buying tFL SAXTON'S 'Cheap lianftrare stort.:l4 Street, Carlisle. • , ' 'June 'lll Ittil.., C nARCOAL--hareollt Taxittunpy op hand and Par tzar. 2L , W. WHOM" TUE SNYEAUSit Ranus.En.-:-Sydney Smith, the - late laiitented prelate- .and _pre ,eminent satirist of the . ' follies and, vices of hie time-.- (aed the-present,) while travelling in a 'stage coach one day, was long annoyed by a' young wan who had- necpiired the polite art of sivenr ing to such an extent, that,:he could not help interlarding his dineourse with it-as though it--- were a 'constituted-part of ,the language. As -there-IraPp.ened-to-be-a-lady_pmwat, the mat ter was doubly annoying. After enauring the young man's display•fok some time, Sinith asked the company to be permitted to tell them a little anecdote,.which he-thus ciimmeneed " Once upon a time (boots, eugarAongs arid' .finder boxes,) there was 'a king .who (boots, sugar-tongs and tinder boxes,) at a grand ball (boots, sugar.tongs and tinder boxes) picked up the Dutchessof (boas; sugar-tongs , -..mditinder-boxes,-)_Shrewsbury-'s garter (boots ogar.tongs and tinder boxes,) and, said 'Joni colt qui mnly (boots, sugar tongs and ' finder boxes,) peuse,' which means in En- . 'Evil to him who (boots, sugar-tongs od - tinder boxes,) evil thinks.' - This was the rigin of (boots, sugattong&and tinder boxes) , le Order of this garter." • ' • 'When tiliWiity clergyman -bad concluded, le young gentleman said::: -!' A very good sfory,- sir—rather hat the devil has ',hoots,• sugar-tongs and oder boxes to do with it?' 1" I will tell: yq, my-yonng .f*lenit,". an .vered 'Sidney, " when 'you .tell me what ‘1 7 --ti my eyes,' etc . ., have to -do with lour ,mversation. in the mean time,.allow me to iy, thutib toy style of swearing." . - c The young blasphemer at once dried up.!' Wm. 31, Godwin-, 'Paul 11, Goddard.. 0 oo..lllellensy, lamoroux, Gust. English; Beeretary and !fivetsurer, Teller and lbtorpatur, IloiV•TOIBE MisERABLE.--Sit at the Window nd leek ovbr the- , way at your neighbor's ex ellent mansion, which he Antis -recently built mi paid for, and sigh out, "0, that I was a nth man?"—Get angry with your neighbor, :ifillitliiiiklow-bave not a friend in the' world. Shed_ a tear or two; take a-walk in'the burial ; ; - , 1, g,r6tind,- continually . saying to yourself, ' When shall Ibe hurled here ?" .Sigirs note . fora friend, and never forget your kindness ; - -- • and-every - hour- in7l.ll4:day.7.wilispor-to ytmrself,__ __,, _ ''" "I won - der . if he will pay this uuto.?? . think .... .. every body means' to cneat you.'. Closely ex- endue every 'bill ypu take, and- doubt. its being, .., . genuine, tdl you have, put the owner to a groat deal of trouble. Believe every shilling passed to you iELbut a sixpence crossed, and express I your doubts about getting rid of it, if. you - should take it. Put, confidence in nobody, and ---.--- believe every man you trade with to be a rogue'. 'ever accommodate, if you can possibly help it. Never vim the sick or afflicted, and never 1 Bide a farthing to the poor. Buy.As cheap as ou can, and screw down to the lowest mill. ' amid the faces and the hearts of the unfortu nate. Brood over your misfortune, your lack of talents, autib4)liovo at no distant day you will come to want. Let the work.;hou - se be in ylitir intud, with all the horrors of distress and 'lmverty.• Thou you will be miserable to",,outo _heart's utiteut, (if 'we way so speak,) sick at heart, and s at variance with all the world. Nothing will cheer or encourage you: nothing will throw a gleam of sunshine or a ray of. warmth into yoUr heart. AU will be as dark i and cheerless as the grave. . HORRIBLE &M'' R- AT A BROADWAY Ve learn upon pretty good authority, that a errible scene occurred last lkionday morning o(le ut oto• respectable Broadway ho. v.... A r I„y And inilnential merchant of city, too/ for si.r. years Bred with lady id some beauty soli accomplis, eats, suddenly discarded her for a noW , t f ace . that had caught his fancy and' vt)a'`ii'is affections. This new favdrit td to the hotel is question, when+ ned as man acid wile.--'Tito-fort mrilingthe_ipltm and positien4f her-successful rival, boldly took lodgings at the same hotel, and seeking hy4pportunity, lat!t Monday morning,' as soon as her faithless lover left the house, she entered the room wheri her rival, lay in bed, and with a large knife out off'oue of her breasts! She then plunged the knife into the wounded woman's bosom, and with en& tiro that ekes..ould with difliculty wrench it out. The piercing scretters \oft,he assailed party, soda'attracted a crowd. of servautt and howl". era, when the would-Fie muedveirs was arms tedaTid-kirir—viotint-plaig the_hands Surgeon. A hank-bock:containing upwards, of four thousand dollars was found, upon. the persists rof the culprit. Such eutti effortio have been made by the polite and Oth4 • era. to keep the alio% affair from ttko on amount Of the' respectability of the mer..., cheat alluded to, that •we (Sand-itritnpoesibla— to obtain the flumes of the parties implicated, and We withholciAlie name of the hotel !hi ob. Vinci reasons - . --N r.-stinag rata. ilmF do you get slope with your arithme tic V' asked slather of his •littla boy. "rt. ciphered through idditiok partition, subtrea dory dietraatiON abomination, jastifisattion, hallucination, derivation, amputation, areal• tioa and' Adoption." • fie l d do for me ersiMmer • oa tiro ehort tide railroad. BE El