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' Sept : . . - 8.00 • 12.00 12.00 - 20.0,0 35.00• 8.00 - 12.00+ 24.00 16.00 30.00 43.00 3,600 I,SOOO 3.60& 1,500 1,200 400 . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . , ' .-- --- - ....___.. - . . . ~. ... . . . - . . . . .... ' • . . ~ • . . . . . : ':- ''': '' . . . .. n . . - . . . .. ' • ' ----i ' atti:, i .., , ...., .•...• . " . •., • . . , . .. , . . . . . L 7 _,,_...: : ,.i.H....,.. - : 7'!,'.._ ii.i.:l.ll„.e.i:_t_-.i4,.1t. VOL. LVII. ifitrlifit . : -. 4 .- e'%',-,DO-11Df. OFkkk THE CONQUEST, OF CALIFORNIA The SlanderS against Col - Fzemont CLEARLY REFUTED BY. JAMES BUCHANAN HIMSELF ! T-ItEO - 11IS 7 TEST-DION.Y-t: (Frrm the N. Y. Evening Poet.) Jr' the'whole history of. partisan warfare in our country, the malignity and . brutality of. the present campaign has•never been exceed-. ed, and we much. question - whether the atro cities, of the- renegade 'tories,`thinners and !cowboys of the Revolution were\instigated bya - more fiendish: spirit than now actuates the milliners of / pol. Freniont, in reference to lib; operations in CalifOrniti.. But his jus tification is, at length aeCoinplished, and on authority which cannot be disiited-41int of Fames Buchanan himself .• The 'following 'document is a . certified copy of • the evidence for the defence in ,the case'nf Gibbs vs. Fre mont, being the 'copy of depositions taken be fo're . Commissioners _tinder the authority of the Coort - of Cur:amen Pleas, _London, in 1832. It will be remembered that Col. FreaMut-was arrested in tondotlen account or - debts - con trotted. in'Callfornia. • The defence was that these.debtsWere contracted on tiecount.of the United Staiei Government. 'Fremont drew bale of exchange - to the amount of nine. teen thousand five : hundred dollars upon the. Se'cretary of State of . the : Unito.l States . , the liabilities.haiing - . been . iilatiried on.. govern ment aecount . while. Sreplent was o,iv ernor of California: The bills fell into the hands of persons in- Lyndon, and 'being pro tested fin. non acceptatei, litre holders sought to hold Col. Fremont personally liable. Teel evidence of James Buchanan, ..of Peunsylvot-- -nia- T ripon whom, as Secretary. of State, the hillsiiere drawn—being considered' Material to the iesue7the court appointed Henry D. Gilpin t 'Hugh Campbell and Peter McCall, of Philadelphia, Commissioners to take depo sitions-of-wits ees for Col. Fremontin penn sylvania... Theywere to be sworn, and then administer ,oaths to interpreters, clerks, &o. the testimony so taken to be sent under seal to Sir. James Parke, Chief Justice of the - ”mon—Pleam;---The—Ceunnissiiiiiiers then Proceded elth their tQ.,. as appears by the following Nu. - 11VCRAICAlet3 4VIDENOZ jams Buchanan,_of the„county of Laricas• ter, - in - the - Stite - of Pennsylvania, ge — nifeilitri, jailed, sworn and examined, as a witness on the part of said defendant, deposeth and saith, to such of the several interogatories as ate respectively distinguished by the number sot opposite to, and-placed at the commenCeinent of each of his answers thereto, as follows, That is to say.: - , • • Question. 7 -Whut is ypur name ; your pres ent residence and your profession . , uecupation, business or employ went ? Auswer,—My name is-James Buchanan, may present residence is in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and-I am not engaged iu any particular'occupation or employment. n. ,Q.—Do yon - knoiv . they defendant in this cause, and bow lung have you been acquaint• litioW the defendant in this cause, and hate been acquainted with him at least ten years. • • Q.-. Where were you residing la ; the year 1847,? A.—lu the city of Washington. Q.—Were you then personally acquainted with'the defendant? A.-1 was. • Q.—Did you see the defendant during that year? .N.-1 did-see the . defendant during that yea . r, but not till after his- return trout Califutuis in the •latter end. of summer or commencement of autumn of that year. .Q,—Was the defendant then or atly . ether i me 4 u _the_aeraiee the ,United • States Gov ernment? if yea, m what. capacity ? A.—, The defendent wasin the eervioe of the Uni ted States Government as• Lieut. Col. of the regiment of. Mounted Billetnen throughout, the whole of that year; he was appointed to this office in the latter end of May, 1846 ; he, had been.•for . six or wore years previous ly a Lieutenant in the ',corps of Topogra phical Engineers, in which the bravura cap tain had been conferred upyri him,ftir merito rious services in his exploring expeditions. Q.—Did the defendant in the year 1847 -hold-coy;and-if-any..__Wilt4 aloe or Orman tinder the said Goiernmeet, and ,chid the said.-Olffces or any of thetm in the mouth -Cf-May i -11547-?--A.--_During , the_whole_yea r he held the office of 'Limit Col. in the regi ment of Mounted ' Q.?--Do, you knew who ,was the Military. Commandant and _the governor of California within the territory of thee,United States,, in the yehr 1847; and particularly in• the mouth of March hrthat year ? . • ' A.—l know that in the fir4t inentito of that . IVIPNESDAY, SEPTEMBh g 4, 1856. year. there. wiq:4: . clispute between Col. l're mut. the delliridant,. and Gener - 4-kttarneyil=ef • the United States Artily, ns te . whicb of them was the legitimate. Military Commandant *and Governor of California,. and - this qiispiite ex isted throughout the niontli"of March, 1847 ;. after this time General Kearney, was -the -un disputed Military Comtnandant and GoveVnor of California till the' beginning of June,' when he was succeeded by Col. Mason, of the Uni ted States Army, vim continued hi this *poi, tion until after die . end of the year. . • Q —Do you know who was the person in nbtual command of .the land forces of the government of the UniteriStates in_ California_ 1847 - ,lud in' the month of March in that year.? Colonel Fremont the defend -ant, was ity*Cal.. ifornia . nt the commencement of hostilities be tween the United-States Mid. ,the republic of Meiico ; he there raised and commandcii . a battalion of Califernit •voluuteers, consisting of about four hundred rn n. .Hie services %acre very-valuable ;ho bor 1-.) n conspicuous part in the Conqueseof California, end, in my Opinion: . 18 - bettei• entitled to be'callcd Tin: CONQUEKOR OP L'ALIFORN!A TITAN ANY OM I . ;It MAN. I lie coOinueel in the command "of the battnlion throuphout the month of March,.one tlintn•aud eight. hundred anti 'fortY_aeven; .but there wore outer troop s in •Calirtunia, otlierfroopit.of tic United Stet ca. tinder the comMund of General lieftruey, who was afteriWitrils. the •.military temtnandant an n ii - Goretnor of Caliti.iruia, as 1 Lave aiready Hated in my ahawor to the eighth Interrogatory. I cannot ithdertak; to. decide the dispute to which 1 have elroodyr rcfcried belween Cul. Fremont and General Kearney - ; but lit 3 I ong-ns the California battalion existed, thoy under the separate.ninf-intlepentlent conitnitnd of Colonel Fremont, whibu General Kearney entomanded tht.o . ther tmops of the United Btates. • Q —l.)u you know - whether in any . part of that year, 1847,hoetilities ezisto_dlietieren the goverommit_ef.the siiid I uitaii States- iitithilio- Repliblio of Mexico!' 41 yea when -.dial such hostilities imminence, and.how lung did they C - ontinue! existed between the United Status wid • the Republic of Mexico throughout the whole of the year 1817—chose hostilitieii commenced on the 2.4(11 of April. 1846, and the existence of %v it betwee the two republics was recognized by act ~of Gour. grestron the 13th of M'iy, 1846 11,ustilities continued between-thou until the conclusion of the Trenty'citreace ofGundatouio go au the* ,2d of February. 1848: touch ,bostilities existing in or pro'. pious to . tlie. month of March, 1847. They were both in and previous to the month of March, `1847, , Q.—Do you know whether any, and if any, 'what. farces of the said United States were, ih the , year 1847, engaged in hostilities with the Said RepAlio of Mexico ? the forces 'Of the United /Rates were engaged in hostilities with the republic of iSlexico except such as were indispensably necessary for , the performance of other duties; and this throu_ bout the • ear 1847. • Q.—Were the said forces of the said Gov ernment of the said United States, in Califon nia,or any-part of [pose forces, engaged in the said hostilities will tbe h ßepublic of Mexico to 1847? A.—The forces of the United States in California were engaged in hostilities with the Republic of -Mexico in the year 1847.`, Q —Under whoie command were the forces of the Government of the said United States in Califernia so engaged in hostilities with the said Republio of Mexico? A —These forces were under the command of Commodore Robert F. Stockton, Col. Fre• moot, the defendant, and Gen Kearney, and afterwards Gen. Kearney and Col. Mason.— The,last actual resistance of which I am a ware; was on the eighth and oth of January,• 1847. The forces of the United States in these engagements were undert,iiiii' - abmmand of CinntuBdore Stockton and Gen. Kearney the results of these-engagements were sod! s &strolls to the enemy that the leaders of the' Californiiina,_ a few days thereafter, met Lieu. enan t-Colanel-Tremouti--fw he—was—in—corny , mantkof.the battalion of California Volunteers, and who was hastening to She scene of action, but did not arive-in time to take.part in these - engagements] and enteredinto a capitulation with him, whereby the people under arms and in the Acid agreed to disperse and remain qui et and.peaciable. There was no actual bat- tie ; fought afterwards in' California to my knowledge, but the state of war between the, two Republics continued, of course, till the treaty of peace. Q.—Do you know whether any; and if any, 7whitt - ftinigeror-other-necessarleaiveresupplie for the said Ponce of _the said United States so.engaged in hoitiTities 'with-the-said.repub lie of Mexico? And particularly; do you' know whether any such supplies were fleece saryforthe fortes under the command of the defendant?—and it any, what? .- A.—l know not whether any forage or other necessaries 1 1 were supplied to or for the said forces of the. 4United States so engaged with host litres with the 'Republic of Mexico; but I do' know Ilia . . such supplies were necessary for the forces ' in California uuder2the . command of the de-. --fendantandthat-nu-appropeiation-liad-beeti made , by Congress to pay for those supplies; Congress could not have anticipated thatCOlw' 7onel - FraniOntiroUld . raiseir - hattalion - by hie - 'own pereOnal exertions,-and without previous instructions. [Here follows a series of questions and 813• awere-about the drawing of. in favor of Hultman CO., Of no public interest now, OX °opt the following;] Q.—Do you know whether or not the dorsi)* dant himself individually, and for his own pri- vate'use or benefit, ever received any'. oonsid ..eration _for_ the_said_ bills, ~or.anyLof .....theru-;-or.- . Was,there any Consideration. Whatever for thb Alrawing and the accepting of the same bills or any or either of ihem, other than the said supplies to or for, the said forces of the govern. went of tios United States? A.—l neither know nor believe that the defendant' himself individually, or .for his own private use or benefit, ever received any consideration for said billls or hny of them, and do not believe there was any consideration whatever for. drawing or accepting of the. said bills, or any or either of them, other than to procure sup plies for the forces under his ainninattal in Cal _ ifOrn fa. there, within your .knowledgo',. any other matter of thing touching or . concerning the matters in issue, iu this cause, or the par ties thereto material or necessary to bo kti9wa or adduced in evidence - on the trial thereof? If - yes, 'State freely. the, particulars hereof. A. To the best of my knowledge, the originals -of the bills and copies of which are now produced end sltnwn to me, and — art; hereto annexed ( marked Nos. 1,2, 3 and'4;.were presented at . _the - State Department, in the citrof.Washing ton, for acceptance and payment.: But I do . not recollect the indkidual or • individuals by whom presented. Ishould havo accepted and , paid the.4e -bills fry'm ley general knowledge or-- things - in California, had Congress approp-ria ted any money and placed it at my diaposal - ,T, which could be applied to thefr - pay men t though it would have been- mitre Correct _to have drawn these bills on the_t . f,ecretau of 1Var,1.4. _ — Shoal - 4 have accepted and paid these_bills and had them clr,rged- - th account against Colonel htewunt to be settled for at - the - general set: - dement of hie accounts aitcotataander - of - the Calffernia :Battalion4itti -any such appropii ation beeuiade.• rfineW of no . othet matter or thing' touching or conCerning the. matters at iesne hi - this cause,--or tho4ortles. thereto material or necessary to be known and ad. dui:edit/ evidenee unthe_triat_thr . ellif. ha'yogone thVough my answers to the interoogatories . put to - ine on behalf of the" defendant, John Chin. FrOmont,aud state that _ .1 have answered thenrst, titiCond,. - third, fourth,. sixtli,,seventh, tenth eleventh, twelfth, twenty. fourth and-thirty-sixth froth mitortvicltotate4ge- - and observgnon. 1 bays answered the - eighth, ninth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, tweu ty - fifth. not from my own personal knowledge . anti on,ovvation, but from my own cloie sheer.' vt.tinit of the events of the Mexican. war as!' . they . ocourted d .and_from_ informs-00,u_ derived-I. : from dt1104.1 documents , nif . a atemnor of tide Cabinet of PlesideetTolk; who was the presi. dent of the.Uttited States during the wholer of thWllexicau war, Illy snowledgenf the mat ters to iihiali I Itave.deposed is derived from hearsay and in no. other manner thou 1 have hereinbsfore stated. I havo.stated that I /MVO no knowledge of Mutters"inquired --- of -- in - the other interrogatories. .JAMES BUCHANAN. Henry D. Gilpin,. Hugh Campbell, Peter McCal.—ConalinsiOnera. A BUCHANAN FIZZLE. , The Philadelphia North American of Setup s day makes, the folloWing comparison bet wren the.great republican Fremont demomuratt.m . at Pittsburg, on Meilnesday,- and the Iwo, ..• maps meeting in Philadelphia' . on 'now•“ti‘, shoiring the latter "to have bean a,.01, , rt ' t. lig • failure ! The 'American says— . w 1,4 u ItliU,l.fll Wad made to thepereistent Since the recent surprising y repu , c ., i, • !,,, , •,,,,,•,,,te., ee was a Catholio; he replied •umplie in lowa, Vermont andespeciall 2 At. 1 ~;,,..,- -it he cutit ! ..l m‘i. imagine how stich a story no event has occurred so iudicative et !rt.• u. ..„,, a 114 i, e „ tut - il t il, i n f ac t, he had h ar dly. ter weakness and li pit efplessnesi of that rty, ~ ,) eu 1 de of a Claudio Church more than which has nailed itself to the platform of • talf.a dozen times in his lite,•attel then upon Slavery extension, to sinlvor swim with it -as, 'cessions of public interest or curiosity. demonstration; which took,place the other day All this was said verrquietly, and with as in.oux city. It was.a total, ignominious and • .Ipparent desire to obtrude his rtligion. i sor to overwhelming failure. It came - amusingly ' matte capital out of-it, but to state the siatple short of the anticipations of those who, got it Ina of h i s religious edu c ati on an d beli e f up With sagreat a cost of labor and, anxiety. , s,, ono could listen, to • this frank, yet modeit it had not Atingle element of moral power in d t a t etnen t, with ou t feeling' th a t it 1 4. 5 . 4 . p -it..--So-far-froin—ihia,-11-Lprovelf---to-every-ontr'-- acquainted with the politics of `this city, that the democracy here are oonipletely shorn of their strength. He that runs could read from , it that their prestige was gone, theii ranks deserted,=the people had left them. • , . . • From the' note of preparation sounded, from , JAMES B. CLA.Y.„-.1413 degenerate eon of the the unsparing efforts put forth to have .an , great Kentuckian is properly appreciated ne a r overwhelmniug display,, they''-ought to have 4O owt, Lowe, th oug h . di,,W www , ' 1, 4 41',, 0 -I ';' ato ', w ., . gathered a great crowd,.. and,. kindled it up .2 • . with at least an ordinary degree ofaiithusiasifiis,l• ','„utmePt to 14e, view throu g h f'"`"fec° aped: • . They had delegations from Nework , q: *OIL . ' tablOsi - The Cincinnati Geseits tesie:--..“ We Delaware, and even from Virginia. !The pop. .edillat the name of JA,llkll 11, CLAY is printed. .' alien - o4ur - city - is - more - than - half - a - miDion.- - ---- 0 -the-higgeetlitid-aVeepiteiLletters-ew-the-r-------- Many populous- towns on* railway lines are , iluchanaa postera t •as one of their distinguish , within one - or two ,hours' distance. From - oil speakers. There usecl to., be " a seedy old the* sources, a gathering bere•Of 'seventy five hoil•crowtted bat 4160110d' in the window et • thousand persons, with a precetisiott number.• one of our hat ateresonn which wan the-label lag from twenty to fifty thousand, viii counted -- • lienry-Clay's Hat.' WeAdvise our Buchanan on with confidence by the projected of the !tirade te_huut up this diterable relic, put it affair, .who hat oleo Ifeeu oenfident Of carrying uu,iarito i le end carry it amend le their prices-, the election in. Maine, and would .have ,Bur- Oiotto.. i, -I VI2 *user* 'them that if Ifusist, F i nd t i ro di, t h e ,,, r ,,, wo d A l l i s < Ot i p os itj ew . The Ct.ar . did wear t- 4 ' it now contains more brains Cr ( Republicans held a;conventien in Pittsburg ein and a•-keener sense of dtity, then Jay B. the some day, Where ..the numbed In often . \ C r.arvplieara to' poescs3,s dancewve estimated at SEVENTY Tligii,S ANA- the compact--proce'ssion-was-ifve-tailev ; - Mug, and the whole multitude. were ativo with.' boundless enthusiasm. - But — what Aid - tint - - deraonstration.amount - tWhereii - DE - resptiot --- te' either enthuhlasm or numbers!, Impartial persons affirm ' that the.numbertiaitiembled 'in' Independence Setiare,! - Ot• n 0.,. time extiotided' four thousand, finite a propertionof whom be'. longed to the opposite rinks, 'And as to the Procession, the largest and ,blindst • charity conAnes it Within *Oa thousand 'including a great many bands 14 musicians and a goodly of juvenile men, under iwenty.ohe Years. of age, who eertainly'thrietlinted" a third of the whole number. A gentleman counted the delegation from the 4 etiongtst Democratic Ward, when it was full, anti found. :that it • consisted of one hundred and sevehty foie per. sons, including the . hand._lhis,_multiplied— by twenty four; (the cumber of wards) w0u1d.... make a sumtotal of four thousand ono bun dred, and . .seventy six. But, the majority of . delegationsWere . not so mitarcius as this one; , which we - take forsa standard ; and,one ward was entirety uhrepresepted-in the procession. It woe a marked failureAtiroughoht. :And we do not hesitate to say_tha.t.po_partygathering iiiifiletiever manifested au. little enthusi- NO. 4. COL, FREMONT'S . RELIGION . • . (Ft om the Now York Evangelist, Sept.:lB.) It ie not our business to evter into the strife of politics. This is not aur -vocation, and we have religiously abstained from suchoontests. Nor shall we depart from. this line of strict propriety., .put we are, sometimes appealed to for information as to 'natters 'of feet,. by readers who imagine that we have speCial• means of knowing the truth-lirsuch a _case we me Willing to tell what vre' know—not for _ ,t . thelake of - party - but - uf - truthT This—Welnay do without sa , triticing our neiltral and judo:, pendeht onaracte.r. If we can - help, to con. rect•an error, or to disabuse the public mind of a false impression, we are doing a seriice to right minded men of all parties,. We .do nut urge our readers to vote one way - or the oilier, but we do Wish them tu , vote intelli gently. . . • , It is-well know.'" that one of the candidates for •.kite Presidency Jilts Veett charged with being a Itoinan Catholic. Td this story we never gave the.slightest importance, consider- jug It sif vim of those. bold falsehoods whibh were fabricated' for a party purpose, uhd rifiell would drop into-oblivion and be, dis pieo as soon as it lidd served its object.,But as`the originators of, the siori•olung\to it with great pertinacity, thinking it-a very e - f-, fo - etive weapon to excite odiuin and prejudtoe,. :tome good men have thought it wortu while 'to set the mutter - at once aud-foiever,lit rest. ciergyinen-of this city have been applied to by members of their churches, and- by letters from abroad, to Make personal inquiry, 'since the public would have entire confidence . in their atittetnente,.knowing that they were not likely to be deceived themselves, and that they could have no , inotive - to . misstate -the • Thus appealed tool number of clergymen, • though very. reluctant to do anything which' could bring their names before the pilblio connection with any. polled question, called un Coh•Freinout for the , purpose Of a ,frank conversation with him iu regard to his rah.... gloms Profeasiorrand - belief. This they did, nut for their own personal satisfactiou--.for not one of client had a doubt about the matter •at simply that they might be able to sat iety others by nu assurance from his own lips. Among those who went were Rev. Dr. De Witt Profestinrs henry B. Swill and It. D. ilitchcock, of the. Union Theological Seminary Rev.,-Davtd- 13. Coe, Secretary of the Home Missionary . Soci ety, and one of the "editors of this paper.— Tiatiy.Weire received with great cordiality, and Col. Frentotit.,:responded very frankly and cheerfully to their inquiries. When it weir remarked rhatsome of our gaud people wore disturbed about, his religion, he replied, smiling, that ho wu(lad that his. opponents were willing to acltuit, at' least, that he had some religious feeling—that be was u.. 11.. whol/ • indifferent -o_,Chri s ti an i ty , Oue oldie ministers Inquired if the aceouat of his early religious .eduoation and of his joining the' Episeopal church, as given. in Bigelow's "Life of Fremont," was correct? Ile replied that it' was ; and added, in a few words, that he had been born and • !minted in the Episcopal Church; that hi had beets • confirmed as a member of dial church, and nail 'liver had a shadow of thOuglit of leaving - it. reitlyingeuttous; an( oat, with no bigotry towards others, 'he was sincerell and, unaf fectedly attached to the re/igiort in whien 'he had been educated by ifiow waiter. "• • , Wlio CONIVEIIiaD clttratptitAl!—llio.N. "Evinteq rest•pnVishea affulaan:Ktre by - Jaine3lhichattan, the present Democratic candidate for the Presidencor. We " 43 of> Fremont. befort-Efonry Gilpha, Hugh QUIT` bull and Peter. lifoCall; Philadelphia, Com missioners appointed by tbe pritioh Court of , Exchequer in tho year 1852: :Oros this we make the following extract : NOT FOR. PARTY, BUT FOR TRUTH.