Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 17, 1856, Image 5

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    Drawn for Special, Court, to be held on the .
'22d da y of September, 18Mi
arlisle--:Rich . ".d Parker; Rob't Snodgrass.
Sam'', Long, Lafayette Puffer, JIIO. Reel 7
ranicford—Abraham Nickey, Sam'l. SO.;
der, John C. Clay.
opewop-- , .Thomas: Hellietinger, Dan'l
ampdenDav hi Dietz, N.H. Eckles. •
over Al oyer. -
MeElbtlny. . • •
. echaniesburg—George Steiner, Oliver
Brien; Jo'Sephlßlack. . •
Brown. . • • • •
Idiclilleton—Hettry Paul, William
singer, Sosehis 11fiAcr.
.ewville—Thomas A. WKinney. •
owton—Sanmel.Westheffer, Samuel Hale,
W. Craig •
>nth Middleton—Jacob Burn, J. myerg.
• mthatupton-- - -Peterßurkliolder.... ___. •
Iver'Spring= - George„Kelley. -
lippensburg—lsrael,Heikes, John Butts.
eat Pennsborougli—Abraham itlyets;
ter Ritner„Robert Montgomery.
In the 11th Ini:t., I,:y the Itev. Jaenh'Vry. Mr. ATIIIA:
M.--W-Al-04.4..t0.311801A1t.Y. ANN .131.:07,,, both of
.k co. Pa.
. .
lit-the : ll Ch inst. 7 lq-tlie-Itev-.. C.I '',- WI I
II ,WI 1 4 1,1 A3l
ILIIEENI, 14+, .to .511 set S. A. C. lIIIiIIOLDER,
hof CarliAo. -' - - ' '-•
• • .
In the pd Inst:, at the residence 1_411(T son in-law W
11.1'1T/or...En earlislo, Mrs. -mAitomtET ...I;MING
ii:t 0' Mr. ,Attics Floningiin - the•S•lth yea' ~., f her age
•, .. .. . •
. . _
i - 0'11_01.4.1.-- - .- 71. n .Eledtiu . n - fot—M-ilice•rs
, and Manageis of•the Cumberland Valley Railroad
upany will. Ile held itt, Ulu lthalt , lo. (lake, ill Chain
•snurg, Oh 31...):, DA Yi Ulu an of A.letvber next.-Le
:an the hety;s of ill A. At and 4). 31., of said day.
I.: M. 111 liift),;,
411). 1 . 7, 1856
-VOTEGE. —The •,Petinsyv
laeia- t•ztte
AgrieulturitiSociuty will hull! its Six tit .1 !intuit
hinition t at Pittsburg, euniineueing
1 .euntin_unng October 1„:2 and 3.. 11.0 alio•
.ss by Hun. biao. W. WotiowAnn. Coniiietiiimi fur the
!lawns open to • 'Run r.IIT C. 11 .11.1‘ EH, .
;tip 13;)7-3w) ,Seeretary; Pittsburg.
.1? AIAII6 Ait hi it; -
INLI; deceased.—Nutiee is hereby given - that
. - estatnentary on the estate of Mar.caret
.01the Liorotigh of l'ariFsleuttedualand
Sed, 1114 SQ • Lean granted' -‘ by the . itegister o said
Laity to the subscriner,-residimg llt mitt burtmgm
'suns knowing themselves indetadil to chid estate me
:hired to make itnin (id iatu-pay me n 1., and those Laving
iiilN to present them for settlement. to , •
WM.' IL 111tA . •
WORTIL, 01? .1.?Elt80:
of dEPter.:illWt, Witt. '
isisting of all ttmlinuseitold Furaitureat said place,
spristlig-rAivt.oti-FUttp•FtGitin, such as t4oi.ts,
;any Chairs, itottititig Chairs. Mirrors, Lentre 'fables,
ottsk Curtains, 11 indow :bodes, Carpets, beat/Glut
.owcod Piano, Warnuttett - to be in got" condition.
11. t M 111 11. - F GAN 1'1•lltt6-13edstesths, Beds, nodding.
• ttrasses, Hair Mattrasses, Feather "Sethi, Bureaus,
.shstands, Bowls -and ' , At:hers, Looking Glasses,
ars, x.c.; 100 yards Matting and Toweling.
11 NiN ti ROOM WAltkl—i Very-handl e ?Knives, Silver
Silver Castors, Crockery and Chitut•ware,
ss-wnroz otieliong Chairs. Tables and Table Cloths.
FUltNlTlllt.E.—Eight Stoves, tine very
;0 Cooking Sttive, warranted in good condition,.stove
atture and cooking utensils of tivery 'description.
JFF.I.C.II FILXTURES,B:c.—Desks, Chairs,• Tables,
'aging Lames, Water COolor, Settees, elnunher Lamps,
idiestieks, and Bart Fixtures. Also 12 .Cast-iron.
;Liag-Tubs,--one' Manglerfone . -t wo-herso- Mick, ono
ally Carriage, one Buggy, one Suing Wagon, one
• ,über Wagon, sots of Harness. ' •
. . TUItED ,11.91G,5.E.3,' TWO - COWS,
[lags, and Farming Utensils. Also, a large tuntmut
littliding Materials, such as Sash, Doors,. Blinds,
w Frames and Lumber, together with many other
Hes not enumerated. ,Salo to commence at 10
.00k,m., ou said day, and continue from day to
-until isvery.artiele ls -sold.' Terms made known by
op 3.70.856-Iw. •
FOlt &AIX.
subscriber offers at private sale the property on
iclt he now lives, fallail! Louther street, In this
augh, nearly opposite Dickinson CoDelo. The pro
ty eonsists of a
and Lot of Ground, containing ONE
ACRE, more or leas. The house is Ilef:
said In exceilentjerder, and has a cont
', Modious back' building,..,titahllng and
_-• - other out-houses attached, with a well
eater Mot pump. Thu grounds are well cultivated,
'prising dower plots, shrubbery and shade trees, and
lot is amply tilled with the choicuat varieties of
it, comprising eight kinds of tall .and winter apples,
east twenty varieties of peacha, half a dozeif vailsl
,berries, Currants, gooseberries, almond and fig
so, ite., in aduudeince,.4l of which are in thrifty
ring condition. It Is in every respect a desirable
purty. Persons dispmied to purchase are requested
all and eiounine. '
ipl7, 26064
t pursuance oraii Order of the Orphans' COhrt of
eberland county, will be sold at the Tavern House
n'cleek a. N., the interest of the four minor chil
li of H. Church, deceased, in that valuable properly
ncu as the ••• *idgepurt Property . ," opposite Harris
is, embracing the largo Tavern House, flit)
hoes,,, ac„-sontaining, apout 18 Acres of
id, being well calculated for Lumbering andlilantb
;tiring pure s, Also, about 221 Acres and allow
:u of excellent TIMBER LAND, situated on the Sus
'Latina river, and near the Penneylvanks Railroad
dge.. Terms made known on day (Seale by
• • — WWI. 1.. - 00141.1A5,
ep 17.1 856 —awa fluardians.„
EW -- 11AT, CAP, AN I) ' .SIDDF;
:i'subscriber' has just opened ht the store-room rorr
rly opeugled by Oen. W. - }litner, 011 the' corner'of the
aiio oitiosre,.3lain street, near the Market House, and
gluing the Jerielry'Store of ; Wm. Nangte, an ou
ely nul_and opiondid assortment of Fallaud,Winter
eds—outprloing the latest Styles of . -
_every_ variety and finish. .
Il ,, tits consist - of - extra' tine idolookin,.)3ei(*er:
trl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting Hats, Ae.. , AlooStrast
to of all'varit ties: These. Hats are mariutketerint by
t r un t . moms '.t Co., and - othe. celebrated lettere of
Ilailelphis. He has also-every variety ofh.tite mans
Lure. tifelev* he will iituiraOtect to:01011*s
'erection. ^ t
its stock of Shoes is made up of everr variety and
le from the cheapest 'to the best artielain the mar.
wand cannot fail to please. , • • •
le'respectfuUy.solicits the patronage of the public,
lug uoundellt that he an sell the cheapest and best
ls in the county, J . ii:KELLER."
lap. 17, in& .
'' •
Nem ilhoertisenteitts. • _ _
IIoII3JILIC.SALE..--The tiubscribogwill
soli at public sale on the ,promises, iu South Mid
ton townsiiiii, one mile, oast' of Paportmin, Un the
-road-leadttig-froin-l'opertativai. to Craighead's Mill,
ON SATUIWAX; OCTOIII , ,It 11, 1856,
A TRACT OF LAN U, tanitaiidug Ten Ael'aii of excellent
gravel laud, having thereon eructed a* two-story..l,l/Ci
RINSE, Frame Ilarh, Bog Peii, Ac.
Also an excellent Well of Water with it
,0140 f 1,7 deatOpump at. the door; and' a-yoing
, Orchard of elude° fruit., Thu whole is
v r ~• tinder good fences and, yn, high state
•••••-• of eult•ivittion.' •
• , - Sale-to commortee,ati riel[7 - virbu'll tonne Do ill-be
, made known by
Sop, 17, Inks.] JOIIN 1111CKMAN. ••
AL O r
t 1 . 1, 11 1 , A . 1 1
i 1 : 1 1 ) 1 i :m 5 l promisor s , s h e , i '
t b i e th r
Altddlulon .townsiiip,two inilea.wet of Carliale, nem.
at 111 ,i 15 - c - lc. r. m., r'raet,
and ill l'ewheB, Wrier, measure. ThBlBlll' is Limestone,
or good quality. 81141 in a high state of 6day:dim). • ,The
Improvements are a largo Two-story STONE ROUSE,
. 11arn, Corn Cribs, 11.:agob
Shed, and other nut-buildings, :di in
_ ~ M
• good. order. A good Apple Orchard
._(L,W and other fruit t roes. and an excellent
well et' , water. with a never•falling
- 3.nere is also a good , Litnekiln on the him. The
form Is hounded on the. west by Den. Singl - er, nu the
South by F. lyatts, on the north 'hy.i.he Conedoqulnet
creek, and air The cast hy Patrick Mot-Wire. larin
ix ii good condition, and well worth . the attentitni.of
those wishing to pur,hase. • ' Attendance given and
terms made-k-nywiton day of sale by,
• •
LS.A.,LE,Will_be_ sold_
lit' i li - olio - smo, lit tho court - I - 1 . 6m0 hi . tale) hi nSti 1i
15all.olOctobi5r,1S56, itt
10 o'clortc, A. m., all that valuable lIOIISE and I.ol'
situated In the borough nfaresaid s fronting on Pomfret,
street; adjoining ',tali:lllles of_Epht'aint t , teol,
noon, Esq.. and others,and eoptaillitiOn s front th irty
feet and in depth one hundred and twenty .feet.
The.liouse is a Two story sToNE
—"A I • uousE, with Dining Room and Brief(
Tel Kitchen, and a hydrant in the yank
„Ft l 41 , —This. property is a most desirable resi
..l"" Aimee, and is signaled in the heart of
town. l'omws, srit on on the Ist:of April, 18 4 07, when
terms will be made known by
sep, 17, 1850, 'Assignee of r. N. Rosensteel.
TOTICE- -2 ..reftle - j.7CTYIIt 004111 - dr1)1
II Iri hutees midoF 1 Ito ride . of .Cliristipi \L•1)1 dr. de•
lased, to • it—A. Levi; Thristimiz,hienb. and John
ari 1114'1-lett to 11111.
2. deor;.,.. :faller,: John, -tloi,rge,
Epliriim. arid - Salle illerver.
mid Levi ..olleJiherg
Martin tok,;tod Alin, Married to Eby'. 4. Amt
Mohler, lartha,,noirried to Ireitaull
married to Dombai4,r,b, Abner. isott..lohii nail
Catliarilw Esther, Vanity.
Barbara amid Diftilor Miller.' 0. Swituel
7. Jacob )lollier. F, *.sl . :irtiii Slt4/lor) , di11(1, - Elilabett s i,
who lots Benjamin (Liv ler for gitirtiktm 9. .191,711:iel -
iloover anti 'tither, his. mmfe.. Id. Achim 1:onill
.Nliiftlwri, his wiro, 11...10sPpli Mohler, 12: John
nml Siiszto.-liis.wite. 13. Difild Plotivh 4 11(1.011 harine.
hi, - Nyife. 14. ,larch Shearer and S. , iptlt, his wire. "
The.Orpliante Court. of 11111111101.1411 d 011111 1 / 4 1% ii i mi.tlii,
' pot ited . i . of Magilaleint Mohler, has granted a 'ride. up 'n
tile above na sued parties -n etiii;:iiii. , , t-Tr
pi... Court. on the
~.!Ist of lint ;bet. Ifiraj.
cause, wlif the liouse-and Lot (A.tiround_pureha4ed by
- the Exegutors id' the. said Christian Nlohler. deceased.
for the said widow Iti..rdttlene.)luhler, should nut be
sold,:-.sad of which Sattitud Nlithier_and db.seph .Sollen .
burger the. 1.:x*160.1in , , ' , hall talucli , Alee. ' -" . '
1W tinder of the Court. ,
Suararr's 0r..Fier...,1 .1.4.0011 11:AVM ATV,
,Sop. 17, ltait.l. f Sheriff. '
. .
v.. 1 1.119' ifILL A,CA DEM. Y.—
y THREE miGcs -t.:er OF nmuti,situito .
The Twelfth :ios.don of this InstltutPai Will email's - nee
ou lilllllity, the ad. of November. Parents and Hum ,
diem are rettnestod to Inquire into its merits before
sending their sons ur wards elsewhere.. The location of
the Institution Is retired, pletmtnt and healthful,
and the course. of • li ; truction. embraces the orditia
ry• and higher branches of an English Education, t.,-•
goner with the Latin, Greek, French. and German lan
guages, and vocal and Instrumental, music. Terms,
boarding, washing;and Tuition in the English branch
es and vocal music per session (21 weeks) $60,40. For
circular containing particulars address.
1856.] Ilarrisburg,
/lONEY NANTkl.—Thesubscri
± of - funds; and - would - tra
11111•211 obliged to those indobted for six mouths and np
wards to call and-settlit'up promptly.
Sop. 10, 18.56.) • •GEO. W. 11ITNI:11. ;
• _
jThe Merchutit Mill at the Bolling Stirlugs.4, , ,' : ,
tones east of Carlisle, is offered tOr rent from the Ist•of
'April next.- The Mill will not, he routed on the f• hares.
Sep. 10, 1816.) . :praEit F. Eti E.
111 ° N CI N :I T ' ° L
t A n tA2 .1 .1 . 1 . 1!1
The Winter 9C/00111 Neill C.1111111:111 on TUESDAY, - the
'4th of Nevendstr. In this Institution the. comthen and
higher Englishairattrites, the Latin,lireett. French, and
German Languages, together with Vocal and Instru
mental Music, ant] thoroughly tanght. Circulars for
warded on,upplicaillit to the Itrlncipal.
Sttji7lool).Rt--,5w.) A-L. MOORE.
Thu sub:wilier has just returned, from the (astern
Otitis and is now opening a splundld assortneint of
. ' }ALL 000 D S , . -
. .
which will be sold at very low prima. .
A large •idock of elegant Stella, Thibet, Cast:M[l6re,
Brody. and Blanket Skewls. -..
A - ifiunnense assortment tirthe most a egant aney
and Black Silks, very cheap. . . .
Mous 'do balms, eimilles..Merinoes, Pariimettas„and
,great 'variety of Dress Goods, very handsome and very
heap. .
Flannel, Blankets, Cassinetts, Jeans, Cloths and Ces.
sinieres In g reat variety. ' . -
. BOOTS ANfl SHOES--11 large lot of• Boots and Shoes
t f every descriptiouvat the lowest: prices.
GARI'FITING—A how — assortment'of imperial, In.
grain, Veriitian, and Hag Carpetlt.
The assortment is now Very large and complete, and
all persons In want of handsome and cheap goods aro
respectfully invited to call at the Old Stand, East Main
Street. . - . .
Sep. 10, 1550.) , v CMS OOILBY.
.ItAL - 80Q1ETY will be held at_ PoWstros, (Pbiladel
phia,) on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Priday and
Saturday, October 71h, Bib, 9thrlOth and 11th.
Premiums from Twenty-flve, to Two hundred dollars,
antotinthit,in - thtsaggregati to - FourTuin Thousand dol
lars, will ho,ollered Ihr the various classes of Domestic!
Animals, Frultaokuterican Wines, VegotahlYl l ) Ursine,
and Agricultural, and Machinery.
A Local Committee at,Ptilladelphis; rwesenting.the
ttrietts branches of industry, has btte n'appolnted to co
operate with the officers of the Soeletyin perfecting
arrangements fur the exhibition.. And_liftsen thimsand.
dollars have been guaranteed to
_meet_ ex"ek:--iThis
matorlal'aid, coupled with the excellence of thitgeleet
ted location; and the large amount of premlumeffifered,:
induces the expectation that-the exhibition:4d 1850 will
be superior to any, of its predecessors.. Grand Agri-
cultural Banquet, in 'which ladles as well as gentlemen
will participate..will__take. pima on ,Frd,th-fictober-lethi
when distil:mutated gentlemen will address the asset's
blage.— Favorable arrangements with the various rail.
roads, for the ;transportation Of stock and other articles,
MO in the terms of which will be given at the
_office,- The List of-Entries, the-Awe-ids of„Premiums;
tbe - Proceodinge•will be pubished in The Journal
the - Soelety . 'for I, 4 PL_Tbe Premium List, with the
/ 1 414etions and Prograxanie of the' Exhibition, will be
furnishetiA application, to' Mr. "John McDowell, Assts.
tent. Secretary , of the United States Agricultural So.
elety, 100 Chesnut Street ..(rooms of the Philadelphia
Agricultural Society), or by addressing the Secretary at
' ^ • !.-" MAREllpl i t P. WII;DElt; trea..
° Wag* KtNu, Sec. [Sop.lo, 1856.%,,
ligle Per*.
xl4 wit gititfAs, itt find by rut set of the Gefie'ral
sionuly, of the Own monwealth nif Penfisylvatife, en tfpleci
aft "Act. relating to, the• oleetions of this Cuinuion
woaltn," passed the.2( of J uly, D. 1143 , 4, it is made
the &ILE , of the Sheriff of every county nt Mail this
- Commonwealth, to glii• public'votive of the • tionctut
itllOctfons, And - In - such, netico,tO]rinufnerate: - . --
I. The officers to be eleeteW ., ' •
2. InSsignath the place ia which the elertlen is tor be
held. •
.1; JACOB .11410 IAN, Sheriff of the county of
Cuilibc . rhilid. do hereby make known and hive this pub
lie notice to the electors of the-county of Contherfand;
that en TIJE:4I)3 Y. the itith day of October 'next; au
election-will Ito heltritt the soventl election tik-ttrietS es-
Aillkil_mtly....WAL_im_Saiti_eatnit.v. at W.l.ll6.—thinO_liny_
by-ballot for the several officers hereinafter
1111.1114-1(1, ,
.ONE PERSON for Canal-.Cointoissioder of the OAT.
monwealth,of Penneylron
ONE PERSON for /officer. general.' of the Common
wealth of I'euns,9l Vali la, • .
i ON I'OE6O.N . for Sa`rveyer Cieneritr, of : the' COunuon•
ITOalth "Orl'onlisylvenii!.
ONE PERSON to represent the cOuntirs of Cumhor
roTlTTirllTifird-"Potrflo - ard'ettEottitt,'Fit
Rates.. .
ONE ITI:SON to represent the counties of Cumber
and unit Perry in 1110 Sl!lltitt3 Of l'emixylviiraw:-
TWO I'ERS6NS to reliresont the county of Cumber
land In ilw - Ifonso of ltcprescutatives of Pennsylv,ania..
ONE I , ERSON•for .lttoruuyof Cumbinland
ONE PEItSON fur Sdrvcyor of Ouutherland cotintY,
ONE PERSON. for Commissioner of Cumberland
county. ,
ON c; P.EIfSON for Director Poor of Cumberland
1;;.,1'EllSON tUr Auditor of eunilrerrand count3V:
• ()Ny, pEp_SoN for etn•ener of cuntleTlnutl count}'. . •
The Said election will
. 110 held throughout the enmity
as follows: . .
The eleetien in the election district cOtnposed of . the
borough of Ciirlisle and the townships of Ninth Middle
ton. South )liddleton,. Lou err Itieltittsdn ng¢ Lower
-Frank ford. wilr he-Veld:a - the 4.7ourtlittinse in the bor. ,
ough. of Otrltsle. .
' - ,•fhe election in the election district composed of Low-.
er \Vest Veit 13StitlrutP4i: ttA1 . 11:111), Will be - held at the
North School Ifonsein ,
'rut election in the election - district :composed of SIL
rer i-3pring, township. will he held at tie. public house of
(leorue Duey. in llogestown In said tewnshlp. „
'Vile election - in' tioi election district. composed of,
Hampden township, will be held'at the house occupied
by Dear) cold latenshlp. •. •
• The election in the election district. composed of. the
township ,if Upper Allen" ; will, be hubtat the
limier occupied by W. IC. Kline, In Shepherd... Own:
The election hi the eleedolt district com p ose d o,f the
township of Lower o held -or the "ititgon
palter shop of,,lointh Illthar t rer, oti_Oei'e hill.,
• In
The 11 . 111M1 1i.1 7 .111/11 t'asi
1,0 . 4 the public
11 , 111 , e, nmwll( . l . ' oo by A. Illints , liorgpr, at hi! (.11,1
ef the ll.irslsinis,:; Milli:T. • - •
The election In the election ilisiriet eoposed Nrim
st be IM M f m
lic !muse Mrinerly
by NA - ,tit. 11. Buhl, ill the. Ic.r“mill
The eleiq ion in .aliceMetimi of tit , .
116.4,tigic,,i -- wriiia;i , i , u6g.) ,, ,i 1,6 lielil itt. th a ptiblie
house of Jelin 11.,iivec,im
1:110 ylactioil in 'thy to, ct of
)„,„ hrhl Lt on, 0n1.11,,
riitiottel C 1111111114,111, ill
111 , . eld , tioii dhtrirt ~ ,t otainall-i, t
pyr will la, held ilLtilkjillaltttl ItoW
tip .1.101 otrinatr. in mild "tow
Th y yiy,,tjui A iu }hi, Itlyt•Ooit Aistylot i:oioposial of Iho
N ut Iv hst- •; Ny ivy i.Nltios of ‘llllllo, l'ppar
and thut part of
Sy s % not to toe
tlktilet. will 111 ,. hr lit nt l.lll'i itcl..l'. N. li : 0111 . 11 , 10,e it: OW
hinTitVtii ITt s, ?\
Th.! Vit.: tioii In the i'llitiatsctl - of
Ihlpcwell township la , "lial,l at the :sew liilih
eIet•Ilon 14 . .1110
. t+leetf(lll" thstriet eiiitirec,d of thy
1,,,r,0tg1i of :'ltiptiaiislatre,Shippan ‘ shurg Ittld
t h a t idii - .11 - 1,1111,11111 t."l - 11401111 1111 . 1110,1 4 ,1
the 1.0e51 , 111 . 4 otthitiott ilintrict, ho. lulu al thy
Cottotil (holm., In tht; leaough of i•••ll4,i,,,iishiti..4.
The election in the election di , tri"L of Imam
of Newton anti SO11111,11 . 1*(1kit 11),1),Ilir,, not,
111 the .Newville mid :-I:l"piemsburg dist Will he
110111,:it. Zito !rm.., Mraterly- oceopied by \V illoon Max
well iii Loesberiz. .
- NoT IOU: 1i li 1.:111.111V-t: 1-V liN
'That every per,in except jib tier wh o
shall if 'ld 111 /Y off we ~ c tt ppoltawent of 1.;11t or trust
under the IS niteill-11.ates or Ot thus State. 011 . any city
inceri.orateil.distrlarWliether n commissioned officer Or
otheruisu, a subordinafe otitcer or agent, Who is or anal
he , :atployed•Ainder the legislative, executive. or judi
ciary departments of this•:Statu, or the United States,
or of any city or of ttuy incorporated district: and also
that ally Member of Congress and of the State Legisla
ture, and of tht: Select, Or eutionOti Council of ' any city,
or commis:dotter of any incorporated distiict, is by law
locapable of holding or exercising et the mine time the
office or altpointment of judge, inspector orcicrk dl stir
elections of this Couint iwealtii, and that no inspector.
judge, or other officer of such electiuu shall be eligible
in he there voted for.. . •
• And the"said art of Assembly, entitled On act rela
ting to t he . eloctiMis of this Jay
2, further peevides as Mllow s, wit:
"That the inspestor:vand judges shall meet at the
ph imo i, ) ,,drited for hohilog the'eliations of the district
to which they c espectlA els belong, before nine o'clock
in the morning of the :.••eceit,l Tuesday in October, and
each of said inspectors shall appoint bi l e d oc k,. w h o
shall be a qualified voter of raid district.
In case the person who shalt have received the sec
und highest number of votes fur inspeetor shall not at
tend oil the day of the election, then the person who
)floill have received the second highest number of votes
at the next preceding election, shall het us Inspector ht
his place. And In nice' the person who shall have raw
ceived the highest number of 'v. tes for inspector vital(
not attend, the person electett judge shall appoint an
insp ctor in his place: and. in case the persorreleetod
jutl i a; shall not attend, then the inspector who' receiv
ed the highest number of votesshall appoint njoulge in
hie place, orif any vacancy shalt continue iii the board
for the spare of one hour after the tinte fixed by law for
the opening of the electk.m.t he qualified .titers of the
township, ward or district for which such ifflicor sir,ll
have been elm:tett:present at the place of el:;ct , shall
elect ono of their number to fillsuch vacancy.
It shall be the duty of the seVeralassessors of each
district to attend at the place of building every gene roil,
Vot,lal,,orittuWintitip election, during. the whole time
Stlid,OleCt101111; kept open, fur the purpose of giving in
furl:JAl:Wm to the inspectors and judges - when" called on,
•in relation to the right of p
o il rso assessed by-them'. to-vele7-nt sticiveleetionror-s saner
Mott to the assessments of voters as the said inspectors
or either of them shall front time to Mine require.
"No person shall be permitted to vote litany election
as aforesaid, other than a white !lemon of the ago of
twenty-one years or more, who. snail have resided in the
State at least one year, and in the election district
where he offers his veto at least ton days immediately
preeedinesuch election, and within two-years paid a
State or county tax;whieli shall have •been assessed at
least ten, days before the election.- lint a citizen of the
United States who has previously been a qualified voter
of this State. and removed therefrom and returned, and,
who shall have resided In the election-district and paid
taxes miltibresitid, shall be entitled .to vote - n fter resid
ing In this 'State - she mouths: Provided, That the
white freemen, citizens of thellp„ited States, ,between
tv'and twepty:to o yeark, who.have resided in
au election district as aforesaid; shall be entitled to
vote although they shall - not have paid taxes.
NO person' shall ho permitted to vote whose name is
not contained In the list of taxable inhabitants fur.
lashed by the Commissioners; unless First, lie produce
a•loceipt for the payment within two years of a State
or county tAir ssessed agremilily-to-thirConatifittleff
and give saUsfactiiry evidence,. either °Whitt ,lath or of:
Mutation, or the' oath or affirmation - of weather, that he
l ine poi *web a tax, or on ,allure to produce a receipt.
Shed' make oath hi the payment thereof., Second, If ho
claim a right to vote by being an elector between the
ago of twenty.onti and twenty-two yeses, he shall do.
pose on:oath or affirmation that he has resided_ In this
Statc„at leMit ono. Year next before his application, and
tut lie knelt Ova of residence in the district as Is irequir;
edbyjitie act, and that ho does verily: bellev 0, from the.
aecnalt given thatitels.ot_the age .itteresaid, and
such other,evidence as is required 'by this act, where
upon the ',Mine pf the person thus admitted to vote.
L s h e ilbednaerted 10 the alphabetleal list by„,the luspee-'
tons snide. note m op
tirade posite thereto by Writifinf the
!'tax," if,he shall be admitted to - voto by reason
,01iiavimr pea tax; or the word "age," if ho shall, be
admitted to Vote by reason of such age, ,shall he called,
outgo tho . olerks, who , shall make the liketiotes on' he'
lista of them. • .
:I) In'-all eases wherethe name of the person claiming'
to vote la found,on the list furnished by the COMM&
loners and assessor° or his right to vote, whether found,
thereon or not; is objected to by any, qualified 'citizen, ,
It shall be the duty ; of the inspectors, to exaniliati . such
person on oath as to bits qualifications, and if lieclalms
to,have resided within the State for one year or more,
• his oath shall be' sufficient proof thereof, but shah
make proof .by at least one competent witness, mho
. .
, .
shall be elector, that he has resided In the
diritriet - for MOO' than - ten"daya - neat Immediately pre.
codify such election, and shad also himself swear that
lils - hona tide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calk-.
log. WO said district, add that 1 e. did not remove into
said , disti let for- the purpose of vcaingtherain„
!,' , F 4 very.perSon qualified as aforesaid, and who shall
make t me_proof,,if required, , of the residence , •and pay.
men t• oftaxes 115 aforesaid, shill .fje admitted to vOte - in: -
the township, ward or district -in which he shell re-'
Tinny person shall prriont fir attoinpt Co prevent '
.any officer of any election under this Stet from holding
stichelection, of use or threaten any violence to any
such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere •
with him in the executiotf r of his duty, or shall block., -
Up the window, or avenue' to an window whore the °
samemniy2he—f v
h er -,Ler—shall_i_loteualy_distuch_tint
puttee at such election, or shall 'lrSe any intimidating
threats, force or Violence,' with design to Influence un
duly or overawe any elector, or to preventlim from vo
ting onto restrain the freedom of choice, sueh',,persous ,
onconvietioii siuW be fined In any_stun nut exceeding
hundred dot's, and imprisoned Mr. any time net -
i less,lhati three nor more-than twelve menths. - and if it :
shall be shown to Courtovherb the - trial eisuith offfilice
AMU lieltatht-.t hat. the itersorr_a n djogras tint at '
, resident of the city, ward, district• or, township where • •
the offence was committed,. and tilt entitled to vote .
therein, then on 'conviction :he Final be sentenced to
pay a fine of not lesslltrin odehuntived nor more than.
one thousand - dollars; and•larimpris'oued nut less than
six Months nor moreilffirctwtryears. •
finny person nr.persons shall make ally bet or we
ger• upon the result of any election Within OM Crud- •
mon woalth, or shell offer to make any such .I;ct.or wa
ger' either by. verbal preclanpition thereof. or by any
written or printed advertisement, challeinte or invite
any per,- in to make sorb, bet or wager, ripen conviction
'thereof IW or they shall forfeit and pay three times lite,
amount s• , lart.or to he bet., -
'' If any person not by law qualified,' shall fraud
Nutty vote at any: election of This Commonwealth. or
being where Ise qualified shall vote out„pf his proper
district,itr if ally persom.knewing- the want of suet, '
qualifications - shall aid or procure such person to vote,
-tlitt-personoWeittling.--srutlkon-reenviettel, ti ne d h r .
any sine hut e:: reedit;: two hundred dellarS and be
imprisoned- ferany-tcrm not-exceeding-tit:ate notfith,„--
• !if any . person shall vote at mere than into election
-district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than 0111,
.on-the same'day, fraudulently-ffild-aod deliver
to the itnitector two tickets together. with the lutent
illegally to'vote, or shall worm', another to do so, he '
or nit con victiorr• be fined 'in arty
sunt . not less -than tiftv_ nor were than five hue dred
;dollars. and be iteprisoutx.l for any term net lass than '
three nor snore than twelve Months._ .• ' •
-- '
•• If any person 'not qualified to vote in this Common.
wealth agreeably ,xeept the sons -of qualified .
eitisumso shall appear at :!.,y place' pf election• for the
TitirpOSe of 'n11001)04; the ritizona qualified to vote.
he shall on convictionlerfei. and pay, any sum. hot ex
-c'eeding-oncchitudred dollars - Mr ovoryssurivrifiCricmand
be Imprisoned-forany-toneMmoxciieding-three
Agreeably to thoproyisions • cf the sixty-first :icetion
OT the said aet, every tleneral and Special hies iion shall
he, opened fictive - 6h ttiv hours;of bight and ten in the.
forenoon, rOntinne wit - hoot. to terrujakin_or
1111,nrinnont until seven Vichat. In the 'evening. when
-theliolls.shall he closed.
And the judgeg of tiokrespective districts 'aforesaid;
are by the said act required to Inert et the Court Minot
in the borough of Carlisle, on the third - day afteit, the
election, living Friday.' the 17th day of October.]' then
and theretoperform time things . required of
,theni by
. . .
The return juidgeF or the and
those of tho Senatorial' district wtll mutt at Carlisle at
the time fixOtl by law. •
Given under nly hand, at Carlisle, this.4th . day
ISt& • -
.7.111 \IAN. ‘herili,
Ned lfstntv
N -----. - .
TIIIs vllltuil.le provvrtv I , r i(1 51 )5 111 , i• tAiiii,
Curi)Lerlaild voilikl. eLotit S utile , e:1,1. ~ I I +it Irl,le, MI
the Vialow Ilreodles Creek. anti is kt,t.v.'.‘ r.• the
It contains:lo ACRES 01 tho lest qua 1.151}
STONE LAND, HiHvllt 7A of wLli h aro rover d i%ll
good Timber. in addition to -which H largo quantity
Ia coat is groliittjx. and the stji
state of cultivation.
The intproNe mints aro a large TIVO•SIONY,.
MANSION HOUSE, \VI( it a Bric 4
Stone Spring lins!,
an 4 Opter convenient out Luildiegs
Large StonelllANK BARN, with ttr
la. "Pt. threshing florin:, 'Waggiat
Crib. ILtp lluu,o. Carriagell Ase. There -is
" I terse-pewee* perinattuntly fixed to the len it.
Ali.. a large Twtsstery Frame Tenant Huse. plastered.
and a Frame Ilarn. A g•val it:chord of Apples. and ft nit
of every description • A tine stream of eater rises \sail.
In :1.0 yards of the ionise, emptying Into the said ertek
immediately In front of the house and 1 11111. •
This property ' possesses 51.1periI)r , OVant..m.les, fin ,
••itelli rare indueements to purchasers. 'file laiilditn
are most did hzlit r(tunted_On_the tanks iif.a_lieutit__
Int streain of water, the Yellow Itret;ches Creek, ain
sufficiently (Aerated to make the scamera a usurp:ism,
by any place iu the counit y . .: 4 ,1'h00l le-uses- iuo in the
I mniediate vicinity and church at I)lllsturg, time.
miles tlistout. With It good 11):111 hodhig to-.the same
Also a Grist Mill situated on the Yellow th ve, lie: , rt.:
said farm, on the propel ty. ( atlon 1.
entirely liealtlly, and elilzilde' In every point of vleo
For term), Br., orignlrt , of
-Aug. 13. I.Bt)r---tf.l Real Estate
j)UBLic A . s , ty,- i)1 13
"Hounclorsiglied w ill t:ell :t1 f
atewribw.l tracit of ,Joitiltniii 10,1 I
lug tiw theafTtait.lof SAM 111. • It
No. 1. A tract of Nloi ).;,i i t C. 1: L: 1.l
rtmtLerlautt 1p ,t:
1(1,11 c.ud ;,t s ,n
This tract. Nt ill I K.,1 I. ti Lots 0f1..; 4; .
„.. .
SO. .2.. t t .ni , it h:4,1 in he ,in
tox,,,ehip eontainit4r, 13 .IN-es andlfrrvlioB . / 10,11111.-
lamb. of 110 .riart Conner. John henr. t nnili. k ulit7.,
These two •tr.v.tH will be odd nt tli Iril.:;ior.lonntban
Ilwtr, iu West PellllSbaro tairn.hip , 1)1.1 ‘VEDNESDAY,
SITTEMI;EIt 24, at 2 o'clock, p.
No, 3. A tract of Woodland situated in Rye township,
• '` • qI III .V.
Janws — CiThdenlii. a•tti Samuel Barr, rontaluing S 1
Ames and 12A Perches. neat measure, •
This trect, will ho sold on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER
13, at 1 o'oloek.T. liw., at the tavern of Samuel Brier, in
Rye township, Porry..eounty. . .
Terms made known on whty b orsswie bi
. ' -
• . DAN'll? BEAR,
- Att'y in fuel for the Iwlrs'of Samuel Bear, deed.
Augu50.5,10:.6—.7w. • •
• v , PRIVAVE 'SALE. . •
This 'valuable "preporty .situated In Dickinson town-
ship, Cumberland county:OA Miles• South of Paper
town, 1 mile from the Gettysburg road, lying between
it and the Oxford read, and about • .1,, t . ; miles front the
York Springs.. known as the WALTEMYKR , FAR)!,
• .
One hundred of whin' aro.cleared and in a good state
..of cultivation, and the residuO is coyered with lined
Timber, and YoungVhesnut of the finest Or,lity.
• TIM-Improvetitents-are.a mmand a
—'\ half story LOO 110138 F, thoroughly
repaired, LOG DANK DARN;• Wagon
Shed and.,Corn Crib. Smoko, - llouse,
Dry Dense, and other. convenient
Out-buildings. A good ‘Apple,Orchard, besides cherry,
peach, and other fruit tre4nt.. ' • " • •
A FeAutiful stream ef running water within short
dlstanco,of the . Qtwr. About .100 bushels of Lim have
,been put - en theTarut within the last Connie :of years.
-The-land la prednet,tmAnd the fences good, . ;
For tainis, &c.; enquire of - • " • •
" • -
• ' UCal Estate Agent and EzerlOner,
.Ijuly . 30, 1858—tf.] .", Carlisle, Pa.. •
... .
anc• •
A RD..-DR. - joli E. .SM ITU rtflOSE
respectfully inferms tbe Mends of tionutopolby
liefOrn, as well as the publie,genuttlly, iliat bo will .
besssistet) in the practice of Medicine and Suntory by
DR. JORN AnusreoNcylate,<if earlisle.
_ •
Ton OLD Fr.trzroshiy bealth holing In a 'great do
gree restored, 'twill assist NI. SMITH In the practice of -.-
Medicine:and Surgery.- I elm at all times be fonnd at
his °Mee. in South llanover street, when not - .out pro
fessionally.. . , •
• •
Carliide, September 6, 1856.
_ r,7 , ;
31cai state Sufesi';
. .
ISituate about onehnlf mile south-wtett *t:11, the ,hogr 1 „
Of Newville; partly In Newton and partly to Id
' l'enushormtnwithipg;nn - - the - road . loading --m-ut -Is: , - -
villy to Springflold. now' turned. by .1. Q. Illidearland,
about It) of -which aro -covered with Good Timber, r ..
. the residue is iti•tt high state of cultivation. ' Thu. 1
- ~..., .- , ..,,' • •prdvernouta urea ono ad:lira-1131f sts '
i/titlAL-' - ').,,, .LUG HOUSE. BANK BARN, a t'' ti
trill .. if • -: other Outthvil:cilpga;..itis ,, it goad 'I i
.; ' •
tr'Cl 4 . ant Howie ' ainiatnrOrAiarti io t::, i .
-.,..t 1 5...-.,-.._,.. - !_.....LliOnse-,4Latileatu_of_w_Alottltits. in 1 . •
Illg - Slot 0,4 hear • the .-.NlatrsPot Hor,si. front% hick •
,eh.gant supply.of cold water is •ttil.a . ded by tue:Cm ...,
pipes and a .hero p. A llrst•rate potent Lime : kik - 4 -
situat..d on the premises, Ltid the best. quality of a . ,
for luMning limb.- , ..
•'--This property be ver:riOtulsoniely' located, the ‘• I •
- fiponn;o n • mngt,itleent, Rtrenen i.f writer. runs Om ni
n - .
f the centre of it. It Is 'iteo v e :lie iit: diStalt co , l' .--, 1
tawatvAtofii!kg,Aoi-the , l4lunb--V..f1.:41.i..61144 1 - vi, - --i.
Papnt: wili,,t‘i FAitl road bowl& it for seen_ e, di r stance.
'or term s , 1.:C. , ; Illillire of . •
. - • A. 1,. SPONSLER.
1 Real Estato Agent anti tr et it . -
Colndsting if TWO VA IX ABLE M EsTos E. NA tall'
situate.' In Sit VP.I Spring township. Cuinberland
live tulle. east Id' on the Trindle :Lpring 11‘ . 1.
One of said farms. with l'ulprrn union to, WM bo mad!:
contain from I'2 l l aell.F. to Stilt 11111ThaSUrS.U . X
,i.lll be given 10 or 15 - afros orth v best quality •
Thither Land.
The luiprovements thereon am a good 1.0111101.18 i
rgo Bank Barn. todh two `Mom
. Wagon iihed, Corn Crib, n
tom ' c othertlut-buiblings; well of ontei
ei r , .1111.1 111Jl! )I•lilitrt.
o pt, , „ -,tppieS; ts , eot.
The other fi'rin uili on.tain• al
- 111M - Vitellt" '''''''''
tl:al't 10' 111111111M/Vi'd, httt hits a beautiful site.
• .
fenres In both tracts are to good vidUlitlon.:.
theland of
,t;ultivation.: Fur ten
kr.. enquire of .
. A. L. groNsialt,.
6cp.'10,1856-ow.y lle tl l'A•tato .4gutif /Ind ecriv
VATA 7 AE :‘l3l, 1 I 14L -
Punic sm.,u. • .
• will to sold attitlAle•Sale
SA•TifItDAY. -- si.A.."I•EMBEIt 27.
on the premises, that very extensive and did...,
- 51111 .— rty.aiGiittc ifFirest,
eight miles South-west.of-Carlisle. and nisiut ono v.
I from the Slate Iliad leading to Newville. now ev.
and evetipled Chli-1..- - ; -- Frebn, formerly ovilllam Alt -.-•
- $31.1.1 known ,• tit t.:IIN'S 'IL.'
; r I •her! nil, alselt Liner., so land e.
0 4, . a
gII neet...L.Vith this pro pert .part of iris
israecrcri trltlrg(odtimber. = 'Tho(:r.
31in in e.nslalictud of feano."%iitl. k •
run. of stone: the machinery of t .
most modern construetion and the Integt inikuretne.
'there Is Viso n Saw 11f 1., and - i•ulliehft - water wove.
supply a t n il se asons, the year. There are two tiv
ling Holl , eS. .efie entirely at new 2 story Brick,. DI
,eonvient nut buildings connected with it. 'the oil
dwelling is to two story frame. This pmperty is on.
the west desirable s locations in the County. The
t lifeK rellunt repute, - situate -in-rate,of tht. nib - Srj• _
.10 , lise,gr.011 grtt*llig Of Climbed:lnd Valleys • •
way, .be le a very extensive - business, thus at ,
ing inducements . to purchase's. There in a •
far - a disilary -- on the - premises. --
ennunenee at •11-o'cleek on said! day, when terms
he made known by the-nunet- prenki•
ob apolicationto whom any further intarmation
be given if desired, rby A. L. SPON:31.10:.
lu„,. Leal 14ttae Agent vind Seri.
"="1, . BENT. •
rented, by public outcry
tt' SA'fUnDAY: the : dith rieptein
hunt.. the 'tavern Stand wall kn.
ON the STON 'tit' HUN. now in the occupancy-at .1
-ittelsocker,- situate-on -the-Walnut -Lotion. Lead.. 5.....
miles west of Carlisle. • The property et.nsisk of a i•
and commodious Stone Bottom! and Stalilleg surd..
far sixty horses, till in reenpleto order. get her .
Feeding Lots, Orchard rant onrden. The proper
ahuudantly supplied with the best spring; water. ,
vS so, at the tam.) limo and place. a IVAtiON-lt,
ER'S Slloll', Tenant House . and Lot. The ..ituatlot.
a good tneelutnie cup hot 1)e...139m:ea lu the State.'
total:wee will bu Olen on said day by
.1011NSON )10012.1.;
lAnrastor Exatnlnet and Reading Journal cep:,
amount of $l. - • LSept)
11' 4 1 ARM VOR,SALE.—The subsolif
j_ will offer at public sale, on •
• .._•_.......T11111031/A Y., 1 CT01111:11 Id,
at, 11 o'clock. A..M. on the-preinisus.liti Fatda, , sitm ,
in Cpper Allen township, Clunto. county. on tho
lOad loading front ilarri r sburg tiettyslnrg, and wt
the main road from York to Sterrett :s nap VIVMSO.: •
Milo 1) . 0111 :ieill , iittroist , lY(l), t'a'n froth Mechanicsburg'.
the cum!). Valley k a Ilroad, seven Miles from Harried,
and one from the Yellow Breeches Creek, adjoin.
lands of Christian filatzler. tiamuel 31111er, and oth.
containing *.:2 Arres and l ht perches 'of slate land.
Cleared, and in a' 11,,..•5t-ratu state of cultivation. •.".
. Improvements aro' •a tietitt
HOUSE, a how stony and Fr:,
'tarn, and other tottdmildlngs. •
s nevorditiling well of water .fiear t.
'• ."""r"' door, with primp iu it. A Univ.
Apple °relearn of rhoica fruit, with a variety of Pe.,
ri.crre and other fruit trees. Tbisds a very desirt
ol .ec ....Led In a healthy neighborhood, And
... mills, ehuraies, seito(ls,
;vishing to chile the property will please •
• r•' 1.41.141111 g on the promises, who .
•• . i..formation required,
it • spd)
Y pursuance of an order of the • Orphans'
lit.o.‘ect.,nd county. will 'be sold at pnblic
s;treutinAy, taw 27th ef September, 1$60:, on the pm
803. In Monroe „township, Utiinherlaed :_county, Da
Lisburn road, about miles .asi of:Chtirelltown, •
-more-er-less,all7tintier s -good-feneerand-iwat-goad-s . —z_
of cultivation. Thu improvomentk aro U. story al
half 1.00 HOUSE, Frame Shop, Barn, Cure (.`rib, SII
ilouso, There is ato a good App o Orchard on '
promises, together with a groat. ,ariety.of other eh , .
filth. trees. note •a nuvor-Ihlling well of water,. '
vonient to thei4l,4mr"of the The above '
scribed 'import) . will do sold as belonging' to the es
of Daniel Kling, deceased. Salo to' commence 1 -
o'clock, I'.M:, when terms will be made known by
- A - diniiilstiatx •
August 20, 1651 —ta
N. 5 pursuance. of an order of the Orphans' Cow
Cumberland month the subscriber will expose to
lie sale, on toe remises,
• On 'MONDAY; BERTEMBEit 29th. 1850,
at I o'clock, p. m.,
of said day, the. r estat
Hobert Coidt, latemf3lpnroe towlishlp. deceased, .I , L
Situate in Monroe township, Cumberland county, .
Brandt's Mill, eotitniniktpno Mid three-quarter •
of Crow d, all ander fence. Thu improvements :u
.Twuktory LOU 11UU$E, Stable, and other' out a:
lags. Them are iiituMber of Fruit Tremi on the pc.
sus, and a well of good water convenient .
The termSleill be-10 per cent. whun the prOper.
stricken off, and•the babure ou the Ist of April, lit
Aug 20, 1850..—tst • Exectt•
. •
`sell at public sale, on SATUItDAY, the 20t-
Suptertiber: on - the - promises in:'
1.10135 E AND um OF GitOtIND,
Situated 1u Dickinson township, about - one mile we .
ga l :ma's Mill, on the Vine road, coutaluing-150 =pet- -..
of hind, and liaitltt&.kliereon erected a, large and
- venlent Stone - House, s log y •
tared end 'attached, Frame Stable
ElWash lions.; with a nevrrAlliug
of water• near the :'Also cl.
assortment of Apple, Peach, and .1
trees which ard'noW bearing. This
party. has formerly been used as s storMand is not y.;
passed, fur such purposos by, any other . In the count
the property cannot be said; it Willbenifered for ren
the day Of sale. Salo to oonimeactiat 1-o'clock, on
day, when attendance wily be given and terms,
are ens), 'will be made known k,V
aug27ispdi • ANDREW