Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 17, 1856, Image 2

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15,0 ttrti .
We do not know isheur we Loire met with a more
touching and beautiful poetical Morceau, than thttfol
lon:lng: It breathes a: sentiment of holy inspiralion
which tenches every cord . of the beart: Ilead it:
Mother, watch the 'little foot,
Climbing ovor thegarden: wall,
BOunding through the buoy street.
Ibinglug cellar, shod and hill'.
Boyer count tho =intents lest,'
Boyer count the time ircusts, .
Guide them, mother, while you may. ,
- 7 -Mother, tvitch_theiitle. hand '
Picking berria's by tho Way,
• , Tossing:up ;
Vet. dare the question ask--
"Will to ine the weary task ??'
Tho saute little Lauds may-prove
:Messengers of I ight and Love. .1•
Idoth , ,ir; Watch the litt'Onague,
ytuttit_iigyiudutiut and wild:.
What is said and what is sung
.By the joyous happy child.
, Oat:lo4e, wyrd while yet unsii9ken,
Ftnii the Tow hcfore 'tis broken;
naii mune Couple ul:ty yet pi•oelaiui
Blessings . in n Mviour's mime.
•• • . Mother, Watejythe little heart, -
soft - sod worm for-ru ;--
. Wnoleßitne lessons flow ;
Keep, d! keepilint young-leart true
st pleating every' weed,
Soying good and precious Seed,
• you thou may see • • •
Ripen for oternity.:'
c ileit (tat r.
•If ever I merry,' Kate Yale used to 84,
half in jest, half in oarnest, ! the happy 'man
—or the nnhaPpy 'one, you :ple.asC; ha! ha !
Shall be a perkm pissessed of these three
• - •
..Firn!,•a fortune; s , !
'Second, good
I mention the fortune first, beenuse I
think it the most needful and desirable qui;li
tication of the three. . Although I nerer..could
think of tuaining a' fool, or a man' whose
ugliness I - should b 6 ashamed of, think
to talk sense for the one and shine. for :the
'other With plenty of money,—prefer.
atiltto living' obscure with a handsome intel
lectual man—to whom economy might, be ne•
I do not know how :much of this sentiment
came from Kate's heart' She un4t.ubtedly
indulged in lofty ideas of station and style—
for her education in the dunes and aims of
life had been deficient, or rither• erroneous;`
but that, she . was capable of
_deeper, better
feelings, none ever doubted who had obtained ,
even a paitial glimpse of her true woman's
And the time arrived.when Kate was•to take
that all-important step of winch ehe had often
spoken so lightly—when she was. to_ demon
etrate to her frivds how much of her • heart
was in the words we have just quo(fir: ,
tam suitors; but as she never gave n serious
thought to , more than two, se tvili, iullaw her
example, and discarding all except
those favored ones, consi d er tile . :statics
claims.- •
If this trete any other than a, trtit:etory;
should certainly use an artist's privileie, and
him to produce an effect by making a Strong
contrast between the_ two favored individuals.
If I'eoutd hatimy own way one should be
pook, genius and something of a hero, the
other a wealthy fool, and somewhat
But the tr4b Is—
Our poor gait'
woo not mach of a gen
very po
- IUII.--117)
eion a teacher of - aio, and he, could live
_very, comfortably by a. exercise thereof.:--
' without the most dicta hope, however,v
• attaining to wealth. More er, Francis Mi
posaCaiied excellent quailB, which
. en
titledfillhim to be . called by • old 1 . people; a
tlks, air4
- 4 4:elairacter,' by his eumpanio a' '
good ff e rally, a
illow,' and by the ladies g , ...
' darling.' ' ' • . •, ,
Kate could not help loving Mr. Frank and
he knew it. lie was Certain she' pre red
Ids Society even to , : that of Mr. Wellingt4
whintraione - inrsawfit - to - houor - with — ther—a
,:.-_pellation of rival. •:: • . ' b
Allis Mr. Wellington (his companions on S'r-, , .
, ed him ' Pok4;) was no • idiot' or humpbac I;
as 1 cettla have wialie4 him to be, in order i t .
Leake4.gtnl-sterf.-- . -On-the-contrari—be-w .. k
a men of,senae, good looks, and fine manner:,
, . and there was nothing of the knave &bon t• bii
is Inotild , aver 4611 4 01 '• • --
• ' --
Besides this„his income was _-entlielent t.
enable hifn to • live ., superbly. • Ali o ; b e WI
two or 'three degrees binslpomertthan , Me. I
Therefore, the only thing on which -Fran
had to depend„was the power he poieeasei t
sympathies and affection."- Ti)
uk:tr7' — aftt --- ,tb* -- trup or; p
every sett e,. hlosseil . with a2.fortuns
goiid loOks'and oin . mintin;lienie:—'-inid. Fie*
been able to draw these out, and the amiable,
.00ticai fed - Mr.Trailk *tar nor-willing—to-Thez
ijeve that she would suffer mere worldly con
siderations to control the' aspirations .of her,
heart. '
• 'However, one day he prei3seder toleolare
his fate, she said to !Wm- " h a sigh : .
• oh, Frank !I atnSorry•thi we ever met
Sorry!' , . _
Yes; for we must part now. •
' Part !' repeated Frank, .turnlng ')
was evideht be had riot expected this.
Yes—yes,'• - said Kate casting down her
head with another piteous sigh. '
---'Frank_eat_by_hcr_aido..;_lielphaced_bia_ arm
aroon :her iv;tuatilirtigtlreading - tirt• — ft
ble reeiatance; be his voice and talk
ed to her until she—proud-Kate, wept, bit
'Katie,' said he then, with .a liuret - of pas,
Rion, 'I know you love mel, but yon are proud,. ..
ambitious, selffsli 4 . New; if. you '.would have
me leave you, say We word and I go." .
•Go I
V murmured Kate, feebly,,,' go . ' , t ,z
Have you decided ?' .he whispered. •
, •
•I have.
' . . . , .
. • -*Theo, love,- farewell V • , . •
lii"took her hand. gazed tv moment tender
ly and sorrowfully into ter. iteautifol,'tearful
face, and then clasped hertOtis bosom.
She permitted ilie etatu:sce. .She even gaie
way to he 'impulse, and twined her aims
• around his neck , but in a tootnaysljafrefiolu•
tion - came to her aid,,,and she. pushed hint.
from her with-a sigh,
"• ' Shall Igor he Urtioulated.• _ • -
A feeble yes fell from her lips 7 -end an in
stunt later sho tans lying_e s n the sofa sobbing
and weeping ulune.
To . tear the.tenacious root of rove out Of
her heart. had cost-her more than she:.coald
-have intioipated.;. and the eertuinly of a., \ gold•
en life of luxury proved but. a- poor eonaohs:
lion'..,scesned; for the
. enerifiee she had made.
She lay 'long iipon. the sofa, I say, 'sohliing
mid -Weeping' parsionately. Gradually he's'
•grief sipper:sc .: 4,3e "eihatt;stAtself..
to .fiow, 'and irt ,length her eves and
_cheeks wets dry. Her lieedwasliillosyed on
her arm, and her Lee was half hidden in a
at beautiful curls. -
• .The .'struggle was over. . .ngany was
past: She saw.Nr.'Wellington enter alai rose
'cheerfully to meet -him. His manners pleas
.7-e-dtl —llll - iittition and fortunes fascinated her
. more. He offered her his hand— , she accept;
edit. A kiss's sealesi the engagenient•lout it
. ...wee not 'such a kiss as Frank. had given iser,
-and the:could-soit:ce repress--a
•,,, , There was a magnificent wedding. • Splen:
dilly attired; dazzling. the eye with the bean ,
ty.thus mis f ired, with everything around swim
ming in the charnied atmosphere of fairy-land
Kate gave her filiart to the man her ambition
—mit her lovitv=ltad ohopen.
But certninly.ambition could not have ma - de
a better _choice. .Already___sho_sart_herselt
surrounded by a magnificent court, of which
she was theitanowledged and adnaitted , queen.
The favors of fortune were showered upon
her;Pilie floated, luxuriously uitop the smooth
nod gkery wave of a Charmed'
S„lt Lis ;4 Willi wanting in ilie:Fbole circle of
do r-..xi,)roco to ti.lorti it, and niakelt btight
ii 1. piness. Bit elle Was• not long in die•
enuring that there with im.ntething wanting in
I.t va.t.
I 1 r frienilm were numerous, her husband
ti.tob r kin 1, an I loving ; but ill their linen
um' /iffectiotss could not fill their heart*'
..She had once felt' its ch. rd end sympathy
moved by a 'skillful touch—she had known the
heavenly charm of the deep, delicious harms
, •
ny, and now they were silent—motionless,
Muffled, so as to speak in , silks and satins. , —
These chords were still and souudless ; her
_ heart - was dead—no'he the less so because kit
-led-by a goltioniiiiot-lia-vitrylatown—a-tal---felt
the life of sympathy in it, imoonsoled by the
life of luiury. -In short, Katf; in time becaMe
' tnagnifteiently miserable,
,and splendidly . Un
haPPY. - •
Then a change became ppari t
e tto , tier:bus.
bond. lie could'not remain long.bliad to the
. fact.tkisiove was not returned. He sought the
company' of those whose gayety Might lead lm
to' torget the sorrow and despaii of his tiOul.
This shallow joke, however, was ine4itititcto.
ry, and impelled by powerful longing Ali,
' love; be went as tl yto warm his heart by 'a
_strangtatte; '
age e,_ ,
,Kato saw herself . ow In the midst. of a gor
geous desolation, burning with a thirst nn:
conquerable by golden . streams_ that flowed
around her—panting with a hunger which not
ill the food of flattery and admiration could_
appease. -
She reproaches , her husliand'lor deserting
er thus, and he 'answers her with angry and
esperale. taunts of !feceptiou,aud a total look
,rhichr emote her conscience heavily.
_ - 'lrou,dii not care forme," he cried, 'then
y do you domplain that' I bestow elserbeile
affections you have met with coldness f'
But kis lyrong--sinful,' Xate remonstra•
'` tarlicleyalb,.
Yes, Fl noa+ it,' said her hilaband',fiereelyA
"qt the'Oiviiiruit of an evitseed. 'And who
sowed . tbe seed? , Who gave Me' Obarid
out a heart ? Who became a sharer of my
- forfune' i tut - ga-vo-tne-no , shore:of-her.iyMPathy?-
Who devoted mo to, the %to of a loving, - un- -
loved husband? Nay, do not weep, and clasp
your hands, and' sigh and sOt;;,with stich:des
poration of impatience, for fsay notching' you'
do not deserve to 'hoar.' ' •
'Very well,' said Kate. .T.:dp_not say your
reproaches are •andeserTed.' But granting I
am this cold, deceitful thing yoti cell me, you
knovi this state of things.oanuot continue."
'Yes. I know, it.'
.Well ?'
Mr. Wellington's brow gathered darhly
cyes_flueltekwithiloteroainniton;:—hii; lip curl,
• 1-soorn.
hn;e mnde.up my mind,' snit! he,' _!that
we :should" not live . together any longer. I tim
tired of being called ihe.liusband of tbo:splen:
did Mrs. Wellington.. I will move in my eir.
plc, you shall shine in . your% I will place no
re.straint.,an . _ your actions- nor shall you on
mine.. We will be free.',. •
•Bnt - tlio world !—shrieked j(pte. trembling.
,•The woild will
. ad.nire you the • saute—and
what more do you desire ?' aglred bei husband,
bitterly. Alio marrisge_of hands and not of
hearts is monkery.. We have-played the faro
long. enonglt. Yew understand the true mean
ing of thc.terms: husband and. wife ; but do
you know what they mean ? , --Then .
.etiougli;of this mummery. Farewell.. .1 go
to consult . friends about the terms of sepsia 7
tion. Nay, do not tremble and cry, and elihg
to see be liberal.• to you. : As ,
much . of my fortune shall - be'yours as. you de.
Ile pushed her from him. She :fell upon-the,
tt ,‘
tilirivked aloud
•I ; runit !' Frank ! why,llJ iiiend-you-•-'4FUIL
uie ? Why - riUu . l blind until pigbt bruugbtiub
Shq f,ty upon the Punt sobbing and weeping
riaiedotuttely: Gradually . lief grief 'appeortrd
to exhitut-t itself ; her breaching bedtime calm;
cr eyeli fUflI Cheeks dry, ).a , rrlitaid lay
arm, over tier
fled tresses--until, with a blur!, she cried
Trunk oh, Fratik-Livitiiti . hack !'- •
"Here I am." said a soft voice' by her nide.
She- raised her hood.
..She opened her aston•
'shed eves. Frank was standing - before her.
able x'
'Anil dreaming; too, I should say--not pleat
`flatly either.'„, . •
`I hope so replied Fronk, taking her. band.
'You oeuhrtneiiit 'to send me'away from you so
- eruelly; -- I - kinew.-So I waited - In 'youe-fa,tbees
study 'Where I have beeri , talking with him an
, kerkme beak to plead my cause, once
more tiUdfound . you hero where I left you.
- rwir
'Oh! what a horrible dream !' mierutured
• Kato, i rubbinglier eyes. •It wns so like a ter:
ruble, reality that I shudder now to think of
it.—l-thought_twas_marriect!' - •
'And would that',bi. eo horrible t'
Frunk.l_ ..I,,hope thou. you d:ti nut drento you
were tUarried to roe'!"
• ~ •No, I thought I gave niy hand
. without my
hearC. • .
'Then, if you gave - me your hand, it would
not l be without your heart.' '
*No, Frank,' said Kate ;. her ,bright eyes
bearning . happily through hee tears, land heir
it, is.'
• And soon there was a real marriage=--aot
splendid but a happy one- - followed by a - life
of love and contentment; and that was 'the
marriage-of Frank Minot and Kate rale. - ' •
evidence that there fa a Northern feeling ex ,
feting even in the hot bed of the South, the
Herald mentions . ii circumstance that occurred
softie few weeks Since at Columbia; the eapi.
tal of South Carolina An intrainifilTia
wealthy citizen of the place was engaged in
erecting a large edifice, upon which he had
employed both white and slave labor,. While
the work was progressing he one daY foolish
ly and unmeaningly expressed himself in fa
vor of the negro meohanies over the , whites,.
The remarks he made use, of4toon became
known among the 'white' Mechanics of the
town, who are mostly from the 'Northern
Stook witsti such ‘as were in his employ im."
mediately left him to the enjoyment of his
slave labor exclusively,. A meeting , of the
attended by two or three hundred, who became
so much excitri and incensed at the expressions
which the Southern • gentleman in question
had indulged in, that they . maaufsotared au
mgy, intended—to—represent him, and ,after
parading it through the (streets for some time,
gave it a covering of pitch and set ; fire to it
_Some etthe authorities attempted to inter
fere, telling the, mechanics that such' proceed.
Inge were unlawful, but a precedent,. was
cited.--that,of the ,barsing, of the, cffigy of
Senator Sumner in the same place-.—which
wati!llowed to `pass unnoticed by the officers
of the law; which argument proved sufficient
th - krevent any arrests being made. .
• Hon. Josiah Quincy, of Massachusatis, now
85 years , old, and still a young man, baS•puh...
Ih:died the Address 'which lie delivered at Quin
cylaSt_,lun4. It is n,m'ost stifring and able
production, and. we copy the dedication : _
_ ,
_• "The rluestion to be•deeitled at the ensuing .
PreshleatiaLeleetioO, shall henceforth
rule the nation--The-Slawe States or-the-Free
Suites ? All. the aspects
,of ;'pelitical at.
inosphere . indiente au appro
Whether it shall sweep the
foundations, br whether wh` shalkbe prosperotis•
ly..weatheredi-depends--under : ---Ilkaven;:on the
inatt-who-the-peopla4ha-11,chootielt-o-pilot-t-he 1 .
through the 'owning :worm. In my .judguient
iliat man is John Cliarles Fremont. I have
not and never had,. any. •connection with the
party that selected him.• Personally, know .
hiro not ; hut I Lade` refurthe history of his'
life, end I believrhito to - be as much'inarked
out, by providenee fur the pieSent_ exigency of
our nation as Wiishington was fat that of .the
American Revolution.„lle conies from where
great men usually do come, from the -mass of
the. people_
. Nursed in ditfmillties ; Practiced
in-surmounting them ; council ;- -full
of re.sourpee ;, - ,self-posieseed'in --danger k; .fekr :
less and Tditiniost in every enterprise unex.-
• merali ;
.with an intolect clever
ted by nature, and cultivated in-. laborious
fields 4 - 'duty,: I trust he is destined: to save
the Union . from dissolution; to restore the
consiltutimi itseriginai put ity ; and to re
'here •that tittrutimitt IY,tatingtou de
signed far the preservation 'ainl enlargenteut
of FreedOm, from being any longue pieverted
exteiaisivti vt •' •
Tfinesgives an.accout;t of 1111 ascent of Mouitt
Ararat fivt;Elielishruen The ,natives be•
lire feat to be 'impossible, and that the
sutuinit ;vas : guardedby'divine
1t is 17,823 feet atieve the sea level, and ter
minates :41. n precipitous: :snow capped 'cone
-which has hitherto foiled ,ull-ttie attempts- of
explorers. 'Major Iti hers Ste i wart,• who wait
one . Of thi - pat ty, and who Wrifes the ,weeount
liTirfruni El"7 - .tirairo,:ifnt . ea that on reaching.
the top" they struck to the . , -hilt in the snow a
short:don-We:edged sward.- They also thank
tire health of The Queen: •- On this he observes.,
Oiler Majesty's is Probably - ~t he first name
that I111:i been 'pronounced tnt....that
. height since iviiiimuitted by the great :patri
arch of theLumiin ratite,44 cir;ooi4,.,pir.
dition exist!! of the aseent:,httving over been
A; most' shocking occurrence
took place in Fincastle, Vu.. a few nights
since. A gentleman with several motherles
'children, 'arrived at that place, and lu the
course of the night the inmates of the hotel
-were, aroused_.hy_ terrifie_screarne, and ,on tra
cing up the sound found that it emanated
_from the room in whieh. the gentleman and
his children lodged ilrettking the door open
the horrified epectaturs. saw that he watt la-
afing undei
and was in the not of pulling out the tongue
of his youngest child, whom he had taken' to
sleep in the bed with him. lto was immedi=
ately aroused, to see the body of his little
childArendfully bruised and lacerated, and
told those who had awakened him that ho bad
dreamed that some one was taurdeng his
child, and he was trying to resent) i is
agony was said to be indtisaribable. -At the
time the passengers left Fineastie, the poor
child was still alive, but in an extremely poi.
loos condition:
-hearted teacher, will alwitys be welcome to his ,
They;3till_rejo3ee to ree him
the schoolhouse, even if the Witte of study has
not yet arrived, Weans° they know he rejoices
in seeing.them happy, and will not 'interrupt
_amusement before the_regular time. But
the morose and ill natured teacher is eyer'nu
'welcome, and bated by ids eobolars. , Be is
regarded . as . the enemy of their happiness, and
rarely enjo ys the confidence of his school. Oa
the Otter hand, the teacher, eipecially of large
b4s, should not forget the dignity of his.po
fesolon, nor place himself entirely on a
'with hie pupils. - Tbey should be .tatight to
respect, as well sa AO• loveraqd confide in • hits.
Whileritis- proper-that- he-should-mittiess,-!apl.
prove and eontrottlseir,recreations, we • think
- it in general Unadvisable'for 'him to p'artici
'pate in 'then?.. ,
l!tntryr, tr Tntot.—lt is ' related of Thonias
F: Marshall that a Judge having once ' fined
him thirty dollars for lonteniPt of court, he
rose and asked the Judge tojoan bint the Man
tiy ttii and thorp. was ocrerlitid
present to whom he could si well apply tut ,te
his Boner. Tiale- was a etumper. The Judge
looked et Tam:and thettid the shirk, and ft
nallY Bald;''Clerk, remit Mr.lifarithall'e fine;
"the State lit better able to lose- thirty, dollars
than am," •
a. Lattan - ONE.—Barnes. tolls , a goe'd'atory of
the power of the . Philadelphia engineit. In
1850 he was one of the''' Old Dilly" boys, and' .
as such very frequently was honored with t h e.
atreani "down the gutter," which 'attracted
the 'attention of tk'large Newfoundland dog...
The - dog thonght - he would-play-with the stream ----
and commenced•biting at it. Just here Barnes .
got ,a good shot at him, and sent a full stream
down his threat/and with such force that it
passe& clear thr6ugh the: quadruped. Here
Darnos_was ( requested to " raise the stream." - .
Ile did so, and up went the dog, too.. He
deavored to slide . down but it was .no , go.
Every time Lo gained en inch he ,lost a feet
At lastbfili) boys were drcleredlo stop playing.,
They, 'obeyed erders,,-When-dcitn-cemo-the-deg-
from a height of some f ( ;vty The vrtn!......
meat he struck the grml ‘ d, he put for home, -
with a velocity that could not have been ifi
creaSedhad you fastened a, Dutch oven and
eight pie pani to his tail:
TIMBk.:9T POLITICAL Jogs YEr:---yho Rich.
mond Equir,er has a cOrrespolident who pro-
poses that in case Coi. Freinont is elected, the
Legislature willbe at once convok'ed, end that
their very first net will• be, an act making the
retaining or accepiing of office under theGen
erul Guvernmenti_afier lie ' . 4th of .M arch next,
a misetneanur," pun she w tioe_olualess _ -
than five hundred.nor more than five thousand
dollars., and by imprisobment . for a, term of
not lestr.than lour,--nor-tuoreAltan-eight-yeariP,—
This is aublimely, ridiculoutt,! All the laws_
ever enacted . could "not keep the - F. •F. Nye '
`from . •flucking to Washington- after' Office,
should Fremont be elected. - For our own-part----
wewould like to gu halves with the,- wag who
propOsed„a tun of one eent•on every individual
tlio responsibilities of gtiverunient, witb any,
MACY erected President—were it ,Werniall
lips or Giirris u oven !
DEATIi Or A FAST Houss.—The:Milwaukie
Wisconsin; tel . 's of a horse that recently died '
iu Oregen, 111, Ile was very ugly and 'would
not be harnpssed ;
.under thomaddle. co.uld
twtke 114ciuld pass over.' . .
'll2 miles in 12 hour's,' Ills' usual timer, froni, H __
Oregon to . Hockford, 23 miles,. was two. hours.
The doctor_who Owned him, and who alone - •
c,ould ride him, :has licen heard to'say, that
.during .years past, he has ridden hint up'. ,
wards of tWe;ty thousand
: Mlles and that du
ring all this tittle he was never known to trip
4 stumble,'so as AS airiest the. rider's- atter'.
don, Ho was savage, because he was former
ly a wild horse on the plains of ArkanisS.
AirAt a ball in Wheeling, on Tuesday, a
lady *as iu an embarrassing ' position. Her
skirt was torn, and
,a whalebone thrust out into
the ci'rereln n very thileemly mannerci-,,,The
lady coolly took hold of the artiild, dreiv. it
from her drees,-and walked to the' door,
threw it out, and kink the cotillion
just in time to •forward :and back..'' Al.
though her-diltss
That lady would walk up to the_cannon'e
mouth, or to the a4ar, -without fear or trent
. • •
i t er Andrew Jitoksou was once making a
stump speech'imt west, is a
_small village.—
Just as he was ; _concluding, Aims Kendall.,
who sat behind him, whispered, 'em
little Latin, general. They wail be content
ed without it." The ma n of thn..iron will, in
stantly thought upon theft)" phrases be knew.
and in a voice of thunder, wound up , by
claiming, "-EAUW6us anum-4ine. qua noa-4
Ice plus ulir . a—tuultuns is parpo." The eirect,_
Was tremendous, :and the Hoosiers' shoutV
could be heard for miles. ' • ,
WATJEING ON TUN ' W.Ailszt.i--,Large crowds'
have beezt o attracted at Paris .to witness, s
man walking' on the river Seine. He liad,
foot- - iura - smail — triatigelarbos, seouret3r.—
fastened with straps around his legs, and in
hisliands he carried a long balanbing pole,
similar to those, used by rope -dancers, ex—
cept that at each end ' was attached s large
inflated bladder. When gettintoff his hale
awe, he dipped the cud of the pole, and the,
resistance caused by the.blaoer touching the
water restored Elan to -
Alt:9LITIONI8T8 1/01% liIIPITANAN-:—Thelro has
been a ' large aoceesion of iholitioniste, in New.
England , and elsewhere to 'the' cause of Mr.
Buchanan... 'William Lort.i.Clarrison, Parker
Pilletiury,Wendell:. — Phillpir-these are the
jewels whio ~ t th 6 Bemocra to party is adding
to eta treasures, nod the Anti-Slavery Stan),
fwd. of Massachusetts, and Anti , Slavery Bu.,
.gle; or .ohio are' noir co-Workers with the,
Washingion'Bnion, Itiebmoud . Enquirer, Ohio ;.;;
Statesman nod Cinohinati Itiquirer.
• ..
s t
leX. Tlte - .l;kted AS lore room in •it _tittqt
..• ~..... • • •
peopie.thielti It 7 would fernieh the Ittpiri-
18,.Tying a mackerel to'your oust toil and
imagining yourself Slibale is one of the first
lessons in codfish