Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 17, 1856, Image 1

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    ---- A 14
....._, . .
The CA111;ISLIf ariI:ALD 'I:I - published weekly on'a large
aheet,"contnining,;Foivik uottnaas,, and furnished to sub
, (ir.lnerti at the rafe of sl..u/ 9f paid strictly lu advance;
. $1.76 if paid a ithill the .3.eitr; or $2 in all cases when
•nlyment is Mo,i, eduutil nfter-the-eaph.tiou of ;UT
year. No slib - soriptimis received for a. less period than
.SIX incnths, And . none discontinued - until all tuTearages
are paid, un i , option_of_the-publisher. -rapers.
-___se.alhatit._aubseriboritzliviitg--outhf Cumberland - county
utust he paid (v.. in mi calm:4 Grille payment assumed
• - by stone resPonst Ida parson living In Cumber/and couu
- V- 'lliese terms will lio.rigidiy adhered to in all oases.
- .
, .
Adyertisenteats . .u.lll° Liu charged' $l.OO per 81111111 , 0 o
twolyo hues fyr .I.llret) insertions, and 2 cents for cacti
subsequent iIISOUG/Ull/ All advortisenients of less than
twelve 1111118 :is a square, , Thu following rates
will lie charged air 'quarterly, halt Yearly. and Yearly
advertising: „ „
3 610ntlis. 0 Mouths. 12 Nolitha
(V.:1 1 .068,)• $3.00 • '56.00 • $B,OO •
"" . • ..5.00, 6.00. 12.00
~ •, - - 'B.OO , /2.00 16.00
. 12,00 2000 '30.00
- 25.00 35.00 • 45..00
anent; ipserted before Marriages and Deaths,
8 colts per line tor taut luSertioni trod 4 cents per line
tbr subsequent littiortimis. Communications omsulijects
of-orAntli ialinterQt - wlll:ttit - eliaiSgedj6=ce tits.
'' not bO responsible - In -
ages for errors in :tdcertiscnionts: Obituary notices not,
.6m - coedit% rive lines, will be insorted without, charge,•
• ..
ingest and iie I. , oloplete establishment in the county.
Tliroo good anti . a' general variety of materiel
. mated' for Nei it ...nd 1.,10- work of every kind, enables,
us to do Job Printing at the shortest notice and on the
utost reasunabin terms.. Persons lu-wsdlt of liills,Blittaks
or anything- in.. he - Jobbing line, will, find it their in ,
torostlo give An; TWory - Tsriety of I.IIANKS - eon-
Stantly on hand:
ill'. Al/ letters oii business must be post-paid to se
cure attention.
40 - 00 . '"
OINT - •
of Cuulborlaud : .
Grand and o;.:onsive sale of . '
• • .ItEAli ESTATE, ke. • , ,
Tbd.proceeds altlic sale to Liu devoftal to s liquidating..tbe
Debt;of the It} , lil a to. '
• -
Uuparallod :Toot:lmlay to buy a valuabl hook, I,•
boron a Eliaci , lc•lder iu ifincli valuable property. -
'IOfIIIIONS, rat 61.1) 0110 Dollar per ropy—lileven Books
for TeuDullack. Ilietiiryytofthe.lornlonsis
byLfar.t he 171(oht e.torate, d o work_ wo _have_ of .
order thatl-every2 person may ,
• beeotuo a ziharclo.lder, tbo price of a -Book and l'ertitb
alto Of Mintibo....liip of tae Association will be only $l.
Tlitt,,f,le.tificate outitle•tlie Liiidor to eth 'interest
t he following
• • . 1 A 1,1: A BLE REAL ESTATE, de,
1. VALUABLE. 15.,11',1ti./VED FARM, • • $4,60(
. With all necessary Out•buildi ego, situated •In
. Cumberland V,alley, max Nuwville,coutaluing
• 125 iteres. .
• 'Adjoining the above, containing 125 acres.
:, • - Ofsho acres each, situated lu 111i01in township,
'' • Cumberland county,
-2 VALUABLE 1 . 1518EK LO'CS, • • 3,000
Of 26 acres each. • . --- _
• -2 Story and Brick- Building, adjoining the'lla •
• on the west. • •
3 ItIOLILY 1M i'IIWED OUT•LOTS, ' . .1,500
~:A• ." Of over'3 acres each, within hall a into ofNew • ' •
—‘•-•-'-- --vino,- Ili:4500 elleh. G.
-. INO INK. al Id per o.der, -
------- IgAtiNtllleiliVr -- ini4.,11 - IVOOD-PIAN(); -
1.,....__..Pr0in- the..c.elebrl4l-lactory of.-114m-linabo-1-
• ' .00,11sitimorti. • . .
' .. 1. Superiork"iedevii. - - _ _ •'
. 2 Splint idl/ uuti ug C1L:39.001d Levet' ll'atches. et
„.„).." p MUM Hunting Case Gold Lever iVatclies, at_.
$Bl - 50, . .
- : 6 Splendid Hold 'Witches, at $5O e.kcli, . • -
16 splendid Laclies''Llold Watches, at $5O each, •
-0- ' 10 One Silver 1, Watalnis, ats26 each, ._ .
12 " '" ~Ilniclms. at $2O each, .
'.15 superior Parlor Clocks, at $8 each, • , .
. 60 , .a. - gothic ," , . .- S - • • • -
60 ' " — Cottage 0 . 3 ,
s?, 4.wrsallent faintty Clarriage {latent style),
• --.1 -" itcckaway, ". • I . • '-,
1 ' et , 'Pop Buggy,. ' . • •
1 excellent Sprptg Wagon, • • .....„.
1 superior TWO-horst, Road Wagon,
. 2 sate Splendid ilariiess Oliver Mountitig), ' ' .
2 'extra Spani-M s`'addles •;" . . .. . •
2 superior Walnut-SofaS',
1 magnificent iit4i Table, . • . ,
' 2 " ' , Deessing bureaus, •
1 .splendid •- e slmroterY,
4 Dining.Tanies (extra Cherry), •,
, . ...
' 4 Bedsteads; • -.' •
2 sate Chairs, at $l5 per set, • •
3 Imported Caipets, '2O yards each, s2o.per piece,
'2 lloatomade Carpens, extra, each at $2O per '
carpet,. -. , •
8 Parlor Staves, at, 116 each,;
2 Orders for Sells iiisekr Clothes, at $3O each, ,
• 2 , t --- . . Silk. liresses,.s3o each, - .
$ ." , Clothing, : 16' . • .
10 ". Betc,6 -
. 'l2 " Bouts,' - ,
; ' 0 , -
12 "; " ' •Gentlonon's Shoes, $3 60 each, . , '
- •
I'2 '•-.; ' (itters, 400
---- 127 -14- --- .7 IZtqlelf - Sittids; 7. ' ' ..2 vo -
100;Gold Pencil:, at $2 met, ,
s': -200 Gold VeAs; at '.n . UU dash,
'lOO ltdteS 4:-.•tOrte'd 4 , triunory,at $1 00 each, ,
40 copies Well.l,i,n au Miscellaneous Books, ut $l6O .
each, -' . • r . ,
16 Ladles' A/butrei at 's2 each
, 's2 , each,
WO pieces I.' ,, pnlar Music, . 152
This, ASsoci,„Jim - r - ia -founded • upon honest and kir'
-principles. - 1 , ..,..-11 1‘,,,,k pUrchaser gets the value of iiis
,hgenity in the ! ! , ,,,is,, and on account of the great Lumber
Sold, beconies s, chat elioldor in • mush valuable. pro
perty. A ,certlficate viii be presented to each book pur
- • chaser, malt!' ups: chi,-holder to au Interest in the above
-- valuable Pr.Tort,v-. As soon as till - lin - eke are all sold,
,ucitioe wi/1 1 , . '4iven -to the tilirekhdldersi and a canyon
-' - Con - trill be ii,:l..l:bL sewville, at the institute's' Ball;
when a Com mit t...• alit be chosen; to when the pro
party will ln. .1e:11 mud, tb be . distributed among the
- sh4reholders. ~A II Lie articles that can, wilrlin-exhibi
ted at: the instlinteil Fair; on the 12th df -August.:
. From,tlie vo-,y ti. , .l...eriug inannor'in which this Joint
StocrAsseciation is rereivorand patronized, and from
the number of t
...;,...:ta, already aold, It is confidently be
lieved that tb..1..r-perty ant' be dellveredlo the share
- --holders - inoontlis.:-.Por-thecharacteraf-ttur"-lito-
SPRING 1,11TP . .A i .'.e IN vriturs," and) those connected with.
it. we are permitted to- refer to the following gentle..
, -
flom_Jas. Follockifilov. of Penn's.
LOU. Thadd h iv Stevens Ganemn'ef.
. Hon. Fredorkk
Cou.,,Var/lele. ' ,
SeuatorAirm. II„ 1t"olan , York:
ilon.-Win. F. X,: ortayi !Lard/adult.
Wm. Knabo ,t Co., Baltimore. '
WM. J. EilLearer, Pro's, Att'y;
up; Ougnmon &boo's.. ,
John W. Brandt'. Fag:, - •
Boyer & .Brott.tor, 1 / 1 '
nn—A.ll. ordersior 800 8 and Certificates, by mall,
ebould:bo addrusscil to: , , . 1 ''
, • Spring LlterarrinstitsiteP
.NewilUe, Cumber/and 00, Pa:.
AGENTS IVA N T * lel:el/err; Town and Vllln~ ~ (ee to
the Ili, bbtelrhattiscriptlons for Books, to'
whore A liberal roinuandotttttillre given:' . All L,etters
or.lnquiry/ a.;5: Impatiffr f t by ~ ,E9Segt! Et l "nPi wW tie.
pruiptly . nrain „. •
th 36. , • ,
;• • VP
ltte01:1).. a' collection of ,Nentipaper‘Faets. and
tattitlie,.retital 1,11401 CUMPIet.O Of ..liitiapapent fu
tlai United Statas, „ Canad* mit The
.only the ititid'ln the irbild; An luval•
- tiabletiesistant to th e- ndiftt ,Bo ok . .Publtitheir anti Geri:
oral Advertiser.- t3vo. 200 p . ,
.On retteipt it ' l4ll 'Ptainuitententill,- ia any
y, HiiTß
rul•llu.t re I\ii.'B3 nook et;',l t illltidelpnie„
trirEdlters intwriing the above Mine tuontlia,e,n4tla
editorial roterparw, .and sending :pagan of the:pitPar.
,vordfl to tbe,abovoadreas;vvill rebol4leopy'.,t4,-„tho,
~rral~ ~C ~~~u~iPur.
'-_P-~IQ'NSY- t L~AIjTIANS, = REbD-!~
.• . .
What .Soutki-n 'Bu ch a int Papers shit,. of
IsiOrtherit,Formers and. Workingmen'!
The , ltichinond Examiner, a leading Demo
erotic Taper in.Virginia.and one of the' most
ardent supporters of Buchanan,..holds the fol
lowing language: • '.•
Until. recently,-the defense -of Slavery-has
labored under. great_ difficulties,' !Amuse '_its
apologia's, (for they' were mere apologistS,)
took half way • grounds,;. 'They .confined .thw
defrnce:•of - Slavery to mere •negro slavery
thereby . givinvap BiitArPry,
witting other forms. or SJaiery to-he .wrong_
The iiiiTe - of dire -ow e ve'r, kif - elia - icge - d - , -
The t h now maintains , that . Slaventj is right,•
tit:Mica and ilecessory, and does not depend upon
difference of The laws of the
Slave States justify the holdinekt NVIIITE MEN
in -Bondage "- • , . .
The Charleston Standard. n leadlitg. Bache.
Imo paper in South Cortilino: says:
• ---
. *. Sitivt;ry is-the•nattlial and, tiornini , optiar.
tint? of the laboring .iticti... whetiitir lv . tin or
black. The great evil tilKortlieerr, ee society
- is7ttnt - it-is-burdened-withrir--s. ,t/e-oltese---of
m nen NIOS and LABORERS, ti ii
,for eel/ govern
iiiint, ntl yet clothed wi thy Otributes end
power of citizens. •. laStor and Slave itt u re
lation in society I necessary as that of . poTent ,
and child ; at the Northern 'States, will yet
have Cu ,intrialtice it. Their theory •of free
govritufetit is a delusion." • .... • . .
~.-"Ke'ltielanoud Vu., Inquirer, 'Buchanotes
confidential organ, speaks' nit follows : •
Repeatedly have we .naked the. North;
Has not the-experiment of
.universal *liberty
e,, k 1 I,E,D ? A T v rvit - Tim.rvi to_of * __r_tto: somprr
INSCEPERAHLE ? Slahio Lot mostiltitikingmett
men among you progusp of aolmerl and recott±
, street IV? Still - tio,:enswer. Tat*Titittnity si
Iliiiiiii is onoilier:76iteltialve proof, •adtled .to
'mealy other conclusive uvillenco*we have fur
niqted, omi:rev-roc/sty in the . long.--ran is --an
- trupracticable.fortn.ef society ; air everywhere
stowing, demoralized; and insa - :rcetionaly. ir e ,
repent, theit,Altat-poliuy-!lnd humanity `,dike
Ad/id th e exteasson of the evils of free sc.ciety tti,
tient people and coining generations. Two•
opposite and conflicting forret; of society * cau•
not, among civilised men, 02-ealst,and endure.
The one must give WitY'Atitrianaii" . .e exist
the other beceme.tiniveroaL.:Afiret seeiely be,
unnatui al, imtisortal, - unitiristion,. it Most fall,
:and give, way to a elave .society---a social ve
lem old tie the-world, UniVersal-as_mau.'!„- --,,,,,:-.,
The Illusogee . .(4a..) Herald,another; .oiii,
. : • cl •n
charm organ says; ... .
" Free society :, we. eicken, of, the name.
Whatds it but a otinglomeraticn - of - animal
,F . .AItMEIIS:, and moon-struck THEORISTS? An
1 the Northern and especially the. New England
Status are devoid of society ..fitted,- for .well ,
bred gentlemen. The prevailing , ohms .one
meets with is that of mechanics struggling to
be-genteel, and smell farmers, who dq their
own drudgery; end yet who ore hardly fit for
1 usetiointion with a Southertgentlentati's body
ireeriter--- This' is'your free - society which 'the'
Northern hordes are endeavoring to extend-in--
to Kansas.':' a. * ' '
The South Side*. Democrat, of Virginia,
whose editor was supported by the Democrats
1 - for Clerk of •thellouse of Representatives_ot
the present Congress,- pitches into - everything
Free after the following style .
. . .
....* We havegot to hating everything with
,the prefix moo, from free negroes down and
.up - through the - whole camlugue—free farms,
1 free.labor,lree society, free will, . free thitik
ing, free CGlidren•sanil„free Elphool.tall be'.
longing CIS the same brood' of. damnable isms,
But the worst of all these abominiitioneisthe
modern aystenuof ran .soutuois.. ' The New
England system of free achoule* has been the
and treason' 'that - have turned' • her cities.
into Sodums and GoMetrahs, and her land
into the-common nesdingplaces of howling
Bedlamites, . We.abominate ilte.iyatetn, because
the s - c ttool,B Altu,'rttia."
The • Alabama ~Mail,' in 'epeaking .. of .the
shooting of the Irish waiter by that • dietia
. • 1
.guishell-Democrat,.P.'T. Herbert,. says . 1
.. .
-.---" It -ii -gettl4, Hine 'lbet - weitora at the
North were convinced thit they are sereiriti
acid not ! gentlemen' in disguise:. We' hope
thie Herbert affair will-teach them prudence.":
.'The Washingtoniflnioni the-national. organ.
of Mr. Buchanan, that the: free white
ha:losers of Aeneas
• Aro a IIBIWABL* -11144411.111 TED BABB Lli
. 4nvebeen transfused 4ke'so MANY CATTLE,
to that . •
..Efeoator Butler of S. C the unele:-ef the
gollati4 nepheyr , that„nosnillted. Charles.' Suark
1, That.nien ,have no to tote unleen
they are , poermoood: of properly an required
'uy llib - coristitulion'of - Eltkutb.Clirollrin 'There
no rnan - iiin•vOti ifulelr"Ate' Owns less' nerves,
-er-rettleatate-to the-vaiVryof !en:thousand -dol
Ia tho abovo, valuate we have 4. full and
cooiplote enoeitioa of 1! Demooraoy" as held.
• ,
-:-:- . - - -A i r-,:p:i.1.1 . - : i-:fit . -r...-t,t; -,i:l,:it. - eit:'yJt . ,,:::
" 51r. President, •as it 'has been argued in
I support of this bill, that one of the good ef
fects will be TO REDUCE THE WAGES OF
LABOR -IN -THIS COUNTRY-=mechanical,
manufacturing, agricultural, and all 'others, of
course—l-have considered it material and im
portant,to inquire to what extent -- this reduc
tion _was takaplacts.-__ These_ wages, we are
told, must come down to the specie atanaard ;
and we have been referred. to Germany and
.Holland, ara other .kuropean countries, as vx•
aroptes of bard money currenoieu,_and the
cheapening effects of such currenoiee upon
Wages. * * * 44. *
" I 6 France, yearly wayea for an able bodied
man range•froat 48 t0'260 shillings, and day
laborers get in, that country from 4i to . 16
pence per - day, and vrbenever - they get as much
as 5 pence, they have to ftud themselves,. In
Germany wages are still lower, and ~range by
the, year tietween 52 . and 100 shillings, and
day laborers , receive from 41 - to 7 pence per
day, and Sucl„thaselves in foOd. In South
Holland, farm hands get by the year from 200
to 260 shillings, and day laborers from-8 'to
4 pence per day,' and are found: And so , on,,exata- 7
ins, will see that,' n all these countries Which
are•held Up to: us as such bright examples of
hard money constries—France Germany, Neth
erlands, halt—wages by 'the year for
bodied sound, healthy. men, nowhere exceed.
280 ihilllngs; and in many instances, fall, as
low ai 40,50' and 80 shiliings, and the daily
wages range from 8 to 9 and 12 peace--riaieg
in *napless: and one only, to 20 pence, end Me
laborer Aldinehirnaefl -What a commentary
,.npon the bard moneypolicy!, What hope, is
there for a man born the eon of poor _ parents
ever to better • his' tiondition ? What ,-ray of
hope is there to stiunilate hiat-to exertion ?
None, none!. •He who is there born a peasant
at the plow tail, and all that the longest life
of 'laborious toil can proem:it' for them is
coarse and actinttmeans of aubsietence." '
Henry Clay took , the debate, and .
denounced them:theme which 'Mr. Buchanan
-advocated - as•= AN--AATOWBO--POLIOY
Was succeeded by ;I• honest /oho Datie;. of
Jtia,elaohueette,•who cltad_a• nudge orlditiatics
thsbow that the, average ofitie '" real prices
Ihrobanati wanted the Worth of Atierloatr in-'
dustry reduced to, waslesti than TEN CENTS
WED.:\ 'k,SDAY, _ SEPTE,IIIBIijt 17, -,1856.
r by these who control the eo.called' . demooratic .
'party of the South These extreetit are not
Wont the writings Id speeches of obscure
tnen,. but from those - olcnien whb hate
mnnrlirig_ 40_4 arty_i—yea_friun_
men whe:control and t6ect the pafty iu every
movement. • •" • •
'We ask . eN;ery earnistthieking.num to con
eider well these things before he casts his
Vote. We ask the farmer in the
inechanio in his yorkshbp nod laboring men they'ean enderim such .democ as laid down . by: the — loaders; 'sand as
Bnchanan's Ten Cent Doctrine.
. . .
On the 231 of,Janunryi.-1840,. Mr. Buchan
:ln addresSed nn•nrgument to tke United_ States
Senate/ of which yo was a member, •in which
among 'utter )tinge , he skid •
" In .giteunny, iyritere,ourreney is purely
rnetalltXtlie ow.t. of e . rrrythittg• is REDUCED
STANDA ItD, n ',Toe of
Xpatteletb onn be martufHotnir t r b.r jfifty „doe.-
,lore.:the mann fn et u re_ot- w Welt- ill-it t it , aua l iti
,• 4 ,
,•.rotu tie expansion- vapor currrney,,
Coat one hundred dollars *-
Wunl4 to Itelml.l ili4t I could arouse the alert,
- rtnn - of evety rrmnrrfocitrrrrm-thr uutirri—on-thi.
it suijest.
* * *. # * *
Whatis the 'reason that, with nil :those
edvatititt' es Mid with the protective - duties
which our' lime nfford to ttie domestic tetanti:.
facture of cotnoi,--we cannot. obtain exclusive
possession of the hone market, and MICCVSN
fully contewl for the.tuarkets of I,;e. world'
It is Simply liecntise we ninnutociure nt the
nominal Prices of our own iodated currency,
inol are compelle I to sell utohe reel prices of
other nottion.s. REDUCE OUlt NOMINAL
-To TfiEI—REA 61' A N - 1 - /A - R1.1, - -01" -- l-'1 - 11117.:8 -
* • 4 . .4+ * *
• '! The eMnpurative LOW PRICES of-Frnime
eml Ciernmay hove offered eMeli n 0.1111U4118 tti
their matrafuctures•tleitt they ere 'port tapitlly,
ex le tid t
eteriutt,Thitt tin Puin 1 I 'egret, even of, the Eng,
lieb home market, if a were not for • their pro
tecang dunce."'
Labor is the chief element- of cost in manu
ficturieg, from the , maktug of watch:Tripp,
up to ' looomotlietr.'` - ,;.Thet,,price of raw tumor of mall comparative consequence.
Tlwnext •day Mr.. Merrick, of Maryland b
made a searching exhibit of the ruinous In ,
fluenhe upon. the. workingmen of the United
,Statql of the adoption of the policy which Mr.
Buihauaa-1(t - id so strongly urged. In
~ the
course of Lie speech Mr.. Merrick said :
Struicxxu- Punsifitwittir.—A . wealthy far
suer named Sitnends, - residing suite twelve
tithes from ,Newburgh, ou the Hudson river,
**had a presentment". ten
,yearn ago, that", he
would die on ft. ~ 20th. of August, 1866, - Ife
eet it down as a flied. fact,- selected a spot
for hia grave, bought an iron fenee . 'fur it, a
fine ton,fbatene and an elegant coffin, and had
everything in readiness for the solemn event.
On the day flied tor the event, he bad a , tiler
-gyauuranti-i-sex tOU-Ilt-handiate-a-fieltry
dinner with hie (Wends, and weal to bed '"to
the. lie diAhts best,' but hia,gbiest would not
be gie e o up, tud .lie now coutenses his ludi
crous folly.
-- BAD'. Pili.ROEDNNTS.—Buo,hanan hat been,
tioeking 'the nomination for'tife - Prealdeurey for
about - ivietity-two years. lb 1836 he waa
reeudiated- by hialartylort y•ti-Bureni'ands--
he was att.asidis 'again for Viinpureu iu'lB4o;
11 2 _1844 he_wita Auxneti off %for: Polk; - in-1848
for Ciao, *nut in 1862 for 'Pion% Anil nowt;
in 1866, he laa•heili uontinated only to he de
footed. '4 pretty hard lot for the !Ad gentle-
. a
t. 1
Lettere'reveoting the existence of a Fre
mont party at the South are becoming numer
ous in the Northern papers. Verbal intelli
genecATO- the-same rifficTiiiftirnishen
. . • -
ern gentlemen travelling North. flare 'is a
case of thV latter kind mentioned by the Cin
cinnati Commercial•:— .
-" An intelligent gentleman from Mississippi.
-has for some days past 'heenAn this city . ; who
is a wenn Fromonter, manifesting an interest
in the election that would - warm the bosoms
And stiffen the upper lipsfof some . of the faint
hearted of the North.
.I.le says that the men
of.the'South who favor Fremont are nunier
,otis, but that they dare.not make an organized
Movement to give force to•their sentithents,,as
-the dominant - opinion--is - fiendishly - intolerant.
lie mentioned-that -he knew; .pe . rsonally,' one
gentleman -in Virginias aLvery-wealthy-citizen, -
.11.nd the owner oftwo hundred' slaves, who' is
an open and•drdent advocate of the election of
Fremont; his-wealth and= social .position pro..
tecting him in the. enjoyment of freedom• of
speech—giving him the especial privilege• of
talking - as -
7 A &five holders wfitesa Iqug letter to'' the
Ncis fork I)ai/J.TinStr, from' Atulanto, Gear- -
ght, emphatically endorsing the nomination of
Fremont and Dayton, and - enressing an
he is a permanent resident of Georgia, .owns
a - doten 6lav,eB, was burn in a.elave State,
slues not believe the people of the North" wish
to deprive him'of his property, regards slave
ry no tfilything, else than a blessing, thinks
the whole White race'would, be happier and
better with Out it, and thus speaks of the (Ws!
tence of a Fremont party at the South:
•• And,as to the turtling of a Fremont party
in every slave State, I do not hesitate to say
ease,-if-mokis wire. Out
of theway. - And it-could be done, it' necessa
ry, in spite of mobs. A few brave hearts
"could-do-the-work-anywhere. - Bet; -misrepre
,sosited as FrenioutThas been, I will not 'say
dial he - could get the electeraf vote of auy
slave State. Yet it is beyoud all doubt that
he could gerthousands of the people's votes
--isi-rery-ones-of-t liese-States. I iv itt-g.
then ' Iwill nay that in twelve months from
now there will be Republican party_iu eve
ry Southern State. Such a party will not be
based upon hostility to the veited rights of any,
man or any class of men. It will have rot its
Lobjecit. tlwintrodustimi Among-flour people, --of
fraternal Teenage towards their fellow citizens
of every seution, acid of a system of national
Towss.—The unctimity among the
vovore in many of ; the towne in Vermont, "at
the recent election in favor of Freedom, woe
at once remarkable and worthy of all patine.
Lbok at the votee in a tow, eclectod at ran
dom,;-- • ,
Republican. , Buchanan':
Ferriaburg, 100
Lineolu, 101
New Haven,.. 146
Bborehatn, 144
Rupert,' ••186
8t George, 25
Weettord, 213
- Elmore, • - 12
leueou, • 143
Obitteutien, 99
Clareedon,. 211
Ira, - 89
Mt. Holly, • . 218
Tiutuoutb, 108
Wistou,'• 165
Twouty-nitio in 8%114 thirty inlayer of tge
Right! So much for. free schools, • and !hi
generai — tiifilleiou of iutelligetkoe autoag the
MINIM We'll•be bound the people iu that
quarter do their own thinklug.
' By the arrival of the New York steamship
leorge Law, we have news; from CalifbrPla
' • • g—later,--Tlie—last—date'
Francisco is the 20th of August. Tho steam: \
or brings $1,00,00 in gold. In San Fran
aise!) the:Vigilance Co . mmlttee still remained
n power, but had ' released Judge Terry un- ,
! mditionally. On tha'lBth' of Aug. the Com._ .
mitte had a grand review ottheir forecOvhen
let ween four and live thbusand well appoint-'
ati troops were under arms ThetommittPe
iitd riot . officially disbanded; but it was .urKler
ioa-d--_-that their' functions, ended with the:. re.
vis - w. The companies, we're, retain . their
timer and the - Committee would reassemble in.
pole of necessity, The. King testimonial (mid—
'mounted to $30,000 'A Diamond
',iprings destroyed half a million-doilais worth .
,f property:. A band of robbers attacked a -
rage. full of passengers, and containing $lOO, •
100 . in •treasure, mite way from Camptanviße
t lemielyes'bravely.," and beat off the robbers,
• hough one ivoinan,wati killed . and. several
assengere.hOly wounded, -The Republicans ,
field a State convention ni Saciamento,on the
:7th ; and nominated. Presidential", elechirs,
- nombers of Congress ; &a. •
. The Alta California says, much dissntisfac-
ion has been felt 'amongst the - people 'bore.
the result .of_iferhert'a:trial in Washington;
:nil should 110 be finally acquitted, and return
• i .• this Stiite; - there• telling what shape
! lie feeling might take, in making itself maul
rest. The indignation. against our former
-finif):y-no--meatits- abated
riih the banging of a few culprits, who,
._tver-dettervineir_fate, are coming to be .
• .egartled as the too s of the.. more designing
aid 'successful .politicians, who, have triode
heir escape. This feeling is deepening every
lay, and it mightittot•be altogether •sata for ;
'tome, Who have,*;upied even thlt s higliest ex
.cutivePosition in . the State, to ettcounteti. it,.
• lost now. One of our eepovernors may_ be
:•egarded in the light of a fugitive front ; ins-.
-ioe, indietMents woi crimes •hriviri . g - been
• . ountLasoinst - hint shortly after2he left the
itate ;quid, if. /maim be true, the prisence of
.notlier is
: by no 'means desirable—perhaps
.calld•not • be totert — illitr-. — fiy an_ injured — and 7---
, utraged.people.
- l CHIC flu, Sept. 12 —One hundred Free State
, eldgees arrived
_yeSterday at St. Louis, from ..
&anima. - They were mistly destitute,, having
i eft all behind them. They state that a large
~. ,
autulier of f Liniliee had taken refuge at Fort,,
ueuveuworth. They also bring a report that
L number of Women and=children, belonging
c J, FEee State families, were kill ti at &run;
cgir'i Creek, on Wednesday, the ad instaut.
private advices -received from Kansas City
LinioullOtla Abut, the Free State party uuder ------
f Col Lune, .was about to atutott:Weetpurt, - Kau. •
sae City and Independence. It as also report
-d-thut the-Fres--State ; men had, surrounded .
i bleu. Richardson's tureen to the north, of Law-
I ranee, uud cut tiff hie retreat.
1 Governor Geary laud arrived=at Leavenworth
1 .ull held a consuttattou with bleu. Smith: . lie
I .youlti. proceed , to Latiren
n e in the -l ours° of a
'The St. Louts Itemoorat 'of . yesterday 411-
ionuceit that Gen. KuMartluou had benu taken
i oristmer by , the Free State men, by whom he 4'
1 ~ad ;been surruttuded north of Lowrance - 11 e
vas curried' beton) Col. Vane; Who .restored
tie arutstand Sort hinkback under au escort.
Jett Smith has seut.four oumpautee to Leas
; atiteuritt to lautersti-the town. lu the meau
', 4bile, Col. Louie remains at Lawrence, anti
! .be taunt reliable reports declaye that he hag
,; ,ap-isiteution to leavediis present position.• • -
- '
-A New PziN rog A.-Uxxos Eracoron.Al.Tacic,:
r.r.—Let the Fremont and Fillmore men select,
' Y 5 electors in common, and then let tbe:Fre ,
moue; men choose a 27th to be placed 414.'00_ .
head of the IX, and the Fillmore 'men clause
inether.27th to he.abso pieced at the head of
oiretJem 44. ueututan,• the whole t. be
tv AV itit: Eleotoral vote between
;., velment or Et. e., as ludic:443d by the 27th_
the beau of rue respective ticket*
',,owever, by dividing the olootoresitthis
State it *hyoid become - evident that neither
Fremont nor Fillmore coati/ be eleotod,and if '
4tiot:eover by uniting the electovvi either 'upon
Fillmore of - FreuiOnt, cue or the other of these
be elected, thou and that' caeu the
elector* to be pledged to.caist thtUr united vote
our that luau vvnu.altall have the lucent nuat- .
tier of tdeotore iu all the ottier-*tatee coin- •
-hat otjectlon_can.latiy_eincur _opptiou o
I' the iliticiuuti platfortu have to sigh A
jßy this course both diviciorko Of the opposition- •
Jail vote their. sentiments Without
• l ute/mentor any princifio, and all can we*
. aarinoulouel,y sod itfeettiely Cur the deliver. "
4 .face -of the tiountr,f i leaus the natoldvevata, .
I which threaten it in l t he irrgat Of ilk, i,sucoomf,
If the party cio4tiae brought_ us, 4 ,
• brink of gird vier, haus routa
i Bychiailis candidate nwAy and `willing
adopt gold endures all thaw* etiandaloue out-,
rages upon, the rights .tift,(k .illiertitie of* tree
people.; willatt Uses madts . the &agent Nati,onal •
Adenuiereation lute:mons throughoue:,, , the
• •
- ,
' of Nattituaro, sittempted; last
Tw it a,y night, to hold a meeti n g to tonal.
Ul t ra it Fremont Electoral l'irkeiter.Maryiand,
but mean broken up aims OW' the ••
orowerif men and boye;- who famed
Eller waY Inte.the room and drove ant thalte.
publitans,_ Meagre. Oeobrane, 'Clutason end "
bteredirb, the prinoipai parties to the meeting,
tore chased bytbe crowd for several atotesea,
,14 were Gamily , compelled to turek — reln - ge to at'
tikiire freer their 'pursuers. Several persons
#trlcsoleed through the back wind Owe of the