N 0 C)e _ CARLISLE _PRODUCE MARKET. , .[REPORTED FOR THE lIF.RALD.I (lomat, WeduiLsilv, September 10,.1856. Flom! Sopei floe, per bbl. , 4; 6,00 do Extra; • do • •:- , 6,25 do Family . ,do - 6 50' 2,75 WITIT.FWiIEAT poi-bushel, 1,40. RED , ' do • do '• 1,30 RYE do 65. Qom; do ' i 48 cM,o3db 30 ,d 0 • do do do: CM CLOV.F.R§LED )1 OTHY E f) WINTER -HARLEY. SPAIN( BARLEY. ADEL PHI:I,, DIAfIIETB. Sopipmbor 8. . The Flour market has been very, qUiet to- There is s,omo inquiry for straight tplinds • which are scarce. • A sale of 500 bbls'. slam ---flardoperfine;..macib from neWlvheat, is. ro• — Ai - Oiled at - a877 -- nntiloo6-blits-.—nt-$7. perj-bbl . .for home consumption• prices range at from. $7: to . 7 - ,50110tt $B5O per, bbl. for common t.; choice bratids' and extra. - '. - Itytt Corn Neal are unollanged And, without any critisu'etiOus to notice . . Ordir--There le net. much Wheat-offering. ,hut the demand ha's fallen off and . priCeirfator the buyer.. Some,Booo a 9000 basimis only were dispused oiat 16,2 a 154 e. for good South• era and Peun'a . .• reds,, mostly at,the former rate, -- ailoat.• White is dull at :462. , a 104 c..— nye continues in request and scarce at steady and in fair :demand, and all offered talted, sumo 7000 a 8000 bushels, most; ly Southern yellow, were disposed of at 67e, Oats are about-stationary with - - further. - sale:. : 613 s 4000 bu'sliels,at ,370. for•new South , ern, chiefly at the (miller rate, and 40c. fur, • prime old. Western. MI •. . • VSSOCIATE 6Vrofferrrtysolf-dtr-yourf eunrideratien-ris -it .%outdate for the ollice of SSUWA'rIi JU11(11.: of Cute narlunti county, at thu ensuing Election. and prienis, (if elected) to discharge the duties of euld Oleo witl iidelity.antditukartiality. l'attertown, uly: :13, 1656, VOLLTNT KEE CAN.DI DATE - PE O ASSOCIATII JUDGE.--7-Fellow-cltlnuns:—l °lle myself to your vonnhleratlon as a TOLITNTEM CANDIDAI fur tho only° of ASSOCIATE', JUDOE, iiromlning If .01qt .1(1 to tltlBll tho dupes of tho Oleo ullholit 'fear, •favol Or alVirtlou. . Aug. 0, 1850. dEOItGE • roR ASSOCIATE JUDGE FE I,LOW-CITIZ ENS i'—Through the , urg,ert t sal i citation of friends, I have bean induced .o offer. mysel as a candidate for the office of ati - ASSOCIATA of Cumberland eihnity, at the ensuing general election •ind very respectfully solicit your suffrages for solid of flee, pledging myself, if elected, to discharge the duties of the same with impartiality, am! with a strict 'lizard to the demands of the law_and public justice. CLEMENS M'FAitiANE. ' Newton Township, July 2, 1836: • I STATE OF ..MARGARET:COOK-,' decoased.-- , Notlb3 is hereby given that Letters et --Administration on-the estate-of -Margaret .Cook - , late. of Monroe township, Cumberland county, have been granted to the Aubacriber, residing in Churchtown. said county. All persons having claims against said ostato are reinested to present them tar settlement, and • • those indubtol, to make immediate Payineot to• MOSES moititurr,' • Administrator. Aug. 13,•1856--dtpd.3 • • N OT.loE.—Notice is hereby given _that application will be made to tt e next Logic. letup.; of Pennsylvania, to alter the charter of the Car Aisle Deposit Dank; located In the Ilurough of Car Cumberland County, eb as to . cenfe'r upon said Ilar.k the rights and privileges of a Dank of.issuo, audit.° chance : its r aineJo_the_Carlirle_liank,_._ 'AISo to increase. 'eapitut of said slim* (which Is at present K,.vvoty tau, thousand dollars, with the privilege of LAN , : r nu v :.amei under Its present charter to one lin ~. .1 dollars) to Three hundred Thousand W. 11t. II . J .l-1; July 9, lslsfi,] • QC 11 0 0 :T A'X. 1?-1J-it • 1 6 - 5.6 . .10 , SAVE.FIVE PER CENT. • - The duplicate of School Taxes for Carlisle for thhpre• cent year Is now ready and placed in the hands of. the Treasurer, who herebe gives notice that ho will attend in the Commissioner's Office: at the Court: on • WEDNESDAY, Avaxisr, 27, 1865, — betweentho - hours - of• 0-and-12i-and-2-and-fro'clocki-of said day s for the purpose of receiving the said taxes. /‘ 411 persons paying their taxes cut or befero' that day,'ltill be allowed , a deduction of five cents on the dollar, or which no deductions will be made, and collection of all unpaid Lases enforced by warrant issued to ;the proper collector. 'SJAY. RAY,'/ Jn1y16,1850-st. • • Treasurer. EN- PER CENT.T subieribee Is authorised to Manes° of the' Bonds and Mortgages of the Racine and Mississippi Rail Road Company. . These Ltonds, besides having the Roil Raid for security, have the strong' additional security 01 . Mortgages of the valuable ~Earins along the lino of the Rail Road. These Farms are appraldhd lovt,and a mort , gage given forltpo-thirds of their, cash value. These Mortgages accompany thedlonde. 'The Bonds bear in terest et ten per cent. it pear, payable half yearly. Con -Peturareattachut—Thedioutis-are-payable-iii-five-year from the lilth. of Maj, 1850. '' • . • These Farmland the:Rail Amid are higllly_spqkon nf by persons who have gone from this country out there. , and further luthrmatinn can be obtained from the sub. scriber. . - CifaMilßßß. May 27;1850.1 , • Chamborsburg, Fa '`P ALL CLOAKS & MANTILLAS - . SVUOLESALIt Al D Blind. BULPIN It 'CO., frnportoirs and•Manuthettirers of CLOAKS . and -alAr , " 'OI,IAS, No. '174 Chesnut street,' (a few doors above 7th, south-4(1N) Philadelphia, (hser i nne c tio n w ith ei:oltot 11U.LPIN, Wit Broadway N. Y., tho largest numufacturor et thiise goods thellnltod States,) beg to call the at. Outten of Wholesale 11,111.1.1ttitill buyers- to their largt and varied'atook of CLOAKS, TADilig, c ., sbr __ ,... inn_x , r 0461.1-- Their - oolloction , eonsprises - a - ootwprete - arr - Sortatent of all the latest .Parisbna ,Novelties In Velvet • Moire Antique, Cloth, Plain Bilk, &0., &a.; while the fa. • dillies afforded by their .cOnneotlon with, the largest • tylrtnufrottiting House, (of those- goods,) in Mel, York,' enable theta to guarantee butter value than is obtaina ble elsowhorolukthe Market. 080. BULPIN & CO., ' • 'Sent: it ?U6-4m.• 174 Chesnut Street above 7th, 'MEW GOODS NEW GOODS arie lot - of. seasonnble iloods,jost received, will be eA very cheap at ! the *tore of the subscriber, in Waste Nista street. Ilesso cultand see betbrepurebssing else R hore. 31ARGAgilT-91 , 10DURASS. August 13,1850. . . , 7h t s 0 LiFT - I 4 4. isj 'PR E Lk, MEND:NIT:NTS TO. TOE' .001%131: TLITION OF - "lii - L - 001 . MONWEALTLI. - -7 -, .1 Resolved by the Senate and HOMO'ref Itopreae totives of the .f.kuntnouttealth of .relintlylittinite:An , thiirle I Assembly mot, That the • following .;antondmenti ar• I..roposed to the Constitution of the Oottufamwealth, in • accordance with the': provhdons.of ,tho.tenth - artiete thereof. , , c . vute'r Afnitumsfer, : • • There shall beau additiOnal, article to said Constifu , time to he designated Si Aetna.; Xll. ,--• • ' •' ,Puum,Dggs;,-, .• : • Sseriolf State inity'contract debts,• to., stipply castial orfallurealureVeirmsEr orte,Meet oi ,pensos'not,otherwlsci.provided for; . but the aggregate afrona,..at.fit such'tlebte ; direct or, pauthigent, • whether contacted, liy:virttig Of one Ordnore Acta et the tiOnefil Assembly; or at'diffeiont ,perlothi of .thne,ehalt never fvecued, soven'hundrial and'fiftk.thousand "dollars, and eininiey arising trent ttm2preation ;of such debts, • shaliThe applied to'-the Innis:me fin , whiektit was obl tattled, or, to repay, the debts, tereontiltetedOtted ,otherporposeiyhat.OVer;,.. • • • SthrtoN 2. "In aiidltieili to. tlie'abo've - littiited; mar the State may contract debts. to - repel, invasion; sup press inetirreeiron, defend :he State in war, or. to re. deem the predent outstanding, - . indebtedness. Of the State; btit the motley arising faro the contracting of • such•debts, shall be applied, to the purpose for which 'it was raised, or to repay each debts, and. to uo other. purpose whatever. , • • • Siarrtolv .Exptipt.the debts abolie specified, In -see tons one and two of.this Article, no ,debt whatervor 14011 be created by or on behalf of Die State. • , iiserfote 4. To 'provide for the payment of thifpresept. debt, and any additional debt, contracted as. Mensal% the legislature shall, rat'-its llist,,sesSion., after . the adoption of this. amendment, create 'a. sinking 'fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduee- the prlncinal . thereof by stun pot, less than two hundred' and fifty :...thousand &Mari; whisk sinking fund shall consist of . _the,plet annual income of the public works,. from time, to time owned by the State, or the pi*eed - A - Of - the i salo,otthe.satno..tir any paitthesenfond of the income orlirriceetis of sales of stocks owned by the. Shan, gather with other funds, or resources. that m4 -ho des ignated by The said sinking fund' may he. in crect4l, fain' tiele to time, by assigning to it any part of theta:Ns,. or other revenues of-the - State ; not r&. :tithed 'for the ordinary and current expenses 6f: 1;0V- A ernment,:imd tiiileFs In- case- 44 war, insuerectien or . 'invasion, no writ of the said sinking 'fund shalt be -used I.l' applied otherwise the extinMdslinient 'or vim pu,l,llc tlpbt,,• the 'amount of such debt it reduced below the sum.ol live millions of dollars. SccrioN 5. 'The credit. of the Gounneuwealth shall not I• In any ;nail ner,or, clout, be pledged, or loaned -to, any individual, company, corporation, mr associati - Li; nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become ajointowner or stockholder, in any comp:in:v . , association, et , corpora. that. . OEM 8,25 85. 80 Sec. 6. Tim commonwealth' MU not assume Li debt, or any, part thereof, of any coutity,..eit:y. bortnial - or town - ship; or of ally :Corpora:l,ton or associatiot unless such deft shall have .beetVeontracted to enab tltn state. to _repel invasion, suppress domestic itisa realm'', defend itself in time of war, or to - assist 0 state in the dlitchadzo of any portion of its preset intiehtadtioss. • - 1x 7. The Legislature shall not authorize 'any e9wity, city, borough : . township, or Incorporated (Os: trlct, by" virtue of a vote of its citizens; or 0010144 m, to become a and:1101(1pr In any, company, assurhitiun nr corpbirtitiiiiiroTtlfiititiln money thr, or loan Its credit to, any corporation, association, Institution, or party. ' BECON.D --- Thera shall - he an - additional oonstitu as article ..‘ll7,Fraltellows: countOhalLbel-Allittly-a..llu_o_rattingof one Louth of its population (eittior to form a new county or otherwime), without..tho express aisont 11f such county, by a yule of the olerfors thereof; norfiholl any now county bo. eiita bl lobed, ,ontaining Icas - than four hundred Equate miles. _ . , . W. B. :MULLEN From unction two of thofirst articltt of tho entistitu tie'', t out tit; words "of the city of Philadelphia, and of each confity,.tatspectively;" from section ti cu. same artiCle,,strikkout the words, ," of PhiledolphM • mild of the sever:lf coti,ntlutr" from section seven, mole !strike out the itterh; "neither the cit of-Phila . duiphia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words - nod not" and strike out suction !bur, 114131 d' art! al u, and Inlet thereof ins° t the tellowing: Sse.'d. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-few, and in every seventh year thereafter, representntives to the number fri one hundred, shall be npportiene and distributed equally `throughout_ the state; by districts, In proportion to the number of tax. _able inhabitants In the several parts thereof; except . that, any county .contabling at least three thousand five hundred taxables may be allowed a separate repre• suntation ; but no more than...three counties she)) be 1 joined. and no county shall he divided, in the formation I of tt,tliatri;:t. Any city containing a sufficient number 1 ortaxables to entitle it to at least two representatives.. iehall have a separate representation assigned it. and shall ho divided into convenient districts of contiguous • - territory, of equal taxable population its neer as may Inn, each of whirl' districts shall elect one representative." -„At the - end - Of section seven; same article, insert these words, "the city of Philadelphia shall ho Orland into single senatorial districts, of contiguous , territory us nearly equal in taxable population as possible; but no •tverd shall be . diTidild in the formation thereof." • Thodeglslature; at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representetiye districts, in the manner abovn proridedf, such districts in remain un changed until the apportionment in the year -one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.' The. llKtislattire shall hare the I)SVVVrIn 111111r.reYnkU t or t.. 11111, tiviy la,inrpuratipli hereafter eon• mailer. any s,;‘ 'Jai iir ae',eral law, ,when• • opiai ih it e.ityPit lajavleuii to thu eltizeus ; In wuch 11 , rillfiCr, howrier, tha• !Jii.tice shall br tlone t,the earpotwiews. In Eenato,—April 21, 18,56. =I ltraotsse. That this resolution pass. -On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 6., On the . second amend reent;yeas Et, says C.. On the third amendment, yeas 2h, nap. 1. An the fourth'amendment, year 28, nays 4 Extract (ruin the,Journal. . THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Clerk, • • In 'louse of Representifiiiis, . 1 nmetyr.n, That this resolution mum. On the first amendment. yeas 72, inlys 24. On the Second amend.' went. yeas 'd2, . nays 25. On the third amendMent, 3%:0 z;_ and on • fourth amendment, yess.ii9,. nays It. Extract from the Journal. . • WILLIAM JACK, Clerk.. Ss n'Ts firms, A. G. CURTIN, Filed April 24,1850.;1 See. of the Conimoniretilth - Secretary's ), • Iterrlsburg, Juno 27, 1806.1 , Pr..NNSYLVANIA, 148.: • I do hereby certify that the above and tingeing Is a trutivad correct copy of the original "Resolution rola. tive to . an 'amendment of the Coystitution," as th e Fame-romaine on tile In thia aBlco. . In testimony ,whereof I have hereunto set • LS. my hand sod caused te be affixed the seal of terdeeretroiy's i ctilleerther-day-and--3vakr-above written. • A. G. CCIITIN, See. of the Commonwealth. ln Senate. April 21, 1856. • Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitit• lion of timCommunweeith heing under eonsidenttlen, On the question,, .• tiYill the Senate agree to the first amendment? 'ee yeas and nays Wore taken agreeably to the pro visions. of the Constitution. and were as follows Yeas—lfessrs. Browne, Buchalow, Creiseviell, Evens, Ferguson, Flenniken; Hogs, inartm, Jamie' n. Knox, Laubaeh, Lewis, M'Clintock, trice,. Sellers,:Shuman, /Anzther. Straub; Taggart, - 'Walton; Welsh, Wherry, Wilkine.and Pratt, Speaker, 24. „ • Nuys—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mellinger, Lou So the question was determined in the affirmative.' On the quaition, ' • ' Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? • • The•yese and nays were taken: agreeablyto the pro.- 514i0r15 of the Constitution,• and were as follows; . • y eal ,......moseis Browne; Buekalew, Cresswell, Evans,. liege, fn m, Jamison, It3tea, Laubach, Lewis, took, Sellers; fet; Souther, • Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, - • Nays:—Messrs. Ci*bb, Ferguson, • Gregg, Pr:MAP:ice 5 and Platt Speaker—tr. " So the qnstion way determined In the alllrmative. On thequkation . Will the&mar agree to the third amendment / I I,o4tattor and na were taken agreeably to theton titnoon, and,were ;us followiq AILTICLk ll= VOURTH,AM'VNDENT To bu saclinu XXVI, Artkle 7 -::.otaii6lCf)cralt* , .. -, YeaS—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Crabb,. Cressidell, vans,Terguson, iennikeiciloye-1, Jarntionr Jordati,'Knox, Laubach f :Letvis, M'Clinteck, Mellinger, Pratt, Tag-- .gart, 'Walton, - Welsh( Wherry,' - Wilkinsi - and Putt • . hays—Mr. Greg—l.„ •.• ' • • •''," ' •:••,,So.tho question wa determined in the affirinative; - . - - Ontlie'question,---,-- • the. Senate agree to thefoUrth amendment yila and nays.Wero taken agreeably to the' Con-. stitution, a Wore its follow, ' Yetis—Mess) rowne, Buckalow, Cresswoll, Etrafs: • Flenniken, Hoge,. rata Jamison; Jordan, Knox; Lau, boob, Leads, 11PClinto Ic., , Pride Senora, Shuman, Sonthi -or, Strutib;:-Walton, W 015.13. Wlierry, Wilkins and Platt, l`laylf•L•Nettars.C/rabb,d3regg; Olinger. and Pratt---4.: !tio.the question watfiletermittddin the affirmative. jourilal of the liana° of. Representatives, .April .21, 1850, „ , :.; , f The , yeas and nays wore taken agroeably , to..tlio `visions of the Constitution, and on the Snit. proposed Amendment_ lli mreuerellow,vizt_ ' .Yeas—Messrs, Anderson', Jlecktii,' ..13Iti„(Lyconaltags) Beek, (Irork,).Bernhard,Akiyd,. or, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Canipbell, Carty Craig, Crawford. Dowdalli lEclin4er, Fausold; Foster' Getz, /binds, Hateei; Harper, }loins, Hibbs 11111; - 1111 loges, llunsecker, 'lngham. Innis, Irwin. johns, Johnson, LaPorte, Lebo, hointaker Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Carthy, Si'Comb, Mangle, Me near, Millar,' Montgoinery,' Moorhead; Nunnemacher Orr,•l'earson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, IleinhOld Riddle, Roberts. Shenk. Smith; .(Allegheny,) Smith (Cambria) Smith, (Wyatt - ling.) Strouse. Thompson, Vail. IVhallort, Wright, (Dauphin.) Wright, (Luaerne, Rim ruerinanamt NV fight: Speaker-72: . • Nays--,ldessrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover - Coburn, - Dock, Fry, Fulton, Clayierd,.Glbboney, Hamilton; . Han- • cock, Housekeeper, Leisenring,Mageo, Manley, Morris, 'Mumma, Patterson, Salisbury, Smith; (Philadelphia) Walter, Wititrode and Yearsley2-1. • - • • so the question was determined In the affirmative. - tho.questlon;---- • - • WilittO-Ilouse-agreale-the.secornininandritentl • ..The'yeas and nays were taken, and were as Yeas—'l7essts. Anderson. Backus, lialdwin,,Ball. Beck, (Lycomlng) Rock,' ( Vorit,) liernhard,, ' Boyd, Brown. • Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Curripbelli Carty, .Fanseld; Foster, Cots, Heines, lintel, Ifarper, Hibbs, Hlll, Ilipple, Holcomb,' Hunsucker, Jut ,brio, Ingham, Innis, Irwin: Johns, • Johnson,. Laporte, hobo, Longalter;Lovett, WCalmont,'Weartliy, M'Contb,' Naugle, Mormar, Miller. Montgomery, Moorhead, site. nemacher. Orr, Pearson, Purcell,. Ramsey, Reed, Rein: hold, -Biddle, Roberta Shook, Smith, Strotime,. Vail, Whallon, Wright, (Luierne)kimmerman and Wright. Speaker. —63.. At4ust,ine, •• Barry, 'Cliiier - Edinger, Fry. Fulton,' Gaylord. tliblooney, -Hamilton, Hancock, IrtiTiW(Wlielkiirifilf.llfigeeTM.T.tday;Morrisi — .Mtimtna , Pat t t ersett,-Pbeins, ;481 isbu ek. smith. (Cambria.) Tioonp. son. .1V alter, IVlntiode, IVriglip (Dauphin) . and Years- So the-T . ..calm Was determined In the affirmative. On the • , • r • Will the House agree to the third inuendtnent ? • 'Mt! yeas and nays were taken, and were 'as follow. viz: • 176,5-51.essrs. :Anderson, Bailing. • Baldwin. Ball, Beck. (Lycoohni,) Beck, (York.) Bernhard. BOyd. yer. Browtßuchanan,l'alilwell,.Cautpbell,Carty.Crukt Crawford. Edinger, Fungoid, Foster. 1 , ry."1.11“7., !hilieS: I 'lllllo t .11nrimr. I I Ott;s,j] If Holcomb, Ifousekeeper. Imbrie,lnghant, Innis. Irwin, „Johns, Johnson, 'Laporte Lebo, -Imitaker, Loyett, sPCaltnont, 311:writ.. slattirle,.sleurar. 511110 r, 51olitgono ..ery, Ntinntnachui, Orr,.Pearson,lpti, Purcell. Barn -g01.„:)001; itlttillp - Shonk -- Stulthi (Alleltheuy) (Clanliria) T.ll-75141zei-friVliallan --Wright,- (Dauphin) IV right , (l.urnratt)-audL Zimmer-. nian—G-1. • — AYS—WiiFts. Dnwdal;- 'Etiltuttl'OurortirDilthortei- - ilantelton , -- 41 wItcock-Alune. , key, Leigetuing..sPCarthy, Magee, Manley. sloorlieltd. Morris. Patterson, it 4nbold. Itoliorls„ tzttiluburv, %Val ter,-WititrAe, VoitCsley and Wri L tht, Speaker-'l5 • So the questleit teas determined In the allimutive,“ On thoniregfinn, - NVill the ilonse agree to the fourth amendment'? The yeau and app . were taken, and ecru as tAIoW, fiZr' • - . „ ' YEkS—Messrs . Anderson, Melon', Ball, Buck, (1.3*- coining.) fleck, (York.) Pernhard, Hayti. Boyer, liciowia, Brush. Iluehanan, Campbell; Carty,. Cral4. Crawford, Dowdal, Edinger, laustrid. Fastir, Fry . , tlotz, Hamel. HarperHibbs, Hill, HOiromb, Itousi'keeper,, Ituttsecker,,lmbro, /mils, Ir- Johnsen. Laporte; Lobo, Lougajtur. Lovolti Weal moot, Wearthy, M'tkonlw, Mangle,Motpar, Millrr ' :Ot•ntgomery, Moorhead, Nunucatacher. Orr, Pearson, Phelps. Purcell, Itanasey, Heed. Iteinhold, Liiddle,.fint... Shenk, Smith, (Cnabrln.) Smith. (Wyontifil() Thompson. - ' V ail, Waiter, -Whillion, WrightHLuzernej Yearsloy, Zimmerman and Wright, Spertkor-419. Nays—Messrs. Barry; Clover, Cobewm, Fulton; Gtlr bony, Haines, Hancock, liitnokor, Inghaim"Lejsonring, Magee, Manley Morris, Patterson, Sallibury and Win. So the iitteritiOn was determined in the affirmative. SECRETATIT'S OFFICE.; Harrisburg, June 27, 1856, .f • , Pennsylvania, se.: , . • .. . I do certify that 'the above and foreping -Is a true and.correseeopy or the !+Yeas" and " Nayr%".taken on the ltesoltition 'imposing moendrgenfs to titu'Oetiitiltu. Om of the Commonwealth,.as tine stuns appears on-the Journals of the two ltouses of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth for the 60551011 of 185. p. -, - •. .. ' ----• 'itn t ess my hind and the Seal of ialdoffire, ........ T .:,..,this wenklamuth day of 4une; one thou ''''''''''' sand eight hundred and tifty.six. .- . A. O. 0111tTIN, • _, , Secretary of the Commonwealth., 18 5 6 1 . ...., - FRl O tl r S i ll is . RD A w it A it itt l E V l A L HENRY SAXTON. ' -- The subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention of his - friends and the public to the large and well selected assortment of Wird warn whichlte has. just received. consisting in part of BUILDING hIA Tx ILI A LS, nuils,scrows hinges, lbeks, bolts, glasit. witty. paints, oils, kc. TOol4—edge tools; .saws and 'planes o. every de/caption. with tiles. rasps; hammers. anvils, &c. UL.k-SS Of every description and quality—common glass of dilterent brands, white polished American French glass of all sizes, double thick glass of all sizes, ground enamelled glass. &c. . • A .general assortment of'SHOEMAKERS AND SAD. DLEItS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind ing skins, shooi thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount log, tutidletredS, fie. • COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, enamelled, flg.• ureL and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather, axles, sfyings, hubs, spokii, - fellbilli, - **lhrte.Tkr. --- Ce t hinet Makers will find a large assortment of yarn': tithes, mahogan and walnut veneers, moulding;lrosettes.. hair cloth, cur led hair, &g. • .... • • • ' WHITE POLISH 'I".4,INT—A now article Tor making a beautiful. white and brilliant polish, fbr dining-teems, parlors, &c. IRON—A.large otock,,comprislint - all kinds in general use. • ligL.Remember.the old stand, East High Street, Car • lisle, Va. March 20,1858.] HOMEOPATHIC M EDIC A L COLLEGE OP PENNSYLVANIA. • Located In Filbert Street alvve Eleventh, - • ' The I.ectures of the regular course will commonco on the Second Monday of October, and 'continue until the first of Mirth ensuing. Amount of fees for a full course of Le ~urea (invariably cash), .$l.OO 00 Btudente who have attended two full '0011r.5e5 In otherMedlml Colleges, 50 00 Graduates of other Medical Colleges, • 80 00 Matriculation Fee, paid only once, - 500 • Practical Anatomy, - • 10 00 Graduation Fee,- , • . , 30 00 FACULTY. WALTER WILLTAWBIAT, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Clint cal bledicine. J. - P: Dag!, - 1E11; Prefakor of Materla Medics and Therapeutics. Auvaii E. SRALL, M:D., Professor of Ilomcemithie Insti tutes, Pathology: and the P.'actico of Medicine. - Isaac M, Waati,,,M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics,"Diseattes of Women and Children, and Medical Jurisprudenee: -Marra zw-Eirairix,- If.-D.,-Prhfessor_ of_Chsingstry. 5.55_ Toxicology. • ' • ,„ Tama Bealtair, M. D.. Professor of nurgery. WELLIAM A. Rtsto. M. Professor of Physiology. • , llatattrra4 M. D., Professor of Anatom y. W. „ • • W. WILLIAMSON, M: Di% N. E.. Corner 11th and Filbert, tltreets, Phya. August 6,1855, , • • • -, • 1) EVOLVING GRAIN u Just •reeelved a 'large • lot of Revolving (hada a tia,Squaro and Round - Teeth, for sale very °hear. Also, a good assortment of Orain Cradles' ' Of different makes, at U. SAXTON'S Hardware Store, East Main Street, • • Juno 11. 1. • tisittess--tarb -- • - . • • JUSTICE TUE - B - 14CE' 11j_0flice 644' of the Court Uouse IrAIIILTY - COSt'=-' - -- 500. ---- TOITS: - LT= - j_ .K.ENBVALLEY COAT., Broken and m-screened,', prepared expressly for fate ily.use and kept tI.N era COVEN" .. 13(1 . 41111t. 1 ' can „farnish:it, lair nu& CLIAN litiring the .. . • --1 ) ,---11-1.1N-ItIQII;—AttorneST-S ' Intsir Seas4a. 1 lucre, also. on- hand endlor sale the i'llt*' - t w UISI:: - .PI WA:le - el/AL front the- w 8 ine of , Beyd, Rosse N r : . rs-rOcllett en liorth' . .Lianeier,streeti Iv few' 400rS liCo.; and ntiA3IOKIN • (XJAI. front `the , 111i1)08 of Coeb.• - south of Wass' Dotal. All huaincis entrusted to hint ran, Peal St. Co., all of which .1.-will sell at small protts . will-be promptly ., atterided'toi . ,' ,•.' . ' (April Ib:' t 'foi cash, end deliVer to ariy:part orthe . berongli; „ , nov , 14, P6b, , ', , ~ ~. W. H. DIIIII4LAY, •Aq't. :' , • i t Attiiney •LaNC . „,ClL.Cifilce • in Zait Main 13(rdot,'Idubantesbivti-Pa: li k tL. qttand ,to" spy. yEICIN G lo 'connexion with pnAOSEfilitiV [Mny '21,18511=j.1r, . _ tzyce -NETDido, . DOOTOn. Gle DEN • TAL EDII.OEN.Y. um • Ss immo aqd roaldoucci, oppaito Marlon Hail, %rest.. Main atra l tit; Carlialo... [May lb, '66-L-tr .• • . crllt. S - .13: - .KIEFFER -,- Offiee - in L- N - ortF l ‘ .. . ..- iftin - di - or itrootTvrOabiorolfoin-IVOlito-/c enrapbOWs. store;tlOlce houri, more faittlaulllrly froth 7- to 9 o'clock, - Itlfrom 5 o 7 o'clock, l!. ..N. ESE TIOcT011.: S. P. .ZIEGLER.-01fice and Residence-East Main Street, third door efow the Market Iluuse.. Calls in town and cotinty.premptly attended. • .Tan..T., 1856. , ' wELMA NI :0: RITE Attciniey at Law.. Office la Main Street„Carllslo, • 4-Busluess entrusted to him willbe promptly" at tided to.• .• . • • . - • Neb.' T. '65., . fl. - W<,BRANDT ? Manufacturer of AJI 40 - ; Minoral Witti - r„ •FronehNend, -- - ' ' • , 4 But il ed.AleiTorturmd-Cider • : -NorthitsiStreet,.ne.tr tine e ( tail Road Bridge, d'arltel; --, DR. I.:C.LOOIIII,S 2 :_ z _ . ow .t ~ ,• 1 ' ----- ----.....1W ( - 6 ' South liannver stree, e ort ST. next' door to thy. Post . • Offide, ' . . • • ' 01.:Will be absent froth • Carlisle the laSt lair days of eaciAtionth.' • . . - • . - rA-uk.1,,'6,5t, .. . . . . .:----- .. ___.... ,•- 4k ,: v _ . _...____ .- 7 4- "W'Al.• It.l LE y , .._.. ---7--initt_.,,ts, havinq been instructed i . " . - " • - itithe art. (byprAhat. - 7.,. ttretz, a graduate 01 Atie ill(illiwre Dontiti Collage). is I non prepared to receive 1116,1riei.d,s .tiutl : perform the' 1 vitrionit operatit us to the line.of the Dental profession, I.a.titia_reattle. in South Fireett'titiiti door frt ni,West . :itreet. _ - give us u'call. Terms mcdetate. May . .l7, ROSENSTEE 4ouse, Sign • Fancy and Ornamental _ PAINTkIi AND IWAt..IIANCEit, Las removed his shop to tiuuth Ilanoker street, oppoSite the Second Presbyterian Church. Itesideu,e'la Pomfret utiec;. a . 1 , 119 r t distance . 1)010.7 ilaqe.yer. lie will attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint Mg. itt.reaSonahle prices. The various lands of graining 'atteroted . to, b 111.1) asjualtogany t oak, %ya.luut, ay., in au mproyed style.' VEN lilt AND CON VEY AN ;4l'OSSl:lilt, Info Cumlpr, Thed court trz - witl - carefttlly - ittteml-tontlie trait SarflorrOf nll such busi tue•silr mail7W ,eulii.fire-itTrillittr-s-'nrh-arr 'the writimr of Decds,-Mortgageh -Coot racts...t.c._ Ire will • ithfi duvet', his attention o Cite procuring of Land War rtiuts:Telfilils,lic. its wellTirs the iitti-ehasn-antsnit— ' , otzlicil-itsvaterireg4intlowq orlon 'olllcrl_eh West II . 4 treet. formerly oceupled, I.!eurest Esq. near the lethoditst Church. I:),EA T L-E'Si.'Al: 'AGENCY. I ) Aiilnt.LV G. WK. 'M. JUk • T1103.11%. , 0:4 I.; A: T II OM . I*-fi 0 N.: . Have bpenedran - office nt oseph-, 310„,f0r - the min ehase mut sale, of final Lstnto. Taxying and•selling Land Warrante t naleeltitc Land On limo. :Surveying and Map ping Towns. Location of Nlarrants t and waking invest". wants for newresldents, of 'fluter, and all hust tiess pertaining to trtlonerto Laud Agency In .tillssourL Kansitß, Nebraska. and lowa. • on,,,(fifice on Second Lttreet, North of A, rt. Beattie 's BauTclug . Mouse. [Jiffy 30, 1536. • _____ • _ _ S. P. SNllltit; 11E11 .&_ LAND AGENTS. ,ILLNNEAPOLIS, Opposife tlto Suspe . asiou 'Bridge, Falls of St.juithon.y_,—Mintiesata Territory, will buy and sell lauds, negotiate loans, locate land warrants in Minnesota, lows, andlViscalisin. inquiries respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promptly.:. allbwered. lion. Alex. Ramsey, ExAlovernor, . lion. it. M. Rice, Delegate to Dongress, Minnesota, Goy. Pollock,'llarrisbiirg, James li. Steele Co., , lion. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, • • A. Brady Sharpe, Esq., • Magodn. New Yorjc, , Robert Walsh, New Orleans, James Jl. Intim:, Esq., Neircille, S. Somerset, Senn'a.;. ' . ' 110n..1. lt.•Eddie, " J. 11, Good, .Mayor, Springfield, Ohio, • - Gen. C. Anthony, . Jas. Carson, Esq, St, Louis, Vim. Wilson, Esq., Baltimore, Wright, Charleston,..S. C., • J. M. Wilson, lliladelphia. 30,000 Acres of I:l.lmprovediazid for Salo, at from $;!. to $lO per acre; also ImpraVed Farms. taus fur sale In :A. Paul, St. Anthony, and all Mama on thes3lino , seta river. - tra,Particular attention given to the Loaning of 31,oney, ondlintering Land \Varying:4, PNY DKR WPA RLANE, March 10,1550.—1y.1 • Al iyhvarqp, 311 n, Ter. • TAY • ETTEYILLE FEMALE SEAL, INARY.—The unties of this Institution will .be 'mounted on the let o(Septembtfr, Mit, under the trod tion of the Principal, Who will ho assisted by the'ilatne teachers formerly employed. The "scholastic' year will ho divided lute two sessions .of Five Months each—the Ars. t.conimenelng on theatit..6t *epteirber_, the second on the lot of February. There will be two courses of study in the Institution —the OPTIONAL AIIILLIIO REGULAR, Pupils.in the former course fipisithig any branch of study, will 'receive a eztertricars signed by the Principal and 'reacher. 'Those ,cemplethig a regular course will receive Diplonias and Testimonials of Merit. TERMS; PER SlBBlOB-Fmt MosTilS. Board, fuel, light. room furnished, . - 00 Tuition in English Branches, - - . , • • Ikuunic and .use erring° - Chromatic Drawing nut GB Tainting, r 7 . and Drawing, -,• - - "' French, lattin or Greek, with other . studies, - • 7 - Washing per dozen, - . - • c For further. particulars'see circular.- - J. ; KENNEDY.' • ' Princij lIENRY SAXTON August 20,18V?—.11P L....a , i ,g f.osp, • 4.• p o itE••• '4 PO , .er L .24K: . 13 5. Frt . ,W. I°7OY. 4 IS' I 11:4 4 - 13 5! :id. ..g t • •.• 41 8 i. r • tg, Mtvo - r, E . pe4 We K, IWPARL.N.SP, REFERENCES =ME VArbs EST.TAMILY - CO.A.L . S! ' AT THE U W 4.)i)AL • ine übscrlher would respectfully inform tbto citizens of Wrlisltrind'flcinity that'lai is now prepared to fur- • , ntsh the Ii ENC.IN.4 ,T1tt..1 , 1.1141:0N„ f.11,e14 ,of, 'various ' aliea, q,Baoiple of Which 'Was turnisbed to "a, number of ettizuns .three. years share by dlr. S., Lialfentteln, and which gave such perfect satisfaction. - • Also hest 'qualities of Ly.kena Vapek and-'Shamokin • Goal—'— . . BLACKSIIITIPS, aintADIEIIUBS }vs_ coAli_._— of tins different kinds, coniCantly at the now Coal Yard near the gas works. ' • Sept. f. '55. •-• •- - • JACOB for Safe,-attb alent. AIALUABLE'CORNEIt PR.O.P'TY:• - T . Al PRIIATE SALE. Tinst% very• vainable and . well known T.SUSINVIS S:TAND, situaCe Lai the , corner North.,llanover and "LuittherStreetic in the borong,li of Carlisle" boy owned - and occupied by.Jacoh Yates', containing kto teet front ' ou Itaunover street and 240 feet on Louther street.— The hoprosetrainte f un Ilannover ste.cet area large 11.11:Li. &TULA!' LIOUSE, with alarge bitch back ihillulshed In the most elegant. manner, 'euritriuing 11 or - di - 414 I tiertiding- aid - stint roCat, besidts pantries clusi4 a rrauglaiieutki. he r.sTub..o' J lU?t'is:t.l feet in depth, fitted tivin the be El hossible lumpier nod one of the inost dei4r4l4,aud long stabllshed butilnevs locations in our town. There Is a large . Iwo 14(3ri: brick. buildingg - fmnting on Geuther street, with'a shup,attachctl, now occupied sR a cabinet maker alien. • Also u ataide ou ‘ the'ica.t 01. the lot; and other hecesaary building:;.l he property la In excelleutprder haring Want rereully htti'd up Li the pieseut occupaut -- .lior terms ice. totiuife of • • - A. L. bl'ON LER, Real Estate Agent rind rierivener, Rept b 1 . )01.".L..A.1t LOT. I.I.I.OPERTY AT 1 _ tiltlVA'fL SALE., l'lutt valuable piece uf grour:d .iu 'onuth flatterer street, in the brunt:li (..1 7:trllEleTtinown - awilre _ _ LOT. — Said—het-con a:this gout cue acres and quarter C.; ground and froluAte deairattealtd,advantagenue iii-ndutlrably adapted tor building putiksua. The lot will be etrd entire, or in lots to suit pui , - chasers. .Viir terms and furtlier particulars tingulre (.1 - A'. L. 41'0:•1:t-1.1.1t, heal Estate Agent end r. Brener. oct. 31.'65 stores nob Stjops. "": `, • , Ilin'eutiscribcrs Ma* . jl:lSt.- received *one vt •the, large‘i shit:lin - 0i Uty bloods el tit - brought. lo sTirtiiTerit - Te'rtill — lfiiilx(mipleteiconrprisiutt• - - • . -LADIES' trUDS,--- Silks, Eareges, Tissues, I.alyns, Alriesr:frw litiess,.Delnines,'Spring-shau • . • .Luunuts, I hmta .elow ors, • • ' - - .llnslery, - • • • - . and Trimmin gs hi great variety. • _ _ DENTI.d..IIE-\'S EAll,.- _ - • Clothe, Cassimeres, Italian Lloths - ,Caslituerettes,Licemt, "e et as; estiugs, Silk Undershirts, Ilata, Caps, Ceti% a h., mut Lollars. Also a - full and • complete assurtmett taAPLE GOOD«, - • • Including Woollen and Clifton Yaru,Caipet Cbsift,Wll.- due; feathers, Uhl. Cloths, .Idaoktug pet Bags, ftruiliesi and a variety of kaucy Articles. MOURN thti “001/6 always en hand. These Who wish to Wain the. hell; goods AT Tllt. LOWEbT YAICES tiro reoectfully Invited ÜbIS call at . ' IiTZ Sr. alttP., • LUI3MiI S P IN G STYLE OF HATS • Al' KELLER'S 'OLD STAND OEOIOI E desires to Cali , the attention of his old friends anti:customers to his new assortment of Ger, tlemun's HATS, of the thikferd -. Spring style., with at elegant assortment of ...1.101"S CAPS and 1171111.1.14.. IIATS el every variety and thermest fashionable styles. lie hue else constantly ou hand a large and varied ar sortment; of. his own manufacture as will as eity made lints nod Qaps, stlitalrie fur the 1543son,comprihilig every variety of Russia, Beaver, 1101esklu and Silk Hate, fit ished VI the lasteststylcyleg4kher. with a full assortment Of CAPS of every shape and deseriptlenounl alt every price:. Ile partieUlarly his ltesthe public to call and el.: taninehis.exoensive assortuient,rwhich lit atyle, mete ritl and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, end which he is able toput at; prlces.low er than ever: im.ltemember his old stand on North Hanover street nest door to Iluyettli Oros:cry Store. 7'THE ' FARMING: COM:3IUNI .I Yl—Tbe attention of farmers ie Invited to 9 1 : 'WAKEFIELD'S HAND CURN-PLANTER„ This IS the simplest, cheapesttind best improvea.nt of the age. Price only $5, with a Written, guarantee that it will g,ive perfect satisfaction or the money returned; so that you run no risk in trying It. We have a large nyunber of themtest respectable -references„, which can be leden at otiPtitere. We have also just received nut. Spriniebtock of flames, Chains, Yorke, bhovels, Hakes, Does, etc.. which is very large and complete, and which . willhe sold at the very lowest prices. A large assort-' ment of Homemade' Chains mall kinds, always in store at manufacturers' prises. JOHN P. Lyxr k SON, -. North lianoy4r §freet, ' LB B PATENT'iIiF -00.0pitORYZADU.POSILDR. CIDER ZiIILLS.i. 4 -We aro now manufacturing thole Mint, greatly-ltuprovecLand_airiangthenedalinelist4ear—ting._ can supply orders :itt wholesale, and Nino shipped to any part of the Union. ' PASCHALL Implement and,eeed. aors, 9th and idarket, piffle. SW 30;1850.1 311iscettlineous. • ~ • o . new , .and ebnoit Rosewood - Pii - tuos 6,10 and I R ' . oda, from `the bele rated manufactory 0f,,, a3let, Davigk . " c 0,,, Raskin- t Ihes9-bstriimeuts have been, careful Y selected from a largwetock and are warranted . p to give en'tira,sattalliction. 'fibey will be .i.,ld at ' • :0 1T Y I.LicEs ..-.--- and kept bi . o rder by a competont person, fOr line Yeu. from ante of askle. '' Those who. may - yrlsh to ezamineov. to p u rchas e a good - Instriiment,-- are Invited to call upen - the subsorber at Ida residence itti Cemllale. , „, - 1-. , '--- - ----- Also, TO RENT, tyro good second•band Piano Pertes at $8 per quarter. -- '. • . JOHN H. :HUMAN. umvos... . MOWINQ. MAIIIMENRS. • ••• .•;" - Thccompleto succors of Ketchum's Moilicg ' . :Reaping Machines for the last Ave years has' caused •it demand for ntmly 10,000: , They 'are warralited to cut from 10 to• 15 acres of gran or groin in a day, as well as It can be eat with a scythe — Or - of-Blower,-.115; -combined_ _ Machine, 0131, • ' • : PASCHALL MORRIS & CO, ' 7th and Dfarket Streets, Mill: Solo Agent for Pennsylvantle k \ Delaware, Maryland sodNew-Jersey.' - - S AND SUM- BEna E`outh Hanover .'trcrt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers