6 pfarruerw Repartmett -Room for Eiperiments in Giastiei.- The New England Faring!. states ,that there are . as. Many as ; 4,000'. varieties ,of • grasses, scattered 'over various :,paits. worldiamd - tlit these'--onlk,-threo ' or,fouri or perhaps'half,a ler general eultiVation.among 1.144 aay probably-be owing . . to 'the - little. _elation which has been given to the - Otitis - , Top ,',compared ...with other props:, coins highly probable .t.l'at of. several ousan ds of. yarietieS of graarth - efirmay e sotne,:. yet. improved ..by eultivation. might equal or outstrip, in. useful -- CM, -any or all of those now in ' general .A discovery. of .this „kind is not ikely to be made;. however,' . ecept by, leans of well.planned_and !ucteri experiments. .There may be a . il.ollg. the - readers-of this, some who hav`e dl the,.requisites-fer such experipients-* ilief ; tinmg which are' time taste, and • labors4)lj-ills direction :nay Lif'rewarded- by a discovery of, great id vim tag( - agricultural interests of :le coil" • Oil theig - eneouragements to far ther investig . ations, and on the robability .f fortunate discoveries, the editor ofthe I Farling thus expresses his 'views : We know not but ainerig :those'(gras . - ie - s) . indigenous to our soils there may be .:hose.far better L4ini our 'hearts-grass, 6d-top; or .clovers, With us. 'a doien' varieties perhaps yould.exhanst °Ur list; stid.yet.soine thiiik that there is no More room, for investiOian,_ and for more'ac;:- curate -knowledge of the . things around Us-;. that hand workris better and more profitable than: seeking after. new-things ' - by head work. Who knows ,but Qat in our fields, or on the wayside, tramPred on and-despised-bylinen, z or --perhaps—alt . unknown, there is an unobtrusive plant, springing up, blossoming and struggling from year to year for notice and for a firmer hold —bat as - often 'sought and eagerly fed 'on by, the grazing aniinnl who only knows' NW . to appreciate it. Like the, potato,, as large as walnuts. its native state, or the peach ) bitier and dry and offensive, or the pear ? with its hard woody flesh, or. the apple tire witkits.thorns, so this humble plant may only want the fostering Ore .of 'man - to ol,tvie the beautiful purple bioom of the herdgrass heads, or the zed-top, , and yield in =tilt - lye matter more than either of these or the 'richest clovers. Why did Infinite' Wisdom 'create 4,600 varieties.of grasses ? • Wai-it that wan shonldavail himself of but one a dozen of. these. varieties, and the otheiS remain unsought, 'untasted, and Unap- , propriated ? Or did He expect. that the reason witkivhich be (wan) is endowed, and the intelligence . which . he' •might gain, would - lead to 'investigation, and chose of these numerous. varieties ? is 'there 'not room, 'then, for study 'and.,.-re- protalrfy certainly seems 'pot irsconsiclerobie that - 'there sonic here may be . soc . , Out, of the 4,000: varieties of. grasses, which might he cultivated with as ~ great . 'or eater advanttige than the two In the ..4nost,common use, timothy and rerl-top, wohld be surprising indeed, If ) , smoag suoll'imNimmense - number, men I,bt en, terprise should tiotho'. able to' 111sCov'et:: more.tban two othalfn dozen, whieh.ty, _the-improv.-ernint-that,cultivation=wZmid- effea, could he grown with advantage to man and beast—to the fanner and all his stuck.— Corot tr,it Gent. Setting, Hens: -Never allow your.' hens more,- than a dozen eggs . to incubate, Ala:ger num ber is not, desirable under any circum stances. WLen, more are accorded, the ben, unless_of very_large_siie, will be un able to incubate them effeetually, and loss will follow as a'necessaay result.— Furnish a. warm, ncat,..iipd be sure to pro . - vide liberal food, with, a - sufficiency of pure water from the well or spring. The .apartment in which, incnbation ie ,'per forthed; should be dark and, silent, and so soCiired from the intrusion of ,all "oth, er-foWds; and of' Vermin, as 'to prevent —interittption_or_attneyiume-- from ~ a ny source. ~ nest of lithe strayv,.well dried or of woodland moss, is perhaps the best; it is elastie and- - warati-and—retains - heat without:becoming spoonful • of ashes sprinkled over- the nest, or ...a ' drepe . .of.oil applied te,the..neck and back of the hen, will .'tend- to.:keep off Termin i - -partioularly : thosS With .whieh_ the hen, durin'the tedious and painful process ofineubatiOn, is2most Sonsmonly infested. .' a Ego may be preserved., for a 'long_ -perfectly7frcsk-atid=iiiv - Se,--,73iaiply by exCludidg thexii - fic;fh thS air t :and re , versinethnir, ghey ''may ..slqO be presordhyinuner* F ..4l l eucin. tvioln.tion ofiali'and water, or by pock ing thern'ia 'pulverized charcoal. But when. 'packed in., dry ; suibtances, they shotild be,:turned :over:, every day;,,, and - ItSpt . 'perfeetly dry and free: frons'lnoisti, TO, GARP ENT.B RS, 13UP : TiRES, tio:L-The Undersigned has` bean - apioiut,i..l * an :wont for suppIYing:MOULDINGS ofany design, or Pat terns for'buildings, at a much.4esi rate ttian,they_ can -be: made - herii- - iio "Sad "by' °WI' inoareotpariented Tine; chanics, ' (March 26,'603 BAXTO,PI ilPit NSII HE It RI N,CI-!-=—The ,subscriber has Just rocelved. a let of Sartnion, Fft,i - x - ix H E RRING,' ~ or till', iitr's catch:: For sale at the established tirecery. •. ' ' ,' -. J..D. ifnunnier, Twit •23, 1855. j. " - . North Ilauoyor Streoet. • NEW - HAT;: - OAP,'.',AND -SHOE . .• • ,STORK. , _The subscriber-has just opened In the Atrimromit for merly occupied by Ouo: W. Hipper, on thr corner Of the p aline' swam, Main strewn; near the .Market Muse, and adjoining the Jewelry store of Wm: D. Nangle, an on , tirmly rim , and splendid masortuMnt of ' . HATS, GIPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ... of .'very variety and flnisN. : . . itis - itstbr - totildst - of - a - Ara line - Moleskin. Beaver, • Paarl, Claret,,Ressuth, Sportinq Hats. he. Also Straw natant all vart. tlos.' These Hats arc manufaatured by • 0 tkfmd- Morris 4k-Co., and othe celebrated hatters of • Philadelphia. Ito has also every variety pf h inn 1f1311U .-:-Erttiro..:-Alltheseimodiche will-guarantee tollvoentlre. satisfactlon. - • • . . Ills stock of Shoes Is made. up-.of every . -variety and ' style from tho cheapest to the best article in the mar ket. and eannatfall to please: • . . . lie respectfully solicits the patmmum of the peddle, feeling confident.thst. he can sell the cheapest and Lest goads in the county, GAIt,DEX____,ENGINES ) , , t,hro . wing a 'stream - of-water 50' to 60 'feet, cast inm Lift and Force - Dumps; Barn Door Rollers, Turnip 'Drills. Wheat Drills, with Oats and Urals Sowers attached. _Plows of various patterns - nud- sizes, Square and Yl . xpending narrows, (lore's premium. patent Sutter Worker;--a newartiele just received.- Also, all other articles in their proper season, for the farm and garltn. PASCIIAI.I. !SOURIS & CO., implement and Seed Store, July 30, 1860.] 7th andliarket. l'hila. • SPRING & SITAI3I ER CLOTHING E 510,11 sf.el.NEft .11110. have remporarailly thoved their Store to the corner room of Burkholder's Hotel, where they will be Wooled, to see their old customers. ' Fine And Common Clothing, ' Plain and Figured Clothing, ' • Light and sombre Clothing, • Night and morning Clothing . • Noon and evening ClethinN, , . •: • Drcaa and business Clothing, Week and Sunday Clothing, Home and traveling Clothing, Bright and soft hued Clothing, • ' "Big and little" Clothing, Boys' end young men's Clothing, Orme and stylish Clothing,, . ..Cheap and cheaper Clokhlug,. . :Cennylind of Clothing, may be had ,nt !STEINER & BRITS. Cheap Clothing Store. • A inong`aioiratenxlve assortment may be found Fine flack , and flue New Style Dress nud Frock Coat , made 111 01.1 mtest 'fashions of French and English Cloths. Sew style Business (:cats, of flack, frown, flue and reel' Clohs. and Plain and Fancy Cmodmeres. hinentlinghaui. and 0, --)tton ~oats, of every kind.- . Double and .Single-breasted Vests, an endless variety of Plain nod • Fancy eatlus, I iimeras, (irons dines, and Marseilles, Ac. • Fine flack Frumb Doeskin and Fancy Catoimerer pant!; Plain i.inht•Culured Fancy. . Ceasimpre i'ants- 7 Spridg •' • • AlsOLa fulLassortment of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra vats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks,floses, Ussery arid Umbrellas:. • . • Carlisle, April 10, 1856. JUST RECEIVED !—Afresh invoice . - - orthe finest , ODRAIAN, AND ANKRICAN • . • CLOTHS, ' Sure, Mack French Doeskin Cesar:flares. SnAlish Plain Block and iNurcd do. • French Fancy Cassinteresaall descriptions. Extra American Plain and Fancy do. Pleluand Fancy Linela White - Wird lirowri Duck Drills.' LLll.ottledlatid Fignredlineu-Drills. Super Mack Satin, itarothea and Ormaitdine Silks.- Dud, bush, and Check Cassioseres. ' • - - Fignred and Fancy Silks of all descriptions. • • ' White and Fancy Marseilles of every variety; French White Kid gloves. - , Now Style. Colored Kid, Gloves, eitra fine, Mechanic's stitch. • French Colored Silk Gloves, kid make. Flue Lisle and Berlin - Summer Gloves. Super Slack Silk Cravats Black ,Satin and Silk Stock,. Neck Ties, White and Fancy Lawn Cravats, Suspenders, . • Hosiery, ke. June 4, IRN MEW GOODS.—The su 'scriber has L \—just returned fruit tba city and — is opening a general umortinent of Fancy and Staple Goods, consist ing of French Morinoes Coburgs, Alpaca:Ws, Printed Cashmeres and lilous de talrifs.l Dregs Mika in great variety, Long'Brocha Shawls front $l5 to $20., , French Illanket Shawls. Cambria and thetas Edgings and In. sirtinga and Cambric. anttiwisa Collars. Bierino and Silk' Shirts and Draws. -- Preas TrinitnitigS in. great variety with other Fancy and Staple Coeds. nov. 21, '55., QED. W. 111TNER. PAIN'S C tIURNS J—A full supply of the above celebratedV,hurn, now "on hand of all elle different altos, from 4 gallons to It received the first premium at the late Pennsylvania State Far,sthe first premium at the Fninklin Institute and - Delaware - and "Itintylaild - StattriralWatid - Attirieni others at different placter. It will make more and better butter from a . given amount of cream, and in less time than any churn in the market. For sale wholesale and. -retail-by -PASONAI4L-MORRISADO., AStlettitursJ Warehouse and-Seed, corner's:if 7th anditlarket.,Fhliadelphla. - Dee. 8,,18447-tt ~OITAIRITEAD DRESShi,:-The 'subaeil)xir ling just, 'receivedWoad Drel see, 611134tocips, and.a few Spring Drese••Qbods. • • March _:....y • - GEO. W. -UITNER. . . . fIARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY. MR. and MRS.:CLARK, who have been fbr several years engaged in teaching, respectfallyhunounce to the citizens of (,arlisie and vicinity, that on the Ist - id*Seir , tembor, ISCAIi they will - commune ...Rho second session, in Loather • Street, near the German Reformed ChOrch, of their YOUNG LAMB. The Institution will be both a* boarding and .day school, in Which all the branches necessark.for the com- Mete education of young ladies will be taught. Assist ants .of the highest character for quanta:Atli:Ms and morality will be einpinYed in-atcordance with the wants of the institution; The 'government will be conducted on strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will be as rigidly excluded. • • Thu Principals flatter themselves, that their long and successful expoilence telfcbers:' Aestifiod by the' vecomnieudations in their possession, will enable them to establish an institution of the highest character for young ladies.' They are fully persuaded that such an Institution will be sustained here by the citisens and neighboring "country, and hope that their confidence" may not laritisappohrted. • ' • " • s mu sehola:dic yearwilictinslst of four terms (eleven eelts'encli). beginning ou September I. and ending on second Wednesday In July. . . 11:1; Q.LIAItTER (ii weeks). • hoarding. including fuel, lights, and. tuition In Englisb'branclies, , s3i 00, Primary Department, - - • 6 00- -- Higher - - • - ' • S - _,.Anciuut niid 31,.turn Liinguages.tittcb. - •-• 6 OW .I. D. KEUER Oitivnontal,lonelioA At piotoo.:or's Modtsciion-- for Absonco utter entrance,' except in e:Lso of 'lady:toted ilriiss, (07 _ ZeO l i 111_ALL4' B. c 1 AL. C-0- L-114 - 1; 0111; G removed to the new and spacious Hall, No. Wand lux lIALTI)IQBK•STREEI', Baltimore, Md. 0. K. ettinstiEnux, Principal and LeCturer upon 31ercan _ &Waco. K. Lessen, in charge of WPitlng DePartmcut.• I.l.'W..liessr; I tiiitructor In Mercantile Calculations and Associate in Book - Kurping Department. J. )1. PHILIAP4. Toucher iu Book Keeping. . • • ' Wn.l44)i.i; Lecturer on to` inmerclal Law. Three year's have not yet elapsed since the moat of tide institution, during which time upwards of eight hundred students have bums In attetniatmes(reP. resenting, nearly every State in the Union,) among Whom are numbers In Ilaitiniore and elsewhere occupy big PronAjnent positions as Lusluors men .aud account ants. - 9111ISE OF STUDY. BOOK KEEPING.---The Principe) has the utmost con &lance In assuring the public that after an expetieuce fourteen years in qualifying young web for 1, he Count lug itoom and othecimportant stations, and ,sn exten sive acquaintance with the management of business books of every description, (assisted•as ho is by two sei entitle accefulttets,) the course of :training In • this de partment le eminently, practical end well adapted - tb the various pursuits df Commerce and Trade, Including Individual,' Partnership, Mercantile, ManufitcttliiniN Commission, Exchang* Ranking, Shipping, Steaumboat• ing, Compound Company operations, sc. • PENMANOIII P.—The exorcises under this •hend arq free, easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student to write an elegant business hand - ori completion of the courto. • MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS:Iu' all thelriarlous bearings arelaught by the most accurate au4 etpedl• tloua method. • " • • _ Daily lectures two dalWered upon the B.clence of AO counts,-Mercantlie Customs,' ac., these In connekkiii with a aeries of lectures on Comineitial Law, are of` the highest liiiportance to all aepiring to occupy .pretulnent positions lu the business community. The time necessary for an Industrious student to complete the course,, varies from 8 to 12 weeks. • There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any time, and 111tIond both day and evening. Examinations are hold at stated periods, and diplomas awarded to t: vse Who graduate. For terms, etc., write and_have a ci: tar forwarded by mall. ' [Oct.; ... . . . . NENV STORE NEW .GOODS !--- The subscriber has just returned from the city; and, fa now opening, neat door to has .' Maglauc4lln'e hotel, in North llanover Street, a splendid to:sediment of new and cheep nifty GOODS, comprising Bonnets; Ribbons, Cloths. CassimorealCiinghatus, Lawns, Calboes, Potatoes, Idusitns, Checks. Ticklogs, hosiery, Gloves, white and colored Carpet Chain, to.' -- GROCERIES of all kinds; and best quitlity . . Alsd, a large stock of. superioroDOOTS.AND -8110 ES. All of wh l c kilte_trllleellaa:cheattausanylouselst--toeint-------- Iluttef, - Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit, taken at Market prices. N. W. WOODS, Ag't. Carl to, AprillB, 1850. .-. • .'• . . 18 FALL: . NOTICE.— 5 4 ,"" 1 - The underilgned hatjust replenish. ed Lls stock of GROCERIES AND QUEENSIVAItE, andis prepared to supply his friends and customers with almost anything required 'in 'domestic use, at prices which he hopes will prove satisfactory. Ills stock con /lets of every variety 'of goods suitable for town and country use. lie has also on hand n general assortm of ILARDIVAItE, such us may be needed by farmers mechanics for every day use. ills stock of VINES, BRANDIES AND OTHER LiQUOIIS it large and embraces an excellent assortaneiit„of choice qualitos, All - for salc - Nliolesale and Retail, South East corner of Ilauover and L,outher streets, Carlisle, Pa. /ir Conutry Produce taken in exchange foiNgoods. nov. 21, • SAMUEL q.IIUVETT. THOS. 11 . .. MULES EMO VAL.-DRY GOODS,: XI; The subscribor IMs remoied blistore to thehonse recuu;ly occupied by Dr. 11. W. Cauffman, next - door to, Charles Maglaughilu's llotel,'where he hss u general assortment of • . DitY. GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, - and will bo happy to have his friends and custmnerti come and see him. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to his. business to merit' s share of public patronage April 0, 1.840.] .iVITENTIONDYSPEPTICS—Tho se of you who Davebeen•atilicted for years w,ith_this. - t entente diseaso;and'who - have been tisleg_ almost every Nostrum -before the publioTivitheut relief, we say. to you try "Kielfeeti AntiDyspeptio" and you vrillsoon beimitvlnced 'of its great superiority over every other preparatiOn. )Ve could give you mauy certificates orob orating our aasertiens, but a:singlil trial icurorth more. than all. This remedy is prepared and sold at the Drug Stoie of D.Q. it.EIFFED, South ilanover street, a fey ; doors'soutli of the 04.urt I'7 - se, Carlisle. Carlisle. geralb. _-....ob)iii)ii....'.'''. , IILAINI4I.I.LD! "AoA.D.R6.l.sr.—Near OABiLL4LAI, Pa.—The, Twentieth. &Salon (five months) will Commence - on `May bth.: A new builit, Ing , ihas4smitrsStriiiffing blyninstalum, Alualc2 With increased faclifilea for instkuctiott and ample aCemuulasiatlene, /netitittion • 'presents great in thiienients, to. parents7who: desire the "physical 'and mental improvementtd. their. ' . - !Mims .per "SessioncOS 00. For' circulate; with titll InTormation;ildiesS - ,•• - 11;:liAtUltbair . ' • Principal and*Proprietor, . • 'Aprll4l-1856. . Cumberland co., pa. • HiTE 11A.LL AO: DENT , - Threii miles west of liarrlabUrg size ou othis Insiitutlan _will winunenectouldptithgr, the sth etbiay, ni , xt.. „Parents -and Hiut4ilAitnir.r4e;.rez' speetrullY-Tednestialto..inikintintgthe merits of the Institution. The location is retirid ful, and the codriet itistruetion-embrareti the Ordinal, ry said higherbranehrs of an. English xddcatlon, ta. lether i with We hatln, Greek,,Ennich t .and Wittman lan guages, , and . vocal and' instrumental musk, Terms; boarding, washing, and Tuition in the-English branch. es and vocal tousle per session (21 weeks) $60,00.• For , • ~ D. DENLINGER. .• , March, 12, 106.) ' Harrisburg, Pa. 'nsronzacEs.• lion. FRED'K. WATTS, Her. C. I': WINO, J. A. 11. Kamm, JAMES HAM! ',TON, Esq., " JAL:OI3 FRY, T.. 11. Sl111.1:m Esq., " Dr.:B. li. KIE.FFEit, ' a , ..1; .51011.85, -Her. Mr. sTEititErr,_ • . 31rir. 19, 1836- r -1 year.. Siortt, nub Sliopa. N..W.eIYQODS,A,Kt Bunks.- _ (2iA.RIIISLE -DEPOSIT . BAN K. - ,ki - YLVM PER CENT. ` , _____., .... az i e dioo ,o f - the - Boarter - Directofe. hold on tn° atil of March, 1806,, -- it, was mosobnously resolved tbal , b4efi . ' osbabo'l4.lli,opaid - onspecial, deposits - 7 bythe - Dayis , Doposit, Dimly loCorpotitAed ~by, the E,tato- of Pen , IA i4tals, iilblipa - s:, .•: , , ~ , • .., . , 41)or..cont hr annilia':fOr 4 'oo4giii, ~. • - .' ".:".. Lt i t rtt*iii7 - 14 - iiiiitifi'll'ici apiittion oi,i tie co poste, i •unions'retiowiL and AL° taospy,l4rayk, paid back with out notlc& 1. ) ' • . Jig °Nor ,ofilialbaluit ot Directors... . ,: Iliftrcli'l2, 18684 :' : :W: 'AL Hl,: EM; Castioi, IUMBIIitLAND.-NAL.LBY BANK. . . • - PROPRIETORS; • : $ . TLUAIi Kt% t.' • `idilkffoltt'BßlSPlEDlALl. ,••••; RimtenD:Woons, , ' • • .101 is B tZ lll4l '. : O. ' lisrrirr A. STUROZON. •' • `Shia hank, doing liminess in' the 'name of KER. •lIRENNESiAN- CO. is nowfully prepared to do a gen oral "tanking fluidness with protoptuese and. fidelity, ' Money received on Deposit and paid back on demand. :withoitt.noliee..... Interest: paid .on.special.Pgpqakts,4, Perth:llller ottentibit. Mild •to the - - colloction of Notes, Drafts, Chocks; &e."iti any part of the United iatates or t.`anadas • . . ltenfittanees made to England, Ireland or the Conti. gout.. The faithful and confidential execution of all or: der s' entrusted to them; may be relied upon. ,They will /Wall times be 'pleased to givian information &tired in regard to money matters inTenerel. '• • • .• The propriolkrs 01 this Dank 'are Individually liable in the extent %of their •estates . for all the dopusits and other obligations of her, Brenneman a' Co. , ' . • • .Banking House in Trout's Building. Main Street, a few doors east of the Rail Road Depot. Open for busi 11e88 from 9`o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the evening. H. A. STURGEON, Cashier.' N. A -I-interest at the rote, of 5 per cent, per annum will be paidon Special dem. i•its as heretofore: Carlisle, March 18. 186 b. . Stour dsz DREPARE. FOR WINTER! • PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES. ' • The subscriber at Ids old stand-on Neat/Hanover st., Carlisle; the sign of the "Mammoth lied Ciiffee Pot," de lees to call the attention'of. the public to his large as ertmont of STOVES, of the :newest and most fashions.- .. hie styles, from the best manufactories in the country, and at all.pricetifrom $3 t 0.515. - • Among his PARLOR &'CIIA3I/11ilt STOVES are the Mirror Stove, the - Arctic. Dever°, Starr Porslib, Union and /Etna Air '.fight, together with other patterns:which ho has of all sixes' i t imiu k s or ehambers,and calculated for burning either wood or , coal. Also, the 'Etna, Glebe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Ilandbox or Poor'.Afan's, with other Cooli- INti 810VES, - comprising the iateist Improvements in kitchen stoves, and intend.d for either w7:, e ,,d ' or coal.— 'Also, thd Dining. oom - D 'Stove—a nw and 0 10- . garitartide to width he - invitee the particular lion of fainille.s. Ills cooking stoves range in price from $1 to 25, with the fixtures complete.. - Also, Nine Plate St cos of various patterns and:different Also, ENAMELLED :AND- TINNED WAILE for Cook; lug Stoves, lirass Kettles; Ac.. , Also; every artlele in the line of Tin and'Copper Ware. The public are respect fully invited to call as - hels confident.Wlth. his large stock, variety and'eheapness, of being able' to give en tire satisfaction to every purchaser.' Call and see. pct. '25, 0154. M. atnIIIUS - - S•'I'OVESI BTOV.EB !! .1011S' D. OORGAd . would infOrm tho public that ho has now on liandot_, bin establishment, on_Nalit_fit.,_ neat door to Marion Val!, the -largest • and most com . pleto assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAR— '`- LOW STOVES,' thi• be !blind -In this codnty, ‘ +,„.4.,', which will bo • sold ,at the lowest iwicoS fbr cash iar.approfieteredit: stork 'consists of " a large assortment of new - •and — highly ap. ...Z.,. proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished in the most complete manner, and calculated for.either wood or coal, or, both. All the old standard pattertis which bs.ve stood the test of experience, may be found at hike. sblishiment. Also, a:great variety of the most approve.. and beatitLul PA ItLOR OFFICEVSTOVES, in cluding number of new styles, possessing very supe- Her advatitagei over those heretolbre in use. Families and hotusekeoperiare iespectfollY invited to give him A call borer° purcuudolf elaswhere ? ; /novels delivered to any hart of the'country aMEPut up at the Oluirteit no tice. Ile continuos to de all,kinda ofTIN ANI)/311EET IRON WAKE, and Copper Work, and lierconstently on hand or will make to order every article required by housekeepers or others in this line. Ills stock of Tin and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and . kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manufitc !um!. Persons in want of artjeles.in hie line may al ways be sure of being accommodated to their satisfaction by giving hirpit - call. • . , rovl-1 3nsuranit WEST BRANCH •INSURANCE C0.,•0F LOCK HANEN;PA., tosures Detached buildings, Stores, blerehandise, Farm Property, and other buildings, and Atioir contents at moderate rates. CAPITALS3OO,OOO—CHAItTEKPISRPETIIAL: . . DIR/CrOlta. • 100, John J. Pearce, • Hon. 0. C. Harvey, . • John D. Hall, ' T. lt, Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, L , i .. D. J.: Jackman, Charles Crieti • i,'. - W . White,- Peter Dickinson, , Thos. lir. . .... • • T. 0. A MII, Vice Pres. . THOMAS KIT6L.V, Se cre tary. . - - - asixasacis.. Samuel H. Llo:'d, Thoe. Newman, D. D n. ..,, A. A. Winagardner, " Wm. Vanderbelt, L. ic. Mackey, Wm.,lrearon, A. White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, james (Wiggle,' • A. Cpdegratr, John W. Maynard, ' James Armstrong, 'gen. Simon Cameron, Ilon. Wm. Dialer. .WM. 0. lIIIEMM, Agent, [Carlisle, Penn'a. Miy 15,1856-IY. 0 Alt LISLE _AGENCY, ‘_) — Yolt, INDEMNITY AGAINST LQSS BY FIRE: . .. ' TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y., Or P/lILAMSLPIIIIL. 'Charter yerpettial.—s4oo,ooo Capital paid In. Office . 1 . 104% Chesnut street. M AE I . DOUR AN C ty eitfier permanent or llMited, against loss ot"damage by fire, on PROPICRIT and erracrsof every tlescrlption, - In - town - or'Countryonlbtr-Most - tititsonable terms.. Applicatlonsmade either personally or by letter, will be promptly attanded to. k - , C. N. DANCKER, Pres% • . . , The subscriber is, agint fir the Abele company for Carlisle and Its vicinity. All applications for Insurance , either by mall or personally , will be promptly attended to by • . .. Aar. SPONSIAR, dec.l2, '55. . , Real Estate'Artent and ficrbreier. nitE. INSURANCE.- THE ALLEN F AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FINE IN oURANCE.,COSiPANY of Cumberland county, ineorPo• rated by an uct of Assembly, is now fully orpniced, and In operation under , the management of the following „ commissioners, Gargle, Michael Conklin, Meleboir Drenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. Coovor, Lewis layer, Henry Logan, Beßia miu IL Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickershain, Alexander Cathcart.' The rates of insuraiice are as low and favorable litany Company of the kind in the State. l'ersons Wishing to -become-members are Invited to- make application to the agents of tho company, who' are willing to wait upon' them at any time. . ' ' DEW. President. HENRY LORAN, Vice President., • . LEWIS lITER, 'Strereiary. „ MICHAEL COOKLIN, Treasurer. . • AGENTS. - CUMBERLAND COUNTY.---Rudolph Martin, N. Cul berlaird; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Ifenry Roaring, Shiremanstowali; Charles Bell, Carlisle; Dr. J:r2111; Churebtown • . Samuel Graham, West- Pennsboroper.. dames Mo Irtirrelpirart Ilford; Mode Griffith, South Mid •siteturri - Samitel.Cielfier;Degisinin Hayerstlek,_litadian. , lesburirr-John Sherriek, Lisburn; David Ckeireri Shop- , ?herdstown. . . • r . YORK COUNTY—John towni*N_DMsbturg;• Peter Woltbrd, Franklin;'Jobit Fludtk 71PaihlYsa.hIngt)12; W. 9: Picking, Dover;• J. W. Craft PorWie. - ; • TIARRISOURO.,--41ouset &locytyuitt.' • Members of the company.toOlotttoolleler about to ex pirran'e here there renewedlii' r Puking application. to wry tho altotus... . . MEI agricultural. IMPROVED SELF-ADJUSUNO- . .. lIA - Y - MLFrVATOP: I 3 - or - lIOIBTING - Illith - 8. i • Felt:adjusting Hay , klerators with antl•frictioilf blocks c. s; &_,_ _ , - _-__- -200:1 fiditiitiridurd Tooth, Iriiirtia"Ortilli Ilikei. ~ • 300 .Ploughs. various sites'and patterne:' ',' . : ' .500 CultivatOreVni Hoe:Harr we; various patterns.:- , 200 Harrows, various sizera, d attOris„.„- , , 100 May, Straw . andtorn-ii t, Hors., .. -. ' ' t i ...%, 100; fletiding'a•Pate.ntPower 'orri fihellersauo Cietiiiii, 4 „- MO Landreth'e EiCelsior Han Corn Fhellers, H05..1, 8,. • 8, and 4,• „: ' The above 'are all , Manufactu'rcd at our Steam Works, - ' Hrlitol, P.e. -.The workinanehiP and material are.Of 'un-; surpassed, quality . . ~.,;. . .. . and . . Fariners will profit by , an examination dolopa r i soti . with'other'implements in market. _ ',. ALSO, ' . iiii'ititcy's'i'isient Grain Drills; 1., -100 - Hickoh's Patent Cider Mills and - Pressi . - - ;Tt• -7 - 77 - A`., ;.---- Melts , 4 'Dunham's Improved Cam Motibrii ( lietipliit . and Mowing'-Machines, Of , which' we „bilvo; tliO '&4c agency in Philadelphia: '. - ' '' ' - or, '"-- " :',,' . ''...'''''',, 1 Agricultural and , -Horticultural'. Impleinenta .' and. I .Tools, Citadel/And Flower Sieds!in 'great , variety, ' For' saleb D,'LANDRETIf "8: SON, : - ~ - ' - 1 -------....-Noc-21-and 28 B : ll irtlifir.Millitilajdthi: - •' - ' - May 2 4, /850,-8m.., -. , ~... L. ~.••••• ~. ~, .',. ~ ', A.GRICULTUAAL IMPLEMENS. ' . PENNOCK'S CELEIiItATED l'illE.Al Dltlll-' Adapted also far, sowing oaie, grass midis and , - - • guano. Krauser's Portable Cider 1 , 4111--the hest; -71,:.' . in the market. lialliday's patent Windmill.— Ilorse Power's and Thresher's, Limo and Guano opreador'S, Daniel's 'lay, Straw and Fodder 4, utier.- Little Want Corn and Cob Mill, Spain's Atmospheric Churn. Shealxrre Superior Impleznents with all othere; for the use of the &rater or gardner, for sale ' Wholesale and Retail bye -':". - - - PASTA MORRIS & C ~ Agricultural Warehouse Cl and L Seed Store s corner 7bi and Market streets, Philadelphia. July 25055. Nos:- 21 • and. 23.. South Sixth Street . PHAADELPIIIA.. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE! , IENVMANUFACTOBT, Bristol. PA. " Sa ED ilitemaos (370 Acres) Bles - ansdale, near Bristol, I* .AI PENING A, YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, inannue.t ured - for DRICII SAEOENTOio. 410 Market etreet,-Philada . This cutter. Is superior to any now In use, for strength dursbility, and simpliolty of construction; it cute fast er, and Is the only selFaharponing Ilayi Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIGET ENIFE, which any person, can grind and set . with. was but in ordinary case, is ground . In the machine: • Thou. sands have already been sold, and the demand increasing.. In mast cases an oxamination is sufficient to convince one of lis superiority. No one afters sheet LtriaLwould part-with-it for any other. All sires of the above constantly on band and Ihr salehrL.. • , J. P. LYNR , • - • •Sole Agentfor OntobeHood county, octi; CONWAY'S GENUINE HONEY SOAP.—Conway's pure Palm Sonp.--C,onivay's Im proved Chemical Olive Soap. ' A full supply of these truly excellent Soaps Just receive* and for aale at WILLIAMS' FAMILY.GIiOCEItY, Brain Street, Carlisle, Nov. 21,'55, _ ' • V.P.WGOODS - .,—.The subscriber has IA just received from Philadelphia a large, assort ment of seasouable Reeds, which will le sold tee cheap —opposite the it. It. Depot, Carlisle; • CariWa, Feb. 20,1866. - . rir 0 NI C .O.N_ D ! • —They never did do, more than' give temperary reauf, and they never will It is because they don't - touch the cuss of the disease. The cause of all ague and Willow, diseases is the aimbspberk paint': called Miasma or Malaria. , Neutralise this poison by its el.' TURAL ANT/DOTY, and ail disease e:: used by it. disappears at once. Rhodes' .Fever and Ague Cure is this antidote to Nalaria, and moreover it M a perfectly harinlesa coed- Mine.. The certificate of -The celebrated chemist, Chilton, of New-York, to this effect, is attached to era ry bottle; therefeae, lilt does no good, it can' do net harm. This is nicie than can be said Of Quinine, Arsenic, or any other tonlakt existence, as their use is ruinous to the constitution and brings on- LUDaB AtillE, which never allows a Person to feel perfectly well for a tingle moment. in,lllustration of these truths 1 annex some, extracts, from a letter just received from a Physician: tiZOROSTOWN, Owe, March If, 1050. JAS. A. RHOADS; Yast.---Dear Sir: Yonne( :ad inst., Is at hand. The Conk arrived bite - last year, and the difficulty in getting any one to purchase it was 'greatly ' Increased from the fact that a remedy hied been ham!: ductal - which was growing in favor with the publici es being better than using Quinine—not knowing, 1 pre sumo, that the remedy they used to escape taking Qui nine contained the DRUG iTfittle I ' Yids remedy (known &JO:Smith's Tonic, ") would la.' „ variably 111L4Alilin Ague, but it did not . Cure it, as it would often return with renewed vigor. This one cis , _ cumita t ice-tc loolnad - in - yOurlitivri - lfreoulelnatitut& - a test comparison between it and your CUitil The roll. lowing is the result; • . Three persons took your "Cure," all of which were eases of Quotidian intermittent Fever," of: many weeks standing. -Ugly .-had tried Quinine and other remedies, ocean sully Missing ti chill, but it was Ns in all 'such caJia, sllowly wearing them out, and laying the Mundati , u of- other and severer.maladies. I did• isucceed In effecting a radical cure of all. three•of - these cases-with your remedy, and they have not -had a chill -since. In all.threnof these cases the "Smith's Tonic" had boon used, and would, as before stated, break the - chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return. 1 think there will be Ile difficulty-. now; In giving to your "Cure" the vantage ground of any other remedy 'toxin use_hitreolie l - WAL klitii 2 adt; 31 . D. • itttooEs.*.ei•Eit dull' AOUIN DUDA or ANTIDOTE TO 31A Latitlit, the oitly harmless remedy In eilsOntee le equally eerutla as a ragyvinvx, es - A." CURi." Trace It never whe have /Cain& n:you feel- the chills • coming -Lon, and- you *lllr , lAne. • ,JAMBE A. lIIIODES, , Proprietor, , • . Prorldenee,,E. *4 B For sale bjrlV, A, gap, and 'Druggists generally. duly duly 2. , . - ' latin lba. -OF FARSII a'UItNIP Vt/tibillD, consisting of Purple VD; Whits *in . Days trybrid, Yellow Aberdeen, rurple U,'op lints Dago, Orson Top do., at wholesale and retail. • • PASCHALL. MORIUS it CO, Implement and Seed Store,' , • 9th and Market, July 30.,1856.) AGRICULTURAL - 131i'LE-. - ;„ * .t• ext • • ItENtB.- , ••• Rldging-ind-Bhtvel:Ploire.lbiTain.and rtetV;6l4 th lS o l gaolia C t u te lkva tua,l s ad ir a l a Gotruen iituy.oinet,l67:!d. Ilsom, Rake, Jug - Am patent Scythe iinathe and 'Scythes, - *Kngliatt Lawn Scythes-arittr rivetted backs,-superior lUnloadhtg Hay Forksovith repo and tackle complete, and all other articles for firm and garden. , PASCRIALL 1&0411.1.8 & CO, • 7 th and Market Streets, .Phi Ls. • M. SNOP6RA.,4B