0 ~' .:4 - i. : li'.:4'is'i - "ffiii-..1-b -. o.a.:azzSzp, WEDNESDAY, AVOUST gO, ltyic T,oe, Curliest alit) (Eljeni)est Toiler (1113113ERLAND„,:c0111NT,Y. . , ~ . • TERMS' --Two DOLLARS AI(RAR.,:OIit ONE. DOL• LAR . ANO FIFTY CENTS, IF 141 D 124 ADITAiiICVE. • - WITHIN Tilti,. SEAR. . ' . . . THE PEOINI.E'S CANDIDATiES. • FOR PREISIDENT i , JOHN C, FREONT,California • FOR-VICEIqipENT, IVirfir. - 1,: DAYTON, of New Jejliey.• r_N T iI'ICKET. dA NAL commissioN.Eß, THOMAS E. COCHRAN,' of . York CO .• : . AUDITORNERAL,''' . - - , DARWIN:PHELPS, of Armstrong Co. ._ . . , T.,.. , • . • • : SURVEYOR .(IENERAT,,' ... • BARTHOLOMEW LAPORTE; Bradford . _ ..• - • . TOICE• 01 4 :CLAY AND WEBS - TED, ! • . . _Henry tiny on I.•lwiery Ex' lent:lon,. -In his great speeeh en tbeetenprombet measures on iltho tit - of .Fehruary,:la.s9.. II F.N It V CLAN 1.1) Us tliiipliiit k• ally Lb:aired his omit:It:Ion to nil designs Mr the ex. .. tensi - eira Elltereey . : :• . ~ I repent that 1 never ran, and 'never will, and no earthly power will over make Me, . vt,te: to extend Slavery over territory whore it does not ex*. Never while reason I a seat in my braln,--never *bile my heart sands the vital hold through my Veins. ' Never— XEcEu—NEVER.- -' Henry clay on Bnoltanan. • In Mr. Clay's private corresporalence,:pnbilahed. last ve;ir 017), In a lettr Ullman, dated ',Tuna IC SIC says nR ibIIONYS: - Of the candidates spoken elan the Jjetnocratlc I confess that I should proffer eliais. Ile is, I think., Inure-to-he relied en thluA any of his, competitors. - During the trials of the long sessions of the Int Con, gross', he bore bleu:elf firmly, consistently and inttrletl, eally. lie, has quite as. intieh gtdllty qttito.as i n uch firmness, and. 1 think, Welt FORA honesty and 'sin _ cerity.thao Mr. Buchanan. ' , :Daniel Webster on Slavery Extension As e°lnialr approprhaely in this conuealowies quol a briefpassage from 11.VStri. 11,KfibT}:13'S groat NpeCeli March 7, 1850—zapo his last trend effort in the Sonah lie said: . . _ . . ' "Slr, .therever there Isesubstantial lieed hi lie "dent 'wherever. there ha a feet of land to be preyentod five /eenniiiiii' Slave territery, I au ready. to , arrest the prii en& of the eitension of SlaverY. I.' ain plodgedln I Own the year 1i47; 1 hate been pledged,to It agaltt.an again ; and I w•jll perforat those'pledgee." - . - ADJOURNMENT-OP C-ONGUESS Congress udjotined on Monday morn Both Houses were. in scssity „pearly all of, Saturday night. The fin. ,adjourninent look place on Mondry ; 0410ek..-1 • An exciting contest too / • _:,-place Wtween the-twejtouses in refer once to the appropriatinabills. 'All wer .finally passed, 'however, -but the Arm, • bill, amounting to about $14,000,000, t which the llouse,had fasttuid - au men - f — b . or lthlhArthe - employment—of- tit : - A rmy to enforce 41. e bogus lawn of Kai .• sas. The Senate rejected this, tint tl HMS; insisted and the bill fell. Rum ;,,Are currqnt,of "qaping, an .extra se Congress bLthe Pr nt, i , iboisequence of the defeat' of , the Are, -fatipropiiatiptybut no official' action Ii tiVen. There is every' reasi to beliciye that the PrSaident 'has givi, d!stinnt.tuisurancea_tbatrOe prose,; !Alike immediately entered in thiallep frisson cases. in ,Kansas. • . • JECXT,3 • sitAssgin!.. • • . 7 110 01,1 ) -9.0$ of. .79 1 4 0 0 4 Yr th° otiprekplawatolplCutzEneittentaipireei callipg ' ll Ar!'' ' '*trile iiiicia, of goligreett tO common. '3 4 ton' "21st `4 . -4-tke:jr4o*-P4ill; witburg;'afile 62l, o oll4, Ptl*,., -,or-aranitittyait*''ciiitimodotat , didiies tie Trariklin s, ~ ~ , • . _,,,,, ~., '. Seldom have we had at., 'Rad. of -.,., o , tii ooluttiris•lie'•gbed r ticket*diat nemi -.....,.. nat - 64 - lifyie — ijiiiiin , County'Oenventton • on lienday last; - . ' , ... A 11 1 " ,,, Tiehes of . the op= --pOsi don -• to -Bucha nun wer- - fairl,y . - •repre sented.in• thk.'ConventiOn' and_ all._ are 'p i . I,naPy we11,.-represented on ;the ticket: The sevCrai etindidites lire, men of the I highest intellioenee '•oiaeknoWledged iii,•- ~ , ness f •ana of well known fitandink, ..pppii . _ . d . laxity influence.z. in theilyrespeotive local . districts. • The.earididateg• for:the 'Legislature are both gentlemen: of, .sope- . iior rinalitidationS, who if elected Will re- : Oct .credit up'en the 'county: . A - : htige number btiinines were submitted to the. •.. CenVention forromination , and that some. -. • : of these sirould• be- disappointedyin.:tiyir l . expectation's was unavoidable. But those - . 'who have, been disappointed •§hould show 'll)oh...devotion to the cause . 131:y\.,working withinereased.: energy I,orits suceess, , in thefttll confidence.that their own claims will,,be duly regarded hereafter. -.. IVliigi AtneriettOs and RepnbliCans, year ticket is now in the field.._ It.:is a ticket which we can cordially commend io your earnest suiTort.. it is the result • of the harmonious deliberations of your, township rePreseltatiVes. Give it, there. fore, yotty support hr, the' same,. spirit; frit Ton is the word, and u hile': -- oit are u nited be active ; ''energetic and vigilant also,'.and the success of yourAidicet.is tie, __ _ ' ~yond all doubt i•, . : , , ' . . S s, ~i We could 'fill 'columns_ of our paper with paragraphs attesting the enthusiasm which aid..mates ,the frionds-.of'Froiront •rin (lie • Northern • and. Western States. .•Nearliever. paper. we'ope(l contains an . . nontimmients of proininciit7men who are abandoning; the sham ileimicracy and cri-• listing in the .of true, old flighiened Jetiersonian Republicanism. • In Indiana, Illinois, ~}iichigun, Vv iseonsin and. lowa the enthusiasm for Fremont is. -Sweeping all before:it. 'llepoblicatc lowa • already 'peals.the trnmpet , hlast -of •V1.0'0.10,Y, summoning her sister States .of the glori ous . West to join in. the triumphal inarch of Fremont and Freedom • In the Eastern States the signs are al so- fall of promise- ,; atifi- -encouragement. ~ .The fires of Freedom are ,kindled on eve ry hill_ and in every valley. New York anti Ohio are- regarded as safe for Fre- Juont and, till 'that is needed is to bring _Peunsylvania into line.. FriendS of Free dim- rouse toaction !.- ;.- THE Ft u.moitE TicKET.—The follow ing. is the electoral ticket chosen by • the 1., Fillmore covention Andrew Stewart. Hon. Joseph D. In • Tel tioll ; Squotorint. ' Armstrong C. Flom merfelt , Henry .White R Joseph J. Riley, jr ; 4 Henry D. Moore ; 5 DAttiel 0. Hitner , 6 Ismael Newton ; 7 etle) N. creyl4lr ; 8 John C Meyers ; Samuel Kenneogy ;10 Henry W. Snyder ; 11 Kitnher ()limiter ; 12 Robert F. Chew • 13 Samuel Yoke 14 ti) be filled • 15 4 3 / 4 eorge W. Youngman ; 16 thltthill Va llos hour •' 17 D. S. Duffield : .: 1S (le4.rge W. Pot, ton ; 19 Joseph it• Kubint 2tl John H. Wells: 21 Mit. Wright; 22 Drury. Phillips; 20: ' John D. Nesbit; ' Tampa N. limber/og -1011; 2 a , Jl l mos: I Veer• ;Thls...`ticket. mild contains' the `names of at'least'two men,wito nre sup of FrOmoni. Theto are 0." - W. YO'tingulant of the *ifteeetht and Caleb Taylor, of the; Seventh Dintriet, Youngman, _seeordpg to a Lyeoming cor respondent of the, ,ennsylvanian, has Veen actively engaged -in distributing Frernont papers, andic,--well known, 'that rekiell, folhe'for the Repnblicen can ' didate: The - LVestr 4 a btelligette=i also says, that'Tayloi was a memher of, Phibid o oo - ‘i,49 lll 4 l Pee National Convention 'thick ontninsted i?remont ? , ef wheel 'mho a n z 54.0 ,uPPorteT• 'there are 'also other names:on'the tieltet Ithich from:their antecedontc"4onld set do rq" as more ftlendl to. sl,nont, , than kill O ace , O . _ more, hnt ofprecise p9=olql bam004k4 0 444d0m# 10 i.J ,,,,,, r , , 7: °' , i • t rut UNIO .,Qu,zB.oN.—"Eysel , jtio 41440,10.01*1"-', .„ ElPo' tb Sotitt 140,1iritikes, and 1610000 th e v. t. lectott(wititrii'LmsilljApputOolitti - 4is • Union 'moist andAtilhe . preffexzeit 1" UNION ',.Ti.01.E.E Tilt?: FREMONT PEELING: ' tirettligitt'4fieralb. stitwinr,turaitEro• • One orthe'lions at New,ville last week was;Ex-Goi•'• ••Joh n' Bi0•16r of; 7: California, fttirly el6ted to that. office: He was called-upon to mak3 a speech IR Newville, and alluded, as we, are., informed, to Brooks' attack on • Suninfx, sAYing that Col Fremont while in the U. S. Senate had' made an attack on Senator'.Foote whieli•was quite 'as outrageous as the at : - tack of BrOoks upon Sumner. _ ,The Ex 'Gov. could not have uttered -a more out rage ous cal u m riy,an d -foi. the information of our friends -who heard Bigler's speech' we copy the following from the ISTew York :Be r ard, of, Sept, 28, 'lB5O, when -the, iifficulty occurred : , 1850.-IYhen fight occurs between two snob prominentindi viduzlls.as Senekirs.__FooGand• Frentopt, .the t'lltdievrill.iraturallybe curious to know how, the tight came to occur. The . tact' in the case, us retorted by a gentleman who happen- eil'to be present are Os follows : Mr Foote, iLI debate, some time yesterday, in allusion to the prnpose(Pegislation, - aske.t. t'"i" thhirmlttimi relikt,ive. .ce.rtnin.land• grants. iii Cnlifniilfii,"ntid treclitred that - stich- legisla• tiun would be disreputable. - Far' this , expres. slot of opinion, .Mr.- Fremont, in . the • tittle , chatialalr of the Senate, last - night; Calletropon Mr Foote .fer nn: explanation. Mr. Foote promptlyreptied that be would, give 'an. ex pltination. He assured 15,4'-; Fremont that he inentit nothing_personal in his remorkshe had made in the Sefiiitoi This was 110 t satisfac tory, to Mr Fremont'Who prottonneed_ - Mr. Youte to he no gentleman. As - quick as thought.tenr•Mr. FOOT[; struck Mr t Preznont u Wit. two Senators clutched, or clinch, trial: (lick oilier. At this. moment, Senators Clarke and Mangum interft rein tintl separated the 00111113INIO 1 . 8, Who littered 'some: toms of treirdii e cat -eac h - ot her," There was Mt motive• for : misreprementatio at the; time the above was published,:. !it Fremmies attacking Poote,lFoote. attache Fremont. is - said - that before the recent election in 111issouri,:an arrange ,iii nt was made betweett - the - Benton*: . and, anti-Benton-parties, - Vy : which i(„was_ greed . that the CleCtoriti - ticketiol the - Par: ty polling the grea,ter*nuniber.of votes at the Gnberwitorialel4ction should be con sidered the reatilar one, and -the other withdrawn. The Benton electdrallie - ket wild therefore be withdrawn. Neverthe : : less ; the, Si. Lonis,Bepublicau sayS .that, thegreater part of the Benton Votes, in St. Louis at least, will be cast 'foi Fre - - wont, for whom an electoral. ticket will be - forth with - norni noted. tO:L. The National Era. states, that the A rtti-Siavery Staadard, the. An ti Slave 4 Bugle, of Ohio, antin-fact. every •aboli tion. paper ad'Vo‘ating Disunion, eon 'deinns the Republican.platfOravand:-the Republican candidate. They are doing all fliey ean,for Buchanan by withdririv ing.voteafro. and Parker Pillsbury, both ultra abo, and .avowek_distinionistS,- are out for Buchanan, whose ' election they Contend., would - bring about the object they 'desire. • 7. • CONGRESSIONAL. COMPENSATION.- Before the adjournment a not law passed CongresS"by which . each member is to receive annual pay at the rate of $3OOO a year. The mileage pay' is continued at the present rate, but-the usual allowance of-books-i&done_awAy__with. T,fie bill passed the Housil by it vote of ye6' 100, nays. 98 , •• 31,r. TO`dd_a this .district vo ted aggiiist the hill. ° IN VIROINIA.-!—A correspondent of, the , Boston Te/ear‘opft says:that a "FREMONT rElootoral ticket will semi be nominated in Virginia, that this deunnistration awing .v o b, much to the_ late blow stritok by thStajave: breeders at the peOple's rights in the' o u bi o n , 01111 r- UNDERWooD feonYthe aid dOMiniOn.fOr pirtiefriatiilk in the ; ; deiphik"Ocariiintion. • ser:Thevoilgrivailowil 'Conferettoo• - filetriOoliptikalrATlO gotintle4 or ' 7 'ak r ii.:got . "4":7l,v"lii : ri - 4. Clario — il;',ol4 : 04 ' 4 1 4 3 : I Forest and. or ersotti wet' at Srookaille,:w few dayar :iiiii,i; "•I'hil' 4 placed lel 'llotel*fib* Opt.' 4 . ignlf 24eriir '44 * ~9f veil* covq.7; its be .Thittr o.tutadtiete l tetektitteek 'iti 'th . at dititiklti.l t 6 -§friuPP 4 iied . f."/ the °P,P?Peitti 6 rqiifift3l 'P; l :4o olll' 4'4* ,, 'lthe, - .1 1 0.0at 1 4 4 040,AVii4141w , 4144,10 $4 1 NThir' 311 I , 1imf.. 0 c,a)::k .,,14 1. liPthOP irppigseldithit.lV wilt -, be' *rota vitlitiTit , much fr4*olo.. TheN9ofereee aim prepaSti e s 'Olitidreelf , to the State CeutegOomodAtee*et tiii:jteietiiiiii 7 OkaiiiitOilieen_,liiiliitik: well ., the propriety and nice/laity-or foriiiiig itinioe Eteotoral ticket, - town ajtb Coutitij 3liatterg. bcnarans , ABOUT 'understand the dwelling jhouse:. of TO. i_JaoOk Dtiey; on , T.outlier street was entered : on Saturday night , 'lest and $25 014 taken. .Ilie s house . 'woe entered by,a beak ivindow vliah bad.not been auffieiently Bemired, and the money taken from lock - Of ichioll . the•thief bad . probe bly a key to suit, , '-• Go,r. - FORD'ii. SPEECtIic--Tive Court House . Wes filled to overflowing last night with people eager to hear the sPeekilt ofOov. Ford, of Ohio.. Tliey,w'ere richly_ repaid too. The dov. 'spoke for'an hour and a half in a strain of lofty and stirring eloquence,:mingled with' humor and:aneedote, such .aere 'have seldom had the •pleasure of hearing... The audi ence testified their satisfaction* by the. "u oft tumultuous - nrp!ause: ..ThecOoy.:is a genuine Western oratorand lits tour thro,ugh vanhi eanuot`fuil ()Wood results to.theituse. We tyre glad to henr.there• is n prOnhility,of his ietuynitcg — to:spenk nt..everni:points iii this county. 'Gov: Ritner piestdeti on the oe'ension. - Nilwy#LEFAnt.--- T TheTliird Annual Indost;rial hair. of the Llig . Spring Literary Ini.tittite,"rit - Netvvi:le; last week suCCess ful beiond all - expectation - S. - From - 111otiday until h'riday • .evening the town 'Was._ thronged with' visitors and alive :with . excitement. On Thursday the lnrgo•hall and ,grounds of the Fair were crowded to excess The eithitrition comprised a large variety of articles of .6 use fal and ornamental chat treter'and exceedingly creditable to the rkill .of the . designers and Mainfacturerii. An attractive feature of the exhibition :was the fancy- paintings. preserved fruits, &c., :contributed by the Indite of Newville, and.tricinity. , • The manage• itlti of the w r aa . excelletit_atid _we iralulate the officers - upon the onward pro : press of their society. •-• A FouNDLINa; , --.At.ail eaily_hOpe,on 'Thursday morni n g lust'a 'colored - than was oh : curved by n neigh,bor to entefully deposit a htiudle at the front - door of the dwehir , g house — et a. gentleman - of this--place,---Tht. bundle o wns taken up' a. short time after a tal: being-OPena,&%ya,.qpnrtd infant Add alive. • Ac-vratiLa..white child and.suppos -ed to' he three•Or four week's 'The gen-. - ttematt - to -whom . it-Nrtut thus-,consigned by its unna:ural mother' deollned receiving sue!) a present and , placed. under other guardittutatip. . LANDLORD IMPRISONED. , ---At the August Qunyter Sessions Court in Perry 'cour ty, last. week, John .S: Foose, atavern- Keep er, was indietedUnder the act of 1851, gener ally known as the - Buckalew , Invi, for selling liquor to n Man of• intemperate habits. after notice, lie pleAd guilty end was sentenced by Judge Graham to•pay a' Cute of ::$2O and the, costs of prosecution and I” days. This shows the ttetorminntion of. tlie Court to punish such offences with severity., • AGRICULTURAL WAR4:110118.11.•---AR establishmentof this kind has long been need ed in our boroneh, ,and our • country friends will thereforebo glad,to see that one has been opened by Mr., .James Armstrong, whose a - d-• ertiseinent will be found in to-day's paper. nALTI MORE FEMALE ,COLLEGE.—..Prof. John A. 'Munree, o graduateef Dickinson Co!. lege, and late of the New'•Jersey Conterjuce Seminary, has_been recently appointed P"ro= fessor of Theoretical Mellmmatics in the Bal. timore Female College, under •the charge of • Rev, C. Brooks. ." - ger The Aug,est number of the inven tor, closes the tirityclume. 'This motithlyhes steadily itnproeed—shmo—its—oommencetimii and it now commences ite. second .voluene as one'of the most interesting and • instructive Journals'to all classes , of Soientitio men, Me ebonies / Engineers and Mathetnatichms, pith lisped: " The'engraved illustrations are &Imp ular, featire of the work, and the publishers afford, a 'valuable:agency . in 'the procurement of :patents for neW inventions. The terMs'itre 4017 loW,OnliSt a yesr, in Oialvie;cnd now, 'tit the commencement of a new yelums is the time-to'subsonbe.i._Addiees Low, IjApr t ..ELL ;43; Co.' 30413readway, New lork Otahutm, for September, riob, ra= ey'and reatkblo„ is tareadY tO -' lu)nil, This " Puffing; it 1 9 tilie's `with .Ith' oirqo4r# 66 4 6 tYlki' ' "" 1 4! 150 reader;: if not *ire* a.lidisarlhar; to Send your ad drees. Skl#M4tlON B c, 111400VD,3N1d)if and gei it or tky ‘ Malit • LATios,L4c4pinurAz".tv is 11 6. firili.),/st(44lriet4eliemi 44440 w pi terijaklook*,loothe ?* 1 \of h., are4,,VOg 411110 two, tow,n Lo4ll4'tnob wetowevAplob ii,. - 'vittteetie*tremittee tneirt l .- Vero tirifieVrePit*l o lame; atteltiltitho in ate 'days.. They did so at once, but as) dkd not allay The ezoitemsta. s 1 t ==l Tattittni:n Orol4t OtlionteiAUdt.—The storm of the 18th,".11th and 12th inst.., Which visited - • - • the vicinity:ef Dt.evr:rOrleane *W of. the most . terrible , chnraoter,'7The':inest disastrous` • , • •.• - • -feetti_were.feltat.%:"atimmer reitort-ca'led Last—. , Island, a shertAisterme aboVe Now Orleans " whfoll iA represented ..to have had every house - swePt froth It o :and:to -have: been conipletely, inundaied. •„Tyte, hundred persons, kt ie .qsti: mated',.lost their tiyes on this island . . Grand„..,k Caillon another , waterintt , place, • had Ilse suffered , severely . ;' . the;eitent of the lass.. of life was not known, , titit it was reported that thirty bodiee had, been , found On one end of the island:. , 'The datnage to-the augni, cotton and corn crops 44.114141 to be almost inealcula ble The bunks of the • river at Bayou Sara had caved in;" earrying,, away: three ' , hundred ... • „ residences. . . , The.storm in I.ouisfatimproves-to have beep even worse than .afnrst reported. continu.. ell4B hears, - And :by' atantrate measurement, not, less.' than fourteen, inches of 'rain fell. It extended:up •the Mississippi : its far as...leard from. - -At Last Island it is' thenOht that the loss of life will reach 200, us .14; bodies had. been - Md.' Many of thesurvivers ate bad ly wounded. • The : „As.u.:' bodies were iduitiler ed of- ,st ti4o6 in' money, by-wreckers;--and- 7 $5OO worth of baggage helongizig. to. the.sur. iivors was mostly stolen. The buildings de 'stroyed un the Island were valued at $10;006. At 'Collier' Island the buildings destroyed were valued at tflsst3;ooo, :and thirty dead , : bedie's :were found in one, t.n.dof the ,island. The dolma& to the.craps,iS . •At nu; &ire,' the - tined maden-crevase; in the levee, . inundating - the country in all direction. Three thousand dwellings•have been swept .away -or damaged: In the neighborhood of the baize a number of vessels:•were blown ashiire. The 'steamer Nautilus is Supposed to have beeti lost. rtE1,,,,, Under. the title, ".A KnoW Nothing Stryiupili,;" the; Novrark Afercury of tho ° l2tll says, tbitt ; firty-seven members of the strongest 'American Lodge in that city have •Withdrawn their support from Fillnaoro .and declared for Freitiont, The following, tam ongxither resolu tions,'Vas aidoptetkat a pithlfc - rneetitig after wards help by thefifti-seveti-And th'eir friends- Rettolied, Thai iu John C. Freutont—a wlto,has dime inure for Civilization on this con titient than any ;other-citizen—who hits showy his, devotion , to Freedom and Anteriianii inter • estirin many a bitter strait, ata iu IVilliqra L Dayton, whose voice'has always, been ( a_ o Right, foisFilto Labor a - gain:4 Labor for free rand*Free Speech we recogniz thettlyhoOrwiti _every respect - good .enoug ---- Ainericans for tts ; as / all - Cy ' are tit , Representatives of sentiments which, we, ftF ;prove, witAlo hereby-adopt:them-as-our_cand___ dates and will: labor for their-triumph, or tensingly„from this time forth until the - clot - 'of the polls on the font-th they_ of Noyembi next, • - The nom!' from the Southern elechoutiprob • 4 "I bly canned this e eel on. , . . LAFAYETTE COLLEGE: --tTIIO corn mencernel exercises of Lafayette College took place Easton last week = The Annual Address bele thelVnihiugton and Franklin Literary Soc ties was delivered by Oov. Pollock. The Et ton Times says :—An 'tureens° throug ot ei zees greeted the orator • Beauty. l fashitin, tellect, youth and old_ age composed the . suably. Close had undivided attention tt 'given to ;he speaker. After being_introduc by Dr. McLean, be arose and spoke one ho • in, giving_socus JrieMdly, anti very exult_ counsel to the yoAng wen about to !Clive th Alma Master: . ile Spoke of the (Wiles of American scholar, the beauty of our Consti 4.,ion.autiNnion. of the 4ignjt.t of,atior t the necepitY -of having educated progressof the artantrd,scietices wits dwelt by the siteaker at considerable length. Mt very aptillustrations were adduced. Fa fulness and diligence were urged upon. graduates in their studies but just begun. ' orator`cdased by saying that another kind knoirledge t — beeidett mere intellectual at.; moot Was required.' ,That knowledge' wl elevtited nann,front earth ;o heaven, . DSMOGBATIO I! is movamesys.—ln Kean coutity.eii., 'a voluntary movement beeen made by members , of :the Democp. party, resulting , in a thorough Fremont or ization at the court hone* and in avery t( ship of the uountt. 'The Dentoorats of CI " lan diT° V.lt a.Tb it . meta: They have got up.and published for the Organisation of a:DemOcratio Fre club; giving in detail, 'the. romoop wily cannot 'support the -Buohanan ticket. ' Cleveland 03,1yfi that the signs were' confined tolheini who. up to the Dr , Impaign,,ba!o ,been identified with the uocatio3litri,y,:nn4 every Mon 'olio 'signed, his into far, .William Media ; the , Demo. candidate rot' Governor of,Ohio. Had th been . for those, who voted , for President 'F. • the list;might:have embraced five -hundr _The meeting tO erganize a , club , is to. Place'en th, 16th instattti etithecourt' and will liitinhirersidiry the:Hen Ct„ lately.:lDemotratio member of Oniagrear, WArrep iii*Ctiir r Y#•• 010, 'lisiirepied ores tole,r9moni. , • .eds.hrthe;llon..9•4 ii. Vurtie„..,a ..pTo :iti:4o4o::orplo4-,iinskOongress•::, A ttioterociti' 4 RooiniAbs"-=Elotne of 0 `ohlrgrj!lgiet's ar,caew publisbing,..that ink4:', ll l 4 'weibiagtan,' ':le a 400004 . 0th:Del4cmtii41141.gb roftils . tinahmiktt - 0 -- PPP* itplkq l P,te4 !WO' 4ikteporst. Rook the tikii.:444 = lolAL . sta.,The taxidiatitt 'do) sok ,- . Iti New York it it Si- 88. -