El Tii)e 111arti'ets. '---CAPtIaitt7tRODUPE 4[AR'KET: [REPORTED' FOIL TILE !lERALD.] nesday-;-Aat st o • " ' _ E.LoiritSapernt;e, per•bbl. - $ 6,00 do • Extra, • tio - 6,26 do. • Family 'do . - 59. tr.yE - • do - '; 2,75 WHITE WHEAT pet bushel - • - 1,35 • do d6' - 1,26 "Coax • - do . -• -60 _ - do - -8 •- ---CLovEn-sszry Timm-mum.: , ,do Wilma BAIILKS".. do SiquNG BATILEt. do DIAPKETS. . •The' Flour Market remains initetive', -, and the stock snail receipts are light; but • the de mand is limited, and only some 400e500 .604_ found buyers, at 7,25 . for.startdard Superfin e, made from new wheat; and 5 50 ,for scraped ttte-Ifttterlate inspeoted : standard brands of the latter description-are geld tit,s6 50 per b1:0; without sales to any extent, the tratnoic tions being confined to small 'lots for home . 'consumption, arfrom $6 50 to .$7 50 and $8 per ;bbl", as in . tittalitY— . -the.. latter-::, for fancy fatbily flour. Corn Meal and •ltye . Flour are ACVCO ; the last. Salei of the tomer Were at lif3 for Pennsylrania'rneal ; Brandywine is d oven a wink°, wince on previous quotations; olthe latter' we he sr of no selee. • 'There. was-n fair deny rod for prime new reel • wheat •.to day,- at prey', us, quotations, e -700048000_bus,Intostty_southern,___were_ - disposed of at Mal 650, in - store and. afloat : about 500 . 0 bus new Southern white 14.40 at 160416.50 for ordinary, l_t i I 2c' _tort Itch • and good, ,and 1209 bus choice old Itietitucky .at 175.'' Rye continues in request at rather better prices ; und'eurne 1100a1200 bus were' sold. at 70c for inferior Penult; and 73e• foi; prime new - . Southern. - Corn continues source ant! iu - request, Willi sides ori§oo 6 - 911 4 Penna and southern yellow at 7.0072 c, asin quality. Oits-are in steady Aetna d,_ and; 5000u6000 bus have been soleatilti42c fur old SOuthern 7if-441 - 42o . foillentin.. • -•' • atirmer6. W !. PLOWS I—The subscriber jj_ has and fs - caistantly assortment:or the f eelebrAted EMILE PIAWS. Alsty.eonstantly on hind . Zlirglor's, l'htnk's, and Jrieuwood'a Howe. We havo also'a very largo lot 'of I,helainous York Plows on 'band, and a fine assortment of Cultivators. itenienibOr the old titaild, East Main street, t arlisly.'• Idaiek,l9; HENRY SAXTON. , . ttio City With obo of the largest dtuawtmoitttinf hardware ever brought to. this place. Ile luntiust received. 80dozctiamos' with and ulthout pat. fastenhigsi— Iron and steel hop is ranging in pairs fron. 4 1 to .$1 N. AlsotOU pr straight and twist link trace rhainsfrout 00 to - $12,5. • }tome - made traces of all kinds Mao a lot of spread,' fifth, breast, butt, carrying halts. and log -chains—also a very 'large lot of shovels, forkp spades, hoes, rakes. and in .short everything and all) thing wanted by the Farmers - Itemember the old stand Zest Main St. Carlisle. March 10.'06. , ' • U. SAXI'OII.• KETCHUM'S. MOWIN Ca . MMUIINEB. • . • Tho comploto successor Ketchum's Monins and Reaping Machinos for the last five years has caused a demand for nearly 10,00 e. 'hey are ,warranted to cut from 10 to lkacres of grass or grain inli'MaY,"as'well as it can bei , tit With, e. scythe or cradle. Price. of Mower, .0116; ' combined idiKtine, *136. PABCIFALL MORRIS 1 CO., ith and Ittlyk«t Streets, Phila. Sole Agent fo'r Peniksylvania, Delaware,. Maryland and Noy Jersey. * AtitICULTURAL MICNTS. • Ridging and Shtvel Plaws, for Corn and • Yotatoes,P.ipindiug, Cultlvat"rs, with SteFA - Teeth - of varioutpitterns,Field-aud Garden Harrows, Hand Plows, Revolving Horse Bakes, r patent Scythe Snaths and Scythes, English lAwo Scythes with rivetted backs, iinpellor, Unloading Hay Perks, with rope and tackle, complete,:aud all other articles for farm and garden.. • • • PASCHALL MORRIS & CO.,' 7th and Market Streets, %lie. DA I it.Y IMPLEMENTS: • .p r „ - tin's Patent Atuiospheria Premium 7;; - : ••••!,, : vizesolko_norEgvaitgr , :Churns 'and Fixtures, flutter iYorkers (3 varieties)' Butter Prints, &c.' ' • • PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., 7th and Market Streets, Phila. June 4,1851 .1. aW6 1 . H 'NRI''73AXTON. The subscriberhavingroturned frocuthe clty would dal: the attention or - hr friends and the public to ih, large and wollsolected assortment of Hardware which hr • hasjust roceivedomnsisting in part of BUILDING MA: TBRIALS, nails, screws, hinges, looks, holts,glass, putty.. paints, oils, Lc. TOOLlie—edge tools; saws and planes o; :every dekription, With flies, ;isms, hammers, airriji, ac, GLASS' of every description and qualtiy—,nortimot ' . '4lsss,of different hrands, whitOpullehod JUnorican glass ' Preach glass of all alum, dentdo thick glass of all elms ground'enaruehed shuts, A general assortmen t of , SIIOE3IAKEIIB 4iNts BAD DLEUS TOOLS,' together with moroicsii lining Mid,blnd leg skins, shoe thread,, pegs, lasts, hargena, mount , log, saddletrees, Le. • , t ' - 00A(21 TlllHNlNa—canvals Vratil „enamelled. lie itre4' and embossed ,)" patent, AU p * niellitt i itu4her. arins; springs, hubs, spokes, fepowlhut4, - - ic. Cehlnet Bakers will find a large 4issertitien - istinarn tsbes,nuthogauy and walnut veneers, moulding; matt!! • hair cloth, curled hilt, ' • " WHITIi POLISH PAlNT—A.nilrititlelt for making a _ • heinitHrsl.,whiM,,and brilliant polish, Ibr dining-rooms, ' -I.B D :WL-A large stock, comprising ; :sill general_ thirie'd stand, Bent High ' iiresii, Oar. • idarC1,,26;11360;1,' • HENRY lIAXTON• fIARDEN '.ENGINES; 'tbyiywing• • atrium at 'water 50 " 610 ):Nit;iinittronIllt and .Paaaa ruilaMnarn Boor 'llollarat.Turnlp Bowl. Wheat prink With Oata sad cinda Sowers attaabs4._, Plana of irarioug patterns and - aim, knar,e. and Axpanding. grows,Oore's promlnta .patent. Butter • Workere...., • now oulltla just' reeelvikt. A1aa,441 other arliOes, thetivnper season 'tor tke A n na and _garde. PAt3CHALL MORRIS d CO Implotaant and Bead titan • 7th and Market; !" July 30-18501 Aloininr EVENING, Anima 4 CM notices." • .1V0 1 f1.014. fll persons matulivaptiaßt-ma-milli-all—andsoo-mu r tind all th 6 I.sl:sl — Aprwui„ thole nersuuts 643 loft *ith. tan . , proppr Orson for collodion. • play s]. GEO. UILTON. .. . POTICE.-- 1 -Notice itif hnre y given _ • that application ivlll. be made to tie. next Eagle. scum bf Ponnsylvania, *alter .tho oharzarot tho Car Halo Ihtposit Bank, loeated s itt tho Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, so as to confor 'upon said Balk the rights and privilegaii of a' flank - . ot issuo; and to change its ium to the CarltrlO:Bank. ' Map to ;norm° the capital of said Bank (which is at present seventy two thousand dollars, witkthd privilege of increasing the sante under its present charter to ono hundred dollars) to Thies Handred'TithitsatiaDullars: - " W. M. BIIETInt,.- GuNhter. July 9,1866.) • A SSOCIA'PE.JUDGE.-,--Follo*-citi --nc;Aenrr mykor to-your oonsidorntticnas a cum;date.to the ofliceof ASSOCIATE Jill/Dr:of Cum ' berland cotinkf, at thaonstiing Election, aurl,,,prontise (If elected) to, discharge the duties of said alto with fidelity' and impartiality. . ' : ' .• W.-8. - MULLEN. Paportown, July 2.3, - • • l;• • olt A sSOCA. ITE .JUDGE.. FELLOW-CITIZENS :—Through the urgent sell= citation of friends; have boon induced .o offer myself as' a candidate for the ethics of an ASSOCIATE JUDOE, Of CunitiOrlandvounty, at the oesuing,goneratelectien. and very rospcctfoltrsolielt your scrifrages Tor said of: fleo,.piedging myself, if blectod, to discharge the duties •of the nod with it strict regard t. 3 the demands of the law and public juktre, : • " • • • CLiOtp:NS ArIeARLANE; Newton Township, July 2; ltists. • . • Notice is hereby given , • 1.1. that - the undersigned having been appoiuted nn ntlaitori by the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland wunty, to 'Marshal .and diStrlbutu the aquas — oft the estate of GE01108: KeICSNMAN, In hands of ltbliard Anderson, assignee of said 1C iesemnn,• undern deed of :soduntarfaislgnment for the benefit of eeeditoi - s, Will ineetht his office for that purpose ou VRIDAY, - the Bth thy of Angutt next. at .11 o'Llock A. Bt., in Carlisle: when, and' where the creditors of the said till Urge IitIONIMII2III are req'tiested to nttend. .W)1. J. 811MATIP.11, ""' Auditor. ; July IM, 1864-30 1 011 00 ,L AX A? 01: -18,56. ).0 • l'Ell 011 NT. • • , •. , Ato implicate of School Taxes for Carlisle for *thopre sent year is now ready and placed in the hands of the - :Troatturer, who !web/ gireti notice that he will atoml In the 'C‘unndssioner's 1.101c6,:at the COUrt House, on . • - WEDNESDAY, — AIJUIIST - 27; -- 1665; --- , -- .77 --- befrson the - hours of and 12, and '2 and 5 o'clock, of li;Od•dey, for the purpOsu or reciiiing the said taxes. All pursons payitiglheir tutees-sin or beffire_ hat day, will bwallowed a .deduction - of ilvo cents on the dollar, anti which no deductions will ho and collection of all unpaid taxes enforced by warrant Issued to the proper colloctnr. , ' J. W. EBY, , July 16, 18513-51. • Treasurer. 1:14i3N PEW 171 , 121.11.— LT he subscribor le authorised to disposo of. tho Bonds and Mortgages of the lincluo RIId'MINNIAIII 1:14i1 Tfutso Ponds, hostiles having the Rail Road Fn. secorliy, hate ihtt•-strong ot. Abirtiaigns of . the' valuable Portals along the Hue of the hall Road. Those rarnutara appraised low,and a mart gago given for two-thirds thoir 'cash valuer.'rlioSe --Morttages acroiripany-thodlonds The 'kinds boar in _terost nt toll per cont. ti.posr; payablo,half yearly.. Cou pons aro attached. Ttiu Hands - aro payable - in ilvoloars front the Inch of May, ltiidt. • These Farms and-the-hail 'toad are highly spoken of by parsons who htsvolione front this country outdhere. and further Information can by obtaininl (own tlin,sulr scribe - F. • . WM. 1,. C1IA:3111E1i8. Chninhortiburg. Pa. May 27,18504 of the'CliA:sniEttsisußa. IIOL'J ITHE. COMPANY. Beautiful EngravingS, Niugnlflcant Olfht I From the very rapid ash) of Zugravlugs, the Distributing Commit, lee bezq leave to announce that It !MN selected SATUItDAY; the 6th of July. ' _the_t)to dlstribtstlon of the YftliOtlll Valla.olo and *mutant. fluent - dlfte f inno iii; ' the - purchaxent - of - ongra rings In the Qrntatherstourg Hope Mir. Conwany's Art Union. 'Each purchaser of an ungravlng $1 has an'interost In the distribution. The number of ougraviugs to be sold'will nut. fur auy consldoratien, excuud ;WO. Fur particulars ecosmall bine. JOLLY CA9fI ' IiBIJ. .tgont fur Carlisle. Mny .29, - o,:i,:imo,nt,„l,:of. :i:er.Ebetefonri:.,!..tps..b.7--..cr,f.h.e.- : wit be liPid as follows: . • • . Mechanicsburg, July _2B, at 1 o'clock, P. M. • , , Newvllle, ' a 291 --- ----1..--•••- - "•' - ': • 814'4 (twp.) " 110, 1 ' " • Bbip'bg (bor.) " ' 31, 44 , Newton Aulinst 1, .". A. M. 8. Middleton, ~ 2, ./ l 4 SUUtII74IIIOOII, " 4, 1 "P. M. . , Hopewell, " 6, 10 , ." A. 61. 311111 in. - ti, 1 " I'. H. Waal:lord, ." -7, „ I :.$ - • West Paulsboro, -8, •9 .. ." A. 11. . . Silver Spring, :• 9. 8 II N. 311.1410t0n. - ln, 9 .i . East Peornasn , ,, •• 18, 12• "M. ihunielen. - 19, . 1 ' " l'. M. Molar..•, •• 2i, to "A. M. ."Upper Allen, .. It 2. 1.0 CI , • I.OIWQr ..1.11.41, - - - -- -02:1, 1, " I!. M. • Dirx.l,l. , in. . ' 211, - 9 " A;M. N. Cumbarlailat. .c 2.3, 1 " I'. 81.. . The' VI revtoi s. w la - please-appoint the phtea_of_meett iim..and if Will Veil ii'llt have the Examination held at a school Minot. lne y tes, paper. pens, and Ink:ehould 'be furnished ; It is expected that Directors lOU be pro. sent at the appointed time. -.--- ' The Nkamtuatlitne , wllt be public, and the eltltena ate,reepeetfttll3lOslted to attend. 1 . •- _ . ' , DANIEL SHELLY, . . ..- , . Superintendent Comb. Co. • July 9. 183.0 ; • • • . , it-T—PALO-C-14-1-14-A2-11,0g.-- kj Whereas the Honorable Jamul 11 'Osairan,,Prosi - d ent , 'J u dge of the. several . Courts of Common Pleas in the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata. and Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several Courts of 0y0 , .. and Termluor and General Jail Delivery in said wan ' ties, and Hon. Jour numb - and Sanest Wooesusx Judges of the Courtbf Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and , ether offenders, in the said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to me direetuckbearing date the 15th lay of April, 1 850 have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene ral Jail Delivery to , be holden: tic C.4111181•Won Portic,. DAY; the 25th of august, 1550, it 10 o'clock in the oresmon,lo'continne ono week. _ . NOTICKIB,IIIMEDY GIVDN to the. Coioner,.. Jun. Alcoa of the. Pekoe and Constables of the sati county el Cutneeriandethat they aro by the said .precept com manded to. be then and there in'theit proper persons, with their rolls, records,' ldgoliltlensi examinations and all other remembrances. -to do them things which to Abair aim appertain' to be done, and all those tliat ore bound by rooognhisnoes, to `prosecute against the I •.grisoners that are or then shall be' the jaq of said c.nintY, are to be, then( to prosecute them as shall be lust. ' ' ' J4° o3 BOWMAN ' _r_ litorafines Omcg, „ Shorts". • -.141YA - 101513:' , ' ' iMy .. PUBNISHING 'ROOMS, IN wionqi(ou siitsirr, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS, ir...„.The undersigned, having located , himself peresiaently In Carlisle, has'opened a Shop ant Porni. turn tworm4 - where he intends to martulactuto and keep constantly on land erery - Tarlety of Parlor and Chamber 5 71 - - AllilarrilitS sad °M AIM. - Rasing considerable experience' la tbo' business, and intending to pay personal attention to the work and Anhth 'of his ' farnitrare, ho expects to give general aaUsficuon to all them whoamy favor , him wit custard:. It will be his aim to attend ' to buil with m mush •promptneas ea _possible, and will Ala nothing.. Inlils. line unworthy Us attention. ; . • , , .. i • Ile will warrant his work to be good, - neat and In the latest 'Wet, well'ilniehod; and will sell at the lowest prices yp op~ le Sw cash.'- Ha ng (mobbed- himself with an excellent [WM; he Wi11.% ready to SU any orders In that line, prompt, ll' and on the most reasonable terms. „, . -, ~ ..., AlirAll , kinds of furniture repaired and'_ re-dressed ...promptly, and In the beat manner, ,_ ' • . • . .•'atirlisio, April ' 16, Is4o, ' ALSX. IL TIWINII. , - 3` .1.1. - ARDWA Rll LARGEST STOCK , tpl TIIJi COTiNTy r - .1,}14:4' - P.ZYN.E & SON; whiller.elenmi. - r ,- . ---- 'fw - trs - Iti 'American, (Orman and:English tlardivare end tindery,. dm. invite the attention ef AlN:hanks, Farmer, and the puhle-gerierally i -to-ourAinneually-largu_ststek that ye are selling goods on more reasonable terms than .any other.bouse In ;the county, . Orrii 9 ; 56. . _____ ALL . PAPBI-1, 1- • . • T T - 0.. P. 1 4 YNII SON have the pleasure of informing the public that they have at last completed the : enlargement of their store, and are hew receiving the largest and most varied as.• •sortment of Wall Paper and Window Bands ever, opened lit Carlisle. A call is idicited fromthose wanting Paper Hangings of any kind, as we are cMaident thatatil can be supplied from our mammoth- stock.: At the old stand',. North, llavover street. - April 4, eirdiViitliek—OT—PiiTPecrtlangings: ~1 indoor. 'Shades and - Fireboard l'''ots, embracing all the neivest 'and most approved. styles.. 'the designs are neat and chaste, and tlfti prices such' as cannot rag ter give antis thetion. Wo invite our frlendi and the pliblic general ly to call and examine our aesortmout before purchasing elsewhere. ' 11: SAXTON, tuarch2l. • Emit:Maly), Street, Carlin 'VI.. • 1.1 STAYMAN S SONS. 11 . E.sT bintw STI;EET, NEDD THE ROIL ROAD DEPOT. Thu subscriber ; located in the -roput .lately,,oecupted 'by Mrs, Foust as a grocery Store, West of the Bail hood Depot. halm ju.,t opened ;in entire now stock of MARL). WARE; to Ivllleh they would call the attention of their friend.; and the public generally.. The stock, Wirich is large and varied;was selected with especial reference to .the wants of the. public,•and- consists in part Of the following." BUII.D1N(I HARDWARE of all kinds such its locks, latches,, hinges, mills, ,bolts, screws, comprising every ;mile'', of Iterdware used in building and re- Pairing. Also, glees, putty, plants. brushes. kc.. of the must approved quality and mi the most reasonable terms... CABINET MAKERS—The" :Atonal!' of Cabinet Makers is invited to our assortment or varnishoi., censors. ItnoliO, rosetts, inouldings, , ll.c., which will-be" found equal to ally in the county. • ' SADDLERS and- COACIUMAKEItS will find in their department all -the artieles usuidly required in their. -lino Lel sines's, such aS 'Awl springs. axles, .• • __lV 1, 'A l'Elt—tTlte assiirtniout of Mall Vapor era. Jaraces_a_co dete varhily j{ewe and'eboicu peteins of every quality. and iit.stich prices as cannot fail . to give satisihetion. Also tairderS,. &c. incited - to ...di mad examine our stark of cutlery. plated ware. sPeots. ladlem, coffee mills, candlesticks, soußlirs, naltlTs':+dlurcD,andid. , ngs, stair rods, hollow. ware. and iruir kettles, sad irons, Rte., which 'WO ihtaati tic Sill very low. t.ll Pl I t 6—For - t no Fortnersr-we n less variety of all the artieles adapted la their line 'trade, usually fininitaii ilardwarc . ,Steres,sni:li as forks, spades, short:lS, hops, rakes. lispws; filae4, halter chains, Occ., all .. at 'the very luwebt rotas, to whiCji we call their especial notice. .0.. . ''Mt:ellAS ICS, lze.--•We .' Invite anti: attention of Mocha II les gcuutmlby hi our stock • of "CtElre tools. plati-ic. levels. saws, braces, Litt& augers. hammers, tiles, rasps. Am., which we know to be of a.suparier quality. • L. Altos and STEEL of ail lauds constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Then come. friends, and givq us ti cull and ;manila.; our goods. asive charge nothimg for showing them': and Crummstriet - attentiete - to - loneittess and a dosirs.J.P ac-- cominiolate we hope to merit a share of piddle troti age. . DOn't forget tho place,AVest ;Area, west of 'the-Railroad Depot, April 1, 18:41----ly.] rii 0N - I C'S \V-0 .N ', T. 1) ! —fhey never did du more than give temporary. reuer. and they novvr will I - It Is becanso Ahoy don't touch the exuak at the disease. The•cauitet till tj,ktio and Milieus dixtmses is the alutospherie poison reilled Miasma or Malaria. Nitittralise this poison by Its NA. TOR 11. ANIIDOTI4 anti all disease c used by. IL disappears at once., Ithodos' tuner attil-Agne Cure ix this antidote to Nalurla, and moreover it is X perfectly harmless med icine. The certificate t;l' the colobratat .clistnist, J. IL Chilton.. of Nevt-York. to this diva,. is attached to use rY tfottle,;.therefore, !fit does no good, it Can do no harm. " • , This Is man Shan can. ha said of Quinine, Arsenio, or flay other tonic in existence, us their ; use is ruinous to t hit sof milt u t ion. n age tun t.1)111;.11..411 U _.which never allows a person toluel tuteroctly well fur n single moment. In illustratlon'of these truths lannex setae 'extracts from a letter just roceirtid from a Physician: • Quonourowis, Onto, March 17. ISSO. JAS. A. RIIOADS. Ettu.—t-ilear Sir: Yours of 2,1 inst., Is at hand.. The Cute arrived latti lastyear, and the difilculty in•gutting nay one to purchase it was greatly 'increased from the fact that a remedy had Leon Ultra duced which pastgrowing in favor with the public us being bettor than using tjuinine--n?t knowing, I pre sume. that the remedy, they aged toescapotaking nine contained the lIIIIJU ITSELF! IM-1- 1 01U-A:NT-1-0 1 EV-ER- 1 0 30 For the last three yeirs I have been', engage(' business known only to myself; and oomparstivel others, wheel I have Instructed for the seta co each, which . has avereged me at the' , ratoq of to $6,000 per-annum; said, having MetlW erletlgon. to go to Europe in the Fell, to engage inthe auune.bua.. ness, I ant willing tegrive full instritetilmi In the art to any persons in the United States or Onnadas, who wilt remit me the sum of Si. I ate/ induced, from the slur cess I have been favored with, land,the nuany thankful acknowledgements I have received from those whom have tnstructed, and who are making from FIVE TO FIFTEEN DOLIARS,Pitit DAY ' at It, to' give any pinion an- eppertnnity to engage in this business, which la easy, pleasant, and very profile. hie; at a small cost. There is positively. No liolmeue in the matter. Rlferences of the' host' class can' be given as regards its character, and I can refer to' persons who* I have instructed, who will testify that they are making from $5 to lg IS per day at thwilame.. It Is a business in which either .'ARIES OR ORNTLICAIEN can engage, and with parfait ease make a very hand- , some income.. Several unnufin earlobe' parts of New ForkEtate, Pennsylvania and Maryland, .whom. I have* Instructed, are now making from S 3 to per day at it. It tea ansitexaa, and but a dollar or two is (paired to start it. Upon receipt of Si, I. will imme diately send to the applicant 4 prin whi ted circular contain. ing full Instructions In the art,- ch can be perfectly understood at Once. - In the month of May laity I emir my advertlsetmant "tii , the editor of the P ReaufingOasettaa and"DeiricoCiat,r Reading Pa., and also sent him one of my circulars' of instructions, On Its receipt, and on 'Careful examina tion. he inseited the following edltorialln.his papert...,• ".We *I attention to the advertisement of Mr. A. T. Paitions, of;New York; beaded" tiaraiwriarrr , Reim- DOW which will be Found in another coltunia. • Mr. P. has sent us one of his adrouhui, alluded :re is ad- , vertisement, and on examination we find is, awi Loy ;aye it is, no humbug; but a lightixasay and honorable bust news, and one that may be made protli#e on a very capital." .Ail letters wind be addressed to A. T. PArtritiNtk, 385 Broadway* New York. (June '264m. - fgarli6te. : - ijiinil • I,Ii)(I,KC. PAliEli,.7—= - 4.u.8t: .I.ol3ehre.cf_ remody:(known as.."_ernitit's Tonlc,")_woublAo7 variably BILEAIi amAguei but , lt. did .nut Cure it, as it would often return with renewed vigor. This ono cir cumstance I'deemod in yourfaver, if I could- institute a test-comparison between it and your OVUM. Thu fol lowing is the result; Three persons took your "Cure," all or 'which, were cases of "Quotidian intermittent Fever," of many weeks standing. They had tried Quinine -and other remedies, occasionally missing a chili, but it was (as In ali such uses.) slowly wearing them' out, and. laying the Mundell , ti of other and severer maladies. , 1 did succeed in:effecting w radical cure of all three of these cases with your reinedy,.and they have,net had a chill' slue°. In all three of these cases the " &filth's Tohic" had been .nsodotild would,' as ,before stred, (break the chill, but after a period or two had peed! it would' return. " I think there will be no difficulty now let giving to your" Cure" the vantage ground of any other remedy now-in-use here. has, Ac. DucKN,pat, td: M. RHODES' YHVKIt and AOUR CURR, or ANTIDOTS TO MALARIA, the only harmless tamed? , IM, akisteoce is equally eartaln as a rasveritiva, as a , ttait." " Take it when you foul the chilli coming On, andliyou will, On, never haven single (Inc. - • JAMES A. ItllODßS,APriMtleter, Providence;•lt, * * *For saki by W. Katso, and Druggists gen, July .2, 185i1. :,.777:4‘ • 11 4 1)W, 8; 7 -Just received lot of :Wonky & Mesei ' Self jtnarpaping Panto Nowa, and for all,o radatat prxceti-by !3TAY AN & tiONI3: • E-0 I.VG 11 Pi er-1 4 3-", - • _JUSTICE or 'Ettv..E ACE, -40:,0Mee'tippositetbe-Wvat, eucLor tSo i CoLui, Uousu Aprll '23, 1150. • ' . , .. %mie n_ .. A. ,•1,- • - , ~, . • io--otlied on North Ilanovor Area, a Ow .doors south of U lass' Hotel'!, All':bizatness-ontrusled to,bita• will prootttly attondod to. • . , . [April 15. _ A N. -1 - 1:.0111co in East Matti 'Streot, Nottantimbirg; Pa; it..9_0111 att4ud to SUItVEYINaIu. colinwitun 'with his.prof ' . ..tdiay'2l;lsso:- . 4y, 7. OR7InaiTALIWRONatY. -I n C) nd Iran, SVost Main streot, Clitirl;ol.elice[Perbt,;ol4-1-1,1" DR. S. B: ICIEFFER - Officeiw - Nortli llanoveratriot-two-d6oratrona-Nhitgo-it'Ormpbnlrt stororoMco hour 4, moro part(cular)y, from 7 tot) o clock, and from, 3 to 7 o'clock; I'. 31.. • 1 - AOCTO1; S. P.. , ZIEGLEIL—Offute _if and ltosldenen.liast Main Streiit.ildrddnor elm tau Market House.' Calla lu tOWI/' and couuty.pronaptly attended. - • . ' • 18.56. • . . uTILL IA 31 C: RHLE ; Attorney .y y at LAW. °Mee In Main Street, Carlisle, Pa.— : .Shrllusinessisntrusted to him will be pnpeptly at: lied to. FIJI). 7. '55. Li_ W. 1311,DT, Mananotairer of k_fi • Mineral A', tors, Prplic'h ••• • Bottled Ale, l'oiter end Ciller, :iorth 17iafStrout, hoar the RAI Rend .oarllele • DR. 1.C..1400A.115,• ••••• ~' • South ILtnover nereot, " 11 Ul ST V -.- next _door tO the . Post • • •-•: • • tr 1 . 4 4111 absunt frotir tho just ten (lays of wen month. • ' . Aug. 1, '5l) • - r-- S. SEA . l'itl(}llT, DENTIST, from the Bal. • Limon, College of Dental. buorgery, is new •prepafed to insert Artificial Teeth of t9very.de seriptluni end to pertUrm_nii_tluLiftlir_s_arlous duties ,ertaini tg t tinrimuftirtrafilln - prnieNsion — ottlre - nt - tti residence of h Is mother, iMst , Loutherstreet, three (141%) . i belo - w Iludlnrd. I tellronee--11r. so.! Innt.t.,. /I Carlisle. Mardi 19, 185r,,tr, . • • - • 4., , , i7i - ili`ki,',.-....7,.....,e,t__: -- 7:, 11'-il.. It 1 L .1::, Y . , ..• , -. Iry __ t ir .,„.", . having . been instructed .• '-'" ,---- in'theitrt - thy - DrAirel-7. , tret.i..-a . ;;radottre- ,-J .(11 . 0 lisltimoie lietanl (, hip.e). is 1.10%N .I,ripa red to re- ice lts. Irlenthi 8 1111 ' polo! ut thu curious operati. IP. in the line of the fiental prvicpr , iuti, 'at his resilience. in South : 4 treet. thirti'duerir(4:4 11 est. treat. like m.O 0111: Terms ninclertite. .. ' Ilny 27, 'lBsli-ly: . - ' - . ROSENSTEEL; Iloyse Sig Nanoy fold Ornamental ' • • TAINVEIt AND'PAPER-HANGER Ws, removed his shop to South linnower ntrent, opposite the Surma( Prii,sloyteriun Chunih. 'residence in Voinfrot erroot. - rt. short distniicii baker lianover. lip w3ll nttond promptly WailCh . ° 'above descriptions of-paint nt iontsontible prices. The various kintin'Orgrdining niter/dud to, snob as my, ahogan oak, weithut : Ae., itiau mpro red 5ty10..•.. • • 4 ST AY MA N .Q.3111_ V - Elt N 14.'S-A.-N -illiViitif.F.ft ifogistot of Cumber laud county. willcarofully attond to the transaction Of all such bushings as nifty bo entrusted to . 41112, such as the writing of Mods. illortg4ws liontro.cts, 110 will also dovotellsattontion o tliOproeltring of Land War rants. 1 . 0 , 11510115, ar.c. ns well u the 'purcliiisoand sale of final Pa4tatO, negotiations, of loans, .c. v ; u;.l.flbco on West lil th Streot.Tortnorly occupied, y W. M t - l'enros Esq. near- tit() MoUledist Oho- h. .4 M. P. sxrDittl, SN YDER . ft : - 111 1 :0 ARLAN & .4.- LAND AGENTS. AItN.NIgADOLTS Oppeslto - the SusPeiddoll nritilgo. Fano • of St. Anthony, blinntsata Territory, - will buy and soli Innds, negotiate loans, locate land warrants In blinnesuta, lowa, and Wisconsin. Inquiries it:spurting the country, by letter or otherwisd, promptly . , answered. " ,11181/EIINNCSS. 4 • , • lion. Alex. Itamsey, I:a-Governor, lion. 11. M. Itire, Dolognto to °engross, Minnesota, • Got. Pollock, Harrisburg, ' • • . .Innim It. Steole 4; t,n., Philadelphia. Hon.-Frederick Watts, Cattle°, ,A. Brady Sharpe, Esq., ' . • -041eigoun. , New- York„. . ' . Hobert Walsh, Now (Moans, James It. Irvine, Y. 9.. Newvillo, lion. J. B. Black, Somerset, Ponn'a., • Hon. J. It. Eddie, ' • "••...'" J.. H, Good, Mayor, Springfield, Ohio, ' Gen. C.• Anthony, It . Jas . ,CanThiff.'liag. St. Louis, . . NFU. Wilson, Esq.. Haltirnore. 151.1., .I.'l'. Wright, Charleston, S. C., . • J. M. Wilson„, Philadelphia. ' -- . .• . 30.000 Acres of Urimproifid Land for Sale. at from $2 to $lO per mere: also Improved Farms. Lots for We in tit. Paul. St. Anthony, and all towns on tho Minus. sofa river. ~. g*l.Vartionalar attention given .to the Leaning of Money, and !Catalog Land Warrants. Address. PNYDER it M'FARLANE, • March ^8,1800.-Iy.l . Minneapolis, Min-Ter. I) OS' RWOOD PIANOS FOR SALE Lt, Two new and elegant - Rosewood Ratios d 3 and T °stases, lions the celebrated manufactory of nallot, Darla h 06., Roston. Those Instruments .base beau , wirehiliy selected from a large atock, - Ind are Warranted to glvo entire sathilliotion. They will be iteld at - CITY VR4038 and kept in _ order by asoortinit month ibr.one,yiter from dote of sale. Time who neky wish to esamine, or to purehaae Tititriument.Are invited to all upon the eubeerber at his residence Jul:kettle. 'Also, TO [LENTO, wo good seteonit-isaiid PlisnoTortes at $ 8 pe r T' rier , - • ' • ' JAW( 8T41440 , nor. ' • - . - . • e. •• • AViD ••,8 .BI m 95 Ayip The nuileislynal hone' ttk Attention of ids Old en* tinders and the peddle SO. bill. leete and imaaoustde aw sortmedt Or' SILK 'BUR And. IFT RAW IRTS. CLOTII oit p B ( di ggiskAaapik Ver” wearied the Latest styles sod best quality. , The aeaortnWitt will to •ibund to quiltimeey. exy sort :on . 04110 and 'Cape Ibr 145 - 0 - i 7 ,Be - ye and Children.. *Ora AUL mimosa* , and cheapest to the moot" ;0114 and .iitshionable, such as spring style a gentlemen's and Browns Month Hat ps s, with Fur ads oft& own man- Doys Clotb - ea ef-sarions colors- and:- prim* Wain largaussortmant of:Metes aed Boy's 'straw bats - • Ifierent qualities and prices ! te suit the ,poekets of b`ilekend pour. Feeling confident that every, pun r.haseircarkbn accommodated About his; extensive and varied issortinent •he cordially invitee his Monde to call att,d earn* at his Old-establistresent - car , Main street. -, • • WM. IL TROUT. " EANSi . GRAIN FANS:, Just'tisoelvett; slot of-drabilliumotahkelneitand oti or's nutplearture.: ' Arno iv floe assothront of Hay; Strom, a.. d leedtler Cotten. of • tbur different. kind„ at the rhos* llarolwaro Stomp( . July 16...1P1.] " liusiness.garb. Mrtscelfoneous. COAL.-_=SOOADZILY ...L:ONS::L YIiENSVALLY.Y COAL, Ilrelion and re-screened ; • . prepared expressly_for hwellinse and lmt, so that 1 can.furnish it DIVY, and CIAAN- duilitig the winter seas.,n. havo also 0/i. band and for side the • ,LUlil Nlbl.lat CJAL from the' milieu of Boyd, !tosser 11110.1 011-A-Mb1i414443(04-rfrom-tha-ndouß47Coolk-------- • ran, '1"oal S: Co., all will soil at small Refit* and deliver to any pattof the borough. , , • n0v.14; 'M. MURRAY, EST I? A MIL Y A LS! iLy AT THE NEW- COAL' YARD. fale subscriber would respectcpily.inforan tbocitisetis . • of Carlisle and Vicinity .that ho is now prepared to' tur- , nigh the URN UIINE 'rift:NORTON' COAL,,, of "Various 'sizes, a sample or which was furnished to a ;Millibar. of - citizens three years Aiuco by' Mr. E. lielfenstat,'Ond which gave such perfectsatlsfaction, ° Also best qualities of Lykens Valley- and Shamokin Coat. _. Also and LIDitiaIIn4NRPEC - COAT; of-the - different - It Indir:cOnstantly on-hand,--at-the-new--- Ctiai Yard near the gas works. •. sept. 'ss° , . COAL,-- '4,000 one Lylion's Valley a 54orlar zutOo g aal fur sale by - . Jug T.lO Om • . 151134 RAY. Air. . . . . VALIJABLE - CORNER , PROYTY. AT rill VATE SALE. .4 7 That very Tali/able and - well known -BUSINESS STAND situate on the corner of North Unilever and Loutber :Areas, In the borough of Carlisle now owned and occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing 00 rcpt front. on Hannover street And 240 feet on Louther Street.— The impitiveinents on Hannover - street are ti.•. large TIHIEN .1100Slii with a large brie), buck build ing flinched In-th'e moat elegant manner, containing IX rooms including thc'stoic room . besides lnntrlcS Atl)t)Mit 33 feet in depth; fitted 'up in. the •post miscible fuuni.cr und 0A14111! . the most' esirable and lung - stabliched linginess locations in Our thwn.. • • There iS a large twit story brick building- frunting•nu - [Anther street, with u thoprittacheil, now occupied as n cabinet rouser situp. Also it Stable on the feetof threi lot, and other necessary out buildings. The - property excelletitnrder baying been recently jilted up by the present occupant l'or terms c. enquire nf • A. L..SPONSEEE, •-heal Estate Ag --- 014 und'Scifivener. •. sot. ii - ---,---..i.---, ---------- r ----r ' --7--- • 'l . ) PPL A g 140 T— PROPERTY. :AT . - _l_ l'ilt l' ATI: SAUK., That val wild', pieco of grouria •-nuate in South I.l4iturvr Anita, in, tho borough 0,1 - :, _ , .2aelisio. know n as..tho • ._. . - • - 4'o P L. A n. 4,0 T. _ • • . . Sal,l !.,t - Eoa..alTitßbo — driiiiiir - a - 7 - ea: scrlitartar DI 'ground Lind from Its dusirablo and advantageous locu- - Lion Is admirably adapted for lulldiug pitiposes, . The let will ou sold 'entire, or in lets to snit pur- t chasers. For talints and Inrthoe 'pattitulari enquiro of , - - A. I.."WONSI,htt, . ' - Iloal Estate Audit and't l crivener. ••: oct. 31, '55 11U ItNiT URE • subsciibormying in North Iluturror street, in the toorotigh of Carlisle, ut_tho resitlonee.oll. Mrs. Airvird, s tew iluors . vhOvo Mr. Glass hotel, Ours at PriratO Salo number of eaeellent and wellonudo articles of Nuitrirrotts cheap fur CANii, .I , Oh)W cost prices, :to wit :---Ouo Sofa, two liivans. - Iheshing - tureani with marble top ahil glass; one Fancy Table. uno-' hat-hiA., - Musie Stnibsi. Colt ,kud see. 16, . ' MARIA SIIELLIA. - Star : _anb _Bo3jis. WAND OPENING OF • SPRING V:3l - A.ND-st•MMEIt READi.I4 ADS CL4:41t1N1..: I . ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON ivould respectfully announce io the public, and their 'Pat"."S that they are openlng'ono of the largest and must attractive supplies of tipitug and Summer llSady-mado Clothing ever trOught to this market. Thu stet:Alma been purchased with great care In the mmterti close. and manufactured at home under the im mediate supervision of the undersigned. It COMprines hi part ,hruwn,lll nu, Black, end tuvisible.cireen Cloth;., Clatinetts, Caslunarettes, Jesus, Linen Mid °lngham t:l.fits,.of all stylus: Satin, Maisteilles, Plush. and other sty - 1..5 of 'VI:SUNOS; nein iuid thacy Kurshmerei easluett, Linen and cotton Pants. Also • VlENTLliftliaseB LltitSli Goons, ••• st'Etazox . . , Cravats, Steeta, Ilaudkerehiefs; Stoeklugs, euspondurs, Carpet Ilat,e, Umbrellas, &c..' • - - - . . /Custon,,r work made promptly and in tho very best stylo. None other than the most eaperion. (ma workmen aru employed iu ON ury departmeut or the establishment. 'life undersigned return their sinedre acknowledgments for the liberal nod gene. runs isdronage -heretofore extended to their_ establish-. 'moot, mid hope for a coutlituance uf the same. Remem ber. the... People's Clothing _Store, adjoining Lyntes Bard, • waro Store, en North Hanover Street. . AItNOLD lc I.IVI,NGS7OIi. • April 21, 185C-3m. ASPRINaTND SUM • • 51P.1t (WOW! • 'he subscribers hare just received ono of the largest , stocks of Dry Goods ever brought to Carlisle. Thoir as sortment is full and convict°, cmprislog • tAIIIKS' MESS tICOLS, Silks, Poplins, Challis, hareges, - Tissues, LaWlO, Wit. • lientes, latoartines, Cram, du Esprigne, 'Cam- • hrleA,f."‘sailombssines,hriairmeres, , Al- pacas, imisloes, Spring Shawls, • . llonnots.klats,Flotrens, r - likirts,Parosols, . , , _ hosiery, . . ' and Maiming. In grind' variety. Cloths, Cassinieres, Italian Cloths, Cashnierot les; Linens,' Tweeds, Vesting., Silk-Cudetablriar lista,_CaPliper.v.% • and Collars. — Also a fun 'and completwassortment 'of , • STAPLN . DOMESTIO (100108, • - ItuiligWoolion and Cotton Yara,Carput Chain, Wie r Blinds, Feathers, Oil Cloths, Looking Classes, C.u. - Bugs,, /hushes, and a varlety.of Panay Articles, 5101111NINO-000DS • c • re on hand- Those who Wish, to 'obtain the best ' . AT TIM Lows i n sates are respectfully invitod to ._ HICNT7r-dc-DRO4---' South hammer Ahmed. R 3P - D - S II 29,1838.] „ S'P R I N i O„ STYLE OF T S -AT IitLLER'S OLD STAND!: ' AMOR ,KELlltit desires' to cell the attention old Mends and customora teads Dow assortment °Men tienterr's IlAr, of the Oakford Spring style, with an eledlotLanlor ' tOtunt; of BOY'S CAPS and SUMMER - ;11ATIretee ary ' 'variety and the most fashionable styles. ne has-also constantly ire hands' large'and varied - sortment of his own manufacture as wettest city made Ilats and Caps; suitable %SAM seamen, otutplaing eroiT variety of RUM* Deaver; klleikin and Sft nab, fit - lilted In the latest stylo,togother with a full assortment of CAPS of every , shape and doseriptlcr., and at *Ter _place. Ile particularly invitee the public to eaU and et - amine his wen*e solortment, lebleb In Style, mato. VW and finish, cannot bo survived by any In market s end which he Is able 40 put St prices lower than'efer. •• Uemembgt his 04 annul on North Ilanovor street n U n est door to Iluyett's cer, , Store.' . . rpo, .THE COMMUNI -i, .rft—Tbe attention of 11 inure le /welted to *; • UMW 'CORN-PLANTER This la the ihnoleit, cheapest and but imarovement oir_ • the age. Price only $5 with, a written_ guarantee that U cr,Cl We Perfect alUailbctlon or theinonsy.returnidi;:- so that ion run, no risk in tiling It. Wo have • large , number of the meat respectable refbrenceik which caa be seen at our Store:'.. 'We have alaci just received ciSir Spring Stock of Hatnet• Cba ui,, Yorks,. Shovels, 'which. : Hoes. etc ., which' la very large and complete , and ohici will be sold-at theoray loweet-arios&--A- large tunott."- 'moot or Homo-made Chain/ of all kinds, Away, in Wee at manufacture/a' prima: ' • ' : .10111 4 1 P. LYNX & SOI L "North - Hanover Street. Carlisle. AtoRAIR spAn,DßESElki3.—The sobicAber hatitjuit- received •Motudi Head Dill see, in Hoops, loAd,sqinr Spring Dross Goads. '• 1 March • ONO. W., HITNDB AR'N. DOOR* - ROLLERS.- -, kiiis , • - lip and auperior n rtici4tbi ; flanging risen Doork ijuo ecelvatt and for f sa.l6o . *: ' • 'A, slam's; SAW*, ottf ?Jarbs AC01) . 81111(Mbl for Safe , eta Neat. MIII Ell