Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 30, 1856, Image 7

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Tturs-274 Camptown Races. r
--- 7 - 7Thoie'a - arrold - parliarire - vb - aseira - aaria - BaulrT - 1
.- •
Du da,
du du,
• His dame was Folly, hi s sire Bad Luck,
Du da, dude day.
Were bound to work all night, •
We're bound ; to work all day,„
I'll'bet my money on the Mustang Colt,
- Will anybody'bet On the gray.;
The Mustang Colt is strong and young, • •
4 Du da, Olds,
His wind is soUnd.and his kneeii not'•eprung, _
Du da, (In da day.
- . 7 We're bound to work, &e,
Tbe old gray . hosele a well linowil
Du, da, da,
He's long been fed at the public rank, ,
Du da, dada day
We're Voun - d to work; &o.
N s - The lifustarii is a full bred Colt,
c • Du .da, du da,
13 cannot shy ail& he will not bolt, ,
• Du da, du da day
bound to work, &o.
The old-grayhopie whewhe tries - to' trot;
Du do, du da,
-Goes round and round in the same old spot,
Duda, du da day.
We're bound to work, &o. *
4. The Mustang goes at a-killing pace,
" • Du da, du da,
lie's bound to Wirofn the White !raise rave,—
da, du da, day
. ' We're bound to work, &o.
thq,:ilo your beet with the old graY back
. • ' Duda, du da, -
The Mustang Colt will clear the track,
Du da, du,da day,
" We're bound to work all night,' •
We're bound to work all day, m
;I'll bet y money on the Mustang - Colt;
'You'd lbetter not btt on the grey.
From the Clilictio Tribune:
Indiana Aliire and Awake
Speeches,B rt
akiers, Bals, .Burlesques,
• Entituslailm t. . Incidentsi•:: Promls - c-of
. Victory. • •
biIIIADiOPOLIS, Tuesday Nigit, July 15
The largest meeting over held west of Ohio
Was witnessed hero--to du t y. That
. 1840
at Tippecanoe is far surpassed in numbs and
enthusiasm by itlis . one. • The. Clay Barbecue'
. of 1844, the Kossuth Demonstration of 1850,
and the variotts-assembhsges -at the State Cap
itol were tremendously large, and never befoie
' has Inclianopolialiad such a gathering of the
People of the State within her limits. The
number is variously estikilated at fr0m,.50,000
tix 75,000 strangers; it is stated on goad nu-
thority that 85,000 arrivals, were noted here
to day by the Lafayette, Terre Haute, Law
renceburg, Central, Bel!fountain°, Penneylva-
nin, Madison and Jeffersonville Railroads'; so
that with those Who came in yesterday and
previously, with those arriving by , wagons,
horses, and other modes of conveyance from
this county; kis very certain there werb 50
000 to 00,000 people at ("Mist, here to day in
counoili`in the various processions, and .iii the
large State House Square. This Square is
four acres in extent, Which, many old farmers
present remarked, , never before was so filled,
while at least au equal number was outside,
and in the streets and hotels.
The Gicaeral Procession was - formed under
the superintendence of JAMES J. Daum, Grand
Marshal, and twentyfour assistant marshals:
at the State Hums Square, commencing
about 9 o!olOCk in the morning and oontinuin:
till 1 o'olook in , the afternoon, when the 'last
delegation arriied. Eaoh County delegation,
A as it arrived - by - Failii - n - dt ;lamed at the various
depots and marched to this. point. Onit of
these delqationa t that fronuTippeauoe Coun
ty, in..whiob Lafayette ia situated, numbered
4,500 men . othere numbered from 500 . '
1,000 men each, all . bearing numerous flags
and bariners;and nearly every one heaileirbi
a band Of music. The whole procession, when
farmed, proceeded to march up Tennessee
-street - on - Whiehmthjey mak - Chid west to the
(Hate House Hquire; some fifty bands of music
._playing soul•stirrlog airs, the cannon roaring.
through like day, and the people rending the
fir with their,Oolsniatiottrof joy.
In the. winifeirs and on .the tope :of` hotels
and otti:,,h,iit4es.alsing old WashingtTi street,
Were tio.boi seen t:liusands of fair ladies. wit-
ving handkerolliefs Its the pronession pissed.
itoPos'werik:stretoileti across all the principal
stroate, froryyrixich was suspendle nap:llion) of
repe and ipther Lolls,
l; I, d quartere.
lirge - ilsgs -floated the -breeze.
At most striking featurn of tbolirocession
was a largo and beautiful decorated .eatioe,
striped with4ed, white gad blae+R' } gyn heels,
draWn_ by-SourlthiA 4°, 1 . 14 e 0 .2,'Ajmn 01Y.. waa
stretched over the canoe,• the peat. of which
'were wreathed with evergreen. Thirty two
beautiful youug ladies sat - 11134e canoe, thirty
'~~ oUttfQL
one of them in white, representing that, num
ter, of States in the confederacy—and the
thirt,;-second;' a very * fair
_girt clothed midi_
troubled condition. Each lad . y.waved'a'small .
flag, and on a bannWraised in -front Of them
4 ..opOosition to Old Bhohelors."
A long wagon containing a delegatton from-
Perry township, drawn by twerity:two , sPin of
fine horses, formdd part of the procession.
• These were innumerable, and tho , ..striking
mottoes upon theM would alone column.
_4:lfisv of them•may he given. .
• A large ba11,..15 feet in djameter,. kas
Ihroiigh the streets in Aim twen.
.ty - or thirty metr.-:-It was ' covered, with devi
ces;. among them were two trains of cars,- (rep
resenting the
.Pacificrailrciad,) one of the en
t.TretisoncLmbich_was..k flocking
a "Buck" off the track, in,.its course, .The
buck says "I'm -done for"—and another one,
`TM switched off." A line on „one side says;
oh the Ball of Freedom :" anotherolm -,
proVement to Rivers arid Harbors;" and in
very Jorge letters, "Mortoo,...Baktir,_and_Victo..
ry. The ball was got, up by the Indinnapoli
tans, and mill. be. kept .rolling_until victory _• is _ ,
attainetkand - Fremmit placed in the White
Howie. .
One bauner , bad a painting, well executed,
of a hunter, with a deer suspended 'by the
bind-legs from a limb, taking his skin tiff Wi i
a knife ; ,under it the words “Fremont;' the
Hunter:!' Ant her banner had a mustang po
ny and .a buck vines ace the -mustang
kicking the bu ds , horns off. . large..stutfed
eagle, from La yette, with outstretehed hinge
. was carried on a pote•iit the procepsioa..,The
Lafayette delegation also bad two well paint
etd-h.antiersoosting $5O enab, a $BO national
flag, and*dumerous "'other smaller flags and
banners from the; the same old county of Tip
picartoo, which pie their procession -a eplen
did appearance. - On the front of one of there
banners is Aim figures, the first a likeness of
James iluchanin:saylpg, "I ail; no . .longer
James linchanan, see platform on which I
stand,"-as he pnints to•th . e head of a dragon- -
locking- animal at , his_ feet,. with the—name,
"Slavery" _on its collar. yllitehaaan,batt_fallen.
- and some' Democratic
blood is oozing out through his lacerated legs.
•The second 'figure is a goad portrait of Duns•
las, saying, "We will subdue you I" and the
third a Free State 'man Witn a rope around
his, neck, a Border Ruffian holding the other
end, and another placing it over a limb; the
victim exclitims, "I die for Freedom.'! On
the'Rrterwileti" enroll " With. ."WW: hold - those'
. iitiths to be self evident that all mil are ore-
ated equal," A good portrait of the push
United Etatea Senatoi, John Pettit, of Lafay-
ette, stands pointing to the scroll, remarking
as t did recently in Congress. 4 A delf-evi-.
dent lie!" The other banner represents Day
ton, Fremont anche, chained dragon on one
aide representing the . Missouri Compromise.
Dayton xemarks, ••Itemove not the ancient
land Marks ;" and Fremont, 1.1 am inflexibly
opposed •to the'extenaion of Slavery 'on the
American coutinent.ll:....oa, the reverse the
~ d ragon is loose ;• Pierce stands - behind it Say.
ing, The laws of Kansas. must ke' inforced at
all Hazards"--while old Buck simply remarks,
"If I thought there was a drop . of Democrat-
o blood iu my veins I'd lei it out;" while
hree - nian-headed bull-dogs exclaim * We are
he law and order, party."
Among the best of:the small banners woe
hat representing . Squatter , Sovereignty, viz:
a man with :a large iron padlock en bilmenth,
with a chain attached, held by a fellow who
•lso•hae`the key of the leek in hie hands. . An-
other. is a man shoveling dirt into 'a eart, as
e saye: '4lolents a day won't pay;',Old
0/Ftoßi6 SOP TAP,
Arrived at the State Rouse yard, old Job*
Pewter, now)from Morgan, but formerly of
Jennings efunty, and who was ‘,Oret United
States Marshal in the State(tinder Monroe and
Adams) was made President pro tem. Mr.
Winer made an expellent speech for Fremont
and Dayton. Mr. Vawter ie a Baptist preaob=
er, endued to be an old . line democrat.—
John P.-Vl:Taber, Esq.,_Republttan_mndldate:
for Congress, from Terre Haute District, was
chosen the regular President of the meeting .
and .thirtyo.three Vice Presidents, from variins
parte of the State ; among them suolimett as
Tienry L. Ellsworth, of Tippecanoe ; Jas. I3ig
ler and Geo. It..43teele, of Putnam; John R.
Cravens, of Jelerion ; Jac. Blake oYMe.
rion; (till reetttly'an old'hue leader;)Geo. P.
Buell, of Dearborne; Daniel Barge. of Mianal;
A. J._Ritr'lpn, of Grant, IL IL .Itllroy, 'orJas
_itc..l A number or Secretarip- were•ep.-
glinted. A eerie! of resolutionleiere.adop
led. • •
After whloh the immense meeting was,eti
tertained from five - different 'stands at once by
a Jorge ,oumber of elornt speakers..'.On,one
stand -an Irish Methodist
preacher, 'stationed' atintlianopolis, addlissed
crk,"*with telling efreiitirind frOm the mime
Idr. Lidvicb,'a German speaker from BOW
'tniligli:'.§erdik i
more, addressed the asseinbly most eloquently,
and the well known orator Henry .S 'Lane; of
Crawfordsville * , afterwards spoke from the same_
, •f; t find in-his--usuul--effective:-manner-Also-,
one of the contingent Stale electors of the Ne•
,braska party, turned, over to the'Fremont side .
-- duliVe - rird - trost extielltrat - rertiblican seat-
ments to ti lafge tiumber. of ',hearers.
About Co'cle'cit P. M.; while the mairicroWd
Were dispersing, one of, the most ludicrous
.proeessiens, Mostly on horseback, of some 400
young .Republicans of IndianOpolis „passed
down Washingtou-streot, in front 'of the State
%House.' It was Leaded by. one personating his
Satanic majesty, dressed in iplack, with large
cloven_feet,i.alonglail - Atc., bearing_a__ banner
with the, inscription 91y works do follow me.'.
And fellowiiig him on
,a.large wttgott wee ' a
company Most hugely 'dressed, personating,
Pierce and his kitchen Caidnetin which all
kinds - ortuesseewore - being served - up .for — th - ti
people. - Some 200 border ruffians' follow, on
horse - :-bauk, a
. mule-back,. and jack ase-b ck,
armed with every imaginable variety and or
of weapons, and dressed in every, conceivable
if .
style ot ludicrous dress, except Mt ,ever be
foresse d - wiiit - byliimititi - beiri . —Tiiiiicom
pany charged on a. few hundred "Free-State
- Mer4"quiet ly -standing in, thestreet- and- die
pers'ed them.. A team of eight °ism • drew a
•hoiler or chimny some three feet in diameter,
in' lien of a cannon. It had four •openings At
the breech, the'.. size of a hat . for touch holes.
A fellow• bore aioft a banner with "Slavery is
a. divine institution, Inscribed upon ii.'...Brig
"ham Young,, with six wives most fashionibly
.dress - ed. hoop skirti:and all, each with elide'
Brigham in her arms, occupied one wagon
drawn . by oxen. ' . .
Brigham .was making useful and
interesting-as-possible among- his-whiter-black
-and-piebald bette;' - h`alreit. lie - also lield-n
-.banner, inscribed' _ " !form!' -for the Kansas
Nebraska: introduces ; Polygamy arid
131a!ery.'-' Douglas is rePiesented carrying a
banner, with IVe will subdue you" inscribed
upon it.. A " fillibusleting" croird.•woro well
gotten up. But it was impossiblb to Nuke
note of this rare proceesion for laughing; it
would be difficult to get uP"a,richerscene.
A . VB o'clock this procession was
forined at the - Court-llouse, on Washington
street.-four abreast, carrying about 5000: fire
torches, - iuterspersed with .banners, flags . . and
transparencies. It was headed by firs bands
of music, the 4 6 rolling ball" followed, rockets
blazed' in the air front The procession and
from the various parts of the city during Or
'march. ' - ; Tne prtitTe'rWiriren'oliilf
nearly two mites in length, or from ono end
of the city to the other, and. was under com 7 _
mend of the marshals of the da'.
'Wien as whole—up one Mae and down
the other—the meeting was the• largest and
most enthusiastic gathering ever held 'in . the
West. It lays all „the monster ; meetings of
1840 iu Ihe shade, lis , 'msolt by its superiority
off' numbers as by the enthusiasm it evoked.
It is without paralfel in the political.;history
of the West ; and we do not lyelieve that in
e whole campaign .this spontaneous in
gathering of the hosiers will -be equalled in
th"litEast or West.' The spirit of the people
and their viillingnese to turn out and *Fork,
ie an earnest that Indiana is sure for Fats-
So mote it be
ratESEAVING SUGAR.—A general
ssurtsient of Crushed, Mod and Pulverised
ugus of best outlity,_as_ Soft Cruahod, su itable
and other qualities constantly, suitable for
preserving and all'. other purposes—generally at Ox.
Palm. • •
Also a constant supply of the choked s, Teas,
Spices and other - articles In_sariaty alw son hand„
attention Is invited to our stock before bu lug elsewhere.
Carlisle.lnly 24,'65. • •. J. W. EBY.
KJ—A. full suppli_of the above celebrated Churn, now
,n_haruLaLatana a tifarwocalsesarouAgallons-to-60.-
It received the Brit premium at th,e) late - Pennsylvania
State. Falr, the.first preniliun at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland •State Fairs, and vedette
other"' at different places. It will make more and better
butter from a given amount of cream, and In less time'
than limy churn ba
tho merket.
.For..aide wholesale and
retail by PASCIIALL MOItItIS t CO., •
Agrloultitril 'Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th
and Market, Philadblphia. . . Dec. 6,
ING. 'The parioriber continues to carry on 'the
above Imalness,ln all its various branches, hi North Han- -
over gasket, Carlisle.two doors North,of Leonard's corner
,whartheintada - kapichron - hand - ageneralarauttnelit
In the :line; consisting of all - Atof fishionable BAD
DIXA, Bri Martingales, Girths,
(rcinglesan ters,,all6 TRUNKS,
\TN, .traveUtA,g and saddle ••;, ;,
. .. ... • ' bags .. He also seat. • '
zniketuree the most )41,3
approved an s
; • Er' 8 s i• n a Esteras. ever -need in.thla.
• country, amt.:those wishing a hand
some, durable and gdomrant addle .
. • will,do well to' call and see them, Ile
' - • & • also manufactures Ilarnessi,Briddes,
: • , Censor • and • Whips In sib their,variti-:
and.oonfidently believes from the general approba-,
tion of his customers, that :he: mars theneatest and
best gears, in all their variety. of bredth, that is made In
the country. • lie also makes ell, triads Matnlmos to
ottosi.ihrJ3tmtwalmiki_CmsLod.::lroti - Oottlifthirld:
rasa. All the above articles wlllfor Midi of the best
material - and workmanehlp, and. with the utmost des
,• : ,
,• „ „ W111,:o89on,NI,
E M O,V A L .—Shming "arid 'Mir-
Li ) tinsling' Saloon:-4he'lludersigned hieing
moved Wpm.* Hanover street, 4410Ining Furl
nlture Wannooms, InVitesattentlen'to his oaken); where
all persons eon 'receive a eloau and easy sliave,and have
their hair cut and dressed in the most, lashionable and
exqulsite'manner. There by something soothing In a
good ehave. Irony are disposed to doubt it, let them try
me, and 'mill tally demonstrato the Sot.
Ayr11,8.185(1.1 . 7 ( 11 1 ,LIAM EIIRGH)3B. •
Cheap Job Printing . done at this °thee
`.). , :uunListmus
Stores nub
I have now on hand and fur safe at
iny, , olll 6 un Alain Street, opposite Marion Hall, ari
entirely new end elegant stock of .
Gold Lever. Watches, hunting and open case; Sliver do.
Silver Lupine and Quarter Watches, a large variety.
Geld Anchors for Ladies and Alentlemen. - -
Medallions, O. splendid assortment for ladies and gents,
•Breast Pius ofevery pattern, and all prices, .•.
Gold Chains for vestand fob, gold curb chains;
Finger Bingo, Culf.pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons. • .•
Creases. Drop and Ifodp Bar-itingi, a largo variety,
Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives,Ac. of various styles and prices, ' - •
Gold.aud Siver Thimbles, •
Gold, Silver and Common Spertncles,'A large assortment
to suit all gee, and to which we invite particular
I • . attention. ,
Port Monnalee, a large assortment•at every price,
Gold Pens, of the best make at various prices. .
Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, Accordeons, Spectacle cases,
Tattles Card Citron, silver and pearl, at various prices, •
Bracelets, gold and Icommon ; Watch Chain a ditto.
Also a largo variety of articles In the Jewelry line,.
which I will Botha the lowest prices. tAll'articles war. •
'ranted to be' hat theraresold for. J ,
tilt. Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING OF
WATCHES and all work Warranted, Returning thanks
to my uld-frionds - and - customers - fei-formir patannagei -
I respectfully.solicit a corktinnunce of their rem,' s.
, june2o THOMAS CON LYN.
Giro -
The ',subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and
_the, public generally, that he has just returned from the
city:" with a large and varied assortment of ' '
•YlSif, &c., &.. which he oilers for sale on tl , "I t
Most reasonable terms,. at big No*. Store, Its 11
corner of North Hanover street andlliel'ul • mu,
lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle te.
__._ z _
posit Bank. Ills stock umbrage,' everything usually
in a (homy and Varietysstore. . .• • • .
The public aro invited to call and - examine his stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as he fedi; confident be can
soli tip best goods at the loweitspiices. . -
• GRO c -4--- - -..MEA,,•COFFEE,
..t..—.-,r ERI ES ~ .1 The subscriber luMjust
added to his former stock a general.selection of CHOW':
OltOCEILIE&, as well as all the -other variety of articles
41 rl i fet y - i -ro k a a l i t t ePan a d (I g il' re c el Y a t t " l?)4 n a l n r d fte l i •lTe l li ti t t
ll per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulierizeil
Sugars, of line qualities; Chocolates. :apices, Dairy
:Bait. alui a variety of Nancy articlbs, all. of which are o.
feted at-thalowest cash pikes. ‘. We are thankful for the
formoi supperkgiven Usi.and invite a further call from
our friends and 'customers. J. -W. }MY.
ailon all, Carlisle. . ._
. _ . •
‘_) WARE—OId housekeepers and young, with thus .
also who are expecting to beconmhousekeepers. are litvit
od to call at HALBERT'SFAMILY GROCERY and •ex
amine his elegant assortment of China: Glass and Queens-
ware and other articles in - the •housekedpitig line, such
as French and Englishlerreettr,theavy bandedand
White - Granite, gilded and bl - mtplain, Dinnersets of ay.
cry variety and price,'bowls and pit:there, tureens:\dish.
es, &e. Glass-wareentro• table and mantel- lamps,
Candelabras and other latnps,great verity, tehlo and 11.4„ .
tumblera„goblets. ke,. 'irrolt - -and-Tresnrve ?Mee. in vs- •
duty, Cedar•ware—tubs. bfickets,cliurns ' 'uow
printsandiadies,meol 4aeketa. Lc. lirnsheS--aweeplari
white wash, serubliing, hand' and shoi brushes. finders, - •
brooms, &t. ' Market. clothes Bad - travelling baskets.
AIRO A. 'Choice ass.iriauent - Tobacco_and Segars. Cull -
he who are .fond choke brands of Segars_and_try the
Principes, Regalias, StetTammis and otherColot varieties, ,
and you will find thein of Unimpeachable quality: Alas '
nay Spanish and cornrow tiegars, z with ehoice snuffnrig_
Tito subscriber has just returned from New York and
Philadelphia, and ilk now opening an Immense Mock of
tiro most splendid
. .
Isee - r - hirongist toSjulleo, •,„ •
*CMS 1 300118,-Thiladiii will find ( a largo assort
moat of beautiful dress goods, of the newest styles and
EMBROIDERIES.—Over .700 Needle•worked Collars
lind - Flouneluge,and limertlogs, in great •arlety,
CA It n entire new assortment of Ini portal
ingrain, Venitian, and Stair, Carpets.
Doors AND STIONS.-;•A fell supply Of Ladies', Gents'
Wyo. Mame, and .Childien's Shoes, all kinds and
pus. Willis' Fine Shots for Ladies and Misses in the
-• DOMEATICS.—A large stock of Minting,' Checks,
Tickings, &c., at the the very lowest nark
short,ln every article in the Dry Conds lino will la
found in the atesortinonV—tast quallty,• newest. style,
and at the very lowest prices. All In want of hand
some and cheap. gouts will do , well. to call at the old
stand, East Main street.
Aprlt 11, 1850. J ,
CIIAItL44 001t1IY.
EIV GOODS,—The subgeribor • hes
Just. rack/red and Is now opening a large assort
'nient of FREW (100X13 suited hi the ICOAROCI--pleafte
call and get bargains. ' '
_Carlisle, N 64.14, '66. • ' M. ; , !.'flinlii ASS.
405 littino' (nth Jliocijinern.
.4.42i.GAl4su.iciyurriNd (k- ii . L N w " oul i d l ir j i li f„ M rm t i ti,
chicane of , Carlisle that he has made arrange
molds Oda G Ati FITTING and PLUMBING at short no.
.tire, and on reaminable terms. it. has engaged the err
viMs of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, and lute ' , up
plied himself with an extensite assortment of VIN '
Ulti3S. Which will enable him to till allirders pr 4 mptly
All work will be - warranted. Mt stop* et this Fixtures
will be found In the room exactly, opposite his Tinning
estal.lislivieut on N4thllanover street, where he invites
a call.-
•TINNINti, SPOUTING, ite.=-Ife is• ;shoo prepared to
furnish, or make to' order,'every 'artiefs'of .TIN WALE
used by housekeepers and others. %,110 vi,... 111 _also attend
Thankfdl for the patronage with which he Inientteady
been favored, be reepeetfnlly solicits a continuence:At
:the lame. •
I .Carliele, June 14, '54,1
gtgag. • at.NOt`MACIIINE SHOP,'
Th6irabscribillhas the satisfaction of in
lar•c_lDlELE firming his oldifiidfids and patrons that
- his establishment is again in active ope.r.
nt tr , u, new buildings haring been erected alare.thelate. ,
di at t roue tire and the whole establishment put In cam
plate working order.. Orders are therefore respectfully
solicited for work in his line, which will be done with
'promptness and In the best, manner. - ' • .
AR kinds of,,Machinery in Paper Mills,
Oast Mills and Factories' repaired at short notice.l4lllr `Spindles dressed and turned.
such as Bevil GearFOlir Horse Fairer, Horizontal Graf'
FiWilliorse and Tyro Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shel- -
lens and -- Crushirs, he. Patterns made to order. Iron and
•Tirass CASTlNOB'execnted-to Miler, If not on hand, at
the shortest notice, snob - .as Cranks and Mill Gearing,
Spu r and Bevil Wheels,• Gudgeons 'for Saw Mills, Plow
Castings, Cutters, Point-Shears, Wagon and. Coach Box
es, Splndloi, pat. - Wheels. Car Chairs, Lc. He has nit*
on" hand a late supply of Philadelphia and Troy COO - Rt
IN°. STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stoves • ',.
Of varlauk ImProved patterns' or coal or wood, ten plate
Stoves, Grlitelc .ke.•• Repairing done to all kinds of Ma •
chinory. kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
113 'exchange for work.
m1i m ....-4.L-A:— _ -- ? ;-- I t ia - NICLIN11111tDNZW. --
X .
EW GOODS.--The . subsoriber.,bie _
pat-retrirned -Arm the -city - Ent - brogeniinr:a
gensral aaportment of Fauct and fitsplo,Goods. COnitit ,
intiof irreuch sierinoes, y o l'lllll4 Alpaca*, Triisted
Cashmeres and Mons Litines Drees 811 km in ffsat.
variety, Long Broths. Bhrisis Brom $15,t0 F r ench ßlanket Shawls. Cambric and Swiss Zdgings and In
sertings ,and Cambric. add Swiss Colima- Merino 'and
Silk Shirtsarid Drkrilk_ Mress_Trimmings- in — groaa. '-
variety with other Fancy and Staple Goals,
21. '55. GEO. W, 111TXBR.
1441tN DOUR - , A -:—_ A new
• and superior article ?iv hanging Barn Debora. Just
resolved and for sale s+ - IL SAXTON&
J. D. DA
, 11)ilabrIp4ia.
A..NIiEJ)LES Manufaetli
- TrOSFP,II7 .
- 10 - - - itreor ---4 7: - • , • . .
Coarse, Medium and Fine in m ah : large, Middle -sisal
. - • "^. and small I diameter. •
iiNTALI6O e - • , oN_lyikg
of the best qualities. gar a sizes of-mesh; from Nos.)
to HO lensiv,e, and from one, o sla.feet in ,vildtb• •
, 2147ativaumberedlo many spacesto the lineal loci,
Andcut:triacrit, • , . • •
The subscriber also keeps constantly en band.
',•'P • ‘ ' <l' .-
for coal, atind•oie, lithe, grain, gravel, 'piano; sumo,-
angtar,• salt, bone, coffee, spice, drugs,' dye-stuffss A,
Together with an. assorment of DIIIOIIT AND A?•
NEALED IRON WIRE. All thO above sold wholesa'.•
and retail by ,• ~ . • ' J. A. NEEDLI•I4
54 Front Street, Phila.
Jtine 4. 1.856.1 y
fihd Wholesnleßenlers in-alliands-of •
2L South Front street. PhlladOlphla.
'''lmporter, of Fine Ilavanit'Segare, of the Climicr!
growths-of the .Vuelta-abajo.---A—large- a.oviment - •
whio are kept consanttly on hand, and for sale at
small advance on cost of importation. ••
tr4. , Consignmenta respectfully- solicited, on wh;.
liberal advaoces 'will be madolwbeo desired. ,
.• Special attention'..iven to orders for ptirehise on co)
mission of Tobacco. as also every deseriptirm of,Merchn.
disc, for account(' partiest living at a distance from th,
market. '
.jam...9.01e Ake I for F. A. Goetze's celebrated Germ?,
llmokirrg - Tobar — o; - consprlstrtirttitrtk differiiiit-Vailetli
. April 23,15 • • . • . '
Ij—ThosOseribers having-removed -to their
N 0.278 Chestnut,Street, fourth door hove bth,--
Are now. prepared to offer a large and we ticketed ate.
of the following fresh kind desirable goods, principally •
their own importation, or bOught at auction, whl;
thoy.are. able to sell at the importer's prices, and ;
which they cordially Invite the attention of Count:
Iderchants. hotel ICeepers, and families generally.
• Iluff,Oreen and Venitlan Window Shading.
Barnsley and Irish - Linen Sheeting, 7-4; 8-4, 9-4, 19-
114, 124..
• Bolster and Pillow Linens of several choice blot:chef_ • •
and all widths from 33 to f 4 inches. . • •
lied Blankets of all Rizes and
,qualities. • •
. Crib and Bradle Blankets. •-,
• Bed - Quilts, of the following varieties. viz: Marseille
*citing, Knotted,. lie:aster, AllMmlna, 7 4llendale as • _
Laneaster,mf all the desirable slier. '• • ,
-Bureau Covers, Table Covers,VVindow Curtain Mush:-
Towels and 'Toweling of - every variety. Damasr,Tabb ,
rloapijutd - Natiltiis; Shirting Linerufarfd - Moslin,'Cani -----
brie Handkerchiefs,- Embaolderies, Hohiery, he, 'Trim: — •
tel, Damasks, Moreene.. Enbroldered Lace and,'
Curtains, Gilt Cornices, Bands, (limps. Cord, &c. • -
Importers and Milers in Linen and- HouseTurnisb
log Goods. -
April 30, 11366-Bm, - . • • - . •
I j The undersigned would respectfully call the iltiot ,
Olen of Country Merchants and•those in want or-StoVv•
tn,their eXtOIIHITO stock of
•SINOV ES, OAS 'OVENS, _FURNACES - ;- - Ete. - ;
t - ftsiortment- Clamant be found J. ,
i any otheS Moro In the United States. ' - •••• • _
Purehasertt,will find It an advantage - to give a ea'
I hefombuying elsewhere. Nor sale WholesaleTthd NJ
I tail on.the;noitt liberal terms." . • . .
I -•-• • • -- NEMANS & WARNICK,
N. E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets, Phila.
N. 13.-,-Also . agents fo - V - I tbieelebrated
Stove/F. , [April 30, 18,673.11.
andnetail R C
N 0.76 South
„Second St., Corner of Carter St.
The establishment has been enlarged and improve
and In Suppliant-frith - the largest and best Retail Fltcv
in the City; principally of hia own manufacture, will
choice assortment from the beet Eastern Market it •
bracing Ladles,' Gents', and Children's
. '
of every description, style and quality, embracinp tl
beet styles and qualities - in this or any other mark:.
This stock cannot; be excelled . for Quality Style Al.
Cheapness. ' .
Each article le :narked at the very lowest , possill:
price, Irvin which no deviation will be made. No c
tntragant statements will be needed, and none wade
effect :sties,
, tioodyear`a„Ottm in ill varieties. Phre Gums, t
scarce in the nlact, always on band . The public .
respectfully hail to call. [April 1, 1864.
athematical . Drawing Instruments, separate and
wee, such as Dividera Parallel Rules, Ivory, liox.wo.
and Paper !Scales, T squares,-Triangles, Bow Per,
Drawing Pens, Protractors, Gunter's Settles, Tape Me 4
urea, Metalic Tapeslurveyors Chains, 2 and 4 Pole,
and 100 feet, Surve or's Compasses, Engineer's Levi •
and Transits, Tame ,Rods c., &c. Magic Lanterns
the best construction. Scriptural - Dlagrautts, Astromic
Natural History, Humorous, Chroniatrope, or Artille:
Fire works, Dissolving Views, Magnets, Poloratnas, A.
Prnps, Electrhol 'apparatus, Galvanic apparatus atm
large 'collection of Philosophical Instruments,' suits, .
for colleges and schools. Also, Spectacles, Spy Glass. •
Microscopes, Thermion:retort, Barometers' ReadingsGeL.
Sell &C.
. .
Having leceived the agency fir the sale of 1101
RROI)K'S FOllOOl. APPARATUS, I am prepared
furnieh Teachera with an Orrery, a Tellurian, a IN tuner
terawa, a h Inch (Hobe, a Hemisphere Globe, a aet •
Geometrical Solids, a Magnet and Text book, all pack.
In 4 box with lock and key for $2O. Illuitrated a..
prided catalogues forwarded Gratis.
JA51.88 -W. QUEEN,
• 264 Chesnut Bt. Philadelphia, East of lOth 81
RENO 11 .. TRUSSES.—HerniaI
Rupture suocessfially treated, and comfort Insnrro ',
use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by t..
subscriber, and made to order expressiy_torkis sales.
• ---- All inifferitiftWith — Rutiturri'lw lila gratified to lee, •
that the OCOASIOI3 now offers to procure.a Truss comb:
lug extreme lightness, *Rh ease, durability and corn. •
construction, in lieu of the cumbreirs and uncornfor;
We article worldly red. An extensive fissortmen *lwo,
on hand, adapted to every Variety of Rupture In eau
and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit a
'Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3,14 and gp; Double r t• ,
Persons'at a distance can lieicra Truss sent to any,
.dressisyremitting the amount, sending measure ar r ow,.
the Rips, and stating side affected. , , -_,
For SM4 Wholesale and Retail by the-importer.
- .• • t ‘..,.r . _. BALED 11. • NNEDLRff, , ...
, 13:W. cor. of Twelfth Antace fits., Philadelphia:
-,_ ',Depot for-Dr.-Banning's Improved Patent Body Bra, -
'Chest Bxtauders . and Erector Braces; Patent Shonlu..•
lirices; ' Suspensory Bandages Spina l Prepe'and Sr.
ports;' Ladies' Erman, with competent lady attend/ad
. - •
To all 'persons afflicted with •Sexual dlscases, snit
:.The lIQMTARD ‘. A ATION of Philadelphia, 1
slew of theawful destritction of human life and heal..
caused hySedcaal„"lisesses, and the deceptions which t•
practised upon the untkrtunato victims or such dime.
y.Qtaseks,have directed their consulting Surgeon, ft.
'CIIARITABL.I3I 'ACT worthy of, that' name,
flitted, (Male or Fannie,' who apply Ny letter, (post.ped •
with 'a description of their 'condition, (age, oceupatif
habits or life, Ac..,) end la'extreme poverty and surferf
The Deward. Aseociation Ise - benevolent Institut'.
established by special endowment, flar the relief of t -
sick and distressed, altlicted with " Virulent end,
demic diseases," and , its funds can be used tbr no oil . ' •
purpum",lethas now a surplus , of Means, .which t -
Director" hiet6 voted to advertise the • above sloth*.
la needless to add that the Association` seunkeendeti -
highest Medical skill of tha age.
Address, (post-paid,' Dr. ONO. It. CAUUOUN, Coma.
log Bergson. HowAo_, Association Pittlfideiphhi; Pa.
By order of the Dieia)al• ' • '
april , ll.